The High Speed Rail in The World
The High Speed Rail in The World
The High Speed Rail in The World
The construction of the High-speed infrastructure has always been related to the
concepts of innovation and technological development.
The first country to develop a high-speed rail system was Japan in 1964 with the
conclusion of the 515 km of line between Tokyo and Shin Osaka. The maximum speed
permitted on the line was 270 km/h.
France was the first country in Europe to invest in the construction of the high-speed
rail in the eighties with the line “LGV Paris-Sud Est”. It was followed by Italy with the
end of the link between Rome-Florence in 1992, the so-called “Direttissima”. The
duration of the journey between the two cities was reduced to 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Before starting the analysis is necessary to give a clarification about the difference
between high-speed of first and second category.
The term first category refers to lines with a maximum speed is more than 250 km/h,
while the second category is used to indicate lines with a maximum speed until to 250
China with its 19241 km is the first country in the world for length of its I category
high-speed lines.
Spain is the first country in Europe and the second after China in the world, considering
just the high-speed lines of first category (the UIC figure has been corrected with the
one of the Spanish infrastructure manager, ADIF).
France represents the third country in the world for length of high-speed infrastructure
of first category, slightly lower than Spain.
In the graph below are shown the number of kilometers of high-speed rail of first
category in the world, according to a study of the UIC (International Union of
Graphic 1: High-Speed rail in the world in 2017
Fonte: UIC-High Speed lines in the World (updated 3rd July 2017) and ADIF for Spain
Japan is the fourth country in the world followed by Germany and Italy, the last one
reached 981 km of HS rail with the construction of the link between Milan (Treviglio)-
Italy has an HS infrastructure just of first category, whose speed is between 250 km/h
and 300 km/h.
South Korea, Turkey, Taiwan and Belgium hold the final positions. In the graph,
Netherlands, UK and Switzerland haven’t been represented because of the low number
of HS km of first category, less than 150 km. Netherlands has 120 km of HS
infrastructure of I category, UK 113 km and Switzerland just 92 km.
In 2016, Switzerland finished the construction of the Gotthard tunnel which has
improved the time of the train journeys connecting faster the north of Italy to the north
of Switzerland and theoretically to Germany.
The graph below represents the km of HS infrastructure of I category under
construction in the world.
Source: UIC-High Speed lines in the World (updated 3rd July 2017)
Also in this case China holds the first place for km of HS rail under construction with
more than 10 thousand km. Spain is first in Europe with 904 km under construction.
According to the study of the UIC the end of the works on the Spanish HS
infrastructure will not be before 2022 with the conclusion of the link between Vitoria
and Bilbao-San Sebastian.
The United States of America have 483 km of HS rail infrastructure of I category under
construction. The link from Fresno and Bakersfield will be concluded in 2022, part of
the first route from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Now the USA have just a high-speed
rail of II category, the “North East Corridor” where the maximum speed is 240 km/h.
Also, Saudi Arabia began a project of construction of a HS link, Medina-Jeddah, Mecca,
which should be concluded in 2018. Followed by Japan with 402 km under
construction, Turkey, Germany, Iran, Austria, Morocco and South Korea.
Italy is building 67 km, but in the last years the factor which allowed a doubling of the
demand has been the opening of the HS rail market to competition.
If we compare the Italian and the Spanish case, is evident the difference in terms of
development of the HS rail system.
Italy Spain
Source: data Ministerio Fomento for Spain and estimation for Italy Prof. Andrea Giuricin
The demand in Italy has grown around 80 percent between 2011 and 2016, while in the
same period Spain registered and increase of traffic of 59 percent in number of
The Italian figure underlines a strong growth of the HS rail system, higher in
comparison to the Spanish case, also considering that Spain holds the vastest HS rail
infrastructure in Europe.
Between 2011 and 2016, the number of HS kilometers in Spain increases of 24 percent.
Instead in Italy, the increase of the HS lines was 6 percent due to the construction of
link between Treviglio and Brescia. The new Italian infrastructure was inaugurated at
the end of 2016 and it hasn’t had yet a considerable effect on the rail traffic.
The increase in the number of the Italian passenger-km is more than significant, taking
into consideration that the Italian HS infrastructure hasn’t had any changes between
2011 and the end of 2016.
The China is the first country in the world for the length of its HS infrastructure, but
also for number of passengers. The figures are impressive also because the first HS line
was built less than 10 years ago.
Italy was the first country in the world to open the HS rail market to competition,
followed by South Korea after 4 years.
Spain is the first country in Europe for the length of the HS rail infrastructure, but the
traffic is lower than Italy because it hasn’t opened yet to competition.
Japan was the first country to have private rail operators, but Italy has the only
completely private operator in a competitive environment.
Italy is a very good example in the HS sector, because thanks to the liberalization
process was experienced an outstanding increase of passengers without large network
of high speed rail infrastructures.