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The document discusses the basics of coalescing compressed air and gas filtration, including definitions, mechanisms, filter design and selection, installation, and applications.

Coalescing filtration is a process where aerosols are caused to agglomerate into larger droplets as they pass through a filter, eventually becoming large enough to drain away gravitationally.

Coalescing filters are specifically designed to remove submicronic contamination from compressed air that can cause issues. They are more effective at removing particles smaller than 2 microns compared to standard filters.

The Basics of Coalescing

Compressed Air & Gas Filtration

Bulletin 1300 - 700/USA

Finite ®
Finite ®

The Basics of Coalescing

is intended to familiarize the
user with all aspects of
coalescing filtration from the
basics to advanced technology.

It is dedicated as a reference
source with the intent of clearly
and completely presenting the
subject matter to the user,
regardless of the individual level
of expertise.

The selection and proper use of

filtration devices is an important
tool in the battle to decrease
production costs.

This handbook will help the user

make informed decisions about
coalescing filtration.

For more information regarding coalescing filtration, please call Finite® at 1-800-521-4357
table of contents

what is a dictionary definition \ko- -les\ co.alesce; co.alesced;

1. to grow together 2. to unite as a whole
3. to unite for a common end: join forces

fil.tra.tion \fil-tra-sh n\
1. the process of filtering 2. the process of passing
through or as if through a filter fil.tra.tion
A steady state process whereby aerosols are caused to
agglomerate (come together) into even larger droplets as they
pass through the filter element’s fiber matrix, eventually becoming
large enough to be gravitationally drained away.

Air Out

Air In

This filter housing cutaway

depicts the coalescing
process. Air enters the
housing and flows through
the filter media passing from
the inside element surface to
the outside. Coalesced liquid
collects in the bowl where it
is drained and clean air
exits the housing through
the outlet port. fil.r
4 Parker Hannifin Corporation
Filtration and Separation Division
Oxford, MI
Look for these exciting
why filtration facts through-

filct e r
ompressed air?
out the handbook.

coalescing filters are specifically

designed to remove submicronic
S ubmicronic contaminants in
compressed air systems
plug orifices of sensitive
pneumatic instrumentation; they
wear out seals, erode system
components, reduce the
contamination from compressed air
absorptive capacity of desiccant
Standard nominal five micron inline filters cannot remove air/gas dehydrators, foul heat
submicronic contaminants as required in critical transfer surfaces, reduce air tool
applications. The lowest particle removal limit for these efficiency, and damage finished
general purpose filters is 2 µm. Eighty percent of aerosol products. The results include:
contaminants are under 2 µm in size. Coalescing filters, product rejects, lost production
however, are specifically designed to remove submicronic time and increased maintenance
oil, water and solid contamination from compressed air.
expense. For example, trace
Standard graded-porosity coalescing filters remove over
amounts of submicronic oil can
99.97% of all aerosols in the 0.3 to 0.6 µm range. In
cause serious fish eye blemishing
addition, these filters are over 99.98% effective at
removing all aerosols and solid particles larger than 0.3 µm. in automotive finishing operations.
Thus, oil aerosols at a 20 ppm contamination level are Water left in air lines can freeze
reduced to a 0.004 ppm concentration – acceptable for during exposure to cold, blocking
virtually all pneumatic applications. flow or rupturing pipes. Compres-
sor lubricant not captured in a
coalescing filter will eventually

.tion? collect in pneumatic components,

causing premature component
repair or replacement. Environ-
mental concerns will be raised if
oily, compressed air is continually
discharged into the atmosphere
through a pneumatic muffler.
the compressed air environment
coalescing filters provide clean air for a variety of applications

C lean compressed air is

essential in such
industries as food
processing, electronics,
convey materials, provide
and control energy and
protect equipment or
personnel. Clean air in these
aerosols. These oil and
water aerosols are beyond
the control of conventional
filter systems and can only
health care, photography, and other critical be removed with coalescing
dairy and instrumentation. applications must be free of filters.
Compressed air and other both solid particulate
gases are widely used to contamination and liquid

A Compressor Room/Controls
B Medical/Dental
C Food Packaging/Beverage Bottling
D Microelectronics
A E Plastic Blow Molding
F Spray Painting/Powder Coating
G Packaging/Printing

B other typical
● Pneumatic conveyors
● Beverage dispensers
● Spray paint equipment
● Gas separator systems
D E ● Pneumatic power systems
● Air logic and control circuits
● Laboratory and process gas usage
● Air gauging in manufacturing
● Breathing air
(fixed or portable systems)
● Cooling and protecting sensitive
F G instruments
● Air bearings for mechanical
power transmission
● Aeration in pharmaceutical
and chemical processes

6 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Filtration and Separation Division
Oxford, MI
submicronic contamination
why submicronic contamination is a problem

M ost process and lab

gas applications
require a high degree of
purity. Most compressed air
Relative Sizes of Particles Did you know that a
micron is also known
applications also work Substance Microns Inches as a micrometer, which
better if the air is clean and Grain of table salt 100 .0039
dry. The four classes of Human Hair 80 .0032 is one millionth of a
contaminants in Lower limit of visibility 40 .0016
compressed air are water,
Milled Flour 25 .0010
oil, solid (particulate) and Red Blood Cells 8 .0003
unwanted gases. Typically
Bacteria 2 .0001
the first three are in the
form of aerosols. An aerosol
is a suspension of small
solid or liquid particles in a
gas. Typically, the particles
are between 0.1 and 10
microns in diameter. A
micron, identified by the
symbol “µm’’ and also
known as a micrometer, is
one millionth of a meter (or
about 0.000039 inches) in
size. A typical strand of
human hair is approximately
80 microns in diameter,
while a grain of table salt is
The symbol for a
micron is: µm
approximately 100 microns
in size. The lower level of
visibility to the human eye is
40 microns.
OSHA regulations state
that air may not contain
more than five milligrams
(mg.) of oil mist particles Compressed air is so widely
per cubic meter of plant air, used it is often called the...
or one ounce of oil in
200,000 cubic feet – yet
another reason why clean
compressed air is a concern
in industrial applications.
Air contamination is
particularly threatening in
precision applications where
the cleanliness of the
workplace and the purity of
the product are critical. In
close-tolerance systems
where extremely fine
orifices and parts
clearances are the norm, it
is vital for the system air to
be free of all suspended
...industry’s fourth utility.
liquid aerosols as well as
water, oil and solids are three contaminant threats


The contaminants of 18 gallons of water per used effectively to

greatest concern in day. remove water from
precision compressed air Water aerosols in compressed air, they
systems are water, oil and compressed air range from will not remove the
solids. Water vapor is 0.05 to 10 µm. While air second major liquid
present in all compressed dryer systems can be contaminant – oil.
air; it becomes greatly
concentrated by the
Possible Contaminants: compression process. In
fact, compressed air is
water vapors saturated with water until
it is dried. A 25 hp
water emulsions compressor delivering
condensed moisture 100 standard cubic feet
of air per minute (SCFM)
at 100 PSIG can produce

Oil is also • Screw – contains 20-30 ppm of
present in 25 to 75 ppm at 200°F. hydrocarbon aerosols
compressed • Reciprocating – from industrial and
5 to 50 ppm at 350°F.
• Centrifugal –
automotive sources.
Oil-less compressors
It is 5 to 15 ppm at 300°F. can condense
largely approximately 10 ppm Possible Contaminants:
At a concentration of 25
introduced of hydrocarbons during
ppm, a typical
into the air the compression cycle. oil vapors
compressor flowing 100
stream by the This is enough oil to
SCFM for 35 hours will paint vapors
air compressor. The amount gum-up air line
introduce eight ounces
of oil introduced in this components and to volatile solvent vapors
of oil into the pneumatic
fashion varies by the type collect in air dryer
of compressor used.
Even if an oil-less
systems. A majority of compressor lube oils
Estimates of the the oil aerosols
compressor is used, oil condensed oils
hydrocarbon content of emitted by air
contamination of the air
discharge air from typical compressors are 2 µm carbonized oils (varnish)
stream remains a problem
compressors are expressed and smaller.
because ambient air
in parts per million (ppm): solutions of dissimilar oils
mixes of all the above

three contamination
8 Parker Hannifin Corporation
Filtration and Separation Division
Oxford, MI
The third contaminant found in
compressed air is solid matter
including rust and scale. Solid
particulates, combined with
aerosol water and oil, can clog
and shorten the life of air
system components as well as
filter systems. Most rust and
scale contaminants typically
found in compressed air
systems are 0.5 to 5 µm in

Actual pictomicroraph of particulate contaminants

(Magnified 100x Scale: 1 division = 20 microns)

Possible Contaminants:
pipe scale / rust
yeast cells
airborne carbon

welding flash
12345678901234 123456789012345 penicillin
12345678901234 123456789012345
12345678901234 123456789012345
12345678901234 123456789012345
12345678901234 123456789012345
12345678901234 123456789012345
12345678901234 123456789012345


Submicronic particle buildup can interfere

with movement and cause wear

n threats Oil and water contamination increase silting

three mechanisms of the coalescing process
Separation of aerosol and now susceptible to the masses until they gain
solid contaminants from air effects of gravity. enough weight to react to
is primarily dictated by “Coalescing” is the term gravity and fall to earth as
gravity. Contaminants given to this combining raindrops.
greater than 10 µm in size process. Coalescing filters
settle out of the air stream The coalescing process eliminate submicronic
fairly quickly. However, can be visualized as the contamination through three
extremely small aerosol atmospheric conditions at concurrent processes,
particles remain suspended, work in a thunderstorm – depending on aerosol size:
particularly in flowing – as many small water vapor
opposed to still – air. Most molecules present in 1. Diffusion: Aerosols .001
coalescing filters are turbulent moisture-laden air to .2 µm.
designed to cause condense into aerosols 2. Interception: Aerosols .2
combining of smaller which then collide or come to 2 µm.
aerosols into larger droplets. together to form 3. Direct Impact: Aerosols
The enlarged droplets are increasingly larger droplet over 2 µm.


.001 to .2 µm


Aerosols and solids in the forces. Liquid droplets, however,

0.001 to 0.2 µm range are subject to migrate gravitationally down the filter
Did you know that in rapid random Brownian motion, fibers, joining other droplets to form
moving completely independently of larger masses of liquid which can be
1994 Finite Filter the bulk air stream as extremely drained from the system. While the
small aerosols in flowing air. This rate of diffusion activity increases with
joined C.A.G.I. - motion causes them to migrate from heightened temperature and pressure,
the air stream and to collide with contaminants of this size exhibit
Compressed Air and exposed filter surfaces. Solid random motion – and are subject to
contaminants adhere permanently to diffusion coalescing – even under non-
Gas Institute, an these surfaces via intermolecular turbulent, low velocity flow conditions.
organization commit-
ted to the develop-
ment of the indus-

coalescing mechan
10 Parker Hannifin Corporation
Filtration and Separation Division
Oxford, MI
.2 to 2 µm

For contaminants 0.2 to 2 µm in size, increases as pore size (or fiber

interception is the predominant diameter) decreases. Fibers with an
coalescing mechanism. These average diameter of 0.5 µm are used to
contaminants conform to the stream optimize performance in this range.
line of the air flow and are the most When aerosols approach a fiber within
difficult to remove because they can 1/2 of their diameter in the filter matrix,
pass around filter fibers and escape their inertial forces are overcome and
from the filter uncollected. In general, they are captured.
efficiency of the “intercept” mechanism

direct impact
2 µm and Larger

Contaminants 2 µm and larger are

removed by the direct impact method
because they have sufficient mass and
develop enough momentum to leave
the air flow stream line. These contami-
nants collide with the filter media, a
coalescing process termed inertial or
direct impaction.

coalescing filters flow from the inside of the element out

U nlike standard inline

filters, coalescing
filters carry air flow from

the inside out; Differential Pressure

contaminants are Indicator
captured in the filter WET DIRTY AIR CLEAN DRY AIR
matrix and collect
together into larger and
larger droplets through Generous Exit
Cavity OIL
collisions with the glass
microfibers. These
droplets eventually
emerge on the outside of Counter
the filter tube where they AIR Flow
collect and are drained Large Remote
away by gravity. Sump
Graded Rigid
Porosity Retainer
Modern coalescing Coalescing Section
filters use a graded- Drain Valve
porosity filter medium
with fine glass fibers in This coalescing filter depicts how the air flows from the inside out. This housing
the interior and larger contains a coalescer with a built in prefilter.
fibers on both the inside
and outside surfaces. By
varying the fiber size
distribution in the filter aerosol growth by forcing than standard inline filters.
manufacturing process, the aerosols to collect This length helps assure
filters can be tailored to into larger droplets filter efficiency by diverting
meet specific application susceptible to the forces the air stream flow from
requirements. of gravity. The larger passing through the filter
outside pores also allow wet zone – generally the
Typical filter elements the air stream to pass lower 1/2 to 2 inches of the
have 8 to 10 µm pores on freely, minimizing filter (air passing through
the inner surface, pressure drop. the wet zone could
reducing to 0.5 µm pores reentrain liquids, carrying
in the interior of the A drain layer conducts them downstream and
element, and widening to collected contaminants defeating the coalescing
40 to 80 µm pores on the from the outer filter process).
outer surface. element surface to the
sump in the bottom of the Also important in the
The inner element filter housing where it can design of coalescing filters
surface acts as a prefilter be periodically drained is the relationship between
to remove large away. The larger outer the filter element outside
contaminants while the pores of the filter element diameter and the housing’s
internal pores are small reduce air turbulence, inside diameter. The
enough to remove preventing reentrainment spacing between these two
submicronic aerosols and of oil or other surfaces must be sized so
solids from the air contaminants due to that air velocity is
stream. The reduced excessive turbulence. minimized, thus reducing
density of the exterior Coalescing filters are the possibility of oil or
surface enhances typically longer in shape water vapor carryover.

coalescing filter design

12 Parker Hannifin Corporation
Filtration and Separation Division
Oxford, MI
percentage of a particular micron size measures filter efficiency

F ilter efficiency is
measured by the
percentage of contaminants
of a particular micron size
Finite media specifications

that are captured by the (Grades 2, 4 and 6 are .01 micron filters)
filter. Filter efficiency is
important because it affects Pressure Drop (PSID)
@ Rated Flow
not only contaminant Coalescing Filters
removal performance, but Coalescing - C, Q, H, 7CVP Particulate
Efficiency Maximum Filters - Media
also filter life (higher Grade .3 to .6 Micron Oil Carryover1 G, S, F, T, 3P Media Wet With
efficiency requires greater Designation Particles PPM w/w Micron Rating Dry 10-20 wt. oil
capacity). 2 99.999% .001 .01 1.5 4-6
4 99.995% .003 .01 1.25 3-4
Filter efficiency ratings for 6 99.97% .008 .01 1.0 2-3
contaminant removal vary
7CVP 99.5% .09 .5 .25 .5-.7
from 90% to more than
99.99%, providing a range 8 98.5% .2 .5 .5 1-1.5
of capabilities to fit the 10 95% .85 1.0 .5 .5
needs of a variety of 3PU N/A N/A 3.0 .25 N/A
systems. Since more
AU 99%+ N/A N/A 1.0 N/A
efficient filter media may
have shorter service lives, it
is sometimes desirable to
sacrifice some efficiency in
the interest of economy. efficiency and operating MYTH: Coalescers
characteristics of various
In applications where high coalescing filters. only remove liquid

efficiency and extended contaminants.
filter service life are critical, Efficiency ratings are valid
a prefilter is used to remove for flows from 20% to 120% TRUTH: Coalescing
large quantities of solid of rated flow at 100 PSIG. At filters are designed
particles before they reach flows below 20%, or in non-
the coalescing filter. This continuous flow systems, with submicronic
can increase the aerosols do not agglomerate pores so that they can
coalescer’s service life by as efficiently into larger
up to six times. For droplets, allowing more to capture tiny liquid
optimum performance, pass through the filter contaminants.
select a prefilter with a uncollected. At flows above
3 µm absolute rating. 120% of rated flow, air However, since solids
velocity is so high that some cannot change shape,
The table above shows, contaminants can be
by grade, typical reentrained into the air like liquids can,
contaminant removal system. coalescers can capture
them at an even higher

grade 2 grade 4 grade 6

500X 500X 500X

Grade 2 filters are used Grade 4 filters are very Grade 6 filters are used
for extremely fine high efficiency when “total removal of
particulate and “last coalescers; for el- liquid aerosols and
trace” aerosol coalesc- evated pressures or suspended fines” is
ing filtration; for lighter lighter weight gases. required. Because of its
molecular weight gases overall performance
and aerosols at higher characteristics, this
pressures. grade is most often

finite’s media grades are suitable for most applications

grade 8 grade 10 grade 3P grade A

500X 500x
500X 500x
125X 125X

Grade 8 filters provide Grade 10 filters are Grade 3P pleated Grade A adsorption
high efficiency filtration used as prefilters for cellulose filbers are filters are used to
in combination with grade 6 to remove used for particulate remove hydrocarbon
high flow rate and long gross amounts of interception where very vapor and as
element life. aerosols or tenacious high dirt holding preparation for
aerosols which are capacity and relatively breathing air when
difficult to drain. fine pore structure are preceded by a
required. coalescer.

finite medi
14 Parker Hannifin Corporation
Filtration and Separation Division
Oxford, MI
Grade 7 filters are used
in bulk coalescing
applications when
grade 7 C V P
relatively high efficiency
and low pressure drop
are required. Finite’s innovative

coalescing filter

media eliminates compressor lubricator oils,

Right: This outer layer bulk water and particulate contamination

of the 7CVP consists of
a dense matrix of glass

with extremely
fibers. The coalescing
outer layer provides
highly efficient aerosol
removal with very low
pressure drop. low pressure

With only 0.25 PSID of pressure drop, it
Left: This inner layer of
the 7CVP effectively
traps dirt particles,
protecting and extend-
has an
ing the life of the outer
efficiency of

500X 99.5%.

ia grades
type C coalescing type C V P
Flow: Inside to Outut
Flow: Inside to Outut
Coalescing element composed of an
epoxy saturated, borosilicate Coalescing element made of pleated
glass micro-fiber tube with intimate glass media. Metal retained for added
interlocking contact with rigid strength. Includes metal end caps and
seamless retainer. Surrounded by gasket for proper sealing.
a coarse fiber drain layer, retained type DVP = High Temperature Option
by a synthetic fabric safety layer.

type H type Q
Flow: Inside to Out Flow: Inside to Out
Coalescing element similar to type Coalescing element with the same
“C,” however no rigid retainer is configuration as “C” tube, but with “3P” type
used. Typically for lower pressure pleated cellulose prefilter built-in. Includes
or higher temperature applications. molded polyurethane end seals.

type G particulate type T

Flow: Out to Inside Flow: Out to Inside
Particulate removal element Particulate removal element like “G”
constructed of the same fiber tube, except high temperature
matrix as type “C,” but with no rigid fluorocarbon saturant replaces epoxy.
retainer or drain layer.

type F type 3P
Flow: Out to Inside Flow: Out to Inside
Particulate removal element like “G” Pleated cellulose particulate removal
tube, except fluorocarbon saturant element. Includes molded polyurethane
replaces epoxy. end seals.

type A adsorber Finite media types

Flow: Out to Inside Coalescing = type C, CVP, H, Q
Hydrocarbon vapor removal element. Particulate = type G, T, F, 3P
Ultrafine grained, highly concentrated,
activated carbon sheet media. Adsorber = type A
Includes molded polyurethane
end seals.

media types
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Filtration and Separation Division
Oxford, MI
choosing the right filter for your application

filter selection
I f the coalescing filter
equipment is sized in
standard cubic feet per
drop and, by increasing
throughput velocity,
increases the chance of
earlier, a balance
between performance
and economic
minute (SCFM), select a contaminant considerations will be
filter for a particular reentrainment. required in the
application on the basis Select a filter large selection process.
of airflow and system enough to ensure that Filter service life,
pressure rather than the air exits the filter at which has a major
pipe size. low velocity and does impact on the cost of a
The “real” capacity of not carry over coalesced coalescing filter
a coalescing filter can liquid. system, is discussed
be elusive since Economic factors are under “Maintenance,”
excessive air flow also important in the on page 20.
through the filter selection of a coalescing
element raises pressure filter. As discussed


our sizing and application software

Inphorm, our
selection software is
an extremely useful
tool in the selection
and specification of
the proper filtration
unit. With computer
aided selection, the
user can quickly
determine the
pressure loss across a
given element, and/or
housing combination,
within specific
operation parameters.
InPhorm can also
predict system
performance and
element life. This
feature is ideal for
filter housing selection
T he filter housing
is the pressure
vessel which contains
the filter element. It
The primary concerns
in the housing
selection process
include mounting
usually consists of methods, porting
two or more sub- options, draining
assemblies, such as a options, indicator
head (or cover) and a options, and pressure
bowl to allow access rating. All, except the
to the filter element. pressure rating,
The housing has inlet depend on the
and outlet ports physical system
allowing it to be design and the
installed into a preferences of the
compressed air designer. The
system. Additional pressure rating of the
housing features may housing is far less
include mounting arbitrary. This should
holes, automatic be determined before
drains and element the housing style is
condition indicators. selected.

pressure ratings

Location of the filter in spikes as well as

the system is the steady state
primary determinant conditions. Some
of pressure rating. housings have
Most industrial restrictive or lower
applications use fatigue pressure
pressures in the ratings. In systems
90-125 PSIG range. with frequent high
At natural gas pressure spikes, a
compressor booster different housing
stations, pressures style may be
can reach up to 5000 required to prevent
PSIG. It is essential to fatigue related
analyze the system failures.
for frequent pressure

filter housings
18 Parker Hannifin Corporation
Filtration and Separation Division
Oxford, MI
installation can have a
P roper installation of a coalescing filter
system can have a considerable impact on the
cost and effectiveness of the system.
If all air within your operation does not require
purification to the same degree, install coalescing
filters providing the desired efficiency and
considerable impact on performance at points of use. Air flow through point-
of-use filters will be lower than through a central
filter system, allowing the use of a smaller filter and
the cost and effectiveness extending filter service life. What’s more, each point
of use will receive air meeting specific cleanliness
specifications. In addition to point-of-use filters,
of your system mainline filters can be installed at junctions in the air
system where air purity needs change significantly.
Where required by especially contaminated air,
and/or the need for higher coalescing filter
efficiency, install conventional 3 µm prefilters
upstream from each coalescing filter to remove
large quantities of contaminants. This will lengthen
the coalescer’s service life.
When installing coalescing filters at work stations,
the additional 2-6 PSID pressure drop contributed
by the filter at rated flow through its life should be
factored into equipment selection and distribution
system sizing.
When installing any filter, position it in a visible
place where it will not be overlooked by
maintenance personnel. Affix a label or tag to each
filter detailing the installation date, the recommended

filterinstallation filter element replacement date and the replacement

element number. Inspection intervals should also be
formalized and confirmation of inspections indicated
on the label or tag.
Finally, make sure coalescing filters are plumbed
so that air flows from the inside of the element to
outside. Coalesced liquid will drip from the outside of
the element tube to the sump of the filter housing.
If plumbed incorrectly (outside to inside), liquid will
not drain properly. This will result in reentrainment of
oil and a dramatic reduction in coalescing
The diagrams on pages 24-27 show typical
industrial compressed air systems. The location of
coalescing filters in these systems is also indicated.
This advertisement appeared in trade journals in the ‘80s. The cartoon depicts the headache of having oil in your compressed air lines.

F ilter element replacement cycles

are an important factor in the
design of a coalescing filter system.
Generally speaking, more efficient
filters will need to be replaced more
often because they will entrap more
contaminants, hastening clogging. The
amount of solid contaminants in the
air stream determines filter life. While
liquids agglomerate and subsequently
drain to the filter sump, solid
contaminants become entrapped in
the filter element, restricting air flow
and increasing pressure drop. Use of
a built-in prefilter, such as Finite “Q”

maintenance media to remove solid particulate

matter can reduce dirt loading in the
coalescer and prolong
filter life.

20 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Filtration and Separation Division
Oxford, MI
filter element life profile
E very filter element has a
characteristic pressure differen-
tial versus contaminant loading
relationship. This relationship can be
elements defined as the “filter element life
profile.” The actual life profile is
provide a longer obviously affected by the system

operating conditions. Variations in the

life profile than system flow rate affect the clean
pressure differential across the filter
Finite’s unique element and have a well-defined
UNI-CAST design was
cellulose media effect upon the actual element life
developed to optimize and single layer
filter performance, The quanity, size, shape and ar-
resulting in a filter
fiberglass rangement of the pores in the filter
element determine the characteristic
element with lower
life profile. Filter elements that are
differential pressure and manufactured from cellulose media,
a higher dirt loading single layer microglass media and
UNI-CAST microglass all have a very
capacity. different life profile. The graphic
comparison of three most common
media configurations clearly shows
the life advantage of the UNI-CAST
Element Types Life Comparison microglass filter element.

Cellulose M edia Single LayerM icroglass UN I-C AST M icroglass

Differential Pressure (PSID)

Contaminant Holding Capacity

coalescing filter loading curve
pressure drop vs. life factor


80% life expended

(No reentrainment, minimum power loss)

Life Factor (time, total flow, etc.) 80% 100%

Loading curve for a standard graded-porosity coalescing filter shows the classic
relationship between pressure drop and life. Dirt loads into the filter element fairly
constantly over the first 75% of a filter’s life; thus, pressure drop remains fairly con-
stant over this period. Over the last part of a filter’s life, pressure drop increases
drastically and oil reentrainment begins. Typically, a filter should be replaced when
pressure drop reaches 8 to 10 psig.

Increasing pressure drop is a sign that the filter is becoming

clogged and its efficiency could become impaired

P ressure drop is the

“early warning”
indicator of coalescing
filter failure. Increasing
the filter should be
The chart above shows
a typical pressure drop
can be costly, both in
terms of reduced air
quality due to
pressure drop is a sign curve for a coalescing reentrainment and the
that the filter is becoming filter system designed to power costs associated
clogged and its efficiency provide optimum cost/ with forcing compressed
is becoming impaired. efficiency. air through an obstructed
Flow rate, operating The initial low reading filter. Page 23 illustrates
pressure, and the remains nearly constant the point.
amount and type of for the first 75% of the Between replacements,
contaminants in the air filter’s life. Theoretically, drain the filter bowl daily
stream all affect the rate no reentrainment of to remove coalesced
of pressure loss across aerosols should occur in liquid and prevent
a coalescing filter. the first 80% of the filter’s reentrainment, or install
When a pressure drop life. an optional automatic
of 8-10 PSID is indicated, Ignoring pressure drop drain.

22 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Filtration and Separation Division
Oxford, MI
the direct cost of pressure drop A s solid contaminant loads in a filter
element, pressure drop builds in the
compressed air system. This increases
electrical consumption, as the compressors
The chart below shows that electrical costs
vary widely between geographical areas in the
United States. Compare the rate for your area to
the 9 cents per kilowatt-hour rate used in the
are forced to work harder or longer to deliver example. That will give you a good idea of how
the compressed air needed. This increased much it would cost to operate your compressed

usage of electricity manifests itself in higher air system with excessive pressure drop.
utility bills, as more electricity needs to be Many times it is a more economical choice
purchased to run the compressors. to change out a dirty filter element than it is to
This is one reason the selection of the continue to operate with that element’s
filter media and the sizing of the filter are so associated elevated pressure drop.

Cents per Kilowatt Hour 18

12 Industrial

U.S. Seattle Denver Houston Chicago Los San Boston New York
Average Angeles Francisco


Example Calculation:

Use 9¢/KW HR = .03¢/ft3 @ 100 PSIG

.03¢/ft3 @ 100 PSIG = 30¢/1000 ft3 @ 100 PSIG
the following calculation to identify 30¢/1000 ft3 @ 100 PSIG = 1.5¢/1000 ft3 @ 5 PSID
pressure drop cost in your application:
Add: .5¢ for fixed charges, repair, operating cost.
2¢/min. @ 1000 SCFM, while dissipating 5 PSID
i.e. 2¢/min. = $1.20/HR = $9.60/shift = $28.80/day.

At an electrical rate of 9 cents per KW hour. . .

...If a filter element is allowed to generate an extra 5 PSID of pressure

drop operating in a 1000 SCFM system. . .

...the cost of generating that lost pressure is $28.80 every day.

applicatio From aeration in pharmaceu-
tical and chemical processes
to pneumatic power systems,
the possibilities for
applications are endless.
Finite has some suggested
applications that may fit your
General Notes: needs. Let one of Finite’s
1. This application data application engineers find a
applies to all types of
compressors so long as system that is right for you.
air-oil separators and In this application above, a Finite filter is used on a respiratory breathing
aftercoolers (where system. The filters makes the air clean and safe for breathing.
indicated) are in good
working order.
2. All systems are 100
PSIG at the compressor.
3. Systems with high
Finite offers
water content or exces- outstanding point- In this textile
sive oil carry-over should of-use protection to application,
employ grade 10C to expensive analytical Finite filters are
coalesce. In addition, it instruments, such used to protect
would be a good choice as chart recorders sensitive
in a food processing moving parts
to oversize the filter. plant. on this loom.
4. If system pressure is
reduced by 1/2 immedi-
ately downstream of a
coalescer (which International ISO Standards
successfully removed all Notification as specified in ISO8573 - 1

condensed water) the
pressure dew point can Solid Water Oil
be reduced by 15°F to Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum
18°F artificially “drying”
the air stream. quality Class particle Concentration** Pressure Concentration**
size* (um) mg/m (ppm) Dewpoint F ( C) mg/m3 (ppm)
3 o o

5. Uncontrolled, com-
1 0.1 0.1 (.08) -94 (-70) 0.01 (.008)
pressed air contami-
nants are extremely International ISO Standard 2 1 1 (.8) -40 (-40) 0.1 (.08)
3 5 5 (4.2) -4 (-20) 1 (.83)
abrasive, corrosive and ISO8573-1 is fast becoming the 4 15 8 (6.7) 37 (+3) 5 (4.2)
acidic with pH values industry standard method for 5 40 10 (8.3) 45 (+7) 25 (21)
from 4.5 to 6.0 due to 6 - - - 50 (+10) - -
hydration of carbon specifying air cleanliness. The
dioxide, nitrogen oxides following diagrams describe * Particle size is based on a filtration ratio b 20. The minimum accuracy of
the measuring method used is 20% of the limiting value of the class.
and chlorinated solvents. various systems in terms of their ** At 14.7 psi (1 bar) absolute pressure, +70oF (+20oC) and a relative humidity
of 60%.
It should be noted that at pressures above atmospheric, the contaminant
corresponding ISO classification. concentration is higher.
1. The quality of the air delivered by non-lubricated compressors is
influenced by the quality of the intake air and the compressor design.
2. The minimum accuracy of the measuring method used is 20% of the
limiting value of the class.

24 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Filtration and Separation Division
Oxford, MI
ons Compressor Room (Source)
Air Preparation Equipment:


350° F
ISO Class 2


Air Preparation Equipment:

Approx. 176° F

Use media grade 8C or 10C



Any small compressor with no aftercooler, Place this point-of-use filter as far from compressor as
air intended for intermittent, general use. possible to facilitate heat radiation

ISO Class 2 3

Compressor Room (Source) Point-Of-Use

Air Preparation Equipment: Air Preparation Equipment:
100° F

Use media Regulator
grade 8C


Any compressor with aftercooler. Air OTHER SPECS MET: Compressed Air & Gas Institute:
intended for use with lubricated air tools, CGA – G7.1 (Grades A & Ba1),
air motors, cylinders, shot blasting, non-
frictional valves.

ISO Class 1 1

Compressor Room (Source) Point-Of-Use

Air Preparation Equipment: Air Preparation Equipment:
100° F 82° F


Use media Use media
grade 8C grade 6C
Auto Auto
Drain Drain

Any compressor with aftercooler & 2-stage OTHER SPECS MET: Mil. Std. 282 H.E.P.A.
coalescing. Air intended for use with U.S.P.H.S. 3A
lubricated control valves, cylinders and parts Accepted particles for milk
blow-down, etc.
ISO Class 1 1

Compressor Room (Source) Point-Of-Use

Air Preparation Equipment: Air Preparation Equipment:

100° F
Dew Point
64° F

C Deliquescent
C Dryer

Use media
grade 6C
Drain Regulator
Use media Use media
grade 8C grade 3P Drain

Any compressor with aftercooler, 2-stage coalescing & OTHER SPECS MET: CGA – G7.1 (Grade C)
deliquescent dryer. Air intended for use with general pneumatic
systems, body shop spray painting and components sensitive
to high moisture content.

ISO Class 1 4 1

Compressor Room (Source) Point-Of-Use

Air Preparation Equipment: Air Preparation Equipment:
100° F
Dew Point 40° F

Dryer Use media
grade 6C
Auto Regulator
Use media Drain
grade 8C

Any compressor with aftercooler, 2-stage coalescing SPECS MET: CGA – G7.1 (Grade D & E) ISA
& refrigerated dryer. Air intended for use with air- S7.3 Fed. Std. 209 (CIass 100)
gauging, air conveyors, spray-painting, food
processing, instrumentation, blow molding, cosmetics,
film processing, bottling, pharmaceuticals, dairy,
breweries, medical, robotics & close tolerance valves.

26 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Filtration and Separation Division
Oxford, MI
ISO Class 1 4 1

Compressor Room (Source) Point-Of-Use

Air Preparation Equipment: Air Preparation Equipment:
Dew Point
100° F
40° F


Auto Auto
Drain Drain
Use media Use media Use media
grade 8C grade 6C grade AU

Any compressor with aftercooler, 2-stage coalescing, refrigerated dryer & OTHER SPECS MET:
carbon absorber. Air intended for use as industrial breathing air & O.S.H.A. 29CFR 1910.134
decompression chambers. CAUTION: Always use high temperature
synthetic lubricants & monitor (alarm for carbon monoxide concentrations
exceeding 20ppm). This system will not eliminate toxic gases!

ISO Class 1 2 1

Compressor Room (Source) Point-Of-Use

Air Preparation Equipment: Air Preparation Equipment:
100° F Dessicant
Dew Point
-40° F


Use media
Drains grade 6C
Use media Auto
Use media Drain
3PU (Heatless Dryer)
grade 10C Use media 10DS (Heat Generated)
grade 6C

Any compressor with aftercooler, two-stage and SPECS MET: CGA – G7.1 (Grade F),
double coalescing and a regenerative-type desiccant
dryer. Air intended for use in applications involving
rapid expansion of compressed air, critical instrumen-
tation, high purity gases, computer chip drying, etc.
CAUTION: This air is too dry for respiratory use.

Filtration Group Technical Sales & Service Locations
Filtration Group North America Filter Division Europe Filtration Group Headquarters
Churwell Vale
Filtration and Shaw Cross Business Park 6035 Parkland Blvd.
Separation Division Dewsbury, West Yorkshire Cleveland, Ohio, USA 44124-4141
500 Glaspie St. England WF12 7RD Phone: (216) 896-3000
Oxford, MI 48371 Phone: +44 (0) 1924 487000 Fax: (216) 896-4021
Phone: (248) 628-6400 Fax: +44 (0) 1924 487001
Fax: (248) 628-1850
Haverhill, MA Arnhem
Phone: (978) 858-0505 The Netherlands Filtration Group Asia Pacific
Linthicum, MD Phone: +31 (0) 26 3760376
Phone: (410) 636-7200 Parker Hannifin Asia Pacific
Etten-Leur Company, LTD
The Netherlands Filtration Group
Hydraulic Filter Division Phone: +31 76 508 53 00
16810 Fulton County Road #2 Dae Venture Plaza
Metamora, OH 43540-9714 169 Samsung-Dong
Phone: (419) 644-4311 Maidstone Kangnam-Ku, Seoul
Fax: (419) 644-6205 England Korea 135-882
Phone: +44 (0) 1622 723300 Phone: +82 2 559 0400
Process Filtration Fax: +82 2 556 8187
Division Thetford, Norfolk
6640 Intech Boulevard England
Indianapolis, IN 46278 Phone: +44 (0) 1842 763299 Filtration Group Latin America
Phone: (317) 275-8300
Fax: (317) 275-8413 Urjala As. Parker Hannifin Ind. e Com.
Tell City, IN Finland Ltda. Filter Division
Phone: (812) 547-2371 Phone: +358 (0)3 54100 AV Getulio Vargas, 1331/1333
123-05-000 Jacarei, SP
Racor Division Brazil
3400 Finch Road Phone: +55 (11) 3917 1222
P.O. Box 3208 Fax: +55 (11) 3917 1102
Modesto, CA 95353
Phone: (800) 344-3286
Phone: (209) 521-7860
Fax: (209) 529-3278
Beaufort, SC
Phone: (843) 846-3200
Henryetta, OK Call 1-800-CPARKER
Phone: (800) 451-7299
Holly Springs, MS
for any Parker Products
Phone: (662) 252-2656 In Europe, 00800-2727-5374
or visit our Web site

Parker Worldwide Sales Offices

Contact Parker’s worldwide service and distribution network by calling:
Argentina ............. +54 (11) 4752 4129 Hong Kong ............ +852 (2) 428 8008 Singapore .................... +65 6261 5233
Australia ............... +61 (2) 9 634 7777 Hungary .................... +36 (1) 252 8137 South Africa ........... +27 (11) 392 7280
Austria ..................... 43-2622-23501-0 India ........................... 91-22-790-7081 Spain ..................... +34 (91) 675 7300
Belgium .................... +32 (67) 280900 Italy ............................... 39-02-451921 Sweden ...................... 46-8-5979-5000
Brazil ........................ 55-12-3955-1000 Japan ......................... 81-3-6408-3900 Switzerland ............. 41-0-22-307-7111
Canada ...................... 1-800-272-7537 Jordan ....................... (962) (6) 810679 Taiwan ................. +886 (2) 2298 8987
Central & South Korea Choongnam .... 82-41-583-1410 Thailand ...................... +662 693 3304
America/Caribbean ... 1-305-470-8800 Korea Kyoungnam .... 82-55-389-0100 United Arab Emirates . 971-2-6788587
China ................... +86 (21) 6445 9339 Korea Seoul ................ 82-2-559-0420 United Kingdom .... 44-0-1924-487000
Czech Republic .... 42-0-2-830-85-221 Mexico ....................... 1-800-272-7537 USA ............................ 1-800-272-7537
Denmark .................. 45-0-43-56-04-00 Netherlands ............. 31-0-541-585000 Venezuela .............. 58-212-238-54-22
Finland ......................... +358 3 54 100 New Zealand ............ +64 (9) 573 1523 Note: The (+) sign in front of the country
France ...................... 33-0-254-741403 Norway ........................ 47-64-91-1000 code indicates that you may need to dial an
Germany .............. 49-0-2131-513-350 Poland ....................... 48-22-863-4942 additional prefix.

Parker Hannifin Corporation

Filtration and Separation Division
500 Glaspie St./P.O. Box 599
Oxford, MI 48371
Phone: (248) 628-6400
(800) 521-4357
Fax: (248) 628-1850
Reprinted May 2004

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