India's Nuclear Safeguards - Not Fit For Purpose
India's Nuclear Safeguards - Not Fit For Purpose
India's Nuclear Safeguards - Not Fit For Purpose
India’s Nuclear
Not Fit for Purpose
John Carlson
Project on Managing the Atom
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Harvard Kennedy School
79 JFK Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Statements and views expressed in this report are solely those of the author and do not imply
endorsement by Harvard University, the Harvard Kennedy School, or the Belfer Center for Science
The author of this report invites liberal use of the information provided in it for educational
purposes, requiring only that the reproduced material clearly cite the source, using:
John Carlson, “India’s Nuclear Safeguards: Not Fit for Purpose,” Discussion Paper (Cambridge,
MA: Project on Managing the Atom, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard
Kennedy School, January 2018).
Cover photo: The Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor at the Kalpakkam Nuclear Complex, India.
India’s Nuclear
Not Fit for Purpose
John Carlson
The author would like to thank Alexander Bollfrass, Matthew Bunn,
Martin Malin, Kalman Robertson, Gary Samore, and William Tobey for
their helpful comments on drafts of this paper. The author is grateful to
Casey Campbell for her work on design and layout. The Project on Manag-
ing the Atom thanks the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
and the Carnegie Corporation of New York for financial support during
the preparation of this paper. The views expressed in this report are the
exclusive responsibility of the author.
Acknowledgments.............................................................................. ii
Conclusions........................................................................................ 9
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The Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor at the
Kalpakkam Nuclear Complex, India. (Kirstie Hansen
India’s current safeguards agreement with the International Atom-
ic Energy Agency (IAEA) was concluded in 2009.1 The agreement
was a consequence of the Joint Statement of July 18, 2005 between
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and United States Presi-
dent George W. Bush.2 In this statement India conveyed its readi-
ness to “assume the same responsibilities and practices … as other
leading countries with advanced nuclear technology, such as the
United States,” and undertook inter alia to:
1 IAEA, “Agreement between the Government of India and the International Atomic
Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards to Civilian Nuclear Facilities,” INF-
CIRC/754, May 29, 2009,
2 George W. Bush and Manmohan Singh, “Joint Statement by President George W. Bush
and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India,” White House Press Release, July 18,
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs | Harvard Kennedy School 1
cumstances, where India has undertaken to separate civilian and military
facilities and to place civilian facilities under safeguards. India describes
the facilities remaining outside its safeguarded program not as “civilian,”
but rather as “strategic.” It must be assumed this means they are or can
serve a military purpose. In these circumstances a safeguards agreement
that allows nuclear material to move between safeguarded and unsafe-
guarded facilities cannot be considered appropriate—yet this is exactly
what the 2009 agreement does.
3 IAEA, “Communication dated 25 July 2008 received from the Permanent Mission of India concern-
ing a document entitled “Implementation of the India-United States Joint Statement of July 18,
2005: India’s Separation Plan,” INFCIRC/731, July 25, 2008,
This situation has implications for other non-NPT states, such as Pakistan,
seeking to join the NSG. Not only would such a state need to demonstrate
a clear separation between civilian and non-civilian nuclear programs; in
addition, it would need to apply safeguards to the civilian materials and fa-
cilities to verify they are not being used for military purposes. The current
India-IAEA safeguards agreement is not an appropriate model to apply.
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs | Harvard Kennedy School 3
steps India could take to advance its case and to avoid setting precedents
that may prove contrary to its interests. The paper also discusses steps
needed to protect the integrity of IAEA safeguards.
The language used in the Separation Plan indicates that close links remain
between India’s civilian and military nuclear programs:
• India will include in the civilian list “only those facilities …that, after sep-
aration, will no longer be engaged in activities of strategic significance”;
In effect India has three classes of nuclear facilities: facilities that are
declared as civilian and designated for IAEA safeguards; facilities that are
functionally civilian (such as power reactors) but can be dual-use; and
facilities that appear to be purely military. Facilities not designated for
safeguards include eight out of the 22 power reactors referred to above (all
heavy water power reactors), fast breeder reactors, and enrichment and
reprocessing facilities. All of these facilities can be operated to produce
While it appears India does not consider those facilities placed under safe-
guards to be relevant to the “strategic program,” the relationships between
the civilian safeguarded, dual-use unsafeguarded, and military programs
are opaque. Under the India-IAEA safeguards agreement, civilian facilities
that are unsafeguarded can be transferred into safeguards and out again
on a temporary or “campaign” basis, safeguarded material can be used in
normally unsafeguarded facilities, and unsafeguarded material can be used
in safeguarded facilities. India has the flexibility to use both safeguarded
and unsafeguarded programs to optimize fissile material production. The
flexibility of these arrangements contradicts the international assurances
IAEA safeguards are intended to provide.
India-IAEA Safeguards
Substitution under Article 30(d) requires the IAEA’s agreement, but it is not
clear on what basis the IAEA could or would withhold agreement. In the case
5 Kalman Robertson and John Carlson, “The Three Overlapping Streams of India’s Nuclear Pro-
grams,” Project on Managing the Atom, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard
Kennedy School, April 2016,
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs | Harvard Kennedy School 5
of enriched uranium, the IAEA has a policy requiring isotopic equivalence.
Considering the explicit language of Article 30(d) for substitution on the ba-
sis of mass, however, it is not clear whether the IAEA’s policy would prevail.
In the case of plutonium, as far as the author can ascertain, the IAEA has
no such policy. It appears that if India produces, under safeguards, pluto-
nium that has an isotopic quality at or close to weapon-grade, India could
remove this material from safeguards and replace it with the same quantity
of reactor-grade plutonium from unsafeguarded stocks. India has large
unsafeguarded stocks of such material.
The agreement has a general prohibition against using items subject to the
agreement for nuclear weapons or to further any other military purpose.7
This seems at odds with the specific provisions allowing movement of
materials to and from unsafeguarded (therefor “strategic”) facilities. In any
case, once material has left safeguards the IAEA has no way of knowing
whether or not it is used for nuclear weapons or other military purposes.
When the 2009 safeguards agreement was drafted, one must assume the
problems outlined above were not apparent to the IAEA. Today it is clear
6 Robertson and Carlson, “The Three Overlapping Streams of India’s Nuclear Programs,” pp. 7-9.
7 IAEA, INFCIRC/754, Article 1.
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that several provisions in this agreement can no longer be considered
appropriate. This could also be the case for INFCIRC/66-type agreements
applying in other non-NPT states.
While the 2009 India-IAEA agreement has extended the application of
IAEA safeguards in India, a number of power reactors and related facili-
ties remain outside safeguards, and the language of India’s Separation Plan
makes it clear that unsafeguarded facilities are “engaged in activities of stra-
tegic significance.” India has undertaken to place future imported reactors
under safeguards, but it is bound to do this anyway at the supplier’s behest.
India gives no commitment about placing any further indigenous facilities
under safeguards, other than a vague reference to include those facilities
India deems “civilian.”
10 See Mansoor Ahmed, “India’s Nuclear Exceptionalism,” Discussion Paper (Cambridge, MA: Project
on Managing the Atom, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy
School, May 2017).
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India should revise its Separation Plan. A genuine separation of civilian
and military programs requires elimination of the ambiguous category of
dual-use facilities. All civilian facilities (including all reactors that gener-
ate power for civilian use) should be placed under permanent IAEA safe-
guards, and all facilities outside safeguards should be clearly seen as mili-
tary and kept functionally separate from the civilian program. It would also
be a major confidence-building step if India placed under safeguards all
unsafeguarded power reactor spent fuel, and all plutonium separated from
power reactor fuel.
If India does not take the initiative in amending the safeguards agreement,
the IAEA needs to review whether in its current form the agreement is
consistent with the Agency’s obligations under its Statute. If there is any
doubt in this regard, the Agency should initiate appropriate amendments.
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Project on Managing the Atom
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
Harvard Kennedy School
79 John F. Kennedy Street
Cambridge, MA 02138