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18LECTURE 1.1.


1.1 D Landau level eigenstates

In a magnetic Bẑ, as you know, the non-interacting eigenstates of the Hamiltonian
(1.1.8) of charged particles are no longer plane waves, but rather Landau level states.

From Hamiltonian to effective Hamiltonian

We have
H= + V (r); (1.1.26)
we’ll set aside V (r) for now, and later on treat it as a perturbation. The canonical
momentum is
~ q
P̂ ≡ ∇ − A. (1.1.27)
i c
Assuming Landau gauge, with charge q = −e,the Scrödinger equation becomes
" 2 #

1 eB
Hψ(r) = −∇2x + ∇y − x ψ(r) = Eψ(r). (1.1.28)
2m∗ i ~c

By our choice of gauge, the Hamltonian operator is independent of y, so we can separate

the wavefunction ψ(x, y) = eiky φ(x). Furthermore, the coefficent of x in (1.1.28) is just
1/`2B , which manifestly has the right dimensions. Factoring out eiky , the result is a
one-dimensional Schrödinger equation Hx φ(x) = Eφx , with the effective Hamiltonian

−∇2x + (x − xk )2

Hx ≡ (1.1.29)
xk ≡ `2B k. (1.1.30)
Obviously, (1.1.29) describes a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator with its well cen-
tered at xk and a spring constant Keff = ~2 /m`2B .

Solutions of simple harmonic oscillator (review)

The resonant frequency is Keff /m∗ = ωc . Thus, the energy levels are quantized as

En = (n + 1/2)~ωc, (1.1.31)

where n = 0, 1, ...; the states with index n constitute the n-th Landau level; the “lowest
Landau level” (n = 0) will often be abbreviated “LLL”. When one has a large magnetic
field, it makes sense to start from a wavefunction made up only of orbitals from the
lowest Landau level. So we shall generally assume we have restricted the electron state
space to the LLL.
The ground state (LLL) wavefunction, of course, has Gaussian form, exp[−(x −
xk )2 /4σ 2 ]. My trick to remember the variance σ 2 for any kind of harmonic oscillator is
that, by the virial theorem, exactly half the zero-point √ energy is “kinetic” term, thus
1 2 1 1 2 2
2 Kh(∆x) i ≡ (
2 2 ~ω c ), hence σ = h(∆x) i = ~/2 Keff m∗ . In the present case this
simplifies to `2B /2. Thus, our final answer for the LLL is
(x−xk )2

ψ0,k ∝ eiky e 2`2
B . (1.1.32)

For the n-th Landau level, the form is the same but multiplied by the Hermite polyno-
mial Hn ([x − xk ]/`B ).
Recall that, classically, the equations of motion for a cyclotron motion are the same
as for harmonic oscillation; thus Eq. (1.1.31) could be understood as quantizing the
harmonic oscillator describing a cyclotron orbit, and the 21 ωc is the oscillator’s zero-
point motion . The magnetic length is then the radius of the classical cyclotron orbit
with the zero-point energy (the lowest Landau level is built from those states).

How many states?

Imagine a system of dimensions Lx × Ly . With periodic boundary conditions in the

y direction, the allowed k-vectors are

k= my (1.1.33)

for any integer m. (It is not limited by the Brillouin zone.) Thus, the allowed values
of xk are separated by ∆x = `2B ∆k = 2π`2B /Ly . Notice that if Ly  `B (and it is, or
our system is effecively one-dimensional), then ∆x  `B so the separation of successive
eigenstates is much smaller than the width of each. (They are nevertheless orthogonal
on account of the eiky factors.)
So, the total number of independent states is (Lx Ly )/2π`2B and each Landau level
states per unit area. in a plot of the density of states these would be δ functions, which
are broadened into the peaks of Fig. 1.1.2. Notice this comes out to exactly one state
per flux quantum piercing the 2DEG. Note too that, over an energy interval with many
Landau levels, this averages to a density of states (~ωc )−1 (2π`2B )1 = m∗ /2π~2 per unit
area, which is indeed the B-independent, constant density of states of a 2DEG (with
one spin flavor).
Massive degeneracies provide rich opportunities for more elaborate electron cor-
relations to develop. When any small perturbation is added to the Hamiltonian, the
eigenstates will be some particular mixture of states from the lowest Landau level (LLL).

Adding a potential

Consider including a potential energy V (x) = 21 Kx2 . which we assume is slowly

varying. The potential in our effective Hamiltonian now becomes
1 1
Veff (x) = Keff (x − xk )2 + Kx2 . (1.1.35)
2 2

where, recall, Keff = ~ωc /2`2B . By the slowly varying assumption, V (x) should change
by much less than ~ωc over the width (∼ `B ) of the ground state, or equivalently

K  Keff . (1.1.36)

Rearranging the squares we get

1 0 0 2 1 K
Veff (x) = Keff (x − x k ) + 1− Kx2 . (1.1.37)
2 2 Keff

where Keff 0 = Keff + K ≈ Keff ; also, x0 k ≡ xk − δx, where

δx = Keff −1 ∇V (xk ), (1.1.38)

i.e. the centerline gets pushed a small distance by the force; the constant offset of the
energy is practically the potential along the centerline,
V (xk − δx) (1.1.39)

when linearized in δx.

Since the unperturbed wavefunction extended over a narrow range of x over which
we could have linearized V (x), it is not surprising that the same formulas hold for a
linear potential. (Exercise: check it). It’s also clear that they hold for any potential
V (x).

1.1 E Landau levels II: symmetric gauge

Why do we use two gauges? Technically, Landau gauge is a bit simpler, and perhaps
more familiar, while the symmetric gauge is quite necessary for writing the wavefunc-
tions in fractional QHE. More important, the respective eigenfunctions are useful for
different physical pictures. The Landau level wavefunction, strung out along a line, was
valid with little modification when a potential V (x) is added, giving us the prototype
of more general wavefunctions that hug the contour lines of a slowly varying potential.
On the other hand, the first symmetric gauge wavefunction ϕ0 (r) is localized, giving us
an example of a coherent state wavepacket, which is particularly appropriate to handle
external potentials or electron-electron interactions that are defined in real space.
The symmetric gauge vector potential is
A = B(+y, −x) (1.1.40)

We claim an eigenfunction in the lowest Landau level (unnormalized) is

/4`2B 2
ϕ0 (r) ≡ e−|r| ≡ e−|z| (1.1.41)

It will be very handy to represent (x, y) as a complex number z ≡ x + iy. Let’s see what
we can get from transcribing everything into complex-variable language.
Note: After working this out, I discovered the text by P. Fazekas (see my book list)
has a derivation for symmetric gauge in the same spirit, but done nicer.
First we define the operators
∂ 1 ∂ ∂ ∂ 1 ∂ ∂
≡ −i ; ≡ + i . (1.1.42)
∂z 2 ∂x ∂y ∂z ∗ 2 ∂x ∂y
It is easy to check
∂ ∂ ∂ ∗ ∂
z = ∗ z ∗ = 1; z = z = 0. (1.1.43)
∂z ∂z ∂z ∂z ∗
Of course, it follows that e.g. (∂/∂z ∗)k f (z) ≡ 0 for any power k and any function
f (z), and vice versa, so the behavior is as if z and z ∗ are fully independent variables –
despite the fact that one can be obtained by simply conjugating the other! Note also
the commutators:
∂ ∂
[ , z] = [ ∗ , z ∗ ] = 1. (1.1.44)
∂z ∂z

The canonical momenta in this gauge are

1 y 1 x
(p̂x , p̂y ) ≡ ~( ∇x + 2 , ∇y − 2 ), (1.1.45)
i 2`B i 2`B

The Hamiltonian can now be arranged as

Ĥ = (p̂x − ip̂y )(p̂x + ip̂y ) − 2 ; (1.1.46)
2m∗ 2`B
~2 1
=− D̂1 D̂0 + ~ωc , (1.1.47)
2m∗ 2

where the extra constant came from the commutator [p̂y , p̂x ] = ~/i`2B , and

∂ z ∂ z∗
D̂0 ≡ 2 + ; D̂1 ≡ 2 − 2. (1.1.48)
∂z ∗ 2`2B ∂z 2`B

Because one of these is not the conjugate of the other, these operators will have different
Although it is preferable to keep dimensions in most formulas, in this section the
reader will profit by setting `B → 1 in every formula.
Firstly, it is trivial to check that D̂0 (ϕ0 (z)) = 0 and hence H(ϕ0 (z)) = 12 ~ωx ϕ0 (z),
so this is an eigenstate in the LLL. Furthermore,

[D̂0 , z] = 0 (1.1.49)

so D̂(z m ϕ0 (z)) = 0: all these functions are eigenfunctions in the LLL, too. Notice they
have angular momentum component m.
Secondly, we have [D̂1 , D̂0 ] = 2/`2B and so

[H, D̂1 ] = ~ωc D̂1 . (1.1.50)

Thus, D̂1 functions as a raising operator: if Hψ(z) = Eψ(z), then H(D̂ψ(z)) = (E +

~ωc )D̂ψ(z). Putting both results together, the eigenfunctions in symmetric gauge are
ψn,m (z) = D̂1n (z m e−|z| ), (1.1.51)

with energies
En,m ≡ (n + )~ωc . (1.1.52)

The states with index n are in the n-th Landau level, and the angular momentum is
m − n.
The general eigenfunction in the LLL is any linear combination, cm z m ϕ0 (r). That
prefactor, of course, is any analytic function. Thus,
− |z|2
ψ(r) = f (z)e 4`
B (1.1.53)

is a general eigenfunction in the LLL, where f (z) is any analytic function, (Similarly
D̂1n [f (z) exp(−|z|2 /4`2B ) is a general eigenfunction in the n-th Landau level.) These
wavefunctions have as many properties as analytic functions do; one amusing feature is
that the locations of the zeroes of the wavefunction determine it completely.

Translations of wavepackets

If we translate the wavefunction ϕ0 (r) along a straight line to another center r̄, we
pick up additional (gauge-dependent) phase factors from the vector potential, as given
in Appendix 1.1 X. The result is
/4`2B +i(ẑ·r̄×r)/2`2B
ϕr̄ (r) = e−|r−r̄| (1.1.54)

In symmetric gauge, we could shift ϕ0 (r) to a translation-equivalent state with a

different center, and if the displacement more than ∼ `B the overlap is small with
the original state. Thus it is obvious the degenerate states have a massive degeneracy
proportional of order `−2
B times the system area; the way to get the degeneracy is in
(Ex. 1.1.2).

1.1 F Semiclassical wavefunctions

From our knowledge of the correspondence principle and our derivation of the classical
motion, we can construct good approximations of the eigenstates (to be put to use
in the next lecture). Recall that our classical motion implies x̂ and ŷ are canonically
conjugate operators with [x̂, ŷ] = 1/`2B . (Of course they aren’t literally conjugate, but
as projected into one Landau level – as we’re assuming – they become conjugate.) Thus,
within a Landau level, we cannot have an arbitarily definite x and y at the same time.
Instead, let ϕr̄ (r) be a minimum uncertainty wavepacket centered at r̄ (in any gauge).
It is an example of what is called a “coherent state”.
As a digression, another situation where you have noncommuting variables that are
related by a symmetry is the components of a spin (with large length S). In that case,
too, we could like to think classically of having a particular direction, which forces us to
use coherent states. And their centers follow the same sideways dynamics on the surface
of a unit sphere, when a potential is created by an external field, crystal anisotropies,
or interactions with other spins. (See P636 lectures, 5.1) The other standard spin
wavefunction – having a completely definite Sz , and completely indefinite Sx or Sy – is
similar to the ribbon-like electron eigenstates we found in either Landau or symmetric
In a nonzero potential, the guiding center drifts following the classical trajectory:

Ψ(r, t) ≈ e−iΦ(t) ϕr̄(t) (r) (1.1.55)

Here Θ(t) is the accumulated phase along that trajectory. Since the trajectory follows
a contour of V (r), we assume it is a closed loop with a period T . Here Θ(t) depends
on gauge, but around the loop it will be gauge-invariant, just 2π(Φ/Φ0 ) where Φ = AB
is the net flux, assuming the loop encircles area A. Actually, in time the wavepacket
spreads out , but this happens only to the degree that different parts of it experience
differing forces ∇V ; assuming the potential is slowly varying on the scale `B of the
waveacket’s width, this is a small (slow) effect.
We want to make an eigenfunction that will be stationary in time. Now, (1.1.55)
actually represents a whole family of time-dependent solutions depending on the shift t0
of the initial time; a proper linear combination of all these lagged solutions is stationary.
We equate E/~ to the mean rate of phase change, Θ(T )/T , and construct the desired
linear combination by projecting out that Fourier component:
ΨE (r, t) ∝ dt0 e−iE(t−t )/~ Ψ(r, t − t0 ) = e−iEt/~) ΨE (r), (1.1.56)

where Z T
0 0
ΨE (r) = dt0 e−iΘ(t )+iEt /~ ϕr̄(t) (r). (1.1.57)

Thus the wavefunction is, in general, strung out along a contour. (Exercise: when the
potential is V (x), verify the semiclassical formula gives the Landau gauge eigenstates
you already found.)
THis is just the utterly standard Bohr-Sommerfeld semiclassical construction. The
quantization condition is
Θ(T ) = 2πm (1.1.58)
with m an integer; otherwise there is a discontinuity in the integral. Thus, the shift
between successive quantized orbits is such that the area between them has one flux
quanta; their spacing is inversely proportional to the contour’s length. (You already
obtained that for the special case of the Landau level eigenstates: compare the formula
for ∆x.)

1.1 X Appendix: Review of gauges

To compare results in different gauges A(r) and A0 (r), it’s helpful to review how to
convert between gauges. The respective vector potentials are related by the gauge
transformation A0 (r) = A(r)+∇χ(r). If ψ(r) is a wavefunction, the same wavefunction
in the other gauge is  
0 ie
ψ (r) ≡ exp − χ(r) ψ(r). (1.1.59)
It’s also handy to translate a wavefunction by a vector u, in a particular gauge A(r).
Define a path Γ in translation-space connecting the origin to u. Then
 Z u
0 ie
ψ (r + u) = exp − du0 · A(r + u0 ). (1.1.60)
~c Γ:0

The result is unavoidably different, depending what path you adopted in u space. But if
the magnetic field is uniform The phase difference between the two paths is proportional
to the integral of A(r0 ) around a closed loop attached to r, which is the flux inside.
Provided the field is uniform, this flux doesn’t depend on r, and therefore the difference
is a trivial overall phase factor. Alternatively, say the field is nonuniform but the
wavefunction is localized in an area much smaller than the scale over which B(r) varies.
Then the same phase factor is given for every value r at which

Ex. 1.1.1 Landau gauge wavepacket

(From Girvin Ex. 1.5). Work in Landau gauge where our eigenfunctions were
proportional to eiky , k ≡ ky . With allowed k values being spaced by 2π/Ly , the
corresponding shift in x̄k would be far smaller than the eigenfunction’s width ∼ `B .
That means we have a hope of combining many eigenfunctions together to make a
wavepacket more compact in the y direction, but still ∼ `B (though broader) in the x
R +∞
direction. Thus, we consider a wavefunction ψ(x, y) = −∞ dka(k)ψk (x, y).
What form for a(k)? You have a big hint in the fact that x and y behave as
conjugate operators. You are probably familiar with the construction of wavepackets
minimum-uncertainty in x and px in ordinary QM. (What is their shape?)
We want it to be centered around (x̄, ȳ). To ensure x is near x̄, we want to concen-
trate around k such that xk = x̄, namely k̄ = x̄/`2B . To ensure y is near ȳ, we want to
project thatout by convolving with e−iȳk .
So assume a(k) ∝ exp(−iȳk) exp(− 21 σ 2 [k − k̄]2 ). Here σ is a parameter with length
units that controls the Gaussian’s width.
(a). Do the integral over k and write the whole wavefunction you get, as a function
of x and y. (Would you be surprised if it is a Gaussian? Or are there other factors?)
(b). Write |ψ(x, y)|2 . Is it centered on (x̄, ȳ) as we guessed?
(c). Compute h∆x2 i + h∆y 2 i. What value of σ 2 minimizes the total uncertainty?
What does that give for |ψ(x, y)|? (Hint: the problem has a complete translational and
rotational symmetry, so – apart from the gauge-dependent phase factrs, this ought to
be symmetric under rotations in the xy plane.)
How does this compare with |ψ0 (x, y)| as found in symmetric gauge?

Ex. 1.1.2 Symmetric gauge eigenstates

This problem is not intended to very lengthy algebraically.

Work in symmetric gauge! Consider the (single-particle) eigenstate ψm (x, y) ∝
z m exp(−|z|2 /4`2B ).
(a). Show that |ψm ()| is concentrated near a circle of radius Rm , and also show its
profile (transverse to the circle) is approximately a Gaussian with variance σ m . is a
multiple of `B . Assume m  1.
Hint (i). Write |ψm (x, y)| = exp(−F (r); Taylor expand F (r) around its minimum,
to second order. (Does the expansion get more valid as m gets large.)
Hint (ii). When the radius gets large, the circle is locally nearly a straight line. We
should suspect, then, that this circular eigenfunction looks locally just like the linear
eigenfunctions we got in Landau gauge; in particular, the angular momentum number
m here is exactly analogous to k (the y direction wavenumber) in the Landau gauge
case. (If you try to compare the wavefunctions directly, of course, you should be careful
about the additional phase factors due to the gauge change.)
(b). In light of your result for Rm , how many eigenstates are there in a disk of radius
R? Derive the number of eigenstates per unit area (for the lowest Landau level) from
this: does it agree with the result we got in Landau gauge?

Ex. 1.1.3 Landau level eigenstates

The point of this exercise is to demonstrate how two apparently different looking
eigenfunctions can be the same.
Remember our conventions: Landau gauge A = (0, −Bx), or symmetric gauge
A = (By/2, −Bx/2), corresponding to B = −Bẑ.
(a). Find how to write Eq. 1.1.54 in the form (1.1.53).
(b). In the Landau gauge A = (0, −Bx), a Landau level wavefunction had
2 2
ψkL (r) = exp(iky)e−(x−k`B ) . (1.1.61)

Concoct a wavefunction ψ(r) of form (1.1.53) such that |ψ(r)|2 = |ψkL (r)|2 ; in other
words, so the wavefunctions differ by at most a phase.
(c). Using Appendix 1.1 X, work out the phase factor in ψkL (r) induced by the
transformation to symmetric gauge. Show the result is indeed the wavefunction you
constructed in (b).

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