Criminal Identification

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International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)

Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015

Biometric Identification Criminal, Terrorist, and individual Identification

System It‘s a New Wine & Taste

Adnan Majeed system that recognizes a person based on a feature vector

M.Phil(Hajvery University) Dept of Computer Science & derived from a specific physiological or behavioral
Engineering Gulberg Lahore Pakistan, characteristic that the person process. Depending on the
Lecturer (Computer Learning Center Lahore Pakistan) application situation. A biometric system typically operates
Teaching Assistant Beaconhouse National University in one of two modes.
Tarogil Lahore Pakistan. Biometrics offer greater security and ease than traditional
+923004870104 methods of personal recognition. In some applications
biometric can replace or supplement the existing
technology. In others, it is the only feasible approach.
Biometric contain sensitive information about the people.
Abstract— Biometric system used for security purpose. The biometric system that is considered in this paper is a
Mostly the biometric system used for individual verification system. Biometric system makes two types of
identification e.g. to scan finger, eye, iris, voice, signature, errors e.g. false match or false accept. Mistaking biometric
DNA, and Hand geometry. The main purpose of installing measurements from two different people to be from the
biometric system to minimize crimes and terrorist attack. same person. Biometric system also used for attendance
The methodology of the paper to collect primary data from system in different organization and institution.The paper is
research, interviews, and human observation case studies. organized as follows section II describe Classification of
The objective of this research paper to control human theft, Biometric System Section III describe literature review,
and terrorist activity in Pakistan. section IV describe purpose and objective and section V
describe methodology and section VI describe experiment
and results.
Keywords-component; Biometrics system, criminal
identification, terrorist identification, facial recognition, II. Classification
Finger identification.
Components of a Typical Biometric System.
A typical biometric authentication system consists of five
I. INTRODUCTION Sensor module: It is used to capture user's raw biometric
Biometric systems are used to verify and identify human. It data. An example is camera used to take a picture of human
analyzes which person has its own unique identity. face.
Basically biometric systems are used for security purposes, Feature extraction module: It is used to process the acquired
the main objective of biometric system to achieve goal of biometric data to extract a set of features. For example,
transparent identity. Biometrics measure individual‘s unique features on the surface of a face, such as the contour of the
physical or behavioral characteristics to recognize eye sockets, nose, and chin can be extracted.
authenticate their identity. Common physical biometrics Matcher module: It is used to compute matching scores of
system includes fingerprints, hand or palm geometry, and comparing the
retina, iris, or facial characteristics, enrollment and extracted features against the stored ones.
authentication. System database module: It is used to store the biometric
Behavioral characters include DNA recognition, Palm Print templates of features the enrolled users.
recognition, signature, voice, (which also has a physical Decision-making module: It is used to either determine the
component), keystroke pattern and gait, of this class of user's identity or confirm the users claimed identity [1].
biometrics, technologies for signature and voice are the
most developed. The main purpose of biometric to verify Fingerprint
and identify users. Identification has a tendency to be more Biometric fingerprint identification is most popular method
difficult of the two uses because a system must search a for person identification. Fingerprint has been widely used
database of enrolled users to find a match. Biometric in business transaction. Fingerprints consist of a regular
systems ensure to depend in part of what the system is texture pattern composed of ridges and valleys. These ridges
protecting and what it is trying to protect alongside. In are characterized by several landmarks points, recognized as
France biometric system are used for crime detection and minutiae, which are typically in the form of ridge endings
protection. It minimizes the terrorist attack, open weapon and ridge bifurcations. The spatial distribution of these
attack, misbehavior attack, cyber crime attack, bomb blast details points is maintain to be unique to each finer, it is the
attack. Biometric system is basically a pattern recognition collection of minutia points in a fingerprint that is primarily

ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)
Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015

employed for matching two fingerprints. Since all are obtained, generally requiring a set and simple
government agencies and institution used automatic background or special enlightenment [4].
fingerprint identification system. Materialization of low cost
and compact fingerprint readers has made fingerprint
modality a preferred choice in many civil and commercial
applications [2].

Figure 2: Face recognition system.

Palm Geometry
The palmprint and hand geometry unadulterated arithmetic
Figure 1: Biometric finger identification pictures may be separated from a hand picture in an
exceptionally single shot at indistinguishable time.
Distinctive multibiometrics frameworks (e.g., face and
IRIS unique mark, voice and face and so forth.), a client doesn't
The iris pattern is taken by a special grey scale camera in have to hold up under the impairment of going through
the distance of 10- 40 cm of camera. One time the grey scale numerous sensors. Moreover, the extortion identified with
picture of the eye is obtained then the program tries to locate imagine hand, close by geometry based for the most part
the iris within the picture. Iris recognition is a computerized check framework, may be satisfied with the mix of
system of biometric identification that makes use of palmprint components. Each obtained pictures should be
mathematical path recognition method. Iris images get adjusted in a favored course in order to catch the same
under infrared illumination consist of complex texture components for coordinating. The picture thresholding
pattern with numerous individual attributes, e.g. stripes, pits, operation is utilized to acquire a twofold hand-shape picture.
& furrows, which permit for highly reliable personal The edge quality is more than once figured utilizing Otsu's
identification. The visual texture of iris is formed in the strategy. The hand geometry frameworks have huge
work of fetal development & becomes stable in first years physical size and can't be effortlessly installed in existing
itself. Iris recognition is also widely used; it is feasible in security frameworks [5].
huge scale. Each iris is different for twins like finger print. It
is difficult to alter iris pattern & it is simple to detect the Retina
artificial iris. The main advantages of iris recognition are The retinal vasculature is to a great degree rich in structure.
high accuracy & verification times takes less than seconds. It is said to be most secure biometric framework. It is hard
The disadvantage of this recognition are cost is high, much to change or altered in light of the fact that there exists
movement of head & use of color contact lens. Conversely, retinal vasculature. The picture increasing done by a man to
high sensor cost, along with comparatively huge failure to look into an eye-piece and center to discover particular spot
enroll (FTE) rate reported in some studies, & lack of legacy in visual field [6].
iris databases may limit its usage in some large-scale
government applications [3]. Enrollment & Authentication
A client is added to the biometric framework. A persuaded
Face number of biometric presentation of a demanding client are
Face acknowledgment may be a nonintrusive procedure, and acquire, preprocessed, changed into elements, and post
facial pictures range unit without a doubt the principal basic prepared, then used to prepare a client model and adjust
biometric trademark utilized by people to shape a private (retrain) the world model if important. The client
acknowledgment. The uses of personality check shift from a demonstrate alongside impostor presentations may be
static, controlled "mug-shot" confirmation to a dynamic, utilized to acquire an edge for that client. The new model is
uncontrolled face recognizable proof amid an untidy then put away, alongside the limit for that client if
foundation (e.g., air terminal). 1) the situation and form of necessary. The case to a client's character causes the
facial attributes like the eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips and chin, exhibited biometric.
and their abstraction relationships, 2) the (global) analysis of
the face image that represents a face as a weighted Information to be analyzed against the guaranteed client's
combination of variety of canonical faces. While the model. Along these lines, the biometric information is
verification performance of the face recognition systems acquire, preprocessed, misshaped into components, and
that are commercially on the market is affordable, they postprocessed, before being coordinated with the guaranteed
impose variety of restrictions on however the facial images client's model and the subsequent score being contrasted and

ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)
Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015

the put away limit ascertain for the keep up client or general even sequent impressions of their signature appearance
edge esteem [7]. totally different. Further professional falsifier might ready to
reproduce signature that freaks the system [9].
DNA Recognition Voice
The DNA is an acronym for deoxyribonucleic corrosive Voice may be a combination of physiological and activity
which is available in core of each cell in human body and in biometrics. The options of associate individual‘s voice are
this manner an exceedingly stable biometric identifier that based on the form and size of the appendages (e.g., vocal
speaks to physiological trademark. The DNA structure of tracts, mouth, nasal cavities, and lips) that are utilized in the
each human is one of a kind, with the exception of from synthesis of the sound. These physiological attributes of
indistinguishable twins, and is made out of qualities that human discourse are invariant for a private, however the
focus physical attributes (like eye or hair shading). Human movement piece of the discourse of an individual changes
DNA tests can be gained from a wide mixture of sources; after some time because of age, therapeutic conditions, (for
from hair, finger nails, salivation and blood tests. example, a normal chilly), and soul, and so on. Voice is
Recognizable proof in light of DNA obliges first moreover not horrendously unmistakable and may not be
segregating from source/tests, intensifying it to make worthy for huge scale ID. A content region voice
numerous duplicates of target succession, trailed by acknowledgment framework depends on the announcement
sequencing that creates an exceptional DNA profile. The of a set preset expression. A content autonomous voice
DNA coordinating is truly famous for measurable and law acknowledgment framework recognizes the speaker
authorization applications. In any case, it obliges solid independent of what she talks. A content free framework is
specimens and isn't possible progressively. At present, not harder to style than a content region framework yet offers
every one of the progressions in DNA coordinating are extra security against extortion. A problem of voice-based
computerized and hence results can be skewed if the acknowledgment is that discourse choices are touchy to
procedure is not directed appropriately or the DNA tests mixed bag of things like foundation sign [4].
themselves get defiled. In outline, the DNA coordinating
procedure is costly, tedious and along these lines not yet Gait
suitable for expansive scale biometrics applications for non Gait recognition could be a specific mode of biometric
military personnel utilization [8]. remaining to its capability to mark someone at distance.
Gait is explained to the approach of the person walking. The
step recognition framework use standard camera in any
conditions and create calculations to extract the outline of
the individual just in the event that he is moving.
Accordingly the framework will track the individual after
some time. Be that as it may, the algorithmic principle isn't
terribly careful for this attribute is stricken by a few
conditions like the kind of materials or shoes the singular's
porting, the strolling surface or the wellbeing. of these
measurements are adequate in distinctive surroundings and
none of them is great. However the principal right ones are
Figure 3: DNA identification using Finger iris and unique mark strategies. Because of the genuine
Palm Print Recognition actuality iris response is unreasonable and it needs boost
The picture of a singular's palm comprises of volar grating interest, unique mark is one amongst the most develop
edges and flexion fold. Inert palmprint distinguishing proof insights and suitable for a few applications [10].
is of developing significance in logical applications since
around half-hour of the inactive prints upraised from Keystroke
wrongdoing scenes (from knifes, firearms, guiding wheels) Keystroke dynamics may be a methodology of
square measure of palms rather than fingers. Verging on like corroboratory the identity of associate degree individual by
fingerprints, inert palmprint frameworks use insignificance their writing rhythm which might address trained typists
and wrinkles for coordinating. While authorization and legal moreover because the amateur two-finger employee.
sciences offices have always gathered fingerprints, its Systems will verify the user at the log-on stage or they will
singularly as of late that colossal palmprint databases are regularly monitor the Biometric Systems thirty two
getting realistic [8]. employee. These systems ought to be low cost to put in as
all that is needed may be a software system package.
Signature verification methodology in varied fields like III. Literature Review
government, legal and industrial transactions. Signature is Criminal Investigation & Identification System
an activity biometric that alteration over an amount of your Now a day‘s utmost people‘s android operating system
time. Signature of some individuals varies substantially: phones to keep with this, author projected the android

ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)
Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015

application for police furthermore as for peoples. If just in which will fix both maximum size and orientation of the
case somebody has not good phones author develop net signature. Features are extracted with the Gaussian filtration
portal for them. By synchronizing police aspect and public algorithm method. Euclidean distance measure online
aspect android application they get simple thanks to scale signature verification [13].
back the crime in society and this method positively
facilitates them to form a criminal offense free society. The Fingerprint Identification
foremost unimaginable risk for the department of local Barua et al. (2010) defines the Fingerprint identification is
government is investigation crimes with the present one of the most popular and reliable personal biometric
technologies, as a result of they still use standard manual identification methods. This paper describes an on-line
processes to handle crimes that do with the utilization of fingerprint identification system consisting of image
advanced technologies. acquisition, edge detection, thinning, feature extractor and
This system facilitates police to spot the criminal by classifier. The pre-processing part includes steps to acquire
accessing the info of criminal from anywhere; by binaries and skeleton zed ridges, which are needed for
recognizing his/her thumb impression. Additionally police feature point extraction. Feature points (minutia) such as
broadcast the news if one thing happened wrong within the endpoints, bifurcations, and core point are then extracted,
explicit space and that they wish people‘s cooperation to followed by false minutia elimination. Human fingerprints
handle true. The CI2S additionally facilitate public to are rich in details called minutiae, which can be used as
register their complaints by victimization app running on identification marks for fingerprint verification. The goal of
their phones. They additionally post there suggestion. Get this project is to develop a complete system for fingerprint
updated with crime news denote by the police. Not with identification [14].
standing they're not glad with investigation standing of case
they're filed they directly contact to the pinnacle officer Ear Biometric Recognition
[11]. According to Shritosh Kumar (2015), he proposed an Ear
Based Biometric Recognition using Gabor Mean Feature
Extraction. He suggests Ear Biometric used in Criminal
cases, investigation, and security purpose. Gabor filter have
a problem of high dimension and high redundancy.
Sampling filter is a problem of not reducing features
optimum way. In the proposed Gabor feature extraction
technique the Gabor features are filtered using proposed
mean filter and obtained optimum features for ear biometric
dataset. He suggests Ear biometric recognition is one of
most biometric identification in which the criminal and
terrorist identified [15].

Figure 4: Biometric system help police to identify criminal

Video Surveillance
Cyrus shahbi (2014) Video system capture human, pose,
object, behavior and it‘s also capture face and detect crime
mostly the purpose of video surveillance system to provide Figure 5: Sample image from AMI Database.
crime detail, in the form video, CCTV camera capture video Criminal Identification Using Fingerprint and
and sent to the database server. Combining image/video data Footprints
with its corresponding time and location can provide an Fingerprints and criminal histories of individuals are
effective way to index and search videos, especially when a currently submitted to the database voluntarily by local,
database handles an extensive amount of data in a scalable state, and federal police agencies. The database currently is
system. There have been significant researches on home to more than 70 million files in the criminal master
organizing and browsing photos according to location and file along with more than 31 million civil records [3]. In
time [12]. 2010, the database processed more than 61 million
submissions. With all of these records, a typical
Online signature for identify document comprehensive search takes about 27 minutes and a civil
General purpose pen tablet device should be used as they search takes about an hour and twelve minutes. Searches for
are widely available and the price is fairly low. A pen similar prints can now take as little as ten minutes, a process
contain sensor for sensing the online data and it is connected that once took weeks [9]. The use of fingerprints has now
with the internet. Feedback should be provided either in the expanded far beyond the identification of a corpse and the
form of an immediate LCD response or a simple sheet of matching of an unknown print at a crime scene to a suspect
paper. The writing area should be controlled by a box, [16].

ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)
Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015

permit photographs – to focus a match. This computerized

methodology, empowered by advancement in Computer
vision and machine learning calculations, can offer a
profitable asset to powers looking to precisely and rapidly
catch criminal [17].

Figure 6: Example of Finger print.

Hiring Individual
Private companies, along with most federal and state
governmental agencies, use fingerprints in a number of
capacities. Most commonly, they are used to help assist in
the hiring of individuals and determining if a candidate is
Figure 8: Example of Facial Recognition Using Forensics
well suited for a position within a company. As part of the
application and interview process, an increasing number of Cybercrime Attack
companies are asking applicants to be fingerprinted as part Phishing is the criminally fraudulent process of attempting
of a comprehensive background check before hiring [3]. to acquire sensitive information such as usernames,
Fingerprints are then sent to an AFIS database, typically the passwords and credit card details. Phishing often directs
users to enter details in a fake website who‘s URL, look and
FBI, to be compared to all other prints in the system. This
feel are almost identical to the legitimate one. Even when
allows a company to know if an applicant has been
fingerprinted and entered into the system for any reason, using SSL with strong cryptography for server
including military service and arrest in connection to a authentication it is practically difficult to detect that the
crime. These background checks can often be a deciding website is fake. Phishing is an example of social
factor in whether or not an applicant gets hired. This engineering techniques used to fool users, and exploit the
poor usability of current web security systems [18].
practice was once only common to governmental hiring,
including within the military, police, and other security
related positions [16]. ATM Security Using Fingerprint Biometric
Amurthy and Redddy developed an embedded fingerprint
system, which is used for ATM security applications. In
their system, bankers collect customers‘ finger prints and
mobile numbers while opening accounts, then customer
only access ATM machine. The working of the ATM
machine is such that when a customer place a finger on the
finger print module it automatically generates every time
different 4-digit code as a message to the mobile of the
authorized customer through GSM modem connected to the
Figure 7: Whrol pattern microcontroller. The code received by the customer is
entered into the ATM machine by pressing the keys on the
Biometric Forensics Applications touch screen. After entering it checks whether it is a valid
Given the egregious nature of crimes committed by one or not and allows the customer further access. Bank
perpetrators depicted in forensic sketches – including United was the first bank in the United States to implement
murder, terrorism, sexual assault, and armed robbery – iris recognition at Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) in
failing to quickly capture them can have severe 1999 [19].
consequences. Improving forensic sketch recognition would
greatly increase public safety. Under the broad umbrella of
biometric recognition, another standard has risen for
distinguishing suspects utilizing scientific portrayals. A
portrayal can be changed over to an advanced picture and
afterward consequently coordinated against mugshots and
other face pictures in a database – for instance, drivers'

ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)
Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015

protection, passport fraud, and forgery for many nations.

One way to enhance passport security is to include
biometrics the International Civil Aviation Organization has
proposed using the face as the primary biometric with
fingerprint or iris as an optional secondary measurement [3].
Plans for the new biometric international ID (once in a
while known as BioPass or ePassport) ordinarily incorporate
an implanted Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip
conveying the same information that is imprinted on the
information page and additionally the travel permit holder's
biometric identifiers. While these applications ought to be
Figure 9 : A Generic Biometric System alter safe, Lukas Grunwald, an advisor with a German
security organization, as of late showed the cloning of a
Medical Diagnosis biometric identification. The security subtle element Is
Jitendra Choudhary(2012) suggest biometric system also installed in travel permit and its connection with database
used in medical diagnosis e.g. Tongue, color of face and framework and it is known as ePassport [21].
beat of heart and other aspects of our body can also be used
as biometrics features or medical diagnosis. Traditional
biometric system also used to check level of blood, sugar, Biometric Mobile SIM
and disease in the body. Medical biometric detector widely Mobile device is widely used for communication purpose.
used in this field to diagnosed disease [10]. Mobile devices used worldwide not only for communication
purpose but also for personal affair, relationship, meeting,
Face Recognition Technology business, transaction purposes.
A face recognition system is a function of computer Online Mobile banking deeply involved. Tao et al. [9] have
technology for repeatedly identifying a person from digital developed a biometric system using a user's mobile camera
camera or video source. It is the most common testing which takes 2D face image to ensure the existence of user.
system of biometric identification; there are two types of This authentication system consists of 5 modules: face
face recognition technology e.g. Facial Matric and Eigen detection, face registration, illumination social control, face
Faces. The Eigen Face method is based on group faces authentication and knowledge fusion. The mobile camera
according to the degree of it with a fixed set of 100 to 150 initial takes a sequence of pictures for the user so processes
eigen faces. The eigen faces that are created will appear as them at the mobile's processor. Face detection then species
light and dark areas that are arranged in a specific pattern. the situation of face within the self-taken photos. Face
This pattern demonstrates how distinctive components of a recognition methodology is that the one within which an
face are singled out. It must be assessed and scored. There individual's face is captured employing a mobile's camera
will be an example to assess symmetry, if there is any style then this face is employed to evidence this human to the
of facial hair, where the hairline is, or assess the extent of mobile. The face recognition authentication makes use one
the nose or mouth. Other eigen countenances have designs of two ways: 1) shape and location of facial properties such
that are less easy to recognize, and the picture of the eigen as the eyes, nose, lips and their spatial relationships, or 2)
face may look almost no like a face. This procedure is truth the overall face image [22].
be told like the police system for making a representation,
however the picture preparing is robotized and in view of a
genuine picture [20].

Biometric ID Card
Finger is scan through biometric identification system and it
is based on person to person this is old trend of biometric
identification, modern biometric identification in which
IRIS, RETINA, Face is used for biometric Id card
identification. Information is fetched and stored in National
database of the federal government organization. Every
person has their own record and it is verified with their own
biometric system.

Figure 10: Face recognition system

Biometric Passport/VISA
After the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, security University Attandace System
concerns played an even more important role in border

ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)
Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015

O. Shoewu(2012) proposed biometric university attendance recognition systems is the continuous aging of its users.
system in which the system detect fingerprint of the student Noise in an environment where voice recognition is used to
and stores in a database. The fingerprints matches with the identify its users can also make it hard for users to be
recorded database and the biometric system respond with identified. For iris or retinal scanning applications, users
the recorded feature. Almost 94% accuracy is happened may find it very intrusive. Users may also have the concern
with biometric authentication attendance system [29]. for the safety of their eyes during the iris or retinal scan.
Furthermore, databases used to store user identification data
IV . Purpose & Objective will be very large which might form a potential threat. For
Identification and Verification scanning retinal/iris characteristics and storing large amount
Occasionally confirmation and identification are infer as of database, biometrics system requires new and modern
similar terms but they have two separate meanings. technology. Therefore, the cost for equipment is also
Identification occurs when an individual‘s characteristic is expensive. Finally, lots of people are still concerned about
being selected from a group of stored images. Identification biometrics technology in different aspects such as: security,
is the way the human brain performs most day to day adaptability to rate of change in life, scalability, accuracy,
identifications. For example, if a person encounters a privacy and others [24].
familiar individual, the brain processes the information by
comparing what the person is seeing to what is stored in Comparison between Face Recognition & Finger
memory. Recognition
Face recognition is such a challenging task for researcher
Advantages of Biometric system and yet to be designed. Researcher have different
The first advantage of using this new technology is the background e.g. psychology, pattern recognition, neural
uniqueness and it is also the main characteristic which networks , computer vision and computer graphics. In face
allows biometrics technology to become more and more recognition technique, Holistic matching methods, feature-
important in our lives. With uniqueness of biometrics based matching, and hybrid method used and tool are used
technology, each individual's identification will be single for describe picture modules e.g. principal component
most effective identification for that user. A chance of two analysis, eigen faces. Zhao et al. (1998) which use
users having the same identification in the biometrics linear/Fisher discriminate analysis, De Carlo and Metaxas
security technology system is nearly zero. the highly secure [2000], a system called PersonSpotter was described. This
way of identifying users makes this technology less prone system is able to capture, track, and recognize a person
for users to share access to highly sensitive data. For walking toward or passing a stereo CCD camera [25].
example, users can share their fingerprints, iris and so forth Face recognition are the most common biometric technique
allowing other users access to secure information. Each trait used by humans to make a personal identification. Its most
used during identification is a single property of that user. In commonly used in person identification. Identification is
other words, it is extremely hard or impossible to make based on face is one of the most active areas of research,
duplicate or share biometrics accessing data with other with applications ranging from the stationary, controlled
users. This makes it ever more secure allowing user mug-shot verification to a dynamic unrestrained face
information and data to be kept highly secure from recognition in a messy environment. Approaches to face
unauthorized users. recognition are typically based on location and shape of
This identification of users though biometrics cannot be facial attributes, such as the eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips and
lost, stolen or forgotten. This aspect of biometrics chin shape and their spatial relationships. While in
technology allows it to become more popular in its use. This fingerprint re recognition human have used fingerprints for
method of identifying and giving access to user makes user personal identification for centuries and the validity of
identification a lot easier. Finally, most biometrics security fingerprint identification has been well-established. A
systems are easy to install and it requires small amount of fingerprint is the pattern of ridges and furrows on the
funding for equipment (except modern biometrics surface of a fingertip, the formation of which is determined
technology such as: DNA/retinal/iris recognition [23]. during the fetal period. They are so distinct that even
fingerprints of identical twins are different as are the prints
Disadvantages of Biometric system on each finger of the same person. The overall analysis of
Jain (2006) it still has many fault in its system. Each the face image and its break down into a number of
biometrics application method has disadvantage which can canonical faces or a combination. Consequently,
cause problems for its users. For example, if the biometrics fingerprints are expected to lead the biometric applications
security system uses fingerprints to identify its users and an in the near future, with multiple fingerprints providing
accident causes a user to lose his/her finger then it can be a sufficient information to allow for large-scale recognition
problem during the verification process. For voice involving millions of identities. One problem with
recognition methods, illnesses such as strep throat can make fingerprint technology is its lack of acceptability by a
it hard for authorized users to get access to their typical user, because fingerprints have traditionally been
information. Another factor that can influence voice associated with criminal investigations and police work.

ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)
Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015

One more problem is that automatic fingerprint

identification generally requires a large amount of
computational resources. Finally, fingerprints of a small
fraction of a population may be unsuitable for automatic
identification because of genetic, aging, environmental, or
occupational reasons. Summarize what is achieved to the
study [26].
V . Methodology Table 1: Results of Fingerprint-Livedet09

For the investigation, the data was carried out from different
researches, case study, analysis report and interviews was
conducted from different author and professor. The primary
data has been collected based on qualitative approach e.g.
research paper , case studies and human observation. . The
purpose of this research to highlight the causes of biometric
identification using different techniques. There is a need in
Table 2: Result of Face Replay Attack DB
Pakistan to implements because in some sensitive area e.g.
sensitive location where there is chance of crime.
The requirement of the research to highlight the problem in
Pakistan city e.g. Peshawar, Swat, Quetta, and in FATA
Pakistan, in some certain situation when terrorist attacked at
public places and how is it possible to identify criminal and
terrorist. Video surveillance technique and face recognition
and finger recognition technology is the best choice to
detect crime and criminal. The extensive research question
has been collected from literature. The variable of interest
has been collected from literature. The main finding of this
research to implement biometric system to detect crime and
arrest terrorist in Pakistan.

VI .Experiment & Results

Experiment & Implementation
Biometric identification system has been implemented in
Faisalabad Pakistan for criminal identification. They have Figure 11: Face spoofing Attack.
been handed 50 mobile biometric scanners to help in
crackdowns on insurgency and crime.
City Police Officer (CPO) Faisalabad Afzaal Kausar, who Discussion
installs the biometric system at Kotwali police station on Facial recognition and identifying suspects in the Boston
Thursday, said 10 devices would be placed at entry and exit Marathon bombing:
points of the district. He said the biometric devices would The investigation nearby the Boston Marathon bombings
help verify fingerprints and CNICs (Computerized National was an overlook opportunity for automated facial
Identity Card) with the National Database and Registration recognition to assist law enforcement in identifying
Authority (NADRA). In May 2015, Sindh province suspects. After reviewing ―photo, video, and other
revealed plans to launch a biometric database by June that evidence‖ the FBI released images and videos of the two
will collect the fingerprints, photographs and personal crime suspects. In addition to seeking identification help, the
histories of felons. The biometric data will be managed by release of the images and videos was also in part to limit the
the Criminal Record Office of Crime Investigation Agency, damage being done to people wrongly targeted as suspects
chief secretary Muhammad Siddique Memon announced by news and social media. Shortly after the release, the two
this week at a meeting in the province‘s capital, Karachi. suspects were identified as brothers, Tamerlan Tsarnaev and
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someone is looking straight at the camera and the
Comparative Results illumination is right,‖ Jim Albers, Senior Vice President of
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ISSN: 2278 – 1323 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARCET
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)
Volume 4 Issue 6, June 2015

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