2014 Udl
2014 Udl
2014 Udl
2, June 2014
Ye He
Associate Professor
Department of Teacher Education and Higher Education
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Greensboro, NC 27402 USA
To prepare teacher candidates for the growing number of online learners they will
encounter in their professional practice, it is important that they have the opportunity to
experience quality online learning themselves. This paper reports a case study of an
online teacher education course that was designed based on Universal Design for
Learning (UDL) principles. Drawing from survey results and statistics collected through
the online learning management system, 24 teacher candidates' online learning
experiences were shared. The findings of this study illustrate the impact of the online
course on teacher candidates' confidence and self-efficacy in learning in an online
environment and potentially teaching online in the future. Teacher candidates'
perceptions of the benefits and challenges for teaching and learning online are also
Keywords: Universal Design for Learning (UDL), online teacher education, confidence,
As instructional technology continues to develop, more learners have access to a variety of online
learning opportunities. According to a recent review of K-12 online learning policy and practice, as of late
2011 all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia offer online learning experiences to students in K-12
settings (Watson, Murin, Vashaw, Gemin, & Rapp, 2011). Students in Michigan, New Mexico, Alabama,
and Idaho are required to complete an online learning experience before graduating from high school
(Kennedy & Archambault, 2012). It is projected that by 2020, 50% of high school classes will be offered
online (Christensen, Horn, & Johnson, 2011). As Hathaway and Norton (2012) pointed out, "The issue is
no longer whether or not online learning is or should occur, but rather how it is implemented" (p. 146).
Contrary to the growing need for teachers to be prepared to serve the increasing number of students
participating in online learning, a recent survey conducted by Project Tomorrow (2011) found that less
than a third of teachers are interested in teaching online. A majority of teachers do not feel prepared for
teaching online, and most teacher education programs only address the integration of instructional
technology in teaching through a single, isolated course (Kay, 2006). One of the key reasons for
teachers' lack of self-efficacy and confidence in teaching online may be attributed to their lack of having
experienced online learning themselves (Anderson, Standerford, & Imdieke, 2010). It is through
collaboration and social interactions among individuals and active social environments that teachers
gain confidence and self-efficacy in their own teaching behaviors (Bandura, 1977; Vygotsky, 1978).
According to Bandura, "most human behavior is learned observationally through modeling: from
observing others one forms an idea of how new behaviors are performed, and on later occasions this
coded information serves as a guide for action" (p. 22). As Lortie (1975) suggested, teachers learn to
teach through the "apprenticeship of observation" (p. 61). In other words, teachers tend to teach the way
they were taught. While one may argue that there are similarities among the dispositions, knowledge,
and skills required for teachers to teach in face-to-face (F2F) and online settings, there are unique
knowledge and skills teachers need to learn in order to successfully manage an online learning
environment and deliver the instructional content in an engaging and meaningful manner (Kennedy &
MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 10, No. 2, June 2014
Archambault, 2012; Ko & Rossen, 2010). To better prepare future teachers for the growing number of
online learners, it is important that teacher educators model good online instruction in teacher education
courses. Teacher candidates need to be offered the opportunity to not only experience online learning
themselves beyond an isolated instructional technology course, but to also reflect on their learning
experiences to further their development as teachers (Compton, Davis, & Mackey, 2009; Kennedy &
Archambault, 2012). Through the "apprenticeship of observation" (Lortie, 1975, p. 61) in an online
environment, teacher candidates may be able to further develop their readiness for teaching online in
the future (North American Council for Online Learning, 2008).
The purposes of this study, therefore, are to: (1) describe how teacher candidates engage in an online
teacher education course; (2) explore the impact of this experience on teachers' confidence and self-
efficacy in teaching and learning online; and (3) examine the impact of this experience on teachers'
perceptions of the benefits and challenges of teaching and learning online.
Literature Review
The researcher reviewed literature regarding online course design and delivery in teacher education
programs. The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles guided both the course design and
delivery in this study (Rose & Meyer, 2002). Further, a review of recent studies examining the impact of
online learning informed the research design and instrument used in this study.
Universal Design for Learning in Online Instruction
Universal design principles originated from architectural principles developed to ensure access to all
structures (North Carolina State University, The Center for Universal Design, 1997). Building upon the
same purpose to ensure access, educational researchers developed UDL principles in instructional
design to ensure students' access not only to the learning environments, but to learning itself (Rose,
Harbour, Johnston, Daley, & Abarbanell, 2006; Rose & Meyer, 2002).
Introduced by the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST), the UDL framework and guidelines
reflect theories and practices in education, developmental psychology, cognitive science, and cognitive
neuroscience (Rose & Gravel, 2010). The three primary brain networks recognized by cognitive
neuroscientists undergird the development of the specific UDL guidelines: (1) recognition networks – the
"what" of learning, (2) strategic networks – the "how" of learning, and (3) affective networks – the "why"
of learning (CAST, 2011; Rose & Gravel, 2010). Accordingly, UDL guidelines include: (1) providing
multiple means of representation in terms of perception, language, expressions, symbols, and
comprehension to support learning through recognition networks; (2) providing multiple means of action
and expression including physical action, expression and communication, and executive function to
support learning through strategic networks; and (3) providing multiple means of engagement including
recruiting interest, sustaining effort and persistence, and self-regulation to support learning through
affective networks (CAST, 2011). UDL principles highlight the importance of universal access in course
design and delivery with an intentional effort to incorporate the use of new technologies that support
In an effort to apply UDL principles in higher education settings, several institutions within the California
State University system launched the Ensuring Access through Collaboration and Technology (EnACT)
project with funding from the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Postsecondary Education. The
team not only designed professional development materials for faculty who would like to learn and apply
UDL principles but also shared UDL-based resources specifically for quality online learning and
teaching. EnACT's rubric for online instruction offers specific guidelines for online course development
based on UDL principles (California State University, 2012), specifying ways to ensure learner support
and resources, online organization and design, online instructional design and delivery, assessment and
evaluation of student learning, innovative teaching with technology, and faculty use of student feedback.
Table 1 includes course development and delivery considerations that were integrated to address the
above principles in this study.
While instructors have attempted to apply UDL principles to online course design and delivery, studies
examining the impact and effectiveness of the application tend to focus on students with learning
differences (Grabinger, Aplin, & Ponnappa-Brenner, 2008; Sapp, 2009; Simoncelli & Hinson, 2008).
Research into the impact of UDL-guided online instruction on learners' confidence and self-efficacy in
online learning, and especially the impact of modeling such experiences on teacher candidates'
perceptions on future online teaching is far from explored.
MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 10, No. 2, June 2014
Assessment and Evaluation of • Learning objectives and course activities are closely aligned
Student Learning • Regular feedback about student performance was provided
through an online grade book, online discussions, and weekly e-
• Blackboard, e-mail, Google Docs, and Skype were used as tools
to facilitate online communication and learning
• Learning objects were designed and integrated to support
Innovative Teaching with different learning styles
Technology • Additional instructional technology tools such as LiveBinders,
BookBuilder, Photo Story, VoiceThread, etc., were introduced to
students and offered as options for them to use to complete
course activities and assignments
• Feedback form was made available to students to offer ongoing
Faculty Use of Student
Feedback • Feedback was received through both informal and formal
manners to guide the delivery of the course throughout the
MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 10, No. 2, June 2014
MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 10, No. 2, June 2014
weekly basis, and a weekly announcement was sent to summarize the discussion from the previous
week and provide an overview of topics to be covered in the coming week.
While this was not a teaching methods course, online teaching strategies were explicitly modeled and
teacher candidates were engaged in reflections on their online learning experiences to inform their
understandings of teaching in an online environment. Even though teacher candidates did not have the
opportunity to engage in online teaching, the course offered an opportunity for them to observe online
instruction and reflect on ways in which they may be able to integrate UDL principles and online
teaching tools in their future classrooms.
The general research question in this study was:
What is the impact of an online teacher education course on teacher candidates' perceptions of
online instruction?
Three specific questions guided data collection and analysis:
1) How do teacher candidates participate in this online learning experience?
2) What is the impact of this experience on their confidence and self-efficacy in online learning and
potentially teaching in an online environment in the future?
3) What is the impact of this experience on teacher candidates' perceptions of the benefits and
challenges for teaching and learning online?
A total of 24 teacher candidates enrolled in the course, all of whom agreed to participate in the study.
The majority of the class was graduate students (N = 22; 92%) and there were two international
exchange students who were in their senior year. Seven participants were male (29%), and 17 were
female (71%). Ten participants (42%) were enrolled in a graduate-level pre-service teacher education
program that requires K-12 field experiences during the semester.
Quantitative data was collected from the Blackboard LMS itself through statistical tracking of how
frequently students accessed all course content. This tracking allowed the instructor to monitor the
amount of time and the time frame during which participants interacted with the course content. This
information, accompanying participants' self-reported survey data, was used to depict the patterns of
participation in the online course environment.
An online teaching and learning self-assessment in the form of a survey was administered at the start
(pre-assessment) and end (post-assessment) of the course in order to examine participants' confidence
in using technology in online teaching and learning settings and their self-efficacy in learning in an online
environment. The survey contained 14 five-point Likert-scale items and four open-ended questions. The
14 Likert-scale items addressed three categories: (1) confidence in using technology in learning; (2)
confidence in using technology in teaching; and (3) online learning self-efficacy. The open-ended
questions asked about participants' likes and concerns about the online teaching and learning
environment as teachers and as students. On the post-assessment, in addition to the same items from
the pre-assessment, participants were asked to rank the importance of and their satisfaction with various
course components including the Blackboard LMS, various online interaction forums, and projects.
Based on the data collected in this study, the reliability (Cronbach's alpha) of the instrument was .95.
In addition to the pre/post self-assessment, participants were also provided the opportunity to offer
ongoing feedback through a Google form that was embedded in the Blackboard course. At the end of
the semester, participants were invited to respond to a final course evaluation that included both Likert-
scale items and open-ended questions.
All quantitative data were analyzed using the SPSS statistical analysis software. Both quantitative data
and qualitative data were imported into ATLAS.ti to analyze themes and patterns. Descriptive statistics
were reported based on statistics tracking information from the Blackboard LMS and participants' self-
reported survey data regarding their perceptions of the importance and satisfaction of course
components. Because the number of participants was relatively small, instead of conducting statistical
analysis to compare participants' pre and post survey responses, the difference of the means for each
item were reported. The researcher analyzed the qualitative data in an exploratory manner first to allow
the themes and patterns to emerge. The initial exploratory analysis yielded eighteen coding categories.
MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 10, No. 2, June 2014
During the secondary-level analysis, the relationships among the categories, and the responses that
were coded under multiple categories, were further explored to form the general themes including: (1)
pacing and flexibility; (2) interaction with course content; (3) interaction with peers; (4) interaction
between instructor and students; and (5) technology issues in this study.
Online Learning Experiences
Both asynchronous and synchronous experiences were offered in this course. Participants' main
interaction with the course content was through the online course modules that provided access to all
recommended reading materials, websites, podcasts, webinars, and videos. The online course modules
also included required learning materials and interactive activities. Although the course materials were
organized by week and new materials were released every Monday, participants were encouraged to
revisit previous course materials and maintain their own pace throughout the week. Based on the
statistics tracking from Blackboard, it was evident that in this study, participants interacted with course
content in an ongoing manner throughout the course. Figure 1 showed the pattern of participants'
interaction with the course content posted under Course Documents for Class 1. The x-axis indicates
the date when participants accessed the course content and the y-axis illustrates the frequency of
access. This pattern was consistent for other content area documents as well.
Frequency of Access
Date of Access
Figure 1. Class 1 content statistics tracking
Synchronous online interactions offered opportunities for participants to interact directly with the
instructor and with their peers. To accommodate participants' schedules, synchronous sessions were
not required in this course. However, all sessions were recorded and archived for later access. On
average, 16 out of 24 participants (67%) were present in each synchronous session. It was interesting to
note that almost all participants, including those who were present at the synchronous sessions,
accessed and viewed the archived recordings of these sessions. Figure 2 illustrates the number of hits
of the archived second synchronous session over the course of the semester as an example. The x-axis
indicates the dates when participants accessed the archived session and the y-axis the frequency. This
pattern was also consistent for other archived synchronous sessions. Some participants accessed the
recordings multiple times during one day and other participants accessed the recordings throughout the
course of the semester rather than only during the week when a particular synchronous session was
offered. In their feedback form, eight out of 14 participants (57%) mentioned the synchronous sessions
as their favorite part of the course and commented that being able to review recorded synchronous
sessions was an advantage of online learning.
MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 10, No. 2, June 2014
Frequency of Access
Date of Access
Figure 2. Archived second synchronous session statistics tracking
At the end of the semester, participants were asked to rank the importance of the course components
they experienced and their satisfaction with each component. As is shown in Table 2, "Instructor" was
ranked as the most important component of the course. The LMS, weekly announcements, course
modules, documents, and the required field experiences were also ranked as important by participants.
While the LMS and weekly announcements provided clear organization for the course, the course
modules and documents provided opportunities for learners to engage with the content. The required
field experiences allowed participants to apply their learning in authentic interactions.
Based on their experiences in this course, participants were most satisfied with the online course
modules, the synchronous sessions, and the instructor. More specifically, participants appreciated the
consistent organization of the course content and the prompt feedback offered by the instructor. In the
final course evaluation, nine out of 15 participants (60%) commented that the promptness of feedback
and responses to questions and concerns in multiple formats (e.g., e-mails, synchronous discussions,
individual or group Skype meetings) facilitated their online learning experiences. For participants who
were not as familiar with the online learning environment at the beginning of the course, they felt that
they were "able to overcome any obstacles the online format might present" and felt that the course was
delivered "in an effective and interesting way."
The TESOL News section was perceived as the least important and prompted the least satisfaction
among the participants. Even though the RSS feed functioned well and was readily available,
MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 10, No. 2, June 2014
participants reported that they often did not remember to check it and were not able to make full use of
the materials it provided. While group work was not rated by participants as important as other
components of the course, in the final evaluation, participants did comment on how they appreciated the
"interactions and peer reviews incorporated that expanded learning for all," and felt the class "functioned
like a learning community."
Confidence and Self-Efficacy in Teaching and Learning Online
At the start and end of the course, participants completed self-assessments regarding their confidence
and self-efficacy in teaching and learning in an online environment (see Table 3). Based on the pre-
assessment, participants reported the highest ratings on their confidence in learning online, especially in
terms of using basic computer programs such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Not surprisingly, they
reported the lowest confidence in teaching online, particularly concerning the use of Web 2.0 tools and
facilitating student learning in an online environment. The average rating of participants' self-efficacy in
online learning is also relatively high, especially in regard to completing online activities and tasks and
being able to apply what they learn in real life.
Table 3. Confidence and self-efficacy in teaching and learning online – pre/post self-assessment
Pre Post Mean
Confidence and Self Efficacy
M SD M SD Difference
Confidence in Learning Online 4.11 0.74 4.65 .45 0.54
Confidence in using online learning management
4.29 0.81 4.77 .53 0.48
system such as Blackboard
Confidence in using basic computer programs such
4.58 0.72 4.77 .53 0.19
as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Confidence in using Web 2.0 tools such as blogs,
3.33 1.09 4.32 .72 0.99
wikis, Google Docs, VoiceThread, LiveBinders, etc.
Confidence in using online communication and
collaboration tools such as e-mails and online 4.25 0.90 4.73 .55 0.48
After taking the course, participants reported an increase in their confidence and self-efficacy in teaching
and learning. The growth was observed in all subscales and all 14 items. Participants continued to rate
themselves highest in terms of their confidence in learning online. The most noticeable growth was
observed in their confidence in using Web 2.0 tools. Even though participants still reported the lowest
mean score on their confidence in teaching online, this is also the subscale that reflected the greatest
MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 10, No. 2, June 2014
growth. The increase in the mean rating in participants' confidence in their ability to effectively
communicate with students in an online environment was especially noticeable. Participants also
demonstrated growth in their self-efficacy for online learning. Positive changes were observed on all
items in this subscale.
Overall, it was evident from participants' pre and post self-assessments that they not only enhanced
their online learning self-efficacy and confidence in learning online through taking the online course, but
also developed their confidence in their ability to teach online. The use of LMSs, basic computer
programs, and Web 2.0 tools were modeled throughout the course and the participants were also
required to use some more advanced features in basic computer programs such as narration in
PowerPoint, collaborative tools such as Google Docs and LiveBinders, and basic Blackboard tools such
as synchronous Collaborate sessions, asynchronous discussions, and group collaboration tools.
Additional tools and resources such as BookBuilder, Photo Story, and VoiceThread were recommended
as choices participants could select to complete assignments and projects. As one participant
commented in the final evaluation: "I really liked the various examples of technology that were
suggested as a means of doing different course assignments." The modeling, resources, and choices of
the use of various online teaching and learning tools provided differentiated support for learners with
different levels of readiness in using instructional technology in their own learning and served as models
of how they can teach in online environments as well.
Benefits of Online Teaching and Learning
Participants reflected on the benefits of both learning online and teaching online before and after the
course. Pacing and flexibility were reported by most of the participants as benefits for both teaching and
learning online. At the end of the semester, more participants commented on interactions with course
content as an additional benefit of learning online. From the teaching perspective, several participants
recognized the advantages of the use of technology in teaching and reported that teaching quality can
be enhanced through online instructor–student interactions and student–student interactions.
• Benefits of learning online. The majority of the participants in this study (20 out of 24, or 83%)
referred to pacing and flexibility as the key benefit of learning online. Specifically, at the beginning
of the semester, participants commented that online learning offers a more "flexible schedule,"
easy access, and reduced time and cost for travel than was typically required for F2F classes.
At the end of the semester, the same number of participants commented on pacing and flexibility
as the main benefits for online learning. The online learning experiences they had allowed them
to discuss more specifically what they appreciated as an online learner: "I can determine how
much time I need to spend on each class component to ensure I understand it better. I also like
that I can go back to previous modules to retrieve information."
Related to the comment on flexibility and pacing, at the end of the semester, four participants
(17%) specifically referred to their interaction with the learning content as the benefit. One
participant, for example, mentioned that: "It [the online format] allows me to use my laptop and
online resources more frequently." Similarly, another participant said that: "I liked the variety of
materials and modes of communication that we were able to utilize."
• Benefits of teaching online. From their perspectives as teachers, nine participants (38%) referred
to pacing and flexibility as the benefit of online teaching at the beginning of the semester. These
comments tend to also be associated with flexible schedule and cost. Several participants (five
out of 24, or 21%) commented on the interaction between the instructor and students as a
strength of the online teaching format, especially for students who typically do not feel
comfortable speaking up in class. As one participant described, "Teacher can know more about
their students because the online class makes the timid student have the courage to express
their thoughts and ideas."
After taking the online course, seven participants (29%) commented on pacing and flexibility as
the benefit of online teaching. In addition to schedule, time, and cost from the teachers'
perspective, several participants commented on how the online format could allow their students
to learn at their own pace: "I like that the teacher can put out a lot of information (a lot of links,
etc.) for the students to go through at their own pace." Similar to their comments from the
learners' perspective, as teachers, five participants (21%) explicitly commented on the benefit of
being able to "share the course resources more conveniently to the students" using the online
teaching format.
MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 10, No. 2, June 2014
While only five participants (21%) commented that interaction between the instructor and student
and interaction among peers were benefits of online teaching, it was observed that when
participants referred back to the specific learning activities they experienced: "It is easier for the
teacher knowing the feedback of every student when using the synchronous learning program
(e.g., teacher can ask every student questions and knowing the result very quickly and
accurately)." Finally, four participants (17%) stated that the availability of technology was a
benefit of the online teaching format. They were pleased to learn that "there are many
instructional technology tools available to deliver audio and visual lectures." One participant
commented that he/she felt the online learning experience provided him/her with invaluable
preparation "for the future by using technology in a creative and effective manner."
Concerns about Teaching and Learning Online
Participants also reflected on their concerns about teaching and learning online before and after taking
the course. The major concerns regarding learning that online participants expressed prior to taking the
course included the lack of interactions with the instructor, the lack of interactions among peers, and the
potential technology issues that may interfere with learning. From a teaching perspective, participants
expressed concerns in terms of instructor–student relationships, immediate feedback, and assessment
and accountability. After taking the course, fewer participants expressed these concerns, but they still
commented on the benefits of F2F interactions with the instructor that were missing in the online course
and the potential technology issues they may experience in the future. Instead of being worried about
not being able to use technology to deliver the content, they became more concerned about ways to
best differentiate instruction for learners with different needs using appropriate technology tools.
• Concerns about learning online. As online learners, most participants (14 out of 24, or 58%)
expressed concerns regarding interactions with peers at the beginning of the semester.
Participants tended to refer back to their experiences in F2F classrooms and commented on how
they "enjoy being in a classroom with other students," and that "the interaction and discussion is
an important component." In addition to interactions in the classroom settings, some participants
also expressed concerns about establishing long-term relationships with their peers. For
example, one participant commented: "It's hard to make friends and get to know colleagues
without seeing them in person." Two participants specifically mentioned their concerns with not
being able to see the non-verbal behaviors of their peers and therefore cannot "gauge their
reactions or their reception to my responses." Another participant commented, "I wonder if the
collaboration with peers is actually feasible." After taking the online course, interaction with peers
remained the concern expressed by most of the participants. Nine out of 24 participants (38%)
still expressed that they "miss the face to face contact of a classroom."
In addition to interaction with peers, interaction between teacher and students and technology
issues were concerns expressed by seven participants at the beginning of the course (28%).
Similar concerns regarding the lack of F2F meeting opportunities and seeing non-verbal
feedback were expressed regarding the interaction between the teacher and students. In terms of
technology, several participants admitted that they may not be as familiar with the use of online
LMSs or instructional technology tools. As one participant put it: "I have much to learn about the
online learning process. I am concerned that I will not understand how to use online programs
required for this class." Three participants who identified technology as one of their major
concerns were actually very confident in their technology skills. They were more concerned about
technology issues beyond individual control:
"I only have concerns about online learning when my technology fails to work. I am
confident in my ability to navigate online sites and the computer itself. However, my
concern arises when I don't know how to readily fix problems, such as wireless
connection or other random glitches."
After taking the course, seven participants (28%) expressed concerns about interactions with the
instructor. All of them generally stated that they miss "the personal interaction with the
teacher/professor." It was interesting to note that only one participant who was concerned about
technology at the beginning of the course still expressed concerns at the end. This particular
participant was confident in using technology, but was concerned that "Learners who are not
familiar with technology can experience difficulty to participate in the class, even though there is
the explanation about how to use them." Three other participants who did not express technology
concerns at the beginning of the course did mention technology as a concern at the end. Most of
MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 10, No. 2, June 2014
the comments were general and hypothetical, such as "there is always the possibility of a
technical crash which could prove disastrous." Only one participant actually referred to specific
technology difficulties: "Technology glitches are my biggest concern. For example, I uploaded a
PP [PowerPoint] presentation with audio, but the uploaded file did not play the audio. This is
• Concerns about teaching online. Participants also commented on their concerns for online
teaching from their perspective as teachers. Not surprisingly, interaction between the teacher and
the students was the major concern expressed by most of the participants (13 out of 24, or 54%).
Participants expressed concerns regarding the lack of immediate feedback from their students to
adjust and modify their instruction. For example, one participant commented:
"I think the biggest concern about online learning from a teacher's perspective would be
gaging how challenging the activities and assessments are. Especially with younger
students, but with all students in general, it is easier to tell if a student is frustrated or
bored with an activity if you are in the room with that student."
Several participants were also concerned about the assessment and accountability in general.
One participant commented that: "It might be a little hard to check up the students' learning."
Another participant worried that "identity of students who attend the class might be one thing that
is hard to detect."
The lack of opportunity to get to know students and to establish relationships with students was
another aspect of the concern:
"I would be concerned about not being able to build a strong rapport with my students
because I wouldn't see them or interact with them face-to-face. I wouldn't want my
instruction to suffer because I didn't 'know' my students."
Participants (eight out of 24, or 33%) also expressed concerns regarding technology from the
teacher's perspective at the beginning of the course. While the majority of these participants
commented on their lack of familiarity with online teaching, one participant commented on
concerns that they would need to address technology issues as part of the course content:
"I am worried that rather than teaching content or language, a greater part of my actual
instruction time will be diverted to teaching others how to use technology, and because I
learned technology by figuring it out for myself, I am unsure what teaching the use of
such things looks like."
After taking the online course, five participants (21%) expressed similar concerns in terms of
instructor–student relationships, immediate feedback, and assessment and accountability. In
terms of concerns regarding technology, it was interesting to note that although six participants
expressed concerns (25%), only one of them stated a lack of familiarity with technology as the
concern. The rest of the participants expressed their concerns with learning ways to differentiate
and support learners who may have various backgrounds in technology. For example, one
participant commented: "I would say that the most difficult aspect of online learning from a
teacher's perspective is the differences in computer skills that students have as a result of their
backgrounds." Another participant stated:
"I think I might be concerned that some student may be neglected by their peers, which
may happen unintentionally; but it is possible. Also I would be concerned about the
technical problems that some student might encounter and try to think of alternative
plans in such cases."
Overall, the number of participants who expressed concerns decreased after taking the course.
While participants were most concerned about their interactions with peers from learners'
perspectives, they were worried about their interactions with their students from teachers'
perspectives. As teachers, when discussing their interactions with their students, feedback and
assessment was a critical component of their concern. In expressing their concerns regarding
technology, it was observed that as teachers, participants moved from being concerned about
their own technology skills to ways to facilitate online learning for students with various
technology backgrounds.
MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 10, No. 2, June 2014
The course elements identified by participants as important in online learning included course
organization, instructor, and feedback, which are consistent with the guidelines of online teaching based
on UDL principles and supported by previous research regarding online instruction (Heirdsfield et al.,
2011; Hodges & Cowan, 2012; Ku, Akarasriworn, Glassmeyer, Mendoza, & Rice, 2011; Žuvic-Butorac et
MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 10, No. 2, June 2014
al., 2011). While consistent online course organization can be achieved during course design, instructor
presence and prompt feedback are essential elements in course delivery that all higher education
faculty, including teacher educators, need to learn more about. Behaviors such as frequency of
interaction, formats of interactions, responsiveness, and even tone impact how students perceive
instructors' social and cognitive presence (Lowenthal, 2009; Russo & Campbell, 2004). Offering teacher
educators professional development on these topics would enhance the quality of online course delivery
and allow teacher educators to be more cognizant in reflecting on their own online teaching behaviors in
addition to sharing these experiences explicitly with teacher candidates.
Further, participants in this study illustrated that availability of ongoing opportunities to interact with
content, especially the recorded synchronous sessions, opportunities to explore the use of various
technology tools, and an environment that allowed for self-paced learning are unique features and
benefits of online learning. These benefits may encourage more teachers and teacher educators to
integrate online components in F2F courses to offer more differentiation for learners coming from
different cultural and linguistic backgrounds, or with different learning styles or learning preferences.
Choices pertaining to class engagement and participation in various online formats could also enrich the
classroom environment and maximize opportunities for teaching and learning in general.
It was encouraging to note that participants reported enhanced confidence and self-efficacy in both
learning and teaching online after taking this course. This finding supports the need for all teacher
candidates to have the opportunity to experience online learning during their teacher education program
(Compton et al., 2009; Kennedy & Archambault, 2012). In addition to the self-reported survey,
participants' more detailed and specific descriptions of the benefits and concerns regarding online
learning also indicated the importance of intentional reflection being integrated as part of their online
learning experiences. Based on findings from this study, participants' online learning experiences not
only allowed them to see what learning opportunities are possible in an online learning environment but
also challenged them to question what pedagogical methods they need to be aware of as teachers to
support learners with different levels of technology readiness in their future teaching.
Finally, the process of conducting the research on the effectiveness and impact of the online course and
design itself may offer other teacher educators ideas for collecting ongoing feedback from learners for
online course development and improvement. In addition to the use of course evaluation, in this study,
pre/post surveys, ongoing feedback from participants, and the statistics tracking from the LMS offered
the instructor multiple sources for data to obtain teacher candidates' feedback in online learning.
Promoting such assessment and feedback efforts at the institutional level could further extend our
understanding of online instruction and offer learners more opportunities to contribute to the
improvement of online course offerings.
Limitations and Future Research
Several limitations of the present study point to the need for future research on this topic. First, because
the study was conducted in one teacher education course with a limited number of participants, the
course design, delivery, and impact may not be generalizable to other teacher education settings.
Through teacher educator collaborations, the study can be replicated in multiple teacher education
courses to explore teacher candidates' online learning experiences in different disciplinary areas and
examine the development of their confidence and self-efficacy in learning and teaching online. Second,
the study relied mainly on participants' self-reported data regarding their confidence and self-efficacy in
using online learning tools. Teacher candidates' content learning outcomes, and social and affective
development were not examined. Future studies employing quasi-experimental designs to explore
teacher development beyond their use of learning tools will allow teacher educators to gain a more
comprehensive understanding of the impact of these online learning experiences. Further, while
participants' online learning experiences were examined using both self-reported data and statistics
tracking from the LMS, the quality of participant engagement in specific online activities was not
monitored. Further participatory research examining details of learner interactions with the content,
peers, and instructor from learners' perspectives would extend our understandings of the quality of
online engagement as well. Finally, even though participants were asked to reflect on how they may use
the learning tools in online instruction, they did not have the opportunity to actually teach online. With
progressively more online courses being developed in teacher education programs, teacher educators
may want to consider integrating online teaching as part of the field experience in the curriculum to
provide teacher candidates with more opportunities to practice teaching in an online environment.
MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Vol. 10, No. 2, June 2014
As Kennedy and Archambault (2012) pointed out, to be truly prepared to teach the increasing number of
online learners, teacher candidates need to develop specific dispositions, knowledge, and skills about
online teaching by having opportunities to experience guided online teaching experiences. Modeling
sound pedagogical practices to teach online through the "apprenticeship of observation" (Lortie, 1975, p.
61) and examining the effectiveness and impact of such courses are initial steps in preparing effective
teachers who are confident and capable of using online pedagogy. Teacher educators may need to
consider designing more teacher education courses, especially methods courses, where online teaching
pedagogy can be modeled and guided teaching opportunities can be provided. At the same time,
research studies examining these innovative practices also need to be more widely disseminated to
reach a wide audience of teacher educators and practicing teachers.
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