Chasing Anisotropy in The Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale Formations: Azimuthal Processing Challenges and Considerations
Chasing Anisotropy in The Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale Formations: Azimuthal Processing Challenges and Considerations
Chasing Anisotropy in The Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale Formations: Azimuthal Processing Challenges and Considerations
Peng Cheng, Mike Perz*, Femi Ogunsuyi, Frank Meng, and Xinxiang Li, Arcis Seismic Solutions, A TGS
Company; William Keller and Victor Kriechbaum, EnerVest, Ltd.
The data set under study is a 50 sq. mile subset of a tightly- Pre-migration noise attenuation
sampled, 195 fold, 710 sq. mile 3D seismic survey which Pre-migration noise attenuation was performed in various
was acquired in 2015 over a portion of Giddings Field and domains using an AVO-compliant philosophy. Most
the eastern extension of the Eagle Ford shale play. The zone crticially, this noise attenuation avoided any multi-channel
of interest is between the top of the Austin Chalk and the top processes which risk smearing signal across the azimuth
of the Buda limestone, an approximately 1000 ft interval that domain. While it is relatively easy to naturally avoid such
spans both the Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford formations. At smearing at the linear noise and noise-burst suppression
the outset of the project, it was suspected that vertically stages, particular care is required at the random noise
pervasive fractures, local anomalies in the in-situ horizontal attenuation stage. To this end, our random noise attenuation
stress field, or both could place a significant control on approach entailed running fxy deconvolution in the cross-
hydrocarbon production, and accordingly an effort was spread domain, a domain for which the offset and azimuth
undertaken to characterize the interval velocity azimuthal coordinates vary slowly across neighboring traces within the
anisotropy using the surface seismic data. Processing was processing block. This fxy deconvolution was then
carried out according to an azimuthally-AVO-compliant combined with an adaptive signal addback scheme to ensure
framework which sought to preserve kinematic and preservation of subtle azimuthal signal signatures.
amplitude signal variations across both offset and azimuth
coordinates. After processing through anisotropic (VTI) pre- 5D interpolation and output geometry considerations
stack time migration (PSTM), the data were submitted to Implementation details of 5D interpolation can vary widely,
VVAZ inversion via the Generalized Dix Inversion but one common practice (and the one adopted here) is to
(Grechka et al., 1999), a methodology which estimates define the 5D internal computational grid in a mixed
azimuthal interval fast and slow velocities and fast-velocity Cartesian-polar coordinate system: (i.e., cmp-x, cmp-y,
orientation (Vint_fast, Vint_slow, _int, respectively) from offset, azimuth) according to the grid sampling
their corresponding RMS counterparts (Vrms_fast, recommended by Trad (2009). This choice of computational
Vrms_slow, _rms, respectively). The resulting interval grid naturally produces a high-quality interpolated set of
anisotropy maps were then compared to production maps. CMP gathers with regular sampling across both offset and
azimuth indices, and with fine sampling of the offset by both linear noise and multiple energy and Figure 2b
coordinate in particular. In the case of the present work, we shows the final denoised result. Clearly the denoise strategy
simply grouped these interpolated CMP gathers by common has worked very well: the underlying signal has been
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Figure 2: Spoke-by-spoke noise attenuation. (a) input migrated (ii) Maximum angle in RMS parameter estimation
COCA; (b) final denoised COCA after linear noise and de-multiple Once computed, the t’s are input to an elliptical curve-
steps; (c) noise estimated from linear denoise; (d) multiples fitting process (Grechka and Tsvankin, 1998) to estimate
estimated from de-multiple process. Seismic data is the proprietary azimuthal RMS properties Vrms_fast, Vrms_slow, _rms.
property of Seitel, Inc.
One key input parameter in the curve-fitting process is the
maximum incidence angle for which the t’s are inverted
and its optimal selection proved surprisingly difficult in the
VVAZ inversion considerations
present work. Figure 4a shows a final migrated CIP gather
(i) Time shift estimation
in COCA mode, while Figure 4b shows its counterpart after
After spoke-by-spoke noise removal, the migrated common-
azimuthal NMO correction in the case that the associated
image-point (CIP) gathers were input to an algorithm which
azimuthal RMS inversion only considered t’s
estimates the t time shifts giving rise to the sinusoidal
corresponding to a maximum incidence angle of 40°. Clearly
wobble observed in Figure 2b. Estimation of these t’s
the wobble associated with mid-range offsets (blue ellipse)
required careful consideration on the test subvolume because is well-collapsed; however, the far offset wobble (red
of the large amount of azimuthal anisotropy together with
ellipse) has unfortunately been accentuated. Figure 4c shows
the uncommonly large incident angle range. While the large the azimuthal NMO correction based on a 65° maximum
range is ultimately a fortunate occurrence (because the inversion angle; in this case the far offset wobble is nicely
associated oblique ray angles are quite sensitive to the reduced while the mid-range wobble has been exacerbated.
effects of azimuthal anisotropy), it introduces a large amount
This tradeoff between optimal mid and near offset flattening
of systemic disparity between near and far offset waveforms
proved impossible to perfectly manage, and in the end it was
which can, in turn, pose challenges for t-estimation. Figure decided that a 60° angle be used in the production run.
3a shows a migrated CIP exhibiting extreme azimuthal Possible explanations for the existence of this tradeoff are:
anisotropy for which t time shifts are estimated via two (a) the fact that the elliptical moveout approximation loses
different approaches. The first approach is the “AVO- its validity at high propagation angles, (b) the existence of
projected pilot” technique of Zheng et al., 2008, an approach lateral velocity heterogeneity in the overburden or (c) a
which honors offset-dependent amplitude effects but not combination of both. Perhaps not surprisingly, the
waveform changes. Figure 3b shows the result after first downstream-generated azimuthal interval maps show
estimating then applying, t’s from the this approach (note significant variation depending on the choice of this
that a perfect result would imply perfect gather flattening). maximum angle parameter (Figure 5).
While the algorithm has done a good job of flattening up to
(iii) Impact of number of azimuths Next, for each post-5D output-azimuth configuration we
Lynn (2011) demonstrated via synthetic experiments that the estimated t shifts, performed the elliptical curve fitting to
quality of the azimuthal RMS parameter estimates can vary compute RMS azimuthal parameters, and finally executed
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with the number of input azimuths (with reliability the Generalized Dix Inversion to estimate the interval
improving with increasing number), and, correspondingly azimuthal parameters. Results are shown in Table 1, where
that the number of azimuths may have a profound impact on it is clear that quality of the Generalized Dix Inversion result
the quality of the final azimuthal interval estimates. His after 5D interpolation does not improve with increasing
experimental approach, while scientifically sound, did not azimuth. In fact, quality actually degrades with increasing
consider the effects of 5D interpolation, a relatively new azimuth, an observation which is likely due to the fact that
inclusion in azimuthal processing flows which introduces a 5D interpolation struggles with extreme, and regular,
complex interplay between signal-to-noise enhancement, upsampling across any of its coordinates (in this case
interpolated image quality, and azimuth smearing. In order azimuth). Based on the results of this testing, 6 azimuths
to study the effect of the number of output azimuths from 5D were output from 5D interpolation in the production run.
interpolation on the quality of the estimated azimuthal
Figure 5: Azimuthal interval maps of Vint_fast computed using two We thank Walt and Heloise Lynn for their help and guidance
different choices for maximum incident angle in the upstream throughout the project. We thank Enervest, Ltd. and Seitel,
azimuthal RMS parameter estimation.. (left) 40° maximum angle;
Inc. for granting permission to publish this work.
(right) 60° maximum angle. Images courtesy of Lynn Inc.
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