Air Engine: Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur
Air Engine: Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur
Air Engine: Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur
submitted to
JULY 2014
Prof. Rakesh Jain and Dr. Gunjan Soni for their invaluable comments, editorial help,
and overall support in the completion of this seminar. I also thank my colleagues at
the Institute who contributed in the production of this seminar, either through
pointing us in the right direction for the more technical aspects of the analysis, or by
In the present energy scenario the fossil fuel sources are fast depleting and their
combustion products are causing global environmental problems. There are couples
of option of alternative fuel such as solar power, tidal power, geo-thermal power,
etc. and one of them is Compressed Air. Compressed Air Powered Engine is an
alternative technology which uses compressed air to run the engine and thus
eliminates the use of fossil fuels. Exhaust temperature of it will be slightly less than
atmospheric temperature (i.e. 20-25°C) and thus helps in controlling global warming
etc. This paper review contains study of a compressed air engine. This engine does
not require any of the fossil fuels like petrol, diesel, CNG, hydrogen etc. to run
engine and no power is required to start the engine, only, compressed air valve is to
Title Page
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................. ii
LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................. iii
LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................iv
ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................v
IC Internal Combustion
SI Spark Ignition
1.1 Introduction
Fossil fuels (i.e., petroleum, diesel, natural gas and coal) which meet most of the world's energy
demand today are being depleted rapidly. Also, their combustion products are causing global
problems, such as the greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion acid rains and pollution which are
posing great danger for environment and eventually for the total life on planet. These factors are
leading automobile manufactures to develop cars fueled by alternatives energies. Hybrid cars, Fuel
cell powered cars, Hydrogen fueled cars will be soon in the market as a result of it. One possible
alternative is the air powered car. Air, which is abundantly available and is free from pollution,
can be compressed to higher pressure at a very low cost, is one of the prime option since
atmospheric pollution can be permanently eradicated. Compressed air utilization in the pneumatic
application has been long proven. Air motors, pneumatic actuators and others various such
pneumatic equipment are in use. Compressed air was also used in some of vehicle for boosting the
initial torque. Turbo charging has become one of the popular techniques to enhance power and
improve the efficiencies of the automotive engine that completely runs on compressed air.
Fossil fuels, as the name suggests, are very old. Although humans probably used fossil fuels in
ancient times, as far back as the Iron Age, it was the Industrial Revolution that led to their wide-
scale extraction. About 100 years ago, the major source of energy shifted from recent solar to
fossil fuel (hydrocarbons). Technology has generally led to a greater use of hydrocarbon fuels,
making civilization vulnerable to decreases in supply. The current study made in the year 2004,
predicts that if the oil is consumed at the current rates, then by 2020, we will be consuming 80%
Latest studies and projections available indicate that the crises of fossil fuel in near future is
inevitable and alternative to fossil fuel must be looked for. Some of the studies made in this
1. When the wells run dry, We use more oil than we find, and if producers are fixing their
figures the end could be closer than thought, by Adam Porter, The Guardian [2005 May
"Predicting the end of the age of oil can be a sticky business. The Association for the Study
of Peak Oil and Gas (Aspo), a collection of industry figures, politicians and academics, this
2. Peaking of World Oil Production: Impacts, Mitigation, & Risk Management, by Robert L.
Hirsch, SAIC, Roger Bezdek, MISI, Robert Wendling, MISI for the National Energy
unprecedented risk management problem. As peaking is approached, liquid fuel prices and
price volatility will increase dramatically, and, without timely mitigation, the economic,
social, and political costs will be unprecedented. Viable mitigation options exist on both
the supply and demand sides, but to have substantial impact, they must be initiated more
3. Expert says Saudi oil may have peaked, by Adam Porter [2005 February 22] : "As oil prices
remain above $45 a barrel, a major market mover has cast a worrying future prediction.
Energy investment banker Matthew Simmons, of Simmons & Co International, has been
outspoken in his warnings about peak oil before. His new statement is his strongest yet,
CEO, ChevronTexaco Corporation [2005 February 15] "Simply put, the era of easy access
to energy is over. In part, this is because we are experiencing the convergence of geological
difficulty with geopolitical instability... We are seeing the beginnings of a bidding war for
5. New Oil Projects Cannot Meet World Needs This Decade, by Oil Depletion Analysis
Centre [2004 November 16] "World oil supplies are all but certain to remain tight through
the rest of this decade, unless there is a precipitous drop in demand, according to the results
of a study by the London-based Oil Depletion Analysis Centre (ODAC). "The study found
that all of the major new oil-recovery projects scheduled to come on stream over the next
six years are unlikely to boost supplies enough to meet the world’s growing needs."
2.2 Influence of Fossil Fuel on Environment
It is observed that with increasing pace of civilization, uses of transport have become essential part
of life and increasing in geometrical progression. This is leading to very hazardous condition due
to high rate of pollution. Many of the environmental problems our generation faces today result
from our fossil fuel dependence. These impacts include global warming, air quality deterioration,
Emissions from an individual car are generally low, relative to the smokestack image many people
associate with air pollution. But in numerous cities across the country, the personal automobile is
the single greatest polluter, as emissions from millions of vehicles on the road add up. Driving a
private car is probably a typical citizen’s most “polluting” daily activity. Gasoline and diesel fuels
are mixtures of hydrocarbons, compounds which contain hydrogen and carbon atoms. In a
“perfect” engine, oxygen in the air would convert all the hydrogen in the fuel to water and all the
carbon in the fuel to carbon dioxide. Nitrogen in the air would remain unaffected. In reality, the
combustion process cannot be “perfect,” and automotive engines emit several types of pollutions
Oil, the master energy resource, is the driver of economic growth. But our financial system is wired
for economic growth. This is the challenge. It is structural change that is needed. Over the last 150
years relatively cheap oil has enabled economic growth to happen. It has transformed agricultural
methods, enabled world population to grow, and powered transport. So now, not only are we
required to adapt to life with less oil, but the very enabler of economic growth - is becoming more
leads to increased prices, which will lead to another economic contraction. And this cycle will
repeat – with each subsequent recovery being weaker than the last. So no amount of optimism or
wishful thinking can bring back economic growth. Future economic growth will be impeded by
the depletion of critical, natural resources, the increased costs of extraction and its associated
negative environmental impacts, and ever mounting debt. This is not a temporary phenomenon, it
is the start of a long series of cyclical recessions, and it signifies the end of growth. It is a great
Many research works are being carried out to find the alternative to fossil fuel. Alternative fuels,
known as non-conventional or advanced fuels, are any materials or substances that can be used as
fuels, other than conventional fuels. Conventional fuels include: fossil fuels (petroleum (oil), coal,
and natural gas). Some well-known alternative fuels include biodiesel, bioalcohol (methanol,
ethanol, butanol), chemically stored electricity (batteries and fuel cells), hydrogen, non-fossil
methane, non-fossil natural gas, vegetable oil, propane, and other biomass sources. Compressed
India is developing country. Still per capita income of average person is very low to meet out the
minimum requirement of person. Maximum population of country is still living in villages. There
transport is still either bi-cycle or Motor Bike. Current hike of fossil fuel is going tremendously
high up to 30-40 % every year. With this pace up to 2010 prices may go double than what is today
and by 2030-40, it may fetch to Rs.1000 per litre. A time will come when common person would
not be able to purchase fuel to even run the Motor-Bike. It is not only due to rate of increase of
vehicles in India. It is worldwide problem that 80 % of fossil fuel is being consumed in transport
with increasing mobility of persons to day and daily consumable materials are being transported
through Road Transport. Thus it is need of day to explore possibility of alternative for fossil fuel
With high rate of consumption of fossil fuel it also necessary to make sustainable energy or in
other words of our Hon. PRESIDENT of INDIA Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam make INDIA energy
freedom by 2030, which he has spoken in his speech on the eve of 14th Aug.’2005 of Independence
Compressed air is a gas, or a combination of gases, that has been put under greater pressure than
the air in the general environment. Current applications using compressed air are numerous and
diverse, including jackhammers, tire pumps, air rifles, and aerosol cheese. According to
proponents, compressed air also has a great deal of potential as a clean, inexpensive, and infinitely
renewable energy source. Its use is currently being explored as an alternative to fossil fuels.
Compressed air is clean, safe, simple and efficient. There are no dangerous exhaust fumes of or
other harmful by products when compressed air is used as a utility. It is a non-combustible, non-
the transformation of air at 1 bar (atmospheric pressure) into air at higher pressure (up to 414 bar)
is determined by the laws of thermodynamics. They state that an increase in pressure equals a rise
in heat and compressing air creates a proportional increase in heat. Boyle's law explains that if a
volume of a gas (air) halves during compression, then the pressure is doubled.
Charles' law states that the volume of a gas changes in direct proportion to the temperature. These
laws explain that pressure, volume and temperature are proportional; change one variable and one
various flow rates from as little as 0.1 m (3.5 CFM - cubic feet per minute) and up.
3.3 Availability
Air is natural source and available freely in atmosphere, which can be stored after compressing it
to desired pressure. This is the only source which can be stored at very high pressure and can be
retained without any loss after lapse of passage of time, which can drive so many domestic
appliances such as vacuum cleaner, mixy and pumps, running Power generator when electric
power is off instead of using inverter to have clumsy arrangements of battery etc.
It is hard to believe that compressed air can be used to drive vehicles. However that is true, and
the “air car”, as it is popularly known, has caught the attention of researchers worldwide. It has
zero emissions and is ideal for city driving conditions. MDI is one company that holds the
A proved fact: “Research by MDI shows that an Air Powered Car can travel 171 km by using
electricity costing about Rs. 80-100 which would cost about Rs. 570 for a normal S.I. engine car
4.1 Construction
The construction of compressed air engine mainly consist of pneumatic cylinder, pneumatic
Pneumatic cylinders are mechanical devices which produce force, often in combination with
movement, and are powered by compressed gas. To perform their function, pneumatic cylinders
impart a force by converting the potential energy of compressed gas into kinetic energy. This is
achieved by the compressed gas being able to expand, without external energy input, which itself
occurs due to the pressure gradient established by the compressed gas being at a greater pressure
than the atmospheric pressure. This air expansion forces a piston to move in the desired direction.
Once actuated, compressed air enters into the tube at one end of the piston and, hence, imparts
force on the piston. Consequently, the piston becomes displaced by the compressed air expanding
The term solenoid usually refers to a coil used to create magnetic fields when wrapped around a
magnetic object or core. In engineering terms, the solenoid describes transducer mechanisms used
to convert energy into motion. Solenoid valves are controlled by the action of the solenoid and
typically control the flow of water or air as a switch. If the solenoid is active (current is applied),
it opens the valve. If the solenoid is inactive (current does not exist), the valve stays closed. The
action of the pneumatic solenoid is controlled by the use of pneumatics. The opening or closing of
4.1.3 Compressor
A gas compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its
volume. Compressors are similar to pumps: both increase the pressure on a fluid and both can
transport the fluid through a pipe. As gases are compressible, the compressor also reduces the
volume of a gas.
Compressed air Piston range operates between 0.75 kW to 420 kW (1hp to 563 hp) producing
working pressure at 1.5 bar to 414 bar (21 to 6004psi). Compressed air Vane compressors operate
between 1.1 kW to 75 kW (1.5 to 100hp), producing working pressures of 7 to 8 and 10 bar (101
to 145psi).
The crankshaft translates reciprocating linear piston motion into rotation. To convert the
reciprocating motion into rotation, the crankshaft has "crank throws" or "crankpins", additional
bearing surfaces whose axis is offset from that of the crank, to which the "big ends" of the
A compressed-air vehicle is powered by an air engine, using compressed air, which is stored in a
tank. Instead of mixing fuel with air and burning it in the engine to drive pistons with hot expanding
gases, compressed air vehicles use the expansion of compressed air to drive their pistons. The
When the piston is at the top position (Fig. 4.2a) its spindle opens the ball valve, the compressed
air fills the space of cylinder. The air exerts pressure on surface of the piston, causing its
movement down and rotate the crankshaft (Fig. 4.2b). The valve closes when piston is moving
down, but the air is still expanding and exerts a force on the piston. In the lower turning point
(Fig. 4.2c) piston is opening outlet window and releasing air outside. Exhaust temperature of it
will be slightly less than atmospheric temperature (i.e. 20-25°C) and thus helps in controlling
global warming and reducing temperature rise caused due to other means.
The shaft is starting to move by inertia (Fig. 4.2d) then pushes the piston to the top and closing
the off window. In the cylinder are small amounts of air, so the piston moves upwards until it
will again open the ball valve and the cycle repeats.
Air Powered Engine is an alternative technology which uses compressed air to run the engine and thus
eliminates the use of fossil fuels. Exhaust temperature of it will be slightly less than atmospheric
temperature (i.e. 20-25°C) and thus helps in controlling global warming and reducing temperature rise
caused due to other means. As we are going to convert the already existing conventional engine into an air
powered one, this new technology is easy to adapt. Another benefit is that it uses air as fuel which is
The temperature of the engine while working will be slightly less than the ambient temperature.
Smooth working of the engine due to very less wear and tear of the components.
No need of cooling systems and spark plugs or complex fuel injection systems.
No use of expensive fossil fuels as the free air is compressed and taken to use.
For this reason people can easily shift to the new technology.
Compressors use electricity for generating compressed air which is relatively much cheaper
and widespread.
Smooth working will lead to less wear & tear, so lesser maintenance cost.
Compressed air is most sustainable. It has no volatility or temperature or much weather
effect .Once compressed air is stored through compressor, it will be available at any time
Compressed air may be definitely as an alternate for running light vehicle, which is presently
creating emission due to use of fossil fuel and ultimately effects public health hazard. The major
As the exhaust temperature of this engine will be slightly less than the atmospheric temperature
And if this technology is widely used than it will help in controlling global warming. These are
Exhaust gases leaving the engine will be only air having low temperature. So this will eliminate
the problem of harmful emissions, in conventional engines. This gives us environmental benefit
Also as there will be no thermal radiations produced, radar can’t detect these vehicles. So this will
To convert a conventional IC engine into an Air Powered one, few components are to be replaced.
First of all replace the spark plug with a pulsed pressure control valve which can create required
pressure. Now the pulsed air firing in this valve is controlled by controlling the supply of electrical
signal to the plunger. For this we require an electronic timing circuit which can control the flow
of electrical supply to the plunger of this valve. This can be achieved by using PLC circuit. Now
Now fuel tank is to be replaced with air vessel, as it requires pressurized air as input. And two
1. First is its strength to withstand high internal pressure, which exists due to compressed air.
For this outer body of it should be made of a material, having high strength, like carbon
2. Second is its capacity to store air and its weight. Now replace cam with a modified cam.
This is to be done, so that both the inlet and outlet valves open and close at the same time.
Main advantage of doing this is to achieve better scavenging system. Also this will result
in conversion of 4 stroke engine into 2 stroke air engine, which in turn gives us the benefit
The new Air Powered engine, after modifications would look like as follows:
Initial torque is supplied from the DC exciter motor, and then the engine operation starts.
Stage 1: When the piston is in the TDC, compressed air is injected through the pulsed air firing
Stage 2: Due to the motion of the engine and its inertia, the piston moves back to TDC, pushing
The plunger of the pulsed firing valve is controlled by a timing circuit which is specifically a PLC
programmed circuit. It supplies the electronic signals by which the plunger moves so that it opens
On comparing it with the working of normal SI 4 stroke engine, we can say that:
“Stage 1” of the air engine comprises of the combined operation of “Suction stage” and
“Stage 2” of the air engine comprises of the combined operation of the “Compression
Air, on its own, is non-flammable, abundant, economical, transportable, storable and, most
importantly, nonpolluting.
Compressed air technology reduces the cost of vehicle production by about 20%, because
there is no need to build a cooling system, fuel tank, spark plugs or silencers.
High torque for minimum volume. The mechanical design of the engine is simple and
Low manufacture and maintenance costs as well as easy maintenance. Lighter vehicles
would mean less abuse on roads, thus, resulting in longer lasting roads.
The price of fueling air powered vehicles will be significantly cheaper than current fuels.
When the air is being compressed at reasonable speeds, it heats up. The heat given off
Transportation of the fuel would not be required due to drawing power off the electrical
grid. This presents significant cost benefits. Pollution created during fuel transportation
would be eliminated.
Compressed-air vehicles are comparable in many ways even to electric vehicles and their
Much like electrical vehicles, air powered vehicles would ultimately be powered through
the electrical grid which makes it easier to focus on reducing pollution from one source, as
Compressed-air tanks can be disposed of or recycled with less pollution than batteries.
The tank may be able to be refilled more often and in less time than batteries can be
The tanks used in a compressed air motor have a longer lifespan in comparison with