Dwell Magazine - February 2017
Dwell Magazine - February 2017
Dwell Magazine - February 2017
Community Matters
The Power of Design Can
Change the World
At Home in the Modern World
A New Beginning
Indoor/outdoor living
at a reimagined home built
into a hillside in
Mill Valley, California.
January / February 2017
June 23-25, 2017 Los Angeles Convention Center
The Dwell on Design trademark is used under license and with the permission of Dwell Life, Inc.
© Jenna Bascom
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Dwell on Design brings together the brightest people, latest products, and curated
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the exhibition and conference showcases the best in modern design materials,
furnishings, smart home technology, garden and outdoor materials, kitchen &
bath, and international design. A three-day trade event, Dwell on Design features
world-class speakers, product demonstrations, conversation salons, and continuing
education for design professionals. Plus, inspiration for design-savvy consumers.
52 62 70 78
features Moving Mountains Lights Will Guide Please Cincinnati Greener Grass
On a cascading slope You Home By leveraging a local Flanked by private gar-
with jaw-dropping views, A family’s strikingly angled community of artisans, dens and an arboretum,
a California architect house on a waterfront Ryan Santos, a graphic a Seattle property offers
rebuilds a Mill Valley resi- site in Nova Scotia makes designer turned chef, a flora-loving couple the
dence for a musician, the most of the tension is bringing his culinary chance to build an urban
his wife, and their 10,000- between hill and horizon. and design aesthetic home with a rural feel.
plus LPs. to a new restaurant in TEXT Amara Holstein
TEXT Zahid Sardar Over-the-Rhine.
TEXTAileen Kwun PHOTOS Christopher Testani PHOTOS Christopher Testani
PHOTOS Joe Fletcher TEXT Amanda Dameron
PHOTOS Brooke Shanesy
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January/February 2017
13 Editor’s Letter
23 Modern World 42 Off the Grid 96 Houses We Love
16 Community
Ceramicist Ian Anderson’s Retired geophysicists in Beyond a simple concrete
abstract new mugs introduce Yorkville, California, request facade, a home in Malibu,
his updated approach to a net-zero home that is half California, is a model of
design: crowdsourcing. Next glass, half rammed earth. expansive outdoor living.
is a roundup of technology TEXT BY Lydia Lee TEXT BY Sarah Amelar
serving people with dis- PHOTOS BY Alan Nicholson PHOTOS BY John Ellis
abilities, and a Q&A with Todd
Bracher, the first American 46 Small Spaces 109 Prefab
to design “Das Haus” at imm A noted designer renovates a An architect couple build a
128 Sourcing cologne. An essay celebrates modest casita in Marfa, Texas. modular house in their native
Saw it? Want it? Need it? Buy it. the honey locust tree’s mod- Heather Corcoran
TEXT BY Spain and ship it for assem-
ernist DNA, and we close with PHOTOS BY Christopher Sturman bly at their new residence in
130 Finishing Touch an homage to British textile Brookline, Massachusetts.
Robo-furniture for small spaces. designer Lucienne Day. 90 Backstory TEXT BY Elaine Louie
Legal challenges, work stop- PHOTOS BY Christopher Churchill
36 Process pages, and neighborhood
A close look at the enduring grousing couldn’t prevent 114 Outside
art of Japanese joinery and a couple from building A rainwater filtration system
panelized construction at their modern dream home gives a retired couple’s house
Get a full year of Dwell at
Miya Shoji in New York City. in Raleigh, North Carolina. in Mexico an ecological edge.
dwell.com/subscribe. Mike Welton
TEXT BY Arlene Hirst TEXT BY TEXT BY Laia Garcia
PHOTOS BY Brian W. Ferry PHOTOS BY Chris Edwards PHOTOS BY Paul Cremoux
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Joe Fletcher Brooke Shanesy Peter Oumanski Aileen Kwun Brian Cairns
Moving Mountains Please Cincinnati Dwell Asks Moving Mountains Leveling the Playing
page 52 page 70 page 16 page 52 Field page 26
Oakland photographer Joe Brooke Shanesy is an Born in St. Petersburg, Aileen Kwun is a senior Brian Cairns studied
Fletcher has had his work Ohio-based editorial and Russia, and based in editor at Dwell and graphic design in his
featured in Wallpaper*, commercial photographer New York, Peter Oumanski co-author of Twenty Over native Glasgow, Scotland,
The New York Times, and who specializes in docu- was an art director and Eighty: Conversations on and has produced work
System Magazine, as menting travel and people. designer at several publi- a Lifetime in Architecture for Nike, Ridley Scott &
well as in the books Ranch For this issue, she cap- cations before shifting and Design (Princeton Associates Films, Hyatt
Houses and Cape May, tured upstart Cincinnati his attention to illustrating Architectural Press), a Hotels, and The New York
both published by Rizzoli. restaurateur Ryan Santos full-time. His work has collection of oral histories Times. For a story on
While photographing a Mill as he foraged and har- appeared in Condé Nast from legendary design how apps and smart
Valley residence designed vested ingredients and Traveler, Wired, The New figures from the past devices can help empower
by architect Chris Deam, prepared for the debut of York Times Magazine, century. Her focus is art, seniors and people with
he got to enjoy a sample his new eatery in Over- and Esquire. Oumanski architecture, and design, disabilities, Cairns chose
of the homeowners’ vast the-Rhine, Please. It all says he has a newfound but a visit to the Mill Valley to show “what the tech-
record library. “They culminated when Santos appreciation for Eero home of Ellen Corrigan nology enables people to
played some of their finally arrived in the Saarinen after illustrating and musician Jack do rather than the tech-
amazing, eclectic vinyl kitchen. “The most memo- the designer’s Tulip Table Dangers revealed her nology itself,” he says.
collection as we worked,” rable part was seeing Ryan for this issue. “I like the inner audiophile. “The “Having cared for family
says Fletcher, who in action,” Shanesy says. design, but it requires home is built around members with similar
describes one album’s “Watching him and his a bigger space,” he notes. an insane collection of issues, I was aware of how
genre as something like chefs at work elevates the “I have a few Eames and vintage synthesizers,” smart technologies can
“sounds of science fiction experience. Their excite- Bertoia pieces. A smaller she says. “Jack had one improve the lives of both
from the ’50s.” ment and culinary curios- Tulip Table would defi- that was covered with the caregiver and the
ity become contagious.” nitely complement those.” a grid of 7,200 circular person being cared for.”
Oumanski provided addi- inputs that work by stick-
tional illustration through- ing a little peg into them—
out the issue. like a game of Battleship!”
According to surf culture it’s essentially any place how pro and amateur surf-
blog Indoek, a “shack” can where wave-riders reside ers live when they’re not
take many forms, from a on terra firma. Surf searching for swells. The
lean-to on the beach to an Shacks, an upcoming book will be released by
apartment in the city, but book from Indoek, shows Gestalten in March.
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Rainier cable railing with flat stainless steel top rail Copyright AGS Stainless, Inc. 2017
Smart Tech: Addressing Disabilities 26 Essay: The Modernist’s Tree 30
Profile: Todd Bracher 32 Archive: Lucienne Day 34
Modern World
Mean Mug
Ceramicist Ian Anderson is expanding
only at
WHO: People with autism, cere-
bral palsy, ALS, and other ver-
bal communication challenges
WHAT: The Smartstones team
is developing a groundbreaking
way to give a voice to those
unable to speak by connecting
the company’s :prose mobile
app to EMOTIV’s wireless EEG
headset or a handheld sensory
device to translate movements
and brain waves into spoken
WHO: Wheelchair users and
people with mobility challenges
WHAT: With the Access Earth
app, wheelchair users can locate
and rate accessible locations
and share that information
conversational American Sign J O GG I N G M E M ORY quality of life for those with
S I G N O F TH E TI M ES #2?8F286_*#`NF3365j*# WHO: Those with dementia, 56>6?E:22?5E96:C=@G65@?6DN
WHO: People communicating for the people,” the program memory loss Accompanied by voice narra-
with users of sign language aims to bring together the Deaf WHAT: The GreyMatters tablet tion and favorite music selec-
WHAT: Graduates of Gallaudet and the hearing communities app is a customizable inter- tions and games, it allows users
University in Washington, with more than 800 signs, as active storybook designed to and caregivers to relive per-
NNO56G6=@A65E96ASL App well as instructional videos and stimulate memories, encourage sonal experiences by uploading
to introduce and teach FD67F=A9C2D6DN communication, and improve 2?5DE@C:?8A9@E@DN
only at
modern world
smart tech
WHO: People with visual
with the touch of a button, the
KNFB Reader app for iOS and
Android devices translates
nearly any printed document—
from books, mail, receipts,
memos, and class handouts to
signs and menus—into speech
WHO: Elderly residents of long-
term care communities
WHAT: Developed by MIT grad-
uate students to minimize feel-
ings of isolation and depression
and encourage engagement
among the elderly in long-term
care facilities, the virtual reality
Rendever headset enables
wearers to travel the world or
even return to their childhood
home via three-dimensional,
WHO: People with
physical disabilities and EASY ST RE ET ReSound, Oticon, and others proper nutrition and spark
visual impairments WHO: People with physical stream sound wirelessly and mealtime interaction in seniors
WHAT: 2?5DW7C66G@:46WC64@8- and visual impairments or enable users to better hear :?C6D:56?E:2=D6EE:?8DN
nition tools like Amazon Echo motor challenges D@F?54@>:?8E9C@F89E96>N
and Google Home offer those WHAT: A pair of designers SA F E A N D S OU N D
capable of giving voice com- in the UK have developed an RE A DY TO ROL L WHO: Seniors living alone;
mands the ability to manage urban prototype they call WHO: Wheelchair users individuals with dementia
tasks like playing music and Responsive Street Furniture, WHAT: Apple Watch’s Workout and Alzheimer’s
audio books, sending text mes- which detects pedestrians’ and Activity apps now offer WHAT: Wearable sensors and
sages, listening to the news, needs via signals from their >2?F2=H966=492:CƎE?6DD smart watches like those from
accessing computer searches, A6CD@?2=6=64EC@?:456G:46N tracking and wheelchair- Lively, CarePredict, and
2?54@?EC@==:?82D>2CE56G:46N Users specify the services they DA64:Ǝ4H@C<@FEDOH:E9jC@==l SafeWander wirelessly connect
require, and sensors respond goals and sensors that take those living alone to emergency
R E A D O FF automatically: brightening into account factors like pace help 24/7, offer medication
WHO: People with visual street lights, allowing more 2?5E6CC2:?EJA6N reminders and daily step
impairments time to cross the street, counting, and enable caregivers
WHAT: Screen readers like unlocking benches for sitting, S M E L L TE S T and family members to
TalkBack for Android and 42==:?8@FE?2>6D@73FD:?6DD6DN WHO: People with dementia, monitor everyday activities,
Apple’s VoiceOver make it memory loss =:<6D=66A:?82?562E:?8N
possible to access your device C LEAR AS A BE LL WHAT: To offset the diminished
even if you can’t see the screen, WHO: People with hearing appetite and weight loss that WA KE - U P CA L L
enabling users to do every- impairments 27Ə:4E>2?JA6@A=6=:G:?8H:E9 WHO: People with hearing
thing from sending and WHAT: 62C:?82:5D92G6 dementia, Ode introduces a impairments
receiving texts, reading emails, evolved from simple sound- menu of olfactory stimuli WHAT: The TCL Pulse is a
and checking battery level to >28?:Ǝ42E:@?E@@=DE@A6CD@?2= 367@C6>62=E:>6DN&5692C- =F6E@@E9W6?23=65G:3C2E:@?
D6=64E:?82AADNFDE@>:K23=6 j962C23=6DlE92E42?:?E6C24E nesses the sense of smell and 2?52F5:3=62=2C>N,D6CD42?
D4C66?>28?:Ǝ42E:@?62D6D with connected Android the role it plays in emotions adjust the degrees of vibration,
FD67@CE9@D6H:E9=@HG:D:@?N 2?5:&*56G:46DN$@56=D3J and memory to encourage D@F?5O@C3@E9N
only at
modern world TEXT BY
The honey locust tree Anyone who has toured on the limestone soils and
became prevalent in America’s midcentury modern stream banks of southern
Midwest horticulture after
D:89EDH:==C64@8?:K6E969@?6J Indiana and southern Illinois.
the demise of the American
elm tree due to Dutch elm locust tree (Gleditsia triacan- It was here, in the Midwest, that
disease in the early 20th thos) at once. It can be seen E969@?6J=@4FDEƎCDE42F89E
century. Loved by land- around the Illinois Institute of E962EE6?E:@?@7E963FC86@?:?8
scape architects Alfred +649?@=@8J:?9:428@O@FED:56 >@56C?56D:8?>@G6>6?EN
Caldwell and Dan Kiley for
its slender trunk and
E96$:==6C@FD6:?@=F>3FDO In his 1939 book, Siftings,
thorny branches, the tree ?5:2?2O2?56G6?:?E96962CE Prairie School landscape archi-
is a natural foil to some of Manhattan at Paley Park. tect Jens Jensen wrote, “There
of the most highly regarded +969@?6J=@4FDEkD?2E:G6 :D246CE2:?C6Ǝ?6>6?E23@FE
buildings of the era,
C2?866IE6?5D7C@>H6DE6C? E9:DEC66O2?5:?:ED8@=56?W
including S.R. Crown Hall
at the Illinois Institute Appalachia to the Great Plains, J6==@H2FEF>?4@=@C:E8:G6D
of Technology (above). H:E9E969:896DE4@?46?EC2E:@? 2D@7E=:89EE@E96=2?5D42A6Nl
who had worked with Jensen,
locusts at his Wisconsin farm
in the early 1940s.
of the species and later shared
he collaborated with the mod-
ern master to create “a campus Around the same time, Top: Dan Kiley famously 8C@G6DO":=6J49@D6E@2CC2JE96
:?2A2C<l2EE96 ==:?@:D 2?@E96C:>A@CE2?E56G6=@A- planted two rows of honey tree in an orderly allée of two
locusts at the Miller House
?DE:EFE6@7+649?@=@8JN >6?EH2D@44FCC:?8H:E9E96 equally spaced rows.
in Columbus, Indiana. The
2=5H6==kDA=2?E:?8D496>67@C honey locust. In 1949, a thorn- arbor flanks the western By the mid-1960s, the honey
*N)NC@H?2==:D56Ǝ?653J =6DDOD665=6DDG2C:6EJ@7E96 side of the Eero Saarinen– locust had become common-
:CC68F=2C=JDA24659@?6J species was patented by the designed home, echoing A=246N@H6G6CO@?6=2DEAC@;64E
locusts underplanted with haw- *:636?E92=6C@>A2?J:? its geometric lines. from this period, far from its
E9@C?>2DD6DN2=5H6==>2J Dayton, Ohio. Gleditsia triacan- Above: The fruit of the tree is Midwest seedbed, made perfect
92G6AFCA@D6=JD6=64E65E96 thos inermis, as it is known, the long, twisted seed pod, use of the tree’s sinuous trunk,
which forms in late summer
>@DE8?2C=JDA64:>6?D2EE96 H2DE96ƎCDEA2E6?E65D9256 A:4EFC6DBF63C2?49:?8DECF4-
and turns from green to red-
nursery so that their form tree in North America, and at dish brown as it matures. EFC6O2?53C:89E72==7@=:286N
would stand in sharp contrast the peak of its popularity, The pods emit a sweet aroma At Paley Park, amid the bustle
E@E968C:5565@CE9@8@?2=:EJ@7 75,000 were sold each year. when they ripen and are of midtown Manhattan, Zion
E9642>AFDA=2?2?53F:=5:?8DN EH2DE96?6HG2C:6EJ@7 sometimes eaten by livestock VC66?DD@4:2E6D56D:8?652
and wildlife.
9@?6J=@4FDEE92EE96:?ƏF6?E:2= D@@E9:?8@2D:DH:E9E23=6D2?5
=2?5D42A62C49:E64E2?":=6JO Above right: The honey chairs, where pedestrians can
locust is a deciduous tree,
H9@56D:8?65>@C6E92?O >:?8=636?62E92Ǝ?6=JE6I-
with a mix of pinnately and
AC@;64EDH@C=5H:56OD6=64E657@C bipinnately compound leaves tured canopy of honey locusts.
some of his best-known work, that turn bright yellow before @HH@?56C7F=O2=5H6==925
:?4=F5:?86C@*22C:?6?kD they fall in autumn. earlier mused, to see the world
$:==6C@FD6:?@=F>3FDO Ǝ=E6C65E9C@F89:ED=62G6DOj2
Indiana. In contrast with kind of mysterious continuum
2=5H6==kD:CC68F=2C=JDA2465 @7=:89E2?5D925@HNl
It’s been said that contemporary Good point. So how did you
American design isn’t highly approach the design process?
regarded in international circles. I just started thinking about
You are the first American to be how I live and then I realized:
tapped to create the annual con- How I live isn’t necessarily how
ceptual installation “Das Haus” in I want to live. I think that’s the
Cologne, Germany. Why do you way most people feel. Maybe
think they wanted an American? that’s American. Maybe that’s
When they approached me, human. I think that’s what
they said they were interested frustrates me. Let’s say I buy a
in seeing whether an American house, and there’s a dining
would have a different spin or room in it because it’s a legacy.
different point of view than It was already there. The house
Europeans might have on the was built and it wasn’t built for
house. I thought, “Well maybe, me. It was built for some life,
maybe not. I don’t know.” I >2J36Ǝ7EJ@C29F?5C65J62CD
struggled, personally, with ago. We’re forced to live with a “I started thinking “Das Haus” was launched as a
being American—I’m not sure legacy. I don’t need a dining about the basics of platform for designers to pres-
what that really means, and I room, because I don’t host din- ent their version of an ideal
don’t know if any American ners, so why do I have a dining living, instead of home. Is it a good exercise?
really does. Maybe that’s being table and eight chairs? That’s trying to deal with The program is fascinating
American, the struggle with wasted space. In New York, we all the stuff that we because it’s much more than
that. I think being a New Yorker don’t have that type of luxury. just a conversation with inter-
is very different from being “What do I really need?” is a have. I think that national buyers. The show’s
from Kansas or being from question that interests me. I might be more of creative director, Dick
Arizona. Everyone is so differ- need peace and quiet. Where’s an American point Spierenburg, has elevated it to a
ent. How can you say how an my quiet room? I’d rather have 4@?46AEF2=A=246E92EkDƏ:AA65
American lives? that than a dining room. of view, about between consumers and the
oversaturation. trade. It’s an interesting oppor-
It’s ridiculous. I tunity, but it’s certainly not an
easy audience to conjure.
Each January, the imm cologne attendees stream in and out of the tried to find a way,
furniture fair in Cologne, Germany, space. Previous designers have
unveils “Das Haus,” a conceptual included Luca Nichetto, Louise through Das Haus, Did you get any direction?
installation by a world-renowned Campbell, Neri & Hu, and Sebastian to reduce things to Dick had some good points. He
designer or architect. Over the Herkner. This year, for the first time, D2:5Oj0@F?665E@Ǝ?5E9632=-
course of six days, hundreds of an American makes a debut. the most essential.” ance where folks can still proj-
ect life into this house.”
modern world TEXT BY
Clockwise from opposite, top left: optimistic prints were an antidote Day’s home on Cheyne Walk in 1970s, searching for another outlet
Lucienne Day’s Black Leaf tea towel to the austerity of World War II London’s Chelsea, furnished with for her creativity, Lucienne began to
for Thomas Somerset (1959) and and were widely embraced as a fresh their designs. The couple, who produce one-of-a-kind silk mosaics,
Herb Antony fabric for Heal’s (1956) alternative to traditional floral met at the Royal College of Art in like “Meander 3” (1990). Lucienne
exemplify her fascination with fabrics. Two views of the open-plan 1940 and were married in 1942, poses with her Cairn terrier on
modern art and plant life. Her bright, living room in Robin and Lucienne lived there for nearly 50 years. In the the terrace of the Cheyne Walk house.
Led by Hisao Hanafusa, 80, with
help from his son Zui, 45, Miya Shoji
also makes tansu chests, tatami
platform beds, and other furniture.
Nomi, or Japanese chisels, are some
of the most-used tools of the trade.
Using a Japanese handsaw, the
woodworker, in just one stroke,
cuts a channel into the wood,
creating a slot for the rice paper.
Before inserting the rice paper,
Hamada connects all the pieces
by hand, then taps them in place
with a hammer.
The saw blade, whisk broom, and Miya Shoji are handled by one per-
aligning board that the craftsmen use son. “You can’t have two presidents
to create screens hang on a shop wall or two generals,” Hisao explains.
(left). The plane and blades (below) “It doesn’t work.” He also eschews
were given to Naotaka Hamada by technology, doing all the draw-
his uncle, a master Japanese artisan. ings and blueprints by hand. “The
The marking gauge (below right) brain is faster than the computer,”
is called a kebiki. Many projects at he declares.
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off the grid
Gawthrop-Taylor Residence N
From top: A 70-square-foot reflect- evoke flight; the standing-seam roof walls, paired with seven-foot over-
ing pool greets visitors as they from Metal Sale is held up by wire hangs and three-foot solar screens,
approach the home’s elemental north struts to resemble a plane’s wing. optimize the home’s passive climate
entrance. Gawthrop, an avid hang- In the foreground is the rock forma- control and capture views of the
glider who is a member of the U.S. tion designer Alan Nicholson had valley that unfurls across the couple’s
Soaring Team, wanted the home to excavated. Sixteen-foot-tall glass 160-acre property.
“Everything out here has been with pink lights fabricated by the
something else,” designer Barbara Neon Gallery in Houston and the
Hill says of Marfa, Texas. It’s cer- refurbished Bertoia chairs from
tainly true of her casita, which Cast + Crew. The minimal color
was formerly a grocery store: The palette is echoed in the freestanding
1,200-square-foot home is filled Malm fireplace and the concrete
with reworked pieces, including floor sculptures by William Vizcarra
the Elvis artwork she embellished from Wrong Marfa.
Smaller in
In a far-õƩļûÇÓƆÓſƙÇÓƆƙĚļƙĚŇļÂ
small spaces
had been homemade by the previous own- and bathroom by longtime collaborator
ers. Digging in revealed 100-year-old news- George Sacaris add an industrial edge to
A2A6CD6>365565:?E96Ə@@C:?82?5E96 the sleek space. This pared-down palette
original bead-board ceiling hidden three helps the house feel more open than its
feet above the existing one, raising it to 11 modest footprint would suggest. “If you
feet. Such moments of discovery are most limit the amount of materials, even though
exciting to Hill. “There’s hope for every- you’re using them in different ways, it
thing if someone’s willing to do it,” Hill makes the space feel bigger,” Hill says.
says of her approach. “There’s less clutter.”
At just under 1,200 square feet, the Other solutions, such as the front door
casita is smaller than her previous house, sourced from Home Depot and embellished
which she decided to sell (fully furnished, as H:E92DE:4<W@?Ǝ=>7@CAC:G24JOD9@HH92E
she usually does), once it became clear over humble materials can do with a designer’s
the course of the renovation that the casita DIY eye. Even the giant Elvis Presley art
would be her new Marfa home. In it she work that is the focal point of the dining
@AE657@CD@>6@7E96D2>6:?5FDEC:2=Ǝ?- 2C62362CD96CƎ?86CAC:?EP*96925E96
ishes she employed next door, like the piece rimmed in tubes of pink neon light.
sheets of Galvalume aluminum-zinc alloy “Every house has a different vibe to me,
C@@Ǝ?8>2E6C:2=D96DA64:Ǝ42==JC6BF6DE65 and there’s something about the size of this,”
uncrimped from the fabricator for the Hill says, that “makes it a little funkier,
A@C4946:=:?8N@?4C6E6Ə@@CDAC@G:56 a little younger.” A Pee-wee Herman print
a low-maintenance backdrop for her collec- in the living room, which Hill hand-tinted,
tions (“Furniture looks good on it,” she provided the starting point for the color
says), while steel cabinets in the kitchen A2=6EE6P2>:I@724:5J6==@HO?6@?A:?<O
The Pee-wee Herman print that
inspired the casita’s color palette
hangs above a chair from Hill’s
Pulpoetry series (above). Hill sits
on a Casalino chair from Design
Within Reach in the living room
(left); on the wall is Quivers, a sculp-
ture by her daughter, Claire Cusak.
Collaborator George Sacaris made
the stump table.
A Bedroom D Porch
B Bathroom E Dining Area
C Living Area F Kitchen
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Jack and Ellen Corrigan had one cat, a load of Corrigan Residence N
@7>@C6E92?OC64@C5DE@4@?D:56CH96? Christopher C. Deam Mill Valley, California
2=:7@C?:2N EH2D2=@?892F=O3FE?@E2=@?85:DE2?46O
A Front Deck F Living Area K Master Bedroom
E@E96Ǝ?:D965C6DF=EP2EH@WDE@CJDECF4EFC6H:E92 B Den G Bathroom L Master Bathroom
DE2?5:?8WD62>>6E2=C@@7O?6DE=652=@?8242D425:?8 C Dining Area H Entrance M Music Studio
9:==D:56H96C6E96:CAC6G:@FD9@FD6@?46DE@@5O D Kitchen I Laundry/Utilities N Guest Bedroom
E Back Deck J Walk-through Closet
62E$2?:76DE@O!24<_2=D@<?@H?3J9:DDE286?2>6O A
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Walnut panels make up the is joined by a Barcelona vases featuring an abstracted Webbed-seat chairs by
floors and ceiling, in a subtle chair by Mies van der Rohe wood-bark pattern are John Vogel bookend an
material nod to the former and a coffee table by Brad from the Modern by Dwell expandable walnut dining
home’s midcentury prov- Ascalon; Chris designed the Magazine collection, as are table from West Elm. Chris
enance (below). Jack and custom built-in shelving. the pillows, wooden animal designed a custom built-in
Ellen lounge on a Thayer Opposite, clockwise from figures, and tray-top side desk in the den for Ellen,
Coggin sectional, which top left: The three stoneware table near the large window. who often works from home.
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Two more shelving units produces his work; a new collection of rare and over-
flank the entrance to the album, Impossible Star, size synthesizers (right); to
music studio (below), where is due out in April. Deam get them into the previous
Jack, a founding member designed an extra-wide set structure, the Corrigans had
of the British electronic of double doors to accom- to have much of the gear
group Meat Beat Manifesto, modate the reentry of Jack’s hoisted through a window.
On the Record
A professional musician for more than 30 years, resident Jack Corrigan
shares a few picks from his personal library.
Guide You
site inform a Nova Scotia getaway’s regional accent.
Home 63
“ The house is so much a part of identity here.
In San Francisco, you’re known for the
work that you do. In Kingsburg, you’re known
for the house that you build.”
Rhonda Rubinstein, RESIDENT
“At Sliding House, the out- Carter leather sectional is family is a modern-day “barn” that symbolically
side world is more present,” by Gus Modern, and the boat replaces one that had long ago burned down on the
says Rhonda, “always visible carving is by local folk artist
Bradford Naugler. The family
site. The home avoids mimicking the nostalgic
through the sliver of window
that runs across the length sought to source Canadian forms of the wind-battered structures nearby, yet it
of the house and down to the furnishings and materials as 6>F=2E6DE96:C>:?:>2=:DE>2E6C:2=:EJY25:DE:==2-
ground.” The living area’s much as possible. tion of their hardy regional essence.
MacKay-Lyons describes the house as a “box laid
on a hill,” and the owners have given the tough,
slanted rectangle the moniker “Sliding House.” The
structure was deliberately placed on the edge of a
is angled to withstand the kind of high westerly
winds that have pushed older buildings in the vicin-
ity to lean downhill. Its high rear balcony, above a
bedroom, is a place to catch the morning sun. The
thick, nearly windowless north wall contains the
taut inset kitchen, a bathroom, and the stairs.
Sliding House N
MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Upper Kingsburg,
Architects Nova Scotia
Main Level
Lower Level
4 Dufferin Street, Lunenburg 3452 Highway 332, Rose Bay 2530 Agricola Street, Halifax 183 Lincoln Street, Lunenburg 1256 Hollis Street, Halifax
Locals and visitors alike David calls this shop “the Located on the hippest “This little shop is my “It’s a well-curated book-
stop by this nautical bar for essence of a village country street in Halifax—a stretch go-to for great gifts and shop. It’s an intimate cafe.
the draught beer, darts, and store.” Its signature butter that’s home to bars, antique clever designs,” Rhonda And it’s a stalwart reminder
pub fare. “It’s a marvel of tarts “sell out practically shops, and vibrantly says of the boutique in of earlier times in Halifax,”
sea-shanty-meets-German- before they’re even baked,” painted houses—Local Lunenburg’s Old Town, a says David. “You never know
pub decor,” says Halifax adds his wife, Rhonda Source market aims to Unesco World Heritage site. what might turn up on its
native David Peters. “And Rubinstein. 902-766-4141 connect urbanites with the It specializes in prints and shelves of new and vintage
they make the best cod region’s farmers. textiles. dotsandloops.ca books,” notes Rhonda.
cakes ever!” theknotpub.ca localsourcemarket.com 902-423-7100
The poplar desk at the end house was inspired by ship- tile-clad bathroom offers
of the master bedroom building techniques, with one of the home’s only
loft looks down on the built-in furniture and stor- breaks in material, with a
living areas beneath the age throughout. The custom wall-mounted Swing 85
slanted, wood-clad ceiling. bed features under-mattress ceramic sink by Artceram
The compact interior of the drawers (opposite, left). The (opposite, right).
Ohio native Ryan Santos in Denmark and Belgium.
recently opened his first res- Today he is integrating
taurant, Please, in downtown the cooking and foraging
Cincinnati. An accredited techniques he gleaned
graphic designer, Santos from the European dining
(opposite, top) pursued culi- scene and transporting
nary training in restaurants them to southwestern Ohio.
A rising chef creates a restaurant by design.
Ryan Santos, an Ohio native and largely self- when I thought I was ready, and then I’d have
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a 30-seat establishment in Cincinnati focused 4967H9@H6?E@?E@@A6?*>JE9O2$:496=:?WDE2CC65
on local produce. In doing so, he is emerging 4@>3:?2E:@?@74C62E:?8DF446DD7F=A@AWFADO>J
as one of the leading creative talents in the city’s EC2G6=D:?FC@A6O2?5>JE:>6H@C<:?87@C9:><:?5
@74@??64E65N EH2D=:<6Oj&<2JO k>C625JNl
cultural renaissance.
Why Cincinnati? You could have gone anywhere.
EC62==J4=:4<65H96? D2HE962G2:=23=6DA246D:?
You went to school for graphic design and then 3@C9@@55@H?E@H?N!FDEC62==J@=5O9:DE@C:4O362FE:W
decided you’d rather be a chef. You rose in the 7F=DECF4EFC6DE92EC6Ə64E65E96D:K62?5Ə@H@7
ranks of the restaurant scene in Cleveland, then C6DE2FC2?ED k5D66?:?>JEC2G6=D:?FC@A6N C62=:K65
departed for Europe for two years to train in E92EE96DEJ=62?5=2J@FED@7E96C6DE2FC2?ED =@G65
Copenhagen. You then chose to return to Ohio, E96C64@F=52=D@H@C<96C6N
where you launched a successful series of pop-up
dinner parties. When did it occur to you that you You maintain a garden right in the middle of
might like to open your own restaurant? downtown, in between a few derelict buildings.
EkD7F??JN&?6@7>JD@FD4967D2D<65>6Oj@H5@ How did that come to be?
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“As a chef, it’s your job to use The site of the restaurant Associates, Santos
dates to the 18th century; approached the renovation
your skills to create amazing food— the 19th-century structure of the building and design of
was uninhabited for decades the finished space by incor-
no matter the limitations.” Ryan Santos when Santos found it. porating works and pieces
Working with local design- by local makers like Christie
build firm Drawing Dept and Goodfellow (opposite, bot-
contractors Sansalone & tom right) of CG Ceramics.
Santos regularly traipses At Please, the fungi are “I use the skills that I learned in
through the woods around used for stock as well as in
Cincinnati looking for ingre- composed dishes, combined design school about the use of color
dients for his dishes, which with shallots, thyme, and
change often. Here, he butter. Santos notes that and composition and apply them
selects oyster mushrooms, this particular specimen is
which “grow on trees and identified by its distinctive to how we think of plates and food
logs during the wetter part bunching pattern and its
of summer,” he says. “oyster-like” scent. and dishes.” Ryan Santos
Do you take your team out with you to teach and
Upper Level
to accommodate storage. Sounds challenging.
We knew we were going to need more space, so we
the original wood panels and kind of reengineered it
and restructured it. Also, the staircase is historic, so
we couldn’t touch it, and it’s not even 36 inches wide.
We dropped an electric bobcat into the basement to
dig it out. It was an incredible sight.
Opposite, clockwise from Local furniture maker “The ugliness and the decay of the
top left: Santos employs Brush Factory created the
a team of 17 in the newly tables and chairs. Santos space are what attracted me to it.
opened space. Original and his girlfriend, Jessie,
details, such as the ornate hand-painted the tiles in I thought it was super beautiful, but
work on the structure’s the bathroom; it’s become
facade, were carefully pre- a popular spot for guests it took some creative construction.”
served and embellished. to snap selfies.
Ryan Santos
Ian Jones and Debra Peat
enjoy fresh fruit grown
in the backyard of their
Seattle, Washington, home.
Relocating from a rural
community, the couple
brought their passion for
gardening to their new
urban setting. Sliding doors
from Quantum wrap around
the kitchen and open to an
expansive courtyard and
deck, which is furnished
with armchairs from Crate
Greener Grass
and Barrel. Smith pendants
from Resolute hang above
the PentalQuartz and
marble island; the oven and
dishwasher are from Miele.
A Garden Shed
capacious contemporary home there, with four bed- B Porch
C Courtyard K L M
rooms and 23-foot-high ceilings, surrounded by
D Kitchen
fruit trees and hemlock hedges. But all that greenery E Guest Bathroom
required tremendous upkeep, and the couple didn’t F Guest Bedroom
use much of the square footage. They also found that G Living Room
H Dining Room K Master Bathroom Second Floor
they missed the amenities of city life. I Powder Room L Walk-in Closet
So they decided to move back to Seattle for a more J Mudroom M Master Bedroom
urban lifestyle and planned to downsize to a condo,
The home’s exterior is clad the plantings throughout, (below). The structure is vines of honeysuckle are
in a rich material palette of adding a variety of grasses, sited on a slope (opposite, intertwined on a steel-mesh
locally sourced salvaged evergreen vines, and mature top left) that dips to the trellis (opposite, top right),
barn wood, three types trees from Emery’s Garden, east, allowing for a gener- and Cor-Ten steel plant-
of Richlite cement board, including a Japanese black ous basement that Ian uses ers host a bounty of fresh
milled cedar, and steel. Ian pine that sits alongside the for his business, Treebird herbs, fruits, and vegetables
and Deb specified most of entrance on the west facade Construction. In the garden, (opposite, bottom).
but when they happened upon a ǿȂȃDZǼǵ sign on a home centers on an open courtyard, with all of the
corner lot, they quickly called the realtor. The site rooms arranged around that core. “We wanted the
had easy access to downtown, yet it was bordered on architecture to fall away; it’s about framing spaces
two sides by sprawling private gardens and was just and views,” Walter explains. Nine-foot-high sliding
one block away from Washington Park Arboretum, walls of glass separate the living areas from the
a 230-acre park designed by Frederick Law Olmsted. courtyard and are easily pushed aside in pleasant
“The location was central to everything,” says Deb, weather. Each part of the living space is articulated
a technical program manager, though a run-down 3JD6A2C2E63@IG@=F>6D56Ǝ?653J5:G6CD6D:5:?8
110-year-old house sat on the lot. With a poor foun- materials. They include hundred-year-old barn
dation and crumbling structure, “it needed to go,” wood sourced from nearby Skagit Valley, three types
she says. The couple met with mw/works and imme- of Richlite cement board, custom-milled cedar, and
diately established an aesthetic connection, which steel—all of which continue inside to further blur
was helpful, as the project required a somewhat boundaries between the interior and exterior.
unorthodox working relationship. “Since Ian is a ?D:56O2Ə6I:3=6FD6@7DA24636=:6DE96C6=2E:G6=J
builder, he told me, ‘Just give me a couple of sketches >@56DEDBF2C67@@E286N+96E@AEH@Ə@@CDOE@E2=:?8
and I’ll take it from there,’” Walter recalls with a laugh. 1,700 square feet, include the main living areas, the
Indeed, the entire design process turned out to be master suite, and a guest bedroom and bath; the
>@C6ƏF:5E92?FDF2=Nj2=7E96E:>6O:?DE625@7 32D6>6?EƏ@@CAC@G:56D2?6IEC2ODBF2C6766E
drawing something, we’d come to the site and I’d and houses Ian’s business, Treebird Construction,
explain the idea, and then Ian would build it,” Walter along with a second guest room and bath.
says. Moving from the country, the couple had been Throughout, the vibe is unfussy and simple.
DA64:Ǝ423@FEH2?E:?82?@A6?WA=2?9@FD6H:E9@FE- A white oak custom dining table, designed by Jon
door areas a key part of the design, but otherwise 6?ECJ@7=@42=ƎC>8@DEF5:@O:DA2:C65H:E9D=:>
they deferred to Walter to craft a modernist style. Montis dining chairs. A rocking chair that once
Linear, lean, and tightly held to the site, the new belonged to Deb’s grandmother continued on page 129
j+9:DƏ@H6CD9@AD:ED:? “On a more exotic note, the “We buy our seeds from “Roses are my favorite. “Niche Outside carries a
Melrose Market, with a Cafe au Lait dahlias from various places, but our The best resource north of thoughtful selection of
second location in Pioneer White Flower Farm, based neighborhood spot is the Seattle, in the Skagit Valley, plant-related accoutre-
*BF2C6N.:E9Ə@H6CDO in Connecticut, are sub- Seattle Seed Company— is Christianson’s Nursery ments, like Fruitsuper’s
books, and the owner’s line lime. Pale, beautiful, and good people dedicated to and Greenhouse. They host Anywhere Vases, which
of candles and soaps, both majestic, they have to be in delivering goodness to the an event each July with allow you to make a vase
locations are sweet spots the ground before Mother’s people.” seattleseed.com the local Rose Society to out of any glass or jar.”
that invite you to linger.” Day and always sell out.” further the public’s appre- nicheoutside.com
marigoldandmint.com ʓŧůĈŀƼʓĈȍı
ȍơDzÎƼơ ciation of these beauties.”
Behind the
Dwell Magazine
Aa Serif
Regular Italic
Medium Italic
Bold Italic
Black Italic
“ The Bauhaus aimed to unite artists, architects,
“ The Bauhaus aimed to unite artists, architects, and craftsmen in the utopian project of
designing a new world. The legacies of the Bauhaus are
visible today.” the harvard art museum Display Regular 11 / 12
and craftsmen in the utopian project of “ The Bauhaus aimed to unite artists, architects,
and craftsmen in the utopian project of
designing a new world. The legacies of the Bauhaus designing a new world. The legacies of the Bauhaus are
visible today.” the harvard art museum Display Medium 11 / 12
are visible today.” the harvard art museum “The Bauhaus aimed to unite artists, architects,
and craftsmen in the utopian project of
designing a new world. The legacies of the Bauhaus are
Medium Display 32 / 34 visible today.” the harvard art museum Display Bold 11 / 12
a redesign of the magazine. Learn
from the Dwell team about the
Sans Serif
typography and concepts behind GEOMETRIC FAMILY
director Rob Hewitt says, “When Bold Italic
we were choosing the two new Black
typefaces (right), it was important
that they were practical and “The Bauhaus aimed to unite artists,
architects, and craftsmen in the uto-
pian project of designing a new world.
with the spirit of Dwell.” “The Bauhaus aimed to unite artists, architects, “The Bauhaus aimed to unite artists,
architects, and craftsmen in the uto-
pian project of designing a new world.
The legacies of the Bauhaus are visi-
and craftsmen in the utopian project of ble today.” the harvard art museum
Maax Bold 8.25 / 9.75
dwell.com/dwells-new-look designing a new world. The legacies of the Bauhaus “The Bauhaus aimed to unite
artists, architects, and crafts-
men in the utopian project of
are visible today.” the harvard art museum designing a new world. The
legacies of the Bauhaus are
visible today.” the harvard art
Maax Medium 30 / 34 museum Maax Med 11 / 12
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Good design is unobtrusive
Products fulfilling a purpose are like
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should therefore be both neutral for the inordinate power of
good design in everything
and restrained, to leave room for it does: designing furniture
the user’s self-expression. thoughtfully and responsibly
to allow you to live better,
Dieter Rams
with less, that lasts longer.
Shelter From
the Storm
After three years of legal wrangling,
at ground level. One bedroom, two baths, The modern exterior of the home including the fabrication of the
and a den would make up the second story (below left) upset the couple’s neigh- white oak stair treads (below). The
bor, a real estate agent who felt the ironwork was crafted by Alex and
of the 2,150-square-foot house. design would have a negative impact Gio Welding. A Glo Ball pendant by
But in November 2013, just weeks after on property values. Louis did much Jasper Morrison for Flos hangs in
they broke ground, a neighbor appealed the of the woodworking in the house, front of the staircase.
granted by the Raleigh Historic Develop-
ment Commission (RHDC). At issue for the
neighbor, who lived in a traditional house
built in 2008, was the new home’s modern
exterior, which Louis had designed.
Of all the styles in Oakwood—Victorian,
Italianate, Greek Revival—Louis zeroed in
on the language of the Arts and Crafts
movement, reinterpreting it for the 21st
century. “I felt it could be best adapted to
my own sensibilities, like using local mate-
rials, simplicity, expression of structure—
even the fenestration patterns,” he says.
The 2013 appeal by the neighbor, who
declined to comment for this story, was the
opening salvo in a testy three-year battle
that wound its way to the state’s supreme
court, threatening demolition and halting
work for months in 2014. “We were picking
out tile when we realized we’d have to stop
construction,” Marsha says.
Calling the new home “garishly inappro-
priate,” the neighbor’s appeal was to be
heard by Raleigh’s Board of Adjustment.
“The structure as proposed is incongruous
to the Oakwood Historic District,” the com-
plaint stated. “It will harm the character of
the neighborhood and contribute to ero-
sion of the neighborhood’s value as an asset
to its residents, to the surrounding com-
munities, to the businesses it supports, to
in-town and out-of-town visitors, and to
the City as a whole.”
opportunity to think about our
Louis Cherry, architect and resident
The first floor’s open plan combines chairs by Jean Prouvé for Vitra sur-
kitchen, dining, and living areas; round the beeswax-coated steel
rift-sawn white oak planks line the dining table (left). Beneath the white
floors throughout. “It’s a tremendous oak cabinets, ash limestone tiles
enhancement of our life together,” from Artistic Tile’s Vestige collection
Louis says of the layout. Standard form a chevron pattern (below).
Design Docket
How a house made its way to the
North Carolina Supreme Court
October 2013
Louis Cherry and
Marsha Gordon
break ground on a
modern home in the
historic Oakwood
section of Raleigh,
North Carolina.
November 2013
A neighbor
appeals the proj-
ect’s certificate of
February 2014
Raleigh’s Board of
Adjustment reverses
the approval, halting
April 2014
In Vanity Fair, Paul
Goldberger writes
that the house is “an
example of modern
architecture trying
hard . . . to be a good
September 2014
A judge rules that
the neighbor’s
case has no legal
ground; construction
Since Louis and Marsha had followed legal defense fund for all threatened mod- November 2014
RHDC’s rules, and were told the appeal pro- ern homes in the state. The couple would Marsha and Louis
ceedings would be a formality, they did ?665E92EƎ?2?4:2=96=AOE9@F89E96:C move in. Construction
not attend the hearing, where the neighbor expenses would far exceed the approxi- continues for the
and her lawyer presented for three hours. mately $25,000 the fund raised. next year.
After reviewing the argument, the BoA voted In April of 2014, Marsha and Louis February 2016
E9C66WE@WEH@E@C6G6CD6E969@>6kD46CE:Ǝ- obtained an injunction in Wake County
After the neighbor
cate of appropriateness in February 2014. Superior Court to allow construction to appeals, a judge
At once, support for the couple poured prevent damage to the structure. By August, rules in favor of
in, from neighbors, from the media—most the case was being heard in court. The cou- Louis and Marsha.
notably Paul Goldberger in Vanity Fair and ple’s attorney, Nick Fountain, was no August 2016
Al Roker on Today—and from homeowners stranger to design: A former chair of the
The state supreme
across the nation who had been subjected )kD6CE:Ǝ42E6@7AAC@AC:2E6?6DD court denies the
to similar cases of NIMBY-ism. North Committee, he owns the Fadum House, neighbor’s petition
Carolina Modernist Houses established a one of Raleigh’s iconic modern homes. for a second appeal.
Cherry-Gordon Residence N
Second Floor
First Floor
houses we love
Casa Dell’Acqua N
bring onto computers, well before that was DESIGNER Thomas Egidi, Tuna Studio
the industry standard. He then took a leave LOCATION Malibu, California
of absence, largely in Cuba, and envisioned
a travel business, now called Art Quest A Laundry E Office/Mezzanine I Deck M Living/Dining Area
B Garage F Master Bedroom J Bedroom N Kitchen
International, which curates trips, typically
C Bridge G Master Bathroom K Bathroom
for museum directors and trustees. “I was D Entrance H Dressing Area L Terrace
just following my passions,” he says, “art,
architecture, and travel.”
For his home, he turned to local designer A
Thomas Egidi, of Tuna Studio Architecture, G J
whose minimalist work, with its exposed
concrete and metal details, Dell’Acqua had B
admired. Together, they settled on a
entry bridge spanning the hill’s precipitous
drop. “The brief was to do something very D
simple and close to the street,” says Egidi.
From the road, the house looks like a
freestanding plane. But once across the
bridge and through a central opening in C
the wall, you begin to see the volumes hid- L M
Upper Level
Lower Level
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photovoltaics on the roof. For additional a poolside shower exposed to the elements Lounge chairs by B&B the most used thing
privacy, a “smart” glass front door instantly yet concealed from outside view. Italia on the lower-level in the house—even in
terrace offer a spot from the middle of winter.”
switches from transparent to opaque with On his global jaunts, Dell’Acqua hand-
which to take in the Cantilevered over the
a tap of Dell’Acqua’s phone. A:4<65=:89EƎIEFC6D7C@>:?=2?5O=F>36C ocean views (below left). hillside is a stainless
Just over the threshold, two rectangular from Holland, and textiles from Argentina. Of the outdoor shower, steel pool by Bradford
G@=F>6DƏ2?<E96A2DD286H2JOH96C62 Also, Egidi recalls, “Carlos would send me Dell’Acqua says, “It’s Products (below).
stair winds down to the lower level. One pictures of things he encountered—like a
H:?84@?E2:?D29@>6@7Ǝ46H:E9E96=:G- backsplash that I then reinterpreted.”
ing-dining-kitchen area below; the other “The upside to spending so many years
houses the garage over the guest and mas- imagining my house is that I had time to
ter bedrooms. Throughout the structure, think about every detail,” says Dell’Acqua,
6IE6C:@C2?5:?E6C:@CDA246DƏ@HE@86E96C who shares the home with his partner and
and share a material palette. Evoking a their chocolate Lab. The furnishings are
beach boardwalk, ipe planking leads from primarily white, gray, and black, with blue
the outdoor entry bridge into every room accents, echoing the water, a theme in
and out onto the terrace. Dell’Acqua Dell’Acqua’s contemporary art collection.
selected ipe to “soften” the palette of con- Now when Dell’Acqua is home, he says,
crete, glass, and steel, but also for its dura- “I feel like I’m on vacation. I never get tired
3:=:EJ2?5ƎC6C6D:DE2?46N ?2?@E96C of it.” The changing light and tides
indoor-outdoor feature, the front wall has constantly bring unexpected moments,
the same raw, unpainted quality on its he adds, “like when I’m sitting in the living
exterior and interior surfaces. And in back, room, and the rim of the glass rails
sliding glass panels open the living room exactly meets the horizon line. How could
and master bedroom to the terrace, with you possibly plan that?”
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On a quiet, tree-lined street in Brookline, the structure does not shock; its scale and
Massachusetts, a rectangular pale gray colors are subdued. But the journey of the
structure sits amid a row of wood-frame home’s conception and design—prefabri-
houses, many of them dating to the late cated in Madrid, Spain, sent overseas via
19th century. The boxy two-story dwelling shipping containers, and assembled on-site
is set back from the suburban block, its in just nine days—is wholly radical.
facade almost entirely opaque, save for Called the Cyclopean House, it’s at once
a 40-foot-long expanse of glass that faces a home and a portfolio piece for Anton
the street. Despite its stark modernity, Garcia-Abril, a professor at the School of
Architecture and Planning at Massachu- j ?*A2:?Ol@776CDě3@C2Oj9@>6D2C6 The main living area, on the home’s
setts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, traditionally built with bricks, stone, second floor, was designed with
and his wife, Débora Mesa Molina, a research 2?54@?4C6E6OlF?=:<6:?E96,?:E65*E2E6DO flexibility in mind; its centerpiece
is a ping-pong table from Joola
scientist, also at MIT. where homes are often built with wood (above). Anton and Débora “hacked”
Both registered architects in Europe, they 7C2>:?8OH9:4942?56E6C:@C2E6Nj.@@5 several Copa convertible sofas from
are the principals of Ensamble Studio, an C6BF:C6D>2:?E6?2?462?5A2:?E:?8OlD96 Serta, removing the legs so they
2C49:E64EFC6AC24E:46H:E9@7Ǝ46D:?$25C:5 ?@E6DNj E4C24<DN E>@G6DNl could place the seats directly onto
the elevated platform that lines the
and Brookline. They are also codirectors .96?E964@FA=6H6C69:C653J$ +:?
walls. They also altered Lersta floor
of POPLab (Prototypes of Prefabrication 2012, they bought a 30-by-40-foot cement- lamps from IKEA and wall-mounted
Laboratory), a research lab at MIT, and they block garage for $320,000 from a former them as sconces. Sliding wall pan-
are builders. Completed in 2015, the home construction company, had it rezoned for els conceal several storage spaces,
:DjE96ƎCDED@?@7E96=23OlD2JD?E@?N residential use, renovated it into a three- including a king-size Murphy bed.
Among Ensamble’s goals is to bring bedroom home for $100,000, and then
ultra-light, strong, reasonably priced, well- moved in with their four children the fol-
designed prefabricated housing that offers =@H:?8J62CN.:E9A=2?DE@6G6?EF2==J3F:=5
generous space and great light to a mass a prefab addition, the couple honed their
housing market, working with developers observations into a central inquiry: How
and sponsors to counter popular miscon- could they make a fairly priced and light-
ceptions that plague both categories. weight yet solid house that was neither
Mention the topic of prefab, and “people wood-framed nor made of bricks, stone, or
think of trailer houses, social housing, concrete? Since 2011, the couple had been
3@C:?8C6A6E:E:@?Ol?E@?D2JDNj.6H2?E experimenting with lightweight construc-
E@4@>3:?6E96>6C:42?67Ǝ4:6?4J@7 tion technologies, partly in response to the
a framed structure—putting studs close tsunami and earthquake that had damaged
together to create a well-distributed wall— N>:==:@?9@>6D:?!2A2?kD+Ō9@<FC68:@?
H:E9E96FC@A62?:562@7D@=:5:EJNl that March. The answer, they found, was
Cyclopean House N
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Garden Variety
A retired couple looking to
Storing Rain
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needing an expansive lot to make it happen. buildings in order to allow the ground- collector. Underneath it, a receptacle made
They decided to ask Paul to build a new water reserves, the source of much of the @74@?4C6E62?5Ǝ?:D965H:E92-&X7C66
house in the garden of their existing home. 4:EJkD5C:?<:?8H2E6COE@C6Ǝ==N+9:D>62?E paint collects the water. When it rains, the
“We share Paul’s ideas about the impor- Paul would have about 1,400 square feet for H2E6CƏ@HDE9C@F892D6C:6D@742C3@?W
tance of contemporary, sustainable build- the footprint. “The limits can be very strict, 24E:G2E65Ǝ=E6CDE92E6?23=6E969@FD69@=5
ings,” Nina says. according to the zone in which you’re try- to subsist on rainwater for all its fresh-
'2F=72465EH@>2:?492==6?86DP+96ƎCDE ing to build,” Paul explains, “so we decided water needs. Although this does have the
was a budget of just about $210,000. The to take it a step further. That’s where the added advantage of saving money (water
second was the fact that he could build on idea of building a cistern to take advantage bills are around $10 a month), Paul is more
only 60 percent of the available plot, due to of all the rainwater originated.” :?E6C6DE65:?:ED64@=@8:42=36?6ƎEDN
a law in Mexico City that requires that a The new structure’s deck, made of a The terrace quickly became one of the
percentage of the land be left without wood-plastic composite, acts as a water home’s main attractions, not only because
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of its sustainable qualities, but also because always asks how it’s possible we have only
it offered a chance to expand the living 170 meters,” Nina says of reactions to the
space outside with a pair of sliding doors. 1,775-square-foot residence. “Really, it’s
“Because the house is so small, that was just the staircase, the open kitchen space,
a fundamental design decision,” Raúl says. and the height of the ceilings that add up to
j&?46J@F@A6?E965@@CDOE96DA2465@F- make it feel huge.”
bles. It’s perfect for entertaining family and After eight months of construction, the
friends, which we love to do.” Cremoux-Wanderstoks were able to move
Another interesting feature is the library, in. Now they rent out their previous resi-
which occupies the space surrounding the dence, since, as Nina says, they “made sure
staircase. “As my parents are of a certain that the new house did not take anything
age, it probably would have been better to away from the old one. It has a separate
make the house just one level,” Paul says. entrance; it has its own garden. All of the
But because of the land-usage law, a two- old house’s essential qualities remain.”
level structure was the only way to create “The house didn’t have a big budget, but
the room his parents needed as well as it feels expensive, because of the high ceil-
accommodate his dad’s sizable collection of ings, the skylights, and the amount of light
books. “It was obvious the stairwell would that comes in from outside,” Raúl says of his
be best suited for the books because of its son’s design. “From the beginning, we knew
double height,” Paul explains. “Everyone it was going to be a very livable home.”
Casa Nirau N
Lower Level
Upper Level
A Entrance F Deck
B Bathroom G Living Area
C Kitchen H Balcony
D Bathroom/ I Studio
Laundry J Master Bedroom
Floor-to-ceiling aluminum doors area’s aluminum window frame was explains. A pair of Molded Plywood
slide into the walls, bringing the custom cut onsite to wrap around lounge chairs by Charles and Ray
outside world in and doubling the a corner (top left). A reveal in the Eames for Herman Miller sit oppo-
size of the living room (left). “It con- studio ceiling provides a track for site a BoConcept coffee table and
verted the space into something curtains—and highlights an architec- a sofa of Paul’s design (above). For
truly extraordinary, surrounded by tural detail (top right). “I like to show his father’s book collection, Paul
vegetation. The climate in Mexico is the difference between the interior created a library around the double-
perfect for it,” says Nina. The dining ceiling and the structural roof,” Paul height staircase.
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Knoll castandcrewmarfa.com 415-577-0307 galvalume.com Iron 12thavenueiron.com
Christopher C. Deam Concrete floor sculptures by Posture Chair and Ottoman Alberton series stainless steel All windows and sliding doors
Architecture cdeam.com William Vizcarra Sets in orange, Geo Pillows, cookware by Paderno from Quantum
Lounge chairs, planters, and wrongmarfa.com Hexagon Concrete Planters, paderno.com quantumwindows.com
pillows, all by Modern by Dresser by George Nelson and Terracotta Planters, Lantern in Windows by Alumicor Smith pendants from Resolute
Dwell Magazine home Elvis painting, both vintage silver, Outdoor Sofa and alumicor.com resoluteonline.com
collection for Target reevesantiqueshouston.com Cushions in gray, Outdoor Baby Chef kitchen faucet by Dishwasher, oven, and range
target.com Pink neon lighting by the Neon Dining Set and Seat Cushions, Aquabrass aquabrass.com/en from Miele miele.com/en
Gallery theneongallery.com Building Pillow, Tower Pillow, Oven by Whirlpool Refrigerator from Liebherr
23 Mean Mug Fireplace by Malm Elephant Playing Card Figural, whirlpoolcorp.com liebherr.com
malmfireplaces.com Owl Speaker Figural Natural, Nandor chairs by Mikael Outdoor lounge chairs from
Shapes mugs by Ian Anderson Pee-wee Hermann blown up Whale Coaster Figural Natural, Warnhammar and modular Crate and Barrel
for AANDERSSON from postcard and hand-tinted Side Table, Cocktail Shaker in dining tables by Lisa Norinder, crateandbarrel.com
aandersson.net by Barbara Hill Design black/copper, Ice Bucket with both from IKEA ikea.com Bar stools by Tirto Furniture
barbarahilldesign.com Tongs, Wingnut Candleholders, Carter sectional sofa by Gus tirtofurniture.com
36 Undivided Attention Pulpoetry series chair by Stoneware Bark Vases, and Modern gusmodern.com PentalQuartz and marble, both
Barbara Hill Decorative Tray Narrow in red, Gray carpet from CB2 from Pental Surfaces
Miya Shoji miyashoji.com barbarahilldesign.com all from the Modern by Dwell cb2.com pentalonline.com
Casalino chair by Alexander Magazine home collection for Adirondack chairs by Zwickers Custom kitchen island by Nu
42 Geological Formation Begge from Design Within Target target.com Woodworking zwickerltd.com Elegance nuelegance.com
Reach dwr.com Pass-through window from Floor lamp, vintage Spark fireplace and custom
Alan Nicolson Design Studio Faux Bois Stump coffee table Fleetwood fleetwoodusa.net kijiji.ca plaster box by Studio C
andesignstudio.com by George Sacaris sacaris.com Kitchen sink and fixtures by Platform bed designed by MLS cathyconner.com
Hawkes Construction Black cowhide rug and Blanco blanco-germany.com Architects, fabricated by Kitchen faucet by Hansgrohe
hawkesconstruction.com barware, both vintage Countertops from Caesarstone Canterbury Woodworks hansgrohe-usa.com
Rammed earth by Rammed Floor lamp, vintage caesarstoneus.com canterburywoodworks.com Clay mobile by Anne Siems
Earth Builders uptownmodernaustin.com Nelson Ball Clock by Irving Swing 85 bathroom sink by annesiems.com
rammedearthbuilders.com Ghost sofa by Gervasoni Harper for George Nelson Artceram artceram.it/en Stockholm rug from IKEA
Structural engineering by gervasoni1882.it/en Associates by Vitra ikea.com
Endrestudio endrestudio.com Quivers wall sculpture by vitra.com 70 Please Cincinnati Side table by Flexform
Civil engineering by PJC Claire Cusack Sectional by Thayer Coggin flexform.it/en
Associates clairecusack.com thayercoggin.com Please pleasecincinnati.com Rocking chair, vintage
pjcassociatesinc.com Luxembourg bar cart by Barcelona Chair by Ludwig Drawing Dept Cement board by Richlite
Landscaping by Lutsko Fermob fermobusa.com Mies van der Rohe for Knoll drawingdept.com richlite.com
Associates Min bed by Luciano Bertoncini knoll.com Sansalone & Associates
lutskoassociates.com for Design Within Reach Eames Aluminum Group Chair sansalone.associates 90 Shelter From the Storm
Smith Concrete 707-391-4026 dwr.com by Charles and Ray Eames for Dining sets by Brush Factory
Standing-seam metal roof by Table lamp, vintage Herman Miller brushmanufactory.com Louis Cherry Architecture
Metal Sales metalsales.us.com castandcrewmarfa.com hermanmiller.com Dishware by CG Ceramics louischerry.com
Fixed glazing by Fort Bragg Bruce Lee skate deck by Atlas coffee table by Brad cgceramics.net Kaydos Daniels Engineers
Glass and Mirror Supreme exhibitions2d.com Ascalon bradascalon.com Stools by Simple Wood Goods kaydos-daniels.com
fbglassinc.com Chartreuse throw from El Rug from Crate and Barrel simplewoodgoods.com LightTech Design
Operable glazing by Cosmico elcosmico.com crateandbarrel.com Bread bowls and coffee trivets lighttechdesign.com
Fleetwood fleetwoodusa.net Planters from Brown Dog John Vogel Chairs by John by The Northern Market etsy. Carrington Electric
Operable glazing by Solar Gardens 432-837-0914 Vogel, Midcentury Dining com/shop/thenorthernmarket carringtonelectricllc.
Innovations Acapulco chairs by Barbara Table, and Stackable Chairs, Wine books and check folders, wordpress.com
solarinnovations.com Hill shopsaintcloud.com all from West Elm both by Pull Club Solar panels by Yes Solar
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design 52 Moving Mountains PH 5 pendant by Poul Menus by Philip Valois yessolarsolutions.com
Henningsen for Louis Poulsen philipvalois.com Geothermal engineering by
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Architecture cdeam.com 78 Greener Grass bowmanmechanicalservices.com
Barbara Hill Design Marinovative Construction, Inc. 62 Lights Will Guide You Home Icynene Foam insulation by
barbarahilldesign.com 415-713-1250 mw|works mwworks.com Prime Energy Group
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432-386-2590 415-381-8150 Lyons Sweetapple Architects treebirdconstruction.com North Carolina cypress
EasyCare paint in Ultra Braintree Woodworks Ltd. mlsarchitects.ca PCS Structural finished with Sikkens ProLuxe
Premium White by TrueValue braintreewoodworks.com GR Kilgour Construction pcs-structural.com Cetol stain in Teak
Paint truevaluepaint.com Custom cabinetry designed by +1 902-275-1464 Hardscapes by Wittman Estes perfectwoodstains.com
CF Panel roofing by Mueller Christopher C. Deam and Campbell Comeau Engineering wittman-estes.com HardiePanel siding by James
Inc. muellerinc.com fabricated by Bartlett Cabinets Ltd. campbellcomeau.ns.ca Custom walnut cabinetry by Hardie Building Products
Four dining table by Ferruccio bartlettcabinetry.com Millwork and cabinetry by GR Contour Woodworks jameshardie.com
Laviani for Kartell kartell.com Overtone Acoustics Kilgour Construction contourwoodworks.com Stormy Monday, Manual Iron
Refurbished Bertoia Side overtoneacoustics.com +1 902-275-1464 Custom metal backplash and Ore, and Silver Satin paints, all
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Touch and Go
Optimized for apartments between Robotic furniture sounds less far-fetched when Yves Béhar and the MIT Media
300 and 600 square feet, the Ori Lab are involved. These high-profile ties are what make Ori, a series of self-
system resembles a room divider
rearranging units for living, working, and sleeping, possible. Using architec-
and can roll back and forth on
tural robotic technology born at MIT, each motorized Ori unit, designed by