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Abstract: CFG pile (i.e., pile constructed by granular materials of cement, fly-ash and gravel) composite foundation is applied in
subsoil treatment widely and successfully. In order to have a further study of this kind of subsoil treatment technology, the
influencing factors and calculation methods of the vertical bearing capacity of single CFG pile and the CFG pile composite
foundation were discussed respectively. And based on the obtained solutions, effects by the cushion and measurements to reduce
negative friction area were analyzed. Moreover, the developing law of settlement and bearing capacity eigenvalue controlled by the
material strength with the increase of load were given for the CFG composite foundation. The in-situ static load test was tested for
CFG pile. The results of test show that the maximum test load or half of the ultimate load is used from all the points of test, the
average bearing capacity eigenvalue of single pile is 390 kN, and slightly greater than the design value of bearing capacity. The
bearing capacity eigenvalues of composite foundation for 3 piles are greater than 300 kPa, and the mechanical properties of CFG pile
composite foundation are almost identical in the case of the same load and cushion thickness. The pile-soil stress ratio and the
load-sharing ratio can be adjusted through setting up cushion thickness.
Key words: CFG pile; composite foundation; properties of bearing capacity; in-situ static load; pile-soil stress ratio
Foundation item: Project(08JJ3111) supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province; Project(08B025) supported by Scientific Research
Fund of Hunan Provincial Education Department; Project(2006AA11Z104) supported by the National High-Tech Research and
Development Program of China
Received date: 2008−09−05; Accepted date: 2008−10−18
Corresponding author: CHEN Qiu-nan, Professor, PhD; Tel: +86−732−8291215; E-mail:
46 J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. (2008) 15(s2): 045−049
single pile, kN; up is the pile perimeter, m; n is the soil foundation beneath rigid base, it is larger for angle pile
layers divided along the pile; qp and qsi are the shaft and side pile to bear load, and it is easier to suffer from
resistance eigenvalue of the i layer in pile lateral soil and such damages.
tip resistance eigenvalue of pile respectively, kPa; li is
the thickness of the i layer soil, m. 2.4 Measurements of reducing impact of negative
friction area
2.2 Bearing capacity eigenvalue of CFG pile As design of cushion, there is a negative friction
composite foundation area, which reduces the actual bearing capacity of CFG
The bearing capacity eigenvalue of CFG pile pile. Although cushion can not eliminate the impact of
composite foundation should be obtained from the in-stu negative friction, it can reduce unfavorable impact of
load test. Based on the preliminary design, the estimate negative friction for the CFG pile composite foundation:
equation is stated as follows:
1) the suitable cushion thickness, pile-soil stress ratio and
f spk= m a + β (1 − m) f sk (2) area replacement ratio are designed in accordance with
Ap the actual situation; 2) steel casing is installed or asphalt
where fspk is the bearing capacity eigenvalue of and tar are brushed on CFG pile body in the range of
composite foundation, kPa; m is the area replacement negative friction influence; 3) carrying out chemistry
ratio; Ap is the section area of pile, m2; β is the reduction reinforcement to the weak foundation in advance.
coefficient of the bearing capacity between soil pile,
which is selected according to the local empirical data, if 3 Example
not, then take 0.75−0.95, and the bigger value is selected
when the bearing capacity of natural foundation is higher; 3.1 Engineering situation
fsk is the bearing capacity eigenvalue between soil and There is a eight-floor frame structure of a district in
pile after treatment, which is selected suitably according
Xiangtan City. The ±0.0 elevation of building site is
to the local empirical data, if not, then take the bearing
48.35 m, strip foundation can be adopted suitably and is
capacity eigenvalue of natural foundation.
to be placed in miscellaneous fill, silt, silty sand, gravel
and other components from 0 m to 10.9 m. The
2.3 Cushion effect
foundation soil of site with poor uniformity cannot meet
CFG pile has a cushion thickness of 150 to 300 mm,
the requirements of the upper load. The first layer is
the cushion thickness is higher when center-to-center
miscellaneous fill with a thickness of 1.2 m, and the
spacing of piles is larger or the pile diameter is larger.
The appropriate materials of cushion are medium sand, physicomechanical parameters of other layers are listed
coarse sand, and graded sand-gravel or gravel and so on. in Table 1.
The cushion has two effects: 1) the positive effect is to
assure the soil surrounding pile taking part in the work 3.2 Design parameters of CFG pile
all along, reduce the stress concentration of basement, CFG piles were placed with a triangular in the scope
make the pile-soil bear load commonly, and adjust of foundation. The distance was more than 75 mm from
load-sharing ratio for the pile-soil and displacement of pile boundary to the edge of the foundation, and the pile
pile top through adjusting cushion thickness; 2) there is a had a diameter of 400 mm. The depth of pile toe
negative friction area around reinforced pile body ground penetrating into the bearing stratum was 400 mm, and
because of cushion installed, a drop-down load is pile spacing was 1.2 m × 1.2 m, the single pile had an
produced, and the CFG pile actual bearing capacity as effective length of 8.0 m, and the bearing capacity
well as safety degree of the pile strength is reduced, all eigenvalue of 360 kN. The bearing capacity of composite
these may cause CFG pile occurring brittleness foundation was not less than 300 kPa, the area
failure[14−15]. Especially in the CFG group pile composite replacement ratio was 0.079, and the depth of bearing