Lantion Case

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G.R. No. 139465.

January 18, 2000

Secretary of Justice Vs. Hon. Ralph C. Lantion

MELO, J.: order maintaining and enjoining the DOJ from conducting
further proceedings, hence, the instant petition.
On January 13, 1977, then President Ferdinand E. Marcos
issued Presidential Decree No. 1069 "Prescribing the WON the extradition proceedings is in the nature of criminal
Procedure for the Extradition of Persons Who Have Committed proceeding
Crimes in a Foreign Country." The Decree is founded on: the
doctrine of incorporation under the Constitution; the mutual Held:
concern for the suppression of crime both in the state where it
was committed and the state where the criminal may have Although the Extradition Law does not specifically indicate
escaped; the extradition treaty with the Republic of Indonesia whether the extradition proceeding is criminal, civil, or a special
and the intention of the Philippines to enter into similar treaties proceeding, it nevertheless provides the applicability of the
with other interested countries; and the need for rules to guide Rules of Court in the hearing of the petition insofar as
the executive department and the courts in the proper practicable and not inconsistent with the summary nature of
implementation of said treaties. the proceedings.

On November 13, 1994, then Secretary of Justice Franklin M. The prospective extraditee under Section 2[c] of Presidential
Drilon, representing the Government of the Republic of the Decree No. 1069 faces the threat of arrest, not only after the
Philippines, signed in Manila the "Extradition Treaty Between extradition petition is filed in court, but even during the
the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the evaluation proceeding itself by virtue of the provisional arrest
Government of the United States of America" (hereinafter allowed under the treaty and the implementing law. Thus, the
referred to as the RP-US Extradition Treaty). The Senate, by evaluation process, in essence, partakes of the nature of a
way of Resolution No. 11, expressed its concurrence in the criminal investigation making available certain constitutional
ratification of said treaty. rights to the prospective extraditee. The Court noted that there
is a void in the provisions of the RP-US Extradition Treaty
The United States Government, on June 17, 1999, through regarding the basic due process rights available to a
Department of Foreign Affairs U. S. Note Verbale No. 0522, prospective extraditee at the evaluation stage of the
requested the Philippine Government for the extradition of proceedings. The Court was constrained to apply the rules of
Mark Jimenez, herein private respondent, to the United States. fair play, the due process rights of notice and hearing. Hence,
The request was forwarded the following day by the Secretary petitioner was ordered to furnish private respondent copies of
of Foreign Affairs to the Department of Justice (DOJ). Pending the extradition request and its supporting papers and to grant
evaluation of the extradition documents by the DOJ, private the latter a reasonable time within which to file his comment
respondent requested for copies of the official extradition with supporting evidence.
request and all pertinent documents and the holding in
abeyance of the proceedings. When his request was denied for (Refer to the syllabus for a much more detailed discussion and
being premature, private respondent resorted to an action for separate opinion)
mandamus, certiorari and prohibition. The trial court issued an

G.R. No. 139465. October 17, 2000

Motion for Reconsideration

PUNO, J.: petitioner Secretary of Justice. The Secretary of Justice,
however, feared the demanded notice is equivalent to a notice
As a probable extraditee under the RP-US Extradition Treaty, to flee.
private respondent contended that he should be furnished a
copy of the US government request for his extradition and its
supporting documents even while he is still under evaluation by

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The jugular issue is whether or not the private respondent international law as part of the law of the land, and
is entitled to the due process right to notice and hearing adheres to the policy of peace, equality, justice,
during the evaluation stage of the extradition process. freedom, cooperation and amity with all nations;

We now hold that private respondent is bereft of the right to WHEREAS, the suppression of crime is the concern
notice and hearing during the evaluation stage of the not only of the state where it is committed but also of
extradition process. any other state to which the criminal may have
escaped, because it saps the foundation of social life
First. PD. No. 1069 which implements the RP-US Extradition and is an outrage upon humanity at large, and it is in
Treaty provides the time when an extraditee shall be furnished the interest of civilized communities that crimes
a copy of the petition for extradition as well as its supporting should not go unpunished;
papers, i. e„ after the filing of the petition for extradition in the
extradition court, viz.: WHEREAS, in recognition of this principle the
Philippines recently concluded an extradition treaty
“SECTION 6. Issuance of Summons; Temporary with the Republic of Indonesia, and intends to
Arrest; Hearing; Service of Notices. — (1) conclude similar treaties with other interested
Immediately upon receipt of the petition, the presiding countries; ...” (emphasis supplied) It cannot be
judge of the court shall, as soon as practicable, gainsaid that today, countries like the Philippines
summon the accused to appear and to answer the forge extradition treaties to arrest the dramatic rise of
petition on the day and hour fixed in the order. ... international and transnational crimes like terrorism
Upon receipt of the answer, or should the accused and drug trafficking. Extradition treaties provide the
after having received the summons fail to answer assurance that the punishment of these crimes will
within the time fixed, the presiding judge shall hear not be frustrated by the frontiers of territorial
the case or set another date for the hearing thereof. sovereignty. Implicit in the treaties should be the
unbending commitment that the perpetrators of these
(2) The order and notice as well as a copy of the crimes will not be coddled by any signatory state.
warrant of arrest, if issued, shall be promptly served
each upon the accused and the attorney having It ought to follow that the RP-US Extradition Treaty calls for an
charge of the case.” interpretation that will minimize if not prevent the escape of
extraditees from the long arm of the law and expedite their trial.
It is of judicial notice that the summons includes the petition for The submission of the private respondent, that as a probable
extradition which will be answered by the extraditee. extraditee under the RP-US Extradition Treaty he should be
furnished a copy of the US government request for his
There is no provision in the RP-US Extradition Treaty and in extradition and its supporting documents even while they are
P.D. No. 1069 which gives an extraditee the right to demand still under evaluation by petitioner Secretary of Justice, does
from the petitioner Secretary of Justice copies of the extradition not meet this desideratum. The fear of the petitioner Secretary
request from the US government and its supporting documents of Justice that the demanded notice is equivalent to a notice to
and to comment thereon while the request is still undergoing flee must be deeply rooted on the experience of the executive
evaluation. We cannot write a provision in the treaty giving branch of our government. As it comes from the branch of our
private respondent that right where there is none. It is well- government in charge of the faithful execution of our laws, it
settled that a “court cannot alter, amend, or add to a treaty by deserves the careful consideration of this Court. In addition, it
the insertion of any clause, small or great, or dispense with any cannot be gainsaid that private respondent’s demand for
of its conditions and requirements or take away any advance notice can delay the summary process of executive
qualification, or integral part of any stipulation, upon any evaluation of the extradition request and its accompanying
motion of equity, or general convenience, or substantial papers. The foresight of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes did not
justice.” miss this danger. In 1911, he held:

Second. All treaties, including the RP-US Extradition Treaty, “It is common in extradition cases to attempt to bring
should be interpreted in light of their intent. Nothing less than to bear all the factitious niceties of a criminal trial at
the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties to which the common law. But it is a waste of time ... if there is
Philippines is a signatory provides that “a treaty shall be presented, even in somewhat untechnical form
interpreted in good faith in accordance with the ordinary according to our ideas, such reasonable ground to
meaning to be given to the terms of the treaty in their context suppose him guilty as to make it proper that he should
and in light of its object and purpose.” (emphasis supplied) The be tried, good faith to the demanding government
preambular paragraphs of P.D. No. 1069 define its intent, viz.: requires his surrender.” (emphasis supplied) We
erode no right of an extraditee when we do not allow
“WHEREAS, under the Constitution of the Philippines time to stand still on his prosecution. Justice is best
adopts the generally accepted principles of served when done without delay.
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Third. An equally compelling factor to consider is the accompany a criminal trial in this country do not shield
understanding of the parties themselves to the RP-US an accused from extradition pursuant to a valid
Extradition Treaty as well as the general interpretation of the treaty.”
issue in question by other countries with similar treaties with
the Philippines. The rule is recognized that while courts have There are other differences between an extradition proceeding
the power to interpret treaties, the meaning given them by the and a criminal proceeding. An extradition proceeding is
departments of government particularly charged with their summary in nature while criminal proceedings involve a full-
negotiation and enforcement is accorded great weight. The blown trial. In contradistinction to a criminal proceeding, the
reason for the rule is laid down in Santos III v. Northwest rules of evidence in an extradition proceeding allow admission
Orient Airlines, et al., where we stressed that a treaty is a joint of evidence under less stringent standards. In terms of the
executive legislative act which enjoys the presumption that “it quantum of evidence to be satisfied, a criminal case requires
was first carefully studied and determined to be constitutional proof beyond reasonable doubt for conviction while a fugitive
before it was adopted and given the force of law in the may be ordered extradited “upon showing of the existence of a
country.” prima facie case.” Finally, unlike in a criminal case where
judgment becomes executory upon being rendered final, in an
Our executive department of government, thru the Department extradition proceeding, our courts may adjudge an individual
of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and the Department of Justice (DOJ), extraditable but the President has the final discretion to
has steadfastly maintained that the RP-US Extradition Treaty extradite him.
and P.D. No. 1069 do not grant the private respondent a right
to notice and hearing during the evaluation stage of an The United States adheres to a similar practice whereby the
extradition process. This understanding of the treaty is shared Secretary of State exercises wide discretion in balancing the
by the US government, the other party to the treaty. This equities of the case and the demands of the nation’s foreign
interpretation by the two governments cannot be given scant relations before making the ultimate decision to extradite.
significance. It will be presumptuous for the Court to assume
that both governments did not understand the terms of the As an extradition proceeding is not criminal in character and
treaty they concluded. the evaluation stage in an extradition proceeding is not akin to
a preliminary investigation, the due process safeguards in the
Yet, this is not all. Other countries with similar extradition latter do not necessarily apply to the former. This we hold for
treaties with the Philippines have expressed the same the procedural due process required by a given set of
interpretation adopted by the Philippine and US governments. circumstances “must begin with a determination of the precise
Canadian 11 and Hongkong authorities, thru appropriate note nature of the government function involved as well as the
verbales communicated to our Department of Foreign Affairs, private interest that has been affected by governmental action.”
stated in unequivocal language that it is not an international The concept of due process is flexible for “not all situations
practice to afford a potential extraditee with a copy of the calling for procedural safeguards call for the same kind of
extradition papers during the evaluation stage of the extradition procedure.”
process. We cannot disregard such a convergence of views
unless it is manifestly erroneous. Fifth. Private respondent would also impress upon the Court
the urgency of his right to notice and hearing considering the
Fourth. Private respondent, however, peddles the postulate alleged threat to his liberty “which may be more priceless than
that he must be afforded the right to notice and hearing as life.” The supposed threat to private respondent’s liberty is
required by our Constitution. He buttresses his position by perceived to come from several provisions of the RP-US
likening an extradition proceeding to a criminal proceeding and Extradition Treaty and P.D. No. 1069 which allow provisional
the evaluation stage to a preliminary investigation. We are not arrest and temporary detention. We first deal with provisional
persuaded. An extradition proceeding is sui generis. arrest. The RP-US Extradition Treaty provides as follows:

It is not a criminal proceeding which will call into operation all “PROVISIONAL ARREST
the rights of an accused as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. To
begin with, the process of extradition does not involve the 1. In case of urgency, a Contracting Party may request the
determination of the guilt or innocence of an accused. His guilt provisional arrest of the person sought pending presentation of
or innocence will be adjudged in the court of the state where the request for extradition. A request for provisional arrest may
he will be extradited. Hence, as a rule, constitutional rights that be transmitted through the diplomatic channel or directly
are only relevant to determine the guilt or innocence of an between the Philippine Department of Justice and the United
accused cannot be invoked by an extraditee especially by one States Department of Justice.
whose extradition papers are still undergoing evaluation. As
held by the US Supreme Court in United States v. Galanis: 2. The application for provisional arrest shall contain:

“An extradition proceeding is not a criminal a) a description of the person sought;

prosecution, and the constitutional safeguards that
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b) the location of the person sought, if known; until today, the United States has not requested for private
respondent’s provisional arrest. Therefore, the threat to private
c) a brief statement of the facts of the case, including, if respondent’s liberty has passed. It is more imagined than real.
possible, the time and location of the offense;
Nor can the threat to private respondent’s liberty come from
d) a description of the laws violated; Section 6 of P.D. No. 1069, which provides:

e) a statement of the existence of a warrant of arrest or finding “SECTION 6. Issuance of Summons; Temporary Arrest;
of guilt or judgment of conviction against the person sought; Hearing, Service of Notices. — (1) Immediately upon receipt of
and the petition, the presiding judge of the court shall, as soon as
practicable, summon the accused to appear and to answer the
f) a statement that a request for extradition for the person petition on the day and hour fixed in the order. [H]e may issue
sought will follow. a warrant for the immediate arrest of the accused which may
be served anywhere within the Philippines if it appears to the
3. The Requesting State shall be notified without delay of the presiding judge that the immediate arrest and temporary
disposition of its application and the reasons for any denial. detention of the accused will best serve the ends of justice.

4. A person who is provisionally arrested may be discharged (2) The order and notice as well as a copy of the warrant of
from custody upon the expiration of sixty (60) days from the arrest, if issued, shall be promptly served each upon the
date of arrest pursuant to this Treaty if the executive authority accused and the attorney having charge of the case.”
of the Requested State has not received the formal request for (emphasis supplied)
extradition and the supporting documents required in Article 7.”
(emphasis supplied) It is evident from the above provision that a warrant of arrest
for the temporary detention of the accused pending the
In relation to the above, Section 20 of RD. No. 1069 provides: extradition hearing may only be issued by the presiding judge
of the extradition court upon filing of the petition for extradition.
“SECTION 20. Provisional Arrest. — (a) In case of urgency, As the extradition process is still in the evaluation stage of
the requesting state may, pursuant to the relevant treaty or pertinent documents and there is no certainty that a petition for
convention and while the same remains in force, request for extradition will be filed in the appropriate extradition court, the
the provisional arrest of the accused, pending receipt of the threat to private respondent’s liberty is merely hypothetical.
request for extradition made in accordance with Section 4 of
this Decree. Sixth. To be sure, private respondent’s plea for due process
deserves serious consideration involving as it does his
(b) A request for provisional arrest shall be sent to the Director primordial right to liberty. His plea to due process, however,
of the National Bureau of Investigation, Manila, either through collides with important state interests which cannot also be
the diplomatic channels or direct by post or telegraph. ignored for they serve the interest of the greater majority. The
clash of rights demands a delicate balancing of interests
(c) The Director of the National Bureau of Investigation or any approach which is a “fundamental postulate of constitutional
official acting on his behalf shall upon receipt of the request law.” The approach requires that we “take conscious and
immediately secure a warrant for the provisional arrest of the detailed consideration of the interplay of interests observable in
accused from the presiding judge of the Court of First Instance a given situation or type of situation.” These interests usually
of the province or city having jurisdiction of the place, who shall consist in the exercise by an individual of his basic freedoms
issue the warrant for the provisional arrest of the accused. The on the one hand, and the government’s promotion of
Director of the National Bureau of Investigation through the fundamental public interest or policy objectives on the other.
Secretary of Foreign Affairs shall inform the requesting state of
the result of its request. In the case at bar, on one end of the balancing pole is the
private respondent’s claim to due process predicated on
(d) If within a period of 20 days after the provisional arrest the Section 1, Article III of the Constitution, which provides that “No
Secretary of Foreign Affairs has not received the request for person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due
extradition and the documents mentioned in Section 4 of this process of law ...” Without a bubble of doubt, procedural due
Decree, the accused shall be released from custody.” process of law lies at the foundation of a civilized society which
(emphasis supplied) accords paramount importance to justice and fairness. It has to
be accorded the weight it deserves.
Both the RP-US Extradition Treaty and P.D. No. 1069 clearly
provide that private respondent may be provisionally arrested This brings us to the other end of the balancing pole. Petitioner
only pending receipt of the request for extradition. Our DFA avers that the Court should give more weight to our national
has long received the extradition request from the United commitment under the RP-US Extradition Treaty to expedite
States and has turned it over to the DOJ. It is undisputed that the extradition to the United States of persons charged with
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violation of some of its laws. Petitioner also emphasizes the evaluation stage of the extradition process. As aforesaid, P.D.
need to defer to the judgment of the Executive on matters No. 1069 which implements the RP-US Extradition Treaty
relating to foreign affairs in order not to weaken if not violate affords an extraditee sufficient opportunity to meet the
the principle of separation of powers. evidence against him once the petition is filed in court. The
time for the extraditee to know the basis of the request for his
Considering that in the case at bar, the extradition proceeding extradition is merely moved to the filing in court of the formal
is only at its evaluation stage, the nature of the right being petition for extradition. The extraditee’s right to know is
claimed by the private respondent is nebulous and the degree momentarily withheld during the evaluation stage of the
of prejudice he will allegedly suffer is weak, we accord greater extradition process to accommodate the more compelling
weight to the interests espoused by the government thru the interest of the State to prevent escape of potential extraditees
petitioner Secretary of Justice. In Angara v. Electoral which can be precipitated by premature information of the
Commission, we held that the “Constitution has blocked out basis of the request for his extradition. No less compelling at
with deft strokes and in bold lines, allotment of power to the that stage of the extradition proceedings is the need to be
executive, the legislative and the judicial departments of the more deferential to the judgment of a co-equal branch of the
government.” Under our constitutional scheme, executive government, the Executive, which has been endowed by our
power is vested in the President of the Philippines. Executive Constitution with greater power over matters involving our
power includes, among others, the power to contract or foreign relations. Needless to state, this balance of interests is
guarantee foreign loans and the power to enter into treaties or not a static but a moving balance which can be adjusted as the
international agreements. The task of safeguarding that these extradition process moves from the administrative stage to the
treaties are duly honored devolves upon the executive judicial stage and to the execution stage depending on factors
department which has the competence and authority to so act that will come into play. In sum, we rule that the temporary hold
in the international arena. It is traditionally held that the on private respondent’s privilege of notice and hearing is a soft
President has power and even supremacy over the country’s restraint on his right to due process which will not deprive him
foreign relations. The executive department is aptly accorded of fundamental fairness should he decide to resist the request
deference on matters of foreign relations considering the for his extradition to the United States. There is no denial of
President’s most comprehensive and most confidential due process as long as fundamental fairness is assured a
information about the international scene of which he is party.
regularly briefed by our diplomatic and consular officials. His
access to ultra-sensitive military intelligence data is also We end where we began. A myopic interpretation of the due
unlimited. The deference we give to the executive department process clause would not suffice to resolve the conflicting
is dictated by the principle of separation of powers. This rights in the case at bar. With the global village shrinking at a
principle is one of the cornerstones of our democratic rapid pace, propelled as it is by technological leaps in
government. It cannot be eroded without endangering our transportation and communication, we need to push further
government. back our horizons and work with the rest of the civilized nations
and move closer to the universal goals of “peace, equality,
The Philippines also has a national interest to help in justice, freedom, cooperation and amity with all nations.” In the
suppressing crimes and one way to do it is to facilitate the end, it is the individual who will reap the harvest of peace and
extradition of persons covered by treaties duly entered by our prosperity from these efforts.
government. More and more, crimes are becoming the concern
of one world. Laws involving crimes and crime prevention are WHEREFORE, the Urgent Motion for Reconsideration is
undergoing universalization. One manifest purpose of this GRANTED. The Decision in the case at bar promulgated on
trend towards globalization is to deny easy refuge to a criminal January 18, 2000 is REVERSED. The assailed Order issued
whose activities threaten the peace and progress of civilized by the public respondent judge on August 9, 1999 is SET
countries. It is to the great interest of the Philippines to be part ASIDE. The temporary restraining order issued by this Court
of this irreversible movement in light of its vulnerability to on August 17, 1999 is made PERMANENT. The Regional Trial
crimes, especially transnational crimes. Court of Manila, Branch 25 is enjoined from conducting further
proceedings in Civil Case No. 99-94684.
In tilting the balance in favor of the interests of the State, the
Court stresses that it is not ruling that the private respondent Case Doctrine:
has no right to due process at all throughout the length and
breadth of the extrajudicial proceedings. Procedural due Because of the impending threat to a prospective extraditee’s
process requires a determination of what process is due, when liberty as early as during the evaluation stage (Provisional
it is due, and the degree of what is due. Stated otherwise, a arrest and temporary arrest), the Supreme Court concluded
prior determination should be made as to whether procedural that the evaluation process is akin to an administrative agency
protections are at all due and when they are due, which in turn conducting an investigative proceeding, the consequence of
depends on the extent to which an individual will be which are essentially criminal since such technical assessment
“condemned to suffer grievous loss.” We have explained why sets off or commences the procedure for, and ultimately, the
an extraditee has no right to notice and hearing during the deprivation of liberty of a prospective extraditee. In essence,
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therefore, the evaluation process partakes of the nature of a
criminal investigation. The constitutional issue in the case at
bar does not even call for “justice outside legality,” since
private respondent’s due process rights, although not
guaranteed by statute or by treaty, are protected by
constitutional guarantees. The Supreme Court would not
be true to the organic law of the land if we choose strict
construction over guarantees against deprivation of
liberty. That would not be keeping with the principles of
democracy on which our Constitution is premised.


There is no provision in the RP-US Extradition Treaty that

gives the right to demand copies of the extradition
requests. The likening of an extradition to a criminal
procedure is not persuasive because an extradition is sui
generis and does not involve the determination of guilt.
As an extradition proceeding is not criminal in character
and the evaluation stage in an extradition proceeding is
not akin to a preliminary investigation, the due process
safeguards in the latter do not necessarily apply to the
former. This we hold for the procedural due process required
by a given set of circumstances "must begin with a
determination of the precise nature of the government
function involved as well as the private interest that has
been affected by governmental action." The concept of due
process is flexible for "not all situations calling for procedural
safeguards call for the same kind of procedure."

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