Coa C2000-005
Coa C2000-005
Coa C2000-005
October 4, 2000
SUBJECT : Clarifying the implementation of COA Circular No. 99-002 dated June 15,
1999 in view of Section 41 of the General Provisions, General Appropriations
Act, FY 2000 and its effect on the Supreme Court Decision in Aida Domingo
vs. Commission on Audit (G.R. No. 112371, October 7, 1998).
1.0 This Circular is issued to clarify the effect of Section 41, of the General Provisions,
General Appropriations Act, FY 2000, on COA Circular No. 99-002 dated June 15,
1999 which was issued to bring into effect the ruling of the Supreme Court in the case
entitled "Aida Domingo vs. COA."
This provision was a restatement of the GAA of the previous years except that
the words "assigned a government vehicle" were deleted from the present GAA.
The deletion cannot be for no purpose at all since this was made right after the
promulgation of the Supreme Court decision, supra, which held that:
"Had the legislative intent been that government officials issued an official vehicle
could still collect transportation allowance if they do not actually use subject
vehicle, the word "use" instead of "assign" should have been employed."
2.2 In view of the foregoing, the prohibition against the use of government vehicles
by officials provided with transportation allowance under Paragraph VI of
Memorandum Circular No. 75-6 pursuant to Section 14, Presidential Decree 733
is hereby restated. Heads of agencies whose offices have been assigned
vehicles and those officers to whom such heads specifically assigned a vehicle
when there are more than one vehicle issued to the agency shall not be deprived
of their transportation allowance on that basis alone.
2.4 To ensure strict compliance with the prohibition against the use of government
motor vehicles by those who are already enjoying transportation allowance
benefits, all concerned are hereby enjoined to observe the existing regulations
involving the marking of government vehicles, the use of RP plates, and the
proper filling up of the corresponding trip tickets.
2.5 All unit auditors are accordingly directed to see tot the implementation of this
Circular in their respective unit.
COA Circular No. 99-002 and all other existing issuances inconsistent herewith are
repealed/modified accordingly.