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Owner Premuda SpA

IMO Number

Vessel Type

Operator Company Name Premuda SpA

Operator Certifying Official’s Name G. Mortola

Address of Operator Via Fieschi 3,22 – 16121 Genoa

Gross Tonnage

Port of Registry

International Call Sign






1 Electronic Reporting
- Annual Report

2 Compliance Guide

3 VGP Regulation

4 Supplemental Discharge Information

5 2013 VGP Fact Sheet

6 Best Management Practice Matrix

7 VGP Records






December 19, 2013


SUMMARY OF NEW REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................. 3

EPA REGIONAL CONTACTS FOR VESSEL DISCHARGES ....................................................... 20

19 December 2013 2

Eligibility and General Scope of this Permit

You must meet the following provisions to be eligible for coverage under this
permit. This permit is applicable to discharges incidental to the normal operation
of a vessel identified in Part 1.2.2 into waters subject to this permit. These waters
are “waters of the United States” as defined in 40 Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) §122.2 (extending to the outer reach of the 3 mile territorial sea as defined in
section 502(8) of the Clean Water Act (CWA)). This includes all navigable waters of
the Great Lakes subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. Recreational vessels
as defined in section 502(25) of the CWA are not subject to this permit. Such
vessels are not subject to NPDES permitting under section 402 of the CWA, and are
instead subject to regulation under section 312(o) of the CWA. These include all
recreational vessels not carrying paying passengers in waters subject to the permit.

The EPA expects that most vessels seeking coverage under this permit will be
greater than 79 feet in length; however, commercial fishing vessels and other non-
recreational vessels less than 79 feet are also eligible for permit coverage under
this permit or those vessels may seek coverage under EPA’s small Vessel General
Permit (sVGP), as available and appropriate. If auxiliary vessels or craft, such as
lifeboats, rescue boats, or barges onboard larger vessels require NPDES permit
coverage, they are eligible for coverage under this permit and are covered by
submission of the NOI for the larger vessels. For purposes of recordkeeping,
inspections, and reporting, auxiliary vessels may be considered as part of the same
entity as the larger vessel. Nothing in this permit shall be interpreted to apply to a
vessel of the Armed Forces as defined in section 312(a)(14) of the CWA.


The following vessels are eligible for coverage under the VGP if any one of the
criteria below is met when operating in waters subject to the permit (US Waters: 0-

• Commercial vessels greater than 300 Gross Tons

• Commercial vessels greater than 79 feet in length
• Commercial vessels with 8 cubic meters or more ballast water capacity

19 December 2013 3
Effluent Limits and Related Requirements

In the effluent limits below and throughout this permit, the term “minimize” means
reduce and/or eliminate to the extent achievable using control measures (including
best management practices) that are technologically available and economically
practicable and achievable in light of best marine practice.
• You may not add any constituents to any discharge that are not incidental to the
normal operation of a vessel.
• You may not dilute discharges eligible for coverage under this permit prior to
their discharge for the purpose of meeting limits set forth in this permit.

Technology-Based Effluent Limits and Related Requirements Applicable to all


You are required to meet the following effluent limits, regardless of the type of
vessel you own or operate.

Material Storage
For cargoes or onboard materials which might wash overboard or dissolve as a
result of contact with precipitation or surface water spray, or which may be blown
overboard by air currents, you must minimize the amount of time these items are
exposed to such conditions. Locate storage areas on the vessel for such items in
covered areas where feasible and consistent with any applicable regulations
promulgated by the Secretary of the Department in which the Coast Guard is
operating that establish specifications for safe transportation, handling, carriage,
and storage of pollutants (see Part 2.1.5). If water draining from storage areas
comes in contact with oily materials, except for naturally occurring fish oils from
fishing gear stored on deck, you must:
• Use dry cleanup methods or absorbents to clean up the wastewater;
• Store the water for onshore disposal; or
• Run the water through an oily water separator when required by Coast Guard
regulations, or if not subject to such requirement, use other effective methods to
comply with Part 2.1.4 of this permit to prevent the discharge of any oils,
including oily materials, into waters subject to this permit in quantities which
may be harmful as defined in 40 CFR Part 110. This permit does not authorize the
discharge of any oily water which might otherwise be inconsistent with
requirements found in the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships or under the
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 as
modified by the protocol of 1978 (MARPOL 73/78).

19 December 2013 4
Toxic and Hazardous Materials
Where consistent with vessel design and construction, you must locate toxic and
hazardous materials in protected areas of the vessel to minimize exposure to ocean
spray and precipitation, unless the Master determines this would interfere with
essential vessel operations or safety of the vessel or doing so would violate any
applicable regulations promulgated by the Coast Guard that establish specifications
for safe transportation, handling, carriage, and storage of pollutants (see Part
2.1.5). Any discharge made for the foregoing reasons must be documented
consistent with Part 4.2. You must ensure that toxic and hazardous materials are in
appropriate sealed containers constructed of a suitable material, labeled, and
secured. Containers must not be overfilled and incompatible wastes should not be
mixed. Exposure of containers to ocean spray or precipitation must be minimized.
Jettisoning of containers holding toxic or hazardous material is not authorized by
this permit.

Fuel Spills/Overflows
Fuel spills or overflows must not result in a discharge of oil in quantities that may
be harmful, pursuant to 40 CFR Part 110. You must conduct all fueling operations
using control measures and practices designed to minimize spills and overflows
and ensure prompt containment and cleanup if they occur. Vessel operators must
not overfill fuel tanks. For vessels with interconnected fuel tanks, fueling must be
conducted in a manner that prevents overfilling and release from the system to the

Vessels with air vents from fuel tanks must use spill containment or other methods
to prevent or contain any fuel or oil spills. Large-scale fuel spills or overflows are
not incidental to the normal operation of the vessel and are not authorized by this

The following requirements apply to fueling of auxiliary vessels such as lifeboats,

tenders or rescue boats deployed from “host” vessels subject to this permit:
• While fueling, examine the surrounding water for the presence of a visible sheen.
If a visible sheen is observed, as a result of your fueling, it must be cleaned up
• It is important to know the capacity of the fuel tanks before you begin fueling in
order to prevent unintentionally overfilling the tank.
• Prevent overfilling and do not top off your fuel tanks.
• When possible, fill fuel tanks while boat is on shore or recovered from the water.
• When possible, fill portable tanks on shore or on the host vessel, not on the
auxiliary vessel.
• Use an oil absorbent material or other appropriate device while fueling the
auxiliary vessel to catch drips from the vent overflow and fuel intake.
• Regularly inspect the fuel and hydraulic systems for any damage or leaks.

19 December 2013 5
Owner/operators shall ensure that all crew responsible for conducting fueling
operations are trained in methods to minimize spills caused by human error
and/or the improper use of equipment.

Discharges of Oil Including Oily Mixtures

All discharges of oil, including oily mixtures, from ships subject to Annex I of the
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships as
implemented by the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships and U.S. Coast Guard
regulations found in 33 CFR §151.09 (hereinafter referred to as “MARPOL vessels”)
must have concentrations of oil less than 15 parts per million (ppm) (as measured
by EPA Method 1664 or other appropriate method for determination of oil content
as accepted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) (e.g. ISO Method
9377-2) or U.S. Coast Guard) before discharge. All MARPOL vessels must have a
current International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPP) issued in
accordance with 33 CFR §§151.19 or 151.21. All other discharges of oil including
oily mixtures must not contain oil in quantities that may be harmful, pursuant to 40
CFR Part 110.

Compliance with Other Statutes and Regulations

As required by 40 CFR §122.44(p), you must comply with any applicable
regulations promulgated by the Coast Guard that establish specifications for safe
transportation, handling, carriage, and storage of pollutants.

Any discharge from your vessel must comply with sections 311 (33 USC 1321) of
the CWA, the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships (APPS 33 USC §§1905-1915), the
National Marine Sanctuaries Act, (16 USC 1431 et seq.) and implementing
regulations found at 15 CFR Part 922 and 50 CFR Part 404, the Federal Insecticide,
Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA, 7 USC §136 et seq.), and the Oil Pollution
Act (OPA of 1990, 33 USC §2701-2720).

The US Code of Federal Regulations containing these provisions can be found at:

Additional Vessel Specific Discharges Eligible for Coverage

The following twenty-seven (27) discharge types are eligible for coverage under
this permit when applicable:

Deck Washdown and Runoff and Above Water Line Hull Cleaning (2.2.1)
Vessel owner/operators must minimize the introduction of on-deck debris,
garbage, residue, and spill into deck washdown and runoff discharges. Prior to deck
washdown, remove all existing debris. When required by other regulations (USCG,
Flag, Class) vessel must be fitted with perimeter spill rails, scuppers, coamings, and
drip pans. The EPA strongly encourages the use of environmentally acceptable
lubricants in all above deck equipment. Any discharge resulting from above water

19 December 2013 6
line hull cleaning must be conducted with “minimally-toxic” and “phosphate free”
cleaners and detergents and must be biodegradable.

Bilgewater/Oily Water Separator Effluent (2.2.2)

The use of dispersants, detergents, emulsifiers, chemicals, or other substances that
remove the appearance of a visible sheen in their bilgewater is prohibited. The use
of oil solidifiers, flocculants, or other additives is only allowed as part of an oily
water separation system provided they don’t alter the chemical make-up of the oils.
Untreated bilgewater is prohibited from being discharged. While in VGP waters,
vessels must minimize bilgewater discharge by disposing of bilgewater on shore
(facilities), or discharging into waters greater than 3nm from shore (following IMO
and USCG regulations). Vessels built after December 19, 2013 greater than 400grt
must monitor their bilgewater effluent at least once a year for oil and grease
content. Records of monitoring must be retained for at least 3 years.

Ballast Water (2.2.3)

Any discharge of ballast water must not contain oil, noxious liquid substances, or
hazardous substances in a manner prohibited by US Laws and the Clean Water Act.
This section includes provisions for training, ballast water management plan, and
management practices. New, more detailed requirements for “Lakers” include
annual sediment inspections, records of sediment removal/disposal, and annual
inspection of sea chest screens. Section introduces new ballast water
numeric discharge limitations. Ballast Water Treatment Systems (BWTS)
implementation schedule can be found in section and the records must be
maintained and submitted as part of the vessel’s annual report. The schedule for
Ballast Water Treatment Systems are general consistent with the IMO schedule and
can be found in Existing requirements for ballast water exchange and
flushing remains in place.

Anti-Fouling Hull Coatings/Hull Coating Leachate (2.2.4)

The use of hull coatings with the lowest effective biocide release rates, rapidly
biodegradable components or non-biocidal alternatives such as silicone coatings
should be considered when it comes to anti-fouling coatings. The discharge of
Tributyltin from any source is prohibited (zero discharge standard).

Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) (2.2.5)

Discharges of AFFF are only authorized for emergency purposes when needed to
ensure the safety and security of the vessel and crew. For vessels that sail outside
the territorial sea more than once per month, AFFF discharges for training and
maintenance purposes are prohibited. For vessels that do not sail outside the
territorial sea, the discharges must be collected and disposed of ashore. The
discharge of non-fluorinated or alternative foaming agents are permitted but must
be minimized.

19 December 2013 7
Boiler/Economizer Blowdown (2.2.6)
Discharge of boiler/economizer blowdown must be minimized in port if chemicals
or other additives are used to reduce impurities or prevent scale formation. It is
prohibited for vessels over 400grt that leave the territorial sea at least once per
week unless the extended port stay exceeds the blowdown cycle period.

Cathodic Protection (2.2.7)

Cathodic protection must be maintained to prevent the corrosion of the ships’ hull.
While the discharge of zinc, magnesium, and aluminum are expected from properly
functioning cathodic protection sacrificial electrodes, vessel operators must
minimize the flaking of large, corroded portions of these anodes. When feasible,
sacrificial anodes should be flush-fitted to the hull or the space between must be
filled to remove the potential for hotspots for fouling organisms.

Chain Locker Effluent (2.2.8)

The anchor chain must be thoroughly washed down each time it is used to remove
sediment and marine organisms. Chain lockers must be clean during dry-docking
as well. For vessels that sail outside 3nm at least once per month, chain locker
effluent is prohibited unless documentation of safety concerns is logged.

Controllable Pitch Propeller and Thruster Hydraulic Fluid and Other Oil-to-Sea
Interfaces Including Lubrication Discharges from Paddle Wheel Propulsion,
Stern Tubes, Thruster Bearings, Stabilizers, Rudder Bearings, Azimuth
Thrusters, Propulsion Pod Lubrication, and Wire Rope and Mechanical
Equipment Subject to Immersion (2.2.9)
The protective seals on any oil-to-sea interfaces must be maintained in good
operating order to minimize the leaking of oils. Any discharge of oil in quantities
that may be harmful is prohibited. Maintenance activities should be conducted
when vessel is in dry-dock. Unless technically infeasible, all vessels must use
environmentally acceptable lubricants (EALs). These lubricants are biodegradable,
minimally toxic, and are not bioaccumulative. If a vessel is unable to use an EAL,
they must document the reason and report the use of a non-environmentally
acceptable lubricant in the annual report. The EPA recommends all new build
vessel operators to use seawater-based systems for their stern tube lubrication to
eliminate the discharge of oil from these interfaces.

Distillation and Reverse Osmosis Brine (2.2.10)

Discharge from the distillation system and reverse osmosis reject water is
permitted as long as it does not come in contact with machinery or industrial
equipment, toxic or hazardous materials, or wastes.

19 December 2013 8
Elevator Pit Effluent (2.2.11)
Discharges of untreated elevator pit effluent are prohibited within waters subject
to this permit except in cases of emergency. Elevator pit effluent may be discharged
if it is managed with the vessels’ bilgewater requirements (2.2.2). Otherwise it
must be treated with an oily-water separator.

Firemain Systems (2.2.12)

Discharges from firemain systems are authorized for emergency purposes or for
certification, maintenance, and training requirements if the intake comes directly
from the surrounding waters or potable water supplies and have no additives (e.g.
AFFF). Firemain systems may also be used for deck washdown or other secondary
uses are the intake is also from surrounding waters or potable water supplies.

Freshwater Layup (2.2.13)

Minimize the amount of disinfection or biocidal agents used in freshwater layup to
the minimum required to prevent aquatic growth.

Gas Turbine Washwater (2.2.14)

Direct discharge of gas turbine washwater is prohibited. It must also be prevented
from commingling with bilgewater that will be discharged in waters subject to this
permit. It should be collected separately and properly disposed of at an onshore

Graywater (2.2.15)
Discharge of graywater must be minimized while in port. Vessels that have the
capacity to store graywater must do so; discharge permitted when capacity if full.
Kitchen oils should be minimized as much as practicable by removing oil residue
before rinsing dishes. Vessel owners/operators must use phosphate-free and
minimally-toxic soaps and detergents as defined in Appendix A. Additional
requirements are in place for nutrient impaired waters. List of these waters can be
found at Vessels operating on the Great Lakes must
meet one of the following requirements for graywater management: hold all
graywater for onshore discharge or the discharge must not exceed 200 fecal
coliform forming units per 100 milliliters and contain no more than 150 milligrams
per liter of suspended solids. Vessels subject to this must conduct the monitoring
requirements under section

Motor Gasoline and Compensating Discharge (2.2.16)

Discharge of motor gasoline and compensating effluent must not result in a visible
sheen or an oil concentration that exceeds 15ppm.

Non-Oily Machinery Wastewater (2.2.17)

This may be discharged directly overboard as long as it is free from oils and any
additives that are toxic or bioaccumulative in nature. Non-oily machinery
wastewater may also be drained to the bilge.

19 December 2013 9
Refrigeration and Air Condensate Discharge (2.2.18)
Refrigeration and air condensate may be discharged overboard if it does not come
into contact with oily or toxic materials. It can also be commingled with oily-water,
however it would fall under the requirements of Bilge water / oily water separator
effluent (2.2.2).

Seawater Cooling Overboard Discharge (Including Non-Contact Engine Cooling

Water; Hydraulic System Cooling Water, Refrigeration Cooling Water) (2.2.19)
When possible, discharge should occur when vessel is underway to minimize any
thermal impacts to the receiving water. To reduce the production and discharge of
seawater cooling overboard, the EPA recommends shore-based power if possible.

Seawater Piping Biofouling Prevention (2.2.20)

These chemicals are subject to FIFRA registration. Use the minimum amount of
chemicals needed to keep fouling under control as discharges containing active
agents must contain as little chlorine as possible. The removal and disposal of
fouling organisms from seawater piping on a regular basis in accordance with local,
state and federal regulations is mandatory. Once removed, these organisms should
not be discharged into waters subject to this permit, rather should be discharged
more than 50nm from shore. Help reduce the risk of invasive species introduction
in ports by removing organisms while at sea where technically feasible.

Boat Engine Wet Exhaust (2.2.21)

The use of low sulfur or alternative fuels for well-tuned engines should help reduce
the concentration of pollutants in discharges from boat engine wet exhaust. EPA
encourages four stroke engines over two stroke since they may minimize the
discharge of pollutants.

Sonar Dome Discharge (2.2.22)

Water inside the sonar dome is prohibited from being discharged into waters
subject to this permit.

Underwater Ship Husbandry and Hull Fouling Discharges (2.2.23)

Hull-cleaning activities should take place during dry-dock or at land-based facilities
to minimize the transport of attached living organisms. Minimize the release of
copper-based antifoulant pants during vessel cleaning operations and it must not
result in any visible cloud or plume of paint in the water.

Welldeck Discharges (2.2.24)

Welldeck discharges that contain graywater from smaller vessels should not be
discharged within waters subject to this permit except in cases of emergency.

19 December 2013 10
Welldeck discharges from washdown of gas turbine engines may not be discharged
within waters subject to this permit. Welldeck discharges from equipment and
vehicle washdowns must be free from garbage and must not contain oil in
quantities that may be harmful as defined in 40 CFR Part 110.

Graywater Mixed with Sewage from Vessels (2.2.25)

Commingled discharge of graywater mixed with sewage from vessels must comply
with the standards for both graywater and sewage.

Exhaust Gas Scrubber Washwater Discharge (2.2.26)

This must not contain oily mixtures or oils in quantities that may be harmful.
Sludge or residues generated in treating exhaust gas scrubber washwater
discharge must not be discharged in waters subject to this permit and must be
delivered ashore to adequate reception facilities. Exhaust gas cleaning systems that
result in washwater discharges must meet numeric effluent limits ( and
monitoring requirements (

Fish Hold Effluent (2.2.27)

Reasonable steps must be taken to prevent discharge of excess fish hold water and
ice wile vessel is stationary at the pier. Large fish pieces may not be discharged
unless a physical separation method is used. These solid fish wastes must be
disposed of shoreside or at sea (outside harbors or other protected and enclosed
coastal waters).

Please note that the EPA has updated the descriptions of the eligible discharge
types and the best management practices required for compliance with the VGP.

Actions Required
It is recommended that each eligible discharge type description applicable to fleet
vessels are carefully reviewed to ensure company policies and procedures are
appropriately updated to incorporate any new best management practices into the
VGP compliance program for your company.

For more information on each of the eligible discharges see the following:
• Enclosure 1 includes the entire Section 2 of the VGP regulation in tabular
• Enclosure 5 includes additional description for each of the eligible discharges
types taken from the Uniform National Discharge System (UNDS) the precursor
to the VGP. This enclosure is particularly helpful in determining which of the
eligible discharges types are applicable to a vessel.
• Enclosure 7 includes the entire text of the final 2013 VGP regulation for your

19 December 2013 11
Limitations on Coverage

Discharges that are outside the scope of the former exclusion from NPDES
permitting for discharges incidental to the normal operation of a vessel as set out in
40 CFR §122.3(a), as in effect on December 18, 2008, are ineligible for coverage
under this permit.
• This permit does not apply to any vessel when it is operating in a capacity other
than as a means of transportation.
• For any discharges identified in this permit, discharges are not eligible if they
contain materials resulting from industrial or manufacturing processes onboard
or other materials not derived from the normal operations of a vessel.

Vessels when they are being used as an energy or mining facility, a storage facility,
a seafood processing facility, or when secured to the bed of waters subject to this
permit or to a buoy for the purpose of mineral or oil exploration or development
are not eligible for coverage under this permit. Furthermore, “floating” craft that
are permanently moored to piers, such as “floating” casinos, hotels, restaurants,
bars, etc. are not covered by the former vessel exclusion and would not be covered
by this vessel permit.

Discharges of sewage from vessels, as defined in CWA section 502(6) and 40 CFR
§122.2, are not required to obtain NPDES permits. Instead, these discharges are
regulated under section 312 of the CWA and 40 CFR Part 140 and 33 CFR Part 159.
Under CWA section 312(a)(6), the definition of sewage includes graywater
discharges from “commercial vessels” (as defined in CWA section 312(a)(10))
operating on the Great Lakes. If a vessel operating on the Great Lakes is not a
“commercial vessel” as defined in CWA section 312(a)(10), the vessel’s graywater
discharges are eligible for coverage under this permit, and are subject to the
additional permit requirements in Part .

Used or Spent Oil

Discharges of used or spent oil no longer being used for their intended purposes
are not eligible for coverage under this permit.

Garbage or Trash
Discharges of rubbish, trash, garbage, or other such materials discharged
overboard are not eligible for coverage under this permit. “Garbage” includes
discharges of bulk dry cargo residues as defined at 33 CFR §151.66(b) (73 Fed. Reg.
56492 (September 29, 2008)) and agricultural cargo residues. Discharges of
garbage are subject to regulation under 33 CFR Part 151, Subpart A.

19 December 2013 12
Photo-Processing Effluent
Discharges from photo-processing operations are not eligible for coverage under
this permit.

Effluent from Dry Cleaning Operations

Discharges of spent or unused effluent from dry cleaning operations are not eligible
for coverage under this permit. This includes any spent or unused
tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) from these operations.

Discharges of Medical Waste and Related Materials

Discharges of medical waste as defined in 33 USC 1362(20) are not eligible for
coverage under this permit. Discharges of spent or unused pharmaceuticals,
formaldehyde, or other biohazards no longer being used for their intended
purposes are not eligible for coverage under this permit.

For purposes of this permit, the liquid produced by dialysis treatment of humans is
not deemed to be “medical waste,” and, like other human body waste, is subject to
regulation under CWA §312 if introduced into marine sanitation devices, or under
VGP Part 2.2.25 if added to a blackwater system combined with a graywater
system. The direct overboard discharge of such liquid without treatment is not
eligible for coverage under this permit.

Discharges of Noxious Liquid Substance Residues

Discharges of noxious liquid substance residues subject to 33 CFR Part 151,
Subpart A or 46 CFR §153.1102 are not eligible for coverage under this permit.

Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene) and Trichloroethylene (TCE)

Discharges of tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) and trichloroethylene (TCE)
degreasers or other products containing tetrachloroethylene or trichloroethylene
are not eligible for coverage under this permit.

Discharges Currently or Previously Covered by an another NPDES Permit

The following discharges are not eligible for coverage under this permit:
• Vessel discharges covered, as of the effective date of this permit, under an
individual or a general NPDES permit other than the VGP, unless EPA specifically
allows coverage under Part 1.8.2 , or otherwise provides written permission to
be covered under this permit, or
• Discharges from vessels covered by any NPDES permit that has been or is in the
process of being denied, terminated, or revoked by EPA or a state permitting
authority (this does not apply to the routine reissuance of permits every five

19 December 2013 13
Permit Compliance

How to Obtain Authorization

To obtain authorization to discharge under this permit, you must meet the Part 1.2
eligibility requirements.
• If your vessel meets the requirements under Part, and you were
authorized to discharge under the 2008 VGP, you must submit an NOI to receive
permit coverage seven days before the effective date of this permit to continue
uninterrupted coverage.
• Vessels authorized to discharge under the 2008 VGP were vessels that had
submitted an NOI or were not subject to the NOI requirement by Part of
the 2008 VGP.
• If you were not authorized to discharge under the 2008 VGP and your vessel
meets the requirements under Part , you must submit an NOI to receive
permit coverage at least 7 days or more than 30 days (as applicable) before
discharging into waters subject to this permit (see Table 1 below).
• Owner/operators of vessels that meet the requirements under Part are
not required to submit NOIs. Instead these owner/operators must sign and
maintain a copy of the PARI form.

Vessels Required to Submit Notices of Intent (eNOIs)

If your vessel is greater than or equal to 300 gross tons or the vessel has the
capacity to hold or discharge more than 8 cubic meters (2,113 gallons) of ballast
water, you must submit a signed and certified, complete and accurate eNOI in
accordance with the requirements of Appendix E to receive coverage under this
permit. Submission must be in accordance with the deadlines in Table 1.
If you are required to submit an NOI, you must submit your NOI using EPA’s
Electronic Notice of Intent (eNOI) system (
unless you meet one of the exemptions in Part 1.14 of this permit. EPA will post on
the Internet, at, all eNOIs processed. If you do
not have an active eNOI, before you commence discharging, you will be in violation
of the permit.

Paper NOIs will only be accepted if you meet one of the electronic reporting
exemptions found in Part 1.14 of this permit. However, even if accepted, there may
be an extended waiting period for your authorization to discharge as compared to
the waiting period for electronic submissions. As noted in the footnote to the Table,
the Discharge Authorization Date may be delayed by EPA.

Vessels Not Required to Submit Notices of Intent (eNOIs)

If your vessel is less than 300 gross tons and your vessel does not have the capacity
to hold or discharge more than 8 cubic meters (2113 gallons) of ballast water, you
do not need to submit an eNOI. However, you must complete the PARI form found
in Appendix K, and keep a copy of that form onboard your vessel at all times.

19 December 2013 14
Provisions for retaining an electronic copy of the PARI form are described in Part

Table 1: NOI Submission Deadlines/Discharge Authorization Dates

Discharge Authorization
Category NOI Deadline Date*
Vessels authorized to discharge No later than December 12, For eNOIs:
under the 2008 Vessel General 2013 or 7 days prior to December 19, 2013 or, if not
Permit (VGP) discharge into waters submitted by December 12,
subject to this permit, 2013, 7 days after complete
whichever is later NOI processed** by EPA

For Paper NOIs: 30 days after

complete NOI processed by
New Owner/Operator of Vessel – By date of transfer of Date of transfer or date EPA
transfer of ownership and/or ownership and/or processes NOI, whichever is
operation of a vessel whose operation later
discharge is previously authorized
under this permit
New vessels delivered to owner or For vessels submitting For eNOIs:
operator after December 19, 2013 eNOIs: 7 days after complete NOI
7 days prior to discharge processed by EPA
into waters subject to this
permit For Paper NOIs:
30 days after complete NOI
For vessels submitting processed by EPA
Paper NOIs: At least 30
days prior to discharge
into waters subject to this
Existing vessels delivered to owner For vessels submitting For eNOIs:
or operator after December 19, 2013 eNOIs: 7 days after complete NOI
that were not previously authorized 7 days prior to discharge processed by EPA
under this permit into waters subject to this
permit For Paper NOIs:
30 days after complete NOI
For vessels submitting processed by EPA
Paper NOIs: At least 30
days prior to discharge
into waters subject to this
* Based on a review of your NOI or other information, EPA may delay the discharge authorization date for
further review, or may deny coverage under this permit and require submission of an application for an
individual NPDES permit, as detailed in Part 1.8 of the permit. In these instances, EPA will notify you in writing
of the delay or the request for submission of an individual NPDES permit application. If EPA requires an
individual permit for an existing vessel previously covered by this general permit, EPA will allow the permittee
a reasonable amount of time to obtain individual permit coverage before their general permit coverage
** NOI processing means that a complete electronic NOI has been submitted and successfully signed and
certified by the permittees, or in the case of a paper NOI, that EPA has received your NOI and input the
information into its electronic system. Submitting a paper NOI may result in processing delays dependent upon
the volume of NOIs received by EPA.

19 December 2013 15
Continuation of this Permit
If this permit is not reissued or replaced prior to the expiration date, it will be
administratively continued in accordance with section 558(c) of the Administrative
Procedure Act (5 USC 558(c)) and EPA’s implementing regulations at 40 CFR
§122.6 and remain in force and effect for discharges that were covered prior to
expiration. If you were granted permit coverage prior to the expiration date, you
will automatically remain covered by this permit until the earliest of:
• Your authorization for coverage under a reissuance or replacement of this permit,
following your timely and appropriate submittal of a complete NOI requesting
authorization to discharge under the new permit and compliance with the
requirements of the new permit; or
• Your submittal of a Notice of Termination (NOT); or
• Issuance of a new general permit that covers your vessel discharges or vessel
type and provides you coverage without requiring you to submit an NOI to obtain
coverage; or
• Issuance or denial of an individual permit for the vessel’s discharges; or
• A formal permit decision by EPA not to reissue this general permit, at which time
EPA will identify a reasonable time period for covered dischargers to seek
coverage under an alternative general permit or an individual permit. Coverage
under this permit will cease at the end of this time period.

Submitting a Notice of Termination (NOT)

If you wish to terminate coverage under this permit, and you were required to file a
NOI by Part, you must submit your NOT in accordance with Appendix F.
Vessels holding a valid NOI are not required to terminate their NOI when they
move in and out of waters subject to the VGP, or when they are engaged in
industrial activity and subject to another NPDES permit while conducting those
If you were required to file a NOI by Part, you may use the eNOI system to
file your NOT, available at Your authorization
to discharge under this permit terminates at 11:59 pm on the day that a complete
NOT is processed and posted on EPA’s website
( If you submit a NOT without meeting at least
one of the conditions identified in Part, then your NOT is not valid. You will
continue to be responsible for discharges from your vessel until you have
submitted a valid NOT and it is posted on EPA’s website, unless permit coverage is
terminated without a NOT pursuant to Part 1.6.2 or 1.8.

When to Submit a NOT

If you were required to submit a NOI pursuant to Part 1.5.1 to be released from
the requirements of this permit, you must submit a NOT within 30 days after one or
more of the following conditions have been met:
• A new owner or operator has taken over responsibility for the vessel; or
• You have permanently ceased operating the vessel in waters subject to this
permit and there are no longer vessel discharges in such waters; or

19 December 2013 16
• You have obtained coverage under an individual or alternative general permit for
all discharges required to be covered by an NPDES permit, unless you were
directed to obtain this coverage by EPA in accordance with Part 1.8.1.

Terminating Coverage for Vessels not Required to Submit a Notice of Intent

For vessels that are not required to submit a NOI under Part, termination of
coverage is automatic if any of the following conditions are met:
• A new owner or operator has taken over responsibility for the vessel; or
• You have permanently ceased operating the vessel in waters subject to this
permit and there are no longer vessel discharges; or
• You have obtained coverage under an individual or alternative general permit for
all discharges required to be covered by an NPDES permit.

The NOI, NOT, the VGP PARI Form, and any reports (including any monitoring data)
submitted to EPA must include the following certification:
“I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were
prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system
designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated
the information contained therein. Based on my inquiry of the person or
persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for
gathering the information, the information contained is, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I have no personal
knowledge that the information submitted is other than true, accurate, and
complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false
information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing
All other documentation required under this permit, but not required to be
submitted to EPA, must be signed and dated by the person preparing the

The CWA provides that any person who knowingly falsifies, tampers with, or
renders inaccurate any monitoring device or method required to be maintained
under the CWA shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than
$10,000, or by imprisonment for not more than 2 years, or both. If a conviction of a
person is for a violation committed after a first conviction of such person under this
paragraph, punishment is a fine of not more than $20,000 per day of violation, or
by imprisonment of not more than 4 years, or both.

The Act similarly provides that any person who knowingly makes any false
material statement, representation, or certification in any application, record,
report, plan or other document filed or required to be maintained under the CWA
shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 per
violation, or by imprisonment for not more than 6 months per violation, or by both.
In addition, false statements or representations, as well as alterations or false
entries in documents, may be punishable by more severe criminal penalties
pursuant to 18 USC §1001 or 18 USC §1519.

19 December 2013 17
Permittees have a duty to comply with this permit consistent with 40 CFR
§122.41(a), as incorporated by reference in Part 1.13 of this permit.

• Any noncompliance with the requirements of this permit constitutes a violation

of the CWA and grounds for enforcement action consistent with provisions
outlined in 40 CFR §122.41(a).
• Each day a violation continues is a separate violation of this permit.
• Where requirements and schedules for taking corrective actions are included in
this permit, the time intervals provided are not grace periods, but schedules
considered reasonable for making repairs and improvements. They are
included in this permit to ensure that the conditions prompting the need for
these corrective actions are not allowed to persist indefinitely.
• You must return to compliance as promptly as possible, but no later than the
time period specified in this permit. For provisions specifying a time period to
remedy noncompliance, the initial and continuing failure, such as a violation of
numeric or non-numeric effluent limits, constitutes a violation of this permit
and the CWA.
• As such, any time periods specified for remedying noncompliance do not relieve
parties of the initial underlying noncompliance. However, EPA will consider the
appropriateness and promptness of corrective action in determining
enforcement responses to permit violations.

To provide clarity for the permittees, there are additional reminders in certain
sections of this permit about what constitutes a permit violation. The absence of
such a reminder in a particular section does not mean that failure to meet that
requirement is not a permit violation.

Electronic Reporting Requirement

All vessel owner operators must submit all NOIs, NOTs, annual reports, Discharge
Monitoring Reports (DMRs), and other reporting information as appropriate
electronically, unless the vessel owner/operator meets one of the following
• EPA has not yet implemented such electronic reporting;
• If the owner/operator’s headquarters is physically located in a geographic area
(i.e., zip code or census tract) that is identified as under-served for broadband
Internet access in the most recent report from the Federal Communications
Commission and the vessel never travels to any areas with adequate broadband
Internet access; or

• If the vessel owner/operator has issues regarding available computer access or

computer capability.

You may check to determine whether electronic

reporting for the relevant document has been implemented. If that website
indicates that electronic reporting for the document to be submitted is not yet
available, you do not need to seek a waiver for a paper submission.

19 December 2013 18
General Training

All owner/operators of vessels must ensure that the master, operator, person-in-
charge, and crew members who actively take part in the management of incidental
discharges or who may affect those discharges are adequately trained in
implementing the terms of this permit. In addition, all owner/operators of vessels
must ensure appropriate vessel personnel be trained in the procedures for
responding to fuel spills and overflows, including notification of appropriate vessel
personnel, emergency response agencies, and regulatory agencies. This training
need not be formal or accredited courses; however, it is the vessel
owners/operators’ responsibility to ensure these staff are given the necessary
information to conduct shipboard activities in accordance with the terms of this

Vessel owners/operators must also meet all training-related recordkeeping

requirements of Part 4.2 of this permit.

19 December 2013 19

John Nagle (

US EPA, Region 01 in New England / Office of Ecosystem Protection
5 Post Office Square, Suite 100
(OEP 06-1)
Boston, MA 02109-3912
Phone: (617) 918-1054

Sara Sorenson (

US EPA, Region 02
290 Broadway, 24th Floor
New York, NY 10007-1866
Phone: (212) 637-3877

Mark Smith (

US EPA, Region 03
1650 Arch St.
Mail Code: 3WP41
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2029
Phone: (215) 814-3105

Marshall Hyatt (

US EPA, Region 04 / Water Permits Division
Atlanta Federal Center
61 Forsyth St SW
Atlanta, GA 30303-3104
Phone: (404) 562-9304
Fax: (404) 562-8692

Sean Ramach (

US EPA, Region 05
77 W. Jackson Blvd.
Mail Code: WN16J
Chicago, IL 60604-3507
Phone: (312) 886-5284

Josh Waldmeier (

U.S. EPA, Region 06
1445 Ross Ave, Suite 1200
Dallas, TX 75202-2733
Phone: (214) 665-8064

19 December 2013 20
Alex Owutaka (
US EPA, Region 07
901 N 5th St
Kansas City, KS 66101
Phone: (913) 551-7453

Rosemary Rowe (

US EPA, Region 08 / Montana Office
10 West 15th St
Suite 3200
Helena, MT 59626
Phone: (406) 457-5020

Eugene Bromley (

US EPA, Region 09
75 Hawthorne St
San Francisco, CA 94105-3901
Phone: (415) 972-3510
Fax: (415) 947-3545

Cindi Godsey (

NPDES Permit Writer
US EPA, Region 10
222 W 7th Ave
Box 19
Anchorage, AK 99513
Phone: (907) 271-6561

19 December 2013 21
The “Best management practice matrix” has been completed by the company and
the vessel-specific copy must be kept on board in order to demonstrate compliance
with the requirements of the VGP. This matrix includes the 27 permit effluent
limits and requirements from Section 2 of the VGP. It should be used to indicate
applicability and document the best management practices implemented to
minimize each discharge.
In order to facilitate the use of the “Best management practice matrix” it was
developed as follows.
Text highlighted with grey color indicates that the section is not applicable at all to
the vessel. An example of that can be the point 22. Sonar dome discharges.
Text underlined with red color indicates a part of the regulation or of guidelines of
paramount importance that should be always kept in mind while operating in VGP
Text highlighted with yellow color indicates a section where can be found new
requirements in respect of the VGP 2008.
At the end of guidelines cross-reference with EXISTING COMPANY POLICIES AND
PROCEDURES are provided as applicable to complete VGP instructions.

19 December 2013 22

2013 VGP Regulation



December 19, 2013

Final 2013 VGP





In compliance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act (CWA), as amended (33 USC 1251 et
seq.), any owner or operator of a vessel being operated in a capacity as a means of transportation

• Is eligible for permit coverage under Part 1.2; and

• If required by Part 1.5.1, submits a complete and accurate Notice of Intent (NOI)
or completes a Permit Authorization and Record of Inspection (PARI) form and
retains it onboard the vessel

Is authorized to discharge in accordance with the requirements of this permit.

General effluent limits for all eligible vessels are given in Part 2. Further vessel class or type
specific requirements are given in Part 5 for select vessels and apply in addition to any general
effluent limits in Part 2. Specific requirements that apply in individual states and Indian Country
Lands are found in Part 6. Definitions of permit-specific terms used in this permit are provided in
Appendix A.

This permit becomes effective on December 19, 2013.

This permit and the authorization to discharge expire at midnight December 19, 2018.

Page 1 of 194
Final 2013 VGP

Signed and issued this 28th day of March, 2013 William K. Honker, Director
Ira W. Leighton, Deputy Regional Administrator Water Quality Protection Division,
EPA Region 1 EPA Region 6

Signed and issued this 28th day of March, 2013 Signed and issued this 28th day of March, 2013
Joan Leary Matthews, Director Karen Flournoy, Director
Clean Water Division, EPA Region 2 Water, Wetlands and Pesticides Division,
EPA Region 7

Signed and issued this 28th day of March, 2013

Ramon Torres, Acting Director Signed and issued this 28th day of March, 2013
Caribbean Environmental Protection Division Derrith R. Watchman-Moore, Assistant Regional
EPA Region 2 Administrator
Office of Partnerships and Regulatory
Signed and issued this 28th day of March, 2013 Assistance, EPA Region 8
Jon M. Capacasa, Director
Water Protection Division, EPA Region 3
Signed and issued this 28th day of March, 2013
Nancy Woo, Deputy Director
Signed and issued this 28th day of March, 2013 Water Division, EPA Region 9
James D. Giattina, Director
Water Protection Division, EPA Region 4
Signed and issued this 28th day of March, 2013
Christine Psyk, Acting Director
Signed and issued this 28th day of March, 2013 Office of Water and Watersheds, EPA Region 10
Tinka G. Hyde, Director
Water Division, EPA Region 5

Signed and issued this 28th day of March, 2013

Page 2 of 194
Final 2013 VGP

Table of Contents:

1. COVERAGE UNDER THIS PERMIT .......................................................................................... 8

1.1 Permit Structure ...................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Eligibility ................................................................................................................ 8
1.2.1 General Scope of this Permit ...................................................................... 8
1.2.2 Vessel Discharges Eligible for Coverage ................................................... 8
1.2.3 Limitations on Coverage ........................................................................... 10
1.3 Reserved ................................................................................................................ 12
1.4 Permit Compliance................................................................................................ 12
1.5 Authorization under this Permit ............................................................................ 13
1.5.1 How to Obtain Authorization.................................................................... 13
1.5.2 Continuation of this Permit ....................................................................... 15
1.6 Terminating Coverage .......................................................................................... 15
1.6.1 Terminating Coverage for Vessels Required to Submit a Notice of
Intent (NOI) .............................................................................................. 15
1.6.2 Terminating Coverage for Vessels not Required to Submit a Notice
of Intent (NOI) .......................................................................................... 16
1.7 Certification .......................................................................................................... 16
1.8 Alternative Permits ............................................................................................... 17
1.8.1 EPA Requiring Coverage under an Alternative Permit ............................ 17
1.8.2 Permittee Requesting Coverage under an Alternative Permit .................. 17
1.9 Permit Reopener Clause ........................................................................................ 18
1.9.1 Modification of the VGP .......................................................................... 18
1.9.2 Water Quality Protection .......................................................................... 18
1.10 Severability ........................................................................................................... 19
1.11 State Laws ............................................................................................................. 19
1.12 Federal Laws ......................................................................................................... 19
1.13 Standard Permit Conditions .................................................................................. 19
1.14 Electronic Reporting Requirement ....................................................................... 19
1.15 Additional Notes ................................................................................................... 20

2. EFFLUENT LIMITS AND RELATED REQUIREMENTS ............................................................. 21

2.1 Technology-Based Effluent Limits and Related Requirements Applicable
to all Vessels ......................................................................................................... 21
2.1.1 Material Storage ........................................................................................ 21
2.1.2 Toxic and Hazardous Materials ................................................................ 21
2.1.3 Fuel Spills/Overflows ............................................................................... 22
2.1.4 Discharges of Oil Including Oily Mixtures .............................................. 22
2.1.5 Compliance with Other Statutes and Regulations .................................... 23
2.1.6 General Training ....................................................................................... 23
2.2 Effluent Limits and Related Requirements for Specific Discharge
Categories ............................................................................................................. 23
2.2.1 Deck Washdown and Runoff and Above Water Line Hull Cleaning ....... 23
2.2.2 Bilgewater/Oily Water Separator Effluent................................................ 24
2.2.3 Ballast Water ............................................................................................. 26

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Final 2013 VGP

2.2.4 Anti-Fouling Hull Coatings/ Hull Coating Leachate ................................ 44

2.2.5 Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF)...................................................... 45
2.2.6 Boiler/Economizer Blowdown.................................................................. 45
2.2.7 Cathodic Protection ................................................................................... 46
2.2.8 Chain Locker Effluent............................................................................... 46
2.2.9 Controllable Pitch Propeller and Thruster Hydraulic Fluid and
Other Oil-to-Sea Interfaces Including Lubrication Discharges from
Paddle Wheel Propulsion, Stern Tubes, Thruster Bearings,
Stabilizers, Rudder Bearings, Azimuth Thrusters, Propulsion Pod
Lubrication, and Wire Rope and Mechanical Equipment Subject to
Immersion 47
2.2.10 Distillation and Reverse Osmosis Brine ................................................... 48
2.2.11 Elevator Pit Effluent ................................................................................. 48
2.2.12 Firemain Systems ...................................................................................... 48
2.2.13 Freshwater Layup...................................................................................... 48
2.2.14 Gas Turbine Washwater ............................................................................ 48
2.2.15 Graywater 49
2.2.16 Motor Gasoline and Compensating Discharge ......................................... 51
2.2.17 Non-Oily Machinery Wastewater ............................................................. 51
2.2.18 Refrigeration and Air Condensate Discharge ........................................... 51
2.2.19 Seawater Cooling Overboard Discharge (Including Non-Contact
Engine Cooling Water; Hydraulic System Cooling Water,
Refrigeration Cooling Water) ................................................................... 52
2.2.20 Seawater Piping Biofouling Prevention .................................................... 52
2.2.21 Boat Engine Wet Exhaust ......................................................................... 52
2.2.22 Sonar Dome Discharge ............................................................................. 53
2.2.23 Underwater Ship Husbandry and Hull Fouling Discharges ...................... 53
2.2.24 Welldeck Discharges ................................................................................ 54
2.2.25 Graywater Mixed with Sewage from Vessels ........................................... 54
2.2.26 Exhaust Gas Scrubber Washwater Discharge ........................................... 54 Exhaust Gas Scrubber Washwater Discharge Standards ........ 55
2.2.27 Fish Hold Effluent..................................................................................... 58
2.3 Additional Water Quality-Based Effluent Limits ................................................. 59
2.3.1 Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations ............................................... 59
2.3.2 Discharges to Water Quality Impaired Waters ......................................... 59

3. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS ....................................................................................................... 61

3.1 Problems Triggering the Need for Corrective Action........................................... 61
3.2 Corrective Action Assessment .............................................................................. 61
3.3 Deadlines for Eliminating Problem ...................................................................... 62
3.4 Effect of Corrective Action................................................................................... 63

4. INSPECTIONS, MONITORING, REPORTING, AND RECORDKEEPING....................................... 64

4.1 Self Inspections and Monitoring ........................................................................... 64
4.1.1 Routine Visual Inspections ....................................................................... 64
4.1.2 Analytical Monitoring............................................................................... 66
4.1.3 Comprehensive Annual Vessel Inspections .............................................. 66

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Final 2013 VGP

4.1.4 Drydock Inspection Reports ..................................................................... 67

4.2 Recordkeeping ...................................................................................................... 68
4.2.1 Electronic Recordkeeping ......................................................................... 71
4.3 Additional Recordkeeping for Vessels Equipped with Ballast Tanks .................. 71
4.4 Reporting............................................................................................................... 72
4.4.1 Annual Report ........................................................................................... 72
4.4.2 Combined Annual Reports for Unmanned, Unpowered Barges or
Vessels less than 300 Gross Tons ............................................................. 73
4.4.3 Reportable Quantities of Hazardous Substances or Oil ............................ 73
4.4.4 Additional Reporting ................................................................................ 74

5. VESSEL-CLASS-SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................... 75

5.1 Large Cruise Ships (authorized to carry 500 people or more for hire) ................. 75
5.1.1 Additional Effluent Limits ........................................................................ 75
5.1.2 Monitoring Requirements ......................................................................... 77
5.1.3 Educational and Training Requirements ................................................... 79
5.2 Medium Cruise Ships (authorized to carry 100 to 499 people for hire) ............... 80
5.2.1 Additional Effluent Limits ........................................................................ 80
5.2.2 Monitoring Requirements ......................................................................... 82
5.2.3 Educational and Training Requirements ................................................... 85
5.3 Large Ferries ......................................................................................................... 86
5.3.1 Additional Effluent Limits ........................................................................ 86
5.3.2 Educational and Training Requirements ................................................... 86
5.4 Barges (such as Hopper Barges, Chemical Barges, Tank Barges, Fuel
Barges, Crane Barges, Dry Bulk Cargo Barges)................................................... 87
5.4.1 Additional Effluent Limits ........................................................................ 87
5.4.2 Supplemental Inspection Requirements .................................................... 88
5.5 Oil Tankers, Petroleum Tankers, and Bulk Chemical Carriers ............................ 88
5.5.1 Additional Authorized Discharges ............................................................ 88
5.5.2 Additional Effluent Limits ........................................................................ 88
5.5.3 Supplemental Inspection Requirements .................................................... 88
5.5.4 Educational and Training Requirements ................................................... 89
5.6 Research Vessels ................................................................................................... 89
5.6.1 Supplemental Authorized Discharges ....................................................... 89
5.6.2 Additional Effluent Limits ........................................................................ 89
5.7 Emergency and Rescue Vessels (Fire Boats, Police Boats) ................................. 89
5.7.1 Supplemental Authorized Discharges ....................................................... 90
5.7.2 Additional Effluent Limits ........................................................................ 90


6.1 Alaska ................................................................................................................... 91
6.2 Arizona.................................................................................................................. 92
6.3 Arkansas ................................................................................................................ 93
6.4 California .............................................................................................................. 94
6.5 Connecticut ........................................................................................................... 97
6.6 Georgia ................................................................................................................ 100
6.7 Hawaii ................................................................................................................. 101

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Final 2013 VGP

6.8 Idaho ................................................................................................................... 107

6.9 Illinois ................................................................................................................. 111
6.10 Indiana................................................................................................................. 112
6.11 Iowa..................................................................................................................... 113
6.12 Kansas ................................................................................................................. 114
6.13 Maine .................................................................................................................. 114
6.14 Michigan ............................................................................................................. 116
6.15 Minnesota............................................................................................................ 118
6.16 Missouri .............................................................................................................. 122
6.17 Nebraska ............................................................................................................. 122
6.18 New Hampshire .................................................................................................. 123
6.19 New York ............................................................................................................ 124
6.20 North Carolina .................................................................................................... 128
6.21 Ohio..................................................................................................................... 129
6.22 Rhode Island ....................................................................................................... 132
6.23 Vermont .............................................................................................................. 133
6.24 Washington ......................................................................................................... 134
6.25 Wisconsin............................................................................................................ 137

APPENDIX A – DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................... 140

APPENDIX B – EPA REGIONAL CONTACTS .................................................................................. 151

APPENDIX C – AREAS COVERED .................................................................................................. 152

APPENDIX D – RESERVED ............................................................................................................ 152

APPENDIX E – NOTICE OF INTENT (NOI) ..................................................................................... 153

APPENDIX F – NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT) .......................................................................... 161


PURPOSES ........................................................................................................................ 163

APPENDIX H – ANNUAL REPORT.................................................................................................. 181

APPENDIX I – STANDARD DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT ...................................................... 190


INDICATOR MONITORING ................................................................................................. 191


VESSELS WHICH NEED NOT COMPLETE NOIS) ................................................................... 194

Page 6 of 194
Final 2013 VGP

List of Tables

Table 1: NOI Submission Deadlines/Discharge Authorization Dates ...........................................14

Table 2: Indicator Organism Monitoring Parameters ...................................................................31

Table 3: Maximum Ballast Water Effluent Limits for Residual Biocides....................................33

Table 4: Monitoring Schedule for Residual Biocides or Derivatives of the Residual

Biocide ...............................................................................................................................34

Table 5: Residual Biocides and Biocide Derivative Monitoring Requirements ...........................34

Table 6: Ballast Water Treatment to BAT Schedule ....................................................................38

Table 7: PAH Permit Limits in Exhaust Gas Scrubber Discharge ...............................................55

Table 8: Nitrates + Nitrites Permit Limits in Exhaust Gas Scrubber Discharge ..........................56

Page 7 of 194
Final 2013 VGP


1.1 Permit Structure

This permit is structured as follows:

• General requirements that apply to all eligible vessel discharges are found in Parts
1 through 4;
• Specific additional requirements that apply to particular vessel classes are found
in Part 5; and
• Specific additional requirements that apply in individual states or Indian Country
Lands are found in Part 6.

The Appendices A through K include definitions, the NOI form, the Notice of Termination
(NOT) form, a list of waters federally protected for conservation purposes, the annual report
form, DMR forms, the Permit Authorization and Record of Inspection (PARI) form, and
supplemental information.

1.2 Eligibility

You must meet the following provisions to be eligible for coverage under this permit.

1.2.1 General Scope of this Permit

This permit is applicable to discharges incidental to the normal operation of a vessel identified in
Part 1.2.2 into waters subject to this permit. These waters are “waters of the United States” as
defined in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §122.2 (extending to the outer reach of the 3
mile territorial sea as defined in section 502(8) of the CWA). This includes all navigable waters
of the Great Lakes subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. Recreational vessels as defined
in section 502(25) of the CWA are not subject to this permit. Such vessels are not subject to
NPDES permitting under section 402 of the CWA, and are instead subject to regulation under
section 312(o) of the CWA. EPA expects that most vessels seeking coverage under this permit
will be greater than 79 feet in length; however, commercial fishing vessels and other non-
recreational vessels less than 79 feet are also eligible for permit coverage under this permit or
those vessels may seek coverage under EPA’s small Vessel General Permit (sVGP), as available
and appropriate. If auxiliary vessels or craft, such as lifeboats, rescue boats, or barges onboard
larger vessels require NPDES permit coverage, they are eligible for coverage under this permit
and are covered by submission of the NOI for the larger vessels. For purposes of recordkeeping,
inspections, and reporting, auxiliary vessels may be considered as part of the same entity as the
larger vessel. Nothing in this permit shall be interpreted to apply to a vessel of the Armed Forces
as defined in section 312(a)(14) of the CWA.

1.2.2 Vessel Discharges Eligible for Coverage

Unless otherwise made ineligible under Part 1.2.3, the following discharge types are eligible for
coverage under this permit: Deck Washdown and Runoff and Above Water Line Hull Cleaning
Page 8 of 194
Final 2013 VGP Bilgewater/Oily Water Separator Effluent Ballast Water Anti-fouling Hull Coatings/Hull Coating Leachate Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) Boiler/Economizer Blowdown Cathodic Protection Chain Locker Effluent Controllable Pitch Propeller and Thruster Hydraulic Fluid and other Oil Sea
Interfaces including Lubrication Discharges from Paddle Wheel Propulsion,
Stern Tubes, Thruster Bearings, Stabilizers, Rudder Bearings, Azimuth
Thrusters, and Propulsion Pod Lubrication, and Wire Rope and Mechanical
Equipment Subject to Immersion Distillation and Reverse Osmosis Brine Elevator Pit Effluent Firemain Systems Freshwater Layup Gas Turbine Washwater Graywater

Except that Graywater from commercial vessels within the meaning of CWA section 312 that are
operating in the Great Lakes is excluded from the requirement to obtain an NPDES permit (see
CWA section 502(6)), and thus is not within the scope of this permit. Motor Gasoline and Compensating Discharge Non-Oily Machinery Wastewater Refrigeration and Air Condensate Discharge Seawater Cooling Overboard Discharge (Including Non-Contact Engine Cooling

Water; Hydraulic System Cooling Water, Refrigeration Cooling Water) Seawater Piping Biofouling Prevention Boat Engine Wet Exhaust

Page 9 of 194
Final 2013 VGP Sonar Dome Discharge Underwater Ship Husbandry Welldeck Discharges Graywater Mixed with Sewage from Vessels Exhaust Gas Scrubber Washwater Discharge Fish Hold Effluent

1.2.3 Limitations on Coverage Discharges Not Subject to Former NPDES Permit Exclusion and Vessel
Discharges Generated from Vessels when they are Operated in a Capacity Other
than as a Means of Transportation

Discharges that are outside the scope of the former exclusion from NPDES permitting for
discharges incidental to the normal operation of a vessel as set out in 40 CFR §122.3(a), as in
effect on December 18, 2008, are ineligible for coverage under this permit. This permit does not
apply to any vessel when it is operating in a capacity other than as a means of transportation. For
any discharges identified in this permit, discharges are not eligible if they contain materials
resulting from industrial or manufacturing processes onboard or other materials not derived from
the normal operations of a vessel.

Vessels when they are being used as an energy or mining facility, a storage facility, a seafood
processing facility, or when secured to the bed of waters subject to this permit or to a buoy for
the purpose of mineral or oil exploration or development are not eligible for coverage under this
permit. Furthermore, “floating” craft that are permanently moored to piers, such as “floating”
casinos, hotels, restaurants, bars, etc. are not covered by the former vessel exclusion and would
not be covered by this vessel permit. Sewage

Discharges of sewage from vessels, as defined in CWA section 502(6) and 40 CFR §122.2, are
not required to obtain NPDES permits. Instead, these discharges are regulated under section 312
of the CWA and 40 CFR Part 140 and 33 CFR Part 159. Under CWA section 312(a)(6), the
definition of sewage includes graywater discharges from “commercial vessels” (as defined in
CWA section 312(a)(10)) operating on the Great Lakes. If a vessel operating on the Great Lakes
is not a “commercial vessel” as defined in CWA section 312(a)(10), the vessel’s graywater
discharges are eligible for coverage under this permit, and are subject to the additional permit
requirements in Part Used or Spent Oil

Discharges of used or spent oil no longer being used for their intended purposes are not eligible
for coverage under this permit.

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Final 2013 VGP Garbage or Trash

Discharges of rubbish, trash, garbage, or other such materials discharged overboard are not
eligible for coverage under this permit. “Garbage” includes discharges of bulk dry cargo residues
as defined at 33 CFR §151.66(b) (73 Fed. Reg. 56492 (September 29, 2008)) and agricultural
cargo residues. Discharges of garbage are subject to regulation under 33 CFR Part 151, Subpart
A. Photo-Processing Effluent

Discharges from photo-processing operations are not eligible for coverage under this permit. Effluent from Dry Cleaning Operations

Discharges of spent or unused effluent from dry cleaning operations are not eligible for coverage
under this permit. This includes any spent or unused tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene)
from these operations. Discharges of Medical Waste and Related Materials

Discharges of medical waste as defined in 33 USC 1362(20) are not eligible for coverage under
this permit. Discharges of spent or unused pharmaceuticals, formaldehyde, or other biohazards
no longer being used for their intended purposes are not eligible for coverage under this permit.

For purposes of this permit, the liquid produced by dialysis treatment of humans is not deemed to
be “medical waste,” and, like other human body waste, is subject to regulation under CWA §312
if introduced into marine sanitation devices, or under VGP Part 2.2.25 if added to a blackwater
system combined with a graywater system. The direct overboard discharge of such liquid without
treatment is not eligible for coverage under this permit. Discharges of Noxious Liquid Substance Residues

Discharges of noxious liquid substance residues subject to 33 CFR Part 151, Subpart A or 46
CFR §153.1102 are not eligible for coverage under this permit. Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene) and Trichloroethylene (TCE)


Discharges of tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) and trichloroethylene (TCE) degreasers or

other products containing tetrachloroethylene or trichloroethylene are not eligible for coverage
under this permit. Discharges Currently or Previously Covered by an another NPDES Permit

The following discharges are not eligible for coverage under this permit:

• Vessel discharges covered, as of the effective date of this permit, under an

individual or a general NPDES permit other than the VGP, unless EPA

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specifically allows coverage under Part 1.8.2, or otherwise provides written

permission to be covered under this permit, or
• Discharges from vessels covered by any NPDES permit that has been or is in the
process of being denied, terminated, or revoked by EPA or a state permitting
authority (this does not apply to the routine reissuance of permits every five

1.3 Reserved

1.4 Permit Compliance

The CWA provides that any person who knowingly falsifies, tampers with, or renders inaccurate
any monitoring device or method required to be maintained under the CWA shall, upon
conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000, or by imprisonment for not more
than 2 years, or both. If a conviction of a person is for a violation committed after a first
conviction of such person under this paragraph, punishment is a fine of not more than $20,000
per day of violation, or by imprisonment of not more than 4 years, or both. The Act similarly
provides that any person who knowingly makes any false material statement, representation, or
certification in any application, record, report, plan or other document filed or required to be
maintained under the CWA shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than
$10,000 per violation, or by imprisonment for not more than 6 months per violation, or by both.
In addition, false statements or representations, as well as alterations or false entries in
documents, may be punishable by more severe criminal penalties pursuant to 18 USC §1001 or
18 USC §1519.

Permittees have a duty to comply with this permit consistent with 40 CFR §122.41(a), as
incorporated by reference in Part 1.13 of this permit. Any noncompliance with the requirements
of this permit constitutes a violation of the CWA and grounds for enforcement action consistent
with provisions outlined in 40 CFR §122.41(a). Each day a violation continues is a separate
violation of this permit. Where requirements and schedules for taking corrective actions are
included in this permit, the time intervals provided are not grace periods, but schedules
considered reasonable for making repairs and improvements. They are included in this permit to
ensure that the conditions prompting the need for these corrective actions are not allowed to
persist indefinitely. You must return to compliance as promptly as possible, but no later than the
time period specified in this permit. For provisions specifying a time period to remedy
noncompliance, the initial and continuing failure, such as a violation of numeric or non-numeric
effluent limits, constitutes a violation of this permit and the CWA. As such, any time periods
specified for remedying noncompliance do not relieve parties of the initial underlying
noncompliance. However, EPA will consider the appropriateness and promptness of corrective
action in determining enforcement responses to permit violations.

To provide clarity for the permittee, there are additional reminders in certain sections of this
permit about what constitutes a permit violation. The absence of such a reminder in a particular
section does not mean that failure to meet that requirement is not a permit violation.

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1.5 Authorization under this Permit

1.5.1 How to Obtain Authorization

To obtain authorization to discharge under this permit, you must meet the Part 1.2 eligibility
requirements. If your vessel meets the requirements under Part, and you were authorized
to discharge under the 2008 VGP, you must submit an NOI to receive permit coverage seven
days before the effective date of this permit to continue uninterrupted coverage. Vessels
authorized to discharge under the 2008 VGP were vessels that had submitted an NOI or were not
subject to the NOI requirement by Part of the 2008 VGP. If you were not authorized to
discharge under the 2008 VGP and your vessel meets the requirements under Part, you
must submit an NOI to receive permit coverage at least 7 days or more than 30 days (as
applicable) before discharging into waters subject to this permit (see Table 1 below).
Owner/operators of vessels that meet the requirements under Part are not required to
submit NOIs. Instead these owner/operators must sign and maintain a copy of the PARI form. Vessels Required to Submit Notices of Intent (NOIs)

If your vessel is greater than or equal to 300 gross tons or the vessel has the capacity to hold or
discharge more than 8 cubic meters (2,113 gallons) of ballast water, you must submit a signed
and certified, complete and accurate NOI in accordance with the requirements of Appendix E to
receive coverage under this permit. Submission must be in accordance with the deadlines in
Table 1.

If you are required to submit an NOI, you must submit your NOI using EPA’s Electronic Notice
of Intent (eNOI) system ( unless you meet one of the
exemptions in Part 1.14 of this permit. EPA will post on the Internet, at, all NOIs processed. If you do not have an active NOI, before
you commence discharging, you will be in violation of the permit.

Paper NOIs will only be accepted if you meet one of the electronic reporting exemptions found
in Part 1.14 of this permit. However, even if accepted, there may be an extended waiting period
for your authorization to discharge as compared to the waiting period for electronic submissions.
As noted in the footnote to the Table, the Discharge Authorization Date may be delayed by EPA.

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Table 1: NOI Submission Deadlines/Discharge Authorization Dates

Category NOI Deadline Discharge Authorization Date*

Vessels authorized to discharge No later than December 12, For eNOIs:
under the 2008 Vessel General 2013 or 7 days prior to December 19, 2013 or, if not submitted by
Permit (VGP) discharge into waters subject December 12, 2013, 7 days after complete
to this permit, whichever is NOI processed** by EPA
For Paper NOIs: 30 days after complete NOI
processed by EPA
New Owner/Operator of Vessel By date of transfer of Date of transfer or date EPA processes NOI,
– transfer of ownership and/or ownership and/or operation whichever is later
operation of a vessel whose
discharge is previously
authorized under this permit
New vessels delivered to owner For vessels submitting For eNOIs:
or operator after December 19, eNOIs: 7 days after complete NOI processed by EPA
2013 7 days prior to discharge into
waters subject to this permit For Paper NOIs:
30 days after complete NOI processed by EPA
For vessels submitting Paper
NOIs: At least 30 days prior
to discharge into waters
subject to this permit
Existing vessels delivered to For vessels submitting eNOIs: For eNOIs:
owner or operator after 7 days prior to discharge into 7 days after complete NOI processed by EPA
December 19, 2013 that were not waters subject to this permit
previously authorized under this For Paper NOIs:
permit For vessels submitting Paper 30 days after complete NOI processed by EPA
NOIs: At least 30 days prior
to discharge into waters
subject to this permit
* Based on a review of your NOI or other information, EPA may delay the discharge authorization date for further review, or
may deny coverage under this permit and require submission of an application for an individual NPDES permit, as detailed in
Part 1.8 of the permit. In these instances, EPA will notify you in writing of the delay or the request for submission of an
individual NPDES permit application. If EPA requires an individual permit for an existing vessel previously covered by this
general permit, EPA will allow the permittee a reasonable amount of time to obtain individual permit coverage before their
general permit coverage terminates.
** NOI processing means that a complete electronic NOI has been submitted and successfully signed and certified by the
permittee, or in the case of a paper NOI, that EPA has received your NOI and input the information into its electronic system.
Submitting a paper NOI may result in processing delays dependent upon the volume of NOIs received by EPA. Vessels Not Required to Submit Notices of Intent (NOIs)

If your vessel is less than 300 gross tons and your vessel does not have the capacity to hold or
discharge more than 8 cubic meters (2113 gallons) of ballast water, you do not need to submit an
NOI. However, you must complete the PARI form found in Appendix K, and keep a copy of that
form onboard your vessel at all times. Provisions for retaining an electronic copy of the PARI
form are described in Part 4.2.1.

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1.5.2 Continuation of this Permit

If this permit is not reissued or replaced prior to the expiration date, it will be administratively
continued in accordance with section 558(c) of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 USC 558(c))
and EPA’s implementing regulations at 40 CFR §122.6 and remain in force and effect for
discharges that were covered prior to expiration. If you were granted permit coverage prior to the
expiration date, you will automatically remain covered by this permit until the earliest of:

• Your authorization for coverage under a reissuance or replacement of this permit,

following your timely and appropriate submittal of a complete NOI requesting
authorization to discharge under the new permit and compliance with the
requirements of the new permit; or
• Your submittal of a Notice of Termination (NOT); or
• Issuance of a new general permit that covers your vessel discharges or vessel type
and provides you coverage without requiring you to submit an NOI to obtain
coverage; or
• Issuance or denial of an individual permit for the vessel’s discharges; or
• A formal permit decision by EPA not to reissue this general permit, at which time
EPA will identify a reasonable time period for covered dischargers to seek
coverage under an alternative general permit or an individual permit. Coverage
under this permit will cease at the end of this time period.

1.6 Terminating Coverage

1.6.1 Terminating Coverage for Vessels Required to Submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) Submitting a Notice of Termination (NOT)

If you wish to terminate coverage under this permit, and you were required to file a NOI by Part, you must submit your NOT in accordance with Appendix F. Vessels holding a valid NOI
are not required to terminate their NOI when they move in and out of waters subject to the VGP,
or when they are engaged in industrial activity and subject to another NPDES permit while
conducting those activities.

If you were required to file a NOI by Part, you may use the eNOI system to file your
NOT, available at Your authorization to discharge under this
permit terminates at 11:59 pm on the day that a complete NOT is processed and posted on EPA’s
website ( If you submit a NOT without meeting at least one
of the conditions identified in Part, then your NOT is not valid. You will continue to be
responsible for discharges from your vessel until you have submitted a valid NOT and it is
posted on EPA’s website, unless permit coverage is terminated without a NOT pursuant to Part
1.6.2 or 1.8.

Page 15 of 194
Final 2013 VGP When to Submit a NOT

If you were required to submit a NOI pursuant to Part 1.5.1 to be released from the requirements
of this permit, you must submit a NOT within 30 days after one or more of the following
conditions have been met:

• A new owner or operator has taken over responsibility for the vessel; or
• You have permanently ceased operating the vessel in waters subject to this permit
and there are no longer vessel discharges in such waters; or
• You have obtained coverage under an individual or alternative general permit for
all discharges required to be covered by an NPDES permit, unless you were
directed to obtain this coverage by EPA in accordance with Part 1.8.1.

1.6.2 Terminating Coverage for Vessels not Required to Submit a Notice of Intent

For vessels that are not required to submit a NOI under Part, termination of coverage is
automatic if any of the following conditions are met:

• A new owner or operator has taken over responsibility for the vessel; or
• You have permanently ceased operating the vessel in waters subject to this permit
and there are no longer vessel discharges; or
• You have obtained coverage under an individual or alternative general permit for
all discharges required to be covered by an NPDES permit.

1.7 Certification

The NOI, NOT, the VGP PARI Form, and any reports (including any monitoring data) submitted
to EPA must include the following certification:

“I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my
direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel
properly gathered and evaluated the information contained therein. Based on my inquiry of the
person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the
information, the information contained is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate,
and complete. I have no personal knowledge that the information submitted is other than true,
accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false
information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.”

All other documentation required under this permit, but not required to be submitted to EPA,
must be signed and dated by the person preparing the documentation.

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1.8 Alternative Permits

1.8.1 EPA Requiring Coverage under an Alternative Permit

Pursuant to 40 CFR §122.28(b)(3), EPA may require you to apply for an individual NPDES
permit or an alternative NPDES general permit. Any interested person may petition EPA to take
action under this paragraph. If EPA requires you to apply for an individual NPDES permit, EPA
will notify you in writing that a permit application is required. This notification will include a
brief statement of the reasons for this decision and will provide application information. In
addition, if you are an existing permittee authorized to discharge under this permit, the notice
will set a deadline to file the permit application, and will include a statement that on the effective
date of the individual NPDES permit, or the alternative general permit as it applies to you,
coverage under this general permit will terminate. EPA may grant additional time to submit the
application if you request it. If you are covered under this permit and fail to submit an individual
NPDES permit application as required by EPA, then your coverage under this permit is
terminated at midnight on the day specified by EPA as the deadline for application submittal. In
addition, if EPA denies your application for an individual NPDES permit, you are also not
authorized to discharge under this general permit. EPA may take enforcement action for any
unpermitted discharge.

When an individual NPDES permit is issued to you or you are authorized to discharge under an
alternative NPDES general permit, your coverage under this permit is terminated on the effective
date of the individual permit or the date of authorization of coverage under the alternative
general permit. In this case (where EPA requires you to obtain coverage under an individual or
alternative general permit), you are not required to file a NOT as discussed above.

1.8.2 Permittee Requesting Coverage under an Alternative Permit

You may request to be excluded from coverage under this general permit by applying for an
individual permit per 40 CFR §122.28(b)(3)(iii). In such a case, you must submit an individual
permit application in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR §122.21, with reasons
supporting the request, to EPA at the appropriate EPA Regional Office(s) listed in Appendix B
of this permit, no later than 90 days after December 19, 2013. The request may be granted by
issuance of an individual permit or authorizing coverage under an alternative general permit if
your reasons are adequate to support the request. A source excluded from this general permit
solely because it already has an individual permit may request that the individual permit be
revoked, and that it be covered by this general permit. Upon revocation of the individual permit,
this general permit shall apply to the source.

When an individual NPDES permit is issued to you or you are authorized to discharge under an
alternative NPDES general permit, your authorization to discharge under this permit is
terminated on the effective date of the individual permit or the date of authorization of coverage
under the alternative general permit.

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1.9 Permit Reopener Clause

1.9.1 Modification of the VGP

Permit modification or revocation will be conducted according to 40 CFR §§122.62, 122.63,

122.64, and 124.5.This permit is subject to modification in accordance with 40 CFR §§124.5 and
122.62. Grounds for such modification include receipt of new information that was not available
at the time of permit issuance (other than revised regulations, guidance, or test methods) and
would have justified the application of different permit conditions at the time of permit issuance.
With respect to ballast water discharges, new information that will be considered in determining
whether to modify this permit includes, but is not limited to, data or information from permittees,
the general public, states, academia, scientific or technical articles or studies, results of
monitoring conducted under this permit, and whether the U.S. Coast Guard has received a
written extension request pursuant to 33 CFR 151.2036 indicating that:

• Treatment technology has improved such that these improved technologies would have
justified the application of significantly more stringent effluent limitations or other permit
conditions had they been known at the time of permit issuance;
• Treatment technologies known of at the time of permit issuance perform better than
understood at the time of permit issuance such that this improved performance would
have justified the application of significantly more stringent effluent limitations or other
permit conditions had this been understood at the time of permit issuance;
• Treatment technology for a certain vessel(s) will not be available within the timeframe
specified in Part, Table 6, such that this information would have justified the
imposition of a different implementation date had it been known at the time of permit
• Scientific understanding of pollutant effects or of invasion biology has evolved such that
this new information would have justified the application of significantly more stringent
effluent limitations or other permit conditions had this been understood at the time of
permit issuance; or
• The cumulative effects of any discharge authorized by the VGP on the environment are
Regarding implementation dates of the limits found in Part of the VGP, EPA advises that
where the U.S. Coast Guard has granted or denied an extension request pursuant to 33 CFR
151.2036, that information will be considered by EPA, but is not binding on EPA.

1.9.2 Water Quality Protection

EPA may require you to obtain an individual permit in accordance with Part 1.8 of this permit
for cause. This may happen, for example, if there is evidence that the discharges authorized by
this permit cause or have the reasonable potential to cause or contribute to an excursion above
any applicable water quality standard in the receiving water body or downstream waters.
Similarly, EPA may modify this permit to include different limitations and/or requirements for

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1.10 Severability

Invalidation of a portion of this permit does not necessarily render the whole permit invalid.
EPA’s intent is that the permit remains in effect to the extent possible; in the event that any part
of this permit is invalidated, EPA will advise the regulated community as to the effect of such

1.11 State Laws

Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve
the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties established pursuant to any
applicable state law or regulation under authority preserved by section 510 of the CWA.

1.12 Federal Laws

Nothing in this permit shall be construed to affect, supersede, or relieve the vessel owner or
operator of any otherwise applicable requirements or prohibitions under other provisions of
federal law or regulations.

1.13 Standard Permit Conditions

As provided by the introductory text of 40 CFR §122.41 and the regulation at 40 CFR
§122.43(c), all of the standard permit conditions published in federal regulations at 40 CFR
§122.41 are hereby incorporated by reference.

1.14 Electronic Reporting Requirement

All vessel owner operators must submit all NOIs, NOTs, annual reports, Discharge Monitoring
Reports (DMRs), and other reporting information as appropriate electronically, unless the vessel
owner/operator meets one of the following exemptions:

For purposes of the VGP, temporary waivers from electronic reporting may be granted if:

• EPA has not yet implemented such electronic reporting;

• If the owner/operator’s headquarters is physically located in a geographic area
(i.e., zip code or census tract) that is identified as under-served for broadband
Internet access in the most recent report from the Federal Communications
Commission and the vessel never travels to any areas with adequate broadband
Internet access; or
• If the vessel owner/operator has issues regarding available computer access or
computer capability.

You may check to determine whether electronic reporting for the
relevant document has been implemented. If that website indicates that electronic reporting for
the document to be submitted is not yet available, you do not need to seek a waiver for a paper

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If you wish to obtain waiver for submitting your reports electronically, you must submit a
request to EPA at the following address:

EPA NPDES Vessels Team

Attn: Vessel Reporting Waiver Requests
Mail Code 4203M
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington DC, 20004

In requesting a waiver from electronic reporting, you must document which exemption you
believe you meet, and provide evidence supporting these claims and a copy of your completed
NOI or PARI form (as applicable). A waiver may only be considered granted once you receive
written confirmation from EPA or its authorized representative.

EPA intends to make any ballast water monitoring information transmitted to the Agency in
electronic form available to the public in electronic form.

1.15 Additional Notes

• All requirements in this permit to comply with statutes and regulations, other than
CWA section 402 and its implementing regulations, refer to those authorities as
codified as of the date of Federal Register notice announcing availability of this
final permit. Furthermore, with respect to references to class society or flag state
requirements, all references to requirements are to those as of the date of Federal
Register notice announcing availability of this final permit.
• All requirements to comply with specified statutes include the requirement to
comply with any applicable implementing regulations.
• Provisions stating that "EPA recommends" certain actions, or that you "should"
take certain actions, constitute recommendations by the Agency and thus are not
mandatory requirements of this permit.
• EPA intends to implement the VGP in accordance with the CWA as well as U.S.
international legal obligations, including those obligations associated with a
vessel's right to innocent passage as provided for under customary international
• EPA notes that vessel masters have the responsibility to ensure the safety and
stability of the vessel and the safety of the crew and passengers, and nothing in
this permit is intended to interfere with their fulfillment of that responsibility.
EPA further notes its regulations at 40 CFR 122.41(m)(4)(A) include a bypass
provision which would address the situation of a shipboard emergency that
endangers the safety of the vessel or its crew, specifically the provisions regarding
the "diversion of waste streams from any portion of the treatment facility" where
unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severe property damage.
See 40 CFR 122.41(m)(4)(A) and Part 1.13 of this permit. Additionally, EPA has
provided targeted safety exemptions to VGP permit requirements in Parts 2.2.3,
2.2.5, 2.2.6, 2.2.13, and 2.2.26 of the permit.

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In the limits below and throughout this permit, the term “minimize” means reduce and/or
eliminate to the extent achievable using control measures (including best management practices)
that are technologically available and economically practicable and achievable in light of best
marine practice.

You may not add any constituents to any discharge that are not incidental to the normal operation
of a vessel.

You may not dilute discharges eligible for coverage under this permit prior to their discharge for
the purpose of meeting limits set forth in this permit.

2.1 Technology-Based Effluent Limits and Related Requirements Applicable to all


You are required to meet the following effluent limits, regardless of the type of vessel you own
or operate.

2.1.1 Material Storage

For cargoes or onboard materials which might wash overboard or dissolve as a result of contact
with precipitation or surface water spray, or which may be blown overboard by air currents, you
must minimize the amount of time these items are exposed to such conditions. Locate storage
areas on the vessel for such items in covered areas where feasible and consistent with any
applicable regulations promulgated by the Secretary of the Department in which the Coast Guard
is operating that establish specifications for safe transportation, handling, carriage, and storage of
pollutants (see Part 2.1.5). If water draining from storage areas comes in contact with oily
materials, except for naturally occurring fish oils from fishing gear stored on deck, you must:

• Use dry cleanup methods or absorbents to clean up the wastewater;

• Store the water for onshore disposal; or
• Run the water through an oily water separator when required by Coast Guard
regulations, or if not subject to such requirement, use other effective methods to
comply with Part 2.1.4 of this permit to prevent the discharge of any oils,
including oily materials, into waters subject to this permit in quantities which may
be harmful as defined in 40 CFR Part 110. This permit does not authorize the
discharge of any oily water which might otherwise be inconsistent with
requirements found in the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships or under the
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 as
modified by the protocol of 1978 (MARPOL 73/78).

2.1.2 Toxic and Hazardous Materials

Where consistent with vessel design and construction, you must locate toxic and hazardous
materials in protected areas of the vessel to minimize exposure to ocean spray and precipitation,
unless the Master determines this would interfere with essential vessel operations or safety of the

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vessel or doing so would violate any applicable regulations promulgated by the Secretary of the
Department in which the Coast Guard is operating that establish specifications for safe
transportation, handling, carriage, and storage of pollutants (see Part 2.1.5). Any discharge made
for the foregoing reasons must be documented consistent with Part 4.2. You must ensure that
toxic and hazardous materials are in appropriate sealed containers constructed of a suitable
material, labeled, and secured. Containers must not be overfilled and incompatible wastes should
not be mixed. Exposure of containers to ocean spray or precipitation must be minimized.
Jettisoning of containers holding toxic or hazardous material is not authorized by this permit.

2.1.3 Fuel Spills/Overflows

Fuel spills or overflows must not result in a discharge of oil in quantities that may be harmful,
pursuant to 40 CFR Part 110. You must conduct all fueling operations using control measures
and practices designed to minimize spills and overflows and ensure prompt containment and
cleanup if they occur. Vessel operators must not overfill fuel tanks. For vessels with
interconnected fuel tanks, fueling must be conducted in a manner that prevents overfilling and
release from the system to the environment.

Vessels with air vents from fuel tanks must use spill containment or other methods to prevent or
contain any fuel or oil spills. Large-scale fuel spills or overflows are not incidental to the normal
operation of the vessel and are not authorized by this permit.

The following requirements apply to fueling of auxiliary vessels such as lifeboats, tenders or
rescue boats deployed from “host” vessels subject to this permit:

• While fueling, examine the surrounding water for the presence of a visible sheen.
If a visible sheen is observed, as a result of your fueling, it must be cleaned up
• It is important to know the capacity of the fuel tanks before you begin fueling in
order to prevent unintentionally overfilling the tank.
• Prevent overfilling and do not top off your fuel tanks.
• When possible, fill fuel tanks while boat is on shore or recovered from the water.
• When possible, fill portable tanks on shore or on the host vessel, not on the
auxiliary vessel.
• Use an oil absorbent material or other appropriate device while fueling the
auxiliary vessel to catch drips from the vent overflow and fuel intake.
• Regularly inspect the fuel and hydraulic systems for any damage or leaks.

Owner/operators shall ensure that all crew responsible for conducting fueling operations are
trained in methods to minimize spills caused by human error and/or the improper use of

2.1.4 Discharges of Oil Including Oily Mixtures

All discharges of oil, including oily mixtures, from ships subject to Annex I of the International
Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships as implemented by the Act to Prevent
Pollution from Ships and U.S. Coast Guard regulations found in 33 CFR §151.09 (hereinafter

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referred to as “MARPOL vessels”) must have concentrations of oil less than 15 parts per million
(ppm) (as measured by EPA Method 1664 or other appropriate method for determination of oil
content as accepted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) (e.g. ISO Method 9377-2)
or U.S. Coast Guard) before discharge. All MARPOL vessels must have a current International
Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPP) issued in accordance with 33 CFR §§151.19 or
151.21. All other discharges of oil including oily mixtures must not contain oil in quantities that
may be harmful, pursuant to 40 CFR Part 110.

2.1.5 Compliance with Other Statutes and Regulations

As required by 40 CFR §122.44(p), you must comply with any applicable regulations
promulgated by the Secretary of the Department in which the Coast Guard is operating that
establish specifications for safe transportation, handling, carriage, and storage of pollutants.

Any discharge from your vessel must comply with sections 311 (33 USC 1321) of the CWA, the
Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships (APPS 33 USC §§1905-1915), the National Marine
Sanctuaries Act, (16 USC 1431 et seq.) and implementing regulations found at 15 CFR Part 922
and 50 CFR Part 404, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA, 7 USC
§136 et seq.), and the Oil Pollution Act (OPA of 1990, 33 USC §2701-2720).

The US Code of Federal Regulations containing these provisions can be found at:

2.1.6 General Training

All owner/operators of vessels must ensure that the master, operator, person-in-charge, and crew
members who actively take part in the management of incidental discharges or who may affect
those discharges are adequately trained in implementing the terms of this permit. In addition, all
owner/operators of vessels must ensure appropriate vessel personnel be trained in the procedures
for responding to fuel spills and overflows, including notification of appropriate vessel
personnel, emergency response agencies, and regulatory agencies. This training need not be
formal or accredited courses; however, it is the vessel owners/operators’ responsibility to ensure
these staff are given the necessary information to conduct shipboard activities in accordance with
the terms of this permit.

Vessel owners/operators must also meet all training-related recordkeeping requirements of Part
4.2 of this permit.

2.2 Effluent Limits and Related Requirements for Specific Discharge Categories

The requirements in Part 2.2 constitute technology-based effluent limitations and related
requirements except where it is specifically noted that the requirements constitute water quality
based limits.

2.2.1 Deck Washdown and Runoff and Above Water Line Hull Cleaning

Vessel owner/operators must minimize the introduction of on-deck debris, garbage, residue, and
spill into deck washdown and runoff discharges. Before deck washdowns occur, you must broom

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clean (or equivalent) exposed decks or use comparable management measures and remove all
existing debris. When required by their class societies (e.g., oil tankers), their flag
Administrations, or the U.S. Coast Guard, vessels must be fitted with and use perimeter spill rails
and scuppers to collect the runoff for treatment. Where feasible, machinery on deck must have
coamings or drip pans where necessary to collect any oily discharge that may leak from
machinery and prevent spills. The drip pans must be drained to a waste container for proper
disposal and/or periodically wiped and cleaned. Additionally, to reduce the risk of any leakage or
spills of harmful oils into the aquatic environment, EPA strongly encourages the use of
environmentally acceptable lubricants in all above deck equipment. The presence of floating
solids, visible foam, halogenated phenol compounds, and dispersants, or surfactants in deck
washdowns must be minimized. Vessel owners/operators must minimize deck washdowns while
in port.

Vessel owners/operators must maintain their topside surface and other above water line portions
of the vessel to minimize the discharge of rust (and other corrosion by-products), cleaning
compounds, paint chips, non-skid material fragments, and other materials associated with
exterior topside surface preservation. Furthermore, vessel owners/operators must minimize
residual paint droplets from entering waters subject to this permit whenever they are conducting
maintenance painting. Possible minimization techniques include, but are not limited to, avoiding
paint spraying in windy conditions or avoiding overapplication of paint. This permit does not
authorize the disposal of unused paint into waters subject to this permit.

If deck washdowns or above water line hull cleaning will result in a discharge, they must be
conducted with “minimally-toxic” and “phosphate free” cleaners and detergents as defined in
Appendix A of this permit. Furthermore, cleaners and detergents should not be caustic and must
be biodegradable.

2.2.2 Bilgewater/Oily Water Separator Effluent

All bilgewater discharges must be in compliance with the regulations in 40 CFR Parts 110
(Discharge of Oil), 116 (Designation of Hazardous Substances), and 117 (Determination of
Reportable Quantities for Hazardous Substances) and 33 CFR §151.10 (Control of Oil
Discharges). In addition:

• Vessel operators may not use dispersants, detergents, emulsifiers, chemicals, or

other substances that remove the appearance of a visible sheen 1 in their bilgewater
discharges. This requirement does not prohibit the use of these materials in
machinery spaces for the purposes of maintaining or cleaning equipment.
• Except in the case of flocculants or other required additives (excluding any
dispersants or surfactants) used to enhance oil/water separation during processing
(after bilgewater has been removed from the bilge), vessel operators may not add
substances that drain to the bilgewater that are not produced in the normal
40 CFR §110.4 states that: “addition of dispersants or emulsifiers to oil to be discharged that would circumvent
the provisions of this part is prohibited.” 33 CFR §151.10 (g) states that: “No discharge into the sea shall contain
chemicals or other substances introduced for the purpose of circumventing the conditions of discharge specified in
this regulation.

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operation of a vessel. The use of oil solidifiers, flocculants, or other required

additives are allowed only as part of an oil water separation system provided they
do not alter the chemical make-up of the oils being discharged and any discharge
of such materials into waters subject to this permit must be minimized. Routine
cleaning and maintenance activities associated with vessel equipment and
structures are considered to be normal operation of a vessel if those practices fall
within normal marine practice.
• All vessels must minimize the discharge of bilgewater into waters subject to this
permit. This can be done by minimizing the production of bilgewater, disposing
of bilgewater on shore where adequate facilities exist, or discharging into waters
not subject to this permit (i.e., more than 3 nautical miles [nm] from shore) for
vessels that regularly travel into such waters. Though not regulated under this
permit, EPA notes that discharges of bilgewater outside waters subject to this
permit (i.e., more than 3 nm from shore) are regulated under Annex I of the
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships as
implemented by the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships and U.S. Coast Guard
regulations found in 33 CFR part 151.
• Vessels greater than 400 gross tons shall not discharge untreated oily bilgewater
(i.e., bilgewater not treated with an onboard separator or bilgewater with a
concentration of oil greater than 15 ppm) into waters subject to this permit.
• Vessels greater than 400 gross tons that regularly sail outside the territorial sea (at
least once per month) shall not discharge treated bilgewater within 1 nm of shore
if technologically feasible (e.g., holding would not impact safety and stability,
would not contaminate other holds or cargo, or would not interfere with essential
operations of the vessel). Any discharge which is not technologically feasible to
avoid must be documented as part of the requirements in Part 4.2 and reported to
EPA as part of the vessel’s annual report.
• Vessels greater than 400 gross tons shall not discharge treated bilgewater into
waters referenced in Appendix G unless the discharge is necessary to maintain the
safety and stability of the ship. Any discharge of bilgewater into these waters
must be documented as part of the recordkeeping requirements in Part 4.2 and
reported to EPA as part of the vessel’s annual report.
• For vessels greater than 400 gross tons that regularly sail outside the territorial sea
(at least once per month), if treated bilgewater is discharged into waters subject to
this permit, it must be discharged when the vessel is underway (sailing at speeds
greater than 6 knots), unless doing so would threaten the safety and stability of the
ship. EPA notes that vessel operators may also choose to dispose of bilgewater on
shore where adequate facilities exist. Any discharge which is made for safety
reasons must be documented as part of the requirements in Part 4.2 and reported
to EPA as part of the vessel’s annual report. Bilgewater Monitoring

“New Build” vessels built after December 19, 2013 greater than 400 gross tons that may
discharge bilgewater into waters subject to this permit must monitor (i.e., sample and analyze)

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their bilgewater effluent at least once a year for oil and grease content. That monitoring can be
conducted as part of the vessel’s annual survey.

To demonstrate treatment equipment maintenance and compliance with this permit, the
bilgewater sample must be analyzed for oil by either Method ISO 9377-2 (2000) Water Quality–
Determination of Hydrocarbon Oil Index–Part 2: Method Using Solvent Extraction and Gas
Chromatography (incorporation by reference, see 46 CFR §162.050–4) or EPA Method 1664.
At the time of sample collection, the reading on the oil content meter (OCM) must be recorded
such that the oil and grease concentration measured by the laboratory can be compared to the

If your analytical results show oil and grease concentrations of less than 5 ppm for two
consecutive years, you need not sample and analyze subsequent years of permit coverage if:

• Your vessel uses an oily water separator capable of meeting a 5 ppm oil and
grease limit, or you use an alarm which prevents the discharge of oil and grease
above 5 ppm whenever you discharge in waters subject to this permit,
• You calibrate your OCM at least annually (calibrations during a vessel survey
meet this requirement), and
• Your OCM never reads above 5 ppm during discharges into waters subject to this
permit. If this information is recorded in the oil record book, you need not record
these data in other recordkeeping documentation.

Records of monitoring must be retained onboard for at least 3 years in the vessel’s
recordkeeping documentation and must include:

• The date, exact place, and time of sampling or measurements;

• The individual(s) who performed the sampling or measurements;
• The individual(s) who performed the analyses and any meter recalibration;
• The techniques or methods used for sample analyses;
• The results of such analyses and OCM readings. Monitoring Reporting

For those vessels for which monitoring must be conducted, analytical and corresponding
OCM monitoring data must be submitted at least once per calendar year no later than February
28 of the year after the data are collected. Additionally, if you have met the requirements in part to waive analytical monitoring after two years, you must note your waiver qualifications
on your report. Data may be submitted as part of the vessel’s annual report (Appendix H) on the
VGP bilgewater DMR.

2.2.3 Ballast Water

All discharges of ballast water must comply with the requirements in this permit as described
below. Additionally, owner/operators of all vessels subject to coverage under this permit which
are equipped with Ballast Tanks must comply with any additional BMPs in this section.

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In addition, as a condition of this permit, all discharges of ballast water must also comply with
applicable U.S. Coast Guard regulations found in 33 CFR Part 151.

All discharges of ballast water may not contain oil, noxious liquid substances (NLSs), or
hazardous substances in a manner prohibited by U.S. laws, including section 311 of the Clean
Water Act. Training

All owner/operators of vessels equipped with ballast water tanks must train the master, operator,
person-in-charge, and crew members who actively take part in the management of the discharge
or who may affect the discharge, on the application of ballast water and sediment management
and treatment procedures. As part of Ballast Water Management Plans under, a stand-
alone training plan, or other recordkeeping documentation, owner/operators must maintain a
written training plan describing the training to be provided and a record of the date of training
provided to each person trained. Persons required to be trained must be trained promptly upon
installation of treatment technology and in the event of a significant change in ballast water
treatment practices or technology. Ballast Water Management Plans

All owner/operators of vessels equipped with ballast water tanks must maintain a ballast water
management plan that has been developed specifically for the vessel that will ensure that those
responsible for the plan’s implementation understand and follow the vessel’s ballast water
management strategy. Owner/operators must make that plan available upon request to EPA or its
authorized representative. Vessel owner/operators must assure that the master and crew members
who actively take part in the management of the discharge or who may affect the discharge
understand and follow the management strategy laid out in the plan.

At a minimum, all vessels must have a plan which outlines how they will meet the requirements
of Part of this permit. The plan must also include how vessels will comply with training
requirements of and meet all requirements in Parts through, as applicable.
EPA notes that a Ballast Water Management Plan is also required by the United States Coast
Guard by 33 CFR Part 151. Provided owner/operators meet the requirements discussed above,
EPA expects that vessels will need one ballast water management plan to meet both EPA and
USCG requirements. Mandatory Ballast Water Management Practices: Management measures

required of all vessel owner/operators

Masters, owners, operators, or persons-in-charge of all vessels equipped with ballast water tanks
that operate in waters of the U.S. must:

• Avoid the discharge or uptake of ballast water in areas / into waters subject to this
permit within, or that may directly affect, marine sanctuaries, marine preserves,
marine parks, or coral reefs or other waters listed in Appendix G waters.
• Minimize or avoid uptake of ballast water in the following areas and situations:

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— Areas known to have infestations or populations of harmful organisms and

pathogens (e.g., toxic algal blooms).
— Areas near sewage outfalls.
— Areas near dredging operations.
— Areas where tidal flushing is known to be poor or times when a tidal
stream is known to be turbid.
— In darkness, when bottom-dwelling organisms may rise up in the water
— Where propellers may stir up the sediment.
— Areas with pods of whales, convergence zones, and boundaries of major
• Clean ballast tanks regularly to remove sediments in mid-ocean (when not
otherwise prohibited by applicable law) or under controlled arrangements in port,
or at drydock.
• No discharge of sediments from cleaning of ballast tanks is authorized in waters
subject to this permit.
• Where feasible, utilize the high sea suction when the clearance is less than 5
meters (approximately 15 feet) to the lower edge of the seachest or the vessel is
dockside to reduce sediment intake.
• When feasible and safe, you must use your ballast water pumps instead of gravity
draining to empty your ballast water tanks, unless you meet the treatment limits
found in Part of this permit.
• Minimize the discharge of ballast water essential for vessel operations while in
the waters subject to this permit.

Suggested control measures to minimize the discharge of ballast water include, but are not
limited to, transferring ballast water between tanks within the vessel in lieu of ballast water
discharge. Another option is to use public water supply water for ballast or, for vessels not
subject to the numeric limits in Part of this permit, use water from a potable water
generator as ballast. EPA notes that vessels not subject to the numeric limits in Part of
this permit should endeavor to take all reasonable steps to minimize or eliminate the discharge of
untreated ballast water. Mandatory Ballast Water Management Practices for “Lakers”

“Lakers” must meet the following additional ballast water management requirements:

• Each owner/operator must perform annual inspections on their vessel to assess

sediment accumulations. Removal of sediment, if necessary, must be carried out.
Each vessel owner/operator must develop sediment removal policies as part of the
Ballast Water Management Plan. Records of sediment removal and disposal
(including facility name and location and all invoices) shall be kept onboard the
vessel. EPA notes the discharge of sediments from cleaning of ballast tanks is not
authorized in waters subject to this permit (see Part of this permit).
• When practical and safe, vessels must minimize the ballast water taken up at
dockside. This will typically mean limiting uptake to the amount of ballast water
required to safely depart the dock and then complete ballasting in deeper water.
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• The vessel sea chest screen is the first line of defense in keeping large living
organisms out of the vessel ballast water tanks. Owner/operators of Laker vessels
must perform annual inspections of their sea chest screens to assure that they are
fully intact. The inspection must assure that there is no deterioration which has
resulted in wider openings or holes in the screen. If the screen has deteriorated
such that there are wider openings than the screen design, the vessel owner
operator must repair or replace the screen. Any repairs must be of sufficient
quality that they are expected to last at least one year.

If a Laker meets the permit limits found in Part of this permit, the vessel owner/operator
is not required to conduct the additional management measures found in Part, but must
still comply with Part Ballast Water Numeric Discharge Limitations

Owners/operator must meet the following ballast water discharge limits (expressed as
instantaneous maximum) consistent with the schedule found in Part, unless you are
excluded from these requirements by Parts or of this permit:

1. For organisms greater than or equal to 50 micrometers in minimum dimension:

discharge must include fewer than 10 living organisms per cubic meter of ballast
2. For organisms less than 50 micrometers and greater than or equal to 10
micrometers: discharge must include fewer than 10 living organisms per milliliter
(mL) of ballast water.
3. Indicator microorganisms must not exceed:
(i) For Toxicogenic Vibrio cholerae (serotypes O1 and O139): a
concentration of less than 1 colony forming unit (cfu) per 100 mL.
(ii) For Escherichia coli: a concentration of fewer than 250 cfu per 100 mL.
(iii) For intestinal enterococci: a concentration of fewer than 100 cfu per 100

These limits may be met by using one of the ballast water management measures in Parts,,, or

Note: EPA will continue to explore new technologies with industry and states, and when
warranted, will make this numeric limit more stringent in the future (see discussion in section of the fact sheet). Additionally, EPA encourages and anticipates, as part of this
process, that states will continue to work with industry to test and provide opportunities for new
technologies. Ballast Water Management Measures

In addition to the other requirements of this permit, owner/operators of vessels subject to the
numeric discharge limits in Part of this permit must meet those limits. Vessel
owner/operators may use one of the four following ballast water management methods to meet
the numeric discharge limits in Part

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Final 2013 VGP Ballast Water Management using a Ballast Water Treatment System

Vessel owner/operators utilizing a ballast water treatment system (BWTS) must use a system
which has been shown to be effective by testing conducted by an independent third party
laboratory, test facility or test organization. A system that has been type approved by the U.S.
Coast Guard under 46 CFR Part 162.060 or received “Alternative Management System”
designation by the U.S. Coast Guard under 33 CFR 151.2026 will be deemed to meet this
“shown to be effective” provision. Once the effluent limits in Part become applicable to a
vessel (see part for applicability timeframes for specified categories of vessels),
owners/operators of vessels utilizing a ballast water treatment system to meet the requirements of
Part of this permit must meet those limits as an instantaneous maximum.

Additionally, following installation of a BWTS, the master, owner, operator, agent, or person in
charge of the vessel must maintain the BWTS in accordance with all manufacturer specifications.
Furthermore, all treatment must be conducted in accordance with the BWTS manufacturer’s
instructions. The BWTS must be used prior to any discharge of ballast water to waters of the
U.S, either at uptake, in tank, or during discharge according to the treatment system
manufacturer’s instructions. EPA notes that compliance with these provisions does not ensure
compliance with applicable Coast Guard regulations found in 33 CFR Part 151. Monitoring From Vessels Using Ballast Water Treatment Systems

The monitoring requirements in Part apply to ballast water discharges from vessels
employing ballast water treatment systems that are used to achieve the effluent limitations of Part The monitoring is divided into three components. The first, in Part, is
required of all vessels and generally requires monitoring equipment performance to assure the
system is fully functional. Vessels conducting this monitoring also must adequately calibrate
their equipment as required in Part The second component, in Part
requires monitoring from all ballast water systems for selected biological indicators. The third
component, in part requires monitoring of the ballast water discharge itself for
biocides and residuals to assure compliance with the effluent limitations established in part of the permit, as applicable. Ballast Water System Functionality Monitoring

Ballast water treatment systems use physical and/or chemical processes, or a combination
thereof, to achieve reductions in living organisms. The use of physical/chemical indicators of
treatment performance verifies that the ballast water treatment system is operating according to
the manufacturers’ operating specifications. To assess the BWTS functionality, monitoring
indicators of the BWTS functionality is required at least once per month for specific parameters
that are applicable to your system. The required parameters to be monitored, with appropriate
monitoring approaches are contained in Appendix J. For example, if your system uses a filter
and chlorine dioxide, you must meet the requirements for systems using both filters and chlorine
dioxide. If your system uses cavitation, UV, and hypochlorite generation, you must monitor
conditions for all three treatment units. EPA expects that most ballast water treatment systems
will make use of at least two physical and/or chemical processes.

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Most ballast water treatment systems have control and self diagnostic equipment such as sensors
that continuously measure treatment parameters to verify performance. The metrics to be
monitored are based on common approaches used in ballast water treatment systems. As new
approaches become commonly available, EPA will develop new monitoring parameters as
appropriate. Ballast Water monitoring equipment calibration

At a minimum, all applicable sensors and other equipment must be calibrated annually.
Additionally, all applicable sensors and other control equipment must be calibrated no less
frequently than recommended by the sensor or other equipment manufacturer, or by the ballast
water treatment system manufacturer or when warranted based on device drift from a standard or
calibrated setting. EPA expects many sensor types (e.g., pH probes, TRO sensors, turbidity
sensors) will need to be calibrated on a more frequent basis. Calibration of the sensors and
equipment can be conducted on-board the vessel or they can be removed and shipped to the
manufacturer or other vendor for calibration. During the period when the sensors are not
installed (or otherwise inoperable thus significantly compromising the performance of the ballast
water treatment system), the vessel must not discharge ballast water. Effluent Biological Organism Monitoring

Once a ballast water treatment system is required to be installed onboard a vessel (see part for applicability and timeframe for installation of such vessels), any ballast water
discharges from such vessels will be subject to the effluent limitations in Part of this
permit. To ascertain compliance with the effluent limitation in that section, EPA is establishing
the following biological indicator compliance monitoring. These samples can be taken by
collecting a small volume sample from the ballast water discharge (consistent with the sampling
guidance found in EPA’s Generic Protocol for the Verification of Ballast Water Treatment
Technology) and analyzing the sample for concentrations of certain biological indicator
parameters. Analysis of concentrations of indicator organisms must include monitoring for the
parameters in Table 2 below utilizing the methods in that table, or other EPA Part 136 methods
as applicable.

Table 2: Indicator Organism Monitoring Parameters

Measurement Instrument EPA Standard ASTM ISO Other

or Analysis Method Method
Total Plate counts SM 9215 ASTM ISO
heterotrophic D5465 6222:1999
E. coli Selective EPA Method SM 9223B ASTM ISO 9308- Colilert®
substrate 1103.1 and D5392 – 93 1:2000
Enterococci Selective EPA Method SM 9230C ASTM ISO 7899- Enterolert®
substrate 1106.1 and D5259 – 2:2000
1600 92(2006)

Biological indicator compliance monitoring sampling of ballast water effluent must be conducted
2 times during the first year the system is installed or used for vessels with devices for which

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high quality data are available. For vessels with high quality data, if sampling results are below
permit limits for two consecutive events, the vessel owner/operator may reduce monitoring to
one time per year after the first year. However, if the vessel owner/operator exceeds a permit
limit on any sampling event, they must return to monitoring two times per year until they have
two additional results below permit limits. For vessels for which high quality data are not
available, monitoring must be conducted 4 times per year. For all vessels, one of those samples
may be conducted as part a vessel’s annual or other survey, and during the first year, one of those
sampling events may be conducted as part of the installation of the system to ensure it is
functioning properly. Records of the sampling and testing results must be retained onboard for a
period of 3 years in the vessel’s recordkeeping documentation consistent with Part 4.2. Each
sample must be tested independently and the individual results must be reported and not
averaged. Monitoring must be conducted at least 14 days apart from different discharge events.

Devices for which high quality data are available means either:

a) any ballast water treatment system type approved by the United States Coast Guard
under 46 CFR Part 162.060 or granted alternate management system status by the US
Coast Guard under 33 CFR 151.2026; or

b) any ballast water treatment system:

(i) type approved by a foreign administration;

(ii) for which efficacy testing was conducted by an independent third party testing
organization, either in accordance with the ETV protocol or in a manner
consistent with the ETV protocol with respect to QA/QC procedures, the use of
validated methods including appropriate volumes of representative samples, and
full description and documentation of test procedures, results and analyses; and

(iii)all Active Substance or Biocide data (e.g., the full data package as submitted to
the International Maritime Organization for approval) have all been made
available to the US EPA. Requirements and Effluent Limitations for BWTS that use Active Substances (e.g.,
biocides) Authorization of Residual Biocides Associated with Ballast Water Treatment


Many ballast water treatment systems produce or use biocides as an agent to reduce living
organisms present in the ballast water tank. In order to be eligible for coverage under this permit,
any ballast water treatment system must not use any biocide that is a “pesticide” within the
meaning of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C §136 et seq.)
unless that biocide has been registered for use in ballast water treatment under such Act. The
requirement in the preceding sentence does not apply if such biocide is generated solely by the
use of a “device” on board the same vessel as the ballast water to be treated by the biocide, as the
term “device” is defined in the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. In addition,
if the ballast water treatment system uses or generates biocides and you will discharge ballast

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water treated with biocides into waters subject to this permit, you must meet one of the following
conditions to be eligible for permit coverage.

The discharge of biocides or residuals may not exceed the following instantaneous maximum
limits expressed as micrograms per liter (µg/l).

Table 3: Maximum Ballast Water Effluent Limits for Residual Biocides

Biocide or Residual
(instantaneous maximum)
Chlorine Dioxide 200 µg/l
100 µg/l
Chlorine (expressed as Total Residual Oxidizers (TRO as TRC))
100 µg/l
Ozone (expressed as Total Residual Oxidizers (TRO as TRC))
Peracetic Acid 500 µg/l
Hydrogen Peroxide (for systems using Peracetic Acid) 1,000 µg/l

Any other biocides or derivatives may not exceed acute water quality criteria listed in EPA’s
2009 National Recommended Water Quality Criteria, and any subsequent revision, at the point
of ballast water discharge. This document can be found at:
Tables summarizing the subsequent revisions can be found at: Discharges of biocide
residuals or derivatives must also meet monitoring requirements under Part, and
reporting and recordkeeping requirements in Part

If the biocide used or produced by your system and its derivatives is not listed in the previous
table or found in EPA’s National Recommended Water Quality Criteria, you must notify EPA at
least 120 days in advance of its use and provide any associated aquatic toxicity data for that
biocide or its derivatives of which you are aware. EPA may impose additional limitations on a
treatment system-specific basis, or require you to obtain coverage under an individual permit, if
necessary. EPA may inform the vessel owner/operator of specific requirements. You may also
seek coverage under an individual NPDES permit pursuant to Part 1.8.2 of this permit. You may
not discharge the biocide at issue until you receive a response from EPA to your notification. Residual Biocide and Derivative Monitoring

For vessels subject to Part, you must conduct monitoring of the vessel ballast water
discharge for any residual biocides or derivatives used in the treatment process, in part to
demonstrate compliance with the conditions in Part For instance, if chlorine is the
biocide used in the ballast water treatment, you must test for residual chlorine in the vessel
ballast water discharge to see if it complies with the standards in Part

In order to demonstrate that residual biocides or derivatives are in compliance with this permit,
that substantial quantities of harmful byproducts are not produced, and provide EPA with needed
information about system functionality, the vessel operator initially must take samples according
to the following:

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Table 4: Monitoring Schedule for Residual Biocides or Derivatives of the Residual

Devices for which high quality Devices for which high quality
type approval data are available data are not available
Initial Monitoring 3 times in the first 10 discharge 5 times in the first 10 discharge
events (not to exceed a 180 day events (not to exceed a 180 day
period) period)
Maintenance 2 times per year 4 times per year

Devices for which high quality data are available means either:

a) any ballast water treatment system type approved by the United States Coast Guard
under 46 CFR Part 162.060 or granted alternate management system status by the US
Coast Guard under 33 CFR 151.2026; or

b) any ballast water treatment system:

(i) type approved by a foreign administration;

(ii) for which efficacy testing was conducted by an independent third party testing
organization, either in accordance with the ETV protocol or in a manner
consistent with the ETV protocol with respect to QA/QC procedures, the use of
validated methods including appropriate volumes of representative samples, and
full description and documentation of test procedures, results and analyses; and

(iii)all Active Substance or Biocide data (e.g., the full data package as submitted to
the International Maritime Organization for approval) have all been made
available to the US EPA.

Each sample must be tested independently and the individual results must be reported and not
averaged. Samples must be tested as soon as possible after sampling, and may not be held longer
than recommended for each tested constituent as given in 40 CFR Part 136. Sampling and testing
shall be conducted using a sufficiently sensitive method according to 40 CFR Part 136 or may
use an alternate method if allowed in Table 5 below.

Table 5: Residual Biocides and Biocide Derivative Monitoring Requirements

Biocide Analyte Analytical Minimum Sample MDL Effluent Limit Type
Methods Sample Holding Limit or
Volume Time Action
Alkylamines Alkylamines EPA 25 mL 14 days Varies by Report NA
Method (8260B) (8260B) compound
8360B and (8260D);
8270D 10 µg/L

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Chlorine or Chlorine dioxide EPA 16 mL 4 hours Varies 200 µg/L Instantaneous

Chlorine Method (327.0-1) (327.0- (327.0-1); Maximum
dioxide 327.0-1; 1); As 10 to 100
SM 4500 soon as mg/L (SM)
ClO2 E possible
Total Residual SM 4500- 50 mL 15 10 µg/L, 100 µg/L Instantaneous
Oxidizers (TRO) Cl G; ISO minutes under ideal Maximum
as Cl2 7393/2 conditions
Chlorite* EPA 250 mL 14 days Varies Report NA
Chlorate* EPA 250 mL 28 days Varies Report NA
Total EPA 25 mL 14 days Varies Report NA
trihalomethanesa* Method
Haloacetic acidsb* EPA 40 mL 14 days Varies by Report NA
Method compound
Menadione Menadione NA Report NA
Ozone Total Residual SM 4500- 50 mL 15 10 µg/L, 100 µg/L NA
Oxidizers (TRO) Cl G; ISO minutes under ideal
as Cl2 7393/2 conditions
Bromate* EPA 250 mL 28 days Varies Report NA
Method (317; (317;
317 ; EPA 300.1) 300.1)
Bromoform* EPA 25 mL 14 days Varies Report NA
Total EPA 25 mL 14 days Varies Report NA
trihalomethanesa* Method
Haloacetic acidsb* EPA 40 mL 14 days Varies by Report NA
Method compound
Peracetic Acid pH SM 4500 25 mL As soon 6.5 – 9 Instantaneous
H+ as s.u. Maximum
Peracetic acid Photometri 25 mL As soon 500 µg/L Report NA
c analysis as
(Pinkernell, possible
1997; EMD
s 2010)

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Hydrogen Titimetric 25 mL As soon 500 µg/L Report NA

peroxide/ analysis as
(JIS K possible
s 2010))
* Potential byproduct or derivative
a. Total trihalomethanes is the sum of the concentrations of chloroform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane, and
b. Haloacetic acids is the sum of the concentrations of mono-, di-, and trichloroacetic acids and mono- and dibromoacetic
ISO: International Organization for Standardization
SM: Standard Methods
MDL: Method detection limit
NA: Not applicable Ballast Water Treatment System Recordkeeping and Reporting

Records of sampling and testing results required under Part must be retained onboard
for a period of three years in the vessel’s recordkeeping documentation. Vessels must also
submit the testing results to EPA as part of the vessel’s annual report (Appendix H) on the VGP
ballast water DMR.

Records of monitoring information shall include:

• The ballast water treatment system used, any type approval certificate, and
records of whether the system meets the high quality data criteria as stated in part (a) or (b);
• The individual(s) who performed the sampling, measurements, and/or inspections;
• The date(s) analyses and/or inspections were performed;
• Any sensor or other control equipment calibration and functional tests conducted
during the inspection as applicable;
• The techniques or methods used for any sensor or other control equipment
calibration and functional tests as applicable;
• The date and time of all monitoring results (monitoring in Parts,, and, as applicable);
• The analytical techniques or methods used as applicable, and
• The results of such analyses.

You must submit your monitoring data as part of your annual report. For systems already in use
as of the effective date of this permit, initial sampling data must be submitted with the first
annual report. For systems which are not already in use as of the effective date of this permit,
initial sampling data must be submitted on the annual report following the calendar year of the
system’s first use. Data must be submitted on the Ballast Water Treatment System Report form
attached to the annual report available in Appendix H of this permit or electronically submitted
to EPA: the system is scheduled to be available at

Page 36 of 194
Final 2013 VGP Onshore Treatment of Ballast Water

For those vessels whose design and construction safely allows for the transfer of ballast water to
shore, if compatible onshore treatment for ballast water is available, the vessel owner/operator
may use onshore treatment for any ballast water discharges to meet the requirements of
EPA notes that the lack of availability of adequate reception facilities is not an acceptable reason
to discharge ballast water which does not meet the treatment requirements found in Part into waters subject to this permit, and such discharges would therefore constitute a
permit violation.

Any vessel owner/operator utilizing onshore treatment must ensure that all piping and supporting
infrastructure up to the last manifold or valve immediately before the dock manifold connection
of the receiving facility or similar appurtenance on a reception vessel are fully free from any
leaks or other avenues whereby untreated ballast may be discharged into waters subject to this

EPA notes that transferring ballast water to a treatment barge for eventual treatment and
discharge could constitute “on-shore treatment” for purposes of Part The discharge
of treated ballast water (transferred from other vessels) from a treatment barge is not eligible for
coverage under the VGP as this is a discharge from an industrial operation, not a discharge
incidental to the normal operation of a vessel. Instead, these vessels must apply for individual
NPDES permit coverage from the appropriate NPDES permitting authority, generally the State
in which they are operating. Use of Public Water Supply Water

Vessels may meet the requirements of Part by using only water from a U.S. public water
system or Canadian drinking water system (both referred to as “PWS” in this permit), as defined
in a) 40 CFR 141.2 and subject to the requirements of 40 CFR parts 141 and 143 or b) Health
Canada’s “Guidelines on Canadian Drinking Water Quality,” as ballast water. Vessels using
water from a PWS as ballast must maintain a record of which PWS they received the water and a
receipt, invoice, or other documentation from the PWS indicating that water came from that

To avoid contamination of the ballast water tank, vessels using PWS water in any given tank as
ballast must have:

• Previously cleaned the ballast tank (including removing all residual sediments)
and not subsequently introduced ambient water;
• Never introduced ambient water to the tank and supply lines

Vessels utilizing water from a PWS as ballast water must certify in their recordkeeping
documentation that they have met all the requirements of this section, including maintaining
certification by the master or NOI certifier that one of the above conditions are met regarding
contamination. For vessels that use PWS water in some ballast water tanks, but ambient treated
water as ballast in others, records must clearly indicate which tanks use PWS water as ballast

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Final 2013 VGP

versus those that use ambient treated water (or both), and indicate what measures the vessel
operator has implemented to avoid cross contamination between tanks.

In the event a vessel that normally uses PWS water as ballast is forced for purposes of vessel
safety to take on untreated ballast water from a sea, estuary, lake or river source, such vessel may
not return to using PWS water until the tanks and supply lines have been cleaned, including
removal of all residual sediments. No Discharge of Ballast Water

Vessels may meet the requirements of Part of this permit by not discharging any ballast
water into waters subject to this permit. EPA notes that any discharge of untreated ballast water,
including for reasons of unscheduled voyages, loading of unexpected cargo, etc., do not qualify
as an acceptable reason to discharge untreated ballast water into waters subject to this permit,
and therefore constitute a permit violation. EPA notes that in the case of a shipboard emergency
that endangers the safety of the vessel or its crew, ballast water may need to be pumped out
quickly by bypassing the BWTS. In such cases, the provisions regarding the prohibition of
bypassing treatment where unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury of severe property
damage may be applicable. See 40 CFR 122.41(m)(4)(A) and Part 1.13 of this permit. Schedule for when Ballast Water Treatment Becomes BAT (and Therefore Required)

Table 6 describes when BWTS will become the Best Available Technology Economically
Achievable (BAT). Vessels must meet the requirements in Part according to the
schedule below in Table 6.

Table 6: Ballast Water Treatment to BAT Schedule

Vessel’s Compliance
Ballast Water Date Constructed
After December 1, 2013 On delivery
First scheduled drydocking after
Less than 1500 m3 Before December 1, 2013
January 1, 2016
Existing First scheduled drydocking after
1500-5000 m3 Before December 1, 2013
vessels January 1, 2014
First scheduled drydocking after
Greater than 5000 m3 Before December 1, 2013
January 1, 2016 Vessels Not Required to Meet Part Treatment Standards

The following vessel types are not required to meet Part ballast water management
measures (however, note that these vessels must meet all other requirements of Part 2.2.3 of the
permit). Additionally, EPA encourages vessels in these categories to use additional management
measures to reduce the number of living organisms in their ballast water discharges, including
use of any of the measures found in Part, use of potable water generators, or other
measures to reduce the volume of their ballast water discharges:

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Final 2013 VGP Vessels Engaged in Short-Distance Voyages

Vessels engaged in short distance voyages means vessels that:

• Operate or take on and discharge ballast water exclusively in one Coast Guard
Captain of the Port (COTP) Zone, or
• Vessels which do not travel more than 10 nm and cross no physical barriers or
obstructions (e.g., locks), whether or not they operate within one U.S. Coast
Guard COTP zone. Unmanned, Unpowered Barges

Unmanned, unpowered barges such as hopper barges are not required to meet the ballast water
management measures of Part Vessels That Operate Exclusively on the Laurentian Great Lakes (Commonly
Known as Lakers) Built Before January 1, 2009

Existing Lakers built before January 1, 2009 confined exclusively to the Laurentian Great Lakes
(i.e., existing vessels that operates upstream of the waters of the St. Lawrence River west of a
rhumb line drawn from Cap de Rosiers to West Point, Anticosti Island, and west of a line along
63 W. longitude from Anticosti Island to the north shore of the St. Lawrence River) are not
required to meet the requirements of Part

Lakers built on or after January 1, 2009 must meet the treatment limits found in Part of
the permit. Inland and Seagoing Vessels less than 1600 Gross Registered Tons (3000 Gross

Inland and Seagoing Vessels less than 1600 Gross Registered Tons (3000 Gross Tons) are not
required to meet the numeric treatment limits in Section Seagoing Vessels are defined in
33 CFR 151.2005. EPA encourages inland and seagoing vessels in this size class to use alternate
measures to reduce the number of living organisms in their ballast water discharges. Interim requirements for vessels not meeting the ballast water management
measures in Part

Vessel owner/operators not subject to the requirements of Part of the permit must meet
the exchange and flushing requirements of this part as applicable. Ballast water exchange may
not be used in lieu of meeting the numeric effluent limits in Part of the permit once a
vessel is required to meet these limits. Conversely, vessel owner/operators meeting the numeric
effluent limits in Part before they are required to do so by the implementation schedule in
Part are not required to meet the exchange and flushing requirements of Part

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Final 2013 VGP Requirements for Oceangoing Voyages While Carrying Ballast Water

Any vessel that carries ballast water that was taken on in areas less than 200 nautical miles from
any shore that will subsequently operate beyond the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and more
than 200 nm from any shore must carry out an exchange of ballast water for any tanks that will
discharge ballast water into waters subject to this permit unless the vessel meets one of the
exemptions in Part

This exchange must be conducted in compliance with the following standards prior to
discharging ballast water into waters subject to this permit:

• The exchange must occur in waters beyond the U.S. EEZ;

• The exchange must occur in an area more than 200 nautical miles from any shore;
• The exchange must be commenced as early in the vessel voyage as possible, as
long as the vessel is more than 200 nm from any shore. Vessels Carrying Ballast Water Engaged in Pacific Nearshore Voyages

Unless the vessel meets one of the exemptions in Part, any vessel engaged in Pacific
nearshore voyages that carries ballast water that was taken on in areas less than 50 nautical miles
from any shore must carry out an exchange of ballast water in accordance with this Part before
discharging from any tanks that carry ballast water into waters subject to this permit if the vessel
travels through more than one COTP zone as listed in 33 CFR Part 3 or the vessel crosses
international boundaries.

Vessels engaged in Pacific nearshore voyages are:

• Vessels engaged in the Pacific coastwise trade and vessels transiting between
Pacific ports that travel between more than one Captain of the Port Zone, and
• All other vessels that sail from foreign, non-U.S Pacific, Atlantic (including the
Caribbean Sea), or Gulf of Mexico ports, which do not sail further than 200 nm
from any shore, and that discharge or will discharge ballast water into the
territorial sea or inland waters of Alaska or off the west coast of the continental
United States.

Ballast water exchange for vessels subject to this part must occur in waters more than 50 nautical
miles from any shore (US or otherwise), and in waters more than 200 meters deep, prior to
discharging ballast water into waters subject to this permit. Exchange should occur as far from
the shore, major estuary and oceanic river plumes, subsurface physical features (e.g. seamounts),
and known fishery habitats as practicable. Vessels engaged in voyages that take them further
than 200 nm from any shore and who will remain outside 200 nm for a sufficient period to
conduct exchange, are not allowed to exchange ballast water between 50 and 200 nm from shore
to meet the requirements of Part (unless the master determines that exchange farther
than 200 nm from shore would interfere with essential vessel operations or safety of the vessel
but the master determines that the vessel is able to safely exchange more than 50 nm from shore)
and instead, must conduct exchange more than 200 nm from shore in accordance with Part

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Final 2013 VGP of this permit. Vessels engaged in Pacific Nearshore Voyages who are not outside 200
nm for a sufficient period to conduct exchange may conduct exchange outside 50 nm (even if
they voyage beyond 200 nm) to meet the requirements of this part. Vessels with any Ballast Water Tanks that are Empty or have Unpumpable Residual

For vessels that travel between more than one COTP Zone while undertaking voyages described
in Part and which either reported No Ballast on Board (NOBOB) in accordance with
Coast Guard regulations or which have any ballast water tank that is empty or contains
unpumpable residual water, you must follow the applicable requirements in Part for
those tanks with ballast water. EPA notes that when the term “empty” tank is used, the Agency is
also referring to tanks that contain unpumpable residual water. For those tanks which are empty
or contain unpumpable residual water, you must either seal the tank so that there is no discharge
or uptake and subsequent discharge of ballast water within waters subject to this permit or
conduct saltwater flushing of such tanks in an area 200 nm from any shore prior to the discharge
or uptake and subsequent discharge of any ballast water to any waters subject to this permit,
unless you meet one of the exemptions in Part For the purposes of Part,
saltwater flushing means the addition of mid-ocean water to empty ballast water tanks; the
mixing of the added water with residual ballast water and sediment through the motion of the
vessel; and the discharge of the mixed water until loss of suction, such that the resulting residual
water remaining in the tank has either a salinity greater than or equal to 30 parts per thousand or
a salinity concentration equal to the ambient salinity of the location where the uptake of the
added water took place. In order to conduct saltwater flushing, the vessel should take on as much
mid-ocean water into each tank as is safe (for the vessel and crew).

For all vessel owner/operators subject to this section that contain some empty ballast water tanks
and some full ballast water tanks, if you elect to seal those empty tanks, you must not allow
water that will be discharged into waters subject to this permit to commingle with waters from
the empty tanks if you have not conducted saltwater flushing as specified above. Vessels Engaged in Pacific Nearshore Voyages with Unpumpable Ballast Water and
Residual Sediment (including NOBOBs)

Unless the vessel meets one of the exemptions in Part, any vessel engaged in Pacific
Nearshore Voyages as defined in Part which the owner/operator has reported as having
No Ballast on Board in accordance with Coast Guard regulations, or which have any ballast
water tank that is empty or contains unpumpable residual water, must follow the applicable
requirements in Part for those tanks with ballast water and Part for those
tanks which are empty or contain unpumpable residual water. Nearshore Saltwater Flushing Requirements

For those tanks which are empty or contain unpumpable residual water, you must either seal the
tank so that there is no discharge or uptake and subsequent discharge of ballast water within
waters subject to this permit or conduct saltwater flushing of such tanks in an area 50 nm from
any shore and in waters at least 200 meters deep prior to the discharge or uptake and subsequent

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Final 2013 VGP

discharge of any ballast water to or from any waters subject to this permit. For purposes of Part, saltwater flushing means the addition of water from the “coastal exchange zone” to
empty ballast water tanks; the mixing of the flush water with residual water and sediment
through the motion of the vessel; and the discharge of the mixed water, such that the resulting
residual water remaining in the tank has either a salinity greater than or equal to 30 parts per
thousand or a salinity concentration equal to the ambient salinity of the location where the uptake
of the added water took place. In order to conduct saltwater flushing, the vessel should take on as
much coastal exchange zone water into each tank as is safe (for the vessel and crew).

Vessels engaged in voyages that take them further than 200 nm from any shore and who will
remain outside 200 nm for a sufficient period to flush ballast water, are not allowed to exchange
ballast water between 50 and 200 nm from shore to meet the requirements of Part
(unless the master determines that flushing farther than 200 nm from shore would interfere with
essential vessel operations or safety of the vessel but the master determines that the vessel is able
to safely flush more than 50 nm from shore) and instead, must conduct flushing more than 200
nm from shore in accordance with Part of this permit. Vessels engaged in the coastwise
trade who are not outside 200 nm for a sufficient period to conduct flushing may flush outside 50
nm (even if they voyage beyond 200 nm) to meet the requirements of this permit.

For all vessel owner/operators subject to this part that contain some empty ballast water tanks
and some full ballast water tanks, if you elect to seal those empty tanks, you must not allow
water from the full tanks to commingle with waters from the empty tanks if it will subsequently
be discharged into waters subject to this permit. Discharge Prohibitions

Vessels referenced in Parts,,, and may not discharge
unexchanged or untreated ballast water or sediment in waters subject to this permit referenced in
Appendix G. These waters include all National Parks and National Marine Sanctuaries. Exemptions

The operator or master of a vessel may elect not to exchange ballast water (or not conduct
saltwater flushing if applicable) if the vessel meets one of the following conditions:

• The master of the vessel determines, and justifies in writing, and documents in the
log or record book, that it is unsafe to do so, in accordance with the Coast Guard
Regulations at 33 CFR Part 151. If this exemption is claimed, the vessel operator
must record the date, location, and reason for the claim in its recordkeeping
documentation. Furthermore, the vessel owner/operator must report this
information to EPA as part of its annual report.
• The master uses an alternative, environmentally sound method of ballast water
management that has been approved by the Commandant of the Coast Guard prior
to the vessel's voyage in accordance with 33 C.F.R. Part 151.
• The master retains all ballast water on board the vessel for the duration of the
vessel’s voyage in waters subject to this permit.

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Final 2013 VGP

• The vessel is not engaged in an international voyage and does not traverse more
than one U.S. Coast Guard COTP Zone.

Additionally, except for vessels entering the Great Lakes or into Appendix G waters, a vessel is
not required to deviate from its voyage, or delay the voyage to conduct ballast water exchange or
saltwater flushing. Vessels Entering the Great Lakes

In addition to complying with the requirements of this permit, all vessels that are equipped to
carry ballast water and enter the Great Lakes must comply with 33 CFR Part 151, Subpart C.
Vessels that operate outside the EEZ and more than 200 nm from any shore and then enter the
Great Lakes via the Saint Lawrence Seaway System must also comply with 33 CFR Part 401.30.
Vessels that are unable, due to weather, equipment failure, or other extraordinary condition, to
effect a BWE before entering the EEZ prior to entering the Great Lakes, must employ another
method of ballast water management listed in 33 CFR 151.1510 or otherwise comply with the
provisions of 33 CFR 151.1515.

Additionally, vessels utilizing a ballast water treatment system (see Part of the
permit) must also conduct ballast water exchange or saltwater flushing (as applicable) in addition
to treating their ballast water if they meet the following requirements:

• The vessel operates outside the EEZ and more than 200 nm from any shore and
then enters the Great Lakes via the Saint Lawrence Seaway System, and
• The vessel has taken on ballast water that has a salinity of less than 18 parts per
thousand from a coastal, estuarine, or freshwater ecosystem within the previous
month (30 days).

If a vessel affected by these requirements has not taken on ballast water with a salinity of less
than 18 parts per thousand in the previous month, the master of the vessel must certify to this
effect in their ballast water recordkeeping requirements before entering the Great Lakes. Vessels in the U.S. Coast Guard Shipboard Technology Evaluation Program

Owner/operators of vessels are not required to meet the requirements of Parts (except
Parts and and of this permit if either:

• The vessel is accepted by the U.S. Coast Guard into the Shipboard Technology
Evaluation Program (STEP),
• The technology is operated in accordance with requirements of that program, and
• The acceptance has not been withdrawn.

Owner/operators of these vessels are required to meet the requirements of Parts and of this permit.

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Final 2013 VGP

2.2.4 Anti-Fouling Hull Coatings/ Hull Coating Leachate

• All anti-fouling coatings subject to this permit must meet the requirements of the
Clean Hull Act of 2010 (33 U.S.C. §§ 3801 et seq.).
• All anti-fouling hull coatings subject to registration under FIFRA (see 40 CFR
§152.15) must be registered, sold or distributed, applied, maintained, and
removed in a manner consistent with applicable requirements on the coatings’
FIFRA label.
• For anti-fouling hull coatings not subject to FIFRA registration (i.e., not produced
for sale and distribution in the United States), hull coatings must not contain any
biocides or toxic materials banned for use in the United States (including those on
EPA’s List of Banned or Severely Restricted Pesticides). This requirement applies
to all vessels subject to this permit, including those registered and painted outside
the United States.

At the time of initial application or scheduled reapplication of anti-fouling coatings, you must
give consideration, as appropriate for vessel class and vessel operations, to the use of hull
coatings with the lowest effective biocide release rates, rapidly biodegradable components (once
separated from the hull surface), or non-biocidal alternatives, such as silicone coatings.

Some ports and harbors are impaired by copper, a biocide used commonly in anti-foulant paints.
These waters include Shelter Island Yacht Basin in San Diego, California, and waters in and
around the ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach. A complete list of such waters may be found at When vessels spend considerable time in these waters (defined as
spending more than 30 days per year), or use these waters as their home port (i.e., house boats,
ferries or rescue vessels), vessel owners/operators shall consider using anti-fouling coatings that
rely on a rapidly biodegradable biocide or another alternative rather than copper-based coatings.
If after consideration of alternative biocides, vessel operators continue to use copper-based
antifoulant paints, they must document in their recordkeeping documentation how this decision
was reached.

The discharge of Tributyltin (TBT) from any source (whether used as a biocide or not) or any
other organotin compound used as a biocide is prohibited by this permit. Therefore, vessel
owners/operators covered by this permit have a zero discharge standard for TBT (whether or not
used as a biocide) or any other organotin compound used as a biocide. You may not use an
antifoulant coating containing TBT or any other organotin compound used as a biocide. If the
vessel has previously been covered with a hull coating containing TBT (whether or not used as a
biocide) or any other organotin compound used as a biocide, vessels must be effectively
overcoated so that no TBT or other organotin leaches from the vessel hull or the TBT or other
organotin coating must have been removed from the vessel’s hull.

When used as a catalyst, an organotin compound other than TBT (e.g., dibutyltin) is not to be
present above 2500 mg total tin per kilogram of dry paint. Furthermore, the coating shall not be
designed to slough or otherwise peel from the vessel hull. Incidental amounts of coating
discharged by abrasion during cleaning or after contact with other hard surfaces (e.g., moorings)
are not prohibited.

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Final 2013 VGP

2.2.5 Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF)

Discharges of AFFF are authorized for emergency purposes when needed to ensure the safety
and security of the vessel and crew.

For vessels that sail outside of the territorial sea more than once per month, maintenance and
training discharges of fluorinated AFFF are not authorized within waters subject to this permit
(i.e., any such discharges should be collected and stored for onshore disposal or scheduled when
the vessel is outside such waters). Discharge volumes associated with regulatory certification and
inspection must be minimized and a substitute foaming agent (i.e., non-fluorinated) must be used
if possible within waters subject to this permit.

For vessels that do not leave the territorial sea more than once per month, if vessel maintenance
and training discharges are required, AFFF must be collected and stored for onshore disposal
unless the vessel uses a non-fluorinated or alternative foaming agent. Training should be
conducted as far from shore as is practicable. Maintenance and training discharges are not
allowed in port.

For all vessels, AFFF discharges may not occur in or within 1 nm of a water referenced in
Appendix G unless they are discharged:

• For emergency purposes;

• By rescue vessels such as fireboats for firefighting purposes; or
• By vessels owned or under contract to do business exclusively in or within 1 nm
of those protected areas by the United States government or state or local

If emergency AFFF discharges occur in waters referenced in Appendix G, a written explanation

must be kept in the ship’s log or other vessel recordkeeping documentation consistent with Part
4.2 of this permit.

2.2.6 Boiler/Economizer Blowdown

You must minimize the discharge of boiler/economizer blowdown in port if chemicals or other
additives are used to reduce impurities or prevent scale formation. For vessels greater than 400
gross tons which leave the territorial sea at least once per week, boiler/economizer blowdown
may not be discharged in waters subject to this permit, unless:

• The vessel remains within waters subject to this permit for a longer period than
the necessary duration between blowdown cycles;
• The vessel needs to conduct blowdown immediately before entering drydock; or
• For safety purposes.

For all vessels, boiler/economizer blowdown may not be discharged in waters referenced in
Appendix G except for safety purposes. Furthermore, boiler/economizer blowdown should be
discharged as far from shore as practicable.

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Final 2013 VGP

2.2.7 Cathodic Protection

Cathodic protection must be maintained to prevent the corrosion of the ship’s hull. The discharge
of zinc, magnesium, and aluminum are expected from properly functioning cathodic protection
sacrificial electrodes. However, vessel operators must minimize the flaking of large, corroded
portions of these anodes. Sacrificial anodes must not be used more than necessary to adequately
prevent corrosion of the vessel’s hull, sea chest, rudder, and other exposed areas of the vessel.
Vessel operators must appropriately clean and/or replace these anodes during periods of
maintenance (such as drydocking), so that release of these metals to waters is minimized.
Furthermore, when feasible, sacrificial anodes should be flush-fitted to the hull, or vessel
operators must fill the space between the anode and hull backing to remove the potential for
hotspots for fouling organisms.

Vessel operators should note that magnesium is less toxic than aluminum and aluminum is less
toxic than zinc. If vessel operators use sacrificial electrodes, they must select electrode devices
with metals that are less toxic to the extent technologically feasible and economically practicable
and achievable. For vessels that spend the majority of their time in freshwater, if aluminum or
zinc is selected, the vessel owner/operator must document in their recordkeeping documentation
why the use of magnesium is not appropriate. Likewise, for vessels that spend the majority of
their time in saltwater, if vessel zinc is selected, the vessel owner/operator must document why
aluminum is not selected. The documentation requirement is applicable after the vessel’s first
drydocking after December 19, 2013 (e.g., if the vessel drydocks in 2015, the requirement is
applicable for that vessel starting in 2015).

EPA recommends, particularly for new vessels, the use of Impressed Current Cathodic
Protection (ICCP) in place of or to reduce the use of sacrificial electrodes when technologically
feasible (e.g., adequate power sources, appropriate for vessel hull size and design), safe, and
adequate to protect against corrosion. If vessel operators use ICCP, they must maintain dielectric
shields to prevent flaking.

2.2.8 Chain Locker Effluent

The anchor chain must be carefully and thoroughly washed down (i.e., more than a cursory rinse)
as it is being hauled out of the water to remove sediment and marine organisms. In addition,
chain lockers must be cleaned thoroughly during dry-docking to eliminate accumulated
sediments and any potential accompanying pollutants. For vessels that regularly sail outside
waters subject to this permit (at least once per month), if technically feasible, periodically clean,
rinse, and/or pump out the space beneath the chain locker prior to entering waters subject to this
permit (preferably mid-ocean) if the anchor has been lowered into any nearshore waters.
Furthermore, for vessels that leave waters subject to this permit at least once per month, chain
lockers shall not be rinsed or pumped out in waters subject to this permit, unless not emptying
them would compromise safety. Such a safety claim must be documented in the vessel’s
recordkeeping documentation consistent with Part 4.2.

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Final 2013 VGP

2.2.9 Controllable Pitch Propeller and Thruster Hydraulic Fluid and Other Oil-to-
Sea Interfaces Including Lubrication Discharges from Paddle Wheel
Propulsion, Stern Tubes, Thruster Bearings, Stabilizers, Rudder Bearings,
Azimuth Thrusters, Propulsion Pod Lubrication, and Wire Rope and
Mechanical Equipment Subject to Immersion

The protective seals on controllable pitch propellers, azimuth thrusters, propulsion pods, rudder
bearings, or any other oil-to-sea interfaces must be maintained in good operating order to
minimize the leaking of hydraulic oil or other oils. The vessel owner/operator must not discharge
oil in quantities that may be harmful as defined in 40 CFR Part 110 from any oil-to-sea interface.
If possible, maintenance activities on controllable pitch propellers, thrusters, and other oil-to-sea
interfaces should be conducted when a vessel is in drydock.

Minimize maintenance activities on stern tube seals when a vessel is outside of drydock. If
maintenance or emergency repair must occur on stern tubes or other oil-to-sea interfaces which
have a potential to release oil in quantities that may be harmful as defined in 40 CFR Part 110,
appropriate spill response equipment (e.g., oil booms) must be used to contain any oil leakage.
Operators of the vessel must have ready access to spill response resources to clean up any oil

After applying lubrication to wire rope and mechanical equipment subject to immersion, wire
ropes, and other equipment must be thoroughly wiped down to remove excess lubricant unless
doing so is deemed unsafe by the Master of the vessel.

All vessels must use an EAL in all oil to sea interfaces, unless technically infeasible.
“Environmentally acceptable lubricants” means lubricants that are “biodegradable” and
“minimally-toxic” and are “not bioaccumulative” as defined in Appendix A of this permit. For
purposes of requirements related to EALs, technically infeasible means that no EAL products are
approved for use in a given application that meet manufacturer specifications for that equipment,
products which come pre- lubricated (e.g., wire ropes) have no available alternatives
manufactured with EALs, products meeting a manufacturers specifications are not available
within any port in which the vessel calls, or change over and use of an EAL must wait until the
vessel’s next drydocking.

If a vessel is unable to use an EAL, you must document in your recordkeeping documentation
consistent with Part 4.2 why you are unable to do so, and must report the use of a non-
environmentally acceptable lubricant to EPA in your Annual Report. Use of an environmentally
acceptable lubricant does not authorize the discharge of any lubricant in a quantity that may be
harmful as defined in 40 CFR Part 110.

EPA recommends that all new build vessel operators endeavor to use seawater-based systems for
their stern tube lubrication to eliminate the discharge of oil from these interfaces to the aquatic

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Final 2013 VGP

2.2.10 Distillation and Reverse Osmosis Brine

Brine from the distillation system and reverse osmosis reject water shall not contain or come in
contact with machinery or industrial equipment (other than that necessary for the production of
potable water), toxic or hazardous materials, or wastes.

2.2.11 Elevator Pit Effluent

Discharges of untreated elevator pit effluent are not authorized within waters subject to this
permit except in cases of emergency. Elevator pit effluent may be discharged into waters subject
to this permit if it is managed with the vessel’s bilgewater and meets all the requirements of Part
2.2.2 of this permit. Otherwise, it must be treated with an oily-water separator and discharged
with an oil content below 15 ppm for existing vessels, as measured by EPA Method 1664 or
other appropriate method for determination of oil content as accepted by the IMO (e.g., ISO
Method 9377) or U.S. Coast Guard. Emergency discharges must be documented in the ship’s log
or other vessel recordkeeping documentation consistent with Part 4.2.

2.2.12 Firemain Systems

Discharges from firemain systems are authorized for emergency purposes to ensure the safety
and security of the vessel and her crew, other emergency situations, and testing and inspections
of the firemain systems in order to assure its operability in an emergency. Firemain systems may
be discharged in port for certification, maintenance, and training requirements if the intake
comes directly from the surrounding waters or potable water supplies and there are no additions
(e.g., AFFF) to the discharge. Furthermore, firemain systems may be used for deck washdown or
other secondary uses if the intake comes directly from the surrounding waters or potable water
supplies and the discharge meets all relevant effluent limitations associated with that activity.
When feasible, maintenance and training should be conducted outside port and/or outside waters
subject to this permit.

The vessel owner/operator shall not discharge firemain systems in waters listed in Appendix G
except in emergency situations or when washing down the anchor chain to comply with anchor
wash down requirements in Part 2.2.8.

2.2.13 Freshwater Layup

Minimize the amount of disinfection or biocidal agents used in freshwater layup to the minimum
required to prevent aquatic growth.

2.2.14 Gas Turbine Washwater

Gas turbine washwater must not be directly discharged within waters subject to this permit.
Where feasible, gas turbine washwater must be prevented from commingling with bilgewater
that will be discharged in waters subject to this permit, for example by collecting it separately
and properly disposing of it at an onshore facility. Under no circumstances may oils, including
oily mixtures, from gas turbine washwater be discharged into waters subject to this permit in
quantities that may be harmful as determined in accordance with 40 CFR Part 110.

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2.2.15 Graywater

All vessels must minimize the discharge of graywater while in port. For those vessels that cannot
store graywater, the owner or operator and their crews must minimize the production of
graywater in port. Examples of ways to minimize production of graywater include delaying
laundry, scullery activities, and restricting length of showers while in port, and using high
efficiency faucets and showerheads. All vessels that have the capacity to store graywater shall
not discharge it in waters listed in Appendix G. For vessels that cannot store graywater, vessel
operators must minimize the production of graywater while in waters listed in Appendix G.

For vessels greater than 400 gross tons that regularly travel more than 1 nm from shore that have
the capacity to store graywater for a sufficient period, graywater must be discharged greater than
1 nm from shore while the vessel is underway, unless the vessel meets the treatment standards
and other requirements contained under Parts 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 or 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 of this permit.
Additional specific requirements for graywater apply to cruise ships (Parts 5.1 and 5.2) and large
ferries (Part 5.3).

Vessels that do not travel more than 1 nm from shore shall minimize the discharge of graywater
and, provided the vessel has available graywater storage capacity, must dispose of graywater
onshore if appropriate facilities are available and such disposal is economically practicable and
achievable unless the vessel meets the treatment standards and other requirements contained
under Parts 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 or 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 of this permit. You must also minimize the
discharge of graywater when the vessel is not underway.

If graywater will be discharged in waters subject to this permit, the introduction of kitchen oils to
the graywater system must be minimized. When cleaning dishes, you must remove as much food
and oil residue as practicable before rinsing dishes. Excess oils used in cooking, including animal
fats and vegetable oils, shall not be added to the graywater system. Under no circumstances may
oil from the galley and scullery be discharged in quantities that may be harmful as defined in 40
CFR Part 110.

Vessel owners/operators must use phosphate-free and minimally-toxic soaps and detergents, as
defined in Appendix A of this permit, for any purpose if graywater will be discharged into waters
subject to this permit. Soaps and detergents must be free from toxic or bioaccumulative
compounds and not lead to extreme shifts in receiving water pH. For purposes of this part,
extreme shifts means causing pH to fall below 6.0 or rise above 9.0 as a direct result of the

If your vessel is underway in a nutrient-impaired water, or a water that is impaired as a result of

nutrient enrichment (such as waters listed as impaired for phosphorus, nitrogen, or for hypoxia or
anoxia [low dissolved oxygen concentrations]), you must follow these additional requirements:

When the vessel has adequate graywater storage capacity, the vessel owner/operator shall not
discharge graywater into nutrient-impaired waters subject to this permit (e.g., the Chesapeake
Bay). A complete list of such waters can be found at Where the
vessel does not have adequate storage capacity to eliminate such discharges, graywater
production and discharge must be minimized in such waters. Any such discharge must be

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conducted while the vessel is underway in areas with significant circulation and depth to the
extent feasible. Graywater stored while in such waters can later be disposed of onshore or
discharged in accordance with the other requirements of this permit. Additional Graywater Requirements for Certain VGP Vessels Operating in the
Great Lakes

Any vessel operating on the Great Lakes that is not a “commercial vessel” as defined in
CWA section 312(a)(10) must meet one of the following requirements for graywater

(i) The vessel must hold all graywater for onshore discharge to an appropriate
shoreside facility (an appropriate shoreside facility is either an NPDES permitted
facility or an entity that delivers wastewater directly to an NPDES permitted
facility); or

(ii) The graywater discharge must not exceed 200 fecal coliform forming units per
100 milliliters and contain no more than 150 milligrams per liter of suspended

Vessels subject to this part must conduct monitoring required under Part to demonstrate
treatment equipment maintenance and compliance with the limits of this part. Records of the
sampling and analysis results must be retained onboard for at least 3 years in the vessel’s
recordkeeping documentation consistent with Part 4.2 of this permit. Graywater Monitoring

The following monitoring requirements are applicable to vessels which discharge graywater into
waters subject to this permit and meet one of the following conditions:

• The vessel is a new build vessel constructed on or after December 19, 2013, has a
maximum crew capacity greater or equal to 15, and provides overnight
accommodations to those crew; or
• The vessel is subject to Part of this permit.

Vessel owners/operators must collect and analyze two samples per year, collected at least 14
days apart, and report the results of those samples as part of their Annual Report. Samples must
be taken for Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), fecal coliform, suspended solids, pH, and
total residual chlorine. Vessel owner/operators may choose to conduct monitoring for e. coli in
lieu of fecal coliform. Fecal Coliform or e. coli must only be analyzed once per year if vessels
have difficulty analyzing the results within recommended holding times. Sampling and testing
shall be conducted according to 40 CFR Part 136. If the vessel is subject to Part,
measured samples must meet the standards specified in that part.
Records of monitoring information shall include:

• The date, exact place, time, and sampling port location(s) of sampling or

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• The individual(s) who performed the sampling or measurements;

• The date(s) analyses were performed;
• The individual(s) who performed the analyses;
• The analytical techniques or methods used;
• The results of such analyses; and
• Proportions of wastestreams being treated and sampled (such as mixed graywater,
mixed graywater and blackwater, and galley. If actual amounts are not available,
the estimated proportions should be provided).

Vessels subject to this part must note whether the graywater effluent is treated or untreated, and
also note whether the effluent is graywater alone or if it is mixed with another effluent type (e.g.,
graywater mixed with sewage). Records of the sampling and testing results must be retained
onboard for at least 3 years in the vessel’s recordkeeping documentation consistent with Part 4.2.

Vessels which do not enter waters subject to this permit for the calendar year need not conduct
monitoring for that year, but must clearly indicate on their Annual Report that they did not enter
waters subject to this permit during that year.

2.2.16 Motor Gasoline and Compensating Discharge

The discharge of motor gasoline and compensating effluent must not have oil in quantities that
may be harmful as defined in 40 CFR §110.3, which includes discharges resulting in a visible
sheen, or an oil concentration that exceeds 15 ppm. Determination of oil concentration may be
measured by EPA Method 1664 or other appropriate method for determination of oil content as
accepted by the IMO (e.g., ISO Method 9377) or U.S. Coast Guard. Compliance with the 15 ppm
oil concentration limitation may be established with visual monitoring for an oily sheen.
Minimize discharge of motor gasoline and compensating discharge in port. If an oily sheen is
observed, the vessel operator must deploy appropriate oil containment practices. Vessels shall
not discharge motor gasoline and compensating discharge in waters subject to this permit listed
in Appendix G.

2.2.17 Non-Oily Machinery Wastewater

If discharged directly overboard, non-oily machinery wastewater, technical water, or potable

water must be free from oils in quantities that may be harmful pursuant to 40 CFR Part 110 and
any additives that are toxic or bioaccumulative in nature. Non-oily machinery wastewater may
also be drained to the bilge.

Any discharge of packing gland or stuffing box effluent must not contain oil, including oily
materials, in quantities that may be harmful. These discharges must not produce a visible sheen
of oil or oily materials.

2.2.18 Refrigeration and Air Condensate Discharge

You must not allow refrigeration and air condensate discharge to come into contact with oily or
toxic materials if it is discharged directly overboard. Refrigeration and air conditioning
condensate that is collected and plumbed for internal recycling (e.g., recycled as “technical

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water”) is allowed to commingle with oily water; however, the commingled discharge must meet
all requirements of Part 2.1.4 of this permit and Part 2.2.2 of this permit if applicable.

2.2.19 Seawater Cooling Overboard Discharge (Including Non-Contact Engine

Cooling Water; Hydraulic System Cooling Water, Refrigeration Cooling Water)

When possible, non-contact engine cooling water, hydraulic system cooling water, refrigeration
cooling water and other seawater cooling overboard discharges should occur when the vessel is
underway to minimize any thermal impacts to the receiving water.

To reduce the production and discharge of seawater cooling overboard discharge, EPA
recommends that vessel owner/operators use shore-based power when the vessel is in port if:

• Shore power is readily available for vessel owner/operators from utilities or port
• Shore-based power supply systems are capable of providing all needed electricity
required for vessel operations; and
• The vessel is equipped to connect to shore-based power and such systems are
compatible with the available shore power.

Maintenance of all piping and seawater cooling systems must meet the requirements of Part
2.2.20 (Seawater-Piping Biofouling Prevention).

2.2.20 Seawater Piping Biofouling Prevention

Seawater piping biofouling chemicals subject to FIFRA registration (see 40 CFR §152.15) must
be used in accordance with their FIFRA label. No pesticides or chemicals banned for use in the
United States may be discharged into waters subject to this permit.

Vessel owner/operators must use the minimum amount of biofouling chemicals needed to keep
fouling under control. Discharges containing active agents must contain as little chlorine as

Vessel owner/operators must remove fouling organisms from seawater piping on a regular basis
and dispose of removed substances in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations.
Removed fouling organisms shall not be discharged into waters subject to this permit and EPA
recommends that if discharged into any waters, should be discharged more than 50 nm from
shore. Vessel owner/operators should remove any organisms while at sea where technically
feasible to reduce the risk of invasive species introduction in ports.

2.2.21 Boat Engine Wet Exhaust

Vessel engines generating wet exhaust must be maintained in good operating order, well tuned,
and function according to manufacturer specifications to decrease pollutant contributions to wet
exhaust. Vessel owner/operators should use low sulfur or alternative fuels for their vessels to
reduce the concentration of pollutants in discharges from boat engine wet exhaust.

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EPA encourages vessel operators to consider four stroke engines instead of two stroke engines
for vessels generating wet exhaust that are covered under this permit. Use of a four stroke engine
may minimize the discharge of pollutants to waters subject to this permit. Where vessels utilize
two stroke engines, environmentally acceptable lubricants (as defined in Appendix A of this
permit) must be used unless technologically infeasible. If technologically infeasible, the vessel
owner/operator must document in their recordkeeping documentation why they are not using
environmentally acceptable lubricants.

2.2.22 Sonar Dome Discharge

The water inside the sonar dome shall not be discharged into waters subject to this permit for
maintenance purposes. Vessel operators should not use biofouling chemicals that are
bioaccumulative for the exterior of sonar domes when non-bioaccumulative alternatives are

2.2.23 Underwater Ship Husbandry and Hull Fouling Discharges

Vessel owners/operators must minimize the transport of attached living organisms when
traveling into U.S. waters from outside the U.S. economic zone or between Captain of the Port
(COTP) zones. Management measures to minimize the transport of attached living organisms
include selecting an appropriate anti-foulant management system and maintaining that system, in
water inspection, cleaning, and maintenance of hulls, and thorough hull and other niche area
cleaning when a vessel is in drydock.

Whenever possible, rigorous hull-cleaning activities should take place in drydock, or at a land-
based facility where the removal of fouling organisms or spent antifouling coatings paint can be
contained. If water-pressure-based systems are used to clean the hull and remove old paint, you
must use facilities which treat the washwater prior to discharging to waters subject to this permit
in order to remove the antifouling compound(s) and fouling growth from the washwater. If
mechanical means (scraping, etc.) are used to clean the hull and remove old paint, the materials
removed from the hull during that process must be collected and disposed of properly (e.g.,
onshore). These materials must not be allowed to contaminate nearby waters.

Vessel owners/operators who remove fouling organisms from hulls while the vessel is
waterborne must employ methods that minimize the discharge of fouling organisms and
antifouling hull coatings. These shall include:

• Use of appropriate cleaning brush or sponge rigidity to minimize removal of

antifouling coatings and biocide releases into the water column;
• Limiting use of hard brushes and surfaces to the removal of hard growth; and
• When available and feasible, use of vacuum or other control technologies to
minimize the release or dispersion of antifouling hull coatings and fouling
organisms into the water column.

Vessel owners/operators must minimize the release of copper-based antifoulant paints during
vessel cleaning operations. Cleaning of hull surfaces coated with copper-based antifoulant paint
must not result in any visible cloud or plume of paint in the water; if a visible cloud or plume of

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paint develops, shift to a softer brush or less abrasive cleaning technique. A plume or cloud of
paint can be noted by the presence of discoloration or other visible indication that is
distinguishable from hull growth or sediment removal. Production of a plume or cloud of
sediment or hull growth is normal in some cases during vessel hull cleaning, but this plume or
cloud must be substantially paint free (e.g., paint should not be clearly identifiable in the plume
or cloud). When feasible, attempts must be made to minimize the release of fouling organisms
and antifouling systems (including copper-based coatings) into surrounding waters.

Vessels that use copper-based anti-fouling paint must not clean the hull in copper-impaired
waters within the first 365 days after paint application unless there is a significant visible
indication of hull fouling. EPA maintains a list of copper-impaired waters on its webpage at If you clean before 365 days after paint application in copper-
impaired waters, you must document in your recordkeeping documentation why this early
cleaning was necessary.

2.2.24 Welldeck Discharges

Welldeck discharges that contain graywater from smaller vessels should not be discharged within
waters subject to this permit except in cases of emergency. Welldeck discharges from washdown
of gas turbine engines may not be discharged within waters subject to this permit. Welldeck
discharges from equipment and vehicle washdowns must be free from garbage and must not
contain oil in quantities that may be harmful as defined in 40 CFR Part 110.

2.2.25 Graywater Mixed with Sewage from Vessels

The commingled discharge of graywater mixed with sewage from vessels must comply with the
effluent limits for graywater discharge in Part 2.2.15 or Part 5 of this permit if applicable.
Though not a requirement of this permit, vessel owner/operators are advised that all discharges
commingled with sewage must meet the requirements set forth in section 312 of the CWA and its
implementing regulations found at 40 CFR Part 140 and 33 CFR Part 159. Hence, discharges of
graywater mixed with sewage must meet both standards to be in compliance with the CWA.

2.2.26 Exhaust Gas Scrubber Washwater Discharge

Exhaust gas scrubber washwater discharge must not contain oil, including oily mixtures, in
quantities that may be harmful as determined in accordance with 40 CFR Part 110. Sludge or
residues generated in treating exhaust gas scrubber washwater discharge must not be discharged
in waters subject to this permit and must be delivered ashore to adequate reception facilities.

In addition, owner/operators of vessels with exhaust gas cleaning systems that result in
washwater discharges must meet the numeric effluent limits found in Part and the
monitoring requirements found in Part this permit. These limits are consistent with the
IMO washwater guidelines set forth in section 10 for Exhaust Gas Cleaning (EGC) Systems
(resolution MEPC.184(59)). Among other things, these guidelines recommend the establishment
of limits for concentrations of pollutants in the effluent.

Page 54 of 194
Final 2013 VGP Exhaust Gas Scrubber Washwater Discharge Standards pH

The discharge of washwater from the exhaust gas scrubber treatment system must have a pH of
no less than 6.0 measured at the ship’s overboard discharge, with the exception that during
maneuvering and transit, the maximum difference between inlet and outlet of 2.0 pH units is
allowed. This difference is to be measured at the ship’s inlet and overboard discharge. PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)

The maximum continuous PAH concentration in the washwater must not be greater than 50 μg/L
PAHphe (phenanthrene equivalence) above the inlet water PAH concentration for washwater
flow rates normalized to 45 t/MWh. MWh refers to the maximum continuous rating (MCR) or 80
percent of the power rating of the fuel oil combustion unit. For the purposes of this criterion, the
PAH concentration in the washwater must be measured downstream of the water treatment
equipment, but upstream of any washwater dilution or other reactant dosing unit, if used, prior to

The 50-μg/L limit is adjusted upward for lower washwater flow rates per MWh, and vice-versa,
and the applicable permit limits are contained in Table 7.

Table 7: PAH Permit Limits in Exhaust Gas Scrubber Discharge

Flow Rate Discharge Concentration Limit Measurement Technology

(t/MWh) (μg/L PAHphe equivalents)
0-1 2,250 Ultraviolet Light
2.5 900 Ultraviolet Light
5 450 Fluorescence 2
11.25 200 Fluorescence
22.5 100 Fluorescence
45 50 Fluorescence
90 25 Fluorescence

For a 15-minute period in any 12-hour period, the continuous PAH concentration limit may
exceed the limit described above by 100 percent. This is to allow for an abnormal start up of the
exhaust gas scrubber unit. Turbidity

The washwater treatment system must be designed to minimize suspended particulate matter,
including heavy metals and ash. The maximum turbidity (monitored continuously) in washwater
must not be greater than 25 FNU (formazin nephelometric units) or 25 NTU (nephelometric
turbidity units) or equivalent units, above the inlet water turbidity. However, during periods of

For any flow rate greater than 2.5 t/MWh fluorescence technology should be used.

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high inlet turbidity, the precision of the measurement device and the time lapse between inlet
measurement and outlet measurement are such that the use of a difference limit is unreliable.
Therefore, all turbidity difference readings must be a rolling average over a 15-minute period to
a maximum of 25 FNU or NTU. For the purposes of this criterion, the turbidity in the washwater
must be measured downstream of the water treatment equipment but upstream of washwater
dilution (or other reactant dosing) prior to discharge. For a maximum of one 15-minute period
within any 12-hour period, the continuous turbidity discharge limit may be exceeded by 20
percent. Nitrates +Nitrites

The washwater treatment system must prevent the discharge of nitrates, plus nitrites beyond that
associated with a 12 percent removal of NOx from the exhaust, or beyond 60 mg/l normalized for
washwater discharge rate of 45 tons/MWh, whichever is greater. MWh refers to the MCR or 80
percent of the power rating of the fuel oil combustion unit. For the purposes of this criterion, the
nitrate concentration in the washwater must be measured downstream of the water treatment
equipment, but upstream of any washwater dilution or other reactant dosing unit, if used, prior to

The 60-mg/L limit is adjusted upward for lower washwater flow rates per MWh, and vice-versa,
and the applicable permit limits are contained in Table 8.

Table 8: Nitrates + Nitrites Permit Limits in Exhaust Gas Scrubber Discharge

Flow Rate Discharge Concentration Limit

(t/MWH) (mg/L nitrate + nitrite)
0-1 2,700
2.5 1,080
5 640
11.25 240
22.5 120
45 60
90 30 Exhaust Gas Scrubber Analytical Monitoring Requirements Continuous Monitoring

The data recording system must comply with the guidelines in sections 7 and 8 of
MEPC.184(59) and must continuously record pH, PAH (as available), and turbidity. The vessel
owner/operator must continuously monitor for PAH discharges where continuous monitoring
technologies (e.g., probes/analyzers) are available (availability should include the technology’s
robustness, reliability and ability to perform over for a minimum of two years). When the EGC
system is operated in waters subject to this permit, the washwater monitoring and recording must
be continuous. The values monitored and recorded must include pH, PAH (as available),
turbidity, and temperature.

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The pH electrode and pH meter must have a resolution of 0.1 pH units and temperature
compensation. The electrode must comply with the requirements defined in BS 2586 or of
equivalent or better performance and the meter should meet or exceed BS EN ISO 60746-

The PAH monitoring equipment must be capable of monitoring PAH in water in a range of at
least twice the discharge concentration limit given in the table above. A demonstration must be
made that the equipment operates correctly and does not deviate more than 5 percent in
washwater with turbidity within the working range of the application. For those applications
discharging at lower flow rates and higher PAH concentrations, ultraviolet light monitoring
technology or equivalent should be used due to its reliable operating range.

The turbidity monitoring equipment must meet requirements defined in ISO 7027:1999 or
USEPA 180.1.

All continuous monitoring equipment must be calibrated as recommended by probe

manufacturers or Exhaust Gas scrubber manufacturers. At a minimum, all probes must be
calibrated at least annually. EPA expects many probe types (e.g., turbidity probes) will need to
be calibrated on a more frequent basis. Analytical Monitoring

In addition to the continuous monitoring found in Part of this permit, vessel
owner/operators must collect and analyze two samples in the first year of permit coverage or
system operation, whichever is first, for each of the constituents analyzed in Part to
demonstrate treatment equipment maintenance, probe accuracy, and compliance with this permit.
Samples must not be collected within 14 days of each other. Samples must be collected for inlet
water (for background), water after the scrubber (but before any treatment system), and
discharge water. For all vessels, one of those samples may be conducted as part a vessel’s
annual or other survey, and during the first year, one of those sampling events may be conducted
as part of the installation of the system to ensure it is functioning properly.

After the first year, samples must be collected at least once per calendar year for inlet water (for
background), water after the scrubber (but before any treatment system), and discharge water,
and may be collected as part of the vessel’s annual survey as appropriate. Records of the
sampling and testing results must be retained onboard for a period of 3 years in the vessel’s
recordkeeping documentation consistent with Part 4.2. Analytes for Analytical Monitoring

Vessels conducting monitoring as required by Part must monitor for the following
parameters, choosing either sufficiently sensitive EPA Part 136 methods or other methods if
specifically allowed:

• Dissolved and Total Metals, including, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper,

Lead, , Nickel, Selenium, Thallium, Vanadium, and Zinc (recommend using EPA
Methods 200.8 or 200.9. Because matrix interference is a known issue for arsenic
and selenium in saltwater samples, the Agency strongly recommends operators
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using Octopole Reaction Cell ICP-MS, Dynamic Reaction Cell ICP-MS, hydride
generation with a graphite furnace, or other appropriate approach consistent with
200.8 or 200.9 to minimize this interference);
• PAHs including Acenaphthylene, Acenaphthene, Anthracene Benz[a]anthracene,
Benzo[ghi]perylene, Benzo[a]pyrene, Benzo[b]fluoranthene +,
benzo[k]fluoranthene, Chrysene, Dibenz[a,h]anthracene, Fluoranthene, Fluorene,
Indeno[1,2,3,c,d]pyrene, Naphthalene, Phenanthrene, and Pyrene (recommend
using EPA Methods 550.1, 610, 625, 8100, 8270c, 8310);
• Nitrate-Nitrite (recommend using EPA Method 353.2);
• pH (using Standard Methods (SM) 4500-H B); Monitoring Reporting

Vessel owners/operators must submit all monitoring data to EPA electronically, unless exempted
from electronic reporting consistent with Part 1.14 of this permit. Monitoring data must be
submitted at least once per calendar year no later than February 28 of the following year on the
vessel annual report. Data must be submitted on or attached to the exhaust gas scrubber DMR
available in Appendix H of this permit or submitted to EPA electronically. The system is
scheduled to be available at Data may be submitted as part of the
vessel’s annual report.

2.2.27 Fish Hold Effluent

All reasonable steps must be taken to prevent the discharge of excess fish hold water and ice
while the vessel is stationary at the pier. If large solid pieces of fish waste are contained in the
fish hold effluent (e.g., fish heads, internal organs) the fish hold effluent may not be discharged
while the vessel is pierside and stationary, unless a physical separation method is used (e.g., ½
inch coarse screens or smaller, a screened hose having ½ inch screen openings or smaller, filters,
or other methods to remove large solids).

Solid fish waste must be disposed of shoreside on land or at sea (but outside of harbors or other
protected and enclosed coastal waters, and other areas where EPA has found that such deposits
could endanger health, the environment, or ecological systems in a specific location under the
Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act, 33 U.S.C 1412(d)).

Except for discharges from holding tanks for the sole purpose of keeping the catch alive during
transit by pumping continuous “once through” ambient water into and through the tank prior to
immediate discharge (e.g., crabbing/lobster vessels), if you are unloading your catch at a shore-
based seafood processor or other pier and a shore-based discharge facility is available and
economically achievable, you must discharge your effluent (including dirty ice) to that shore-
based facility instead of discharging to surrounding waters if:

• Its use is economically achievable, and

• The facility has a valid NPDES permit, or
• That facility discharges to an NPDES-permitted sewage treatment facility.

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Do not discard any unused live bait overboard, unless you caught that bait in that waterbody or
watershed. Unused live bait purchased from a bait shop or dealer may not be discharged
overboard unless the vessel operator has documentation from the dealer that the bait was caught
in that waterbody.

2.3 Additional Water Quality-Based Effluent Limits

The requirements in Part 2.3 constitute the water quality-based effluent limitations in this permit.
These water quality-based effluent limitations supplement this permit’s effluent limitations in
Parts 2.1, 2.2, 2.3.2 and 5 of this permit.

2.3.1 Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations

Your discharge must be controlled as necessary to meet applicable water quality standards in the
receiving water body or another water body impacted by your discharges.

EPA generally expects that compliance with the other conditions in this permit, including Parts
2.1, 2.2, and 5, will control discharges as necessary to meet applicable water quality standards. If
at any time you become aware, or EPA determines, that your discharge causes or contributes to
an exceedance of applicable water quality standards, you must take corrective actions as required
in Part 3; you must also report the exceedance(s) to EPA as required in Parts 1.14 and 4.4.1.

EPA may impose additional water quality-based limitations on a site-specific basis, or require
you to obtain coverage under an individual permit, if information in your NOI (if applicable),
required reports, or from other sources indicates that, after meeting the water quality-based
limitations in this part, your discharges are not controlled as necessary to meet applicable water
quality standards, either in the receiving water body or another water body impacted by your
discharges. EPA or an authorized representative of EPA may inform vessel owner/operators of
specific requirements.

2.3.2 Discharges to Water Quality Impaired Waters

Impaired waters or “water quality limited segment[s]” are those which have been identified by a
state or EPA pursuant to section 303(d) of the CWA as not meeting applicable state water quality
standards. Impaired waters may include both waters with EPA-approved or EPA-established
Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), and those for which EPA has not yet approved or
established a TMDL. Discharges to Impaired Waters without an EPA-Approved or Established


If you discharge to an impaired water without an EPA-approved or established TMDL, you are
required to comply with the requirements in Part 2.3.1, including any additional requirements
that EPA may impose pursuant to that part. Note that this provision also applies to situations
where EPA determines that your discharge is not controlled as necessary to meet water quality
standards in another water body, even if your discharge is to a receiving water that is not
specifically identified on a section 303(d) list of impaired waters.

Page 59 of 194
Final 2013 VGP Discharges to Impaired Waters with an EPA-Approved or Established TMDL

If you discharge to an impaired water with an EPA-approved or established TMDL and EPA or
state TMDL authorities have informed you that a Waste Load Allocation (WLA) has been
established that applies specifically to your vessel’s discharges, to discharges from vessels in
your vessel class or type, or to discharges from vessels in general, your discharge must be
consistent with the assumptions and requirements of that WLA. If such a WLA exists, EPA will
inform you if any additional limits or controls are necessary for your discharge to be consistent
with the assumptions of any available WLA in the TMDL, or whether an individual permit
application is necessary in accordance with Part 1.8.1. Note that this provision also applies to
situations where EPA determines that your discharges are covered by the WLA in an EPA-
approved or established TMDL for another water body, even if your discharge is to a receiving
water that is not specifically identified on a section 303(d) list.

If an applicable TMDL exists either individually or categorically for your vessel or vessel class
(including disallowing discharges from your vessel), EPA and/or state TMDL agencies will
inform vessel owners/operators of specific requirements.

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The corrective action requirements in Part 3 in no way impair EPA’s or an authorized

representative acting on EPA’s behalf to require remedies to bring a vessel owner/operator into
compliance with this permit as soon as possible. On a case-by-case basis, EPA may take
enforcement action to require any remedy or corrective action necessary to achieve compliance
as quickly as possible, including more stringent time tables than those listed in this part.

3.1 Problems Triggering the Need for Corrective Action

If any of the following problems are identified, you must take action to ensure that the problem is
eliminated and will not be repeated:

• You violate one or more effluent limits in Part 2 or Part 5 or any other
requirement of this permit, or an inspection or evaluation of your vessel by an
EPA official or an official agent acting on EPA’s behalf determines that
modifications to the control measures are necessary to meet the effluent limits;
• You become aware, or EPA determines, that your measures do not control
discharges as stringently as necessary to meet applicable water quality standards;
• You find, or EPA determines, that your pollution control measures or best
management practices are not being properly operated and maintained, or are not
having the intended effect in minimizing pollutant discharges.

Problems might be identified through: the routine visual inspections or comprehensive annual
inspections required by this permit under Part 4; any other inspection or evaluation of your
operations by you, a government official, or anyone else; or through any other means.

3.2 Corrective Action Assessment

Following the identification of any of the problems listed in Part 3.1, you must conduct a
corrective action assessment into the nature, cause, and potential options for eliminating these
problems. The assessment must include the following:

• A description of the problem(s) discovered (e.g., the release of untreated ballast

water not meeting the effluent limit, spilling oil in quantities that may be harmful
as defined in 40 CFR Part 110), including the date, time, and locations on the
vessel where it occurred, the types of impacts observed, and the name, title, and
signature of the person who identified the problem and of the person who
recorded the problem.
• An explanation of the cause of the problem(s), if known. If unknown at the time
of the assessment, provide an indication of what steps will be taken to determine
the cause.
• A description of the corrective actions to be taken necessary to eliminate the
problem(s), and a schedule of activities for completing such actions within the
timeframes established in Part 3.3.

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• An indication of whether the corrective action requires the vessel to be in drydock

and, if so, the next planned date the vessel will be dry-docked.
• Once the corrective action is implemented, record the date(s) and time(s) of the
action, a description of the corrective action implemented, and the name, title, and
signature of the person recording this information.

You must retain the findings of your corrective action assessment in your recordkeeping
documentation or in your ship’s log (pursuant to Part 4.2), signed and certified in accordance
with Part 1.7 of this permit.

3.3 Deadlines for Eliminating Problem

Corrective action with respect to many permit requirements can be accomplished immediately.
These requirements include, but are not limited to, housekeeping and certain operation and
maintenance requirements. In these situations, you must return to compliance immediately.

Restoring compliance with some permit requirements may require additional time for the vessel
owner/operator to reasonably correct the problem. The following deadlines apply for eliminating
the problem identified in Part 3.1 depending on the type of corrective action that must be taken:

• Corrective actions that can be accomplished with relatively simple adjustments to

your control measures, using existing personnel and resources, and not requiring
the vessel to be in drydock: you must address the underlying cause of the
noncompliance and return to compliance and/or complete necessary adjustments
or repairs as soon as possible but no later than 2 weeks after the discovery of the
problem, or, if leaving waters subject to this permit, before the expiration of the 2-
week period or before reentering waters subject to this permit, whichever is later.
• Corrective actions that require new parts, require equipment or parts that are not
onboard the vessel or readily available, or require the installation of new
equipment, not requiring the vessel to be in drydock: you must address the
underlying cause of the noncompliance and return to compliance and/or complete
necessary repairs no later than 3 months after the discovery of the problem, or, if
leaving waters subject to this permit, before the expiration of the 3-month period
or before reentering waters subject to this permit, whichever is later. However, if
completing repairs within 3 months is impracticable, you must complete repairs as
soon as possible after 3 months and document the reason why more time is
needed as part of your corrective action assessment.
• For corrective actions that require large or comprehensive renovations,
alterations, or repairs to the vessel that can only be achieved while the vessel is in
drydock: you must address the underlying cause of the noncompliance and return
to compliance and/or complete necessary renovations or repairs prior to re-
launching the vessel from drydock or prior to reentering waters subject to this
permit following the next drydock, whichever is later.

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3.4 Effect of Corrective Action

If the initial occurrence of the problem in Part 3.1 constitutes a violation of the permit,
conducting the Part 3.2 assessment and correcting the problem according to Part 3.3 does not
absolve you of liability for this original violation. However, failure to comply with Parts 3.2
and/or 3.3 constitutes an additional permit violation. EPA will consider the appropriateness and
promptness of corrective action in determining enforcement responses to permit violations.

EPA may impose additional requirements and schedules of compliance, including requirements
to submit additional information concerning the condition(s) triggering corrective action or
schedules and requirements more stringent than specified in this permit. Those requirements and
schedules will supersede those of Part 3.3 if such requirements conflict. EPA may also notify
you that an individual permit application is necessary in accordance with Part 1.8.1.

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4.1 Self Inspections and Monitoring

You must conduct the following inspections of your vessel. Please see the accompanying Fact
Sheet for guidance on how these requirements apply to vessels frequently outside waters subject
to this permit.

4.1.1 Routine Visual Inspections

Except as provided below, a routine visual inspection must be conducted at least once per week
or per voyage, whichever is more frequent, unless the vessel meets the requirements for extended
unmanned period inspections in Part of this permit, or unless multiple voyages occur in a
single day. If vessel owners/operators engage in multiple voyages per day, they need not conduct
inspections on every voyage, but must conduct inspections at least once per day. The term
“voyage” for purposes of the VGP is defined in Appendix A of this permit.

Routine visual inspections should be conducted on a schedule that coincides with other routine
vessel inspections if feasible. Conduct routine visual inspections of all accessible areas addressed
in this permit, including, but not limited to cargo holds, boiler areas, machinery storage areas,
welldecks, and other deck areas. Ensure these areas are clear of garbage, exposed raw materials,
oil, any visible pollutant or constituent of concern that could be discharged in any waste stream,
that pollution prevention mechanisms are in proper working order, and pollution prevention
procedures are in place to minimize the addition of pollutants to any waste stream. At a
minimum, the routine visual inspection must verify to the extent feasible that requirements of
Part 2.1 are being met and document any instances of noncompliance. Your routine visual
inspection must also include a visual inspection of safely accessible deck and cargo areas and all
accessible areas where chemicals, oils, dry cargo, or other materials are stored, mixed, and used,
whether or not the areas have been used since the last inspection. A ship’s watch must include
visual monitoring of the water around and behind the vessel for visible sheens, dust, chemicals,
abnormal discoloration or foaming, and other indicators of pollutants or constituents of concern
originating from the vessel. Particular attention should be paid to deck runoff, ballast water, and
bilgewater. If you identify or are made aware that pollutants or constituents of concern are
originating from your vessel in a manner that violates the limitations in this permit, you must
initiate corrective actions, as described in Part 3 of this permit. Vessel owners/operators may
conduct these inspections as part of meeting their existing (or updated) international safety
management code (ISM) safety management system (SMS) plan obligations, provided that those
inspections meet the minimum requirements discussed above.

In situations where multiple voyages occur within a one-week period, you may choose to
conduct a limited visual inspection addressing only those areas that may have been affected by
activities related to the docking and cargo operations conducted during each voyage instead of
conducting a full routine visual inspection per voyage (or per day, if there are multiple voyages
in one day). If you employ such an approach, you must conduct a full visual inspection of the
vessel at least once per week.

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Final 2013 VGP Documentation of the Routine Visual Inspection

You must document the findings of each routine visual inspection in the official ship logbook or
as a component of other recordkeeping documentation referenced in Part 4.2. You must
document the date and time of inspection, ship locations inspected, personnel conducting the
inspection, location of any visual sampling and observations, note any potential problems and
sources of contamination found, and it must be signed by the person conducting the inspection, if
not the Master. For limited visual inspections, you need only initial that the inspections were
conducted as an addendum to the documentation of the full “weekly” visual inspection, unless
additional potential problems or contamination is found.

The person conducting the inspection must be a signatory under 40 CFR §122.22. A signatory
includes the person in charge (e.g., the Master), or his or her duly authorized representative. The
records of routine visual inspections must be made available to EPA or its authorized
representative upon request. Vessel operators must initiate corrective actions, as required under
Part 3 of this permit, for any of the conditions listed in Part 3.1 that are identified in their
inspections. Extended Unmanned Period (EUP) Inspections

A vessel is considered to be in an extended unmanned period (EUP) if the vessel is temporarily

(e.g., for storage or repair) unmanned, fleeted, jacked-up, or otherwise has its navigation systems
and main propulsion shut down (e.g., a vessel in drydock or extended lay-up) for 13 days or
greater. During an EUP, a vessel owner/operator may elect to either continue conducting
routine inspections of the vessel consistent with Part 4.1.1 of this permit, or he or she may
conduct an EUP Inspection. The EUP inspection is an alternative inspection for fleeted, jacked-
up, or similarly situated vessels, which routinely go into temporary or extended periods of lay-

Vessel owners/operators may conduct EUP inspections in lieu of routine visual inspections if
they are up-to-date with all other inspection and reporting requirements found in Part 4 of this
permit (including routine and annual inspections) and the vessel owner/operator must not have
received any VGP-related notices of violation or faced any VGP-related enforcement action from
EPA within the previous 24 months.

The EUP inspection consists of three primary components: a pre lay-up inspection, a periodic
external observation of the vessel and surrounding waters, and a post lay-up routine visual
inspection. Each is explained in greater detail below.

Immediately before a vessel is placed in an EUP, the vessel operator must conduct the pre lay-up
inspection, which will consist of:

• A routine visual inspection consistent with Part 4.1.1 of this permit.

• Ensuring Part 2.1.1, material storage and Part 2.1.2, toxic and hazardous material
requirements are met.
• Ensuring all oils and oily machinery are properly secured, covered, and protected.
Any spilled or leaked oils must be cleaned up immediately. If machinery or

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equipment is leaking oil, the leaks must be stopped or appropriate containment

must be in place to capture any leaking oil.
• Documenting whether automatic bilge water pump(s) will be engaged on the
vessel during the EUP.
• Documenting the amount of fuel on board.
• Documenting the amount of ballast water on board.
• Documenting the date the EUP began.

While a vessel is in EUP, the owner/operator or an authorized representative must examine the
outside of the vessel and surrounding waters at least once every two weeks for any evidence of
leaks, loss of cargo, or any other spills which might result in an unauthorized discharge. If any
deficiencies are observed while the vessel is in EUP, the vessel owner/operator must document
those deficiencies and the corrective actions taken to resolve those deficiencies. If a visible sheen
is noted on the surface of the surrounding water, the source of the oil must be identified and
corrective action must be taken immediately. Furthermore, EPA must be notified of the visible
sheen in accordance with Part 4.4 of this permit. If these inspections are conducted as part of the
routine operations of a fleeter or similar vessel caretaker, the vessel owner/operator does not
need to keep recordkeeping documentation onboard the vessel if the owner/operator has
electronic access to all records (including records of a fleeter or other caretaker kept in a central
office), and those records are made immediately available to EPA or its authorized representative
upon request. See Part 4.2.1 of this permit for electronic recordkeeping requirements.

While a vessel is in EUP, the only applicable monitoring and inspection requirements are those
specified in this Part Once a vessel reenters service and is no longer considered to be in
EUP, it must comply with all previously applicable monitoring and inspection requirements.

Before a vessel reenters service, the vessel owner/operator must conduct a post lay-up routine
visual inspection. As part of this inspection, the owner/operator must document the date the EUP
ended, whether fluids (e.g., fuel, ballast water) are at their pre-EUP levels, and whether any spills
or leaks of oily materials are observed. Any deficiencies noted must be corrected before the
vessel reenters service.

4.1.2 Analytical Monitoring

Analytical monitoring requirements for specific discharge types are identified in Parts 2.2.2,
2.2.3, 2.2.15, and 2.2.26 of this permit, and for specific vessel types in Part 5 of this permit.

4.1.3 Comprehensive Annual Vessel Inspections

Comprehensive vessel inspections must be conducted by qualified personnel at least once every
12 months. Qualified personnel include the Master or owner/operator of the vessel, if
appropriately trained, or appropriately trained marine or environmental engineers or technicians
or an appropriately trained representative of a vessel’s class society acting on behalf of the

Comprehensive annual inspections must cover all areas of the vessel affected by the
requirements in this permit that can be inspected safely and without forcing a vessel into

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drydock. Special attention should be paid to those areas most likely to result in a discharge,
likely to cause or contribute to exceedances of water quality standards in the receiving waterbody
or another water body impacted by your discharges, or violate effluent limits established in this
permit. Areas that inspectors must examine include, but are not limited to:

• The vessel hull, including niche areas, for fouling organisms, flaking anti-foulant
paint, exposed TBT or other organotin surfaces;
• Ballast water tanks, as applicable;
• Bilges, pumps, and oily water separator (OWS) sensors, as applicable;
• Oil discharge monitoring system and electronic valve switching function, as
• Protective seals for lubrication and hydraulic oil;
• Oil and chemical storage areas, cargo areas, and waste storage areas; and
• All visible pollution control measures to ensure that they are functioning properly.

If any portions of the vessel are not inspectable without the vessel entering drydock, the vessel
owner/operator must inspect these areas during their drydock inspection. For areas not accessible
during the annual inspection, vessel owner/operators must document that these areas of the
vessel were not accessible and inspectable in their recordkeeping documentation.

The annual inspections must also include a review of monitoring data collected in accordance
with Part 5 if applicable, and routine maintenance records to ensure that required maintenance is
being performed (e.g., annual tune-ups for small boats that have wet exhaust). Vessel
owner/operators must also consider the results of the past year’s visual and analytical monitoring
when planning and conducting inspections. Furthermore, the inspection must verify whether all
monitoring, training, and inspections are logged and documented according to permit

When a comprehensive annual vessel inspection schedule overlaps with a routine visual
inspection required under Part 4.1.1 of this permit, the comprehensive annual vessel inspection
may also be used to meet the requirement of conducting the routine visual inspection, provided
that all conditions of both types of inspections described in this permit are met.

If any inspection reveals deficiencies that would result in a violation of the effluent limits in
Parts 2 and 5, or indicates that a control measure is not functioning as anticipated or is in need of
repair or upgrade, you must take corrective action to resolve such deficiencies in accordance
with Part 3. You must record all findings and results from your annual inspection in your
vessel’s recordkeeping documentation or logbook.

4.1.4 Drydock Inspection Reports

Vessel owner/operators must make any dry-dock reports prepared by the class society or their
flag administrations available to EPA or an authorized representative of EPA upon request. If
you do not have a dry-dock report from either of these entities, you must prepare your own dry-
dock report and it must be made available to EPA or an authorized representative of EPA upon
request. The dry-dock report must note that:

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• The chain locker has been cleaned and/or flushed in accordance with the
requirements of Part 2.2.8 of this permit ( to remove sediment, living organisms,
and other constituents of concern as applicable);
• The vessel hull, propeller, rudder, thruster gratings, sea chest, and other surface
and niche areas of the vessel have been inspected for attached living organisms
and those organisms have been removed or neutralized;
• Any antifoulant hull coatings have been applied, maintained, and removed
consistent with the FIFRA label if applicable; any exposed existing or any new
coating does not contain biocides or toxics that are banned for use in the United
States under the Clean Hull Act of 2010 (33 U.S.C. §§ 3801 et seq.);
• For all cathodic protection, anodes or dialectic coatings have been cleaned and/or
replaced to reduce flaking; and
• All pollution control equipment is properly functioning.

4.2 Recordkeeping

Vessels covered by this permit must keep records on the vessel or accompanying tug that include
the following information (as applicable):

1. Owner/Vessel information:
a. Name,
b. Owner and Vessel IMO Number (official number if IMO number not
c. Vessel type,
d. Owner or operator company name,
e. Owner or operator certifying official’s name,
f. Address of owner/operator,
g. Gross tonnage,
h. Call sign, and
i. Port of Registry (Flag).

2. Voyage Log. Include the dates and ports of arrival, vessel agent(s), last port and
country of call, and next port and country of call (when known).

3. If you have any violation of any effluent limit, you must document the violation.
You must also record:
a. A description of the violation,
b. Date of the violation,
c. Name, title, and signature of the person who identified the violation,
d. Name, title, and signature of the person who is recording the violation (if
different from person who identified the violation),
e. If a Corrective Action Assessment pursuant to Part 3.2 is needed, attach a
copy or indicate where the corrective action assessment is stored, and
f. If a Corrective Action Assessment was previously conducted pursuant to
Part 3.2 (and revisions are not needed for this violation of the effluent
limit), a reference to that previous corrective action assessment.

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4. Log of findings and any deficiencies and problems identified during routine visual
inspections and extended unmanned inspections (if applicable) conducted under
Part 4.1.1, including a discussion of any corrective actions taken as required by
Part 3, if applicable. Include date, inspector’s name, findings, and corrective
actions planned or taken. If no deficiencies or problems are found during a routine
visual inspection, the vessel owner/operator shall record that the inspection was
completed with the inspector’s name and date. Routine visual inspections and
extended unmanned inspections (if applicable) must be recorded as completed
according to Part 4.1.1.

5. Analytical results of all monitoring referenced in Part 4.1.2, including sample

documentation, results, and laboratory quality assurance (QA) documentation.

6. Log of findings from comprehensive annual vessel inspections conducted under

Part 4.1.3, including a discussion of any corrective actions planned or taken
required by Part 3. Include date, inspector’s name, findings, and a description of
the corrective actions taken.

7. Log of findings from drydock inspections conducted under Part 4.1.4 including a
discussion of any corrective actions planned or taken required by Part 3. Include
date, inspector’s name, findings, and a description of the corrective actions taken.

8. Record of any specific water quality based requirements in Part 2.3 given to your
vessel by EPA or its authorized representative and how you have met those

9. Additional maintenance and discharge information to be recorded and kept in a

log on the vessel:
a. Deck maintenance. Record dates, materials used, application process, etc.
for any significant maintenance of the deck surface(s) (e.g., more than
routine, daily cleaning activities, such as cleaning, sweeping, scraping, or
touch-up paint).
b. Bilgewater. Record dates, location, oil concentration (for MARPOL
vessels) or visible sheen observation (non-MARPOL vessels), and
estimated volume of bilgewater discharges. Record the same information
for bilgewater disposed of at onshore locations.
c. Paint application. Record dates, materials used, application process, etc.
for any antifouling paint applied to the vessel.
d. AFFF. Record dates, estimated volumes, and constituents of any
discharges of AFFF.
e. Chain locker inspections. Record dates of inspections and any rinsing
conducted within waters subject to this permit.
f. Controllable pitch propeller, stern tube, and other oil-to-sea interface
maintenance. Record dates and locations of any maintenance of

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controllable pitch propellers that occurs while the vessel is in waters

subject to this permit.
g. Any emergencies requiring discharges otherwise prohibited to waters
listed in Appendix G.
h. Gas Turbine Water Wash. Record dates and estimated volume of any
discharge of gas turbine washwater within waters subject to this permit. If
hauled or disposed of onshore, record log hauler and volume.
i. Estimated volume and location of graywater discharged while in waters
subject to this permit.
j. Technical data sheets (MSDS) for all EALs used in Oil-to-Sea interfaces
onboard the vessel. Document whether the EAL registered under a
labeling program (e.g., DfE, Blue Angel). If it is technically infeasible to
use an EAL in an Oil-to-Sea application, include documentation as to the

10. All other documentation required pursuant to this permit.

11. Record of training completed as required by this permit, and where applicable,
strategy for passenger training. For purposes of this part, if vessel
owners/operators include their training plans as part of their ISM or similar
environmental management plans, and they can document that they fully
implement those plans, they will meet the recordkeeping requirements of this part.

Vessel owner/operators may keep paper or electronic records on the vessel or accompanying tug.
All electronic recordkeeping must meet the requirements found in Part 4.2.1 of this permit.

Owners/operators of unmanned, unpowered barges need not maintain records for numbers 2, 5,
9, and 11 above. However, owners/operators of unmanned, unpowered barges must provide a
history of areas where the vessel has operated and applicable general maintenance records to
EPA upon request. If barge operators are unable to make applicable general maintenance
records and a history of where the vessel has been available to EPA upon request (e.g., promptly
retrieve those data from the vessel owner), they must maintain the records for numbers 2, 5, 9,
and 11 on the vessel or accompanying tug.

It is not the intention of this permit to require separate records for the Coast Guard and EPA.
Rather, vessels can harmonize their recordkeeping practices, where appropriate, so that records
are not unnecessarily duplicative. For example, information can be logged with maintenance
records, the ship’s log, in existing ISM/SMS plans or recordkeeping, the oil record book,
shipboard oil pollution emergency plan, or other additional recordkeeping documentation as
appropriate but must be provided to EPA or its authorized representative if requested. Operators
may choose how these records will be maintained, but must retain these records on the vessel for
a period of 3 years.

Certification of accurate information is required for all NOIs, NOTs, the PARI form, and any
report (including any monitoring data) submitted to EPA, pursuant to Parts 1.7 of this permit and
40 CFR §122.22. The vessel owner/operator must retain copies of all reports, certifications,
records, monitoring data, and other information required by this permit, and records of all data

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used to complete the NOI to be covered by this permit, for a period of at least 3 years from the
date that your coverage under this permit expires or is terminated.

The vessel master, owner/operator, or person in charge shall make available to EPA or an
authorized representative from EPA all records kept under this part upon request.

4.2.1 Electronic Recordkeeping

For purposes of the VGP, records may be kept electronically if the records are:

• In a format that can be read in a similar manner as a paper record,

• Legally dependable with no less evidentiary value than their paper equivalent, and
• Accessible to the inspector during an inspection to the same extent as a paper
copy stored on the vessel would be, if the records were stored in paper form.

4.3 Additional Recordkeeping for Vessels Equipped with Ballast Tanks

Except for vessels operating exclusively within one Captain of the Port Zone, for vessels
equipped with ballast tanks that are bound for a port or place in the United States, you must meet
the recordkeeping requirements of 33 CFR Part 151.

The master, owner, operator, or person in charge of a vessel bound for a port or place in the
United States must keep written records that include the following information:

1. Total ballast water information. Include the total ballast water capacity, total
volume of ballast water on board, total number of ballast water tanks, and total
number of ballast water tanks in ballast. Use units of measurements such as metric
tons (MT), cubic meters (m3), long tons (LT), and short tons (ST).

2. Ballast water management. Include the total number of ballast tanks/holds that are
to be discharged into the waters of the United States or to a reception facility.
Indicate whether the vessel has a ballast water management plan and IMO
guidelines on board, and whether the ballast water management plan is used.

3. Information on ballast water tanks that are to be discharged into waters subject to
this permit or to a reception facility. Include the following:
a. The origin of ballast water. This includes date(s), locations(s) (including
latitude and longitude and port [if relevant]), volume(s), and
temperatures(s). If a tank has been exchanged, list the loading port of the
ballast water that was discharged during the exchange.
b. The date(s), location(s) (including latitude and longitude), volume(s),
method, thoroughness (percentage exchanged if exchange conducted), sea
height at time of exchange if exchange conducted, of any ballast water
exchanged or otherwise managed.
c. Specific records pertaining to treated ballast water (see Part of the

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d. The expected date, location, volume, and salinity of any ballast water to be
discharged into the waters of the United States or a reception facility.

4. Discharge of sediment. If sediment is to be discharged into a facility within the

jurisdiction of the United States, include the location of the facility where the
disposal will take place.

The ballast water reporting forms must be kept on board the vessel and must be submitted to the
National Ballast Information Clearinghouse (NBIC) before arriving to U.S. ports as required by
the U.S. Coast Guard. In addition, crude oil tankers engaged in the Coast Wise trade are also
required to submit their ballast water reporting forms to the NBIC as a requirement of this
permit. In addition, all vessels which conduct saltwater flushing as required by Part and
Part of the permit, but do not report saltwater flushing to the NBIC, must instead keep a
record of saltwater flushing to meet the requirements of this permit.

4.4 Reporting

4.4.1 Annual Report

For each vessel, owners/operators are required to submit an Annual Report for each year that
they have active permit coverage. For vessels which must file NOIs, this means for as long as
they have an active NOI. For vessels which need not file an NOI, they maintain active coverage
as long as they are operating in waters subject to this permit, provided they have signed and
maintain a copy of the PARI form. Annual Reports must be completed each calendar year and
submitted by February 28 of the following year (e.g., the 2014 annual report will be due by
February 28, 2015). A separate 2013 annual report will not be required; instead, any relevant
information from December 19, 2013 – December 31, 2013 (if applicable) must be included in
the annual report for the 2014 calendar year. Permittees covered under the 2008 VGP must
submit reports of all instances of noncompliance which occur before December 18, 2013 to EPA
consistent with the terms of that permit.

All analytical monitoring results must be submitted to EPA as part of the Annual Report.

The vessel owner/operator shall complete the Annual Report form provided in Appendix H of
this permit and submit it to EPA electronically. It can be completed online by accessing EPA’s
main NPDES vessel webpage (available via or through EPA’s eNOI
system (

The vessel owner/operator shall respond to all questions accurately and completely, and provide
the necessary information and/or data to support each response. Unless one of the exceptions in
Part 1.14 is met, the vessel owner/operator must submit each Annual Report electronically in
accordance with the procedures described in Part 1.14 of this permit.

If you are eligible to submit a hard copy of the Annual Report, you must send your completed
annual report to EPA HQ (Attn: Vessel Annual Report, Mail Code 4203M, 1200 Pennsylvania
Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460). Hard copy reports must be postmarked by February 21 of

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the following calendar year (i.e., the 2014 annual report must be postmarked by February 21,

The Annual Report replaces the annual noncompliance report and one-time report requirements
found in the 2008 VGP. All instances of noncompliance must be reported as part of the Annual

4.4.2 Combined Annual Reports for Unmanned, Unpowered Barges or Vessels less
than 300 Gross Tons

Operators of unmanned, unpowered barges or other vessels less than 300 gross tons (e.g., small
tug boats) may submit a single annual report (referred to as the Combined Annual Report) for
multiple vessels and/or barges, provided all of the following conditions are met:

• The answers for each barge or vessel for which the report is to be submitted are
the same;
• Each barge or vessel was not required to conduct any analytical monitoring;
• The Combined Annual Report is submitted electronically;
• There were no instances of noncompliance for any barge or vessel and no
instances of identified deficiencies by EPA or its authorized representatives
during any inspections during the previous 12 months; and
• Each barge or vessel has an NOI permit number or, if not required to submit an
NOI, a commonly used unique identifier (e.g., registration number) so EPA can
identify the vessel. For vessels less than 300 gross tons which have not submitted
an NOI, the unique identifier numbers must be entered on the combined annual

Vessel owners/operators of unmanned, unpowered barges or vessels less than 300 gross tons may
submit a Combined Annual Report for some or most of their fleet, or submit individual Annual
Reports if they prefer. Individual Annual Reports are required for any barges or other vessels
which are not eligible for the Combined Annual Report, as specified above.

4.4.3 Reportable Quantities of Hazardous Substances or Oil

Although not a requirement of this permit, if a discharge contains oil or a hazardous substance in
an amount equal to or in excess of a harmful or reportable quantity established under 40 CFR
Part 110, 40 CFR Part 117, or 40 CFR Part 302, during a 24-hour period, the National Response
Center (NRC) must be notified (dial 800-424-8802 or 202-426-2675 in the Washington, DC
area). Also, within 14 calendar days of knowledge of the release, the date and description of the
release, the circumstances leading to the release, responses to be employed for such releases, and
measures to prevent recurrences of such releases must be recorded in your recordkeeping
documentation consistent with Part 4.2 of this permit.

Where a discharge of hazardous substances or oil in excess of reportable or harmful quantities

occurs, such discharge is not authorized by this permit and may also be a violation of section 311
of the CWA, 33 USC §1321. Note that these spills must be reported as described above. Also
applicable are of the CWA and certain provisions of sections 301 and 402 of the CWA.

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Final 2013 VGP

4.4.4 Additional Reporting

In addition to the reporting requirements stipulated in Part 4 of this permit, you are also subject
to the standard permit reporting provisions referenced in Part 1.13.

Where applicable, you must submit the following information to the appropriate EPA Regional
Office listed in Appendix B for the location in which the instance(s) of noncompliance occurred:

• 24-hour reporting – You must report any noncompliance which may endanger
health or the environment. Any information must be provided orally within 24
hours from the time you become aware of the circumstances.
• 5-day follow-up reporting to the 24-hour reporting – A written submission must
also be provided within five days of the time you become aware of the

If you report to the NRC as referenced in Part 4.4.3 of the permit, you do not need to complete
reporting under this part.

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Final 2013 VGP


You must comply with the requirements of Part 5 of this permit, Vessel-Class-Specific
Requirements, associated with your vessel class in addition to any applicable requirements that
apply to all vessels specified elsewhere in this permit.

5.1 Large Cruise Ships (authorized to carry 500 people or more for hire)

The requirements in Part 5.1 apply to vessel discharges from cruise ships providing overnight
accommodations (i.e., cruise ships with onboard sleeping facilities) to passengers and authorized
to carry 500 people or more for hire.

5.1.1 Additional Effluent Limits Graywater Management Graywater Discharge Location and Rate

Pierside Limits – While pierside, appropriate onshore reception facilities for graywater must be
used unless the vessel treats graywater with a device to meet the standards in Part If
such facilities are not reasonably available and you do not have the capacity to treat graywater to
meet the standards in Part, you must hold the graywater until the vessel is underway
and not in waters subject to this permit. Appropriate reception facilities are those authorized for
use by the port authority or local municipality and that treat the discharge in accordance with its
NPDES permit.

Operational Limits – You must meet the following restriction:

• While operating within 3 nm from shore, discharges of graywater are prohibited

unless they meet the effluent standards in Part

Limits Applicable to Operation in Nutrient Impaired Waters – If you operate in nutrient-impaired

waters including, but not limited to, the Chesapeake Bay or the territorial sea surrounding the
mouth of the Mississippi River in the Gulf of Mexico, you must:

• Not discharge any graywater in nutrient-impaired waters subject to this permit

unless the length of voyage in that water exceeds the vessel’s holding capacity for
graywater; and
• Minimize the discharge of any graywater into nutrient-impaired waters subject to
this permit, which may require minimizing the production of graywater; and
• If your vessel’s holding capacity for graywater is exceeded, treat such excess
graywater (above the vessel holding capacity) by a device meeting the standards
in Part prior to discharge into nutrient-impaired waters subject to this
permit; or
• Dispose of the graywater at an onshore facility which will discharge the effluent
under a valid NPDES permit.

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Final 2013 VGP

A list of nutrient impaired waters is available at Graywater Treatment Standards

The discharge of treated graywater must meet the following standards:

1. The discharge must satisfy the minimum level of effluent quality specified in 40
CFR §133.102;

2. The geometric mean of the samples from the discharge during any 30-day period
may not exceed 20 fecal coliform/100 milliliters (ml) and not more than 10
percent of the samples may exceed 40 fecal coliform/100 ml; and

3. Concentrations of total residual chlorine may not exceed 10.0 micrograms per
liter (µg/l). Sculleries and Galleys

Cruise ship owners/operators must use soaps and detergents that are phosphate-free, minimally-
toxic, and biodegradable. Degreasers must be minimally-toxic if they will be discharged as part
of any waste stream. Other Materials

Waste from mercury-containing products, dry cleaners or dry cleaner condensate, photo
processing labs, medical sinks or floor drains, chemical storage areas, and print shops using
traditional or non-soy-based inks and chlorinated solvents must be prevented from entering the
ship’s graywater, blackwater, or bilgewater systems if water from these systems will be
discharged into waters subject to this permit. Preventing these wastes from entering these
systems can be accomplished by plugging all drains that flow to the graywater, blackwater, or
bilge systems in areas where these wastes are produced and creating alternate waste receptacles
or replumbing drains to appropriate holding tanks.

Vessel owners/operators must not discharge any toxic materials, including products containing
acetone, benzene, or formaldehyde into salon and day spa sinks or floor drains if those sinks or
floor drains lead to any system which will be discharged into waters subject to this permit. This
includes using these materials on passengers (or crew) and rinsing residuals into these sinks.
Alternate waste receptacles or holding tanks must be used for these materials. Addition of these
materials to any systems which will discharge into waters subject to this permit is a permit
violation. Pool and Spa Discharges

Discharges of pool or spa water to waters listed in Appendix G are not authorized under this
permit. Discharges from pools and spas are authorized into non-Appendix G waters subject to
this permit, provided pool and spa water to be discharged is dechlorinated and/or debrominated,
and discharge occurs while the vessel is underway. To be considered dechlorinated, the total
residual chlorine in the pool or spa effluent must be less than 100 µg/l if the pool or spa water is

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Final 2013 VGP

discharged without going through an Advanced Wastewater Treatment System (AWTS). To be

considered debrominated, the total residual oxidant in the pool or spa effluent must be below 25
µg/l if the pool or spa water is discharged without going through an AWTS. Pool and spa water
may be added to the graywater treatment systems; however, any resultant discharge must meet
all standards and requirements found in Part and must be dechlorinated and/or
debrominated as applicable.

5.1.2 Monitoring Requirements Untreated Graywater

The discharge of untreated graywater by large cruise ships is not authorized in waters subject to
this permit. Any discharge of untreated graywater within waters subject to this permit must be
reported to EPA as an incidence of noncompliance on the vessel’s Annual Report. Treated Graywater

Prior to entering waters of the United States, vessel operators must demonstrate that they have an
effective treatment system that complies with the standards in Part if they will
discharge graywater within 3 nm of shore. Initial Monitoring

In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the treatment system, the vessel operator must take at
least five (5) samples from the vessel on different days over a 30-day period that are
representative of the treated effluent to be discharged. A vessel owner/operator that submitted
data to EPA for a vessel’s discharge from an AWTS under the 2008 VGP requirements or has
already received certification for continuous discharges from an AWTS and submitted data to the
U.S. Coast Guard to meet the requirements of Section 1411(b) of Title XIV, Pub. L. 106-554
(Dec. 31, 2000, 114 Stat. 2763) [Certain Alaska Cruise Ship Operations] (codified at 33 USC
1901 note) does not need to conduct initial monitoring, and may instead immediately commence
maintenance monitoring consistent with Part of this permit.

Initial monitoring must be done within the first 90 days of permit coverage, within 90 days of
AWTS installation onboard the vessel, or before vessels discharge into waters subject to this
permit, whichever is later. Samples must be taken for BOD, fecal coliform, suspended solids,
pH, and total residual chlorine. Furthermore, samples must be taken for E. coli, total phosphorus
(TP), ammonia, nitrate/nitrite, and Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN). Sampling and testing shall be
conducted according to 40 CFR Part 136. If the measured samples meet the standards specified
in Part, then the owner/operator has demonstrated the effectiveness of their treatment
system for controlling their graywater discharge. Records of the sampling and testing results
must be retained onboard for a period of 3 years in the vessel’s recordkeeping documentation.
Records of monitoring information shall include:

• The date, exact place, time, and sampling port location(s) of sampling or
• The individual(s) who performed the sampling or measurements;

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Final 2013 VGP

• The date(s) analyses were performed;

• The individual(s) who performed the analyses;
• The analytical techniques or methods used;
• The results of such analyses; and
• Proportions of wastestreams being treated and sampled (such as mixed graywater,
mixed graywater and blackwater, and galley. If actual amounts are not available,
the estimated proportions should be provided).

Analytical results for total residual chlorine below the method detection limit shall be deemed
compliant with the effluent limits, provided the permittee uses a testing method with a detection
limit no higher than 10.0 µg/L under ideal conditions. EPA recommends Method SM4500-CL G
(DPD Colorimetric Method) for these purposes as it is able to reach 10 µg/L under ideal
conditions and so meets these requirements. SM4500-Cl G is typically the method that Alaska
Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC)/U.S. Coast Guard uses for compliance

Testing and reporting for total residual chlorine is not required if chlorine is not used as
disinfectant in the wastewater treatment works process and no water is drained to the graywater
system from water with onboard chlorine additions (e.g., swimming pools, spas). Maintenance Monitoring

After demonstrating the effectiveness of their system, vessel owners/operators must collect and
analyze one sample per quarter for each of the constituents listed in Part to demonstrate
treatment equipment maintenance and compliance with this permit for any quarter the vessel
discharges graywater into waters subject to this permit. Furthermore, samples must be taken for
E. coli, total phosphorus (TP), ammonia, nitrate/nitrite, and Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN).
Regardless of whether a vessel has discharged into waters subject to this permit, maintenance
monitoring must be conducted at least once per year or vessels must re-conduct initial
monitoring in accordance with Part before discharging into waters subject to this
permit. Records of the sampling and testing results must be retained onboard for a period of 3
years in the vessel’s recordkeeping documentation. Monitoring Reporting

The owner/operator must submit data showing that the graywater standards are achieved by their
treatment system to EPA electronically or to EPA, ATTN: VGP Cruise Ship Monitoring Results,
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., MC 4203M, Washington, DC 20460 if they are eligible for a waiver
under part 1.14 of this permit. Initial sampling data must be submitted at least 7 days before
entering waters subject to this permit, within 90 days of obtaining permit coverage, or within 90
days of AWTS installation onboard the vessel, whichever is later. Maintenance monitoring data
must be submitted at least once per calendar year no later than February 28 of the following year
(e.g., 2014 data must be submitted by February 28, 2015). Data must be submitted on DMRs
available in Appendix H and/or Appendix I of this permit or submitted to EPA electronically: the
system is scheduled to be available at Maintenance monitoring data
may be submitted as part of the vessel’s annual report (Appendix H) .

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Final 2013 VGP Reserved Authority

Even if owners/operators have demonstrated their systems meet the standards in Part, if
EPA, its authorized representative, or the U.S. Coast Guard sample their graywater effluent and
find that they are not meeting these standards, the cruise ship owners/operators are liable for
violating their effluent limits. Treated Graywater Records

The owner/operator must maintain records estimating the quantity and quality of all discharges
of treated graywater into waters subject to this permit, including date, location and volume
discharged, and pollutant concentrations monitored in their recordkeeping documentation. These
records shall be maintained as part of or in combination with the vessel’s sewage and graywater
discharge record book required under 33 CFR §159.315. Treated Pool and Spa Discharges

Vessel owners/operators must monitor chlorine or bromine concentrations (as applicable) in pool
or spa water before every discharge event using sufficiently sensitive 40 CFR Part 136 methods
if they will discharge these streams directly into waters subject to this permit to ensure that the
dechlorination/debromination process is complete. If vessel owners/operators are monitoring
bromine concentrations, they may use a field test kit which uses the colorimetric method in lieu
of 40 CFR Part 136 methods to ensure waters have been debrominated, provided that test kit has
a method detection limit no higher than 50 µg/l. You must record the location of the discharge,
the estimated volume of the discharge, and the concentration of chlorine or bromine (as
applicable). Records of this monitoring must be kept with other graywater monitoring records.

For chlorine, analytical results below the method detection limit shall be deemed compliant with
the effluent limits, provided the permittee uses a testing method with a detection limit no higher
than 10.0 µg/L under ideal conditions. EPA recommends Method SM4500-CL G (DPD
Colorimetric Method) for these purposes as it is able to reach 10 µg/L under ideal conditions and
so meets these requirements. SM4500-Cl G is typically the method that ADEC/USCG uses for
compliance monitoring. For bromine, analytical results below the method detection limit shall be
deemed compliant with the effluent limits, provided the permittee uses a testing method with a
detection limit no higher than 50.0 µg/l.

5.1.3 Educational and Training Requirements

The crews of cruise ships play a key role in minimizing the discharge of pollutants from cruise
ship operations and passengers. Therefore, cruise ship operators must provide the following
educational and training requirements to ship personnel:

• The ship’s crew members who actively take part in the management of a
discharge or who may affect any discharge must receive training regarding
shipboard environmental procedures and must be able to demonstrate proficiency
in implementing these procedures;
• Advanced training in shipboard environmental management procedures must be
provided for those directly involved in managing specific discharge types or areas
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Final 2013 VGP

of the ship and these crew members must be able to demonstrate proficiency in
implementing these procedures; and
• Appropriate reprimand procedures must be developed for crew whose actions lead
to violations of any effluent limit set forth in this permit or procedures established
by the cruise ship operator to minimize the discharge of pollutants.

Cruise ships must also educate passengers on their potential environmental impacts. The goals of
these education efforts must include preventing trash from entering any waste stream,
eliminating the addition of unused soaps, detergents, and pharmaceuticals to the graywater or
blackwater systems, and minimizing production of graywater. This can be accomplished in a
variety of ways including, but not limited to, posting signage and informational material in
guestrooms and common areas, incorporating environmental information passenger orientation
presentations or packages at the start of cruises, incorporating this information into additional
lectures and seminars, or broadcasting information via loudspeakers.

Vessel owners/operators must also meet all training-related recordkeeping requirements of Part
4.2 of this permit.

5.2 Medium Cruise Ships (authorized to carry 100 to 499 people for hire)

The requirements in Part 5.2 apply to vessel discharges from cruise ships providing overnight
accommodations (i.e., cruise ships with onboard sleeping facilities) to passengers and authorized
to carry between 100 and 499 people for hire.

5.2.1 Additional Effluent Limits Graywater Management

All medium cruise ships must meet all requirements of this part, including the requirements of
Parts, unless they are a vessel unable to voyage more than 1 nm from shore and were
constructed before December 19, 2008. Medium cruise ships unable to voyage 1 nm from shore
and constructed before December 19, 2008 must meet the requirements in Parts,,, 0,,, and 5.2.3. Graywater Discharge Location and Rate

Pierside Limits – While pierside, appropriate onshore reception facilities for graywater must be
used, unless the vessel treats graywater with a device to meet the standards in Part If
such facilities are not reasonably available and you do not have the capacity to treat graywater to
meet the standards in Part, you must hold the graywater until the vessel is underway
and not in waters subject to this permit. Appropriate reception facilities are those authorized for
use by the port authority or local municipality and that treat graywater in accordance with its
NPDES permit.

Operational Limits – You must meet the following restrictions: while operating within 3 nm
from shore, discharges of graywater are prohibited unless they meet the effluent standards in Part

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Final 2013 VGP

Limits Applicable to Operation in Nutrient Impaired Waters – If you operate in nutrient-impaired

waters including, but not limited to, the Chesapeake Bay or the territorial sea surrounding the
mouth of the Mississippi River in the Gulf of Mexico, you must:

• Not discharge any graywater in nutrient-impaired waters subject to this permit

unless the length of voyage in that water exceeds the vessel’s holding capacity for
graywater; and
• Minimize the discharge of any graywater into nutrient-impaired waters subject to
this permit, which may require minimizing the production of graywater; and
• If your vessel’s holding capacity for graywater is exceeded, treat such excess
graywater (above the vessel-holding capacity) by a device meeting the standards
in Part prior to discharge into nutrient-impaired waters subject to this
permit; or
• Dispose of the graywater at an onshore facility which will discharge the effluent
under a valid NPDES permit.

A list of nutrient-impaired waters is available at Graywater Treatment Standards

The discharge of treated graywater must meet the following standards:

1. The discharge must satisfy the minimum level of effluent quality specified in 40
CFR §133.102;

2. The geometric mean of the samples from the discharge during any 30-day period
may not exceed 20 fecal coliform/100 milliliters (ml) and not more than 10
percent of the samples exceed 40 fecal coliform/100 ml; and

3. Concentrations of total residual chlorine may not exceed 10.0 micrograms per
liter (µg/l). Sculleries and Galleys

Cruise ship owners/operators must use soaps and detergents that are minimally-toxic, phosphate
free, and biodegradable. Degreasers must be minimally-toxic if they will be discharged as part of
any waste stream. Other Materials

Waste from mercury-containing products, dry cleaners or dry cleaner condensate, photo
processing labs, medical sinks or floor drains, chemical storage areas, and print shops using
traditional or non-soy based inks and chlorinated solvents must be prevented from entering the
ship’s graywater, blackwater, or bilgewater systems if water from these systems will ever be
discharged into waters subject to this permit. Preventing these wastes from entering these
systems can be accomplished by plugging all drains that flow to the graywater, blackwater, or

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Final 2013 VGP

bilge systems in areas where these wastes are produced and creating alternate waste receptacles
or replumbing drains to appropriate holding tanks.

Vessel owners/operators must not discharge any toxic materials, including products containing
acetone, benzene, or formaldehyde into salon and day spa sinks or floor drains if those sinks or
floor drains lead to any system which will be discharged into waters subject to this permit. This
includes using these materials on passengers (or crew) and rinsing residuals into these sinks.
Alternate waste receptacles or holding tanks must be used for these materials. Addition of these
materials to any systems which will discharge into waters subject to this permit is a permit
violation. Graywater Discharge Location and Rate for Vessels Built before December 19, 2008
unable to voyage 1 nm from shore

While pierside, appropriate onshore reception facilities for graywater must be used if available
and their use is economically achievable (unless the vessel treats graywater with a device to meet
the standards in Part Appropriate reception facilities are those authorized for use by
the port authority or local municipality and that treat the discharge in accordance with its NPDES

If such facilities are not available and you do not have the capacity to treat graywater to meet the
standards in Part, you must hold the graywater unless the vessel is underway and sailing
at a speed of at least 6 knots in a water that is not listed in Appendix G. When operating in
nutrient impaired waters subject to this permit, you must not discharge any graywater into those
waters subject unless the length of voyage in that water exceeds the vessel’s holding capacity for
graywater, and minimize the discharge of any graywater into nutrient-impaired waters subject to
this permit, which may require minimizing the production of graywater. Pool and Spa Discharges

Discharges of pool or spa water to waters listed in Appendix G are not authorized under this
permit. Discharges from pools and spas are authorized into non-Appendix G waters subject to
this permit, provided pool and spa water to be discharged is dechlorinated and/or debrominated,
and discharge occurs while the vessel is underway. To be considered dechlorinated, the total
residual chlorine in the pool or spa effluent must be less than 100 µg/l if the pool or spa water is
discharged without treatment through an AWTS. To be considered debrominated, the total
residual oxidant in the pool or spa effluent must be below 25 µg/l if the pool or spa water is
discharged without going through an AWTS. Pool and spa water may be added to the graywater
treatment systems; however, any resultant discharge must meet all standards and requirements
found in Part and must be dechlorinated and/or debrominated as applicable.

5.2.2 Monitoring Requirements Untreated Graywater

The owner/operator must maintain records estimating all discharges of untreated graywater into
waters subject to this permit, including date, location, and volume discharged in their

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Final 2013 VGP

recordkeeping documentation. These records can be maintained as part of the vessel’s sewage
and graywater discharge record book required under 33 CFR §159.315. Treated Graywater

Prior to entering waters of the United States, vessel operators must demonstrate that they have an
effective treatment system that complies with the standards in Part if they will
discharge graywater within 1 nm of shore. Initial Monitoring

In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the treatment system, the vessel operator must take at
least five (5) samples taken from the vessel on different days over a 30-day period that are
representative of the treated effluent to be discharged. A vessel owner/operator that submitted
data to EPA for a vessel’s discharge from an AWTS under the 2008 VGP requirements or
submitted such data to the U.S. Coast Guard to meet the requirements of Section 1411(b) of Title
XIV, Pub. L. 106-554 (Dec. 31, 2000, 114 Stat. 2763) [Certain Alaska Cruise Ship Operations]
(codified at 33 USC 1901 note) does not need to conduct initial monitoring, and may instead
immediately commence maintenance monitoring consistent with Part of this permit.

Initial monitoring must be done within the first 90 days of permit coverage, within 90 days of
AWTS installation onboard the vessel, or before vessels discharge into waters subject to this
permit, whichever is later. Samples must be taken for BOD, fecal coliform, suspended solids,
pH, and total residual chlorine. Furthermore, samples must be taken for E. coli, TP, ammonia,
nitrate/nitrite, and TKN. Sampling and testing shall be conducted according to 40 CFR Part 136.
If the measured samples meet the standards specified in Part, then the owner/operator
has demonstrated the effectiveness of their treatment system for controlling their graywater
discharge. Records of the sampling and testing results must be retained onboard for a period of 3
years in the vessel’s recordkeeping documentation.
Records of monitoring information shall include:

• The date, exact place, time, and sampling port location(s) of sampling or
• The individual(s) who performed the sampling or measurements;
• The date(s) analyses were performed;
• The individual(s) who performed the analyses;
• The analytical techniques or methods used;
• The results of such analyses; and
• Proportions of wastestreams being treated and sampled (such as mixed graywater,
mixed graywater and blackwater, and galley. If actual amounts are not available,
the estimated proportions should be provided).

Analytical results for total residual chlorine below the method detection limit shall be deemed
compliant with the effluent limits, provided the permittee uses a testing method with a detection
limit no higher than 10.0 µg/L under ideal conditions. EPA recommends Method SM4500-CL G
(DPD Colorimetric Method) for these purposes as it is able to reach 10 µg/L under ideal

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Final 2013 VGP

conditions and so meets these requirements. SM4500-Cl G is typically the method that
ADEC/U.S. Coast Guard uses for compliance monitoring.

Testing and reporting for total residual chlorine is not required if chlorine is not used as
disinfectant in the wastewater treatment works process and no water is drained to the graywater
system from water with onboard chlorine additions (e.g., swimming pools, spas). Maintenance Monitoring

After demonstrating the effectiveness of their system, vessel owners/operators must collect and
analyze one sample per quarter for each of the constituents listed in Part to demonstrate
treatment equipment maintenance and compliance with this permit. Records of the sampling and
testing results must be retained onboard for a period of 3 years in the vessel’s recordkeeping
documentation. Monitoring Reporting

The owner/operator must submit data showing that the graywater standards are achieved by their
treatment system to EPA electronically or to EPA, ATTN: VGP Cruise Ship Monitoring Results,
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., MC 4203M, Washington, DC 20460 if the vessel owner/operator is
eligible for waiver under part 1.14 of this permit. Initial sampling data must be submitted at least
7 days before entering waters subject to this permit, within 90 days of obtaining permit coverage,
or within 90 days of AWTS installation onboard the vessel, whichever is later. Maintenance
monitoring data must be submitted at least once per calendar year no later than February 28 of
the following year (e.g., 2014 data must be submitted by February 28, 2015). Data must be
submitted on DMRs available in Appendix H and/or Appendix I of this permit or submitted to
EPA electronically. The system is scheduled to be available at
Maintenance monitoring data may be submitted as part of the vessel’s Annual Report. Reserved Authority

Even if owners/operators have demonstrated their system meets the standards in Part, if
EPA, its authorized representative, or the U.S. Coast Guard sample their graywater effluent and
find that they are not meeting these standards, the cruise ship owners/operators are liable for
violating their effluent limits. Treated Graywater Records

The owner/operator shall maintain records estimating the quantity and quality of all discharges
of treated graywater into waters subject to this permit, including date, location, and volume
discharged, and pollutant concentrations monitored in their recordkeeping documentation. These
records shall be maintained as part of or in combination with the vessel’s sewage and graywater
discharge record book required under 33 CFR §159.315. Treated Pool and Spa Discharges

Vessel owners/operators must monitor chlorine or bromine concentrations (as applicable) in pool
or spa water before every discharge event using sufficiently sensitive 40 CFR Part 136 methods

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Final 2013 VGP

if they will discharge these streams directly into waters subject to this permit to ensure that the
dechlorination/debromination process is complete. If vessel owners/operators are monitoring
bromine concentrations, they may use a field test kit which uses the colorimetric method in lieu
of 40 CFR Part 136 methods to ensure waters have been debrominated, provided that test kit has
a method detection limit no higher than 50 µg/l. You must record the location of the discharge,
the estimated volume of the discharge, and the concentration of chlorine or bromine (as
applicable). Records of this monitoring must be kept with other graywater monitoring records.

For chlorine, analytical results below the method detection limit shall be deemed compliant with
the effluent limits, provided the permittee uses a testing method with a detection limit no higher
than 10.0 µg/L under ideal conditions. EPA recommends Method SM4500-CL G (DPD
Colorimetric Method) for these purposes as it is able to reach 10 µg/l under ideal conditions and
so meets these requirements. SM4500-Cl G is typically the method that ADEC/U.S. Coast Guard
uses for compliance monitoring. For bromine, analytical results below the method detection limit
shall be deemed compliant with the effluent limits, provided the permittee uses a testing method
with a detection limit no higher than 50.0 µg/l.

5.2.3 Educational and Training Requirements

The crews of cruise ships play a key role in minimizing the discharge of pollutants from cruise
ship operations and passengers. Therefore, cruise ship operators are responsible for providing the
following educational and training requirements to ship personnel:

• The ship’s crew members who actively take part in the management of the
discharge or who may affect the discharge must receive training regarding
shipboard environmental procedures and must be able to demonstrate proficiency
in implementing these procedures;
• Advanced training in shipboard environmental management procedures must be
provided for those directly involved in managing specific discharge types or areas
of the ship and these crew members must be able to demonstrate proficiency in
implementing these procedures; and
• Appropriate reprimand procedures must be developed for crew whose actions lead
to violations of any effluent limit set forth in this permit or procedures established
by the cruise ship operator to minimize the discharge of pollutants.

Cruise ships must also educate passengers on their potential environmental impacts. The goals of
these education efforts must include preventing trash from entering any waste stream,
eliminating the addition of unused soaps, detergents, and pharmaceuticals to the graywater or
blackwater systems, and minimizing production of graywater. This can be accomplished in a
variety of ways including, but not limited to, posting signage and informational material in
guestrooms and common areas, incorporating environmental information passenger orientation
presentations or packages at the start of cruises, incorporating this information into additional
lectures and seminars, or broadcasting information via loudspeakers.

Vessel owner/operators must also meet all training-related recordkeeping requirements of Part
4.2 of this permit.

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Final 2013 VGP

5.3 Large Ferries

Ferries are vessels for hire that are designed to carry passengers and/or vehicles between two
ports, usually in inland, coastal, or near-shore waters. “Large Ferry” means a “ferry” that: a) has
a capacity greater than or equal to 100 tons of cargo (e.g., for cars, trucks, trains, or other land-
based transportation); or b) is authorized by the U.S. Coast Guard to carry 250 or more people.
All large ferries authorized to carry 100 or more tons of cars, trucks, trains, or other land-based
transportation must meet the requirements in Part (Deck Water) and Part 5.3.2 (Education
and Training). Large ferries authorized by the Coast Guard to carry 250 or more people must
also meet the requirements of Part (Graywater Management) and Part 5.3.2 (Education
and Training Requirements).

5.3.1 Additional Effluent Limits Deck Water

Large ferries may not discharge untreated below deck water from parking areas or other storage
areas for motor vehicles or other motorized equipment into waters subject to this permit without
first treating the effluent with an oily water separator or other appropriate wastewater treatment
system. Large ferry operators must use oil absorbent cloths or other appropriate spill response
resources to clean oily spills or substances from deck surfaces. Any effluent created by washing
the decks may not be discharged into the waters subject to this permit listed in Appendix G. Graywater Management Graywater Discharge Location and Rate

Pierside Limits – While pierside, appropriate onshore reception facilities for graywater must be
used, if available and their use is economically achievable, unless the vessel treats graywater to
the limits found in Part of the permit. If such facilities are not available, you must hold
the graywater if the vessel has the holding capacity and discharge the effluent while the vessel is
underway. Appropriate reception facilities are those authorized for use by the port authority or
municipality and that treat the discharge in accordance with its NPDES permit.

Operational Limits – You must also meet the following restriction: if you operate within 3 nm
from shore, discharges of graywater may only be released while the ferry is sailing at a speed of
at least 6 knots if feasible. If not feasible, you must document why in your recordkeeping

5.3.2 Educational and Training Requirements

The crews of ferries play a key role in minimizing the discharge of pollutants from ferry
operations and its passengers. Therefore, ferry operators are subject to the following

• The ship’s crew members who actively take part in the management of the
discharge or who may affect the discharge must receive training regarding

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Final 2013 VGP

shipboard environmental procedures and must be able to demonstrate proficiency

in implementing these procedures;
• Advanced training in shipboard environmental management procedures must be
provided for those directly involved in managing specific discharge types or areas
of the ship and these crew must be able to demonstrate proficiency in
implementing these procedures; and
• Appropriate reprimand procedures must be developed for crew whose actions lead
to violations of any effluent limit set forth in this permit or procedures established
by the ferry operator to minimize the discharge of pollutants.

Ferry operators must also educate passengers on their potential environmental impacts. The goals
of these education efforts should include eliminating the discharge of trash overboard,
minimizing the production of trash from parking areas or other storage areas, eliminating the
addition of unused soaps, detergents, and pharmaceuticals to the graywater or blackwater
systems, and minimizing production of graywater. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways
including, but not limited to, posting signage and informational material in common areas,
incorporating environmental information into orientation presentations, or broadcasting
information via loudspeakers.

Vessel owners/operators of large ferries must also meet all training-related recordkeeping
requirements of Part 4.2 of this permit.

5.4 Barges (such as Hopper Barges, Chemical Barges, Tank Barges, Fuel Barges, Crane
Barges, Dry Bulk Cargo Barges)

The requirements in Part 5.4 apply to vessel discharges from barges. Barges engaged in the
transportation of oil or other petroleum products must also comply with Part 5.5 of this permit.

5.4.1 Additional Effluent Limits

Barges must minimize the contact of below deck condensation with oily or toxic materials and
any materials containing hydrocarbon. Whenever barges are pumping water from below deck,
the discharge shall not contain oil in quantities that may be harmful as defined in 40 CFR Part
110. If a visible sheen, as defined in Appendix A of this permit, is noted, vessel operators must
initiate corrective action in accordance with Part 3 and meet recordkeeping requirements in Part
4.2 of this permit.

All tank barges must have spill rails and must mechanically plug their scuppers before any cargo
operations if required by vessel class society and/or 33 CFR Parts 155 and/or 156. Additionally,
scuppers, when available, must be mechanically plugged during fueling of ancillary equipment
(e.g., generators and compressors) located on the deck of the barge. If scuppers are unavailable,
other types of secondary containment should be employed. If any spills result during loading or
unloading of cargo, or other ancillary equipment fueling operations, vessel owners/operators
must completely clean up spills or residue before scuppers are unplugged.

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Final 2013 VGP

Vessel owners/operators must clean out cargo residues (i.e., broom clean or equivalent) such that
any remaining residue is minimized before washing the cargo compartment or tank and
discharging washwater overboard.

5.4.2 Supplemental Inspection Requirements

After every instance of pumping water from areas below decks, or immediately following
washing down the decks, you must conduct a visual sheen test. The visual sheen test is used to
detect free oil by observing the surface of the receiving water for the presence of an oily sheen.
The operator should focus the inspection on the area surrounding the vessel where discharges
from below deck or deck washings are discharges into the receiving water. A visible sheen is
defined in Appendix A of this permit. If a visible sheen is observed, you must initiate corrective
actions required in Part 3 of this permit and meet recordkeeping and notification (reporting)
requirements in Part 4.2 of this permit.

5.5 Oil Tankers, Petroleum Tankers, and Bulk Chemical Carriers

The requirements in Part 5.5 apply to vessel discharges from oil tankers, petroleum tankers, and
bulk chemical carriers, as well as barges engaged in transportation of oil or petroleum products.

5.5.1 Additional Authorized Discharges

For vessels which have an inert gas system, the effluent produced from inert gas scrubbers (IGS)
may be discharged into waters subject to this permit.

The discharges of water from deck seals are authorized when such seals are installed as an
integral part of an IGS system.

5.5.2 Additional Effluent Limits

Owners/operators of oil tankers must plug scuppers during cargo loading and unloading
operations to prevent the discharge of oil into waters subject to this permit. Any oil spilled must
be cleaned with oil absorbent cloths or another appropriate approach. Additionally,
owners/operators of oil tankers must comply with applicable requirements of 33 CFR §155.310
and 33 CFR Part 156, Subpart A.

Vessel owners/operators must minimize the discharge of effluent produced from inert gas
scrubbers if feasible for their vessel design.

5.5.3 Supplemental Inspection Requirements

After every instance of loading or unloading operations or immediately following washing down
the decks, you must conduct a visual sheen test. The visual sheen test is used to detect free oil by
observing the surface of the receiving water for the presence of an oily sheen. The
owner/operator should focus the inspection on the area surrounding the vessel where effluent
from loading operations or deck washings discharge into the receiving water. A visible sheen is
defined in Appendix A of this permit. If a visible sheen is observed, you must comply with all
requirements contained in Part 4.4 of this permit, initiate corrective actions required in Part 3 of

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Final 2013 VGP

this permit, and meet recordkeeping and notification (reporting) requirements in Part 4.2 of this

5.5.4 Educational and Training Requirements

The crews of oil tankers play a key role in minimizing the discharge of pollutants from vessel
operations. Therefore, oil tanker operators are subject to the following requirements:

• The ship’s crew members who actively take part in the management of the
discharge or who may affect the discharge must receive training regarding
shipboard environmental procedures and must be able to demonstrate proficiency
in implementing these procedures;
• Advanced training in shipboard environmental management procedures must be
provided for those directly involved in managing specific discharge types or areas
of the ship and these crew must be able to demonstrate proficiency in
implementing these procedures; and
• Appropriate reprimand procedures must be developed for crew actions that lead to
violations of any effluent limit set forth in this permit or procedures established
by the vessel operator to minimize the discharge of pollutants.

Vessel owners/operators of tankers must also meet all training-related recordkeeping

requirements of Part 4.2 of this permit.

5.6 Research Vessels

The requirements in Part 5.6 apply to vessel discharges from research vessels. Research vessels
are those that are engaged in investigation or experimentation aimed at discovery and
interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical
application of such new or revised theories or laws.

5.6.1 Supplemental Authorized Discharges

In addition to the discharges incidental to the normal operation of a vessel authorized elsewhere
in this permit, owners/operators of research vessels are authorized to discharge tracers (dyes,
fluorescent beads, SF6), drifters, tracking devices and the like, and expendable
bathythermograph (XBT) probes, into waters subject to this permit, provided such discharges are
for the sole purpose of conducting research on the aquatic environment or its natural resources in
accordance with generally recognized scientific methods, principles, or techniques.

5.6.2 Additional Effluent Limits

Owners/operators of research vessels must discharge only the minimal amount of materials
referenced in Part 5.6.1 necessary to conduct research on the aquatic environment or its natural
resources in accordance with generally recognized scientific methods, principles, or techniques.

5.7 Emergency and Rescue Vessels (Fire Boats, Police Boats)

The requirements in Part 5.7 apply to vessel discharges from emergency and rescue boats.

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5.7.1 Supplemental Authorized Discharges

In addition to the discharges incidental to the normal operation of a vessel authorized elsewhere
in this permit, owners/operators of emergency and rescue vessels are authorized to discharge
waste streams in conjunction with training, testing, and maintenance operations, provided that
they comply with all additional requirements of the CWA (e.g., section 311) and the National
Contingency Plan (40 CFR Part 300). This part does not relieve vessel operators of any
additional responsibilities under the CWA and the National Contingency Plan which prohibits
the discharge of oil for research or demonstration purposes without Administrator approval. The
use of foaming agents for oil or chemical fire response must be implemented in accordance with
the National Contingency Plan (40 CFR Part 300).

5.7.2 Additional Effluent Limits

Owners/operators are strongly encouraged to seek alternative formulations of AFFF that are less
harmful to the aquatic environment, such as non-fluorinated foam, while maintaining their
effectiveness in emergency operations. Furthermore, operators are encouraged to not use AFFF
or discharge toxic substances in areas near active commercial or recreational fisheries, near
swimmable waters, or in high traffic areas for maintenance or training purposes. Emergency
vessel owners/operators are also encouraged to perform training, testing, and maintenance
operations outside of port and as far from shore as possible. The use of foaming agents for oil or
chemical fire response, and the control of their discharge from a vessel, must be implemented in
accordance with the National Contingency Plan (40 CFR Part 300).

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Section 401(d) of the CWA provides that any certification under the Act "shall set forth any
effluent limitations and other limitations, and monitoring requirements" necessary to assure that
any applicant for a federal license or permit will comply with any applicable CWA-based
effluent limitations and other limitations, standards of performance, prohibitions, effluent
standards, or pretreatment standards, and with any other appropriate requirements of State and
Tribal law. Section 401(d) further provides that such additional limitations and monitoring
requirements "shall become a condition on any Federal license or permit subject to the
provisions of this section." Pursuant to section 401(d), EPA has attached those provisions
provided by States and Tribes in their CWA § 401 certifications that constitute effluent or other
limitations or monitoring requirements as enforceable conditions of this permit 3.

The VGP is effective in every State and Indian Country Land except in the waters of The Bad
River Band of Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians and Oklahoma Outstanding Resource
Waters listed 4. States and Indian Tribes which are not listed below have either certified without
conditions or waived.

The following States or Tribes included additional permit requirements in their CWA § 401

6.1 Alaska

Alaska certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:


6.1.1 This Section 401 certification shall become effective on the date when EPA's final VGP
becomes effective.
6.1.2 For violations that occur within State waters, permittees shall notify and provide DEC
electronic copies of any noncompliance reports required under 40 CFR 122.44(i)(5).
6.1.3 Owners or operators of large and small commercial passenger vessels are responsible for
complying with all Alaska statutes, regulations, and wastewater discharge requirements.


6.1.4 All discharges authorized by the VGP to waters of the United States extending to the three-
mile demarcation of the territorial seas and inland or coastal waters of the State of Alaska
shall not result in a violation of Alaska water quality criteria, found in 18 AAC 70, in the
water body.
Rationale: Vessel operators must treat wastewater and/or implement the BMPs in the VGP
and ensure discharges comply with the applicable water quality criteria for the subject water

State 401 certification letters are available in the docket for today’s permit which are available as PDFs by linking
to EPA’s website at:
Oklahoma’s list of Outstanding Resource Waters are attached to their 401 certification letter which is available as a
PDF file by linking to EPA’s website at:

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6.1.5 Permittees covered under the VGP shall undertake immediate corrective actions to mitigate
noncompliance or violations with any terms or conditions specified in this Section 401
certification. EPA's regulation of vessels under the VGP shall not preclude DEC from
regulating vessels or taking enforcement action authorized by Alaska law.
Rationale: EPA is the primary authority responsible for ensuring compliance with the EPA-
issued VGP. However, the Department does not waive its rights to regulate vessels and or
take enforcement action in accordance with Alaska law.
6.1.6 Permittees must be aware of the status of the water bodies they are traveling through,
specifically whether the water bodies are impaired and have, or do not have, an EPA­
approved Total Maximum Daily Load implementation plan prepared under CWA 303(d).
Rationale: The location of impaired waters of the United States must be known prior to the
discharge activity. The permittees are responsible for identifying areas where discharges are
prohibited, including accessing CWA 303(d) list of impaired waters or the State's most
current Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report.

6.2 Arizona

Arizona certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

6.2.1 Discharges authorized by these general permits shall not:

a. Violate Arizona's Surface Water Quality Standards (A.A.C. Title 18, Chapter 11, Article
b. Contain a hazardous substance as defined in A.R.S. §49-201(19). Additionally, the
following wastes are prohibited from being discharged into waters of the state under this
permit: sewage sludge, wastewater, used or spent oil, garbage or trash. In addition,
A.A.C. R18-11-123(B) prohibits the discharge of human body wastes and the wastes
from toilets and other receptacles intended to receive or retain wastes from a vessel to
Lake Powell.
c. Contain oil, grease, or any other pollutant that floats as debris, foam, or scum; or that
causes a film or iridescent appearance on the surface of the water; or that causes a deposit
on a shoreline, bank, or aquatic vegetation. The discharge of lubricating oil or gasoline
associated with the normal operation of a recreational watercraft is not a violation of this
narrative standard (A.A.C. R1 8-11-108(B)).
d. Contain suspended solids in quantities or concentrations that interfere with the treatment
processes at the nearest downstream potable water treatment plant or substantially
increase the cost of handling solids produced at the nearest downstream potable water
treatment plant (A.A.C. R18-11-108(C)).

6.2.2 If ballast water receives chlorination treatment prior to discharge, the discharge must not
exceed a maximum level of 19 µg/L of total residual chlorine (A.A.C. Title 18, Chapter 11,
Article 1, Appendix A, Table 1).

6.2.3 This certification does not relieve the authorized permittee of the responsibility of obtaining
any other permits or authorizations that may be required for this project or related activities
from ADEQ or any other agency.

6.2.4 To prevent the propagation and spread of invasive species to waters of the state, before
transporting any watercraft or vessel to any waters located within or bordering this State from
waters or locations where aquatic invasive species are suspected or known to be present,
permittees shall comply with the Vessel Decontamination Best Management Practices that
follow (A.R.S. § 49-203(A)(7)).

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Vessel Decontamination Best Management Practices

a. Short-term Day-use Boaters- One to five (1-5) days on the water:

i. CLEAN the hull and remove any clinging materials.

ii. DRAIN (remove the bilge plug) the water from the engine, bilge, livewell(s), etc.

iii. DRY the whole boat and equipment.

iv. If possible, treat any standing water (in bilge, bottom of boat) or other boat
surfaces with vinegar.

b. Long-term Moored Boats (e.g. in marinas)- more than five (5) days on the water:

v. CLEAN, DRAIN (remove the bilge plug) and DRY

vi. REMOVE all attached mussels

vii. DESICCATE the boat. Keep the boat out of the water for a minimum of seven
(7) days in the spring, summer, and fall, and a minimum of 18 days in the winter
to kill all hidden quagga mussels.

Additional information regarding these Best Management Practices related to the control
of invasive aquatic species can be found at:, or by contacting the
Arizona Game and Fish Department

6.3 Arkansas

Arkansas certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

6.3.1 If a discharger has any violation of any effluent limit in the VGP or sVGP, they must
document the violation and notify the Department by telephone within 24 hours (501-682-
0640) and by written notice within three days of identification of the violation. They must
report the following items to the Department:
a. A description of the violation,
b. Date of the violation,
c. Estimated volume of discharge involved in violation,
d. Location at time of violation,
e. Description of any corrective actions that are planned,
f. Identification of any hazardous substances, if known to be present.

6.3.2 All uncontained spills not covered by the VGP or sVGP of more than one gallon liquid or
four pounds dry weight must be reported to the Water Division Enforcement Branch of
ADEQ within 24 hours by Telephone (501-682-0640) and by written notice within three
days. Dischargers are responsible for the cost of cleanups resulting from spills by their

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6.3.3 This Department does not support coverage under the VGP or sVGP in Ecologically
Sensitive Waters (ESWs) and Natural and Scenic Waterways (NSWs), as designated in
Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission (APC&EC) Regulation No. 2.

6.4 California

California certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

This Order includes Attachments 1-3. 5 Following is a description of these attachments:

• Attachment 1 - Signatory Requirements
• Attachment 2 - List of Chemical Names and Common Names for Hazardous Wastes and
Hazardous Materials from title 22, chapter 11, appendix X of the California Code of
• Attachment 3 - Effluent Limitations Based on Narrative Objectives in the California Ocean
Plan and Regional Water Quality Control Plans (Basin Plans)

6.4.1 All discharges are prohibited in state Water Quality Protection Areas as defined in the Public
Resources Code sections 36700- 36900 inclusive, and the California Ocean Plan, except for
those discharges that occur in transit associated with vessel traffic separation lanes. (Auth: 33
U.S.C. § 1313; Pub. Resources Code,§ 36710; Wat. Code,§ 13140. This condition cannot be
made less stringent without violating the requirements of state law, including water quality

6.4.2 Large passenger vessel and cruise ship graywater discharges are prohibited in state waters.
Graywater discharges from oceangoing vessels that weigh 300 gross tons or more are also
prohibited if such vessels have sufficient holding capacity. Any co-mingling of black water
(sewage) and graywater waste streams will be considered graywater for purposes of these
conditions as stated in section 2.2.25 of the 2013 VGP. (Auth: Pub. Resources Code,§ 72400
et seq. This condition cannot be made less stringent without violating the requirements of
state law, including water quality standards.)

6.4.3 Vessel discharges shall comply with all requirements and discharge prohibitions set forth in
the California Clean Coast Act of 2005. (Auth: Pub. Resources Code, § 72400 et seq. This
condition cannot be made less stringent without violating the requirements of state law,
including water quality standards.)

6.4.4 A monitoring study shall be conducted in order to provide the State Water Board an adequate
representative characterization of the discharges from vessels. The representative monitoring
study requirement is designed to efficiently gather and present representative water quality
data on the impacts of these discharges. The data will be used to determine if any future
changes to the conditions are necessary for compliance with the California Ocean Plan
numeric objectives, Basin Plans numeric objectives, and the California Toxics Rule criteria.
Additionally, a collaborative, representative monitoring program is designed to minimize the
costs for individual dischargers and the aggregate costs for individual vessel owners and
operators as a whole.

These attachments are available as a PDF file with California’s 401 certification letter. This information is
available by linking to EPA’s website at:

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Vessels that do not discharge any waste streams into waters of the state during the 2013
VGP cycle are not subject to this requirement. However, a copy of the USEPA NOI (or
when applicable, PARI form), USEPA Acknowledgement Letter, and applicable fee shall
be submitted.

Any vessels that do not make their first port of call in California until the last calendar
year of the 2013 VGP cycle shall be exempt from participating in this monitoring study.

The representative regional/group monitoring program (Representative Monitoring Study)

shall be developed in consultation with State Water Board staff. The monitoring study
shall include representative sampling for each vessel class. A draft study design will be
developed by no later than December 1, 2013, and is subject to the approval by the
Executive Director of the State Water Board.

The Final Report for the Representative Monitoring Study must be submitted to the
Executive Director of the State Water Board by the end of the 2013 VGP cycle. (Auth:
Wat. Code, §§ 13260.1, 13267, 13383. This condition cannot be made less stringent
without violating the requirements of state law, including water quality standards.)

6.4.5 None of the 27 discharges covered by the VGP may contain hazardous waste as defined in
the California Code of Regulations, title 22, section 66261 and Water Code section 13173, as
well as hazardous substances listed in Attachment 2 of this Order, which includes bilgewater.
Additionally, the following wastes are prohibited from being discharged: noxious liquid
substance residues, used or spent oil, garbage or trash/plastic (In compliance with the
applicable California Basin Plans), sewage sludge, photo-developing wastes, dry cleaning
wastes, and medical wastes. By signing USEPA's NOI (or when applicable, the PARI form),
the vessel owner/operator certifies that hazardous and prohibited wastes as defined under
California law, will not be discharged from a covered vessel or vessels. Upon receipt of
USEPA's NOI (or when applicable, PARI form) Acknowledgement Letter, the vessel
owner/operator shall submit a copy of the letter along with the fee required per Cal. Code
Regs., tit. 23, § 2200.

The vessel owner/operator shall submit the fee and a copy of USEPA's NOI (or when
applicable, PARI form) Acknowledgment Letter to:

Division of Water Quality
State Water Resources Control Board
1001 I Street, 15th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814

(Auth: See generally, statewide and regional water quality control plans; 33 U.S.C.§ 1313;
Pub. Resources Code, § 72420.2; Wat. Code, §§ 13140, 13173, 13240, 13260.1, 13267,
13383; Cal. Code Regs., tit. 22, § 66261. This condition cannot be made less stringent
without violating the requirements of state law, including water quality standards.)

6.4.6 There shall be no oily sheen from any discharge, and oil and grease shall not exceed 15
milligrams per liter (mg/L) from any discharge as stated in section 2.1.4 of the VGP. (Auth:
See generally, statewide and regional water quality control plans; 33 U.S.C. § 1313; Wat.
Code,§§ 13140, 13240. This condition cannot be made less stringent without violating the
requirements of state law, including water quality standards.)

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6.4.7 Detergents shall not be used to disperse hydrocarbon sheens in any waste streams. To ensure
this practice is implemented for all state waters, and additionally to protect drinking water
sources, such as sources in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Delta, methylene blue active
substances (MBAS) are not to exceed 0.5 mg/L in any waste streams being discharged,
applicable to all water bodies. (Auth: See generally, statewide and regional water quality
control plans; 33 U.S.C. § 1313; Wat. Code,§§ 13140, 13240. This condition cannot be made
less stringent without violating the requirements of state law, including water quality

6.4.8 Vessel discharges shall comply with California State Lands Commission (SLC) requirements
for ballast water discharges and hull fouling to control and prevent the introduction of
nonindigenous species, found in Public Resources Code, section 71200 et seq. and California
Code of Regulations, title 2, division 3, chapter 1, articles 4.5 through 4.8, inclusive. (Auth:
Pub. Resources Code,§ 71200 et seq. and Cal. Code Regs, tit. 2, div. 3, ch. 1, arts. 4.5 through
4.8. This condition cannot be made less stringent without violating the requirements of state
law, including water quality standards.)

6.4.9 The SLC has jurisdiction over vessels that are 300 gross registered tons and above that carry
or are capable of carrying ballast water. Vessels entering state waters that fall within this
description shall complete the SLC forms found in the following Marine Invasive Species
Program (MISP) Compliance and Reporting Documents page:

Forms are subject to change. Please use the most updated forms.
(Auth: Pub. Resources Code,§ 71200 et seq. and Cal. Code Regs, tit. 2, div. 3, ch. 1, arts.
4.5 through 4.8. This condition cannot be made less stringent without violating the
requirements of state law, including water quality standards.)

6.4.10 Propeller cleaning is allowed until the biofouling management regulations for vessels are
adopted by the SLC and become effective. After the SLC biofouling management regulations
become effective, propeller cleaning is allowed as specified in those regulations. All other in-
water hull cleaning is prohibited unless conducted using the best available technologies
economically feasible, as determined by State Water Board staff in consultation with SLC
staff. This prohibition includes underwater ship husbandry discharges (VGP Discharge No.
23). (Auth: Pub. Resources Code,§ 71200 et seq. and Cal. Code Regs, tit. 2, div. 3, ch. 1, arts.
4.5 through 4.8. This condition cannot be made less stringent without violating the
requirements of state law, including water quality standards.)

6.4.11 If the ballast water receives chlorination treatment, the discharge to the ocean shall not
exceed a maximum level of 60 micrograms per liter (µg/L) of total residual chlorine, and the
discharge to inland waters, enclosed bays, and freshwaters shall not exceed a maximum level
of 19 µg/L of total residual chlorine. (The Gold Book, U.S. EPA 440/5-86-001, May 1986.)
(Auth: See generally, statewide and regional water quality control plans; 33 U.S.C. § 1313;
Wat. Code,§§ 13140, 13240, 13377; Cal. Code Regs., tit. 23, § 2235.2. This condition cannot
be made less stringent without violating the requirements of state law, including water quality

6.4.12 Vessel discharges must comply with the applicable statewide water quality control plans and
Basin Plans. Attachment 3 lists the effluent limitations based on the narrative water quality

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objectives cited in these plans that shall be met in the receiving water. (Auth: See generally,
statewide and regional water quality control plans; 33 U.S.C. § 1313; Wat. Code, §§ 13140,
13240. This condition cannot be made less stringent without violating the requirements of
state law, including water quality standards.)

6.4.13 Allowance for emergency conditions: In the case of a sudden unexpected situation which
involves a clear and imminent danger to life, health, or property, the requirements of this
Certification are suspended to the extent that those requirements would otherwise be violated.
Any suspension of the requirements of this Certification is only permitted as long as the
emergency conditions persist. In such cases the vessel owner/operator shall report to State
Water Board staff the emergency conditions requiring the violation of Certification
conditions, the specific conditions that were violated, the duration of the violation, and nature
of discharges during that emergency period and the location of the emergency discharge. This
report shall be transmitted to the State Water Board staff within 24 hours after the emergency
conditions cease. In the event that the State Water Board staff determines that the
circumstances do not constitute an emergency, the State Water Board may seek appropriate
investigatory or enforcement action pursuant to Administrative Condition No.6.4.15. (Auth:
Pub. Resources Code, § 21080; Wat. Code, § 1058; Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15359. This
condition cannot be made less stringent without violating the requirements of state law,
including water quality standards.)
Submit report electronically to: calvgp

6.4.14 The owner or operator of a large passenger vessel shall notify the California Emergency
Management Agency (Cal EMA) immediately, but not longer than 30 minutes, after the
discovery of a release of graywater or sewage into the marine waters of the state or a marine
sanctuary. The owner or operator of an oceangoing ship with sufficient holding tank capacity
shall notify Cal EMA immediately, but not longer than 30 minutes, after the discovery of a
release of graywater or sewage into the marine waters of the state or a marine sanctuary. The
owner or operator of a large passenger vessel or an oceangoing ship shall notify Cal EMA
immediately, but not longer than 30 minutes, after the discovery of a release of hazardous
waste, other waste, sewage sludge, or oily bilgewater into the marine waters of the state or a
marine sanctuary.

Cal-EMA Office of Emergency Services hotline: (800) 852-7550

(Auth: Pub. Resources Code, § 72400 et seq. This condition cannot be made less stringent
without violating the requirements of state law, including water quality standards.)


6.4.15 In response to a suspected violation of any condition of this Certification, the State Water
Board may require a vessel owner/operator to furnish, under penalty of perjury, any technical
or monitoring reports the State Water Board deems appropriate, provided that the burden,
including costs, of the reports shall bear a reasonable relationship to the need for the reports
and the benefits to be obtained from the reports. (Auth: Wat. Code, §§ 13267, 13383. This
condition cannot be made less stringent without violating the requirements of state law,
including water quality standards.)

6.5 Connecticut

Connecticut certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

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6.5.1 Any vessel that discharges or intends to discharge into Connecticut waters under the VGP
must submit to DEEP a copy of the Notice of Intent (NOI) or the Permit Authorization and
Record of Inspection Form (PARI) submitted to EPA. Additionally, all reports required to be
submitted to EPA under Appendices F through J of the VGP must also be submitted to
DEEP. This condition is necessary for compliance with CGS sections 22a-430, 22a-430b, and
22a-430c. The preferred method of submission is via electronic mail to sent to the attention of the Director of Water Permitting and
Enforcement. Submissions made via standard mail shall be directed to:

The Director of Water Permitting and Enforcement

Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
79 Elm Street
Hartford, Connecticut 06106-5127

6.5.2 The operator of any vessel covered under the VGP or sVGP who by accident, negligence, or
otherwise causes the discharge, spillage, uncontrolled loss, seepage or filtration of oil or
petroleum or chemical liquids or solid, liquid or gaseous products, or hazardous wastes which
poses a potential threat to human health or the environment, shall immediately report to
DEEP by telephone at 860-424-3338 or 866-337-7745. This condition is necessary for
compliance with CGS section 22a-450. 6

6.5.3 All work and activities conducted by the permittee in accordance with the VGP or sVGP shall
be consistent with the terms and conditions of this certification. Any regulated activities
carried out in a manner inconsistent with the conditions set forth herein or inconsistent with
the requirements specified in the VGP or sVGP, which are not more stringently conditioned
under this certification, constitute a violation of this certification pursuant to 40 CFR
§124.53(e)(1), and all instances of non-compliance with this certification must be
immediately reported to DEEP pursuant to CGS section 22a-450 as set forth in General
Condition No. 6.5.2, above.

6.5.4 All vessels covered by the VGP or sVGP shall minimize point and non-point sources of
phosphorus, nitrogen, and alkylphenol ethoxylates, which have the potential to contribute to
the impairment of any Connecticut surface water. The loading of nutrients, principally
phosphorus and nitrogen, to any surface water body shall not exceed that which supports
maintenance or attainment of designated uses. This condition is necessary to restore impaired
waters, and prevent excessive anthropogenic inputs of nutrients or impairment of downstream
waters in compliance with Standards 1, 2, and 19 of the CT WQS. 7

For additional information see the webpage to Report an Environmental Concern or Problem at
As identified in Part 2 of the VGP the term "minimize" means reduce and/or eliminate to the extent achievable
using control measures (including best management practices) that are technologically available and economically
practicable and achievable in light of best marine practice.

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6.5.5 Use of Best Management Practices and other reasonable controls are preferable to the use of
biocides. This condition is necessary for compliance with Standards 1, 2, and 20 of the CT


6.5.6 Discharge of treated or untreated bilgewater into Connecticut waters from any vessel covered
under the VGP or sVGP is prohibited. This condition is necessary for compliance with CGS
section 22a-427, Standards No. 1, 2, 9, 12, 14, 15, and 24 of the CT WQS, and EPA
designation of Connecticut coastal waters as No Discharge Areas (NDAs) pursuant to 33
USC§ 1322(f)(3). 8 This condition does not apply to the discharge of bilgewater if the master
of the vessel determines that compliance with this condition would threaten the safety or
stability of the vessel, its crew, or its passengers because of adverse weather, equipment
failure, or any other relevant condition.

6.5.7 Discharge of treated or untreated graywater into Connecticut waters from any vessel covered
under the VGP or sVGP is prohibited. This condition is necessary for compliance with CGS
section 22a-427, Standards No. 1, 2, 9, 12, 14, 15, and 24 of the CT WQS, and EPA
designation of Connecticut coastal waters as No Discharge Areas (NDAs) pursuant to 33
USC§ 1322(f)(3). 9

6.5.8 The discharge of wastewaters from pressure washing the bottom of vessels and any point
source or non­ point source pollution from spillage, sanding, sand blasting, or scraping
vessels into Connecticut waters from any vessel covered under the VGP or sVGP is
prohibited. This condition is necessary for compliance with CGS section 22a-430 or 22a-
430b and Standards No. 1 , 2, 12, 14, and 15 of the CT WQS. 10

6.5.9 Discharge of exhaust gas scrubber washwater into Connecticut waters from any vessel
covered under the VGP or sVGP is prohibited. This condition is necessary for compliance
with CGS section 22a-427, StandardsNo.1, 2, 9, 12, 14, 15, and 24 of the CT WQS.

6.5.10 Discharges containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) into Connecticut waters from any
vessel covered under the VGP or sVGP are prohibited. This condition is necessary for
compliance with CGS section 22a-427, Standards No. 1, 2, 9, 12, 14, and 15 of the CT WQS.

6.5.11 Discharge of fish hold effluent from any vessel covered under the VGP or sVGP is prohibited
in open waters of Connecticut's Long Island Sound. This condition is necessary for
compliance with CGS section 22a-430 or 22a-430b and Standards No. 1, 2, 9 12, and 15 of
the CT WQS.

8 Standard No. 24 of the CT WQS specifies the discharge of sewage from any vessel to any water is prohibited.
"Sewage" as defined in CGS section 22a-423 includes bilgewater, which is a domestic or manufacturing waste that
may tend to be detrimental to the public health. The term "bilgewater" is defined in Appendix A of the VGP and
Part 6 of the sVGP.
9 Standard No. 24 of the CT WQS specifies the discharge of sewage from any vessel to any water is prohibited.
Sewage as defined in CGS section 22a-423 includes graywater, which is a domestic or manufacturing waste that
may tend to be detrimental to the public health. The term "graywater" is defined in Appendix A of the VGP and Part
6 of the sVGP.
10 Point Source" and "Non-point Source" pollution are defined in Appendix A of the CT WQS

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6.5.12 Any discharge from any vessel covered under the VGP or sVGP that results in the further
degradation of the chemical, physical, or biological integrity of Connecticut waters classified
as Impaired Waters in the most recent State of Connecticut Integrated Water Quality Report
to Congress is prohibited. This condition is necessary for compliance with Standard 1 of the
CT WQS. 11

6.5.13 Discharges to impaired waters in Connecticut shall be consistent with the requirements of the
VGP and sVGP and with the following to comply with Standard 1 of the CT WQS:

Waterbody Contaminant Requirement

Nitrogen and other substances
with a high biological or Eliminate the discharge of such
Long Island Sound, connected chemical oxygen demand which substances or minimize discharge
harbors, embayments and tidal when discharged could result in a of these substances to the greatest
rivers and waterbodies decrease in the amount of extent practicable if discharge is
dissolved oxygen in the receiving unavoidable
water body
Fecal coliform: Geometric Mean
less than 14 CFU/100 ml with
90% of samples less than 31
Within LIS, waters between the
CFU/100 ml
50ft bathymetric contour and the Bacteria
Enterococci: Geometric Mean
Connecticut coastline
less than 35 CFU/100 ml with no
single sample exceeding 104
CFU/100 ml

6.5.14 All vessels entering Connecticut waters must maintain the ability to measure salinity levels in
each ballast water tank onboard the vessel so that salinities between 20 and 25 parts per
thousand ("ppt") can be ensured for ballast exchange in marine waters and salinities between
0 and 5 ppt can be ensured for ballast exchange in fresh waters. This condition is necessary to
meet Standards No. 1, 2, and 12 of the CT WQS.

6.6 Georgia

Georgia certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

6.6.1 All discharges from vessels covered by these permits will be conducted in a manner so as not
to violate Georgia's water quality standards.

6.6.2 Except for ocean going vessels of 20 tons displacement or more, the discharge of graywater
shall be through a marine sanitation device that is in compliance with the Federal standards of
performance and regulations for marine sanitation devices promulgated pursuant to Section
312 of the Clean Water Act. Georgia DNR or EPD personnel, or other duly authorized
agents, shall have access to any vessel at reasonable times for the purposes of determining
compliance with these rules. Georgia Rules for Water Quality Control, 391-3-6-.04.

11 The most recent State of Connecticut Integrated Water Quality Report containing the updated Connecticut
Impaired Waters List may be obtained at the Water Quality Monitoring Program webpage at

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6.7 Hawaii

6.7.1 Coverage of this Conditional WQC

a) This conditional Section 401 WQC covers the discharge from an applicable vessel of one or
more of the following 27 categories of effluent that have received the best control or
treatment into waters of the State of Hawaii incidental to the normal operation of the
applicable vessels (operated in a capacity as a means of transportation) that are eligible for
permit coverage under Part 1.2 of the proposed 2013 VGP and subject to comply with
“Technology-Based Effluent Limits and Related Requirements Applicable to all Vessels,”
“Effluent Limits and Related Requirements for Specific Discharge Categories,” “Additional
Water Quality-Based Effluent Limits,” and “Vessel-Class-Specific Requirements” as
specified in §§2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 5, respectively, of the proposed 2013 VGP:

(1) Deck Washdown and Runoff and Above Water Line Hull Cleaning. (proposed
2013 VGP, §
(2) Bilgewater/Oily Water Separator Effluent. (proposed 2013 VGP, §
(3) Ballast Water. (proposed 2013 VGP, §
(4) Anti-fouling Hull Coatings/Hull Coating Leachate. (proposed 2013 VGP, §
(5) Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF). (proposed 2013 VGP, §
(6) Boiler/Economizer Blowdown. (proposed 2013 VGP, §
(7) Cathodic Protection. (proposed 2013 VGP, §
(8) Chain Locker Effluent. (proposed 2013 VGP, §
(9) Controllable Pitch Propeller and Thruster Hydraulic Fluid and other Oil Sea
Interfaces including Lubrication Discharges from Paddle Wheel Propulsion, Stern
Tubes, Thruster Bearings, Stabilizers, Rudder Bearings, Azimuth Thrusters, and
Propulsion Pod Lubrication, and Wire Rope and Mechanical Equipment Subject to
Immersion. (proposed 2013 VGP, §
(10) Distillation and Reverse Osmosis Brine (proposed 2013 VGP, §
(11) Elevator Pit Effluent. (proposed 2013 VGP, §
(12) Firemain Systems. (proposed 2013 VGP, §
(13) Freshwater Layup. (proposed 2013 VGP, §
(14) Gas Turbine Wash Water. (proposed 2013 VGP, §
(15) Graywater.
Except that Graywater from commercial vessels within the meaning of CWA
section 312 that are operating in the Great Lakes is excluded from the requirement
to obtain an NPDES permit (see CWA section 502(6)), and thus is not within the
scope of this permit. (proposed 2013 VGP, §
(16) Motor Gasoline and Compensating Discharge. (proposed 2013 VGP, §
(17) Non-Oily Machinery Wastewater (proposed 2013 VGP, §
(18) Refrigeration and Air Condensate Discharge. (proposed 2013 VGP,§
(19) Seawater Cooling Overboard Discharge (Including Non-Contact Engine Cooling
Water; Hydraulic System Cooling Water, Refrigeration Cooling Water). (proposed
2013 VGP,
(20) Seawater Piping Bìofouling Prevention. (proposed 2013 VGP, §
(21) Boat Engine Wet Exhaust. (proposed 2013 VGP, §
(22) Sonar Dome Discharge. (proposed 2013 VGP, §
(23) Underwater Ship Husbandry. (proposed 2013 VGP, §
(24) Welldeck Discharges. (proposed 2013 VGP, §
(25) Graywater Mixed with Sewage from Vessels. (proposed 2013 VGP,§
(26) Exhaust Gas Scrubber Washwater Discharge. (proposed 2013 VGP,§

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(27) Fish Hold Effluent. (proposed 2013 VGP, §

b) Geographical Area Exclusions:

In addition to water bodies specified in Appendix G of EPA proposed 2013 VGP, discharges
into following State waters are also excluded from coverage under this conditional Section
401 WQC. “Owner” or “operator" of a vessel seeking coverage under the proposed 2013
VGP may submit an individual Application to the Clean Water Branch (CWB), DOH, for
review and consideration for the processing for an individual Section 401 WQC:

(1) (A)Natural freshwater lakes, saline lakes, and anchialine pools will be maintained in
the natural state through Hawaii’s "no discharge" policy for these waters. Waste
discharge into these waters is prohibited. (see HAR, paragraph 11-54-3 (b) (1)).
[HAR, Paragraph 11-54-5.2]

(B)It is the objective of Inland Class 1 waters that these waters remain in their natural
state as nearly as possible with an absolute minimum of pollution from any
human-caused source. To the extent possible, the wilderness character of these
areas shall be protected. Waste discharge into these waters is prohibited. Any
conduct which results in a demonstrable increase in levels of point or nonpoint
source contamination in class 1 waters is prohibited. [HAR, Paragraph 11-54-

“Waste” means sewage, industrial and agricultural matter, and all other liquid, gaseous, or
solid substance, including radioactive substance, whether treated or not, which may pollute
or tend to pollute the waters of the State. [HRS, §342 D-1]

(2) Sewage, whether commingled with graywater or not, shall be disposed at pier side
collection or treatment system or outside of estuaries or embayments. No new
treated sewage discharges shall be permitted within estuaries. [HAR, Paragraph 11-
54-3(b)(2)] No new sewage discharges will be permitted within embayments.
[HAR, Paragraph 11-54-3(c)(2)]

(3) No new industrial discharges shall be permitted within estuaries. [HAR, Paragraph
11-54-3(b)(2)] No new industrial discharges shall be permitted within embayments.
[HAR, Paragraph 11-54-3(c)(2)]

(4) This conditional Section 401 WQC does not cover any discharges identified in
1.2.3 (§§ through as “not eligible” for coverage under the proposed
2013 VGP.

6.7.2 Terms of this conditional Section 401 WQC:

a) This conditional Section 401 WQC for each of the 27 categories of the effluent discharges
listed Item No. 6.7.1(a), above, shall become effective on December 19, 2013.

These actions shall not preclude the DOH from taking appropriate enforcement action
authorized by law.

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Written notification by the Director under this section is complete upon mailing or
sending a facsimile or an email transmission of the document or actual receipt of the
document by the “owner” or “operator” of the vessel.

b) The “owner” or “operator” of a vessel shall comply with all conditions and requirements
specified in the proposed 2013 VGP. All terms, requirements, limitations, and restrictions
specified in this conditional Section 401 shall constitute as Part 6 of the proposed 2013 VGP
conditions and shall be primarily enforced by the EPA, Region 9, through the compliance of
the proposed 2013 VGP. DOH reserves the right to take appropriate enforcement action
authorized by law.

6.7.3 Validation of this conditional Section 401 WQC coverage for each category of treated
effluent discharges from a vessel into waters of the State of Hawaii shall become effective
when the “owner” or “operator” of a vessel submits to the DOH-CWB the notification
information as required in Item 6.7.4, below, except otherwise notified by the Director in
writing or through an email that an individual Section 401 is required for the proposed
effluent discharges from the vessel. Coverage under this conditional Section 401 shall remain
valid during the period the Director processing the individual Application until such time the
Director renders its final determination on an individual Application for a Section 401 WQC.

6.7.4 Notification Requirements:

The “owner” or “operator” of a vessel seeking coverage for treated effluent discharges to be
authorized under this conditional Section 401 WQC shall submit the following information
through DOH-CWB website at: https://eha­

a) Vessel “Owner” or “Operator” Information:

Provide the full legal name(s), street address, contact person's name and position title,
telephone and fax numbers, and email address of the owner(s) and, if applicable, its duly
authorized representative. When the notification is prepared and submitted by the owner's
duly authorized representative, an authorization statement with the owner's original signature
shall also be submitted. Any signatures required in this conditional Section 401 WQC shall be
provided as described in 40 CFR, §122.22(a).

b) Vessel Information

(1) Vessel Name
(2) EPA VGP tracking number (or permit number or both, if applicable)
(3) Vessel Registered Number
(4) Vessel International Maritime Organization (IMO) number, if applicable
(5) Vessel Call Sign
(6) Flag State/Port of Registry (Complete spellings of state and port city names
(7) Type of Vessel (list one primary vessel type, and secondary vessel type where

c) Vessel Discharge Information

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List all applicable discharges, from the 27 applicable categories specified in Item 6.7.1(a),
above, vessel may generate.

d) Industrial Effluent Discharge Information

lf the vessel ever engage in or have capacity to engage in industrial operations, provide the
type of industrial operation that will generate effluent discharges, i.e., (1) Seafood processing
(2) Energy Exploration (3) Mining or (4) other.

As specified in § of the proposed 2013 VGP, for any discharges identified in the
proposed 2013 VGP, discharges are not eligible if they contain materials resulting from
industrial or manufacturing processes onboard or other materials not derived from the normal
operations of a vessel.

e) Vessel Onboard Treatment Systems and/or Best Control or Best Management Practices
(BMPs) Measures Information
Provide onboard treatment system is or to be used for any waste stream(s) covered by the
proposed 2013 VGP such as Ballast Water, Bilgewater, Exhaust Gas Scrubber Effluent,
Graywater, Graywater mixed with Sewage, and any other treatment system and/or control
measures, etc., to be used for the category of the proposed effluent discharges:
(1) Specify Discharge stream(s) treated.
(2) Treatment system type/design and manufacturer.
(3) Treatment System Capacity.
(4) Normal Treatment System Flow Rate (gallons/day or liters/day).
(5) Residuals (wastes) generated by this treatment system.
(6) How they are disposed.

f) Ballast Water Information

(1) lf the vessel is or will be using an experimental ballast water treatment system which
discharges residual biocides:
(A) Are residual biocide concentrations expected to be below those listed in Part of the proposed 2013 VGP or this Section 401 WQC, whichever
is more stringent.
(B) List the biocide residuals or derivatives that may be discharged by the ballast
water treatment system.

(2) Ballast Water and Invasive Species Management

(A) How often is the ballast tank cleaned and sediment disposed of?
(B) How and where do you typically dispose of ballast tank sediment?
(C) Does vessel have an existing ballast water management plan? If yes, please
provide a pdf copy of the ballast water management plan.

g) Hull Anti-fouling Information

(1) Type of anti-fouling hull coating on the vessel and list specific product: Copper Based
or Non-Copper Based.
(2) When was anti-fouling hull coating last applied.

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(3) Describe hull husbandry practices, such as frequency of hull cleaning, method used,
how niches and propellers are cleaned, etc.
(4) Date of last hull cleaning.
(5) Date of next scheduled/anticipated hull cleaning.

6.7.5 Discharge Limitations and Reporting Requirements

a) Pursuant to HAR, §11-54-4(a), all waters shall be free of substances attributable to the
discharge activities authorized under this conditional Section 401 WQC and EPA 2013 VGP,
(1) Materials that will settle to form objectionable sludge or bottom deposits.

(2) Floating debris, oil, grease, scum, or other floating materials.

(3) Substances in amounts sufficient to produce taste in the water or detectable off flavor
in the flesh of fish, or in amounts sufficient to produce objectionable color, turbidity or
other conditions in the receiving waters.

(4) High or low temperatures; biocides; pathogenic organisms; toxic, radioactive,

corrosive, or other deleterious substances at levels or in combinations sufficient to be
toxic or harmful to human, animal, plant, or aquatic life, or in amounts sufficient to
interfere with any beneficial use of the water.

(5) Substances or conditions or combinations thereof in concentrations which produce

undesirable aquatic life.

(6) Soil particles resulting from erosion on land involved in earthwork, such as the
construction of public works; highways; subdivisions; recreational, commercial, or
industrial developments; or the cultivation and management of agricultural lands.

An electronic copy of the HAR, Chapter 11-54 is available at: or

b) Discharges authorized under EPA proposed 2013 VGP shall be monitored and effluent
quality shall comply with effluent limits specified in “Effluent Limits and Related
Requirements” of the proposed 2013 VGP. Discharges authorized under EPA proposed 2013
VGP shall not cause the applicable specific water quality criteria to be violated in the
receiving waters of the State of Hawaii. When conflict occurs, the most stringent limitation
applies. Applicable specific water quality criteria are:
(1) HAR, §11-54-5 Uses and specific criteria applicable to inland waters;
(2) HAR, §11-54-5.1 Inland water areas to be protected;
(3) HAR, §11-54-52 Inland water criteria;
(4) HAR, §11-54-6 Uses and specific criteria applicable to marine waters;
(5) HAR, §11-54-7 Uses and specific criteria applicable to marine bottom
types; and
(6) HAR, §11-54-8 Specific criteria for recreational.

c) Parameter and Limitation contained in Table 6.7.1, below, applicable to all discharges from a

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Table 6.7.1
Parameter Limitation in Fresh waters Limitation in Salt waters Units
Chlorine, Total 19.0 13.0 µg/l
Chlorine (TRC)
pH Shall not deviate more than 0.5 Shall not deviate more than 0.5 units from a pH
units from ambient conditions value of 8.1, except at coastal locations where Unit
and shall not be lower than 5.5 and when freshwater form stream, storm drain or
nor higher than 8.0 groundwater discharge may depress the pH to a
minimum level of 7.0
Turbidity 25.0 5.0 NTU
Temperature Shall not vary more than one Shall not vary more than one degree Celsius °C
degree Celsius from ambient from ambient conditions.
Enterococcus Enterococcus content shall not Within 300 meters (one thousand feet) of the CFU
exceed a geometric mean of 33 shoreline, including natural public bathing or
per one hundred milliliters in not wading areas, enterococcus content shall not
less than five samples which exceed a geometric mean of 35 CFU per 100
shall be spaced to cover a period milliliters in not less than five samples which
between 25 and 30 days. No shall be spaced to cover a period between
single sample shall exceed the twenty-five and thirty days. No single sample
single sample maximum of 89 shall exceed the single sample maximum of 104
CFU per 100 milliliters or the CFU per 100 milliliters or the site-specific one-
site-specific one-sided 82 per sided 75 per cent confidence limit. Marine
cent confidence limit. recreational waters along sections of coastline
where enterococcus content does not exceed the
standard, as shown by the geometric mean test
described above, shall not be lowered in quality.

d) Ballast water discharges from "Qualifying Vessels" shall also comply with the provisions of
HAR, Chapter 13-76. An electronic copy of HAR, Chapter 13-76 is available at:

The term "Qualifying Vessels," as defined in HAR, Section 13-76-12, means all vessels,
United States or foreign flagged, carrying ballast water into state marine waters after
operating outside the EEZ.

The term "EEZ," as defined in HAR, Section 13-76-12, means the United States exclusive
economic zone established by Presidential Proclamation No. 5030, dated March 10, 1983,
which extends from the baseline of the territorial sea of the United States seaward 200
nautical miles, substantially as defined in federal law 33 CFR 151.2025, dated July 1, 2005.

e) Discharges from "Commercial Passenger Vessels" shall comply with requirements specified
in HRS, Sections 342D-102, 342D-103, 342D-104, 342D-105 and 342-106 of PART Vl of

"Commercial passenger vessel," as defined in HRS, Section 342D-101, means a vessel that
carries passengers for hire. The term does not include a vessel:

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(1) Authorized to carry fewer than passengers;

(2) That does not provide overnight accommodations for at least 50 passengers for hire,
determined with reference to the number of lower berths and based on an average of
two persons per cabin; or
(3) Operated by the United States or a foreign government.

f) There shall be no net increase in loadings of pollutant of concerns (POC) attributable to

vessel's effluent discharges into water quality-limited segments as listed by the DOH under
CWA, 303(d). POC information for each water body is included in 2008/2010 State of
Hawaii Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report which is available at:
g) The discharge incidental to normal operation of commercial vessels and commercial fishing
vessels permitted under the authorization of the proposed 2013 VGP shall not interfere with
or become injurious to any assigned uses made of (designated uses, as defined in HAR,
Section 11-54-1, and specified in HAR, Section 11-54-3), or presently in (existing uses, as
defined in HAR, Section 11-54-1, and specified in HAR, Subsection 11­54-1.1), those waters
h) Except for non-compliance to Part 2 of the proposed 2013 VGP effluent limits or non-
compliance to HAR, Chapter 11-54 requirements, Permittee of the proposed 2013 VGP shall
retain on board all records, inspection reports, monitoring data, including analytical
monitoring results from specific discharge types as identified in Parts 2.2.3, 2.2.15, and
2.2.26 of the proposed 2013 VGP and for specific vessel types in Part 5 of the proposed 2013
VGP. EPA proposed 2013 VGP Permittee shall submit all records, inspection reports,
monitoring data to DOH-CWB upon request by the Director.

EPA proposed 2013 VGP permittee shall report all non-compliance to basic water quality criteria
applicable to all State waters and analytical monitoring data that exceeds the numerical criteria of
the State WQS to the DOH-CWB as soon as the Permittee becomes aware of such non-
compliance or exceedance. All report(s) shall be submitted on a non-compliance reporting form
provided by the director in website at https:://eha-

6.7.6 Pursuant to HRS, Section 342D-8, the DOH-CWB may conduct routine inspection of vessel
covered under this conditional Section 401 WQC, taking color photographs, and to sample
any effluent discharges.

6.7.7 EPA 2013 VGP Permittee (the “owner” or “operator” of the vessel) shall undertake
immediate corrective measure(s) to mitigate the noncompliance or violations of HAR,
Chapter 11-54 or any terms, requirements, limitations, or restrictions specified in this
conditional Section 401 WQC.

6.7.8 It shall constitute a violation under HRS, Chapter 342D; HAR, Chapter 11-54; and this WQC
if any discharges resulting from the activities authorized under the EPA VGP, resulting in any
noncompliance to terms, requirements, restrictions, or limitations as specified in this WQC.
The DOH reserves the right to take enforcement actions authorized by law.

6.8 Idaho

Idaho certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

6.8.1 Receiving Water Body Level of Protection

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All waters in Idaho that receive discharges from vessels will receive, at minimum, Tier 1
antidegradation protection because Idaho's antidegradation policy applies to all state waters.
Water bodies that fully support their aquatic life or recreational uses are considered to be
"high quality waters" and will receive Tier 2 antidegradation protection. For waters which
have not yet been assessed, DEQ must evaluate on a case-by-case basis whether to apply tier
2 protections, in addition to tier 1 protections. Although Idaho does not currently have any
outstanding resource waters (ORWs) designated, it is possible that a water body could be
designated as an ORW during the life of this permit. Because of this potential, this
antidegradation review will also assess whether the permit complies with the outstanding
resource water requirements (Tier 3) of Idaho's antidegradation policy.

6.8.2 Protection and Maintenance of Existing Uses (Tier 1 Protection)

As noted above, a Tier 1 review is performed for all new or reissued permits or licenses,
applies to all waters subject to the jurisdiction of the CWA, and requires a showing that
existing uses and the level of water quality necessary to protect existing uses shall be
maintained and protected. In order to protect and maintain designated and existing beneficial
uses, a permitted discharge must comply with narrative and numeric criteria of the Idaho
WQS, as well as other provisions of the WQS such as Section 055, which addresses water
quality limited waters.

Water bodies not supporting existing or designated beneficial uses must be identified as water
quality limited, and a total maximum daily load (TMDL) must be prepared for those
pollutants causing impairment. A central purpose of TMDLs is to establish wasteload
allocations for point source discharges, which are set at levels designed to help restore the
water body to a condition that supports existing and designated beneficial uses. Discharge
permits must contain limitations that are consistent with wasteload allocations in the
approved TMDL. A permit with effluent limitations consistent with TMDL wasteload
allocations will provide the level of water quality necessary to support existing and
designated uses and therefore satisfies Tier 1 antidegradation requirements.

Currently, there are no TMDLs in the state of Idaho that contain WLAs for discharges from
vessels. Furthermore, EPA has determined that numeric effluent limits for discharges
authorized under the VGP and sVGP are impracticable to calculate due to the varied nature of
discharges from vessels, therefore non-numeric effluent limits contained in both permits
speak to best management practices (BMPs) for dischargers to comply with. DEQ has
reviewed the BMPs and has added further conditions on discharges to water bodies which are
expected to receive discharges from vessels and are currently not meeting Idaho WQS.

Owners or operators of large vessels, covered under the VGP, are required to know whether
they are discharging to impaired waters. Under the High Priority Provision of Section 055 of
Idaho's WQS, in absence of a TMDL, there must not be additional loading of a pollutant
where an impairment caused by that pollutant exists (IDAPA Therefore,
special considerations will need to be taken when discharging to these waters to ensure that
discharges will not contribute to the impairment. For example, where a water body is
impaired by metals, the discharger must not engage in activities (i.e. releasing contaminated
bilgewater) where those pollutants are discharged to the water body, thereby contributing to
the existing impairment (see Table 6.8.1).

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Idaho state law prohibits discharges of graywater and/or sewage/graywater mixtures in

certain regions, which are otherwise authorized under this general permit (see "Conditions"

The limitations and associated requirements in the 2013 VGP, coupled with other applicable
state laws, and the conditions set forth in this certification provide DEQ reasonable assurance
of compliance with IDAPA and

6.8.3 Protection of High-Quality Waters (Tier 2 Protection)

As indicated previously, water bodies that fully support their beneficial uses will be provided
Tier 2 protection. As such, the quality of these waters must be maintained and protected,
unless it is deemed necessary to accommodate important economic or social development.
For a reissued permit or license, the effect on water quality is determined by looking at the
difference in water quality that would result from the activity or discharge as authorized in
the current permit and the water quality that would result from the activity or discharge as
proposed in the reissued permit or license (IDAPA For a new permit or
license, the effect on water quality is determined by reviewing the difference between the
existing receiving water quality and the water quality that would result from the activity or
discharge as proposed in the new permit or license (IDAPA

With respect to vessels currently operating in Idaho and discharging to waters of the State,
DEQ believes that as long as discharges are not increasing, there will be no degradation or
adverse change in water quality because the new permits are more stringent than the previous
permits. New or increased discharges however, must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

As a condition of this certification, DEQ is requiring that owners/operators of vessels

proposing to increase their discharges or number of vessels in their fleet, or those who are
seeking coverage under the VGP for the first time, contact the appropriate DEQ Regional
Office (6.8.2) to determine whether additional controls are necessary in order to ensure that
high quality waters are not degraded. This condition shall ensure compliance with Idaho's tier
2 antidegradation requirements.

In sum, as long as the vessel operators comply with the terms of the NPDES permit and §401
certification then there is reasonable assurance that existing and designated beneficial uses
will be protected and maintained and there will be no degradation or adverse change in water
quality as required under IDAPA and IDAPA

Protection of Outstanding Resource Waters (Tier 3 Protection)

Idaho's antidegradation policy requires that the quality of outstanding resource waters be
maintained and protected from the impacts of point source discharges. No water bodies in
Idaho have been designated as outstanding resource waters to date; however, it is possible
that waters may become designated during the term of these permits. Because of this
possibility, DEQ has evaluated whether the proposed draft VGP and sVGP comply with the
ORW antidegradation provision.

As a condition of this certification, DEQ is requiring any applicant proposing to discharge to

an ORW, under either permit, to obtain an individual NPDES permit from EPA. This
requirement complies with Idaho's antidegradation provisions concerning ORWs (IDAPA

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6.8.4 Permittee Responsibility

Owners and operators of vessels covered by the Vessel General Permit (VGP) and/or the
Small Vessel General Permit are responsible for knowing the current support status of the
waters in which they operate on and may discharge to. The most current EPA-approved
IR must be used to determine the support status of the affected water body and can be found
DEQ's webpage also has a link to the state's map-based Integrated Report which presents
information from the Integrated Report in a searchable, map-based format:
The information provided in Table 6.8.1 (below) is based on the 2010 Integrated Report and
is subject to change. As previously stated, discharges must not contain pollutants where the
receiving water body is identified as "impaired" due to those pollutants (IDAPA

Table 6.8.1. Water bodies expected to receive discharges from vessels, current support status
(Integrated Report, 2010)
Region Water Body HUC Support Status · Pollutants of Concern
Coeur Clark Fork River 17010213 Impaired Cadmium, Copper, Zinc,
d'Alene Dissolved Gas Supersaturation,
Coeur d'Alene Lake 17010303 Impaired Cadmium, Lead, Zinc
Kootenai River 17010104 Impaired Temperature
Lake Pend Oreille 17010214 Impaired Mercury, Temperature,
Dissolved Gas Supersaturation
Pend Oreille River 17010214 Impaired Temperature, Dissolved Gas,
17010216 Supersaturation
Priest Lake 17010215 Unassessed N/A
Spokane River 17010305 Impaired Cadmium, Lead, Zinc,
Lewiston Clearwater River 17060304 Multiple Dissolved Gas Supersaturation,
17060306 Categories Sedimentation, Temperature
Dworshak Reservoir 17060308 Unassessed N/A

6.8.5 Reporting New or Increased Discharges, or Increased Fleet Size, to Tier 2 (High­ Quality)

As a condition of this certification, DEQ is requiring that owners/operators of vessels

proposing to increase their discharges or number of vessels in their fleet, or those who are
seeking coverage under the VGP for the first time, contact the appropriate DEQ Regional
Office (Table 6.8.5) to determine whether additional controls are necessary in order to ensure
that high quality waters are not degraded.

6.8.6 Rules Prohibiting Discharges on Certain Water Bodies

Owners and operators of vessels covered by these general permits must be aware of and
comply with the Panhandle Health District Rules governing discharges from vessels. The

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Final 2013 VGP

discharge of graywater or a sewage/graywater mixture otherwise authorized under this

general permit is prohibited in certain regions of the state pursuant to IDAPA Those areas include Boundary, Bonner, Kootenai, Benewah, and
Shoshone counties in Northern Idaho (IDAPA et seq.).

6.8.7 Reporting of Discharges Containing Hazardous Materials or Petroleum Products

Any spill of hazardous materials must be immediately reported to the appropriate DEQ
Regional Office (Table 6.8.2). Spills of petroleum products that exceed 25 gallons or that
cause a visible sheen on nearby surface waters should be reported to DEQ within 24- hours.
Petroleum product spills of less than 25 gallons or spills that do not cause a sheen on nearby
surface waters shall be reported to DEQ if clean-up cannot be accomplished within 24-hours

Table 6.8.2. DEQ Regional Office contact information

Regional Office Contact Name Phone Number Email

Coeur d’Alene June Bergquist 208-769-1422

Lewiston John Cardwell 208-799-4370 john.cardwell@

Outside of regular business hours, qualified spills should be reported to the State
Communications Center (1-800-632-8000 or 208-846-7610).

6.8.8 Invasive Species

Owners and operators of vessels covered by these general permits must be aware of and
comply with the Idaho State Department of Agriculture Rules Governing Invasive Species
(IDAPA 02.06.09).

6.9 Illinois

Illinois certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

6.9.1 Discharges of wastestreams containing Bioaccumulative Chemicals of Concern (BCC's) from

vessel covered by the Vessel General Permit shall be consistent with the provisions of 35 Ill.
Adm. Code 302.520, 302.521, and 302.530.

6.9.2 All discharges to Waters of the State from vessels covered by the Vessel General Permit shall
not cause a violation of Illinois Water Quality Standards, as found at 35 Ill. Adm. Code Part
302 or effluent standards, as found at 35 Ill. Adm. Code Part 304.

6.9.3 No effluent from any vessel covered by the Vessel General Permit shall contain settleable
solids, floating debris, visible oil, grease, scum, or sludge solids pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm.
Code 304.106. Color, odor, and turbidity must be reduced to below obvious levels, pursuant
to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 304.106.

6.9.4 Any vessel covered by the Vessel General Permit employing ballast water treatment systems
using chlorine in any of its forms, shall not exceed the acute water quality standard for Total
Residual Chlorine of 0.019 mg/1 or the chronic water quality standard for Total Residual
Chlorine of 0.011 mg/1, pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.208. In order to demonstrate

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compliance with the water quality standards above, the discharge of Total Residual Chlorine
shall not exceed the laboratory quantification level of 0.05 mg/1 using test methods
equivalent in accuracy to amperometric titration. The usage of other biocides shall not cause
a violation of applicable water quality standards and shall not be discharged in concentrations
considered toxic or harmful to aquatic life, pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.210, 302.410
and 302.540.

6.9.5 The discharge from any vessel covered by the Vessel General Permit shall be free from any
substances or combination of substances in concentrations toxic or harmful to human health,
or to animal, plant or aquatic life, pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 302.210, 302.410, and

6.9.6 No bilge or ballast water from vessels covered by the Vessel General Permit which fails to
meet the effluent standards of 35 Ill. Adm. Code Part 304 shall be discharged to waters of the
State pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code 308.103.

6.9.7 Any discharge of sewage from a vessel shall comply with 35 Ill. Adm. Code Part 308 -
Disposal of Wastes from Watercraft.

6.9.8 The issuance of this certification pursuant to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act does not
release any dischargers from responsibilities or liabilities for past or future violations of
federal, state or local laws or regulations, nor does it release any potential dischargers from
the responsibility of obtaining permits, including any from the IEPA, or other approvals from
other units of government as may be required by law.

6.10 Indiana

Indiana certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

6.10.1 Permittee shall allow the commissioner or an authorized representative of the commissioner
(including an authorized contractor), upon the presentation of credentials:

a. to enter and inspect covered vessels;

b. to have access to and copy at reasonable times any records that must be kept under the
conditions of this certification;
c. to inspect, at reasonable times, any monitoring or operational equipment or method;
collection, treatment, pollution management or discharge facility or device; practices
required by this certification; and
d. to sample or monitor any discharge of pollutants from covered vessels.

6.10.2 This granting of WQC does not relieve the permittee from the responsibility of obtaining any
other permits or authorizations that may be required for this project or related activities from
the IDEM or any other agency or person.

6.10.3 This certification does not:

a. Authorize impacts or activities outside the scope of this certification;

b. Authorize any injury to permittees or private property or invasion of other private rights,
or any infringement of federal, state or local laws or regulations;
c. Convey any property rights of any sort, or any exclusive privileges; or

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d. Preempt any duty to obtain federal, state or local permits or authorizations required by

6.10.4 The IDEM, for any vessel that qualifies under the terms and conditions of this certification,
may choose to require an individual WQC if it determines that the vessel would have more
than minimal impacts to water quality, either viewed individually or collectively with other
activities that may affect the same waterbody.

6.10.5 Activities authorized by this general permit shall not violate or exceed Indiana's Water
Quality Standards at 327 IAC 2.

6.10.6 Oceangoing vessels eligible for coverage under the EPA VGP that enter the great Lakes-St.
Lawrence Seaway system and are transiting from beyond the 200- nautical-mile Exclusive
Economic Zone (EEZ) shall perform open ocean ballast water exchange or saltwater flushing
before entering the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway system in order to ensure water quality
standards are met.

6.10.7 Oceangoing Vessels covered by the EPA VGP shall comply with the following ballast water
discharge requirements:

a. For vessels constructed prior to December 1, 2013, and meeting the applicability criteria
in the federal NPDES permit, treatment shall be installed and operational to meet the
performance standards for organisms included in EPA VGP by the vessel's first
scheduled drydocking after January 1, 2016.

b. For vessels constructed after December 1, 2013, and meeting the applicability criteria in
the federal NPDES permit, treatment shall be installed and operational to meet the
performance standards for organisms included in EPA VGP prior to commencement of
vessel operation in Indiana State waters.

6.10.8 Any vessel discharging ballast water employing ballast water treatment systems using
chlorine, shall not exceed a maximum total residual chlorine limit of 0.02 mg/1. The usage of
other biocides shall not cause a violation of applicable water quality standards, and shall not
be discharged in concentrations considered to be toxic or harmful to aquatic life.

6.11 Iowa

Iowa certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

6.11.1 Permittee is responsible for securing and for compliance with such other permits or approvals
as may be required by the IDNR, federal, state, or local governmental agencies for the project
activities described.

6.11.2 All discharges to waters of the state of Iowa from vessels covered by the VGP shall not cause
a violation of Iowa Water Quality Standards, as found at Iowa Administrative Code 567
Chapter 61. http:/ /

6.11.3 If the vessel discharges oil or hazardous substances in the water, immediately call the
National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802 (or contact them through their website at: and the IDNR Emergency Response Unit at 1-515-281-8694.

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6.12 Kansas

Kansas certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

The Permittee shall not cause or contribute to a violation of the following narrative Kansas Surface Water
Quality Standards [KAR28-16-28E(B)]:

6.12.1 Surface waters shall be free, at all times, from the harmful effects of substances that originate
from artificial sources of pollution and that produce any public health hazard, nuisance
condition, or impairment of a designated use.

6.12.2 Hazardous materials derived from artificial sources, including toxic substances, radioactive
isotopes, and infections microorganisms derived directly or indirectly from point or nonpoint
sources, shall not occur in surface waters at concentrations or in combinations that jeopardize
the public health or the survival or well-being of livestock, domestic animals, terrestrial
wildlife, or aquatic or semiaquatic life.

6.12.3 Surface waters shall be free of all discarded solid materials, including trash, garbage, rubbish,
offal, grass clippings, discarded building or construction materials, car bodies, tires, wire, and
other unwanted or discarded materials. The placement of stone and concrete rubble for bank
stabilization shall be acceptable to the Department, if all other required permits are obtained
before placement.

6.12.4 Surface waters shall be free of floating debris, scum, foam, froth, and other floating materials
directly or indirectly attributable to artificial sources of pollution.

6.12.5 Oil and grease from artificial sources shall not cause any visible film or sheen to form upon
the surface of the water or upon submerged substrate or adjoining shorelines, nor shall these
materials cause a sludge or emulsion to be deposited beneath the surface of the water or upon
the adjoining shorelines.

6.12.6 Surface waters shall be free of deposits of sludge or fine solids attributable to artificial
sources of pollution.

6.12.7 Taste-producing and odor-producing substances or artificial origin shall not occur in surface
waters at concentrations that interfere with the production of potable water by conventional
water treatment process, that impart an unpalatable flavor to edible aquatic or semiaquatic life
or terrestrial wildlife, or that result in noticeable odors in the vicinity of surface waters.
6.12.8 The natural appearance of surface waters shall not be altered by the addition of color-
producing or turbidity-producing substances of artificial origin.

6.13 Maine

Maine certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

6.13.1 Draft permit generally. All the conditions set forth in the draft VGP cannot be made less
stringent without impairing Maine waters for their best usage. These conditions, or equally
protective conditions, are needed to comply with the Maine State statutes and regulations
indicated above. In accordance with 40 CFR 124.53(e)(3), this condition cannot be made less
stringent and still comply with State water quality standards.

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Exchange and flushing for voyages beyond the Exclusive Economic Zone. The operator of
any vessel covered under the VGP whose voyage originates outside the exclusive economic
zone and enters Maine waters shall conduct ballast water exchange or flushing beyond the
EEZ, at least 200 nautical miles from any shore, and in water at least 2,000 meters in depth,
resulting in salinity levels of at least 30 ppt. These requirements remain in effect regardless of
whether the vessel is equipped with a ballast water treatment system.

No vessel which operates a treatment system in accordance with Section of the draft
VGP shall bring ballast water into Maine waters unless its ballast tanks have been exchanged
or flushed at an ocean location in accordance with the above requirements, and unless any
water reintroduced into the vessel's tanks is ocean water from that same general location
which has been treated by the vessel's treatment system prior to entry into Maine waters.

All vessels entering Maine waters must maintain the ability to measure salinity levels in each
tank onboard the vessel so that salinities of at least 30 ppt can be ensured.

This condition adds no new requirement or deadline for ballast water treatment. The
requirements and deadlines for ballast water treatment are those specified in the draft VGP,
Section and Table 6. However, in addition to meeting those requirements, vessel
operators will need to continue performing exchange or flushing.

This condition does not apply to vessels:

a. that either have no ballast tanks or that carry only permanent ballast water, all of which is
in sealed tanks that are not subject to discharge, or

b. that carry only potable water that meets the requirements of section of the
draft VGP in their ballast tanks.

This condition does not apply if the master of the vessel determines that compliance with this
condition would threaten the safety or stability of the vessel, its crew, or its passengers because of
adverse weather, equipment failure, or any other relevant condition. If a vessel is unable to
conduct ballast water exchange or flushing due to serious safety concerns as specified above, the
operator of any vessel with ballast on board shall take reasonable measures to avoid discharge of
organisms in ballast water.

6.13.2 Large Commercial Passenger Vessel Specific Conditions.

a. Large Commercial Passengers Vessels 12 are prohibited from discharging graywater into
No Discharge Areas designated pursuant to section 312 of the Act, 33 CFR Part 159 and
40 CFR Part 140.

b. Large Commercial Passenger Vessels must report discharges of all blackwater, a mixture
of blackwater and graywater, or graywater to No Discharge Areas to the Department.13

6.13.3 No vessel covered by the VGP may discharge pollutants to Class GPA or class SA waters. 14

Large Commercial Passenger Vessels means vessels that provide overnight accommodations for 250 or more
passengers for hire. 38 M.R.S.A §423-D(l)(E)
38 MRSA §423-D(3)

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6.13.4 No vessel covered by the VGP may conduct underwater hull cleaning except as part of
emergency hull repairs necessary to secure the vessel or saving a life at sea. The Maine
Department of Environmental Protection has determined that removal of biological growth,
debris, or scrubbing the hull to reveal fresh antifouling coatings will invariably release
pollutants at levels potentially toxic to the marine environment and cause violations of water
quality standards. 15

6.14 Michigan

Michigan certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

6.14.1 Oceangoing vessels (a vessel that operates on the Great Lakes or the St. Lawrence waterway
after operating in waters outside the Great Lakes or the St. Lawrence waterway) covered by
the VGP are prohibited from discharging ballast water in Michigan's waters unless the vessel
has obtained a Certificate of Coverage under the Ballast Water Control General Permit
(Permit No. MIG140000) or an Individual Permit from the MDEQ and is in full compliance
with the discharge limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in that
General Permit or Individual Permit. (Section 3112[6] of Part 31, Water Resources
Protection, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as
amended [NREPA])

6.14.2 Ballast Water Exchange and Saltwater Flushing:

a. All vessels covered by the VGP whose voyages originate from outside the exclusive
economic zone (EEZ) and enter Michigan waters with ballast onboard, shall conduct
ballast water exchange at least 200 nautical miles (nm) from any shore and in waters
beyond the EEZ. Such vessels that carry only residual amounts of ballast water and/or
sediments shall conduct saltwater flushing of their ballast tanks, at least 200 nm from any
shore and in waters beyond the EEZ. (Section 3103a of Part 31 of the NREPA)

Ballast water exchange is defined as at least 1 empty and refill cycle of each ballast tank
that contains ballast water, resulting in a salinity level of at least 30 parts per thousand
(ppt). If the master of the vessel determines that such exchange is impracticable, a
sufficient number of flow-through exchanges of ballast water may be conducted to
achieve replacement of at least 95 percent of ballast water in ballast tanks of the vessel,
resulting in a salinity level of at least 30 ppt.

Saltwater flushing is defined as the addition of ocean water to ballast water tanks, the
mixing of the flushwater with residual water and sediment through the motion of the
vessel, and the discharge of the mixed water, such that the resulting residual water has a
salinity level of at least 30 ppt.

All vessels entering Michigan waters must maintain the ability to measure salinity levels
in each ballast tank onboard the vessel so that salinities of at least 30 ppt can be ensured.

38 MRSA §465-A (1) and 38 MRSA §465-B(l)
38 MRSA §420(2) and 38 MRSA §465-B

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b. Condition 6.14.2(a) does not apply to vessels that:

i. Carry only permanent ballast water, all of which is in sealed tanks that are not
subject to discharge, or

ii. Use only water from a United States public water system or Canadian drinking
water system as ballast water.

c. Condition 6.14.2(a) does not apply if the master of the vessel determines that compliance
with this condition would threaten the safety or stability of the vessel, its crew, or its
passengers because of adverse weather, equipment failure, or any other relevant
condition. If a vessel is unable to conduct ballast water exchange or flushing due to
serious safety concerns as specified above, the operator of a vessel shall take reasonable
measures to avoid discharge of organisms in ballast water and shall inform the MDEQ in
writing of the measures taken.

6.14.3 Discharge limitations for living organisms for vessels whose voyage originates outside the
EEZ (Sections 3103a and 3109 of Part 31 of the NREPA):

a. Ballast water discharges from vessels whose voyage originates outside the EEZ may
contain biological pollutants in the form of aquatic invasive species. Ballast water
discharges to Michigan waters must be controlled to a level sufficient to prevent aquatic
invasive species. These pollutants must not be discharged at a level that is, or may
become, injurious to any of the following: to the public health, safety, or welfare; to
domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational, or other uses that are being
made, or may be made, of such waters; to the value or utility of riparian lands; to
livestock, wild animals, birds, fish, aquatic life, or plants or to their growth or
propagation; or to the value of fish and game.

b. Any vessel utilizing a ballast water treatment system by December 31, 2014, consistent
with the technologies identified in Michigan's Ballast Water Control General Permit
(Permit No. MIG140000) or an alternative technology approved by the MDEQ, will not
be required to meet any future numeric water quality-based effluent limits (WQBEL) for
living organisms that may be set forth in a subsequent Section 401 certification until the
functional life of that ballast water treatment system has expired or the life of the vessel
has expired, whichever is earlier. These vessels must continue ballast water exchange
and saltwater flushing as described in Condition 6.14.2 unless it is demonstrated to the
MDEQ that numeric WQBELs adopted after the date of this certification for living
organisms are met.

6.14.4 Live Organism Monitoring (R 323.2154(2)(c) of the Part 21 Rules, Wastewater Discharge
Permits, promulgated under Part 31 of the NREPA):

a. The owner/operator of any vessel covered by the VGP whose voyages originate from
outside the EEZ that discharges ballast water to Michigan waters, shall monitor ballast
water discharged from their vessel at least once each year for living organisms greater
than 50 micrometers in minimum dimension, and living organisms equal to or less than
50 micrometers in minimum dimension and equal to or greater than 10 micrometers in
minimum dimension; and submit a report summarizing the discharge monitoring results
collected for the above live organism size categories to the MDEQ no later than
December 31 of each year. The ballast water discharge samples shall be collected and

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analyzed consistent with protocols established by the MDEQ. If the MDEQ fails to
establish protocols, then the requirements set forth in this condition will be waived.

6.14.5 The owners/operators of vessels required to utilize a ballast water treatment system shall
allow the MDEQ reasonable entry onto the vessel for inspection, access to records, and
collection of a ballast water discharge sample(s) for determining compliance with this
certification and applicable laws. (R 323.2149(1)(c) and R 323.2189 of the Part 21 Rules of
the NREPA)

6.14.6 Nonoceangoing vessels covered by the VGP operating ballast water treatment systems are
prohibited from discharging ballast water in Michigan waters with total residual chlorine
concentrations above 38 micrograms per liter (µg/L) when the ballast water discharge
duration exceeds 160 minutes, or above 200 µg/L when the ballast water discharge duration
is less than or equal to 160 minutes. (R 323.1057 of the Part 4 Rules, Water Quality
Standards, promulgated under Part 31 of the NREPA)

6.14.7 Discharges of blackwater and graywater from vessels covered by the VGP or sVGP are
prohibited to Michigan waters. (Part 95, Watercraft Pollution Control, of the NREPA)

6.14.8 Vessel owners/operators shall immediately notify the MDEQ whenever they become aware
that a discharge from their vessel causes or contributes to an exceedance of an applicable
state water quality standard. (R 323.2189 of the Part 21 Rules of the NREPA)

6.14.9 Each condition in the proposed VGP and sVGP cannot be made less stringent without
potentially violating the requirements of state law, including water quality standards. (Part 31
of the NREPA)

6.14.10 All discharges to Michigan waters from vessels covered by the USEPA's VGP are prohibited
from causing or contributing to exceedances of the Michigan Water Quality Standards (Part 4
Rules, Water Quality Standards, promulgated under Part 31 of the NREPA).

The contact point for consultation, submittals, and approvals as referred to in this certification is:

Chief, Water Resources Division

Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 30458
Lansing, Michigan 48909-7958
Phone: 517-335-4176

6.15 Minnesota

Minnesota certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

6.15.1 Compliance with Minnesota State Disposal System (SDS) permit for ballast water;

The applicability of International Maritime Organization (IMO) D-2 ballast water discharge
limits for vessels in the 2013 must not relieve any person from the duty to obtain and comply
with the existing Minnesota ballast water general permit MNG300000, or subsequent
modifications of that permit issued by the MPCA. Obtaining coverage under the 2013 VGP
does not release any person from the duty to obtain a permit required by state law. Vessels

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covered by the EPA's 2013 VGP must obtain any permits required by the state of Minnesota
for vessel discharges and comply with all requirements in the applicable permit at the time of
compliance review.

6.15.2 Exchange and flushing for voyages originating beyond the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

The operator of any vessel covered under the 2013 VGP whose voyage originates outside the
exclusive economic zone and enters Minnesota waters shall not discharge ballast unless the
following conditions are met: the vessel has conducted ballast water exchange or flushing
beyond the EEZ, at least 200 nautical miles from any shore, and in water at least 2,000 meters
in depth, while in oceanic waters, resulting in a salinity level of at least 30 parts per thousand
(ppt) prior to the time the vessel enters Minnesota waters. This requirement remains in effect
regardless of whether the vessel is equipped with a ballast water treatment system. This
requirement is in addition to treatment requirements required under the proposed 2013 VGP.

All vessels entering Minnesota waters must maintain the ability to measure salinity levels in
each tank onboard the vessel so that salinities of at least 30 ppt can be ensured prior to
discharge in Minnesota waters.

For vessels entering the Great Lakes from outside the EEZ and carrying only residual
amounts of ballast water and/or sediment, the flushing requirements are equivalent to those
set forth in the July 1, 2012, edition of the 51. Lawrence Seaway regulations, 33 CFR

This requirement does not apply to:

a. Vessels that either have no ballast tanks or that carry only permanent ballast water, all of
which is in sealed tanks that are not subject to discharge, or

b. Vessels that carry only potable water that meets the requirements of section of
the draft 2013 VGP in their ballast tanks.

This requirement does not apply if the master of the vessel determines that compliance with
this condition would threaten the safety or stability of the vessel, its crew, or its passengers
because of adverse weather, equipment failure, or any other relevant condition. If a vessel is
unable to conduct ballast water exchange or flushing due to serious safety concerns as
specified above, the operator of such vessel shall inform the MPCA and DNR prior to
discharging ballast in state waters to allow a determination of whether the discharge of the
ballast presents a "high risk" as described below. No ballast shall be discharged that does not
meet the conditions in this part if the MPCA determines that the ballast is "high risk" and that
additional treatment is necessary to protect aquatic resources.

6.15.3 Emergency Control of Ballast Water discharge


a. The MPCA, in coordination with the DNR, may prohibit discharge, require a discharge to
occur in a particular area, or require emergency treatment of any "high risk" ballast water
proposed to be discharged in Minnesota waters pursuant to its authority under Minn. Stat.
§116.11 and Minn. R. 7000.5000.

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b. A “high risk" ballast water is one that, in the opinion of the MPCA in consultation with
the DNR, poses an imminent and substantial danger to the health and welfare of the
people of the state related to the introduction of a nonnative species into Minnesota

c. If relocation of a high risk ballast discharge is required, the MPCA, coordinating with
the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), the DNR, and the States of Michigan and Wisconsin, as
needed, will identify alternative locations for the discharge of the high risk ballast water.

d. Nothing in this section relieves the vessel owner or operator of the responsibility for
ensuring the vessel's safety and stability or the safety of the crew and passengers.

e. As an alternative to discharging high-risk ballast water, the MPCA may authorize the use
of Ballast Water Treatment Systems (BWTS) identified as promising technology by EPA,
USCG, neighboring states or a U.S. ballast water testing research facility. U.S. ballast
water testing research facilities include, but may not be limited to the Golden Bear, Great
Ships Initiative and Maritime Environmental Resource Center.

6.15.4 Coverage of Lakers that operate exclusively in the Great Lakes


For vessels that operate exclusively in the Great Lakes, the following Best Management
Practices (BMPs) are required to be incorporated into the vessel's ballast management plan
and implemented prior to discharge of ballast in Minnesota waters):

a. Annually inspect and replace, as necessary, ballast sea chest screens. Replace screens
with the smallest openings allowed by good engineering practice. Inspections must be
documented by log entry, diver's report, video report, dry-docking report, marine
inspection note, or surveyor's report.

b. During cargo operations (while accounting for boom list, hull stress, and bending
moments), lighten the ship as much as practical to elevate water intakes before ballasting
to minimize sediment uptake and increase water flow.

c. Ballast water taken aboard shall be the minimum needed to ensure the safety of the crew
and vessel. Additional ballast water can be taken aboard, once deeper water is reached.

d. Ballast water shall always be taken aboard or discharged via the pumps and never
"gravity fed or drained." This ensures an organism that somehow makes it past the screen
is pulverized by the high speed, high pressure, and tight tolerance pump.

6.15.5 Monitoring Requirements


a. Monitoring for vessels required to meet the 2013 VGP(numeric limits equivalent to IMO
0-2) ballast water discharge limits: In addition to meeting the draft 2013 VGP
monitoring requirements in section 2.2.3.S., all vessels covered under the2013 VGP and
operating in Minnesota waters after a Ballast Water Treatment System is installed must

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Final 2013 VGP

sample and analyze the ballast water discharge at least once a year (provided appropriate
facilities are available) using the shipboard Environmental Technology Verification
(ETV) sampling protocol, a protocol consistent with IMO G8/G9 protocols, or a
compliance monitoring protocol developed by the USCG, whichever is most advanced
and available. The MPCA will be available to interpret which method(s) are most
advanced and available. This monitoring shall include sampling, identification and
enumeration of live organisms >50 µm and between 10-50 µm in size. The monitoring
results shall be submitted to EPA and the MPCA on an annual basis, consistent with the
mechanisms used in the 2013 VGP for all other submissions, provided such electronic
tools are made available by EPA. In the absence of available submittal tools by EPA,
monitoring data must be directly submitted to the MPCA. The MPCA's point of contact is
provided at the close of this letter. Such live organism monitoring shall include the
collection of representative discharge samples and the testing (counting) of live
organisms in such samples by qualified personnel in accordance with standard and/or best
available sampling and analytical methods.

b. Monitoring for vessels not required to meet numeric ballast treatment limits because of
2013 VGP condition (currently addressing vessels operating exclusively
upstream of the Welland Canal) or similar condition: Within 24 months of final issuance
of the 2013 VGP, all vessels not required to meet numeric ballast treatment standards,
and that discharge ballast in Minnesota waters, shall have the capacity to collect at the
request of the MPCA, EPA or other regulatory authority representative samples of
organisms in ballast water discharges. Beginning 24 months after final issuance of the
2013 VGP, all vessels not required to meet numeric ballast treatment limits shall
complete the following ballast discharge monitoring:

i. A minimum of once annually, sample and analyze for organism density and
composition (based on broad taxonomic categories). Sampling and analysis
methods shall be consistent with protocols described above. Samples must be
analyzed for total organisms (live or dead) greater than or equal to 10
micrometers in size. The ballast discharge subject to sampling must be taken on
the ship in a Great Lakes port for discharge into Minnesota waters. You must
report the uptake locations and volumes subject to sampling, as well as the
volume you plan to discharge in Minnesota's waters, best management practices
employed, and other factors affecting the composition of the sample.; or

ii. Complete, individually or in partnership with other permittees, a ballast

discharge biological study approved by the MPCA. The study must include
actual discharge data representing designated vessels that may discharge native
and non-native organisms into Minnesota waters. The purposes of the study must
include an evaluation of the risk that ballast discharges pose to Minnesota waters.

6.15.6 Biocide Usage


Discharges of residual biocides are authorized as defined by the September 24, 2008,
Minnesota General Ballast Water Permit or subsequent reissuances, whichever is most recent.
Discharge limitations for residual oxidants, and procedures for obtaining authorization to use
other chemical additives are established by the permit. Obtaining coverage under the 2013
VGP does not release any person from the duty to obtain a permit required by state law.

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Vessels covered by the EPA's 2013 VGP must obtain any permits required by the state of
Minnesota for vessel discharges and comply with all requirements in the applicable permit at
the time of compliance review.

6.15.7 Other State Regulations


All vessels must comply with the requirements of Minn. Stat. 115.1703 and any other
applicable state law, statute or rule.

6.16 Missouri

Missouri certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

6.16.1 The permittee shall not cause or contribute to the general or numeric criteria to be exceeded
nor impair beneficial uses established in the Water Quality Standards, 10 CSR 20-7.031.

6.16.2 Representatives from the Department shall be allowed to inspect the authorized activity at
any time deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance
with the letters and conditions of the permit.

6.16.3 This certification shall not be construed or interpreted to imply the requirements for other
permits are replaced or superseded. Any National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Permits, Land Disturbance General Permits, or other requirements shall be complied with.

6.17 Nebraska

Nebraska certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

Chapter 6, § 004 of Title 117- Nebraska's Surface Water Quality Standards, states that:

“No discharge of wastewater from domestic, municipal, or industrial sources shall be allowed directly
into lakes or impounded waters except:

“004.01 Wastewater from sources authorized by NPDES permits to discharge to these waters
prior to May 10, 1982 which have operated under active NPDES permits since then.

“004.02 Noncontact cooling waters from sources authorized by NPDES permits to discharge to
these waters.

“004.03 Stormwater from sources authorized by NPDES permits to discharge to these waters.”

This precludes allowing discharges into lakes and reservoirs of greywater; bilge water, or any sewage
commingled with any other discharge as described in the permits and in Federal Register Vol. 76, No.
236, pp 76716 through 76725. Vessels on these waters will need to discharge these wastewaters into
sanitary dump stations that do not result in a discharge to lakes or impounded waters. Cooling water
discharges are allowed. Use of these General Permits for vessels operating on streams of the State of
Nebraska is acceptable.

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Final 2013 VGP

6.18 New Hampshire

New Hampshire certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

6.18.1 Conditions Applicable to Coastal (Tidal) Waters

a. In a Notice of Determination in the Federal Register dated September 27, 2005, the State
of New Hampshire was granted permission by EPA for a No Discharge Area. The No
Discharge Area consists of all tidal and estuarine waters, including all bays and rivers to
the tidal dams, and all ocean waters within three nautical miles of the New Hampshire
shoreline and Isles of Shoals. In the No Discharge Area, all boat sewage discharge
(including graywater containing sewage), whether treated or untreated, is prohibited. For
a brochure on New Hampshire’s Coastal Pumpout Program see
ge area.pdf

b. Graywater without sewage should be discharged at pumpout facilities or beyond three

nautical miles of the New Hampshire shoreline and the Isles of Shoals wherever feasible.
This is infeasible at this time for vessels without holding tanks for graywater, but these
vessels should plan to install such holding tanks during one of the next two scheduled dry
docking events if such installation is technically feasible and would not jeopardize the
safety of the vessel.

c. Part 2.2.15 of the draft Vessel General Permit prohibits the discharge of graywater from
vessels with graywater holding tanks to nutrient impaired waters. For all practical
purposes for this part, nutrient impaired tidal waters in New Hampshire include tidal
waters west of the Interstate 95 Bridge over the Piscataqua River. For a more detailed
delineation of nutrient impaired waters see the DES' Watershed Report Cards at!nb/swga/report_cards.htm.

d. Bilgewater may contain fuel, oil, paint chips and other pollutants associated with the
cargo or processes occurring on the vessel. Part 2.3.1 requires among other things that
your discharges be controlled as necessary to meet applicable water quality standards.
The applicable water quality standards in New Hampshire are found in RSA 485-A:8 and
the Surface Water Quality Regulations Env-Wq 1700, which are available at l 700.pdf.
Vessel operators should pay particular attention to using all necessary management
practices, treatment and discharge methods to ensure that the surface waters near the
vessel remain free from substances that would settle to form harmful deposits or float as
foam, debris, scum or other visible pollutants or otherwise violate the General Water
Quality Criteria (see Env-Wq 1703.03) or the Minimum Criteria for Mixing Zones (see
Env-Wq 1707.02). For discharges such as bilgewater that are likely to contain pollutants
that are toxic to aquatic life, the management practices, treatment and discharge methods
must also ensure that the discharge does not cause the surface water in the vicinity of the
discharge to contain “toxics in toxic amounts" (see Env-Wq 1703.21).

6.18.2 Conditions Applicable to Inland (Freshwater) Surface Waters

a. The inland lakes of New Hampshire are No Discharge Areas for both sewage and
graywater. See RSA 487:1-14 at Information on
pumpout facilities on Lake Winnipesaukee, Lake Sunapee and Squam lake can be found

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b. Bilgewater may contain fuel, oil, paint chips and other pollutants associated with the
cargo or processes occurring on the vessel. Part 2.3.1 requires among other things that
your discharges be controlled as necessary to meet applicable water quality standards.
The applicable water quality standards in New Hampshire are found in RSA 485-A:8 and
the Surface Water Quality Regulations Env-Wq 1700, which are available at
Vessel operators should pay particular attention to using all necessary management
practices, treatment and discharge methods to ensure that the surface waters near the
vessel remain free from substances that would settle to form harmful deposits or float as
foam, debris, scum or other visible pollutants or otherwise violate the General Water
Quality Criteria (see Env-Wq 1703.03) or the Minimum Criteria for Mixing Zones (see
Env·Wq 1707.02). For discharges such as bilgewater that are likely to contain pollutants
that are toxic to aquatic life, the management practices, treatment and discharge methods
must also ensure that the discharge does not cause the surface water in the vicinity of the
discharge to contain "'toxics in toxic amounts''(see Env-Wq 1703.21).

6.19 New York

New York certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

Vessel General Permit Certification Conditions

The Department finds that the conditions in the draft VGP cannot be made less stringent without violating
water quality standards and other requirements of State law, and also establishes other conditions more
stringent than those contained in the draft VGP that are needed to meet the requirements of either the
CWA or New York State law. As further explained herein and in the Department’s Fact Sheet dated 2012,
each such condition is needed to assure compliance with the relevant provisions of law and regulation
which are set forth in the Department’s Fact Sheet dated 2012. In accordance with 40 CFR §§
124.53(e)(2) and (3), those provisions of the CWA and New York State law form the basis for the
conditions of this Certification. In accordance with 40 CFR § 124.53 (e)(2) and (3), each such condition
cannot be made less stringent and still comply with the requirements of State law and regulation,
including State water quality standards. Since the requirements of New York State law and regulation,
including water quality standards, are more stringent than the protections the VGP would otherwise
provide, this water quality certification is necessary.

In accordance with 40 CFR § 122.44(d)(1), numeric Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations (WQBEL)
for living organisms in ballast water discharges can be set for vessels covered under the VGP. The
WQBEL is set at a level which will neither cause nor contribute to an excursion above New York State
water quality standards, including State narrative criteria for water quality. While this Certification does
not set a WQBEL, it does specify interim measures to ensure compliance with State water quality
standards, including State narrative criteria for water quality, until such time as the WQBEL is developed
and fully attainable. The Certification also sets conditions for other vessel discharges such as bilge water.
All studies, reports, authorities and other documents cited herein, including the Department’s Fact Sheet
dated 2012, are incorporated into this Certification by reference.

Conditions set forth in the draft VGP cannot be made less stringent:

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6.19.1 Draft permit generally. The conditions set forth in the draft VGP, including Section
(discharge limitations), Section (Great Lakes exchange and flushing), and Section
2.2.15 (graywater), cannot be made less stringent without impairing New York waters for
their best usage. These conditions, or equally protective conditions, are needed to comply
with the New York State statutes and regulations indicated in the Department's Fact Sheet
dated 2012. In accordance with 40 CFR 124.53 (e)(3), this condition cannot be made less
stringent and still comply with State water quality standards.

For example, permittees must meet the following discharge limits consistent with Section and Table 6: Ballast Water Treatment to BAT(Best Available Technology) Schedule
found in the VGP, unless excluded from these requirements by Parts or of
the VGP:
a. For organisms greater than or equal to 50 micrometers in minimum dimension: discharge
must include fewer than 10 living organisms per cubic meter of ballast water.

b. For organisms less than 50 micrometers and greater than or equal to 10 micrometers:
discharge must include fewer than 10 living organisms per milliliter (mL) of ballast

c. Indicator microorganisms must not exceed:

i. For Toxicogenic Vibrio cholerae (serotypes O1 and O139): a concentration of

less than 1 colony forming unit (cfu) per 100 mL.

ii. For Escherichia coli: a concentration of fewer than 250 cfu per 100 mL.

iii. For intestinal enterococci: a concentration of fewer than 100 cfu per 100 mL

Conditions more stringent than those contained in the draft VGP:

6.19.2 Exchange and flushing for voyages originating beyond the exclusive economic zone
(EEZ). The operator of any vessel covered under the VGP whose voyage originates outside
the exclusive economic zone and enters New York waters shall conduct ballast water
exchange or flushing beyond the EEZ, at least 200 nautical miles from any shore, and in
water at least 2,000 meters in depth, resulting in a salinity level of at least 30 parts per
thousand (ppt). These requirements remain in effect regardless of whether the vessel is
equipped with a ballast water treatment system.

No vessel subject to this condition which operates a treatment system in accordance with
Section of the draft VGP shall bring ballast water into New York waters unless its
ballast tanks have been exchanged or flushed at a location at least 200 nautical miles from
shore in accordance with the above requirements, and unless any water reintroduced into the
vessel’s tanks is ocean water from that same general location which has been treated by the
vessel’s treatment system prior to entry into New York waters.

All vessels entering New York waters must maintain the ability to measure salinity levels in
each tank onboard the vessel so that salinities of at least 30 ppt can be ensured.

This condition adds no new requirement or deadline for ballast water treatment. The
requirements and deadlines for ballast water treatment are those specified in the draft VGP,
Section and Table 6. However, in addition to meeting those requirements, vessel
operators will need to continue performing exchange or flushing.

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This condition does not apply to vessels:

a. that either have no operable ballast tanks or that carry only permanent ballast water, all of
which is in sealed tanks that are not subject to discharge, or

b. that carry only potable water that meets the requirements of section of the
draft VGP in their ballast tanks.

This condition does not apply if the master of the vessel determines that compliance with this
condition would threaten the safety or stability of the vessel, its crew, or its passengers
because of adverse weather, equipment failure, or any other relevant condition. If a vessel is
unable to conduct ballast water exchange or flushing due to serious safety concerns as
specified above, the operator of any vessel with ballast on board shall take reasonable
measures to avoid discharge of organisms in ballast water and shall inform the Department in
writing of the measures taken.

For vessels entering the Great Lakes from outside the EEZ and carrying only residual
amounts of ballast water and/or sediment, the flushing requirements are equivalent to those
set forth in the May 4, 2012 edition of the Seaway Regulations and Rules, 33 CFR 401.30(f).

New York finds that the exchange/flushing requirements set forth in this condition, including
the combination of treatment with exchange or flushing, are needed to prevent impairment of
waters for their best usage and are thus needed to comply with the New York State statutes
and regulations indicated in the Department's Fact Sheet dated 2012. In accordance with 40
CFR 124.53 (e)(2), this condition cannot be made less stringent and still comply with State
water quality standards.

6.19.3 WQBEL. The discharge of ballast water from vessels covered under the EPA VGP contains
biological pollutants in the form of aquatic invasive species (AIS). These pollutants must not
be discharged at a level which will cause, or have the potential to cause, or contribute to an
excursion above the State narrative water quality standards in 6 NYCRR Part 703.2. Vessels
discharging ballast water in New York’s waters must control the level of these biological
pollutants to a level to achieve the State narrative water quality standards. A numeric effluent
limitation for this condition is deferred until the next VGP.

6.19.4 Confined Laker vessels. Requirements and recommendations for vessels that operate
exclusively in the Great Lakes are the following Best Management Practices (BMPs). New
York requires the use of reasonable and effective management practices to limit the
introduction and spread of aquatic invasive species, until at least the WQBEL is fully

The following BMPs are required to be implemented in the Great Lakes:

a. In lieu of the normal 5-year inspection, annually inspect and replace, as necessary, ballast
sea chest screens. Replace screens with the smallest openings allowed by good
engineering practice. Inspections will be documented by log entry, diver’s report, video
report, dry-docking report, marine inspection note, or surveyor’s report.

b. During cargo operations while accounting for boom list, hull stress, and bending
moments, lighten the ship as much as practical to elevate water intakes before ballasting
to minimize sediment uptake and increase water flow.

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c. Ballast water taken aboard in Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS) affected waters shall
be the minimum needed to ensure the safety of the crew and vessel. Additional ballast
water can be taken aboard, once deeper water is reached.

d. Ballast water shall always be taken aboard or discharged via the pumps and never
“gravity fed or drained.” This ensures an organism that somehow makes it past the screen
is pulverized by the high speed, high pressure, and tight tolerance pump.

The following BMPs are recommended to be implemented in the Great Lakes:

e. The temperature range in which the VHS virus is known to replicate, and in which fish
kills have been detected, is quite broad (37ºF - 70ºF [3ºC - 21ºC]). Since this range
encompasses the majority of water temperatures found in the Great Lakes throughout the
year, New York State recommends following this supplemental BMP regardless of water

i. In order for the VHS disease to spread, an uninfected, yet vulnerable fish must be
exposed to an active virus, such as with exposure to the bodily fluids from an
infected fish. The virus is most stable in a living fish. It can remain active in dead or
macerated fish parts, but for a shorter time. Therefore New York State recommends
its vessel operators take all appropriate actions to insure that fish or fish parts do not
enter their ballast tanks. This is accomplished by inspecting the ½” openings
screening the ballast water intakes and using pumps as macerators during uptake and

ii. Fish populations are denser near shore and significantly less dense more than 3 miles
from shore; therefore, New York State recommends its vessel operators, when and
where possible, minimize uptake of ballast water in near shore locations. To further
reduce risk, when possible:

1. Conduct a ballast water exchange in the deepest, warmest water prior to entering
Lake Superior (this practice would specifically preclude exchanging ballast water
in Lake St. Clair and the western basin of Lake Erie).

2. If vessel operators are unable to conduct an exchange in the lower Great Lakes,
consider doing an exchange in deep, remote waters of Lake Superior.

3. Although it is unlikely a live fish or larger fish particle could have entered the
ballast system, consider exchanging ballast water within the ship or re-
circulating it within a ballast tank (pumps act as a macerator to reduce the
possibility of discharging fish or larger pieces of fish).

4. Continue working with the U.S. Coast Guard and Council of Lake Committees to
evaluate additional risk reduction actions.

New York finds that the BMPs set forth in this condition are needed to prevent impairment of
waters for their best usage and are thus needed to comply with the New York State statutes
and regulations indicated in the Department's Fact Sheet dated 2012. In accordance with 40
CFR 124.53 (e)(2), this condition cannot be made less stringent and still comply with State
water quality standards.

6.19.5 Live organism monitoring. In addition to meeting the draft VGP monitoring requirements in
section, all vessels covered under the VGP and operating in New York waters,

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after a Ballast Water Treatment System is installed, must sample and analyze the ballast
water discharge at least once a year (provided appropriate facilities are available) using the
California shipboard sampling protocol, or a compliance monitoring protocol developed by
the USCG, whichever is most advanced and available. This monitoring shall include
sampling for >50 µm and for 10-50 µm organisms. The monitoring results shall be submitted
to EPA and the Department on an annual basis, consistent with the mechanisms used in the
VGP for all other submissions. The Department’s point of contact is provided at the close of
this letter. Such live organism monitoring shall include the collection of representative
discharge samples and the testing (counting) of live organisms in such samples by qualified
personnel in accordance with standard and/or best available sampling and analytical methods.

New York finds that the monitoring requirements set forth in this condition are needed to
prevent impairment of waters for their best usage and are thus needed to comply with the
New York State statutes and regulations indicated in the Department's Fact Sheet dated 2012.
In accordance with 40 CFR 124.53 (e)(2), this condition cannot be made less stringent and
still comply with State water quality standards.

6.19.6 Bilge water. Discharge of bilge water is prohibited in New York waters. This condition does
not apply to the discharge of bilge water if the master of the vessel determines that
compliance with this condition would threaten the safety or stability of the vessel, its crew, or
its passengers because of adverse weather, equipment failure, or any other relevant condition.

New York finds that the discharge prohibition set forth in this condition, coupled with the
narrowly defined safety exemption, is needed to prevent impairment of waters for their best
usage and is thus needed to comply with the New York State statutes and regulations
indicated in the Department's Fact Sheet dated 2012. In accordance with 40 CFR 124.53
(e)(2), this condition cannot be made less stringent and still comply with State water quality

6.20 North Carolina

North Carolina certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

6.20.1 This Certification is valid only for those activities that fully comply with all terms and
conditions of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Vessel General
Permit for Discharges Incidental to the Normal Operation of Vessels (VGP) or the proposed
NPDES Small Vessel General Permit for Discharges Incidental to the Normal Operation of
Vessels less than 79 Feet (sVGP) and all other state laws applicable to such discharges.

6.20.2 Discharges that are not eligible for coverage under the VGP or sVGP that require an
individual permit must also obtain an individual Water Quality Certification or waiver from
the Division.

6.20.3 This General Certification does not relieve the applicant/permittee of the responsibility to
obtain all other required Federal, State, or Local approvals.

6.20.4 The applicant/permittee and their authorized agents shall conduct all activities in a manner
consistent with state water quality standards (including any requirements resulting from
compliance with §303(d) of the Clean Water Act), the Oil Pollution and Hazardous
Substances Control Act of 1978 (Chapter 143 Article 21A) and any other appropriate
requirements of State and Federal Law.

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6.21 Ohio

Ohio certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

Water Quality Standards and Impacts

6.21.1 Ohio Narrative Water Quality Standards and Nuisance Species

Ohio Water Quality Standards (WQS) contain narrative conditions to prohibit nuisance
conditions in waters of the state. The specific standard states that "To every extent practical
and possible as determined by the director, these waters shall be . . . Free from materials
entering the waters as a result of human activity producing color, odor or other conditions in
such a degree as to create a nuisance;" [Ohio Administrative Code 3745-1-04(C)].

In this rule, the term materials is not defined or limited; Ohio considers that this condition
applies to non-indigenous nuisance species. The federal NPDES permit may not adequately
prevent the introduction of new non-indigenous species, depending on the conditions issued
in the final NPDES permit.

6.21.2 Ohio Narrative Water Quality Standards for Toxicity

The narrative WQS also contain a provision prohibiting toxicity: "To every extent practical
and possible as defined by the director, these waters shall be....Free from substances entering
the waters as a result of human activity in concentrations that are toxic or harmful to human,
animal or aquatic life and/or are rapidly lethal in the mixing zone;" [Ohio Administrative
Code 3745-1-04(0)].

The federal NPDES permit requirement for salt water ballast exchange means that ballast
water discharges to fresh water will contain large concentrations of dissolved solids; these
solids have the potential to be toxic to fresh water aquatic life, and discharges must meet the
narrative toxicity standard.

6.21.3 Biocide Limits and Experimental Ballast Water Treatment

The discharge limits for residual chlorine, peroxyacetic acid and hydrogen peroxide do not
meet Ohio WQS for continuous discharges. The federal NPDES permit's total residual
chlorine discharge standard is 100 µg/l for discharges from ballast water treatment
systems. This limit meets Ohio WQS for short-term intermittent discharges, but does not
meet WQS for continuous discharges.

Ohio has used its authority to establish site-specific WQS to establish a separate inside-
mixing-zone maximum criterion for short-term exposures to chlorine. This criterion for is
200 µg/l; the otherwise applicable criterion is 38 µg/l. [OAC 3745-1-35 and -36].

Ohio EPA has developed water quality criteria applicable to bromine and combinations of
bromine and chlorine. These criteria are based on data submitted by the Chemical
Manufacturers Association to U.S. EPA Region V that shows bromine being approximately
four times as toxic as chlorine. The water quality criteria for bromine are therefore set at1/4
of the chlorine standard.

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Ohio EPA has also developed water quality criteria for peracetic acid using the criteria
calculation rule OAC 3745-1-36. Similar procedures have been used by Michigan to
develop water quality criteria for hydrogen peroxide and ozone (Michigan DEQ Rule 57).

Discharges of other biocides must meet the narrative water quality standard for toxicity noted
above. [OAC 3745-1-04(0)].

Specific Conditions

6.21.4 Ballast Water Controls

Given the number of invasive species already in the Great Lakes, the number of recent
introductions, and the likelihood of increased ship traffic, the existing program of ballast
water control is not effective in preventing the introduction of invasive non-native organisms,
and therefore does not meet Ohio's narrative WQS. An integrated system of ballast water
treatment and management controls would reduce the number of live organisms in ballast
water, and is the most effective approach to meeting the nuisance WQS. [OAC 3745-1-

The draft VGP proposes treatment limits and practices to reduce the number of organisms
discharged into U.S. waters. Ohio EPA believes that these controls are "practical and
possible" means of controlling potentially invasive species, and is incorporating those
requirements into this certification. These controls include the International Maritime
Organization (IMO) treatment standards and ballast water management techniques in the
draft permit.

Discharges must meet the IMO treatment standards in the VGP or 33 CFR 151.1511,
whichever is more restrictive, according to the schedule in the VGP or 33 CFR 151.1512,
whichever compliance date comes first.

Treatment systems to reduce the number of live organisms discharged in ballast water exist
and are continuing to be developed. These treatment systems are intended to kill and/or filter
all organisms from ballast water so that they are not discharged. Several of the treatment
systems being designed to meet the discharge standards of the International Maritime
Organization (IMO) can remove a large percentage, if not all, organisms. Ohio EPA is
certifying IMO standards because they are the most widely accepted and tested standards in
the world. These treatment systems shall be operated to maximize the destruction and/or
removal of organisms in the ballast water, with the object of discharging no viable organisms.

The VGP contains additional management controls on ballast water discharges that can
reduce the risk of organisms discharged in ballast water. These controls are currently in-use
by many ships, and are therefore reasonable conditions. As they are capable of reducing the
risk of nuisance organisms discharged, these conditions are required to meet OAC 3745-1-

Vessels that operate outside the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and more than 200
nautical miles from shore, and then enter the Great Lakes via the St. Lawrence Seaway
System must conduct salt water flushing of ballast tanks. This condition applies both
before and after treatment system deadlines in the VGP;

Vessels are prohibited from discharging ballast water sediment in Ohio waters.

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Ohio EPA believes that the IMO certification combined with ballast water flushing and
exchange is sufficient demonstration that these treatment standards are "practical and
possible" methods for meeting ballast water treatment standards for ocean-going ships. U.S.
EPA's fact sheet demonstrates that more restrictive treatment standards cannot be reliably
attained or measured at this time.

Ohio EPA also believes that there are reasons to treat existing vessels that operate exclusively
within the Great Lakes differently than those that operate outside the Lakes. The effluent
flows of ballast water are larger than ocean-going vessels, are discharged more rapidly that
the ballast water of ocean-going vessels, and space for treatment equipment is limited on
existing lake vessels. These factors affect the practicability of treatment. Ohio EPA believes
that IMO treatment standards are not "practical and possible" at this time for existing vessels
operating exclusively within the Great Lakes, as defined in the VGP.

If the federal government adopts treatment standards more stringent than IMO, then those
standards shall replace the above treatment standards for new treatment systems installed
after the date those federal standards go into effect.

The Director will evaluate treatment standards equivalent to IMO or more restrictive
standards for all vessel classes covered by the federal general permit (including both ocean-
going vessels and vessels that operate only in the Great Lakes) when he issues the next
certification on this permit. The decision to require IMO or more restrictive treatment
standards will be based on treatment system availability and costs, and other considerations
required by law.

6.21.5 Salt Water Discharges

It is likely that discharges of ballasted sea water will not meet the toxicity narrative water
quality standard if discharged in the relatively shallow water of Ohio's Lake Erie ports, due to
the dissolved solids levels in sea water. Discharges in the open waters of the Lake minimize
the risk of toxicity, and will allow the standard to be met. In order to prevent toxicity to
ambient organisms or rapidly lethal conditions, discharges of ballasted sea water within the
breakwalls of Ohio's Lake Erie Ports is prohibited.

6.21.6 Ballast Treatment Chemical-Specific Discharge Limits

For ballast water treatment systems using chlorine, discharges must meet a maximum
chlorine limit of 38 micrograms per liter (µg/l) if the discharge lasts for more than 160
minutes/day; the limit is 200 µg/l if the discharge is 160 minutes/day or less. [OAC 3745-1-
07 (inside-mixing-zone maximum water quality standards, definition and applicability), OAC
3745-1-35, (site-specific WQS, exposure time-based criteria), OAC 3745-1-36 (aquatic
life criteria calculation procedures, equivalency of IMZM with FAV criteria), OAC
3745-2-05(8)(3) (maximum limits for discharges to lakes)]. These standards apply to all
ballast water treatments - both experimental and those treatments installed to meet IMO

6.21.7 Ballast Treatment- Other Biocides

Biocides other than the biocides listed in c. above used in ballast water treatment must meet
Ohio's narrative toxicity water quality standard. To meet the 'no rapidly lethal conditions'
narrative, discharges of all biocides must meet inside-mixing-zone water quality standards

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(Final Acute Values) as determined by the OAC Rule 3745-1-36 [Great Lakes Initiative rule
procedures]. The discharge of organic quaternary ammonium compounds is prohibited.

6.22 Rhode Island

Rhode Island certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

6.22.1 The operator of any vessel covered under the draft VGP whose voyage originates outside the
exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and enters Rhode Island waters shall conduct ballast water
exchange or flushing beyond the EEZ, at least 200 nautical miles from any shore, and in
water at least 2,000 meters in depth. These requirements remain in effect regardless of
whether the vessel is equipped with a ballast water treatment system. No vessel subject to this
condition which operates a treatment system in accordance with Section of the draft
VGP shall bring ballast water into Rhode Island waters unless its ballast tanks have been
exchanged or flushed at a location at least 200 nautical miles from shore and unless any water
reintroduced into the vessel's tanks is ocean water from that same general location which has
been treated by the vessel's treatment system prior to entry into Rhode Island waters.

This condition adds no new requirement or deadline for ballast water treatment. The
requirements and deadlines for ballast water treatment are those specified in the draft VGP,
Section and Table 6. However, in addition to meeting the requirements in Section and Table 6, vessel operators will need to continue performing exchange or flushing.
This condition does not apply to vessels that either have no ballast tanks or that carry only
permanent ballast water, all of which is contained in sealed tanks that are not subject to
discharge, or that carry only potable water that meets the requirements of section
of the draft VGP in their ballast tanks.

This condition does not apply if the master of the vessel determines that compliance with this
condition would threaten the safety or stability of the vessel, its crew, or its passengers
because of adverse weather, equipment failure, or any other relevant condition. If a vessel is
unable to conduct ballast water exchange or flushing due to serious safety concerns as
specified above, the operator of any vessel with ballast on board shall take reasonable
measures to avoid discharge of organisms in ballast water and shall inform the Department in
writing of the measures taken.

The above condition combines water quality protection with operational flexibility. They
provide flexibility to the industry by allowing further development of treatment technology
and testing protocols. While not a mandatory requirement, the Department urges vessel
permittees to voluntarily install currently available technologies that go beyond the IMO D-2
standard (e.g., systems that have demonstrated the ability to meet and exceed a 10X IMO
level of treatment) as a means of gaining useful experience while contributing to the
advancement of treatment technology.

6.22.2 The discharge of bilge water from any vessel covered under the draft VGP whose voyage
originates outside the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) shall discharge all existing bilge water
prior to entering Rhode Island waters. This condition does not apply to the discharge of bilge
water if the master of the vessel determines that compliance with this condition would
threaten the safety or stability of the vessel, its crew, or its passengers because of adverse
weather, equipment failure, or any other relevant conditions. If the operator of the vessel
(originating outside of the EEZ) is unable to discharge their bilge water prior to entering

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Final 2013 VGP

Rhode Island waters, the operator is prohibited from discharging bilge water within Rhode
Island waters.

The Department finds that this condition is necessary to protect the ecological integrity of RI
waters from the discharge of invasive species within bilge water. The BMP's required within
the draft VGP include prohibitions on releases of certain chemicals, including dispersants,
detergents, emulsifiers, chemicals, and other substances; however it has been demonstrated 16
that bilge water is a significant vector for transporting invasive species. The Department has
added this condition but isolated it to those vessels that originate outside of the EEZ since the
prohibition is intended to restrict the discharge of invasive species to Rhode Island waters.

6.22.3 In addition to meeting the draft VGP monitoring requirements in Section, all
vessels covered under the VGP and operating in Rhode Island waters, after a Ballast Water
Treatment System is installed, must sample and analyze the ballast water discharge at least
once a year (provided appropriate facilities are available), using the California shipboard
sampling protocol, or a compliance monitoring protocol developed by the USCG, whichever
is most advanced and available. The monitoring results shall be submitted to EPA and the
Department on an annual basis, consistent with the mechanisms used in the VGP for all other
submissions. Coordination of sampling/monitoring shall be directed to Kevin Cute of the RI
Coastal Resources Management Council. Such live organism monitoring shall include the
collection of representative discharge samples and the testing (counting) of live organisms in
such samples by qualified personnel in accordance with standard and/or best available
sampling and analytical methods. In addition to EPA submissions, the applicant must submit
all sampling results to the Office of Water Resources, RI Department of Environmental

6.22.4 Graywater discharges to nutrient and pathogen impaired waters from vessels subject to the
VGP covered under this permit shall be managed in accordance with Section 2.2.15 of the
VGP. All requirements applied to special waters listed in Appendix G of the VGP apply to
Rhode Island waters that are impaired for nutrients and/or pathogens. A specific list
identifying impaired waters within the State of Rhode Island is available at This website contains the most recent
Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report which shall be used to identify
the impaired waterbodies. Specifically, appendixes Category 4A (Impaired but TMDL has
been completed) and Category 5 (303{d} listed and impaired). This is necessary to comply
with Rule 9b (no further degradation of low quality waters) of the State Water Quality
Regulations. This condition shall also support the ''No Discharge Area designation of state
waters pursuant to Section 312-(f)(3) of Public Law (Federal Water Pollution Control Act)
and 92-500 as amended.

6.23 Vermont

Vermont certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

6.23.1 The Department certifies there is a reasonable assurance that discharges from vessels covered
by EPA's VGP and sVGP will comply with the applicable provisions of 33 U.S.C §§ 1311,

Muir, Adrianna A. PhD, California Research bureau, Managing Coastal Aquatic Invasive Species in California:
Existing Policies and Policy Gaps: Requested by Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee; January 2011.
CRB 11-001.

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1312, 1313, 1316, 1317 and 1341 (CWA §§ 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 and 401), and that
permittees and their activities will not contravene applicable limitations, standards and other
appropriate requirements of State law, provided the following conditions set forth in this
Certification are met.

6.23.2 The operator of any vessel covered under the VGP or sVGP who by accident, negligence, or
otherwise causes the discharge, spillage, uncontrolled loss, seepage or filtration of oil or
petroleum or chemical liquids or solid, liquid or gaseous products, or hazardous wastes which
poses a potential threat to human health or the environment, shall immediately report to the
Department by telephone at (802) 828-1535.

6.23.3 All work and activities conducted by the permittee in accordance with the VGP or sVGP shall
be consistent with the terms and conditions of this certification. Any regulated activities
carried out in a manner inconsistent with the conditions set forth herein or inconsistent with
the requirements specified in the VGP or sVGP, which are not more stringently conditioned
under this certification, constitute a violation of this certification pursuant to 40 CFR
§124.53(e)(l), and all instances of non-compliance with this certification must be immediately
reported to the Department at (802) 828-1535.

6.23.4 The discharge of wastewaters from pressure washing the bottom of vessels and any point
source or non-point source pollution from spillage, sanding, sand blasting, or scraping vessels
into Vermont waters from any vessel covered under the VGP or sVGP is prohibited.

6.23.5 Any discharge from any vessel covered under the VGP or sVGP that results in the further
degradation of the chemical, physical, or biological integrity of Vermont waters listed on
Vermont's Section 303(d) list is prohibited.

6.23.6 This certification is only valid for those activities that fully comply with all terms and
conditions of EPA's final VGP and sVGP and all other state laws applicable to such
discharges. The Department reserves the authority to enforce any violation of the Vermont
Water Quality Standards that results from any discharge and to enforce all other state laws
applicable to such discharges.

6.23.7 Discharges that are not eligible for coverage under the VGP and sVGP and that require an
individual permit must obtain an individual water quality certification or waiver from the

6.23.8 The issuance of this certification does not authorize violation of any federal, state or local
laws or regulations, nor does it obviate the necessity of obtaining such permits, including any
Department permits or approvals, or permits or approvals from other governmental entities.

6.24 Washington

Washington certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

6.24.1 Conditions Related to Washington State Geography

The conditions and requirements of the Vessel General Permit (VGP) shall extend to all
surface waters of the state. (Authority- Article XXIV of the Washington State Constitution
and 43 USC§ 1312.)

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6.24.2 Conditions Related to State Law

1. Except for discharges of firefighting foam conducted in accordance with VGP Part 2.2.5,
discharges to state waters are prohibited which would cause a sheen, film, sludge, foam,
turbidity, color, or odor. (Authority RCW 90.48.020, RCW 90.48.080, and WAC 173-

2. Based upon experience in Washington State with vessel discharges violating RCW
90.48.080 and requirements that the Department of Ecology has routinely imposed since
before issuance of the original VGP in 2008, the following instructions for vessels are
conditions of the VGP:

a. In order to minimize the generation and release of wastewater, vessel operators

shall use best management practices which include mechanical methods to
thoroughly clean bulk and break bulk cargo holds. Unless flammable or
explosive vapor concentrations make the risk too great, hold cleanliness shall be
documented photographically before washing with water. Solid wastes from hold
cleaning must be transferred onshore for disposal in an approved landfill. This
includes agricultural products such as grains.
b. The discharge of wash down water from holds containing metal ores, prilled coal
tar (pencil pitch), coal, and petroleum coke is prohibited.
c. The discharge of tank cleaning and wash down water from petroleum and
chemical tank ships is prohibited.
d. Discharge of wash water from holds which contained concrete, sand, gravel and
other similar inorganic products shall be allowed as long as it is managed to
prevent violation of any provision of state law or WQS, especially creating a
visible increase in turbidity or raising receiving water pH more than 0.5 units or
above 8.5.
e. The discharge of fish hold effluent while at a dock, pier, or mooring is

3. No vessel meeting the VGP definition of a large or medium cruise ship may discharge
graywater within 0.5 miles of a shellfish bed that is recreationally harvested or approved
for commercial harvest. (Authority – RCW 69.30.130).

4. The release to state waters of a harmful animal or plant species meets the state's
definition of pollution in RCW 90.48.020 and would be a violation of RCW 90.48.080,
WAC 173-201A-260(2)(a), and the sVGP. VGP Part 3 requires corrective actions when a
problem such as significant biofouling is known. VGP Part 2.2.23 requires vessel
operators to minimize the transport of attached living organisms from overseas or
between Captain of the Port (COTP) zones. Regular cleaning of hulls and niche areas is
the only routinely available nontoxic method for minimizing transport of attached living

The release of nonnative aquatic animal species from in-water cleaning of vessel hulls,
niche areas, and running gear without approval from the Washington Department of Fish
and Wildlife (WDFW) is forbidden by RCW 77.15.253. The state VGP/sVGP webpage
described in Condition 6.24.5. contains contact information and instructions for seeking
WDFW approval.

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Allowing biofouling to accumulate and mature without hull cleaning can also be
interpreted as an illegal release. Operators of vessels with hulls which have not been
cleaned for months or that are involved in extended unmanned periods or other lay­ ups
as described in VGP Part should conduct a hull inspection. A hull inspection
under these circumstances is especially needed before leaving on a voyage to Washington
State waters or a voyage between COTP zones within the state. In accordance with VGP
Part 3, hull cleaning must be conducted when needed.

5. Vessel operators must meet all applicable ballast water requirements in place as of July 2,
2012 in Chapter 77.120 RCW and Chapter 220-150 WAC.

6. Any discharge from emergency treatment of ballast water must meet the requirements in
Part of the VGP.

6.24.3 Notification Condition

The following incidents must be reported as soon as possible but no more than 24 hours after
first becoming aware of their occurrence to the Washington State Department of Health
(WDOH) at 360-236-3330 or 360-789-8962 (after hours). Information provided should
include the discharge location (latitude and longitude), discharge volume, discharge type,
date and time, and duration of discharge. WDOH need not be notified of any incident not
occurring in state waters. (Authority - RCW 69.30.130.)

1. A discharge of graywater in violation of VGP Parts 2.2.15, 5.1.1, or 5.2.1.

2. Any vessel discharge containing sewage if the discharge exceeds the bacterial or
suspended solids standards in 40 CFR § 140.3(d).
3. Any upset in a disinfection system.

6.24.4 State Inspection Authority

1. In accordance with RCW 90.48.090, Department of Ecology inspectors shall have access
to the ship at reasonable times and locations for the purpose of sampling discharges
covered by the VGP, interviewing crew members, and inspecting log books and other
relevant records.
2. In accordance with WAC 220-150-033, WDFW inspectors shall have access at any time
to any vessel carrying or capable of carrying ballast water in order to provide technical
assistance, assess compliance, and enforce the requirements of Chapter 220-150 WAC.

6.24.5 State VGP/sVGP Webpage

In order to assist the public and shipping industry with sVGP requirements and related
information, the Department of Ecology maintains a VGP/sVGP webpage at: The webpage describes the legal
history of the vessel permits and provides links to important state and federal documents. The
webpage has guidance for graywater discharges, oily water separator discharges, and in-water
load line painting. Hull cleaning guidance will be developed and added. Information will be
added on no discharge zones when they are granted. Guidance on pumpout facilities will be

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6.25 Wisconsin

Wisconsin certified the VGP with the following additional permit conditions:

General Conditions:

6.25.1 The permittee shall allow WDNR reasonable entry onto the vessel for inspection, access to
records, and collection of a discharge sample for determining compliance with the water
quality certification and applicable laws [s. NR 205.07(1)(d), Wis. Adm. Code].

6.25.2 Activities not eligible for authorization under this state water quality certification include:

a) Fills or deposition of material in navigable waters (s. 30.12, Wis. Stats.).

b) Activities likely to jeopardize the continued existence of a state designated threatened

or endangered species or a species proposed for such designation, or which is likely to
destroy or adversely modify the habitat of such species [s. 29.604, Wis. Stats.; s. NR
1.015(l)(a), Wis. Adm. Code].

c) Activities that would result, overall, in adverse impacts to fishery spawning habitat or
adversely affect avifauna breeding areas or substantially disrupt the movement of those
species which normally migrate from open water to upland or vice versa (i.e.,
amphibians, reptiles and mammals) [s. NR 102.01(2), Wis. Adm. Code].

d) Activities detrimental to the public interest in waters of the state [s. NR 102.01(2),
Wis. Adm. Code].

Specific Conditions

6.25.3 Oceangoing vessels eligible for coverage under the EPA VGP that enter the Great Lakes - St.
Lawrence Seaway system and are transiting from beyond the 200- nautical-mile Exclusive
Economic Zone (EEZ) shall perform open ocean ballast water exchange or saltwater flushing
before entering the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Seaway system in order to ensure water
quality standards are met that protect the general public interest (s. NR 102.01(2), Wis. Adm.
Code; s. 4.1.2, WPDES Permit No. WI-0063835-01-1).

6.25.4 Vessels covered by the EPA VGP shall comply with the ballast water discharge requirements
in pars. (a) through (g) to meet water quality standards for protecting the general public
interest (s. NR 102.01(2), Wis. Adm. Code).

a) Vessels must obtain any permits required by the State of Wisconsin for vessel discharges
(s. 283.35(1m), Wis. Stats.). WDNR’s ballast water discharge general permit WI-
0063835-01-1 requires vessels meeting the permit's applicability criteria to comply with
the biological treatment performance standards shown in Table 6.24.1 and
implementation schedule in pars. (b) through (d). Any treatment system installed to
comply with these performance standards shall be operated to maximize destruction or
removal of organisms in ballast water, with the objective of discharging no viable
organisms (s. 5.2, WPDES Permit No. WI-00063835-01-1).

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Table 6.24.1
Parameter Limit and Units Limit Type Sample Type
Organisms > 50 µm in < 10 viable organisms Daily Average Composite
minimum dimension per m3
Organisms 10 - 50 µm < 10 viable organisms Daily Average Composite
in minimum dimension per ml
Escherichia coli < 250 cfu per 100 ml Daily Average Composite
Intestinal enterococci < 250 cfu per 100 ml Daily Average Composite

b) For oceangoing vessels constructed prior to December 1, 2013, treatment systems shall
be installed and operational to meet the performance standards for organisms in Table
6.24.1 by the date provided in the EPA VGP.

c) For oceangoing vessels constructed on or after December 1, 2013, treatment systems

shall be installed and operational to meet the performance standards for organisms in
Table 6.24.1 prior to commencement of vessel operation in Wisconsin waters by the date
provided in the EPA VGP.

d) In addition to the requirements in pars. (b) and (c), if ballast water treatment systems are
approved and commercially available and compatible for a specific vessel, the vessel
owner will make reasonable efforts to install a treatment system at the earliest practicable

e) Vessels that operate exclusively within the Great Lakes, and which meet the EPA VGP
applicability requirements, will be addressed in Wisconsin's next ballast water discharge
general permit. The requirements of that permit, to be issued in 2015, must be met [s.
283.35(lm)(e), Wis. Stats.].

f) Discharges of ballast water from vessels employing ballast water treatment systems
(BWTS) using chlorine must meet a daily maximum total residual oxidants limit,
measured as total residual chlorine, of 38 µg/L (chs. NR 105 and 106, Wis. Adm.

g) Discharges of ballast water from vessels containing seawater in other than insignificant
residual amounts that remain in tanks and that cannot be pumped out or drained (no
ballast on board) is prohibited unless it can be demonstrated that the discharge will
comply with Wisconsin chloride limits (Subchapter VII of ch. NR 106, Wis. Adm.

h) Discharges of graywater or sewage by a cruise ship into Lake Michigan, a No

Discharge Zone, are subject to penalties [s. 29.601(3), Wis. Stats.].

6.25.5 WDNR may require emergency treatment as part of a temporary compliance plan or
temporary alternative strategy for vessels with unexchanged or untreated ballast water
discharge of high-risk ballast water [s. NR 102.01(2), Wis. Adm. Code].

a) High-risk ballast water may not be discharged into waters of the state without WDNR
review and authorization. WDNR will determine whether ballast water proposed for
discharge represents a high-risk for introduction of nonindigenous species and whether

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feasible management alternatives are available to minimize that risk and protect waters
of the state.

b) Vessel owners or operators with unexchanged or untreated ballast must submit a

request, providing sufficient additional information for WDNR to evaluate the request
and determine whether an emergency ballast water management alternative is

c) A vessel owner or operator shall not discharge untreated or unexchanged ballast water
without WDNR authorization after the compliance dates have gone into effect, except
in the following cases:

i. Where discharging is necessary to prevent jeopardy to the vessel, crew or

passengers, or
ii. For discharges from tugs or unmanned barges.

d) WDNR may identify high-risk ballast water cases using factors including but not
limited to the following:

i. A nonindigenous species profile of source waters;

ii. The volume and frequency of exchanged ballast water discharged;
iii. Design limitations in vessels that prevent effective ballast exchanges;
iv. Vessel owner or vessel operator compliance history; or
v. Frequency of vessel claims for safety exemption.

e) WDNR, coordinating with the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) and the States of Illinois,
Iowa, Michigan and Minnesota as needed may identify alternative locations for the
discharge of unexchanged or untreated ballast water.

f) Nothing in this section relieves the vessel owner or operator of the responsibility for
ensuring the vessel's safety and stability or the safety of the crew and passengers.

g) As an alternative to discharging high-risk ballast water, WDNR may authorize the use
of BWTS identified as promising technology by EPA, USCG, neighboring states or a
US ballast water testing research facility. US ballast water testing research facilities
include, but may not be limited to the Golden Bear, Great Ships Initiative and
Maritime Environmental Resource Center.

6.25.6 BWTS used in Wisconsin waters must be specifically tested for use in freshwater (s. 4.1.2,
WPDES Permit No. WI-0063835-01-1).

6.25.7 All instances of non-compliance with this certification must be reported to WDNR
immediately [s. NR 205.07(1)(s), Wis. Adm. Code].

6.25.8 Proper operation and maintenance of treatment facilities, as required by s. NR 205.070), Wis.
Adm. Code, shall include routine visual inspections of the BWTS, to be conducted at least on
a monthly basis.

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Appendix A– Definitions
The following definitions apply to this permit. Terms not defined in this Appendix have the
meaning given by 40 CFR §122.2. When a defined term appears in a definition, the defined term
is placed in quotation marks as an aid to readers.

“Active Substance” means a substance or organism, including a virus or a fungus, that has a
general or specific action on or against harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens. [source: BW
Treaty Reg A-1(7)]

“Alternative Management System” means the meaning given to ballast water treatment systems
given by the U.S. Coast Guard under 33 CFR 151.2026.

“Appropriate Regional Office” means the regional office listed in Appendix B of the Permit
responsible for the waters where the vessel spends the most time or is based in a home port.

“Aqueous Film-Forming Foam” means the firefighting foam and seawater mixture discharged
during training, testing, or maintenance operations. [source: 40 C.F.R 1700.4]

“Ballast Tank” means any tank or hold on a vessel used for carrying “ballast water,” whether or
not the tank or hold was designed for that purpose [source: 33 CFR §151.2025]

“Ballast Water Exchange” see “Exchange.”

“Ballast Water” means any water and suspended matter taken on board a vessel to control or
maintain, trim, draught, stability, or stresses of the vessel, regardless of how it is carried. [source:
33 C.F.R 151.1504]

“Ballast Water Capacity” means the total volumetric capacity of any tanks, spaces, or
compartments for carrying, loading, or discharging “ballast water,” including any multi-use
tanks, space or compartment designed to allow carriage of “ballast water.”

“Bilgewater” means the wastewater from a variety of sources that accumulates in the lowest part
of the vessel (the bilge).

“Bioaccumulative” means the opposite of “Not Bioaccumulative”.

“Biocide” means a substance or organism, including a virus or a fungus, which is introduced or

produced to kill or eliminate organisms to prevent biofouling, to prevent the transfer of invasive
species, or to eliminate organisms as part of the ballast water treatment process.

“Biodegradable” means the following for purposes of the VGP:

• Regarding environmentally acceptable lubricants and greases, biodegradable means

lubricant formulations that contain at least 90% (w/w (weight in weight concentration))
or grease formulations that contain at least 75% (w/w) of a constituent substance or
constituent substances (only stated substances present above 0.10% shall be assessed)
that each demonstrate either the removal of at least 70 percent of dissolved organic

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carbon, production of at least 60 percent of the theoretical carbon dioxide, or

consumption of at least 60 percent of the theoretical oxygen demand within 28 days.
Acceptable test methods include: Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development Test Guidelines 301 A-F, 306, and 310, ASTM 5864, ASTM D-7373,
OCSPP Harmonized Guideline 835.3110, and International Organization for
Standardization 14593:1999. For lubricant formulations, the 10% (w/w) of the
formulation that need not meet the above biodegradability requirements, up to 5% (w/w)
may be nonbiodegradable (but not bioaccumulative) while the remainder must be
inherently biodegradable. For grease formulations, the 25% (w/w) of the formulation that
need not meet the above biodegradability requirement, the constituent substances may be
either inherently biodegradable or non-biodegradable, but may not be bioaccumulative.
Acceptable test methods to demonstrate inherent biodegradability include: OECD Test
Guidelines 302C (>70% biodegradation after 28 days) or OECD Test Guidelines 301 A-F
(>20% but <60% biodegradation after 28 days).

• Regarding cleaning products, biodegradable means products that demonstrate either the
removal of at least 70 percent of dissolved organic carbon, production of at least 60
percent of the theoretical carbon dioxide, or consumption of at least 60 percent of the
theoretical oxygen demand within 28 days. Acceptable test methods include:
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Test Guidelines 301 A-F,
306, and 310, and International Organization for Standardization 14593:1999.

• Regarding biocidal substances, biodegradable means a compound or mixture that yields

60 percent of theoretical maximum carbon dioxide and demonstrate a removal of at least
70 percent of dissolved organic carbon within 28 days as described in EPA 712-C-98-075
(OPPTS 835.3100 Aerobic Aquatic Biodegradation).

“Boat Engine Wet Exhaust” means the seawater that is mixed and discharged with small boat
propulsion engine exhaust to cool the exhaust and quiet the engine. [source: 40 C.F.R 1700.4]

“Captain of the Port” (COTP) means the Coast Guard officer designated as the COTP, or a
person designated by that officer, for the COTP zone covering the U.S. port of destination. These
COTP zones are listed in 33 CFR Part 3. [source: 33 CFR §151.2025]

“Chain Locker Effluent” means the accumulated precipitation and seawater that is emptied from
the compartment used to store the vessel's anchor chain. [source: 40 CFR §1700.4]

“Coastal Exchange Zone” means an area greater than 50 nm from shore and greater than 200
meters in depth.

“Commercial Fishing Vessel” means any vessel which is documented under the laws of the
United States or, if under five net tons, registered under the laws of any state, and used for
commercial fishing or activities directly related to commercial fishing. (source: modified from 50 CFR

“Commercial Vessel” means any “vessel” other than a “recreational vessel” or a vessel of the
U.S. armed forces.

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“Constructed’ means a state of construction of a vessel at which—

• “the keel is laid;

• “construction identifiable with the specific vessel begins;
• “ assembly of the vessel has begun comprising at least 50 tons or 1 percent of the
estimated mass of all structural material of the vessel, whichever is less; or
• “ the vessel undergoes a major conversion.” [patterned after the International
Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and
Sediments, 2004, regulation A-1(4)]

"Control Measure" means any BMP or other method (including effluent limitations) used to
prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants to waters of the United States.

“Controllable Pitch Propeller Hydraulic Fluid” means the hydraulic fluid that discharges into the
surrounding seawater from propeller seals as part of normal operation, and the hydraulic fluid
released during routine maintenance of the propellers. [source: 40 CFR §1700.4]

“Cruise Ship” means a passenger ship used commercially for pleasure cruises that provides
overnight accommodations to passengers.

“Darkness” means sunset to sunrise.

“Deck” means a horizontal surface or part thereof serving as a floor or structural support over the
upper section of the hull and which is exposed to weather and sea such as freeboard and
superstructure decks from which runoff may originate.

“Deck Runoff” means the precipitation, washdowns, and seawater falling on the weather deck of
a vessel and discharged overboard through deck openings. [source: 40 CFR §1700.4]

“Delivered” means the date of the owner’s/operator’s formal acceptance of the ship from the
builder or another seller or the point in time when custody or ownership of the vessel officially
transfers from the shipbuilder or other seller to the owner/operator.

“Devices for which high quality data are available” means either:

a) any ballast water treatment system type approved by the United States Coast Guard
under 46 CFR Part 162.060 or granted alternate management system status by the US
Coast Guard under 33 CFR 151.2026; or

b) any ballast water treatment system:

(i) type approved by a foreign administration;

(ii) for which efficacy testing was conducted by an independent third party testing
organization, either in accordance with the ETV protocol or in a manner
consistent with the ETV protocol with respect to QA/QC procedures, the use of
validated methods including appropriate volumes of representative samples, and
full description and documentation of test procedures, results and analyses; and

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(iii)all “Active Substance” or “Biocide” data (e.g., the full data package as submitted
to the International Maritime Organization for approval) have all been made
available to the US EPA.

“Discharge Incidental to the Normal Operation of a Vessel” means those discharges that were
excluded from the NPDES permitting program by operation of 40 CFR §122.3(a) as in effect on
September 29, 2008.

“Distillation and Reverse Osmosis Brine” means the concentrated seawater (brine) produced as a
by-product of the processes used to generate freshwater from seawater. [source: 40 CFR §1700.4]

“Drydocking” or “next drydocking” for purposes of the VGP, means the next scheduled
drydocking, consistent with the requirements of 46 CFR 31.10-21 (typically, at least every five
years or sooner). In the context of ballast water implementation schedule, it means hauling out
of a vessel or placing a vessel in a drydock or slipway for an examination of all accessible parts
of the vessel's underwater body and all through-hull fittings and does not include emergency
drydocking and emergency hull repairs.

“Elevator Pit Effluent” means the liquid that accumulates in, and is discharged from, the sumps
of elevator wells on vessels. [source: 40 CFR §1700.4]

“Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants” means lubricants that are “biodegradable” and

“minimally-toxic,” and are “not bioaccumulative” as defined in this permit. For purposes of the
VGP, products meeting the permit’s definitions of being an “Environmentally Acceptable
Lubricant” include those labeled by the following labeling programs: Blue Angel, European
Ecolabel, Nordic Swan, the Swedish Standards SS 155434 and 155470, Convention for the
Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR) requirements, and
EPA’s Design for the Environment (DfE).

“ETV Protocol” means EPA’s final protocol for verification of ballast water treatment systems
published in September 2010 and subsequent revisions.

“Exchange” means to replace the water in a ballast tank using one of the following methods:

• “Empty/refill exchange” means to pump out the “ballast water” taken on in ports,
estuarine, or territorial waters until the tank is empty, then refilling it with water
from the “mid-ocean” or “coastal exchange zone” (as applicable);
masters/operators should pump out as close to 100 percent of the “ballast water”
as is safe to do so. . [modified from: 33 CFR §151.2025]
• “Flow through exchange” means to flush out “ballast water” by pumping in water
from the “mid-ocean” or “coastal exchange zone” (as applicable) into the bottom
of the tank and continuously overflowing the tank from the top until three full
volumes of water has been changed to minimize the number of original organisms
remaining in the tank.

“Exclusive Economic Zone” (EEZ) means the area established by Presidential Proclamation
Number 5030, dated March 10, 1983 (48 FR 10605) which extends from the base line of the

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Final 2013 VGP

territorial sea of the United States seaward 200 miles, and the equivalent zone of Canada. [source:
33 CFR §151.2025]

“Ferry” means a vessel having provisions for deck passengers and/or vehicles operating between
two points over the most direct water route, operating on a frequent schedule, and offering a
public service of a type normally attributed to a bridge or tunnel. [modified from: 46 CFR §70.10-1]

“Firemain Systems” means the seawater pumped through the firemain system for firemain
testing, maintenance, and training, and to supply water for the operation of certain vessel
systems. [source: 40 CFR §1700.4]

“Fish Hold” means the area where seafood or seafood products are kept once caught and kept
fresh during the remainder of the voyage before being offloaded to shore or another tender
vessel. The fish hold is typically a refrigerated seawater holding tank, where the seafood product
is kept cool by mechanical refrigeration or ice. It can also include continuous flow systems
needed to keep certain organisms such as lobster and crab alive until they are unloaded. Fish
hold effluent is the water discharged from fish holds.

“Fouling Organisms” means any aquatic flora and/or fauna which attach to, associate with,
and/or grow on or in the vessel.

“Freshwater Layup” means the potable water or freshwater taken from surrounding waters that is
discharged from the water cooling system while the vessel is in port, and the cooling system is in
lay-up mode (a standby mode where seawater in the system is replaced with potable water for
corrosion protection). [modified from: 40 CFR §1700.5(d)]

“Gas Turbine Water Wash” means the water released from washing gas turbine components.
[source: 40 CFR §1700.4]

“Graywater” means galley, bath, and shower water, as well as wastewater from lavatory sinks,
laundry, and water fountains. [modified from 40 CFR §1700.4 but removed shop sinks]

“Gross Ton” means the size of the vessel as calculated using the formula set by the International
Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969. GT = K * V where V = total volume in m³
and K = a figure from 0.22 up to 0.32, depending on the ship’s size (calculated by: K = 0.2 +0.02
* log10V).

“Hazardous materials” means, for purposes of the VGP, any hazardous material as defined in 49
CFR § 171.8.

“High quality data” see “Devices for which high quality data are available”

“Hull Coating Leachate” means the constituents that leach, dissolve, ablate, or erode from the
paint on the hull into the surrounding seawater. [source: 40 CFR §1700.4]

“IMO Guidelines” mean the Guidelines for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water
to Minimize the Transfer of Harmful Aquatic Organisms and Pathogens (IMO Resolution A.868
(20), adopted November 1997). [source: 33 CFR §151.2025]

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“In Port” means, for the purposes of this permit, anchored, moored, or otherwise secured while
located in waters subject to this permit which are inside the baseline of the U.S. territorial sea.

“Laker” means Existing Bulk Carrier Vessels built before January 1, 2009, that operate
exclusively in Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake Huron (including Lake Saint Clair), Lake
Michigan, Lake Superior, and the connecting channels (Saint Mary's River, Saint Clair River,
Detroit River, Niagara River, and Saint Lawrence River to the Canadian border), including all
other bodies of water within the drainage basin of such lakes and connecting channels).

“Large Cruise Ship” means a passenger ship, used commercially for pleasure cruises, that
provides overnight accommodations to passengers, and is authorized by the U.S. Coast Guard to
carry 500 or more passengers.

“Large Ferry” means a “ferry” that: a) has a capacity greater than or equal to 100 tons of cargo
(e.g., for cars, trucks, trains, or other land-based transportation) or b) is authorized by the U.S.
Coast Guard to carry 250 or more people.

“Length of Vessel” means the horizontal distance between the foremost part of a vessel's stem to
the aftermost part of its stern, excluding fittings and attachments.

“Major Conversion” means a conversion of a vessel, that—

• substantially alters the dimensions or carrying capacity of the vessel;

• changes the type of the vessel; or
• the intent of which, in the opinion of the director, is substantially to prolong its life
[modified from 33 CFR §151.05 with the exception language specific to MARPOL removed].

“MARPOL 73/78” means the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto. [[source: modified from 40 CFR

“MARPOL vessel” means a ship subject to Annex I of the International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships as implemented by the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships
and the oil pollution provisions of U.S. Coast Guard regulations in 33 CFR Part 151, Subpart A.

“Master” means captain, person-in-charge, or other party responsible for operation of the vessel.

“Medium Cruise Ship” means a passenger ship, used commercially for pleasure cruises, that
provides overnight accommodations to passengers, and is authorized by the U.S. Coast Guard to
carry 100 to 499 passengers.

“Mid-Ocean” means waters greater than 200 nm from any shore.

“Mile” means nautical mile as used in this permit, or 6076.1 feet or 1.852 kilometers.

“Minimally-Toxic” means a substance must pass either OECD 201, 202, and 203 for acute
toxicity testing, or OECD 210 and 211 for chronic toxicity testing. For purposes of the VGP,

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equivalent toxicity data for marine species, including methods ISO/DIS 10253 for algae, ISO
TC147/SC5/W62 for crustacean, and OSPAR 2005 for fish, may be substituted for OECD 201,
202, and 203. If a substance is evaluated for the formulation and main constituents, the LC50 of
fluids must be at least 100 mg/L and the LC50 of greases, two-stroke oils, and all other total loss
lubricants must be at least 1000 mg/L. If a substance is evaluated for each constituent substance,
rather than the complete formulation and main compounds, then constituents comprising less
than 20 percent of fluids can have an LC50 between 10-100 mg/L or a no observed effect
concentration (NOEC) between 1-10 mg/L, constituents comprising less than 5 percent of fluids
can have an LC50 between 1-10 mg/L or a NOEC between 0.1-1 mg/L, and constituents
comprising less than 1 percent of fluids can have an LC50 less than 1 mg/L or a NOEC between
0-0.1 mg/L.

“Minimally-Toxic Soaps, Cleaners, and Detergents” means any substance or mixture of

substances which has an acute aquatic toxicity value (LE50) corresponding to a concentration
greater than 10 ppm and does not produce “byproducts” with an acute aquatic toxicity value
(LE50) less than 10 ppm. EPA expects that minimally-toxic soaps, cleaners, and detergents will
contain little to no nonylphenols.

“Minimize” means to reduce and/or eliminate to the extent achievable using control measures
(including best management practices) that are technologically available and economically
practicable and achievable in light of best marine practice.

“Motor Gasoline and Compensating Discharge” means the seawater taken into, and discharged
from, motor gasoline tanks to eliminate free space where vapors could accumulate. [source: 40
C.F.R 1700.4]

“NANPCA” means the Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act of 1990.
[source: 33 CFR §151.2025]

“NBIC” means the National Ballast Water Information Clearinghouse operated by the Coast
Guard and the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center as mandated under “NISA”. [source:
33 CFR §151.2025]

“New Build” means vessels “constructed” after a given date. This permit contains “New Build”
dates of December 19, 2008 (See Part 5.2), January 1, 2009 (See Part, December 1,
2013 (See Part, and December 19, 2013 (See Parts 2.2.2, 2.2.9,

“Niche Areas,” for purposes of Parts 2.2.23, 4.1.3, and 4.1.4, means the areas identified in
MEPC.207(62) found at 7.3 of that document. Thos areas include “propeller thrusters and
propulsion units, sea chests, rudder stocks and hinges, stabilizer fin apertures, rope guards, stern
tube seals, and propeller shafts, cathodic protection anodes, anchor chain and chain lockers, free
flood spaces inherent to the ship’s design, sea chest and thruster tunnel grates, echo sounders and
velocity probes, overboard discharge outlets and sea inlets, and areas prone to anti-fouling
coating system damage or grounding. . .” [source, modified from MEPC.207(62)]

“NISA” means the National Invasive Species Act of 1996, which reauthorized and amended
“NANPCA”. [source: 33 CFR §151.2025]

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“Non-Oily Machinery Wastewater” means the combined wastewater from the operation of
distilling plants, water chillers, valve packings, water piping, low- and high-pressure air
compressors, propulsion engine jacket coolers, fire pumps, and seawater and potable water
pumps. [modified from: 40 CFR §1700.4]

“Not Bioaccumulative” means ­

• the partition coefficient in the marine environment is log KOW <3 or >7 using test
methods OECD 117 and 107,
• molecular mass > 800 Daltons,
• molecular diameter >1.5 nanometer,
• BCF or BAF is <100 L/kg, using OECD 305, OCSPP 850.1710 or OCSPP 850.1730, or a
field-measured BAF or
• polymer with MW fraction below 1,000 g/mol is <1%.

“Noxious Liquid Substance” (“NLS”) has the same meaning given that term by 33 CFR Part
151, Subpart A.

“Oil” means oil of any kind or in any form, including but not limited to, petroleum, fuel oil,
sludge, oil refuse, and oil mixed with wastes other than dredged spoil. [modified from: 33 CFR

“Oil in Quantities that May be Harmful” means any discharge of oil having the effects identified
in 40 CFR 110.3, provided that this term does not include those discharges specified in 40 CFR
110.5(a) – (c).

“Oily Mixture” means a mixture, in any form, with any oil content, including, but not limited to:
(1) slops from bilges; (2) slops from oil cargoes (such as cargo tank washings, oily waste, and
oily refuse); (3) oil residue; and (4) oily ballast water from cargo or fuel oil tanks. [source: 33 CFR

“Owner or Operator” and “Owner/Operator” mean the owner or operator of any facility or
activity subject to regulation under the NPDES program. For purposes of this permit, an
“operator” means a party, including a charterer by demise, who:

• has operational control over vessel activities, including the ability to modify those
activities; or

• has day-to-day operational control of those activities that are necessary to ensure
compliance with the permit or to direct workers to carry out activities required to
comply with the permit.

“Pacific Coastwise Trade” means vessels engaged in coastwise trade along the Pacific Coast of
the United States, operating in and between ports in Alaska, California, Oregon, and

“Pacific Nearshore Voyages” means voyages by any vessels engaged in the “Pacific Coastwise
Trade” and vessels transiting between Pacific Ports that travel between more than one “Captain
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Final 2013 VGP

of the Port Zone”, and all other vessels that sail from foreign, non U.S. Pacific, Atlantic, or Gulf
of Mexico ports, which do not sail further than 200 nm from any shore, and that discharge or will
discharge ballast water into the territorial sea or inland waters of Alaska or of the West Coast of
the continental United States.

“Permittee” means the “Owner or Operator” of a permitted vessel.

“Person” means an individual, association, partnership, corporation, municipality, state or federal

agency, or an agent or employee thereof. [source – 40 CFR §122.2]

“Phosphate Free” soaps, cleaners, and detergents means these materials which contain, by
weight, 0.5 percent or less of phosphates or derivatives of phosphates.

“Photographic Laboratory Drains” means the drains containing laboratory wastewater resulting
from processing of photographic film. [adapted from: 40 CFR §1700.4]

“Port” see “In Port.”

“Port or Place of Departure” means any port or place in which a vessel is anchored or moored.
[source: 33 CFR §151.2025]

“Port or Place of Destination” means any port or place to which a vessel is bound to anchor or
moor. [source: 33 CFR §151.2025]

“Recreational Vessel” means any “Vessel” that is manufactured or operated primarily for pleasure or
leased, rented, or chartered to another for the pleasure of that person. This term does not include a
vessel that is subject to Coast Guard inspection and that is engaged in commercial use or carries
paying passengers. [source: 33 U.S.C. 1362(25)]
“Saltwater Flushing” means the addition of “Mid-Ocean” (in the case of or “Coastal
Exchange Zone” (in Part water to empty ballast water tanks; the mixing of the added
water with residual ballast water and sediment through the motion of the vessel; and the
discharge of the mixed water until loss of suction, such that the resulting residual water
remaining in the tank has either a salinity greater than or equal to 30 parts per thousand (ppt) or a
salinity concentration equal to the ambient salinity of the location where the uptake of the added
water took place.

“Seafood Processing” means the conversion of aquatic animals from a raw to marketable form
which involves more than evisceration of fish or other seafood at sea.

“Seawater Cooling Overboard Discharge” means the discharge of seawater from a dedicated
system that provides noncontact cooling water for other vessel systems. [source: 40 CFR §1700.4]

“Seawater Piping Biofouling Prevention” means the discharge of seawater containing additives
used to prevent the growth and attachment of biofouling organisms in dedicated seawater cooling
systems on selected vessels. [source: 40 CFR §1700.4]

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“Sewage” means human body wastes and the wastes from toilets and other receptacles intended
to receive or retain body wastes that are discharged from vessels, except that with respect to
commercial vessels on the Great Lakes, this term includes galley, bath, and shower water.

“Sonar Dome Discharge” means the leaching of antifoulant materials into the surrounding
seawater and the release of seawater or freshwater retained within the sonar dome. [source: 40 CFR

“Surface Vessel Bilgewater/Oily Water Separator Effluent” means the wastewater from a variety
of sources that accumulates in the lowest part of the vessel (the bilge), and the effluent produced
when the wastewater is processed by an oil water separator. [source: 40 CFR §1700.4]

“Technical Water” means water that is collected, generated or managed on board for uses other
than potable water.

“Territorial sea” has the meaning assigned by section 502(8) of the Federal Water Pollution
Control Act (33 USC 1362(8)).

“Treated Bilgewater” means bilgewater treated with an oily water separator and having oil
concentrations less than 15 ppm and that does not result in a discharge of oil in quantities that
may be harmful, pursuant to 40 CFR Part 110.

“Toxic Materials” means, for purposes of the VGP: any toxic pollutant identified in 40 CFR

“United States” means the States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,
Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
Islands, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. [modified from CWA section 502(3) ]

“Underwater Ship Husbandry Discharges” means the materials discharged during the inspection,
maintenance, cleaning, and repair of hulls or hull appendages performed while the vessel is
waterborne. [modified from: 40 CFR §1700.4]

“Untreated Bilgewater” means “Bilgewater” that is not treated or “Bilgewater” with a

concentration of oil greater than 15 ppm.

“Untreated Graywater” means graywater that is not treated to the standards found in Part
of this permit for large and medium cruise ships and the standards found in part for
all other vessels.

“Vessel” means every description of watercraft or other artificial contrivance being used as a
means of transportation on “Waters Subject to this Permit.” [modified from CWA section 312(a)]

“Vessels Unable to Voyage More than 1 mile from Shore” or “Vessels Unable to Voyage More
than 3 miles from Shore” means vessels operating in waters which do not physically allow them
to voyage more than 1 nm or 3 nm (as applicable) from shore (e.g., underway on inland river
systems) or vessels which do not possess required certifications from the U.S. Coast Guard to
operate more than 1 nm or 3 nm (as applicable) from shore.

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“Visible Sheen” means a “silvery” or “metallic” sheen, gloss, or increased reflectivity; visual
color; iridescence, or oil slick on the surface. [Source: 58 FR 12507].

“Voyage” means, for the purposes of VGP Part 4.1.1 (including its routine visual inspection
provisions), that a voyage begins when the vessel departs a dock or other location at which it has
loaded or unloaded (in whole or in part) cargo or passengers, and ends after it has tied-up at
another dock or location in order to again conduct either of such activities. For example, for a
barge on the Mississippi River, such voyage would begin when it departs a location at which it
has cargo loaded onto it and end when cargo is unloaded at another location. For the purposes of
the inspection provisions, an inspection can be conducted while the vessel is at the dock.

• For vessels such as mobile oil and gas rigs, which are in a mode of transportation
only when relocating between drill sites, a voyage for purposes of VGP Part 4.1.1
begins when the rig departs one site and ends when it arrives at the new site to
commence operations which are not transportation-oriented, such as drilling.

• For vessels such as harbor tugs, which may be in semi-continuous operation for
up to a week within the same harbor and do not carry passengers or cargo, for
purposes of VGP Part 4.1.1 a voyage begins when the crew or master takes charge
of the vessel and ends when that crew or master are replaced by another crew or
master, at which point a new voyage would begin due to the arrival of the new
crew or master. For example, if crew changes occur every seven days on a harbor
tug, the voyage begins with crew arrival, ends on day seven with departure of that
crew, and a new voyage begins on day seven with arrival of the new crew.

“Waters Subject to this Permit” means “waters of the U.S.” as defined in as 40 CFR 122.2 and
extends to the outer reach of the 3-mile territorial sea as defined in section 502(8) of the CWA,
unless otherwise excluded from coverage by Part 6 of the permit.

“Welldeck Discharges” means the water that accumulates from seawater flooding of the docking
well (welldeck) of a vessel used to transport, load, and unload amphibious vessels, and from
maintenance and freshwater washings of the welldeck and equipment and vessels stored in the
welldeck. [source: 40 CFR §1700.4]

“You” means the “Owner” or “Operator” of a permitted vessel.

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Appendix B – EPA Regional Region 6 – LA, AR, OK, NM, TX, and
Contacts 65 Tribes
1445 Ross Ave
An updated EPA regional contact list Dallas, TX 75202-2733
is maintained at Phone: (214) 665-6444
Region 7 – IA, KS, MO, NE, and 9
Region 1 – CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT, Tribes
and 10 Tribal Nations 11201 Renner Boulevard
5 Post Office Square - Suite 100 Lenexa, Kansas 66219
Boston, MA 02109-3912 Phone: (913) 551-7003
New England States: (888) 372-7341 Toll-Free: 1-800-223-0425
Outside New England: (617) 918-1111
Region 8 - CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY,
Region 2 – NJ, NY, PR, VI, and 7 and 27 Tribal Nations
Tribal Nations 1595 Wynkoop St
290 Broadway, 24th Floor Denver, CO 80202-1129
New York, NY 10007-1866 Phone: (303) 312-6312
Phone: (212) 637-3660 Toll Free w/in Region 8: (800) 227-8917

Region 3 – DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV Region 9 – AZ, CA, HI, NV, and
1650 Arch St Pacific Islands and Native Tribes
Philadelphia, PA 19103 75 Hawthorne St
Phone: 215-814-5000 San Francisco, CA 94105-3901
Toll Free w/in Region 3: (800) 438-2474 Phone: (415) 947-8000
Toll Free: (866) EPA-WEST
Region 4 – AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC,
SC, TN, and 2 Tribes Region 10 – AK, ID, OR, WA, and
Atlanta Federal Center Native Tribes
61 Forsyth St SW 1200 6th Ave, Suite 900
Atlanta, GA 30303-8960 Seattle, WA 98101-1128
Phone: (404) 562-9756 Phone: (206) 553-1200
Phone: (404) 562-9304 Toll Free: (800) 424-4EPA
Toll Free: 1-800-241-1754

Region 5 – IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI,

and 35 Tribes
Ralph Metcalfe Federal Building
77 W Jackson Blvd
Chicago, IL 60604-3507
Phone: (312) 353-2000

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Appendix C – Areas Covered

This permit is effective in Waters of the United States for any state, territory, Indian Country, or
the District of Columbia listed as covered under Part 6 of this permit. If states or tribes determine
to seek authorization to issue vessel permits pursuant to the CWA, areas covered by this permit
could change.

Appendix D – Reserved

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Final 2013 VGP

Appendix E – Notice of Intent (NOI)

Draft NOI Instructions

Who Must File an NOI Form

Under the provisions of the CWA, as amended (33 USC 1251 et. seq.), federal law prohibits
discharges incidental to the normal operation of a vessel unless that discharge is covered under
an NPDES Permit. To obtain authorization under this permit, operators must meet the eligibility
requirements found in Part 1.2 of the Permit and, if required by Part of the Permit, submit
a complete and accurate NOI according to the requirements in Appendix E. NOIs must be signed
in accordance with 40 CFR §122.22.

An owner/operator is required to submit an NOI if the vessel meets either of the following two

• The vessel is greater or equal to 300 gross tons,


• The vessel has the capacity to hold or discharge more than 8 cubic meters (2113
gallons) of Ballast Water.

Owner/Operators Required to Submit NOIs

Owners/operators required to submit an NOI for their vessel must submit an NOI in accordance
with deadlines provided in the following table.

Table 1: NOI Submission Deadlines/Discharge Authorization Dates

Category NOI Deadline Discharge Authorization Date*

Vessels authorized to discharge No later than December 12, For eNOIs:
under the 2008 Vessel General 2013 or 7 days prior to December 19, 2013 or, if not submitted by
Permit (VGP) discharge into waters subject December 12, 2013, 7 days after complete
to this permit, whichever is NOI processed** by EPA
For Paper NOIs: 30 days after complete NOI
processed by EPA
New Owner/Operator of Vessel By date of transfer of Date of transfer or date EPA processes NOI,
– transfer of ownership and/or ownership and/or operation whichever is later
operation of a vessel whose
discharge is previously
authorized under this permit

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Table 1: NOI Submission Deadlines/Discharge Authorization Dates

Category NOI Deadline Discharge Authorization Date*

New vessels delivered to owner For vessels submitting For eNOIs:
or operator after December 19, eNOIs: 7 days after complete NOI processed by EPA
2013 7 days prior to discharge into
waters subject to this permit For Paper NOIs:
30 days after complete NOI processed by EPA
For vessels submitting Paper
NOIs: At least 30 days prior
to discharge into waters
subject to this permit
Existing vessels delivered to For vessels submitting eNOIs: For eNOIs:
owner or operator after 7 days prior to discharge into 7 days after complete NOI processed by EPA
December 19, 2013 that were not waters subject to this permit
previously authorized under this For Paper NOIs:
permit For vessels submitting Paper 30 days after complete NOI processed by EPA
NOIs: At least 30 days prior
to discharge into waters
subject to this permit
* Based on a review of your NOI or other information, EPA may delay the discharge authorization date for further review, or
may deny coverage under this permit and require submission of an application for an individual NPDES permit, as detailed in
Part 1.8 of the permit. In these instances, EPA will notify you in writing of the delay or the request for submission of an
individual NPDES permit application. If EPA requires an individual permit for an existing vessel previously covered by this
general permit, EPA will allow the permittee a reasonable amount of time to obtain individual permit coverage before their
general permit coverage terminates.
** NOI processing means that a complete electronic NOI has been submitted and successfully signed and certified by the
permittee, or in the case of a paper NOI, that EPA has received your NOI and input the information into its electronic system.
Submitting a paper NOI may result in processing delays dependent upon the volume of NOIs received by EPA.

Owner/Operators Not Required to Submit NOIs

An operator of a vessel is not required to submit an NOI pursuant to Part of the permit if
the vessel is less than 300 gross tons and does not have the capacity to hold or discharge more
than 8 cubic meters (2113 gallons) of ballast water. Owner/operators that are not required to
submit an NOI must sign and maintain a copy of the PARI form onboard their vessel.

Where to File NOI Form

All NOIs must be completed and filed using the eNOI system at
Alternatively, if you meet one of the exemptions from electronic reporting found in Part 1.14 of
the VGP, you may send your completed NOI to the Notice Processing Center at EPA
Headquarters, EPA Vessel Notice Processing Center, Mail Code 4203M, 1200 Pennsylvania
Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20460. If you have questions about whether you need to file an
NOI or questions about completing the form, refer to or contact the
NOI center at 1-866-352-7755. Updated contact information will be maintained at

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Final 2013 VGP

Completing the Form

Section A: Owner/Operator Information

Provide the full legal name of the person, firm, public organization, or other entity that is the
owner/operator of the vessel, as well as the name of the certifying official. Include the complete
contact information for the owner/operator. The mailing address, city, state/province and
country, as well as zip code and phone number are required. The email address is required if the
NOI is submitted electronically. The fax number is optional. Please do not use abbreviations for
cities, and when using abbreviations for US states, please use only the official postal
abbreviations which may be found at

Section B: Vessel Information

Provide the vessel name, previous VGP tracking number (if applicable), registered identification
number (if applicable), vessel International Maritime Organization (IMO) number (if applicable),
call sign, and port of registry. You must complete all of these fields if those data are available
(failure to submit available information is a permit violation). Provide port of registry by
spelling out entire name of location (e.g., New Orleans, Louisiana, United States). Select the type
of vessel by checking the appropriate box. Enter the vessel tonnage in gross tons, the length in
feet, and the ballast water capacity in gallons or m³. Enter the year in which the vessel was built,
as well as the date of last dry-dock and the date of the next scheduled or anticipated dry-dock. If
the vessel is not required to have measurements in gross tons, gross registered tons may be used
instead; however, you must indicate that the measurements are in gross registered tons. Indicate
whether the vessel currently holds or has ever held an NPDES permit other than the VGP.
Include the permit number, dates of permit coverage, and discharges covered. If the vessel is
covered under this General Permit and this NOI is being submitted for a transfer of ownership to
continue coverage, check the appropriate box, and include the date of transfer. Enter the NAICS
code: a listing of NAICS codes can be found at

Section C: General Voyage Information

Enter the vessel home port, or if it does not have a home port, enter the U.S. port it most
frequently visits. Provide the name of each US port the vessel may visit during the Permit term.
Do not use abbreviations for cities, and when using abbreviations for US states, please use only
the official postal abbreviations which may be found at: This list does not need to be exhaustive, but should
be based on ports visited in the past and should be representative of the geographic area in which
the vessel travels. Indicate the number of overnight berths for passengers and crew separately for
each vessel, as well as maximum passenger and crew capacity typical of normal operation of the
vessel. Also, select the appropriate box to indicate if the vessel will travel in ocean waters
seaward of the US exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and more than 200 nautical miles from any
shore during the period of permit coverage. Indicate whether the vessel engages in nearshore

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Section D: Discharge Information

From the list provided, select each applicable discharge type that your vessel may create. All
discharges incidental to the normal operation of a vessel are included in permit coverage; you do
not have to select each discharge type for your vessel to receive coverage for all discharges you
may have; however, when completing the NOI, vessel owner/operators should list all discharge
types they expect from their vessels. Select the appropriate box to indicate whether the vessel
ever engages or has the capacity to engage in industrial operations, such as seafood processing,
energy exploration, or mining. If the vessel will be using a ballast water treatment system, check
the appropriate box and answer the questions related to the discharge of residual biocides. The
requirements for vessels using a ballast water treatment system can be found in Part 2.2.3 of the
Permit. Indicate whether the vessel currently has any onboard treatment systems for any waste
stream listed in the permit, such as an Advanced Wastewater Treatment System (AWTS) used
for graywater, an exhaust gas washwater treatment system, or an Oily Water Separator (OWS)
used for bilgewater. Describe the treatment system, including what waste stream it treats, the
type and design of the system, and treatment capacity. Provide information on the frequency and
method of ballast tank sediment disposal and whether the vessel currently has a ballast water
management plan. Indicate whether the vessel has an anti-foulant coating applied to the hull,
what type of coating, when it was last applied, and briefly describe the vessel hull husbandry
practices, including frequency of hull cleaning and method usually used. Indicate if your vessel
is required to collect samples for analytical monitoring and for which of the discharges you are
required to sample.

Section E: Certification

Carefully read the certification language. For eNOIs, to indicate your acceptance of these terms,
check the “accept” box. Checking this box acts as a virtual signature on the NOI and indicates
the operators consent to adhere to all the applicable terms of the Permit. By completing and
submitting the NOI, the owner/operator certifies that every applicable General Permit
requirement will be met. Include the name and title of the person completing the eNOI. The
person completing the eNOI will have a box to check for “accept” which will act as virtual

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Final 2013 VGP

NOI Form

NPDES EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency

Form Washington, DC 20460 Form Approved OMB No.
____-_ Notice of Intent (NOI) for Discharges Incidental to the Normal Operation 2040-0004
of a Vessel under the NPDES Vessel General Permit

Submission of this completed Notice of Intent (NOI) constitutes notice that the entity in Section A intends to be authorized to
discharge pollutants to waters of the United States, from the vessel identified in Section B, under EPA’s Vessel General Permit
(VGP). Submission of the NOI also constitutes notice that the party identified in Section B of this form has read, understands,
and meets the eligibility conditions of Part 1 of the VGP; agrees to comply with all applicable terms and conditions of the VGP;
and understands that continued authorization under the VGP is contingent on maintaining eligibility for coverage. In order to be
granted coverage, all information required on this form must be completed. Please read and make sure you comply with all
permit requirements.

A. Vessel Owner/Operator Information

1. Name:
2a. IRS Employer Information Number: _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (if applicable)
2b. Company IMO number ________________________(if applicable)
3. Name of Certifying Official
4. Mailing Address: a. Street:
b. City: c. State/Province: _ _ d. Zip code: _
e. Country:
f. Phone (include country code): g. Fax (Optional):
h. E-mail:

B. Vessel Information
1. Vessel Name:
2. Did your vessel previously have permit coverage under the 2008 VGP? □ Yes □ No
2a. If yes, 2008 VGP Permit Tracking Number(s):
3a. Registered Number: (if applicable)
3b. Vessel IMO number: (if applicable)
4. Vessel Call Sign
5. Flag State/Port of Registry (complete spellings of state and port city names required)
6. Type of Vessel (select one primary vessel type, and secondary vessel type where appropriate)
□ Commercial Fishing Vessel □ Emergency and Rescue Vessel
□ Medium Cruise Ship (100 to 499 passengers) □ Bulk Carrier
□ Large Cruise Ship (500+ passengers) □ Container Ship
□ Large Ferry (250+ passengers or more than 100 tons of □ General Cargo Ship
cargo, e.g., cars, trucks, trains, or other land- based □ Roll-on Roll-Off
transportation.) □ Utility Vessel, including Tug boats and Offshore supply
□ Barge (□ Hopper Barge, □ Tank Barge, □ Other Barge) vessels (□ Tug, □ Offshore supply vessel, □ Other Utility))
□ Oil or Gas Tanker □ Reefer
□ Research/Survey Vessel □ Other:
7. Vessel Dimensions: a. Tonnage: □ gross tons or □ gross registered tons
b. Length: □ feet or □ meters
8. Ballast Water Capacity: □ gallons or □ meters³
9. Date and Year Vessel Built (i.e., build date or date keel laid): _________________________
10. a. Date of last dry-dock: .b. Date of next scheduled/anticipated dry-dock:
11. Does vessel currently have, or has vessel ever held, an NPDES permit, other than the VGP, for any part, discharge, or
operation of the vessel?
□ Yes □ No
If yes, please provide the following:

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Final 2013 VGP

11a. Permit Number:

11b. Effective Date of Permit: 11c. Expiration Date of Permit
11d. Discharges permitted:
12. Is this a transfer of ownership? □ Yes □ No
12a. If Yes, provide date of transfer:
12b. If yes, provide previous vessel permit tracking number(s):
13. Identify the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code that best represents your vessel service for which
you are seeking coverage (if applicable): _________

C. Vessel Voyage Information

1. Home Port/Most Frequented US Port:
2. US Ports Vessel Anticipates Visiting During Permit Term:
3. Number of overnight berths: a. Passengers b. Crew
a. Maximum passenger capacity b. Crew
4. Does vessel travel beyond the US EEZ and more than 200 nm from any shore? □ Yes □ No
5. Is the vessel engaged in Nearshore Voyages? □ Yes □ No

D. Discharge Information:

1. Select all applicable discharges vessel may generate:

□ Deck Washdown and Runoff □ Gas Turbine Washwater
□ Bilgewater/Oily Water Separator Effluent □ Graywater
□ Ballast Water □ Motor Gasoline and Compensating Discharge
□ Anti-fouling hull coatings □ Non-Oily Machinery Wastewater
□ Aqueous Film Forming Foams (AFFF) □ Refrigeration and Air Condensate Discharge
□ Boiler/Economizer Blowdown □ Seawater Cooling Overboard Discharge
□ Cathodic Protection □ Seawater Piping Biofouling Prevention
□ Chain Locker Effluent □ Small Boat Engine Wet Exhaust
□ Controllable Pitch Propeller Hydraulic Fluid and other □ Sonar Dome Discharge
Oil-to-Sea Interfaces □ Underwater Ship Husbandry
□ Distillation or Reverse Osmosis Brine □ Welldeck Discharges
□ Elevator Pit Effluent □ Graywater Mixed with Sewage
□ Firemain Systems □ Exhaust Gas Scrubber Washwater Discharge
□ Freshwater layup □ Fish Hold/ Fish Hold Cleaning Effluent
2. Does the vessel ever engage in or have capacity to engage in industrial operations? □ Yes □ No
a. If yes, please select appropriate box:
□ Seafood processing □ Mining
□ Energy exploration □ Other:
3. Will the vessel be using a ballast water treatment system which discharges residual biocides?
□ Yes □ No
b. If yes, are residual biocide concentrations expected to be below those listed in Part of the Permit?
□ Yes □ No
c. List the biocide residuals or derivatives that may be discharged by the ballast water treatment system:

4. Is your vessel required to collect analytical monitoring? If so, for which of the following discharges must you conduct

□ Ballast Water
□ Bilgewater
□ Exhaust Gas Scrubber Effluent
□ Graywater If yes, please check the appropriate answer: □ I use or □ I do not use a treatment system for Graywater

5. Does the vessel have onboard treatment systems for any waste stream(s) covered by this permit?
□ Yes □ No

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5.a. If yes, check all that apply and complete the following information for each treatment system: □ Ballast Water, □ Bilgewater,
□ Exhaust Gas Scrubber Effluent, □ Graywater, □ Graywater mixed with Sewage, □ Other treatment system: _______________
5.b. Treatment system type/design and manufacturer:
5.c. Treatment System Capacity:
5.d. Residuals (wastes) generated by this treatment system:
5.e. How they are disposed:
For ballast water, bilgewater, and graywater mixed with sewage, is the system type approved by the US Coast Guard: □ Yes □
For ballast water, has the system been determined by the US Coast Guard to be an alternate management system (AMS): □ Yes □
Average Treatment System Flow Rate: □ gallons/hour □ m3/hour
Peak Treatment System Flow Rate: □ gallons/hour □ m3/hour
Residuals (wastes) generated by this treatment system:
How they are disposed:

6. Ballast Water and Invasive Species Management–

a. How often is the ballast tank cleaned and sediment disposed of?
b. How and where do you typically dispose of ballast tank sediment?
c. Does vessel have an existing ballast water management plan? □ Yes □ No
7. a. Type of anti-fouling hull coating on the vessel and list specific product:
□ Copper Based □ Non-Copper Based
b. When and where was anti-fouling hull coating last applied:
c. Describe hull husbandry practices, such as frequency of hull cleaning, method used, how niches and propellers are cleaned, etc:

d. Date of last hull cleaning:

e. Method of last hull cleaning:
f. Location of last hull cleaning:
g. Date of next scheduled/anticipated hull cleaning:
h. Anticipated method of next cleaning:
i. Planned location of next cleaning:

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E. Certifier Name and Title

I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in
accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information contained
therein. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering
the information, the information contained is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I have no
personal knowledge that the information submitted is other than true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant
penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.

Print Name:
Email: Date: _ _ - _ _ - _ _

NOI Preparer (Complete if NOI was prepared by someone other than the certifier)

Prepared By:
Phone: Ext:
Date: _ _ - _ _ - _ _

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Appendix F – Notice of Termination (NOT)

NOT Instructions

Who Must File a NOT Form

Any owner/operator who was required to submit an NOI under Part and meets the conditions of
Part of the General Permit is required to submit a NOT to end coverage under this permit.

If you have questions about whether you need to file a NOT or questions about completing the form, refer
to (website will be inserted after finalization of this permit) or contact the NOI center at 1-866-352-7755.

Where to File NOT Form

All NOTs must be completed and filed using the eNOI system at or send your
completed NOT to the Notice Processing Center at EPA Headquarters, EPA Vessel Notice Processing
Center, Mail Code 4203M, U.S. EPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20460.

Completing the Form

Section A: Owner/Operator Information

Provide the full legal name of the person, firm, public organization, or other entity that is the
owner/operator of the vessel, as well as the name of the certifying official. Include the complete contact
information for the owner/operator. The mailing address, city, state, and zip code, as well as phone
number are required. The fax number and email address are optional. Provide the date permit coverage
began under the applicable NOI. Select the appropriate box to indicate why you are submitting a NOT to
end permit coverage. There are three options to choose from: because you have sold or transferred the
vessel and are no longer the owner or operator, because the vessel is no longer traveling in or discharging
to waters subject to this permit, or because you have obtained individual or alternative permit coverage. If
you have sold or transferred the vessel, please provide the date of transfer as well as the name and contact
information of the new owner. If you have obtained an individual or alternative permit, please provide the
permit number and date permit coverage begins in the space given.

Section B: Vessel Information

Provide the vessel name, registered identification number, IMO number, call sign, and port of registry.

Section C: Certification

Carefully read the certification language. To indicate your acceptance of these terms, check the “accept”
box. Checking this box acts as a virtual signature on the NOT and indicates that you understand these
vessel discharges will no longer be authorized under the general permit, and that any discharge of these
effluent streams without a permit is a violation of the CWA. Include the name and title of the person
completing the NOT. The person completing the NOT will have a box to check for “accept” which will
act as virtual signature.

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Final 2013 VGP

NOT Form
NPDES FORM Form Approved. OMB No 2040-0004
____-_ Please See Instructions Before Completing This Form
EPA Notice of Termination (NOT) of Coverage under NPDES General Permit for
Discharges Incidental to Normal Vessel Operation

Submission of this Notice of Termination constitutes notice that the party identified in Section B of this form is no longer
authorized to discharge any discharge incidental to the normal operation of a vessel under the NPDES program for the vessel
identified in Section III of this form. All necessary information must be included on this form. Refer to the instructions at the end
of this form.

A. Permit Information 4. Mailing Address:

1. NPDES Permit Tracking Number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a. Street:
2. Reason for Termination (check one only): b. City:
a. □ You transferred operational control to another c. State: _ _ d. Zip code: _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _
e. Phone: _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _
Date of transfer:
b. □ You terminated vessel operations in waters subject to f. Fax (Optional): _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _
the General Permit. g. E-mail:
c. □ You obtained coverage under an individual or
alternative NPDES permit. C. Vessel Information
Permit Number: 1. Vessel Name:
Effective Date: 2. Vessel ID/Registered Number
3. Vessel Call Sign
B. Vessel Owner/Operator Information
1. Name: 4. Port of Registry
2. IRS Employer Information Number: _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. Name of Certifying Official:

D. Certifier Name and Title:

I certify under penalty of law that the information contained in this form is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate
and complete. I understand that by submitting this Notice of Termination, I am no longer authorized to discharge any effluent
associated with normal vessel operation under this general permit, and that discharging pollutants related to the normal operation
of a vessel into waters of the United States is unlawful under the CWA where the discharge is not authorized by an NPDES
permit. I also understand that the submittal of this Notice of Termination does not release an operator from liability for any
violations of this permit or the CWA.

Furthermore, I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or
supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the
information contained therein. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly
responsible for gathering the information, the information contained is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate,
and complete. I have no personal knowledge that the information submitted is other than true, accurate, and complete. I am aware
that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for
knowing violations.

Print Name:
Signature: Date: _ _ - _ _ - _ _

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Appendix G – Waters Federally Protected Wholly or in Part for Conservation

The list provided in Appendix G is a complete list of marine sanctuaries, units of the National Park
System, units of the National Wildlife Refuge System, National Wilderness areas, and national wild and
scenic rivers system components. EPA notes that this list is gathered from sources maintained by the
administrative agency and the EPA only removed areas that are clearly terrestrial and do not contain
waters suitable for permitted vessels or are unlikely to be impacted by permitted vessel discharges (e.g.
The Washington Monument). Inclusion in this list does not mean the area is suitable for operation for
vessels greater than 79 feet.

You must comply with the specific effluent limits in Parts 2.2.2, 2.1.3, 2.2.6, , 2.2.15, 2.2.16 and
[etc.] affecting the following federally protected waters to the extent located in waters subject to this

• Marine Sanctuaries designated under the National Marine Sanctuaries Act (16 USC 1431
et seq.) and implementing regulations found at 15 CFR Part 922 and 50 CFR Part 404 or
Marine national monuments designated under the Antiquities Act of 1906 (see Part G.1
for a list of such areas);
• A unit of the National Park System, including National Preserves and National
Monuments (see Part G.2 for a list of such areas);
• A unit of the National Wildlife Refuge System, including Wetland Management Districts,
Waterfowl Production Areas, National Game Preserves, Wildlife Management Area, and
National Fish and Wildlife Refuges (see Part G.3 for a list of such areas);
• National Wilderness Areas (see Part G.4 for a list of such areas); and
• Any component designated under the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System (see Part
G.5 for a list of such areas).
• Any waterbody designated as an Outstanding National Resource Water (ONRW) by a
State or Tribe (see Part G.6 for a description of such areas)

G.1 Marine Sanctuaries under the National Marine Sanctuaries Act (16 USC 1431 et seq.) and
National Marine Monuments Designated under the Antiquities Act of 1906

• Channel Islands (California)

• Cordell Bank (California)
• Fagatele Bay (American Samoa)(U.S.)
• Florida Keys (Florida)
• Flower Garden Banks (Texas)
• Grays Reef (Georgia)
• Gulf of the Farallones (California)
• Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whales (Hawaii)
• Monitor (North Carolina)
• Monterey Bay (California)
• Olympic Coast (Washington)
• Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument (Hawaii)
• Stellwagen Bank (Massachusetts)
• Thunder Bay (Michigan)

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G.2 National Parks and Refuges: National Park Service, Department of the Interior
Alabama Point Reyes National Seashore
Horseshoe Bend National Military Park Rosie the Riveter WWII Home Front National
Little River Canyon National Preserve Historical Park
Russell Cave National Monument Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area
Trail Of Tears National Historic Trail Whiskeytown National Recreation Area
Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site Yosemite National Park
Alaska Colorado
Alagnak Wild River Bent's Old Fort National Historical Site
Alaska Public Lands Black Canyon Of The Gunnison National Park
Aleutian World War II National Historic Area Colorado National Monument
Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve Curecanti National Recreation Area
Bering Land Bridge National Preserve Dinosaur National Park
Cape Krusenstern National Monument Rocky Mountain National Park
Denali National Park and Preserve Santa Fe National Historic Trail
Gates Of The Arctic National Park and Preserve Yucca House National Monument
Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve Connecticut
Katmai National Park and Preserve Quinebaug & Shetucket Rivers Valley National
Kenai Fjords National Park Heritage Corridor
Kobuk Valley National Park Delaware
Lake Clark National Park and Preserve Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic
Noatak National Preserve Trail
Sitka National historical Park District of Columbia
Wrangell - St Elias National Park and Preserve Anacostia Park
Yukon - Charley Rivers National Preserve Capitol Hill Parks
American Samoa Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic
National Park of American Samoa Trail
Arizona Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park
Casa Grande Ruins National Monument Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Kenilworth Park & Aquatic Gardens
Grand Canyon National Park Meridian Hill Park
Hohokam Pima National Monument National Capital Parks-East
Lake Mead National Recreation Area National Mall & Memorial Parks
Montezuma Castle National Monument Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail
Navajo National Monument Florida
Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument Big Cypress National Preserve
Parashant National Monument Biscayne National Park
Pipe Spring National Monument Canaveral National Seashore
Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument Castillo De San Marcos National Monument
Tonto National Monument De Soto National Memorial
Tuzigoot National Monument Dry Tortugas National Park
Walnut Canyon National Monument Everglades National Park
Wupatki National Monument Fort Caroline National Memorial
Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area Fort Matanzas National Monument
Arkansas Gulf Islands National Seashore
Buffalo National River Timucuan Ecological and Historical Preserve
Trail Of Tears National Historic Trail Georgia
California Augusta Canal national Heritage Area
Alcatraz Island Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area
Cabrillo National Monument Chickamauga & Chattanooga National Military
Channel Islands National Park Seashore
Devils Postpile National Monument Cumberland Island National Seashore
Fort Point National Historic Site Fort Frederica National Monument
Golden Gate National Recreation Area Fort Pulaski National Monument
John Muir National Historic Site Jimmy Carter National Historic Site
Joshua Tree National Park Ocmulgee National Monument
Lava Beds National Monument Guam
Muir Woods National Monument War In The Pacific National Historical Park
Pinnacles National Monument Hawaii

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Haleakala National Park Boston African American National Historic Site

Kalaupapa National Historical Park Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area
Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park Cape Cod National Seashore
Pu`uhonua O Honaunau National Historical Park Essex National Heritage Area
Puukohola Heiau National Historical Site Lowell National Historical Park
Idaho Minute Man National Historic Site
Craters Of The Moon National Monument and New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park
Preserve Salem Maritime National Historic Site
Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site
Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail Springfield Armory National Historic Site
Minidoka Internment National Monument Michigan
Nez Perce National Historical Park Isle Royale National Park
Yellowstone National Park Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
Illinois Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail Minnesota
Trail Of Tears National Historic Trail Grand Portage National Monument
Indiana Mississippi National River and Recreation Area
George Rogers Clark National Historical Park Pipestone National Monument
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore Voyageurs National Park
Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial Mississippi
Iowa Gulf Islands National Seashore
Effigy Mounds National Monument Natchez National Historical Park
Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail Natchez Trace National Scenic Trail
Kansas Missouri
Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail Jefferson National Expansion Memorial
Kentucky Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail
Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area Ozark National Scenic Riverways
Cumberland Gap National Historical Park Trail Of Tears National Historic Trail
Mammoth Cave National Park Wilson's Creek National Battlefield
Trail Of Tears National Historic Trail Montana
Louisiana Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area
Cane River National Heritage Area Glacier National Park
Cane River Creole National Historical Park Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail
Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument
New Orleans Jazz National Historical Park Yellowstone National Park
Poverty Point National Monument Nebraska
Maine Agate Fossil Beds National Monument
Acadia National Park Homestead National Monument of America
Maine Acadian Culture Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail
Saint Croix Island International Historic Site Niobrara National Scenic River
Maryland Scotts Bluff National Monument
Antietam National Battlefield Nevada
Assateague Island National Seashore Lake Mead National Recreation Area
Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic New Hampshire
Trail New Jersey
Catoctin Mountain Park Appalachian National Scenic River
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park Delaware National Scenic River
Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
Clara Barton National Historic Site Ellis Island National Monument
Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Gateway National Recreation Area
Shrine Great Egg Harbor River
Fort Washington Park Lower Delaware National Wild and Scenic River
Glen Echo Park New Jersey Pinelands National Reserve
Harmony Hall New Mexico
Monocacy National Battlefield Aztec Ruins National Monument
Oxon Cove Park & Oxon Hill Farm Capulin Volcano National Monument
Piscataway Park El Malpais National Monument
Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail El Morro National Monument
Thomas Stone National Historic Site Fort Union National Monument
Massachusetts Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument
Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor Petroglyph National Monument
Boston National Historical Park Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument

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White Sands National Monument Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area
New York Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Castle Clinton National Monument Obed Wild and Scenic River
Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network Texas
Ellis Island National Monument Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument
Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor Amistad National Recreation Area
Fire Island National Seashore Big Bend National Park
Gateway National Recreation Area Big Thicket National Preserve
Governors Island National Monument Chamizal National Memorial
Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area Lake Meredith National Recreation Area
National Parks of New York Harbor Padre Island National Seashore
Saratoga National Historical Park Rio Grande Wild and Scenic River
Statue Of Liberty National Monument Utah
Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River Arches National Park
North Carolina Bryce Canyon National Park
Blue Ridge National Heritage Area Canyonlands National Park
Cape Hatteras National Seashore Capitol Reef National Park
Cape Lookout National Seashore Cedar Breaks National Monument
Great Smoky Mountains National Park Dinosaur National Monument
Wright Brothers National Monument Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
North Dakota Hovenweep National Monument
Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site Natural Bridges National Monument
Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail Timpanogos Cave National Monument
Theodore Roosevelt National Park Vermont
Northern Mariana Islands Virgin Islands
American Memorial Park Buck Island Reef National Monument
Ohio Virgin Islands National Park
Perry's Victory & International Peace Memorial Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument
Oklahoma Virginia
Chickasaw National Recreation Area Assateague Island National Seashore
Trail Of Tears National Historic Trail Booker T Washington National Monument
Oregon Cape Henry Memorial
Crater Lake National Park Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic
Fort Vancouver National Historic Site Trail
John Day Fossil Beds National Monument Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network
Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail Colonial National Historical Park
Lewis and Clark National Historical Park Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania National Military Park
Oregon Caves National Monument Great Falls Park
Pennsylvania Lyndon Baines Johnson Memorial Grove on the
Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network Potomac
Delaware National Scenic River Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail
Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor Theodore Roosevelt Island Park
Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area Washington
Johnstown Flood National Monument Fort Vancouver National Historic Site
Lackawanna Heritage Valley Lake Chelan National Recreation Area
Lower Delaware National Wild and Scenic River Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area
Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail
Rivers Of Steel National Heritage Area Mount Rainier National Park
Schuylkill River Valley National Heritage Area North Cascades National Park
Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River Olympic National Park
Puerto Rico Ross Lake National Recreation Area
Rhode Island San Juan Island National Historical Park
Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor West Virginia
South Carolina Bluestone National Scenic River
Congaree National Park Chesapeake Bay Gateways Network
Fort Moultrie National Monument Gauley River National Recreation Area
Fort Sumter National Monument New River Gorge National River
South Dakota Wisconsin
Jewel Cave National Monument Apostle Islands National Lakeshore
Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail Saint Croix National Scenic River
Missouri Recreational River Wyoming
Tennessee Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area

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Devils Tower National Monument John D Rockefeller Jr. Memorial Parkway

Fossil Butte National Monument Yellowstone National Park
Grand Teton National Park

G.3 National Wildlife Refuges (Including, but Not Limited to Wetlands

Management Districts, Waterfowl Production Areas, National Game
Preserves, Wildlife Management Areas, and National Fish and Wildlife

As of 9/30/06, there were 547 national wildlife refuges in all 50 states. Neches River
NWR in Texas and the Rocky Mountain Front Conservation Area in Montana were the
546th and 547th national wildlife refuges. There were 37 Wetland Management Districts
in the Prairie Pothole region of the northern Great Plains.

The acreage for the NWRS as of 9/30/06 was 96,369,969.43 acres. The system
encompasses 547 national wildlife refuges, 37 Wetland Management Districts (which
include Waterfowl Production Areas in 204 counties), and 50 Coordination Areas which
are managed by the states.

Refuges that have boundaries in multiple states are listed only in the state where the main
visitor entrance is located. Maps of each area can be found by accessing the National Fish
and Wildlife Services website at:

Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge CO Bayou Cocodrie National Wildlife Refuge LA

Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge AK Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge LA
Alaska Peninsula National Wildlife Refuge AK Bayou Teche National Wildlife Refuge LA
Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge NC Bear Lake National Wildlife Refuge ID
Amagansett National Wildlife Refuge NY Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge UT
Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge TX Becharof National Wildlife Refuge AK
Ankeny National Wildlife Refuge OR Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuge MT
Antioch Dunes National Wildlife Refuge CA Benton Lake Wetland Management District MT
Aransas National Wildlife Refuge TX Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge LA
Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge CO Big Lake National Wildlife Refuge AR
Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge FL Big Muddy National Fish & Wildlife Refuge MO
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge AK Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge IN
Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge ND Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge MN
Arrowwood Wetland Management District ND Big Stone Wetland Management District MN
Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Bill Williams River National Wildlife Refuge AZ
Refuge FL Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge NM
Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge NV Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge LA
Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge MA Blackbeard Island National Wildlife Refuge GA
Atchafalaya National Wildlife Refuge LA Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge MD
Audubon National Wildlife Refuge ND Block Island National Wildlife Refuge RI
Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge VA Bogue Chitto National Wildlife Refuge LA
Baker Island National Wildlife Refuge HI Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge DE
Bald Knob National Wildlife Refuge AR Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge AL
Bamforth National Wildlife Refuge WY Bond Swamp National Wildlife Refuge GA
Bandon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge OR Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge NM
Banks Lake National Wildlife Refuge GA Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge MT
Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge OR Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge NE

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Final 2013 VGP

Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge TX Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge MD

Breton National Wildlife Refuge LA Eastern Shore Of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge VA
Browns Park National Wildlife Refuge CO Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge NJ
Buck Island National Wildlife Refuge VI Egmont Key National Wildlife Refuge FL
Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge PR Elizabeth A. Morton National Wildlife Refuge NY
Cache River National Wildlife Refuge AR Elizabeth Hartwell Mason Neck National Wildlife
Cahaba River National Wildlife Refuge AL Refuge VA
Caloosahatchee National Wildlife Refuge FL Emiquon National Wildlife Refuge IL
Cameron Prairie National Wildlife Refuge LA Erie National Wildlife Refuge PA
Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge WV Ernest F. Hollings ACE Basin National Wildlife
Cape May National Wildlife Refuge NJ Refuge SC
Cape Meares National Wildlife Refuge OR Eufaula National Wildlife Refuge AL
Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge SC Fallon National Wildlife Refuge NV
Carlton Pond Waterfowl Production Area ME Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge AR
Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge SC Fergus Falls Wetland Management District MN
Castle Rock National Wildlife Refuge CA Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge UT
Cat Island National Wildlife Refuge LA Fisherman Island National Wildlife Refuge VA
Catahoula National Wildlife Refuge LA Flattery Rocks National Wildlife Refuge WA
Cedar Island National Wildlife Refuge NC Flint Hills National Wildlife Refuge KS
Cedar Keys National Wildlife Refuge FL Florence Lake National Wildlife Refuge ND
Cedar Point National Wildlife Refuge OH Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge NE
Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge MT Fox River National Wildlife Refuge WI
Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge ND Franklin Island National Wildlife Refuge ME
Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge FL Franz Lake National Wildlife Refuge WA
Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge IL Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge MN
Chickasaw National Wildlife Refuge TN Grand Bay National Wildlife Refuge MS
Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge VA Grand Cote National Wildlife Refuge LA
Choctaw National Wildlife Refuge AL Gravel Island National Wildlife Refuge WI
Cibola National Wildlife Refuge AZ Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge ID
Clarence Cannon National Wildlife Refuge MO Great Bay National Wildlife Refuge NH
Clarks River National Wildlife Refuge KY Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge VA
Clear Lake National Wildlife Refuge CA Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge MA
Cokeville Meadows National Wildlife Refuge WY Great River National Wildlife Refuge MO
Cold Springs National Wildlife Refuge OR Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge NJ
Coldwater River National Wildlife Refuge MS Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge FL
Columbia National Wildlife Refuge WA Green Cay National Wildlife Refuge VI
Colusa National Wildlife Refuge CA Grulla National Wildlife Refuge TX
Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge WA Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes National Wildlife Refuge CA
Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge IL Guam National Wildlife Refuge GU
Crane Meadows National Wildlife Refuge MN Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge TX
Crescent Lake National Wildlife Refuge NE Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge HI
Cross Creeks National Wildlife Refuge TN Halfbreed Lake National Wildlife Refuge MT
Cross Island National Wildlife Refuge ME Hamden Slough National Wildlife Refuge MN
Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge FL Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge HI
Currituck National Wildlife Refuge NC Handy Brake National Wildlife Refuge LA
Cypress Creek National Wildlife Refuge IL Harbor Island National Wildlife Refuge MI
Dahomey National Wildlife Refuge MS Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge GA
D'Arbonne National Wildlife Refuge LA Hart Mountain National Antelope Range OR
Deep Fork National Wildlife Refuge OK Hatchie National Wildlife Refuge TN
Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge ID Havasu National Wildlife Refuge CA
Delta National Wildlife Refuge LA Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge HI
Des Lacs National Wildlife Refuge ND Hillside National Wildlife Refuge MS
Desecheo National Wildlife Refuge PR Hobe Sound National Wildlife Refuge FL
Desert National Wildlife Range NV Holla Bend National Wildlife Refuge AR
DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge IA Horicon National Wildlife Refuge WI
Detroit Lakes Wetland Management District MN Howland Island National Wildlife Refuge HI
Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge MI Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge CA
Devils Lake Wetland Management District ND Huron National Wildlife Refuge MI
Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Huron Wetland Management District SD
Refuge CA Hutton Lake National Wildlife Refuge WY
Driftless Area National Wildlife Refuge IA Imperial National Wildlife Refuge AZ
Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge WA Innoko National Wildlife Refuge AK

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Iowa Wetland Management District IA Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge MA

Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge NY Mathews Brake National Wildlife Refuge MS
Island Bay National Wildlife Refuge FL Matlacha Pass National Wildlife Refuge FL
Izembek National Wildlife Refuge AK Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge NC
J. Clark Salyer National Wildlife Refuge ND Maxwell National Wildlife Refuge NM
J. Clark Salyer Wetland Management District ND McFaddin National Wildlife Refuge TX
J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge FL McKay Creek National Wildlife Refuge OR
James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge HI McNary National Wildlife Refuge WA
James River National Wildlife Refuge VA Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge MT
Jarvis Island National Wildlife Refuge HI Meredosia National Wildlife Refuge IL
John H. Chafee National Wildlife Refuge RI Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge FL
John Hay National Wildlife Refuge NH Michigan Wetland Management District MI
John Heinz at Tinicum National Wildlife Refuge PA Michigan Islands National Wildlife Refuge MI
Johnston Island National Wildlife Refuge HI Middle Mississippi River National Wildlife Refuge IL
Julia Butler Hansen Refuge for the Columbian White- Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge HI
Tailed Deer WA Mille Lacs National Wildlife Refuge MN
Kakahaia National Wildlife Refuge HI Mingo National Wildlife Refuge MO
Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge AK Minidoka National Wildlife Refuge ID
Kenai National Wildlife Refuge AK Missisquoi National Wildlife Refuge VT
Kern National Wildlife Refuge CA Modoc National Wildlife Refuge CA
Key West National Wildlife Refuge FL Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge MA
Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge HI Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge NY
Kirtlands Warbler Wildlife Management Area MI Morgan Brake National Wildlife Refuge MS
Kirwin National Wildlife Refuge KS Mountain Longleaf National Wildlife Refuge AL
Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge AK Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge IN
Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge ID Nantucket National Wildlife Refuge MA
Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge AK National Key Deer Refuge FL
Kulm Wetland Management District ND Navassa Island National Wildlife Refuge PR
Lacassine National Wildlife Refuge LA Necedah National Wildlife Refuge WI
Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge SD Nestucca Bay National Wildlife Refuge OR
Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge TX Ninigret National Wildlife Refuge RI
Laguna Cartagena National Wildlife Refuge PR Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge WA
Lake Alice National Wildlife Refuge ND North Platte National Wildlife Refuge NE
Lake Andes National Wildlife Refuge SD Nowitna National Wildlife Refuge AK
Lake Ilo National Wildlife Refuge ND Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge MS
Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuge TN Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge VA
Lake Mason National Wildlife Refuge MT Ohio River Islands National Wildlife Refuge WV
Lake Ophelia National Wildlife Refuge LA Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge GA
Lake Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge NH Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge OR
Lake Wales Ridge National Wildlife Refuge FL Ouray National Wildlife Refuge UT
Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge FL Oxbow National Wildlife Refuge MA
Lake Zahl National Wildlife Refuge ND Oxford Slough Waterfowl Production Area ID
Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge NM Oyster Bay National Wildlife Refuge NY
Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge MT Panther Swamp National Wildlife Refuge MS
Leopold Wetland Management District WI Parker River National Wildlife Refuge MA
Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge AZ Pathfinder National Wildlife Refuge WY
Lewis and Clark National Wildlife Refuge WA Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge and Wildlife
Litchfield Wetland Management District MN Management Area IN
Little Pend Oreille National Wildlife Refuge WA Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge NC
Little River National Wildlife Refuge OK Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge NC
Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge ND Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge FL
Lostwood National Wildlife Refuge ND Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge GA
Louisiana Wetland Management District LA Pinckney Island National Wildlife Refuge GA
Lower Hatchie National Wildlife Refuge TN Pine Island National Wildlife Refuge FL
Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge TX Lakes National Wildlife Refuge
Pocosin NC
Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge FL Pond Creek National Wildlife Refuge AR
Mackay Island National Wildlife Refuge NC Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge IA
Madison Wetland Management District SD Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge DE
Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge ME Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge ME
Mandalay National Wildlife Refuge LA Rainwater Basin Wetland Management District NE
Marin Islands National Wildlife Refuge CA Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge VA
Martin National Wildlife Refuge MD Red River National Wildlife Refuge LA

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Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge TN Target Rock National Wildlife Refuge NY

Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge MN Ten Thousand Islands National Wildlife Refuge FL
Roanoke River National Wildlife Refuge NC Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge TN
Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge NV Tensas River National Wildlife Refuge LA
Rydell National Wildlife Refuge MN Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge AK
Sabine National Wildlife Refuge LA Tewaukon National Wildlife Refuge ND
Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge RI Texas Point National Wildlife Refuge TX
Sacramento River National Wildlife Refuge CA Tijuana Slough National Wildlife Refuge CA
Salinas River National Wildlife Refuge CA Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge OK
Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge OK Togiak National Wildlife Refuge AK
San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge TX Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge WI
San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge CA Trinity River National Wildlife Refuge TX
San Joaquin River National Wildlife Refuge CA Trustom Pond National Wildlife Refuge RI
San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge CA Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge OR
Sandy Point National Wildlife Refuge VI Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge CA
Santee National Wildlife Refuge SC Two Rivers National Wildlife Refuge IL
Savannah National Wildlife Refuge SC UL Bend National Wildlife Refuge MT
Seal Island National Wildlife Refuge ME Umatilla National Wildlife Refuge OR
Selawik National Wildlife Refuge AK Union Slough National Wildlife Refuge IA
Seney National Wildlife Refuge MI Upper Klamath National Wildlife Refuge OR
Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge OK Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife & Fish
Shell Keys National Wildlife Refuge LA Refuge MN
Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge MN Upper Ouachita National Wildlife Refuge LA
Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge MI Upper Souris National Wildlife Refuge ND
Siletz Bay National Wildlife Refuge OR Valentine National Wildlife Refuge NE
Silvio O. Conte National Fish & Wildlife Refuge MA Valley City Wetland Management District ND
Sonny Bono Salton Sea National Wildlife Refuge CA CA
Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge NJ
St. Catherine Creek National Wildlife Refuge MS Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge AR
St. Croix Wetland Management District WI Washita National Wildlife Refuge OK
St. Johns National Wildlife Refuge FL Wassaw National Wildlife Refuge GA
St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge FL Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge NY
St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge FL Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge AL
Steigerwald Lake National Wildlife Refuge WA White River National Wildlife Refuge AR
Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge CT Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge OK
Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge NV Willapa National Wildlife Refuge WA
Sunkhaze Meadows National Wildlife Refuge ME Willow Creek-Lurline Wildlife Management Area CA
Supawna Meadows National Wildlife Refuge NJ Wolf Island National Wildlife Refuge GA
Susquehanna River National Wildlife Refuge MD Yazoo National Wildlife Refuge MS
Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge MO Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge AK
Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge NC Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge AK
Tallahatchie National Wildlife Refuge MS
Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge MN

G.4 National Wilderness Areas

As of 7/22/2009, there were 776 national wilderness areas in the United States. Section 4(c) of the
Wilderness Act of 1964 (16 U.S. C. 1131-1136) strictly prohibits motorized vehicles, vessels,
aircrafts or equipment for the purposes of transport of any kind within the boundaries of all
wilderness areas. Exceptions to this Act include motorized vehicle use for the purposes of
gathering information on minerals or other resources; for the purposes of controlling fire, insects,
or disease; and in wilderness areas where aircraft or motorized boat use have already been
established prior to 1964.

The following is a list of all National Wilderness Areas within the United States. GIS shape files
for each area can be found by accessing the following website:

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Cheaha Wilderness Dugger Mountain Wilderness Sipsey Wilderness
Aleutian Islands Wilderness Karta River Wilderness Saint Lazaria Wilderness
Andreafsky Wilderness Katmai Wilderness Selawik Wilderness
Becharof Wilderness Kenai Wilderness Semidi Wilderness
Bering Sea Wilderness Kobuk Valley Wilderness Simeonof Wilderness
Bogoslof Wilderness Kootznoowoo Wilderness South Baranof Wilderness
Chamisso Wilderness Koyukuk Wilderness South Etolin Wilderness
Chuck River Wilderness Kuiu Wilderness South Prince of Wales Wilderness
Coronation Island Wilderness Lake Clark Wilderness Stikine-LeConte Wilderness
Denali Wilderness Maurille Islands Wilderness Tebenkof Bay Wilderness
Endicott River Wilderness Misty Fjords National Monument Togiak Wilderness
Forrester Island Wilderness Wilderness Tracy Arm-Fords Terror
Gates of the Arctic Wilderness Mollie Beattie Wilderness Wilderness
Glacier Bay Wilderness Noatak Wilderness Tuxedni Wilderness
Hazy Islands Wilderness Nunivak Wilderness Unimak Wilderness
Innoko Wilderness Petersburg Creek-Duncan Salt Warren Island Wilderness
Izembek Wilderness Chuck Wilderness West Chichagof-Yakobi
Pleasant/Lemusurier/Inian Islands Wilderness
Wilderness Wrangell-Saint Elias Wilderness
Russell Fjord Wilderness
Apache Creek Wilderness Hells Canyon Wilderness Pine Mountain Wilderness
Aravaipa Canyon Wilderness Hellsgate Wilderness Pusch Ridge Wilderness
Arrastra Mountain Wilderness Hummingbird Springs Wilderness Rawhide Mountains Wilderness
Aubrey Peak Wilderness Imperial Refuge Wilderness Red Rock-Secret Mountain
Baboquivari Peak Wilderness Juniper Mesa Wilderness Wilderness
Bear Wallow Wilderness Kachina Peaks Wilderness Redfield Canyon Wilderness
Beaver Dam Mountains Kanab Creek Wilderness Rincon Mountain Wilderness
Wilderness Kendrick Mountain Wilderness Saddle Mountain Wilderness
Big Horn Mountains Wilderness Kofa Wilderness Saguaro Wilderness
Cabeza Prieta Wilderness Mazatzal Wilderness Salome Wilderness
Castle Creek Wilderness Miller Peak Wilderness Salt River Canyon Wilderness
Cedar Bench Wilderness Mount Baldy Wilderness Santa Teresa Wilderness
Chiricahua National Monument Mount Logan Wilderness Sierra Ancha Wilderness
Wilderness Mount Nutt Wilderness Sierra Estrella Wilderness
Chiricahua Wilderness Mount Tipton Wilderness Signal Mountain Wilderness
Cottonwood Point Wilderness Mount Trumbull Wilderness South Maricopa Mountains
Coyote Mountains Wilderness Mount Wilson Wilderness Wilderness
Dos Cabezas Mountains Mt. Wrightson Wilderness Strawberry Crater Wilderness
Wilderness Muggins Mountain Wilderness Superstition Wilderness
Eagletail Mountains Wilderness Munds Mountain Wilderness Swansea Wilderness
East Cactus Plain Wilderness Needle's Eye Wilderness Sycamore Canyon Wilderness
Escudilla Wilderness New Water Mountains Wilderness Table Top Wilderness
Fishhooks Wilderness North Maricopa Mountains Tres Alamos Wilderness
Fossil Springs Wilderness Wilderness Trigo Mountain Wilderness
Four Peaks Wilderness North Santa Teresa Wilderness Upper Burro Creek Wilderness
Galiuro Wilderness Organ Pipe Cactus Wilderness Wabayuma Peak Wilderness
Gibraltar Mountain Wilderness Paiute Wilderness Warm Springs Wilderness
Grand Wash Cliffs Wilderness Pajarita Wilderness West Clear Creek Wilderness
Granite Mountain Wilderness Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wet Beaver Wilderness
Harcuvar Mountains Wilderness Wilderness White Canyon Wilderness

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Harquahala Mountains Wilderness Peloncillo Mountains Wilderness Woodchute Wilderness

Hassayampa River Canyon Petrified Forest National Woolsey Peak Wilderness
Wilderness Wilderness Area
Havasu Wilderness
Big Lake Wilderness Dry Creek Wilderness Leatherwood Wilderness
Black Fork Mountain Wilderness East Fork Wilderness Poteau Mountain Wilderness
Buffalo National River Flatside Wilderness Richland Creek Wilderness
Wilderness Hurricane Creek Wilderness Upper Buffalo Wilderness
Caney Creek Wilderness

Agua Tibia Wilderness Hollow Hills Wilderness Pine Creek Wilderness
Ansel Adams Wilderness Hoover Wilderness Pinnacles Wilderness
Argus Range Wilderness Ibex Wilderness Pinto Mountains Wilderness
Beauty Mountain Wilderness Imperial Refuge Wilderness Piper Mountain Wilderness
Big Maria Mountains Wilderness Indian Pass Wilderness Piute Mountains Wilderness
Bigelow Cholla Garden Inyo Mountains Wilderness Pleasant View Ridge Wilderness
Wilderness Ishi Wilderness Red Buttes Wilderness
Bighorn Mountain Wilderness Jacumba Wilderness Resting Spring Range Wilderness
Black Mountain Wilderness Jennie Lakes Wilderness Rice Valley Wilderness
Bright Star Wilderness John Krebs Wilderness Riverside Mountains Wilderness
Bristol Mountains Wilderness John Muir Wilderness Rocks and Islands Wilderness
Bucks Lake Wilderness Joshua Tree Wilderness Rodman Mountains Wilderness
Cache Creek Wilderness Kaiser Wilderness Russian Wilderness
Cadiz Dunes Wilderness Kelso Dunes Wilderness Sacatar Trail Wilderness
Cahuilla Mountain Wilderness Kiavah Wilderness Saddle Peak Hills Wilderness
Caribou Wilderness King Range Wilderness San Gabriel Wilderness
Carrizo Gorge Wilderness Kingston Range Wilderness San Gorgonio Wilderness
Carson-Iceberg Wilderness Lassen Volcanic Wilderness San Jacinto Wilderness
Castle Crags Wilderness Lava Beds Wilderness San Mateo Canyon Wilderness
Cedar Roughs Wilderness Little Chuckwalla Mountains San Rafael Wilderness
Chanchelulla Wilderness Wilderness Sanhedrin Wilderness
Chemehuevi Mountains Little Picacho Wilderness Santa Lucia Wilderness
Wilderness Machesna Mountain Wilderness Santa Rosa Wilderness
Chimney Peak Wilderness Magic Mountain Wilderness Sawtooth Mountains Wilderness
Chuckwalla Mountains Malpais Mesa Wilderness Sequoia-Kings Canyon
Wilderness Manly Peak Wilderness Wilderness
Chumash Wilderness Marble Mountain Wilderness Sespe Wilderness
Cleghorn Lakes Wilderness Matilija Wilderness Sheep Mountain Wilderness
Clipper Mountain Wilderness Mecca Hills Wilderness Sheephole Valley Wilderness
Coso Range Wilderness Mesquite Wilderness Silver Peak Wilderness
Coyote Mountains Wilderness Mojave Wilderness Siskiyou Wilderness
Cucamonga Wilderness Mokelumne Wilderness Snow Mountain Wilderness
Darwin Falls Wilderness Monarch Wilderness South Fork Eel River Wilderness
Dead Mountains Wilderness Mount Lassic Wilderness South Fork San Jacinto
Death Valley Wilderness Mt. Shasta Wilderness Wilderness
Desolation Wilderness Newberry Mountains Wilderness South Nopah Range Wilderness
Dick Smith Wilderness Nopah Range Wilderness South Sierra Wilderness
Dinkey Lakes Wilderness North Algodones Dunes South Warner Wilderness
Domeland Wilderness Wilderness Stateline Wilderness
El Paso Mountains Wilderness North Fork Wilderness Stepladder Mountains Wilderness
Elkhorn Ridge Wilderness North Mesquite Mountains Surprise Canyon Wilderness
Emigrant Wilderness Wilderness Sylvania Mountains Wilderness

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Farallon Wilderness Old Woman Mountains Thousand Lakes Wilderness

Fish Creek Mountains Wilderness Wilderness Trilobite Wilderness
Funeral Mountains Wilderness Orocopia Mountains Wilderness Trinity Alps Wilderness
Garcia Wilderness Otay Mountain Wilderness Turtle Mountains Wilderness
Golden Trout Wilderness Owens Peak Wilderness Ventana Wilderness
Golden Valley Wilderness Owens River Headwaters Whipple Mountains Wilderness
Granite Chief Wilderness Wilderness White Mountains Wilderness
Granite Mountain Wilderness Pahrump Valley Wilderness Yolla Bolly-Middle Eel
Grass Valley Wilderness Palen/McCoy Wilderness Wilderness
Hauser Wilderness Palo Verde Mountains Wilderness Yosemite Wilderness
Havasu Wilderness Phillip Burton Wilderness Yuki Wilderness
Picacho Peak Wilderness

Black Canyon of the Gunnison Hunter-Fryingpan Wilderness Platte River Wilderness
Wilderness Indian Peaks Wilderness Powderhorn Wilderness
Black Ridge Canyons Wilderness James Peak Wilderness Ptarmigan Peak Wilderness
Buffalo Peaks Wilderness La Garita Wilderness Raggeds Wilderness
Byers Peak Wilderness Lizard Head Wilderness Rawah Wilderness
Cache La Poudre Wilderness Lost Creek Wilderness Rocky Mountain National Park
Collegiate Peaks Wilderness Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness
Comanche Peak Wilderness Wilderness Sangre de Cristo Wilderness
Dominguez Canyon Wilderness Mesa Verde Wilderness Sarvis Creek Wilderness
Eagles Nest Wilderness Mount Evans Wilderness South San Juan Wilderness
Flat Tops Wilderness Mount Massive Wilderness Spanish Peaks Wilderness
Fossil Ridge Wilderness Mount Sneffels Wilderness Uncompahgre Wilderness
Great Sand Dunes Wilderness Mount Zirkel Wilderness Vasquez Peak Wilderness
Greenhorn Mountain Wilderness Neota Wilderness Weminuche Wilderness
Gunnison Gorge Wilderness Never Summer Wilderness West Elk Wilderness
Holy Cross Wilderness

Alexander Springs Wilderness Florida Keys Wilderness Marjory Stoneman Douglas
Big Gum Swamp Wilderness Island Bay Wilderness Wilderness
Billies Bay Wilderness J.N. "Ding" Darling Wilderness Mud Swamp/New River
Bradwell Bay Wilderness Juniper Prairie Wilderness Wilderness
Cedar Keys Wilderness Lake Woodruff Wilderness Passage Key Wilderness
Chassahowitzka Wilderness Little Lake George Wilderness Pelican Island Wilderness
St. Marks Wilderness

Big Frog Wilderness Cumberland Island Wilderness Rich Mountain Wilderness
Blackbeard Island Wilderness Ellicott Rock Wilderness Southern Nantahala Wilderness
Blood Mountain Wilderness Mark Trail Wilderness Tray Mountain Wilderness
Brasstown Wilderness Okefenokee Wilderness Wolf Island Wilderness
Cohutta Wilderness Raven Cliffs Wilderness

Haleakala Wilderness Hawaii Volcanoes Wilderness

Big Jacks Creek Wilderness Gospel-Hump Wilderness Sawtooth Wilderness
Bruneau-Jarbidge Rivers Hells Canyon Wilderness Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness
Wilderness Little Jacks Creek Wilderness

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Craters of the Moon National North Fork Owyhee Wilderness

Wilderness Area Owyhee River Wilderness
Frank Church-River of No Return Pole Creek Wilderness

Bald Knob Wilderness Clear Springs Wilderness Lusk Creek Wilderness
Bay Creek Wilderness Crab Orchard Wilderness Panther Den Wilderness
Burden Falls Wilderness Garden of the Gods Wilderness

Charles C. Deam Wilderness

Beaver Creek Wilderness Clifty Wilderness

Breton Wilderness Kisatchie Hills Wilderness Lacassine Wilderness

Caribou-Speckled Mountain Moosehorn (Baring Unit) Moosehorn Wilderness
Wilderness Wilderness

Monomoy Wilderness
Beaver Basin Wilderness Mackinac Wilderness Round Island Wilderness
Big Island Lake Wilderness McCormick Wilderness Seney Wilderness
Delirium Wilderness Michigan Islands Wilderness Sturgeon River Gorge Wilderness
Horseshoe Bay Wilderness Nordhouse Dunes Wilderness Sylvania Wilderness
Huron Islands Wilderness Rock River Canyon Wilderness
Isle Royale Wilderness

Agassiz Wilderness Boundary Waters Canoe Area Tamarac Wilderness

Black Creek Wilderness Gulf Islands Wilderness Leaf Wilderness

Bell Mountain Wilderness Irish Wilderness Piney Creek Wilderness
Devils Backbone Wilderness Mingo Wilderness Rockpile Mountain Wilderness
Hercules-Glades Wilderness Paddy Creek Wilderness

Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Great Bear Wilderness Red Rock Lakes Wilderness
Anaconda Pintler Wilderness Lee Metcalf Wilderness Scapegoat Wilderness
Bob Marshall Wilderness Medicine Lake Wilderness Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness
Cabinet Mountains Wilderness Mission Mountains Wilderness UL Bend Wilderness

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Gates of the Mountains Rattlesnake Wilderness Welcome Creek Wilderness


Fort Niobrara Wilderness Soldier Creek Wilderness

Alta Toquima Wilderness High Rock Canyon Wilderness North McCullough Wilderness
Arc Dome Wilderness High Rock Lake Wilderness Pahute Peak Wilderness
Arrow Canyon Wilderness High Schells Wilderness Parsnip Peak Wilderness
Bald Mountain Wilderness Highland Ridge Wilderness Pinto Valley Wilderness
Becky Peak Wilderness Ireteba Peaks Wilderness Quinn Canyon Wilderness
Big Rocks Wilderness Jarbidge Wilderness Rainbow Mountain Wilderness
Black Canyon Wilderness Jimbilnan Wilderness Red Mountain Wilderness
Black Rock Desert Wilderness Jumbo Springs Wilderness Ruby Mountains Wilderness
Boundary Peak Wilderness La Madre Mountain Wilderness Santa Rosa-Paradise Peak
Bridge Canyon Wilderness Lime Canyon Wilderness Wilderness
Bristlecone Wilderness Little High Rock Canyon Shellback Wilderness
Calico Mountains Wilderness Wilderness South Egan Range Wilderness
Clover Mountains Wilderness Meadow Valley Range South Jackson Mountains
Currant Mountain Wilderness Wilderness Wilderness
Death Valley Wilderness Mormon Mountains Wilderness South McCullough Wilderness
Delamar Mountains Wilderness Mount Grafton Wilderness South Pahroc Range Wilderness
East Fork High Rock Canyon Mt. Charleston Wilderness Spirit Mountain Wilderness
Wilderness Mt. Irish Wilderness Table Mountain Wilderness
East Humboldts Wilderness Mt. Moriah Wilderness Tunnel Spring Wilderness
Eldorado Wilderness Mt. Rose Wilderness Wee Thump Joshua Tree
Far South Egans Wilderness Muddy Mountains Wilderness Wilderness
Fortification Range Wilderness Nellis Wash Wilderness Weepah Spring Wilderness
Goshute Canyon Wilderness North Black Rock Range White Pine Range Wilderness
Government Peak Wilderness Wilderness White Rock Range Wilderness
Grant Range Wilderness North Jackson Mountains Worthington Mountains
Wilderness Wilderness

New Hampshire
Great Gulf Wilderness Presidential Range-Dry River Wild River Wilderness
Pemigewasset Wilderness Wilderness
Sandwich Range Wilderness

New Jersey
Brigantine Wilderness Great Swamp National Wildlife
Refuge Wilderness

New Mexico
Aldo Leopold Wilderness Cebolla Wilderness Pecos Wilderness
Apache Kid Wilderness Chama River Canyon Wilderness Sabinoso Wilderness
Bandelier Wilderness Cruces Basin Wilderness Salt Creek Wilderness
Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness Dome Wilderness San Pedro Parks Wilderness
Blue Range Wilderness Gila Wilderness Sandia Mountain Wilderness
Bosque del Apache Wilderness Latir Peak Wilderness West Malpais Wilderness
Capitan Mountains Wilderness Manzano Mountain Wilderness Wheeler Peak Wilderness
Carlsbad Caverns Wilderness Ojito Wilderness White Mountain Wilderness
Withington Wilderness

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New York
Otis Pike Fire Island High Dune Wilderness
North Carolina
Birkhead Mountains Wilderness Linville Gorge Wilderness Sheep Ridge Wilderness
Catfish Lake South Wilderness Middle Prong Wilderness Shining Rock Wilderness
Ellicott Rock Wilderness Pocosin Wilderness Southern Nantahala Wilderness
Joyce Kilmer-Slickrock Pond Pine Wilderness Swanquarter Wilderness

North Dakota
Chase Lake Wilderness Lostwood Wilderness Theodore Roosevelt Wilderness

West Sister Island Wilderness
Black Fork Mountain Wilderness Upper Kiamichi River Wilderness Wichita Mountains Wilderness

Badger Creek Wilderness Menagerie Wilderness Rock Creek Wilderness
Black Canyon Wilderness Middle Santiam Wilderness Rogue-Umpqua Divide
Boulder Creek Wilderness Mill Creek Wilderness Wilderness
Bridge Creek Wilderness Monument Rock Wilderness Salmon-Huckleberry Wilderness
Bull of the Woods Wilderness Mount Hood Wilderness Sky Lakes Wilderness
Clackamas Wilderness Mount Jefferson Wilderness Soda Mountain Wilderness
Copper Salmon Wilderness Mount Thielsen Wilderness Spring Basin Wilderness
Cummins Creek Wilderness Mount Washington Wilderness Steens Mountain Wilderness
Diamond Peak Wilderness Mountain Lakes Wilderness Strawberry Mountain Wilderness
Drift Creek Wilderness North Fork John Day Wilderness Table Rock Wilderness
Eagle Cap Wilderness North Fork Umatilla Wilderness Three Arch Rocks Wilderness
Gearhart Mountain Wilderness Opal Creek Wilderness Three Sisters Wilderness
Grassy Knob Wilderness Oregon Badlands Wilderness Waldo Lake Wilderness
Hells Canyon Wilderness Oregon Islands Wilderness Wenaha-Tucannon Wilderness
Kalmiopsis Wilderness Red Buttes Wilderness Wild Rogue Wilderness
Lower White River Wilderness Roaring River Wilderness
Mark O. Hatfield Wilderness

Allegheny Islands Wilderness Hickory Creek Wilderness

Puerto Rico
El Toro Wilderness
South Carolina
Cape Romain Wilderness Hell Hole Bay Wilderness Wambaw Swamp Wilderness
Congaree National Park Little Wambaw Swamp
Wilderness Wilderness
Ellicott Rock Wilderness Wambaw Creek Wilderness

South Dakota
Badlands Wilderness Black Elk Wilderness

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Bald River Gorge Wilderness Cohutta Wilderness Pond Mountain Wilderness
Big Frog Wilderness Gee Creek Wilderness Sampson Mountain Wilderness
Big Laurel Branch Wilderness Joyce Kilmer-Slickrock Unaka Mountain Wilderness
Citico Creek Wilderness Wilderness
Little Frog Mountain Wilderness

Big Slough Wilderness Indian Mounds Wilderness Turkey Hill Wilderness
Guadalupe Mountains Wilderness Little Lake Creek Wilderness Upland Island Wilderness

Ashdown Gorge Wilderness Deseret Peak Wilderness Mount Timpanogos Wilderness
Beartrap Canyon Wilderness Doc's Pass Wilderness Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs
Beaver Dam Mountains Goose Creek Wilderness Wilderness
Wilderness High Uintas Wilderness Pine Valley Mountain Wilderness
Blackridge Wilderness LaVerkin Creek Wilderness Red Butte Wilderness
Black Ridge Canyons Wilderness Lone Peak Wilderness Red Mountain Wilderness
Box-Death Hollow Wilderness Mount Naomi Wilderness Slaughter Creek Wilderness
Canaan Mountain Wilderness Mount Nebo Wilderness Taylor Creek Wilderness
Cedar Mountain Wilderness Area Mount Olympus Wilderness Twin Peaks Wilderness
Cottonwood Canyon Wilderness Wellsville Mountain Wilderness
Cottonwood Forest Wilderness Zion Wilderness
Cougar Canyon Wilderness
Dark Canyon Wilderness
Deep Creek North Wilderness
Deep Creek Wilderness

Big Branch Wilderness George D. Aiken Wilderness Lye Brook Wilderness
Breadloaf Wilderness Glastenbury Wilderness Peru Peak Wilderness
Bristol Cliffs Wilderness Joseph Battell Wilderness

Barbours Creek Wilderness Little Wilson Creek Wilderness Rough Mountain Wilderness
Beartown Wilderness Mountain Lake Wilderness Saint Mary's Wilderness
Brush Mountain East Wilderness Peters Mountain Wilderness Shawvers Run Wilderness
Brush Mountain Wilderness Priest Wilderness Shenandoah Wilderness
Garden Mountain Wilderness Raccoon Branch Wilderness Stone Mountain Wilderness
Hunting Camp Creek Wilderness Ramseys Draft Wilderness Three Ridges Wilderness
James River Face Wilderness Rich Hole Wilderness Thunder Ridge Wilderness
Kimberling Creek Wilderness
Lewis Fork Wilderness
Little Dry Run Wilderness

Alpine Lakes Wilderness Juniper Dunes Wilderness Salmo-Priest Wilderness
Boulder River Wilderness Lake Chelan-Sawtooth San Juan Wilderness
Buckhorn Wilderness Wilderness Stephen Mather Wilderness
Clearwater Wilderness Mount Adams Wilderness Tatoosh Wilderness
Colonel Bob Wilderness Mount Baker Wilderness The Brothers Wilderness
Glacier Peak Wilderness Mount Rainier Wilderness Trapper Creek Wilderness
Glacier View Wilderness Mount Skokomish Wilderness Washington Islands Wilderness
Goat Rocks Wilderness Noisy-Diobsud Wilderness Wenaha-Tucannon Wilderness

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Henry M. Jackson Wilderness Norse Peak Wilderness Wild Sky Wilderness

Indian Heaven Wilderness Olympic Wilderness William O. Douglas Wilderness
Pasayten Wilderness Wonder Mountain Wilderness

West Virginia
Big Draft Wilderness Laurel Fork North Wilderness Mountain Lake Wilderness
Cranberry Wilderness Laurel Fork South Wilderness Roaring Plains West Wilderness
Dolly Sods Wilderness Otter Creek Wilderness
Spice Run Wilderness

Blackjack Springs Wilderness Porcupine Lake Wilderness Wisconsin Islands Wilderness
Gaylord A. Nelson Wilderness Rainbow Lake Wilderness
Headwaters Wilderness Whisker Lake Wilderness

Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness Gros Ventre Wilderness Popo Agie Wilderness
Bridger Wilderness Huston Park Wilderness Savage Run Wilderness
Cloud Peak Wilderness Jedediah Smith Wilderness Teton Wilderness
Encampment River Wilderness North Absaroka Wilderness Washakie Wilderness
Fitzpatrick Wilderness Platte River Wilderness Winegar Hole Wilderness

G.5 National Wild and Scenic Rivers

Alagnak, Alaska Crescent Creek, Oregon
Alatna, Alaska Crooked, Oregon
Allagash Wilderness Waterway, Maine Delaware (Lower), New Jersey & Pennsylvania
Allegheny, Pennsylvania Delaware (Middle), New Jersey & Pennsylvania
American (Lower), California Delaware (Upper), New York & Pennsylvania
Andreafsky, Alaska Delta, Alaska
Aniakchak, Alaska Deschutes, Oregon
Au Sable, Michigan Donner und Blitzen, Oregon
Bear Creek, Michigan Eagle Creek, Oregon
Beaver Creek, Alaska East Branch Tahquamenon, Michigan
Big and Little Darby Creeks, Ohio East Fork Jemez, New Mexico
Big Marsh Creek, Oregon Eel, California
Big Piney Creek, Arkansas Eleven Point, Missouri
Big Sur, California Elk, Oregon
Birch Creek, Alaska Elkhorn Creek, Oregon
Black Butte, California Farmington (West Branch), Connecticut
Black Creek, Mississippi Feather, California
Black, Michigan Flathead, Montana
Bluestone, West Virginia Fortymile, Alaska
Buffalo, Arkansas Grande Ronde, Oregon
Cache la Poudre, Colorado Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey
Carp, Michigan Gulkana, Alaska
Charley, Alaska Horsepasture, North Carolina
Chattooga, Georgia, North and South Carolina Hurricane Creek, Arkansas
Chetco, Oregon Illinois, Oregon
Chilikadrotna, Alaska Imnaha, Oregon
Clackamas, Oregon Indian, Michigan
Clarion, Pennsylvania Ivishak, Alaska
Clarks Fork Yellowstone, Wyoming John Day, Oregon
Cossatot, Arkansas John, Alaska

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Joseph Creek, Oregon Red, Kentucky

Kern, California Richland Creek, Arkansas
Kings, California Rio Chama, New Mexico
Klamath, California Rio de la Mina, Puerto Rico
Klickitat, Washington Rio Grande, New Mexico
Kobuk, Alaska Rio Grande, Texas
Lamprey, New Hampshire Rio Icacos, Puerto Rico
Little Beaver, Ohio Rio Mameyes, Puerto Rico
Little Deschutes, Oregon Roaring, Oregon
Little Miami, Ohio Rogue, Oregon
Little Missouri, Arkansas Saint Joe, Idaho
Lostine, Oregon Saline Bayou, Louisiana
Loxahatchee, Florida Salmon, Alaska
Lumber, North Carolina Salmon, Idaho
Malheur, Oregon Salmon, Oregon
Manistee, Michigan Sandy, Oregon
Maurice, New Jersey Selawik, Alaska
McKenzie, Oregon Sespe Creek, California
Merced, California Sheenjek, Alaska
Metolius, Oregon Sipsey Fork West Fork, Alabama
Middle Fork Clearwater, Idaho Sisquoc, California
Middle Fork Salmon, Idaho Skagit, Washington
Middle Fork Vermilion, Illinois Smith, California
Minam, Oregon Snake, Idaho & Oregon
Missouri, Montana South Fork John Day, Oregon
Mulberry, Arkansas Squaw Creek, Oregon
Mulchatna, Alaska St. Croix (Lower) Minnesota & Wisconsin
Musconetcong, New Jersey St. Croix (Lower), Minnesota & Wisconsin
New, North Carolina St. Croix, Minnesota & Wisconsin
Niobrara, Nebraska Sturgeon, Michigan (Hiawatha National Forest)
Noatak, Alaska Sturgeon, Michigan (Ottawa National Forest)
North Fork American, California Sudbury, Assabet, Concord, Massachusetts
North Fork Crooked, Oregon Sycan, Oregon
North Fork John Day, Oregon Tinayguk, Alaska
North Fork Koyukuk, Alaska Tlikakila, Alaska
North Fork Malheur, Oregon Trinity, California
North Fork Middle Fork Willamette, Oregon Tuolumne, California
North Fork Owyhee, Oregon Unalakleet, Alaska
North Fork Smith, Oregon Upper Rogue, Oregon
North Fork Sprague, Oregon Verde, Arizona
North Powder, Oregon Wallowa, Oregon
North Sylamore Creek, Arkansas Wekiva, Florida
North Umpqua, Oregon Wenaha, Oregon
Nowitna, Alaska West Little Owyhee, Oregon
Obed, Tennessee Westfield, Massachusetts
Ontonagon, Michigan White Clay Creek, Delaware & Pennsylvania
Owyhee, Oregon White Salmon, Washington
Paint, Michigan White, Oregon
Pecos, New Mexico Whitefish, Michigan
Pere Marquette, Michigan Wildcat River, New Hampshire
Pine, Michigan Wildhorse and Kiger Creeks, Oregon
Powder, Oregon Wilson Creek, North Carolina
Presque Isle, Michigan Wind, Alaska
Quartzville Creek, Oregon Wolf, Wisconsin
Rapid, Idaho Yellow Dog, Michigan

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Final 2013 VGP

G.6 Outstanding National Resource Water (ONRW) Designated by a State or


States have an obligation under the antidegradation policy of the CWA to ensure that
water quality is maintained and protected where "high quality waters constitute an
outstanding national resource, such as water of national and state parks and wildlife
refuges and waters of exceptional recreational or ecological significance." 40 CFR

Water Resources Boards may designate certain waters, including wetlands, as

outstanding under state and federal law. When waters are designated, their existing water
quality shall, at a minimum, be protected and maintained. Because ONRWs are
designated by each state, permittees should consult state water quality management
agencies to determine if ONRWs exist in the area where they may operate their vessel.

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Final 2013 VGP

Appendix H – Annual Report

EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency

Washington, DC 20460 Form Approved OMB No.
One Time Report for Discharges Incidental to the Normal Operation 2040-0004
Of a Vessel under the NPDES Vessel General Permit

Owner/Operator and Vessel Information

Date Submitted ___________________ Vessel NOI Number (if applicable) _________
Vessel Owner/Operator ___________________________ Phone___________________________
Address________________________________________ E-mail___________________________
Vessel Name ____________________________________ Vessel Type ______________________
Length _____________________FEET/METERS (Circle One) Gross Tonnage __________□ gross tons □ gross
registered tons
Date of Vessel Construction ________________________
Calendar Year for which you are submitting the report: _____
Did your vessel operate in waters subject to this permit during the previous calendar year: □ Yes □ No
If you answered No to this question, completion of the remainder the following questions are
voluntary; however you must certify the bottom of the report.


1. Please list your vessel’s primary geographical regions of operation in U.S. waters last year and
report the approximate percentage of time was your vessel in each region?
□ Gulf Coast ___ □ Pacific Coast ___ □ Atlantic Coast ___ □ Mississippi-Ohio River System
___ □ Great Lakes ___ □ Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands □ Other: _________
2a. Did you conduct the following inspections in the last year? (Optional for inland vessels less than
300GT and unmanned, unpowered barges)
Drydock Inspections □ Yes □No Most recent drydock and inspection date: _________
Next scheduled drydocking: _________
Annual Inspections □ Yes □ No Most recent inspection date: _________
All Required Routine Inspections □ Yes □No
If you checked no, how many routine inspections did you miss in the last year?
□ 1-2 □3-4 □5-6 □7 or more
Last below water (or drydock) hull inspection: _________

2b. On average, how often did you conduct routine inspections in the last year?
□ Never □Once per week □Between once per week and once per day □Once per day □More
than once per day □Other: ________________
3a. Did your vessel discharge ballast water in U.S. waters? □ Yes □No
What is the capacity of your vessel’s ballast tanks? _____________□ gallons □ meters3
How many ballast tanks are present on your vessel (include holds or other areas that were used to
carry ballast water)? ___________

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Final 2013 VGP

For each tank or hold used to carry ballast, list type, capacity, and identifier: _________
Does your vessel have a ballast water treatment system? □ Yes □No □ N/A
If you answered yes, please attach analytical monitoring data for treated ballast water discharges
required by Parts of the permit (see VGP Ballast Water DMR below).
Did you operate outside the EEZ and enter the Great Lakes? □ Yes □No □ N/A
If yes, did you discharge ballast water? □ Yes □No □ N/A
If yes, did you conduct ballast water exchange and/or flushing as applicable? □ Yes □No □ N/A

3b. Does your vessel have an exhaust gas scrubber? □ Yes □No
Did your vessel discharge washwater from its exhaust gas scrubber in U.S. waters? □ Yes □No □
If you answered yes, please attach analytical monitoring data for exhaust gas scrubber washwater
(see VGP Exhaust Gas Scrubber DMR below)
Discharge required by Part 2.2.26 of the permit.

3c. Does your vessel have an oily water separator (OWS)? □ Yes □No
If your vessel is greater than 400 GT did it discharge treated bilgewater within 1 nm of shore? □ Yes
□No □ N/A Did you ever discharge into waters subject to this permit (within 3 nm)? □ Yes □No □
If you discharged within 1 nm, why did you discharge?
□ Never left waters subject to this permit, but the discharge met a 15 ppm standard. □ Technically
infeasible or unsafe to hold (if checked, please attach explanation as to why it was technically
infeasible or unsafe to hold).
If you discharged within three nautical miles, did you collect analytical oil and grease monitoring
data? □ Yes □ No □ No, I qualified for the analytical monitoring waivers found in Part of the
permit (not available in the first two years of permit coverage).
If you answered yes, please attach analytical monitoring data for bilgewater sampling (see VGP
Bilgewater DMR below)

3d. Did you discharge treated or untreated graywater in U.S. waters? □ Treated □Untreated □None
Does your vessel have and use a treatment system for graywater or graywater mixed with sewage? □
Yes □No □ N/A
If yes, please list the system make and model: __________
Is your vessel subject to analytical monitoring requirements in Parts 2.2.15, 5.1, or 5.2 □ Yes □
No. If yes, please attach analytical monitoring data for treated graywater discharges (see VGP
Graywater DMR below).

3e. Do you use anti-foulant coating? Yes □No □ N/A

If so, what is the type of anti-fouling hull coating on vessel and select specific product?

Date last applied: _________

4. Did your vessel store any discharges incidental to the normal operation of vessels on board for
onshore disposal?
□ Yes (please list) __________________________________________________ □No
If yes, please list disposal method (e.g., onshore treatment, pump out truck)________

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Final 2013 VGP

5. Did your vessel use environmentally acceptable lubricants for oil to sea interfaces?
□ Yes (please name the brand(s)) __________________________ □No
If not, why? ________________
6. Did you have to claim a safety exemption for any discharge category, and were therefore unable to
meet effluent limits of the VGP?
□ Yes (please list discharge types) ____________________________________ □No
If yes, reason(s) safety exemptions claimed? ____________________________
7. Did you receive any citations or warnings from EPA or the U.S. Coast Guard for any violations of
environmental laws? If yes, please scan and attach.
□ Yes (explain) _____________________________________________________________________
8. Did you have any instances of noncompliance this year (e.g., discharging untreated bilgewater,
exceeding numeric effluent limits)?
□ Yes □No

If you answered yes, please fill out the table below. Please attach additional pages as necessary.
Date VGP Requirement Description of Cause of Description of
Affected Noncompliance Noncompliance Corrective Action
Performed or

Certification Information
I certify under penalty of law that the information contained in this form is, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. Furthermore, I certify under penalty of law that
this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance
with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the
information contained therein. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,
or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information contained is, to the
best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I have no personal knowledge that the
information submitted is other than true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant
penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for
knowing violations.

Signature and Date

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Final 2013 VGP

Annual Report: Ballast Water Treatment System Reporting

Supplemental Addendum (VGP Ballast Water DMR)
A. Ballast Water Treatment System Information Facility Identifier (i.e., NOI number): ______________
Treatment system description: ___________________________________________________________________
System supplier and model:_____________________________________________________________________
Installation Date: _______________________
First date of operation: _______________________
Technology type (check all that apply):
Akylamines Deoxygenation Ozone
Bioremediation Electric pulse Peracetic acid
Cavitation Filtration Plasma pulse
Chlorine addition/electrochlorination Heat Shear
Chlorine dioxide Hydrocyclone Ultrasound
Coagulation Menadione/Vitamin K Ultraviolet
Other (specify): _______________________

Is the ballast water treatment system type approved? Yes No

If you answered “Yes” please provide the flag administration(s) that approved that
Are all type approval data available to US EPA or the US Coast Guard (see Part of Yes No Unknown
this permit)?
Has the system been determined by the US Coast Guard to be an “Alternate Management System?” Yes No Unknown
Note: if you responded “unknown” to the two questions above, you must follow the monitoring
schedule for devices for which high quality data are not available.

B. Monitoring Information
Have all the permit monitoring conditions for the ballast water treatment system(s) that apply to Yes No
your vessel (Part of this permit) been completed during the previous calendar year?
Please check which monitoring requirements were completed:
Ballast water system functionality monitoring at least monthly.
Calibration of probes/sensors that measure ballast water treatment performance at least annually.
Biological monitoring. Number of sampling events: ___
Residual biocide and derivative monitoring (if applicable). Number of initial: ___ Number of maintenance: ___

Provide ballast water treatment system functional monitoring information and ballast discharge analytical data for the
previous calendar year in the attached tables. Provide any correlations and/or calculations between measured operating
parameters and treatment concentrations in the space below (e.g., correlation between measured ORP and chlorine
concentration in ballast water):

C. Certifier Name and Title

I certify under penalty of law that this document were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a
system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information contained therein. Based
on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the
information, the information contained is, to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I have no
personnel knowledge that the information submitted is other than true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are
significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing
Print Name:_____________________________________________________

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Final 2013 VGP
Ballast Water Treatment System Functionality Monitoring (provide information for each month for all that apply; attach pages as needed)
Parameter Used to Measure Unitsb Measurement Monthd Number of Minimum Average Maximum System Design
a c
System Functionality Method Measurements Monthly Monthly Monthly Operating
per Monthe Measured Measured Measured Range
Value Value Value

a. Part and Appendix J of the permit describes the types of measurements required to verify system functionality (e.g., chlorine concentration, ORP, ozone concentration, etc.).
b. Units include items such as mg/L or ppm for chemical concentrations, lbs or gallons/month for chemical dosage amounts, watts/month for power consumption, etc.
c. Measurement methods can include probe, sensor, sample analysis, counts, etc.
d. Vessels need to provide information for only those months that ballast water was discharged into U.S. waters.
e. If continuous measurements are recorded for the parameter, note “continuous” in the provided column.

Biological Monitoring of Ballast Water Discharges (provide information for each sampling event for all that apply; attach pages as needed)

Parameter Analytical Method Sample Date(s)a Sample Result(s)a Units Discharge

Total live bacteria
E. coli
Other (specify):
a. Part of the permit provides the required sampling schedule. If you collected multiple samples during the calendar year,
list the samples and corresponding results in order of date collected.

Residual Biocide/Derivative Monitoring of Ballast Water Discharges (provide information for each sampling event for all that apply; attach pages as needed)

Biocide/Derivativea Analytical Method Sample Date(s)b Sample Result(s)b Units Discharge


a. Section of the permit lists biocides and derivatives the vessel must monitor for based on the type of
treatment system (e.g., chlorine, haloacetic acid, trihalomethanes). You must report those results here.
b. Section provides the required sampling schedule. If you collected multiple samples during the calendar year,
list the samples and corresponding results in order of date collected.

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Final 2013 VGP

Annual Report: Exhaust Gas Scrubber Discharge Monitoring Supplemental Addendum

(VGP Exhaust Gas Scrubber Discharge Monitoring Report)
Exhaust Gas Scrubber Analytical Monitoring (provide information for all that apply)
Sample Date: ____________ Sample Type (inlet water, water after the scrubber, discharge water): _______________ Facility Identifier (i.e., NOI number): ______________
Sample #: (Please provide a separate page for each sampling event)
Discharge Was the Sample
b Taken in U.S.
Analytical Sample Date(s) Location
Parameter Methoda (MM/DD/YYYY) Sample Result(s) Units Flow Rate (Lat/Long)c Waters?
Benzo[b]fluoranthene +
Additional Detail:
pH Probe Value (at same time sample collected):
PAH Probe Value (at same time sample collected):
Turbidity Probe Value (at same time sample collected):
Maximum continuous rating or 80 percent of the power rating of the fuel oil combustion unit in MWh:
Sampling performed downstream of the water treatment equipment but upstream of washwater dilution (or other reactant dosing) prior to discharge? □ Yes
a) Part of the permit discusses appropriate methods for monitoring. Please select methods that correct for matrix interference.
b) Part of the permit provides the required sampling schedule. If you collected multiple samples during the calendar year, list the samples and corresponding results
in order of date collected.
c) Provide latitude and longitude of discharge location during sampling.

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Final 2013 VGP

Exhaust Gas Scrubber Continuous Monitoring (provide information for all that apply)

Month: _____ _ (Please provide a separate page for each month of the discharge)

Minimum Monthly Average Monthly Maximum Monthly Did You Operate in US

Parameter Unitsa Measured Value Measured Value Measured Value Waters this Month?
pH Standard Units

PAH (if available) µ/L PAHphe


Additional Details:
pH probe calibration date:
PAH probe calibration date (if available):
Turbidity probe calibration date:
Temperature probe calibration date:
Maximum continuous rating or 80 percent of the power rating of the fuel oil combustion unit in MWh:
Sampling performed downstream of the water treatment equipment but upstream of washwater dilution (or other reactant dosing) prior to discharge? Yes No
Exhaust gas scrubber treatment system additives (names of any additives and dosage (if available) used, i.e., coagulant, flocculant, reaction water):

a. Units for turbidity are either FNU or NTU, and units for temperature are either °C or °F.

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Final 2013 VGP

Annual Report: Graywater Discharge Monitoring Supplemental Addendum

(VGP Graywater Discharge Monitoring Report)
Graywater Monitoring (provide information for all that apply)
My vessel had to conduct sampling times in year Facility Identifier (i.e., NOI number): ______________
Sample #: (Please provide a separate form for each sampling event)

Discharge Overboard Analysis Date/ Was the

Analytical Sample Date(s)b Sample Sample Locationc Discharge Port Analystd Sample Taken
Parameter Methoda (MM/DD/YYYY) Time Result(s) Units (Lat/Long) Locationc (MM/DD/YYYY) in U.S. Waters?
Fecal coliform
Suspended Solids
Total Residual chlorinee
E. colif
Total phosphorus(TP)f
Nitrate + Nitritef

Total Kjeldahl
Nitrogen (TKN)f

a. Part, 5.1.2 and 5.2.2 of the permit discusses appropriate methods for monitoring.
b. Part, 5.1.2 and 5.2.2 of the permit provides the required sampling schedule.
c. Provide latitude and longitude of discharge location during sampling and the sampled overboard discharge port location
d. Provide both the name of analyst and analysis date in MM/DD/YYYY format.
e. Parameter not required for medium and large cruise ships meeting certain criteria per Parts and
f. Parameter must be analyzed only by medium and large cruise ships.

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Final 2013 VGP

Annual Report: Bilgewater Discharge Monitoring Supplemental Addendum

(VGP Bilgewater Discharge Monitoring Report)

Bilgewater Monitoring (provide information for all that apply)

Sample #: (Please provide a separate form for each sampling event) Facility Identifier (i.e., NOI number): ______________

Was the
Overboard Analysis Date/ Taken in
Analytical Sample Date(s) Sample Discharge Discharge Port Analyst Namec U.S.
Parameter Methoda (MM/DD/YYYY) Sample Time Result(s) Units Locationb Locationb (MM/DD/YYYY) Waters?
Oil and Grease ppm

Additional Details:
OCM Value (at same time sample collected)
OCM Make and Model Number
OMC calibration date and name of calibrator
Oil/water separator additive type (name of any additives used, i.e, solidifier, flocculant):

a. Part of the permit discusses monitoring methods. Samples must be analyzed for oil by either Method ISO 9377-2 (2000) Water Quality–Determination of hydrocarbon
oil index–Part 2: Method Using Solvent Extraction and Gas Chromatography (incorporation by reference, see 46 CFR §162.050–4) or EPA Method 1664.
b. Provide latitude and longitude of discharge location during sampling and the sampled overboard discharge port location
c. Provide both the name of analyst and analysis date in MM/DD/YYYY format.

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Final 2013 VGP

Appendix I – Standard Discharge Monitoring Report

EPA’s Standard Discharge Monitoring Report is available at:

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Final 2013 VGP

Appendix J – Ballast Water Treatment System Sensors, Measurement Requirements and Appropriate
Equipment for Physical/Chemical Indicator Monitoring
Technology Type Measurement Potential Control Sensor, Non Discharge Indicators of Required Metrics to be
Equipment, or Procedure BWTS Performance Reported
Alkylamines Alkylamines Chemical analysis and treatment -Alkylamines concentration at -Alkylamines sample
monitoring injection concentration
-Alkylamines dosage and usage -Alkylamines dosage and
pH pH sensor pH pH readings
Biological agents Treatment chemical Chemical analysis and treatment -Treatment chemical -Treatment chemical sample
monitoring concentration at injection concentration
-Treatment chemical dosage -Treatment chemical dosage
and usage and usage
Cavitation Pressure differential Pressure sensors (before/after) Pressure differential Pressure readings
Chlorination: (e.g., sodium Chlorine In-line N,N diethyl-p-phenylene -Chlorine concentration at -Chlorine readings from both
chlorite and sodium diamine (DPD) analyzer, sample injection on-line sensor and sample
hypochlorite analysis, and treatment -Chlorine dosage on treatment analysis
monitoring and usage (if chlorine -Chlorine dosage on
addition) treatment (if chlorine
Oxidation reduction ORP sensor ORP at injection ORP readings
potential (ORP)
Power consumption, System power diagnostics Chlorination module power No Reporting Required
voltage and current consumption, voltage and
current (if electrochlorination)
Total residual oxidizers Amperometric sensor TRO at injection TRO readings
Conductivity/salinity Conductivity and temperature Conductivity and temperature Conductivity/salinity and
sensor at injection temperature readings
Chlorine Dioxide Chlorine Dioxide On-line chlorine dioxide -Chlorine dioxide concentration -Chlorine dioxide readings
amperometric sensor, Lissamine at injection from both on-line sensor and
Green B (LGB) sample analysis, - Chlorine dioxide dosage and sample analysis
and treatment monitoring usage (if chlorine dioxide - Chlorine dioxide dosage and
addition) usage (if chlorine dioxide

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Final 2013 VGP

Coagulation (flocculent) Coagulant Chemical analysis and treatment -Treatment flocculent - Treatment flocculent
monitoring concentration at injection concentration
-Treatment chemical dosage -Treatment chemical dosage
and usage and usage
Turbidity (NTU) Turbidity sensor Coagulation effluent turbidity Coagulation effluent
Deoxygenation Dose of inert gas (if Treatment monitoring Deoxygenation gas dosage and Deoxygenation gas dosage
used) usage and usage
pH (if CO2 used) pH sensor pH pH readings
Dissolved oxygen (DO) DO sensor Deoxygenation module Dissolved oxygen
dissolved oxygen concentration concentrations
Electric pulse Power consumption, System power diagnostics Electric pulse module power Electric pulse module power
voltage and current consumption, voltage and consumption, voltage and
current current readings
Filtration Flow rate Flow meter Filter effluent flow Flow readings
Pressure differential Pressure sensors (before/after) Filter pressure differential (e.g., Filter pressures (before/after)
before/after filtration)
Back flush frequency Treatment monitoring Filter backwash frequency Filter backwash frequencies
Heat Temperature Thermistors Treatment temperature Temperature readings
Hydrocyclone Back flush frequency Treatment monitoring Hydrocyclone back flush Hydrocyclone back flush
frequency frequencies
Power consumption, System power diagnostics Hydrocyclone power Hydrocyclone power
voltage and current consumption, voltage and consumption, voltage and
current current
Menadione/Vitamin K Menadione/Vitamin K Chemical analysis and treatment -Menadione/Vitamin K -Menadione/Vitamin K
monitoring concentration at injection concentration at injection
-Menadione/Vitamin K dosage -Menadione/Vitamin K dosage
and usage and usage
Ozone TRO Amperometric sensor TRO at ozone injection TRO readings
Ozone On-line ozone sensor (if used) Ozone concentration at Ozone readings from both on-
and sample analysis injection line sensor (if used) and
sample analysis
Bromate Sample analysis Bromate at ozone injection Bromate measurements
Power consumption, System power diagnostics Ozonation module power No Reporting Required
voltage and current consumption, voltage and
Conductivity/salinity Conductivity and temperature Conductivity and temperature Conductivity/salinity and
sensor at injection temperature readings
Peracetic acid Hydrogen peroxide On-line sensor, chemical -Hydrogen peroxide -Hydrogen peroxide readings

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Final 2013 VGP

analysis, treatment monitoring concentration at injection from both on-line sensor and
-Hydrogen peroxide dosage sample analysis
and usage -Hydrogen peroxide dosage
and usage
Peracetic acid On-line sensor, chemical -Peracetic acid concentration at -Peracetic acid readings from
analysis, treatment monitoring injection both on-line sensor and
-Peracetic acid dosage and sample analysis
usage -Peracetic acid dosage and
pH pH sensor pH at injection pH readings
Plasma pulse Power consumption, System power diagnostics Plasma pulse module power Plasma pulse module power
voltage and current consumption, voltage and consumption, voltage and
current current readings
Temperature Thermistors Treatment temperature Temperature readings
Shear Pressure differential Pressure sensors (before/after) Pressure differential Pressure readings

Ultrasound Power consumption, System power diagnostics Ultrasound power Ultrasound module power
voltage and current consumption, voltage and consumption, voltage and
current current readings
UV and UV+TiO2 Power consumption, System power diagnostics UV module power UV module power
voltage and current consumption, voltage and consumption, voltage and
current current
Lamp status and age Treatment monitoring UV lamp status and age No Reporting Required
UV dose, intensity, UV sensors and monitors UV dose, intensity, UV dose, intensity,
transmittance transmittance transmittance
Flow rate Flow meter UV effluent flow Flow readings

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Final 2013 VGP

Appendix K – Permit Authorization and Record of Inspection Form (PARI)

(for vessels which need not complete NOIs)
VGP Authorization and Record of Inspection (PARI) Form
I. Vessel Owner/Operator Information

Vessel Owner/Operator ____________________________ Phone ________________________

Address and Email Address: ________________________________________________________

II. Vessel Information

Vessel Name _____________________________ Vessel Type ___________________

Vessel Identifier ___________________________ □ Registered number/operating number □ IMO number

III. Owner/Operator Acknowledgement

By signing this form, I acknowledge that I have read and am familiar with the VGP and that I am
implementing all permit requirements contained in the VGP.
IV. Certification Information
I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or
supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and
evaluated the information contained therein. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the
system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information contained is, to the
best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I have no personal knowledge that the
information submitted is other than true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties
for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.

Signature and Date
V. Annual Inspections by Year
A. 2014
I certify that I have completed an annual inspection for 2014 in accordance with Part 4.1.3 of the VGP.
Signature and Date
B. 2015
I certify that I have completed an annual inspection for 2015 in accordance with Part 4.1.3 of the VGP.
Signature and Date
C. 2016
I certify that I have completed an annual inspection for 2016 in accordance with Part 4.1.3 of the VGP.
Signature and Date
D. 2017
I certify that I have completed an annual inspection for 2017 in accordance with Part 4.1.3 of the VGP.
Signature and Date
E. 2018
I certify that I have completed an annual inspection for 2018 in accordance with Part 4.1.3 of the VGP.
Signature and Date

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December 19, 2013

Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 4

Deck Runoff & Above Water Line Hull Cleaning ............................................................ 6

Bilgewater ................................................................................................................................... 6

Ballast Water .............................................................................................................................. 7

Anti-Fouling Hull Coatings .................................................................................................... 9

Aqueous Film-Forming Foam ............................................................................................ 10

Boiler/Economizer Blowdown ......................................................................................... 11

Cathodic Protection .............................................................................................................. 12

Chain Locker Effluent ........................................................................................................... 13

Controllable Pitch Propeller and Thruster Hydraulic Fluid and other Oil to
Sea Interfaces including Lubrication discharges from Paddle Wheel
Propulsion, Stern Tubes, Thruster Bearings, Stabilizers, Rudder Bearings,
Azimuth Thrusters, Propulsion Pod Lubrication, and Wire Rope and
Mechanical Equipment Subject to Immersion ............................................................. 14

Distillation and Reverse Osmosis Brine ........................................................................ 17

Elevator Pit Effluent .............................................................................................................. 18

Firemain Systems .................................................................................................................. 19

Freshwater Layup .................................................................................................................. 21

Gas Turbine Wash Water .................................................................................................... 22

Graywater ................................................................................................................................. 23

Motor Gasoline and Compensating Discharge............................................................. 23

Non-Oily Machinery Wastewater ..................................................................................... 24

Refrigeration and Air Condensate Discharge .............................................................. 25

Seawater Cooling Overboard Discharge ........................................................................ 26

Seawater Piping Biofouling Prevention......................................................................... 27

19 December 2013 2 2
Boat Engine Wet Exhaust .................................................................................................... 28

Sonar Dome Discharge......................................................................................................... 29

Underwater Ship Husbandry Discharges ...................................................................... 29

Welldeck Discharges ............................................................................................................ 31

Graywater Mixed with Sewage .......................................................................................... 32

Exhaust Gas Scrubber Washwater ................................................................................... 32

Fish Hold Effluent .................................................................................................................. 32

19 December 2013 3 3

The 2013 Vessel General Permit (VGP) regulates discharges incidental to the
normal operation of vessels. The VGP includes general effluent limits applicable
to 27 specific discharge streams.

The purpose of this enclosure is to provide additional information regarding the

nature of each of the discharges incidental to the normal operation of vessels
covered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Pollution
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Vessel General Permit (VGP).

The EPA has only identified 27 eligible discharges from vessels that are covered
by the General Permit. There are other discharges that are not covered by the
General Permit but are regulated by other U.S. regulations.

The General Permit applies when vessel are operating within the U.S. Territorial
Sea (three mile limit).

The information in this enclosure will aid in determining the applicability of each
discharge type for your vessel(s) and should be used as a supplemental reference
when completing Enclosure 1 - Best Management Practices Matrix and
Enclosure 3 – Vessel Discharge Inspection Checklist.

Much of the information contained in this enclosure was adapted from the
Uniform National Discharge Standards (UNDS) which can be found on the
following website:

The UNDS was created by the EPA in conjunction with the U.S. Department of
Defense (DOD) to provide a comprehensive system for regulating discharges
incidental to the normal operation of Armed Forces' vessels. Until the Clean
Water Act (CWA) was amended in 1996, there had been no such requirement at
the national level. The development of UNDS has had the following benefits:

• Enhance environmental protection of coastal waters

• Encourage environmentally sound management practices
• Help standardize training for crews to perform missions
• Determine how future ships will be built.

These standards enhance environmental protection of coastal waters by creating

protective standards for previously unregulated discharges. Also, these
standards encourage environmentally sound management practices on current
vessels, help establish standardized training for crews to perform missions and
help determine the way future ships will be built. Other benefits of the program
include stimulating the development of innovative vessel pollution control

19 December 2013 4 4
technologies and the development of advanced technologies for managing a
vessel's liquid discharges.

Disclaimer: The intended audience of the information adapted from the UNDS
for inclusion in this enclosure is primarily the U.S. Military. Therefore, some of
the technical information was developed specifically with US Armed Forces
vessels in mind and some technical references may not be applicable or
appropriate to the operation of Commercial Vessels. We have provided this
information solely as a supplemental resource to understanding the discharge
types identified in the VGP as the EPA has used the UNDS as a foundation and
model for identifying the discharges authorized by the VGP.

Questions regarding compliance with the VGP may be directed to Witt O’Brien’s

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Deck Runoff & Above Water Line Hull Cleaning

How is this discharge generated? Deck runoff is an intermittent discharge

generated when water from precipitation, freshwater washdowns, wave action,
or spray falls on the exposed portion of a vessel such as a weather deck. This
water is discharged overboard through deck openings and washes overboard
any residues that may be present on the deck surface. The runoff drains
overboard to receiving waters through numerous deck openings. Similarly, any
above water line hull cleaning has the potential wash residues and present on
the hull surface and cleaning agents into the water.

Nature of Discharge: Contaminants present on the deck originate from topside

equipment components and the many varied activities that take place on the
deck. This discharge can include residues of gasoline, diesel fuel, distillate fuel,
grease, hydraulic fluid, soot, dirt, paint, glycol, cleaners such as sodium
metasilicates, and solvents. A number of metal and organic pollutants may be
present in the discharge, including silver, cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel,
lead, benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,
and phenol. Mass loadings and concentrations of these constituents will vary
with a number of factors including ship operations, deck washdown frequency,
and the frequency, duration, and intensity of precipitation events.


How is this discharge generated? The bilgewater/OWS discharge consists of a

mixture of wastewater and leakage from a variety of sources that are allowed to
drain to the lowest inner part of the hull, known as the bilge. An additional
source of bilgewater is water from the continual blowdown of boilers (i.e., boiler
blowdown). Bilgewater is usually transferred to an oily waste holding tank,
where it is stored for shore disposal or treated in an oil-water separator (OWS)
to remove oil before being discharged overboard. Some vessels also have an oil
content monitor (OCM) installed downstream from the OWS to monitor
bilgewater oil content prior to discharge. Vessels with OCMs have the capability
to return bilgewater not meeting a preset oil concentration limit to the OWS for
reprocessing until the limit is met. Oil collected from the OWS separation process
is held in a waste oil tank until transferred to shore facilities for disposal.

Which vessels generate this discharge? All vessels produce bilgewater and are
required to have OWS systems.

How often and where is this discharge generated? Bilgewater accumulates

continuously; however, vessels do not discharge untreated bilgewater.
Bilgewater treated by an OWS can be discharged as needed within 12 n.m., while
untreated bilgewater is held for transfer to a shore facility for treatment. For

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vessels with an OWS and OCM, oil concentrations in the treated bilgewater must
be less than 15 ppm prior to overboard discharge.

Nature of Discharge: Sampling data for OWS effluent show oil, copper, iron,
mercury (a bioaccumulative chemical of concern), nickel, and zinc exceed acute
Federal criteria or State acute water quality criteria. Sampling data also show
concentrations of nitrogen (in the form of ammonia, nitrates and nitrites, and
total Kjeldahl nitrogen) and phosphorus exceed the most stringent State water
quality criteria. The estimated mass loading for oil is considered to be large.

Ballast Water

Description of Clean Ballast Water Discharge

How is this discharge generated? This discharge is composed of the seawater

taken into, and discharged from, dedicated ballast tanks used to maintain the
stability of the vessel and to adjust the buoyancy. Many types of vessels store
clean ballast in dedicated tanks in order to adjust a vessel’s draft, buoyancy, trim,
and list. Clean ballast may consist of seawater taken directly onboard into the
ballast tanks or seawater received from the vessel’s firemain system. Clean
ballast differs from “dirty ballast” and “compensated ballast” discharges
(described below) in that clean ballast is not stored in tanks that are also used to
hold fuel. Many vessels introduce clean ballast into tanks to replace the weight of
off-loaded cargo or expended fuel to improve vessel stability while navigating on
the high seas. The discharge occurs when fuel or cargo is taken on and the ballast
is no longer needed.

Which vessels generate this discharge? Most vessels use clean ballast tank

How often and where is this discharge generated? Clean ballast discharges are
intermittent and can occur at any distance from shore, including within 12 n.m.

Nature of Discharge: Constituents of clean ballast can include materials from

tank coatings (e.g., epoxy), chemical additives (e.g., flocculant chemicals or rust
inhibitors), and metals from piping systems and sacrificial anodes used to
control corrosion. Based on analytical data for firemain system discharges,
metals expected to be present in the discharge include copper, nickel, and zinc.
These data indicate that the pollutant concentrations in the discharge may
exceed State water quality criteria.

Previous studies have documented the potential of ballasting operations to

transfer non-indigenous aquatic species into receiving waters. Ballast water
potentially contains living microorganisms, plants, and animals that are native to
the location where the water was pumped aboard. When the ballast water is

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transported to another port or coastal area and discharged, the surviving
organisms are released and have the potential to invade and impact the local

Description of Dirty Ballast Water Discharge

How is this discharge generated? This intermittent discharge is composed of

the seawater taken into, and discharged from, empty fuel tanks to maintain the
stability of the vessel. The seawater is brought into these tanks for the purpose of
improving the stability of a vessel during rough sea conditions. Prior to taking on
the seawater as ballast, fuel in the tank to be ballasted is transferred to another
fuel tank or holding tank to prevent contaminating the fuel with seawater. Some
residual fuel remains in the tank and mixes with the seawater to form dirty
ballast. Dirty ballast systems are configured differently from compensated
ballast and clean ballast systems. Compensated ballast systems continuously
replace fuel with seawater in a system of tanks as the fuel is consumed. Clean
ballast systems have tanks that carry only ballast water and are never in contact
with fuel. In a dirty ballast system, water is added to a fuel tank after most of the
fuel is removed.

Which vessels generate this discharge? Some vessels may generate dirty
ballast as a discharge incidental to normal vessel operations. These vessels do so
only because their size and design do not allow for a sufficient volume of clean
ballast tanks.

How often and where is this discharge generated? The larger of these vessels
discharge the dirty ballast at distances beyond 12 n.m. from shore, while the
smaller vessels discharge the dirty ballast between 3 and 12 n.m. from shore.
Vessels must monitor dirty ballast discharge with an oil content monitor. If the
dirty ballast exceeds 15 parts per million (ppm) oil, it is treated in an oil-water
separator prior to discharge.

Nature of Discharge: Expected constituents of dirty ballast are distillate or other

fuels. Based on sampling results for compensated fuel ballast, which is expected
to have similar constituents to dirty ballast, this discharge can contain oil (and its
constituents such as benzene and toluene); biocidal fuel additives; metals such as
copper, mercury (a bioaccumulative chemical of concern), nickel, silver, thallium,
and zinc; and the constituents 2-propenal, nitrogen (in the form of ammonia and
total Kjeldahl nitrogen), and phosphorus. Uncontrolled discharges of dirty ballast
would be expected to exceed acute Federal criteria or State acute water quality
criteria for oil, benzene, copper, nickel, phosphorus, 2-propenal, silver, thallium,
and zinc. Concentrations of nitrogen would be expected to exceed the most
stringent State water quality criteria.

Description of Compensated Fuel Ballast Water Discharge

19 December 2013 8 8
How is this discharge generated? This intermittent discharge is composed of
the seawater taken into, and discharged from, tanks designed to hold both fuel
and ballast water to maintain the stability of the vessel. Compensated fuel
ballast systems are configured as a series of fuel tanks that automatically draw in
seawater to replace fuel as it is consumed. Keeping the fuel tanks full in this
manner enhances the stability of a vessel by using the weight of the seawater to
compensate for the mass of ballast lost through fuel consumption. During
refueling, fuel displaces the seawater, and the displaced seawater is discharged

Which vessels generate this discharge? Compensated fuel ballast may be

discharged by some vessels, but is not common place on commercial vessels.

How often and where is this discharge generated? In most cases, vessels with
compensated fuel ballast systems discharge directly to surface waters each time
they refuel. However, in some situations, that discharge is collected for
processing on shore. Vessels may be refueled both in port and at sea. All at-sea
refueling should be accomplished beyond 12 n.m. from shore.

Anti-Fouling Hull Coatings

Description of Discharge

How is this discharge generated? This discharge consists of constituents that

leach, dissolve, ablate, or erode from hull paints into the surrounding seawater.
Vessel hulls that are continuously exposed to seawater are typically coated with
a base anti-corrosive coating covered by an anti-fouling coating. This coating
system prevents corrosion of the underwater hull structure and, through
leaching action releases antifouling compounds. Ablative coatings allow the paint
surface to erode or dissolve to release antifouling compounds. These compounds
inhibit the adhesion of biological growth to the hull surface.

Which vessels generate this discharge? The coatings on some vessels are either
copper- or tributyl tin (TBT)-based, with copper-based ablative paints being the
most predominant coating system. Vessels have been phasing out the use of TBT

How often and where is this discharge generated? Hull coating leachate is
generated continuously whenever a vessel hull is exposed to water, within and
beyond 12 n.m. from shore.

Nature of Discharge: Priority pollutants expected to be present in this discharge

include copper and zinc. TBT is also expected to be present in this discharge for
those vessels with TBT paint. The release rate of the constituents in hull coating
leachate varies with the type of paint used, water temperature, vessel speed, and

19 December 2013 9 9
the age of the coating. Using average release rates derived from laboratory tests,
the wetted surface area of each vessel, and the number of days the vessel is
located within 12 n.m., EPA estimated the mass of copper, zinc, and TBT released
in the leachate and concluded that the discharge has the potential to cause an
adverse environmental effect.

Aqueous Film-Forming Foam

How is this discharge generated? This discharge consists of a mixture of

seawater and firefighting foam discharged during training, testing, and
maintenance operations. Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) is a firefighting
agent used to extinguish flammable liquid fires on vessels. AFFF is stored on
vessels as a concentrated liquid that is mixed with seawater to create the diluted
solution (3-6% AFFF) that is sprayed as a foam on the fire. The solution is
applied with both fire hoses and fixed sprinkler devices. During planned
maintenance of firefighting systems, system testing and inspections the
seawater/foam solution is discharged either directly overboard from hoses, or
onto decks and then subsequently washed overboard. These discharges are
considered incidental to the normal operation of vessels. Discharges of AFFF that
occur during firefighting or other shipboard emergency situations are not
incidental to normal operations and are not subject to the requirements of the

Which vessels generate this discharge? AFFF is typically discharged from

vessels capable of supporting helicopter operations.

How often and where is this discharge generated? AFFF discharges generally
occur at distances greater than 12 n.m. from shore, and in all cases more than 3
n.m. from shore unless an emergency situation arises.

Nature of Discharge: The constituents of AFFF include water, 2-(2-

butoxyethoxy)-ethanol, urea, alkyl sulfate salts, amphoteric fluoroalkylamide
derivative, perfluoroalkyl sulfonate salts, triethanolamine, and methyl-
1Hbenzotriazole. Because the water used to mix with the AFFF concentrate
comes from the vessel’s firemain, the discharge will also include bis(2-
ethylhexyl)phthalate, nitrogen (measured as total Kjeldahl nitrogen), copper,
nickel, and iron from the firemain piping.

Discussion: The AFFF discharge produces an aqueous foam intended to cool and
smother fires. Water quality criteria for some States include narrative
requirements for waters to be free of floating materials attributable to domestic,
industrial, or other controllable sources, or include narrative criteria prohibiting
discharges of foam. AFFF discharges in State waters would be expected to result
in violating such narrative criteria for foam or floating materials. At present,
management practices to control these discharges, including a self-imposed

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prohibition on AFFF discharges in coastal waters is sufficient. These
management practices to control discharges of AFFF demonstrate the availability
of a Marine Pollution Control Device (MPCD) to mitigate the potential adverse
impacts that could result from the discharge of AFFF. Therefore, EPA has
determined that it is reasonable and practical to require use of a MPCD for this
discharge. AFFF discharges occur beyond 3 n.m. but within 12 n.m. from shore
infrequently and in relatively small volumes, and preliminary investigation
indicates that the diluted (3-6%) AFFF solution does not exhibit significant toxic
effects. Further, any discharges that do occur take place while the vessel is
underway and will be dispersed in the turbulence of the vessel wake.

Boiler/Economizer Blowdown

How is this discharge generated? This discharge is the water and steam
discharged during the blowdown of a boiler or steam generator, or when a safety
valve is tested. Boilers are used to produce steam for propulsion and a variety of
auxiliary and hotel services. Water supplied to the boiler system (feedwater) is
treated with chemicals to inhibit corrosion and the formation of scale in the
boiler and boiler system piping. Periodically, water must be removed from the
boiler to control the buildup of particulates, sludge, and treatment chemical
concentrations. The term “blowdown” refers to the minimum discharge of boiler
water required to prevent the buildup of these materials in the boiler to levels
that would adversely affect boiler operation and maintenance. There are four
types of boiler blowdown procedures employed on vessels: 1) surface
blowdowns for removing materials dissolved in the boiler water and for
controlling boiler water chemistry; 2) scum blowdowns for removing surface
scum; 3) bottom blowdowns for removing sludge that settles at the bottom of
boilers; and 4) continuous blowdowns for removing dissolved metal chelates and
other suspended matter. The type of blowdown used is a function of the boiler
water chemistry and thus varies among vessel classes. With the exception of
continuous blowdowns, boiler blowdowns are discharged below the vessel
waterline. Continuous blowdowns are discharged inside the vessel and are
directed to the bilge. These are addressed as part of the bilgewater/OWS

Which vessels generate this discharge? Vessels that discharge boiler

blowdowns directly to receiving waters.

How often and where is this discharge generated? These blowdowns may
occur both within and beyond 12 n.m. from shore.

Nature of Discharge: Boiler blowdown is discharged intermittently in small

volumes (approximately 300 gallons per discharge), at high velocities (over 400
feet per second), and at elevated temperatures (over 325 degrees Fahrenheit).
Boiler water treatment chemicals may include ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid

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(EDTA), hydrazine, sodium hydroxide, and disodium phosphate. Sampling data
for boiler blowdowns indicate the presence of nitrogen (in the form of ammonia,
nitrates and nitrites, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen), phosphorus, hydrazine, iron,
bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc. Boiler blowdown
discharges from conventionally-powered boilers can exceed acute Federal
criteria or State acute water quality criteria for copper, iron, lead, nickel, zinc,
bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, nitrogen (in the form of ammonia, nitrates and
nitrites, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen) and phosphorus. Additionally, blowdown
discharges from nuclear-powered steam generators exceed acute Federal criteria
and State acute water quality criteria for copper, and the most stringent State
acute water quality criteria for lead and nickel. For nitrogen (in the form of
ammonia, nitrates and nitrites, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen) and phosphorus
concentrations, the most stringent State water quality criteria are expected to be

However, the turbulent mixing resulting from the high velocity discharge and the
relatively small volume of the boiler blowdown causes pollutant concentrations
to rapidly dissipate to background levels or below acute Federal criteria and
State acute water quality criteria within a short distance from the point of
discharge. Based on thermal modeling of the discharge plume, boiler blowdowns
are not expected to exceed State standards for thermal effects.

Cathodic Protection

How is this discharge generated? This discharge consists of the constituents

released into the surrounding water from sacrificial anodes or impressed current
cathodic protection systems used to prevent hull corrosion. Steel-hulled vessels
require corrosion protection. In addition to anti-corrosion hull paints, these
vessels employ cathodic protection which is provided by either sacrificial anodes
or Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) systems. The most common
cathodic protection system for vessels is the zinc sacrificial anode, although
some vessels may use aluminum anodes. With the sacrificial anode system, zinc
or aluminum anodes attached to the hull will preferentially corrode from
exposure to the seawater and thereby minimize corrosion of the vessel’s hull. In
ICCP systems, the vessel’s electrical system passes a current through inert
platinum-coated anodes. This current protects the hull in a manner similar to
sacrificial anodes by generating current as the anodes corrode. Zinc anodes are
approximately 99.3% zinc and contain small amounts of zinc, silicon, and indium
(for activation). Aluminum anodes can contain 0.001% mercury as an impurity;
mercury is a known bioaccumulator.

Which vessels generate this discharge? Most vessels use cathodic protection.
Of these, the ICCP systems, the majority use zinc sacrificial anodes.

19 December 2013 12 1
How often and where is this discharge generated? The discharge is continuous
while the vessel is waterborne and occurs both within and beyond 12 n.m. from

Nature of Discharge: Depending on the type of cathodic protection used, the

discharge will include either zinc or aluminum from sacrificial anodes, or
chlorine-produced oxidants (CPO) from ICCP systems. EPA modeled the
discharge from cathodic protection systems to determine the range of
constituent concentrations that could be expected in the water surrounding a
vessel. This discharge is best described as a mass flux of reaction byproducts
emanating from the electro-chemical reaction that occurs at the anodes. For
vessels with aluminum anodes, a mixing zone of less than 0.1 feet achieves
concentrations below chronic Federal criteria and State chronic water quality
criteria. Concentrations of mercury will be 1,000 times lower than the acute
State water quality criteria and 35 times lower than the chronic criteria. The
dilution and mixing zone modeling performed for this discharge indicates that
cathodic protection has a low potential for causing adverse impacts on the
marine environment

Chain Locker Effluent

How is this discharge generated? This discharge consists of accumulated

precipitation and seawater that is occasionally emptied from the compartment
used to store the vessel’s anchor chain. The chain locker is a compartment used
to store anchor chain aboard vessels. Most Ship Management policies require
that the anchor chain, appendages, and anchor on vessels be washed down with
seawater during retrieval to prevent onboard accumulation of sediment. During
washdown, some water adheres to the chain and is brought into the chain locker
as the chain is stored. The chain locker sump accumulates the residual water and
debris that drains from the chain following anchor chain washdown and
retrieval, or washes into the chain locker during heavy weather. Water
accumulating in the chain locker sump is removed by a drainage eductor
powered by the shipboard firemain system.

Which vessels generate this discharge? All vessels housing their anchor chains
in lockers can generate this discharge.

How often and where is this discharge generated? Vessel policy should
prohibit discharging chain locker effluent within 12 n.m.

Nature of Discharge: In addition to water, materials collecting in the chain

locker sump can include paint chips, rust, grease, and other debris. Chain locker
effluent may contain organic and inorganic compounds associated with this
debris, as well as metals from the sump and from sacrificial anodes installed in
the chain locker to provide cathodic protection. If the anchor chain washdown is

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not performed and the chain locker effluent is subsequently discharged in a
different port, the discharge could potentially transport non-indigenous species.
Discharge volume will vary depending upon the frequency of anchoring
operations, the number of anchors used, and the depth of water (which
determines the amount of chain that will be lowered into the water). Given the
manner in which water collects in the chain locker sump and remains there for
extended periods of time, it is possible that the discharge could contain elevated
levels of metals at concentrations exceeding State water quality criteria.

Controllable Pitch Propeller and Thruster Hydraulic Fluid and

other Oil to Sea Interfaces including Lubrication discharges from
Paddle Wheel Propulsion, Stern Tubes, Thruster Bearings,
Stabilizers, Rudder Bearings, Azimuth Thrusters, Propulsion
Pod Lubrication, and Wire Rope and Mechanical Equipment
Subject to Immersion

Description of Controllable Pitch Propeller Discharge

How is this discharge generated? This discharge is the hydraulic fluid that is
discharged into the surrounding seawater from propeller seals as part of normal
operation, and the hydraulic fluid released during routine maintenance of the
propellers. Controllable pitch propellers (CPP) are used to control a vessel’s
speed or direction while maintaining constant propulsion plant output (i.e.,
varying the pitch, or “bite,” of the propeller blades allows the propulsion shaft to
remain turning at a constant speed). CPP blade pitch is controlled hydraulically
through a system of pumps, pistons, and gears. Hydraulic oil may be released
from CPP assemblies under three conditions: leakage through CPP seals, releases
during underwater CPP repair and maintenance activities, or releases from
equipment used for CPP blade replacement.

Which vessels generate this discharge? Vessels with a CPP system.

How often and where is this discharge generated? Leakage through CPP seals
can occur within 12 n.m., but seal leakage is more likely to occur while the vessel
is underway than while pierside or at anchor because the CPP system operates
under higher pressure when a vessel is underway. Blade replacement occurs in
port on an as-needed basis when dry-docking is unavailable or impractical,
resulting in some discharge of hydraulic oil.

Nature of Discharge: CPP assemblies are designed to operate at 400 psi without
leaking. Typical pressures while pierside range from 6 to 8 psi. CPP seals are
designed to last five to seven years, which is the longest period between dry-
dock cycles, and should be inspected quarterly to check for damage or excessive
wear. Because of the hub design and the frequent CPP seal inspections, leaks of

19 December 2013 14 1
hydraulic oil from CPP hubs are found to be negligible. During the procedure for
CPP blade replacement, however, hydraulic oil is released to the environment
from tools and other equipment. In addition, hydraulic oil could also leak from
the CPP hub during a CPP blade port cover removal.

Discussion: The vessel’s repair procedures should impose certain requirements

during blade replacement and blade port cover removal to minimize the amount
of hydraulic oil released to the extent possible. In addition, booms are placed
around the aft end of the vessel to contain possible oil release during these
procedures. Nevertheless, EPA has determined that the amount of hydraulic oil
released during underwater CPP maintenance could exceed State water quality
criteria. Constituents of the discharge could include paraffins, olefins, and metals
such as copper, aluminum, tin, nickel, and lead. Metal concentrations are
expected to be low because hydraulic oil is not corrosive, and the hydraulic oil is
continually filtered to protect against system failures. EPA has determined that
pollution controls are necessary to mitigate the potential adverse environmental
impacts that could result from releases of hydraulic oil during underwater
maintenance on controllable pitch propellers. Existing repair procedures and the
staging of containment booms and oil skimming equipment to capture released
oil demonstrate the availability of MPCDs (i.e., best management practices) for
this discharge. Therefore, EPA has determined that it is reasonable and
practicable to require MPCDs to control discharges of CPP hydraulic fluid.

Description of Stern Tube Seals and Underwater Bearing Lubrication


How is this discharge generated? This discharge is the seawater pumped

through stern tube seals and underwater bearings to lubricate and cool them
during normal operation. Propeller shafts are supported by stern tube bearings
at the point where the shaft exits the hull and by strut bearings outboard of the
ship. A stern tube seal is used to prevent seawater from entering the vessel
where the shaft penetrates the hull. The stern tube seals and bearings are cooled
and lubricated by forcing seawater from the firemain or auxiliary cooling water
system through the seals and over the bearings. Strut bearings are not provided
with forced cooling or lubrication. Instead, strut bearings use the surrounding
seawater flow for lubrication and cooling when the vessel is underway.

Which vessels generate this discharge? All classes of vessels that have stern
tube seals and bearings that require lubrication generate this discharge.

How often and where is this discharge generated? These discharges are

Nature of Discharge: The discharge can contain synthetic (Buna-N) rubber used
in the construction of the bearings. Metals such as copper and nickel, the
materials of construction of the stern tube, can also be present in the discharge.
Minimize maintenance activities on stern tube seals when a vessel is outside of

19 December 2013 15 1
drydock. If maintenance or emergency repair must occur on stern tubes or other
oil-to sea interfaces which have a potential to release oil in quantities that may
be harmful as defined in 40 CFR Part 110, appropriate spill response resources
(e.g. oil booms) must be used to contain any oil leakage. Operators of the vessel
must have ready access to any spill response resources to clean any potential oil

Description of Rudder Bearing Lubrication Discharge

How is this discharge generated? This discharge is the oil or grease released by
the erosion or dissolution from lubricated bearings that support the rudder and
allow it to turn freely. Vessels generally use two types of rudder bearings, and
two lubricating methods for each type of rudder bearing: 1) grease-lubricated
roller bearings; 2) oil-lubricated roller bearings; 3) grease-lubricated stave
bearings; and 4) water-lubricated stave bearings. Only oil-lubricated roller
bearings and grease-lubricated stave bearings generate a discharge.

Which vessels generate this discharge? Vessels that use a type of rudder
bearing that generate this discharge.

How often and where is this discharge generated? The discharge occurs
intermittently, primarily when a vessel is underway or its rudder is in use,
although some discharges from oil-lubricated roller bearings could occur
pierside even when the rudder is not being used because the oil lubricant is
slightly pressurized.

Nature of Discharge: This discharge consists of oil leakage and the washout of
grease from rudder bearings. The rudder bearing lubrication discharge has a
low potential for causing adverse environmental impacts. However, the vessel
owner/operator must not discharge oil in quantities that may be harmful as
defined in 40 CFR Part 110 from any oil-to-sea interface. If possible,
maintenance activities on rudder bearings and other oil-to-sea interfaces should
be conducted when a vessel is in drydock.

Description of Additional Related Discharges

After applying lubrication to wire rope and mechanical equipment subject to

immersion, wire ropes and other equipment must be thoroughly wiped-down to
remove excess lubricant.

Owner/operators should use an environmentally preferable lubricant, including

vegetable oil, synthetic ester, or polyalkylene glycol as a base for these
applications when feasible. Use of an environmentally preferable lubricant does
not authorize the discharge of any lubricant in a quantity that may be harmful as
defined in 40 CFR Part 110.

19 December 2013 16 1
Distillation and Reverse Osmosis Brine

How is this discharge generated? This intermittent discharge is the

concentrated seawater (brine) produced as a byproduct of the processes used to
generate freshwater from seawater. Distillation and reverse osmosis plants are
two types of water purification systems that generate freshwater from seawater
for a variety of shipboard applications, including potable water for drinking and
hotel services, and high-purity feed water for boilers. Distillation plants boil
seawater, and the resulting steam is condensed into high-purity distilled water.
The remaining seawater concentrate, or “brine,” that is not evaporated is
discharged overboard. Reverse osmosis systems separate freshwater from
seawater using semi-permeable membranes as a physical barrier, allowing a
portion of the seawater to pass through the membrane as freshwater and
concentrating the suspended and dissolved constituents in saltwater brine that
is subsequently discharged overboard.

Which vessels generate this discharge? Vessels that have distillation or reverse
osmosis systems installed.

How often and where is this discharge generated? This discharge can occur in
port, while transiting to or from port, or while operating anywhere at sea
(including within 12 n.m.). Distillation plants on steam-powered vessels may be
operated to produce boiler feed water any time a vessel’s boilers are operating;
however, operational policy limits its use in port for producing potable water
because of the increased risk of biofouling from the water in harbors and the
reduced demand for potable water.

Nature of Discharge: Pollutants detected in distillation and reverse osmosis

brine include copper, iron, lead, nickel, and zinc. The sampling data indicate that
copper, lead, nickel, iron, and zinc can exceed acute Federal criteria or State
acute water quality criteria. The distillation and reverse osmosis brine discharge
can also contain nitrogen (in the form of ammonia, nitrates and nitrites, and total
Kjeldahl nitrogen) and phosphorus in concentrations exceeding the most
stringent State water quality criteria. The mass loadings of copper and iron are
estimated to be significant. Thermal effects modeling of distillation plant
discharges indicates that the thermal plume does not exceed State water quality

Discussion: Review of existing practices indicate that certain operational

controls limiting the use of distillation plants and reverse osmosis units can
reduce the potential for this discharge to cause adverse environmental impacts
in some instances. Additionally, it appears that reverse osmosis units may
present an acceptable alternative to the use of distillation plants. Reverse
osmosis units discharge brines are expected to contain lower concentrations of
metals because these systems have non-metallic membranes and ambient

19 December 2013 17 1
operating temperatures, resulting in less system corrosion. Further analysis is
necessary before determining whether distillation plants should be replaced by
reverse osmosis units. Nevertheless, existing operational practices for distillation
and reverse osmosis plants and the availability of reverse osmosis units to
replace distillation units on vessels demonstrates the availability of MPCDs to
reduce the effects of this discharge.

Elevator Pit Effluent

How is this discharge generated? This discharge is the liquid that accumulates
in, and is occasionally discharged from, the sumps of elevator wells on vessels.
Many vessels have an elevator used to transport supplies, equipment, and
personnel between different decks of the vessel. These elevators generally are
classified as a closed design in which the elevator operates in a shaft. Elevators
operating in a shaft are similar to the conventional design seen in many
buildings. For these elevators, a sump is located in the elevator pit to collect
liquids entering the elevator and shaft areas. Deck runoff and elevator equipment
maintenance activities are the primary sources of liquids entering the sump. The
elevator sump may be equipped with a drain to direct liquid wastes overboard or
piping to allow an eductor to pump the pit effluent overboard. However, most
vessels collect and containerize the pit effluent for disposal onshore or process it
along with their bilgewater.

Which vessels generate this discharge? Vessels that have an elevator.

How often and where is this discharge generated? The discharge of elevator
pit effluent may occur at any location, within or beyond 12 n.m. from shore.

Nature of Discharge: Constituents in elevator pit effluent are likely to include

grease, lubricating oil, fuel, hydraulic fluid, cleaning solvents, dirt, paint chips,
aqueous film-forming foam, glycol, and sodium metasilicate. The discharge can
also contain nitrogen (measured as total Kjeldahl nitrogen) and metals from
firemain water used to operate eductors draining the elevator pit. The
concentrations of copper, iron, nickel, and bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate in firemain
water (discussed in section 5.1.11) may exceed acute Federal criteria or State
acute water quality criteria. The elevator pit effluent discharge can also contain
nitrogen in concentrations exceeding the most stringent State water quality
criteria. Constituent concentrations and mass loadings vary among vessel classes
depending on the frequency of elevator use, the size of the elevator openings,
and the frequency of elevator equipment maintenance activities.

Discussion: Material accumulated in elevator pits may be either collected for

disposal onshore or directed to the bilgewater system for treatment through an
oil-water separator prior to discharge. Such practices demonstrate the
availability of controls to reduce the potential for this discharge to cause adverse

19 December 2013 18 1
impacts on the environment. Therefore, EPA has determined that it is reasonable
and practicable to require MPCDs for elevator pit effluent.

Firemain Systems

How is this discharge generated? This discharge is the seawater pumped

through the firemain system for firemain testing, maintenance, and training, and
to supply water for the operation of certain vessel systems. Firemain systems
distribute seawater for firefighting and other services aboard ship. Firemain
water is provided for firefighting through fire hose stations, sprinkler systems,
and foam proportioners, which inject aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) into
firemain water for distribution over flammable liquid spills or fire. Firemain
water is also directed to other services including ballast systems, machinery
cooling, lubrication, and anchor chain washdown. Discharges of firemain water
incidental to normal vessel operations include anchor chain washdown, firemain
testing, various maintenance and training activities, bypass flow from the
firemain pumps to prevent overheating, and cooling of auxiliary machinery
equipment (e.g., refrigeration plants). This does not apply to discharges of
firemain water that occur during firefighting or other shipboard emergency
situations, because they are not incidental to the normal operation of a vessel.

Firemain systems aboard vessels are classified as either wet or dry. Wet firemain
systems are continuously charged with water and pressurized so that the system
is available to provide water upon demand. Dry firemains are not continuously
charged with water, and consequently do not supply water upon demand. Dry
firemain systems are periodically tested and are pressurized during maintenance
or training exercises, or during emergencies.

Which vessels generate this discharge? All vessels use firemain systems, either
wet or dry.

How often and where is this discharge generated? Firemain system discharges
occur both within and beyond 12 n.m. from shore. Flow rates depend upon the
type, number, and operating time of the equipment and systems using water
from the firemain system.

Nature of Discharge: Samples were collected from three vessels with wet
firemain systems and analyzed to determine the constituents present. Because of
longer contact times between seawater and the piping in wet firemains, and the
use of zinc anodes in some seachests and heat exchangers to control corrosion,
pollutant concentrations in wet firemains are expected to be higher than those in
dry firemain systems. Pollutants detected in the firemain discharge include
nitrogen (measured as total Kjeldahl nitrogen), copper, nickel, iron, and bis(2-
ethylhexyl)phthalate. The concentrations of iron exceeded the most stringent
State chronic water quality criteria. The concentrations of nitrogen exceeded the

19 December 2013 19 1
most stringent State water quality criteria. Copper, nickel, and bis(2-
ethylhexyl)phthalate concentrations exceeded the relevant chronic Federal
criteria and State chronic water quality criteria. These concentrations contribute
to a significant total mass loading in the discharge due to the large volume of
water discharged from wet firemain systems. Circulation through heat
exchangers to cool auxiliary machinery increases the temperature of the
firemain water, but the resulting thermal effects do not exceed State mixing zone

19 December 2013 20 2
Freshwater Layup

How is this discharge generated? This discharge is the potable water that is
periodically discharged from the seawater cooling system while the vessel is in
port, and the cooling system is in a lay-up mode.

Seawater cooling systems are used to remove heat from main propulsion
machinery, electrical generating plants and other auxiliary equipment. These are
single-pass, non-contact cooling systems whereby the seawater enters the hull, is
pumped through a piping network and circulated through one or more heat
exchangers, then exits the vessel. On certain vessels, the seawater cooling
systems are placed in a standby mode, or lay-up, when the machinery is not in
use. The lay-up is accomplished by blowing the seawater from the condenser
with low-pressure air. The condenser is then filled with potable water and
drained again to remove residual seawater as protection against corrosion. Then,
the condenser is refilled with potable water for the actual lay-up. After 21 days,
the lay-up water is discharged overboard and the condenser refilled. The
condenser is discharged and refilled on a 30-day cycle thereafter. The volume of
each condenser batch discharge is approximately 6,000 gallons.

Which vessels generate this discharge? Most vessels have the capability of
discharging freshwater lay-up.

How often and where is this discharge generated? Generally, the cooling
system is only placed in a lay-up condition if the vessel remains in port for more
than three days and the main steam plant is shut down.

Nature of Discharge: Sampling data for freshwater lay-up indicate the presence
of chlorine, nitrogen (in the form of ammonia, nitrates and nitrites, and total
Kjeldahl nitrogen), and the priority pollutants chromium, copper, lead, nickel,
and zinc. The concentrations of chlorine, copper, nickel, and zinc can exceed
acute Federal criteria or State acute water quality criteria. For nitrogen and
phosphorus, the most stringent State water quality criterion was exceeded.
Chlorine was detected in the initial flush discharge, but was not found in the
extended lay-up discharge. Mass loadings for the priority pollutants (copper,
nickel, and zinc) were estimated using total annual discharge volumes and
average pollutant concentrations. The total mass loading from all discharges of
freshwater lay-up from submarines is estimated at 7 pounds/year of copper, 36
pounds/year of nickel, 29 pounds/year of zinc, 55 pounds/year of nitrogen, 0.58
pounds of total chlorine, 8.3 pounds/year total phosphorus. The mass discharge
from any individual freshwater lay-up discharge event would be a fraction of that

Discussion: Because of the low total annual mass loading, the low frequency at
which the discharge occurs, and the volume of an individual discharge event,
discharges of freshwater lay-up have a low potential for causing adverse

19 December 2013 21 2
environmental impacts. Therefore, the EPA has determined that it is not
reasonable and practicable to require the use of a MPCD to mitigate adverse
impacts on the marine environment for this discharge. However, it is suggested
to minimize the amount of disinfection agents used in freshwater layup to the
minimum required to prevent aquatic growth.

Gas Turbine Wash Water

How is this discharge generated? Gas turbine water wash consists of water
periodically discharged while cleaning internal and external components of
propulsion and auxiliary gas turbines.

Which vessels generate this discharge? Vessels that use gas turbines for either
propulsion or auxiliary power generation.

How often and where is this discharge generated? Gas turbine water wash is
generated within 12 n.m. and varies by the type of gas turbine and the amount of
time it is operated. Because the drain collecting system is limited in size,
discharges may occur within 12 n.m. On most gas turbine ships, gas turbine
water wash is collected in a dedicated collection tank and is not discharged
overboard within 12 n.m. On ships without a dedicated collection tank, this
discharge is released as a component of deck runoff, welldeck discharges, or

Nature of Discharge: Expected constituents of gas turbine water wash are

synthetic lubricating oil, grease, solvent-based cleaning products, hydrocarbon
combustion by-products, salts from the marine environment, and metals leached
from metallic turbine surfaces. The concentration of naphthalene (from solvents)
in the discharge is expected to exceed State acute water quality criteria.

Discussion: To limit the impacts of gas turbine water wash discharge while
operating in coastal areas, most vessels direct the discharge to a dedicated
holding tank for shore disposal. This containment procedure demonstrates the
availability of controls for this discharge.

19 December 2013 22 2

How is this discharge generated? Section 312(a)(11) of the CWA defines

graywater as “galley, bath, and shower water.” Recognizing the physical
constraints of vessels and the manner in which wastewater is handled on
vessels; graywater is more broadly defined for the purposes of the VGP. For the
purposes of this regulation, the graywater discharge consists of graywater as
defined in CWA section 312(a)(11), as well as drainage from laundries, interior
deck drains, water fountains and miscellaneous shop sinks.

Which vessels generate this discharge? All vessels generate graywater on an

intermittent basis.

How often and where is this discharge generated? Graywater discharges occur
both within and beyond 12 n.m. from shore. Vessels may collect graywater and
transfer it to shore treatment facilities while pierside. Some vessels have
minimal or no graywater collection or holding capability and discharge
graywater directly overboard while pierside. Less than half of all graywater
discharged within 12 n.m. occurs pierside from vessels lacking graywater
collection holding capability. The remainder of the discharge in coastal waters
occurs during transit within 12 n.m. from shore.

Nature of Discharge: Present in the discharge is several priority pollutants

including mercury, which is a known bioaccumulative chemical of concern.
Graywater also contains conventional and nonconventional pollutants, such as
total suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand,
oil, grease, ammonia, nitrogen, and phosphates. Ammonia as nitrogen, copper,
lead, mercury, nickel, silver, and zinc were detected in concentrations that
exceed acute Federal criteria and State acute water quality criteria.

Discussion: Due to the large volume of graywater generated each year, the mass
loadings of these constituents may be significant. The use of containment
systems to transfer graywater to shore treatment facilities demonstrates the
availability of controls to mitigate adverse impacts on the environment.

Motor Gasoline and Compensating Discharge

How is this discharge generated? This intermittent discharge consists of

seawater taken into, and discharged from, motor gasoline tanks. Motor gasoline
(MOGAS) is used to operate vehicles and equipment stored or transported on
vessels. MOGAS is stored in a compensating fuel tank system in which seawater
is automatically added to fuel tanks as the gasoline is consumed in order to
eliminate free space where vapors could accumulate. The compensating system
is used for MOGAS to provide supply pressure for the gasoline and to keep the
tank full to prevent potentially explosive gasoline vapors from forming. During

19 December 2013 23 2
refueling, gasoline displaces seawater from the tanks, and the displaced seawater
is discharged directly overboard.

Which vessels generate this discharge? Only vessels equipped with MOGAS
storage tanks generate this discharge.

How often and where is this discharge generated? Vessels with MOGAS
storage tanks typically refuel once per year, and the refuelings are always
conducted in port. Therefore, all discharges from the MOGAS compensating
system occur in port.

Nature of Discharge: Seawater in the MOGAS compensating system is in contact

with the gasoline for long periods of time. MOGAS discharges are expected to
contain components of gasoline, including benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene,
phenols, and naphthalenes at concentrations that exceed acute water quality

Discussion: The discharge of motor gasoline and compensating effluent must not
have oil in quantities that may be harmful as defined in 40 CFR 110.3, which
includes discharges resulting in a visible sheen, or an oil concentration that
exceeds 15 ppm. Determination of oil concentration may be measured by EPA
Method 1664 or other appropriate method for determination of oil content as
accepted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) (e.g. ISO Method
9377) or U.S. Coast Guard. Compliance with the 15 ppm oil concentration
limitation may be established with visual monitoring for an oily sheen. Minimize
discharge of motor gasoline and compensating discharge in port. If an oily sheen
is observed, the vessel operator must deploy appropriate oil containment

Non-Oily Machinery Wastewater

How is this discharge generated? This intermittent discharge is composed of

water leakage from the operation of equipment such as distillation plants, water
chillers, valve packing, water piping, low- and high-pressure air compressors,
and propulsion engine jacket coolers. Only wastewater that is not expected to
contain oil is collected in this system. The discharge is captured in a dedicated
system of drip pans, funnels, and deck drains to prevent mixing with oily
bilgewater. Non-oily machinery wastewater from systems and equipment
located above the waterline may be drained directly overboard. Non-oily
machinery wastewater from systems and equipment below the waterline is
usually directed to collection tanks prior to overboard discharge.

Which vessels generate this discharge? Nuclear-powered vessels and some

conventionally powered vessels have dedicated non-oily machinery wastewater
systems. Most other vessels have no dedicated non-oily machinery wastewater

19 December 2013 24 2
system, so this type of wastewater drains directly to the bilge and is part of the
bilgewater discharge.

How often and where is this discharge generated? Non-oily machinery

wastewater is discharged in port, during transit, and at sea. This discharge is
generated whenever systems or equipment are in use, and varies in volume
according to ship size and the level of machinery use.

Nature of Discharge: Pollutants, including copper, nickel, silver, bis(2-

ethylhexyl)phthalate, and zinc were present in concentrations that exceed acute
Federal criteria or State acute water quality criteria. Nitrogen (in the form of
ammonia, nitrates and nitrites, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen) and total phosphorus
were present in concentrations exceeding the most stringent State water quality
criteria. Mercury (a bioaccumulative chemical of concern) was also detected, but
at concentrations that did not exceed Federal or State water quality criteria.

Discussion: System design changes to control the types and numbers of

contributing systems and equipment, and implementation of management
practices to reduce the generation of non-oily machinery wastewater are
potential options for reducing the potential impact of this discharge on the

Refrigeration and Air Condensate Discharge

How is this discharge generated? This discharge is the drainage of condensed

moisture from air conditioning units, refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerated
spaces. Refrigerators, refrigerated spaces, freezers, and air conditioning units
produce condensate when moist air contacts the cold evaporator coils. This
condensate drips from the coils and collects in drains. Condensate collected in
drains above the vessel waterline may be continuously discharged directly
overboard. Below the waterline, condensate is usually directed to the bilge, non-
oily machinery wastewater system, or is retained in dedicated holding tanks
prior to periodic overboard discharge.

Which vessels generate this discharge? Most vessels produce this discharge.

How often and where is this discharge generated? The condensate may be
discharged at any time, both within and beyond 12 n.m. from shore.

Nature of Discharge: Condensate flow rates depend on air temperature,

humidity, and the number and size of cooling units per vessel. The discharge can
contain cleaning detergent residuals, seawater from cleaning refrigerated spaces,
food residues, and trace metals leached from contact with cooling coils and drain
piping. Because evaporator coils are made from corrosion-resistant materials

19 December 2013 25 2
and condensation is non-corrosive, condensate is not expected to contain metals
in significant concentrations.

Discussion: Discharges of refrigeration and air conditioning condensate are

expected to have a low potential for causing adverse environmental impacts,
therefore the EPA has determined it is not reasonable and practicable to require
a MPCD to mitigate adverse impacts on the marine environment for condensate
discharges unless they are allowed to commingle with oily water.

Seawater Cooling Overboard Discharge

How is this discharge generated? This discharge consists of seawater from a

dedicated system that provides noncontact cooling water for other vessel
systems. The seawater cooling system continuously provides cooling water to
heat exchangers, removing heat from main propulsion machinery, electrical
generating plants, and other auxiliary equipment. The heated seawater is usually
discharged directly overboard.

Which vessels generate this discharge? Most vessels discharge seawater from
cooling systems.

How often and where is this discharge generated? Typically, the demand for
seawater cooling is continuous and occurs both within and beyond 12 n.m. from

Nature of Discharge: Seawater cooling overboard discharge contains trace

materials from seawater cooling system pipes, valves, seachests, pumps, and
heat exchangers. Pollutants detected in seawater cooling overboard discharge
include copper, zinc, nickel, arsenic, chromium, lead, and nitrogen (in the form of
ammonia, nitrates and nitrites, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen). Copper, nickel, and
silver were detected in concentrations exceeding both the chronic Federal
criteria and State chronic water quality criteria. Nitrogen was detected in
concentrations exceeding State chronic water quality criteria. These
concentrations contribute to a significant total mass released by this discharge
due to the large volume of cooling water. In addition, thermal effects modeling
indicate that some vessels may exceed State thermal mixing zone requirements.
The seawater cooling water system has a low potential for transporting non-
indigenous species, because the residence time for most portions of the system
are short. However, a strainer plate is used to minimize the inflow of larger biota
during system operation. The strainer plate is periodically cleaned using low
pressure air or steam to dislodge any accumulated material. This procedure may
result in releasing biota that have attached to the plate.

Discussion: A potential MPCD option for achieving pollutant reductions is the

use of alternative piping systems (i.e., different metallurgy) that provide lower

19 December 2013 26 2
rates of pipe wall corrosion and erosion. The potential substitution of materials
demonstrates the availability of controls to mitigate potential adverse impacts
on the environment.

Seawater Piping Biofouling Prevention

How is this discharge generated? This discharge consists of the additives used
to prevent the growth and attachment of biofouling organisms in seawater
cooling systems on selected vessels, as well as the reaction byproducts resulting
from the use of these additives. Fouling reduces seawater flow and heat transfer
efficiency. Aboard some vessels, active biofouling control systems are used to
control biological fouling of surfaces within the seawater cooling systems.
Generally, these active biofouling control systems are used when the cooling
system piping does not have inherent antifouling properties (e.g., titanium
piping). The most common seawater piping biofouling prevention systems
include chlorination, chemical dosing, and anodic biofouling control systems. All
three systems act to prevent fouling organisms from adhering to and growing on
interior piping and components. Chlorinators use electric current to generate
chlorine and chlorine-produced oxidants from seawater. Anodic biofouling
control systems use electric current to accelerate the dissolving of an anode to
release metal ions into the piping system. Chemical dosing uses an alcohol-based
chemical dispersant that is intermittently injected into the seawater system.

Which vessels generate this discharge? Some vessels use active seawater
piping biofouling control systems. Others use onboard chlorinators, anodic
biofouling control systems, or employ chemical dosing.

How often and where is this discharge generated? Chlorinators operate on a

preset schedule of intermittent operation, only a few hours daily. Chemical
dispersant dosing may be performed for at least one hour every three days.
Anodic systems normally operate continuously.

Nature of Discharge: Seawater discharged from systems with active biofouling

control systems is likely to contain residuals from the fouling control agent
(chlorine, alcohol-based chemical additives, or copper), in addition to
constituents normally found in cooling water. Based on modeling of the
discharge plume, the EPA estimates that receiving water concentrations of
residual chlorine could exceed chronic Federal criteria and State chronic water
quality criteria. Because of the large volume of seawater discharged from these
systems, the resulting mass loading of chlorine released to the environment is
considered significant.

Discussion: Existing operational controls that limit the residual chlorine

discharged to the environment demonstrate the availability of an MPCD to
mitigate the potential for adverse impacts from this discharge.

19 December 2013 27 2
Vessel owner/operators must use the minimum amount of biofouling chemicals
needed to keep fouling under control. Discharges containing active agents must
contain as little chlorine as possible.

Boat Engine Wet Exhaust

How is this discharge generated? This discharge is the seawater that is mixed
and discharged with small boat propulsion engine exhaust gases to cool the
exhaust and quiet the engine. Small boats are powered by either inboard or
outboard engines. Seawater is injected into the exhaust of these engines for
cooling and to quiet engine operation. Constituents from the engine exhaust are
transferred to the injected seawater and discharged overboard as wet exhaust.

Which vessels generate this discharge? Vessels that have small boats with
engines generate this discharge. The majority of inboard engines used on small
boats are two-stroke engines that use diesel fuel. The majority of outboard
engines are two-stroke engines that use a gasoline-oil mixture for fuel.

How often and where is this discharge generated? This discharge is generated
when operating small boats. Due to their limited range and mission, small boats
spend the majority of their operating time within 12 n.m. from shore.

Nature of Discharge: Wet exhaust from outboard engines contains several

constituents that can exceed acute Federal criteria or State acute water quality
criteria including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and naphthalene. Wet exhaust
from inboard engines can contain benzene, ethylbenzene, and total polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) that can exceed State water quality criteria. Mass
loadings of these wet exhaust constituents are considered large.

Discussion: Potential MPCD options include replacing existing outboard engines

with new reduced-emission outboard engines, and ensuring all new boats and
craft have inboard engines with dry exhaust systems. Therefore, the EPA has
determined that it is reasonable and practicable to require use of a MPCD for
small boat engine wet exhaust.

Vessels generating wet exhaust must be maintained in good operating order,

well tuned, and functioning according to manufacturer specifications if available
to decrease pollutant contributions to wet exhaust. Vessel owner/operators
should use low sulfur or alternative fuels for their vessels to reduce the
concentration of pollutants in their discharge.

EPA encourages vessel operators to consider four stroke versus two stroke
engines for vessels generating wet exhaust that are covered under this permit.

19 December 2013 28 2
Use of a four stroke engine may minimize the discharge of pollutants to US

Sonar Dome Discharge

How is this discharge generated? This discharge is generated by the leaching of

antifoulant materials from the sonar dome material into the surrounding
seawater and the discharge of seawater or freshwater from within the sonar
dome during maintenance activities. Hull-mounted sonar domes house the
electronic equipment used to navigate, detect, and determine the range to
objects. Sonar domes are composed of either rubber impregnated with
tributyltin (TBT) anti-foulant, rubber without TBT, steel, or glass-reinforced
plastic, and are filled with freshwater and/or seawater to maintain their shape
and internal pressure. The discharge is generated when materials leach from the
exterior surface of the dome, or when water containing leach materials from
inside the dome is pumped overboard to allow for periodic maintenance or
repairs on the sonar dome or equipment housed inside the dome.

Which vessels generate this discharge? Vessels equipped with sonar domes.
Sonar domes can be made of fiberglass and may not contain TBT.

How often and where is this discharge generated? The leaching of materials
from the exterior surface of the dome is a continuous discharge and occurs both
within and beyond 12 n.m. from shore. Discharges from the interior of the dome
are intermittent and occur while the vessel is pierside as water inside the dome
is removed to allow for periodic maintenance or repairs (approximately twice
per year per dome).

Nature of Discharge: Expected constituents of sonar dome water discharge are

TBT, dibutyl tin, monobutyl tin, and metals such as copper, nickel, zinc, and tin.
Based on sampling data, concentrations of TBT, copper, nickel, and zinc can
exceed acute Federal criteria or State acute water quality criteria

Discussion: Requiring the installation of new sonar domes that do not have TBT-
impregnated internal surfaces as existing domes require replacement is an
acceptable MCPD. This practice demonstrates the availability of a control to
mitigate potential adverse environmental impacts, if any, from sonar dome
discharges. The water inside the sonar dome shall not be discharged within
waters subject to this permit for maintenance purposes. Vessel operators should
not use biofouling chemicals that are bioaccumulative for the exterior of sonar
domes when other viable alternatives are available.

Underwater Ship Husbandry Discharges

19 December 2013 29 2
How is this discharge generated? The underwater ship husbandry discharge is
composed of materials discharged during the inspection, maintenance, cleaning,
and repair of hulls and hull appendages performed while the vessel is
waterborne. Underwater ship husbandry includes activities such as hull cleaning,
fiberglass repair, welding, sonar dome repair, propulsor lay-up, non-destructive
testing, masker belt repairs, and painting operations.

Which vessels generate this discharge? Underwater ship husbandry discharge

is created occasionally by all vessels.

How often and where is this discharge generated? Ship husbandry operations
are normally conducted pierside.

Nature of Discharge: With the exception of underwater hull cleaning and

propulsor (i.e., propeller) lay-up, other ship husbandry discharges have a low
potential for causing an adverse environmental effect. Underwater hull cleaning
is conducted by divers using a mechanical brush system. Copper and zinc are
released during cleaning in concentrations that exceed acute Federal criteria and
State acute water quality criteria and produce a significant mass loading of
constituents. The copper and zinc in this discharge originate from the anti-
fouling and anticorrosive hull coatings applied to vessels.

Data from commercial vessels indicate that underwater hull cleaning also has the
potential to transfer non-indigenous aquatic species. Propulsor lay-up requires
the placement of a vinyl cover over the propulsor to reduce fouling of the
propulsor when the vessel is in port for extended periods. Chlorine-produced
oxidants are generated from impressed current cathodic protection systems and
can build up within the cover to levels exceeding State water quality criteria.
However, discharges from this operation, as well as other ship husbandry
operations (excluding hull cleaning) are infrequent and small in terms of volume
or mass loading.

Discussion: Policies should be established to minimize the number of hull

cleanings, based on the degree to which biological fouling has occurred. In
addition, procedures should be established to use the least abrasive cleaning
equipment necessary as a means for reducing the mass of copper and zinc in the
discharge. These practices represent available controls to mitigate adverse
impacts from underwater ship husbandry operations.

Vessel owner/operators must minimize the transport of attached living

organisms when they travel into U.S. waters from outside the U.S. economic zone
or when traveling between COTP zones.

Whenever possible, rigorous hull-cleaning activities should take place in

drydock, or another land-based facility where the removal of fouling organisms
or spent antifouling coatings paint can be contained. If water-pressure based
systems are used to clean the hull and remove old paint, use facilities which treat

19 December 2013 30 3
the washwater prior to discharge to remove the antifouling compound(s) and
fouling growth from the washwater.

Vessel owner/operators who remove fouling organisms from hulls while the
vessel is waterborne must employ methods that minimize the discharge of
fouling organisms and antifouling hull coatings. These shall include:
• Selection of appropriate cleaning brush or sponge rigidity to minimize
removal of antifouling coatings and biocide releases into the water
• Limiting use of hard brushes and surfaces to the removal of hard growth.
• When available and feasible, use of vacuum control technologies to
minimize the release or dispersion of antifouling hull coatings and fouling
organisms into the water column.

Vessel owner/operators must minimize the release of copper based antifoulant

paint into the water column when they clean their vessel. Cleaning of copper
based antifoulant paints must not result in any visible cloud or plume of paint in
the water: if a visible cloud or plume of paint develops, shift to a softer brush or
less abrasive cleaning technique. A plume or cloud of paint can be noted by the
presence of discoloration or other visible indication that is distinguishable from
hull growth or sediment removal. Production of a plume or cloud of sediment or
hull growth is normal in some cases during vessel hull cleaning, but this plume or
cloud should be substantially paint free (e.g. paint should not be clearly
identifiable in the plume or cloud).

Vessels that use copper based anti-fouling paint must not clean the hull in copper
impaired waters within the first 365 days after paint application unless there is a
significant visible indication of hull fouling.

Welldeck Discharges

How is this discharge generated? This discharge is the water that accumulates
from the seawater flooding of the docking well (welldeck) of a vessel used to
transport, load, and unload amphibious vessels, and from the maintenance and
freshwater washings of the welldeck and equipment and vessels stored in the
welldeck. Effluent from such shipboard activities drain to un-flooded welldecks
and are discharged directly overboard.

Which vessels generate this discharge? Vessels equipped with welldecks

produce this discharge. Most commercial vessels are not equipped with

How often and where is this discharge generated? This discharge is released
both within and beyond 12 n.m. from shore.

19 December 2013 31 3
Nature of Discharge: Depending upon the specific activities conducted, welldeck
discharges contain a variety of residual constituents, including oil and grease,
ethylene glycol (antifreeze), chlorine, detergents/cleaners, metals, solvents, and
sea-salt residues. The volume of welldeck washout varies depending upon the
type of landing craft to be loaded or unloaded.
Discussion: Existing practices for containment and cleanup of welldeck spills
demonstrate the availability of controls to reduce contamination of welldeck
discharges and the potential for causing adverse environmental impacts (e.g., oil

Welldeck discharges that contain graywater from smaller vessels should not be
discharged within waters subject to this permit except in cases of emergency.
Welldeck discharges from washdown of gas turbine engines may not be
discharged within waters subject to this permit. Welldeck discharges from
equipment and vehicle washdowns must be free from garbage and must not
contain oil in quantities that may be harmful as defined in 40 CFR Part 110.

Graywater Mixed with Sewage

The commingled discharge of graywater mixed with sewage from vessels must
comply with the effluent limits for graywater discharge in Section 2.2.15 or in
Section 5 of the Compliance Document, if applicable. Though not a requirement
of this permit, vessel owner/operators are advised that all discharges
commingled with sewage must meet the requirements set forth in section 312 of
the Clean Water Act and its implementing regulations found at 40 CFR Part 140
and 33 CFR Part 159. Hence, discharges of graywater mixed with sewage must
meet both standards to be in compliance with the Clean Water Act.

Exhaust Gas Scrubber Washwater

Exhaust gas scrubber washwater discharge must not contain oil, including oily
mixtures, in quantities that may be harmful as determined in accordance with 40
CFR Part 110. Sludge generated from exhaust gas scrubber washwater discharge
must not be discharged in waters subject to this permit. In addition, EPA
recommends that owner/operators of vessels with exhaust gas cleaning systems
that result in washwater discharges follow the guidelines set out in section 10 for
Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (resolution MEPC.170 (57)).

Fish Hold Effluent

All reasonable steps must be taken to prevent the discharge of excess fish hold
water and ice while the vessel is stationary at the pier. If large solid pieces of fish
waste are contained in the fish hold effluent (e.g., fish heads, internal organs) the

19 December 2013 32 3
fish hold effluent may not be discharged while the vessel is pierside and
stationary, unless a physical separation method is used (e.g., ½ inch coarse
screens or smaller, a screened hose having ½ inch screen openings or smaller,
filters, or other methods to remove large solids).

Solid fish waste must be disposed of shoreside on land or at sea (but outside of
harbors or other protected and enclosed coastal waters, and other areas where
EPA has found that such deposits could endanger health, the environment, or
ecological systems in a specific location under the Marine Protection, Research
and Sanctuaries Act, 33 U.S.C 1412(d)).

Except for discharges from holding tanks for the sole purpose of keeping the
catch alive during transit by pumping continuous “once through” ambient water
into and through the tank prior to immediate discharge (e.g., crabbing/lobster
vessels), if you are unloading your catch at a shore-based seafood processor or
other pier and a shore-based discharge facility is available and economically
achievable, you must discharge your effluent (including dirty ice) to that shore-
based facility instead of discharging to surrounding waters if:
• Its use is economically achievable, and
• The facility has a valid NPDES permit, or
• That facility discharges to an NPDES-permitted sewage treatment

19 December 2013 33 3

2013 VGP Regulation ‐ Fact Sheet




December 19, 2013

Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

2013 Final Issuance of
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) Vessel General Permit (VGP) for
Discharges Incidental to the Normal Operation of
Fact Sheet

Agency: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Action: Notice of NPDES General Permit

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet


1. General Information ................................................................................................................ 9

1.1. Does this Action Apply to Me? .................................................................... 9
1.2. Further Information ...................................................................................... 9
2. Background ............................................................................................................................. 9
2.1. The Clean Water Act .................................................................................... 9
2.2. Legal Challenges ........................................................................................ 10
2.3. Congressional Legislation .......................................................................... 11
2.4. General Permits .......................................................................................... 12
2.5. Public Comment on EPA’s Proposed VGP ................................................ 13
2.6. U.S. Coast Guard Ballast Water Rulemaking ............................................ 13
2.7. Economic Impacts ...................................................................................... 14
3. The Permit ............................................................................................................................. 15
3.1. Geographic Scope of the Permit ................................................................. 15
3.2. Structure of the Permit (Part 1.1) ............................................................... 16
3.3. What is the Vessel Universe Affected by This Permit? ............................. 16
3.4. Regulation of Constituents in the Discharges Under the Permit ................ 17
3.4.1 Aquatic Nuisance Species .......................................................................... 18
3.4.2 Nutrients ..................................................................................................... 19
3.4.3 Pathogens.................................................................................................... 20
3.4.4 Oil and Grease ............................................................................................ 21
3.4.5 Metals ......................................................................................................... 21
3.4.6 Toxic and Non-Conventional Pollutants with Toxic Effects ..................... 22
3.4.7 Other Non-Conventional and Conventional Pollutants (Except Fecal
Coliform) .................................................................................................... 23
3.5. Coverage Under the Permit ........................................................................ 24
3.5.1 Eligibility (Part 1.2) .................................................................................... 24 Deck Washdown and Runoff and Above Water Line Hull Cleaning ........ 24 Bilgewater .................................................................................................. 25 Ballast Water .............................................................................................. 25 Anti-Fouling Leachate from Anti-Fouling Hull Coatings .......................... 25 Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) ....................................................... 26 Boiler/Economizer Blowdown ................................................................... 26 Cathodic Protection .................................................................................... 26 Chain Locker Effluent ................................................................................ 26 Controllable Pitch Propeller and Thruster Hydraulic Fluid and other Oil to
Sea Interfaces including Lubrication discharges from Paddle Wheel
Propulsion, Stern Tubes, Thruster Bearings, Stabilizers, Rudder Bearings,
Azimuth Thrusters, Propulsion Pod Lubrication, and Wire Rope and
Mechanical Equipment Subject to Immersion ........................................... 26 Distillation and Reverse Osmosis Brine ..................................................... 27 Elevator Pit Effluent ................................................................................... 27 Firemain Systems ....................................................................................... 28 Freshwater Layup ....................................................................................... 28 Gas Turbine Water Wash ........................................................................... 28

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet Graywater ................................................................................................... 28 Motor Gasoline and Compensating Discharge ........................................... 29 Non-Oily Machinery Wastewater .............................................................. 29 Refrigeration and Air Condensate Discharge ............................................. 29 Seawater Cooling Overboard Discharge (Including Non-Contact Engine
Cooling Water, Hydraulic System Cooling Water, Refrigeration Cooling
Water) ......................................................................................................... 29 Seawater Piping Biofouling Prevention ..................................................... 29 Boat Engine Wet Exhaust........................................................................... 29 Sonar Dome Discharge ............................................................................... 30 Underwater Ship Husbandry and Hull Fouling Discharges ....................... 30 Welldeck Discharges .................................................................................. 30 Graywater Mixed with Sewage from Vessels ............................................ 30 Exhaust Gas Scrubber Washwater Discharge ............................................ 30 Fish Hold Effluent ...................................................................................... 31
3.5.2 Discharge Types Specifically Not Authorized By This Permit ................. 31 Discharges Not Subject to Former NPDES Permit Exclusion Including
Vessels Being Operated in a Capacity Other than as a Means of
Transportation ............................................................................................ 31 Sewage from Vessels.................................................................................. 32 Used or Spent Oil ....................................................................................... 32 Rubbish, Trash, Garbage or Other Materials Discharged Overboard ........ 32 Photo Processing Waste ............................................................................. 33 Effluent from Dry Cleaning Operations ..................................................... 33 Discharges of Medical Waste and Related Materials ................................. 33 Discharges of Noxious Liquid Substance (NLS) Residues ........................ 33 Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene) and Trichloroethylene (TCE)
Degreasers or Other Products Containing Tetrachloroethylene and
Trichloroethylene ....................................................................................... 33 Discharges Currently or Previously Covered by Another NPDES Permit 34
3.6. Permit Compliance (Part 1.4) ..................................................................... 34
3.7. Authorization Under the Permit (Part 1.5) ................................................. 34
3.7.1 No Requirement to Submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) for Certain Vessels . 34
3.7.2 How to Obtain Authorization (Part 1.5.1) .................................................. 36 Owner/Operators Required to Submit NOIs (Part ........................ 37 Owner/Operators Not Required to Submit NOIs (Part ................. 38
3.7.3 Continuation of the Permit (Part 1.5.2) ...................................................... 39
3.8. Terminating Coverage (Part 1.6) ................................................................ 39
3.8.1 Submitting a Notice of Termination (NOT) (Part ......................... 39
3.8.2 When to Submit a Notice of Termination (Part and Part 1.6.2) ..... 39 Terminating Coverage for Vessels Required to Submit an NOI ................ 39 Terminating Coverage for Vessels Not Required to Submit an NOI ......... 40
3.9. Certification (Part 1.7) ................................................................................ 40
3.10. Alternative Permits (Part 1.8) ..................................................................... 41
3.10.1 EPA Requiring Coverage Under an Alternative Permit (Part 1.8.1).......... 41
3.10.2 Permittee Requesting Coverage Under an Alternative Permit (Part 1.8.2) 41

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet

3.11. Permit Reopener Clause (Part 1.9) ............................................................. 41

3.12. Ocean Discharge Criteria ........................................................................... 43
3.13. Other Conditions (Parts 1.11, 1.12, and 1.13) ............................................ 45
3.14. Electronic Reporting Requirement ............................................................. 45
3.15. Additional Notes......................................................................................... 46
4. Effluent Limitations .............................................................................................................. 47
4.1. Background ................................................................................................ 47
4.1.1 The Clean Water Act Requires EPA to Develop Effluent Limitations that
Represent the Following:............................................................................ 47 Best Practicable Control Technology Currently Available (BPT) ............. 47 Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology (BCT) .......................... 47 Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BAT) .................. 48
4.1.2 Numeric Limitations Are Infeasible ........................................................... 48
4.2. Technology-Based Effluent Limits ............................................................ 49
4.2.1 Types of Technology-Based Effluent Limits ............................................. 49
4.2.2 Inclusion of Non-Numeric Technology-Based Limits in NPDES Permits 49
4.2.3 EPA’s Decision to Include Non-Numeric Technology-Based Effluent
Limits in This Permit and Rationale for Why the Limits Represent the
Appropriate (BPT, BCT or BAT) Level of Control ................................... 50
4.3. Technology-Based Effluent Limits and Related Requirements in the
Permit ......................................................................................................... 55
4.3.1 General Effluent Limits (Part 2.1) .............................................................. 55 Material Storage (Part 2.1.1) ...................................................................... 55 Toxic and Hazardous Materials (Part 2.1.2)............................................... 55 Fuel Spills/Overflows (Part 2.1.3) .............................................................. 56 Discharges of Oil, Including Oily Mixtures (Part 2.1.4) ............................ 56 Compliance with Other Statutes and Regulations Applicable to Vessel
Discharges (Part 2.1.5) ............................................................................... 57 General Training......................................................................................... 59
4.4. Effluent Limits and Related Requirements for Specific Discharge
Categories (Part 2.2) ................................................................................... 60
4.4.1 Deck Washdown and Runoff Including Above Water Line Hull Cleaning
(Part 2.2.1) .................................................................................................. 60
4.4.2 Bilgewater (Part 2.2.2) ............................................................................... 61 Bilgewater Requirements ........................................................................... 62 EPA’s Exploration as to Whether to Include More Stringent Bilgewater
Management Requirements for New Build Vessels and Whether to Provide
Existing Vessels with Additional Bilgewater Management Options ......... 64 Annual Bilgewater Monitoring for New Build Vessels.............................. 65 Why EPA included Annual Monitoring for New Build Vessels ................ 67
4.4.3 Ballast Water (Part 2.2.3) ........................................................................... 67 Training ...................................................................................................... 69 Ballast Water Management Plans............................................................... 69 Mandatory Ballast Water Management Practices: Management Measures
Required of all Vessel Owner/Operators.................................................... 70 Mandatory Ballast Water Management Practices for “Lakers” ................. 72

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet Ballast Water Treatment Measures ............................................................ 73 Ballast Water Management Using a Ballast Water Treatment System ...... 73 Monitoring from Vessels Using a Ballast Water Treatment System ..... 80
Ballast Water System Functionality Monitoring .............................. 81
Ballast Water Monitoring Equipment Calibration ............................ 82
Effluent Biological Organism Monitoring........................................ 83
Authorization of Residual Biocides Associated with Ballast Water
Treatment Systems ........................................................................... 85 Residual Biocide or Derivative Monitoring ..................................... 87 Use of Biocides not Specifically Addressed in Part of
the Permit ......................................................................................... 89 Ballast Water Treatment System Recordkeeping and Reporting ..... 90 Onshore Treatment of Ballast Water .......................................................... 91 Use of Public Water Supply Water ............................................................. 93 No Discharge of Ballast Water ................................................................... 93 Schedule for when Ballast Water Treatment Becomes BAT (and Therefore
Required) .................................................................................................... 94 Vessels Not Required to Meet Part Treatment Standards............... 99 Vessels Engaged in Short-Distance Voyages ........................................ 99 Unmanned, Unpowered Barges ........................................................... 100 Vessels That Operate Exclusively on the Great Lakes (Commonly
Known as Lakers) Built Before January 1, 2009 ................................. 100 Inland and Seagoing Vessels less than 1600 Gross Registered Tons
(3000 Gross Tons)................................................................................ 102 Data Sources used in generating today’s numeric ballast water limits..... 103 Interim Requirements for Vessels Not Required to Meet the Ballast Water
Management Measures in Part of the VGP .................................. 104 Requirements for Oceangoing Voyages While Carrying Ballast Water .. 104 Vessels Carrying Ballast Water Engaged in Pacific Nearshore Voyages 105 Mandatory Saltwater Flushing .................................................................. 106 Vessels that Complete Ballast Water Exchange Must Do So as Early as
Practicable ................................................................................................ 108 Requirements for Tankers Engaged in the Coastwise Trade .................... 108 Vessels Entering the Great Lakes ............................................................. 108 Vessels in the U.S. Coast Guard Shipboard Technology Evaluation
Program (STEP) ....................................................................................... 109 Narrative Water Quality Based Effluent Limit Applicable to Ballast Water
Discharges ................................................................................................ 109 EPA’s Charge to the NAS ........................................................................ 110 Effectiveness of the TBEL at Addressing Water Quality Impacts ........... 111 Reasonable Potential Determination for Ballast Water Discharges ......... 114 Ballast Water WQBELs ............................................................................ 115 WQBELs are Infeasible to Calculate ................................................... 115 WQBELs in Today’s Permit ................................................................ 115
4.4.4 Antifouling Hull Coating Leachate (Part 2.2.4) ....................................... 118
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4.4.5 Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) (Part 2.2.5) .................................. 120

4.4.6 Boiler/Economizer Blowdown (Part 2.2.6) .............................................. 122
4.4.7 Cathodic Protection (Part 2.2.7) ............................................................... 122
4.4.8 Chain Locker Effluent (Part 2.2.8) ........................................................... 123
4.4.9 Controllable Pitch Propeller (CPP) and Thruster Hydraulic Fluid and other
Oil to Sea Interfaces including Lubrication Discharges from Paddle Wheel
Propulsion, Stern Tubes, Thruster Bearings, Stabilizers Rudder Bearings,
Azimuth Thrusters, and Propulsion Pod Lubrication and Wire Rope and
Mechanical Equipment Subject to Immersion (Part 2.2.9). ..................... 124
4.4.10 Distillation and Reverse Osmosis Brine (Part 2.2.10).............................. 128
4.4.11 Elevator Pit Effluent (Part 2.2.11) ............................................................ 128
4.4.12 Firemain Systems (Part 2.2.12) ................................................................ 128
4.4.13 Freshwater Layup (Part 2.2.13) ................................................................ 129
4.4.14 Gas Turbine Wash Water (Part 2.2.14) .................................................... 129
4.4.15 Graywater (Part 2.2.15) ............................................................................ 129 Additional Graywater Requirements for Vessels Operating in the Great
Lakes ........................................................................................................ 130 Graywater Monitoring .............................................................................. 131
4.4.16 Motor Gasoline and Compensating Discharge (Part 2.2.16).................... 132
4.4.17 Non-Oily Machinery Wastewater (Part 2.2.17) ....................................... 132
4.4.18 Refrigeration and Air Condensate Discharge (Part 2.2.18)...................... 132
4.4.19 Seawater Cooling Overboard Discharge (Including Non-Contact Engine
Cooling Water; Hydraulic System Cooling Water, Refrigeration Cooling
Water) (Part 2.2.19) .................................................................................. 133
4.4.20 Seawater Piping Biofouling Prevention (Part 2.2.20) .............................. 133
4.4.21 Boat Wet Engine Exhaust (Part 2.2.21) ................................................... 134
4.4.22 Sonar Dome Discharge (Part 2.2.22)........................................................ 134
4.4.23 Underwater Ship Husbandry and Hull Fouling Discharges (Part 2.2.23) 135
4.4.24 Welldeck Discharges (Part 2.2.24) ........................................................... 136
4.4.25 Graywater Mixed with Sewage from Vessels (Part 2.2.25) ..................... 136
4.4.26 Exhaust Gas Scrubber Washwater Discharge (Part 2.2.26) ..................... 137
4.4.27 Fish Hold Effluent .................................................................................... 141
4.5. Additional Water Quality-Based Effluent Limits (Part 2.3) .................... 144
5. Corrective Actions (Part 3) ................................................................................................. 146
5.1. Purpose of Corrective Action Schedules .................................................. 146
6. Inspections, Monitoring, Reporting, Recordkeeping (Part 4) ............................................. 148
6.1. Self-Inspections and Monitoring (Part 4.1) .............................................. 148
6.2. Drydocking Inspection Reports (Part 4.1.4) ............................................. 153
6.3. Recordkeeping Requirements (Parts 4.2 and 4.3) .................................... 153
6.3.1 Electronic Records ................................................................................... 154
6.4. Reporting (Part 4.4) .................................................................................. 156
6.4.1 Annual Report .......................................................................................... 156
6.4.2 Combined Annual Reports for Unmanned, Unpowered Barges or Vessels
less than 300 Gross Tons .......................................................................... 157
6.5. Applicability of Inspection and Recordkeeping Requirement for Vessels
Leaving Waters Subject to This Permit .................................................... 158

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet

7. Additional technology based and related Permit Requirements Based on Class of Vessel
(Vessel Class-Specific Requirements) (Part 5) ................................................................... 159
7.1. Large Cruise Ships (Part 5.1) ................................................................... 159
7.1.1 Graywater Management ........................................................................... 159 Pierside Limits .......................................................................................... 162 Operational Limits .................................................................................... 162 Limits Applicable to Operation in Nutrient Impaired Waters .................. 163 Graywater Treatment Standards ............................................................... 164 Sculleries and Galleys .............................................................................. 164 Other Materials ......................................................................................... 164 Pool and Spa Discharges .......................................................................... 165
7.1.2 Monitoring Requirements (Part 5.1.2) ..................................................... 165 Untreated Graywater ................................................................................ 166 Treated Graywater .................................................................................... 166 Initial Monitoring ..................................................................................... 166 Maintenance Monitoring .......................................................................... 167 Treated Pool and Spa Discharges ( .............................................. 167 Monitoring Reporting ............................................................................... 168 Reserved Authority................................................................................... 168
7.1.3 Education and Training Requirements (Part 5.1.3) .................................. 168
7.2. Medium Cruise Ships (Part 5.2) ............................................................... 169
7.2.1 Graywater Management ........................................................................... 170
7.2.2 Differences Between the Requirements for Large Cruise Ships and Medium
Cruise Ships .............................................................................................. 171 Different Requirements in Nutrient Impaired Waters .............................. 171 Differences for Existing Medium Cruise Ships Built Before December 19,
2008 Unable to Voyage More than 1 nm from Shore .............................. 171
7.3. Large Ferries (Part 5.3) ............................................................................ 172
7.4. Barges (Including Hopper Barges, Chemical Barges, Fuel Barges, Crane
Barges, Dry Bulk Cargo Barges) (Part 5.4).............................................. 174
7.5. Oil and Petroleum Tankers (Part 5.5) ....................................................... 174
7.6. Research Vessels (Part 5.6) ...................................................................... 175
7.7. Emergency Vessels (Part 5.7) .................................................................. 175
8. State or Tribal Requirements (Part 6) ................................................................................. 176
9. Definitions (Appendix A) ................................................................................................... 176
10. Notice of Intent and Notice of Termination (Appendix E and F) ...................................... 176
11. Waters Federally Protected Wholly or in Part for Conservation Purposes (Appendix G) . 177
12. Other Legal Requirements .................................................................................................. 177
12.1. Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) ................................................. 177
12.2. Endangered Species Consultation ............................................................ 178
12.3. Essential Fish Habitat Consultation ......................................................... 179
12.4. Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act ................................... 179
12.5. Oil Spill Requirements ............................................................................. 179
12.6. Paperwork Reduction Act ........................................................................ 180
12.7. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice
in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations ........................... 180

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet

13. References .......................................................................................................................... 180


Table 1: Estimates of Invasive Species in Several Major Water Systems .................................... 18

Table 2: Ballast Water Sediment Disposal Methods by Vessel Types/Categories Based on NOI
Data for the 2008 VGP (Data Current as of December 2010: Values are in Percent of
Vessels for which a Response was Provided) ....................................................................... 71
Table 3: AWT Effluent Concentrations and Removals1 ............................................................. 160


Figure 1. Installation Schedule of Ballast Water Treatment Systems Estimated by the

Government of Japan (MEPC 61/2/17). ............................................................................... 97

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet



This action is the reissuance of EPA’s Vessel General Permit (VGP). The first iteration of
the VGP expires on December 19, 2013. This second issuance of the VGP will replace that
permit. This action applies to vessels operating in a capacity as a means of transportation, that
have discharges incidental to their normal operations into waters subject to this permit, except
recreational vessels as defined in Clean Water Act §502(25), P.L. 110-288. Unless otherwise
excluded from coverage by Part 6 of the permit, waters subject to this permit means waters of the
U.S. as defined in 40 CFR§122.2. That provision defines “waters of the U.S.” as certain inland
waters and the territorial sea, which extends three miles from the baseline (as used in this
document, mile means nautical mile, i.e., 6076 feet). 1 Note that the Clean Water Act (CWA)
does not require NPDES permits for vessels or other floating craft operating as a means of
transportation beyond the territorial seas, i.e., in the contiguous zone or ocean as defined by the
CWA §§ 502(9), (10). See CWA §502(12) and 40 CFR §122.2 (definition of “discharge of a
pollutant”). This permit, therefore, does not apply to discharges in such waters.

Non-recreational vessels greater than 79 feet, which are not vessels of the armed forces,
operating in a capacity as a means of transportation needing NPDES coverage for their incidental
discharges will generally be subject to the VGP. Similarly situated vessels less than 79 feet may
be covered under the VGP, or may instead opt for coverage under the Small Vessel General
Permit (sVGP).


Supporting information and materials for this permit are included in Docket ID No. EPA-
HQ-OW-2011-0141-available at:

For further information on the VGP, please send an email to or contact
Ryan Albert at (202) 564-0763 or Juhi Saxena at (202) 564-0719.



Section 301(a) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) provides that “the discharge of any
pollutant by any person shall be unlawful” unless the discharge is in compliance with certain
other sections of the Act. 33 U.S.C. 1311(a). The CWA defines “discharge of a pollutant” as
“(A) any addition of any pollutant to navigable waters from any point source, (B) any addition of
any pollutant to the waters of the contiguous zone or the ocean from any point source other than
a vessel or other floating craft.” 33 U.S.C. 1362(12). A “point source” is a “discernible, confined
and discrete conveyance” and includes a “vessel or other floating craft.” 33 U.S.C. 1362(14).

More specifically, CWA section 502(8) defines “territorial seas” as “the belt of the seas measured from the line of
the ordinary low water along that portion of the coast which is in direct contact with the open sea and the line
marking the seaward limit of inland waters, and extending seaward a distance of three miles.”

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet

The term “pollutant” includes, among other things, “garbage… chemical wastes…and
industrial, municipal, and agricultural waste discharged into water.” The Act's definition of
“pollutant” specifically excludes “sewage from vessels or a discharge incidental to the normal
operation of a vessel of the Armed Forces” within the meaning of CWA §312. 33 U.S.C.

One way a person may discharge a pollutant without violating the section 301 prohibition
is by obtaining authorization to discharge (referred to herein as “coverage”) under a section 402
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit (33 U.S.C. § 1342). Under
section 402(a), EPA may “issue a permit for the discharge of any pollutant, or combination of
pollutants, notwithstanding section 1311(a)” upon certain conditions required by the Act.


In December 2003, a long-standing exclusion of discharges incidental to the normal

operation of vessels from the NPDES program became the subject of a lawsuit in the U.S.
District Court for the Northern District of California (Northwest Envtl. Advocates et al. v. United
States EPA, 2005 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 5373 (N.D. Cal. 2005)). On March 30, 2005, the U.S.
District Court for the Northern District of California determined that the exclusion exceeded the
Agency’s authority under the CWA, and, in September 2006 issued a final order providing that:

The blanket exemption for discharges incidental to the normal operation of a vessel,
contained in 40 CFR 122.3(a), shall be vacated as of September 30, 2008.

Northwest Envtl. Advocates et al. v. United States EPA, 2006 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 69476 (N.D. Cal.

EPA appealed the District Court’s decision to the Ninth Circuit, and on July 23, 2008, the
Court upheld the decision. Northwest Envtl. Advocates v. EPA, 537 F.3d 1006 (9th Cir. 2008).

This meant that, effective December 19, 2008, except for those vessels exempted from
NPDES permitting by Congressional legislation, discharges incidental to the normal operation of
vessels which were excluded from NPDES permitting by 40 CFR 122.3(a), were subject to CWA
section 301’s prohibition against discharging, unless covered under an NPDES permit. The
CWA authorizes civil and criminal enforcement for violations of that prohibition and also allows
for citizen suits against violators.

In response to the court decisions, EPA issued the VGP in December 2008. 2 In 2009,
several environmental groups, industry groups, and the State of Michigan challenged EPA’s
issuance of the 2008 VGP. On March 8, 2011, EPA reached settlement with the environmental
groups and the State of Michigan. These settlement agreements are available in the docket for
today’s permit or may be obtained at:

Due to a subsequent extension of the vacatur date by the district court, NPDES permits were not required for VGP
vessels until February 6, 2009.

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EPA and the vessel industry groups challenging EPA’s issuance of the 2008 VGP did not
reach settlement and the litigation therefore proceeded to briefing. Among other things, Lake
Carriers argued that EPA violated the Administrative Procedure Act by not providing for notice
and comment at the federal level of the 401 certification conditions included in Part 6 of the
2008 VGP. EPA’s position was that notice and comment at the federal level is not required
because, among other things, the CWA requires the Agency to include 401 certification
conditions in the VGP without modification and CWA section 401 places the requirement to
obtain public input on state CWA 401 certification conditions on the certifying state agencies,
not EPA. On July 22, 2011, the Court denied the petition for review, concluding that “the
petitioners have failed to establish that EPA can alter or reject state certification conditions, [and
therefore] the additional agency procedures they demand would not have afforded them the relief
they seek.” Lake Carriers' Ass'n v. EPA, 652 F.3d 1 at 12 (D.C. Cir. 2011).


In late July 2008, Congress enacted two pieces of legislation to exempt discharges
incidental to the normal operation of certain types of vessels from the need to obtain an NPDES

The first of these, entitled the Clean Boating Act of 2008, amends the CWA to provide
that discharges incidental to the normal operation of recreational vessels are not subject to
NPDES permitting, and instead creates a new regulatory regime to be implemented by EPA and
the U.S. Coast Guard under new 312(o) of the CWA. S. 2766, Pub. L. 110-188 (July 29, 2008).
As defined in § 3 of that law, recreational vessels subject to its NPDES exclusion are any vessel
that is manufactured or used primarily for pleasure or leased, rented, or chartered to a person for
the pleasure of that person, but do not include a vessel that is subject to Coast Guard inspection
and that is engaged in commercial use or carries paying passengers. As a result of this
legislation, discharges incidental to the normal operation of recreational vessels are not subject to
NPDES permitting. EPA is currently developing regulations as directed under the Clean Boating
Act for recreational vessels. For more information on this action, please see:

The second piece of legislation provides for a temporary moratorium on NPDES

permitting for discharges subject to the 40 CFR 122.3(a) exclusion from (1) commercial fishing
vessels (as defined in 46 U.S.C. § 2101 and regardless of size) and (2) those other non-
recreational vessels less than 79 feet in length. S. 3298, Pub. L. 110-299 (July 31, 2008). The
statute’s NPDES permitting moratorium ran for a two-year period beginning on its July 31, 2008,
enactment date, during which time EPA studied the relevant discharges and submitted a report to
Congress. This moratorium was subsequently extended to December 18, 2013, by P.L. 111-215.
On December 20, 2012, President Obama signed the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation
Act of 2012 , which extends the expiration date of the moratorium from December 18, 2013 to
December 18, 2014. § 703 of Pub. L. 112-213. That moratorium does not include ballast water
discharges. Therefore, commercial fishing vessels that are greater than 79 feet and do not have
ballast water discharges will (barring further legislative action) not be required to seek coverage
under the VGP until the moratorium expires on December 18, 2014. That moratorium also does
not extend to other discharges, which on a case-by-case basis, EPA or the State, as appropriate,

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet

determines contribute to a violation of water quality standards or pose an unacceptable risk to

human health or the environment.

EPA finalized the Report to Congress, entitled “Study of Discharges Incidental to Normal
Operation of Commercial Fishing Vessels and Other Non-Recreational Vessels Less Than 79
Feet” in August 2010. That report is available at: and in the docket for today’s permit.


An NPDES permit authorizes the discharge of a specified amount of a pollutant or

pollutants into receiving waters under certain conditions. The two basic types of NPDES permits
are individual and general permits. Typically dischargers seeking coverage under a general
permit are required to submit a notice of intent (NOI) to be covered by the permit. Section 3.7 of
this fact sheet discusses the NOI requirements of the permit in more detail.

An individual permit is a permit specifically tailored for an individual discharger. Upon

receiving the appropriate application(s), the permitting authority generally develops a draft
permit for public comment for that particular discharger based on the information contained in
the permit application (e.g., type of activity, nature of discharge, receiving water quality).
Following consideration of public comments, a final permit may then be issued to the discharger
for a specific time period (not to exceed 5 years), with a provision for reapplying for further
permit coverage prior to the expiration date.

A general permit is also subject to public comment and is developed and issued by a
permitting authority (in this case, EPA). A general permit covers multiple facilities within a
specific category for a specific period of time (not to exceed 5 years), after which the permit
expires. Like individual permits, general permits may be re-issued. Today’s reissuance of the
VGP includes a 5-year permit term. EPA had proposed a four year permit term, but after careful
consideration of the comments on the proposed permit, EPA has finalized a five year permit
term, consistent with most EPA issued NPDES permits.

Under 40 CFR 122.28, general permits may be written to cover categories of point
sources having common elements, such as facilities that involve the same or substantially similar
types of operations, that discharge the same types of wastes, or that are more appropriately
regulated by a general permit. Given the vast number of vessels requiring NPDES permit
coverage and the discharges common to these vessels, EPA believes that it makes administrative
sense to issue the general permit, rather than issuing individual permits to each vessel. Courts
have approved of the use of general permits. See e.g., Natural Res. Def. Council v. Costle, 568
F.2d 1369 (D.C. Cir. 1977); EDC v. US EPA, 344 F.3d 832, 853 (9th Cir. 2003). The general
permit approach allows EPA to allocate resources in a more efficient manner and to provide
more timely coverage, particularly in light of the time constraints imposed by the Court’s
vacatur. As with any permit, the CWA requires the general permit to contain technology-based
effluent limits, as well as any more stringent limits when necessary to meet applicable state water
quality standards. State water quality standards apply in the territorial seas, defined in section
502(8) of the CWA as extending three miles from the baseline. Pacific Legal Foundation v.
Costle, 586 F.2d 650, 655-656 (9th Cir. 1978); Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. v. U.S.

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EPA, 863 F.2d 1420, 1435 (9th Cir. 1988). In addition, discharges to the territorial seas are
required to meet requirements to comply with section 403(c) of the CWA Ocean Discharge
Criteria (40 CFR Part 125 Subpart M). As discussed in section 3.10.2 of this fact sheet, the
owner/operator of a vessel, after being covered by the permit, may request to be excluded from
such coverage by applying for an individual permit. In addition, EPA may subsequently require a
vessel to obtain an individual permit instead of receiving coverage under the general permit.


EPA released the draft 2013 VGP on November 30, 2011 and allowed for a 75-day
comment period after publication in the Federal Register. The public comment period closed on
February 21, 2012. EPA received over 5,500 public comments on the draft permit. Comments
were received from a variety of stakeholders, including industry groups, environmental
stakeholders, private citizens, U.S. State governments, and international governments. These
comments were used to inform decision making in finalizing this permit and EPA’s responses
are reflected in the response-to-comment document available in EPA Docket ID No, EPA-HQ-
OW-2011-0141 at along with supporting information and other related


At the time the draft VGP was made available for comment in December 2011 (76 FR
76716), the USCG had proposed, but not finalized, its ballast water discharge standard and type-
approval rulemaking (74 FR 44632, August 28, 2009). Since publication of the 2011 draft VGP,
the USCG finalized its ballast water discharge standard and type-approval rulemaking (77 FR 77
17254, March 23, 2012). The final rule contains a number of changes from the August 2009
proposal. Readers interested in the USCG rulemaking should refer to the USCG Federal Register
notices identified above for details. For the reasons described later in this fact sheet, EPA
adopted some of the same changes to the draft VGP as the USGC adopted in its final rule, in

• Revision of the new vessel date for compliance with the VGP’s numeric technology-
based ballast water discharge standards. See section of this Fact Sheet for

• Revision of the VGP vessel applicability provisions with respect to ballast water
discharge standards. See section of this Fact Sheet for details; and

• Clarification of monitoring requirements for ballast water treatment systems receiving a

USCG “Type Approval” or “Alternative Management System” determination under the
USCG final rule. See section of this Fact Sheet for details.

Additional information on the U.S. Coast Guard Ballast Water Rulemaking can be found

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As discussed in the Federal Register notice announcing today’s final permit, EPA
performed an economic assessment of this general permit, including an examination of the
economic impact this permit may have on small entities. This economic analysis is included in
the docket for this permit (US EPA, 2012a). Based on this assessment, EPA concludes that
despite a minimal economic impact on all entities, including small businesses, this permit will
not, if issued have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.

To estimate the effect of revised permit requirements on an industry as a whole, EPA’s

analysis takes into account previous conditions and determines how the industry would act in the
future in the absence of revised Permit requirements. The baseline for this analysis is full
industry compliance with existing federal and state regulations, including the recent USCG
ballast water discharge standard rule (USCG, 2012) and the 2008 VGP in the case of vessels
currently covered by the permit; and current industry practices or standards that exceed current
regulations to the extent that they can be empirically observed. In addition, a number of laws and
associated regulations (including the National Invasive Species Act; the Act to Prevent Pollution
from Ships; the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act; the
Organotin Anti-fouling Paint Control Act; and others) already cover certain discharges that
would be subject to the new permitting regime. The overlap between revised permit requirements
and existing regulations and practices is discussed at greater length in the sections of the report
that address each revised requirement.

EPA estimated compliance costs to commercial vessels associated with each of the
permit’s practices and discharge categories identified and the paperwork burden costs.
Incremental costs are understood to result from the inclusion of all commercial fishing vessels
79 feet or larger under the VGP, 3 and from revised, more stringent requirements for certain
discharge categories and practices. Changes in compliance costs also result from streamlining
selected requirements, which is expected to reduce compliance costs for owners of certain
vessels. Overall, EPA finds that revisions in the VGP requirements could result in aggregate
annual incremental costs for domestic vessels ranging between $7.2 and $23.0 million (in
2010$). This includes the paperwork burden costs and the sum of all practices for applicable
discharge categories for all vessels estimated to be covered by the revised VGP. The average per
vessel compliance costs range between $51 and $7, 004 per vessel. Tank ships have the highest
average compliance costs; this is driven by potential incremental costs for oil tankers exclusively
engaged in coastwise trade that may install and operate onboard ballast water treatment systems
to meet the 2013 VGP requirements applicable to ballast water discharges. There is considerable
uncertainty in the assumptions used for several practices and discharge categories and these
estimates therefore provide illustrative ranges of the costs potentially associated with the 2013
permit rather than incremental costs incurred by any given vessel owner.

As noted above, the moratorium on coverage for commercial fishing vessels and vessels less than 79 feet expires
on December 18. 2013. Commercial fishing vessels 79 feet or larger will be covered by this permit, and most non-
recreational vessels less than 79 feet, including commercial fishing vessels, are expected to be covered by the Small
Vessel General Permit.

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To evaluate economic impacts of revised VGP requirements on the water transportation,

fishing, and mining industries, EPA performed a firm-level analysis. The firm-level analysis
examines the impact of any incremental cost per vessel to comply with the revised VGP
requirements on model firms that represent the financial conditions of “typical” businesses in
each of the examined industry sectors. More than ninety percent of the firms in the water
transportation and fishing industries, and in the drilling oil and gas wells segment of the mining
industry, are small, and EPA believes it is unlikely that firm-level impacts would be significant
among large firms in this industry. Therefore, a firm-level analysis focuses on assessment of
impacts on small businesses. To evaluate the potential impact of the VGP on small entities, EPA
used a cost-to-revenue test to evaluate the potential severity of economic impact on vessels and
facilities owned by small entities. The test calculates annualized pre-tax compliance cost as a
percentage of total revenues and uses a threshold of 1 and 3 percent to identify facilities that
would be significantly impacted as a result of this Permit.

The total number of entities expected to exceed a 1% cost ratio ranges from 76 under low
cost assumptions to 340 under high cost assumptions. Of this universe, the total number of
entities expected to exceed a 3% cost ratio ranges from 5 under low cost assumptions to 30 under
high cost assumptions. This is based out of 5,480 total small firms. Accordingly, EPA concludes
that the VGP will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small
entities or other businesses.


Today’s permit is being issued pursuant to EPA’s authority to issue permits under Clean
Water Act section 402. Clean Water Act section 402 and its implementing regulations contain
standards that govern EPA’s imposition of NPDES permit conditions. See e.g., 40 CFR Part 122
(“EPA Administered Permit Programs: The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System”).
The provisions of today’s permit are established under these authorities.


This permit is applicable to discharges incidental to the normal operation of a vessel

identified in Part 1.2 of the permit and Part 3.5 of this fact sheet into waters subject to the permit,
which means “waters of the U.S.” as defined in 40 CFR 122.2, except as otherwise excluded by
Part 6 of the permit. This includes the territorial seas, defined in section 502(8) of the CWA,
extending to three miles from the baseline. Pacific Legal Foundation v. Costle, 586 F.2d 650,
655-656 (9th Cir. 1978); Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. v. U.S. EPA, 863 F.2d 1420,
1435 (9th Cir. 1988).

The general permit will cover vessel discharges into the waters of the U.S. in all states
and territories, regardless of whether a state is authorized to implement other aspects of the
NPDES permit program within its jurisdiction, except as otherwise excluded by Part 6 of the
permit. While, pursuant to CWA section 402(c), EPA typically is required to suspend permit
issuance in authorized states, EPA may issue NPDES permits in authorized states for discharges
incidental to the normal operation of a vessel because 402(c)(1) of the Clean Water Act prohibits
EPA from issuing permits in authorized states only for “those discharges subject to [the state’s
authorized] program.” Discharges formerly excluded under 40 CFR 122.3 are not “subject to”

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authorized state programs. The vessel discharges covered by the permit are discharges that were
formerly excluded from NPDES permitting programs under 40 CFR 122.3. (See discussion of
the vacatur of this exclusion in section 2.2 of this fact sheet.) Therefore the discharges at issue
are not considered a part of any currently authorized state NPDES program. See 40 CFR
123.1(i)(2) (where state programs have a greater scope of coverage than “required” under the
federal program, that additional coverage is not part of the authorized program) and 40 CFR
123.1(g)(1) (authorized state programs are not required to prohibit point source discharges
exempted under 40 CFR122.3).


This general permit addresses vessels operating in a capacity as a means of transportation

that have discharges incidental to their normal operations into waters subject to this permit,
except recreational vessels and vessels of the Armed Forces. Many characteristics of vessels and
vessel discharges generally apply to all vessel classes. Hence, general requirements that apply to
all eligible vessels are found in Parts 1 through 4 of the permit. Part 1 of the permit contains
general conditions, authorized and ineligible discharges, and explains who must file a notice of
intent to receive permit coverage. Part 2 of the permit discusses effluent limits applicable to
vessels. Part 3 of the permit lists required corrective actions that permittees must take to remedy
deficiencies and violations. Part 4 of the permit lists visual monitoring, self-inspection, and
recordkeeping and reporting requirements. Due to specific concerns arising from certain types of
vessels, in Part 5 of the permit, EPA has identified select categories of vessel types that have
supplemental requirements. States, territories, and certain Tribes have the authority to require
additional requirements under section 401 of the CWA. Part 6 of the permit includes these
additional requirements (see also Part 12 of the Fact Sheet entitled “Other Legal Requirements”).

The Appendices, listed in this permit as Parts 7 through 15, include definitions, the notice
of intent form, the notice of termination form, and the annual report form.


Vessels operating in a capacity as a means of transportation are eligible for coverage

under the VGP. The types of vessels covered under the VGP include commercial fishing vessels,
cruise ships, ferries, barges, mobile offshore drilling units, oil tankers or petroleum tankers, bulk
carriers, cargo ships, container ships, other cargo freighters, refrigerant ships, research vessels,
emergency response vessels, including firefighting and police vessels, and any other vessels
operating in a capacity as a means of transportation. Vessels of the Armed Forces of the United
States are not eligible for coverage by this permit. While all non-recreational vessels, which are
not vessels of the armed forces, may seek coverage under this permit, the permit requirements
are generally targeted to vessels that are at least 79 feet in length. A separate, streamlined permit
is available for vessels less than 79 feet (Small Vessel General Permit for Discharges Incidental
to the Normal Operation of Vessels Less Than 79 Feet).

Throughout this fact sheet, parenthetical citations in headings refer to parts of the proposed permit to serve as an
aid to the reader.

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EPA estimates that the domestic vessel population subject to the VGP is approximately
60,000 vessels. EPA used two existing databases (the Marine Information for Safety and Law
Enforcement (MISLE) and Waterborne Transportation Lines of the United States (WTLUS)
databases) to create a master database to estimate the population of domestically flagged vessels
subject to the VGP. MISLE and WTLUS provided information on the number and type of
domestic flag vessels subject to the Vessel General Permit. The combined database allows the
Agency to obtain a comprehensive estimate of the vessel population and to minimize the number
of missing data fields for any given vessel. Furthermore, EPA compared these estimates to the
total number of NOIs submitted under the 2008 VGP to fact check the accuracy of these
estimates. However, EPA could not use the NOI database alone to estimate the number of
vessels covered by the permit as only vessels greater than 300 gross tons or with the capacity to
carry more than 8 cubic meters of ballast water had to submit NOIs.

Using the Foreign Traffic Vessel Entrances and Clearances (FTVEC) database, EPA
estimates approximately 12,400 foreign flagged vessels are subject to the VGP requirements.
The FTVEC database provides information on foreign vessels entering or clearing U.S. Customs
ports in calendar year 2008, the most recent year for which data are published (U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers, 2010).

See EPA’s economic analysis for the VGP for more information about the vessel
universe affected (US EPA, 2011a).


In today’s permit, EPA is establishing effluent limitations to control a variety of

materials, which, for the purposes of this fact sheet, have been classified into 7 major groups:
Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS), nutrients, pathogens (including E. coli & fecal coliform), oil
and grease, metals, most conventional pollutants (Biochemical Oxygen Demand, pH, Total
Suspended Solids), and other toxic and non-conventional pollutants with toxic effects. EPA is
establishing effluent limitations to control these materials, because, depending on the particular
vessel, such materials are constituents in the industrial waste, chemical waste and/or garbage
“pollutant” discharge resulting from the activities of these vessels. “Industrial waste,” “chemical
waste” and “garbage” are expressly included in the CWA’s definition of “pollutant,” which
governs, among other things, which discharges are properly subject to CWA permitting. See
CWA § 402(a) (allowing EPA to issue permits for a “discharge of any pollutant”); CWA §
502(12) (defining “discharge of a pollutant” to include “any addition of any pollutant to
navigable waters from any point source”); and CWA § 502(6) (defining “pollutant” as “dredged
spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, sewage, garbage, sewage sludge, munitions, chemical
wastes, biological materials, radioactive materials, heat, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock,
sand, cellar dirt and industrial, municipal and agricultural waste discharged into water”
[emphasis added]). The discharge from vessels addressed in today’s permit – a worthless or
useless flow discharged during a vessel’s normal operations – falls within those broad pollutant
categories. See, e.g., Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictionary (1988) (defining “waste”
as “a worthless or useless by-product” or “something, such as steam, that escapes without being
used”; “industrial” as “of, relating to, or derived from industry” and “industry as “the

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commercial production and sale of goods and services”; “chemical” as “of or relating to the
action of chemicals”; and “garbage” as “worthless matter, trash”). 5

EPA understands that a lot of attention has been paid to whether, under various
circumstances, ANS are properly considered “pollutants” under CWA §502(6). Today’s permit
controls ANS because such ANS are one constituent of concern in the waste stream that
constitutes the “pollutant” subject to today’s permit. See CWA § 402(a)(1)(A) and 301(b)(1)
(requiring permits to include “effluent limitations”) and CWA §502(11) (defining “effluent
limitations” to include “restrictions established by . . . the Administrator on . . . chemical,
physical, biological, and other constituents which are discharged from point sources . . .”
[emphasis added]). Under these circumstances, there is no need to address the question of
whether ANS in and of themselves may be considered “pollutants” under CWA section 502(6).
In addition, EPA’s conclusion that ANS are properly controlled in today’s vessel permit does not
speak as to how ANS are regulated by the CWA under any other circumstances.

Short summaries of each of the constituent types regulated in today’s permit follow.

3.4.1 Aquatic Nuisance Species

Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS), also known as invasive species, are a persistent
problem in U.S. coastal and inland waters. ANS may be introduced through a variety of vectors,
including ballast water and sediment from ballast tanks, chain lockers, anchor chains, and vessel
hulls. These vectors have been associated with introductions of highly damaging species in the
past. Though no reliable and comprehensive estimates of total ANS introductions nationwide
exist, case studies of several major bodies of water across the country, as summarized in Table 1,
provide a sense of the extent of the problem.

Table 1: Estimates of Invasive Species in Several Major Water Systems

Estimated Rate of Estimated Total

Region 1
Invasion Invasions to Date
No new invasions detected
since 2006, prior to 2006,
Great Lakes documented at once every 1822
28 weeks
Mississippi River System Unknown 1003
San Francisco Bay Once every 14 weeks 2344
Lower Columbia River Basin Once every 22 weeks 815
Gulf of Mexico Unknown 7046

The Agency’s view on what is considered “industrial waste,” “chemical waste” or “garbage” as discussed in this
fact sheet is limited to use of those terms in the definition of “pollutant” in the Clean Water Act and should not be
considered in interpreting those or similar terms in any other statute or regulation.

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet

Table 1: Estimates of Invasive Species in Several Major Water Systems

Estimated Rate of Estimated Total

Region 1
Invasion Invasions to Date
Ruiz and Reid (2007) suggest that these figures may not reliably represent the true rate of introduction, as
they are based on discovery data, which may not always track with the underlying rate of introduction.
Ricciardi 2006.
USCG 2009.
Cohen and Carlton 1998.
Sytsma et al. 2004.
Battelle 2000.

ANS pose several dangers to aquatic ecosystems, including outcompeting native species,
threatening endangered species, damaging habitat, changing food webs, and altering the
chemical and physical aquatic environment. Furthermore, ANS have been documented to
damage recreational and commercial fisheries, infrastructure, and water based recreation and

One of the most well-known examples of ANS is the Zebra Mussel. Zebra Mussels are
native to Eurasia, near the Black and Caspian Seas, and were first discovered in U.S. waters in
1988. Populations of Zebra Mussels were established in the Great Lakes and are now found
throughout most of the Eastern United States and in some Western States. Zebra Mussels are
filter feeders and can remove algae from the water column that other native species depend on as
a food source and, therefore, Zebra Mussels outcompete native (and sometimes endangered)
mollusks and other filter feeders. Zebra Mussels also damage public infrastructure and have been
estimated to cause tens to hundreds of millions of dollars in losses per year to the Great Lakes

Additional sources describing the presence and/or impacts of ANS and their potential
invasion pathways include Barnes, 2002; Battelle, 2000; Bolch and de Salas, 2007; Brickman,
2006; Brickman and Smith, 2007; Carlton, 1985; Carlton, 1996; Carlton and Geller, 1993; Cohen
and Carlton, 1998; Cohen et al., 1995; Dobbs et al., 2006; Doblin et al., 2007; Drake and Lodge,
2007; Drake et al., 2007; Johnson et al., 2001; Larson et al., 2003; Lee et al., 2010; Lockwood et
al., 2005; Lovell and Stone, 2005; Lovell and Drake, 2009; NAS, 2011; Phelps, 1994; Ricciardi,
2006; Roman, 2006; Ruiz et al., 2000a; Ruiz et al., 2000b; Sakai et al., 2001; Smayda, 2007;
USCG, 2009, US EPA, 2001a, and Van der Putten, 2002.

3.4.2 Nutrients

Nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and numerous micro-nutrients, are constituents

of vessel discharges. Though traditionally associated with discharges from sewage treatment
facilities and runoff from agricultural and urban stormwater sources, nutrients resulting from
vessels are also thought to be discharged from deck runoff, vessel graywater, and vessel
bilgewater, among other sources. Increased nutrient discharges from human sources are a major
source of water quality degradation throughout the United States (USGS, 1999).

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Nutrients are associated with a variety of negative environmental impacts, the most
notable of which is eutrophication, which can lead to reduced levels of dissolved oxygen due to
increased demand (sometimes to the extremes of hypoxia), reduced levels of light penetration
and increased turbidity, and changes in the composition of aquatic flora and fauna, and helps to
fuel harmful algal blooms (HABs), which can have significant adverse impacts on both aquatic
life and human health (National Research Council, 2000, WHOI, 2007). The National Research
Council (2000) found that:

• Nutrient over-enrichment of coastal ecosystems generally triggers ecological changes

that decrease the biological diversity of bays and estuaries.
• While moderate nitrogen enrichment of some coastal waters may increase fish
production, over-enrichment generally degrades the marine food web that supports
commercially valuable fish.
• The marked increase in nutrient pollution of coastal waters has been accompanied by
an increase in harmful algal blooms, and in at least some cases, pollution has
triggered these blooms.
• High nutrient levels and the changes they cause in water quality and the makeup of
the algal community are detrimental to the health of coral reefs and the diversity of
animal life supported by seagrass and kelp communities.
• Nitrogen is the chief culprit in eutrophication and other impacts of nutrient over-
enrichment in temperate coastal waters, while phosphorus is most problematic in
eutrophication of freshwater lakes.
• Human conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into biologically useable forms,
principally synthetic inorganic fertilizers, now matches the natural rate of biological
nitrogen fixation from all the land surfaces of the earth.
Additional information discussing the sources or impacts of nutrients on aquatic
ecosystems and/or their vessel based sources can be found in Copeland, 2008; Correll, 1987;
Horne and Goldman, 1994; Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force,
2008; NAS, 1993; US EPA, 1999; US EPA, 2001b; US EPA 2005; US EPA, 2008; and US EPA,

3.4.3 Pathogens

Pathogens are another important constituent of discharges from vessels, particularly in

graywater and potentially from ballast water discharges. Though fecal coliform is considered a
conventional pollutant, it is discussed here since it shares characteristics with many other
pathogens potentially discharged from vessels.

EPA’s study of graywater discharges from cruise ships found that levels of pathogen
indicator bacteria exceeded enterococci standards for marine water bathing and fecal coliform
standards for harvesting shellfish 66% and over 80% of the time, respectively (US EPA 2008).
Specific pathogens of concern found in sewage include Salmonella spp., E. coli, enteroviruses,
hepatitis and pathogenic protists (National Research Council 1993), but there are multiple

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sources for such pathogens. Elevated levels of these pathogens have increasingly resulted in
beach closures in recent years, primarily from on-shore sources such as urban stormwater runoff
and sewage overflows, which in turn has reduced the recreational value of impacted beaches.
Additional pathogens have been associated with ballast water discharges, including E. coli,
enterococci, Vibrio cholerae, Clostridium perfingens, Salmonella spp. Cryptosporidium spp.,
and Giardia spp., as well as a variety of viruses (Knight et al. 1999; Reynolds et al. 1999; Zo et
al. 1999). Johengen et al. (2005) show the potential for pathogens to be transported in ballast
water tanks, even when they are not filled. The study found that virus-like particle (VLP)
concentrations in sampled ballast tanks ranged from 107 to 109 per ml in residual unpumpable
ballast water and from 107 to 1011 per ml in sediment porewater. Bacteria concentrations under
the same conditions were 105 to 109 per ml and 104 to 108 per ml, respectively.

Though it is difficult to determine the contribution of vessel discharges to infections by

these organisms it is likely that they are not a primary source. Epidemiologists have attempted to
quantify the proportion of total infections that are waterborne. For example, waterborne infection
may account for as many as 60% of Giardia infections and 75% of pathogenic E. coli infections
(National Research Council 1993). Graywater discharges may be a significant source of
pathogenic microorganisms within some regulated waters, and reducing graywater discharges
may provide some human health benefits.

Additional information discussing pathogens, their sources, and their impacts include
Dobbs et al., 2006; Knight et al., 1999; NAS, 1993; US EPA, 1999; US EPA, 2008; and US EPA

3.4.4 Oil and Grease

Oil and grease are another known component of vessel discharges with potentially
harmful impacts to humans and to aquatic life. Vessels discharge oil in every day operation,
including lubricating oils, hydraulic oils, and vegetable or organic oils. A significant portion of
the lubricants lost from a vessel directly enter the marine environment. Oils are highly toxic and
carcinogenic, and can also taint organisms that are consumed by humans, which is a potential
source of adverse health impacts. In recent years, significant research efforts have gone into the
development of environmentally acceptable lubricants which would reduce environmental
impact on the marine environment. Oil and grease measured by Method 1664A constitutes a
conventional pollutant. Oil and grease that is commingled with other toxic pollutants may be
controlled as a toxic pollutant under this permit.

Additional papers and reports discussing the impact of oil discharges, vessel based
sources of these pollutants, and/or environmentally acceptable alternatives to traditional
lubricants include Aluyor et al., 2009; Betton, 2009; Decola, 2000; GESAMP, 1993; GESAMP,
2007; Lucase and MacGregor, 2006; Rützler and Sterrer, 1970; Shaw et al, 1985; Suchanek,
1993; US EPA, 1999; US EPA 2010a; and Wiese and Ryan, 2003.

3.4.5 Metals

Metals are a diverse group of pollutants, many of which are toxic to aquatic life and
humans. Vessel discharges can contain a variety of metal constituents which can come from a

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variety of on-board sources. For example, EPA’s study of cruise ship graywater found a total of
13 different metals in at least 10% of samples, with copper, nickel and zinc detected in 100% of
samples (US EPA, 2008). Bilgewater has also been shown to contain numerous metals, the exact
constituents of which vary dependent upon on-board activities on the vessel and the materials
used in the construction of the vessel. Other metals, such as copper, are known to leach from
vessel hulls and can cause exceedances of water quality standards. For example, Srinivasan and
Swain (2007) found significant leaching of copper from the hulls of sailboats, powerboats, and
cruise ships.

While some metals, including copper, nickel and zinc, are known to be essential to
organism function, many others, including thallium and arsenic, are non-essential and/or are
known to have only adverse impacts. Even essential metals can do serious damage to organism
function in sufficiently elevated concentrations. Adverse impacts can include impaired organ
function, impaired reproduction and birth defects, and, at extreme concentrations, acute
mortality. For example, Katranitsasa et al. (2003) noted that the copper released from copper
anti-fouling paints are toxic to non-targeted aquatic organisms. Additionally, through a process
known as bioaccumulation, metals may not be fully eliminated from blood and tissues by natural
processes, and may accumulate in predator organisms further up the food chain, including
commercially harvested fish species (US EPA, 2007e).

Additional sources discussing the impacts of metals on the aquatic environment and/or
their vessel-based sources include Axiak et al., 1995; Trocine and Trefry, 1996; US EPA, 1999;
and US EPA, 2010a.

3.4.6 Toxic and Non-Conventional Pollutants with Toxic Effects

The term “toxic and non-conventional pollutants with toxic effects,” as it applies to
constituents of vessel discharges, encompasses a variety of chemical compounds known to have
a broad array of adverse impacts on aquatic species and human health. For example, EPA’s study
of cruise ship graywater found a total of 17 different volatile and semi-volatile organic
compounds in at least 10% of samples, for which the most significant rates and levels of
detection were phthalates, phenol, and tetrachloroethylene. Other notable toxics detected in
incidental discharges from vessels include free residual chlorine and chlorides and
perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) found in some firefighting
foam (AFFF).

These compounds can cause a variety of adverse impacts on ecosystems and living
marine resources, including fisheries. Phthalates are known to interfere with reproductive health,
liver and kidney function in both animals and humans (Sekizawa et al., 2003; DiGangi et al.,
2002). Chlorine, though toxic to humans at high concentrations, is of much greater concern to
aquatic species, which can experience respiratory problems, hemorrhaging, and acute mortality
even at relatively low concentrations (US EPA, 2008). PFOS and PFOA, potentially found in
AFFF discharges, are persistent, bioaccumulative, toxic and carcinogenic chemical compounds.
The health impacts of PFOA and its telomeres are not entirely understood, particularly in aquatic
environments, but EPA’s Science Advisory Board has concluded that PFOA “is likely to be
carcinogenic in humans” (SAB, 2006).

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3.4.7 Other Non-Conventional and Conventional Pollutants (Except Fecal Coliform)

The category “other non-conventional and conventional pollutants” as applied to vessel

discharges also consists of multiple pollutants with disparate impacts. Discharges of graywater,
bilgewater, seawater cooling overboard, and other vessel waste streams or effluent can include
pollutants that affect pH, add heat, and/or increase turbidity or discharge suspended sediment.

Some vessel discharges are more acidic or basic than the receiving waters, which can
have a localized effect on pH (ADEC, 2007). Though no research has been done linking vessel
pollution specifically to pH impacts on aquatic ecosystems, extensive literature on the impacts of
pH changes in the contexts of aquaculture and acid rain does exist. For nearly all fish
populations, pH more acidic than 5 or more basic than 10 will cause rapid mortality. In addition,
many individual species are sensitive to more moderate changes in pH (Wurts and Durborrow,

Some vessel discharges may also affect temperature locally (Battelle, 2007). Thermal
impacts of vessel discharges are generally much smaller than those from better known sources
such as dams, power plant cooling water, and runoff. However, even small temperature changes
can impact some sensitive organisms’ growth, reproduction, and even survival, which implies
that some vessel discharges may have localized adverse impacts on aquatic organisms
(Abbaspour et al., 2005; Cairns, 1972; Govorushko, 2007).

Some vessel discharges, such as those from ballast water and bilgewater, can contain
suspended sediments and have elevated turbidity. Loadings of sediment from vessel discharges
are likely much smaller than from other sources such as construction, urban stormwater, and
agriculture. The most significant sources of sediment from vessel discharges likely come from
areas in the vessel where water is held, sediment settles out of solution and accumulates over
time, and then is later periodically resuspended before discharging.

Designated uses such as navigation, drinking water, recreation, and agriculture are
impaired by excess suspended sediments (US EPA, 2003). When sediments diminish water
quality to support aquatic life, other human uses of the same waterbodies such as recreational or
commercial fishing may also be diminished. Furthermore, there is evidence that aquatic life uses
are one of the most sensitive endpoints to alterations in sediment loading. Direct effects on
invertebrates and fish are complex, ranging from behavioral to physiological to toxicological.
Suspended sediments have been documented to have a negative effect on the survival of fish,
freshwater mussels, and other benthic organisms. In a frequently cited review paper prepared by
Newcombe and Jensen (1996), sublethal effects (e.g. increased respiration rate) were observed in
eggs and larvae of salmonids and nonsalmonids, as well as in adult estuarine and freshwater
nonsalmonids, when exposed to Total Suspended Solids concentrations as low as 55 mg/L for
one hour. Mussels compensate for increased levels of suspended sediment by increasing
filtration rates, increasing the proportion of filtered material that is rejected, and increasing the
selection efficiency for organic matter. Excess sediment smothers benthic organisms and the
surface layer of the benthos can be heavily impacted and altered. Increased turbidity associated
with suspended sediments can reduce primary productivity of algae as well as growth and
reproduction of submerged vegetation (Jha, 2003). In addition, once in the system, resuspension

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet

and deposition can “recycle” sediments so that they exert water column and benthic effects
repeatedly over time and in multiple locations.


3.5.1 Eligibility (Part 1.2)

Vessels Not Eligible for Coverage

Recreational vessels and vessels of the United States Armed Forces are not eligible for
coverage under this permit. Non-recreational vessels less than 79 feet in length, which are not
vessels of the armed forces, may obtain coverage under this permit, or they may obtain coverage
under EPA’s small Vessel General Permit (sVGP). This flexibility may be useful for vessel
owner/operators who manage vessels that are both larger and smaller than 79 feet, and would
prefer to manage their fleet using the same permit. If auxiliary vessels or craft, such as lifeboats
or rescue boats on-board larger vessels require permit coverage, they are eligible for coverage
under this permit and are covered by submission of the Notice of Intent for the larger vessels.

Vessel Discharges Eligible for Coverage

The discharges eligible for coverage under the permit are those discharges incidental to
the normal operation of a vessel covered by the exclusion in 40 CFR 122.3(a) prior to vacatur of
that exclusion. Discharges incidental to normal operation include deck runoff, bilgewater, and
ballast water. Some potential discharges are not incidental to the normal operation of a vessel.
For example, intentionally adding used motor oil to the bilge tank will result in a discharge that
is not incidental to the normal operation of a vessel. Furthermore, any discharge that results from
a failure to properly maintain the vessel and equipment, even if the discharge is of a type that is
otherwise covered by the permit, is not eligible for permit coverage. Discharges that are neither
covered by this permit nor the sVGP, and are not exempt from section 402 of the Clean Water
Act, must be covered under a separate individual or general permit.

The discharges that were selected for coverage under the permit have been identified by
EPA, in consultation with other Federal agencies, as discharges incidental to the normal
operation of a vessel. EPA has relied on the most accurate and up-to-date information available.
Sources used include those in the bibliography of this fact sheet and in the docket for this permit.

The following list identifies and describes each effluent stream eligible for coverage
under the permit. Deck Washdown and Runoff and Above Water Line Hull Cleaning

Deck washdown and runoff occurs from all vessels as a result of precipitation or deck
cleaning. Above water line hull cleaning discharges occur when areas of the hull or other exterior
portions of the vessel undergo regular cleaning. The constituents can include detergent, soap, and
residues from any on-deck or above water line hull cleaning activity. Constituents and volumes
of deck runoff vary widely and are highly dependent on a vessel’s purpose, service, and
practices. Deck runoff and above water line hull cleaning discharges eligible for coverage under

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the permit include those from all deck and bulkhead areas, associated equipment, and areas of
the hull and exterior of the vessel above the water line. Bilgewater

Bilgewater consists of water and other residue that accumulates in a compartment of the
vessel’s hull. The source of bilgewater is typically drainage from interior machinery, engine
rooms, and from deck drainage. Constituents of bilgewater include seawater, oil, grease, volatile
and semi-volatile organic compounds, inorganic salts, and metals. Ballast Water

Ballast water is water taken on-board into ballast water tanks, and assists with vessel
draft, buoyancy, and stability. Ballast water tanks are typically found only on commercial
vessels. Discharge volumes and rates vary by vessel type, ballast tank capacity, and type of
deballasting equipment. Typical cruise ships have a ballast capacity of 1,000 cubic meters
(approximately 264,000 gallons) of water and can discharge at 250-300 cubic meters per hour.
Cargo ships carry anywhere from 2,900 cubic meters (approximately 766,000 gallons) to 93,000
cubic meters (approximately 24,568,000 gallons) of water. Ballast water may contain rust
inhibitors, flocculent compounds, epoxy coating materials, zinc or aluminum (from anodes),
iron, nickel, copper, bronze, silver, and other material or sediment from inside the tank, pipes, or
other machinery. Ballast water may also contain marine organisms that originate where the water
is collected. When transported to non-native waters, these organisms may upset the environment
or food web as “invasive species.” Anti-Fouling Leachate from Anti-Fouling Hull Coatings

Vessel hulls are often coated with antifouling compounds to prevent or inhibit the
attachment and growth of aquatic life. Coatings are formulated for different conditions and
purposes and many contain biocides. Those that contain biocides prevent the attachment of
aquatic organisms to the hull by continuously leaching substances that are toxic to aquatic life
into the surrounding water. While a variety of different ingredients may be used in these
compounds, the most commonly used is copper. Copper can inhibit photosynthesis in plants and
interfere with enzyme function in both plants and animals in concentrations as low as 4 µg/l.
Additional releases of these substances are caused by hull cleaning activities, particularly if hulls
are cleaned within the first 90 days following application.

A second metal-based biocide is organotin based, typically tributyltin (TBT), which was
historically applied to vessel hulls. Due to its acute toxicity, there will be a zero discharge
standard for TBT or any other organotin compound under this permit (EPA notes that the
discharge of TBT is also prohibited by other domestic statutes and an international treaty, see
additional discussion in section 4.4.4 for additional discussion). TBT and other organotins cause
deformities in aquatic life, including deformities that disrupt or prevent reproduction. Numerous
studies and several peer reviewed publications (Bentivegna & Piatkowski, 1998; Haynes &
Loong, 2002; Negri et al., 2004; Negri & Heyward, 2001; Ruiz et al., 1995; V. Axiak et al.,
1995) examine the environmental impacts of anti-foulant paint leachate containing TBT. TBT
and other organotins are also stable and persistent, resisting natural degradation in water bodies.

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF)

AFFF is a synthetic firefighting agent consisting of fluorosurfactants and/or

fluoroproteins. It serves as an effective firefighting agent by forming an oxygen-excluding
barrier over an area. In order to produce AFFF, a concentrated solution of the foam forming
agent is injected into the water stream of a fire hose. Vessels equipped with AFFF equipment
must periodically (annually or semi-annually) test the equipment for maintenance, certification,
or training purposes resulting in discharge overboard or onto the deck. Boiler/Economizer Blowdown

Boiler blowdown occurs on vessels with steam propulsion or a steam generator to control
anti-corrosion and anti-scaling treatment concentrations and to remove sludge from boiler
systems. The blowdown involves releasing a volume of 1% – 10% of water from the boiler
system, usually below the waterline. Cathodic Protection

Vessels use cathodic protection systems to prevent steel hull or metal structure corrosion.
The two types of cathodic protection are sacrificial anodes and impressed current cathodic
protection (ICCP). Using the first method, anodes of zinc or aluminum are “sacrificed” to the
corrosive forces of the seawater, which creates a flow of electrons to the cathode, thereby
preventing the cathode from corroding. These sacrificial metals are then released to the aquatic
environment. Using ICCP, a DC electrical current is passed through the hull such that the
electrochemical potential of the hull is sufficiently high enough to prevent corrosion. Chain Locker Effluent

Chain locker effluent is water that collects in the below-deck storage area during anchor
retrieval. A sump collects the liquids and materials that enter the chain locker and discharges it
overboard or into the bilge. Chain locker effluent can contain marine organisms and residue such
as rust, paint chips, grease, and zinc. When transported to non-native waters, these organisms
may upset the environment or food web as “invasive species.” Controllable Pitch Propeller and Thruster Hydraulic Fluid and other Oil to Sea
Interfaces including Lubrication discharges from Paddle Wheel Propulsion, Stern
Tubes, Thruster Bearings, Stabilizers, Rudder Bearings, Azimuth Thrusters, Propulsion
Pod Lubrication, and Wire Rope and Mechanical Equipment Subject to Immersion

Oil-to-sea interfaces include any mechanical or other equipment where seals or surfaces
may release small quantities of oil into the sea. Examples include controllable pitch propellers
(CPPs). CPPs are variably-pitched propeller blades used to change the speed or direction of a
vessel and are used in addition to the main propulsion system. Hydraulic oil can leak from the
CPP if the protective seals are worn or defective and large amounts may be discharged into
surrounding waters during maintenance and repair. Another example includes rudder bearings,
which allow a vessel’s rudder to turn freely and can be either grease-, oil-, or water-lubricated.
An additional example is the stern tube. The stern tube is the casing or hole through the hull of
the vessel through which the propeller shaft connects the engine of the vessel to the propeller.

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The propeller shaft and its supporting bearings require lubrication oil. Discharges can occur due
to the design of the interface or if the protective seals or bearings are not maintained and develop
leaks or if they are damaged. Yet another example would be wire ropes and cables that have
lubricated surfaces which contact the sea.

The impact of lubricant discharges (not accidental spills) to the marine ecosystem is
substantial. The majority of ocean-going ships operate with oil-lubricated stern tubes and use
lubricating oils in a large number of applications in on-deck and underwater (submerged)
machinery. The issue of oil leakage from stern tubes, once considered a part of normal
“operational consumption” of oil, has become an issue of wide concern and is now being treated
as oil pollution. Stern tube leakage is a significant source of lubricant oil inputs to the marine
environment. A 2001 study commissioned by the European Commission DG Joint Research
Centre (Pavlakis et al., 2001) concluded that routine unauthorized operational discharges of oil
from ships into the Mediterranean Sea created more pollution than accidental spills.

An analysis of data on oil consumption sourced from a lubricant supplier indicated a

range of average daily stern tube lubricant consumption rates for different vessels (Etkin, 2010).
The average rate across vessel types was 2.6 liters per day, but ranged from less than 1 liter per
day to 20 liters per day. In addition to spills and stern tube leakage, there are “operational inputs”
of lubricant oils that occur due to continuous low-level discharges and leakages that occur during
normal vessel operations in port. The sources of operational discharges include deck machinery
and in-water (submerged) machinery. There are a number of systems situated below the
waterline which must be lubricated, such as the stern tube bearing, thruster gearboxes, and
horizontal stabilizers. All of these have pressurized lubricating oil mechanisms that maintain a
pressure higher than the surrounding sea. This ensures that no significant amount of seawater can
enter the oil system, where it would compromise the unit’s reliability. Any leakage of lubricant
oil which does take place will be into the surrounding waters.

Etkin (2010) estimated the marine inputs of lubricant oils within the 4,708 ports and
harbors of the world through stern tube leakage and operational discharges from marine
shipping. Her results indicate that commercial vessels make over 1.7 million vessel port visits
each year, and leak 4.6 to 28.6 million liters of lubricating oil from stern tubes. In addition,
32.3 million liters of oil enters marine waters from other operational discharges and leaks. In
total, operational discharges (including stern tube leakage) add between 36.9 million liters and
61 million liters of lubricating oil into marine port waters annually. Distillation and Reverse Osmosis Brine

Discharges of brine can occur from on-board plants that distill seawater or utilize reverse
osmosis (RO) to generate fresh water. Distillation effluent may be at elevated temperatures and
may contain anti-scaling treatment, acidic cleaning compounds, or metals. RO effluent is
concentrated brine. Elevator Pit Effluent

Large vessels with multiple decks are equipped with elevators to facilitate the
transportation of maintenance equipment, people, and cargo between decks. A pit at the bottom

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet

of the elevator shaft collects liquids and debris from elevator operations, and may include oil and
hydraulic fluid. Pits can be emptied by gravity draining, discharged using the firemain,
transferred to bilge, or containerized for onshore disposal. Firemain Systems

Firemain systems draw in water through the sea chest to supply water for fire hose
stations, sprinkler systems, or AFFF distribution stations. Firemain stations can be pressurized or
non-pressurized and are often used for secondary purposes onboard vessels (e.g., deck and
equipment washdowns, machinery cooling water, ballast tank filling). However, when used for
secondary purposes that result in other incidental discharges listed in the permit, that discharge is
regulated by the relevant effluent limitation associated with that activity (e.g., rinsing off the
anchor chain). Freshwater Layup

Seawater cooling systems condense low pressure steam from propulsion plant or
generator turbines on some vessels. When a vessel is pierside or in port for more than a few days,
the main steam plant is shut down and the condensers do not circulate. This can cause an
accumulation of biological growth within the system; consequently, a freshwater layup is
carried-out by replacing the seawater in the system with potable or surrounding freshwater (e.g.,
lake water). The freshwater remains stagnant for two hours before being blown overboard using
pressurized air. After this, the condensers are considered flushed and are then refilled for the
actual layup. After 21 days this fillwater is discharged and replaced and this is done on a 30-day
cycle thereafter. Freshwater layup discharges residual saltwater, freshwater, tap water, and
metals leached from the pipes or machinery into the environment. Gas Turbine Water Wash

Gas turbines are used for propulsion and electricity generation. Occasionally, they must
be cleaned to remove by-products that can accumulate and affect their operation. These by-
products include salts, lubricants, and combustion residuals. The wastewater from the cleaning
process may include cleaning compounds as well. Graywater

Graywater is water from showers, baths, sinks, and laundry facilities. Graywater can
contain high levels of pathogens, nutrients, soaps and detergents, and organics. Untreated
graywater is much more likely to cause environmental impact when it is generated in large
volumes (e.g., from cruise ships). Some vessels have the capacity to collect and store graywater
for later treatment and discharge. Those that do not have graywater holding capacity
continuously discharge it to receiving waters.

It is important to note that there is a small category of graywater discharges that are not
subject to the CWA’s NPDES permitting requirement and thus are not covered by today’s
permit. As discussed in section below, discharges of sewage from vessels are not subject
to the CWA’s NPDES permitting requirements, and are thus are not addressed by the VGP. 33
U.S.C. 1322(a)(6); 33 U.S.C. 1362(6). Instead, these discharges are regulated under a separate

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regulatory scheme: section 312 of the Clean Water Act. Under Clean Water Act section 312, the
definition of “sewage” includes graywater discharges from “commercial vessels” (as defined at
33 U.S.C. 1322(a)(10)) on the Great Lakes. Thus, graywater discharges from such vessels are
regulated under section 312 of the Clean Water Act, not this permit. 33 U.S.C. 1322(a)(6). Motor Gasoline and Compensating Discharge

Motor gasoline is transported on vessels to operate vehicles and other machinery. As the
fuel is used, ambient water is added to the fuel tanks to replace the weight. This ambient water is
discharged when the vessel refills the tanks with gasoline or when performing maintenance and
can contain residual oils. Most vessels are designed not to have motor gasoline and
compensating discharge. Non-Oily Machinery Wastewater

Non-oily machinery wastewater systems are intended to keep wastewater from machinery
that contains no oil separate from wastewater that has oil content. Vessels can have numerous
sources of non-oily machinery wastewater, including distilling plants start-up discharge, chilled
water condensate drains, fresh and saltwater pump drains, potable water tank overflows, and
leaks from propulsion shaft seals. Refrigeration and Air Condensate Discharge

Condensation from cold refrigeration or evaporator coils of air conditioning systems

drips from the coils and collects in drip troughs which typically channel to a drainage system.
Condensate discharge may contain detergents, seawater, food residue, and trace metals. Seawater Cooling Overboard Discharge (Including Non-Contact Engine Cooling

Water, Hydraulic System Cooling Water, Refrigeration Cooling Water)

Seawater cooling systems use ambient water to absorb the heat from heat exchangers,
propulsion systems, and mechanical auxiliary systems. The water is typically circulated through
an enclosed system that does not come in direct contact with machinery, but still may contain
sediment from water intake, traces of hydraulic or lubricating oils, and trace metals leached or
eroded from the pipes within the system. Additionally, because it is used for cooling, the effluent
will have an increased temperature. Seawater Piping Biofouling Prevention

Vessels that utilize seawater cooling systems introduce anti-fouling compounds (e.g.,
sodium hypochlorite) in their interior piping and component surfaces to inhibit the growth of
fouling organisms. These anti-fouling compounds are then typically discharged overboard. Boat Engine Wet Exhaust

Large vessels covered by the permit often have several small boats on-board. Small boat
engines use ambient water that is injected into the exhaust for cooling and noise reduction
purposes. This wet engine exhaust can contain numerous pollutants when discharged.

Page 29 of 198
Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet Sonar Dome Discharge

Water is used to maintain the shape and pressure of domes that house sonar detection,
navigation, and ranging equipment. Discharges occur when the water must be drained for
maintenance or repair or from the exterior of the sonar dome. Underwater Ship Husbandry and Hull Fouling Discharges

Underwater ship husbandry is grooming, maintenance, and repair activities of hulls or

hull appendages completed while the vessel is located in the water, including hull cleaning (such
as removal of fouling organisms), hull repair, fiberglass repair, welding, sonar dome repair, non-
destructive testing, masker belt repairs, and painting operations. Underwater ship husbandry
discharges are considered incidental to the normal operation of a vessel when ships are
maintained in proper operating order and the cleaning is done on a reasonable schedule. For
drydock and other large cleaning activities, once every few years may be considered a reasonable
schedule. Welldeck Discharges

The welldeck is a floodable platform used for launching or loading small satellite vessels,
vehicles, and cargo. Welldeck discharges may include water from precipitation, welldeck and
storage area washdowns, equipment and engine washdowns, and leaks and spills from stored
machinery. Graywater Mixed with Sewage from Vessels

Depending on how the vessel is designed, graywater and sewage may be combined into
one effluent stream. Discharges of graywater that contain sewage are eligible for coverage under
this permit (except for commercial vessels in the Great Lakes as discussed above) and must meet
the discharge limitation requirements under Part 2, as well as any requirements applicable to
sewage discharges (i.e., 33 U.S.C. §§ 1322(a)-(m) and the implementing regulations at 40 CFR
Part 140 and 33 CFR Part 159), although these are not contained in this permit. Exhaust Gas Scrubber Washwater Discharge

Exhaust gas scrubber washwater discharge (EGS washwater discharge) occurs as a result
of operating or cleaning the exhaust gas cleaning systems (e.g. scrubbers) for marine diesel
engines. After the washing solution is returned from the scrubber, the washwater can be either
treated and discharged overboard, or alternatively, it can be piped to a clean bilge water tank or
other suitable holding tanks. While many of the captured contaminants (sludge) are transferred to
the vessel’s sludge tank, the constituents of EGS washwater discharge can include residues of
nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions captured by
the scrubbers. EGS washwater discharge can also contain traces of oil, polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs), heavy metals and nitrogen. Depending on the geographic location of the
EGS washwater discharge, the pH level and turbidity of the receiving water may be altered.

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet Fish Hold Effluent

Fish hold effluent is composed of seawater, ice-melt, or ice slurry collected inside fish
hold tanks. Fish hold effluent contains pollutants which result from seafood catch and other on-
board vessel sources. These pollutants can include biological wastes, metals, nutrients, and
wastewater resulting from fish hold cleaning activities. For vessels with refrigerated seawater
tanks, fish are typically extracted using a vacuum system that removes both the fish and
refrigerated seawater simultaneously. Any excess refrigerated seawater that is not required to
assist in fish extraction is typically pumped overboard. Vessels that use chipped or slurry ice
generally remove the seafood and then discharge the spent ice overboard. Tanks used to keep
lobster and crab catch alive pump surrounding water into the tank constantly to maintain the
highest water quality possible. The flow rate through these systems results in a nearly continuous
discharge of fish hold effluent.

Fish holds are also often cleaned or disinfected by vessel crews between catches. To rinse
the tank, vessel crews use either municipal water from the pier or dock or they pump water from
the surrounding ambient water. Cleaning may simply involve rinsing the tanks with this water or
a thorough scrub down with the addition of detergents or disinfectants to maximize the removal
of organic material. As a result, the effluent from fish hold cleaning contains a combination of
residual fish hold water and ambient or municipal water and often contains soaps or detergents.
For more information discussing fish hold effluent, including information regarding specific
constituents contained within that discharge, please see EPA’s 2010 vessels report to Congress
available at (US EPA, 2010a) and in the docket for today’s permit.

3.5.2 Discharge Types Specifically Not Authorized By This Permit

EPA has identified several discharge types that would not be authorized by this permit
because, among other things, the discharge is not within the scope of the current 40 CFR
122.3(a) exclusion or not within the scope of EPA’s NPDES permitting authority. Discharges Not Subject to Former NPDES Permit Exclusion Including Vessels Being
Operated in a Capacity Other than as a Means of Transportation

Any discharge that was not subject to the former regulatory exclusion as of December 18,
2008, would not be authorized under the current permit. The date of December 18, 2008 is the
day before the date of the vacatur of the regulatory exclusion.

The regulatory exclusion did not apply when the vessel is operating in a capacity other
than as a means of transportation, and therefore, discharges from such vessels continue to be
ineligible for coverage under this permit. Vessels that are not being operated in the capacity of a
means of transportation include vessels being used as energy or mining facilities, storage
facilities, seafood processing facilities, or vessels that are secured to a storage facility or a
seafood processing facility, or when secured to the bed of the ocean, contiguous zone, or water
of the United States for the purpose of mineral or oil exploration or development. Similarly,
vessels, when in drydock, also do not operate in a capacity as a means of transportation. Vessels
that operate in a capacity other than as a means of transportation generally have not been
excluded from NPDES permitting under 40 CFR Part 122.3(a).

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“Floating” craft that are permanently moored to their piers, such as “floating” casinos,
hotels, restaurants, bars, etc. are not covered by the current vessel exclusion and thus would not
be covered by the vessel permit. These structures are outside the scope of the 40 CFR Part
122.3(a) exclusion because they operate “in a capacity other than as a means of transportation.”
They are best characterized as casinos, hotels, restaurants, bars, etc. that happen to be located on
water instead of land, much like, for example, the water-based storage facilities mentioned in
122.3(a) as being outside the scope of the exclusion.

With respect to vessels under construction, when the vessel is engaged in sea trials which
result in operational discharges, because testing is a critical part of vessel operation, such
discharges would be incidental to the normal operation of a vessel, and thus eligible for coverage
under this VGP. However, any discharges resulting from construction activities are not covered
by the VGP as they are incidental to vessel construction, not vessel operation. With respect to
vessels engaged in dredging operations, the resulting discharges of dredged or fill material
generated by their dredging activity is covered by a CWA § 404 permit or MPRSA ocean
dumping permit, and such discharges are excluded from CWA § 402 permitting. The incidental
discharges (e.g., graywater, bilgewater) coming from the dredging vessels themselves are
eligible for coverage under this permit (because they move as they dredge and thus are still
operating as a means of transportation). Sewage from Vessels

The definition of “pollutant” in the Clean Water Act 502(6)(A) specifically excludes
“‘sewage from vessels’ within the meaning of [Section 312 of the Clean Water Act].” These
discharges are instead regulated under section 312 of the CWA. Used or Spent Oil

The discharge of used or spent oil no longer being used for its intended purpose is not
eligible for coverage under the permit. Also prohibited is the discharge of used or spent oil by
adding it to a discharge stream that is otherwise eligible for coverage under the permit.

Discharges of small amounts of oil incidental to the normal operation of a vessel are
permissible provided appropriate effluent limits are met, including that oil is not discharged in
quantities that may be harmful, pursuant to 40 CFR Part 110.3. See the discussion of limitations
for specific waste streams in Part 4 of this fact sheet below. Rubbish, Trash, Garbage or Other Materials Discharged Overboard

Rubbish, trash, garbage or other materials discharged overboard are not eligible for
coverage under the permit because such materials are not subject to the 40 CFR 122.3(a)
exclusion. As stated in VGP Part, “garbage” includes bulk dry cargo residues, as defined
by USCG regulations (33 CFR Part 151, Subpart A (see 73 Fed. Reg. 56492 (September 29,
2008)) and agricultural cargo residues (e.g., residue from agricultural cargo carried in bulk, such
as corn, wheat, rice, soybeans, and grains (see H. Rept. 107-777 at pg 90 (November 13, 2002)),
Thus discharges of such residues are outside the scope of this permit.

Page 32 of 198
Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet Photo Processing Waste

Photo processing waste includes a wide variety of compounds, such as ammonia, sulfuric
acid, and silver. It is not eligible for coverage under the permit; it is generated in small quantities
and can be held for proper disposal onshore. Effluent from Dry Cleaning Operations

Tetrachloroethylene, also known as perchloroethylene, or PERC, is a highly toxic

substance primarily used by the dry cleaning industry. When humans are exposed to
tetrachloroethylene it can cause dizziness, headache, nausea, nervous system problems,
unconsciousness, and death. It is a probable human carcinogen. Tetrachloroethylene is toxic at
low levels and can contaminate soil and water. Tetrachloroethylene discharges associated with
dry-cleaning activities on vessels are not eligible for coverage under the permit because they are
not incidental to the normal operation of a vessel. Discharges of Medical Waste and Related Materials

The discharge of medical waste as defined in 33 U.S.C. 1362(20), spent or unused

pharmaceuticals, formaldehyde or other biohazards no longer being used for their intended
purposes are not eligible for coverage under this permit. EPA considers these discharges as not
being subject to the NPDES permit exclusion. For purposes of this permit, the liquid produced
by dialysis treatment of humans is not deemed to be “medical waste,” and, like other human
body waste (i.e., sewage), is exempt from NPDES permitting under 33 U.S.C. 1362(6). Like
other sewage, this liquid is regulated, however, under VGP Part 2.2.25 if added to a blackwater
system combined with a graywater system and is otherwise subject to the requirements of 33
U.S.C 1322 and its implementing regulations. The direct overboard discharge of such liquid
without treatment is not authorized by the VGP. Discharges of Noxious Liquid Substance (NLS) Residues

The permit does not authorize the discharges of noxious liquid substance (NLS) residues
subject to 33 CFR Part 151, Subpart A, or 46 CFR 153.1102. Under 46 CFR 153.1102,
discharges of NLS residues are either prohibited or, if allowable, may only take place at sea at
least 12 nautical miles from the nearest shore. In light of this, the permit does not authorize such
discharges within waters subject to the permit (i.e., inland waters and the waters of the 3 mile
territorial sea). The relevant Coast Guard definition of the term “noxious liquid substance” (see
46 CFR 153.2) is set out in the definition section of the permit. Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene) and Trichloroethylene (TCE) Degreasers or

Other Products Containing Tetrachloroethylene and Trichloroethylene

Any degreasers containing tetrachloroethylene or trichloroethylene (TCE) are not

authorized for discharge into waters subject to this permit. Both tetrachloroethylene and
trichloroethylene are considered probably carcinogenic to humans and both are priority
pollutants. In developing the 2008 VGP, EPA compared the cost of tetrachloroethylene or TCE

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degreasers to products not containing tetrachloroethylene or TCE and determined that other
viable products are available and use of those products is economically practicable and
achievable (ABT, 2008). Alternatives to trichloroethylene degreasing products include alkaline
aqueous solutions and semi-aqueous solutions. Discharges Currently or Previously Covered by Another NPDES Permit

Any vessel discharge that is currently or has previously been covered by either an
individual NPDES permit or another general NPDES permit is not eligible for coverage under
the permit, without written permission from EPA. The vessel general permit is not intended to
supplant or replace any current or previous NPDES permit.


Part 1.4 of the permit is intended to inform the permittee of the potential consequences of
failure to comply with the conditions of the permit. Part 1.4 explains that any failure to comply
with the conditions of the permit constitutes a violation of the Clean Water Act. Also applicable
to all permittees is the standard NPDES permit condition for the “duty to comply” (see 40 CFR
122.41(a)). Where requirements and schedules for taking corrective actions are included, the
time intervals are not grace periods, but are schedules considered reasonable for making repairs
and improvements. For provisions specifying a time period to remedy noncompliance, the initial
failure, such as a violation of a numeric or non-numeric effluent limit, constitutes a violation of
the VGP and the Clean Water Act (unless specifically otherwise stipulated), and subsequent
failure to remedy such deficiencies within the specified time periods constitutes an independent,
additional violation of the permit and the CWA.

EPA notes that the U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. EPA signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) to better coordinate efforts to implement and enforce VGP requirements
for vessels. Under the MOU, the two agencies will share information, expertise, and provide
technical assistance on implementing and enforcing the VGP, which will help reduce
government redundancy and enable each agency to accomplish its missions more effectively.
Additionally, the USCG will assist with verifying compliance of the VGP for domestic and
foreign vessels. To view a copy of the MOU, please visit

A copy of the February 11, 2011 Coast Guard policy letter entitled “Guidelines for Coast
Guard Evaluations of Compliance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Vessel
General Permit (VGP) for Discharges Incidental to the Normal Operation of Vessels” can be
found in the docket for today’s permit.


3.7.1 No Requirement to Submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) for Certain Vessels

Under 40 CFR § 122.28 (b)(2)(v), some dischargers may, at the discretion of the
Director, “be authorized to discharge under a general permit without submitting a notice of intent
where the Director finds that a notice of intent requirement would be inappropriate.” In making

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such a determination, the Director must consider: the type of discharge; the expected nature of
the discharge; the potential for toxic and conventional pollutants in the discharges; the expected
volume of the discharges; other means of identifying discharges covered by the permit; and the
estimated number of discharges to be covered by the permit. Based on consideration of these
regulatory factors, EPA is exercising its discretion and not requiring operators of certain vessels
to submit NOIs: namely, those that are smaller than 300 gross tons, and do not have the capacity
to carry more than 8 cubic meters (2113 gallons) of ballast water. The reasons for this approach
are explained below:

EPA estimates that there are approximately 72,000 vessels that may be covered by the
permit. To require all these vessels to submit an NOI would be a large administrative burden. In
general, the use of NOIs for most point sources provides permitting authorities with useful
information to assist in oversight and enforcement of permittees, such as the specific location of
the facility and its discharge. However, because vessels are mobile point sources that do not
operate from a fixed location and may discharge to multiple receiving waters, the usefulness of
requiring the entire universe of point sources covered by this general permit to submit NOIs is

In order to determine which vessels would appropriately be required to submit NOIs,

EPA looked at the universe of vessels that would be covered by this permit and found a logical
break between larger and smaller vessels, based on the types of discharges from these vessels,
the variety of discharges containing conventional and toxic pollutants, and the volume and nature
of those discharges. The volume of the discharges incidental to the normal operation of the
vessel is expected to vary proportionately to the size of the vessel. Larger vessels will each
individually have a greater volume of discharge and are more likely to have greater volume of
discharges of concern (i.e., graywater and anti-foulant leachate). The expected volume of
discharges for large vessels is significant for each individual vessel. For instance, a container
ship can discharge thousands of cubic meters (millions of gallons) of ballast water; pounds of
anti-foulant leachate, and significant quantities of bilgewater. Cruise ships have the potential to
discharge large volumes of graywater due to the sizeable on-board ship populations, in addition
to other discharges typical of such large vessels (for example, ballast water, bilge water, etc.).
Therefore, larger vessels are far more likely to discharge larger quantities of toxic and
conventional pollutants than smaller vessels due to a number of factors including the range of
constituents in the discharge. EPA expects that smaller commercial vessels will have a smaller
range of discharge types than larger commercial vessels. Some of the typical discharges eligible
for coverage under the permit are nearly ubiquitous for most vessels, including deck runoff, bilge
water, and leachate from anti-foulant hull coatings. However, larger commercial vessels have a
greater range of discharges which will be of greater volume. Thus, the limited range of discharge
types from smaller vessels and the reduced likelihood for the introduction of significant
quantities of toxic and conventional pollutants make requiring an NOI for these vessels to be of
little value at this time. In addition, EPA has access to other sources of data available for
identifying discharges from vessels covered by the permit, including state registration
information, MARAD vessel calls, U.S. Coast Guard registration and customs records, and data
from the National Ballast Water Information Clearinghouse (NBIC). From these sources, EPA
can obtain information from which we can deduce the nature of ship and boat discharges from
these smaller vessels.

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Based on the analysis outlined above, EPA has determined that it would be inappropriate
to require smaller commercial vessels to provide information about their discharges through
submission of an NOI. The cutoff for submission of an NOI of 300 or more gross tons is
consistent with U.S. Coast Guard requirements, including those for environmental pollution
control (33 CFR 155.320), Automatic Identification System (AIS) carriage requirements (33
CFR 164.46), port security requirements, fuel oil and bulk lubricating oil discharge containment
requirements (33 CFR 155.320), and requirements for radar observers and chief engineers (33
CFR 15.820 and 33 CFR 15.820).

The criterion of vessels equipped to hold or discharge more than 8 cubic meters of ballast
water was established for two reasons. First, as of this time, there is not a method by which EPA
can predict invasions from any vessel source. However, the greater the number of viable
organisms released into the receiving water, the greater the propagule pressure, which increases
the risk for a successful invasion by an aquatic nuisance species. The volume of water discharged
likely correlates to the number of organisms discharged; hence, lower volumes of water should
contain fewer potential organisms which can successfully establish themselves. A vessel that
carries and discharges 2,500 cubic meters of ballast water poses a greater risk to receiving waters
than the vessel that carries 5 cubic meters. Therefore, the greater the volume of ballast water
discharge, the greater the likelihood of creating enough propagule pressure to result in an
enhanced risk of the spread of aquatic nuisance species. Secondly, the 8 cubic meter threshold is
generally consistent with provisions in the recent International Convention for the Control and
Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (2004) providing for “equivalent
compliance” for certain vessels in lieu of compliance with all provisions of the treaty. Hence,
this is a recognized standard among mariners.

Based on the analysis outlined above, EPA has determined that smaller vessels eligible
for coverage under the VGP need not submit an NOI. However, these owner/operators must still
complete the VGP Permit Authorization and Record of Inspection (PARI) form (discussed
below) and maintain that form on board at all times. EPA is including the PARI form because we
believe it is an efficient way for the owner/operator to certify that they have read and agreed to
comply with the terms of the permit, and demonstrate basic understanding of the permit’s terms
and conditions. In addition, the form will provide EPA (or its authorized representative) with a
standardized foundation for conducting inspections. Based upon EPA’s experience in
implementing the 2008 VGP, EPA found that many smaller vessel owner/operators were
confused about their obligations under the VGP because they were not required to submit the
NOI form. Some of these vessel owner/operators erroneously believed that they were not subject
to the VGP terms and conditions, and furthermore thought that they did not need to obtain
alternative NPDES permit coverage. Hence, the purpose of this form is to reduce confusion
within the industry and to confirm that these vessel owner/operators have read the terms of the
VGP and understand their obligation to comply.

3.7.2 How to Obtain Authorization (Part 1.5.1)

To obtain authorization under the permit, operators must meet the Part 1.2 eligibility
requirements and, if required by Part of the permit, submit a complete and accurate NOI
according to the requirements in Appendix E (Part 10 in the Permit), no later than the permit
effective date.

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Part describes which operators of a vessel are required to submit an NOI, and
Table 1 sets out the timeframes within which an NOI must be submitted. An operator is required
to submit an NOI for its vessel if the vessel meets either of the following two criteria:

• The vessel is greater than or equal to 300 gross tons, or

• The vessel has the capacity to hold or discharge more than 8 cubic meters (2113
gallons) of ballast water. Owner/Operators Required to Submit NOIs (Part

Owner/operators required to submit an NOI for their vessel must submit an NOI in
accordance with Table 1 of the permit. When completing the NOI form, the owner/operator is
asked to select which discharge types the vessel is likely to produce. All discharges covered by
the permit will be covered for the vessel, even if the owner/operator does not select all
discharges. The form will allow EPA to better understand which vessel types typically produce
which discharges, but will not limit permit coverage for the vessel owner/operator as long as the
vessel is in compliance with the permit requirements. Table 1 specifies applicable deadlines for
different categories of operators to submit NOIs. All NOIs will be made available for public
review through posting on the internet. EPA may request that the owner/operator seek coverage
under Part 1.8 of the permit (Alternative Permits) if appropriate.

When the ownership or operation of a vessel that is already covered under this permit is
transferred, the new owner/operator must submit to EPA an NOI for the vessel by the date of
transfer. The new NOI then becomes effective on the date the transfer takes place, or on the date
EPA receives the NOI, whichever is later.

For new vessels delivered to the owner/operator after December 19, 2013, the deadline
for submission of an electronic NOI is no later than 7 days before the vessel will discharge into
waters subject to this permit. The discharge authorization date for these vessels is 7 days after the
complete electronic NOI is received by EPA.

For existing vessels delivered to the owner/operator after December 19, 2013, that were
not previously covered under this permit, the deadline for submission of an electronic NOI is no
later than 7 days before the vessel will discharge into waters subject to this permit. Except as
noted in the following paragraph, the discharge authorization date for these vessels is 7 days after
the complete electronic NOI is received by EPA and 30 days after a complete paper NOI is
received and processed by EPA. NOI processing means that a complete electronic NOI has been
submitted and successfully certified by the permittee, or in the case of a Paper NOI, that EPA has
received your NOI and input the information into its electronic system. Submitting paper NOIs
may result in processing delays dependent upon volume received. Permittees will be able to
know when their electronic and paper NOIs are processed by looking at EPA’s online NOI
search tool accessible from EPA’s NPDES Vessels homepage at: In addition, NOIs submitted for transfer of ownership and/or
operation of a vessel whose discharge is previously authorized under the permit are authorized
immediately upon commencement of transfer provided a complete and accurate NOI is
submitted and processed prior to that transfer.

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Prior to EPA authorizing coverage, based on a review of an NOI or other information,

EPA may delay the discharge authorization date for further review, or may deny coverage under
the permit and require submission of an application for an individual NPDES permit, as detailed
in Part 1.8 of the permit. In these instances, EPA will notify the NOI submitter in writing of the
delay or the request for submission of an individual NPDES permit application. If EPA requires
an individual permit for an existing vessel previously covered by this general permit, EPA will
allow the permittee a reasonable amount of time to obtain individual permit coverage before their
general permit coverage terminates.

Part 1.5 and 4.2 4 of the permit requires that all vessel owner/operators must keep records
of their NOIs or PARIs on board their vessels. As with other records kept for purposes of the
VGP, electronic records meeting the requirements under Part 4.2.1 of the permit meet this

Based on a review of the NOI or other information, EPA may delay the authorization of
the owner/operator’s discharge or may deny coverage under the permit and require submission of
an application for an individual NPDES permit, as detailed in Part 3.10.1. EPA will notify the
owner/operator in writing of any such delay or the request for submission of an individual
NPDES permit application. For existing vessels covered under this general permit at the time it is
issued, EPA will allow a reasonable time period to obtain alternate permit coverage before
coverage under this permit is terminated. Owner/Operators Not Required to Submit NOIs (Part

An operator of a vessel is not required to submit an NOI pursuant to Part of the
permit if the vessel is less than 300 tons and does not have the capacity to hold or discharge more
than 8 cubic meters of ballast water.

As a requirement of this permit, vessel owner/operators that are not required to submit
NOIs must complete the VGP PARI Form contained in Appendix K of the permit. The PARI
form must be signed and maintained on board the vessel for the entire permit term. EPA
emphasizes that these owner/operators would still be subject to all applicable requirements
contained within the permit even if they fail to complete and retain the form.

A certification statement is included in the VGP PARI that is required under this permit.
This form and certification must be printed, signed and kept on the vessel while under permit

When implementing the 2008 VGP, EPA found that not requiring smaller vessels to
submit an NOI created confusion for some smaller vessel owner/operators about their obligations
under the 2008 VGP. The PARI form requires that a vessel owner operator state he or she has
read the terms of the VGP and agrees to comply with the terms of the permit. Furthermore, the
PARI serves as a record for any inspector that the smaller vessel owner/operator has read, and
agreed to abide by the terms of the VGP. EPA specifically seeks comments on the inclusion of
this new requirement.

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If an owner/operator not required to submit an NOI wishes EPA to consider alternative

permit requirements for the vessel, he or she must apply to EPA for a substitute permit
applicable to his or her vessel as required by Part 1.8 of the permit within 90 days (Alternative

3.7.3 Continuation of the Permit (Part 1.5.2)

If the permit is not reissued or replaced prior to its expiration date, existing dischargers
will continue to be covered under an administrative continuance, in accordance with section
558(c) of the APA and 40 CFR 122.6. The current permit will remain in effect for discharges
that were covered prior to expiration until EPA acts on a permit renewal. If coverage is provided
to a permittee prior to the expiration date of the permit, the permittee would automatically be
covered by the permit until the earliest of: (1) the authorization for coverage under a reissuance
or replacement of the permit, following timely and appropriate submittal of a complete NOI, if
required; (2) submittal of a Notice of Termination; (3) issuance of a new general permit that
covers your vessel discharges or vessel type and provides you coverage without requiring you to
submit an NOI to obtain coverage; (4) issuance or denial of an individual permit for the
permittee’s discharges; or (5) formal permit decision by EPA not to reissue the general permit, at
which time EPA will identify a reasonable time period for covered dischargers to seek coverage
under an alternative general permit or an individual permit.

EPA has followed this approach in order to extend coverage for these permittees under a
permit vehicle until re-issuance of the permit or coverage under some other permit. For more
information, see 40 CFR 122.6. EPA does not have the authority to provide coverage to “new”
vessels seeking coverage under an expired permit (i.e., vessels that were not covered under the
permit prior to expiration).


3.8.1 Submitting a Notice of Termination (NOT) (Part

Part 1.6.1 of the permit encourages those permittees that are required to submit NOIs to
use the eNOI system to file NOTs. If a permittee who is required to submit an NOI wishes to
terminate coverage under the permit, he/she must submit a NOT in accordance with Appendix F.
The permittee’s authorization to discharge under the permit terminates at 11:59 pm on the day
that a complete NOT is processed and posted on EPA’s website
( However, the NOT is invalid and the permittee must
continue to comply with the permit if none of the conditions identified in Part are met.
The permittee has a continuing responsibility for the discharges from its vessel until the NOT is
submitted and processed by EPA. See below for a more detailed discussion of Part 1.6.2.

3.8.2 When to Submit a Notice of Termination (Part and Part 1.6.2) Terminating Coverage for Vessels Required to Submit an NOI

If a permittee was required to submit an NOI, and subsequently meets one of the
conditions identified in Part, he/she must submit an NOT, preferably to the eNOI system.
An NOT is required to be submitted within 30 days after one or more of the following conditions

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has been met: (1) a new owner or operator has assumed responsibility for the vessel; (2)
operation of the vessel has permanently ceased in waters subject to this permit and there are no
longer vessel discharges; or (3) permit coverage has been obtained under an individual or
alternative general permit for all discharges requiring NPDES permit coverage, unless the
permittee is directed by EPA to obtain this coverage. EPA uses the term ‘permanently ceased’ in
this context to mean that the vessel owner/operator does not intend to resume operations in
waters subject to this permit during the permit term. A vessel owner is not required to submit an
NOT every time the vessel leaves waters subject to this permit if the vessel may return to waters
subject to this permit during the permit term. This allows a vessel to maintain coverage under the
permit, as long as the permit’s terms and conditions continue to be met when the vessel is
operating in waters subject to this permit.

The permittee’s authorization to discharge under the permit terminates at 11:59 pm on the
day that a complete NOT is posted on EPA’s website ( The
permittee has a continuing obligation to comply with all permit conditions until a compliant
NOT is submitted to and processed by EPA and posted on EPA’s website. Terminating Coverage for Vessels Not Required to Submit an NOI

If a vessel owner/operator is not required to submit an NOI, the vessel’s permit coverage
is automatically terminated if: (1) a new owner or operator has assumed responsibility for the
vessel; (2) operation of the vessel has permanently ceased in waters subject to this permit and
there are no longer vessel discharges; or (3) permit coverage has been obtained under an
individual or alternative general permit for all discharges requiring NPDES permit coverage.


Today’s permit contains a requirement that any person signing the NOI, NOT, the VGP
PARI Form, and any reports (including any monitoring data) submitted to EPA, in accordance
with the permit must include the certification statement available in Part 1.7. This certification
statement includes an additional sentence that, prior to the VGP issued in December 2008, had
not been included in previous EPA issued NPDES general permits. The sentence reads: “I have
no personal knowledge that the information submitted is other than true, accurate, and
complete.” EPA believes this additional certification language is necessitated by the decision in
U.S. v. Robison, 505 F.3d 1208 (11th Cir. 2007). In Robison, the Court of Appeals struck down
the defendant's conviction for a false statement on the grounds that the certification language did
not require him to have personal knowledge regarding the truth or falsity of the information
submitted to EPA. Rather, the court reasoned that EPA's certification required the defendant to
certify, in part, that he made an inquiry of the persons who prepared and submitted the
information and based on that inquiry, the information was accurate to the best of his knowledge.
The court further reasoned that there is no requirement in the certification that the person attest to
his personal knowledge regarding the information submitted. The government had argued at trial
that the defendant had personal knowledge that the facility had committed violations. As a result,
EPA feels it is necessary to include language which clarifies that the signatory is certifying that
he or she has no personal knowledge that the information submitted is other than true, accurate,
and complete.

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3.10.1 EPA Requiring Coverage Under an Alternative Permit (Part 1.8.1)

Pursuant to 40 CFR 122.28(b)(3), EPA may require a discharger to apply for and obtain
an individual permit instead of obtaining coverage under the general permit. These regulations
also provide that any interested party may petition EPA to take such an action. The issuance of
an individual permit will be in accordance with 40 CFR Part 124 and provide for public
comment and appeal of any final permit decision. The circumstances in which such an action
would be taken are set forth at 40 CFR 122.28(b)(3).

3.10.2 Permittee Requesting Coverage Under an Alternative Permit (Part 1.8.2)

After issuance of the permit, the permittee may request to be excluded from such
coverage by applying for an individual permit. In such a case, the permittee must submit an
individual permit application, no later than 90 days after the date of publication of final permit in
the Federal Register, in accordance with 40 CFR 122.28(b)(3)(iii), along with a statement of
reasons supporting the request, to the applicable EPA Regional Office listed in Part 7 of this
permit. The request may be granted by issuance of an individual permit or authorization of
coverage under an alternative general permit if the reasons are adequate to support the request.
Under this scenario, if an individual permit is issued, or authorization to discharge under an
alternative NPDES permit is granted, your authorization to discharge under this permit is
automatically terminated under 40 CFR 122.28(b)(3)(iv) on the effective date of the individual
permit or the date of authorization of coverage under the alternative general permit.


This permit contains a reopener clause allowing the permit to be re-opened and modified
during the term of the permit, consistent with the Federal regulations at 40 CFR sections 122.62,
122.63, 122.64, and 124.5. Among other things, under 40 CFR 122.62 permit modification may
be necessary if new information, not available at the time of permit issuance, is received that
would have justified the application of different permit conditions at the time of issuance. While
EPA believes that the VGP’s technology-based ballast water implementation schedule is
appropriate, given the large number of vessels subject to the ballast water numeric effluent
limits, it is possible that a situation may arise in which treatment technology for a certain vessel,
or specified group of vessels, may not be available within the timeframe specified in part, Table 6 of the VGP, such that this information (not available at the time of permit
issuance) would have justified the imposition of a different implementation date had it been
known at the time of permit issuance. As a result, it may be appropriate on a case-by-case basis
to adjust the implementation schedule to reflect BAT, as it applies to a vessel or group of vessels.

EPA recognizes that the U.S. Coast Guard may grant an extension to the implementation
schedule contained in its final rule regulating ballast water discharges “in those cases where the
master, owner, operator, agent, or person in charge of a vessel subject to this subpart can
document that despite all efforts to meet the ballast water discharge standard requirements in
151.2030 of this subpart, compliance is not possible.” 33 CFR 151.2036. Coast Guard’s
regulations require that such extension requests be submitted no later than 12 months before the

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scheduled implementation date listed in 151.2035(b). EPA believes that this time frame will be
sufficient for EPA to evaluate and implement, as appropriate, any request for an alternate
implementation date through a permit modification, including the required public notice and
comment. EPA and the Coast Guard will work together to ensure the agencies are as consistent
as possible under their respective authorities in making their determination to grant or deny a
request for a change to an implementation date. To enhance that consistency, one of the stated
factors EPA will consider is whether the Coast Guard has received a written extension request
pursuant to 33 CFR 151.2036 and any supporting technical information in that request. An
additional factor that EPA will consider, where appropriate, in its evaluation of any such request
is the availability of a ballast water treatment system type-approved by the Coast Guard for the
vessel class of the vessel for which an extension is requested. EPA advises that where the U.S.
Coast Guard has granted or denied an extension request pursuant to 33 CFR 151.2036, that
information will be considered by EPA, but is not binding on EPA.

EPA notes that in addition to a permit modification to the VGP, an alternate mechanism
for extending the implementation date applicable to a particular vessel is to issue an individual
permit in accordance with Part 1.8 of the VGP. As provided in long-standing EPA enforcement
policy, the “compliance history” of the regulated entity is to be taken into account when
determining the appropriate response to a violation of an NPDES permit; accordingly, the
Agency may consider any good faith efforts by vessels operators to meet applicable compliance
deadlines under the VGP in any Agency response to noncompliance.

The permit reopener clause may also be an appropriate vehicle to address other types of
new information that would justify revised permit conditions. Such information could also allow
EPA to determine whether reinitation of formal consultation could be required as provided in 50
CFR §402.16. Specifically with respect to ballast water discharges, new information that will be
considered in determining whether to modify this permit includes but is not limited to data or
information from permittees, the general public, states, academia, scientific or technical articles
or studies, and results of monitoring conducted under this permit indicating that:

• Treatment technology has improved such that these improved technologies would
have justified the application of significantly more stringent effluent limitations or
other permit conditions had they been known at the time of permit issuance;
• Treatment technologies known of at the time of permit issuance perform significantly
better than understood at the time of permit issuance such that this improved
performance would have justified the application of significantly more stringent
effluent limitations or other permit conditions had this been understood at the time of
permit issuance;
• Scientific understanding of pollutant effects or of invasion biology has evolved such
that this new information would have justified the application of significantly more
stringent effluent limitations or other permit conditions had this been understood at
the time of permit issuance; or
• The cumulative effects of any discharge authorized by the VGP on the environment
are unacceptable.

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In considering whether to reopen the permit to address such new information, EPA will
consider several factors, including the remaining time before the expiration date of the 2013
VGP, and the practicability of implementing new requirements before the end of the statutorily-
mandated five-year term of the VGP in 2018.


The Ocean Discharge Criteria (40 CFR Part 125, Subpart M) establish regulations for
issuance of NPDES permits for discharges into the territorial seas, the contiguous zone and the
ocean as these terms are defined in the CWA. The permit includes coverage of vessels operating
as a means of transportation when within the territorial seas. EPA’s issuance of the permit thus is
subject to evaluation under the Ocean Discharge Criteria regulation with respect to discharges
incidental to the normal operation of such vessels into the territorial seas. For purposes of this
evaluation, the territorial seas means the belt of the seas measured from the line of ordinary low
water along that portion of the coast which is in direct contact with the open sea and the line
marking the seaward limit of inland waters, and extending seaward a distance of three miles (33
U.S.C. 1362(8)).

Under 40 CFR 125.123(a), if EPA, on the basis of available information determines prior
to permit issuance that the discharges authorized will not cause unreasonable degradation of the
marine environment, then EPA may issue an NPDES permit, which may include any conditions
specified under 124.123(d) as necessary to assure that the discharge will not cause unreasonable
degradation. The regulations at 40 CFR 125.121(e) define unreasonable degradation of the
marine environment as meaning:

1. Significant adverse changes in ecosystem diversity, productivity and stability of the

biological community within the area of discharge and surrounding biological
2. Threat to human health through direct exposure to pollutants or through consumption
of exposed aquatic organisms, or
3. Loss of aesthetic, recreational, scientific or economic values which is unreasonable in
relation to the benefit derived from the discharge.
The Ocean Discharge Criteria require that EPA consider a number of factors in
determining the degree of degradation to the marine environment. These factors include the
amount and nature of the pollutants, the potential transport of the pollutants, the character and
uses of the receiving water and its biological communities, the existence of special aquatic sites
(including parks, refuges, etc.), any applicable requirements of an approved Coastal Zone
Management plan, and potential impacts on water quality, ecological health and human health
and any other factors the Administrator deems appropriate. 40 CFR 125.122(a). In addition, the
Ocean Discharge Criteria establish a presumption that discharges in compliance with state water
quality standards will not cause unreasonable degradation with respect to the pollutants subject
to those standards. 40 CFR 125.122(b). After consideration of the Ocean Discharge Criteria,
EPA has determined that the discharges authorized by the NPDES permit into the territorial seas
in accordance with permit requirements will not cause unreasonable degradation of the receiving

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The discharges authorized by the permit are limited to those discharges incidental to the
normal operation the vessel, and except for ballast water and graywater from cruise ships,
typically will be of limited volumes. In addition, because vessels in the territorial seas are likely
to be underway as part of their voyage, any discharges incidental to their normal operation would
typically be well-mixed upon discharge before they are subject to further dispersal and transport
beyond the area of the vessel’s operation.

In the case of ballast water, the permit contains interim conditions (Part 2.2.3 of the
permit) related to exchange of ballast water and saltwater flushing of empty ballast tanks beyond
the outer limits of the territorial seas to reduce the risk of introduction of invasive species
resulting from vessel discharges to waters of the United States within the territorial seas. EPA
believes that these controls will prevent unreasonable degradation of the marine environment. In
addition, the permit establishes numeric concentration-based limits for living organisms in
ballast water and a schedule for meeting such limits, which will provide further protection for the
marine environment. With respect to graywater from cruise ships, the permit also includes (Parts
5.1 and 5.2 of the permit) additional conditions to reduce the impacts of graywater discharges to
acceptable levels. EPA believes that these provisions are necessary to prevent unreasonable
degradation of the marine environment.

In developing the permit, the Agency has taken into consideration that discharges
incidental to the normal operation of vessels that are subject to the permit have the potential to be
contaminated with oil or other potentially persistent or bioaccumulative pollutants. The permit
therefore contains a number of best management practices intended to avoid or reduce the
potential for such contamination (e.g., section 2.1). In addition, the permit requires (section
2.1.5) compliance with all federal environmental laws that establish controls on oily or
hazardous discharges, including among others, CWA section 311 (33 U.S.C. 1321), the Act to
Prevent Pollution from Ships (33 U.S.C. 190-1915), the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and
Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. 136 et seq.), and the Oil Pollution Control Act, 33 U.S.C. 2701-2761.
EPA believes that these controls are necessary to prevent unreasonable degradation of the marine

The Agency also has taken into account the biological communities and receiving waters
that would be exposed to the discharges incidental to the normal operation of vessels that will be
authorized by the permit. This consideration has necessarily been complicated by the fact that
vessels have the potential to traverse vast distances in the territorial sea while discharging. The
Agency has taken an approach of identifying potentially sensitive areas in which vessels may
operate and providing for additional controls when discharges occur in such areas. In addition to
requiring compliance with marine sanctuaries provisions of the National Marine Sanctuaries Act
(16 U.S.C. 1431 et seq.) and implementing regulations found at 15 CFR Part 922 and 50 CFR
Part 404 (Part 2.1.5), the permit includes other conditions to impose additional controls and
requirements on covered discharges in sensitive receiving waters (Part 2.3 of the permit). EPA
has also determined that issuance of this permit will not adversely affect essential fish habitat
(see 12.3 of this Fact Sheet).

Finally, this permit applies to discharges to the outer limit of the three mile territorial sea.
State water quality standards also apply within these waters and the permit thus contains effluent
limitations as necessary to meet those applicable water quality standards (Parts 2.3 and 6 of the

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Permit). EPA has requested states’ certifications under section 401 of the Clean Water Act, and
requested concurrence on EPA’s consistency determination for this permit from state coastal
management agencies, in accordance with section 307(c) of the Coastal Zone Management Act
(CZMA). Additional conditions are incorporated into Part 6 of the permit, pursuant to CWA
section 401, CZMA section 307(c), and implementing regulations. Under 40 CFR 125.122(b),
EPA presumes that discharges in compliance with state water quality standards will not cause
unreasonable degradation of the marine environment with respect to specific pollutants or
conditions specified in such standards.

In light of the foregoing, EPA has determined that issuance of the permit will not cause:

1. Significant adverse changes in ecosystem diversity, productivity and stability of the

biological community within the area of discharge and surrounding biological

2. Threat to human health through direct exposure to pollutants or through consumption

of exposed aquatic organisms, or
3. Loss of aesthetic, recreational, scientific or economic values which is unreasonable in
relation to the benefit derived from the discharge.
Accordingly, in accordance with 40 CFR 125.123(a), the Agency has determined that
issuance of the permit with the controls complies with the Ocean Discharge Criteria guidelines
established under CWA section 403(c).

3.13. OTHER CONDITIONS (PARTS 1.11, 1.12, AND 1.13)

This permit contains savings clauses which state that nothing in the permit shall be
construed to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve the permittee from any
responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties established pursuant to any applicable state law or
regulation under authority preserved by section 510 of the Clean Water Act or applicable
requirements or prohibitions under other provisions of Federal law or regulations. In addition,
Federal regulations require that the standard permit conditions provided at 40 CFR 122.41 be
applied to all NPDES permits. As provided by the introductory text of 40 CFR 122.41 and the
regulation at 40 CFR 122.43(c), all of the standard permit conditions published in federal
regulations at 40 CFR 122.41 (2008) are incorporated into the permit by reference. The permit
requires permittees to comply with all applicable standard conditions. These regulations may be
viewed at:
gn=div5&view=text&node=40: and will be included in the docket for this


Pursuant to Part 1.14 of the permit, vessels covered the 2013 VGP must report all results
to EPA electronically, unless they meet one of the requirements for and are granted a waiver as
specified in Part 1.14 of the VGP. These reasons are if:

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• EPA has not yet developed electronic tools to allow such electronic submission of
VGP reporting information, and has not yet implemented such electronic reporting;
• The owner/operator’s headquarters is physically located in a geographic area (i.e., zip
code or census tract) that is identified as under-served for broadband Internet access
in the most recent report from the Federal Communications Commission and the
vessel never travels to any areas with adequate broadband Internet access; or
• The vessel owner/operator has issues regarding available computer access or
computer capability.
Electronic reporting improves efficiency for both vessel owner/operators and EPA. EPA
believes that the vast majority of vessel owner/operators are able to submit NOIs and reporting
results electronically and most prefer electronic communication versus submitting hard copy
documents. For example, in the 2008 VGP, where electronic submittal of NOIs was encouraged,
vessel owner/operators submitted electronic NOIs for approximately 99% of covered vessels.

As mentioned above, in those rare cases where vessel owner/operators are unable to
report electronically, EPA has included a provision to allow for hard copy submittal of
information on a case by case basis, assuming the vessel owner/operator meets certain minimum

EPA plans to make any ballast water monitoring data available in electronic form
available to the public in electronic form. EPA believes that such an approach increases the
transparency of permit compliance without unduly increasing the burden on the regulated
community or EPA. The data will likely be made available in the format of a searchable interface
available via EPA’s webpage at For an example of how EPA makes
VGP related data available to the public, please see EPA’s NOI search feature, also available at


As discussed more fully later in this fact sheet, the permit incorporates by reference (as
BAT/BPT) several provisions of federal law, class society and flag state requirements. EPA has
clarified in the permit “notes” section that the permit is intended to refer to those provisions as
they were in effect on the date of issuance of the final VGP. Hence, the permit’s provisions that
require compliance with statutes and regulations other than the Clean Water Act refer to those
authorities as codified as of the date of the Federal Register notice that will announce the
availability of this final permit. References to class society or flag state requirements are also as
of that date. All of the provisions in this section were included in the 2008 VGP and have been
moved to Part 1.15 of the VGP for editorial reasons.

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The Clean Water Act (CWA) requires that all point source discharges must meet
technology-based effluent limitations representing the applicable levels of technology-based
control. Water quality-based effluent limitations (WQBELs) are required as necessary where the
technology-based limitations are not sufficient to meet applicable water quality standards
(WQS). See P.U.D. No. 1 of Jefferson County et al. v. Washington Dept. of Ecology, 511 U.S.
700, 704 (1994). Water quality-based requirements will be discussed in greater depth in
section 4.3. Both technology-based and water quality-based effluent limitations are implemented
through NPDES permits containing such limitations issued to point sources. CWA sections
301(a) and (b).

4.1.1 The Clean Water Act Requires EPA to Develop Effluent Limitations that Represent
the Following: Best Practicable Control Technology Currently Available (BPT)

The CWA requires BPT effluent limitations for conventional, toxic, and non-
conventional pollutants. Section 304(a)(4) designates the following as conventional pollutants:
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total suspended solids, fecal coliform, pH, and any
additional pollutants defined by the Administrator as conventional. The Administrator designated
oil and grease as an additional conventional pollutant on July 30, 1979. 40 CFR 401.16. EPA has
identified 65 pollutants and classes of pollutants as toxic pollutants, of which 126 specific
substances have been designated priority toxic pollutants. 40 CFR 401.15 and 40 CFR Part 423
Appendix A. All other pollutants are considered to be non-conventional.

In specifying BPT, under CWA section 301(b)(1)(A), 304(b)(1)(B), and 40 CFR

125.3(d)(1), EPA looks at a number of factors. EPA first considers the total cost of applying the
control technology in relation to the effluent reduction benefits. The Agency also considers the
age of the equipment and facilities, the processes employed, and any required process changes,
engineering aspects of the control technologies, non-water quality environmental impacts
(including energy requirements), and such other factors as the EPA Administrator deems
appropriate. Traditionally, EPA establishes BPT effluent limitations based on the average of the
best performance of facilities within the industry of various ages, sizes, processes, or other
common characteristics. Where existing performance is uniformly inadequate, BPT may reflect
higher levels of control than currently in place in an industrial category if the Agency determines
that the technology can be practically applied. Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology (BCT)

The 1977 amendments to the CWA required EPA to identify effluent reduction levels for
conventional pollutants associated with BCT for discharges from existing industrial point
sources. CWA section 301(b)(2)(E); 304(b)(4)(B); 40 CFR 125.3(d)(2). In addition to
considering the other factors specified in section 304(b)(4)(B) to establish BCT limitations, EPA
also considers a two part “cost-reasonableness'' test. EPA explained its methodology for the
development of BCT limitations in 1986. 51 FR 24974 (July 9, 1986).
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For toxic pollutants and non-conventional pollutants, EPA promulgates effluent

limitations based on BAT. CWA section 301(b)(2)(A); 304(b)(2)(B); 40 CFR 125.3(d)(3). In
establishing BAT, the technology must be technologically “available” and “economically
achievable.” The factors considered in assessing BAT include the cost of achieving BAT effluent
reductions, the age of equipment and facilities involved, the process employed, potential process
changes, non-water quality environmental impacts, including energy requirements, and other
such factors as the EPA Administrator deems appropriate. The Agency retains considerable
discretion in assigning the weight accorded to these factors. BAT limitations may be based on
effluent reductions attainable through changes in a facility's processes and operations. Where
existing performance is uniformly inadequate, BAT may reflect a higher level of performance
than is currently being achieved within a particular subcategory based on technology transferred
from a different subcategory or category. BAT may be based upon process changes or internal
controls, even when these technologies are not common industry practice.

This permit contains effluent limits that correspond to required levels of technology-
based control (BPT, BCT, BAT) for various discharges under the CWA. Some effluent limits
have been established by examining other existing laws and requirements. Where these laws
already exist, it was deemed feasible for the operators to implement these practices as effluent
limits in this permit. Because these are demonstrated practices, EPA has found that they are
technologically available and economically practicable (BPT) or achievable (BAT). In some
cases, such as with discharges of oils, including oily mixtures, graywater discharges from cruise
ships (under certain circumstances), and for ballast water discharges, numeric effluent limits
have been established.

4.1.2 Numeric Limitations Are Infeasible

Because of the nature of vessel discharges, it is not practicable to derive numeric effluent
limits to achieve these levels of control for many of the discharge types until greater information
is available. Constituents in properly controlled discharges may vary widely based upon vessel
type, size, and activities occurring on board the vessel. In such situations, the CWA authorizes
EPA to include non-numeric effluent limits in NPDES permits. 6 40 CFR 122.44(k)(3). The VGP
includes such non-numeric effluent limits developed for discharges for which developing
numeric effluent limits are infeasible to calculate at this time. Many of these non-numeric
effluent limits require permittees to engage in specific behaviors or best management practices

For example, vessel owner/operators must apply a broom clean standard (or similar
management measure) to remove all debris before conducting deck washdowns. Additionally, to
reduce the impact of oils leaking into the marine environment from oil to sea interfaces, many
vessels must use environmentally acceptable lubricants. Additionally, several BMPs require
vessels to “minimize” pollutant discharges. For purposes of this permit and consistent with the

Refer to more detailed discussion below under “EPA’s Authority To Include Non-Numeric Technology-Based
Effluent Limits In NPDES Permits,” “EPA’s Decision To Include Non-Numeric Technology-Based Effluent Limits
In This Permit” and 40 CFR 122.44(k)(3).

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technology-based requirements of the CWA, EPA is clarifying that the term “minimize” means
to reduce and/or eliminate to the extent achievable using control measures (including best
management practices) that are technologically available and economically practicable and
achievable in light of best marine practice.

This permit defines the term “minimize” in order to provide a reasonable approach by
which EPA, permittees, and the public can determine/evaluate appropriate control measures for
vessels to control specific discharges. EPA believes that for some vessel discharges,
minimization of pollutants in those discharges can be achieved without using highly engineered,
complex treatment systems. For other vessel discharges, highly engineered, complex, treatments
systems that are reliable and approved for use on vessels are not currently available. The specific
limits included in Part 2 of the permit emphasize effective pollution prevention controls, such as
requiring phosphorus free soap, storing chemicals in protected areas of the vessel, and
minimizing production of graywater in port. In other cases, they require more complex
behavioral practices such as saltwater flushing or ballast water exchange as interim ballast water
management requirements. In yet other cases, more advanced treatment may be necessary.


EPA has determined that the technology-based numeric and non-numeric effluent limits
in this permit, taken as a whole, constitute the first level of control (BPT for all pollutants) and
the second level of control (BAT for toxic and non-conventional pollutants and/or BCT for
conventional pollutants) for discharges from vessels. For all of the discharges in this permit, the
technology-based limits are based on best professional judgment, as authorized under CWA
section 402(a)(1) and 40 CFR 125.3.

4.2.1 Types of Technology-Based Effluent Limits

As stated above, the CWA establishes two levels of technology-based controls. The first
level of control, “best practicable control technology currently available,” or “BPT” applies to all
pollutants. CWA section 304(b)(1)(B); 33 U.S.C. 1314(b)(1)(B). BPT represents the initial stage
of pollutant discharge reduction, designed to bring all sources in an industrial category up to the
level of the average of the best source in that category. See EPA v. National Crushed Stone
Association, 449 U.S. 64, 75-76 (1980). In the second level of control, all point sources are
required to meet effluent limitations based on “best conventional pollutant control technology,”
or “BCT” CWA section 304(b)(4)(B); 33 U.S.C. 1314(b)(4)(B) or “best available technology
economically achievable,” or “BAT” CWA section 301(b)(2)(A); 33 U.S.C. 1311(b)(2)(A),
depending on the types of pollutants discharged. BCT applies to conventional pollutants, listed at
40 CFR 401.16 (biological oxygen demand (BOD5), pH, fecal coliform, total suspended solids
(TSS), and oil and grease). BAT applies to toxic and non-conventional pollutants. Technology-
based limits are to be applied throughout an industry sector without regard to receiving water
quality. Appalachian Power Co. v. EPA, 671 F.2d 801 (4th Cir. 1982).

4.2.2 Inclusion of Non-Numeric Technology-Based Limits in NPDES Permits

NPDES permits are required to contain technology-based limitations. CWA sections

301(b)(1)(A)(BPT); 301(b)(2)(A)(BAT), 301(b)(2)(E) (BCT); 40 CFR 122.44(a)(1).

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Technology-based limits in the permit represent the BPT (for conventional, toxic, and non-
conventional pollutants), BCT (for conventional pollutants), and BAT (for toxic and non-
conventional pollutants) level of control for the applicable pollutants. Where EPA has not
promulgated effluent limitations guidelines and standards (ELGs) for an industry, or if an
operator is discharging a pollutant not covered by the effluent guideline, permit limitations may
be based on the best professional judgment (BPJ, sometimes also referred to as best engineering
judgment) of the permit writer. 33 U.S.C. 1342(a)(1); 40 CFR 125.3. See Student Public Interest
Group v. Fritzsche, Dodge & Olcott, 759 F.2d 1131, 1134 (3d Cir. 1985); American Petroleum
Inst. v. EPA, 787 F.2d 965, 971 (5th Cir. 1986). For this general permit, all of the technology-
based limits are based on BPJ decision-making because no ELGs apply.

Many of the BPJ limits in the permit are in the form of non-numeric control measures,
commonly referred to as best management practices (BMPs). BMPs are considered “effluent
limitations” within the meaning of the CWA. See Citizens Coal Council v. EPA, 447 F.3d 879,
895-96 (6th Cir. 2006); Waterkeeper Alliance, Inc. v. EPA, 399 F.3d 486, 502 (2d Cir. 2005)
(holding that site-specific BMPs at issue constitute effluent limitations within the meaning of the
CWA); Natural Res. Def. Council, Inc. v. EPA, 673 F.2d 400, 403 (D.C. Cir.1982) (“section
502(11) defines ‘effluent limitation’ as ‘any restriction’ on the amounts of pollutants discharged,
not just a numerical restriction.”). Through the Agency’s NPDES permit regulations, EPA
interpreted the CWA to allow BMPs to take the place of numeric effluent limitations under
certain circumstances. 40 CFR §122.44(k), entitled “Establishing limitations, standards, and
other permit conditions (applicable to State NPDES programs ...),” provides that permits may
include BMPs to control or abate the discharge of pollutants when: (1) “[a]uthorized under
section 304(e) of the CWA for the control of toxic pollutants and hazardous substances from
ancillary industrial activities”; (2) “[a]uthorized under section 402(p) of the CWA for the control
of stormwater discharges”; (3) “[n]umeric effluent limitations are infeasible”; or (4) “[t]he
practices are reasonably necessary to achieve effluent limitations and standards or to carry out
the purposes and intent of the CWA.” 40 CFR 122.44(k).

Various courts have held that the CWA does not require the EPA to set numeric limits
where such limits are infeasible. See, e.g., Natural Resources Defense Council v. Costle, 568
F.3d at 1380 (“when numerical effluent limitations are infeasible, EPA may issue permits with
conditions designed to reduce the level of effluent discharges to acceptable levels”); Citizens
Coal Council v. EPA, 447 F.3d 879, 895-96 (6th Cir. 2006). The Sixth Circuit cited to
Waterkeeper Alliance, Inc. v. EPA, 399 F.3d 486, 502 (2d Cir. 2005), stating “site-specific BMPs
are effluent limitations under the CWA” (agreeing with EPA that the CWA does not require
numeric effluent limits “where such limits are infeasible” because “a baseline pollutant loading
cannot be calculated.”).

4.2.3 EPA’s Decision to Include Non-Numeric Technology-Based Effluent Limits in This

Permit and Rationale for Why the Limits Represent the Appropriate (BPT, BCT or
BAT) Level of Control 7

Non-numeric Limits

EPA’s rationales for inclusion of numeric limits appear in the discharge-by-discharge discussions as applicable

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With some exceptions, numeric effluent limitations are not feasible to calculate for vessel
discharges in this permit iteration. Those exceptions include graywater and pool and spa
discharges from cruise ships; oily discharges, including oily mixtures; some bilgewater
discharges; and ballast water discharges. EPA may develop numeric effluent limits for certain
additional discharge types for the next permit iteration, if applicable. Vessels vary widely by type
and/or class, size, and activity and can discharge a wide variety of waste streams, whose volume
and composition will vary dependent upon seas, cargo carried, and age of the vessel.
Additionally, vessel operators cannot install equipment onboard their vessels until that
equipment has been approved by the Coast Guard and, in some cases, their class societies.
Hence, EPA cannot require use of equipment or technologies that would conflict with the
requirements of these organizations without fully understanding the implications of such

These factors create a situation where, at this time, it is generally not feasible for EPA to
calculate numeric effluent limitations to effectively regulate vessel discharges, with the
exceptions noted above (graywater and pool and spa water discharges from cruise ships; some oil
discharges, including oily mixtures for vessels; some bilgewater discharges; and ballast water
discharges). EPA is able to calculate numeric effluent limits for these groups because extensive
research has been conducted and effective pollution control technologies are widely or will be
widely commercially available. Therefore, in light of these considerations, EPA has determined
that it is not feasible for the Agency to calculate numeric, technology-based limits for many of
the discharges covered under this permit, and, based on the authority of 40 CFR 122.44(k)(3),
has chosen to adopt non-numeric effluent limits.

Rationale for Finding that the Limits in this Permit Represent the BPT, BCT or BAT
Level of Control

The BAT/BCT/BPT non-numeric effluent limits in this permit are expressed as:

• Specific pollution prevention practices for minimizing or eliminating the pollutants or

constituent of concern in the discharge.
• Specific behavioral practices for minimizing or eliminating the pollutants or
constituent of concern in the discharge.
• Narrative requirements to minimize pollutants or constituents of concern in
discharges or the discharges themselves. 8
• Limiting or eliminating discharges at certain times for discharge types that can be
limited or eliminated for short periods due to technology available on board the vessel
and the vessel design (i.e., if the vessel can hold the discharge type for limited periods
or reduce production of the effluent).
In the context of this general permit, EPA has determined these non-numeric effluent
limits represent the best practicable technology (BPT) for all pollutants, the best conventional

These types of effluent limits allow owner/operators to use control measures appropriate for their vessels to meet
those limits.

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pollutant control technology for conventional pollutants (BCT) and the best available technology
economically achievable (BAT) for toxic and non-conventional pollutants. EPA has determined
that the combination of pollution prevention approaches and structural management practices
described above are the most environmentally sound way to control the discharge of pollutants
from vessels.

Requirements are Technologically Available

EPA has found that the requirements of this permit represent the appropriate level of
control representing BPT, BCT, and BAT. For example, many class societies require that vessels
have coamings or drip pans underneath machinery as a way to keep oil from entering the bilge,
being discharged to surrounding waters, or creating hazardous conditions on the vessel deck. The
majority of vessels already have these available measures in place to eliminate the discharge of
oil from their vessels, and many frequently clean oil from the drip pans if present. Hence, EPA
believes this requirement represents BPT and this permit requires that all vessels follow this
common sense approach if feasible. As an example of an effluent limit that meets BPT and BAT
standards, EPA is requiring existing vessel operators to comply with additional ballast water
management requirements such as mandatory saltwater flushing for vessels with empty ballast
water tanks (see section of this fact sheet for additional discussion) before they must meet
the VGP’s numeric ballast water effluent limits. These requirements are available, in part,
because of the Saint Lawrence Seaway Corporation’s mandatory requirements for vessels
entering through the Seaway (33 CFR Part 401.30), and many U.S.-bound vessels with empty
ballast tanks already perform saltwater flushing. Furthermore, because not all of these vessels
will have reliable treatment technology for removing residual living organisms installed on their
vessels for the full permit term (because immediately requiring installation onboard all vessels is
economically unachievable), saltwater flushing represents BAT since it is the best approach
currently available for these vessels under this standard.

EPA has found that it is technologically possible to prohibit discharges in certain waters,
and therefore such a limit is technologically available. However, it is not possible to prohibit
these discharge categories under all circumstances. EPA decided which discharge types to
prohibit in certain waters based on the environmental impacts of discharges and technical
information as to whether vessels have the capacity to hold certain discharge types. These
sources of information included technical experts and publications cited in this fact sheet
including US EPA 1999; Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) and
Science Advisory Panel, 2002; Lamb, 2004; and EPA, 2008.

As an example, some vessels such as cruise ships have the ability to hold graywater for a
period from hours to days. Likewise, many large vessels can retain treated bilgewater on board in
the bilge for prolonged periods; however, it must periodically be discharged or emptied. Yet
another example is the discharge of AFFF for maintenance purposes. Vessel owner/operators
may elect where they conduct the maintenance, thereby controlling where they will discharge.
Since vessels are mobile and can move from water to water, EPA has determined that vessels
have the technology to limit their discharges in select waters. Therefore, under the authority to
consider “other factors the Administrator deems appropriate,” EPA has determined that the
requirement to limit discharges to specific waters is technologically available. However, as
mentioned, EPA finds that it is not technologically available to limit all discharge types in certain

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waters. For instance, in the case of deck runoff, vessel operators have little control as to when
water may runoff from the deck into surrounding waters without potentially creating major
safety concerns. Hence, EPA is not prohibiting the discharge of certain discharge types into
waters of greater concern where methods to do so are not technologically available.

Requirements Meet the BPT and BAT Economic Tests Set Forth in the CWA

There are different economic considerations under BPT, BCT and BAT. EPA finds that
the limits in this permit meet the BPT and BAT economic tests. Because the types of controls
under consideration minimize toxic, nonconventional, and conventional pollutants, conventional
pollutants are controlled by the same practices that control toxic and nonconventional pollutants.
Hence, EPA is evaluating effluent limits using a BPT and a BAT standard, but since
conventional pollutants will also be adequately controlled by these same effluent limits for which
EPA applied the BPT and BAT tests, EPA has determined that it is not necessary to conduct
BCT economic tests.

Under BPT, EPA has determined that the requirements of this permit are economically
practicable. To make this determination, EPA has considered the reasonableness of the
relationship between the costs of application of technology and the effluent reduction benefit
derived. CWA section 301(b)(1)(B); 40 CFR 125.3(d)(1). EPA expects the permit requirements
to reduce the risk of invasive species spread, to minimize production of effluent in high quality
waters, to reduce nutrient loading, and to minimize the risk of other constituents entering vessel
waste streams.

EPA has determined that the requirements of this permit are economically achievable. In
determining “economic achievability” under BAT, EPA has considered whether the costs of the
controls can reasonably be borne by the industry. EPA typically evaluates “closures,” whereby
the costs of requirements are evaluated to see whether they would cause a facility to go out of
business. EPA has assessed the costs of the requirements in this permit and finds that this permit
will result in no “closures” in that the costs of the permit are small compared to all operating
costs. EPA has assessed the costs of the requirements and finds that except in rare cases, the cost
of implementing this permit is estimated to be below 1% of the total operating costs of almost all
entities for any given year. The total domestic flagged vessel universe that would be affected by
this permit includes approximately 58,600 vessels. Additionally, EPA estimates that
approximately 12,400 foreign flagged vessels will be covered by the VGP. Including the ballast
water and other discharge requirements, the economic impact analysis indicates that the best
management practices in this permit would cost between $7.2 million and $23.0 million
annually, relative to the 2008 VGP and current practice. EPA applied a cost-to-revenue test
which calculates annualized pre-tax compliance cost as a percentage of total revenues and used a
threshold of 1 and 3 % to identify entities that would be significantly impacted as a result of this
Permit. See EPA’s Economic Analysis (US EPA, 2011a) prepared for this permit for further
discussion. Based on this analysis, EPA concludes that the BAT limits in this permit are unlikely
to result in a substantial economic impact on businesses of any size, and, in particular, small
businesses. Hence, EPA interprets this analysis to indicate that the BAT limits are economically
achievable. The economic analysis is available on EPA’s webpage at and in the docket for this permit.

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Additionally, the discharge location limitation is economically practical and achievable,

since discharging in one location versus another will add no or little additional cost. The only
potential costs are an increase in fuel consumption from carrying additional volumes of effluent
rather than discharging the effluent immediately when generated. EPA expects these incremental
costs associated with this permit to be small relative to total operating costs. EPA’s information
in the record does indicate, however, that it is possible and economically practicable and
achievable to minimize graywater and some additional discharges in waters federally protected
wholly or in part for conservation purposes. Therefore, under EPA’s authority to consider “other
factors the Administrator deems appropriate,” it is reasonable to focus the limitations on certain
discharge types that would have the most environmental significance. In addition, this restriction
is alternatively and independently based on EPA’s authority under CWA section 403(c).

Requirements have Acceptable Non-Water Quality Environmental Impacts

In addition, EPA has considered the non-water quality environmental impacts, including
energy impacts, of the controls required under this permit and finds that they are acceptable.
EPA anticipates that the requirements of this permit may result in marginal increase in fuel usage
for vessels that must treat graywater to standards in Part 5 of the permit, or must limit the
discharge location of certain waste streams and transport them into a different receiving water or
hold them for discharge onshore. Additionally, owner/operators of vessels may generate more
sludge or other waste that may need to be disposed of properly onshore. EPA expects that most
permit requirements will result in few non-water quality impacts because, in many cases, the
permit is reflective of practices currently being implemented by owner/operators.

Data Sources

As described more fully throughout this fact sheet, EPA finds that today’s final permit
contains technology-based controls that represent the BPT, BCT or BAT levels of control.

In developing these non-numeric effluent limits, EPA considered data from numerous
peer reviewed publications, literature produced by the federal government, other technical
reports and publications, public comments, and comments from experts working in the field
(e.g., Albert et al., 2010, CSLC, 2010; Dobroski et al., 2009; Dobroski et al., 2011; Endresen et
al., 2004; Environmental Law Institute, 2004; Gracki et al., 2002; Gray et al., 2007; Gregg &
Hallegraeff, 2007; Lamb, 2004; Lee et al., 2010; Lloyds Register, 2010; Locke et al., 1993;
McCollin et al., 2007; NAS, 2011; Orange County Coastkeeper, 2007; Quilez-Badia et al., 2008;
Raikow et al., 2007; Schiff et al., 2004; Tamburri et al., 2002; US EPA, 1999, 2001a, b, 2008a,
2010a, 2011). The data sources from which EPA derived information for decision-making
purposes are included in the docket for the final permit and/or referenced in this fact sheet. These
data sources discuss, among other things, vessel discharge types, BMPs available for these
discharge types, and the effectiveness of given BMPs or behavioral practices.

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4.3.1 General Effluent Limits (Part 2.1)

The general effluent limits are designed to apply to all covered vessels for all covered
discharge types present on a particular vessel. These effluent limits are generally preventative in
nature and are designed to minimize the discharge of pollutants from a vessel. Owner/operators
are ultimately responsible for ensuring that all required effluent limits are implemented.

As discussed above, these technology-based effluent limits apply to all covered vessels
and were developed using BPJ. These general technology-based effluent limits were established
based on available and relevant information, including available technical data, existing statutes
and regulations, statistical industry information, and research studies cited in the references
section of this permit. Material Storage (Part 2.1.1)

Any materials, whether cargo or for use onboard the vessel, that may be exposed to
precipitation, surface water spray, or wind can potentially be discharged on their own or become
part of other waste streams. Materials that may not be considered toxic in small concentrations
could pose an environmental threat if significant amounts are washed overboard, particularly in
shallow or impaired waters.

Therefore, the permit requires that all vessel operators practice good environmental
stewardship by minimizing any exposure of cargo or onboard materials that may result in
releases of contaminants to the environment. This can be accomplished by containerizing or
tarping materials, and generally limiting any exposure of these materials to wind, rain, or spray.
In addition, if water draining from the storage area comes into contact with any oily materials,
except for naturally occurring fish oils from fishing gear stored on deck, the permit requires
measures to prevent the oil from being discharged in harmful quantities (pursuant to Parts 2.1.1
and 2.1.4 of the Permit).

EPA believes that while specific numeric limitations on toxic substances are not feasible
for this potential source of pollutants, sound marine practices should be sufficient to reduce most
accidental or incidental discharges of cargo or stored materials. EPA also believes that emphasis
on training and educating vessel crew on the use and environmental benefits of these practices
should be standard practice. Toxic and Hazardous Materials (Part 2.1.2)

The presence or use of toxic and hazardous materials may be necessary for the operation
of vessels. As part of the permit’s requirements, these materials must be properly contained to
avoid contamination of the discharges covered by this permit. EPA has recommended human
health and marine aquatic life criteria for a few toxic pollutants, but requiring numeric effluent
limitations and corresponding sampling and analysis of discharges for all potentially harmful
contaminants is not a reasonable option for this permit since discharges would be accidental in
nature and the preventive requirements are just as effective as numeric limits at controlling such
discharges. These provisions should effectively prevent the discharge of these toxic and

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hazardous materials from storage, spills, and containment. EPA believes that preventing the
release of these substances to the environment is the appropriate environmental protection
strategy. Vessel owner/operators are required to ensure that toxic and hazardous substances are
treated in a manner that prevents releases due to precipitation or surface water spray. Just as EPA
requires of land-based industries, vessels must store, label, and secure toxic and hazardous
materials in suitable, sealed containers. Fuel Spills/Overflows (Part 2.1.3)

Even small amounts of spilled fuel can contaminate large areas of water, making it
uninhabitable for plants and animals. Most small spills can be prevented by taking basic
precautions when filling fuel tanks. The permit requires vessel operators to implement these
precautions that will prevent or, in the case of a spill, contain any fuel that is released to surface
waters (e.g. use of booms). The discharge of any fuel spill or overflow may result in a discharge
that may be harmful as defined by 40 CFR Part 110, which includes those discharges that cause a
visible sheen. In addition, any larger scale fuel spill or overflow is not incidental to the normal
operation of a vessel and therefore, not authorized by this permit. Through proper fueling
operations and training on spill treatment, vessel operators may reduce impacts caused by human
error or improper equipment use. EPA recognizes that fueling operations for large vessels are
very different from fueling operations on small boats, and often large vessels will carry onboard
several smaller vessels used as lifeboats, tenders, or rescue boats. Therefore, there are additional
requirements for fueling of auxiliary vessels such as lifeboats, tenders, or rescue boats that are
deployed from “host” vessels subject to the permit. These requirements include examining the
surrounding area for the presence of a visible sheen during fueling, taking immediate and
appropriate corrective actions if a sheen is observed as a result of the permittee’s fueling
operations, and using an oil absorbent material or other appropriate device while fueling to catch
drips from vent overflow and fuel intake. Also, vessel owner/operators must regularly inspect the
fuel and hydraulic systems for any damages or leaks, for instance during fueling, when
performing routine maintenance on the auxiliary vessel, and/or during deployments for testing.
These simple steps can prevent fuel spills and overflows that would lead to a discharge and
minimize the impact of any fuel spills or overflows that do occur. These requirements have been
adapted from EPA’s previously proposed Recreational Vessel General Permit. Discharges of Oil, Including Oily Mixtures (Part 2.1.4)

Discharges of oil, including oily mixtures, can significantly impact aquatic and terrestrial
organisms and their ecosystems. When oil, including oily mixtures, is discharged in small
quantities, aquatic ecosystems have limited ability to assimilate, oxidize, degrade, and destroy
many of the hydrocarbons present in oil. However, when discharged in significant quantities
from a single vessel, or in moderate quantities from numerous vessels, oil releases have been
documented to create severe environmental impacts.

The permit requires that any oil, including oily mixtures, other than those exempted in 40
CFR 110.5, may not be discharged in quantities that may be harmful. These requirements are
consistent with section 311 of the CWA and reinforce the requirement that discharges from the
internal portions of vessels may not result in discharges of oil in quantities likely to impact
aquatic ecosystems. The visible sheen test was chosen as an approach to determine whether oil is

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being discharged in quantities that may be harmful, because the visible sheet test is easy to use
and is consistent with existing CWA requirements. Compliance with Other Statutes and Regulations Applicable to Vessel Discharges
(Part 2.1.5)

These effluent limits contain the requirement to comply with other applicable statutes and
regulations dealing with vessel discharges. Reliance on other statutes and regulations to develop
the permit requirements is a reasonable exercise of BPJ because these statutes and regulations
have gone through an extensive process of evaluation and analysis by federal agencies that have
considerable expertise in vessel management. Furthermore, many of the BMPs considered by
EPA were covered by these other authorities. These statutes and regulations are currently being
implemented and therefore are technologically and economically practicable (BPT) and
achievable (BAT) in light of best marine practice. Rather than reiterate the provisions of these
statutes and regulations in their entirety for the permit’s general effluent limits, EPA has
determined, based on BPJ, that incorporation of these statutes and regulations by reference is

Some of the statutes and regulations that were examined to inform the Agency’s BPJ
decision and which are incorporated by reference into the provisions of the permit follow. These
summaries are not meant to be legally comprehensive reiterations; rather, they are short
summaries designed to inform owner/operators of the existence of these authorities. The actual
statutes and regulations implementing these authorities are the legally binding conditions for the

MARPOL, APPS, and Implementing Regulations

The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL
73/78) is an international treaty that regulates certain discharges from vessels. Annexes to
MARPOL regulate different types of vessel pollution; the United States is a Party to Annexes I,
II, III, V, and VI. MARPOL is primarily implemented in the U.S. by the Act to Prevent Pollution
from Ships (APPS), 33 U.S.C.1901 et seq. The U.S. Coast Guard is the lead agency for APPS
implementation and has issued implementing regulations primarily found at 33 CFR Part 151.
Those requirements already apply to many of the vessels covered by the permit.

APPS regulates the discharge of oil and oily mixtures, noxious liquid substances, and
garbage, including food wastes and plastic.

With respect to oil and oily mixtures, Coast Guard regulations at 33 CFR 151.10 prohibit
“any discharge of oil or oily mixtures into the sea from a ship” except when certain conditions
are met, including a discharge oil content of less than 15 parts per million (ppm) and that the ship
has in operation oily-water separating equipment, an oil content monitor, a bilge alarm, or a
combination thereof. These requirements have been in place for a significant length of time, and
the equipment necessary to meet these standards is widely available and already in use on ships
subject to these regulations.

Substances regulated as “noxious liquid substances” (NLS) under APPS are divided into
4 categories based on their potential to harm marine resources and human health. See 33 CFR
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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet

151.47 and 151.49; 46 CFR Part 153, Table 1. Under 46 CFR 153.1128, discharges of NLS
residues at sea may only take place at least 12 nautical miles from the nearest land. In light of
this, the permit does not authorize such discharges within waters subject to the permit (i.e.,
inland waters and the waters of the 3 mile territorial sea).

Annex III to MARPOL addresses harmful substances in packaged form and is

implemented in the U.S. by the Hazardous Materials Transportation Authorization Act of 1994,
as amended ( 49 U.S.C. 5901 et seq.) and regulations appearing at 46 CFR Part 148 and 49 CFR
Part 176. That regulatory scheme establishes labeling, packaging, and stowage requirements for
such materials so as to help avoid their accidental loss or spillage during transport. 40 CFR
122.44(p) provides that when an NPDES permit is issued to a vessel operating as a means of
transportation, the permit is to require compliance with any applicable Coast Guard regulations
that establish specifications for safe transportation, handling, carriage, and storage of pollutants.
The permit incorporates this requirement in Parts 1.13 and 2.1.5.

Oil Pollution Act (33 U.S.C. 2701 et seq.)

Additional requirements also affect vessel discharges, in particular, the Oil Pollution Act
of 1990 and the associated U.S. Coast Guard implementing regulations at 33 CFR Parts 155 and
157. These regulations establish and reinforce the APPS 15 ppm discharge standard for oil and
oily mixtures for oceangoing ships and require most vessels to have an oily water separator.
Oceangoing vessels less than 400 gross tons must either have an approved oily water separator or
retain oily water mixtures on board for disposal to an approved reception facility onshore.
Oceangoing vessels more than 400 gross tons, except vessels that carry ballast water in their fuel
oil tanks, must be fitted with “approved 15 parts per million (ppm) oily-water separating
equipment for the processing of oily mixtures from bilges or fuel oil tank ballast.” 33 CFR
155.360. The maximum oily discharge standard is included as a binding requirement in this
permit because it is the most appropriate standard for oil and oily discharges and maintains
current national and international standards. 33 CFR Part 155 was also referenced for oil
containment and cleanup equipment and procedures. This section provides information on both
equipment and procedures that are required for preventing and reacting to oil spills and

Clean Water Act Section 311 (33 U.S.C. 1321)

Clean Water Act Section 311, Oil and Hazardous Substances Liability Act, states that it is
the United States’ policy that there should be no discharges of oil or hazardous substances into
waters of the U.S., adjoining shorelines, and certain specified areas, except where permitted
under Federal regulations (e.g., the NPDES program). As such, the Act prohibits the discharge of
oil or hazardous substances into these areas in such quantities as may be harmful. Further, the
Act states that the President shall, by regulation, determine those quantities of oil and any
hazardous substances that may be harmful if discharged.

EPA has defined oil quantities that “may be harmful” as those that violate applicable
water quality standards or “cause a film or sheen upon or discoloration of the surface of the
water or adjoining shorelines or cause a sludge or emulsion to be deposited beneath the surface

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of the water or upon adjoin shorelines.” 40 CFR 110.3. Sheen is clarified to mean an iridescent
appearance on the surface of the water. 40 CFR 110.1.

In the permit, oil, including oily mixtures, may not be discharged in quantities that may
be harmful. This goal has proven to be achievable using available treatment technologies such as
oil-water separators or oil absorbent materials. For other discharges that can potentially be
contaminated by oils but may not easily be collected and treated, the Agency requires the
operator to observe the surface of the receiving water to determine whether a sheen is visible.
This would indicate that oils are present at concentrations that may be harmful and discharge
must cease.

The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) (7 U.S.C. 136 et seq.).

FIFRA regulates the distribution, sale, and use of pesticides. One of the primary
components of FIFRA requires the registration and labeling of all pesticides sold or distributed in
the U.S. ensuring that if pesticides are used in accordance with the specifications on the label,
they will not cause unreasonable adverse effects on humans or the environment. It is a
requirement of the permit that any registered pesticide must be used in accordance with its
FIFRA label. This is included as a binding permit requirement because FIFRA label
requirements are established after review of the label and underlying science, and approval of the
label, approved by the EPA Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, and ensure that
the pesticide, when used according to the label, can be used so that it will not cause unreasonable
adverse effects on humans or the environment.

National Marine Sanctuaries Act (16 U.S.C. section 1431 et seq. and implementing
regulations found at 15 CFR Part 922 and 50 CFR Part 404 (NMSA))

NMSA authorizes the designation and management of National Marine Sanctuaries to

protect marine resources with conservation, education, historical, scientific, and other special
qualities. Additional restrictions and requirements may be imposed on vessel owner/operators
who boat in and around National Marine Sanctuaries. For more information, please see the
NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries Program website at General Training

The 2008 VGP outlined training requirements for owner/operators of specific vessel
types, as identified in Part 5 of that permit. In order to clarify that broad instruction should be
conducted to ensure that crews are adequately trained to implement all the terms of the VGP and
operate all pollution prevention equipment on board, EPA has added general training as a new
requirement of the 2013 VGP, pursuant to CWA section 402(a)(2), and 40 CFR 122.43(a) and
other implementing regulations. For some vessels with existing Integrated Safety Management
(ISM) plans, this may mean simply assuring those plans are consistent with the terms of the
VGP, and that crews are aware of any other VGP requirements and how they must meet them.
Others may require that the vessel chief engineer or Master read the permit and inform crew of
their responsibilities. The general training requirement stipulates that all key personnel
understand how to use key pollution prevention equipment; for example, if applicable, a master,

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chief engineer, and/or any key staff must understand how to properly operate and maintain an
onboard ballast water treatment system as applicable. In addition, all owner/operators of vessels
must ensure appropriate vessel personnel be trained in the procedures for responding to fuel
spills and overflows, including notification of appropriate vessel personnel, emergency response
agencies, and regulatory agencies. For vessels with less developed management systems, training
may be more extensive, and could require environmental managers or others instructing crews on
how to implement the permit and assure that terms of the permit are met. This permit does not
require that vessel owner/operators provide any formal training, such as one of the many
privately developed VGP training courses. However, for some vessel owner/operators, use of
such courses might be an efficient and cost effective manner to provide training which will assist
in ensuring that the terms of the permit are adequately implemented onboard their vessels.

Vessel owner/operators must outline their training plans in their recordkeeping

documentation to show they have made good faith efforts to assure their crews can adequately
maintain and use pollution prevention equipment and otherwise meet the terms of this permit.

(PART 2.2)

4.4.1 Deck Washdown and Runoff Including Above Water Line Hull Cleaning (Part

Constituents of deck runoff and above water line hull cleaning may include oil, grease,
cleaner or detergent residue, paint chips, paint droplets, and general debris (e.g., paper, wire).
Discharge rates for deck runoff vary from vessel to vessel and depend on weather, deck
machinery, deck operations, and frequency of deck washdowns. It is infeasible to set specific
numeric effluent limits for discharges of deck runoff due to variation in vessel size and
associated deck surface area, types of equipment operated on the deck, and limitations on space
for treatment equipment. Instead, the permit requires that vessel operators minimize discharges
from deck runoff and implement BMPs to reduce their potential impact.

BMPs for controlling deck runoff and above water line hull cleaning are associated with
(a) containing potential contaminants to keep them from entering the waste stream, (b) properly
maintaining the deck and bulkhead areas to prevent excess corrosion, leaks, and metal
discharges, and (c) using environmentally safe products for cleaning deck areas. Because it
would be extremely difficult if not impossible to safely hold or treat all deck runoff for all vessel
designs at all times, EPA is not requiring deck runoff to be collected and treated before discharge
from all vessels. Requiring vessel owner/operators to collect deck runoff could either require
major vessel modification of the ship’s structure and machinery or could compromise the safety
and stability of the vessel. Many vessels are designed to quickly discharge deck runoff as an
operational necessity.

EPA is requiring that deck runoff be collected during certain times such as during or after
fueling operations, when spills occur, or when required by a vessel’s class society. 9 EPA is also
requiring that vessel operators minimize contamination of deck runoff discharges by debris,

A vessel’s class society establishes technical standards related to the design, construction, and survey of a vessel.

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garbage, and chemical spills (e.g., grease, fuel, hydraulic fluid, caustics, detergents). EPA is also
requiring that the vessel owner/operator maintain the topside surface of the deck in a manner
consistent with good marine practice that prevents excess discharge of metals and oils from
eroding metals and deteriorating pipes, coamings, and other topside infrastructure. When
machinery is located on deck, the use of drip pans when feasible will collect spilled oil and allow
the vessel owner/operator to prevent its discharge. When required by their class societies (e.g.,
tank barges), vessels must be fitted with and use perimeter spill rails and scuppers to collect the
runoff for treatment. In addition, if washing down the deck will result in a discharge, the
washdown must be conducted with minimally-toxic, phosphate-free, and biodegradable cleaners
and detergents, as those terms are defined in Part 7 of the permit. EPA expects that minimally-
toxic cleaners and detergents will contain little to no nonylphenols. The purpose of this
requirement is to minimize the discharge of caustic and potentially toxic detergents and solvents
into waters subject to this permit. Phosphorus is one of the drivers of eutrophication or
hypereutrophication, which is one of the major causes of impairment to waters of the United
States. Toxic materials interfere with aquatic organisms and can contribute to chronic or acute
effects, including death. Additionally, EPA is requiring that permittees must minimize residual
paint droplets from entering waters subject to this permit whenever they are conducting
maintenance painting. EPA is also requiring that discharges of deck runoff are consistent with all
other relevant laws. EPA believes that adhering to these requirements will reduce the discharge
of these potentially environmentally harmful substances. Finally, EPA has clarified in the 2013
VGP that before deck washdowns may occur, vessel owner/operators must broom clean exposed
decks or use comparable management measures to remove all existing debris, and that vessel
owner/operators may use the “equivalent” of broom cleaning as vessel owner/operators may use
other methods to reduce debris on their decks. Though fundamentally similar to the requirements
in the 2008 VGP, these requirements clarify that vessel owner/operators are expected to use
obvious management measures to prevent the introduction of garbage or other debris into any
waste stream.

4.4.2 Bilgewater (Part 2.2.2)

Bilgewater is an accumulation of water from various sources across the entire vessel.
Constituents include oil, grease, volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds, inorganic salts,
and metals. Volumes vary with the size of the vessel, and discharges typically occur several
times per week. Cruise ship volumes have been estimated at 25,000 gallons per week for a 3,000
passenger/crew vessel (US EPA, 2008a).

Conditions in the 2008 VGP applicable to oily bilge water discharges from vessels are
based on Annex I of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships,
1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL 73/78). Under Annex I to MARPOL, all
ships over 400 gross tons (GT) are required to have equipment installed onboard that limits the
discharge of oil into the oceans to 15 ppm when a ship is en route. All vessels over 400 GT are
also required to have an oil content monitor (OCM), including a bilge alarm, integrated into the
piping system to detect whether the treated bilge water that is being discharged from the bilge
separator meets the discharge requirements. Some countries have bilge discharge requirements
that are stricter than the international 15 ppm standard. For example, the Canadian Regulations
for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships and for Dangerous Chemicals requires 5 ppm bilge
alarms for Canadian-flagged vessels which discharge treated bilgewater on the Great Lakes.

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Bilge separators, oil content meters and bilge alarms are certified by the Coast Guard to
meet 46 CFR 162 (MARPOL Annex I implementing regulations). Type approval is based on
testing of manufacturer-supplied oil pollution control equipment by an independent laboratory, in
accordance with test conditions prescribed by the Coast Guard (33 CFR 155 and 157 and 46 CFR
162). In order to be consistent with International Maritime Organization (IMO) resolution
MEPC.108(49), the measurement of oil (petroleum products or hydrocarbon, HC) in bilge
separator effluent can be analyzed using ISO method 9377-2:2000 10 or equivalent. Alternatively,
vessel owner/operators may use EPA method 1664.

Additional treatment stages (unit operations) are often added to bilge separators to better
clean (“polish”) bilge water to comply with current and potential future discharge standards (Sun
et al., 2009; Caplan et al., 2000). In addition to providing greater overall reduction in bilge oil
concentrations, the addition of treatment stages makes bilge separators more reliable by
providing some redundancy to withstand problems or failure of individual stages. Including one
or more polishing steps is an added cost to the operation of a ship; however, onboard bilge
separation is typically more economical than holding all oily bilge water for transfer and
subsequent treatment on shore (Ghidossi et al., 2009).

Bilgewater treatment technologies are also capable of removing other pollutants from
bilge water. For example, Tomaszewska et al. (2005) found that ultrafiltration was effective in
removing turbidity and suspended solids, organic carbon, and several trace metals (Al, Fe and
Zn) from bilge water, in addition to oil.

As discussed more fully below, the 2013 VGP maintains most of the best management
practices and numeric limits contained in the 2008 VGP. Bilgewater Requirements

Vessel operators are required to minimize bilgewater generation by practicing proper

maintenance of vessels and equipment. Routine cleaning and maintenance activities associated
with vessel equipment and structures are considered to be normal operation of a vessel.
However, EPA notes that the addition of substances not associated with the normal operation of
a vessel to the bilgewater is not allowed.

EPA believes this reduction in the volume of waste will reduce the need for vessels to
discharge treated bilgewater to waters of the U.S. EPA also recognizes that onshore disposal is
not always a feasible alternative for larger vessels. As part of the permit, bilgewater discharges
must adhere to all requirements under 40 CFR Parts 110, 116, and 117 and 33 CFR Part 151.10.
These limitations are achievable with use of oily-water separators or use of a segregated bilge
system. Large vessels generally must have onboard oily-water separation capabilities or hold
their bilge for onshore disposal. Smaller vessels must also demonstrate that the discharge of
bilgewater is sufficiently clean by conducting a visual sheen observation prior to and at the time
of discharge. EPA has utilized the visual sheen test as a reliable indicator as to whether oil,
including oily mixtures, is not being discharged in quantities that may be harmful.

This analytical method is “Water quality -- Determination of hydrocarbon oil index -- Part 2: Method using
solvent extraction and gas chromatography.”

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All vessels greater than 400 gross tons which discharge bilgewater into waters subject to
this permit must be equipped with an oil discharge monitoring system that monitors the
discharge of oily bilge water into waters subject to this permit. These vessels must also be
equipped with an overboard discharge control unit that automatically initiates the sequence to
stop the overboard discharge of the effluent in alarm conditions and prevents the discharge
throughout the period the alarm condition prevails. The overboard discharge control unit must be
designed to receive automatic signals of oil content of the effluent, measured as ppm, from the
oil content meter.

Each oil content meter and each control section of an oil discharge monitoring system
must be subjected to a functional test that includes the operations listed in 33 CFR § 157.12f and
is conducted as outlined in 46 CFR § subpart 162.050 on a suitable test bench prior to delivery.
The detailed program for a functional test of such equipment must be developed by the
manufacturer, taking into account the features and functions of the specific design of equipment
and the types of oils that will be monitored. A completed workshop certificate, including the
delivery functional test protocol, must be received with each unit delivered. A copy of the
certificate must be carried aboard the vessel at all times.

Routine maintenance of the monitoring system and troubleshooting procedures must be

clearly defined in the oil discharge monitoring system’s Operating and Maintenance Manual kept
onboard the vessel. All maintenance activities related to the bilge water monitoring system and
overboard discharge control unit must be recorded and the information must remain on board for
inspection purposes. In addition, vessel staff training must include familiarization with the
operation and maintenance of the bilgewater overboard discharge control and oil discharge
monitoring equipment.

If the vessel operator does not treat bilgewater with an oily-water separator, or it cannot
be assured that the bilgewater will not cause a sheen on the surface of the receiving water, the
bilgewater must be held onboard for onshore disposal. Vessel operators may not use dispersants,
detergents, emulsifiers, chemicals, or any other substances to remove the appearance of a visible
sheen. This requirement does not prohibit the use of these materials in machinery spaces for the
purposes of maintaining or cleaning equipment.

The permit has additional BMPs for bilgewater that focus on where vessels may or may
not discharge bilgewater. For instance, vessels that regularly leave waters subject to the permit
(at least once per month), and are more than 400 gross tons, may not discharge treated or
untreated bilgewater while stationary. In addition, vessels that regularly leave waters subject to
the permit may not discharge treated bilgewater within 1 nm of shore if it is technologically
feasible to hold it. In this context, technological feasibility includes consideration of operational
constraints. It is EPA’s understanding that many existing large vessels do not generate significant
quantities of bilgewater and should have sufficient holding capacity.

In those cases where a vessel does not have the capacity to hold bilgewater generated in
waters subject to this permit or where bilgewater is causing a general safety or stability concern
or could enter a hold and contaminate cargo, or otherwise interfere with essential operations of
the vessel, EPA would not consider holding the bilgewater to be technologically feasible. In
these cases, even though the discharge is permitted (but must be recorded and reported), EPA

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believes that the permit will still limit the cumulative discharges of all vessels in an area
collectively. The cumulative impact of numerous vessels releasing bilgewater in nearshore,
estuarine environments or in waters with limited circulation can be of concern. Hence, this
provision is included to limit the discharge of pollutants in areas where vessels are more likely to
be concentrated, where the cumulative impact of discharges is likely to be higher, and in
ecosystems that are already stressed and unlikely to have additional assimilative capacity.
Vessels can then discharge the bilgewater, provided it meets all applicable laws, in waters that
are likely to have greater assimilative capacity or where vessel traffic is not as concentrated, or
the vessel can hold the bilgewater for proper onshore disposal. Other provisions limiting the
location or manner in which bilgewater is discharged are based on a similar rationale. EPA’s Exploration as to Whether to Include More Stringent Bilgewater Management

Requirements for New Build Vessels and Whether to Provide Existing Vessels with
Additional Bilgewater Management Options

When the Agency published the draft 2013 VGP for comment, EPA specifically sought
comment on whether to include a more stringent bilgewater management regime for new vessels
and whether to provide existing vessels with additional bilgewater management options in the
final 2013 VGP. EPA had researched the state of bilgewater treatment systems (US EPA, 2011b)
and believed that a targeted reduction in the bilgewater effluent limit to 5 ppm oil and grease in
U.S. waters might have been appropriate, as technology meeting such a limit appeared to be
available for all vessels and economically achievable for at least new build vessels. However,
EPA is not finalizing this option in today’s permit due to concerns that have been raised
regarding implementation that call into question whether these systems are, in practice,
“available” and actually function onboard ships as their type approval data indicate they
otherwise should.

EPA received a variety of comments on whether to include a 5 ppm limit, and those
comments generally made three major assertions:

1) Before imposing requirements in the US, EPA should work with the international
community at IMO to explore whether to have more stringent limits for new build

2) EPA should seek additional information as to whether systems do, in fact, continue to
perform as indicated in their type approval data when actually on board ships, and

3) Type approved systems capable of meeting a 5 ppm limit are available.

Although EPA is not today adopting the 5 ppm option, as suggested in public comment,
EPA plans to work with our international partners at the IMO to explore whether systems and
alarms that do actually perform at 5 ppm are available in the marketplace. Working at IMO to
obtain broad international acceptance of a 5 ppm limit would increase the economic achievability
by providing a more widespread international market for such systems and broad international
acceptance of, and type-approval testing to, the 5 ppm standard.

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet Annual Bilgewater Monitoring for New Build Vessels

When EPA published the draft permit for comment, EPA also sought comment on
approaches for the monitoring of bilgewater discharges that would improve our understanding of
that discharge and determine compliance with numeric limits. Based on the comments received
on that proposal, EPA has finalized a modified, reduced monitoring regime from that in the draft
VGP for new build vessels (built on or after December 19, 2013). EPA believes gathering this
information is necessary to help inform the Agency about how systems actually perform onboard
vessels and to help better characterize which vessels are actually discharging in waters subject to
this permit. These data will help inform future regulatory decision making in addition to assisting
the Agency in better understanding how vessels are meeting the 2013 VGP’s existing permit

In the proposed 2013 VGP, EPA sought comment on a monitoring regime that would
require 5 sampling events for initial analytical monitoring and maintenance monitoring once per
year for new build vessels greater than 400 gross tons planning to discharge bilgewater in waters
subject to this permit. These draft requirements were being considered to assure that oily water
separator systems were, in fact, regularly achieving their 5 ppm limit, the limit on which the
Agency sought comment but decided not to impose in today’s final permit (see discussion in
Section Although the Agency did not adopt the more stringent limit, EPA continues to
believe that annual bilgewater monitoring information from new vessels as discussed in the draft
VGP fact sheet would provide valuable information to the Agency in determining future
requirements for bilgewater discharges. As described in the 2011 technical development
document on oily water separators (US EPA, 2011b) and earlier in this fact sheet, though EPA
believes many oily water separators are able to achieve their design limit (15 ppm or 5 ppm
depending on the system) in the type approval setting, EPA is also aware that performance
during operation can be variable. In some cases, systems may actually perform better than their
manufacturers claim. In others, field conditions such as improper maintenance or other
operational challenges in the marine environment can result in underperformance. Hence, EPA
has finalized this revised monitoring regime in the 2013 final VGP to help the Agency and
shipping industry stakeholders better understand how oily water seperator systems are actually
performing. In the interest of encouraging the use of the most advanced and effective
technologies, EPA has also included a reduced frequency monitoring incentive for those vessels
who demonstrate their oil and grease discharge is below 5 ppm on at least two consecutive
sampling events.

Analytical Monitoring

Annually, new build vessels greater than 400 gross tons which discharge bilgewater into
waters subject to this permit must collect a sample of the bilgewater effluent for analysis of oil
by Method ISO 9377-2 (2000) Water Quality–Determination of hydrocarbon oil index–Part 2:
Method Using Solvent Extraction and Gas Chromatography (incorporation by reference, see 46
CFR § 162.050–4) or EPA Method 1664 to demonstrate treatment equipment maintenance and
compliance with this permit. At the time of sample collection, the reading on the oil content
meter will be recorded so the oil concentration measured by the laboratory can be compared to
the oil content meter. The monitoring may be conducted during the vessel’s renewal survey or
during the course of normal operations, at the discretion of the vessel owner/operator.

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In addition, an annual test of the oil discharge monitoring system alarm functions and the
electronic-valve switching function must also be performed onboard the vessel to verify they will
activate when the oil concentration measured by the oil content meter is greater than regulatory

A vessel owner operator may cease conducting analytical monitoring if the following
conditions are met:

• A vessel which has an oil discharge monitoring system that has been type
approved by any flag administration to a 5 ppm standard or has an alarm and
overboard discharge control unit which prevents the discharge of any bilgewater
with an oil content of greater than 5 ppm oil and grease;

• The analytical monitoring results are below 5 ppm oil and grease for two
consecutive years of permit coverage; and

• The vessel only discharges bilgewater when the oil content monitor reads below 5
ppm oil and grease.

If a vessel has not met the above conditions, that vessel owner/operator must conduct
annual analytical bilgewater monitoring for each year of permit coverage.

Records of the sampling and testing results must be retained onboard for a period of 3
years in the vessel’s recordkeeping documentation. Records of monitoring information shall

• The date, exact place, and time of sampling or measurements, and any meter
• The individual(s) who performed the sampling or measurements, and any meter
• The date(s) analyses and any meter recalibration were performed;
• The individual(s) who performed the analyses and any meter recalibration;
• The techniques or methods used for sample analyses and any meter recalibration; and
• The results of such analyses and any meter recalibration.
Monitoring Reporting

The vessel owner/operator must submit data showing that the bilgewater standards are
achieved by their oil discharge monitoring system to EPA’s e-reporting system, unless they meet
one of the exceptions to electronic reporting found in Part 1.14 of this permit. Monitoring data
must be submitted at least once per calendar year no later than February 28 of the year after the
data are collected. Data may be submitted as part of the vessel’s annual report

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet Why EPA included Annual Monitoring for New Build Vessels

As discussed above, EPA sought comment on whether vessels greater than 400 gross tons
electing to discharge bilgewater in waters subject to this permit should complete additional
monitoring requirements to periodically assure the accuracy of their oil content monitor. Vessels
must be equipped with an oil discharge monitoring system that monitors the discharge of oily
bilge water into waters subject to this permit. Vessels must also be equipped with an overboard
discharge control unit that automatically initiates the sequence to stop the overboard discharge of
the effluent in alarm condition and prevents the discharge throughout the period the alarm
condition prevails. The control unit must be designed to receive automatic signals of oil content
of the effluent, measured as ppm, from the oil content meter. EPA incorporated the modified
monitoring requirements to gain a better understanding of the state of bilgewater treatment
onboard vessels. The monitoring methods rely on both analytical methods and the vessels
existing oil content meters and monitoring conditions based upon readily available and generally
accepted methods. Additionally, by allowing vessel owner/operators to cease monitoring if they
have results below 5 ppm for two consecutive years, the Agency is providing an incentive to
those vessel owner operators which invest in advanced technology and maintain it appropriately.
EPA has estimated the additional cost associated with analytical monitoring in the economic
analysis accompanying this permit, and found that the costs of monitoring are economically
achievable for new build vessels electing to discharge bilgewater within waters subject to permit.
Please see US EPA (2011a) for additional discussion regarding the costs of these permit

4.4.3 Ballast Water (Part 2.2.3)

Technology-Based Effluent Limitations

In today’s permit, EPA has finalized new, more stringent numeric technology-based
effluent limitations to replace the non-numeric limitations in the 2008 VGP for ballast water.
These changes will achieve significant reductions in the number of living organisms discharged
via ballast water into waters subject to this permit. EPA has set the numeric effluent limit for
ballast water as numbers of living organisms per cubic meter discharged (i.e., as a maximum
acceptable concentration) because reducing the concentration of living organisms will reduce
inoculum densities of potential invasive species discharged in a vessel’s ballast water. As part of
today’s permit, EPA has also established discharge limitations for certain biocides and residuals
(expressed as an instantaneous maximum).

EPA’s SAB (2011) recommended that EPA not solely rely on numeric standards for
ballast water discharges, in particular that:

“…EPA adopt a risk-based approach to minimize the impacts of invasive species in

vessel ballast water discharge rather than relying solely on numeric standards for
discharges from shipboard BWMS. The Panel found that insufficient attention has been
given to integrated sets of practices and technologies that could be used to systematically
advance ballast water management. These practices include managing ballast uptake to
reduce the presence of invasive species, reducing invasion risk through operational
adjustments and changes in ship design to reduce or eliminate the need for ballast water,

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development of voyage-based risk and/or hazard assessments, and treatment of ballast

water in onshore reception facilities.” (EPA SAB, 2011)

Consistent with this recommendation, EPA has included some of the management
practices referenced above in the permit and continues to explore other integrated approaches to
managing ballast water risk reduction.

Vessel owner/operators subject to the concentration-based numeric treatment limit may

meet their obligations in one of four ways: discharge treated ballast water meeting the applicable
numeric limits in Part of the VGP; transfer of the ship’s ballast water to a third party
(which may be onshore or on another vessel such as a treatment barge); use of treated
municipal/potable water as ballast water; or by not discharging ballast water. In addition, vessels
enrolled in, and meeting the requirements of the US Coast Guard’s Shipboard Technology
Evaluation Program (STEP), are deemed to be compliant with the permit requirements for ballast
water treatment.

Ballast water typically consists of ambient water taken onboard to maintain vessel draft,
trim, stability, and stresses, regardless of how it is carried. Large commercial vessels (e.g.,
container ships, bulk carriers, other cargo vessels, tankers, and passenger vessels) normally have
ballast tanks dedicated to this purpose and some vessels may also put ballast water in empty
cargo holds. The discharge rate and constituent concentrations of ballast water will vary by
vessel type, ballast tank capacity, quality of and constituents contained in the ambient source
waters, efficacy of any treatment applied to the discharge of ballast water, type of deballasting
equipment, and other factors. Volumes of ballast water discharged are significant and can range
from several hundred to many thousands of cubic meters of water. For instance, large passenger
vessels (cruise ships) have a representative ballast capacity of about 3,000 cubic meters (about
790,000 gallons) while ultra-large crude carriers (ULCCs) have a representative ballast capacity
of about 95,000 cubic meters (about 25 million gallons) (ABS, 2010). Some vessels, such as
small water ferries, may have as little as 5 cubic meters (about 1321 gallons) of ballast water.

Ballast water discharge has been cited as one of the primary sources (or vectors) for the
spread of aquatic invasive species, also known as aquatic nuisance species (ANS) (Carlton,
1985; Carlton and Geller, 1993; Gollasch et al., 2002; Kasyan, 2010). These species can enter
new aquatic environments when the vessel operator discharges from ballast water tanks. These
organisms may also be released when vessel operators load ballast water into ballast tanks with
existing residual water or sediment, mixing the new ballast water with the residual water and
sediment, which may contain viable living organisms and organisms in resting stages, then later
discharge this mixed effluent. When species in ballast tanks are transported between waterbodies
and discharged, they have the potential for establishing new, non-indigenous populations that can
cause severe economic and ecological impacts. The permit includes technology-based numeric
limitations and other provisions to limit the concentrations of potentially viable organisms that
are released into potentially receptive aquatic habitats.

ANS cause substantial environmental and economic harm to the United States. Well
known examples of ANS or pathogens that have been introduced to U.S. waters include Chinese
mitten crab, European green crab, hydrilla, European loosestrife, Eurasian water milfoil, round
goby, melaluca, salt cedar, Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS), and zebra mussels. For

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additional information on the impacts of ANS introduced via ballast water discharges, refer to
some of the numerous studies and reports that have been completed and are available in the
docket for today’s permit (Bolch & Salas, 2007; Dobbs et al., 2006; Doblin et al., 2007; Drake &
Lodge, 2007; Drake et al., 2007; Endresen et al., 2004; Knight et al., 1999; M.G.G. et al., 2003;
NAS, 2011; Reynolds et al., 1999; Roman, 2006; Ruiz et al., 2000a; Ruiz et al., 2000b; Smayda,
2007; US EPA, 2001; Zo et al., 1999). For additional information on the impact of aquatic
nuisance species, refer to section 3.4.1 of this fact sheet and the economic analysis available in
the docket for today’s permit. Training

As a requirement of this permit, the master, operator, person-in-charge, and crew

members who actively take part in the management of ballast water must have a general
understanding of ballast water systems on board vessels. Crew must be able to effectively
implement all appropriate requirements laid out in a vessel’s ballast water management plan. For
vessels which have a ballast water treatment system onboard, crew engaged in the active
management of ballast water must understand how to operate and maintain ballast water
equipment. Additionally, if the vessel crew will engage in sampling of any ballast water
discharge streams, those crew must understand how to engage in proper sample collection,
handling, and packaging. Thus, EPA is requiring that owner/operators maintain a written training
plan, which describes the training provided to the vessel crew, as well as a record of the date on
which that training was provided to each member of the crew. This can be in the form of a stand-
alone training plan, can be incorporated into the vessel’s ballast water management plan, or other
recordkeeping documentation as appropriate (provided the vessel’s crew can quickly point to this
language for their use and purposes of inspection). The permit does not prescribe the appropriate
level of detail of the written training plan; this should be determined by the permittee. In general,
it need only be detailed enough to document that appropriate training is taking place.

EPA included these requirements pursuant to 40 CFR 122.44(k), which requires EPA to
impose best management practices when “reasonably necessary to achieve effluent limitations
and standards or to carry out the purposes and intent of the CWA.” See also CWA section
402(a)(2) and 40 CFR 122.43(a). The Agency believes that ballast water management is
complex, and inadequately trained crew may not appropriately implement the ballast water
requirements found in this permit, thereby increasing the risk that the effluent limits and
standards of the permit will not be achieved. Ballast Water Management Plans

All vessels equipped with ballast water tanks must have a ballast water management plan.
US Coast Guard regulations also establish mandatory ballast water reporting and recordkeeping
requirements (33 CFR 151.2041 and 151.2043), and also require vessels to have a ballast water
management plan that is specific for that vessel and assigns responsibility to the master or
appropriate official to understand and execute the ballast water management strategy for that
vessel (33 CFR 151.2035(a)(7)).

Like the 2008 VGP, this iteration of the VGP also requires that all vessel owner/operators
maintain ballast water management plans as a requirement related to effluent limits. As part of

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these plans, vessel owner/operators must document how they will meet the ballast water
requirements contained in the VGP.

EPA notes that the requirement to do such a plan is being imposed as “conditions to
assure compliance” with effluent limitations under CWA§ 402(a)(2) and 40 CFR 122.43(a), and
as practices “reasonably necessary to achieve effluent limitations and standards or to carry out
the intents and purposes of the CWA,” per 40 CFR 122.44(k). Mandatory Ballast Water Management Practices: Management Measures Required of

all Vessel Owner/Operators

As in the 2008 VGP, EPA has included, pursuant to 122.44(k), best management
practices (BMPs) applicable to all vessels equipped with ballast water tanks that enter or operate
within waters subject to this permit as technology-based effluent limits. EPA’s Science Advisory
Board (2011) found that “insufficient attention has been given to integrated sets of practices and
technologies that could be used to systematically advance ballast water management.” Hence,
consistent with the recommendations of that panel, EPA has retained the current BMPs and
developed additional management measures, both found in Part of the VGP, which are
designed to reduce the number of living organisms taken up in, and later discharged in, ballast
water or to ensure that such discharges do not occur in known sensitive areas. Many of these
measures are consistent with existing requirements found in the 2008 VGP and US Coast Guard
regulations (found at 33 CFR 151, Subparts C and D), and therefore, are widely followed
practices by the regulated community. The remainder are practices that EPA believes will be
reasonably easy to implement. EPA thus finds these practices to be available and economically
achievable. Additionally, EPA notes that the discharge of ballast water in critical habitat should
be avoided when feasible, consistent with the advice offered to EPA by NMFS and FWS during
EPA’s consultation with those two federal resource agencies. The list of critical habitat can be
found at:; and

Examples of these BMPs include avoiding or minimizing ballast water uptake in areas
recognized as having a high potential to contain harmful organisms, only discharging the
minimum amounts of ballast water necessary in coastal and internal waters, and regularly
cleaning ballast water tanks to remove sediment. When achievable, vessel operators should not
take up ballast water in any waters with a known outbreak of harmful organisms and/or invasive
species such as Pfisteria blooms (or other harmful algal blooms) and viral hemorrhagic
septicemia (VHS) and instead use internal ballasting. In these areas, it may be achievable for
vessel owner/operators to avoid the uptake of water. When the uptake of ballast water is required
in these waters, the vessel owner/operator must take on ballast in those waters that have the
lowest known risk factors for these harmful organisms. Additionally, when feasible, vessel
owner/operators must deballast using their pumps rather than gravity draining their tanks unless
they meet the limits found in Part of the permit. This is because pumps cause increased
mortality among living organisms, particularly zooplankton and other larger organisms, that
might otherwise be discharged (due to among other things, cavitation, entrainment, and/or

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Like the 2008 VGP, today’s permit does not authorize the discharge of sediments from
the cleaning of ballast tanks. Hence, the discharge of sediment removed from tanks by cleaning
operations into waters subject to this permit, including the discharge of sediments suspended as a
result of ballast tank cleaning, are prohibited from being discharged into waters covered by this
permit and must be disposed of in accordance with any applicable local, State, and Federal
regulations. Regarding sediment disposal, vessel owner/operators may need to make
arrangements for proper onshore disposal or arrangements to discharge sediment outside waters
subject to this permit unless prohibited by statute or applicable law). Sediment could be removed
when vessels are in port or while vessels are in drydock. Furthermore, because EPA did not
authorize the discharge of sediments in the 2008 VGP, the Agency assumes that all vessel
owner/operators are currently complying with these permit requirements. Based upon data
submitted on vessel NOIs for the 2008 VGP, the vast majority of vessels discharge sediment
from the cleaning of ballast tanks to either onshore facilities or when they are out of waters
subject to this permit. See Table 2 below.

Table 2: Ballast Water Sediment Disposal Methods by Vessel Types/Categories Based on

NOI Data for the 2008 VGP (Data Current as of December 2010: Values are in Percent of
Vessels for which a Response was Provided)

Oil and Large Med.

Gas Comm. Large Cruise Cruise
Methods Barges Tankers Fishing Ferries Ship Ship Research Emerg. Other
Onshore at
shipyards via third
party 78 37 81 50 72 49 55 84 70
Onshore/Landfill 0.2 4 0 2 0 0 2 4 0
Onshore and
Offshore 0 19 0 0 10 13 7 4 7
Offshore/overboard 0.8 37 6 6 18 19 8 5 16
Not applicable/
No Ballast 21 3 13 42 0 19 28 3 7
Total #
Respondents 6,950 2,521 123 62 97 16 74 56 8,529

EPA has not authorized the discharge of sediment from cleaning of ballast tanks for two
primary reasons. First, sediment poses a risk for the further distribution of aquatic nuisance or
invasive species. Organisms can survive in ballast sediment for prolonged periods in resting
stages. Secondly, and of equal importance in the Great Lakes, sediment is a traditional pollutant
which can be linked to violations of water quality standards. Sediment discharged in any
significant quantities will increase turbidity, decrease the size of the photic zone, and result in
increased benthic embeddedness. Though the sediment collected on the bottom of ballast tanks
likely settled from waters drawn into the ballast tank, the characteristics of that sediment can be
substantially altered from when it was taken onboard the vessel due to other constituents of
ballast water and chemical changes in the ballast water tank. Furthermore, the sediment is not
always from the same location or waters where the ballast water was taken onboard the vessel as
the tanks are not completely emptied when ballast water is discharged. Therefore, EPA
determined not to authorize the discharge of sediment from cleaning of ballast tanks anywhere in

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waters subject to this permit including the Great Lakes. EPA believes it is feasible to remove
accumulated sediments from ballast tanks without flushing them into waters subject to this
permit, and has received not information suggesting that this requirement has posed a problem in
complying with the 2008 VGP. Mandatory Ballast Water Management Practices for “Lakers”

In the 2011 Draft VGP, EPA had proposed that due to their special characteristics (see
section of Fact Sheet for the 2011 draft VGP), existing bulk carriers confined
exclusively to the Great Lakes upstream of the Welland Canal (“Confined Lakers”) would not be
required to meet the effluent (and related) limits in section of the VGP during the term of
the VGP. During the comment period on the draft VGP, the some commenters provided
information demonstrating that vessels confined to the Great Lakes, but which operate beyond
the Welland Canal, share such characteristics (e.g., high ballast water flow rates, short term
voyages, uncoated ballast tanks, challenges of finding ballast water treatment systems suitable
for freshwater, plus have even more confined space for fitting equipment), and thus should be
treated the same as was proposed for “Confined Lakers.” In light of these comments, EPA has
revised the final VGP to eliminate the confined vs. unconfined Laker distinction by adopting a
definition of “Laker” to encompass existing bulk carriers that operate exclusively on the
Laurentian Great Lakes, regardless of whether their operation is or is not beyond the Welland

As a result, “Lakers” meeting the final VGP definition, would not be required to meet the
effluent (and related) limits in section of the VGP, as their special characteristics render
treatment technologies or other strategies to meet the limits currently unavailable and
economically unachievable. However, because they share similar characteristics, all such
“Lakers” would be subject to the three ballast water management measures that the draft VGP
had proposed to apply only to “confined Lakers.” EPA has established three ballast water
management measures specific to existing bulk carrier vessels (commonly known as Lakers)
built before January 1, 2009. These include developing sediment management measures,
minimizing the amount of ballast taken in nearshore environments, and requiring inspection of
sea chest screens and repair as necessary. EPA has found these requirements to be available and
economically achievable, as they represent simple to implement and common sense approaches
to managing ballast water discharges for these vessels to minimize the spread of ANS.

The first management measure requires the vessel owner/operator to annually assess
sediment accumulations and document their sediment-related activities (to assure they are
managing sediment effectively and to assure compliance with permit conditions). The second
measure, adopted from voluntary Laker BMP approaches to mitigate the transfer of invasive
species, requires that Lakers minimize the amount of water they take on in nearshore
environments (for an example of voluntary Laker BMPs, see Great Lakes Maritime Industry
Voluntary Ballast Water Management Plan for the Control of VHS, available in the docket for
today’s permit). The third measure requires that Lakers ensure that their sea chest screen(s) are
adequately maintained. These screens will keep out the largest living organisms, such as fish,
from ballast tanks (and bacteria and viruses associated with those larger organisms), which may
reduce the risk of transferring ANS. Lakers confined exclusively to the Great Lakes upstream of
the Welland Canal are laid up or put in drydock every winter; hence, they have the time and

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opportunity to inspect and repair sea chest screens, and replace as necessary. EPA believes that
adequately maintaining sea chest screens is a simple and economically available technology-
based requirement to reduce the threat of ANS dispersal within the Great Lakes.

For the reasons described in section of this fact sheet, if existing Lakers are
retrofitted to meet the treatment requirements in Part of the VGP, these vessels are not
required to meet the other requirements of Part of the VGP. However, existing Lakers
with ballast water treatment systems would still be required to meet the BMPs for ballast water
management found in Part of the VGP that are applicable to all vessels. Ballast Water Treatment Measures

In developing today’s numeric effluent limits, EPA considered data from numerous peer
reviewed publications, literature produced by the federal government, other technical reports and
publications, public comments, and comments from experts working in the field (see EPA SAB,
2011; ABS, 2010; Albert et al., 2010; CSLC, 2010; Dobroski et al., 2011; GLBWC, 2010;
Lloyd’s List, 2010; WDNR, 2010). The data sources from which EPA derived information for
decision-making purposes are included in the docket for the permit and/or referenced in this fact
sheet. These data sources discuss ballast water discharges, technologies available for the
treatment of these discharges, and the effectiveness of the technologies. EPA considered these
data in selecting the best practicable technology (BPT) and best available technology
economically achievable (BAT) for today’s permit. The permit includes numeric limits for
ballast water discharges and provides vessel owner/operators options for determining how they
will meet those limits. Not all vessels will use onboard treatment systems to comply with
discharge requirements. Estimates developed by King et al. (2010) suggest that less than half of
the vessels with ballast water discharge are likely to install onboard ballast water treatment
systems. Some vessels are more likely to use an alternative ballast water management approach,
including not discharging ballast water while in waters subject to this permit, using onshore
facilities, or using potable water as ballast. Ballast Water Management Using a Ballast Water Treatment System

Based on EPA’s review of available data, EPA has established technology-based numeric
effluent limits for the discharge of living organisms equivalent to the U.S. Coast Guard discharge
standard (USCG, 2012, 33 CFR 151.1511 and 151.2030), which is equivalent to the standard set
forth in Regulation D-2 of the International Ballast Water Convention (IMO, 2008) (henceforth
referred to as the International Maritime Organization (IMO) standard). 11 EPA has established
the VGP permit limits because several treatment technologies have been shown to be safe,
reliable and effective at reducing viable living organisms in ballast water discharges to meet
these limits. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that several of these technologies are
commercially available for shipboard installation and their use is economically achievable.
Several studies and publications are available that discuss current treatment technologies, their
efficacy and performance, and whether they are commercially available for shipboard installation
(see EPA SAB, 2011; ABS., 2010; Albert et al., 2010; CSLC, 2010; Dobroski et al., 2011;

Note that three size groupings addressed in section effluent limits are (or include): (1)
macrofauna/zooplankton, (2) phytoplankton, and (3) indicator microbes.

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GLBWC, 2010; Lloyd’s List, 2010; WDNR 2010). Establishment of a ballast water discharge
limit at the U.S. Coast Guard /IMO discharge standard will result in a substantial reduction in the
concentration of living organisms in the vast majority of ballast water discharges, compared to
discharges of ballast water managed by mid-ocean exchange or discharges of unexchanged
ballast water. In addition, EPA believes that no existing ballast water treatment systems are
widely available for inland or seagoing vessels smaller than 1600 gross registered tons. Hence,
inland or seagoing vessels smaller than 1600 gross registered tons are not required to meet the
numeric ballast water effluent limitation. However, these vessels must meet all other ballast
water requirements found in Part 2.2.3 of the VGP as applicable.

The CWA is a critical tool in forcing the development and installation of environmentally
beneficial technologies. The statute demands application of best available technology
economically achievable, which will result in “reasonable” progress toward the goal of
eliminating the discharge of all pollutants, CWA section 301(b)(2)(A). Hence, EPA has
established the ballast water discharge limit at the Coast Guard Phase I discharge standard/IMO
standard with a rolling implementation schedule, similar to that established by the USCG
proposal and IMO. Furthermore, EPA notes that as technologies improve and better data on the
efficacy of systems become available, the Agency fully expects to make the BAT limit more
stringent in the future, in line with the capabilities of treatment systems and the capability of
testing protocols to establish that systems can achieve these limits. EPA also notes that not all
vessels that are required to meet such numeric effluent limitations will need to do so as of the
effective date of the permit, and will instead be required to meet other non-numeric BAT
requirements established for their ballast water discharges upon the permit’s effective date. EPA
has found that sufficient numbers of treatment systems meeting today’s limits will not be
available for all vessels by the issuance date of this permit. Furthermore, requiring all vessels to
install treatment systems immediately upon the effective date of the permit would not be
economically achievable, and therefore does not represent BAT. See discussion below.

Finding that the Ballast Water Limits in this Permit Represent the BPT and BAT Level of

Ballast water discharge is a known vector for the spread of invasive species. The risk of
establishment of ANS is assumed to decrease with decreasing propagule supply, although the
exact quantitative relationship between propagule supply and invasion risk is unknown for any
species, and in fact likely varies for any species over time and location. This assumption
regarding risk is supported by a wide body of empirical, theoretical, and experimental evidence
showing that invasion success increases with an increase in propagule supply, either by a higher
concentration of organisms in an inoculation and/or by an increase in the frequency of
inoculations (e.g., Simberloff, 1989, 2009; Ruiz et al., 2000a; Kolar and Lodge, 2001, Ruiz and
Carlton, 2003; Lockwood et al., 2005; Johnston et al., 2008). Significantly reducing propagule
pressure will reduce the probability of invasions, when controlling for all other variables (NAS,
2011). The ballast water discharge standard in today’s permit will reduce discharges of living
organisms, thereby reducing risk of the spread of aquatic nuisance species.

The living organism discharge standard for ballast water is expressed as concentrations of
organisms per unit volume by organism size class. The numeric limitations in today’s permit

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represent the most stringent standards that ballast water management [treatment] systems
currently safely, effectively, credibly, and reliably meet (US EPA SAB, 2011).

In the context of this general permit, EPA has determined that the ballast water discharge
standard represents the best practicable technology (BPT) for all pollutants, the best conventional
technology (BCT) for conventional pollutants, and the best available technology economically
achievable (BAT) for toxic and non-conventional pollutants. In making this determination, EPA
evaluated effluent limits using a BPT and a BAT standard, but since conventional pollutants will
also be adequately controlled by these same effluent limits for which EPA applied the BPT and
BAT tests, EPA determined that it was not necessary to conduct BCT economic tests.

Ballast Water Treatment is Technologically Available

EPA developed the BPT/BAT numeric discharge limitations for ballast water based on an
assessment of the demonstrated performance of current ballast water treatment technologies.
Based upon available data, EPA’s Science Advisory Board (2011) determined that five ballast
water treatment system types (listed below) have been demonstrated to meet the IMO D-2
discharge standard, when tested under the IMO G8 guidelines for approval of ballast water
treatment systems (MEPC, 2008), and will likely meet USCG Phase 1 standards (if tested under
EPA’s more detailed Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Protocol).

These five types of ballast water treatment technologies include:

• Deoxygenation + cavitation;
• Filtration + chlorine dioxide;
• Filtration + UV;
• Filtration + UV + TiO2; and
• Filtration + electro-chlorination.
Deoxygenation is a physical-chemical process that kills organisms by creating severe
hypoxia (through lowered pressure via venturi or vacuum or lowered partial pressure via
sparging with inert gasses). Cavitation is a physical process that kills organisms by the high
pressure, shear forces, and shock waves generated by the collapse of micro-vapor bubbles
induced into the ballast water. Filtration accomplishes a variety of physical separation processes,
including screening to remove sediment and larger organisms resistant to disinfection, reduction
of organic matter to reduce oxidant demand, and reduction of turbidity to increase transmittance
of UV radiation (EPA SAB, 2011). Chlorine dioxide and electro-chlorination disinfect ballast
water using the chemical disinfectants chlorine dioxide and hypochlorite. In the latter,
hypochlorite is generated by electrolytic processes using sea water as the source of ions. UV is a
physical-chemical process that disinfects ballast water using photochemical reactions generated
by ultraviolet light radiation. In the UV + TiO2 physical-chemical process, UV light also
activates the surface of the titanium catalytic semiconductor, disinfecting ballast water using
both photochemical and photocatalytic reactions.

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In conducting its study, EPA’s SAB (2011) used the following criteria to determine that
the five ballast water treatment technologies were available and demonstrated to meet the
standard in today’s permit:

• The technical literature supported the fundamental use of the technology (e.g., is it
well documented that using the approach will safely and effectively remove, kill, or
inactivate aquatic organisms).
• Laboratory testing was conducted with “reasonable and appropriate methods” (i.e.,
methods commonly used in aquatic studies or alternative methods that appear
rigorous and equivalent to a standard, common approach).
• Land-based testing was conducted with appropriate sample numbers and sizes;
sample collection and handling were appropriate and documented; analytical facilities
were adequate; IMO or ETV (v. 5.1) challenge conditions were met; appropriate
toxicological studies were conducted and demonstrated environmental safety; a
QA/QC policy was in place and followed; and ultimately, land-based testing
produced credible results.
• Shipboard testing was conducted with the same considerations as land-based testing
(described above) and produced credible results.
• If an active substance was included, the technology had credible toxicity and
chemistry data and had received IMO Basic approval or Final Approval (which
requires Basic Approval). 12
• The technology had a type approval certificate from a flag administration. 13
• The technology was in operational use (i.e., not used only during shipboard type
approval testing) on one or more active vessels. (US EPA SAB, 2011)
EPA notes that other types of ballast water treatment systems may also meet these
standards. However, the SAB panel determined that adequate data about these systems were not
available for use by the panel to evaluate those systems. Based upon the data available, no
current ballast water treatment technologies were considered likely to meet standards more
stringent than IMO D-2/Phase 1 (US EPA SAB, 2011).

As of the 64th meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) at

IMO, 28 systems had been type approved by their flag administrations. MEPC 64/23 at ¶ 2.12.
Based upon information generated by those system vendors and data regarding system
Under Regulation D-3(2) of the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention, ballast water treatment systems that
make use of “active substances” (biocides or other potentially harmful substances) are subject to approval by the
IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) with respect to active substance-related health,
environmental, and safety issues. This review and approval is conducted under the G9 Procedure for approval of
Ballast water management systems that make use of active substances ” developed by MEPC, available at
EPA notes that in addition to measuring environmental efficacy (e.g., how well do systems prevent the discharge
of living organisms), type approval involves evaluating the system’s design and construction for operation on ships,
the manufacturing standards, and safety aspects.

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performance generally taken by third parties, those flag administrations believe that these
systems can consistently meet the IMO D-2 discharge standard when installed and used on ships
under normal operating conditions. Examples of data available to evaluate the efficacy of ballast
water treatment systems include Cangelosi, 2010a; Cangelosi 2010b; Gollasch, 2011; Tamburri
and Ruiz, 2005; ten Hellers et al.,2009; USCG, 2008; Veldhuis et al., 2008; Veldhuis et al.,
2009a; Veldhuis et al., 2009b; Wright, 2009.

Based on EPA’s review of available data public comment, the Agency agrees with the
SAB’s evaluation that ballast water treatment systems are available which meet the limits in
today’s VGP, and that at least five types of treatment technologies are available to meet those
limits. Combining EPA’s review with that of the SAB and other evaluations of available
technology (see US EPA SAB, 2011; GLBWC, 2010; Albert et al., 2010; CSLC, 2010; Dobroski
et al., 2011; Lloyd’s List, 2010; WDNR, 2010) and the fact that numerous BWTS have been type
approved by their flag administrations, EPA believes that effective technologies which meet
today’s technology based standards are or will be available for most types of vessels.

Ballast Water Treatment Requirements in the 2013 VGP are Economically Practicable
and Economically Achievable

The US Coast Guard estimated the cost of requiring ballast water treatment systems for
its March 2012 final rulemaking. The Coast Guard’s Regulatory Analysis, available in the docket
for today’s permit, estimates the average capital cost of ballast water treatment systems that will
be installed to meet their Phase I/ IMO D-2 standards. As determined by the USCG in their
analysis of the March 2012 rulemaking, an estimated 1,459 domestic flagged vessels are
expected to install BWTS through 2018 at costs that range from $258,000 for chemical
application in offshore supply vessels to more than $2.5 million to retrofit Very Large Crude
Carriers (VLCCs) with ozone generating systems. USCG estimated the total annual cost for the
rule at $90 million (at 3 percent discount rate, in 2007 dollars).Capital costs primarily vary with
pumping capacity and technologies utilized, but are also slightly influenced by differences
between the vessel categories.

For purposes of evaluating and determining BAT, EPA has found that requiring
installation of ballast water treatment will impose no incremental cost to the regulated
community over meeting the US Coast Guard standards. The US Coast Guard rulemaking
requires ballast water treatment systems be installed on the same schedule as today’s final

EPA believes that installation of ballast water treatment systems is economically

practicable and achievable even if costs are fully attributable to this permit alone. This
determination considers the full installation and operation cost (as summarized in the discussion
of the USCG’s cost estimates above and the economic analysis document that accompanies this
permit) of ballast water treatment systems on applicable vessels. It also considers revenue for the
vessels. For example, as reported in section 3.4.2 of EPA’s economic analysis document, average
daily charter rates for vessels ranged from $17,000 to $37,500 per day in 2006 (USCG, 2008)
and averaged $15,179 per day per voyage in 2010.

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EPA further notes that numerous publications and forums have been devoted to the
imminence of the IMO standards, the availability of ballast water treatment systems, and the
selection of those systems by vessel owner/operators (e.g., see ABS 2010; Lloyds 2010; Lloyds
2011; USCG 2009). Hence, EPA believes that vessel owner/operators have been planning for the
installation and use of ballast water treatment systems, or making other arrangements for ballast
water management as appropriate, and they have factored these costs into their long-term
operating plans.

EPA has determined that a more rapid implementation schedule than that in the U.S.
Coast Guard final standard is not economically achievable at this time. As discussed in section of this fact sheet, EPA has determined that it is not possible for all vessels equipped
with ballast water tanks to install ballast water treatment systems by December 19, 2013 (for
more information, see additional discussion in section If EPA were to require
treatment with ballast water treatment systems for all vessels on December 19, 2013, those
vessels which would be unable to install systems due to these limitations would be unable to
legally discharge ballast water, and therefore legally operate, in U.S. waters as of that date.
Those vessel owner/operators without ballast water treatment systems would face the unenviable
choice of ceasing operation in US waters or knowingly violating the CWA, which could carry
significant civil and criminal penalties. In addition to significant costs for these vessel
owner/operators, trade to and from US ports would suffer, resulting in widespread and
significant disruptions in trade and economic activity.

EPA expects that production capacity will be available for the numbers of new vessels
coming into service every year and new build vessels are in the shipyard or drydock for a
substantial portion of their construction which will allow them to install ballast water treatment
systems before coming into service. Furthermore, vessel owner/operators of new build vessels
have been aware of impending ballast water treatment requirements for these vessels since the
signing of the IMO ballast water convention. For these new build vessels, BAT will be the
numeric effluent limitations associated with using a treatment device to meet IMO limits.
However, as discussed above, it is not economically achievable for all vessels, including most
existing vessels, to have ballast water treatment systems installed by December 19, 2013. Hence,
BAT as of the effective date of this permit is use of a treatment system for new vessels built on
or after December 1, 2013 and use of other narrative best management practices for existing
vessels. By the end of the permit term, EPA expects a substantial portion of vessels operating in
US waters, including most existing vessels, to be utilizing ballast water treatment systems, as it is
not cost prohibitive to install ballast water treatment systems when a vessel is in drydock or out
of service, and phasing the installation of systems over time will allow the shipping industry to
spread costs over several years. The basis for the implementation schedule is discussed more
fully in section below.

Ballast Water Treatment Technologies have Acceptable Non-water Quality

Environmental Impacts

In addition, EPA has considered the non-water quality environmental impacts, including
energy impacts, of the ballast water discharge limitations required under this permit and finds
that they are acceptable. Energy impacts result from energy requirements to operate the ballast
water treatment equipment such as pumps, filters, UV lamps, chemical generators, and gas

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spargers. EPA anticipates that the ballast water requirements of this permit may also result in an
increase in fuel usage; however, EPA expects an offsetting decrease in fuel usage for those
vessels which no longer have to conduct ballast water exchange (and must conduct it under the
2008 VGP). Additionally, owner/operators of vessels may generate certain air emissions, such as
greenhouse gases from incremental fuel consumption; however, EPA does not anticipate that
ballast water treatment would result in solid waste impacts. The Agency concludes that the
effluent reduction benefits for ballast water treatment far exceed the potential adverse effects
from the increase in energy and fuel consumption and air emissions.

EPA’s Consideration of Conclusions Found in the California State Lands Commission

Ballast Water Treatment Report

EPA understands that some stakeholders may view the California State Lands
Commission report titled “2010 Assessment of the Efficacy, Availability, and Environmental
Impacts of Ballast Water Treatment Systems for use in California Waters” (CSLC, 2010;
Dobroski et al., 2011) as providing justification for inclusion of treatment standard
concentrations which are lower than those technology-based effluent limits included in the VGP
(e.g., justification for setting the limits as 100 or 1000 times more stringent than IMO). As an
interim standard (applicable until 2020), California has utilized a “no detectable living organism”
approach for the largest size classes of organisms, with numeric standards for smaller size

EPA believes that these California State Lands Commission (CSLC) reports, and their
earlier versions, have served a role in consolidating summary data regarding the efficacy of
ballast water treatment systems and drawing conclusions from those data where feasible.
However, though some may view the CSLC report as justifying a more stringent standard than
IMO, the methodology employed by the State of California is inconsistent with CWA
requirements that must be applied by EPA in evaluating whether technologies are available to
meet a given discharge limit. The CSLC report “examines treatment system performance data to
determine whether or not systems have demonstrated the potential to comply with California’s
standards” (CSLC, 2010, 42). EPA understands that the CSLC defines a Ballast Water Treatment
System as having the potential to comply with their performance standards if the system has at
least one test (potentially of many) from either a land-based or shipboard test for which the
measurement indicated compliance with the California standard. CSLC found that 8 systems
have the potential to meet their standards under these evaluation criteria. California further notes
that “three of eight systems show the potential to meet California standards under their additional
more rigorous evaluation criteria. These three passed more than 50% of the time over multiple
tests (3 or more) at either land or shipboard scale” (CSLC, 2010, 75-76). EPA notes that no
systems had “no detects” in all sample tests. Hence, CSLC is very careful to note that several
systems they evaluated have the “potential to meet” their discharge limits (for some discharge
events) but that use of systems highlighted in the report in no way guarantees compliance with
the “no detectable living organism” standard in California waters.

In its analysis of the data presented in the CSLC report, EPA concludes that those data
are not adequate to determine whether any of the treatment systems can meet a significantly
more stringent limit than those for this permit term. EPA believes that the data California
reviewed for their evaluation of ballast water treatment systems were generally from tests to

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determine whether systems could meet the IMO limits, and do not have significant precision or
resolution to detect efficacy significantly beyond those limits. As noted by the SAB, “current
methods (and associated detection limits) prevent testing of BWTS to any standard more
stringent than D-2 and make it impracticable for verifying a standard 100 or 1000 times more
stringent.” Hence, EPA does not believe that the report can be used to support the assertion that
technologies are available to meet a limit 100 or 1000 times more stringent than IMO. In fact,
until better shipboard testing methods are developed, there is no way to efficiently detect
organisms present in low concentrations (e.g., at or below the IMO standard) from a shipboard
discharge. This means that, in practice, the “no detectable living organism standard” required by
California is no more stringent than the IMO standard at this time. This conclusion is supported
by a recent NAS report, which states that the zero-detectable organism standard “is functionally
defined by the ability to characterize concentrations of organisms at low densities” and that the
exact California discharge standard “is largely undefined and contingent on sampling protocols”
(NAS, 118). Monitoring from Vessels Using a Ballast Water Treatment System

Pursuant to CWA section 308 and 402(a)(2), 40 § CFR 122.43(a), 40 § CFR 122.44(i), 40
CFR 122.45(e), 40 § CFR 122.48, and other applicable implementing regulations, the following
requirements have been included in the permit, as discussed below. 14 The monitoring
requirements in Part of the permit apply to ballast water discharges from vessels
employing ballast water treatment systems. Effluent samples for biological indicators (i.e., E.
coli and enterococci), residual biocides and biocide derivatives must be collected during an
actual ballast water discharge.

The monitoring is divided into three components. The first component, in Part, requires functionality monitoring to assure the system is operating as designed.
Vessels conducting this monitoring also must adequately calibrate their equipment as required in
Part The second component, in Part requires monitoring from all
ballast water systems for selected biological indicators. The third component, in part requires monitoring of the ballast water discharge itself for biocides and residuals to

As described above, EPA developed today’s ballast water monitoring requirements in accordance with, among
other provisions, 40 CFR 122.44(i)(1)(i) & (ii) and 122.45(e). “Where applicable,” sections 122.44(i)(1)(i) & (ii)
require conditions imposing monitoring “to assure compliance with permit limitations” for “[t]he mass (or other
measurement specified in the permit) for each pollutant limited in the permit” and “the volume of effluent
discharged from each outfall.” EPA notes that, for the reasons described above, with the exception of indicator
organisms, living organism monitoring of vessel ballast water discharges, by mass or any other measure, is not
required in this permit due to practical constraints on the ability to collect and analyzed the volumes of ballast water
necessary to directly detect and quantify such organisms at the levels of concern. Such requirements, therefore, are
not “applicable” to this situation and are not included in today’s permit. As for 122.44(i)(1)(ii)’s requirement for
monitoring of volume of effluent discharged, there are no limits on the volume of effluent in the permit and thus no
monitoring is needed to assure compliance with permit limitations. Note that vessel owner/operators are nonetheless
required to record the volumes of ballast water that they discharge in Part 4.3 of the permit. As for section 122.45(e),
EPA did not consider the listed factors because they were not appropriate to the ballast water context; it would not
be appropriate to limit the frequency of ballast water discharges due to their important functions regarding safety
and stability of the ship and, as described more fully above, ballast water discharges are not conducive to limitations
based on total mass or rates of discharge.

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assure compliance with the effluent limitations established in part of the permit, as

Studies have concluded that the reduced discharge of viable organisms capable of
establishing a viable population of the organism in US waters invasive reduces the risk of
invasions (NAS, 2011). Monitoring data on the efficacy of ballast water treatment technologies
will help EPA and others understand whether the number of living organisms in discharges has
been reduced. In addition, monitoring is needed to better understand whether new invasive
species are introduced from ballast water and other ship-based sources. This monitoring
information is needed to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of requirements for treatment of
ballast water and other measures to reduce introduction of invasive species. To address these
important data needs, EPA is working with the Federal Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force to
develop a national strategy to improve understanding of invasion dynamics.

The following sections provide an in-depth discussion of each component and the basis
for the requirements: Ballast Water System Functionality Monitoring

Measures of treatment performance for ballast water systems can include a variety of
techniques. Today’s permit relies on existing sampling methods to ensure that a ballast water
treatment system is functioning as designed (and as such, is assumed to be effectively killing
living organisms). Unfortunately, there are significant limitations which prevent the widespread
direct detection and quantification of the two largest size classes of organisms regulated by
today’s VGP (see EPA, 2010; US EPA SAB, 2011; King and Tamburri, 2010; Lee et al., 2010;
Miller 2011). This means that it is not practical or economical for all vessel owner/operators to
directly evaluate whether a ballast water discharge from a given vessel is meeting the numeric
limitations contained in Part with currently available, validated methods. Hence, the
monitoring requirements in the “ballast water system functionality monitoring” focus on
physical/chemical indicators of treatment performance.

Physical/chemical indicators of treatment performance verify that the ballast water

treatment system is operating according to the manufacturers’ requirements. Most ballast water
treatment systems have control and self diagnostic equipment such as sensors that continuously
measure treatment parameters to verify performance. Sensors commonly incorporated into the
most frequently installed systems include flow meters, pH sensors, dissolved oxygen sensors,
OPR and amperometric (TRO) sensors, and on-line chlorine analyzers. All of these meters and
sensors are widely available as they have broad application in the water and wastewater
treatment industry and are available off-the-shelf from many major equipment suppliers. Other
ballast water treatment systems are provided with testing meters or kits, such as portable chlorine
and dissolved ozone monitors, to verify adequate levels of treatment chemicals are being
maintained within the ballast tanks. Vessel operators monitor and record this data and make
adjustments, maintenance, or repairs to the ballast water treatment system to ensure the
equipment is functioning properly. For publicly available information which discusses the
treatment processes used by various ballast water treatment systems, please see, e.g., ABS, 2010;
Albert et al., 2010; and Lloyds, 2010.

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Ballast water treatment systems are designed and manufactured with various sensors and
other control equipment to automatically monitor and adjust system operating conditions to
ensure proper operation and to alert vessel personnel when intervention, maintenance, or repair is
required. Sensors and other control equipment, interfaced with monitoring equipment to record
operating parameters, also help vessel operators determine data trends, while allowing EPA to
verify that a system is operating as designed. The vendor’s Operating and Maintenance Manual
explains the applicable sensors and other control equipment for the ballast water treatment
system and should specify requirements for maintaining those systems. They may also specify
what constitutes a range of stable operating conditions for the system. Many ballast water
treatment system manufacturers require that the BWTS monitoring and recordkeeping be
operated continuously to assure the system is functioning as designed. EPA requires vessel
owner/operators to operate the system according to such specifications. Appendix J in the permit
contains all the treatment processes and required monitoring parameters that EPA believes are
currently widely used in existing ballast water treatment systems. EPA expects that most ballast
water treatment systems will incorporate multiple treatment processes (e.g., filtration plus
electrochlorination). Based on ballast water treatment system status reported in Albert et al.
(2010), the vast majority of systems use between two and four treatment processes. EPA expects
that vessel owner/operators will only monitor for a subset of parameters contained in Appendix J
in the permit that are for processes incorporated into the design of their ballast water treatment

When alarms are initiated or when sensors indicate the ballast water treatment system is
not functioning properly, the vessel must not discharge ballast water. Ballast water discharge can
resume only after correcting the problems with the system and reestablishing stable operating

Routine maintenance of the ballast water treatment system and troubleshooting

procedures are typically clearly defined in the system’s Operating and Maintenance Manual kept
onboard the vessel. All maintenance activities related to the ballast water monitoring system and
overboard discharge control unit must be recorded, and the information must remain on board
the vessel for three years for inspection purposes. In addition, vessel staff training must include
familiarization with the operation and maintenance of the ballast water overboard discharge
control and monitoring equipment (see Part of the permit). All ballast water treatment
systems must be inspected on a monthly basis to determine both short-term and long-term
maintenance needs as specified in the vendor’s Operating and Maintenance Manual. Ballast Water Monitoring Equipment Calibration

All applicable sensors and other control equipment must be calibrated as recommended
by sensor and equipment manufacturers, or by ballast water treatment system manufacturers or
when warranted based on device drift from a standard or calibrated setting. At a minimum, all
applicable sensors and equipment must be calibrated annually, however EPA fully expects many
sensor types (e.g., pH probes, TRO sensors, DO probes) will need to be calibrated on a more
frequent basis. The vessel owner/operator must do so if specified by the probe or ballast water
treatment system manufacturer. Calibration of the sensors and equipment can be conducted on-
board the vessel or they can be removed and shipped to the manufacturer for calibration. For
some probes, vessel owner/operators may want to switch out electrodes more frequently, e.g.,

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once every four months, to maximize accuracy of their probes. During any period when the
sensors are not installed and operating on the ballast water treatment system, the vessel must not
discharge ballast water.

Ballast water treatment systems that are equipped with automated control systems that
initiate a sequence to stop the overboard discharge of the effluent in the event of alarm
conditions must be subjected to an annual functional test. The detailed program for a functional
test of such equipment is typically developed by the manufacturer, taking into account the
features and functions of the specific design of the equipment and the operating and discharge
conditions monitored. A copy of the functional test protocol must be carried aboard the vessel at
all times. Effluent Biological Organism Monitoring

Biological indicator compliance monitoring sampling is intended to verify the treatment

system is operating properly by collecting a small volume sample and analyzing the sample for
concentrations of certain biological indicator parameters. Analysis of concentrations of indicator
organisms must include at least E. coli and enterococci bacteria. Biological indicator compliance
monitoring sampling of ballast water effluent must be conducted 2 times during the first year the
system is installed or used for vessels with type approved devices for which high quality type
approval data are available. For vessels with high quality data, if sampling results are below
permit limits for two consecutive events, the vessel owner/operator may reduce monitoring to
one time per year after the first year. However, if the vessel owner/operator exceeds a permit
limit on any sampling event, they must return to monitoring two times per year until they have
two additional results below permit limits. . For vessels for which high quality data are not
available, monitoring must be conducted 4 times per year, no closer than 14 days apart on water
treated during separate treatment episodes, to verify the system is operating properly. Records of
the sampling and testing results must be retained onboard for a period of 3 years in the vessel’s
recordkeeping documentation consistent with Part 4.2 of the permit.

In March 2012, the USCG finalized its ballast water discharge standards and type-
approval rulemaking (79 FR 17254, March 23, 2012). Under those final regulations, the USCG
type-approval process in 46 CFR Part 162, Subpart 162.060 requires use of the EPA-ETV testing
protocols (see e.g., 46 CFR 162.060-26; 162.060-28(f), (h), and (j)). Use of the ETV protocols
will ensure any USCG type-approvals are based on high quality data. In addition, the USCG
final rule provides for temporary use of “Alternative Management Systems, or “AMS” (33 CFR
151.1504 and 151.2026). To obtain a determination by the USCG that a system qualifies for
treatment as an AMS, those regulations require the system to have received type-approval by a
foreign administration, submission of full analytical procedures and methods, Quality Assurance
procedures, and a type-approval application as described under 46 CFR 162.060–12, which in
turn includes a requirement for a thorough explanation of how the submission meets or exceeds
the requirements of Subpart 162.060 in respect to the ability to meet the discharge standard
requirements. These requirements will ensure that systems with an AMS determination from the
USCG are based upon high-quality testing data. Thus, systems which receive USCG type-
approval or a USCG AMS determination will be considered to have high quality data and subject
to the minimum 2 times in the first year (and 1 time per year thereafter if permit limits are met)
biological indicator compliance monitoring sampling provisions of the VGP. Though systems

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with “high quality data” could include systems other than those having received U.S. Coast
Guard type approval or a U.S. Coast Guard AMS determination, as a practical matter, EPA does
not expect many, if any, other treatment systems to be considered to have “high quality data”
without one of these two data quality control reviews. Table 2 in the permit lists the biological
indicator compliance monitoring sampling analytical methods and effluent limits for treated
ballast water. For today’s permit, EPA has required monitoring of organisms in discharged
ballast water, but has limited the scope of the organisms monitored to the bacterial indicators
specified in the discharge standard. EPA has limited the scope of biological monitoring due to
logistical constraints of conducting such monitoring. In particular, the collection of adequate
representative samples for analysis of larger organisms, which can involve significant volumes
of water (3-5 cubic meters), could be impractical during the intensive activities associated with
conducting cargo operations (including the management of ballast water to adjust for changes in
the amount and distribution of cargo within the ship) during relatively limited times during
which vessels are at dock.

EPA has established effluent limits for three pathogen indicators: Escherichia coli,
enterococci, and Vibrio cholerae, consistent with the US. Coast Guard Phase I standard.
However, EPA notes that the Agency is requiring monitoring for Escherichia coli and
enterococci but is not requiring monitoring for Vibrio cholerae. The Agency is not requiring
monitoring for Vibrio cholerae because the Agency has found based upon conversations with
several ballast water treatment system testing laboratories (e.g., Naval Research Lab, Maryland
Environmental Resource Center, the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research) that
monitoring of this parameter would generally not result in the detection of the presence of this
pathogen, even if the ballast water treatment system were not fully functional. Importantly, EPA
also notes that Part 136 methods are not available for detecting Vibrio cholerae in wastewater.
EPA is also requiring monitoring for total heterotrophic bacteria to establish better information
about how bacterial communities respond to ballast water treatment. EPA has found this test to
be affordable, and the sample can be collected at the same time other effluent samples are

Effluent biological organism monitoring is required between once per year and four times
per year, dependent on whether the system is a device for which high quality type approval data
are available, as described above. For vessels with a ballast water treatment system for which
high quality type approval data are available, EPA believes that requiring monitoring twice per
year during the initial year of system use, and once thereafter (if permit limits are met) will assist
in assuring that the system is being maintained and performing to reduce the concentration of
living organisms in the discharge.

EPA expects that the vast majority of vendors will either get their systems type-approved
by the US Coast Guard, receive a USCG AMS determination, or at minimum, will share their
full type approval data packages with the US government during this permit term. Hence, EPA
expects that there would be few, if any, systems in use in waters subject to this permit that do not
have AMS or USCG type approval. However, EPA notes that some vendors and/or flag
administrations have shown a reluctance to share necessary data. Lack of data availability has
been noted as a significant impediment to effectively evaluating the efficacy of ballast water
treatment systems (Albert, 2011; US EPA SAB, 2011). For those systems for which data are not
fully transparent, EPA must receive a higher degree of assurance that the systems are functioning

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so that they are effective, and that they are effectively eliminating living biological organisms (to
the extent allowed by existing testing methodologies). As a result, EPA has required monitoring
on a more frequent basis for any ballast water treatment system for which adequate data (e.g.,
full data packages submitted to flag administrations) are not available. Hence, the monitoring
frequency is increased to four times per year for vessels using a ballast water treatment system
which full data are not available to the US EPA and the US Coast Guard.

EPA’s SAB found that “Measuring adherence to a standard that is 10x more stringent
may be possible if a continuously isokinetically taken representative sample is used” (EPA SAB,
2011, page 29). In addition, the SAB reported, “New or improved methods will be required to
increase detection limits sufficiently to statistically evaluate a standard 10x more stringent than
IMO D-2/Phase 1; such methods may be available in the near future.” EPA is working with the
Coast Guard to develop improved testing protocols that might establish whether treatment
systems are able to remove organisms to a greater extent than the final standards. As part of this
process, EPA, working through the ETV program, has a public participation process. The
Agency encourages the participation of all interested stakeholders in order to best inform the
Agency’s decision making on developing new and updated testing protocols. The most recent
version of the ETV Protocols (US EPA 2010) can be found at Information on EPA’s ETV program
can be found at: Authorization of Residual Biocides Associated with Ballast Water Treatment


Many ballast water treatment systems produce or use biocides as an agent to kill
organisms present in ballast water discharges. The definition section of the permit contains a
definition of biocides subject to these provisions. Ballast water treatment systems that use
biocides as active substances have the reasonable potential to cause or contribute to an excursion
of applicable numeric and/or narrative criteria for the protection of aquatic life. EPA established
the biocide effluent limitations contained within Part of the VGP to ensure that such
discharges are controlled as necessary to ensure compliance with applicable water quality
standards, pursuant to 122.44(d)(1)(vi) and (vii).

EPA assumes that a subset of the BWTS installed use biocides as disinfection methods
and would have the potential to discharge residual biocides and therefore be subject to the 2013
VGP requirements found in Part of the Permit. According to Lloyd’s Register
(2011), about half of the 200 BWTS installed as of June 2011 use chemical disinfection methods
that have the potential to discharge residual biocides.

EPA notes that this permit does not authorize the use of dispersants in the vessel
owner/operators’ ballast tanks which may remove the appearance of a visible sheen from the

The concern with respect to the aquatic environment is that if the treated ballast water
contains biocides or their derivatives at levels that are still toxic at the time of discharge, then
organisms in the receiving water may be harmed. Part of the permit thus contains
specific limitations with respect to discharges of biocides or their derivatives. The permit

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contains a requirement that any ballast water technology must not discharge (and therefore, must
not use) any “pesticide” within the meaning of FIFRA unless the pesticide has been registered
for use in ballast water treatment under such Act, or unless the pesticide is generated solely by
the use of a “device,” within the meaning of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide
Act, 7 U.S.C.136 et seq. (“FIFRA”), on board the same vessel as the ballast water to be treated.

In addition, the permit contains specific limits for commonly used biocides in ballast
water treatment systems. Chlorination (generally via hypochlorite electrolytic generation) is a
commonly used disinfection technology and is known to be proposed for use in ballast water
treatment systems. As in the 2008 VGP, the permit provides that Total Residual Chlorine (TRC)
may not exceed 100 micrograms per liter (µg/l) as an instantaneous maximum. Routine methods
for de-chlorination of treated water are well demonstrated, and in selecting this limit EPA
considered existing TRC limits found in a number of NPDES permits for publicly owned
treatment works, with the TRC limit for this permit reflecting the median limit for the permits

For today’s permit, EPA has also established a discharge limit for ozone, expressed as an
instantaneous maximum 100 micrograms per liter (µg/l) of Total Residual Oxidizers (TRO as
TRC). EPA requires analysis of TRO in ballast water effluent using either of two standard DPD
colorimetric methods recognized in the international community: Standard Methods 4500-Cl G
and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Method 7379/2. Although these
methods were originally developed to determine residual chlorine, many oxidants used as
disinfectants react directly with the colorimetric indicator, thereby allowing for the determination
of total residual oxidizers. Examples of detected oxidants relevant to ballast water treatment
technologies include chlorine, chlorine dioxide, ozone, bromine, hydrogen peroxide, and
disinfectant by-products such as chlorite and chlorate. Because the photometric equipment
compares the colorimetric response of the sample to its calibration developed based on chlorine,
results are reported as Cl2/L.

EPA has established a limit of 200 micrograms per liter (µg/l) of Chlorine Dioxide for
systems using Chlorine Dioxide as a biocide. The manufacturer of one chlorine dioxide based
system provided information on aquatic toxicity tests performed in support of achieving
discharge approval from the Washington State Department of Ecology and GESAMP. These
data were submitted to EPA in response to EPA’s 2010 Federal Register notice seeking
additional information for this permit. In its supporting documentation, the manufacture assessed
chlorine dioxide effects on the survival and growth of silverside minnows (Menidia beryllina)
and mysids (Americamysis bahia), survival and normal development for mussel (Mytilus sp.) and
Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) embryos, germination and germ tube length for giant kelp
(Macrocystis pyrifera) zoospores, 96- hour population growth for diatoms (Skeletonema
costatum), and 96-hour survival for Pacific herring larvae. They documented EC50
concentrations around 0.2 mg/L (equal to 200 µg/l) chlorine dioxide for the most sensitive test
endpoints (i.e., mussel normal-survival, kelp germination, and kelp germ tube length). The
manufacturer noted that the observed toxic thresholds were sharp and that the effects disappeared
when concentrations reached 0.15 mg/L chlorine dioxide. Hence, based on these results, and to
be consistent with recommendations made by GESAMP, EPA established the limit of 200
micrograms per liter (µg/l) of Chlorine Dioxide.

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EPA has also included limits for Peracetic Acid at 500 micrograms per liter (µg/l) and
Hydrogen Peroxide at 1000 micrograms per liter (µg/l) for systems using peracetic acid. Those
limits were recently proposed by the GESAMP Ballast Water Working group for one ballast
water treatment system which uses Peraclean (a peracetic acid based biocide). EPA notes that in
low temperature, low salinity and/or low organic carbon concentrations, self-degradation of
peracetic acid slows, maintaining ballast water effluent concentrations that are toxic to aquatic
organisms (MEPC 54/2/12 Annex 5; de Lafontaine, 2006; MEPC 62.2). Effluent toxicity can be
mitigated by using a chemical neutralization step (e.g., sodium sulfite addition) if natural
degradation is not sufficient to reduce effluent concentrations of these active substances to the
required limitations.

The permit further provides that in order to be eligible for coverage under the general
permit, any other discharged biocides or derivatives (other than those listed above) may not
exceed any recommended acute water quality criteria listed in EPA’s 2009 National
Recommended Water Quality Criteria and subsequent revisions published prior to issuance of
today’s permit. The 2009 National Recommended Water Quality Criteria can be found at and
any subsequent revisions may be found at . Those numeric criteria were
developed by EPA under authority of section 304(a) of the CWA based on the latest scientific
information on the relationship that the effect of a constituent concentration has on particular
aquatic species and/or human health. Normally, the CWA section 304(a) criteria are not
regulations and do not impose binding requirements, but rather are information that EPA
provides periodically to the states as guidance for use in developing numeric criteria for
inclusion in State water quality standards under section 303 of the CWA. See 40 CFR 131.3(c).
In this permit, however, EPA is using the CWA section 304(a) criteria as an end-of-pipe
limitation because a variety of biocides might be proposed for use in ballast water treatments
systems, and the section 304(a) criteria address a wide variety of chemicals, identifying numeric
criteria intended to safeguard aquatic life and human health. Because the ballast water treatment
systems subject to such limits are using biocides, which by definition are intended to be applied
at levels that are toxic to organisms (in ballast water), EPA believes that such compliance is
appropriate for use as a permit condition for coverage under this general permit.

Because an exceedance of the effluent limits in Part of the permit is a permit
violation, if vessel owner/operators are concerned that that their discharges from vessel
discharges might exceed these limits, they are encouraged to first conduct land-based testing
before installation on a vessel. Residual Biocide or Derivative Monitoring

While ballast water treatment technologies reduce the probability of invasion, such
treatment may introduce other water quality impacts, such as toxicity. For example, the addition
or in-process generation of disinfecting chemicals may result in an effluent with some residual
toxicity. Depending on the predicted or measured oxidant levels in the ballast water, a chemical

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neutralizing agent may be applied before ballast water discharge. 15 Use of chemical biocides also
has the potential for generation of disinfection by-products, such as trihalomethanes and
haloacetic acids. Currently available technologies use chemical neutralization or other means to
mitigate residuals, but are not able to reduce disinfection byproducts of concern once created.

Based upon the potential discharge of residual biocides, EPA has incorporated
monitoring requirements for both type approved ballast water treatment systems and
experimental ballast water treatment systems which use an active substance in Part of
today’s permit. For vessels having ballast water treatment systems that either add or generate
biocides for treatment (e.g., chlorine, chlorine dioxide, ozone, etc.) the vessel must conduct
monitoring of the vessel ballast water discharge for any residual biocides to demonstrate
compliance with the limits provided in Table 5. For example, if chlorine biocide is used in ballast
water treatment, the vessel owner/operator must test four times per year for residual chlorine in
the vessel ballast water discharge. All sampling and testing for residual biocides shall be
conducted using sufficiently sensitive 40 CFR Part 136 methods or other methods if specifically
listed. If methods for a particular residual biocide are not available in 40 CFR 136, then another
method may also be used (e.g., ISO methods). Sensors or other test equipment that continuously
monitor residual biocide in ballast water discharge must be sufficiently sensitive to measure
biocide concentrations before and after any neutralization process to verify discharge
concentrations and to control the neutralizer dose.

If a ballast water treatment system uses a biocide not listed in Table 3, the residual
biocide may not exceed acute water quality criteria listed in EPA’s 2009 National Recommended
Water Quality Criteria, and any subsequent revision, at the point of ballast water discharge. 16

As with biological monitoring, EPA has required different monitoring frequencies for
vessels utilizing a ballast water treatment system where high quality type approval data are
available to the US EPA and the US Coast Guard. As previously discussed, EPA expects that the
vast majority of vendors will either get their systems type approved by the US Coast Guard, or at
minimum, will share their full type approval data packages with the US government during this
permit term. For those systems, EPA has required that the vessel owner/operator must initially
take at least three (3) samples on different days from different treatment episodes over a 180-day
period that are representative of the treated ballast water discharge. This is required to
demonstrate that residual biocides are in compliance with the permit effluent limits and/or to
generate information for EPA which will assist the Agency in evaluating whether certain
biocides or their byproducts are likely to cause or contribute to a violation of water quality
standards. Each sample must be tested independently and the individual results must be reported
and not averaged. Samples must be tested as soon as possible after sampling, and may not be
held longer than recommended by the test method for each tested constituent. Thereafter, the
vessel must conduct maintenance sampling and analysis for residual biocides at least two (2)
times per year of the vessel ballast water discharge to demonstrate continued compliance with

USEPA, Science Advisory Board (SAB), Ecological Processes and Effects Committee, Efficacy of Ballast Water
Treatment Systems, June 2011.
USEPA, National Recommended Water Quality Criteria , 2009.

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effluent limits and to produce information regarding the continuing performance of the systems
and how they might impact the aquatic environment.

For those systems for which high quality data are not fully available to EPA and the
Coast Guard, EPA must receive a higher degree of assurance that the systems are functioning
effectively so that they are not releasing harmful quantities of residual biocides or byproducts
into the aquatic environment. As a result, EPA has required monitoring on a more frequent basis
for any ballast water treatment system for which adequate data (e.g., full data packages
submitted to flag administrations) are not available. Hence, vessel owner/operators employing
these systems must initially take at least five (5) samples on different days from different
treatment episodes over a 180-day period that are representative of the treated ballast water
discharge. Each sample must be tested independently and the individual results must be reported
and not averaged. Samples must be tested as soon as possible after sampling, and may not be
held longer than recommended by the test method for each tested constituent. Thereafter, the
vessel must conduct maintenance sampling and analysis for residual biocides at least four (4)
times per year of the vessel ballast water discharge to demonstrate continued compliance with
the effluent limits.

For all ballast water treatment systems, the minimum time period between ballast water
sampling events for residual biocides cannot be less than 14 days. EPA has required a minimum
time of 14 days between sampling events to assure that the system is performing over time
during a given a year. EPA is not requiring monitoring on specified schedule (e.g., once per
quarter) because ballast water discharge events might be episodic for some vessel
owner/operators, and EPA wanted to provide flexibility to vessel owner/operators as to when
they could collect samples. For vessels that only enter U.S. waters on a limited basis (i.e., one
time per year or less), the vessel must have conducted ballast water monitoring for residual
biocides within the previous year and upon discharge into U.S. waters. If any of the initial or
maintenance samples exceed the effluent limits specified in Part of the VGP, the
vessel owner/operator must immediately cease discharging from the treatment system and
undertake steps necessary to achieve compliance.

Biocides can also generate derivatives in ballast water that have aquatic toxicity when
released to the environment. For example, chlorine combined with organic material can generate
short chain volatile hydrocarbons (e.g., trihalomethanes). In addition to monitoring for the
biocide, vessels must also conduct ballast water effluent sampling for biocide derivatives on the
same schedule discussed above. The minimum time period between sampling ballast water
sampling events for biocide derivatives cannot be less than 14 days. Use of Biocides not Specifically Addressed in Part of the Permit

The list of specific biocides authorized in section of the permit, including
Table 5 of the permit and those listed in the 2009 National Recommended Water Quality Criteria
and subsequent revisions published prior to issuance of today’s permit, contains most biocides,
and/or the derivatives from such biocides, currently in use or potentially to be used in ballast
water treatment systems of which EPA is aware. If after permit issuance, a biocide and its
derivatives used or produced by a BWTS are not listed in section or found in 2009
National Recommended Water Quality Criteria and subsequent revisions published prior to

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issuance of today’s permit., the permit provides that a vessel owner or operation must notify
EPA at least 120 days in advance of its use and provide any associated aquatic toxicity data for
that biocide or its derivatives of which they are aware. EPA may impose additional limitations on
a vessel specific basis, or require the owner/operator to obtain coverage under an individual
permit, if necessary. EPA may inform the vessel owner / operator of specific requirements. You
may not discharge the biocide at issue until you receive a response from EPA to your

EPA notes that the 2008 VGP included an alternative requirement for Whole Effluent
Toxicity (WET) testing for experimental ballast water treatment systems using biocides, or
which have derivatives from such biocides, for which there are not acute water quality criteria
available. In today’s permit, EPA has removed the requirement for certain vessels that employ
ballast water treatment systems to perform WET testing. This provision of the 2008 VGP was
only used by one vendor to date, and EPA expects that such circumstances are expected to be
similarly rare in the 2013 VGP. Given this, EPA believes a vessel-specific approach is more
appropriate. Ballast Water Treatment System Recordkeeping and Reporting

Part of the permit addresses recordkeeping and reporting for vessels
utilizing shipboard ballast water treatment systems. These provisions were included to ensure
that the vessel owner/operator complies with the limits previously discussed for section
of this fact sheet.

Like all other records required by the VGP, all records of monitoring must remain onboard
the vessel for a minimum of three years and be available for inspection. Documentation
regarding ballast water treatment system sensor and other control equipment calibration must
also remain on the vessel for a minimum of three years and be made available for inspection by
EPA or USCG. Ballast water monitoring data (including treatment system monthly inspection
records and equipment calibration records) may be kept in any form, including electronic form,
provided they can be made available to the EPA and meet the requirements of Part 1.14 of the
permit. Records of monitoring shall include:

• The ballast water treatment system used, its type approval certificate, and records of
whether the system is a vessel with type approved devices for which high quality type
approval data have been made available;
• The individual(s) who performed the sampling, measurements, and/or inspections;
• The date(s) analyses and/or inspections were performed,
• Any sensor or other control equipment calibration and functional tests conducted
during the inspection as applicable;
• The techniques or methods used for any sensor or other control equipment calibration
and functional tests as applicable;

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• The date and time of all monitoring results (monitoring in Parts,,, as applicable);
• The analytical techniques or methods used as applicable, and
• The results of such analyses.
Monthly sensor or other control equipment measurement records must be submitted to
EPA as part of the vessel’s annual report on ballast water management. EPA found that monthly
monitoring is necessary to assure that systems are functioning as designed. Due to the rigorous
land based and shipboard testing these systems generally must undergo before they are installed
onboard vessels, EPA believes that monitoring the functional parameters on a monthly basis
provides a basic level of assurance that the systems are effectively treating the ballast water
discharge and removing living organisms to the extent necessary to meet the effluent limits
specified in this permit. The biological effluent monitoring of indicator organisms provides EPA
added assurance (within the limits of what is feasible with today’s monitoring technologies) that
these systems are effectively killing living organisms before discharge. Furthermore, considering
the nature and effect of ballast water discharges, EPA has determined that annual reporting of
these monthly and other monitoring results is appropriate. See 40 CFR 122.44(i). There is no
need for EPA to require reporting of monitoring results more frequently than annually, as the
monitoring requirements are primarily imposed to ensure that the owner/operator is aware of
system malfunctions and, per section 3.2 of the permit, takes necessary corrective action. 17 Onshore Treatment of Ballast Water

For those vessels whose design and construction safely allows for the transfer of ballast
water to a third party (which may be an onshore facility or on another vessel such as a treatment
barge), if such treatment for ballast water is available, practicable and economically achievable,
the vessel owner/operator may use this treatment for any ballast water discharges, and thus not
discharge ballast water to waters of the US.

Any vessel owner/operator covered by this permit discharging ballast water to a facility
onshore or to another vessel must ensure that all vessel piping and supporting infrastructure up to
the last manifold or valve immediately before the dock manifold connection of the receiving
facility or similar appurtenance on a reception vessel prevents untreated ballast water from being
discharged into waters subject to this permit.

Discharges containing ballast water from a vessel covered by this permit by an onshore
facility or from another vessel not covered by this permit, must be authorized by an NPDES
permit issued by the NPDES permit authority responsible for the waters to which the discharge

Information that a system is not running as designed would likely tell EPA nothing about how many living
organisms were released during a given time period and thus their invasion potential and therefore would be of
limited use to the Agency if such information were required to be submitted to the Agency on a more frequent basis.
What is important here is that the Agency knows that when the system was found to be malfunctioning, the
owner/operator took necessary corrective action. This is information that will be submitted to the Agency in the
annual reports and thus could form the basis for any necessary enforcement action.

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occurs (i.e., the state in most cases 18). EPA recommends that permitting authorities include
conditions in the permit providing for treatment to remove living organisms at least as protective
as the standards adopted in Part or any subsequent VGP ballast water limits. EPA notes
that it has the authority to object to proposed state permits if limits are not in compliance with the
CWA (CWA section 402(d)) and intends to work with states, as appropriate, as they develop
such permits.

While EPA believes that shipboard treatment of ballast water is an essential part of the
solution to ballast water management for much of today’s fleet, considering their operations, use
of onshore treatment systems, if available (e.g., compatible with the vessel), could be a valid and
effective form of ballast water treatment. EPA’s SAB concluded that “. . . use of reception
facilities may enable ballast water discharges to meet a stricter standard.” (US EPA SAB, 2011,
page 8). EPA is unaware of any such onshore treatment facilities capable of meeting the VGP’s ballast water standards currently available in the U.S. (US EPA SAB, 2011).

The potential advantages of onshore treatment facilities over shipboard treatment include:
fewer onshore facilities than shipboard systems would be needed; smaller total treatment
capacity would be needed; and onshore facilities would be subject to fewer physical restrictions,
and would therefore be able to use more effective treatment technologies and processes than
those used for shipboard treatment (US EPA SAB, 2011). Some studies conclude that onshore
treatment facilities are a technically feasible option for either the industry as a whole or for some
part of the industry (Pollutech, 1992; NAS, 1996; Oemke, 1999; CAPA, 2000; California
SWRCB, 2002; Brown and Caldwell, 2007, 2008). Others conclude that cost or other factors
could limit their use to part of the industry (Victoria ENRC, 1997; Dames & Moore, 1998, 1999;
Rigby & Taylor, 2001a, b; California SLC, 2009, 2010).

Implementing a national U.S. and international network of onshore reception facilities

presents many challenges. The most significant challenge is ensuring the availability of onshore
treatment facilities at all ports of call, because if even one anticipated port location for a vessel
does not have onshore treatment, that vessel may need to install a shipboard treatment system,
defer the discharge of ballast water, or decline to call at that port. Another critical challenge is
retrofitting vessels with the appropriate pipes and pumps to move ballast water up from tanks
and off the ship at a rate fast enough that the vessel can perform cargo operations without
significant and costly delays. Finally, onshore treatment facilities may not provide a complete
solution to ballast water treatment. For example, some vessels may need to discharge part of
their ballast water before arriving at berth so they can conduct cargo operations as soon as
possible following arrival at the dock (AQIS, 1993a; Oemke, 1999; Cohen & Foster, 2000;
CAPA, 2000; Rigby & Taylor, 2001a); some vessels need to discharge ballast water to reduce
draft before arriving at berth (Cohen, 1998; Dames & Moore, 1998, 1999; Oemke, 1999; CAPA,
2000, Rigby & Taylor, 2001a; California SWRCB, 2002; California SLC, 2010); and lightering
vessels may need to discharge ballast as they load cargo at designated anchorages or lightering

As explained more fully in sections 3.1 and of this fact sheet, while EPA retains the authority to permit
discharges incidental to the normal operation of vessels formerly subject to the exclusion from NPDES permitting at
40 CFR 122.3(a) regardless of the NPDES authorization status of a state, onshore treatment facilities and treatment
barges were never within the scope of that exclusion, as onshore facilities are not “vessels” and treatment barges
operate in a capacity other than as a means of transportation.

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zones (CDR Gary Croot, U.S. Coast Guard, pers. comm.; National Ballast Information
Clearinghouse data).

However, onshore treatment of ballast water has been used in the past to remove oil from
certain ballast water discharges from certain vessels (e.g., to prevent the discharge of oily ballast
water from single hull tanker vessels). Use of these facilities, with modifications made
specifically to remove living organisms (e.g., filtration with second stage disinfection) might
make operational sense for vessels sailing dedicated routes. For example, an oil tanker engaged
in the Coastwise trade which only deballasts in the same Alaskan waters, may elect to utilize
onshore treatment if a facility is available. However, should this vessel be shifted to a different
route and need to deballast, they will be responsible for finding onshore treatment in the new
port in the U.S, need to rapidly install a shipboard ballast water treatment system, or likely will
be unable to discharge their untreated ballast water in compliance with this permit’s applicable
requirements. Use of Public Water Supply Water

EPA has addressed in the permit the use of water from US or Canadian public water
supplies as a ballast water treatment method for vessels required to complete ballast water
treatment. For the 2009 US Coast Guard proposed ballast water discharge standard rulemaking,
twenty commenters 19 urged the Coast Guard to exempt vessels from having to treat their ballast
water if the water was obtained from a municipal water supply. The commenters stated that this
is a common practice for inland towing vessels and/or barges and offshore energy services.
Based in part on these comments (available in the docket for today’s permit) and comments on
the 2011 draft VGP, EPA believes that public water supply water is an option for certain vessels
to use in their ballast water management approaches. Furthermore, EPA believes that water
which satisfies the standards of the Safe Drinking Water Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 300f-300j) or
Canada’s “Guidance For Providing Safe Drinking Water in Areas of Federal Jurisdiction” should
be acceptable for use as ballast water without posing a significant threat of introducing or
spreading ANS. Drinking water treatment processes require a high degree of disinfection and in
many cases, filtration, which would make the likelihood of loading ANS into a vessel’s ballast
tank highly unlikely. EPA notes that it has imposed several BMPs in the permit, pursuant to 40
CFR 122.44(k)(4), to ensure that the applicable effluent limits are achieved. In particular, the
permit provides that a vessel owner/operator must certify that it exclusively uses public water
supply water in order to utilize this management measure to meet the treatment requirements of
this permit. Any mixture of water obtained from a source other than a facility meeting the
requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act will negate acceptability of potable water as
discharged ballast water. No Discharge of Ballast Water

A fourth option available to vessel owner/operators is to not discharge ballast water. For
many vessel types and routes, this is a feasible option which is available, practicable and
economically achievable.

See docket number USCG-2001-10486 for all comments submitted to the U.S. Coast Guard as part of their
proposed rulemaking.

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Ballast water is treated to mitigate the risk posed by potential ANS contained within the
ballast water tank. If a vessel does not discharge any ballast water, the risk associated with such
discharges is nil.

Examples of vessels which may not need to discharge any ballast water include some
cruise ships, container ships, and utility vessels. These vessels often have numerous ballast tanks
onboard with internal piping which connects those tanks. Hence, they can internally shift ballast
water between tanks as needed to adjust the trim and stability of the vessel. Other vessels, such
as some tugboats, use permanent ballast and never discharge that water (AWO, 2009). In the
case of offshore supply vessels, these transport potable water to offshore facilities and do not
need to discharge ballast water to receiving waters (see comments submitted in response to US
Coast Guard rulemaking; e.g., USCG-2001-10486-0440 and USCG-2001-10486-0457). Finally,
though generally in a concept stage, some large vessels, such as tankers, have been designed to
be ballastless vessels (Mouawad, 2011; Parson and Kotinis, 2008); some of these designs do not
substantially increase the exposed area of the hull (e.g., Mouawad, 2011) (which would increase
hull fouling and might not actually reduce the transport of ANS). Though likely not appropriate
for all vessel designs and operations, a ballastless design might result in the elimination of ballast
water discharges from these vessels. Schedule for when Ballast Water Treatment Becomes BAT (and Therefore

In today’s permit, EPA has determined that when technology capable of meeting the
numeric concentration-based effluent limits in Part becomes available and economically
achievable (i.e., when it becomes BAT) is a function of a vessel’s construction date, size, and
class. Thus, those numeric effluent limits will become applicable as a vessel’s technology-based
effluent limits according to the schedule specified in the permit. This schedule is based on a
determination by EPA that ballast water treatment technology to meet the numeric limits is or
will be available and economically achievable for a vessel by the specified date. Pending
installation of ballast water treatment or other methods to meet the numeric effluent limits,
ballast water discharges must comply with the other BAT requirements (i.e., non-numeric
BMPs) outlined in today’s permit.

a. New Vessels

At the time the draft VGP was made available for comment in December 2011 (76 FR
76716), the USCG had proposed, but not finalized, its ballast water discharge standard and type-
approval rulemaking (74 FR 44632, August 28, 2009). The draft VGP schedule for achieving
compliance with its technology-based numeric limits for ballast water was consistent with the
USCG proposal. As discussed in more detail in the Fact Sheet for the draft VGP, available
information and analyses indicated that at least five different types of treatment technologies had
been shown to be safe, reliable and effective at reducing viable living organisms in ballast water
discharges so as to meet the limits in the IMO’s BWM Convention Regulation D-2 and the
USCG’s proposed phase 1 standard. Furthermore, the available information demonstrated that
such technologies were commercially available for shipboard installation and their use was
economically achievable if they were installed on an appropriate implementation schedule. In
light of that, based upon a BPT/BCT/BAT determination as discussed in section of the

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draft 2011 VGP Fact Sheet, EPA proposed to establish numeric ballast water discharge limits
consistent with the USCG Phase I proposed discharge standard/IMO standard, with a rolling
implementation schedule similar to that contained in the USCG proposal and IMO BWM
Convention. As explained in this Fact Sheet, and in the response to comments document, EPA
continues to believe that the draft VGP’s technology-based ballast water numeric limits are
appropriate for inclusion in the final VGP.

Since publication of the draft VGP, the USCG has finalized its ballast water discharge
standard and type-approval rulemaking (77 FR 77 17254, March 23, 2012). That final rule, like
today’s permit, retains the USCG’s proposed phase 1/IMO BWM Convention Regulation D-2
numeric limits. However, due to concerns that there would not be an adequate number of
approved BWMS , the final rule delayed the date for which a vessel would be considered a new
build vessel by 23 months -- from January 1, 2012, to December 1, 2013 (77 FR 17259; 17266;
17271). Under both the USCG and EPA requirements, “new build” vessels must comply with the
ballast water discharge standards immediately upon entering into service.

The USCG does not anticipate completing its type approval of any system prior to 2015
(77 FR 17259). In light of that, the USCG March 2012 final rule contains a process (“Alternate
Management System” or “AMS”) under which, subject to approval by the USCG, a foreign type-
approved treatment system may be temporarily used while operating in waters subject to the
USCG rule. 33 CFR 151.2026; see 77 FR 17259. As a result, a vessel owner/operator may
comply with USCG regulations by using an AMS system and would no longer need to conduct
ballast water exchange if previously required to do so. However, even with the AMS process, the
USCG anticipates there will not be an adequate number of USCG-approved BWMS to allow
vessel owners to meet the compliance date for new vessels as was proposed in their rulemaking
(and which was also included in the 2011 draft VGP) (77 FR 17259).

The USCG’s final rule’s schedule for compliance for existing vessels remained
unchanged from their proposal, and, consistent with the December 2011 draft VGP, today’s final
VGP also leaves the schedule for existing vessels unchanged. However, with respect to new
vessels, EPA believes that it is appropriate to revise the VGP schedule for meeting the
technology-based ballast water numeric limitations in a manner consistent with the USCG final
rule. Based upon comments received on the proposed VGP, and consistent with the changes
made in the final USCG rulemaking with respect to new build vessels’ compliance dates, EPA
has defined “new build” vessels as those constructed (as defined in Appendix A of the VGP)
after December 1, 2013 and, like the Coast Guard, has required compliance with the technology-
based ballast water numeric limitations upon delivery.

The USCG is responsible for administering and implementing the BWMS type-approval
and AMS approval programs and has concluded that for new vessels, such an extension of the
schedule is necessary in light of the time it will take to implement its type-approval and AMS
process. EPA believes that it is not advisable to in effect require installation of treatment systems
that have not undergone required review and quality control under the USCG regulations. The
potential consequences of installation of systems which do not function as designed would be
less effective treatment than provided by ballast water exchange alone and additional economic
costs for vessel operators required to reinstall systems on a short schedule (i.e., if installed
systems ultimately proved non-compliant with EPA standards or failed to obtain USCG approval

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in the required timeframes). As explained further in the economic analysis for today’s final VGP,
requiring installation of systems before either AMS or type approval has been granted, thereby
increasing the potential that treatment systems unable to meet the technology based numeric
limits in today’s final VGP would have to be torn out and replaced, would raise additional issues
of the economic achievability regarding the immediate installation of ballast water treatment
systems for vessels built between Jan.1 2012 and Dec. 1 2013. In light of the above, we have
revised the Final 2013 VGP schedule to reflect the schedule now contained in the USCG final

b. Existing Vessels

As described more fully above, ballast water treatment technologies have been
developed that have been demonstrated to meet the IMO D-2 standard within the context of
typical marine vessel constraints, including restrictions on size, weight, and energy demands.
While practicable for newly constructed vessels, integrating such technologies on a retrofit basis
may be challenging for some vessels (US EPA SAB, 2011). Hence, based upon additional
challenges associated with retrofitting the large number of vessels that will need to install
treatment technologies to meet the numeric ballast water effluent limits in the permit (see
Bacher, 2011; Hintzsche, 2011), EPA has included a rolling implementation schedule that
requires the installation of BWTS by the first drydocking after 2014 or 2016 (dependent upon
vessel size), which may extend beyond the permit term for certain vessels. This time schedule is
consistent with the timelines in the IMO treaty and the Coast Guard’s March 2012 rulemaking.

EPA’s adoption of this schedule reflects the fact that the BW treatment system industry
will need the additional time provided by the schedule to produce the required units, and vessel
owners will need that additional time to do the advance work necessary to ensure that they
choose and secure the appropriate system for their vessels and, to make arrangements for
drydocking or other time out of service and inspection and approval necessary to properly install
the technology. Until all of this is accomplished, treatment technology meeting the standards set
out in section of this permit will not be “available” within the meeting of the Clean Water
Act. Because it is well-known that the IMO standards will imminently come into effect (and
USCG ballast water rulemaking has been finalized), manufacturers and vessel owners have been
engaging in the multi-year planning necessary to implement the IMO standards on the IMO
schedule. Thus, the industry as a whole should be on track to have treatment technologies
installed on that schedule. Although EPA did consider accelerating this, the Agency decided
against doing so, since, as noted above, the BW treatment system industry needs the additional
time reflected in the VGP’s schedule to produce the required units. In addition, the Agency is
concerned that altering the anticipated schedule at this late a date would disrupt the industry’s
prior planning and that efforts to establish additional production capacity could distract
manufacturers’ resources from meeting existing demand, and thus perhaps even result in further
delays. Given the magnitude of the task for manufacturing and installing ballast water treatment
systems, EPA believes that the timeframes for when treatment technology becomes “available”
to meet the limits found in Part of the VGP is reasonable. Further discussion of the
factors that informed EPA’s adoption of the IMO timeline follows:

Manufacturing capacity: The ballast water treatment system industry is relatively young
and currently has a limited production capacity. As of February, 2010, Lloyds Register (2010)

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet

estimated that there were 119 ballast water treatment systems installed worldwide. As of June
2011, Lloyds Register (2011) estimated that a total of 200 systems have been installed on vessels
worldwide. The government of Japan estimates that more than 70,000 vessels worldwide will
need to be fitted with ballast water treatment systems (MEPC 61/2/17); see Figure 1 below. King
(2010) notes that even on the IMO schedule, 20,000 to 30,000 systems may need to be installed
on vessels per year. If EPA were to require all systems be installed within a 1-2 year period, even
only on vessels operating in US waters, it would be highly unlikely that vendors could meet
production demand for the large number of vessels operating in US waters during that time.
Furthermore, by spreading the production of systems over several years, vendors will have the
opportunity to perfect and improve systems, such that any defects or shortcomings observed in
the first systems produced and installed can be corrected.

Figure 1. Installation Schedule of Ballast Water Treatment Systems Estimated by the

Government of Japan (MEPC 61/2/17).

Drydock availability and time out of service: It is not feasible to expect all existing
vessels which operate within U.S. waters to install ballast water treatment systems within a short
period of time (e.g., one or two years). EPA expects that many existing vessels will need to enter
drydock or make arrangements for time out of service to install a ballast water treatment system
and have that installation inspected and approved by their class society and/or flag
administration. It is EPA’s understanding that vessels drydock on a three to five year cycle and
vessels typically arrange for drydocking many months to years in advance. Drydocking must
take place no less than once every five years (US EPA SAB, 2011 citing ABS SVR 7/2/1-11),
meaning that vessel owner/operators cannot put off installation of ballast water treatment
systems indefinitely. Furthermore, worldwide drydocking capacity is limited, and all vessels
would not be able to enter drydock within the same year.
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Retrofitting: Installation of ballast water treatment systems on existing vessels is more

complicated than installation on new-build vessels (ABS, 2010; GLBWC, 2010). Whereas
owner/operators of new build vessels have known about ballast water treatment systems and
potential requirements, and so could design vessels for their ultimate inclusion, previously
constructed vessels are likely to have additional design challenges (Bacher, 2011; Hintzsche,
2011). For instance, many vessels have space or energy limitations, which reduce a vessel’s
options for which systems they select (Albert and Everett, 2010). Additionally, many vessels will
have to install additional ballast system access points and sampling ports; all of which must be
designed before installation. Hence, for existing vessels, installation of a ballast water treatment
system is not a turn-key operation, and owners will need some time to identify, procure and
install the appropriate system for their vessel and its operating circumstances.

Economic Impacts: Please see the discussion above under “Ballast water treatment
requirements in the 2013 VGP are economically practicable and economically achievable” for a
discussion of what a more rapid implementation schedule might mean economically.

EPA believes that a less rapid implementation schedule than that in today’s permit is also
not reflective of BAT. Vessel owner/operators have had many years to prepare for the
installation of ballast water treatment systems, and as discussed earlier in this fact sheet,
numerous ballast water treatment systems are available today. Installation deadlines (e.g., when
installation of a treatment system becomes BAT) for existing vessels begin more than 1 year
after the anticipated finalization of the next VGP and treatment system requirements phase in
over a multi- year period. Additionally, the U.S. Coast Guard finalized the ballast water
discharge standard rulemaking with the same schedule for existing vessels as contained in
today’s permit. If vessel owner/operators anticipate complications with installing ballast water
treatment systems during the 2016 to 2019 time period due to high demand and treatment system
manufacturer backlog, EPA strongly advises these owner/operators to begin planning and, as
appropriate, taking concrete steps, to avoid these complications today. This may include
installing ballast water treatment systems before a drydocking before January 1, 2016 in those
cases where vessel owner/operators can plan, design, and procure a ballast water treatment
system for one or more of their vessels in this shortened time period.

EPA also notes that the CWA requires that BAT be required no later than July 1, 1989 or
for entities permitted for the first time after that date, BAT must be achieved immediately upon
permit effectiveness. CWA section 301(b)(2). When EPA issued the first VGP in 2008, it
established BAT for all vessels, and thus satisfied the statutory timeframe obligation. In this next
iteration of the permit, EPA is ratcheting down to a more stringent BAT numeric effluent
limitation for certain vessels over time, based upon when technological advancements will make
these more stringent limits available and practicable and economically achievable. For certain
dischargers, EPA has determined that the technology will be available, practicable and
economically achievable at time of permit issuance, and therefore the numeric limit constitutes
BAT at that time. For other dischargers, EPA has determined that the technology will be
available, practicable and economically achievable over time, and therefore the numeric limits
constitute BAT on the dates specified in the implementation schedule.

Page 98 of 198
Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet Vessels Not Required to Meet Part Treatment Standards

The numeric concentration-based treatment limits do not apply to all vessels subject to
this permit. Separate technology-based effluent limitations, in the form of BMPs under 40 CFR
122.44(k)(3) (e.g., Part and of the permit), apply to the vessel classes discussed
below: Vessels Engaged in Short-Distance Voyages

The following vessels, regardless of size, build date and type are not required to meet the
ballast water discharge standards found in Part of this permit:

• Vessels which stay within a single US Coast Guard Captain of the Port (COTP) zone;
• Vessels which do not travel more than 10 nm and cross no physical barriers or
obstructions (e.g., locks), whether or not they operate within one US Coast Guard
COTP zone.
EPA has not mandated that vessels meet the numeric ballast water effluent limits in
Part for these vessels operating on generally short routes to minimize other non water-
quality environmental impacts. 40 CFR § 125.3(d)(3). Such limits are based on the application of
certain technologies, and as discussed below, use of ballast water treatment systems results in
some non- water quality environmental impacts, including increased energy usage and increased
carbon emissions. Vessels which operate on short routes may discharge ballast water more
frequently than vessels on longer routes, and as such, would have higher non-water quality
impacts (e.g., higher energy usage, increased greenhouse gas emissions) per distance travelled.

Furthermore, many existing ballast water treatment systems use biocides (see Albert et
al., 2010 for a list of ballast water treatment systems using biocides as of June 2010; Lloyd’s
2011 estimates approximately half of all ballast water treatment systems installed to date use a
biocide). These biocides often need minimum contact time to be effective – short distance
voyages might not provide this necessary time. Additionally, the discharge of ballast water
treated with biocides may contain residuals or byproducts from that treatment, and short voyage
times may not permit adequate decay or neutralization.

EPA has included a definition which makes use of US Coast Guard COTP zones and
distance travelled. For the first definition of a short voyage, EPA chose the US Coast Guard
COTP zone as the boundary within which vessels might voyage without having to meet the
limits found in Part of the VGP, as this is a well known administrative district for vessel
owner/operators. For example, the US Coast Guard (and the US EPA in the 2008 VGP) does not
require ballast water exchange if vessels stay within the COTP zone.

The second definition of a short voyage under the VGP is for vessels such as cross river
ferries that might cross a US Coast Guard COTP boundary. Though EPA is not aware of any
specific vessels which currently meet these criteria, EPA did not want to inadvertently require
ballast water treatment systems for vessels that would result in result in other environmental
impacts (e.g., more biocides added to the aquatic environment, more fuel consumed and

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greenhouse gasses released). If a vessel crosses a US Coast Guard COTP boundary, however,
EPA limited the maximum distance which could be voyaged to no more than 10 miles to be
considered a short voyage. Additionally, to be considered a short voyage, the vessel cannot cross
a physical boundary (e.g., lock, falls). EPA included this upper bound to limit the dispersal of
ANS across Coast Guard COTP boundaries (e.g., from one estuary to a nearby coastal estuary)
or across potential obstructions to the dispersal of invasive species.

Finally, EPA notes that vessels which travel short distances and do not cross physical
barriers are less likely to pose risk in widely dispersing living organisms. Unmanned, Unpowered Barges

Unmanned, unpowered barges generally move in the inland and coastal waterway system
to transport low-value bulk items such as grain, coal, or iron ore. These vessels are roughly
equivalent to a maritime railway car and are not manned with crew and do not have
infrastructure that allows for complex or energy intensive operations. EPA understands that
ballasting for barges is typically done in limited locations to pass under bridges and that the
ballast intake and discharge occur immediately before and after transit under the bridge. In other
cases, these barges ballast to improve stability in stormy conditions or other rough water. The
vessels typically do not have dedicated ballast water tanks but can use wing tanks (void space) in
the hull when ballasting is necessary. Minimal water is used for ballasting and EPA does not
believe that barges are a significant discharger of ballast water.

Unmanned, unpowered barges have been recognized as posing unique challenges for
managing ballast water. For instance, EPA’s SAB board notes:

Inland waterways and coastal barges are not self-propelled, but rather are moved by
towing or pushing with tugboats. Because these vessels have been designed to transport
bulk cargo, or as working platforms, they commonly use ballast tanks or fill cargo spaces
with water for trim and stability, or to prevent excessive motions in heavy seas. However,
the application of [Ballast water management systems] on these vessels presents
significant logistical challenges because they typically do not have their own source of
power or ballast pumps and are unmanned (US EPA SAB, 2011, 40).

Due to the complexities of operating existing type approved ballast water treatment
systems, EPA has determined that treatment technologies are not currently available for
unmanned, unpowered barges which meet the IMO discharge limit. As a result, EPA has not
included numeric treatment limits for unmanned, unpowered barges. Vessels That Operate Exclusively on the Laurentian Great Lakes (Commonly
Known as Lakers) Built Before January 1, 2009

Vessels that operate exclusively on the Laurentian Great Lakes are not subject to the
numeric limits found in Part of the VGP. The Laurentian Great Lakes means “upstream
of the waters of the St. Lawrence River west of a rhumb line drawn from Cap de Rosiers to West
Point, Anticosti Island, and west of a line along 63 W. longitude from Anticosti Island to the
north shore of the St. Lawrence River and includes all other bodies of water within the drainage
basin of such lakes and connecting channels).),

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As discussed by EPA’s SAB, existing Lakers face unique operational and design

In addition to specific environmental and vessel applications, vessel type and vessel
operations can dictate [Ballast Water Management System] applicability. Although a
multitude of vessel designs and operation scenarios exist, a few important examples of
specific constraints can greatly limit treatment options. Perhaps the most dramatic
limitations are found with the Great Lakes bulk carrier fleet that operates vessels solely
within the Great Lakes with large volumes of fresh, and often cold, ballast water
(“Lakers”). The vessels in this fleet have ballast volumes up to 50,000 m3, high pumping
rates (up to 5,000 m3/hour), uncoated ballast tanks (older vessels), and some vessels have
separate sea chests and pumps for each ballast tank. A further confounding issue is that
voyages taken by Lakers average four to five days, with many less than two days. Given
these characteristics, a number of limitations are imposed. . . US EPA SAB 2011, 40.

Due to the challenges of installing ballast water treatment systems currently available on
the many vessels in the Laker fleet, the cost of installing those systems at this time due to
Lakers’ unique designs, and the lack of currently available ballast water treatment systems
appropriate for the largest Lakers, alternative technologies are being researched. For example,
ongoing research by the Great Ships Initiative (GSI), American Steamship Company (ASC), the
National Park Service (Isle Royale National Park) and the United States Geological Survey
(USGS) is being conducted to test the efficiency of various biocide introduction scenarios into a
ship's ballast tanks. Bench-scale and land-based tests of various biocides and neutralizing agents
have been conducted by GSI (Cangelosi, 2011), and in August 2011, GSI conducted the first ship
board test of a sodium hydroxide biocide with carbon dioxide neutralizing agent onboard the
ASC’s vessel M/V Indiana Harbor, a large Laker confined upstream of the Welland Canal. This
technology is in the experimental testing stage, and thus there are many unresolved issues,
including: the efficacy of this or other biocides; whether the active substance used to kill the
organisms in the ballast water can be sufficiently neutralized prior to or during discharge so as to
not cause toxic effects to the aquatic life of the surrounding water; whether there are other
parameters of concern (such as dissolved solids, chlorides, sodium, salts, acidity, etc.) in such a
discharge that may have deleterious environmental effects; as well as potential for such systems
and chemicals to pose harm to the ship’s crew or the ship itself. Nonetheless, if these issues can
be appropriately addressed, such as if an active substance and disinfection regime can be
identified, such technology might be a potentially useful treatment technology for some Lakers
in the future. Additionally, EPA notes that there are questions about whether there is an adequate
supply of ballast water treatment systems designed to operate exclusively in cold, freshwater
environments, and that the availability of ballast water treatment systems built to operate under
these scenarios may lag the development of ballast water treatment systems designed for ocean-
going and coastal vessels. Hence, EPA will closely follow the state of technologies currently
being tested for all Lakers, including the largest Lakers confined upstream of the Welland Canal.
EPA will consider revising permit requirements during the term of the permit if such
technologies do become available.

In Today’s permit provides that existing vessels operating exclusively on the Laurentian
Great Lakes are not be subject to the requirement to meet the effluent (and related) limits in
section during the term of this permit. However, EPA is including a permit reopener

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condition that addresses EPA’s ability to modify the permit to require installation of ballast water
treatment systems if such systems become available. EPA advises Laker owner/operators that
EPA intends to promptly exercise the permit reopener to initiate the process to modify the permit
if such systems become available during the permit term. These requirements may include
requiring that effluent meet levels achievable by treatment with an IMO type approved device or
requiring an alternative technology-based ballast water effluent limit.

EPA further notes that this requirement is generally consistent with the recently finalized
Coast Guard ballast water rulemaking. In that rulemaking, USCG states that: “For the reasons we
have discussed in th[e] preamble, we are not requiring vessels that operate exclusively in the
Great Lakes to comply with BWDS in this final rule” (77 FR 17260).

New Lakers

All Lakers built after January 1, 2009 must meet the ballast water treatment limits found
in Part of the permit. EPA selected January 1, 2009 as the cutoff date because this is the
date that IMO originally first required treatment for some new build vessels. Any vessel
owner/operators building or contracting vessels after this date were well aware of the need to
design their systems to meet ballast water discharge limits and EPA therefore assumes that such
vessels were so designed. EPA notes that the IMO schedule was extended for vessels with less
than 5,000 cubic meters of ballast water, from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2011 via
Assembly Resolution A1005[25].20 However, EPA notes that any owner/operator constructing
vessels by the 2009 date were well aware of impending ballast water management requirements,
and hence, should have appropriately designed their vessels to accommodate retrofitting a ballast
water treatment system onboard.

Additionally, existing Lakers must meet all other ballast water requirements found in
Part of the VGP and Laker specific requirements found in Part of the VGP. These
supplemental requirements were developed to reduce the number of living organisms in ballast
water, and the risk of their dispersal within the Great Lakes ecosystem. Inland and Seagoing Vessels less than 1600 Gross Registered Tons (3000 Gross

Inland and Seagoing Vessels less than 1600 gross registered tons (3000 gross tons) are not
required to meet the numeric treatment limits in Section of today’s permit. A seagoing
vessel means “a vessel in commercial service that operates beyond the boundary line established
by 46 CFR Part 7. It does not include a vessel that navigates exclusively on inland waters.”
(From 151.2005). An inland vessel means a vessel that operates exclusively on inland waters.
EPA encourages vessels in this size class to use alternate measures to reduce the number of

Assembly Resolution A1005[25] recommends that States henceforth ratifying, accepting, approving or acceding
to the Convention should accompany their instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, as
appropriate, with a declaration or otherwise communicate to the Secretary-General their intention to apply the
Convention on the basis of the following understanding, also taking into account paragraph 3:
“A ship subject to regulation B-3.3 constructed in 2009 will not be required to comply with regulation D-2 until its
second annual survey, but no later than 31 December 2011.”

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living organisms in their ballast water discharges, including use of those measures found in Part of this permit and use of onboard potable water generators.

The draft VGP would have required any vessel (not otherwise exempt) that carries greater
than 8 cubic meters of ballast water to meet the numeric ballast effluent limitations for ballast
water. Several commenters, however, argued that technologies are currently not available and/or
economically achievable for the smaller size of non ocean-going vessels (e.g., tugboats) that may
carry more than 8 cubic meters of ballast water. In response to these comments, EPA took a
closer look at the record for the proposal and reassessed whether it demonstrated that ballast
water treatment technologically is available and economically achievable for smaller vessels.

Based upon that review, EPA concluded that ,though technologies are promising for future
development, the record at proposal did not support the conclusion that numeric ballast water
treatment limits for small inland and seagoing vessels represents BAT at this time or over the life
of the permit. For example, most ballast water treatment systems have been designed for larger
vessels and/or vessels which only uptake or discharge ballast water on either end of longer
voyages and the record at proposal contained no evidence that any vessels smaller than 1600
GRT had successfully installed a treatment systems on their vessel. Supplemental analysis by the
Agency confirmed the conclusion that the ballast water numeric limits did not reflect BAT for
this class of vessels. 21 EPA further notes that though meeting numeric limits does not represent
BAT for these small inland and coastal vessels as a class, ballast water management measures to
minimize the discharge of untreated ballast water might be available for some individual vessels
in this class of vessels. For example, some smaller vessels because of their unique designs and
operations might be able to use potable water for ballasting. For these reasons, EPA
reemphasized the requirement for these vessels to meet existing ballast water minimization
management measures in Part of the permit and the agency strongly encourages all vessel
owner/operators in this size class to take whatever measures they are able to reduce or eliminate
the discharge of untreated ballast water into waters subject to this permit.

Other than for the vessel types and voyage patterns discussed above, EPA found no basis
for differentiating BPT/BAT solely based on age of equipment and facilities, process, process
changes, or other engineering factors. Data Sources used in generating today’s numeric ballast water limits

In developing today’s numeric effluent limits, EPA considered data from numerous peer
reviewed publications, literature produced by the federal government, other technical reports and
publications, public comments, and comments from experts working in the field (see US EPA
SAB, 2011; Albert et al., 2010; CSLC, 2010; GLBWC, 2010; Lloyd’s List, 2010; WDNR, 2010).
The data sources from which EPA derived information for decision-making purposes are
included in the docket for the permit and/or referenced in this fact sheet (any material referenced
in the fact sheet but not included in the docket is generally available published material). These

Commenters addressed this issue in terms of “small” vessels generally or with respect to certain small vessel
types, such as tugboats, without suggesting a specific threshold for applicability. EPA’s evaluation of the data led
the Agency to conclude that the 1600 gross registered ton threshold for applicability of the US Coast Guard ballast
water rule to inland and seagoing vessels (see 17304, Mar. 23, 2012) accurately reflected the class of vessels for
which proven technologies are not yet available or economically achievable.

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data sources discuss ballast water discharges, technologies available for the treatment of these
discharges, and the effectiveness of the technologies. EPA considered these data and how to
design a permit that included the best practicable technology and best available technology
economically achievable in formulating the permit.

As an important source used by EPA in setting the technology-based ballast water limits
for today’s VGP, EPA’s SAB (2011) found that systems which meet the IMO D-2 standard are
available. The EPA SAB also stated: Regarding the discharge standard 10x more stringent than
the IMO D-2/ Phase 1, the criterion used was whether the number of living organisms in all size
classes was consistently low following testing (below the detection limit, often reported as zero,
or not more than twice the standard). However, as described in the response to charge question 4
(section 6), current testing methods do not provide the resolution required to conclude that 10x
standards can be met” (EPA SAB, 2011, p. 32). The SAB further noted that systems “may have
the potential to meet [a standard 10 times IMO] with reasonable/feasible modifications to the
existing BWMS.”

EPA has finalized the numeric concentration based limit contained in the 2013 VGP
based on these analyses and had concluded that these limits are reflective of BAT. Interim Requirements for Vessels Not Required to Meet the Ballast Water
Management Measures in Part of the VGP

EPA has found the following interim management measures for vessels not meeting the
requirements of Part of the VGP to be available, practicable and economically
achievable. You must meet the interim management requirements as applicable until you meet
the numeric treatment limits in Part of the VGP. Requirements for Oceangoing Voyages While Carrying Ballast Water

In the United States, the U.S. Coast Guard has requirements for the management of
ballast water listed in 33 CFR Part 151, Subparts C and D. These regulations generally require
that prior to vessels being mandated to comply with the numeric ballast water effluent limits in
Part of the permit, if they transit to U.S. waters with ballast water that was taken on
within 200 nautical miles of any shore into waters of the United States after operating beyond the
U.S. EEZ, they must conduct one of the following ballast water management practices:

• Conduct mid-ocean ballast water exchange further than 200 nm from any shore prior
to entering U.S. waters or use an AMS;
• Retain the ballast water on board while in U.S. waters;
• Install and operate a USCG type-approved ballast water treatment system; or
• Use only water from a U.S. public water system. 33 CFR 151.1510(a) and
The regulations also contain exceptions to these requirements in extraordinary
circumstances such as where there are safety concerns and do not require vessels will not be

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet

required to deviate from, or delay, their voyage in order to conduct exchange. 33 CFR 151.1515
and 151.2040.
The 2013 VGP incorporates these requirements and allows for most vessels which meet
the treatment requirements found in Part of the VGP to not also conduct ballast water
exchange (except for certain vessels entering the Great Lakes as discussed in Part of this
fact sheet). Please see the BAT/BPT discussion in Parts 4.1 and 4.2 of this fact sheet for
additional discussion regarding the basis for these requirements. Vessels Carrying Ballast Water Engaged in Pacific Nearshore Voyages

As in the 2008 VGP, EPA has required ballast water exchange as an interim requirement
for vessels engaged in Pacific Nearshore voyages. Vessels engaged in Pacific nearshore voyages

• Vessels engaged in the Pacific Coastwise trade that cross more than one Captain of
the Port Zone and that will discharge ballast water into waters subject to this permit.
• All other vessels that sail from foreign, Atlantic, or Gulf of Mexico ports, which do
not sail further than 200 nm from any shore, and that discharge or will discharge
ballast water into the territorial sea or inland waters of Alaska or of the west coast of
the continental United States.
Numerous studies and reports by NOAA and others have shown that mid-ocean ballast
water exchange significantly reduces the presence of living organisms adapted to surviving in
coastal, estuarine, and freshwater environments (Gray et al., 2007; Locke et al., 1993; McCollin
et al., 2007; Ruiz & Reid, 2007). In a NOAA technical memorandum authored by Ruiz and Reid
(2007), the authors made seven recommendations, one of which is that “B[allast] W[ater]
E[xchange] should be considered a useful and beneficial ballast management practice to reduce
species transfers and invasion risk. It is a valuable measure, especially because it is available
now for immediate use on many vessels and shipping routes, in the absence of proven alternative
treatment methods.” Hence, ballast water exchange is an appropriate interim step toward
mitigating the risk from the spread of ANS until effective treatment technology is available.
There has also been considerable discussion about establishing alternate ballast water exchange
areas (ABWEA) within areas closer to the coast. Participants in a 2006 workshop (Phillips,
2006) on establishing alternate exchange zones on the Pacific coast made three
recommendations, two of which are applicable for the permit:

• In general, ABWEAs should be established no closer than 50 nm from shore and in

waters at least 1000 m in depth.
• Establishment of ABWEAs should avoid major estuary and oceanic river plumes,
subsurface physical features (e.g. seamounts), and known fishery habitats.
For the most part, the continental shelf along the Pacific coast is narrow along both North
and South America. Deep water environments beyond the continental shelf typically support
ecosystems that are quite different than those which exist closer to shore. Due in part to this short
width of the continental shelf, relatively deep waters beyond 50 nm from the Pacific shore, and

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet

existing and pending regulation and statutes in California, Oregon, and Washington that require
ballast water exchange for vessels engaged in the coastwise trade, EPA is requiring ballast water
exchange under the permit for vessels engaged in Pacific nearshore voyages that will discharge
ballast water into waters subject to this permit. If these vessels travel more than 50 miles from
shore, they must conduct ballast water exchange while:

• In the Pacific Ocean,

• As early as practicable in the voyage,
• More than 50 nm from shore, and
• Preferably where the vessel is not near major estuary and oceanic river plumes,
subsurface physical features (e.g. seamounts), and known fishery habitats.
Based on reasons discussed above and elsewhere and this factsheet (e.g., see sections 4.1
and 4.2), EPA determined these requirements are technologically practicable and achievable, can
be widely implemented, and will reduce the discharge of constituents of concern in ballast water
streams. Furthermore, with implementation of existing and pending state regulation requiring
similar practices, the incremental economic costs are relatively low (see the economic analysis
prepared for this permit). However, EPA does not believe that vessels engaged in voyages that
take them further than 200 nm from any shore should be allowed to exchange ballast water
between 50 and 200 nm from the Pacific shore for the following reasons:

• This provision would not be consistent with existing U.S. Coast Guard regulations.
• Ballast water exchange 200 nm or more from shore generally is more likely to
mitigate the risk for the spread of ANS than ballast water exchange closer to shore. Mandatory Saltwater Flushing

Mandatory saltwater flushing is required by this permit for all vessels carrying
unpumpable ballast water and residual sediment that operate outside the US EEZ which are not
required to meet the treatment requirements found in Part of the VGP, travel more than
200 nm from shore, and will subsequently discharge ballast water to waters subject to this permit
and for vessels that engage in Pacific nearshore voyages that will discharge ballast water in
waters subject to this permit. This requirement is the same as to that found in the 2008 VGP. The
permit states that “saltwater flushing means the addition of mid-ocean water to ballast water
tanks containing only unpumpable residual ballast water; the mixing of the added water with
residual ballast water and sediment through the motion of the vessel; and the discharge of the
mixed water until loss of suction, such that the resulting residual water remaining in the tank has
either a salinity greater than or equal to 30 parts per thousand (ppt) or a salinity concentration
equal to the ambient salinity of the location where the uptake of the added water took place” (see
Parts and Part 7 of the permit). This process of flushing out empty ballast water tanks
with mid-ocean saltwater is also commonly referred to as “swish and spit”. The vessels subject to
this requirement are either those which have any ballast water tank that is empty or contains
unpumpable residual water or those that certify, consistent with the Coast Guard’s regulations,
that they have “No Ballast on Board” (“NOBOB” vessels). As previously noted, the Coast Guard
currently has a voluntary saltwater flushing policy in place for all vessels entering the Great
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Lakes, and defines NOBOB vessels as “those vessels that have discharged ballast water in order
to carry cargo, and as a result, have only unpumpable residual water and sediment remaining in
tanks.” 70 FR 51832 (August 31, 2005). The purpose of mandatory saltwater flushing is to
prevent the spread of ANS in ballast water tanks that appear empty, but often have unpumpable
ballast water and/or residual sediment at the bottom of the tanks that may contain organisms
which can become ANS.

Saltwater flushing has been shown to be effective in preventing the introduction of ANS
from vessels with residual ballast water and sediment in their ballast water tanks. In a NOAA
technical memorandum, another of Ruiz and Reid’s (2007) concluding recommendations is that
“[t]he use of high-salinity water to flush NOBOB ballast tanks should be considered a useful and
beneficial management practice to reduce species transfers and invasion risks associated with
NOBOB ships entering the Great Lakes. In the absence of proven alternatives, this practice
provides some level of protection against some adult and larval life stages.” Additionally,
saltwater flushing reduces the concentrations of sediment, a conventional pollutant, in ballast
water discharge and, therefore, generally improves the quality of the ballast water discharge.

Transport Canada has mandatory saltwater flushing requirements in its regulations for all
vessels that discharge ballast water in Canadian Great Lakes ports. Furthermore, the Saint
Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (SLSDC) recently published a final rule amending
joint regulations at 33 CFR Part 401.30. The amendment is an effort to harmonize the ballast
water requirements for vessels transiting the U.S. waters of the Saint Lawrence Seaway System
with the saltwater flushing requirements already in place for vessels entering the Canadian
waters of the Seaway System. The amendment, which went into effect on March 26, 2008,
requires vessels that operate outside the EEZ to conduct saltwater flushing of ballast water tanks
containing residual amounts of ballast water and sediment at least 200 nautical miles from any
shore. The saltwater flushing must occur prior to entering either the U.S. or Canadian waters of
the Seaway System. See 33 CFR 401.30(f); 73 FR 9950 (February 25, 2008). Hence, all vessels
entering the Great Lakes must already use saltwater flushing for their tanks with unpumpable
ballast water and residual sediment, and this permit reinforces these requirements.

As with the 2008 VGP, today’s permit extends saltwater flushing requirements for
vessels that travel more than 200 nm from shore and vessels engaged in Pacific nearshore
voyages because EPA believes saltwater flushing is a widely-used low-cost approach that
minimizes the risk that ANS will be successfully introduced from unpumpable ballast water and
residual sediment. Saltwater flushing is most effective at eliminating organisms adapted to
freshwater and low salinity environments due to the combined impacts of saltwater shock and
physical dilution. However, saltwater flushing should also reduce viable living organisms
adapted to estuarine, coastal and marine environments. First, saltwater flushing may reduce
viable living organisms in residual ballast water through dilution. Secondly, saltwater flushing
reduces the number of viable living organisms and organisms in resting stages in the residual
sediment. Resting stages of ANS often inhabit the sediment in ballast water tanks: reducing the
numbers of these organisms with both physical flushing and saltwater shock when applicable
will likely reduce the propagule pressure of these potential invaders. Hence, the requirements for
mandatory saltwater flushing are available, practicable and economically achievable.
Additionally, the permit applies saltwater flushing on a tank-by-tank basis, and does not just
limit this practice to vessels that declare they carry only unpumpable residual ballast water. This

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet

is because the empty ballast water tanks in vessels that have a mixture of empty tanks and tanks
containing pumpable ballast water still pose a risk of introducing ANS when the empty tanks are
subsequently filled and discharged, and saltwater flushing of those tanks will help reduce this
potential. However, vessels that seal empty tanks and will not use them to discharge ballast water
in waters subject to this permit do not need to conduct saltwater flushing. Vessels that Complete Ballast Water Exchange Must Do So as Early as


As in the 2008 VGP, EPA has included a requirement for vessels to exchange ballast
water as early as practicable. For those vessels that carry ballast water that was taken on in areas
less than 200 nautical miles from any shore and will discharge into the waters subject to this
permit after operating beyond the EEZ, EPA has included a requirement that all vessels that
conduct ballast water exchange must do so as early as practicable, so long as the exchange
occurs more than 200 nm from shore. This requirement will directly contribute to increased
mortality of remaining living organisms in ballast water tanks. Increased mortality will result in
the discharge of fewer viable living organisms, which will consequently reduce the likelihood of
the risk of the establishment of ANS. Requirements for Tankers Engaged in the Coastwise Trade

Section 1101(c)(2)(L) of the National Invasive Species Act of 1996 (16 U.S.C. 4711)
generally exempts crude oil tankers engaged in the coastwise trade from ballast water
management requirements. There is no counterpart exemption for such vessels in the CWA, nor
does it appear that such vessels are inherently unable to perform the ballast water exchange and
other ANS management practices that their non-exempt vessel counterparts can and do routinely
carry out. Additionally, EPA expects these vessels to be able to meet the treatment requirements
in Part of the VGP. Hence, as in the 2008 VGP, the NPDES permit would not exempt
crude oil tankers in the Coastwise trade from its ballast water management requirements, and
such tankers must either seek coverage under the permit and comply with its applicable terms or
seek alternative NPDES permit coverage as discussed under the alternative permits section in
Part 1.8 of the permit. Vessels Entering the Great Lakes

EPA has included additional permit conditions requiring all vessels that are equipped to
carry ballast water and that enter the Great Lakes to comply with Coast Guard regulations
mandating ballast water exchange (33 CFR Part 151, Subpart C). Also, vessels that operate
outside the EEZ and more than 200 nm from any shore, and then enter the Great Lakes via the
Saint Lawrence Seaway System must comply with St. Lawrence Seaway Development
Corporation regulations that mandate saltwater flushing of ballast tanks (33 CFR part 401.30).
These requirements constitute technology-based effluent limits for ballast water discharges from
these vessels; additional requirements on vessels entering the Great Lakes are imposed as water
quality-based effluent limits in Part of the permit: see section of this fact sheet for
additional discussion.

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet Vessels in the U.S. Coast Guard Shipboard Technology Evaluation Program (STEP)

A vessel equipped with ballast water tanks is not required to meet the requirements found
in Parts (except and and of the VGP if the vessel is
accepted by the U.S. Coast Guard into the Shipboard Technology Evaluation Program (STEP) as
long as the vessel meets all of the requirements of such program. EPA believes that the STEP
program has played, and will continue to play, a critical role in the development of effective
ballast water treatment systems, as may other related or similar programs the Coast Guard might
implement in the future. The program has encouraged pioneering vessel owner/operators to
install ballast water treatment systems, has contributed to the development of effective sampling
methods, and allowed for the collection of valuable shipboard ballast water treatment data
needed to evaluate the efficacy of ballast water treatment systems. Furthermore, as systems are
developed and refined, such programs will play a valuable role in supporting the development of
technologies which exceed the performance of the IMO standard. EPA believes that STEP and
other such programs will play a key role in the development of a greater range of systems which
can meet the limits in today’s permit, and will also allow a venue for treatment vendors to
develop systems to meet more stringent standards such as the previously proposed U.S. Coast
Guard phase II standard. Finally U.S. Coast Guard programs (such as or similar to STEP)
provide a mechanism for vessels to use not-yet approved BWMS during the testing required for
type approval.

EPA is requiring that vessel owner/operators of vessels enrolled in STEP must meet the
requirements of Parts and of the permit. These requirements contain
authorization, effluent limits, and basic monitoring for active substances from ballast water
treatment systems. They also include recordkeeping and reporting requirements specific for
vessels utilizing ballast water treatment systems (vessels enrolled in STEP are using ballast water
treatment systems).

Vessel owner/operators enrolled in the STEP program must complete a rigorous

application process and undergo extensive review. Additionally, vessels involved in STEP are
utilizing ballast water treatment technologies which share similarities in capabilities (and in
many cases are the same systems) as those described in section of this fact sheet or the
technical reports EPA used to inform its decision making (e.g., EPA SAB, 2011). Therefore,
EPA has determined that vessels enrolled in STEP and utilizing their ballast water treatment
systems are effectively applying ballast water treatment and are meeting BAT. EPA notes that
these vessels are utilizing ballast water treatment technologies designed to meet or exceed the
permit limits found in Part of the VGP, and vessels enrolled in STEP are playing and will
continue to play a key role in improving our understanding of the efficacy of ballast water
treatment systems. Narrative Water Quality Based Effluent Limit Applicable to Ballast Water Discharges

Under CWA section 301(b)(1)(C) and its implementing regulations, in addition to the
technology-based effluent limitations discussed above, EPA must include in NDPES permits any
more stringent effluent limits “necessary to meet water quality standards.” In determining what
additional effluent limitations, if any, must be included in a permit, EPA first assesses whether,
after application of the technology-based effluent limits, the discharge has the “reasonable

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potential to cause or contribute to” an exceedance of water quality standards. If EPA finds such
reasonable potential exists, the permit must contain effluent limits that are as stringent as
necessary to meet water quality standards (i.e., water quality-based effluent limits or
“WQBELs”). 40 CFR 122.44(d)(1). Such limits may be expressed non- numerically where
numeric limits are “infeasible to calculate.” 40 CFR 122.44(k)(3).

As described more fully below, recognizing that the Agency’s understanding of the
relationship between numbers of living organisms in ballast water discharges and probability of
successful establishment by invasive species was extremely limited, EPA (with the US Coast
Guard) commissioned the National Academies of Science to draft a report on the issue. The goal
was to provide the Agency with the best science upon which to make both its reasonable
potential determination and, should reasonable potential be found, the Agency’s determination as
to what constitutes a limit that is necessary to protect water quality standards (Hanlon et al.,
2010). After examining the results of the NAS report, as well as other available information,
EPA has determined that, after application of the required TBELs, reasonable potential to cause
or contribute to an exceedance of water quality standards exists. However, because of data
limitations, EPA has determined that calculation of a numeric WQBEL is infeasible at this time.
EPA thus has imposed a narrative WQBEL for ballast water discharges.

In this section, we discuss the charge given by the Agency to the NAS and how the
findings of the NAS, as well as other expert sources, informed the Agency’s views on whether
application of the TBELs would be sufficient to meet applicable water quality standards. We also
discuss the basis for the Agency’s findings that there is “reasonable potential” and that a numeric
WQBEL is “infeasible to calculate.” Finally, we discuss the WQBELs for ballast water imposed
by this permit. EPA’s Charge to the NAS

In June of 2011, the National Research Council of the National Academies of Science
(NAS) issued their report entitled “Assessing the Relationship Between Propagule Pressure and
Invasion Risk in Ballast Water” (NAS, 2011). EPA, in close collaboration with the US Coast
Guard, commissioned this Report to inform the development of appropriate water quality-based
effluent limits for ballast water discharges. The NAS was asked to:

1. Evaluate the state of the science of various approaches that assess the risk of
establishment of aquatic nonindigenous species given certain concentrations of living
organisms in ballast water discharges.

2. Recommend how these approaches can be used by regulatory agencies to best inform
risk management decisions on the allowable concentrations of living organisms in
discharged ballast water in order to safeguard against the establishment of new
aquatic nonindigenous species and to protect and preserve existing indigenous
populations of fish, shellfish, and wildlife and other beneficial uses of the nation’s

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3. Evaluate the risk of successful establishment of new aquatic nonindigenous species

associated with a variety of ballast water discharge limits that have been used or
suggested by the international community and/or domestic regulatory agencies.

EPA developed NAS charge question #2 as a general narrative description of what would
be necessary to protect all applicable state WQS. EPA’s review of applicable state water quality
standards revealed no provisions that specifically address aquatic nuisance species. No states
have established numeric water quality standards for living organisms (or ANS); therefore, the
focus of EPA’s evaluation was on protection of designated uses, narrative criteria, and relevant
anti-degradation and general policies of applicable state WQS. While State WQS do not
specifically address ANS, many narrative criteria and anti-degradation and general policies of
applicable state water quality standards do seek to prevent the types of degradation that is
associated with the introduction of ANS into receiving waters. For example, the State of
Minnesota has narrative standards which state that “the aquatic habitat…shall not be degraded in
any manner…the normal fishery and aquatic biota upon which it is dependent and the use thereof
shall not be seriously impaired or endangered, the species composition shall not be altered
materially, and the propagation or migration of the fish and other biota normally present shall not
be prevented or hindered by the discharge of any sewage, industrial waste, or other wastes to the
waters.” Minn. Admin. Rules Ch. 7050.0150 subpart 3. New York’s narrative water quality
standards require no impairment of “best usages” for pollutants such as toxic and other
deleterious substances, suspended solids, and phosphorus. 6 NYCRR section 703.2. Michigan’s
water quality standards state that “all Great Lakes and their connecting waters…are designated
and protected for coldwater fisheries.” NREPA Part 31 R. 323.1100(5). “Coldwater fishery use”
is defined as “the ability of a waterbody to support a balanced, integrated, adaptive community
of fish species which thrive in relatively cold water.” NREPA Part 31 R. 323.1043(r). Similarly,
although their language does not specifically address aquatic nuisance species, protection of
states’ designated uses also require safeguarding against aquatic nuisance species introductions,
as ANS are commonly associated with impairment of all of the various designated uses in state
water quality standards, including industrial uses, public health and welfare uses, and aquatic and
wildlife uses (e.g., in Wisconsin, “All surface waters shall be suitable for supporting public
health and welfare” Wisc. Admin. Code NR sec. 102.01(7)(a); in New York, most waters “shall
be suitable for fish propagation and survival “6 NYCRR § 701.10; Alaska has classes of
designated uses for “Growth and propagation of fish, shellfish, other aquatic life and wildlife” 18
AAC § 70.020; California’s designated uses provide for “preservation and enhancement of
marine habitats” Cal Water Code § 1243; Louisiana has a designated use for “Fish and wildlife
propagation” that “includes the maintenance of water quality at a level that prevents damage to
indigenous wildlife and aquatic life species associated with the aquatic environment and
contamination of aquatic biota consumed by humans” LAC 33:IV.1111; Michigan’s “Other
Indigenous Aquatic Life” designated use requires that, “At a minimum, all surface waters of the
state are designated and protected for other indigenous aquatic life” Mich. Admin. Code R
323.1100.) Effectiveness of the TBEL at Addressing Water Quality Impacts

As the NAS concluded, “[i]t is abundantly clear that reducing propagule pressure (i.e.,
the quality, quantity, and frequency with which living organisms are introduced into a given
location) will reduce the probability of invasions, when controlling for all other variables,”

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noting that “[t]here is both strong theoretical and empirical support for this, across a diverse
range of habitats, geographic regions, and types of organisms.” (NAS, 122). The NAS
recommended that “[a]s a logical first step, a benchmark discharge standard should be
established that clearly reduces concentrations of coastal organisms below current levels
resulting from ballast water exchange (such as the IMO D-2 standard). This will serve to reduce
the likelihood of invasion in coastal ecosystems beyond that of the present time.” (NAS, p130)..
EPA is in this permit establishing numeric effluent limitations at the IMO D-2 standard (the
permit’s numeric TBEL). EPA concurs with the NAS study that such limitations will result in
significant reductions in concentrations of living organisms beyond current management
practices (i.e., ballast water exchange and the other management practices described in the
permit). The numeric discharge limitations for ballast water in the permit are expected to be
effective in reducing the risk from untreated or exchanged ballast water discharges.

A suite of studies have examined the increased environmental protection offered by the
IMO discharge standard, and all of them indicate a reduction in risk associated with that
standard. Several approaches for evaluating the risk of invasion associated with ballast water
discharges are discussed in Lee et al. (2010). Of those approaches, the population viability
analysis, per capita invasion probabilities approach, and reaction diffusion models all indicate
that reduction of inoculum densities should significantly reduce the risk (either relative or
absolute) of invasion from ballast water discharges.

EPA also notes that treatment to the IMO discharge standard will result in a significant
decrease in the concentration of living organisms discharged from ballast tanks for the vast
majority of vessels applying treatment. Several studies have looked at the composition of living
organisms found in ballast water tanks for some or all organisms greater than 50 μm; comparing
the results of today’s permit limit for this size class to the values presented in the studies
illustrates that there would be a substantial decrease in inoculum density after treatment. For
example, for each of the studies discussed below, EPA derived the percentage that the discharge
concentration would be reduced from the mean, median, or mode values (dependent on the study
and how the authors present the data). This percent reduction is 99.67% to 99.94% from mean
and mode values presented in Minton et al. (2005), 22 99.63% from median values presented in
Bailey et al. (2011), 23 99.994% from mean values presented in David et al. (2007), 24 95.15%
from mean values presented Murphy et al. (2002), 25 and 99.93% from mean values presented in

Minton et al. (2005) counted the total number of zooplankton collected from the ballast tanks of 354 ships using
80 μm mesh netting. Hence, as many organisms smaller than 80 μm are not captured, this is likely a underestimate
for the total numbers of organisms greater than 50 μm found in the tank. The values presented here were derived by
EPA from either those presented by the authors (as the mode values for the density of zooplankton ) or based on the
density of zooplankton identified in unmanaged ballast water based on visual estimates of Figure 2 of Minton et al.
Bailey et al. (2011) notes the mean abundance of invertebrates recorded from ballasted ships using 53 μm mesh
plankton nets.
David et al. (2007) notes the mean abundance of microzooplankton (20-200μm), macroalgae (200-20,000μm), and
zooplankton (200-2000μm) recorded from ballasted ships using unfiltered counts, 50um mesh plankton nets and
100um mesh plankton nets, respectively.
Murphy et al. (2002) determined the average bivalve larvae and crab zoea concentration in ballast tanks of the MV
Iron Stuart during 2 voyages at three depths using a 100 μm mesh net. The derived value presented here indicates

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet

Verling et al. (2005). 26 The maximum values presented by the authors show considerably more
notable reduction; this is noteworthy because EPA assumes that these high concentration
discharge events pose more risk. The discharge concentration would be reduced from the
maximum value presented by 99.98% to 99.99% from the range of mean 27 and upper 1.1% of
density values presented in Minton et al. (2005), 28 99.96% from the range of median values
presented in Bailey et al. (2011), 29 99.999% from the range of mean values presented in David et
al. (2007), 30 99.41% from the range of mean values presented Murphy et al. (2002), 31 and
99.97% from the range of mean values presented in Verling et al. (2005). 32

One specific study, Bailey et. al. (2009) evaluated the efficacy of such limitations through
the use of mesocosm experiments and modeling of certain parthenogenetic taxa (i.e, organisms
that reproduce asexually) that are of significant concern for invasion to the Great Lakes. In this
study, the authors concluded that the proposed IMO standards for >50 micron organisms would
reduce the probability of establishment of certain parthenogenic species by three fold. Even
taking a “precautionary approach by deliberately investigating establishment success under
favourable physical, and chemical, and biological conditions (e.g., reduced competition and
predation inside enclosures)” results in “best fit estimates of establishment probabilities for
inocula less than 10 individuals m-3 [that] are nil, indicating that the proposed ballast water
discharge standards [the IMO standard] will be very effective even for parthenogenetic taxa”
(Bailey, 2009, 271).

In short, this clear reduction in inoculum density reduces risk – EPA expects those
reductions in risk to be substantial. Hence, EPA believes that requiring treatment to the IMO
standard may be protective of water quality standards. However, EPA has nonetheless

the density of both bivalve larvae and crab zoea identified in ballast water tanks based on visual estimates of Figure
3 and 4 of the publication. EPA notes that this study only looked at a small range of organisms that could be
expected to be found in ballast water tanks, and that the value presented is likely significantly conservative (low),
and therefore notably underestimates the percent reduction of organisms.
Verling et al. (2005) counted the zooplankton concentration in ballast tanks of vessels during 25 voyages using
80 μm mesh netting. The value EPA used as a basis for calculating the reduction is taken from authors’ presentation
of the density of zooplankton identified in ballast water immediately before deballasting activities,
When EPA uses the expression “range of” mean, median, or values, this indicates evaluation of all of the mean,
median or upper values given by the authors in their respective papers from their results sampling a ballast tank or
ballast water discharge. EPA did not pool or average values presented by each respective author. EPA notes that
there are challenges in comparing the results of each of these papers with each other because of variations in
methods used (e.g., in some studies, all species are enumerated while in others, only target species from select phyla
are examined) and differences in how data is presented.
See Footnote 22. Additionally, the max value is the number of zooplankton in the upper 1.1% density of all
samples collected in unmanaged ballast water.
See Footnote 23. Additionally, the maximum density of zooplankton identified in unmanaged ballast water based
on visual estimates of Figure 2 of Bailey et al. (2011)
See Footnote 24.
See Footnote 25. Additionally, the maximum density values presented here are from both bivalve larvae and crab
zoea identified in ballast water tanks.
See Footnote 26. Additionally, the value used to derive percent reduction here is based on the maximum density of
zooplankton identified in ballast water among Transatlantic, Atlantic, and Pacific voyages.

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determined that the discharge of ballast water has the reasonable potential to cause or contribute
to an exceedance of water quality standards, for the reasons discussed below. Reasonable Potential Determination for Ballast Water Discharges

In determining that ballast discharges have reasonable potential to cause or contribute to

a water quality standards exceedance after imposition of the TBELs imposed by today’s permit,
EPA looked at existing controls on ballast water discharges (such as ballast water exchange) and
the variability of living organisms in the effluent after imposition of this permit’s numeric
TBELs (the IMO standard after installation of treatment technology). Examination of existing
controls is important because the permit’s implementation schedule means that not all existing
vessels will meet the numeric TBEL at permit issuance. During the time prior to imposition of
the numeric limit, and for those vessels not subject to the numeric limit, the other TBELs, such
as narrative BMPs in Parts 2.2.3 of the permit and corrective actions in Part 3 of the permit to
promptly correct shortcomings, will apply.

As discussed above, the risk of invasion will significantly decrease after installation of
treatment technology to meet the permit’s numeric TBELs, which are designed to reduce
propagule pressure. However, “while inoculum density (e.g., propagule pressure) is a key
component of invasion probability, it is but one of scores of variables that can and do influence
invasion outcome.” (NAS, p4). These variables “include the identity (taxonomic composition),
sources, and history of the propagules; their frequency of delivery; and their quality. Further
influencing the outcome of propagule release is a host of factors that include both species traits
and the recipient region’s environmental traits.” (NAS, 5). The NAS noted that there are
“significant differences between source regions; the diversity, abundance, and density of
entrained organisms; and the compatibility of source and recipient regions” (NAS, 5). In
evaluating the risk of successful establishment of new aquatic nonindigenous species associated
with a variety of ballast water effluent limits, including ballast water exchange and treatment to
the IMO standard, the NAS concluded that there is “a profound lack of data and information to
develop and validate models,” and “it was not possible with any certainty to determine the risk of
nonindigenous species establishment under existing discharge limits.” (3). EPA expects that
compliance with the permit’s numeric effluent limitations will likely result in discharges that are
controlled as necessary to result in a very small absolute risk of invasion and thus are controlled
as necessary to achieve applicable water quality standards. Nonetheless, EPA also finds that the
variety of other factors that influence invasion outcome should not be completely ignored, and
therefore, even at the IMO level of discharge, reasonable potential exists for such discharges to
cause or contribute to violations of applicable water quality standards pursuant to
122.44(d)(1)(ii). Because the reductions in concentrations of living organisms in ballast water
achieved by technology meeting the IMO standard are generally superior to that which would be
achieved by the application of BMPs either during the time prior to imposition of that limit, or
for vessels not subject to the limit, EPA concludes that there is reasonable potential for
discharges subject to those limits as well. 33

As discussed above, in evaluating whether ballast water discharges subject to the technology-based effluent limits
in this permit would cause, or have the reasonable potential to cause, or contribute to an excursion above any water
quality standard, EPA assessed whether the TBELS were sufficient to “safeguard against the establishment of new

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet Ballast Water WQBELs WQBELs are Infeasible to Calculate

EPA has determined that pursuant to 40 CFR 122.44(k)(3), it is infeasible to calculate

numeric water quality-based effluent limit for ballast water discharges. While “[i]n principle, a
well-supported model of the relationship between invasion risk and organism release could be
used to inform a ballast water discharge standard,” (NAS, 5) the “current state of science does
not allow a quantitative evaluation of the relative merits of various [numeric] discharge standards
in terms of invasion probability.” (NAS, 130) Therefore, the lack of available data and
information prevents an accurate quantification or estimation of the risk associated with ballast
water discharges Though EPA believes that the work done by numerous scientists (Lee et al.,
2010, USCG 2008, Drake et al., 2005) has greatly improved our understanding of the risk posed
by ballast water discharge events, and some have clearly quantified a relative reduction in risk by
using various standards versus ballast water exchange (USCG 2008), EPA agrees with the NAS
panel that establishing a precise, quantified ballast water discharge standard more stringent than
the numeric TBELs contained in Part of the VGP at this time is not possible with
available data and information, and thus, numeric water quality-based effluent limits are
infeasible to calculate. 34 WQBELs in Today’s Permit

The narrative WQBEL applicable to all vessel discharges is found in Part 2.3 of the VGP
and discussed in section 4.5 of this fact sheet. For ballast water discharges, this narrative
WQBEL addresses situations in which reasonable potential exists after application of narrative
and numeric TBELs and is included in the permit to meet 40 CFR 122.44(d)(1)’s requirement
that the permit include any additional or more stringent requirements than those in the applicable
TBELs necessary to “achieve water quality standards established under section 303 of the CWA,
including State narrative criteria for water quality.” For those vessels which do not have to
immediately comply with the permit’s numeric TBEL, and those vessels for which the numeric
TBEL is inapplicable, the narrative WQBEL is included for the same reason. In deriving
appropriate water quality-based effluent limits for ballast water discharges for today’s permit,
EPA made every effort to identify generally applicable BMPs beyond those already imposed on
a technology basis for ballast water discharges, but except as discussed below for vessels that

aquatic nonindigenous species and to protect and preserve existing indigenous populations of fish, shellfish, and
wildlife and other beneficial uses of the nation’s waters.” As mentioned, after surveying and evaluating the wide
array of state water quality standards, EPA concluded that this characterization accurately captures what would be
necessary to protect all water quality standards.
Though EPA believes that each of these approaches has merit, particularly for informing the Agency about
relative risk, the Agency acknowledges that a profound lack of data has impaired the Agency’s ability to calculate a
numeric WQBEL based on existing information alone. EPA believes that the models highlighted by Lee et al.
(2010), USCG (2008), and others may present a viable option for calculating numeric water quality based effluent
limits in the future. However, the Agency notes that, as the NAS panel found, sufficient data to input, calibrate, and
validate those models is lacking. Hence, EPA is working with our federal partners to fill many of the data gaps
identified by the 2011 NAS ballast water study for use in future iterations of this permit as needed. As additional
data are gathered, modeling inputs are further explored and refined, and the state of the science further developed,
EPA will reexamine whether numeric water quality based limits for the numbers of living organism in ballast water
are feasible to calculate.

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uptake ballast water in freshwater and then voyage across the open ocean prior to discharging in
the Great Lakes, was unable to do so. EPA thus has determined that it is appropriate to impose
the site-specific narrative WQBEL on ballast water discharges.

In Part of the VGP, EPA maintains the existing ballast water exchange
requirement for vessels that uptake ballast water in freshwater or brackish water, then voyage
across the open ocean before discharging in the Great Lakes. In addition to meeting the effluent
standards contained in the Part of the permit, these vessels must also continue to conduct
mid-ocean BWE when they have taken on ballast water from a freshwater or brackish water port
in the previous month. 35 For purposes of this permit, the brackish water requirements apply when
the water taken in is from oligohaline or mesohaline portions of estuaries or other waters (i.e.,
the intake water has a saltwater concentration of less than 18 ppt 36). The purpose of this
requirement is to add another measure of protection against invasive species to reduce the
compatibility of source and recipient regions when freshwater or brackish water is transported
via ballast tanks into the Great Lakes. Due to an environmental mismatch, any freshwater species
being taken up in the ship’s ballasting in fresh or brackish waters, will be shocked by saline
water during ballast water exchange before being discharged into the freshwater of the Great
Lakes. This BWE exchange requirement, in combination with the treatment requirements, is
designed to address the factors other than inoculum density that influence invasion outcomes
described above, thus creating additional protection for the Great Lakes freshwater ecosystem.
EPA recognizes that the Great Lakes are a unique and valuable resource and that those water
bodies have been particularly impacted by the introduction of various invasive species. EPA also
recognizes that mid-ocean ballast water exchange is most effective for minimizing risk of
invasions for discharges into freshwater ecosystems. Considering these issues, EPA included
existing ballast water exchange practices as WQBEL requirements for certain vessels entering
the Great Lakes.

EPA believes requiring BWE in addition to the application of effluent limits that reflect
available treatment technologies (with the added assurance provided by the narrative WQBEL in
Part 2.3 of the permit) will achieve applicable water quality standards, as we expect continued
BWE to further decrease the probability that non-native organisms will be introduced into and
establish themselves in the Great Lakes. EPA expects such a practice will reduce the number of
organisms adapted to freshwater and lightly brackish conditions, (i.e., “high risk” organisms)
discharged into the freshwater ecosystem of the Great Lakes, which consequently will result in
further reduction in propagule pressure and invasion risk to the Great Lakes. Additionally, for
the unique Great Lakes large freshwater ecosystem where BWE is particularly effective, such a
practice serves as a back-up in the event that a ballast water treatment system fails. This is
important for the Great Lakes where some entities have noted that existing treatment systems
have not been widely tested specifically for lentic freshwater environments.

EPA notes that regulation of the discharge of ballast water mid-ocean is beyond the scope of this permit.
EPA established the limit at 18 ppt because this is a widely scientifically accepted differentiation between salinity
levels within estuarine ecosystems. Scientists generally classify estuarine waters as limonitic (freshwater) (salinity
less than 0.5 ppt), oligohaline (salinity between 0.5 and 5 ppt), mesohaline (less than 18 ppt), polyhaline (between
18 and 30 ppt), euhaline (between 30 and 40 ppt), and hyperhaline (more than 40 ppt).

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As discussed elsewhere in this factsheet, there is considerable uncertainty when it comes

to quantifying invasion risk (NAS 2011). However, it is also quite clear that the lower the
propagule pressure, the lower the risk (NAS 2011). Furthermore, EPA limited the exchange plus
treatment requirement to focus on vessels whose voyage patterns are more likely to result in
ballast water discharges which may pose a higher risk of invasion (i.e., those vessels that have
recently taken on ballast from freshwater or brackish waterbodies). Because of the current
uncertainty with quantifying the invasion risk associated with the IMO standard, and the unique
vulnerabilities of the Great Lakes ecosystem, EPA has required the exchange plus treatment
requirement as a way to enhance protection for these water bodies. Expert analyses and
preliminary experimental research supports use of BWE in addition to treatment as an enhanced
means to reduce invasion risks to freshwater ecosystems such as the Great Lakes (Reid, 2012;
Briski et al, 2013). The most significant additional “treatment effect” from the exchange would
be the biocidal effect of the osmotic shock delivered to freshwater organisms. Such saline
biocidal effects would be considerably lower for saline waters exchanged when coupled with the
already present treatment effects from the treatment systems 37; hence, EPA does not believe this
is an appropriate additional practice to reduce risks to marine ecosystems where treatment is
already imposed. Please see Reid (2012) for significant additional discussion regarding osmotic

EPA notes that it did receive comments from the shipping industry expressing the view
that it would be operationally preferable to discontinue ballast water exchange on ships where
treatment systems are in place. Based on discussions with U.S. Coast Guard, EPA also notes the
international maritime community under the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has
adopted the Ballast Water Management Convention which phases out the use of exchange as a
ballast water management practice under an implementation schedule. EPA recognizes the
desire for international consistency in regulating the maritime industry to avoid disruption of
trade and economies. EPA assures the shipping industry that the Agency expects and intends that
the practice of ballast water exchange plus treatment requirements contained in today’s permit
will not be necessary in perpetuity, and may not extend beyond the current permit. As discussed
elsewhere in this fact sheet, the numeric TBELs in today’s permit, which are consistent with the
IMO D-2 standard, are a significant step towards reducing the risk of biological invasions. EPA
recognizes that ideally, a single, technology-based method of managing invasion risks from
ballast water discharges is preferred to achieve consistency in ship operations, and to avoid the
potential complications associated with conducting ballast water exchange. For these reasons,
EPA views ballast water exchange plus treatment as an interim strategy that adds an additional,
yet currently unquantified, measure of protection against invasive species being introduced into
the Great Lakes until understanding of both the performance of first generation treatment

As discussed elsewhere in this fact sheet, ballast water exchange has been shown to be effective in reducing risk
of invasion; however, that risk is more prominent for reducing the risk posed by freshwater ANS. Ballast water
exchange works for two reasons: increased mortality from osmotic shock for most freshwater and many brackish
water organisms and the physical flushing process removing potential ANS from ballast water tanks. For potential
marine ANS, EPA believes that dilution alone would not notably reduce the numbers of living marine organisms
once that water has been treated with a treatment system to justify its environmental risks, including risks to water
quality. The low levels of beneficial effect, if any, are offset by environmental costs include a potentially shorter
holding time for the biocides to reduce the numbers of living organisms in ballast tanks before discharge (therefore
possibly increasing the concentration of potential marine ANS in the discharge), increased carbon emissions, and
increased biocide byproduct and residual discharge.

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technology and the relationships between ballast water discharges and risk of biological
invasions improve. Technological innovations in both treatment systems and measurement
methods will likely improve over time, allowing more stringent standards to be set as appropriate
to reduce risks of invasions to the Great Lakes.

EPA is committed to working with DOT and USCG to further study ballast water
exchange in addition to treatment as it impacts water quality in the Great Lakes. EPA, DOT,
USCG, the Canadian Government, and other entities are currently engaged in significant
research activities to better understand the relationship between the risk of invasion and ballast
water discharge concentrations and the efficacy of BWTS. Prior to the issuance of the 2018
VGP, the agencies intend to further examine the efficacy of exchange plus treatment. The
requirement for treatment plus exchange will be retained in future VGPs only if the
administrative record supports a decision that use of a BWTS alone is not sufficiently protective
Under those circumstances, the requirement for treatment plus exchange can be eliminated. In
making these findings and determinations, EPA will coordinate with DOT and USCG. Though
beyond the scope of the permit, the Agencies will invite the Canadian government to coordinate
on these research endeavors in reducing risks of biological invasions.

The EPA and the USCG will consider adopting standards more stringent than the IMO
standard, as appropriate and consistent with each agency’s statutory responsibilities to protect the
aquatic environment of the U.S. (this Fact Sheet, 77 Federal Register 17254). As treatment
systems improve and are able to treat to lower discharge concentrations, the decreased propagule
pressure will reduce the risk of invasion to all waters, including the estuarine and marine waters
for which exchange plus treatment offers little incremental environmental benefit. Hence, it is
the Agency’s desire that treatment systems continue to develop, become more effective, and
become more efficient, and the Agency supports such actions.

4.4.4 Antifouling Hull Coating Leachate (Part 2.2.4)

The primary constituent of concern in most antifouling coatings is copper, although zinc
may also be used as an ingredient. While the rate at which the metals leach from coatings is
relatively slow (4 – 17 µg/cm2/day in controlled testing), these coatings can account for
significant accumulations of metals in receiving waters of ports where numerous vessels are
present. Tributyltin (TBT), a metal based biocide, was historically applied to vessel hulls as an
antifouling hull coating. TBT causes deformities in aquatic life, including deformities that
disrupt or prevent reproduction. Numerous studies and several peer reviewed publications
((Bentivegna & Piatkowski, 1998; Haynes & Loong, 2002; Negri et al., 2004; Negri & Heyward,
2001; Ruiz et al., 1995; V. Axiak et al., 1995) examine the environmental impacts of anti-foulant
paint leachate containing TBT. TBT is also stable and persistent, resisting natural degradation in
water bodies. Thus, due to its acute toxicity, TBT is a pollutant of concern to be addressed in this
permit. There is a zero discharge standard for TBT and all other organotin compounds under this
permit. Furthermore, if there are any vessels with existing exposed TBT coatings, those vessels
must either seek individual NPDES permit coverage consistent with Part 1.8 of the permit or
overcoat the existing TBT coating. EPA expects that few, if any, vessels have exposed TBT
coatings on their hulls. EPA believes that a zero discharge standard for all organotin compounds,
including TBT is technologically available based on the availability of other anti-foulant coating

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options (e.g. copper and silicon) and feasible and economically achievable because few, if any,
vessels still utilize TBT as an anti-foulant.

In the United States and many other countries, the use of antifouling paints containing
TBT has been phased-out due to concerns about its environmental impacts. The last TBT
antifouling paint registration in the United States was voluntarily cancelled in 2005.
Furthermore, the use of TBT antifouling paints or entry to port of vessels with TBT coatings is
already prohibited by a large number of other countries, including many countries in Europe (see
Regulation (EC) No 782/2003 of the European Parliament and the Council of 14 April 2003 on
the prohibition of organotin compounds on ships). In addition, the VGP’s zero discharge
standard for TBT is consistent with the requirements of the Clean Hulls Act of 2010, P.L. 111-
281, section X, which implements the Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling
Systems on Ships. 38 The treaty, adopted at the IMO in October 2001, prohibits the use of
organotins, like TBT, in anti-fouling paints. The treaty entered into force on September 17, 2008.
The United States deposited its instrument of ratification with the IMO on August 21, 2012, and
will become a contracting party to the Convention on November 21, 2012.

EPA clarifies that for the purposes of this permit, EPA has prohibited the use of
antifouling paints containing TBT or any other organotin compounds (for purposes of a biocide
on hulls). In cases where TBT antifouling coatings have been applied to a ship, all residual TBT
must be removed from immersed surfaces or a sealer-coat must be applied to prevent any
residual TBT leaching into the environment. EPA is unaware of any nonbiocidal use of TBT
which would result in a residual presence in antifouling paints; hence, EPA reaffirms that there
must be zero discharge of TBT from vessel hulls. Other less toxic organotin compounds such as
dibutyltin oxide are used in very small quantities as catalysts in some biocide-free coatings. One
class of biocidal-free coatings, which are sometimes referred to as fouling release coatings,
produce a low-energy surface (i.e., non-stick) to which fouling organisms cannot firmly adhere.
To function properly, the coating surface must remain smooth and intact, and not leach into the
surrounding water. Because these less toxic organotins are used as a catalyst in the production of
biocide free coatings, such production may result in trace amounts of organotin in anti-foulant
coatings. Part 2.2.4 of the VGP authorizes the use of non-biocidal coatings which contains trace
amounts of catalytic organotin (other than TBT) under the following conditions:

1) The trace amounts of organotin are not used as a biocide. When used as a catalyst, an
organotin compound is not to be present above 2500 mg total tin per kilogram of dry

2) The coating is not designed to slough or otherwise peel from the vessel hull.
Incidental amounts of coating may be released by abrasion during cleaning or after
contact with other hard surfaces (e.g., moorings).

EPA has identified three types of BMPs for control of other antifouling hull coating
leachate. The first type of BMP addresses the contents and application of the coating. EPA
recognizes that different coatings options are available and believes that the types of active
agents in hull coatings should be selected to minimize potential effects. The practice of applying

The Clean Hulls Act of 2010 replaced the 1988 Organotin Anti-Foulant Paint Control Act.

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coatings according to the instructions on the coating’s FIFRA label should currently be a BMP
for all vessels. Label instructions, or “Directions of Use,” provide information about how to
apply antifouling coatings so they are efficacious. Coatings applied in an improper manner may
contribute to environmental loading without providing the intended protection. Product labels
may also provide information on proper disposal of antifouling wastes and wait-times for
returning a vessel to the water to optimize coating longevity and performance. This helps to
assure that excess amounts of toxins are not applied, that they are not applied too frequently, and
that ships are not reintroduced to the aquatic environment before the manufacturer has
recommended, providing adequate environmental protection.

In addition, should a vessel operator choose to use a hull coating that does not have a
FIFRA label, they must ensure that the coating does not contain biocides or toxic materials that
are banned in the U.S. Vessel operators are always encouraged to select the least
environmentally harmful coating possible (e.g., use of lower biocide content coatings, lower
biocide release rate, non-persistent biocides, or non-biocidal alternatives).

The second type of BMP addresses the need for particular coatings and selection of the
type of coating to apply. The selection of an antifouling system for a particular vessel must be
made in consideration of the vessel’s operational profile, including operating speed, drydocking
requirements, and the waters in which the vessel will be operating, because such factors affect
the fouling rate of the hull and other underwater areas of the vessel. Fouling on vessels that
typically operate at high speeds may be effectively managed with non-stick, low surface energy,
antifouling coatings. Vessels traveling in waters with lower fouling pressure (i.e., reproduction
and growth of hard- and soft-fouling organisms) and those that spend less time at dock are
expected to have a lower fouling rate; consequently, such vessels should be able to use either
non-biocidal coating or antifouling coatings with lower biocide release rates. The permit requires
that vessel operators minimize the use of antifouling coatings that are designed to control fouling
in higher fouling-pressure environs than those in which the vessel is expected to operate. EPA
believes these options should be used where feasible rather than opting for more environmentally
damaging coatings.

The third type of BMP is accomplished by matching the coating’s abilities or strength to
drydock cycles. Larger vessels, particularly those used in trade and cargo transport, must adhere
to requirements for safety inspections and maintenance activities that dictate how frequently they
must be drydocked. The major manufacturers of hull coatings for this industry will typically
guarantee the effectiveness of their products for a certain period of time based on ship and
operational characteristics, so the owner/operator should match the hull coating choice to the
appropriate drydocking interval. By factoring this schedule into the hull coating selection, EPA
believes that vessel operators will make better decisions regarding the use of coatings that will
sufficiently protect the vessel for the period of time needed without creating additional leachate
or wastes.

4.4.5 Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) (Part 2.2.5)

The constituents of AFFF can vary by manufacturer, but can include ingredients that are
persistent, bioaccumulative, and nonbiodegradable. However, EPA recognizes the desirability of
using this type of fire fighting agent for certain classes of fires. Therefore, the permit

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requirements for AFFF do not apply when the discharge occurs during a fire emergency. If such
an emergency discharge occurs, an explanation of the emergency and the need to discharge
AFFF must be written in the ship’s log or other recordkeeping documentation, as long as it is
consistent with Part 4.2 of this permit.

While EPA recognizes that the ability to properly maintain and train personnel on
firefighting equipment is an important safety requirement for vessels, EPA believes that there are
available practices for maintenance and training which can be conducted in a fashion that is not
deleterious to the environment. In addition, vessel owner/operators may decide where they
conduct the maintenance, and thus, have the ability to limit where they will discharge. Therefore,
BMPs for reducing AFFF discharges focus on maintenance- and training-related discharges of
AFFF. EPA believes BMPs that result in any reduction in discharges of AFFF have
environmental benefits. For vessels that do not regularly leave waters subject to the permit, EPA
has determined that due to the potential environmental effects caused by certain AFFF
constituents, maintenance and training discharges must be minimized and should be collected
and disposed of onshore. Furthermore, EPA also has found that a less toxic (non-fluorinated),
substitute foam is available for use for training purposes. Owner/operators must use these non-
fluorinated substitutes for training when practicable and achievable. Because these activities are
planned and occur on an infrequent basis (annually or semi-annually), vessel operators can
arrange to conduct the activities according to the BMPs required in the permit and in a location
that poses the least environmental threat. Hence, if these vessel owner/operators will be using
these substances in waters subject to this permit, AFFF must be collected and stored for onshore
disposal if technologically feasible unless the vessel uses non-fluorinated or alternative foaming
agent. For those vessels for which it is not technologically feasible to collect and store the
fluorinated AFFF foam, vessel owner/operators must limit the discharge to that amount
necessary to conduct legally required tests. Lastly, if a vessel will discharge, they should do so as
far from shore as practicable.

For vessels that regularly leave the territorial sea, discharge of fluorinated AFFF for
maintenance and training purposes into waters subject to this permit is prohibited. EPA has
determined that the most effective BMP is to conduct maintenance and training activities as far
from shore as possible. Discharge amounts for regulatory certification and inspection should still
be minimized; and within waters subject to this permit, a non-fluorinated foaming agent must be
substituted if practicable and achievable, for the regular foaming agent found in the AFFF. To
meet this goal, permittees should use an alternative AFFF formulation that does not contain
perfluorinated surfactants.

For all vessels, discharges of AFFF may not occur in or within 1 nm of waters subject to
this permit referenced in Part 12.1 of the permit, unless they are discharged for emergency
purposes, by rescue vessels for firefighting purposes, or by vessels owned or under contract to do
business exclusively in or within 1 nm of these waters. If an emergency discharge occurs in these
waters, an explanation of the emergency and the need to discharge AFFF must be written in the
ship’s log or other recordkeeping documentation, consistent with Part 4.2 of this permit. Those
vessels owned or under contract to do business exclusively in or within 1 nm of areas protected
either federally, or by a state, must use non-fluorinated AFFF or collect it and dispose of it
onshore to the extent feasible.

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EPA provided these exceptions to discharges of AFFF to waters listed in 12.1 so that this
permit would not interfere with essential emergency management operations. The provision for
vessels that are owned or under contract to do business exclusively in or within 1 nm of these
waters was provided so that vessels will not have to divert in order to conduct necessary training
and maintenance, which would result in additional cost for these vessels and cause other
environmental impacts (increased fuel usage and air emissions). However, in order to protect
these higher quality waters, these vessel owner/operators must use less environmentally
damaging non-fluorinated AFFF.

4.4.6 Boiler/Economizer Blowdown (Part 2.2.6)

The constituents of boiler blowdown discharge vary according to the types of feedwater
treatment used, but may include priority pollutants such as antimony, arsenic, cadmium, copper,
chromium, lead, nickel, selenium, thallium, zinc, and bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate. Discharge
volumes are typically less than 300 gallons but the discharge, which consists of steam, water, and
sludge, occurs under high pressure (≤1200 psi) and at a high temperature (>325º F) below the
water line.

BMPs to reduce impacts from boiler/economizer blowdown additives are based on

minimization of their discharge to nearshore or port receiving waters, thus allowing for more
mixing. To further mitigate potential impacts, EPA has specified that vessels greater than
400 gross tons that leave the territorial seas at least once per week cannot discharge within 3 nm
of shore, except when the vessel remains in waters subject to this permit for longer than the
necessary duration between blowdowns, the vessel needs to conduct blowdown immediately
before entering drydock, or for safety purposes. EPA selected once per week as the threshold
because the necessary frequency of boiler blowdown can vary from approximately once in two
weeks to once in a couple of months for many vessels. For these vessels, it is therefore practical
and achievable for these vessels to only discharge boiler blowdown further than 3 nm from
shore. EPA included the caveat that vessels which remain in waters subject to this permit for
more than a week can discharge if a week is longer than the necessary duration between
blowdown cycles because the Agency became aware that some vessels need to discharge boiler
blowdown more often than once a week. In all cases, boiler/economizer blowdown should be
discharged as far from shore as practical. No vessel may discharge boiler/economizer blowdown
in waters listed in Part 12.1 of the permit, except for safety purposes.

4.4.7 Cathodic Protection (Part 2.2.7)

The constituents of cathodic protection discharges include ionized zinc, magnesium, or

aluminum. As an alternative method, Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) systems use
direct current from a ship-based source in lieu of current supplied from an oxidizing anode (i.e.,
sacrificial anode). The discharge from either method of cathodic protection is continuous
whenever the vessel is waterborne.

EPA believes that ICCP systems are the environmentally preferable method because
these systems eliminate or reduce the need for sacrificial anodes. EPA recommends the use of
Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) in place of or to reduce the use of sacrificial
electrodes when technologically feasible (e.g. adequate power sources, appropriate for vessel

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hull size and design), safe, and adequate to protect against corrosion, particularly for new
vessels. Cathodic protection may be considered technologically feasible if there is an adequate
onboard power supply and the vessel hull size and design can be adequately protected by ICCP.

For sacrificial anode systems, EPA believes that requiring vessel operators to utilize the
BMP of selecting the least toxic anode material that is practicable, in the order of preference of
magnesium, aluminum, then zinc, represents a practicable and achievable approach to reducing
impacts from this necessary hull protection operation. Additionally, sacrificial anodes should be
used in conjunction with corrosion control coatings to minimize the release of dissolved metals.
Furthermore, sacrificial anodes must not be used more than is necessary to adequately prevent
corrosion of the vessel’s hull, sea chest, rudder, and other exposed vessel areas.

If the vessel owner/operator considers and rejects use of electrode devices with metals
that are less toxic, EPA requires that they document why use of the less toxic metal is not
technologically feasible and/or economically practicable and achievable. EPA expects such
documentation to be a brief explanation, such as “The vessel classifications society mandates
that if my vessel type uses a sacrifical anode, it must be zinc, and therefore less toxic options are
not available.” In addition, EPA is specifying that vessel operators utilize proper BMPs for
cleaning and replacing anodes during drydock to reduce excessive flaking or releases from the
oxidizing anodes or the dialectic coating from ICCP systems.

4.4.8 Chain Locker Effluent (Part 2.2.8)

When an anchor is onboard and not in use, the anchor chain is stored in the chain locker,
which is often equipped with a sump that can accumulate marine organisms as well as residue
from the inside of the locker itself, such as rust, paint chips, grease, and zinc. The chain locker
sump is emptied either directly overboard or is drained into the bilge tank for later disposal.

BMPs to reduce or eliminate chain locker effluent discharge require the vessel operator to
ensure the chain itself is properly cleaned when brought out of the water to reduce the likelihood
of transporting marine organisms and sediment. This practice is currently performed by vessels,
using their firemain system, to remove sediments and other material. However, EPA believes
vessel operators should use this practice routinely and be advised to perform more thorough
wash downs to effectively prevent the transport of marine organisms between water bodies.

Additionally, EPA is requiring ocean-going vessels to clean out, rinse, or pump out chain
lockers in open waters (greater than 50 nm from shore), if technically feasible, to reduce the
chances of transporting organisms to other water bodies where they may cause potential harm.
Vessels that leave waters subject to this permit at least once per month are not allowed to rinse or
pump chain lockers in waters subject to this permit, unless not doing so would compromise
safety. Because these practices are or can be implemented easily by these vessels, EPA believes
this BMP is reasonable for this general permit. The requirement to clean chain lockers as part of
scheduled drydock maintenance provides additional protection from discharges resulting from
chipped paint or oily leaks from machinery.

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4.4.9 Controllable Pitch Propeller (CPP) and Thruster Hydraulic Fluid and other Oil to
Sea Interfaces including Lubrication Discharges from Paddle Wheel Propulsion,
Stern Tubes, Thruster Bearings, Stabilizers Rudder Bearings, Azimuth Thrusters,
and Propulsion Pod Lubrication and Wire Rope and Mechanical Equipment
Subject to Immersion (Part 2.2.9).

Vessel owner/operators often use lubricants to maintain the functionality and structure of
equipment such as wire rope and other mechanical equipment. This permit requires vessel
owner/operators to use environmentally acceptable lubricants for oil to sea interfaces unless
technically infeasible. Based on public comment received, EPA added the “unless technically
infeasible” provision for new vessel owner/operators to account for those instances in which
technical limitations may prevent use of an EAL in an oil-to-sea interface. In addition, all vessel
owner/operators must apply lubricants and maintain all seals so that discharges do not result in
quantities of oil that may be harmful. In the final permit, EPA has clarified that, for purposes of
using EALs in oil-to-sea interfaces, technical infeasibility means that no EAL products are
approved for use in a given application that meet manufacturer specifications for that equipment,
that pre-purchased lubricated products (e.g., wire ropes) have no available alternatives
manufactured with EALs, that products meeting a manufacturers specifications are not available
within any port in which the vessel calls, or that change over and use of an EAL must wait until
the vessel’s next drydocking.

For all applications where lubricants are likely to enter the sea, environmentally
acceptable lubricant formulations using vegetable oils, biodegradable synthetic esters or
biodegradable polyalkylene glycols as oil bases instead of mineral oils can offer significantly
reduced environmental impacts across all applications (EPA 2011c). Other formulations of EALs
are also available.

The final permit retains the requirement that before being placed in service, and after
periodic lubrication, wire ropes or cables and other equipment must be thoroughly wiped down
to remove excess lubricant. However, the final permit clarifies that this is not required if doing so
is deemed unsafe by the Master of the vessel.

Constituents of hydraulic and lubricating oils will vary by manufacturer but may include
copper, tin, aluminum, nickel, and lead. Up to 20 ounces of oil may be released for every CPP
blade that is replaced, with blade replacement occurring several times per month on average.
When the blade replacement includes removal of the blade port cover (generally occurring
infrequently, less than once per month), it is possible that, in a worst case scenario, five gallons
of oil might be discharged into surrounding waters. Normal blade replacement is typically done
in drydock unless the blade has been damaged.

The permit includes BMPs to reduce or eliminate CPP hydraulic fluid discharge and
require that the seals be maintained in good working order to reduce leakage. In addition,
maintenance activities should be conducted while the vessel is in drydock to prevent accidental
spillage of oil.

BMPs to reduce or eliminate stern tube oily discharge require that the seals or fittings be
maintained in good working order to prevent leakage. Furthermore, except in emergency

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situations, major maintenance should occur in drydock where oils cannot be released to the
environment. If emergency maintenance must occur in the water, the permittee must use an oil
boom, or other appropriate spill response resource, to contain any potential oil discharge and
must have appropriate spill cleanup materials on hand.

Depending on the type of rudder bearings in use, this discharge can cause oil or grease to
be released into the water column. Oil-lubricated bearings are kept at a slightly positive pressure
in relation to the outside ambient water pressure and will only discharge into the surrounding
water if a leak occurs around the rudder mechanism. Vessels can install hull seals where the
rudder penetrates the hull to prevent the type of leaks that could lead to oil discharges.

EPA has determined that discharges of lubricants should generally not occur if vessels
are properly maintained. Vessel operators should employ all necessary control measures such as
regular maintenance and inspections to ensure that leaks do not occur.

As noted above, today’s permit mandates the use of environmentally acceptable

lubricants (EALs) in a wide variety of applications. The market for EALs continues to expand,
particularly in Europe, where the use of such lubricants is being encouraged through a
combination of tax breaks, purchasing subsidies, and national and international labeling
programs, which are based on well-defined criteria. Those criteria include the lubricant’s
toxicity, biodegradability, bioaccumulation rates, and renewable content. Examples of National
Labeling programs include Germany’s Blue Angel Program, The Swedish Standard, Nordic
Swan, and the European Eco-Label Program.

The German Blue Angel Program has criteria for several classes of lubricants, including
hydraulic fluids, lubricating oils, and greases. In order to qualify for certification, a lubricant
must possess the following characteristics: biodegradability; low toxicity to aquatic organisms;
not bioaccumulative; and not containing dangerous components, such as carcinogens or toxic
substances as defined by Germany’s Ordinance on Hazardous Substances. A product must also
pass technical performance characteristics appropriate for its use.

The Swedish Standard has standards for hydraulic fluids (SS 155434) and greases (SS
155470). Evaluation of a lubricant under the Swedish Standard involves evaluation of
biodegradability and aquatic toxicity, as well as sensitizing properties of a lubricant formulation
and its components (Habereder et al. 2008). The Swedish Standard evaluates biodegradability
using ISO test methods (e.g., ISO 9439), and has varying requirements, depending upon class,
for renewable resources content (SP 2010). The Swedish Standard is unique because it was
conceived and developed as a collaborative project between government and industry. The
program has more listed lubricant products, particularly hydraulic fluids, than any national
labeling program (IENICA 2004).

The first international labeling program for EALs was the Nordic Swan program,
encompassing Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, and Denmark, which was initially introduced
for hydraulic oil, two-stroke oil, grease, and transmission and gear oil (IENICA 2004). The
Nordic Swan certification addresses biodegradability, aquatic toxicity (OECD 201&202) and
technical performance, as well as renewability. The renewability requirement are the highest of

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all the labeling programs (e.g., at least 65% renewable content for hydraulic fluid, transmission
fluid, gear oil, or grease, and at least 50% for two-stroke oil).

Eco-label is considered to be the first major advancement towards creating a single

international standard, and is becoming the most generally accepted label. The Eco-label for
lubricants was established in 2005, and includes hydraulic fluids, greases, and total loss
lubricants, such as two-stroke oils. This labeling scheme consists of seven criteria encompassing
biodegradability, aquatic toxicity, bioaccumulation, and the presence of certain classes of toxic
substances (Habereder et al. 2008). A complete list of all lubricants that carry the European Eco-
Label can be found at

Additionally, EPA's Design for the Environment Program (DfE) has launched a new
initiative to label environmentally friendly lubricants to assist vessel operators in selecting more
environmentally friendly products. EPA's DfE program is a voluntary labeling program that
works in partnership with industry, environmental groups, and academia to reduce risk to people
and the environment by finding ways to reduce or prevent pollution. The DfE program office has
worked to ensure that any products meeting their labeling requirements would, at a minimum,
meet the requirements of today’s VGP. The DfE logo on a product means that the DfE scientific
review team has screened each ingredient for potential human health and environmental effects
and that—based on currently available information, EPA predictive models, and expert
judgment—the product contains only those ingredients that pose the least concern among
chemicals in their class. Manufacturers of marine lubricants can partner with EPA DfE to have
products tested to ensure that they meet the DfE Standard for Safer Products and ingredient
criteria which define the characteristics and toxicity thresholds for ingredients that are acceptable
in DfE-labeled products. DfE evaluates bioaccumulation, fate and aquatic toxicity, renewability
and technical performance for each ingredient of the product. More information on the DfE
program may be found at

The new requirements in this permit will increase the use of EALs by vessels operating in
waters of the United States. Part 7 of the permit defines environmentally acceptable lubricants to
denote a lubricant that is biodegradable, exhibits low toxicity to aquatic organisms and has a low
potential for bioaccumulation. This iteration of the VGP will further increase the use of these
products, which will result in decreased environmental impact from the operational discharges of
oil. Because the majority of a lubricant is composed of the base oil, the base oil used in an EAL
must be biodegradable. The three most common categories of biodegradable base oils are: 1)
vegetable oils, 2) synthetic esters, and 3) polyalkylene glycols. Traditional mineral oils have a
small biodegradation rate, a high potential for bioaccumulation and a measurable toxicity
towards marine organisms. In contrast, the base oils derived from oleochemicals (vegetable oils
and synthetic esters) degrade faster and have a smaller residual, do not bioaccumulate
appreciably and have a lower toxicity to marine organisms. Polyalkylene glycol-based lubricants
are also generally biodegradable and do not bioaccumulate; however, some PAGs are more toxic
due to their solubility. Lower environmental impacts will occur when a greater proportion of
base oils are manufactured from non-mineral based oils.

If a vessel owner/operator finds it is technically infeasible to use an environmentally

acceptable lubricant for their vessel, the owner/operator must explain why they cannot do so in

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their recordkeeping documentation, and must note the use of a non-environmentally acceptable
lubricant in the vessel’s Annual Report.

The information to be documented is intended to be simple, basic, and straightforward. A

vessel owner/operator need only keep one brief record of their determination that use of EALs is
technically infeasible. For example, if the vessel owner/operator or his authorized representative
determines that there is a lack of supporting equipment or use of EALs is incompatible with the
operations and/or operating environment of the ship and loads on the system (including faster
degredation of the lubricant caused by exposure to seawater in systems designed to allow
seawater infiltration). Technical infeasibility may also be determined if a class society says
EALs are not appropriate for a particular use, or the vendor has not specified that EALs are
appropriate for that piece of equipment (e.g., if a vendor only allows the vessel operator to use
approved products and there are no approved EALs), the owner/operator can note that it is not
technically feasible to use EALs on this basis.

EPA has found that use of EALs in all oil-to-sea applications on existing vessels (unless
technically infeasible) represents BAT. EALs are available and their use is economically
achievable (see US EPA, 2011a). In establishing different requirements for new build vessels
versus existing vessels, EPA considered the processes employed and potential process changes
which might be necessary by some existing vessels to use EALs. If the performance of EALs
does not meet the needs of existing equipment onboard existing vessels, the cost of substituting
new equipment might be substantial. However, many existing vessels can use EALs which are
compatible with their existing equipment. Hence, it is technically feasible for many existing
vessels to use EALs, but might not be technically feasible for some existing vessels to use EALs
with existing equipment. For these vessels, EPA does not believe it is economically achievable to
require those vessels to install new equipment so that they can use these more environmentally
friendly lubricants. Using similar reasoning, EPA believes the use of EALs for most oil to sea
interfaces for all new build vessels it is less likely to be technically infeasible and would be
economically achievable. New build vessels can select equipment during design and construction
which is compatible with EALs. Furthermore, vessel owner/operators can design additional
onboard storage area for EALs if they choose to use traditional mineral based oil for engine
lubrication (thereby needing two types of oils on-hand). Extra storage area needed would be
minor. Nonetheless, in the event specific vessel oil-to-sea applications do not allow for use of
EALs, EPA has included a “unless technically infeasible” provision.

Use of an environmentally acceptable lubricant does not authorize the discharge of any
lubricant in a quantity that may be harmful as defined in 40 CFR Part 110 as these oils still cause
many undesirable environmental impacts, though these impacts are potentially less severe than
those caused from petroleum based oils.

Lastly, any discharge of oil, including oily materials, from any of these oil to sea
interfaces may not result in a discharge that may be harmful as defined by 40 CFR Part 110 or
result in the production of a visible sheen.

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4.4.10 Distillation and Reverse Osmosis Brine (Part 2.2.10)

Onboard distillation and RO systems discharge brine is essentially concentrated seawater

with the same constituents of seawater, including dissolved and suspended solids and metals.
Anti-scaling treatments and anti-foaming and acidic cleaning compounds may be injected into
the distillation system. The effluent constituents from distillation and RO discharge were found
to exceed water quality criteria for several metals, nitrogen, and phosphorus but did not exceed
thermal mixing zone standards. These constituents are generally present in the receiving water
used in the distillation or reverse osmosis process and are merely concentrated in the distillation
or osmosis process.

The BMPs EPA has included in the permit require vessel operators to keep the reject
water from coming into contact with materials, products, or wastes which may contaminate the
discharge with potentially environmentally harmful substances. The Agency believes that
returning the concentrated seawater back to the marine environment should not cause
environmental harm if done in areas where the brine can be appropriately diluted by the
receiving water.

4.4.11 Elevator Pit Effluent (Part 2.2.11)

Elevator pit discharge will have constituents similar to those found in deck runoff and
firemain water, which may include lubricants, cleaning solvents, soot, and paint chips. Tests
conducted by EPA and DOD (US EPA, 1999) on Armed Forces vessels discovered that some
detected constituents from elevator pit effluent exceeded the most stringent state water quality
standards, including total nitrogen, bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, copper, iron, and nickel.

The permit does not authorize the discharge of untreated elevator pit effluent except in
emergency situations or when managed with the ship’s bilge water. The emergency situation
must be documented in the ship’s log or other recordkeeping documentation consistent with
Part 4.2. The information in today’s permit demonstrates that the discharge of untreated elevator
pit effluent is not generally essential to the safe operation of a vessel and that it can easily be
held for proper disposal or treated with the vessel’s bilgewater. Further, the Agency feels that the
limited amount of effluent generated and the high likelihood of its contamination at harmful
levels can best be addressed by storage of the effluent for treatment and disposal onshore.
However, if elevator pit effluent must be managed with the ship’s bilgewater, it may be
discharged provided the bilgewater/elevator pit effluent meets the requirements of Part 2.2.2.

4.4.12 Firemain Systems (Part 2.2.12)

Firemain water can contain a variety of constituents, including copper, zinc, nickel,
aluminum, tin, silver, iron, titanium, and chromium. Many of these constituents can be traced to
the corrosion and erosion of the firemain piping system, valves, or pumps. Discharges from the
firemain system are allowed under the permit in case of emergency, when necessary to ensure
the safety of the vessel and crew, as well as for testing purposes to ensure the system will be
operational in an emergency. However, when feasible, the maintenance and training discharges
of the firemain should occur outside ports or other shallow waters and outside waters subject to
this permit. In addition, EPA believes that the use of firemain systems for anchor chain

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washdowns is likely to result in benefits by reducing the potential transport of invasive species.
Therefore, the discharge of firemain systems is allowed under the permit when pulling the
anchor and anchor chain from protected waters in accordance with the anchor washdown
requirements of the permit.

4.4.13 Freshwater Layup (Part 2.2.13)

Discharges of freshwater layup effluent include the constituents of the potable water
along with residual seawater, any residue that may leach from the condenser while the water is
being held, and disinfectants like chlorine or chloramine. The Agency recognizes that
disinfectants are necessary to reduce aquatic growth within the condenser system. Therefore, the
permit requires that vessel operators reduce the potential for harmful impacts by minimizing the
use of these treatment chemicals to the lowest effective level that will meet the needs of the
system. EPA believes that this can be accomplished by following the application rate suggestions
provided by the treatment manufacturers to keep the discharge of the disinfectants as low as

4.4.14 Gas Turbine Wash Water (Part 2.2.14)

Rates and concentrations of gas turbine wash water discharge vary according to the
frequency of washdown with some Navy vessels conducting washdowns as frequently as every
48 hours with over 100 gallons of washwater being generated. Discharges resulting from gas
turbine washdown may include cleaning solvents and substances such as naphthalene and other
hydrocarbons. Furthermore, due to the nature of the materials being cleaned, there is a higher
probability of heavy metal concentrations. Washdown water from gas turbines may not be
discharged into waters subject to this permit unless it is infeasible to separately collect this
washwater or only conduct washes outside 3 nm. If it is infeasible to separately collect the water,
the washwater must be treated by an oily water separator before discharge. Under most
circumstances, EPA believes the water generated is of small enough volume that either 1) it can
be collected and held for onshore disposal or disposal in waters not subject to this permit
provided the discharge meets all other applicable law or 2) vessel operators can wash down gas
turbines when they are not in waters subject to this permit.

4.4.15 Graywater (Part 2.2.15)

The volume of graywater generated by a vessel is dependent on the number of passengers

and crew. It is estimated that, in general, 30 – 85 gallons of graywater is generated per person per
day (Copeland, 2008). Estimates of graywater generation by cruise ships that can accommodate
approximately 3,000 passengers and crew range from 96,000 to 272,000 gallons of graywater per
day or 1,000,000 gallons per week. Navy designers use a generation standard of 50 gallons per
person per day when constructing graywater collection systems.

Graywater discharges can contain bacteria, pathogens, oil and grease, detergent and soap
residue, metals (e.g., cadmium, chromium, lead, copper, zinc, silver, nickel, mercury), solids,
and nutrients. Of these constituents EPA has found ammonia, copper, lead, mercury, nickel,
silver, and zinc concentrations that exceed water quality criteria in the discharge.

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Several BMPs are practicable and available for control of graywater impacts. First, vessel
operators are required to minimize the production and discharge of graywater while in port.
Producing less graywater while in port will result in less volume of graywater discharge in those
areas. Secondly, for large vessels that regularly leave waters subject to the permit with the
capacity to store graywater for a sufficient period, graywater must be discharged greater than
1 nm from shore while the vessel is underway unless the vessel meets the treatment standards
and other requirements contained under Parts 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 or 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 of the permit
along with any vessel specific requirements. Releasing large volumes of untreated graywater in
nearshore environments, estuarine environments, or in waters with limited circulation is more
likely to cause negative environmental impacts. This is because these environments are likely to
have higher vessel traffic and, therefore, greater graywater generation and discharge, are more
likely to be stressed by other anthropogenic forces, and are likely to have less ability for dilution
and assimilative capacity. The provision limiting the discharge of untreated graywater within
1 nm of shore when the vessel has holding capacity is a limit that will help protect these
ecosystems. Additional conditions apply to vessels which do not travel more than 1 nm from
shore in order to help reduce the discharge of untreated graywater to these environments. EPA
does not expect existing vessel owner/operators to install graywater treatment storage capacity.
Vessels which have sufficient graywater storage capacity but do not currently treat their
graywater to the standards listed in the permit, must utilize onshore treatment when available and
economically practicable and achievable. These requirements will reduce their discharges of
untreated graywater.

Additionally, soaps and detergents used in any capacity that will be discharged as
graywater must be minimally-toxic and phosphate-free, and should be biodegradable where
possible unless there is evidence that they would be harmful to the aquatic environment. Not all
biodegradable soaps are appropriate for all aquatic environments, but EPA believes that non-
harmful varieties will be available in most situations and should be used when they are available.
EPA expects that minimally-toxic cleaners and detergents will contain little to no nonylphenols.
Phosphate free soap is considered to contain 0.5% by weight or less of phosphates or derivatives
of phosphates. Reducing use of these products will reduce acute and chronic impacts of vessels
that generate graywater on aquatic waterbodies and will limit eutrophication in all waters that are
phosphorus limited ecosystems. Products meeting these standards are currently commercially
available. Changes in cost associated with using these products are estimated in the economic

Vessels that do not travel more than 1 nm from shore shall minimize the discharge of
graywater and, provided the vessel has available graywater storage capacity, must dispose of
graywater on shore if appropriate facilities are available and such disposal is economically
practicable and achievable unless the vessel meets the treatment standards and other
requirements contained under Parts 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 or 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 of this permit. Minimize
the discharge of graywater when the vessel is not underway. Additional Graywater Requirements for Vessels Operating in the Great Lakes

As discussed above, vessels that are commercial vessels as defined in CWA section
312(a)(10) are not subject to this section. All other vessels subject to this permit must hold all
graywater for onshore discharge to an appropriate shoreside facility or must treat the graywater

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prior to discharging, in accordance with the standards listed in Part when operating
on the Great Lakes. These vessels must also conduct monitoring in accordance with Part
of the permit, including keeping records.

EPA has included this requirement because the Agency determined that treatment of this
waste stream by VGP vessels represents the appropriate level of control. EPA had previously
believed that any non-recreational vessel greater than 79 feet treated or otherwise held their
graywater when operating on the Great Lakes. However, EPA heard from vessel owner/operators
who believe that their vessels do not meet the definition of “commercial vessel” in section
312(a)(10). (The Agency takes no position on whether any individual vessel discussed by these
commenters falls within the “commercial vessel” definition.) EPA therefore believes it is
appropriate to set limits for any such vessels.

Numerous vessels operating on the Great Lakes currently either hold their graywater for
onshore disposal at a sewage treatment plant or treat that graywater using an existing Marine
Sanitation Device meeting the 40 CFR Part 140 standards. Hence, holding capacity is present on
vessels or treatment devices are available and used for managing graywater from vessels
operating on the Great Lakes, and EPA believes most, if not all VGP eligible vessels operating
on the Great Lakes should already be meeting these conditions.

Therefore, EPA believes that meeting these standards represents a BPT/BCT level of
control. At this time, unlike with Cruise Ships (see sections 7.1 and 7.2 of this fact sheet for
discussion), EPA does not have the information necessary to require a more stringent
technology-based graywater discharge limit for these vessels. Graywater Monitoring

The requirements in Part of the permit apply to vessels constructed on or after
December 19, 2013 which provide overnight accommodation to at least 15 crew, and apply to
“non-commercial” vessels operating on the Great Lakes, pursuant to Part of the permit.

EPA is requiring monitoring for vessels subject to above to assure they are
meeting the effluent limits in that part. New build vessels which provide overnight
accommodation to at least 15 crew are required to monitor, whether they use treatment or not, to
help the Agency better characterize the effluent from these permittees, and for those permittees
that use treatment, to better understand the efficacy of that treatment. EPA will use this
information in the development of the next VGP. EPA has not required monitoring for existing
vessels so as to not require the retrofitting needed for graywater systems to install petcock valves
or similar sampling ports. Likewise, EPA has not required vessels with fewer than 15 crew and
overnight accommodation to monitor because 1) these vessels tend to produce less graywater and
2) these vessels tend to have lower revenues than larger vessels and the costs imposed might be
more burdensome for these vessel owner/operators at this time.

Each vessel subject to these requirements must conduct and analyze two samples per year
and report the results as part of the vessel’s Annual Report. Part states that samples must
be taken for BOD, fecal coliform, suspended solids, pH, and total residual chlorine, and that
sampling must be conducted in accordance with the 40 CFR Part 136 methods. Fecal Coliform

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(or e. coli as collected) must only be analyzed once per year if vessels have difficulty analyzing
the results within recommended holding times. EPA reduced the minimum monitoring frequency
for this biological parameter to ease difficulties associated with analyzing the sample in a tight
window after collection for one sampling event. Samples taken from non-commercial vessels
operating on the Great Lakes must meet the standards specified in Part of the permit.
Records of monitoring information must include the date, exact place, and time of
sampling/measurements, the individual(s) who performed the sampling/measurements, the
date(s) the analyses were performed, the individual(s) who performed the analyses, the analytical
techniques/methods used, and the results of such analyses.

All records of the sampling and testing results must be retained onboard in the vessel’s
recordkeeping documentation for 3 years. If a vessel does not enter waters subject to this permit
for the calendar year, the owner/operator does not need to conduct monitoring for that year.
However, the vessel’s Annual Report must clearly state that the vessel did not enter waters
subject to this permit during that year.

4.4.16 Motor Gasoline and Compensating Discharge (Part 2.2.16)

Ambient water is added to fuel tanks as the fuel is used. When gasoline is reloaded to the
tanks while in port, the water is discharged. The discharged ambient water may contain traces of
gasoline constituents, which generally will contain alkanes, alkenes, aromatics (e.g., benzene,
toluene, ethylbenzene, phenol, and naphthalene), metals, and additives. Analyses of
compensating discharge have shown that benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, phenol, and
naphthalene may exceed water quality criteria in the discharge.

EPA has included BMP limitations in the permit based on a vessel’s ability to treat the
compensating discharge using an oil water separator to meet oil limitations of less than 15 ppm.
The permit also requires that this discharge be minimized while the vessel is in port, which can
be accomplished by disposing of the wastewater onshore where practicable and available.

4.4.17 Non-Oily Machinery Wastewater (Part 2.2.17)

Non-oily machinery wastewater discharge rates vary by vessel size and operation type,
ranging from less than 100 gallons per hour (gph) to over 4,000 gph. Constituents of non-oily
machinery wastewater discharge include a suite of conventional pollutants, metals, and organics.
Many of the specific constituents in the discharge can exceed water quality criteria, including
copper, nickel, silver, zinc and a collection of nutrients. Mercury also may be present, but
reported concentrations did not exceed the standards.

EPA has determined that non-oily machinery wastewater can be discharged if control
measures are instituted to keep the waste stream free of oils and additives that are toxic and
bioaccumulative. Alternatively, non-oily machinery wastewater can drain to the bilge.

4.4.18 Refrigeration and Air Condensate Discharge (Part 2.2.18)

This discharge may contain metals from the refrigeration/air conditioning coils and
drainage systems, including aluminum, copper, iron, lead, nickel, silver, tin, and zinc. Traces of
detergent also may be found in this discharge from the cleaning of refrigerated spaces, as can

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seawater and freshwater. This waste stream can easily be kept segregated from oily wastes and
safely discharged, channeled and collected for temporary holding until disposed of onshore, or
drained to the bilge. The permit prohibits refrigeration and air condensate from coming into
contact with oily or toxic materials if it is discharged directly overboard. However, if the
condensate is collected for internal recycling, it may be subsequently commingled with other oily
discharges provided that the combined discharge meets the requirements of Part 2.1.4 and, if
applicable, Part 2.2.2.

4.4.19 Seawater Cooling Overboard Discharge (Including Non-Contact Engine Cooling

Water; Hydraulic System Cooling Water, Refrigeration Cooling Water) (Part

The potential constituents of seawater cooling overboard discharge include entrained or

dissolved materials from the system itself, including copper, iron, aluminum, zinc, nickel, tin,
titanium, arsenic, manganese, chromium, lead, and oil and grease. Based on existing research
conducted for the UNDS program, seawater cooling discharge rates can reach as much as
170,000 gallons per minute (gpm) for an in-transit aircraft carrier with copper, nickel, and silver
concentrations in the discharge that exceed water quality criteria.

Cooling water also can reach high temperatures with the thermal difference between
seawater intake and discharge typically ranging from 5°C to 25°C, with maximum temperatures
reaching 140°C. EPA has not prohibited the discharge of the heated seawater because it is
infeasible with existing vessel design to prohibit its discharge. However, the Agency believes if
vessel operators institute the BMP of reducing discharges to ports or enclosed water bodies,
impacts from the heated waters will be reduced. Discharges of seawater can be reduced by using
shore based power when electrical systems on board vessels are compatible with the available
shore power.

In addition, mud, biota, and other debris can stick to the strainer plates and require
periodic clearing. The permit requires that vessel operators incorporate the regular removal of
fouling organisms from seawater piping and cooling systems to prevent possible transport of
species to other water bodies. The risk of introducing invasive species is reduced considerably
when vessel owner/operators remove fouling organisms while at sea (greater than 50 nm from
any shore). Hence, vessel owner/operators should clean piping while at sea in lieu of cleaning
these systems in waters subject to this permit if they frequently sail far from the coast.

4.4.20 Seawater Piping Biofouling Prevention (Part 2.2.20)

To prevent biofouling of seawater cooling systems, small amounts of biocidal substances

are sometimes injected near the seawater intakes to prevent biofouling by any organisms that
may have been drawn in along with the cooling water. Seawater that has been discharged after
being treated with chlorinating substances will contain free chlorine and reaction products
(halamines, free bromine, and halogenated organics).

The requirements of the permit reinforce current environmental regulations established

under FIFRA. Under the permit, biofouling chemicals for seawater piping must be used

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according to their FIFRA label and are prohibited from discharge if they are banned for use in
the U.S. A banned pesticide does not simply mean one that is unregistered under FIFRA.

Vessel owner/operators must use the minimum amount of biocide needed to keep fouling
under control. Using visual observations, vessel operators can determine if they are achieving the
desired level of biofouling prevention with lower concentrations of biocide. If an organic biocide
is used, it should have a short half-life. If an oxidizing biocide is being used, the total residual
oxidant concentration of the effluent should be monitored periodically to ensure that excessive
amounts of biocide are not being released into the environment.

4.4.21 Boat Wet Engine Exhaust (Part 2.2.21)

Large vessels may have one or many smaller vessels onboard that serve purposes ranging
from lifeboats to landing craft. These auxiliary vessels may have engines which produce wet
exhaust. Wet exhaust can contain nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons and other
organic compounds, carbon monoxide, and particulates. The amount of wet engine exhaust
depends on the size of the marine engine, the diameter of the water pump's impeller, and the
engine speed, measured as revolutions per minute (RPM). For smaller motors such as outboards,
EPA estimates wet engine exhaust discharge rates can range from 5 to 10 gpm when operated
between 1,500 and 3,000 rpm. For inboard diesel engines, flows can range from 20 gpm to
30 gpm when the engine operates between 1,500 and 2,000 rpm (Shirwood Pumps, 2011) to
more than 100 gpm for larger engines operating above 2,500 rpm. In comparison, for naval
vessels, EPA estimates that outboard engines discharge wet exhaust at a rate of 20 gpm while
inboard diesel engines have an estimated discharge rate of 150 gpm. The constituents discharged
by outboard engines differ from those discharged by inboard engines, due to the different fuel
and engine types. For these outboard engines, a handful of organic constituents are estimated to
exceed water quality criteria in the discharge. Inboard engines may produce discharges that
exceed water quality criteria for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). EPA believes that
well maintained engines are less likely to cause these exceedances, and is therefore, requiring
operators to implement control measures to ensure their engines are maintained in proper
working order. Furthermore, vessel owner/operators should use low sulfur or alternative fuels for
their vessels to reduce the concentration of pollutants in their discharge.

Vessels that generate wet exhaust must be maintained in good operating condition and
functioning according to manufacturer specifications. Vessel operators are encouraged to
consider four-stroke engines in lieu of two-stroke engines to minimize the discharge of pollutants
to waters subject to this permit. Vessels that use two-stroke engines must use environmentally
acceptable lubricants, if feasible. EPA has included this requirement because two-stroke engines
tend to release more oil to receiving waters than 4 stroke engines. Use of environmentally
acceptable lubricants will reduce the environmental impact of those oils when discharged.

4.4.22 Sonar Dome Discharge (Part 2.2.22)

Sonar domes are typically found on research vessels and may sporadically be found on
other vessels covered by this permit. Maintenance on the sonar dome, while typically (but not
always) done while a vessel is in dry dock, can involve the release of the inner sonar dome water.
In addition, the components of the outside of the sonar dome can leach into the surrounding

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waters, including antifouling agents, plastic, iron, and rubber. Along with these materials, tin,
zinc, copper, nickel, and epoxy paints may be found on the inside of sonar domes. Some of the
discharge concentrations of these components can exceed water quality criteria. Discharge rates
are estimated at as little as 300 gallons and as much as 74,000 gallons from inside the sonar
dome with every repair event.

Because EPA has not identified any available BMP or feasible treatment technology
other than zero discharge, this permit requires that water from inside the sonar dome may not be
discharged. In addition, vessel operators should not use bioaccumulative biocides on the exterior
of sonar domes when other viable alternatives are available.

4.4.23 Underwater Ship Husbandry and Hull Fouling Discharges (Part 2.2.23)

Extensive hull repair that requires the use of significant raw materials or other potentially
toxic chemicals should be conducted while the vessel is in drydock when feasible.
Owner/operators must take all precautions to minimize the discharge of raw, toxic, or oily
materials while doing any underwater vessel repairs, and these discharges must comply with all
applicable federal laws. EPA recommends that extensive hull cleaning be conducted when the
vessel is in drydock or when the byproducts of the cleaning can be contained and disposed of
properly, especially when cleaning hulls using water pressure based systems. This BMP
encourages all waste to be collected and disposed of properly to ensure that it is not washed into
nearby waters. While these practices do not specifically address the release of antifouling
materials from hulls during vessel operations (i.e., hull coating leachate), they are critical to
controlling levels of contaminants that result in the same type of environmental degradation. In
addition, these same practices will reduce the potential for release of introduced species during
hull cleaning and paint preparation activities.

Some vessels are too large to be regularly removed from the water and any repair or
maintenance required on the hull or hull appendages must occur while the vessel is pier-side
between drydockings. Hull cleaning and repair activities conducted on the water can cause the
release of a wide range of constituents, including elements of the vessel hull; hull coatings;
cleaning agents; and species that are attached to and are associated with the hull and other
submerged areas of the vessel and were transported to non-native waters. Use of minimally-toxic
paints (e.g., low surface energy paints) will reduce the discharge of toxic materials into the water
column during any cleaning. If cleaning and repair activities on hulls coatings with biocidal
activity must take place when the vessel is in the water, certain practices can reduce the potential
risks associated with those activities.

EPA has not identified an alternative to underwater ship husbandry, a viable treatment
technology, or specific practices that will eliminate all releases of contamination. To limit such
releases the Agency is requiring that vessel operators employ removal and cleaning methods that
reduce the environmental impacts due to releases of biocides, hull coating materials, and
invasive species. EPA has determined that use of soft brushes when cleaning hulls helps
eliminate the release of paints and hull materials; hence, you must use the softest brush
practicable to effectively remove living organisms from the vessel hull. Furthermore, when
available, EPA recommends that vacuum cleaning technologies be employed in conjunction with
mechanical scrubbing to reduce releases of environmental contaminants. Vacuum cleaning

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allows the materials scrubbed from the vessel hulls to be collected and disposed of onshore.
These approaches are not widely commercially available; hence, EPA has not required that they
must be used in this permit. Dry dock cleaning is the preferred alternative to underwater ship
husbandry whenever possible. Additionally, hull husbandry should be minimized in critical
habitats for aquatic listed species. The list of critical habitat can be found at:; and

In addition, vessel hulls and hull appendages are a potential source for the spread of
aquatic nuisance species. Vessel owner/operators must minimize the transport of attached living
organisms when they travel into waters subject to this permit from outside the U.S. economic
zone or when traveling between COTP zones. Minimization techniques include preventing the
hull from fouling using appropriate anti-foulant paint (see of this fact sheet) and
frequently removing fouling organisms from the hull. In the final permit, EPA included further
explanation of management measures necessary to minimize the transport of attached living
organisms. Specifically, these measures include: selecting an appropriate anti-foulant
management system and maintaining that system, in water inspection, cleaning, and maintenance
of hulls, and thorough hull and other niche area cleaning when a vessel is in dry dock. This
clarification language was incorporated to provide guidance to vessel owner/operators on how to
minimize the transport of living organisms. Furthermore, the clarifying language, while giving
vessel owner/operators concrete steps that reduce the risks from introducing new invasive
species, maximizes consistency with management principles established in the international
guidelines “2011 Guidelines for the Control and Management of Ships’ Biofouling to Minimize
the Transfer of Invasive Aquatic Species” (MEPC.207(62)).

4.4.24 Welldeck Discharges (Part 2.2.24)

Potential constituents of welldeck discharges include fresh water, distilled water, firemain
water, graywater, air-conditioning condensate, sea-salt residues, paint chips, wood splinters, dirt,
sand, organic debris and marine organisms, oil, grease, fuel, detergents, combustion by-products,
and lumber treatment chemicals. EPA has determined that control measures can reduce some of
the potential impacts from welldeck discharges. The permit, therefore, distinguishes what types
of waste may be discharged as welldeck discharges.

Further, EPA is requiring that vessel operators practice good housekeeping to ensure that
no garbage or wastes that can cause a visible sheen are discharged. Should these wastes be
present, the vessel operator must retain the discharge for onshore disposal.

4.4.25 Graywater Mixed with Sewage from Vessels (Part 2.2.25)

Some vessel operators mix graywater with sewage discharges. Once these two discharge
types are commingled, it is impossible to separate out which constituents within the effluent are
from which discharge type. Therefore, although discharges of sewage from vessels are exempt
from permitting pursuant to CWA section 502(6), all graywater discharges containing sewage
are required to meet the relevant standards contained within this permit for graywater including
discharge minimization requirements, prohibitions, standards, and other requirements applicable
to graywater in Part 2 and Part 5 as appropriate. While not a requirement of this permit, vessel

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operators should be aware that CWA section 312 and its implementing regulations contain
requirements for discharges of sewage from vessels which also apply to sewage mixed with

4.4.26 Exhaust Gas Scrubber Washwater Discharge (Part 2.2.26)

On October 9th, 2008, the Parties to MARPOL adopted stringent new standards to
control harmful exhaust emissions from the engines that power ocean going vessels. These
engine and fuel standards are included in amendments to Annex VI of MARPOL. The United
States ratified Annex VI on October 8, 2009, and the revised Annex VI entered into force on July
1, 2010.

Annex VI, among other things, requires vessels to reduce their air emissions of sulfur.
The allowable sulfur content of fuel will fall in the Emission Control Areas (ECAs), including
the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the English Channel, from 1.5% to 1% in July of 2010 and to
0.1% in January of 2015. A North American ECA (including waters adjacent to the Pacific,
Atlantic and Gulf coasts and the 8 main Hawaiian Islands) will become enforceable in 2012 (US
EPA, 2010b). Globally, the highest permitted sulfur content of fuel will fall from 4.5% to 3.5%
in January of 2012 and to 0.5% in January of 2020.

The IMO developed guidance criteria for the use of exhaust gas cleaning devices, such as
SOx scrubbers, as an alternative to operating on low sulfur fuel. As a component of their
analyses, the IMO also set out scrubber washwater criteria in section 10 of the guidelines for
Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (Resolution MEPC. 170(57)). The IMO has subsequently
updated their guidelines in the 2009 Guidelines for Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (IMO Annex
9, Resolution MEPC. 184(59), adopted July 17, 2009). A byproduct of some exhaust gas
cleaning technology is the washwater generated by the exhaust scrubbing. This washwater may
include suspended solids, nitrates and sulfates (and nitric and sulfuric acids which impact pH),
metals, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Before the washwater is discharged, it
generally would need to be processed to remove numerous pollutants.

Exhaust gas scrubbers can be classified as dry scrubbers, wet scrubbers, and hybrid
scrubbers. Dry scrubbers do not use washwater to capture sulfur oxides from the exhaust gas and
thus to not discharge wastewater into waters of the US. Instead, exhaust gas is passed through a
bed of granular solid media such as calcium carbonate (CaCO3), burnt lime (CaO), or hydrated
lime (Ca(OH)2), to which the sulfur oxides absorb and react to form gypsum (CaSO4) (Couple
Systems, 2010).

There are two main wet scrubber technologies. The first, referred to as seawater
scrubbing, is an open-loop design which uses seawater to scrub the exhaust and then discharges
the washwater back to the sea following treatment. In a seawater scrubber, the exhaust gases are
brought into contact with seawater, either through spraying seawater into the exhaust stream or
routing the exhaust gases through a water bath. The sulfur dioxide (SO2) in the exhaust gas
dissolves in the washwater, where it is ionized to bisulphate and sulfite, which are then readily
oxidized to sulfate (Karle and Turner, 2007). The ionization also produces acidity, as does the
sulfuric acid formed from sulfur trioxide (SO3). The sulfuric acid in the water then reacts with
carbonates and other salts in the seawater to form sulfates which are removed in the washwater

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(US EPA, 2009). The washwater is then treated to remove solids and raise the pH prior to
discharge back to the sea.

A second type of wet SOx scrubber is a closed loop system. Fresh water is used as
washwater, and caustic soda is injected into the washwater to neutralize the sulfur in the exhaust.
A small portion of the washwater is bled off and treated to remove suspended solids, which are
held as sludge and disposed of ashore, as with the open loop design. The treated bleed-off
washwater can be discharged at open sea or held on board. Additional fresh water is added to the
system as needed. While this design is not completely closed loop, strictly speaking, it can be
operated in zero discharge mode for a period of time (US EPA, 2009).

Hybrid scrubbers can operate as either open or closed scrubbers. The hybrid systems can
operate with either seawater (open loop) or freshwater (closed loop). At sea, the system operates
with seawater and, in harbors and estuaries, the system can operate on freshwater in a closed
loop system (Aalborg, 2010).

The limits applicable in the VGP apply to wet scrubbers and hybrid scrubbers. Wet
scrubbers have been designed to process and remove pollutants before they are discharged.
Several trials have been conducted using wet SOx scrubbers aboard marine vessels, which have
demonstrated the capabilities of this technology to remove sulfur emissions from exhaust gas
(Entec 2005, EPA 2009). These trials have also provided limited data which characterize
constituent concentrations in washwater discharges. The trials aboard three vessels, the
Zaandam, Pride of Kent and Suula provided measurements of several washwater constituents
including pH and pollutants removed from the exhaust gas (SOx and NOx, and the products of
their transformation: acidity, SO4, NO3 and COD) and particulate matter (PM), (which may
contain PAHs, hydrocarbons and metal oxides). Other constituents in seawater scrubber
washwater (dissolved metals) were attributable to dissolution of scrubber system materials due to
the high acidity of washwater in the open scrubber systems. Neutralization of washwater was
achieved by blending with sufficient seawater “reaction water”. Washwater was also treated to
remove the suspended solids that were attributed to PM removed by the scrubbers. This was
accomplished using multicylones (alone or in combination with filtration), or more effectively
using an advanced treatment system incorporating coagulation and filtration, floatation and

As provided in Part 2.2.26 of the VGP, EPA has a numeric BAT limit in this iteration of
the permit which is consistent with the international guidelines established by the IMO. Though
marine gas exhaust systems are in the early stages of development, EPA has found that all
marine manufacturers are designing and testing systems with these IMO guidelines in mind.
Furthermore, these systems are generally based on technologies that have been used in land
based applications, and these technologies generally transfer well to ship-based applications.

Furthermore, EPA has found that use of these technologies is economically achievable
for several reasons. First, as discussed above, the limits are fundamentally similar to an existing
international standard; one to which treatment manufacturers are currently designing their
equipment. By adopting these limits, EPA is applying no additional burden. Second, vessel
owner/operators may realize cost savings when using lower grade fuel (which requires use of a
scrubber) compared to the higher grade, lower sulfur content fuels.

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EPA has also included several monitoring requirements for those vessels which use
exhaust gas scrubber systems. These requirements are based on the IMO washwater discharge
criteria, which are intended to act as guidance for implementing Exhaust Gas Cleaning System
(EGCS) designs. The IMO Guidelines state that the criteria should be revised in the future as
more data become available on the characteristics of the discharge and its environmental
impacts, taking into account any advice given by the Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects
of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP). Administrations (i.e., ship registry authorities)
should therefore provide for collection of relevant data. To this end, IMO requests ship owners,
in conjunction with the EGCS manufacturer, to sample inlet water (for background), water after
the scrubber (but before any treatment system) and discharge water and to analyze these samples
using EPA or ISO test procedures for the following parameters:

• pH
• PAH and oil (detailed GC-MS analysis)
• Nitrate and nitrite
• Metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, As, Cr and V)
EPA is supportive of the goals of gathering more information about the functioning of
these systems. In order to ensure that the discharges are meeting the required effluent limits in
Part 2.2.26 of the permit, EPA has required monitoring of any vessel’s exhaust gas scrubber
system which discharges into waters subject to this permit. The standards and monitoring
requirements listed in Parts and of the permit are consistent with IMO
guidelines for exhaust gas cleaning systems in resolution Marine Environmental Protection
Committee (MEPC) 184(59). The monitoring requirements require both continuous monitoring
by probes, and periodic analytical monitoring. Continuous monitoring of pH, PAHs (when
available), turbidity and temperature, the regular calibration of continuous monitoring
equipment, and compliance with standard continuous monitoring equipment requirements will
ensure that exhaust gas cleaning systems are appropriately operated and maintained. The
analytical monitoring requirements are generally consistent with the IMO requirements, meeting
IMO goals of generating more information about the functioning of these systems. These
additional requirements assure that probes remain accurate, and they generate additional
information about other pollutants in order to provide assurance to EPA that constituents within
the discharge are not likely to cause or contribute to an exceedance of water quality standards.

EPA made changes to the analytical monitoring requirements between the proposed VGP
and this final VGP. Namely, this provision has been amended to require that monitoring must
happen 2 times during the first year, with each sampling event being no less than 14 days apart.
This is to provide vessel owner/operators with flexibility when they sample, while generating the
data needed to evaluate system performance. Vessels then need only sample one time per year
thereafter. Furthermore, to better align with IMO, EPA has required the sampling of inlet water
(for background), water after the scrubber (but before any treatment system) and discharge water
and to analyze these samples Additionally, EPA has removed the analytical monitoring
requirements for temperature and dissolved oxygen from the analytical monitoring requirements
based on comments submitted on the proposed permit.

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Additionally, EPA notes that matrix interference is a known issue for monitoring
selenium and arsenic in saltwater samples. During the ESA consultation process, one resource
agency raised concerns that existing monitoring data indicated that selenium levels are elevated;
however, EPA noted that these elevated levels are likely due to matrix interference. Selenium
was only monitored in one of the three reports reviewed by EPA. We have the results from those
studies, but do not have the raw laboratory data, including QA/QC information. The sampling
method used was EPA 200.8, the same method for which EPA identified matrix interference for
arsenic and selenium in EPA’s 2010 study on vessel discharges (EPA 2010). Bromines are
found in high concentrations in seawater, with an average bromide concentration in typical
seawater (35 ppt) around 65 ppm. Notable interference can be observed as low as 100 or 200
ppb (personal communication, Terri White and Robin Costas, 2012). For further discussion,
please see Albert and Piziali (2012).

In order for vessel owner/operators to report results to EPA that are not elevated as a
direct result of matrix interference, EPA strongly recommends that vessel operators utilize
techniques and/or equipment known to reduce or eliminate this interference. These techniques,
all of which are consistent with EPA methods 200.8 or 200.9, include Octopole Reaction Cell
ICP-MS, Dynamic Reaction Cell ICP-MS, and hydride generation with a graphite furnace.
Other ICP-MS approaches can also be taken which minimize such interference; however, as
discussed above, owner/operators must use analytical methodologies which correct for this

In respect to other monitoring results, EPA is particularly interested in the results from
any PAH analysis. The group of 16 PAHs required by the 2013 VGP is customarily analyzed and
measured as individual chemicals, but in the IMO Guidelines the washwater criteria for PAH is
set in "phenanthrene equivalents". The rationale for this seems to be that measuring PAH is a
surrogate for hydrocarbons and phenanthrene was found to be the most abundant PAH in the
analysis of washwater during trials on vessel Pride of Kent. Hence, EPA is requiring analytical
monitoring of all PAH compounds to ensure that the discharge of PAHs from these compounds
does not pose unacceptable risks to receiving waters.

In order to maximize consistency with the IMO guidelines for exhaust gas cleaning
systems, today’s permit includes a revised discharge standard for washwater from the exhaust
gas scrubber treatment system for pH from that proposed in the draft VGP. EPA believes the
revised limit is both technically feasible and will ensure the discharge does not pose an
unacceptable risk to receiving water. The revised standard requires that the discharge washwater
must have a pH of no less than 6.0 measured at the ship’s overboard discharge. The proposed
limit of no less than 6.5 was modified to better align with the IMO guideline. The IMO guideline
includes the following two provisions regarding discharge limits of pH from exhaust gas
scrubber washwater:

1. The discharge washwater should have a pH of no less than 6.5 measured at the ship’s
overboard discharge with the exception that during maneuvering and transit, a maximum
difference of 2 pH is allowed between the ship’s inlet and overboard discharge; or

2. During commissioning of the unit(s) after installation, the discharged washwater

plume should be measured externally from the ship (at rest in a harbor) and the

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discharge pH at the ship’s overboard pH monitoring point will be recorded when the
plume at a distance of 4 meters from the discharge point equals or exceeds a pH of 6.5.
This discharge pH, which is found to achieve a minimum pH of 6.5 in the washwater
plume 4 meters from the ship, will become the overboard pH discharge limit.
(Resolution MEPC.184(59)).

In the proposed permit, EPA included the first provision of the IMO guideline but did not
include the second provision. Several commenters had concerns with not including the second
approach, claiming this was imposing a more stringent standard than is currently required
internationally. When issuing NPDES permits, EPA typically, for the purposes of compliance
monitoring, applies discharge limitations at either 1) the point of discharge into waters of the
U.S. or 2) at some point within the control of the permittee. Furthermore, EPA typically requires
that the sampling is representative of the monitored activity. Thus, the second provision of the
IMO guideline, as written, is inconsistent with that approach. Additionally, EPA believes that it
is impracticable to require vessel owner/operators to monitor four meters from their vessel hull
on a regular basis – hence, assuring compliance with these numeric limits in the permit would be
challenging. However, EPA is interested in maximizing consistency with international standards
where the Agency believes that they are reflective of BAT and that those standards protect
applicable water quality criteria.

Therefore, EPA has changed the pH limit from 6.5 to 6.0 applied at the point of discharge
in order to maximize consistency with the IMO guideline by accounting for some pH buffering
likely to occur within the 4 meter range. EPA notes that the lower bound limit of 6.0 is consistent
with the BAT analyses developed in effluent guidelines for the vast majority of other industry
sectors. These technology based limits provide an acceptable range of 6.0 – 9.0 for pH (e.g., see
40 CFR parts 402, 419, 434, etc.). Also, the permit limit continues to include the additional
provision, consistent with the IMO guideline, that the maximum difference allowed between
inlet and outlet during maneuvering and transit is 2.0 pH units.

Based on existing monitoring data provided from the trials conducted on the Zaandam,
Pride of Kent and Suula, EPA believes it is reasonable to expect that a properly functioning
system can achieve a pH of no less than 6.0 for their washwater discharger. The trial data
indicates that the pH of the washwater discharge can range from 5.4 to 7.65 after treatment. The
lower bound of the range was measured from the Zaandam where it was noted that problems
with pumps reduced the flow rates in the scrubber system. The same system, however, also
demonstrated higher discharge pH values while in Alaskan coastal waters in 2008 where the
mean discharge pH was 6.3. The increase in pH was achieved by raising the volume of reaction
water being blended with washwater and lower engine loads. The trial conducted on the Pride of
Kent included samples taken downstream from the scrubbers, prior to blending with reaction
water. The pH values from the untreated washwater ranged from 2.67 to 3.79. However, after
blending the washwater with the reaction water, the lowest pH measured in the overboard
discharge was 6.15.The trials conducted on the Suula, included the addition of sodium hydroxide
(NaOH) to the scrubbing water circulation to maintain the process pH and the efficiency of SOx
removal. The pH of the discharge was maintained at a value of 7.65. (US EPA, 2011f). Based
upon these monitoring data, existing exhaust gas scrubber systems can meet a pH limit of 6.0 at
the point of overboard discharge, and therefore, systems are available which can meet the limit.

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Therefore, the adjusted limit reflects best available technology and remains substantially similar
to an existing international standard.

EPA believes the revised limit will continue to ensure the discharge does not pose
unacceptable risks to receiving waters. In addition, given the variability of pH between
freshwater and saltwater, the maximum allowed difference of 2.0 units of pH will provide
additional assurance that the washwater discharge does not have an adverse impact on the
receiving water. For example, the mean pH of ocean surface waters ranges between 7.9 and 8.3.
(Bindoff, 2007). For discharges occurring in waters at the higher end of that range (8.3), the
washwater discharge pH cannot be below 2.0 units less than the intake, in this case a pH of no
less than 6.3. Discharges that occur in fresh or brackish water, which tends to have a lower pH,
will be subject to the lower limit of no less than 6.0. For example, the Chesapeake Bay watershed
has an ambient pH range of 7.0-8.5. (Waldbusser, 2011). In this case, a washwater discharge
would be subject to a pH of no less than 6.0 to 6.5, depending on pH of the receiving water.
Therefore, the pH discharge limitations established in this permit will provide reasonable
assurance that the discharge will not pose an unacceptable risk to the water quality of the
receiving water.

Reporting of both continuous and periodic monitoring of parameters listed in

and is necessary to assure compliance with the permit’s limits for this discharge, and
will provide EPA with data representative of the discharge being monitored. See 40 CFR
122.48(b). Vessel owner/operators must submit all monitoring results to EPA annually through
EPA’s e-Reporting system, unless exempted from electronic reporting consistent with Part 1.14
of the VGP.

Additionally, the 2013 VGP retains from the 2008 VGP other requirements to assure that
exhaust gas scrubber discharges are consistent with existing US law. Vessel owner/operators
must follow all existing regulations, including the prohibition against the discharge of oil,
including oily mixtures, in quantities that may be harmful as defined in 40 CFR Part 110. In
addition, sludge generated from exhaust gas scrubber washwater may not be discharged in waters
subject to this permit.

4.4.27 Fish Hold Effluent

Commercial fishing vessels use different methods to keep seafood fresh after catch. Most
seafood is either dead when brought onboard or is killed shortly thereafter, before being stored in
a refrigerated seawater holding tank, with the exception of certain shellfish (e.g., crab, lobster),
which must be kept alive. The two most common methods of cooling seawater are by mechanical
refrigeration or by adding ice. Mechanical refrigeration is common on tenders, purse seiners, and
some trawlers, while chipped and slurry ice tanks are more common on trollers, longliners,
gillnetters, and some other trawlers.

Fish holds are also often cleaned or disinfected by vessel crews between catches. To rinse
the tank, vessel crews use either dockside municipal water supply or surrounding ambient water.
Cleaning may simply involve rinsing the tanks, or crews also sometimes add detergents or
disinfectants. Crews often use scrub brushes to clean the walls and floor of the fish hold to
maximize the removal of organic material. Therefore, fish hold cleaning results in a combination

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of residual fish hold water and ambient or municipal water and often contains soaps or

In addition to the pollutants from fish hold cleaning, fish hold effluent also may contain
waste fish parts or other materials generated by fish cleaning, unused bait, solids, oils, nutrients,
bacteria, and viruses. Fish hold effluent may create scum and foam, produce a visible slick or
sheen on surface waters, generate odors, and exert oxygen demand in receiving waters. This
discharge also has the potential to introduce ANS into receiving waters.

EPA’s 2010 “Study of Discharges Incidental to the Normal Operation of Commercial

Fishing Vessels and Other Non-recreational Vessels Less Than 79 feet” concluded that impacts
from individual small vessels and individual commercial fishing vessels likely have a minimal
environmental impact. However, it concluded that “the impacts are potentially significant where
there are high vessel concentrations, low circulation in waters, additional environmental
stressors, or pollutant loadings from other sources” (US EPA, 2010a). Reducing fish hold
effluent discharges when in port will reduce the amount of fish hold effluent discharged into
these particular areas of concern, which might address some of the potential impacts EPA
discussed above.

The effluent limits in Part 2.2.27 in the 2013 VGP are common practices that are easily
implemented by vessel owner/operators and are designed to reduce the volume of fish hold
effluent discharged into sensitive water bodies and to reduce the adverse environmental impact
fish hold effluent that is discharged. The requirement to physically separate excess fish waste
from fish hold effluent prior to discharge is intended to reduce the volume and concentration of
the discharge. Use of physical separation techniques or equipment is consistent with existing
fishing vessel practices. For example, most vessels have coarse filters (with screens ½ inch or
smaller) to keep solid fish waste from being discharged with liquid effluent (US EPA, 2011g).
Another way that vessel operators remove solids is through use of a De-Watering Box (DWB) or
Wetpump Separator, which serve as a physical separation barrier. A DWB is standard
commercial fishing industry chamber-type separation equipment used by vessel owners and
processing plants to separate fishery products from the vessel’s chilled seawater. The fish hold
contents are pumped directly from the vessel into the DWB chamber by conveyor belt and across
a screen grate to separate seawater and organic matter. Screening large solid material from any
fish hold effluent discharged overboard will help protect water quality in nearshore waters by
limiting the spread of ANS and reducing oxygen demand, odor, nutrients, and any pathogens in
unused bait and fish solids.

Discharging fish hold effluent to an available shore-based discharge facility when in port
will reduce the amount of fish hold effluent discharged into these nearshore waters. When vessel
operators are evaluating whether the facilities are available, factors they should consider include
whether the facility has been designed to receive fish hold effluent; whether the vessel and the
facility have the infrastructure to transfer the effluent; and whether the transfer would not unduly
delay the departure of the fishing vessel. In the absence of available shore-based facilities, use of
physical separation techniques or equipment, such as use of DWBs, will assist in protecting
nearshore waters, and these approaches can be used to meet the requirements of the VGP. With
use of a DWB, after physical separation and wherever possible, the chilled seawater is collected
and re-circulated back to the vessel for disposal at sea, or is pumped into the plant’s waste water

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system [At sea disposal, however, must be outside of harbors or other protected and enclosed
coastal waters, and outside of other areas where EPA has found that such deposits could
endanger health, the environment, or ecological systems in a specific location under the Marine
Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act, 33 U.S.C 1412(d). At sea disposal of such fish wastes
at such locations requires a permit under that statute.] When these alternatives are not available,
the fish hold effluent that passes through the separation barrier is discharged at the pier. For
purposes of the VGP a vessel at a pier may discharge fish hold effluent and fish hold cleaning
effluent consisting of refrigerated seawater, provided the water and fishery products (incl.
organic matter) are physically separated using a de-watering box-type or similar separation
technique, or by screening the outflow valve in the fish hold if shore based facilities are not

The onshore treatment provisions are not applicable to discharges from pumped through
holding tanks used for the sole purpose of keeping the catch alive before being immediately
discharged (e.g., holding tanks on crabbing/lobster vessels). The effluent from this latter type of
vessel, which involves the pumping of continuous “once through” ambient water, is less likely to
have accumulated the type and volume of biological wastes that otherwise is removed under this
permit limitation.

This permit also prohibits discarding unused live bait overboard, unless the bait was
caught in that waterbody or watershed. The release of live bait is suspected as having introduced
invasive species into new waters. For instance, both the European green crab (Carcinus maenas)
and the rough periwinkle snail (Littorina saxatilis) may have been introduced to the San
Francisco Bay as a result of the release of live bait (Cohen et al., 1995). The discharge of all
other unused bait overboard is strongly discouraged unless the bait was caught in the same water
body or watershed. For purposes of the VGP and this requirement, the term “fish hold” means
the area on the vessel where both catch and/or bait are stored. Although the term “waterbody” is
not defined in the permit, a rational understanding of the term may be implied, to include a lake,
river segment, or reasonably proximate area of ocean. For purposes of these permits, the entire
Pacific Ocean should not be considered one waterbody, but regions of an ocean where the
ecosystem and species found are similar could be regarded as part of the same waterbody. The
prohibition on the discharge of unused live bait will help to prevent the spread or dispersal of
potentially invasive species if the bait are invasive species or are contaminated with invasive
pathogens. Finally, in Part of the 2013 VGP, EPA has required that any cleaners or
detergents used to clean the fish hold must be phosphate-free, minimally-toxic, and
biodegradable. This Part applies to the cleaning of fish holds. Use of these products will reduce
the impacts from fish hold effluent cleaning into surrounding waters.


This permit includes water quality-based effluent limits (WQBELs) to control discharges
as stringently as necessary to meet applicable water quality standards. The provisions of Part 2.3
of the permit constitute additional WQBELs for this permit, and supplement the permit’s
technology-based effluent limits in Parts 2.1, 2.2, and 5 (where applicable). Where the
implementation of the technology-based requirements in this permit are not sufficient to meet the
applicable receiving water’s water quality standards, the permittee may be subject to further
WQBELs. Prior to or after permit issuance and authorization to discharge, EPA may require

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additional WQBELs on a site-specific basis, or require the permittee to obtain coverage under an
individual permit, if information in the NOI, required reports, or from other sources indicates
that, after meeting the technology-based limits in Parts 2.1, 2.2, and 5 (where applicable) and the
WQBELs in Part 2.3, the facility is causing or contributing to an excursion above water quality
standards. 39

Part 2.3 includes the permit limits that are as stringent as necessary to achieve water
quality standards, consistent with CWA section 301(b)(1)(C) and 122.44(d)(1). EPA generally
expects that vessels that achieve the permit’s technology-based limits through the careful
implementation of effective pollution control measures and BMPs are likely to already be
controlling their vessel discharges to a degree that would make additional water quality-based
controls unnecessary. However, to ensure that this is the case, the permit contains additional
conditions, which, in combination with the BAT/BPT/BCT limits in this permit, EPA expects to
be as stringent as necessary to achieve water quality standards.

EPA notes that the WQBELs included in this permit are non-numeric. EPA relies on a
narrative expression of the need to control discharges as necessary to meet applicable water
quality standards, and to employ additional controls where necessary to be consistent with
applicable WLAs in an approved or established TMDL or to comply with a State or Tribe’s
antidegradation policies. This is a reasonable approach for this permit because EPA has
determined that it is infeasible to calculate numeric water quality based effluent limits for most
vessel discharges at this time. EPA reached this determination primarily based on the mobile
nature of vessels used in a capacity of transportation. With thousands of water bodies across the
country, and the potential for any vessel to discharge into almost any water, it is infeasible for
EPA to calculate numeric limits for each vessel for each water body at this time. Furthermore,
establishing numeric water quality based limits poses many of the same challenges that EPA
faced in setting technology-based discharge limits.

As mentioned, this permit requires that each permittee must control its discharge as
necessary to meet applicable water quality standards. EPA generally expects that compliance
with the other conditions in this permit (e.g., the technology-based limits, corrective actions, etc.)
will result in discharges that are controlled as necessary to meet applicable water quality
standards. If the permittee becomes aware, or EPA determines, that the discharge causes or
contributes to a standards exceedance, corrective actions and EPA notification are required. In
addition, at any time EPA may impose additional, more stringent WQBELs on a site-specific
basis, or require an individual permit, if information suggests that the discharge is not controlled
as necessary to meet applicable water quality standards. The language in Part 2.3 affirms the
permittee’s requirement to control its discharges as stringently as necessary to meet applicable
water quality standards. EPA reserves the authority to require more stringent requirements where
necessary to meet applicable standards, or, alternatively, to require the permittee to apply for an
individual permit.

In using the phrase “excursion above,” the permit tracks the language in 40 CFR 122.44(d)(1). There are some
instances, however, where pollutants would cause nonattainment of the applicable criterion by lowering the water
quality below the criterion, as with dissolved oxygen. In such situations, such lowering would be considered an
“excursion above” within the meaning of the permit condition.

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The purpose of Part 2.3.2 is to include a definition for “impaired waters” so that the scope
of the requirements in 2.3.2 can be more readily understood by permittees. Part 2.3.2 defines
“impaired waters” as those which have been identified by a State or EPA pursuant to section
303(d) of the Clean Water Act as not meeting applicable State water quality standards. This may
include both waters with approved or established TMDLs, and those for which a TMDL has not
yet been approved or established. The permit contains additional provisions for vessels
discharging pollutants that have the reasonable potential to cause or contribute to an impairment
of those specified waters.

Part reiterates that if a vessel discharges to an impaired water without an EPA-
approved or established TMDL, EPA can provide the permittee with additional requirements
with which to comply. EPA can also impose additional requirements on discharges that are not
directly to an impaired water if they cause or contribute to an exceedance in another water body
affected by the discharge.

Part outlines the process for imposing additional requirements on permittees when
they discharge into waters that have a waste load allocation (WLA) assigned to vessels. During
the term of the permit, EPA may inform the owner/operator if such a WLA has been established
that applies to their vessel discharges. In addition to requiring permittees to comply with the
conditions of the WLA, EPA will also assess whether any more stringent requirements are
necessary to comply with the WLA, whether compliance with the permit’s existing requirements
is sufficient to comply with the WLA, or whether the owner/operator must apply for individual
permit coverage (see part 1.8.1).



The purpose of including a corrective action section in this permit is to assist permittees
with effectively meeting effluent limits and implementing the best management practices in this
permit. Corrective actions in this permit are follow-up actions a permittee must take to correct
problems identified in an inspection; they are a requirement to review and revise control
measures and vessel operations to ensure that any problems are eliminated and will not be
repeated in the future. The permit makes clear that the permittee is expected to assess why a
specific problem has occurred, and document what steps were taken to eliminate the problem.
EPA believes this approach will aid vessel owner/operators in reaching compliance with the
requirements of the permit quickly. Compliance with many of the permit’s requirements, for
instance, those related to good housekeeping, reporting, recordkeeping, and some of those related
to operation and maintenance requirements can be accomplished immediately, and therefore, are
not considered problems that trigger corrective actions.

The permit requires that a corrective action assessment be completed as soon as any of
the listed problems are identified. Pursuant to provisions of the permit found in Part 4.2, any
problems that constitute violations of permit requirements (instances of noncompliance) must be
either noted as part of the vessel’s records or reported to EPA. As part of the corrective action
assessment found in Part 3.2 of the permit, the owner/operator must give a detailed account of
the problem(s) identified, take steps to discover the causes of the problem(s), and outline a

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schedule for addressing the problem(s). The specific contents of the corrective action assessment
are detailed in the permit. This corrective action assessment must be kept with the other
recordkeeping documentation required by this permit.

Part 3.3 of the permit outlines types of problems that trigger the need for corrective action
and stipulates time periods for implementing actions to remedy deficiencies and violations. EPA
emphasizes that these time frames are not grace periods within which an operator is relieved of
any liability for a permit violation. When any of the listed problems are identified, such as
discovery that effluent limits are being violated, the owner/operator must take steps to ensure the
problems causing the violations are eliminated. If the original inadequacy constitutes a permit
violation, then that violation is not excused by the time frame EPA has allotted for corrective
action, although EPA will consider the timeliness and appropriateness of the corrective action in
determining an appropriate response to the violation. EPA assumes that vessel owner/operators
will need less time to make minor repairs or change shipboard practices than to make substantial
renovation or repair. Time limits are included specifically so that problems are not allowed to
persist indefinitely. Failure to take the necessary corrective action within the stipulated time limit
constitutes an additional and independent permit violation. The three deadlines for corrective
actions are based on how extensive the corrections are. For example:

• A minor adjustment may include altering practices for material or equipment storage
that cause contamination during a precipitation or high wave event. Corrective actions
to address the underlying cause of the noncompliance and return to compliance and/or
complete necessary adjustments or repairs to prevent these effluent violations in the
future must be implemented as soon as possible but no more than 2 weeks after the
discovery of the problem. For example, if materials caused contamination of the deck
washdown water, or bilgewater containing emulsifiers, detergents, or other additives
was discharged, then violations have occurred. For a vessel that will leave waters
subject to this permit within 2 weeks of discovering the problem, corrective actions
must be taken either within 2 weeks after the discovery of the problem, or prior to re-
entering waters subject to this permit, whichever is later.
• A major adjustment may include drips or spills from leaky infrastructure, or
operations that cause violations, but can be repaired or corrected without the vessel
being put into dry dock. These adjustments or repairs could include fixing leaking
pipe connections or seals that allow oil or other contaminants to reach discharges;
installation of drip pans to prevent equipment spills or machinery area runoff from
reaching deck washdown effluent; or requiring additional training of crew on correct
compliance procedures if vessel activities are not in compliance with the permit.
Major adjustments must be made within 3 months. EPA believes that this allows
sufficient time to locate the parts or personnel to make the repair or complete the
correction. During the period immediately following the initial violation and before
the corrective action has been completed, the vessel operator must make every effort
to reduce potential environmental harm. If longer than 3 months is required, the
appropriate EPA regional office must be notified of why the additional time is needed
and a date when the correction is anticipated to be completed. This information must
be recorded in the vessel’s recordkeeping documentation. For a vessel that will leave

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waters subject to this permit within 3 months of discovering the problem, corrective
actions must be taken either within 3 months after the discovery of the problem, or
prior to re-entering waters subject to this permit, whichever is later.
• A major renovation is one that can only be performed in dry dock. This may include
such modifications as replumbing waste lines, rerouting drains, or installation of
additional holding capacity for select discharge types; or overcoating or removal of
TBT on vessels previously coated with this anti-fouling hull coating.
Major renovations must be accomplished during the next available or scheduled
opportunity for dry dock renovations. An owner/operator that has a vessel that is in
dry dock after incurring a violation that does not take corrective action to alleviate the
identified problem will be in violation of the corrective actions section of the permit
for every occurrence or discharge after re-launching the vessel (in addition to any
original violations prior to going into drydock). All vessels will need to begin
complying with its terms on December 19, 2013; hence vessel operators should
consider implementing plans as soon as possible to make necessary renovations or
repairs part of their current dry dock scheduling.

EPA will consider the appropriateness and promptness of corrective action in

determining enforcement responses to permit violations.


Pursuant to CWA section 308 and 402(a)(2), 40 CFR 122.43(a), and other applicable
implementing regulations, the following requirements have been included in the permit, as
discussed below.


Vessel self-inspections are required as a means of identifying, for example, sources of

spills, broken pollution prevention equipment, or other situations that are or might lead to permit
violations and allow the owner/operator to correct the situation as soon as possible. The permit
requires self-inspections so that the owner or operator can diagnose and fix problems to remain
compliant with the permit. These self-inspections can and must be conducted while the vessel is
underway as well as while in port, and are designed to fit easily into other, already established
vessel routines. For instance, the permit allows the routine visual inspections to be conducted as
part of an existing (or updated) international safety management (ISM) code safety management
system (SMS) plan, as long as all the permit requirements are met.

The routine visual inspections required by the permit are reasonable measures of good
marine practice that the prudent mariner is already employing to ensure vessel, crew, and
environmental health and safety. Inspections must be conducted at least once per week or once
per voyage, whichever is more frequent, except that vessels that engage in multiple voyages per
day are required to inspect daily, rather than on every voyage. If the vessel hull is not readily
visible, it should be inspected when feasible, particularly the portions of the hull above the water
line at any given time. During the implementation of the 2008 VGP, EPA developed a “Q & A”

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to address the frequently asked question of what constitutes a “voyage” under this Part. We
repeat the answer to that question below.

For the purposes of VGP section 4.1.1 (including its routine visual inspection provisions),
a voyage is generally considered to begin when the vessel departs a dock or other location at
which it has loaded or unloaded (in whole or in part) cargo or passengers, and to end after it has
tied-up at another dock or location in order to again conduct either of such activities. For
example, for a barge on the Mississippi River, such voyage would begin when it departs a
location at which it has cargo loaded onto it and end when cargo is unloaded at another location.

EPA has made one substantive change to section 4.1, which is intended to provide some
additional flexibility to vessel owner/operators while still meeting the objectives of the self-
inspection requirements. Specifically, the permit provides that in situations where multiple
voyages occur within a one week period, for example a barge that makes daily voyages (i.e., it
conducts cargo operations at a different port every day), the vessel operator may employ a
limited visual inspection that targets only those areas that may have been affected by activities
related to docking and cargo operations that day. For example, for a vessel that only conducted
cargo operations involving one compartment or hold onboard that vessel, the limited visual
inspection need only be targeted to that compartment or hold and any appurtenant equipment,
e.g., piping and pumps, used that day. The use of such targeted intra-week visual inspections
does not in any way serve to relieve permittees of the VGP’s minimum requirement that a
comprehensive visual inspection be conducted at least once per week. For vessels such as mobile
oil and gas rigs, which are in a mode of transportation only when relocating between drill sites, a
voyage for purposes of VGP section 4.1.1 is generally considered to begin when the rig departs
one site and to end when it arrives at the new site to commence operations which are not
transportation-oriented, such as drilling.

For vessels such as harbor tugs, which may be in semi-continuous operation for up to a
week within the same harbor and do not carry passengers or cargo, for purposes of VGP
section 4.1.1, a voyage is generally considered to begin when the crew or master take charge of
the vessel and to end when that crew or master are replaced by another crew or master, at which
point a new voyage would begin due to the arrival of the new crew or master. For example, if
crew changes occur every seven days on a harbor tug, the voyage begins with crew arrival, ends
on day seven with departure of that crew, and a new voyage begins on day seven with arrival of
the new crew. A routine visual inspection thus would be necessary during the tenure of the initial
crew and also during tenure of the new crew.


Section 4.1.1 of EPA’s Vessel General Permit (VGP) provides that at least once per week
or once per “voyage,” whichever is more frequent (but not more than once per day), permittees
must conduct a visual inspection of safely accessible deck and cargo areas and all accessible
areas where chemicals, oils, dry cargo or other materials are stored, mixed, and used, as well as
verifying that monitoring, training, and inspections are logged according to VGP requirements.
The routine visual inspections under this VGP section were intended to be measures of good
marine practice that the prudent mariner is already employing to ensure vessel, crew, and
environmental health and safety (see VGP Fact Sheet section 6.1).

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The term “voyage” was previously not defined in the VGP, nor does it have a single
clearly understood meaning in the maritime context (see generally, discussion of maritime law
“voyage” definitions at In general
usage, the term voyage involves a trip by water of some duration (see Webster's New World
College Dictionary (4th Ed.), defining “voyage” as “a relatively long journey or passage by
water or, formerly, by land”). The lack of a clear commonly understood definition has resulted in
questions as to how VGP section 4.1.1 (which uses the term “voyage” as a trigger for some of its
requirements) is to be interpreted.

EPA has interpreted the term “voyage” for purposes of VGP section 4.1.1 in order to
provide clarity as to when its obligations are triggered. For each situation addressed in the above
answer, the analysis began with the general understanding of the term voyage to mean a trip by
water of some duration, and for the need to provide easily recognizable discrete beginning and
end points so as to clarify what constitutes a “voyage.” EPA’s interpretation was developed
taking into account a variety of underlying vessel usages and the underlying purpose of the
visual inspection requirement – to ensure that such inspection occurs when conditions on the
vessel have changed in a way that might implicate vessel discharges.

Accordingly, the “general” interpretation, which addresses vessels used in carrying cargo
or passengers, takes into account the movement of cargo or passengers onto or off the vessel in
defining “voyage.” Such an approach ensures that an inspection occurs after a vessel departs
following loading or unloading cargo or passengers, as those operations can result in, for
example, spillage of cargo material or discarding of rubbish on deck or discharge into the water.
For vessels that do not engage in such activities, we necessarily looked to other logical beginning
and endpoints to use in defining “voyage,” as set out in the second and third paragraph of the
answer above. While we generally interpret “voyage” as described above, there are certain
classes of vessels where such a definition does not work and, therefore, EPA interprets the terms
differently for such vessels as set out in the following paragraph.

Vessels that shift in and out of use as a means of transportation (such as mobile drilling
rigs) are operating in a capacity as a means of transportation when moving between sites, and
therefore are covered by the VGP during that period, but not when operating in their industrial
capacity as a drilling rig (see VGP Fact Sheet section for further discussion). The
transition from industrial mode to transportation mode is a change in operation that may affect
the nature and characteristics of discharges such that a visual inspection is prudent. Thus, for
such vessels we interpret “voyage” in paragraph 2 of the answer above in terms of departure
from one site and arrival at a new site to commence non-transportation activities. Harbor tugs,
which operate within harbor confines and also do not carry cargo or passengers, are addressed in
paragraph 3 of the answer above, which uses the instance of a new crew or master taking over
operation of the vessel to determine when a “voyage” begins and ends. This change was chosen
as a trigger because, in addition to being a readily identifiable discrete event, it also will result in
a visual inspection being performed by incoming sets of crew, thereby ensuring that they become
familiar with conditions on the vessel that may implicate vessel discharges.

Lastly, we note the interpretation of “voyage” does not in any way serve to relieve
permittees of the VGP’s minimum requirement that visual inspection be conducted at least once

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per week. See VGP section 4.1.1 (stating visual inspections must be conducted at least once per
week or per voyage, whichever is more frequent).

Each routine visual inspection must be noted in the official logbook or other
recordkeeping documentation, signed by the person conducting the inspection, and must include
basic information relating to the inspection. For limited visual inspections, the person conducting
the inspection need only initial that the inspections were conducted as an addendum to the
documentation of the full “weekly” visual inspection, unless additional potential problems or
contamination is found. This documentation establishes a record of inspections conducted for
both the owner/operator and EPA to track compliance with the permit. The record can help the
owner/operator track which areas of the vessel cause more permit violations or hold the most
potential pollution problems. By being aware of and focusing on these areas, the owner or
operator can change or establish onboard procedures to make permit compliance easier.

For today’s permit, EPA has included provisions allowing for the use of Extended
Unmanned Period (EUP) Inspections in lieu of routine visual inspections and other monitoring
requirements (e.g., ballast water treatment system functional monitoring) in limited
circumstances. EPA included these provisions to better address the unique circumstances of
owner/operators of unmanned barges. These inspections may also be used when a vessel enters
an extended unmanned period. A vessel is considered to be in an EUP if the vessel is unmanned,
fleeted, jacked-up, or otherwise has its navigation systems and main propulsion shut down (e.g.,
extended lay-up) for 13 days or greater. The EUP inspection is an alternative inspection for
fleeted, jacked-up, or similarly situated vessels, which routinely go into temporary or extended
periods of lay-up.

A vessel owner/operator or their authorized representative may conduct EUPs in lieu of

routine visual inspections if they are up-to-date with all other inspection and reporting
requirements found in Part 4 of this permit (including routine and annual inspections) and the
vessel owner/operator must not have received any VGP related notices of violation from EPA or
its authorized representative or faced any VGP-related enforcement action from EPA within the
previous 24 months. EPA has included this provision so that it can ensure that vessel
owners/operators previously cited for violations are appropriately implementing the terms of the
permit. Self-reported violations do not disqualify a vessel for EUPs, unless EPA notifies the
vessel owner to the contrary.

The EUP inspection consists of three primary components: a pre lay-up inspection, a
periodic external observation of the vessel and surrounding waters, and a post lay-up routine
visual inspection. Additionally, while a vessel is in EUP, only the monitoring and inspection
requirements specified in Part will be applicable to the vessel. Once a vessel reenters
service and is no longer considered to be in EUP, all applicable monitoring and inspection
requirements apply. EPA designed the pre lay-up inspection so that the owner/operator can
assure that vessel is in good operating order, there are no leaks or loose materials that may enter
any waste stream or be discharged, and that the vessel does not pose an environmental risk while
it is unmanned. The periodic external observation of the vessel and surrounding waters is to
make sure the vessel continues to not pose an environmental risk, the vessel is adequately
secured, and no pollutants (including oily mixtures) are present in surrounding waters which
might have originated from that vessel. If any deficiencies are observed while the vessel is in

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EUP, the vessel owner/operator must document those deficiencies and take corrective actions to
resolve those deficiencies as appropriate. The post lay-up routine inspection is designed to be
sure that all terms of the VGP continue to be met before the vessel re-enters active service. As
part of this inspection, the owner/operator must document the date the EUP ended, whether
fluids (e.g., fuel, ballast water) are at their pre EUP levels, and whether any spills or leaks of oily
materials are observed. Any noted deficiencies must be corrected before the vessel re-enters

The comprehensive annual inspection requirements include a more detailed, thorough

inspection of areas of the vessel that are difficult to inspect on a more regular basis, such as the
vessel hull. However, the annual inspection does not require the vessel be placed into drydock.
Areas of the vessel that cannot be safely inspected without placing the vessel in drydock should
be inspected and documented during the next scheduled drydocking period. The owner/operator
should note in the annual inspection report which areas are able to be inspected during drydock
only. Annual inspection of these areas ensures they are inspected frequently enough to identify
and correct problems. In addition, the annual review of all inspection and monitoring data
highlights problem areas of the vessel that may need additional attention. This allows the Master,
owner, or operator to establish and implement additional procedures applicable to problem areas
to reduce future problems. Additionally, the annual inspection requires that all pollution control
equipment be inspected to ensure it is functioning properly. This requirement provides a
reminder and opportunity to complete maintenance activities on onboard equipment. Based on
public comments, the annual inspection requirements were revised to specify that the areas of
inspection include the “vessel hull, including niche areas, for fouling organisms...” The term
“niche areas” was included to be consistent with the international inspection guidelines “2011
Guidelines for the Control and Management of Ships’ Biofouling to Minimize the Transfer of
Invasive Aquatic Species” established in resolution MEPC.207(62).

Owners/operators may use applicable portions of the results from the annual inspections
conducted by the Coast Guard or the classification society to meet some requirements of the
annual inspection. For example, if the Coast Guard examines the oily water separator, then the
owner may note in their inspection report that the Coast Guard had completed the inspection and
they would not be required to inspect it again. However, for portions of the vessel that are not
inspected by the Coast Guard or classification society for environmental performance, the
owner/operator must conduct an inspection to be sure that the vessel is meeting requirements of
this permit. Regardless of who conducts the inspections, the owner/operator is responsible for a
thorough inspection being conducted and taking corrective actions based on that inspection. If
the owner/operator is unsure of the quality of inspections that they will use to fulfill their annual
inspection requirement under this permit, EPA strongly recommends they use their own
personnel to conduct the full inspection. The owner/operator is ultimately responsible for
completion of this requirement.

Each annual inspection must be recorded in the official logbook or other recordkeeping
documentation, signed by the person conducting the inspection, and must include basic
information relating to the inspection and any corrective actions taken as a result of inspection

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Many class societies and the United States Coast Guard require that the vessel operator
conduct drydock inspections before relaunching the vessel. Based on discussion with technical
experts, EPA assumes most, if not all vessels currently must undergo drydock inspections. When
a vessel is in drydock, it is much easier to access a wide range of areas on the vessel that are not
easily accessible while the vessel is in water. The thorough examination of the vessel that occurs
while it is in drydock provides owners/operators with an additional opportunity to implement the
permit's requirements. For example, cleaning the vessel hull of attached organisms is much
easier in drydock, and is safer for the environment because any attached organisms can be
properly disposed of away from water, minimizing the risk of an introduction of ANS. For any
drydock report, the permit requires that it include confirmation that the chain locker, hull, and
cathodic protection have been inspected and cleaned, that anti-fouling hull coatings are
maintained and applied in accordance with the permit's requirements, and that all pollution
control equipment is maintained and properly functioning. In instances where vessel
owners/operators have drydock reports conducted by the applicable class society or the Coast
Guard, or where the vessel operators prepare another drydock inspection report, the permit
requires the owner/operator to make such reports available to EPA or an authorized
representative of EPA upon request.


Written records are useful tools for both the vessel owner or operator and EPA. They
allow an owner or operator to assess their own permit compliance by providing an easy way to
reference permit requirements that have been met, as well as a way to identify troublesome areas
of the vessel that cause more pollution-related issues. They also allow EPA to assess permit
compliance. By identifying which areas consistently require more cleaning or repair work, the
owner or operator can establish and implement procedures specifically designed to minimize
pollution and streamline cleaning and maintenance efforts in those areas.

Much of the information that must be recorded under the permit is the same as the
information that is required of vessels equipped with ballast tanks bound for a port or place in the
United States by the Coast Guard Regulations at 33 CFR §151.2045. This basic information
allows the identification of the vessel, the vessel’s travels and itineraries, and responsible parties.
While the Coast Guard regulation applies only to vessels with ballast tanks, the requirements of
the permit apply to all vessels covered by the permit, whether they have ballast water tanks or
not. By using the existing vessel recordkeeping requirements as a framework into which the
recordkeeping requirements of the permit fit, EPA has attempted to streamline the requirements,
make compliance with the permit simple, and do so without imposing significant additional
paperwork on vessel owners and operators. Streamlining the paperwork and recordkeeping
requirements (for vessels also covered under Coast Guard regulations) increases compliance and
allows EPA to achieve both permit enforcement and environmental protection goals.

The information to be recorded is intended to be simple, basic, and straightforward. There

are no specific forms to fill out or file; a permittee need only keep one brief record of each
inspection, noting when and how it was completed and any relevant information discovered
during the inspection. Inspection records must be kept on the vessel or accompanying tug and

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may be kept in any form provided they can be made available to the EPA. Examples include the
ship’s official logbook, the oil record book, shipboard oil pollution emergency plan or other
official vessel recordkeeping documentation. There do not need to be multiple copies of the
records. Additional requirements include a record of maintenance of specific pieces of
equipment that cause discharges covered under the permit and a record of each incidence where
a discharge occurs pursuant to a safety or emergency exception (e.g., bilge water 2.2.2, AFFF
2.2.5, boiler blowdown 2.2.6, elevator pit 2.2.11, firemain 2.2.12). This can assist in
troubleshooting any future pollution problems by showing how often maintenance was
performed, what maintenance or repairs were completed, and how often and under what
circumstances emergency exceptions were invoked.

This permit contains provisions reinforcing reportable release requirements. The permit
specifically does not allow the discharge of hazardous substances or oil in excess of reportable
quantities, even if they are associated with the normal operation of a vessel. This provision has
been included to clarify that the permit is not authorizing any reportable quantity releases of any
material that were not authorized before issuance of this permit. These spills must be reported as
required under 40 CFR Part 110 and 40 CFR Part 117.

Vessels equipped with ballast water tanks are required by the permit to meet the
requirements of 33 CFR 151.2045. This requirement applies both to vessels that are already
subject to these Coast Guard regulations and to vessels that are not. The USCG regulations
establish a recordkeeping system to collect information related to ballast water capacity, uptakes,
exchanges, and discharges. In addition, like the 2008 VGP, the 2013 VGP requires the ballast
water exchange and saltwater flushing requirements for vessels with ballast water tanks. These
vessels that conduct saltwater flushing must note that fact on the Ballast Water Reporting Form,
which is found in the Appendix to 33 CFR Part 151, Subpart D. Furthermore, in order to close an
information gap in ballast water reporting, crude oil tankers engaged in the Coast Wise trade are
also required to submit their ballast water reporting forms to the NBIC as a requirement of
this permit.

6.3.1 Electronic Records

Recordkeeping technology is a rapidly changing field. Many vessel operators are

increasingly using electronic record keeping systems to create and maintain required records,
using software, electronic forms and onboard computer terminals that collect and transmit data
electronically to shoreside databases for collection and storage.

For the 2008 VGP, EPA interpreted the permit’s recordkeeping provisions to allow for
owners/operators to use electronic recordkeeping systems to meet the requirements that “written”
records be kept “on the vessel,” if those records satisfy the requirements in part 4.2 of the permit,
which are designed to ensure that the records are: in a format that can be read in a similar manner
as a paper record, legally dependable with no less evidentiary value than their paper equivalent,
and accessible to the inspector during an inspection to the same extent as a paper copy stored on
the vessel would be. In order to clarify for the purposes of this iteration of the VGP, EPA has
explicitly included appropriate factors in Part 4.2 of the permit, and provides further guidance

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(1) Readability/Legal Dependability

EPA expects the requirements of an electronic recordkeeping system in Part 4.2.1 of the
VGP would together generally ensure that records created and/or maintained in such systems are
readable and legally dependable with no less evidentiary value than their paper equivalent: 40

a. From the vessel or tug, and from any other point of access to the electronic recordkeeping
system, electronic records, including signatures, certifications, and alterations, can be: (i)
displayed to EPA, including its authorized representatives, in a format that can be read in
a manner similar to a paper record and that associates data with field names or other
labels that give the data contained in the record meaning and context (not solely in a
computer code or data string), (ii) easily copied for EPA, including its authorized
representatives, to review and access at EPA staff computers using non-proprietary
software, and (iii) can easily be printed to paper form;

b. Associated metadata in their native format is preserved and available upon request;

c. Electronic records cannot be modified without detection and are preserved in a manner
that cannot be altered once created. For example, any changes to an electronic record are
automatically and indelibly recorded in a logically associated (i.e., cryptographically
bound) audit trail that records each change made without obscuring the data to which the
modification is made or its antecedents;

d. The electronic recordkeeping system automatically identifies any person who creates,
certifies, or modifies an electronic record using electronic signatures that meet the same
signature, authentication, and identity-proofing standards set forth at 40 CFR § 3.2000(b)
for electronic reports (including robust second-factor authentication);

e. Originals of any electronic record are immediately and automatically transferred to and
held at a single location by a custodian of records who is not an author, certifier, or
modifier of the electronic records. The original electronic record is secured in a fashion
that protects it from tampering or destruction;

f. The electronic recordkeeping system automatically identifies: 1) the name, address,

telephone number and email address for the custodian of records described in “d” above;
and 2) the address and owner of the location where the original electronic record is
located. The electronic records and their associated metadata remain available and the
discharger/permittee can demonstrate that the records have not been changed in any
modification of the record-keeping system or migration to a successor record-keeping

g. Clear instructions guide users of the electronic record-keeping system in proper use of the
system and unambiguously communicate the legal significance of using an electronic
signature device; and

EPA notes that it may change this guidance at any time, based upon experience with electronic recordkeeping, or
any other new information or considerations.

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h. Computer systems (including hardware and software), controls, and attendant

documentation that are part of the electronic record-keeping system are readily available
for, and subject to, agency inspection.

(2) Accessibility

EPA will generally consider electronic records to be accessible enough to be considered

to be stored “on the vessel” when the vessel operator is able to, immediately, upon request,
provide to government officials or authorized representatives:

a. Paper or electronic copies of requested records required to be maintained pursuant to the

VGP; and

b. Electronic access, using hardware and software available on the vessel or tug, to required
VGP records via electronic storage on the vessel or tug, or via direct access to an
electronic system of records stored elsewhere, provided that the location of the original
record is within the United States.


6.4.1 Annual Report

The Annual Report replaces the annual noncompliance report and one-time report
requirements found in the 2008 VGP by consolidating the requirements of the annual
noncompliance report and the one-time report into one reporting form. All instances of
noncompliance must be reported as part of the Annual Report, instead of separately, as
previously required by the 2008 VGP. Previously, there were no parameters for how an annual
noncompliance report was to be submitted; the new Annual Report provides a structured format
to alleviate frequent concerns from vessel owner/operators and EPA regarding whether sufficient
information was submitted. All permittees must submit an Annual Report for each of their
vessels (or a combined annual report as allowed; see section 6.4.2 of the fact sheet below for
further discussion) – both those permittees with active NOIs for their vessels and covered vessels
less than 300 gross tons and having a capacity of less than 8 cubic meters of ballast water
operating in U.S. waters. One Annual Report for each vessel is required per calendar year, except
for 2013. Any relevant information from 2013 must be reported in the Annual Report for 2014.
Annual Reports for a given calendar year must be submitted to EPA no later than February 28 of
the following year. As a condition of having active permit coverage, vessels must submit an
annual report. However, if they did not operate in waters subject to this permit during that year,
they only need complete identifying information in that report and check that they did not
operate in those waters. EPA has included this requirement so that Agency does not
unnecessarily seek out vessels with active NOI coverage who did not file annual reports because
they are not operating in waters subject to the permit.

EPA also advises that vessel owner/operators covered under the 2008 VGP must submit
their annual noncompliance reports (if applicable) for the January 1, 2013 to December 18, 2013
time period consistent with the terms of that permit.

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6.4.2 Combined Annual Reports for Unmanned, Unpowered Barges or Vessels less than
300 Gross Tons

Based upon experience from implementation of the 2008 VGP, comments from vessel
owners/operators expressing a desire to reduce administrative burden where possible because of
unique operational constraints, and the new requirements in this permit for EUPs, EPA has
determined that it makes sense to streamline the annual reporting process for owners/operators
that have several vessels if they meet certain defined criteria. Therefore, this permit allows
owners/operators of multiple vessels to submit one Annual Report (known as the “Combined
Annual Report”) if they meet all of the conditions listed in Part 4.4.2 of the permit. Those
conditions are that the answers for each vessel covered by the report must be the same, no
analytical monitoring is required for the vessels’ discharges, the report will be submitted
electronically, and that none of the vessels have had any instances of noncompliance or
identified deficiencies in the previous 23 months, and each vessel must have an active NOI to
identify it. Vessels that do not meet these requirements cannot be included in the Combined
Annual Report.

EPA has authorized a Combined Annual Report for unmanned, unpowered barges and
vessels less than 300 gross tons because many of these vessels are fundamentally similar and
have a limited number of discharges. Furthermore, vessel owners/operators may have several
thousand barges or several vessels less than 300 gross tons with these similar characteristics.
Hence, EPA identified this provision as an efficient way to gather the information without
sacrificing data quality while minimizing burden on a significant portion of the regulated

Part 4.4.3 of the permit, “Reportable Quantities of Hazardous Substances or Oil” explains
that the release of a reportable quantity of any hazardous substance or oil must be reported to the
National Response Center. The National Response Center is staffed 24 hours a day by U.S. Coast
Guard personnel, who will ask you to provide as much information about the incident as
possible, including: your name, location, organization, and telephone number; name and address
of the party responsible for the incident; date and time of the incident; location of the incident;
source and cause of the release or spill; types of material(s) released or spilled; medium (e.g.
land, water) affected by release or spill; danger or threat posed by the release or spill; number
and types of injuries or fatalities (if any); weather conditions at the incident location; name of the
carrier vessel, or other identifying information; whether an evacuation has occurred; other
agencies notified or about to be notified; any other information that may help emergency
personnel respond to the incident. In the case of reporting quantities of hazardous substances or
oil, if a report is provided to the National Response Center, it is not necessary to report to EPA as
outlined in part 4.4.4 of the permit.

Part 4.4.4 of the permit, “Additional Reporting,” provides additional reporting

requirements – a requirement to comply with the standard permit reporting provisions in Part
1.13 of the permit, a requirement to timely report to EPA when certain types of noncompliance
occur, namely, those that endanger health or the environment. In the case where discharges may
affect drinking water supplies, recreational waters, elicit fish kills, or may otherwise endanger
human health or the environment, the discharge must be reported orally to the appropriate EPA

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regional office within 24 hours from the time of discovery, followed by an electronic or written
report (per the requirements of Appendix B, section 12(F)) within 5 days.

EPA also encourages operators to report the releases that may have human health
ramifications to the appropriate local authorities (e.g., public water supply operator, health
department). Follow-up monitoring results must be reported via the electronic system (when
available) or in writing to the appropriate EPA Regional Office (Part 3.7) within 30 days of
receiving the results. The report should include the permit identification number; vessel name,
address and location; receiving water; monitoring data from this and the preceding monitoring
event(s); an explanation of the situation; what has been done and shall be done to further reduce
pollutants in the discharge; and an appropriate contact name and phone number.

Vessel owners/operators under Parts 5.1, 5.2, and 5.8 of this permit have additional
reporting requirements. They must report their monitoring data for their graywater treatment
systems (5.1 and 5.2)



The VGP’s inspection and recordkeeping requirements do not apply worldwide. Once
vessels enter waters subject to this permit, they must be in compliance with the permit’s
requirements that apply to their discharges before those discharges occur in waters subject to the
permit (which in most cases will be at the moment they enter those waters, because many
discharges occur continuously during vessel operation). With respect to how the permit’s
periodic inspection and reporting requirements apply in situations where a vessel transits in and
out of waters subject to the VGP, EPA intends for such conditions to be read in light of what
they are – conditions prerequisite to discharge into those waters. Thus, for example, a vessel
transiting in and out of waters would be in compliance with the routine visual inspection
requirement if the vessel had conducted a compliant inspection in the week prior to discharging
or on the voyage during which they will discharge into waters subject to the VGP. EPA does not
intend for the permit to be read to require that the weekly inspection also would have had to have
occurred, for example, two, three, and four weeks prior to the discharge into waters subject to the

EPA’s intent is the same for other periodic inspection requirements - annual inspections
must have occurred within a year prior to discharge into waters subject to the permit. Drydock
inspection reports are likewise a condition prerequisite to discharge into waters subject to the
permit -- because the report is necessary to ensure that discharges covered by the permit meet the
requirements of the permit, they are required regardless of whether they were prepared inside or
outside of the United States. EPA notes that inspections and recordkeeping are directly related to
ensuring that the vessel is in compliance with the permit prior to discharging into waters subject
to the permit.

Existing recordkeeping systems could be used or adopted, so long as they contain the
necessary information.

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Large cruise ships are those ships that provide overnight accommodations and are
licensed to carry 500 or more passengers for hire. Requirements for cruise ships authorized to
carry 500 or more passengers apply regardless of the actual number of passengers onboard. EPA
selected this threshold defining large cruise ships to be consistent with the requirements of “Title
XIV—Certain Alaskan Cruise Ship Operations” of the Miscellaneous Appropriations Bill (H.R.
5666) in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2001 (P.L. 106-554) (commonly referred to as
Title XIV) passed on December 12, 2000. Title XIV set discharge standards for sewage and
graywater from certain cruise ships (those authorized to carry 500 or more passengers for hire)
while operating in the Alexander Archipelago and the navigable waters of the United States in
the State of Alaska and within the Kachemak Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (referred
to here as “Alaskan waters”).While most cruise ship vessel discharges are similar to those of
other similarly sized vessels, cruise ships have several unique characteristics and discharges for
which they require additional permit requirements. Cruise ships provide accommodations and
extensive amenities to a large number of passengers. These extensive onboard services provided
for guests contribute to the increase in the volume of cruise ship discharges. For example,
because these vessels carry a large number of people onboard, they generate considerably more
graywater discharges than a container or cargo ship. Other amenities provided, such as photo
developing, dry cleaning, and day spas, use and produce chemicals that are toxic to the aquatic
environment. Discharges of these substances are not authorized by the permit.

7.1.1 Graywater Management

As previously mentioned, the amount of graywater produced by large cruise ships is

many times greater than what is produced by a cargo vessel of similar size. Graywater, especially
in such large quantities, can cause environmental harm. The graywater produced by cruise ships
may contain high levels of nutrients, pathogens, residual levels of organic material, and cleaning

EPA established the numeric effluent limits for graywater found in Part
(discussed below) because data gathered by EPA demonstrate that technologies are available, as
well as economically practicable and achievable, and therefore, would represent BPT and BAT.
The treatment technologies that remove non-conventional pollutants also treat conventional
pollutants; hence, EPA applied the BAT standard to all pollutants for which the permit proposes
standards for graywater. For additional discussion of BAT, BCT, and the requirements of each,
please see Part 4.2.3 of the Fact Sheet.

The technology to meet the effluent limits found in Part of the permit is
currently in use and already required for large cruise ships operating in Alaskan waters which
discharge within the territorial seas. EPA anticipates no major physical impediments to installing
such technology on large cruise ships, and in fact, many cruise ships are already capable of
meeting these standards. There are two systems available that cruise ships typically use to treat

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graywater: traditional Type II marine sanitation devices (MSDs) and advanced wastewater
treatment systems (AWTSs). An in depth discussion of how each system works can be found in
the EPA Cruise Ship Assessment Report, Part 2.3, which is available in the docket for this
permit. In general, AWTSs are capable of treating graywater and graywater mixed with sewage
to more stringent standards than traditional Type II MSDs, and EPA has therefore based the
effluent limits in this permit on the AWTSs technology. AWTSs on board cruise ships have been
shown to reduce ammonia, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, and total phosphorus by moderate amounts
and conventional pollutants such as BOD5, TSS, and fecal coliform substantially. In monitoring
conducted by EPA in 2004 and 2005, nitrate/nitrite levels were low and remained relatively
unchanged by treatment. Nitrogen and phosphorus are likely taken up by microorganisms in the
bioreactor and removed from the system in the waste sludge. Table 3: AWT Effluent
Concentrations and Removals1Table 3 shows the influent and effluent concentrations for these
systems for Cruise Ships in Alaska (adapted from US EPA, 2008a).

Table 3: AWT Effluent Concentrations and Removals1

Average Average Conc.

Concentration in (± SE) in Cruise
Cruise Ship Ship AWT Percent Removal
Analyte Unit AWT Influent1 Effluent2 Ranges3
Fecal Coliform CFU/100 ml 103,000,000* (61 14.5* (26 detects >99
detects out of 62 out of 285
samples) samples)
Total Suspended mg/L 545 (50 detects 4.49* (±0.193) >99
Solids out of 50 (73 detects out of
samples) 587 samples)
Biochemical mg/L 526 (24 detects 7.99* (±0.798) >99
Oxygen Demand out of 24 (358 detects out
(5-day) samples) of 568 samples)
pH SU 99.5% of samples
within range of
6.0 to 9.0) (921
detects out of 921
Total Residual mg/L 0.338* (±0.129)
Chlorine (41 detects our of
547 samples)
Ammonia As mg/L 78.6 (35 detects 36.6* (±5.50) 58 to 74
Nitrogen out of 35 (136 detects out
samples) of 138 samples)
Nitrate/Nitrite as mg/L 0.325* (26 3.32* (±0.653) NC
Nitrogen detects out of 50 (66 detects out of
samples) 152 samples)

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet

Table 3: AWT Effluent Concentrations and Removals1

Average Average Conc.

Concentration in (± SE) in Cruise
Cruise Ship Ship AWT Percent Removal
Analyte Unit AWT Influent1 Effluent2 Ranges3
Total Kjeldahl mg/L 111 (50 detects 32.5* (±3.27) 70 to 76
Nitrogen out of 50 (169 detects out
samples) of 170 samples)
Total Phosphorus mg/L 18.1 (25 detects 5.05* (±0.460) 41 to 98
out of 25 (146 detects out
samples) of 154 samples)

The data presented in Table 3 represents the treatment of a combined sewage and graywater
waste stream. Data in EPA’s Cruise Ship Discharge Assessment Report demonstrates that the
average concentration in cruise ship AWT influent is of higher strength than the average
concentration in untreated graywater alone, but is similar in composition (see Part 2.3.3 p. 2-16;
Part 3.3, p 3-9) . Consequently, the combined waste stream data can be used to draw
conclusions regarding the treatability of graywater by similar treatment devices.
Based on data collected by EPA in 2004 and 2005.
Based on data collected by ADEC/Coast Guard from 2003 to 2005; data collected by EPA in
2004 and 2005; and data collected through EPA’s 2004 cruise ship survey.
“NC” indicates that percent removal not calculated because the effluent concentration was
greater than the influent concentration or the analyte was not detected in the influent samples
from one or more sampled ships.
* Average includes at least one nondetect value; this calculation uses detection limits for
nondetected results.

One recent estimate Choi (2007) stated that the cruise industry estimated that roughly
40% of the International Council of Cruise Lines members’ 130 ships (which make up two-thirds
of the world fleet) have installed AWTSs, with 10 to 15 more systems added each year (Choi,
2007). In 2006, 23 of 28 large cruise ships that operated in Alaskan waters had AWTSs in order
to meet the more stringent discharge requirements required under Title XIV (see subsection 2.2.3
of EPA’s Cruise Ship Discharge Assessment Report for additional information). The remainder
operated traditional Type II MSDs and held the treated sewage and untreated graywater in
double-bottom ballast tanks for discharge outside Alaskan waters. For additional information on
Title XIV and cruise ship discharges, please see Part 2 of the EPA’s Cruise Ship Discharge
Assessment Report.

The standards that EPA has included are also economically practicable and achievable.
EPA estimates that the cost of maintaining a graywater treatment system (which treats graywater
commingled with blackwater) is $7.09 per passenger (including crew) berth per season. For more
information, please see the Economic Analysis accompanying this permit. In addition, EPA
considered other impacts that would be caused by the imposition of these standards, such as
increased energy use onboard the cruise ships, and found those impacts to be negligible. Cruise

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ships can expect to expend additional fuel when operating the AWTSs, to generate solid sludge
or other waste from these systems, and/or to have additional cost in transporting treated or
untreated graywater out of specific waters; however, all of these effects are relatively small. Pierside Limits

While pierside, cruise ship operators are required to use graywater reception facilities if
they are reasonably available unless the vessel treats graywater with a device to meet the
standards found in Part of the permit. If not available, graywater must be held for later
discharge beyond 3 nm. These requirements will minimize the volume of pollutants discharged
while the cruise ship is pierside or operating in nearshore environments. These restrictions will
also reduce the discharge of chemicals, nutrients, and pathogens into harbors and ports, which
can be located in ecologically sensitive estuaries, and where there are large numbers of vessels
discharging in close proximity. Hence, the cumulative impact of numerous untreated graywater
discharges in harbors and ports may be significant. Furthermore, based on responses to surveys
with vessel operators and industry representatives conducted as part of the economic analysis,
most cruise ship operators have voluntarily agreed not to discharge graywater within 4 nautical
miles of shore (CLIA 2006). Large cruise ships have the capacity to hold graywater for a
minimum of 1 to 2 days, as evidenced by their ability to hold all wastewaters while sailing in
areas such as Glacier Bay in Southeast Alaska, where discharges are generally prohibited under
their concession contracts with the National Park Service. According to responses to EPA’s 2004
cruise ship survey of large cruise ships operating in Alaskan waters, graywater holding capacity
ranged from 5 to 90 hours, with an average holding capacity of 56 hours.

Though the standards specified in the permit do not include numeric limits for nutrients,
the systems capable of meeting the other standards in this permit (listed in Part have
been shown to remove considerable amounts of nutrients and successfully achieve pathogen
standards as shown above in Table 3 (US EPA 2008). For the reasons discussed above,
approaches to meet these requirements are technologically available and economically
practicable and achievable. Operational Limits

The 2008 VGP prohibited the discharge of graywater within 1 nm of shore unless the
graywater has been treated to treatment standards in Part of the permit. For the 2013
VGP, EPA is requiring that cruise ships may only discharge graywater treated to the standards
found in Part of this permit within 3 nm from shore. EPA made this change after
considering the six factors under 40 CFR § 125.3(c), which sets BAT treatment limits and the
efficacy of these treatment systems.

Data from those vessels which discharge graywater effluent (commingled with
blackwater) through an AWTS indicate that cruise ships with these treatment systems are
consistently able to meet the operational limits contained within this permit. This is despite the
fact that, as of the issuance of this permit, some of these systems are starting to age. The systems
have been used onboard cruise ships for multiple years, have proven reliable, effective, and
significantly reduce pollutants being discharged from cruise ship graywater effluent. Hence, the
processes employed and the engineering aspects of installing and using these systems are well

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understood and clearly appropriate for use onboard these vessels. EPA expects no substantial
process changes for the industry from existing practice: as discussed above, EPA believes that a
significant portion of vessels are already treating this effluent to the standards found in Part and those that are not have significant holding capacity. There may be some vessels
which have to dedicate additional holding tanks or may elect to install an AWTS to treat the
effluent; however, EPA does not believe this process will be especially challenging, as use of
these devices or holding the effluent is common practice among this class of vessels. The non-
water quality environmental impacts are minimal: for those vessels treating graywater to the
standards found in Part, EPA assumes that these vessel owner/operators were also using
their treatment equipment to treat graywater between 1 and 3 nautical miles. For those vessels
which choose not to treat graywater, and therefore either discharge pierside to an onshore facility
or discharge it underway outside of 3 nm, these vessels will have to hold their untreated
graywater for the time sailing from 1 to 3 nm. Generally, EPA expects the time many cruise
ships spend between 1 to 3 nm from shore to be relatively short considering cruise ships’ typical
voyage patterns (i.e., in ports for lengthy periods, then sailing to and from different ports).
Finally, when examining costs, EPA notes that no significant additional costs are expected to be
incurred from the 2008 VGP requirements. Vessels which were not previously treating between
1 and 3 nm (but treating within 1 nm) may have marginal increased energy costs and associated
costs from extra time spent running the systems. Vessels that were previously holding their
graywater may spend slightly more on fuel costs to transport the wastewater effluent further or to
offload a greater volume of effluent to onshore facilities. Hence, EPA concluded that graywater
treatment systems to meet the limits found in Part of the permit are widely available
and their use by this class of vessels is economically achievable.

Finally, the graywater discharge standards in this permit are consistent with those for
large cruise ships underway in Alaskan waters required under Title XIV. As mentioned, industry
information shows that many cruise ships are already meeting the operational standards required
by the permit. Limits Applicable to Operation in Nutrient Impaired Waters

Nutrients are a pollutant of concern addressed by this permit. EPA found it not to be
economically practicable and achievable to require discharges of graywater to be prohibited in
all cases; however, a partial restriction on such discharges would represent the BPT and BAT
levels of control. Because discharges of graywater are of particular concern in nutrient impaired
waters, the permit contains limits designed to minimize the discharge of graywater in those
waters. Under this permit, graywater discharges are not authorized in nutrient impaired waters,
unless the length of the voyage through those waters exceeds the ship’s holding capacity. If the
voyage length does exceed the holding capacity, the cruise ship operator has two options: treat
the excess graywater (above the holding capacity) to meet the standards of prior to
discharging it or dispose of graywater properly onshore (before exceeding capacity). These
measures will limit the amount of graywater and the amount of chemicals, nutrients, and
pathogens discharged into nutrient-impaired waters. The average holding capacity for graywater,
based on EPA’s 2004 cruise ship study, is 56 hours. Hence, most cruise ship owners/operators
would be able to meet the requirements to hold their graywater as required in the permit.

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet Graywater Treatment Standards

The permit requires the discharge of treated graywater to meet the following
requirements: the minimum level of effluent quality specified in 40 CFR 133.102; the geometric
mean of the samples during any 30-day period may not exceed 20 fecal coliform/100ml and not
more than 10 % of the samples could exceed 40 fecal coliform/100 ml; and concentrations of
total residual chlorine may not exceed 10.0 micrograms per liter (µg/l). These graywater
treatment standards are based on the Title XIV standards that are published in Coast Guard
regulations at 33 CFR 159.309. EPA expects owners of large cruise ships to incur some cost,
although these costs are considered affordable, would cause no closures, and should not cause
any cruise ship owner/operators to exceed a 1% revenue threshold. Sculleries and Galleys

The permit requires cruise ship operators to use phosphate free detergents in the scullery
and galley. Additionally, it requires any degreaser used to be minimally-toxic if the degreaser or
its residue otherwise would be discharged as part of any waste stream. The use of phosphate free
soaps and cleaners is a simple step toward reducing the amount of nutrients, namely phosphorus,
present in graywater discharge. Phosphate free detergents and minimally-toxic detergents are
readily available for purchase, are comparably priced, and are an affordable management
measure for reducing phosphates and toxic compounds in waste streams. Based on the economic
analysis prepared for this permit, the purchase of phosphorus free soaps will result in negligible
additional costs for any owner or operator. Hence, use of these more environmentally friendly
products is technologically available and economically practicable and achievable. Other Materials

Many of the services provided to cruise ship passengers use toxic chemicals that can end
up in the graywater discharge (US EPA 2008a). These include dry cleaning operations, photo
developing, medical services, and spa and salon services. The permit requires that other
materials, including waste from mercury containing products, dry cleaners or dry cleaner
condensate, photo processing labs, medical sinks or floor drains, salon floor drains, chemical
storage areas, and print shops using traditional or non-soy based inks and chlorinated solvents be
prevented from entering the ship’s graywater, blackwater, or bilge systems. Discharges of these
materials are not eligible for coverage under this permit. There are several ways that ship
owner/operators can prevent these materials from entering the graywater, blackwater, or bilge
systems, including plugging any drains that lead to the graywater, blackwater, or bilge systems in
areas where these wastes are produced, creating alternative waste receptacles, or replumbing
drains to appropriate holding tanks. Drain plugging, alternative waste receptacles, and/or re-
plumbing would allow the chemicals to be stored and properly treated. Also, in order to prevent
the addition of known toxic materials to waters subject to this permit, the permit prohibits
addition of toxic materials, including products containing acetone, benzene, or formaldehyde,
into spa or salon sinks or floor drains if those sinks or drains lead to any system which will ever
discharge into waters subject to this permit. Due to the highly toxic nature of these materials,
they must be sent to an alternative waste receptacle or holding tank and cannot be discharged
into waters subject to this permit or allowed to enter any discharge stream which later discharges
into waters subject to this permit.

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Based on information collected as part of the economic analysis, all cruise ship owners
and operators are already taking these measures. For any vessels that have not yet taken these
measures, EPA expects these preventive measures to be technologically available and
economically practicable and achievable. Pool and Spa Discharges

Pool and spa water may also be added to the graywater treatment systems; however, it
must still be de-chlorinated and/or debrominated prior to discharge subject to this permit. In
addition, the effluent discharged from the graywater treatment system must meet all treatment
standards found in Part

Discharges from pools and spas are authorized under this permit, provided that if they use
chlorination or debromination, they are dechlorinated and/or debrominated. To be considered
dechlorinated, the total residual chlorine in the pool or spa effluent must be less than 100µg/l if
the pool or spa water is discharged without going through an advanced wastewater treatment
system. To be considered debrominated, the total residual oxidant in the pool or spa effluent
must be below 25µg/l if the pool or spa water is discharged without going through an advanced
wastewater treatment system. EPA determined the dechlorination limits by using those
established for ballast water treatment systems and by evaluating comments submitted by public
commenters that indicated such limits are achievable. Furthermore, this limit is consistent with
common dechlorination limits from shore based sewage treatment facilities. In addition, the
permit provides that vessel owners/operators may only discharge pool or spa water while the
vessel is underway; hence, EPA anticipates that this discharge will be significantly diluted.

7.1.2 Monitoring Requirements (Part 5.1.2)

Cruise ship operators must complete specific monitoring steps to document compliance
with graywater treatment and discharge requirements under the permit. The monitoring
requirements for large cruise ships are similar to those required by the Coast Guard regulations
implementing Title XIV published at 33 CFR 159.309. These monitoring requirements are
required by the U.S. Coast Guard for Alaskan cruise ship operators that discharge graywater and
sewage within nearshore Alaskan waters. EPA evaluated these monitoring requirements and
elected to use the same standards to remain consistent with the Coast Guard. The monitoring
regime selected is sufficient to show that the systems are properly functioning before large cruise
ships enter domestic territorial seas and that the systems are properly maintained.

The monitoring requirements in this permit delineate a specific schedule for sampling,
testing, and reporting, in compliance with the requirements of 40 CFR 122.44 and 122.48.
Permittees need to use test methods that are listed in 40 CFR Part 136 for all constituents
sampled. The monitoring requirements will yield data representative of the discharge being
monitored, allowing both EPA and permittees to accurately evaluate both compliance and the
effectiveness of the permit requirements. The requirements include monitoring, sampling, and
testing for specific parameters likely to be present in the effluent. These measurements
characterize treatment efficacy and enable documentation of permit compliance. Monitoring
results need to be reported annually, following reporting of initial monitoring to establish the
efficacy of the treatment system (see below).

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet Untreated Graywater

Since graywater from large cruise ships must be treated in all waters subject to this
permit, a large cruise ship can no longer legally discharge untreated graywater (see discussion
above in 7.1.1 for why EPA made changes to the operational discharge limits for Cruise Ships).
However, if a large cruise ship discharges untreated graywater, the vessel owner/operator must
keep records estimating all discharges of untreated graywater into waters subject to the permit,
including date, location, and volume discharged. This constitutes a permit violation and it must
be recorded in the vessel’s Annual Report. In order to streamline recordkeeping and reporting
requirements, this information may be kept in the sewage and graywater discharge record book
otherwise required by 33 CFR §159.315 for those vessels that keep these records. Alternatively,
cruise ship operators could record these data in the ship’s log or other recordkeeping
documentation, as long as the location of the information is clearly known and can be made
available to EPA or any EPA representative immediately on request. EPA may use this
information, in part, to monitor compliance with and effectiveness of the permit requirements. Treated Graywater

Prior to entering domestic territorial seas, or within 90 days of obtaining permit coverage,
whichever is later, cruise ship operators are required to demonstrate that the vessel has the ability
to treat graywater to the applicable standards found in Part if the vessel will be
discharging graywater within 3 nm of shore or into nutrient impaired waters subject to this
permit. These data must be reported to EPA consistent with the requirements discussed below.

The 2013 VGP also requires large cruise ships to monitor for several additional
parameters: several nutrients and E. coli. EPA is requiring monitoring of nutrients to better
characterize the effluent from these vessels. Since large cruise ships are already monitoring for
other parameters, they will only need to collect extra water for these additional parameters.
Hence, there is marginal incremental cost. Many new EPA permits have established pathogen
limits for E. coli instead of fecal coliform. EPA has left the requirement for fecal coliform to be
consistent with Title XIV; however, the Agency believes that it is appropriate to gather E. coli
concentrations from these vessels to better characterize the effluent.

Furthermore, the permit requires the owner/operator to maintain records estimating the
volume of all discharges of treated graywater into waters subject to the permit. These records
would consist of the date, location, and volume discharged and could be maintained as part of the
sewage and graywater discharge record book required under 33 CFR §159.315. Initial Monitoring

Within 90 days of obtaining permit coverage, large cruise ship operators are required to
demonstrate that the vessel has the ability to treat graywater to the applicable standards if the
ship will be discharging graywater within 3 nm of shore. Cruise ship operators are required to
initially demonstrate the effectiveness of the graywater treatment system by taking at least five
(5) samples over 30 days. Samples are required to meet standards for BOD5, fecal coliform,
suspended solids, pH, and total residual chlorine. The requirement for five initial samples is
consistent with the Title XIV requirements for large cruise ships operating in Alaska. The permit

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requires records of monitoring information be kept, including the date, exact place noted in
latitude and longitude, and time of sampling or measurements; the individual(s) who performed
the sampling or measurements; the date(s) analyses were performed; the individual(s) who
performed the analyses; the analytical techniques or methods used; and the results of such
analyses. The permit requires records be kept for 3 years.

Additionally, in order for EPA to better understand the performance of AWTSs and to
better characterize cruise ship discharges, EPA has included monitoring requirements for E. coli,
total phosphorus (TP), ammonia, nitrate/nitrite, and Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN). These tests
are not expensive; samples can be taken at the same time as the sampling for which effluent
limits have been established, and the information will be helpful for EPA and others to establish
the potential environmental impact (if any) of treated Cruise Ship discharges. Such information
might be useful for future permit iterations: for instance, EPA could examine whether the
prohibition of treated cruise ship effluent in nutrient impaired waters is necessary if systems are
removing substantial nutrient concentrations.

For chlorine monitoring, analytical results that are below the method detection limit are
considered in compliance with the permit effluent limits, as long as the testing method used had
a detection limit no higher than 10 µg/l under ideal conditions. EPA has found that method
SM4500-CL G (DPD Colorimetric Method) is able to reach 10 µg/l under ideal conditions.
SM4500-Cl G is typically the method that ADEC/USCG uses for compliance monitoring.

In addition, testing and reporting for total residual chlorine is not required if chlorine is
not used as the disinfectant in the wastewater treatment process and no water to which chlorine
has been added (swimming pools, spas, etc.) is drained to the graywater system. Maintenance Monitoring

After initially demonstrating the effectiveness of the treatment system, operators must
conduct the same sampling and testing at least once per quarter to show continued effectiveness
of the system and compliance with the permit. This requirement includes keeping all required
records of the sampling and testing results for at least 3 years.

Based on public comments, EPA has clarified in the permit that sampling and testing
need only be conducted once per quarter for any quarter the vessel discharges graywater into
waters subject to this permit. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that the treatment
systems are working properly; however, EPA recognizes that some vessels only discharge
periodically or once per year. Treated Pool and Spa Discharges (

Vessel owner/operators must monitor chlorine or bromine (as total residual oxidant)
concentrations (as applicable) in pool and spa water before discharging such water into waters
subject to this permit. Such monitoring for chlorine must use Part 136 methods in order to ensure
the dechlorination process is complete. Such monitoring for bromine must use Part 136 methods
or may also use colorimetric methods, including with test kits, (for pool and spa discharges
only), provided that test kit has method detection limit no higher than 50 µg/L. In addition,

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vessel records must include the location, estimated volume, and concentration of chlorine or
bromine in the discharge.

As with monitoring for chlorine in graywater, analytical results that are below the method
detection limit are considered in compliance with the permit effluent limits, as long as the testing
method used had a detection limit no higher than 10 µg/l under ideal conditions. EPA has found
that method SM4500-CL G (DPD Colorimetric Method) is able to reach 10 µg/l under ideal
conditions and so meets these requirements. SM4500-Cl G is typically the method that
ADEC/USCG uses for compliance monitoring. For bromine, analytical results below the method
detection limit shall be deemed compliant with the effluent limits, provided the permittee uses a
testing method with a detection limit no higher than 50.0 µg/L. Monitoring Reporting

In addition to the other reporting requirements established by this permit, vessel operators
must submit the initial sampling and testing information to EPA. Once an electronic reporting
system is established, it will be available at You may
check to determine whether electronic reporting for the relevant
document has been implemented. If the website indicates that electronic reporting for the
document has not been implemented, you do not need to seek the waiver. Maintenance sampling
and testing information must be submitted at least once a year.

EPA notes, that unlike the 2008 VGP, monitoring data must be reported directly to EPA.
This is to ensure that EPA can review whether all cruise ship data collected are complete and
allows cruise ship operators to consolidate all of the reporting requirements into one annual
report. Reserved Authority

Meeting the monitoring requirements would not shield the vessel operator from liability
if EPA or Coast Guard tests the graywater discharge and finds it is not in compliance with the
treatment standards. Non-compliance with any effluent limit would be a violation of the permit.

7.1.3 Education and Training Requirements (Part 5.1.3)

Pursuant to CWA section 402(a)(2), and 40 CFR 122.43(a), and other implementing
regulations, EPA is imposing the following education and training requirements.

Crew training is extremely important because the vessel’s crew plays a significant role in
increasing or decreasing the volume and quality of vessel discharges. The permit requires the
cruise ship owner/operator to train the crew members who actively take part in the management
of a discharge, or who may affect a discharge, in environmental procedures sufficiently so that
the crew could demonstrate proficiency in implementing the procedures; provide advanced
training in environmental management procedures to any crew members directly involved in the
management of a specific discharge, such that the crew could demonstrate proficiency in
implementing the procedures; and establish and enforce sufficient reprimand procedures for any
crew member whose actions lead to a violation of any of the effluent limits in this permit, or a

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violation of other procedures established by the cruise ship operator to minimize the discharge of

In addition, the permit requires the cruise ship operator to educate passengers about
potential environmental impacts and steps the passengers can take to minimize those impacts.
Proper education of crew and passengers plays an important role in meeting environmental
protection goals because they are often in the best position to minimize vessel discharges.
Graywater is one example. Passengers can minimize the amount of graywater produced onboard
if they are made aware of water conservation practices such as reusing sheets and towels.
Passengers can control the constituents added to graywater discharge, such as through proper
disposal of unused pharmaceuticals which would prevent their ultimate introduction into the
aquatic environment. The permit allows flexibility in how these goals are accomplished, and
allows the passenger education to take place via posting or distribution of signage, flyers, or
other handouts, incorporating environmental information into passenger orientation
presentations, holding lectures or seminars, or making announcements over the ship’s public
address system.

Most cruise ship operators have already incorporated environmental training into
established training and education requirements. Some of these education requirements included
in the permit are based in part on industry literature created by the industry trade group Cruise
Lines International Association (CLIA). The steps required by the permit are already being
employed by many cruise ship operators in the industry and thus are available as well as
economically practicable and achievable. Inclusion of education requirements in the permit is
designed to elevate the standard of conduct to the level of the most responsible operators. Most
cruise ship operators are already meeting the permit requirements. For more information on
cruise ship operators voluntary actions, please see CLIA 2006.


Medium cruise ships are those ships authorized to carry 100 to 499 passengers for hire
and provide overnight accommodation to those passengers. EPA selected a threshold of 100
people as the lower end of the range to capture vessels where the volume of graywater generated
gradually increases. The discharges of untreated graywater from cruise ships in this size range
has been shown to contain similar pollutants to those in untreated graywater discharges from
large cruise ships (ADEC, 2002). Therefore, these discharges also have a similar negative impact
on water quality. As discussed above, cruise ships have unique characteristics that require
additional discharge management requirements. While medium cruise ships carry fewer
passengers than large cruise ships, the volume of graywater generated is still significantly higher
than that generated by a cargo ship carrying crew only. See Part 7.1 for additional discussion on
the nature of cruise ship discharges, the reason effluent limits were established, and how these
limits represent BPT/BAT.

EPA has made changes from the proposed 2013 VGP to the final 2013 VGP for
requirements for medium cruise ships. In the proposed VGP, EPA would have altered the
applicability for existing medium-sized cruise ships (i.e., constructed before issuance of the 2008
VGP) that had to meet the numeric treatment limits. EPA had proposed changing the
applicability threshold from a vessel unable to voyage more than 1 nm from shore to a vessel

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unable to voyage more than 3 nm from shore. EPA was persuaded by the comments received not
to make the proposed change in the final VGP. The final VGP retains the applicability threshold
that is consistent with the 2008 VGP for medium Cruise Ships. EPA did not intend to
inadvertently require retrofits for a vessel that is able to voyage more than 1nm from shore, but
not 3 nm from shore. Based on the previous permit conditions in the 2008 permit, some existing
(constructed before issuance of the 2008 VGP) medium-sized vessels may have foregone
installation of graywater treatment during regularly scheduled vessel maintenance and repair
since issuance of the 2008 VGP based on the 2008 VGP provisions that had authorized the
discharge untreated graywater while underway.

Like in the 2008 VGP, today’s final permit continues to identify who must meet numeric
graywater treatment limits as “vessels unable to voyage more than 1 nm from shore and [that]
were constructed before December 19, 2008.” As discussed above, retains this applicability term
in recognition that there may be medium cruise ships built before December 19, 2008 (the day
after the issuance date of the first VGP) that could voyage more than one nm from shore, but not
voyage three nm from shore. The provision has been retained for clarity and so as not to
inadvertently require an existing medium sized cruise vessel (built prior to the issuance of the
first VGP) to retrofit to a graywater treatment system if the vessel had no other management

There may be rare cases where some medium sized cruise vessels constructed on or after
December 19, 2008 are unable to install graywater treatment systems or to use other
management options to meet the numeric treatment limits in Part of the permit. These
cases may include when an existing cruise vessel (originally built before the issuance of the first
VGP) undergoes a major conversion, but re-plumbing the graywater infrastructure within the
vessel to a centralized collection and treatment point may not be feasible. Other examples could
include medium cruise ships that were inadvertently designed and constructed during the first
term of the VGP in such a unique manner as to render the installation of graywater treatment
systems on-board impossible. In these cases, the medium sized cruise ship owner/operator may
apply for an individual permit for graywater discharges on the basis that specific technology
based limits for that vessel should be developed. EPA has determined, however, based on
available data and in the absence of compelling vessel-specific data indicating otherwise, that the
treatment-based limits in today’s VGP represent BAT for all new build medium cruise ships.
Any request for an individual permit would need to include data and information demonstrating
why these requirements are not BAT for that particular vessel.

7.2.1 Graywater Management

As in the 2008 VGP, vessels newly built after December 19, 2008 must meet the limits
found in Part 5.2 of the VGP. EPA established the numeric effluent limits for graywater found in
Part of the VGP because data gathered by EPA demonstrate that technologies are
available, as well as economically practicable and achievable, and therefore, would represent
BPT and BAT levels of control (see additional discussion below). The treatment technologies
that remove non-conventional pollutants also treat conventional pollutants; hence, EPA applied
the BAT standard to all pollutants for which the permit establishes standards for graywater. For

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additional discussion of BAT, BCT, and the requirements of each, see sections 4.1 and 4.2 of this
fact sheet.

7.2.2 Differences Between the Requirements for Large Cruise Ships and Medium Cruise

The permit requirements for medium cruise ships are identical to those for large cruise
ships, with two exceptions. These are:

• An additional option for discharging while operating in Nutrient Impaired Estuaries.

• Differences for existing medium cruise ships (built before December 19, 2008)
unable to voyage more than 1 nm from shore. Different Requirements in Nutrient Impaired Waters

In nutrient impaired waters such as estuaries, this permit allows for medium sized cruise
ships unable to retain graywater on board to discharge untreated graywater while moving at a
speed of at least 6 knots. This difference was included because, at this time, EPA expects fewer
of these size vessels to have treatment capacity to meet the more stringent standards in Part Hence, owner/operators may not be able to adjust their fleet positions to assure that
vessels are available that have either sufficient holding capacity or the ability to treat to the
standards in Part of the permit to meet the nutrient impaired estuary requirements.
Though EPA fully expects most medium cruise ships to have the ability to hold the graywater
until they get further than 3 nm offshore (for example, medium cruise ships sailing in Glacier
Bay in Southeast Alaska hold their wastewater and do not discharge for the duration of their visit
in the park), it may be difficult to hold the graywater for prolonged periods in large nutrient
impaired estuaries (in which the channel can be more than 3 nm from any shore). Though
treatment technologies to meet the standards in part are available, EPA has not
concluded that requiring all medium cruise ship owner/operators to install these systems prior to
coverage under this permit is economically achievable. This extra flexibility for medium cruise
ships allows owner/operators to comply with the requirements of the permit, while offering a
more environmentally protective approach than allowing the discharge of graywater into
nutrient-impaired estuaries while stationary. Hence, these requirements, taken as a whole, are
technologically available and economically practicable and achievable. Differences for Existing Medium Cruise Ships Built Before December 19, 2008
Unable to Voyage More than 1 nm from Shore

Some older, existing medium cruise ships that operate on rivers or lakes, are not
authorized to go beyond 1 nm (e.g., are restricted by their operational certificate to operating
only within 1nm of shore), or otherwise never go beyond 1 nm from shore. A Medium Cruise
Ship in operation as of December 19, 2008 is not required to meet the graywater requirements
found in Part if the ship is unable to voyage 1 nm from shore, unless the ship undergoes
a major conversion subsequent to the VGP effective date. Vessels constructed on or after
December 19, 2008 are required to meet the graywater standards found in Part (the
same as large cruise ships). If, during the permit term, a vessel that is in operation on the
effective date of this permit undergoes a major conversion as defined in Part 7 of the permit, the

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discharge from such a ship must meet the treatment standards found in Part of the

Unlike large cruise ships, which by their operational necessities are ocean going, some
medium cruise ships are unable to regularly voyage 1 nm from shore. If onshore treatment is not
readily available in river port towns for treatment of graywater, then the ship would be unable to
meet these graywater treatment standards immediately. Furthermore, installation of AWTSs may
be more complicated on older vessels than on newer vessels. Hence, based on the comments
submitted and further economic analysis (included in the economic analysis for this permit) and
unlike with larger cruise ships, many medium cruise ships may not be able to immediately
achieve these treatment standards without installation of equipment that could require a major
overhaul of the vessel. This type of vessel repair or conversion could be extensive, require dry-
docking, and in some cases, re-design of major structural components of the vessel. For these
reasons, EPA determines that it is not economically practicable or achievable to require all
existing medium cruise ships which are unable to travel outside 3 nm to meet the requirements of
Part at this time. However, EPA notes that it may yet become economically achievable
to include this requirement for all medium cruise ships in future iterations of this permit and
owner/operators are so advised should they upgrade existing graywater vessel treatment capacity.
For additional information on economic achievability and BAT, please see the economic analysis
for this permit.


Ferries are vessels for hire that are designed to carry passengers and/or vehicles between
two ports, usually in inland, coastal, or nearshore waters. They usually travel the same route
several times a day and do not provide overnight accommodations to their passengers. They have
discharges unique to their industry because of the potentially high volume of both pedestrian and
vehicular traffic that they carry, usually on inland or coastal waters. These waters usually carry a
relatively high volume of vessel traffic and also can contain highly valuable and ecologically
sensitive mating and nesting grounds for birds, fish, and mammals. The permit provisions apply
to large ferries. For purposes of the permit, large ferries are those ferries authorized to carry a)
more than 100 tons of cars, trucks, trains, or other land-based transportation or b) 250 or more

EPA could not find a preexisting definition of large ferry. Hence, the Agency reviewed
the number of ferries captured at different weight thresholds using data including all steel hulled,
self-propelled vessels classified by the WTLUS/VESDOC as Passenger Vessels, Combination
Passenger/Cargo ships, and by Ferries Data DOC as Passenger Vessels, Combination
Passenger/Cargo ships, and Ferries. EPA considered the relative increase in the discharge of
pollutants, particularly those pollutants generated from land-based transportation on board
vessels, as ferry size increased when establishing this threshold. For this permit, EPA has stated
that a “Large Ferry” means a “ferry” that: a) has a capacity greater than or equal to 100 tons of
cargo, e.g., for cars, trucks, trains, or other land-based transportation or b) is authorized by the
Coast Guard to carry 250 or more people.

In order to minimize the harmful effects of discharges from large ferries, this permit
imposes specific requirements with respect to the potential spills, drips, and leaks associated with

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carrying of vehicles. These requirements include treatment of runoff from below deck (e.g. areas
not exposed to the elements) parking and storage areas with an oily water separator or other
similar device, and require that this discharge not be released into waters listed in Part 12.1. In
addition, pursuant to CWA sections 402(a)(2), and 40 CFR 122.43(a), and other implementing
regulations, the permit sets out requirements for all large ferries with respect to educating the
crew and passengers about environmental procedures. It is the crew that will implement the
environmental requirements found in the permit, and because of that, they must be taught what to
do, how to do it, and why they are doing it. Large ferry owner/operators also are required to
educate passengers on their potential environmental impacts and how those can be mitigated.
This education must address eliminating the discharge of trash into any waste stream,
minimizing the production of trash from parking areas and storage areas, eliminating the addition
of unused soaps, detergents and pharmaceuticals to the graywater or blackwater systems, and
minimizing the production of graywater. There are many ways that a ferry operator can
accomplish passenger education, including posted signage, distribution of informational
materials, incorporating environmental material in orientation presentations, and broadcasting
environmental information over loudspeakers or the public address system.

Some of these education requirements included in the permit are based in part on industry
literature created by the industry trade group CLIA. EPA anticipates that educating crew and
passengers on cruise ships is similar to educating the crew and passengers of large ferries. The
educational requirements in the permit are already being employed by many cruise ship
owner/operators in the industry.

For those large ferries which are authorized by the Coast Guard to carry 250 or more
people, the permit also requires use of shoreside graywater reception facilities if they are
reasonably available. If not available, such large ferries are required to hold their graywater
while in port if the vessel has the holding capacity and to discharge the effluent while the vessel
is underway under the operational conditions set out in section of the permit.

The technologies upon which the permit’s graywater requirements are based are
technologically available and economically practicable and achievable. These requirements are
intended to reduce the volume of graywater discharged while large ferries are pierside so as to
reduce the discharge of chemicals, nutrients, and pathogens into marinas and ports, which can be
located in ecologically sensitive estuaries, and where large numbers of vessels may be
discharging in close proximity. The cumulative impact of numerous graywater discharges in port
may be significant. In addition, these requirements will help reduce potential impacts if
graywater needs to be discharged while underway by setting out operational limits on such
discharges, as further explained in the Fact Sheet discussions for graywater from cruise ships.

Unlike the 2008 VGP, this permit does not authorize the discharge of coal ash slurry from
coal fired propulsion systems from ferries. The previous VGP suspended the authorization for
these discharges in December 2012. Either coal ash discharges must cease into waters subject to
this permit or they must be authorized under an individual NPDES permit.

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Barges are large flat-bottomed boats typically used to move cargo in inland waterways.
Barges are usually not powered vessels, but are instead pushed or pulled by tugboats. Due to the
way they carry cargo, the permit imposes additional measures in order to prevent and minimize
the discharge of pollutants from barges. Specifically, the permit requires additional measures to
prevent the contamination of condensation with oily or toxic materials. Based on information
provided in comments received in response to the June 21, 2007 Federal Register notice, it is a
technologically available and economically achievable and practicable practice for barge
owner/operators to prevent the contamination of condensation. This permit also prohibits any
discharge that has or causes a visible sheen or is otherwise discharged in a quantity that may be

The permit also requires barges to conduct an inspection not required for other vessels.
Every time water is pumped from any area below deck, the vessel operator must conduct a visual
sheen test by conducting a visual inspection of the discharge and the water around the barge to
check the water for a visual sheen. EPA is imposing this requirement due to our understanding
that this is current good marine practice and that pumping water from below deck (where water
may have come into contact with cargoes) is more likely to result in a discharge that may be
harmful. Under 40 CFR 110 or 40 CFR 302, if a visible sheen is detected, you must report the
discharge immediately to the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802 or on the Center’s
website at Furthermore, appropriate corrective actions must be taken
according to the corrective actions section in Part 3 of the permit and the event must be recorded
according to Part 4.2 of the permit.

Today’s VGP improves efficiency for many unmanned, unpowered barges. This includes
reducing the recordkeeping requirements found under Part 4.2 of the Permit, allowing electronic
recordkeeping, reducing requirements for routine visual inspections when a vessel is “fleeted”,
and allowing vessel owner/operators to submit combined annual reports for certain vessels. EPA
believes that some of these changes should significantly improve efficiency for most vessel
owner/operators, but several will result in particular efficiencies for the barge industry.


Oil tankers are designed to carry oil and other petroleum products in bulk tanks. Due to
the cargo they carry and how they carry their cargo, they are prone to environmentally harmful
discharges of oil, particularly during cargo loading and unloading operations. To mitigate these
risks, the permit requires that scuppers be blocked during cargo operations to prevent oil from
contaminating discharges authorized by this permit. Any oil that is spilled must be cleaned up
with oil absorbent cloths or other device to minimize contamination of any authorized discharge.
The discharges of water from deck seals are authorized when such deck seals are installed as an
integral part of an inert gas scrubber system. These requirements represent existing good marine
practice for these vessels.

A visual sheen test must be conducted after cargo loading operations, cargo unloading
operations, and deck washing. The visual sheen test detects the presence of free oil on the surface

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of the water surrounding the vessel. That free oil is visible on the water’s surface as an oily
sheen. Under 40 CFR 110 or 40 CFR 302, if a visible sheen is detected, you must report the
discharge immediately to the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802 or on the Center’s
website at Furthermore, appropriate corrective actions must be taken
according to the corrective actions section in Part 3 of the permit and the event must be recorded
according to Part 4.2 of the permit.

Oil spill management measures are carried out by the tanker’s crew. Pursuant to CWA
sections 402(a)(2), and 40 CFR 122.43(a), and implementing regulations, EPA is requiring that
all crew members who actively take part in management of a discharge or who may affect a
discharge receive training so they are aware of what they must do, when to do it, and why to do it
in order to minimize the discharge of oil and other toxic pollutants. In addition, reprimand
procedures must in place to hold crew accountable for any failure to follow established pollution
prevention procedures.


Research vessels are those that are engaged in investigation or experimentation aimed at
the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted scientific theories or laws in the
light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws. They typically
include State, Federal, non-profit, educational, and occasionally corporate vessels conducting
scientific research and experiments. They are not engaged in commercial activity that results in
the direct production of or harvesting for sale of mineral or living resources collected during
their voyages. This permit lists the following materials that research vessels are authorized to
discharge: tracers (dyes, fluorescent beads, SF6), drifters, tracking devices and the like, and
expendable bathythermograph (XBT) probes. The permit’s provisions limit these discharges to
the minimal amount that is necessary to conduct the research. In addition, these discharges are
only authorized for the sole purpose of conducting research on the aquatic environment or its
natural resources in accordance with generally recognized scientific methods, principles, or
techniques. EPA expects research vessels to employ responsible research practices at all times.
EPA believes that these practices allow for productive research while minimizing the discharge
of materials, and that they are technologically available and economically practicable and


Emergency vessels include firefighting boats, police boats, and other boats with a public
safety mission. These vessels have supplemental permit provisions in Part 5.7 of this permit that
specifically allow discharges incidental to their public safety responsibilities. The permit allows
the discharge of substances necessary for securing and saving lives at sea. In addition, it allows
discharges for training, testing and maintenance purposes, as long as those discharges comply
with any additional requirements of the CWA, including section 311, which imposes conditions
on the discharge of oil. Furthermore, when these discharges include the use of foaming agents
for oil or chemical fire response, they must be in accordance with the National Contingency
Plan, pursuant to 40 CFR 300. The National Contingency Plan contains procedures for preparing
for and responding to discharges of oil and hazardous substances.

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EPA notes that the most commonly used aquatic firefighting substance, AFFF, has the
potential for significant environmental impact. In addition to requirements of Part 2.2.5 of this
permit, EPA encourages operators of emergency and fire boats to use AFFF formulations that
contain low concentrations of perfluorinated surfactants or contain non-fluorinated surfactants
that maintain emergency operations effectiveness. Use of alternative formulations of AFFF is
strongly recommended for those vessels that operate in areas near active commercial or
recreational fisheries, near swimmable waters, or in high traffic areas. EPA encourages
emergency vessel owner/operators to use common sense to minimize unnecessary discharges of
these toxic firefighting substances. Furthermore, EPA encourages emergency vessel
owner/operators to use less persistent (non-fluorinated) substitute foam for training purposes.


Part 6 of the final VGP identifies provisions provided to EPA by States and Tribes in
their CWA § 401 certifications that the States and Tribes deemed necessary to assure compliance
with applicable provisions of the CWA and any other appropriate requirements of State and
Tribal law. See 33 U.S.C. 1341(d); 40 CFR § 124.53(e)(1). Pursuant to CWA § 401(d), EPA has
attached those State and Tribal provisions to the final VGP; those that constitute effluent or other
limitations or monitoring requirements are enforceable conditions of the federal permit.
American Rivers, Inc. v. FERC, 129 F.3d 99, 107 (2nd Cir. 1997). These conditions are subject
to review in State and Tribal administrative and judicial tribunals with appropriate jurisdiction.
40 CFR § 124.55(e); American Rivers, Inc. v. FERC, 129 F.3d 99, 102 (2nd Cir. 1997);
Roosevelt Campobello Int’l Park Comm’n v. EPA, 684 F.2d 1041, 1056 (1st Cir. 1982). Part 6 of
the permit also includes conditions provided by states as part of their concurrence with this
permit for CZMA purposes if applicable (see Part 12.1 of this fact sheet).


Appendix A of the Permit provides permit-specific definitions of statutory, regulatory,

and other terms important for understanding this permit and its requirements. Any terms that are
not listed in this definitions section have the meaning given to the terms by 40 CFR Part 122.2
(the definitions section of the NPDES regulations). To develop these definitions, EPA has, where
possible, relied on existing definitions in other laws and regulations applicable to this universe of
permittees in order to provide consistency with those laws and provide permittees with a familiar
framework. For those definitions that were developed based on another source, the citation to
that law or regulation is included in brackets after the definition.

EPA has added several new definitions to this permit, including “biodegradable,” “active
substances,”“”alternative management systems,” “environmental acceptable lubricants,” “fish
hold,” “Lakers,” “niche areas,” “seafood processing,” “untreated graywater,” and “voyage.”
Based on public comment received, EPA has modified definitions including biodegradable and


Appendix E of the permit gives those owners and operators who will be required to
submit an NOI form an explanation of the process and requirements. This Part reiterates who

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must file an NOI, pursuant to 1.5.1 of this permit (“How to Obtain Authorization”), and includes
a table that outlines the deadlines for submission of an NOI, and corresponding discharge
authorization dates. This table provides the same information as Table 1 of this permit. In
addition, Part 10.2 provides the actual NOI form, and gives section-by-section instructions on
how to fill out the form. The website address for submitting the NOI form is eNOI. The NOI form for vessel discharges will be available on the
website approximately 6 months after permit issuance.

Appendix F of the permit discusses how and when to terminate permit coverage using a
Notice of Termination (NOT) form, pursuant to the permit’s requirements in 1.6. Like the NOI
form in Part 10, Part 11 provides the web address for submission of the NOT form, a section-by-
section explanation about each section of the NOT form, and the actual NOT form.



Appendix G (formally referred to as Part 12 waters in the 2008 VGP) of this permit lists
“waters federally protected in whole or in part for conservation purposes,” and several of the
permit’s technology-based effluent limits prohibit or limit various discharges in these waters to
the extent they are within waters subject to this permit. As discussed in section 4.2.3 of this fact
sheet, EPA has found that the prescribed limits are technologically available and economically
practicable and achievable for certain discharges. Because it is possible to limit discharges to
certain times, but not to limit those discharges indefinitely, EPA focused on imposing these
limitations for waters federally protected in whole or in part for conservation purposes. To
develop this list of waters, EPA reviewed several federal authorities that protect waters that are
known to be of particular high value or sensitive to environmental impacts. These waters are
comprised of areas that are important to EPA, our federal partners, and the public at large, as
evidenced by the waters’ special status or designation by the Federal government as National
Marine Sanctuaries, Marine National Monuments, National Parks, National Wildlife Refuges,
National Wilderness Areas, or parts of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. As
mentioned, these waters are likely to be of high quality and consist of unique ecosystems which
may include distinctive species of aquatic animals and plants. Furthermore, as protected areas,
these waters are more likely to have a greater abundance of sensitive species of plants and
animals that may have trouble surviving in areas with greater anthropogenic impact.



The Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) and its implementing regulations (15 CFR
Part 930) require that any Federal agency activity or Federally licensed or permitted activity
occurring within (or outside but affecting) the coastal zone) of a state with an approved coastal
zone management program (CZMP) be consistent with the enforceable policies of that approved
program to the maximum extent practicable. Agency general permits that do not involve case-by-
case or individualized determinations by the Agency are federal activities for the purposes of
CZMA section 307(c)(1). Following proposal of the VGP, EPA provided the relevant state
coastal zone management agencies with EPA’s national consistency determination regarding the

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enforceable policies in approved state CZM programs for the coastal zones including state waters
where the VGP would authorize discharges. 15 CFR 930.31(d). Consistent with the maximum
extent practicable standard in 15 CFR 930.32, the final VGP either incorporates state conditions
(see VGP Part 6), or if not incorporated or if a state coastal zone management agency objected to
the VGP, Part 6 of the VGP notifies potential users of the permit that the VGP is not available
for use in that State unless vessel owner/operators wanting to use the VGP in that State provide
the State agency with an individual consistency certification under 15 CFR Part 930 subpart D
and the State agency concurs.


Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) requires each Federal agency, in
consultation with and with the assistance of the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), collectively “the Services,” to ensure that the actions
they authorize, fund, or carry out are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any
endangered or threatened species (referred to as “listed species”) or result in the destruction or
adverse modification of their designated critical habitats.

The Services have published regulations implementing ESA section 7 at 50 CFR Part
402. The regulations provide that a Federal agency (such as EPA) must consult with FWS,
NMFS, or both if the agency determines that an activity authorized, funded, or carried out by the
agency may affect listed species or critical habitat. The kinds of effects that trigger the
consultation obligation could include, among other things, beneficial, detrimental, direct and
indirect effects. EPA commenced informal consultation with the Services in December 2011.
Informal consultation consisted of briefing the Services’ staff on the contents of the draft
permits, discussing EPA’s proposed outline and methodological approach of a BE for both
permits, including using a detailed analysis of expected constituents in and impacts from
incidental vessel discharges, representative listed species, and reference action areas to inform
the broader effects analysis. EPA also requested species lists, additional pertinent information
from the Services, and discussed the permit issuance timeline. As part of informal consultation,
EPA met with the Services on multiple occasions, and sought and received valuable input on the
design of the Agency’s Biological Evaluation (EPA 2012b, Nagle 2012).

EPA initiated formal consultation with the Services on July 3, 2012, submitting a formal
consultation package including an extensive biological evaluation for the 2013 VGP and sVGP.
Section 7 of the ESA allows 90 days for interagency consultation and an additional 45 days for
the Services to prepare a biological opinion, under most circumstances. After a short, mutually
agreed upon extension of the formal consultation time frame, EPA and the Services successfully
concluded formal consultation on November 28 and 29, 2012 with transmittal of separate
biological opinions. Both of those opinions concluded that EPA’s issuance of the VGP was not
likely to jeopardize listed or proposed species or adversely modify designated or proposed
critical habitat. Both biological opinions can be found in the docket for this permit issuance.

Furthermore, on March 23, 2012 the United States Coast Guard published their final
ballast water discharge standard in the Federal Register, and subsequently the Services
concluded consultation on that action in June 2012. The FWS concluded on June 1, 2012 that the
USCG’s action was not likely to jeopardize listed or proposed species or adversely modify

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designated or proposed critical habitat and NFMS followed with a June 20, 2012 biological
opinion that the USCG’s ballast water discharge standard may affect but is not likely to
adversely affect threatened and endangered species or their critical habitat. The Vessel General
Permit both requires adherence to the USCG’s ballast water discharge standard and contains
additional environmental protections from that recently issued rulemaking.


Pursuant to section 305(b)(2) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and

Management Act, as amended by the Sustainable Fisheries Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-267),
Federal agencies must consult with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regarding any of their actions authorized, funded, or
undertaken, or proposed to be authorized, funded, or undertaken that may adversely affect
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH). Upon review, EPA has determined that issuance of this final
permit will have no adverse effect on EFH. Any effects of this permit on essential fish habitat
would be beneficial by imposing restrictions, including management practices, on discharges
incidental to the normal operation of vessels. Since prior to enactment of the CWA and the
Magnuson-Stevens Act, such discharges have occurred without restrictions.


Title I of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA) (also known as
the Ocean Dumping Act) generally prohibits, unless authorized by a permit issued under the Act,
(1) transportation of material from the US for the purpose of ocean dumping; (2) transportation
of material from anywhere for the purpose of ocean dumping by US agencies or US-flagged
vessels; and (3) dumping of material transported from outside the US into the US territorial sea
or dumping of material transported from outside the US into the US contiguous zone, to the
extent that it may affect the territorial sea or the territory of the United States. MPRSA section

Dumping under the MPRSA means “a disposition of material: Provided, that it does not
mean a disposition of … a routine discharge of effluent incidental to the propulsion of, or
operation of motor-driven equipment on, vessels,” nor “a disposition of any effluent from any
outfall structure to the extent that such disposition is regulated under the [CWA].” MPRSA 3(f),
33 U.S.C. 1402(f). The VGP regulates such discharges, i.e., routine discharges incidental to the
propulsion or normal operation motor-driven equipment on vessels and/or effluent from outfall
structures, and thus the regulated discharges are not regulated under the MPRSA.


Section 311 of the CWA prohibits the discharge of hazardous substances in harmful
quantities. Discharges incidental to the normal operation of a vessel specifically controlled by the
permit are excluded from the provisions of section 311. However, this permit does not preclude
the institution of legal action or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or
penalties for other unauthorized discharges of hazardous substances which are covered by
section 311 of the CWA.

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Final 2013 VGP Fact Sheet


The information collection requirements for the first iteration of the VGP were approved
by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C.
3501 et seq. as part of the NPDES Consolidated ICR. On September 28, 2008 EPA published the
first public notice of this ICR under the OMB control number 2040-0004 and on December 17,
2008 EPA published the final public notice for a 30 day comment period.

This information must be collected in order to appropriately administer and enforce the
terms and conditions of the VGP. This information collection is mandatory as authorized by
Clean Water Act section 308 and all information collected will be treated as Confidential
Business Information (CBI).

An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person shall not be subject to any penalty for
failing to comply with, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number. The OMB control numbers for EPA's regulations in 40 CFR are listed in 40
CFR Part 9. When this ICR is approved by OMB, the Agency will publish a technical
amendment to 40 CFR Part 9 in the Federal Register to display the OMB control number for the
approved information collection requirements contained in this final permit.



Executive Order (EO) 12898 (59 FR 7629 (Feb. 16, 1994)) establishes federal executive
policy on environmental justice. Its main provision directs federal agencies, to the greatest extent
practicable and permitted by law, to make environmental justice part of their mission by
identifying and addressing, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human health or
environmental effects of their programs, policies, and activities on minority populations and low-
income populations in the United States.

EPA has determined that these permits will not have disproportionately high and adverse
human health or environmental effects on minority or low-income populations because it
increases the level of environmental protection for all affected populations without having any
disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects on any population,
including any minority or low-income population. The provisions in these permits include,
among other things, new requirements for ballast water discharges, other incidental discharges,
commercial fishing vessels, and vessels less than 79 feet, which will result in an increase in the
level of environmental protection. The requirements in the VGP and sVGP apply equally to
discharges from regulated vessels, and therefore do not disproportionately and adversely affect
minority or low-income populations.


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Page 198 of 198





• Vessel owner/operators must minimize the introduction of on-deck debris, garbage,

residue, and spill into deck washdown and runoff discharges. Before deck washdowns
occur, you must broom clean (or equivalent) exposed decks or use comparable
management measures and remove all existing debris. When required by their class
societies (e.g., oil tankers), their flag Administrations, or the U.S. Coast Guard, vessels
must be fitted with and use perimeter spill rails and scuppers to collect the runoff for
treatment. Where feasible, machinery on deck must have coamings or drip pans where
necessary to collect any oily discharge that may leak from machinery and prevent spills.
The drip pans must be drained to a waste container for proper disposal and/or
periodically wiped and cleaned. Additionally, to reduce the risk of any leakage or spills of
harmful oils into the aquatic environment, EPA strongly encourages the use of
environmentally acceptable lubricants in all above deck equipment. The presence of
floating solids, visible foam, halogenated phenol compounds, and dispersants, or
surfactants in deck washdowns must be minimized. Vessel owners/operators must
minimize deck washdowns while in port.
• Vessel owners/operators must maintain their topside surface and other above water line
portions of the vessel to minimize the discharge of rust (and other corrosion by-
products), cleaning compounds, paint chips, non-skid material fragments, and other
materials associated with exterior topside surface preservation. Furthermore, vessel
owners/operators must minimize residual paint droplets from entering waters subject to
this permit whenever they are conducting maintenance painting. Possible minimization
techniques include, but are not limited to, avoiding paint spraying in windy conditions or
avoiding over application of paint. This permit does not authorize the disposal of unused
paint into waters subject to this permit.
• If deck washdowns or above water line hull cleaning will result in a discharge, they must
be conducted with “minimally-toxic” and “phosphate free” cleaners and detergents as
defined in Appendix A of this permit. Furthermore, cleaners and detergents should not
be caustic and must be biodegradable.

© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 1





All bilgewater discharges must be in compliance with the regulations in 40 CFR Parts 110
(Discharge of Oil), 116 (Designation of Hazardous Substances), and 117 (Determination of
Reportable Quantities for Hazardous Substances) and 33 CFR §151.10 (Control of Oil Discharges).
In addition:

• Vessel operators may not use dispersants, detergents, emulsifiers, chemicals, or other
substances that remove the appearance of a visible sheen1 in their bilgewater
discharges. This requirement does not prohibit the use of these materials in machinery
spaces for the purposes of maintaining or cleaning equipment.
• Except in the case of flocculants or other required additives (excluding any dispersants
or surfactants) used to enhance oil/water separation during processing (after
bilgewater has been removed from the bilge), vessel operators may not add substances
that drain to the bilgewater that are not produced in the normal operation of a vessel.
The use of oil solidifiers, flocculants, or other required additives are allowed only as
part of an oil water separation system provided they do not alter the chemical make-up Y/N
of the oils being discharged and any discharge of such materials into waters subject to
this permit must be minimized. Routine cleaning and maintenance activities associated
with vessel equipment and structures are considered to be normal operation of a
vessel if those practices fall within normal marine practice.
• All vessels must minimize the discharge of bilgewater into waters subject to this
permit. This can be done by minimizing the production of bilgewater, disposing of
bilgewater on shore where adequate facilities exist, or discharging into waters not
subject to this permit (i.e., more than 3 nautical miles [nm] from shore) for vessels that
regularly travel into such waters. Though not regulated under this permit, EPA notes
that discharges of bilgewater outside waters subject to this permit (i.e., more than 3 nm
from shore) are regulated under Annex I of the International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships as implemented by the Act to Prevent Pollution
from Ships and U.S. Coast Guard regulations found in 33 CFR part 151.
• Vessels greater than 400 gross tons shall not discharge untreated oily bilgewater (i.e.,
bilgewater not treated with an onboard separator or bilgewater with a concentration
© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 2



of oil greater than 15 ppm) into waters subject to this permit.

• Vessels greater than 400 gross tons that regularly sail outside the territorial sea (at
least once per month) shall not discharge treated bilgewater within 1 nm of shore if
technologically feasible (e.g., holding would not impact safety and stability, would not
contaminate other holds or cargo, or would not interfere with essential operations of
the vessel). Any discharge which is not technologically feasible to avoid must be
documented as part of the requirements in Part 4.2 and reported to EPA as part of the
vessel’s annual report.
• Vessels greater than 400 gross tons shall not discharge treated bilgewater into waters
referenced in Appendix G unless the discharge is necessary to maintain the safety and
stability of the ship. Any discharge of bilgewater into these waters must be
documented as part of the recordkeeping requirements in Part 4.2 and reported to EPA
as part of the vessel’s annual report.
• For vessels greater than 400 gross tons that regularly sail outside the territorial sea (at
least once per month), if treated bilgewater is discharged into waters subject to this
permit, it must be discharged when the vessel is underway (sailing at speeds greater
than 6 knots), unless doing so would threaten the safety and stability of the ship. EPA
notes that vessel operators may also choose to dispose of bilgewater on shore where
adequate facilities exist. Any discharge which is made for safety reasons must be
documented as part of the requirements in Part 4.2 and reported to EPA as part of the
vessel’s annual report. Bilgewater Monitoring

“New Build” vessels built after December 19, 2013 greater than 400 gross tons that may
discharge bilgewater into waters subject to this permit must monitor (i.e., sample and
analyze) their bilgewater effluent at least once a year for oil and grease content. That
monitoring can be conducted as part of the vessel’s annual survey.

To demonstrate treatment equipment maintenance and compliance with this permit, the
bilgewater sample must be analyzed for oil by either Method ISO 9377-2 (2000) Water
Quality–Determination of Hydrocarbon Oil Index–Part 2: Method Using Solvent Extraction
and Gas Chromatography (incorporation by reference, see 46 CFR §162.050–4) or EPA
Method 1664. At the time of sample collection, the reading on the oil content meter (OCM)
© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 3



must be recorded such that the oil and grease concentration measured by the laboratory can
be compared to the OCM.

If your analytical results show oil and grease concentrations of less than 5 ppm for two
consecutive years, you need not sample and analyze subsequent years of permit coverage if:

• Your vessel uses an oily water separator capable of meeting a 5 ppm oil and grease
limit, or you use an alarm which prevents the discharge of oil and grease above 5 ppm
whenever you discharge in waters subject to this permit,
• You calibrate your OCM at least annually (calibrations during a vessel survey meet this
requirement), and
• Your OCM never reads above 5 ppm during discharges into waters subject to this
permit. If this information is recorded in the oil record book, you need not record these
data in other recordkeeping documentation.

Records of monitoring must be retained onboard for at least 3 years in the vessel’s
recordkeeping documentation and must include:

• The date, exact place, and time of sampling or measurements;

• The individual(s) who performed the sampling or measurements;
• The individual(s) who performed the analyses and any meter recalibration;
• The techniques or methods used for sample analyses;
• The results of such analyses and OCM readings. Monitoring Reporting

For those vessels for which monitoring must be conducted, analytical and corresponding
OCM monitoring data must be submitted at least once per calendar year no later than
February 28 of the year after the data are collected. Additionally, if you have met the
requirements in part to waive analytical monitoring after two years, you must note
your waiver qualifications on your report. Data may be submitted as part of the vessel’s
annual report (Appendix H) on the VGP bilgewater DMR.

© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 4




All discharges of ballast water must comply with the requirements in this permit as described below.
Additionally, owner/operators of all vessels subject to coverage under this permit which are
equipped with Ballast Tanks must comply with any additional BMPs in this section.

In addition, as a condition of this permit, all discharges of ballast water must also comply with
applicable U.S. Coast Guard regulations found in 33 CFR Part 151.

All discharges of ballast water may not contain oil, noxious liquid substances (NLSs), or hazardous
substances in a manner prohibited by U.S. laws, including section 311 of the Clean Water Act. Training

All owner/operators of vessels equipped with ballast water tanks must train the master, operator,
person-in-charge, and crew members who actively take part in the management of the discharge or
who may affect the discharge, on the application of ballast water and sediment management and
treatment procedures. As part of Ballast Water Management Plans under, a stand-alone Y/N
training plan, or other recordkeeping documentation, owner/operators must maintain a written
training plan describing the training to be provided and a record of the date of training provided to
each person trained. Persons required to be trained must be trained promptly upon installation of
treatment technology and in the event of a significant change in ballast water treatment practices or
technology Ballast Water Management Plans

All owner/operators of vessels equipped with ballast water tanks must maintain a ballast water
management plan that has been developed specifically for the vessel that will ensure that those
responsible for the plan’s implementation understand and follow the vessel’s ballast water
management strategy. Owner/operators must make that plan available upon request to EPA or its
authorized representative. Vessel owner/operators must assure that the master and crew members
who actively take part in the management of the discharge or who may affect the discharge
understand and follow the management strategy laid out in the plan.
© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 5



At a minimum, all vessels must have a plan which outlines how they will meet the requirements of
Part of this permit. The plan must also include how vessels will comply with training
requirements of and meet all requirements in Parts through, as applicable. EPA
notes that a Ballast Water Management Plan is also required by the United States Coast Guard by 33
CFR Part 151. Provided owner/operators meet the requirements discussed above, EPA expects that
vessels will need one ballast water management plan to meet both EPA and USCG requirements. Mandatory Ballast Water Management Practices: Management measures of all vessel

Masters, owners, operators, or persons-in-charge of all vessels equipped with ballast water tanks
that operate in waters of the U.S. must:

• Avoid the discharge of ballast water into waters subject to this permit that are within or that
may directly affect marine sanctuaries, marine preserves, marine parks, coral reefs or other
waters listed in Appendix G waters.
• Minimize or avoid uptake of ballast water in the following areas and situations:
– Areas known to have infestations or populations of harmful organisms and pathogens (e.g., Y/N
toxic algal blooms).
– Areas near sewage outfalls.
– Areas near dredging operations.
– Areas where tidal flushing is poor or times when a tidal stream is known to be turbid.
– In darkness when bottom dwelling organisms may rise up in the water column.
– Where propellers may stir up the sediment.
– Areas with pods of whales, convergence zones and boundaries of major currents
• Clean ballast tanks regularly to remove sediments in mid-ocean (when not otherwise prohibited
by applicable law) or under controlled arrangements in port, or at drydock.
• No discharge of sediments from cleaning of ballast tanks is authorized in waters subject to this
• Where feasible, utilize the high sea suction when the clearance is less than 5 meters
(approximately 15 feet) to the lower edge of the seachest or the vessel is dockside to reduce
sediment intake.
• When feasible and safe, you must use your ballast water pumps instead of gravity draining to
empty your ballast water tanks, unless you meet the treatment limits found in Part of this
© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 6



• Minimize the discharge of ballast water essential for vessel operations while in the waters
subject to this permit.

Suggested control measures to minimize the discharge of ballast water include, but are not limited
to, transferring ballast water between tanks within the vessel in lieu of ballast water discharge.
Another option is to use public water supply water for ballast or, for vessels not subject to the
numeric limits in Part of this permit, use water from a potable water generator as ballast. EPA
notes that vessels not subject to the numeric limits in Part of this permit should endeavor to
take all reasonable steps to minimize or eliminate the discharge of untreated ballast water. Mandatory Ballast Water Management Practices for “Lakers”

“Lakers” must meet the following additional ballast water management requirements:
• Each owner/operator must perform annual inspections on their vessel to assess sediment
accumulations. Removal of sediment, if necessary, must be carried out. Each vessel
owner/operator must develop sediment removal policies as part of the Ballast Water
Management Plan. Records of sediment removal and disposal (including facility name and
location and all invoices) shall be kept onboard the vessel. EPA notes the discharge of
sediments from cleaning of ballast tanks is not authorized in waters subject to this permit (see
Part of this permit).
• When practical and safe, vessels must minimize the ballast water taken up at dockside. This will
typically mean limiting uptake to the amount of ballast water required to safely depart the dock
and then complete ballasting in deeper water.
• The vessel sea chest screen is the first line of defense in keeping large living organisms out of
the vessel ballast water tanks. Owner/operators of Laker vessels must perform annual
inspections of their sea chest screens to assure that they are fully intact. The inspection must
assure that there is no deterioration which has resulted in wider openings or holes in the
screen. If the screen has deteriorated such that there are wider openings than the screen
design, the vessel owner operator must repair or replace the screen. Any repairs must be of
sufficient quality that they are expected to last at least one year.

If a Laker meets the permit limits found in Part of this permit, the vessel owner/operator is
not required to conduct the additional management measures found in Part, but must still
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comply with Part Ballast Water Numeric Discharge Limitations

Owners/operator must meet the following ballast water discharge limits (expressed as
instantaneous maximum) consistent with the schedule found in Part , unless you are
excluded from these requirements by Parts or of this permit:

1. For organisms greater than or equal to 50 micrometers in minimum dimension: discharge must
include fewer than 10 living organisms per cubic meter of ballast water.
2. For organisms less than 50 micrometers and greater than or equal to 10 micrometers: discharge
must include fewer than 10 living organisms per milliliter (mL) of ballast water.
3. Indicator microorganisms must not exceed:

(i) For Toxicogenic Vibrio cholerae (serotypes O1 and O139): a concentration

of less than 1 colony forming unit (cfu) per 100 mL.
(ii) For Escherichia coli: a concentration of fewer than 250 cfu per 100 mL.
(iii) For intestinal enterococci: a concentration of fewer than 100 cfu per 100

These limits may be met by using one of the ballast water management measures in Parts,,, or

Note: EPA will continue to explore new technologies with industry and states, and when warranted,
will make this numeric limit more stringent in the future (see discussion in section of the
fact sheet). Additionally, EPA encourages and anticipates, as part of this process, that states will
continue to work with industry to test and provide opportunities for new technologies. Ballast Water Management Measures

In addition to the other requirements of this permit, owner/operators of vessels subject to the
numeric discharge limits in Part of this permit must meet those limits. Vessel
owner/operators may use one of the four following ballast water management methods to meet the
numeric discharge limits in Part

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VESSEL: IMO #: OWNER/OPERATOR: Ballast Water Management using a Ballast Water Treatment System

Vessel owner/operators utilizing a ballast water treatment system (BWTS) must use a system which
has been shown to be effective by testing conducted by an independent third party laboratory, test
facility or test organization. A system that has been type approved by the U.S. Coast Guard under 46
CFR Part 162.060 or received “Alternative Management System” designation by the U.S. Coast Guard
under 33 CFR 151.2026 will be deemed to meet this “shown to be effective” provision. Once the
effluent limits in Part become applicable to a vessel (see part for applicability
timeframes for specified categories of vessels), owners/operators of vessels utilizing a ballast water
treatment system to meet the requirements of Part of this permit must meet those limits as
an instantaneous maximum.

Additionally, following installation of a BWTS, the master, owner, operator, agent, or person in
charge of the vessel must maintain the BWTS in accordance with all manufacturer specifications.
Furthermore, all treatment must be conducted in accordance with the BWTS manufacturer’s
instructions. The BWTS must be used prior to any discharge of ballast water to waters of the U.S,
either at uptake, in tank, or during discharge according to the treatment system manufacturer’s
instructions. EPA notes that compliance with these provisions does not ensure compliance with
applicable Coast Guard regulations found in 33 CFR Part 151. Monitoring From Vessels Using Ballast Water Treatment Systems

The monitoring requirements in Part apply to ballast water discharges from vessels
employing ballast water treatment systems that are used to achieve the effluent limitations of Part The monitoring is divided into three components. The first, in Part, is required of
all vessels and generally requires monitoring equipment performance to assure the system is fully
functional. Vessels conducting this monitoring also must adequately calibrate their equipment as
required in Part The second component, in Part requires monitoring from
all ballast water systems for selected biological indicators. The third component, in part
requires monitoring of the ballast water discharge itself for biocides and residuals to assure
compliance with the effluent limitations established in part of the permit, as applicable. Ballast Water System Functionality Monitoring

Ballast water treatment systems use physical and/or chemical processes, or a combination thereof,
to achieve reductions in living organisms. The use of physical/chemical indicators of treatment

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performance verifies that the ballast water treatment system is operating according to the
manufacturers’ operating specifications. To assess the BWTS functionality, monitoring indicators of
the BWTS functionality is required at least once per month for specific parameters that are
applicable to your system. The required parameters to be monitored, with appropriate monitoring
approaches are contained in Appendix J. For example, if your system uses a filter and chlorine
dioxide, you must meet the requirements for systems using both filters and chlorine dioxide. If your
system uses cavitation, UV, and hypochlorite generation, you must monitor conditions for all three
treatment units. EPA expects that most ballast water treatment systems will make use of at least two
physical and/or chemical processes.

Most ballast water treatment systems have control and self diagnostic equipment such as sensors
that continuously measure treatment parameters to verify performance. The metrics to be
monitored are based on common approaches used in ballast water treatment systems. As new
approaches become commonly available, EPA will develop new monitoring parameters as
appropriate. Ballast Water monitoring equipment calibration

At a minimum, all applicable sensors and other equipment must be calibrated annually. Additionally,
all applicable sensors and other control equipment must be calibrated no less frequently than
recommended by the sensor or other equipment manufacturer, or by the ballast water treatment
system manufacturer or when warranted based on device drift from a standard or calibrated setting.
EPA expects many sensor types (e.g., pH probes, TRO sensors, turbidity sensors) will need to be
calibrated on a more frequent basis. Calibration of the sensors and equipment can be conducted on-
board the vessel or they can be removed and shipped to the manufacturer or other vendor for
calibration. During the period when the sensors are not installed (or otherwise inoperable thus
significantly compromising the performance of the ballast water treatment system), the vessel must
not discharge ballast water. Effluent Biological Organism Monitoring

Once a ballast water treatment system is required to be installed onboard a vessel (see part
for applicability and timeframe for installation of such vessels), any ballast water discharges from
such vessels will be subject to the effluent limitations in Part of this permit. To ascertain

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compliance with the effluent limitation in that section, EPA is establishing the following biological
indicator compliance monitoring. These samples can be taken by collecting a small volume sample
from the ballast water discharge (consistent with the sampling guidance found in EPA’s Generic
Protocol for the Verification of Ballast Water Treatment Technology) and analyzing the sample for
concentrations of certain biological indicator parameters. Analysis of concentrations of indicator
organisms must include monitoring for the parameters in Table 2 below utilizing the methods in that
table, or other EPA Part 136 methods as applicable.

Table 2: Indicator Organism Monitoring Parameters

Measurem Instrument EPA Method Standard ASTM ISO Other
ent or Analysis Method
Total Plate counts SM 9215 ASTM ISO
heterotroph D5465 6222:199
ic bacteria 9
E. coli Selective EPA Method SM 9223B ASTM ISO 9308- Colilert
substrate 1103.1 and D5392 – 93 1:2000 ®
Enterococci Selective EPA Method SM 9230C ASTM ISO 7899- Enterole
substrate 1106.1 and D5259 – 2:2000 rt®
1600 92(2006)

Biological indicator compliance monitoring sampling of ballast water effluent must be conducted 2
times during the first year the system is installed or used for vessels with devices for which high
quality data are available. For vessels with high quality data, if sampling results are below permit
limits for two consecutive events, the vessel owner/operator may reduce monitoring to one time per
year after the first year. However, if the vessel owner/operator exceeds a permit limit on any
sampling event, they must return to monitoring two times per year until they have two additional
results below permit limits. For vessels for which high quality data are not available, monitoring
must be conducted 4 times per year. For all vessels, one of those samples may be conducted as part a
vessel’s annual or other survey, and during the first year, one of those sampling events may be
conducted as part of the installation of the system to ensure it is functioning properly. Records of the
sampling and testing results must be retained onboard for a period of 3 years in the vessel’s

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recordkeeping documentation consistent with Part 4.2. Each sample must be tested independently
and the individual results must be reported and not averaged. Monitoring must be conducted at least
14 days apart from different discharge events.

Devices for which high quality data are available means either:

a) any ballast water treatment system type approved by the United States Coast Guard under 46
CFR Part 162.060 or granted alternate management system status by the US Coast Guard under
33 CFR 151.2026; or

b) any ballast water treatment system:

(i) type approved by a foreign administration;

(ii) for which efficacy testing was conducted by an independent third party testing organization,
either in accordance with the ETV protocol or in a manner consistent with the ETV
protocol with respect to QA/QC procedures, the use of validated methods including
appropriate volumes of representative samples, and full description and documentation
of test procedures, results and analyses; and

(iii) all Active Substance or Biocide data (e.g., the full data package as submitted to the
International Maritime Organization for approval) have all been made available to the US
EPA. Requirements and Effluent Limitations for BWTS that use Active Substances (e.g.,
biocides) Authorization of Residual Biocides Associated with Ballast Water Treatment Systems

Many ballast water treatment systems produce or use biocides as an agent to reduce living
organisms present in the ballast water tank. In order to be eligible for coverage under this permit,
any ballast water treatment system must not use any biocide that is a “pesticide” within the meaning
of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C §136 et seq.) unless that biocide
has been registered for use in ballast water treatment under such Act. The requirement in the

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preceding sentence does not apply if such biocide is generated solely by the use of a “device” on
board the same vessel as the ballast water to be treated by the biocide, as the term “device” is
defined in the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. In addition, if the ballast water
treatment system uses or generates biocides and you will discharge ballast water treated with
biocides into waters subject to this permit, you must meet one of the following conditions to be
eligible for permit coverage.

The discharge of biocides or residuals may not exceed the following instantaneous maximum limits
expressed as micrograms per liter (μg/l).

Table 3: Maximum Ballast Water Effluent Limits for Residual Biocides

Biocide or Residual Limit
(instantaneous maximum)
Chlorine Dioxide 200 μg/l
Chlorine (expressed as Total Residual Oxidizers (TRO as TRC)) 100 μg/l

Ozone (expressed as Total Residual Oxidizers (TRO as TRC)) 100 μg/l

Peracet c A id 500 μg/l

Hydrogen Peroxide (for systems using Peracetic Acid) 1,000 μg/l

Any other biocides or derivatives may not exceed acute water quality criteria listed in EPA’s 2009
National Recommended Water Quality Criteria, and any subsequent revision, at the point of ballast
water discharge. This document can be found at:
Tables summarizing the subsequent revisions can be found at: Discharges of biocide
residuals or derivatives must also meet monitoring requirements under Part, and
reporting and recordkeeping requirements in Part

If the biocide used or produced by your system and its derivatives is not listed in the previous table
or found in EPA’s National Recommended Water Quality Criteria, you must notify EPA at least 120
© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 13



days in advance of its use and provide any associated aquatic toxicity data for that biocide or its
derivatives of which you are aware. EPA may impose additional limitations on a treatment system-
specific basis, or require you to obtain coverage under an individual permit, if necessary. EPA may
inform the vessel owner/operator of specific requirements. You may also seek coverage under an
individual NPDES permit pursuant to Part 1.8.2 of this permit. You may not discharge the biocide at
issue until you receive a response from EPA to your notification. Residual Biocide and Derivative Monitoring

For vessels subject to Part, you must conduct monitoring of the vessel ballast water
discharge for any residual biocides or derivatives used in the treatment process, in part to
demonstrate compliance with the conditions in Part For instance, if chlorine is the
biocide used in the ballast water treatment, you must test for residual chlorine in the vessel ballast
water discharge to see if it complies with the standards in Part
In order to demonstrate that residual biocides or derivatives are in compliance with this permit, that
substantial quantities of harmful byproducts are not produced, and provide EPA with needed
information about system functionality, the vessel operator initially must take samples according to
the following:

Table 4: Monitoring Schedule for Residual Biocides or Derivatives of the Residual Biocide

Devices for which high Devices for which high quality data are not
quality type approval data available
are available
Initial 3 times in the first 10 5 times in the first 10 discharge events (not to
Monitoring discharge events (not to exceed a 180 day period)
exceed a 180 day period)
Maintenance 2 times per year 4 times per year

Devices for which high quality data are available means either:

a) any ballast water treatment system type approved by the United States Coast Guard under 46

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CFR Part 162.060 or granted alternate management system status by the US Coast Guard under
33 CFR 151.2026; or

b) any ballast water treatment system:

(i) type approved by a foreign administration;

(ii) for which efficacy testing was conducted by an independent third party testing organization,
either in accordance with the ETV protocol or in a manner consistent with the ETV
protocol with respect to QA/QC procedures, the use of validated methods including
appropriate volumes of representative samples, and full description and documentation
of test procedures, results and analyses; and

(iii)all Active Substance or Biocide data (e.g., the full data package as submitted to the
International Maritime Organization for approval) have all been made available to the US

Each sample must be tested independently and the individual results must be reported and not
averaged. Samples must be tested as soon as possible after sampling, and may not be held longer
than recommended for each tested constituent as given in 40 CFR Part 136. Sampling and testing
shall be conducted using a sufficiently sensitive method according to 40 CFR Part 136 or may use an
alternate method if allowed in Table 5 on pages 34-36 of the VGP. Ballast Water Treatment System Recordkeeping and Reporting

Records of sampling and testing results required under Part must be retained onboard for
a period of three years in the vessel’s recordkeeping documentation. Vessels must also submit the
testing results to EPA as part of the vessel’s annual report (Appendix H) on the VGP ballast water

Records of monitoring information shall include:

• The ballast water treatment system used, any type approval certificate, and records of whether
the system meets the high quality data criteria as stated in part (a) or (b);
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• The individual(s) who performed the sampling, measurements, and/or inspections;

• The date(s) analyses and/or inspections were performed;
• Any sensor or other control equipment calibration and functional tests conducted during the
inspection as applicable;
• The techniques or methods used for any sensor or other control equipment calibration and
functional tests as applicable;
• The date and time of all monitoring results (monitoring in Parts , ,
and , as applicable);

• The analytical techniques or methods used as applicable, and

• The results of such analyses.

You must submit your monitoring data as part of your annual report. For systems already in use as
of the effective date of this permit, initial sampling data must be submitted with the first annual
report. For systems which are not already in use as of the effective date of this permit, initial
sampling data must be submitted on the annual report following the calendar year of the system’s
first use. Data must be submitted on the Ballast Water Treatment System Report form attached to
the annual report available in Appendix H of this permit or electronically submitted to EPA: the
system is scheduled to be available at Onshore Treatment of Ballast Water

For those vessels whose design and construction safely allows for the transfer of ballast water to
shore, if compatible onshore treatment for ballast water is available, the vessel owner/operator may
use onshore treatment for any ballast water discharges to meet the requirements of EPA
notes that the lack of availability of adequate reception facilities is not an acceptable reason to
discharge ballast water which does not meet the treatment requirements found in Part
into waters subject to this permit, and such discharges would therefore constitute a permit violation.

Any vessel owner/operator utilizing onshore treatment must ensure that all piping and supporting
infrastructure up to the last manifold or valve immediately before the dock manifold connection of
the receiving facility or similar appurtenance on a reception vessel are fully free from any leaks or
other avenues whereby untreated ballast may be discharged into waters subject to this permit.

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EPA notes that transferring ballast water to a treatment barge for eventual treatment and discharge
could constitute “on-shore treatment” for purposes of Part The discharge of treated
ballast water (transferred from other vessels) from a treatment barge is not eligible for coverage
under the VGP as this is a discharge from an industrial operation, not a discharge incidental to the
normal operation of a vessel. Instead, these vessels must apply for individual NPDES permit
coverage from the appropriate NPDES permitting authority, generally the State in which they are
operating. Use of Public Water Supply Water

Vessels may meet the requirements of Part by using only water from a U.S. public water
system or Canadian drinking water system (both referred to as “PWS” in this permit), as defined in
a) 40 CFR 141.2 and subject to the requirements of 40 CFR parts 141 and 143 or b) Health Canada’s
“Guidelines on Canadian Drinking Water Quality,” as ballast water. Vessels using water from a PWS
as ballast must maintain a record of which PWS they received the water and a receipt, invoice, or
other documentation from the PWS indicating that water came from that system.

To avoid contamination of the ballast water tank, vessels using PWS water in any given tank as
ballast must have:

• Previously cleaned the ballast tank (including removing all residual sediments) and not
subsequently introduced ambient water;
• Never introduced ambient water to the tank and supply lines

Vessels utilizing water from a PWS as ballast water must certify in their recordkeeping
documentation that they have met all the requirements of this section, including maintaining
certification by the master or NOI certifier that one of the above conditions are met regarding
contamination. For vessels that use PWS water in some ballast water tanks, but ambient treated
water as ballast in others, records must clearly indicate which tanks use PWS water as ballast versus
those that use ambient treated water (or both), and indicate what measures the vessel operator has
implemented to avoid cross contamination between tanks.

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In the event a vessel that normally uses PWS water as ballast is forced for purposes of vessel safety
to take on untreated ballast water from a sea, estuary, lake or river source, such vessel may not
return to using PWS water until the tanks and supply lines have been cleaned, including removal of
all residual sediments. No Discharge of Ballast Water

Vessels may meet the requirements of Part of this permit by not discharging any ballast water
into waters subject to this permit. EPA notes that any discharge of untreated ballast water, including
for reasons of unscheduled voyages, loading of unexpected cargo, etc., do not qualify as an acceptable
reason to discharge untreated ballast water into waters subject to this permit, and therefore
constitute a permit violation. EPA notes that in the case of a shipboard emergency that endangers
the safety of the vessel or its crew, ballast water may need to be pumped out quickly by bypassing
the BWTS. In such cases, the provisions regarding the prohibition of bypassing treatment where
unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury of severe property damage may be applicable. See
40 CFR 122.41(m)(4)(A) and Part 1.13 of this permit. Schedule for when Ballast Water Treatment Becomes BAT (and Therefore Required)

Table 6 describes when BWTS will become the Best Available Technology Economically Achievable
(BAT). Vessels must meet the requirements in Part according to the schedule below in
Table 6.

Table 6: Ballast Water Treatment to BAT Schedule

Vessel’s Date Constructed Vessel’s Compliance
Ballast Water Date
New After December 1, On delivery
vessels 2013
Less than 1500 m3 Before December 1, First scheduled drydocking after
Existing 2013 January 1, 2016
vessels 1500-5000 m3 Before December 1, First scheduled drydocking after
2013 January 1, 2014

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Greater than 5000 Before December 1, First scheduled drydocking after

m3 2013 January 1, 2016 Vessels Not Required to Meet Part Treatment Standards

The following vessel types are not required to meet Part ballast water management measures
(however, note that these vessels must meet all other requirements of Part 2.2.3 of the permit).
Additionally, EPA encourages vessels in these categories to use additional management measures to
reduce the number of living organisms in their ballast water discharges, including use of any of the
measures found in Part , use of potable water generators, or other measures to reduce the
volume of their ballast water discharges: Vessels Engaged in Short-Distance Voyages

Vessels engaged in short distance voyages means vessels that:

• Operate or take on and discharge ballast water exclusively in one Coast Guard Captain of the
Port (COTP) Zone, or
• Vessels which do not travel more than 10 nm and cross no physical barriers or obstructions
(e.g., locks), whether or not they operate within one U.S. Coast Guard COTP zone. Unmanned, Unpowered Barges

Unmanned, unpowered barges such as hopper barges are not required to meet the ballast water
management measures of Part Vessels That Operate Exclusively on the Laurentian Great Lakes (Commonly Known as
Lakers) Built Before January 1, 2009

Existing Lakers built before January 1, 2009 confined exclusively to the Laurentian Great Lakes (i.e.,
existing vessels that operates upstream of the waters of the St. Lawrence River west of a rhumb line
drawn from Cap de Rosiers to West Point, Anticosti Island, and west of a line along 63 W. longitude
from Anticosti Island to the north shore of the St. Lawrence River) are not required to meet the
requirements of Part
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Lakers built on or after January 1, 2009 must meet the treatment limits found in Part of the
permit. Inland and Seagoing Vessels less than 1600 Gross Registered Tons (3000 Gross Tons)

Inland and Seagoing Vessels less than 1600 Gross Registered Tons (3000 Gross Tons) are not
required to meet the numeric treatment limits in Section Seagoing Vessels are defined in 33
CFR 151.2005. EPA encourages inland and seagoing vessels in this size class to use alternate
measures to reduce the number of living organisms in their ballast water discharges. Interim requirements for vessels not meeting the ballast water management measures
in Part

Vessel owner/operators not subject to the requirements of Part of the permit must meet the
exchange and flushing requirements of this part as applicable. Ballast water exchange may not be
used in lieu of meeting the numeric effluent limits in Part of the permit once a vessel is
required to meet these limits. Conversely, vessel owner/operators meeting the numeric effluent
limits in Part before they are required to do so by the implementation schedule in Part are not required to meet the exchange and flushing requirements of Part Requirements for Oceangoing Voyages While Carrying Ballast Water

Any vessel that carries ballast water that was taken on in areas less than 200 nautical miles from any
shore that will subsequently operate beyond the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and more than 200
nm from any shore must carry out an exchange of ballast water for any tanks that will discharge
ballast water into waters subject to this permit unless the vessel meets one of the exemptions in Part

This exchange must be conducted in compliance with the following standards prior to discharging
ballast water into waters subject to this permit:

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• The exchange must occur in waters beyond the U.S. EEZ;

• The exchange must occur in an area more than 200 nautical miles from any shore; and
• The exchange must be commenced as early in the vessel voyage as possible, as long as the
vessel is more than 200 nm from any shore. Vessels Carrying Ballast Water Engaged in Pacific Nearshore Voyages

Unless the vessel meets one of the exemptions in Part , any vessel engaged in Pacific
nearshore voyages that carries ballast water that was taken on in areas less than 50 nautical miles
from any shore must carry out an exchange of ballast water in accordance with this Part before
discharging from any tanks that carry ballast water into waters subject to this permit if the vessel
travels through more than one COTP zone as listed in 33 CFR Part 3 or the vessel crosses
international boundaries.

Vessels engaged in Pacific nearshore voyages are:

• Vessels engaged in the Pacific coastwise trade and vessels transiting between Pacific ports that
travel between more than one Captain of the Port Zone, and
• All other vessels that sail from foreign, non-U.S Pacific, Atlantic (including the Caribbean Sea),
or Gulf of Mexico ports, which do not sail further than 200 nm from any shore, and that
discharge or will discharge ballast water into the territorial sea or inland waters of Alaska or off
the west coast of the continental United States.

Ballast water exchange for vessels subject to this part must occur in waters more than 50 nautical
miles from any shore (US or otherwise), and in waters more than 200 meters deep, prior to
discharging ballast water into waters subject to this permit. Exchange should occur as far from the
shore, major estuary and oceanic river plumes, subsurface physical features (e.g. seamounts), and
known fishery habitats as practicable. Vessels engaged in voyages that take them further than 200
nm from any shore and who will remain outside 200 nm for a sufficient period to conduct exchange,
are not allowed to exchange ballast water between 50 and 200 nm from shore to meet the
requirements of Part (unless the master determines that exchange farther than 200 nm
from shore would interfere with essential vessel operations or safety of the vessel but the master
determines that the vessel is able to safely exchange more than 50 nm from shore) and instead, must
conduct exchange more than 200 nm from shore in accordance with Part of this permit.
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Vessels engaged in Pacific Nearshore Voyages who are not outside 200 nm for a sufficient period to
conduct exchange may conduct exchange outside 50 nm (even if they voyage beyond 200 nm) to
meet the requirements of this part. Vessels with any Ballast Water Tanks that are Empty or have Unpumpable Residual Water

For vessels that travel between more than one COTP Zone while undertaking voyages described in
Part and which either reported No Ballast on Board (NOBOB) in accordance with Coast
Guard regulations or which have any ballast water tank that is empty or contains unpumpable
residual water, you must follow the applicable requirements in Part for those tanks with
ballast water. EPA notes that when the term “empty” tank is used, the Agency is also referring to
tanks that contain unpumpable residual water. For those tanks which are empty or contain
unpumpable residual water, you must either seal the tank so that there is no discharge or uptake and
subsequent discharge of ballast water within waters subject to this permit or conduct saltwater
flushing of such tanks in an area 200 nm from any shore prior to the discharge or uptake and
subsequent discharge of any ballast water to any waters subject to this permit, unless you meet one
of the exemptions in Part For the purposes of Part , saltwater flushing means the
addition of mid-ocean water to empty ballast water tanks; the mixing of the added water with
residual ballast water and sediment through the motion of the vessel; and the discharge of the mixed
water until loss of suction, such that the resulting residual water remaining in the tank has either a
salinity greater than or equal to 30 parts per thousand or a salinity concentration equal to the
ambient salinity of the location where the uptake of the added water took place. In order to conduct
saltwater flushing, the vessel should take on as much mid-ocean water into each tank as is safe (for
the vessel and crew).

For all vessel owner/operators subject to this section that contain some empty ballast water tanks
and some full ballast water tanks, if you elect to seal those empty tanks, you must not allow water
that will be discharged into waters subject to this permit to commingle with waters from the empty
tanks if you have not conducted saltwater flushing as specified above. Vessels Engaged in Pacific Nearshore Voyages with Unpumpable Ballast Water and Residual
Sediment (including NOBOBs)

Unless the vessel meets one of the exemptions in Part , any vessel engaged in Pacific

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Nearshore Voyages as defined in Part which the owner/operator has reported as having
No Ballast on Board in accordance with Coast Guard regulations, or which have any ballast water
tank that is empty or contains unpumpable residual water, must follow the applicable requirements
in Part for those tanks with ballast water and Part for those tanks which are
empty or contain unpumpable residual water. Nearshore Saltwater Flushing Requirements

For those tanks which are empty or contain unpumpable residual water, you must either seal the
tank so that there is no discharge or uptake and subsequent discharge of ballast water within waters
subject to this permit or conduct saltwater flushing of such tanks in an area 50 nm from any shore
and in waters at least 200 meters deep prior to the discharge or uptake and subsequent discharge of
any ballast water to or from any waters subject to this permit. For purposes of Part ,
saltwater flushing means the addition of water from the “coastal exchange zone” to empty ballast
water tanks; the mixing of the flush water with residual water and sediment through the motion of
the vessel; and the discharge of the mixed water, such that the resulting residual water remaining in
the tank has either a salinity greater than or equal to 30 parts per thousand or a salinity
concentration equal to the ambient salinity of the location where the uptake of the added water took
place. In order to conduct saltwater flushing, the vessel should take on as much coastal exchange
zone water into each tank as is safe (for the vessel and crew).

Vessels engaged in voyages that take them further than 200 nm from any shore and who will remain
outside 200 nm for a sufficient period to flush ballast water, are not allowed to exchange ballast
water between 50 and 200 nm from shore to meet the requirements of Part (unless the
master determines that flushing farther than 200 nm from shore would interfere with essential
vessel operations or safety of the vessel but the master determines that the vessel is able to safely
flush more than 50 nm from shore) and instead, must conduct flushing more than 200 nm from
shore in accordance with Part of this permit. Vessels engaged in the coastwise trade who
are not outside 200 nm for a sufficient period to conduct flushing may flush outside 50 nm (even if
they voyage beyond 200 nm) to meet the requirements of this permit.

For all vessel owner/operators subject to this part that contain some empty ballast water tanks and
some full ballast water tanks, if you elect to seal those empty tanks, you must not allow water from
the full tanks to commingle with waters from the empty tanks if it will subsequently be discharged

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into waters subject to this permit. Discharge Prohibitions

Vessels referenced in Parts , , , and may not discharge
unexchanged or untreated ballast water or sediment in waters subject to this permit referenced in
Appendix G . These waters include all National Parks and National Marine Sanctuaries. Exemptions

The operator or master of a vessel may elect not to exchange ballast water (or not conduct saltwater
flushing if applicable) if the vessel meets one of the following conditions:

• The master of the vessel determines, and justifies in writing, and documents in the log or record
book, that it is unsafe to do so, in accordance with the Coast Guard Regulations at 33 CFR Part
151. If this exemption is claimed, the vessel operator must record the date, location, and reason
for the claim in its recordkeeping documentation. Furthermore, the vessel owner/operator
must report this information to EPA as part of its annual report.
• The master uses an alternative, environmentally sound method of ballast water management
that has been approved by the Commandant of the Coast Guard prior to the vessel's voyage in
accordance with 33 C.F.R. Part 151.
• The master retains all ballast water on board the vessel for the duration of the vessel’s voyage
in waters subject to this permit.
• The vessel is not engaged in an international voyage and does not traverse more than one U.S.
Coast Guard COTP Zone.

Additionally, except for vessels entering the Great Lakes or into Appendix G waters, a vessel is not
required to deviate from its voyage, or delay the voyage to conduct ballast water exchange or
saltwater flushing. Vessels Entering the Great Lakes

In addition to complying with the requirements of this permit, all vessels that are equipped to carry
ballast water and enter the Great Lakes must comply with 33 CFR Part 151, Subpart C. Vessels that
© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 24



operate outside the EEZ and more than 200 nm from any shore and then enter the Great Lakes via
the Saint Lawrence Seaway System must also comply with 33 CFR Part 401.30. Vessels that are
unable, due to weather, equipment failure, or other extraordinary condition, to effect a BWE before
entering the EEZ prior to entering the Great Lakes, must employ another method of ballast water
management listed in 33 CFR 151.1510 or otherwise comply with the provisions of 33 CFR

Additionally, vessels utilizing a ballast water treatment system (see Part of the permit)
must also conduct ballast water exchange or saltwater flushing (as applicable) in addition to treating
their ballast water if they meet the following requirements:

• The vessel operates outside the EEZ and more than 200 nm from any shore and then enters the
Great Lakes via the Saint Lawrence Seaway System, and
• The vessel has taken on ballast water that has a salinity of less than 18 parts per thousand from
a coastal, estuarine, or freshwater ecosystem within the previous month (30 days).

If a vessel affected by these requirements has not taken on ballast water with a salinity of less than
18 parts per thousand in the previous month, the master of the vessel must certify to this effect in
their ballast water recordkeeping requirements before entering the Great Lakes. Vessels in the U.S. Coast Guard Shipboard Technology Evaluation Program (STEP)

Owner/operators of vessels are not required to meet the requirements of Parts (except
Parts and ) and of this permit if either:

• The vessel is accepted by the U.S. Coast Guard into the Shipboard Technology Evaluation
Program (STEP),
• The technology is operated in accordance with requirements of that program, and
• The acceptance has not been withdrawn.

Owner/operators of these vessels are required to meet the requirements of Parts and of this permit.

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• All anti-fouling coatings subject to this permit must meet the requirements
of the Clean Hull Act of 2010 (33 U.S.C. §§ 3801 et seq.).
• All anti-fouling hull coatings subject to registration under FIFRA (see 40 CFR
§152.15) must be registered, sold or distributed, applied, maintained, and
removed in a manner consistent with applicable requirements on the
coatings’ FIFRA label.
• For anti-fouling hull coatings not subject to FIFRA registration (i.e., not
produced for sale and distribution in the United States), hull coatings must
not contain any biocides or toxic materials banned for use in the United
States (including those on EPA’s List of Banned or Severely Restricted
Pesticides). This requirement applies to all vessels subject to this permit,
including those registered and painted outside the United States.

At the time of initial application or scheduled reapplication of anti-fouling Y/N

coatings, you must give consideration, as appropriate for vessel class and vessel
operations, to the use of hull coatings with the lowest effective biocide release
rates, rapidly biodegradable components (once separated from the hull surface),
or non-biocidal alternatives, such as silicone coatings.

Some ports and harbors are impaired by copper, a biocide used commonly in
anti-foulant paints. These waters include Shelter Island Yacht Basin in San Diego,
California, and waters in and around the ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach. A
complete list of such waters may be found at When
vessels spend considerable time in these waters (defined as spending more than
30 days per year), or use these waters as their home port (i.e., house boats, ferries
or rescue vessels), vessel owners/operators shall consider using anti-fouling
coatings that rely on a rapidly biodegradable biocide or another alternative
rather than copper-based coatings. If after consideration of alternative biocides,

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vessel operators continue to use copper-based antifoulant paints, they must

document in their recordkeeping documentation how this decision was reached.

The discharge of Tributyltin (TBT) from any source (whether used as a biocide or
not) or any other organotin compound used as a biocide is prohibited by this
permit. Therefore, vessel owners/operators covered by this permit have a zero
discharge standard for TBT (whether or not used as a biocide) or any other
organotin compound used as a biocide. You may not use an antifoulant coating
containing TBT or any other organotin compound used as a biocide. If the vessel
has previously been covered with a hull coating containing TBT (whether or not
used as a biocide) or any other organotin compound used as a biocide, vessels
must be effectively overcoated so that no TBT or other organotin leaches from the
vessel hull or the TBT or other organotin coating must have been removed from
the vessel’s hull.

When used as a catalyst, an organotin compound other than TBT (e.g., dibutyltin)
is not to be present above 2500 mg total tin per kilogram of dry paint.
Furthermore, the coating shall not be designed to slough or otherwise peel from
the vessel hull. Incidental amounts of coating discharged by abrasion during
cleaning or after contact with other hard surfaces (e.g., moorings) are not

© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 27




Discharges of AFFF are authorized for emergency purposes when needed to
ensure the safety and security of the vessel and crew.

For vessels that sail outside of the territorial sea more than once per month,
maintenance and training discharges of fluorinated AFFF are not authorized
within waters subject to this permit (i.e., any such discharges should be collected
and stored for onshore disposal or scheduled when the vessel is outside such
waters). Discharge volumes associated with regulatory certification and
inspection must be minimized and a substitute foaming agent (i.e., non-
fluorinated) must be used if possible within waters subject to this permit.

For vessels that do not leave the territorial sea more than once per month, if
vessel maintenance and training discharges are required, AFFF must be collected
and stored for onshore disposal unless the vessel uses a non-fluorinated or
alternative foaming agent. Training should be conducted as far from shore as is Y/N
practicable. Maintenance and training discharges are not allowed in port.

For all vessels, AFFF discharges may not occur in or within 1 nm of a water
referenced in Appendix G unless they are discharged:

• For emergency purposes;

• By rescue vessels such as fireboats for firefighting purposes; or
• By vessels owned or under contract to do business exclusively in or within 1
nm of those protected areas by the United States government or state or
local governments.

If emergency AFFF discharges occur in waters referenced in Appendix G, a

written explanation must be kept in the ship’s log or other vessel recordkeeping
documentation consistent with Part 4.2 of this permit.

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You must minimize the discharge of boiler/economizer blowdown in port if

chemicals or other additives are used to reduce impurities or prevent scale
formation. For vessels greater than 400 gross tons which leave the territorial sea
at least once per week, boiler/economizer blowdown may not be discharged in
waters subject to this permit, unless:

• The vessel remains within waters subject to this permit for a longer period
than the necessary duration between blowdown cycles;
• The vessel needs to conduct blowdown immediately before entering
drydock; or
• For safety purposes.

For all vessels, boiler/economizer blowdown may not be discharged in waters

referenced in Appendix G except for safety purposes. Furthermore,
boiler/economizer blowdown should be discharged as far from shore as

© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 29




Cathodic protection must be maintained to prevent the corrosion of the ship’s hull.
The discharge of zinc, magnesium, and aluminum are expected from properly
functioning cathodic protection sacrificial electrodes. However, vessel operators
must minimize the flaking of large, corroded portions of these anodes. Sacrificial
anodes must not be used more than necessary to adequately prevent corrosion of
the vessel’s hull, sea chest, rudder, and other exposed areas of the vessel. Vessel
operators must appropriately clean and/or replace these anodes during periods of
maintenance (such as drydocking), so that release of these metals to waters is
minimized. Furthermore, when feasible, sacrificial anodes should be flush-fitted to
the hull, or vessel operators must fill the space between the anode and hull backing
to remove the potential for hotspots for fouling organisms.

Vessel operators should note that magnesium is less toxic than aluminum and
aluminum is less toxic than zinc. If vessel operators use sacrificial electrodes, they
must select electrode devices with metals that are less toxic to the extent
technologically feasible and economically practicable and achievable. For vessels Y/N
that spend the majority of their time in freshwater, if aluminum or zinc is selected,
the vessel owner/operator must document in their recordkeeping documentation
why the use of magnesium is not appropriate. Likewise, for vessels that spend the
majority of their time in saltwater, if vessel zinc is selected, the vessel
owner/operator must document why aluminum is not selected. The documentation
requirement is applicable after the vessel’s first drydocking after December 19,
2013 (e.g., if the vessel drydocks in 2015, the requirement is applicable for that
vessel starting in 2015).

EPA recommends, particularly for new vessels, the use of Impressed Current
Cathodic Protection (ICCP) in place of or to reduce the use of sacrificial electrodes
when technologically feasible (e.g., adequate power sources, appropriate for vessel
hull size and design), safe, and adequate to protect against corrosion. If vessel
operators use ICCP, they must maintain dielectric shields to prevent flaking.

© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 30





The anchor chain must be carefully and thoroughly washed down (i.e., more than
a cursory rinse) as it is being hauled out of the water to remove sediment and
marine organisms. In addition, chain lockers must be cleaned thoroughly during
dry-docking to eliminate accumulated sediments and any potential accompanying
pollutants. For vessels that regularly sail outside waters subject to this permit (at
least once per month), if technically feasible, periodically clean, rinse, and/or
pump out the space beneath the chain locker prior to entering waters subject to Y/N
this permit (preferably mid-ocean) if the anchor has been lowered into any
nearshore waters. Furthermore, for vessels that leaves waters subject to this
permit at least once per month, chain lockers shall not be rinsed or pumped out in
waters subject to this permit, unless not emptying them would compromise
safety. Such a safety claim must be documented in the vessel’s recordkeeping
documentation consistent with Part 4.2.

© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 31






The protective seals on controllable pitch propellers, azimuth thrusters,
propulsion pods, rudder bearings, or any other oil-to-sea interfaces must be
maintained in good operating order to minimize the leaking of hydraulic oil or
other oils. The vessel owner/operator must not discharge oil in quantities that
may be harmful as defined in 40 CFR Part 110 from any oil-to-sea interface. If
possible, maintenance activities on controllable pitch propellers, thrusters, and
other oil-to-sea interfaces should be conducted when a vessel is in drydock.

Minimize maintenance activities on stern tube seals when a vessel is outside of

drydock. If maintenance or emergency repair must occur on stern tubes or
other oil-to-sea interfaces which have a potential to release oil in quantities
that may be harmful as defined in 40 CFR Part 110, appropriate spill response
equipment (e.g., oil booms) must be used to contain any oil leakage. Operators
of the vessel must have ready access to spill response resources to clean up any
oil spills.

After applying lubrication to wire rope and mechanical equipment subject to

immersion, wire ropes, and other equipment must be thoroughly wiped down
to remove excess lubricant unless doing so is deemed unsafe by the Master of
the vessel.

All vessels must use an EAL in all oil to sea interfaces, unless technically
© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 32



infeasible. “Environmentally acceptable lubricants” means lubricants that are

“biodegradable” and “minimally-toxic” and are “not bioaccumulative” as
defined in Appendix A of this permit. For purposes of requirements related to
EALs, technically infeasible means that no EAL products are approved for use in
a given application that meet manufacturer specifications for that equipment,
products which come pre- lubricated (e.g., wire ropes) have no available
alternatives manufactured with EALs, products meeting a manufacturers
specifications are not available within any port in which the vessel calls, or
change over and use of an EAL must wait until the vessel’s next drydocking.

If a vessel is unable to use an EAL, you must document in your recordkeeping

documentation consistent with Part 4.2 why you are unable to do so, and must
report the use of a non-environmentally acceptable lubricant to EPA in your
Annual Report. Use of an environmentally acceptable lubricant does not
authorize the discharge of any lubricant in a quantity that may be harmful as
defined in 40 CFR Part 110.

EPA recommends that all new build vessel operators endeavor to use seawater-
based systems for their stern tube lubrication to eliminate the discharge of oil
from these interfaces to the aquatic environment.

© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 33





Brine from the distillation system and reverse osmosis reject water shall not
contain or come in contact with machinery or industrial equipment (other than
that necessary for the production of potable water), toxic or hazardous
materials, or wastes.


Discharges of untreated elevator pit effluent are not authorized within waters
subject to this permit except in cases of emergency. Elevator pit effluent may be
discharged into waters subject to this permit if it is managed with the vessel’s
bilgewater and meets all the requirements of Part 2.2.2 of this permit.
Otherwise, it must be treated with an oily-water separator and discharged with
an oil content below 15 ppm for existing vessels, as measured by EPA Method
1664 or other appropriate method for determination of oil content as accepted
by the IMO (e.g., ISO Method 9377) or U.S. Coast Guard. Emergency discharges
must be documented in the ship’s log or other vessel recordkeeping
documentation consistent with Part 4.2.

© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 34




Discharges from firemain systems are authorized for emergency purposes when
needed to ensure the safety and security of the vessel and her crew, other emergency
situations, and for testing and inspection purposes as may be required to assure its
operability in an emergency. Firemain systems may be discharged in port for
certification, maintenance, and training requirements if the intake comes directly
from the surrounding waters or potable water supplies and there are no additions to
the discharge. Furthermore, firemain discharges may be discharged for deck
washdown or other secondary uses if the intake comes directly from the surrounding Y/N
waters or potable water supplies and the discharge meets all relevant effluent
limitation associated with that activity. When feasible, maintenance and training
should be conducted outside port and/or outside waters subject to this permit.

Do not discharge firemain systems in waters listed in Part 12.1 except in emergency
situations or when washing down the anchor chain to comply with anchor wash
down requirements in Part 2.2.8.


Minimize the amount of disinfection or biocidal agents used in freshwater layup

to the minimum required to prevent aquatic growth.

© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 35




Gas turbine washwater must not be directly discharged within waters subject
to this permit. Where feasible, gas turbine washwater must be prevented from
commingling with bilgewater that will be discharged in waters subject to this
permit, for example by collecting it separately and properly disposing of it at an
onshore facility. Under no circumstances may oils, including oily mixtures, from Y/N
gas turbine washwater be discharged into waters subject to this permit in
quantities that may be harmful as determined in accordance with 40 CFR Part

© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 36





All vessels must minimize the discharge of graywater while in port. For those
vessels that cannot store graywater, the owner or operator and their crews
must minimize the production of graywater in port. Examples of ways to
minimize production of graywater include delaying laundry, scullery activities,
and restricting length of showers while in port, and using high efficiency faucets
and showerheads. All vessels that have the capacity to store graywater shall not
discharge it in waters listed in Appendix G. For vessels that cannot store
graywater, vessel operators must minimize the production of graywater while
in waters listed in Appendix G.

For vessels greater than 400 gross tons that regularly travel more than 1 nm
from shore that have the capacity to store graywater for a sufficient period,
graywater must be discharged greater than 1 nm from shore while the vessel is
underway, unless the vessel meets the treatment standards and other
requirements contained under Parts 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 or 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 of this Y/N
permit. Additional specific requirements for graywater apply to cruise ships
(Parts 5.1 and 5.2) and large ferries (Part 5.3).

Vessels that do not travel more than 1 nm from shore shall minimize the
discharge of graywater and, provided the vessel has available graywater
storage capacity, must dispose of graywater onshore if appropriate facilities are
available and such disposal is economically practicable and achievable unless
the vessel meets the treatment standards and other requirements contained
under Parts 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 or 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 of this permit. You must also
minimize the discharge of graywater when the vessel is not underway.

If graywater will be discharged in waters subject to this permit, the

introduction of kitchen oils to the graywater system must be minimized. When
cleaning dishes, you must remove as much food and oil residue as practicable
before rinsing dishes. Excess oils used in cooking, including animal fats and
© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 37



vegetable oils, shall not be added to the graywater system. Under no

circumstances may oil from the galley and scullery be discharged in quantities
that may be harmful as defined in 40 CFR Part 110.

Vessel owners/operators must use phosphate-free and minimally-toxic soaps

and detergents, as defined in Appendix A of this permit, for any purpose if
graywater will be discharged into waters subject to this permit. Soaps and
detergents must be free from toxic or bioaccumulative compounds and not lead
to extreme shifts in receiving water pH. For purposes of this part, extreme
shifts means causing pH to fall below 6.0 or rise above 9.0 as a direct result of
the discharge.

If your vessel is underway in a nutrient-impaired water, or a water that is

impaired as a result of nutrient enrichment (such as waters listed as impaired
for phosphorus, nitrogen, or for hypoxia or anoxia [low dissolved oxygen
concentrations]), you must follow these additional requirements:

When the vessel has adequate graywater storage capacity, the vessel
owner/operator shall not discharge graywater into nutrient-impaired waters
subject to this permit (e.g., the Chesapeake Bay). A complete list of such waters
can be found at Where the vessel does not have
adequate storage capacity to eliminate such discharges, graywater production
and discharge must be minimized in such waters. Any such discharge must be
conducted while the vessel is underway in areas with significant circulation and
depth to the extent feasible. Graywater stored while in such waters can later be
disposed of onshore or discharged in accordance with the other requirements of this
permit. Additional Graywater Requirements for Certain VGP Vessels

Operating in the Great Lakes

Any vessel operating on the Great Lakes that is not a “commercial vessel” as
defined in CWA section 312(a)(10) must meet one of the following requirements for
graywater management:

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(i) The vessel must hold all graywater for onshore discharge to an appropriate
shoreside facility (an appropriate shoreside facility is either an NPDES
permitted facility or an entity that delivers wastewater directly to an NPDES
permitted facility); or

(ii) The graywater discharge must not exceed 200 fecal coliform forming units
per 100 milliliters and contain no more than 150 milligrams per liter of
suspended solids.

Vessels subject to this part must conduct monitoring required under Part to
demonstrate treatment equipment maintenance and compliance with the limits of
this part. Records of the sampling and analysis results must be retained onboard for
at least 3 years in the vessel’s recordkeeping documentation consistent with Part 4.2
of this permit. Graywater Monitoring

The following monitoring requirements are applicable to vessels which discharge

graywater into waters subject to this permit and meet one of the following

• The vessel is a new build vessel constructed on or after December 19, 2013,
has a maximum crew capacity greater or equal to 15, and provides overnight
accommodations to those crew; or
• The vessel is subject to Part of this permit.

Vessel owners/operators must collect and analyze two samples per year, collected at
least 14 days apart, and report the results of those samples as part of their Annual
Report. Samples must be taken for Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), fecal
coliform, suspended solids, pH, and total residual chlorine. Vessel owner/operators
may choose to conduct monitoring for e. coli in lieu of fecal coliform. Fecal
Coliform or e. coli must only be analyzed once per year if vessels have difficulty
analyzing the results within recommended holding times. Sampling and testing shall
be conducted according to 40 CFR Part 136. If the vessel is subject to Part,
measured samples must meet the standards specified in that part.
© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 39



Records of monitoring information shall include:

The date, exact place, time, and sampling port location(s) of sampling or

• The date(s) analyses were performed;

• The individual(s) who performed the analyses;
• The analytical techniques or methods used;
• The results of such analyses; and
• Proportions of wastestreams being treated and sampled (such as mixed
graywater, mixed graywater and blackwater, and galley. If actual amounts
are not available, the estimated proportions should be provided).

Vessels subject to this part must note whether the graywater effluent is treated
or untreated, and also note whether the effluent is graywater alone or if it is
mixed with another effluent type (e.g., graywater mixed with sewage). Records
of the sampling and testing results must be retained onboard for at least 3
years in the vessel’s recordkeeping documentation consistent with Part 4.2.

Vessels which do not enter waters subject to this permit for the calendar year
need not conduct monitoring for that year, but must clearly indicate on their
Annual Report that they did not enter waters subject to this permit during that

© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 40




The discharge of motor gasoline and compensating effluent must not have oil in
quantities that may be harmful as defined in 40 CFR §110.3, which includes
discharges resulting in a visible sheen, or an oil concentration that exceeds 15
ppm. Determination of oil concentration may be measured by EPA Method
1664 or other appropriate method for determination of oil content as accepted
by the IMO (e.g., ISO Method 9377) or U.S. Coast Guard. Compliance with the 15
ppm oil concentration limitation may be established with visual monitoring for
an oily sheen. Minimize discharge of motor gasoline and compensating
discharge in port. If an oily sheen is observed, the vessel operator must deploy
appropriate oil containment practices. Vessels shall not discharge motor
gasoline and compensating discharge in waters subject to this permit listed in
Appendix G.

If discharged directly overboard, non-oily machinery wastewater, technical
water, or potable water must be free from oils in quantities that may be
harmful pursuant to 40 CFR Part 110 and any additives that are toxic or
bioaccumulative in nature. Non-oily machinery wastewater may also be
drained to the bilge. Y/N

Any discharge of packing gland or stuffing box effluent must not contain oil,
including oily materials, in quantities that may be harmful. These discharges
must not produce a visible sheen of oil or oily materials.

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You must not allow refrigeration and air condensate discharge to come into
contact with oily or toxic materials if it is discharged directly overboard.
Refrigeration and air conditioning condensate that is collected and plumbed for
internal recycling (e.g., recycled as “technical water”) is allowed to commingle Y/N
with oily water; however, the commingled discharge must meet all
requirements of Part 2.1.4 of this permit and Part 2.2.2 of this permit if

When possible, non-contact engine cooling water, hydraulic system cooling
water, refrigeration cooling water and other seawater cooling overboard
discharges should occur when the vessel is underway to minimize any thermal
impacts to the receiving water.

To reduce the production and discharge of seawater cooling overboard

discharge, EPA recommends that vessel owner/operators use shore-based
power when the vessel is in port if:
• Shore power is readily available for vessel owner/operators from utilities
or port authorities;
• Shore-based power supply systems are capable of providing all needed
electricity required for vessel operations; and
• The vessel is equipped to connect to shore-based power and such systems
are compatible with the available shore power.

Maintenance of all piping and seawater cooling systems must meet the

© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 42




requirements of Part 2.2.20 (Seawater-Piping Biofouling Prevention).

Seawater piping biofouling chemicals subject to FIFRA registration (see 40 CFR
§152.15) must be used in accordance with their FIFRA label. No pesticides or
chemicals banned for use in the United States may be discharged into waters
subject to this permit.

Vessel owner/operators must use the minimum amount of biofouling chemicals

needed to keep fouling under control. Discharges containing active agents must
contain as little chlorine as possible.
Vessel owner/operators must remove fouling organisms from seawater piping
on a regular basis and dispose of removed substances in accordance with local,
state, and federal regulations. Removed fouling organisms shall not be
discharged into waters subject to this permit and EPA recommends that if
discharged into any waters, should be discharged more than 50 nm from shore.
Vessel owner/operators should remove any organisms while at sea where
technically feasible to reduce the risk of invasive species introduction in ports.

© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 43




Vessel engines generating wet exhaust must be maintained in good operating
order, well-tuned, and function according to manufacturer specifications to
decrease pollutant contributions to wet exhaust. Vessel owner/operators
should use low sulfur or alternative fuels for their vessels to reduce the
concentration of pollutants in discharges from boat engine wet exhaust.

EPA encourages vessel operators to consider four stroke engines instead of two
stroke engines for vessels generating wet exhaust that are covered under this
permit. Use of a four stroke engine may minimize the discharge of pollutants to
waters subject to this permit. Where vessels utilize two stroke engines,
environmentally acceptable lubricants (as defined in Appendix A of this permit)
must be used unless technologically infeasible. If technologically infeasible, the
vessel owner/operator must document in their recordkeeping documentation
why they are not using environmentally acceptable lubricants.

The water inside the sonar dome shall not be discharged into waters subject to
this permit for maintenance purposes. Vessel operators should not use
biofouling chemicals that are bioaccumulative for the exterior of sonar domes
when non-bioaccumulative alternatives are available.

© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 44




Vessel owners/operators must minimize the transport of attached living organisms
when traveling into U.S. waters from outside the U.S. economic zone or between
Captain of the Port (COTP) zones. Management measures to minimize the transport of
attached living organisms include selecting an appropriate anti-foulant management
system and maintaining that system, in water inspection, cleaning, and maintenance
of hulls, and thorough hull and other niche area cleaning when a vessel is in drydock.

Whenever possible, rigorous hull-cleaning activities should take place in drydock or

at a land-based facility where the removal of fouling organisms or spent antifouling
coatings paint can be contained. If water-pressure-based systems are used to clean
the hull and remove old paint, you must use facilities which treat the washwater prior
to discharging to waters subject to this permit in order to remove the antifouling
compound(s) and fouling growth from the washwater. If mechanical means (scraping,
etc.) are used to clean the hull and remove old paint, the materials removed from the
hull during that process must be collected and disposed of properly (e.g., onshore).
These materials must not be allowed to contaminate nearby waters. Y/N

Vessel owners/operators who remove fouling organisms from hulls while the vessel
is waterborne must employ methods that minimize the discharge of fouling
organisms and antifouling hull coatings. These shall include:

• Use of appropriate cleaning brush or sponge rigidity to minimize removal of

antifouling coatings and biocide releases into the water column;
• Limiting use of hard brushes and surfaces to the removal of hard growth; and
• When available and feasible, use of vacuum or other control technologies to
minimize the release or dispersion of antifouling hull coatings and fouling
organisms into the water column.

Vessel owners/operators must minimize the release of copper-based antifoulant

paints during vessel cleaning operations. Cleaning of hull surfaces coated with
copper-based antifoulant paint must not result in any visible cloud or plume of paint
© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 45



in the water; if a visible cloud or plume of paint develops, shift to a softer brush or less
abrasive cleaning technique. A plume or cloud of paint can be noted by the presence
of discoloration or other visible indication that is distinguishable from hull growth or
sediment removal. Production of a plume or cloud of sediment or hull growth is
normal in some cases during vessel hull cleaning, but this plume or cloud must be
substantially paint free (e.g., paint should not be clearly identifiable in the plume or
cloud). When feasible, attempts must be made to minimize the release of fouling
organisms and antifouling systems (including copper-based coatings) into
surrounding waters.

Vessels that use copper-based anti-fouling paint must not clean the hull in copper-
impaired waters within the first 365 days after paint application unless there is a
significant visible indication of hull fouling. EPA maintains a list of copper-impaired
waters on its webpage at If you clean before 365 days
after paint application in copper-impaired waters, you must document in your
recordkeeping documentation why this early cleaning was necessary.

© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 46




Welldeck discharges that contain graywater from smaller vessels should not be
discharged within waters subject to this permit except in cases of emergency.
Welldeck discharges from washdown of gas turbine engines may not be
discharged within waters subject to this permit. Welldeck discharges from
equipment and vehicle washdowns must be free from garbage and must not
contain oil in quantities that may be harmful as defined in 40 CFR Part 110.

The commingled discharge of graywater mixed with sewage from vessels must
comply with the effluent limits for graywater discharge in Part 2.2.15 or Part 5
of this permit if applicable. Though not a requirement of this permit, vessel
owner/operators are advised that all discharges commingled with sewage must
meet the requirements set forth in section 312 of the CWA and its
implementing regulations found at 40 CFR Part 140 and 33 CFR Part 159.
Hence, discharges of graywater mixed with sewage must meet both standards
to be in compliance with the CWA.

© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 47




Exhaust gas scrubber washwater discharge must not contain oil, including oily
mixtures, in quantities that may be harmful as determined in accordance with
40 CFR Part 110. Sludge or residues generated in treating exhaust gas scrubber
washwater discharge must not be discharged in waters subject to this permit
and must be delivered ashore to adequate reception facilities.

In addition, owner/operators of vessels with exhaust gas cleaning systems that

result in washwater discharges must meet the numeric effluent limits found in
Part and the monitoring requirements found in Part this
permit. These limits are consistent with the IMO washwater guidelines set forth
in section 10 for Exhaust Gas Cleaning (EGC) Systems (resolution MEPC.184
(59)). Among other things, these guidelines recommend the establishment of
limits for concentrations of pollutants in the effluent. Exhaust Gas Scrubber Washwater Discharge Standards

Y/N pH

The discharge of washwater from the exhaust gas scrubber treatment system
must have a pH of no less than 6.0 measured at the ship’s overboard discharge,
with the exception that during maneuvering and transit, the maximum
difference between inlet and outlet of 2.0 pH units is allowed. This difference is
to be measured at the ship’s inlet and overboard discharge. PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)

The maximum continuous PAH concentration in the washwater must not be

greater than 50 μg/L PAHphe (phenanthrene equivalence) above the inlet
water PAH concentration for washwater flow rates normalized to 45 t/MWh.
MWh refers to the maximum continuous rating (MCR) or 80 percent of the
power rating of the fuel oil combustion unit. For the purposes of this criterion,
© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 48



the PAH concentration in the washwater must be measured downstream of the

water treatment equipment, but upstream of any washwater dilution or other
reactant dosing unit, if used, prior to discharge.

The 50-μg/L limit is adjusted upward for lower washwater flow rates per MWh,
and vice-versa, and the applicable permit limits are contained in Table 7.

Table 7: PAH Permit Limits in Exhaust Gas Scrubber Discharge

Flow Rate Discharge Concentration Limit Measurement
(t/MWh) (μg/L PAHphe equivalents) Technology
0-1 2,250 Ultraviolet Light
2.5 900 Ultraviolet Light
5 450 Fluorescence2
11.25 200 Fluorescence
22.5 100 Fluorescence
45 50 Fluorescence
90 25 Fluorescence

For a 15-minute period in any 12-hour period, the continuous PAH

concentration limit may exceed the limit described above by 100 percent. This
is to allow for an abnormal startup of the exhaust gas scrubber unit. Turbidity

The washwater treatment system must be designed to minimize suspended

particulate matter, including heavy metals and ash. The maximum turbidity
(monitored continuously) in washwater must not be greater than 25 FNU
(formazin nephelometric units) or 25 NTU (nephelometric turbidity units) or
equivalent units, above the inlet water turbidity. However, during periods of
high inlet turbidity, the precision of the measurement device and the time lapse
between inlet measurement and outlet measurement are such that the use of a
© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 49



difference limit is unreliable. Therefore, all turbidity difference readings must

be a rolling average over a 15-minute period to a maximum of 25 FNU or NTU.
For the purposes of this criterion, the turbidity in the washwater must be
measured downstream of the water treatment equipment but upstream of
washwater dilution (or other reactant dosing) prior to discharge. For a
maximum of one 15-minute period within any 12-hour period, the continuous
turbidity discharge limit may be exceeded by 20 percent. Nitrates +Nitrites

The washwater treatment system must prevent the discharge of nitrates, plus
nitrites beyond that associated with a 12 percent removal of NOx from the
exhaust, or beyond 60 mg/l normalized for washwater discharge rate of 45
tons/MWh, whichever is greater. MWh refers to the MCR or 80 percent of the
power rating of the fuel oil combustion unit. For the purposes of this criterion,
the nitrate concentration in the washwater must be measured downstream of
the water treatment equipment, but upstream of any washwater dilution or
other reactant dosing unit, if used, prior to discharge.

The 60-mg/L limit is adjusted upward for lower washwater flow rates per
MWh, and vice-versa, and the applicable permit limits are contained in Table 8.

Table 8: Nitrates + Nitrites Permit Limits in Exhaust Gas Scrubber

Flow Rate Discharge Concentration Limit
(t/MWH) (mg/L nitrate + nitrite)
0-1 2,700
2.5 1,080
5 640
11.25 240
22.5 120

© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 50




45 60
90 30 Exhaust Gas Scrubber Analytical Monitoring Requirements Continuous Monitoring

The data recording system must comply with the guidelines in sections 7 and 8
of MEPC.184(59) and must continuously record pH, PAH (as available), and
turbidity. The vessel owner/operator must continuously monitor for PAH
discharges where continuous monitoring technologies (e.g., probes/analyzers)
are available (availability should include the technology’s robustness, reliability
and ability to perform over for a minimum of two years). When the EGC system
is operated in waters subject to this permit, the washwater monitoring and
recording must be continuous. The values monitored and recorded must
include pH, PAH (as available), turbidity, and temperature.

The pH electrode and pH meter must have a resolution of 0.1 pH units and
temperature compensation. The electrode must comply with the requirements
defined in BS 2586 or of equivalent or better performance and the meter
should meet or exceed BS EN ISO 60746-2:2003.

The PAH monitoring equipment must be capable of monitoring PAH in water in

a range of at least twice the discharge concentration limit given in the table
above. A demonstration must be made that the equipment operates correctly
and does not deviate more than 5 percent in washwater with turbidity within
the working range of the application. For those applications discharging at
lower flow rates and higher PAH concentrations, ultraviolet light monitoring
technology or equivalent should be used due to its reliable operating range.
The turbidity monitoring equipment must meet requirements defined in ISO
7027:1999 or USEPA 180.1.

© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 51




All continuous monitoring equipment must be calibrated as recommended by

probe manufacturers or Exhaust Gas scrubber manufacturers. At a minimum,
all probes must be calibrated at least annually. EPA expects many probe types
(e.g., turbidity probes) will need to be calibrated on a more frequent basis. Analytical Monitoring

In addition to the continuous monitoring found in Part of this

permit, vessel owner/operators must collect and analyze two samples in the
first year of permit coverage or system operation, whichever is first, for each of
the constituents analyzed in Part to demonstrate treatment
equipment maintenance, probe accuracy, and compliance with this permit.
Samples must not be collected within 14 days of each other. Samples must be
collected for inlet water (for background), water after the scrubber (but before
any treatment system), and discharge water. For all vessels, one of those
samples may be conducted as part a vessel’s annual or other survey, and during
the first year, one of those sampling events may be conducted as part of the
installation of the system to ensure it is functioning properly.

After the first year, samples must be collected at least once per calendar year
for inlet water (for background), water after the scrubber (but before any
treatment system), and discharge water, and may be collected as part of the
vessel’s annual survey as appropriate. Records of the sampling and testing
results must be retained onboard for a period of 3 years in the vessel’s
recordkeeping documentation consistent with Part 4.2. Analytes for Analytical Monitoring

Vessels conducting monitoring as required by Part must monitor for

the following parameters, choosing either sufficiently sensitive EPA Part 136
methods or other methods if specifically allowed:

• Dissolved and Total Metals, including, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium,

Copper, Lead, Nickel, Selenium, Thallium, Vanadium, and Zinc
© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 52



(recommend using EPA Methods 200.8 or 200.9. Because matrix

interference is a known issue for arsenic and selenium in saltwater
samples, the Agency strongly recommends operators using Octopole
Reaction Cell ICP-MS, Dynamic Reaction Cell ICP-MS, hydride generation
with a graphite furnace, or other appropriate approach consistent with
200.8 or 200.9 to minimize this interference);

• PAHs including Acenaphthylene, Acenaphthene, Anthracene

Benz[a]anthracene, Benzo[ghi]perylene, Benzo[a]pyrene,
Benzo[b]fluoranthene +, benzo[k]fluoranthene, Chrysene,
Dibenz[a,h]anthracene, Fluoranthene, Fluorene, Indeno[1,2,3,c,d]pyrene,
Naphthalene, Phenanthrene, and Pyrene (recommend using EPA Methods
550.1, 610, 625, 8100, 8270c, 8310);
• Nitrate-Nitrite (recommend using EPA Method 353.2);
• pH (using Standard Methods (SM) 4500-H B); Monitoring Reporting

Vessel owners/operators must submit all monitoring data to EPA

electronically, unless exempted from electronic reporting consistent with Part
1.14 of this permit. Monitoring data must be submitted at least once per
calendar year no later than February 28 of the following year on the vessel
annual report. Data must be submitted on or attached to the exhaust gas
scrubber DMR available in Appendix H of this permit or submitted to EPA
electronically. The system is scheduled to be available at Data may be submitted as part of the vessel’s
annual report.

© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 53




All reasonable steps must be taken to prevent the discharge of excess fish hold
water and ice while the vessel is stationary at the pier. If large solid pieces of
fish waste are contained in the fish hold effluent (e.g., fish heads, internal
organs) the fish hold effluent may not be discharged while the vessel is pierside
and stationary, unless a physical separation method is used (e.g., ½ inch coarse
screens or smaller, a screened hose having ½ inch screen openings or smaller,
filters, or other methods to remove large solids).

Solid fish waste must be disposed of shoreside on land or at sea (but outside of
harbors or other protected and enclosed coastal waters, and other areas where
EPA has found that such deposits could endanger health, the environment, or
ecological systems in a specific location under the Marine Protection, Research
and Sanctuaries Act, 33 U.S.C 1412(d)).

Except for discharges from holding tanks for the sole purpose of keeping the
catch alive during transit by pumping continuous “once through” ambient Y/N
water into and through the tank prior to immediate discharge (e.g.,
crabbing/lobster vessels), if you are unloading your catch at a shore-based
seafood processor or other pier and a shore-based discharge facility is available
and economically achievable, you must discharge your effluent (including dirty
ice) to that shore-based facility instead of discharging to surrounding waters if:

• Its use is economically achievable, and

• The facility has a valid NPDES permit, or
• That facility discharges to an NPDES-permitted sewage treatment facility.

Do not discard any unused live bait overboard, unless you caught that bait in
that waterbody or watershed. Unused live bait purchased from a bait shop or
dealer may not be discharged overboard unless the vessel operator has
documentation from the dealer that the bait was caught in that waterbody.

© Witt O’Brien, L.L.C. 2013 54

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