Why Collaborative Inquiry
Why Collaborative Inquiry
Why Collaborative Inquiry
2 • Collaborative Inquiry for Educators
This resource has been designed for facilitators interested in guiding
school teams through a formal process of inquiry. It is of increasing impor-
tance to support individuals and teams through the change process, as
collaborative inquiry requires people to think, reflect, and work together
in new ways. Simply providing time for teachers’ growth opportunities is
not enough. The tools to support meaningful collaboration that is focused
on what matters most—identifying and addressing the learning needs of
students—are needed as well. To ensure the integrity of the design so that
Why Collaborative Inquiry? •5
greater success for all students can be realized, it is imperative that facilita-
tors develop a deep understanding of how to support teams through the
process. The four-stage model outlined in this book complete with the
insights, suggestions, and prompts, will provide facilitators with what
they need to guide teams so that the efforts of the team make a difference
for the students they serve.
The four-stage model includes the following:
Stage 1: Framing the Problem. During this stage, facilitators assist teams as
they determine a meaningful focus, develop an inquiry about a particular
link between professional practices and student results, and formulate a
theory of action.
Stage 3: Analyzing Evidence. Once teams feel they have gathered enough
information to address the question posed, facilitators guide teams
through a five-step approach to analyzing evi-
dence. Teams learn how to make meaning of The four stages of collaborative
data by identifying patterns and themes and inquiry (framing the problem,
formulating conclusions. As teams refine their collecting evidence, examining
thinking, they revisit their theory of action evidence, and documenting,
accordingly. sharing, and celebrating) are the
same stages used in action
Stage 4: Documenting, Sharing, and Celebrating. research. The difference between
During this final stage, teams come together to the two approaches is that
document, share, and celebrate their new under- collaborative inquiry is
standings. Teams consider next steps by identi- conducted by a group of
fying additional student learning needs and educators interested in
reflecting on what they learned through their addressing a school, department,
inquiries. Finally, teams debrief the process by division, or common classroom
issue driven by student learning
considering how their work was reflective of
needs. The work is often
the characteristics of collaborative inquiry.
connected to a broader district
and/or school improvement
Once facilitators engage teams in collabora- strategy. Action research is
tive inquiry, they will find it is a more cyclical conducted by individuals and a
than linear model. Teams cycle through the single classroom is more often
stages, revisiting each stage as they change and the unit for improvement.
refine their thinking.
6 • Collaborative Inquiry for Educators
In preparing to lead teams, there are a few things for facilitators to con-
sider. For example, facilitators need to consider issues regarding timing,
including when to begin and the length of the cycle of inquiry. When form-
ing a collaborative inquiry team considerations include optimal size, par-
ticipants, and recruitment strategies. In addition, facilitators should
consider ways to foster academic discourse. These ideas are expanded on
in the section that follows.
When is the best time during the school year to begin? How long might
it take to complete a cycle? These are some commonly asked questions as
people prepare to get started. If the work is going to be connected to larger
improvement efforts, the best time to introduce collaborative inquiry is
when the process of school improvement planning takes place. In many
school districts, school improvement planning begins in the last month of
the previous school year—projecting ahead for the year to come. Some
school districts wait until the current school year begins to conduct a com-
prehensive needs assessment. In any case, if collaborative inquiry is going
to be used as a structure to guide school improvement efforts, the two
processes must begin simultaneously to complement each other. By intro-
ducing collaborative inquiry as a strategy for school improvement, it will
help team members understand how it relates to the work that is already
happening in schools.
The length of the cycle will depend on the team, the question, the
school year calendar, and structural conditions. For teams new to the
process, it may take longer to complete a cycle than it would for teams
who have experienced it before. It is similar to when teachers introduce
a new strategy to students. Initially, students’ cognitive energy is spent
processing how to use the strategy. Once they become familiar with
how the strategy works, they are able to focus cognitive energy on the
content and advance their learning. Once collaborative inquiry teams
get used to the stages and engage in one full cycle, they will be able to
use their time more efficiently. The length of the cycle will also depend
on the question posed. Questions that identify a change in classroom
practice that requires a steep learning curve for participating teachers
will increase the length of time the team engages in professional learn-
ing and the implementation of strategies in the classroom. A skilled
facilitator will ensure that the practices identified are high-leverage
Why Collaborative Inquiry? •7
while scaffolding learning accordingly so that team members feel safe
in the learning environment. The length of the cycle will also depend
on the school year calendar. Facilitators should be aware of the start
and end dates of terms when working with teams in schools that oper-
ate in a semester system. Ideally, cycles should be completed during a
single semester. Finally, the length of time to complete a cycle will also
depend on supportive structural conditions. Hord (2008) described
supportive structural conditions as “those such as time to meet, a place
to meet, and policies and resources that support the staff coming
together for study and learning” (p. 12). Teams will be most productive
if supported and provided with time embedded in their daily practice
to engage in the work.
Example 1
Example 2
WHY—“I believe that students deserve the very best education but they come to
us with gaps in their understanding and that makes it difficult and challenging
for educators to meet the diverse needs of all learners.”
HOW—“We can work together to identify the gaps in our knowledge based
on identified student learning needs. Collaboratively, we can learn about differ-
ent approaches, identify strategies to test them, assess their impact, and revise
them accordingly.”
WHAT—“Collaborative inquiry is an approach for teacher development and
learning and it provides a structure where teachers and administrators come
together to continuously seek and share learning and then act on what they
have learned.”
Sinek (2009) suggested that great and inspiring leaders appeal to people’s
emotions and inspire action by starting with purposes, causes, or beliefs
rather than describing the what. Heath and Heath (2010) also noted that in
successful change efforts, leaders speak in ways that influence emotions
and not with analytical arguments. Since people are motivated by emo-
tions, starting with why will prove to be an effective recruitment strategy
for facilitators when forming collaborative inquiry teams.
In addition, team members should be made aware of the commitment
of time and energy that will be required throughout the process. When
recruiting individuals, it is important to share with potential team mem-
bers an overview of the four stages of collaborative inquiry along with the
estimated length of time involved so that they know what is expected of
them. Some individuals may be hesitant to commit but for those who do
agree to participate, having clear expectations will lead to the creation of a
healthier and more productive team.
Why Collaborative Inquiry? •9
Fostering Academic Discourse
MacDonald (2011) described a “culture of nice” as the “underlying
culture that inhibits the team from reaching a level of rigorous collabora-
tive discourse where teachers are challenging each other’s and their own
thinking, beliefs, assumptions, and practice” (p. 45). The author pointed
out that “teachers must be willing to expose their struggles and failures
with their colleagues, and colleagues must be willing to tell the truth, or
teams will go through the motions of collaborative inquiry but never see
results” (p. 45). When facilitators enter into this process, they must be
prepared to foster academic discourse that shifts from a culture of nice so
that team members can gain insights into their practices and results for
students can be realized.
To produce meaningful change, facilitators need to provide opportuni-
ties for teams to respectfully discuss differences between beliefs within the
organization. It is difficult and challenging work. Fullan (2011) pointed out
that adaptive challenges and social complexity are one and the same, not-
ing, “It is not that the problem is mysterious; it is more that helping people
discover and embrace change is socially complex” (p. 18). At times, discus-
sions will make people feel uncomfortable, but it is necessary to engage in
difficult conversations. Facilitators can begin by valuing and acknowledg-
ing that people have different ways of interpreting things. Encouraging
team members to listen with curiosity and not judgment will help people
to engage in conversations in respectful ways. When discussing classroom
practices and/or student work, facilitators should ensure that participants
provide descriptions rather than offering interpretations. City et al. (2009)
noted that to talk to one another productively about what we see in class-
rooms, we have to describe what we see “without the heavy judgmental
overlay that we typically bring” (p. 87). Specific descriptions provided
about classroom practices and/or student work will give participants an
enormous amount of information to reflect on in terms of their practice. If
the facilitator is not prepared to foster these types of conversations, the
time spent engaging in the process is unlikely to result in sustained
changes in practice.
Activities and prompts contained in this book have been designed to
assist facilitators in structuring conversations so that people’s assumptions
are safely challenged. Focusing conversation on evidence rather than opin-
ion, providing opportunities for all voices to be heard, and promoting
reflection on professional practices will help facilitators shift the culture
from “nice” to a more honest discourse where results can be realized.
Senge (1990) used the term “learning organizations” to describe orga-
nizations that transformed themselves to meet adaptive challenges and
10 • Collaborative Inquiry for Educators