A173 en
A173 en
A173 en
Determination by
Kjeldahl Method
Nitrogen Determination
by Kjeldahl Method
The Kjeldahl method is used to determine the nitrogen content in organic and
inorganic samples.
For longer than 100 years the Kjeldahl method has been used for the determination
of nitrogen in a wide range of samples. The determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen is
made in foods and drinks, meat, feeds, cereals and forages for the calculation of the
protein content. Also the Kjeldahl method is used for the nitrogen determination in
wastewaters, soils and other samples.
It is an official method and it is described in different normatives such as AOAC, USEPA,
ISO, DIN, Pharmacopeias and different European Directives.
1. Digestion
The aim of the digestion procedure is to break all nitrogen bonds in the sample and
convert all of the organically bonded nitrogen into ammonium ions (NH4+). Organic
carbon and hydrogen form carbon dioxide and water. In this process the organic material
carbonizes which can be visualized by the transformation of the sample into black
foam. During the digestion the foam decomposes and finally a clear liquid indicates the
completion of the chemical reaction. For this purpose, the sample is mixed with sulfuric
acid at temperatures between 350 and 380 ºC. The higher the temperature used, the
faster digestion can be obtained. The speed of the digestion can be greatly improved by
the addition of salt and catalysts. Potassium sulfate is added in order to increase the
boiling point of sulfuric acid and catalysts are added in order to increase the speed and
efficiency of the digestion procedure. Oxidizing agents can also be added to improve
the speed even further.
Sample Catalyst
Protein (-N) + H2SO4 (NH4)2SO4 + CO2 + H2O
After digestion is completed the sample is allowed to cool to room temperature, then
diluted with water and transferred to the distillation unit.
2. Distillation
During the distillation step the ammonium ions (NH4+) are converted into ammonia (NH3) by adding
alkali (NaOH). The ammonia (NH3) is transferred into the receiver vessel by means of steam distillation.
The receiving vessel for the distillate is filled with an absorbing solution in order to capture the
dissolved ammonia gas.
• Common absorbing solutions involve aqueous boric acid [B(OH)3] of 2-4% concentration. The
ammonia is quantitatively captured by the boric acid solution forming solvated ammonium ions.
• Also other acids can be used as precisely dosed volume of sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid that
captures the ammonia forming solvated ammonium ions.
3. Titration
The concentration of the captured ammonium ions can be determined using two types of titrations:
• When using the boric acid solution as absorbing solution, an acid-base titration is performed using
standard solutions of sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid and a mixture of indicators. Depending
on the amount of ammonium ions present, concentrations in the range of 0.01N to 0.5N are
used. Alternatively the end point can be determined potentiometrically with a pH-electrode. This
titration is called direct titration.
• When using sulfuric acid standard solution as absorbing solution, the residual sulfuric acid
(the excess not reacted with NH3) is titrated with sodium hydroxide standard solution and by
difference the amount of ammonia is calculated. This titration is called back titration.
Process scheme
The optimal sample amounts (from 0.01 to 5 g) depend on the expected nitrogen contents
but also affect the choice of titrant concentration. The limit of sample amounts normally
needs to be found experimentally. It should contains 30 – 140 mg N. Ideally the particle size
should be < 1 mm. The sample must be homogeneous and it should be milled if necessary.
The volume of sulfuric acid 98% used is a function of the expected consumption of
sulfuric acid in the redox reaction converting sulfuric acid to sulfur dioxide. By the end of
the digestion a surplus of acid has to be present in a sufficient amount in order to keep
the non-volatile ammonium ions in solution and prevent the loss of volatile ammonia.
Typically for 1 g sample two Kjeldahl tablets of 5 g are used together with 20 mL of 98%
sulfuric acid and digestion times of 90 minutes are applied. A good ratio is 1 g of Kjeldahl
catalyst mixture to 2 mL of 98% sulfuric acid.
The digestion time depends on the chemical structure of the sample, the temperature, the
amounts of sulfate salt and the catalyst.
As an example, in the following figures we show the processes of digestion, distillation
and titration for a sample of milk.
4,8920 g
2 NH3 is condensed.
50 ml of sodium hydroxide
50% solution is added to 5
the sample to neutralize
the pH and to convert
· NH3 is captured in a 50 ml of boric
NH4+ into NH3.
acid solution 4% that contains 6 - 7
drops of Tashiro’s indicator.
· When NH3 reacts with boric acid
the solution turns from red violet to
green (pH 4.4-5.8) due to the color
change of the indicator from acid to
basic medium.
· Around 150 ml of condensate is
captured in the boric acid solution.
A stream of water vapor
· It can take approx. 5 minutes.
is bubbled into the sample
to entrain the NH3 formed.
1 Distillation unit
Reagents used in
Kjeldahl analysis
1. Digestion
1.1. Kjeldahl Catalysts
The catalysts are composed of more than 97% of
a salt which increases the boiling temperature of
the sulfuric acid and 1 - 3% of one type of catalyst
or a mixture of catalysts in order to increase the
speed and efficiency of the digestion procedure.
Typical catalysts are selenium or metal salts of
copper or titanium.
In water containing samples, e.g. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) determinations, strong
foam formation and sputtering often is caused by Kjeldahl tablets. In such a situation
a catalyst mixture in powder form and the use of boiling rods is appropriate.
Besides, digestion times depend on the type of sample, the volume of sulfuric acid,
the ratio of acid to salt and the type of catalyst. For example, fat, oil and heterocyclic
aromatic compounds are more easily digested if the catalyst contains selenium.
Tablet Composition
Product Code Packaging Recommendation
Na2SO4 K2SO4 CuSO4.5H2O Se TiO2
Kjeldahl Catalyst
Wieninger catalyst.
(Cu-Se) (1.5%
172429.1211 - 1000 g 0.965 g 0.015 g 0.02 g Appropriate for water
CuSO4.5H2O + 2% Se) containing samples.
Kjeldahl Catalyst
(Cu-Se) (9% CuSO4.5H2O 175570.1246 4g 4 kg 3.60 g 0.36 g 0.036 g
+ 0.9% Se) tablets
Reagents used in
Kjeldahl analysis
1. Digestion
1.2. Acid and oxidant for digestion
In general food and feed applications, 98% sulfuric acid is
used for digestions. Special applications may however call
for modifications in the concentration of sulfuric acid or
mixtures of acids could be envisaged. As an example, protein
determinations of milk and cream are often carried out using
a 69% sulfuric acid in order to reduce the risk of foaming.
After the digestion and before the neutralization of sulfuric acid by adding
concentrated sodium hydroxide, the sample is allowed to cool to room temperature
and diluted with distilled water. This is done to avoid splashing of the sample due to
boiling induced by the heat of reaction dissipated when the concentrated acid and
base are mixed. Moreover, if samples are diluted with 10-20 mL of water just after
cooling, crystallization can be avoided.
173163.0716 25 L
Hydrogen Peroxide 30% w/v (100 vol.) for analysis 121076.1211 1000 ml
121076.1214 5L
211628.1208 100 ml
Silicone antifoaming liquid (ORG)
211628.1209 250 ml
211628.1210 500 ml
131074.1211 1000 ml
131074.1214 5L
131074.1315 10 L
2. Distillation
2.1 Alkalis for neutralization and Product Concentration Code Packaging
liberation of ammonia 131687.1210 500 g
3. Titration
3.1 Volumetric solutions and Indicators
If the receiving solution is boric acid, the tetrahydroxyborate anions formed are titrated
with a standard solution of a strong acid. This titration is called Direct Titration.
• The detection of the end point can be carried out manually or with a colorimetric
titration and using a combination of indicators. The combination of methyl red and
methylene blue indicators is frequently used in many methods.
• Alternatively the end point can be determined potentiometrically with a pH-
electrode. Then it is preferably to adjust the pH of the boric acid to 4.65 before
distillation and use an end-point of pH 4.65 for the titration.
If the receiving solution is a standardized hydrochloric acid or a standardized
sulfuric acid, the excess of acid solution is exactly neutralized by a carefully measured
standardized alkaline base solution such as sodium hydroxide. The end-point is detected
using a color indicator. Methyl orange is usually the preferred indicator. This titration is
called Back Titration.
Direct Titration
181023.1211 1000 ml
181023.1212 2.5 L
Hydrochloric Acid 0.1 mo/l 181023.1214 5L
181023.0715 10 L
181023.1315 10 L
181061.1211 1000 ml
Sulfuric Acid 0.05 mol/l 181061.1214 5L
181061.1315 10 L
Indicator 4.4, Mixed (Methyl Red-Methylene Blue) (Tashiro’s indicator) 282430.1609 250 ml
Color-change: from red violet to green (pH 4.4-5.8)
Back Titration
181693.1211 1000 ml
0.1 mol/l 181693.1214 5L
181693.1315 10 L
Methyl Red solution 0.1%
281618.1208 100 ml
Color-change: from red to yellow (pH 4.2-6.2)
Check our complete portfolio of volumetric solution concentrations in our website www.itwreagents.com
The calculations for % nitrogen or % protein must take into account which type of receiving solution was used and
any dilution factors used during the distillation process. In the equations below, “N” represents normality. “ml blank”
refers to the millilitres of base needed to back titrate a reagent blank if standard acid is the receiving solution, or
refers to millilitres of standard acid needed to titrate a reagent blank if boric acid is the receiving solution.
• When boric acid is used as the receiving solution the equation is:
• When standard acid is used as the receiving solution, the equation is:
[(ml standard acid x N of acid) - (ml blank x N of base)] - (ml standard base x N of base) x 1.4007
% Nitrogen =
weight of sample in grams
Cereals, pasta
If it is desired to determine %
Brown Rice 1.3 6.25 7.9
protein instead of % nitrogen, the
calculated % N is multiplied by a Wheat flour, whole- 2.4 5.7 13.7
factor, the magnitude of the factor
Macaroni, spaghetti 1.9 5.7 11.0
depending on the sample matrix.
Many protein factors have been Pulses, nuts and seeds
developed for use with various Red beans 3.4 6.25 21.2
types of samples. Soy and soy products 6.3 5.71 36.0
Here you can see the % Nitrogen, Almonds 4.9 5.18 25.3
the Protein factor and the % Peanuts 4.8 5.46 26.0
Protein for different types of food: Nuts 2.9 5.3 15.2
Sunflower seeds 3.2 5.3 17.2
Dairy products
Milk, whole 0.5 6.38 3.3
Cheese (i.e. Cheddar) 3.9 6.38 24.9
Butter 0.3 6.38 2.0
Yogurt 0.8 6.38 5.3
Meat, poultry, fish
Beef 3.0 6.25 18.5
Chicken, breast meat 3.7 6.25 23.1
Ham 2.8 6.25 17.6
Egg, whole 2.0 6.25 12.5
Fish 2.6 6.25 16.0
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