NCM1-18 0122
NCM1-18 0122
NCM1-18 0122
Nursing care 6. Get baseline vital signs before transfusion *to compare
1. Assess history of allergy any change in vital signs before entering BT.
7. Give premed 30 minutes before transfusion is and he is dyspnea
ordered *to prevent minor allergic reactions. palpitation and tachycardia
8. Wash hands and don gloves *to prevent contamination of lumber/sterna/flank pain
microorganisms. hypotension
9. Prepare equipment needed *to facilitate intervention. flushed skin
10. Initiate an IV line with appropriate IV catheter with plain (read) port wine urine.
NSS, and or catheter properly and regulate rate *to flush out
to big and keep IV open. Nursing management
11. Open compatible aseptically & spike blood carefully; stop BT-remove and change the tubing
primed to being and remove bubbles *to prevent air notify Dr.
embolism. flush with plain NSS
12. Disinfect the Y injection and port of IV tubing and
administer isotonic fluid solution to counteract shock
inserted the needle from the BT administration sent and
send blood units of blood bank for re-examination
secured with adhesive tapes.
obtain urine and blood sample and send to lab for
13. Close IV fluid of plain NSS or regulates you KVO while
transfusion is going on.
monitor vital signs and allergic reaction
14. Transfuse the blood (4 hours) by injection port at 10-15
gtts. initially for 15 min. then regulate at ordered rate
Allergic reactions-rashes and itchiness, dyspnea,
*transfusion reaction occurs during the 1st 10 to 15 min. of
bronchospasm due to sensitivity in foreign proteins in
15. Observe for any untoward s/s (flushed skin, chills,
elevated temperature, itchiness, urticaria and dyspnea). If
Signs and symptoms
any occurs, STOP the transfusion, open IV line with NSS and
report to the physician *transfusion reaction occurs during
the 1st 10 to 15 min. of transfusion.
16. Swirl the bad ones in a hang *to mix the solid and liquid dyspnea
element of the blood, RBC which tends to settle at the laryngospasm/bronchospasm
bottom of the solution while the plasma rises to the top as bronchial wheezing
the blood bag hangs.
17. If blood is consumed, close roller clamp of BT set then Nursing management
disconnect from IV line then regulate IVF as ordered. stop BT
18. Carry out post BT orders such as re-check Hgb and Hct notify Dr.
bleeding time, serial platelet count, etc. flush with PNSS
19. Document observation and intervention done. administer antihistamine - diphenhydramine HCL
(Benadryl). Give bedtime.
Blood transfusion reactions Side effect – adult – drowsiness.
H- hemolytic reaction If (+) hypotension - anaphylactic shock administer-
A- allergic reaction epinephrine
P- pyrogenic reaction send the blood unit to blood bank
C- circulatory overload obtain you reading and blood samples – send to lab
A- air embolism monitor vital signs and input and output
T- thrombocytopenia administer antihistamine as ordered for allergic
C- citrate intoxication - expired blood - hyper K reaction,
H- hyperkalemia if (+) to hypotension - indicate anaphylactic
Hemolytic reaction-donor blood is incompatible with the administer epinephrine
recipient's blood, most feel, may present chills, diaphoresis administer antipyretic and antibiotic for pyogenic
and back pains. reaction and TSB.
Nursing management
stop BT in place the client up right with fast
notify physician. Don't flush due to patient has
circulatory overload.
Administer diuretics.
Priority cases
1st = hemolytic reaction -due to hypotension-attend
to destruction of Hgb - O2 brain damage
2nd = circulatory overload
3rd = allergic reaction
4th = pyrogenic