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SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur.

Jan-Apr, 2018

Database Management Systems

Module 11: Advanced SQL

Partha Pratim Das

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur


Srijoni Majumdar
Himadri B G S Bhuyan
Gurunath Reddy M

Database System Concepts, 6th Ed.

©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Slides marked with ‘PPD’ are new or edited

Week 02 Recap
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Module 06: Introduction to SQL/1  Module 09: Intermediate SQL/1

 History of SQL  Join Expressions
 Data Definition Language (DDL)  Views
 Basic Query Structure (DML)  Transactions
 Module 07: Introduction to SQL/2  Module 10: Intermediate SQL/2
 Additional Basic Operations  Integrity Constraints
 Set Operations  SQL Data Types and Schemas
 Null Values  Authorization
 Aggregate Functions
 Module 08: Introduction to SQL/3
 Nested Subqueries
 Modification of the Database

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.2 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Module Objectives
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 To understand how to use SQL from a programming language

 To familiarize with functions and procedures in SQL
 To understand the triggers

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.3 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Module Outline
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Accessing SQL From a Programming Language

 Functions and Procedural Constructs
 Triggers

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.4 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Accessing SQL From a

Programming Language
Functions and Procedural
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018




Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.5 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Native Language Query Language

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

C Program SQL Query

Functions Table Names
Variables Attributes Datadase

Connection Query
Library Processor

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.6 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Accessing SQL From a Programming Language
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 API (application-program interface) for a program to interact with a

database server
 Application makes calls to
 Connect with the database server
 Send SQL commands to the database server
 Fetch tuples of result one-by-one into program variables
 Various tools:
 JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) works with Java
 ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) works with C, C++, C#,
Visual Basic, and Python
 Other API’s such as ADO.NET sit on top of ODBC
 Embedded SQL

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.7 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 JDBC is a Java API for communicating with database systems

supporting SQL
 JDBC supports a variety of features for querying and updating data,
and for retrieving query results.
 JDBC also supports metadata retrieval, such as querying about
relations present in the database and the names and types of
relation attributes
 Model for communicating with the database:
 Open a connection
 Create a “statement” object
 Execute queries using the Statement object to send queries and
fetch results
 Exception mechanism to handle errors

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.8 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) standard

 standard for application program to communicate with a
database server
 application program interface (API) to
 open a connection with a database,
 send queries and updates,
 get back results
 Applications such as GUI, spreadsheets, etc. can use ODBC

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.9 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

ODBC – Python Example

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 The code uses a

data source
named “SQLS”
from the odbc.ini
file to connect and
issue a query.
 It creates a table,
inserts data using
literal and
statements and
fetches the data

Source: https://dzone.com/articles/tutorial-connecting-to-odbc-data-sources-with-pyth

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.10 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Native Language Query Language

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

C Program

SQL Query
Table Names Datadase
Attributes Schema


Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.11 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Embedded SQL
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 The SQL standard defines embeddings of SQL in a variety of

programming languages such as C, C++, Java, Fortran, and PL/1
 A language to which SQL queries are embedded is referred to as a
host language, and the SQL structures permitted in the host
language comprise embedded SQL
 The basic form of these languages follows that of the System R
embedding of SQL into PL/1
 EXEC SQL statement is used to identify embedded SQL request to
the preprocessor
EXEC SQL <embedded SQL statement >;
Note: this varies by language:
 In some languages, like COBOL, the semicolon is replaced with
 In Java embedding uses # SQL { …. };

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.12 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Embedded SQL (Cont.)
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Before executing any SQL statements, the program must first connect
to the database. This is done using:
EXEC-SQL connect to server user user-name using password;
Here, server identifies the server to which a connection is to be
 Variables of the host language can be used within embedded SQL
statements. They are preceded by a colon (:) to distinguish from
SQL variables (e.g., :credit_amount )
 Variables used as above must be declared within DECLARE section,
as illustrated below. The syntax for declaring the variables, however,
follows the usual host language syntax
int credit-amount ;

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.13 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Embedded SQL (Cont.)
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 To write an embedded SQL query, we use the

declare c cursor for <SQL query>
statement. The variable c is used to identify the query
 Example:
 From within a host language, find the ID and name of
students who have completed more than the number of
credits stored in variable credit_amount in the host langue
 Specify the query in SQL as follows:
declare c cursor for
select ID, name
from student
where tot_cred > :credit_amount

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.14 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Embedded SQL (Cont.)
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Example:
 From within a host language, find the ID and name of
students who have completed more than the number of
credits stored in variable credit_amount in the host langue
 Specify the query in SQL as follows:
declare c cursor for
select ID, name
from student
where tot_cred > :credit_amount
 The variable c (used in the cursor declaration) is used to
identify the query

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.15 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Embedded SQL (Cont.)
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 The open statement for our example is as follows:

EXEC SQL open c ;
This statement causes the database system to execute the query
and to save the results within a temporary relation. The query uses
the value of the host-language variable credit-amount at the time the
open statement is executed.
 The fetch statement causes the values of one tuple in the query
result to be placed on host language variables.
EXEC SQL fetch c into :si, :sn END_EXEC

Repeated calls to fetch get successive tuples in the query result

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.16 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Embedded SQL (Cont.)
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 A variable called SQLSTATE in the SQL communication area

(SQLCA) gets set to ‘02000’ to indicate no more data is available
 The close statement causes the database system to delete the
temporary relation that holds the result of the query.
EXEC SQL close c ;
Note: above details vary with language. For example, the Java
embedding defines Java iterators to step through result tuples.

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.17 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Embedded SQL – C Example

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 The program prompts the user for an order number, retrieves the
customer number, salesperson, and status of the order, and displays
the retrieved information on the screen

 The statement used to return the data is a singleton SELECT

statement; that is, it returns only a single row of data. Therefore, the
code example does not declare or use cursors
Source: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/odbc/reference/embedded-sql-example

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.18 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Updates Through Embedded SQL
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Embedded SQL expressions for database modification (update, insert,

and delete)
 Can update tuples fetched by cursor by declaring that the cursor is for
declare c cursor for
select *
from instructor
where dept_name = ‘Music’
for update
 We then iterate through the tuples by performing fetch operations on
the cursor (as illustrated earlier), and after fetching each tuple we
execute the following code:
update instructor
set salary = salary + 1000
where current of c

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.19 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Accessing SQL From a

Programming Language
Functions and Procedural
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018




Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.20 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Native Language Query Language

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

C Program SQL Query

Functions Tables
Attributes Datadase
Function Schema

C Program
Functions, Variables
SQL Query
Table Names
Attributes Datadase
Function Schema
Procedure Tables


Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.21 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Functions and Procedures
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 SQL:1999 supports functions and procedures

 Functions/procedures can be written in SQL itself, or in an external
programming language (e.g., C, Java)
 Functions written in an external languages are particularly useful
with specialized data types such as images and geometric objects.
 Example: functions to check if polygons overlap, or to compare
images for similarity
 Some database systems support table-valued functions, which
can return a relation as a result
 SQL:1999 also supports a rich set of imperative constructs, including
 Loops, if-then-else, assignment
 Many databases have proprietary procedural extensions to SQL that
differ from SQL:1999

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.22 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
SQL Functions
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Define a function that, given the name of a department, returns the

count of the number of instructors in that department.
create function dept_count (dept_name varchar(20))
returns integer
declare d_count integer;
select count (* ) into d_count
from instructor
where instructor.dept_name = dept_name
return d_count;
 The function dept_count can be used to find the department names
and budget of all departments with more that 12 instructors.
select dept_name, budget
from department
where dept_count (dept_name ) > 12

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.23 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
SQL functions (Cont.)
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Compound statement: begin … end

 May contain multiple SQL statements between begin and
 returns – indicates the variable-type that is returned (e.g.,
 return – specifies the values that are to be returned as result
of invoking the function
 SQL function are in fact parameterized views that generalize
the regular notion of views by allowing parameters

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.24 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Table Functions
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 SQL:2003 added functions that return a relation as a result

 Example: Return all instructors in a given department
create function instructor_of (dept_name char(20))
returns table (
ID varchar(5),
name varchar(20),
dept_name varchar(20),
salary numeric(8,2))
return table
(select ID, name, dept_name, salary
from instructor
where instructor.dept_name = instructor_of.dept_name)
 Usage
select *
from table (instructor_of (‘Music’))

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.25 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
SQL Procedures
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 The dept_count function could instead be written as procedure:

create procedure dept_count_proc (
in dept_name varchar(20),
out d_count integer)
select count(*) into d_count
from instructor
where instructor.dept_name = dept_count_proc.dept_name
 Procedures can be invoked either from an SQL procedure or from
embedded SQL, using the call statement.
declare d_count integer;
call dept_count_proc( ‘Physics’, d_count);
 Procedures and functions can be invoked also from dynamic SQL
 SQL:1999 allows more than one function/procedure of the same name
(called name overloading), as long as the number of
arguments differ, or at least the types of the arguments differ
Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.26 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Language Constructs for Procedures & Functions
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 SQL supports constructs that gives it almost all the power of a general-
purpose programming language.
 Warning: most database systems implement their own variant of the
standard syntax below.
 Compound statement: begin … end,
 May contain multiple SQL statements between begin and end.
 Local variables can be declared within a compound statements
 While and repeat statements:
while boolean expression do
sequence of statements ;
end while

sequence of statements ;
until boolean expression
end repeat

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.27 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Language Constructs (Cont.)
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 For loop
 Permits iteration over all results of a query

 Example: Find the budget of all departments

declare n integer default 0;

for r as
select budget from department
set n = n + r.budget
end for

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.28 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Language Constructs (Cont.)
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Conditional statements (if-then-else)

SQL:1999 also supports a case statement similar to C case statement
 Example procedure: registers student after ensuring classroom capacity
is not exceeded
 Returns 0 on success and -1 if capacity is exceeded
 See book (page 177) for details
 Signaling of exception conditions, and declaring handlers for exceptions
declare out_of_classroom_seats condition
declare exit handler for out_of_classroom_seats

.. signal out_of_classroom_seats
 The handler here is exit -- causes enclosing begin..end to be exited
 Other actions possible on exception

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.29 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
External Language Routines*
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 SQL:1999 permits the use of functions and procedures written in other

languages such as C or C++
 Declaring external language procedures and functions

create procedure dept_count_proc(in dept_name varchar(20),

out count integer)
language C
external name ’ /usr/avi/bin/dept_count_proc’

create function dept_count(dept_name varchar(20))

returns integer
language C
external name ‘/usr/avi/bin/dept_count’

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.30 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
External Language Routines (Contd.)*
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 SQL:1999 allows the definition of procedures in an imperative programming

language, (Java, C#, C or C++) which can be invoked from SQL queries.
 Functions defined in this fashion can be more efficient than functions defined
in SQL, and computations that cannot be carried out in SQL can be
executed by these functions.
 Declaring external language procedures and functions

create procedure dept_count_proc(in dept_name varchar(20),

out count integer)
language C
external name ’ /usr/avi/bin/dept_count_proc’

create function dept_count(dept_name varchar(20))

returns integer
language C
external name ‘/usr/avi/bin/dept_count’

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.31 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
External Language Routines (Cont.)*
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Benefits of external language functions/procedures:

 more efficient for many operations, and more expressive power
 Drawbacks
 Code to implement function may need to be loaded into database
system and executed in the database system’s address space.
 risk of accidental corruption of database structures
 security risk, allowing users access to unauthorized data
 There are alternatives, which give good security at the cost of
potentially worse performance
 Direct execution in the database system’s space is used when
efficiency is more important than security

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.32 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Security with External Language Routines*
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 To deal with security problems, we can do on of the following:

 Use sandbox techniques
 That is, use a safe language like Java, which cannot be used
to access/damage other parts of the database code.
 Run external language functions/procedures in a separate
process, with no access to the database process’ memory.
 Parameters and results communicated via inter-process
 Both have performance overheads
 Many database systems support both above approaches as well as
direct executing in database system address space.

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.33 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Accessing SQL From a

Programming Language
Functions and Procedural
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018



Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.34 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 A trigger is a statement that is executed automatically by the

system as a side effect of a modification to the database
 To design a trigger mechanism, we must:
 Specify the conditions under which the trigger is to be
 Specify the actions to be taken when the trigger executes.
 Triggers introduced to SQL standard in SQL:1999, but
supported even earlier using non-standard syntax by most
 Syntax illustrated here may not work exactly on your
database system; check the system manuals

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.35 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Triggering Events and Actions in SQL
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Triggering event can be insert, delete or update

 Triggers on update can be restricted to specific attributes
 For example, after update of takes on grade
 Values of attributes before and after an update can be referenced
 referencing old row as : for deletes and updates
 referencing new row as : for inserts and updates
 Triggers can be activated before an event, which can serve as
extra constraints. For example, convert blank grades to null.

create trigger setnull_trigger before update of takes

referencing new row as nrow
for each row
when (nrow.grade = ‘ ‘)
begin atomic
set nrow.grade = null;

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.36 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Trigger to Maintain credits_earned value
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

create trigger credits_earned after update of takes on (grade)

referencing new row as nrow
referencing old row as orow
for each row
when nrow.grade <> ’F’ and nrow.grade is not null
and (orow.grade = ’F’ or orow.grade is null)
begin atomic
update student
set tot_cred= tot_cred +
(select credits
from course
where course.course_id= nrow.course_id)
where student.id = nrow.id;

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.37 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Statement Level Triggers
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Instead of executing a separate action for each affected row, a

single action can be executed for all rows affected by a transaction
 Use for each statement instead of for each row
 Use referencing old table or referencing new table to
refer to temporary tables (called transition tables) containing
the affected rows
 Can be more efficient when dealing with SQL statements that
update a large number of rows

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.38 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
When Not To Use Triggers
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Triggers were used earlier for tasks such as

 Maintaining summary data (e.g., total salary of each
 Replicating databases by recording changes to special
relations (called change or delta relations) and having a
separate process that applies the changes over to a replica
 There are better ways of doing these now:
 Databases today provide built in materialized view facilities
to maintain summary data
 Databases provide built-in support for replication
 Encapsulation facilities can be used instead of triggers in many
 Define methods to update fields
 Carry out actions as part of the update methods instead of
through a trigger

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.39 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
When Not To Use Triggers (Cont.)
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Risk of unintended execution of triggers, for example, when

 Loading data from a backup copy
 Replicating updates at a remote site
 Trigger execution can be disabled before such actions.
 Other risks with triggers:
 Error leading to failure of critical transactions that set off
the trigger
 Cascading execution

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.40 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Module Summary
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Introduced the use of SQL from a programming language

 Familiarized with functions and procedures in SQL
 Understood the triggers

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.41 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Instructor and TAs

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Name Mail Mobile

Partha Pratim Das, Instructor ppd@cse.iitkgp.ernet.in 9830030880
Srijoni Majumdar, TA majumdarsrijoni@gmail.com 9674474267
Himadri B G S Bhuyan, TA himadribhuyan@gmail.com 9438911655
Gurunath Reddy M mgurunathreddy@gmail.com 9434137638

Slides used in this presentation are borrowed from http://db-book.com/

with kind permission of the authors.

Edited and new slides are marked with “PPD”.

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 11.42 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Database Management Systems

Module 12: Formal Relational Query Languages

Partha Pratim Das

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur


Srijoni Majumdar
Himadri B G S Bhuyan
Gurunath Reddy M

Database System Concepts, 6th Ed.

©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Module Recap
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Accessing SQL From a Programming Language

 Functions and Procedural Constructs
 Triggers

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.2 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Module Objectives
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 To understand formal query language through relational algebra

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.3 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Module Outline
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Relational Algebra
 Tuple Relational Calculus (Overview only)
 Domain Relational Calculus (Overview only)
 Equivalence of Algebra and Calculus

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.4 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Formal Relational Query Language
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Relational Algebra
 Procedural and Algebra based
 Tuple Relational Calculus
 Non-Procedural and Predicate Calculus based
 Domain Relational Calculus
 Non-Procedural and Predicate Calculus based

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.5 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Relational Algebra
Tuple Relational
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Domain Relational
Equivalence of Algebra
and Calculus


Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.6 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Relational Algebra
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Created by Edgar F Codd at IBM in 1970

 Procedural language
 Six basic operators

 select: 
 project: 
 union: 
 set difference: –
 Cartesian product: x
 rename: 
 The operators take one or two relations as inputs and produce a new
relation as a result

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.7 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Select Operation
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Notation:  p(r)
 p is called the selection predicate
 Defined as:

p(r) = {t | t  r and p(t)}

where p is a formula in propositional calculus consisting of terms

connected by :  (and),  (or),  (not)

Each term is one of:

<attribute> op <attribute> or <constant>
where op is one of: =, , >, . <. 

 Example of selection:

 dept_name=“Physics”(instructor)
A=B ^ D > 5 (r)

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.8 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Project Operation
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Notation:
 A1 , A2 ,, Ak (r )
where A1, A2 are attribute names and r is a relation name
 The result is defined as the relation of k columns obtained by erasing
the columns that are not listed
 Duplicate rows removed from result, since relations are sets
 Example: To eliminate the dept_name attribute of instructor

ID, name, salary (instructor)

A,C (r)

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.9 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Union Operation
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Notation: r  s
 Defined as:
r  s = {t | t  r or t  s}
 For r  s to be valid.
1. r, s must have the same arity (same number of attributes)
2. The attribute domains must be compatible (example: 2nd column
of r deals with the same type of values as does the 2nd
column of s)
 Example: to find all courses taught in the Fall 2009 semester, or in the
Spring 2010 semester, or in both

course_id ( semester=“Fall” Λ year=2009 (section)) 

course_id ( semester=“Spring” Λ year=2010 (section))


Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.10 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Set Difference Operation

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Notation r – s
 Defined as:
r – s = {t | t  r and t  s}

 Set differences must be taken between compatible relations

 r and s must have the same arity
 attribute domains of r and s must be compatible
 Example: to find all courses taught in the Fall 2009 semester, but
not in the Spring 2010 semester
course_id ( semester=“Fall” Λ year=2009 (section)) −
course_id ( semester=“Spring” Λ year=2010 (section)) r –s

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.11 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Set-Intersection Operation
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Notation: r  s
 Defined as:
r  s = { t | t  r and t  s }
 Assume:
 r, s have the same arity
 attributes of r and s are compatible
 Note: r  s = r – (r – s)


Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.12 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Cartesian-Product Operation
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Notation r x s
 Defined as:
r x s = {t q | t  r and q  s}

 Assume that attributes of r(R) and s(S) are

disjoint. (That is, R  S = )
 If attributes of r(R) and s(S) are not disjoint, then
renaming must be used


Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.13 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Rename Operation
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Allows us to name, and therefore to refer to, the results of relational-

algebra expressions.
 Allows us to refer to a relation by more than one name.
 Example:
 x (E)

returns the expression E under the name X

 If a relational-algebra expression E has arity n, then

 x ( A1 , A 2 ,..., A n ) ( E )
returns the result of expression E under the name X, and with the
attributes renamed to A1 , A2 , …., An .

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.14 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Division Operation
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 The division operation is applied to two relations

 R(Z) ÷ S(X), where X subset Z. Let Y = Z – X (and hence Z = X  Y);
that is, let Y be the set of attributes of R that are not attributes of S
 The result of DIVISION is a relation T(Y) that includes a tuple t if tuples
tR appear in R with tR [Y] = t, and with
 tR [X] = ts for every tuple ts in S.
 For a tuple t to appear in the result T of the DIVISION, the values in t
must appear in R in combination with every tuple in S
 Division is a derived operation and can be expressed in terms of other

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.15 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Division Operation – Example

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Relations r, s:
 1 1
 2
 3 2
 1 s
 1
 1
 3
 4
 6 e.g.
 1
A is customer name
 2
 r  s: A r
B is branch-name
1 and 2 here show two specific branch-names
 (Find customers who have an account in all branches of the

Source: db.fcngroup.nl/silberslides/Divsion%20-%20Slides%20-%20relational%20algebra.pptx
Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.16 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Another Division Example
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Relations r, s:

 a  a 1 a 1
 a  a 1 b 1
 a  b 1 s
 a  a 1
 a  b 3
 a  a 1
 a  b 1
 a  b 1
 r  s: Students who have taken both "a” and
A B C “b” courses, with instructor “1”

 a  (Find students who have taken all courses

given by instructor 1)
 a 

Source: db.fcngroup.nl/silberslides/Divsion%20-%20Slides%20-%20relational%20algebra.pptx
Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.17 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Formal Definition
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 A basic expression in the relational algebra consists of either one of the

 A relation in the database
 A constant relation
 Let E1 and E2 be relational-algebra expressions; the following are all
relational-algebra expressions:

 E1  E2

 E1 – E2

 E1 x E2

 p (E1), P is a predicate on attributes in E1

 s(E1), S is a list consisting of some of the attributes in E1

  x (E1), x is the new name for the result of E1

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.18 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Relational Algebra
Tuple Relational
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Domain Relational
Equivalence of Algebra
and Calculus


Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.19 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Tuple Relational Calculus
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 A nonprocedural query language, where each query is of the form

{t | P (t ) }
 It is the set of all tuples t such that predicate P is true for t
 t is a tuple variable, t [A ] denotes the value of tuple t on attribute A
 t  r denotes that tuple t is in relation r
 P is a formula similar to that of the predicate calculus

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.20 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Predicate Calculus Formula
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

1. Set of attributes and constants

2. Set of comparison operators: (e.g., , , , , , )
3. Set of connectives: and (), or (v)‚ not ()
4. Implication (): x  y, if x if true, then y is true
x  y x v y
5. Set of quantifiers:
 t r (Q (t )) ”there exists” a tuple in t in relation r
such that predicate Q (t ) is true
 t r (Q (t )) Q is true “for all” tuples t in relation r

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.21 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Safety of Expressions
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 It is possible to write tuple calculus expressions that generate infinite relations

 For example, { t |  t r } results in an infinite relation if the domain of any attribute of
relation r is infinite
 To guard against the problem, we restrict the set of allowable expressions to safe
 An expression {t | P (t )} in the tuple relational calculus is safe if every component of t
appears in one of the relations, tuples, or constants that appear in P
 NOTE: this is more than just a syntax condition
 E.g. { t | t [A] = 5  true } is not safe --- it defines an infinite set with attribute values
that do not appear in any relation or tuples or constants in P

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.22 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Relational Algebra
Tuple Relational
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Domain Relational
Equivalence of Algebra
and Calculus


Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.23 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Domain Relational Calculus
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 A nonprocedural query language equivalent in power to the tuple

relational calculus
 Each query is an expression of the form:

{  x1, x2, …, xn  | P (x1, x2, …, xn)}

 x1, x2, …, xn represent domain variables

 P represents a formula similar to that of the predicate calculus

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.24 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Relational Algebra
Tuple Relational
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Domain Relational
Equivalence of Algebra
and Calculus



Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.25 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Equivalence of RA, TRC and DRC

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Source: http://www.cs.sfu.ca/CourseCentral/354/louie/Equiv_Notations.pdf
Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.26 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Equivalence of RA, TRC and DRC

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Source: http://www.cs.sfu.ca/CourseCentral/354/louie/Equiv_Notations.pdf
Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.27 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Equivalence of RA, TRC and DRC

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Source: http://www.cs.sfu.ca/CourseCentral/354/louie/Equiv_Notations.pdf
Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.28 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Equivalence of RA, TRC and DRC

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Source: http://www.cs.sfu.ca/CourseCentral/354/louie/Equiv_Notations.pdf
Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.29 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Equivalence of RA, TRC and DRC

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Source: http://www.cs.sfu.ca/CourseCentral/354/louie/Equiv_Notations.pdf
Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.30 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Equivalence of RA, TRC and DRC

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Source: http://www.cs.sfu.ca/CourseCentral/354/louie/Equiv_Notations.pdf
Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.31 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Equivalence of RA, TRC and DRC

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Source: http://www.cs.sfu.ca/CourseCentral/354/louie/Equiv_Notations.pdf
Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.32 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Equivalence of RA, TRC and DRC

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Source: http://www.cs.sfu.ca/CourseCentral/354/louie/Equiv_Notations.pdf
Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.33 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Equivalence of RA, TRC and DRC

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Source: http://www.cs.sfu.ca/CourseCentral/354/louie/Equiv_Notations.pdf
Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.34 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
Module Summary
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Discussed relational algebra with examples

 Introduced tuple relational and domain relational calculus
 Illustrated equivalence of algebra and calculus

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.35 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Instructor and TAs

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Name Mail Mobile

Partha Pratim Das, Instructor ppd@cse.iitkgp.ernet.in 9830030880
Srijoni Majumdar, TA majumdarsrijoni@gmail.com 9674474267
Himadri B G S Bhuyan, TA himadribhuyan@gmail.com 9438911655
Gurunath Reddy M mgurunathreddy@gmail.com 9434137638

Slides used in this presentation are borrowed from http://db-book.com/

with kind permission of the authors.

Edited and new slides are marked with “PPD”.

Database System Concepts - 6th Edition 12.36 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Database Management Systems

Module 13: Entity-Relationship Model/1

Partha Pratim Das

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur


Srijoni Majumdar
Himadri B G S Bhuyan
Gurunath Reddy M

Database System Concepts, 6th Ed.

©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Module Recap
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Relational Algebra
 Tuple Relational Calculus (Overview only)
 Domain Relational Calculus (Overview only)
 Equivalence of Algebra and Calculus

Database System Concepts 13.2 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan


Module Objectives
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 To understand the Design Process for Database Systems

 To study the E-R Model for real world representation

Database System Concepts 13.3 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan


Module Outline
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Design Process
 E-R Model
 Entity and Entity Set
 Relationship
 Cardinality
 Attributes
 Weak Entity Sets

Database System Concepts 13.4 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan


Design Process
E-R Model
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018


Database System Concepts 13.5 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Design Phases
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 The initial phase of database design is to characterize fully the

data needs of the prospective database users
 Next, the designer chooses a data model and, by applying the
concepts of the chosen data model, translates these
requirements into a conceptual schema of the database
 A fully developed conceptual schema also indicates the
functional requirements of the enterprise. In a “specification of
functional requirements”, users describe the kinds of operations
(or transactions) that will be performed on the data

Database System Concepts 13.6 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Design Phases (Cont.)
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

The process of moving from an abstract data model to the

implementation of the database proceeds in two final design

 Logical Design – Deciding on the database schema.

Database design requires that we find a “good” collection
of relation schemas.
 Business decision – What attributes should we record
in the database?
 Computer Science decision – What relation schemas
should we have and how should the attributes be
distributed among the various relation schemas?
 Physical Design – Deciding on the physical layout of the

Database System Concepts 13.7 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Design Approaches
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Entity Relationship Model (covered in this chapter)

 Models an enterprise as a collection of entities and relationships
 Entity: a “thing” or “object” in the enterprise that is distinguishable from other objects
 Described by a set of attributes
 Relationship: an association among several entities
 Represented diagrammatically by an entity-relationship diagram:
 Normalization Theory (Chapter 8)
 Formalize what designs are bad, and test for them

Database System Concepts 13.8 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan


Design Process
E-R Model
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018


Database System Concepts 13.9 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

ER model – Database Modeling
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 The ER data model was developed to facilitate database design by

allowing specification of an enterprise schema that represents the
overall logical structure of a database
 The ER model is very useful in mapping the meanings and
interactions of real-world enterprises onto a conceptual schema.
Because of this usefulness, many database-design tools draw on
concepts from the ER model
 The ER data model employs three basic concepts:
 entity sets
 relationship sets
 attributes
 The ER model also has an associated diagrammatic
representation, the ER diagram, which can express the overall
logical structure of a database graphically

Database System Concepts 13.10 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Entity Sets
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 An entity is an object that exists and is distinguishable from

other objects.
 Example: specific person, company, event, plant
 An entity set is a set of entities of the same type that share
the same properties.
 Example: set of all persons, companies, trees, holidays
 An entity is represented by a set of attributes; i.e., descriptive
properties possessed by all members of an entity set.
 Example:
instructor = (ID, name, street, city, salary )
course= (course_id, title, credits)
 A subset of the attributes form a primary key of the entity
set; i.e., uniquely identifying each member of the set.

Database System Concepts 13.11 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Entity Sets – instructor and student
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

instructor_ID instructor_name student-ID student_name

Database System Concepts 13.12 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Relationship Sets
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 A relationship is an association among several entities

44553 (Peltier) advisor 22222 (Einstein)
student entity relationship set instructor entity
 A relationship set is a mathematical relation among n  2 entities, each
taken from entity sets
{(e1, e2, … en) | e1  E1, e2  E2, …, en  En}

where (e1, e2, …, en) is a relationship

 Example:
(44553,22222)  advisor

Database System Concepts 13.13 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Relationship Set advisor
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Database System Concepts 13.14 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Relationship Sets (Cont.)
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 An attribute can also be associated with a relationship set.

 For instance, the advisor relationship set between entity sets
instructor and student may have the attribute date which tracks
when the student started being associated with the advisor

Database System Concepts 13.15 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Degree of a Relationship Set
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Binary relationship
 involve two entity sets (or degree two).
 most relationship sets in a database system are binary.
 Relationships between more than two entity sets are rare. Most
relationships are binary. (More on this later.)
 Example: students work on research projects under the
guidance of an instructor.
 relationship proj_guide is a ternary relationship between
instructor, student, and project

Database System Concepts 13.16 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Mapping Cardinality Constraints
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Express the number of entities to which another entity can be

associated via a relationship set.
 Most useful in describing binary relationship sets.
 For a binary relationship set the mapping cardinality must be one of
the following types:
 One to one
 One to many
 Many to one
 Many to many

Database System Concepts 13.17 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Mapping Cardinalities
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

One to one One to many

Note: Some elements in A and B may not be mapped to any

elements in the other set

Database System Concepts 13.18 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Mapping Cardinalities
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Many to Many to many

Note: Some elements in A and B may not be mapped to any
elements in the other set

Database System Concepts 13.19 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Complex Attributes
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Attribute types:
 Simple and composite attributes.
 Single-valued and multivalued attributes
 Example: multivalued attribute: phone_numbers
 Derived attributes
 Can be computed from other attributes
 Example: age, given date_of_birth
 Domain – the set of permitted values for each attribute

Database System Concepts 13.20 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Composite Attributes
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Database System Concepts 13.21 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Redundant Attributes
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Suppose we have entity sets:

 instructor, with attributes: ID, name, dept_name, salary
 department, with attributes: dept_name, building, budget
 We model the fact that each instructor has an associated
department using a relationship set inst_dept
 The attribute dept_name appears in both entity sets. Since
it is the primary key for the entity set department, it
replicates information present in the relationship and is
therefore redundant in the entity set instructor and needs to
be removed
 BUT: when converting back to tables, in some cases the
attribute gets reintroduced, as we will see later

Database System Concepts 13.22 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Weak Entity Sets
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Consider a section entity, which is uniquely

identified by a course_id, semester, year,
and sec_id.
 Clearly, section entities are related to course
entities. Suppose we create a relationship
set sec_course between entity sets section
and course.
 Note that the information in sec_course is
redundant, since section already has an
attribute course_id, which identifies the
course with which the section is related.
 One option to deal with this redundancy is to
get rid of the relationship sec_course;
however, by doing so the relationship
between section and course becomes
implicit in an attribute, which is not desirable.

Database System Concepts 13.23 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Weak Entity Sets (Cont.)
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 An alternative way to deal with this redundancy is to not store the

attribute course_id in the section entity and to only store the
remaining attributes section_id, year, and semester. However, the
entity set section then does not have enough attributes to identify a
particular section entity uniquely; although each section entity is
distinct, sections for different courses may share the same
section_id, year, and semester.
 To deal with this problem, we treat the relationship sec_course as a
special relationship that provides extra information, in this case, the
course_id, required to identify section entities uniquely.
 The notion of weak entity set formalizes the above intuition. A weak
entity set is one whose existence is dependent on another entity,
called its identifying entity; instead of associating a primary key
with a weak entity, we use the identifying entity, along with extra
attributes called discriminator to uniquely identify a weak entity. An
entity set that is not a weak entity set is termed a strong entity set.

Database System Concepts 13.24 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Weak Entity Sets (Cont.)
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Every weak entity must be associated with an identifying

entity; that is, the weak entity set is said to be existence
dependent on the identifying entity set. The identifying entity
set is said to own the weak entity set that it identifies. The
relationship associating the weak entity set with the
identifying entity set is called the identifying relationship.
 Note that the relational schema we eventually create from the
entity set section does have the attribute course_id, for
reasons that will become clear later, even though we have
dropped the attribute course_id from the entity set section.

Database System Concepts 13.25 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Module Summary
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Introduced the Design Process for Database Systems

 Elucidated the E-R Model for real world representation with
entities, entity sets, relationships, etc.

Database System Concepts 13.26 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan


Instructor and TAs

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Name Mail Mobile

Partha Pratim Das, Instructor ppd@cse.iitkgp.ernet.in 9830030880
Srijoni Majumdar, TA majumdarsrijoni@gmail.com 9674474267
Himadri B G S Bhuyan, TA himadribhuyan@gmail.com 9438911655
Gurunath Reddy M mgurunathreddy@gmail.com 9434137638

Slides used in this presentation are borrowed from http://db-book.com/

with kind permission of the authors.

Edited and new slides are marked with “PPD”.

Database System Concepts 13.27 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Database Management Systems

Module 14: Entity-Relationship Model/2

Partha Pratim Das

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur


Srijoni Majumdar
Himadri B G S Bhuyan
Gurunath Reddy M

Database System Concepts, 6th Ed.

©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Module Recap
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Design Process
 E-R Model
 Entity and Entity Set
 Relationship
 Cardinality
 Attributes
 Weak Entity Sets

Database System Concepts 14.2 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan


Module Objectives
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 To illustrate E-R Diagram notation for E-R Models

 To explore translation of E-R Models to Relational Schemas

Database System Concepts 14.3 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan


Module Outline
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 E-R Diagram
 E-R Model to Relational Schema

Database System Concepts 14.4 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan


E-R Diagram
E-R Model to Relational
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018


Database System Concepts 14.5 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Entity Sets
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Entities can be represented graphically as follows:

• Rectangles represent entity sets.
• Attributes listed inside entity rectangle
• Underline indicates primary key attributes

Database System Concepts 14.6 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Relationship Sets
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Diamonds represent relationship sets.

Database System Concepts 14.7 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Relationship Sets with Attributes
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Database System Concepts 14.8 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Entity sets of a relationship need not be distinct

 Each occurrence of an entity set plays a “role” in the relationship
 The labels “course_id” and “prereq_id” are called roles.

Database System Concepts 14.9 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Cardinality Constraints
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 We express cardinality constraints by drawing either a directed line

(), signifying “one,” or an undirected line (—), signifying “many,”
between the relationship set and the entity set.

 One-to-one relationship between an instructor and a student :

 A student is associated with at most one instructor via the
relationship advisor
 A student is associated with at most one department via

Database System Concepts 14.10 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

One-to-Many Relationship
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 one-to-many relationship between an instructor and a student

 an instructor is associated with several (including 0) students
via advisor
 a student is associated with at most one instructor via advisor,

Database System Concepts 14.11 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Many-to-One Relationships
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 many-to-one relationship between a student and a instructor,

 an instructor is associated with at most one student via
 and a student is associated with several (including 0)
instructors via advisor

Database System Concepts 14.12 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Many-to-Many Relationship
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 An instructor is associated with several (possibly 0) students via

 A student is associated with several (possibly 0) instructors via

Database System Concepts 14.13 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Total and Partial Participation
 Total participation (indicated by double line): every entity in the
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

entity set participates in at least one relationship in the relationship


 participation of student in advisor relation is total

 every student must have an associated instructor
 Partial participation: some entities may not participate in any
relationship in the relationship set
 Example: participation of instructor in advisor is partial

Database System Concepts 14.14 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Notation for Expressing More Complex Constraints
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 A line may have an associated minimum and maximum cardinality,

shown in the form l..h, where l is the minimum and h the maximum
 A minimum value of 1 indicates total participation.
 A maximum value of 1 indicates that the entity participates in
at most one relationship
 A maximum value of * indicates no limit.

Instructor can advise 0 or more students. A student must have

1 advisor; cannot have multiple advisors

Database System Concepts 14.15 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Notation to Express Entity with Complex Attributes
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Database System Concepts 14.16 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Expressing Weak Entity Sets
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 In E-R diagrams, a weak entity set is depicted via a double rectangle

 We underline the discriminator of a weak entity set with a dashed
 The relationship set connecting the weak entity set to the identifying
strong entity set is depicted by a double diamond
 Primary key for section – (course_id, sec_id, semester, year)

Database System Concepts 14.17 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

E-R Diagram for a University Enterprise
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Database System Concepts 14.18 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan


E-R Diagram
E-R Model to Relational
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018


Database System Concepts 14.19 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Reduction to Relation Schemas
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Entity sets and relationship sets can be expressed uniformly as

relation schemas that represent the contents of the database
 A database which conforms to an E-R diagram can be represented by
a collection of schemas
 For each entity set and relationship set there is a unique schema that
is assigned the name of the corresponding entity set or relationship
 Each schema has a number of columns (generally corresponding to
attributes), which have unique names

Database System Concepts 14.20 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Representing Entity Sets
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 A strong entity set reduces to a schema with the same attributes

student(ID, name, tot_cred)

 A weak entity set becomes a table that includes a column for the
primary key of the identifying strong entity set
section ( course_id, sec_id, sem, year )

Database System Concepts 14.21 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Representing Relationship Sets
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 A many-to-many relationship set is represented as a schema with

attributes for the primary keys of the two participating entity sets,
and any descriptive attributes of the relationship set.
 Example: schema for relationship set advisor

advisor = (s_id, i_id)

Database System Concepts 14.22 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Representation of Entity Sets with Composite Attributes
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Composite attributes are flattened out by creating a

separate attribute for each component attribute
 Example: given entity set instructor with
composite attribute name with component
attributes first_name and last_name the schema
corresponding to the entity set has two attributes
name_first_name and name_last_name
 Prefix omitted if there is no ambiguity
(name_first_name could be first_name)
 Ignoring multivalued attributes, extended instructor
schema is
 instructor(ID,
first_name, middle_initial, last_name,
street_number, street_name,
apt_number, city, state, zip_code,

Database System Concepts 14.23 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Representation of Entity Sets with Multivalued Attributes
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 A multivalued attribute M of an entity E is represented by a

separate schema EM
 Schema EM has attributes corresponding to the primary key of E
and an attribute corresponding to multivalued attribute M
 Example: Multivalued attribute phone_number of instructor is
represented by a schema:
inst_phone= ( ID, phone_number)
 Each value of the multivalued attribute maps to a separate tuple of
the relation on schema EM
 For example, an instructor entity with primary key 22222 and
phone numbers 456-7890 and 123-4567 maps to two tuples:
(22222, 456-7890) and (22222, 123-4567)

Database System Concepts 14.24 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Redundancy of Schemas
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Many-to-one and one-to-many relationship sets that are total on the

many-side can be represented by adding an extra attribute to the
“many” side, containing the primary key of the “one” side
 Example: Instead of creating a schema for relationship set inst_dept,
add an attribute dept_name to the schema arising from entity set

Database System Concepts 14.25 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Redundancy of Schemas (Cont.)
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 For one-to-one relationship sets, either side can be chosen

to act as the “many” side
 That is, an extra attribute can be added to either of the
tables corresponding to the two entity sets
 If participation is partial on the “many” side, replacing a
schema by an extra attribute in the schema corresponding
to the “many” side could result in null values

Database System Concepts 14.26 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Redundancy of Schemas (Cont.)
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 The schema corresponding to a relationship set linking a weak

entity set to its identifying strong entity set is redundant.

 Example: The section schema already contains the attributes that

would appear in the sec_course schema

Database System Concepts 14.27 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Module Summary
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Illustrated E-R Diagram notation for E-R Models

 Discussed translation of E-R Models to Relational Schemas

Database System Concepts 14.28 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan


Instructor and TAs

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Name Mail Mobile

Partha Pratim Das, Instructor ppd@cse.iitkgp.ernet.in 9830030880
Srijoni Majumdar, TA majumdarsrijoni@gmail.com 9674474267
Himadri B G S Bhuyan, TA himadribhuyan@gmail.com 9438911655
Gurunath Reddy M mgurunathreddy@gmail.com 9434137638

Slides used in this presentation are borrowed from http://db-book.com/

with kind permission of the authors.

Edited and new slides are marked with “PPD”.

Database System Concepts 14.29 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Database Management Systems

Module 15: Entity-Relationship Model/3

Partha Pratim Das

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur


Srijoni Majumdar
Himadri B G S Bhuyan
Gurunath Reddy M

Database System Concepts, 6th Ed.

©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Module Recap
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 E-R Diagram
 E-R Model to Relational Schema

Database System Concepts 15.2 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan


Module Objectives
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 To understand extended features of E-R Model

 To discuss various design issues

Database System Concepts 15.3 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan


Module Outline
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Extended E-R Features

 Design Issues

Database System Concepts 15.4 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan


Extended E-R Features

Design Issues
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018


Database System Concepts 15.5 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Non-binary Relationship Sets
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Most relationship sets are binary

 There are occasions when it is more convenient to
represent relationships as non-binary.
 E-R Diagram with a Ternary Relationship

Database System Concepts 15.6 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Cardinality Constraints on Ternary Relationship
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 We allow at most one arrow out of a ternary (or greater degree)

relationship to indicate a cardinality constraint
 For example, an arrow from proj_guide to instructor indicates
each student has at most one guide for a project
 If there is more than one arrow, there are two ways of defining the
 For example, a ternary relationship R between A, B and C
with arrows to B and C could mean
1. Each A entity is associated with a unique entity from B
and C or
2. Each pair of entities from (A, B) is associated with a
unique C entity, and each pair (A, C) is associated with a
unique B
 Each alternative has been used in different formalisms
 To avoid confusion we outlaw more than one arrow

Database System Concepts 15.7 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Top-down design process; we designate sub-groupings within

an entity set that are distinctive from other entities in the set
 These sub-groupings become lower-level entity sets that have
attributes or participate in relationships that do not apply to the
higher-level entity set
 Depicted by a triangle component labeled ISA (e.g., instructor
“is a” person)
 Attribute inheritance – a lower-level entity set inherits all the
attributes and relationship participation of the higher-level
entity set to which it is linked

Database System Concepts 15.8 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Specialization Example
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Overlapping – employee and student

 Disjoint – instructor and secretary
 Total and partial

Database System Concepts 15.9 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Representing Specialization via Schemas
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Method 1:
 Form a schema for the higher-level entity
 Form a schema for each lower-level entity set, include primary
key of higher-level entity set and local attributes

schema attributes
person ID, name, street, city
student ID, tot_cred
employee ID, salary

 Drawback: Getting information about, an employee requires

accessing two relations, the one corresponding to the low-level
schema and the one corresponding to the high-level schema

Database System Concepts 15.10 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Representing Specialization as Schemas (Cont.)
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Method 2:
 Form a schema for each entity set with all local and inherited

schema attributes
person ID, name, street, city
student ID, name, street, city, tot_cred
employee ID, name, street, city, salary

 Drawback: name, street and city may be stored redundantly

for people who are both students and employees

Database System Concepts 15.11 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 A bottom-up design process – combine a number of entity

sets that share the same features into a higher-level entity set.
 Specialization and generalization are simple inversions of each
other; they are represented in an E-R diagram in the same way
 The terms specialization and generalization are used

Database System Concepts 15.12 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Design Constraints on a Specialization/Generalization
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Completeness constraint -- specifies whether or not an entity in

the higher-level entity set must belong to at least one of the lower-
level entity sets within a generalization
 total: an entity must belong to one of the lower-level entity
 partial: an entity need not belong to one of the lower-level
entity sets
 Partial generalization is the default. We can specify total generalization in
an ER diagram by adding the keyword total in the diagram and drawing a
dashed line from the keyword to the corresponding hollow arrow-head to
which it applies (for a total generalization), or to the set of hollow arrow-
heads to which it applies (for an overlapping generalization).
 The student generalization is total: All student entities must be either
graduate or undergraduate. Because the higher-level entity set arrived at
through generalization is generally composed of only those entities in the
lower-level entity sets, the completeness constraint for a generalized
higher-level entity set is usually total

Database System Concepts 15.13 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Consider the ternary relationship proj_guide, which we saw earlier

 Suppose we want to record evaluations of a student by a guide
on a project

Database System Concepts 15.14 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Aggregation (Cont.)
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Relationship sets eval_for and proj_guide represent overlapping

 Every eval_for relationship corresponds to a proj_guide
 However, some proj_guide relationships may not correspond
to any eval_for relationships
 So we cannot discard the proj_guide relationship
 Eliminate this redundancy via aggregation
 Treat relationship as an abstract entity
 Allows relationships between relationships
 Abstraction of relationship into new entity

Database System Concepts 15.15 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Aggregation (Cont.)
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Eliminate this redundancy via aggregation without introducing

redundancy, the following diagram represents:
 A student is guided by a particular instructor on a particular
 A student, instructor, project combination may have an
associated evaluation

Database System Concepts 15.16 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Representing Aggregation via Schemas
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 To represent aggregation, create a schema containing

 Primary key of the aggregated relationship,
 The primary key of the associated entity set
 Any descriptive attributes
 In our example:
 The schema eval_for is:
eval_for (s_ID, project_id, i_ID, evaluation_id)
 The schema proj_guide is redundant

Database System Concepts 15.17 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan


Extended E-R Features

Design Issues
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018


Database System Concepts 15.18 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Entities vs. Attributes
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Use of entity sets vs. attributes

 Use of phone as an entity allows extra information about phone numbers

(plus multiple phone numbers)

Database System Concepts 15.19 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Entities vs. Relationship sets
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Use of entity sets vs. relationship sets

Possible guideline is to designate a relationship set to
describe an action that occurs between entities

 Placement of relationship attributes

For example, attribute date as attribute of advisor or as

attribute of student

Database System Concepts 15.20 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Binary Vs. Non-Binary Relationships
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Although it is possible to replace any non-binary (n-ary, for n > 2)

relationship set by a number of distinct binary relationship sets, a
n-ary relationship set shows more clearly that several entities
participate in a single relationship
 Some relationships that appear to be non-binary may be better
represented using binary relationships
 For example, a ternary relationship parents, relating a child to
his/her father and mother, is best replaced by two binary
relationships, father and mother
 Using two binary relationships allows partial information
(e.g., only mother being known)
 But there are some relationships that are naturally non-binary
 Example: proj_guide

Database System Concepts 15.21 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Converting Non-Binary Relationships to Binary Form
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 In general, any non-binary relationship can be represented using binary

relationships by creating an artificial entity set.
 Replace R between entity sets A, B and C by an entity set E, and
three relationship sets:
1. RA, relating E and A 2. RB, relating E and B
3. RC, relating E and C
 Create an identifying attribute for E and add any attributes of R to E
 For each relationship (ai , bi , ci) in R, create
1. a new entity ei in the entity set E 2. add (ei , ai ) to RA
3. add (ei , bi ) to RB 4. add (ei , ci ) to RC

Database System Concepts 15.22 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Converting Non-Binary Relationships (Cont.)
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Also need to translate constraints

 Translating all constraints may not be possible
 There may be instances in the translated schema that
cannot correspond to any instance of R
 Exercise: add constraints to the relationships RA, RB and
RC to ensure that a newly created entity corresponds to
exactly one entity in each of entity sets A, B and C
 We can avoid creating an identifying attribute by making E a
weak entity set (described shortly) identified by the three
relationship sets

Database System Concepts 15.23 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

E-R Design Decisions
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 The use of an attribute or entity set to represent an object

 Whether a real-world concept is best expressed by an entity set or
a relationship set
 The use of a ternary relationship versus a pair of binary
 The use of a strong or weak entity set
 The use of specialization/generalization – contributes to modularity
in the design
 The use of aggregation – can treat the aggregate entity set as a
single unit without concern for the details of its internal structure

Database System Concepts 15.24 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Summary of Symbols Used in E-R Notation
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Database System Concepts 15.25 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Symbols Used in E-R Notation (Cont.)
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Database System Concepts 15.26 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Alternative ER Notations
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Chen, IDE1FX, …

Database System Concepts 15.27 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Alternative ER Notations
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Chen IDE1FX (Crows feet notation)

Database System Concepts 15.28 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

Module Summary
SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

 Discussed the extended features of E-R Model

 Deliberated on various design issues

Database System Concepts 15.29 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan


Instructor and TAs

SWAYAM: NPTEL-NOC MOOCs Instructor: Prof. P P Das, IIT Kharagpur. Jan-Apr, 2018

Name Mail Mobile

Partha Pratim Das, Instructor ppd@cse.iitkgp.ernet.in 9830030880
Srijoni Majumdar, TA majumdarsrijoni@gmail.com 9674474267
Himadri B G S Bhuyan, TA himadribhuyan@gmail.com 9438911655
Gurunath Reddy M mgurunathreddy@gmail.com 9434137638

Slides used in this presentation are borrowed from http://db-book.com/

with kind permission of the authors.

Edited and new slides are marked with “PPD”.

Database System Concepts 15.30 ©Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan

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