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Rules for Building and Classing Facilities on Offshore Installations



JULY 2012

American Bureau of Shipping

Incorporated by Act of Legislature of
the State of New York 1862

Copyright  2012
American Bureau of Shipping
ABS Plaza
16855 Northchase Drive
Houston, TX 77060 USA

These Rules contain the technical requirements and criteria employed by ABS in the review and survey of
hydrocarbon production facilities that are being considered for Classification and for maintenance of
Classification. It is applicable to Hydrocarbon Production and Processing Systems and associated utility
and safety systems located on fixed (bottom-founded) offshore structures of various types. It also applies
to systems installed on floating installations such as ships shape based FPSOs, tension leg platforms, spars,
semisubmersibles, etc.
There are differences in the practices adopted by the designers of fixed and floating installations. Some of
these differences are due to physical limitations inherent in the construction of facilities on new or
converted floating installations. Recognizing these differences, the requirements for facilities on fixed and
floating installations are specified in separate chapters. Chapter 3 covers requirements for facilities on
floating installations and Chapter 4 covers requirements for facilities on fixed installations.
Facilities designed, constructed, and installed in accordance with the requirements of these Rules on an
ABS classed fixed or floating offshore structure, under ABS review and survey, will be classed and identified
in the Record by an appropriate classification notation as defined herein.
These Rules have been written for world-wide application and as such, compliance with individual requirements
may require comprehensive data, analyses and plans to be submitted to demonstrate the adequacy of the
facility. ABS acknowledges that there is a wide range of documents that may be required for submittal to
satisfy these Rules. It is not the intention of these Rules to impose requirements or practices in addition to
those that have previously proven satisfactory in similar situations.
Design and installation requirements presented in these Rules are based on existing methodologies and
attendant safety factors that are deemed to provide an adequate level of safety. Primarily, the use of such
methods and limits in these Rules reflects what is considered to be the current state of practice in the
design and installation of offshore facilities. The application of these Rules by ABS will not seek to inhibit
the use of any technological approach that can be shown to produce an acceptable level of safety.
These Rules are applicable to the classification of facilities for which applications, or contracts for classification,
are received on or after 1 July 2012. These Rules supersede the Guide for Building and Classing Facilities
on Offshore Installations 2009.

Changes to Conditions of Classification (1 January 2008)

For the 2008 edition, Chapter 1, “Scope and Conditions of Classification” was consolidated into a generic
booklet, entitled Rules for Conditions of Classification – Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1) for all units,
installations, vessels or systems in offshore service. The purpose of this consolidation was to emphasize
the common applicability of the classification requirements in “Chapter 1” to ABS-classed offshore units,
pipelines, risers, and other offshore structures, and thereby make “Conditions of Classification” more
readily a common Rule of the various ABS Rules and Guides, as appropriate.
Thus, Chapter 1 of these Rules specifies only the unique requirements applicable to facilities on offshore
installations. These supplemental requirements are always to be used with the aforementioned Rules for
Conditions of Classification – Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1).

Table of Contents



CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification (Supplement to the ABS
Rules for Conditions of Classification – Offshore Units and
Structures) .............................................................................................. 1
Section 1 Classification .......................................................................... 2
Section 2 Application, System Classification Boundaries, Symbols
and Notations ......................................................................... 3
Section 3 Rules for Classification .......................................................... 6
Section 4 Recognition of Risk Based Techniques to Justify
Alternatives ............................................................................ 7
Section 5 Submission of Plans, Data and Calculations ....................... 10
[See also separately published booklet ABS Rules for Conditions of
Classification – Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1)]

CHAPTER 2 Definitions, References, Acronyms and Abbreviations .................... 11

Section 1 Definitions ............................................................................ 12
Section 2 References ........................................................................... 17
Section 3 Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................................... 18

CHAPTER 3 Floating Installations............................................................................ 19

Section 1 General ................................................................................ 28
Section 2 Design Plans and Data ........................................................ 30
Section 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems .................. 46
Section 4 Process Support Systems.................................................... 63
Section 5 Marine Support Systems...................................................... 71
Section 6 Electrical Systems................................................................ 74
Section 7 Instrumentation & Control Systems .....................................91
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety ................................ 100

CHAPTER 4 Fixed Installations .............................................................................. 124

Section 1 General ..............................................................................129
Section 2 Plans and Particulars to be Submitted............................... 131
Section 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems ................147
Section 4 Process and Platform Support Systems ............................ 148
Section 5 <Intentionally Left Blank>................................................... 152

Section 6 Electrical Systems.............................................................. 153
Section 7 Instrumentation & Control Systems ................................... 155
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety ................................ 156

CHAPTER 5 Surveys ............................................................................................... 184

Section 1 Surveys During Construction and Commissioning ............ 186
Section 2 Surveys for Maintenance of Class ..................................... 195
Section 3 Risk Based Surveys for Maintenance of Class .................. 198

APPENDIX 1 Plastic Pipe Installations ................................................................... 201

Section 1 General .............................................................................. 204
Section 2 Design ................................................................................ 205
Section 3 Installation of Plastic Pipes ................................................ 210
Section 4 Manufacturing of Plastic Pipes .......................................... 213
Section 5 Plastic Pipe Bonding Procedure Qualification ................... 214
Section 6 Tests by the Manufacturer – Fire Endurance Testing of
Plastic Piping in Dry Condition
(For Level 1 and Level 2) ................................................... 215
Section 7 Tests by the Manufacturer – Fire Endurance Testing of
Water-filled Plastic Piping (For Level 3)............................. 217
Section 8 Tests by the Manufacturer – Fire Endurance Testing of
Plastic Piping Used in Deluge System (For Level 3
Modified Test – Level 3 WD) (Adopted from USCG
PFM 1-98) .......................................................................... 220
Section 9 Tests by the Manufacturer – Flame Spread ...................... 221
Section 10 Testing on Board After Installation..................................... 222

APPENDIX 2 Fire Tests for Non-metallic Hoses .................................................... 223

APPENDIX 3 Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Gratings .......................................... 225

APPENDIX 4 References, Codes and Standards ................................................... 231

APPENDIX 5 Systems Requirements for Floating Installations ........................... 234

This Page Intentionally Left Blank

CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification

(Supplement to the ABS Rules for Conditions of
Classification – Offshore Units and Structures)

SECTION 1 Classification .......................................................................................... 2

SECTION 2 Application, System Classification Boundaries, Symbols, and

Notations................................................................................................. 3
1 Scope .................................................................................................. 3
3 Classification Boundaries.................................................................... 4
5 Classification Symbols ........................................................................ 4
5.1 Floating Installations ........................................................................ 4
5.3 Fixed Installations ............................................................................ 4
7 Systems not Built Under Survey ......................................................... 4
9 Conversion of Existing Vessels .......................................................... 5
11 Conversion of Existing Structures ....................................................... 5

SECTION 3 Rules for Classification ......................................................................... 6

1 Application .......................................................................................... 6

SECTION 4 Recognition of Risk Based Techniques to Justify Alternatives ......... 7

1 General ............................................................................................... 7
3 Application .......................................................................................... 7
5 Submittals ........................................................................................... 8
7 Risk Evaluation Methodology ............................................................. 8
9 Identification of Hazards ..................................................................... 8
11 Other Requirements............................................................................ 9

SECTION 5 Submission of Plans, Data, and Calculations .................................... 10

Section 1: Classification

CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification

SECTION 1 Classification (1 January 2008)

The requirements for conditions of classification are contained in the separate, generic ABS Rules for
Conditions of Classification – Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1).
Additional requirements specific to facilities on offshore installations are contained in the following Sections.

Section 2: Application, System Classification Boundaries, Symbols and Notations

CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification

SECTION 2 Application, System Classification Boundaries,

Symbols, and Notations (1 January 2008)
A listing of Classification Symbols and Notations available to the Owners of vessels, offshore drilling and
production units and other marine structures and systems, “List of ABS Notations and Symbols” is
available from the ABS website “http://www.eagle.org/absdownloads/index.cfm”.
The following classification boundaries, symbols and notations are specific to facilities on offshore installations.

1 Scope (1 July 2012)

The requirements in the Rules are applicable to hydrocarbon production and/or processing facilities located
on floating or fixed offshore installations, and apply to the following systems and associated equipment:
• Hydrocarbon Production
• Hydrocarbon Processing
• Process Support
• Process Control
• Marine Support
• Electrical
• Instrumentation and Control
• Fire Protection and Personnel Safety
The following ABS Rules and Guide, latest edition, are applicable as referenced therein for systems or
services other than for the hydrocarbon production and processing facilities.
i) FPI Guide ABS Guide for Building and Classing Floating Production
ii) Offshore Installations Rules ABS Rules for Building and Classing Offshore Installations
iii) Steel Vessel Rules ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels
iv) MODU Rules ABS Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Drilling
Appropriate flag state and port state authorities are to be consulted for their specific requirements.
• Chapter 2 provides definitions, references, abbreviations and acronyms associated with these Rules.
• Chapter 3 covers requirements for hydrocarbon production and processing facilities on floating
• Chapter 4 covers requirements for hydrocarbon production and processing facilities on fixed installations.
• Chapter 5 covers requirements for survey during and after construction.

Chapter 1 Scope and Condition of Classification
Section 2 Application, System Classification Boundaries, Symbols and Notations 1-2

3 Classification Boundaries (1 July 2012)

The boundaries for classification where a hydrocarbon production and/or processing facility is installed on
an offshore installation are defined to include the following major items:
i) For floating installations:
a) Vessel, including hull structure, equipment, and marine machinery, subject to the
requirements of the FPI Guide.
b) Position Mooring System, according to the requirements of the FPI Guide.
c) Hydrocarbon Production and/or Processing Facilities (topside), according to the requirements
of these Rules.
ii) For fixed installations:
a) Structure, subject to the requirements of the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Offshore
Installations (OI Rules).
b) Hydrocarbon Production and/or Processing Facilities (topside), according to the requirements
of these Rules.
iii) Classification of additional equipment and systems can be provided if requested by the owner.

5 Classification Symbols

5.1 Floating Installations

For floating installations, systems which have been designed, built, installed, and commissioned in accordance
with approved plans to the satisfaction of the ABS Surveyors, and which are deemed to meet the full
requirements of the applicable ABS Rules and Guides, or their equivalent, where approved by the Committee,
for service in specified design environmental conditions, will be classed and distinguished in the ABS Record
by the symbols À A1 followed by the appropriate notation for the system’s intended service.
Floating Production, Storage and Offloading System (FPSO)
Floating Production (and Offloading) System (FPS)
Floating Storage and Offloading System (FSO)

5.3 Fixed Installations

For fixed installations, systems which have been designed, built, installed, and commissioned in
accordance with approved plans to the satisfaction of the ABS surveyors, and which are deemed to meet
the full requirements of the applicable ABS Rules and Guides, or their equivalent, where approved by the
Committee for service in specified design environmental conditions, will be classed and distinguished in the
ABS Record by the symbols À A1 followed by the appropriate notation for the system’s intended service:
Offshore Installation – Hydrocarbon Processing
Offshore Installation – Hydrocarbon Production
Note: The mark À (Maltese Cross) signifies that the system was built, installed, and commissioned to
the satisfaction of the ABS Surveyors.

7 Systems not Built Under Survey

Installations which have not been built under ABS’s survey, but which are submitted for classification, will
be subject to design review and a special classification survey.
Where found satisfactory and thereafter approved by the Committee, they will be classed and distinguished
in the Record by the symbols and special notations described above, but the mark À signifying survey
during construction will be omitted.

Chapter 1 Scope and Condition of Classification
Section 2 Application, System Classification Boundaries, Symbols and Notations 1-2

9 Conversion of Existing Vessels

Modifications of existing floating structures intended for classification as Floating Installations are required
to be converted under ABS design review and survey.

11 Conversion of Existing Structures

Modifications of existing structures intended for classification as Fixed Installations are required to be
converted under ABS design review and survey.

Section 3: Rules for Classification

CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification

SECTION 3 Rules for Classification (1 July 2012)

1 Application
These requirements are applicable to features that are permanent in nature and can be verified by plan review,
calculation, physical survey or other appropriate means. Any statement in the Rules regarding other features
is to be considered as guidance to the designer, builder, owner, etc.

Section 4: Recognition of Risk Based Techniques to Justify Alternatives

CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification

SECTION 4 Recognition of Risk Based Techniques to Justify


1 General (1 July 2012)

The requirements detailed herein provide an alternative route for an owner to obtain and maintain ABS
Class. Any alternatives to the requirements of these Rules may be specially considered by ABS on the
basis of a risk assessment submitted for review.
i) In case of such alternatives, ABS approval will be contingent upon a demonstration of fitness for
purpose and equivalent level of safety in accordance with the principles of ABS Guides and Rules,
as well as recognized codes and standards.
ii) Risk acceptance criteria are to be developed in line with the principles of the ABS Rules and will
be subject to ABS approval. In instances where a direct alternative recognized code or standard is
used, ABS verification of compliance with the standard will be considered demonstration of fitness
for purpose.
iii) The ABS publication, Guidance Notes on Risk Assessment Application for the Marine and Offshore
Oil and Gas Industries, provides an overview of risk assessment techniques and additional information.

3 Application (1 July 2012)

A risk-based approach may be applicable either to the installation as a whole or to individual systems,
subsystems, equipment or components.
i) The boundaries of the components and systems of the installation to which a risk-based assessment
is applied are to be logical.
ii) As appropriate, account must be given to remote hazards outside the bounds of the system under
consideration. Such account is to include incidents relating to remote hazards impacting on or
being influenced by the system under consideration.
iii) ABS will consider the application of risk-based techniques in the design of the installation, surveys
during construction, and surveys for maintenance of class.
iv) Portions of the installation not included in the risk assessment are to comply with the applicable
parts of the ABS Rules and Guides.
v) The following are the responsibility of the owner/operator:
a) Proposed risk acceptance criteria
b) Hazard identification
c) Risk assessment
d) Risk mitigation and management
e) Compliance of the system under consideration with the applicable requirements of Flag and
Coastal State

Chapter 1 Scope and Condition of Classification
Section 4 Recognition of Risk Based Alternatives 1-4

5 Submittals (1 July 2012)

As a minimum, the following documents are to be submitted to ABS for review and approval for classification
i) Proposed risk acceptance criteria
ii) Methodology for risk assessment
iii) Details of risk assessment
iv) Risk mitigation and/or management measures, wherever applicable

7 Risk Evaluation Methodology (1 July 2012)

The risk assessment is to consider the installation in all anticipated operating modes.
The designer or owner is to apply a structured and systematic risk assessment process to identify all foreseeable
incidents specific to his installation, making full consideration of the likelihood of occurrence of the incidents
and their consequence.
ABS review and approval of the methodology selected by the designer or owner is required.
While various techniques/methods may be applied, the Owner is to justify the suitability and appropriateness
of the particular method(s) selected. Some typical methods include:
i) Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP)
ii) Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
iii) Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
iv) Process Hazards Analysis (PHA)
v) Safety Reviews
vi) Checklists
vii) Experience from previous analyses
Where risk assessment techniques are used to cover only part of an installation, the designer or owner is to
clearly define the boundary or extent of the item(s) being considered. The extent of the boundary is to subject
to review and approval by ABS.

9 Identification of Hazards
The Owner is to identify and consider all hazards that may affect his Installation or any part thereof. The
Owner is to apply a systematic process to identify such situations where a combination or sequence of
events could lead to an Incident, with consideration given to all foreseeable causes (initiating events).
The risk assessments are to consider, at a minimum, the following:
i) Fire and Explosion
ii) Hydrocarbon Release
iii) Blow-out
iv) Structural Failure
v) Loss of Stability
vi) Loss of Station Keeping /Mooring
vii) Loss of Electrical Power
viii) Toxicity

Chapter 1 Scope and Condition of Classification
Section 4 Recognition of Risk Based Alternatives 1-4

ix) Extreme Weather

x) Environmental Factors.
xi) Dropped Objects
xii) Ship & Helicopter Collision

11 Other Requirements
Where it is intended that risk-based techniques are used as a basis for compliance with Flag and Coastal
State requirements, the owner is directed to contact the Administration, either directly or through ABS, to
obtain an understanding as to the extent to which the Administration is prepared to consider alternatives to
such requirements. The Administration may require additional hazards to be considered.

Section 5: Submission of Plans, Data and Calculations

CHAPTER 1 Scope and Conditions of Classification

SECTION 5 Submission of Plans, Data, and Calculations

A generic list of plans and data to be submitted for facilities on floating installations is included in Chapter 3,
Section 2.
A generic list of plans and data to be submitted for facilities on fixed installations is included in Chapter 4,
Section 2.
It should be noted that due to the varying configurations of offshore facilities, all or portions of these
requirements may be applicable to a given installation.

Chapter 2: Definitions, References, Acronyms and Abbreviations

CHAPTER 2 Definitions, References, Acronyms and

Abbreviations (1 July 2012)

SECTION 1 Definitions............................................................................................. 12

SECTION 2 References ............................................................................................ 17

1 References ........................................................................................ 17

SECTION 3 Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................................................. 18

1 Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................................................ 18

Section 1: Definitions

CHAPTER 2 Definitions, References, Acronyms and


SECTION 1 Definitions
The following definitions, references, abbreviations and acronyms are provided to clarify the use of terms
in the context of these Rules.
Abnormal Condition – A condition which occurs in a process system when an operating variable (flow,
pressure, temperature, etc.) ranges outside of its normal operating limits.
Accommodation Spaces (Living Quarters)
• Spaces used for public spaces, lavatories, cabins, offices, hospitals, cinemas, games and hobbies rooms,
pantries containing no cooking appliances, and similar spaces.
• Public Spaces are those portions of the accommodation which are used for halls, dining rooms, lounges
and similar permanently enclosed spaces.
Classified Area – A location in which flammable gases or vapors are or may be present in the air in quantities
sufficient to produce explosive or ignitable mixtures (see the MODU Rules, API RP 500 or API RP 505 for
additional details).
Closed Drains – Rigid piping drains from process components, such as pressure vessels, piping, liquid relief
valves etc., to a closed drain tank without any break to atmosphere.
Completed Wells – Wells fitted with Christmas trees attached to the wellhead, such that the flow of fluids
into and out of the reservoir may be controlled for production purposes.
Control Stations – Spaces containing:
i) Radio or main navigation equipment vi) Fire recording or fire control equipment
ii) Central Process Control Rooms vii) Fire-extinguishing system serving
various locations
iii) Dynamical positioning control
system viii) Emergency source of power
iv) Centralized ballast control station ix) CO2 Bottle Room
v) Battery Room x) Fire Pumps
Corridors – Passageways, generally with rooms or compartments opening onto them. For the fire protection
purposes, lobbies are considered parts of corridors.
Critical Equipment – Refers to vessels, machinery, piping, alarms, interlocks, and controls determined by
management to be vital in preventing the occurrence of a catastrophic release.
Divisions – Divisions formed by bulkheads and decks which are constructed of steel or other equivalent
material, suitably stiffened, and designed to withstand and prevent the passage of smoke and flame for the
duration of the one-hour standard fire test. Divisions are classified as follows:

Chapter 2 Definitions, References, Acronyms and Abbreviations
Section 1 Definitions 2-1

i) “A” Class Divisions – Insulated with approved non-combustible materials such that the average
temperature of the unexposed side will not rise more than 139°C (282°F) above the original
temperature, nor will the temperature, at any one point, including any joint, rise more than 180°C
(356°F) above the original temperature, within the time listed below:
Class “A-60”: 60 minutes
Class “A-30”: 30 minutes
Class “A-15”: 15 minutes
Class “A-0”: 0 minutes
This division is to remain intact with the main structure of the vessel, and is to maintain its structural
integrity after one (1) hour. Structural Integrity means that the structure will not fall under its own
weight, nor will it crumble or break upon normal contact after exposure to the fire.
ii) “B” Class Divisions – Divisions formed by bulkheads, decks, ceilings or linings which are designed
to withstand and prevent the passage of flame for at least the first half hour of the standard fire
test. They are to have an insulation value such that the average temperature of the unexposed side
will not rise more than 139°C (282°F) above the original temperature, nor will the temperature at
any one point, including any joint, rise more than 225°C (437°F) above the original temperature,
within the time listed below:
Class “B-15”: 15 minutes
Class “B-0”: 0 minutes
“B” class divisions, unless specified in the design, are not required to be load bearing or maintain
their structural integrity beyond 30 minutes of exposure. The only requirement outside of the design
specification is to prevent the passage of flames for 30 minutes and maintain thermal requirements
as described above.
iii) “C” Class Divisions – D visions constructed of approved non-combustible materials. They need
meet neither requirement relative to the passage of smoke and flame, nor limitations relative to the
temperature rise. The only requirement is that they do not add to the fire.
iv) “H” Class Divisions – Divisions formed by bulkheads and decks that are constructed of steel or
other equivalent material, suitably stiffened, and are designed to withstand and prevent the passage
of smoke and flame for the 120-minute duration of a hydrocarbon fire test. “H” class divisions are
to be insulated so that the average temperature of the unexposed face will not increase by more
than 139°C (282°F) any time during the two-hour hydrocarbon fire test, nor will the temperature,
at any point on the face, including any joint, rise more than 180°C (356°F) above the initial
temperature, within the time listed below:
Class “H-120”: 120 minutes
Class “H-60”: 60 minutes
Class “H-0”: 0 minutes
This division is to remain intact with the main structure of the vessel, and is to maintain its
structural integrity after two (2) hours. Structural Integrity means that the structure will not fall
under its own weight, nor will it crumble or break upon normal contact after exposure to the fire.
Escape Route – This is a designated path used by personnel to evade an immediate danger and ultimately
leads to a temporary refuge or muster station.
Explosive Mixture – A vapor-air or gas-air mixture that is capable of being ignited by an ignition source
that is at or above the ignition temperature of the vapor-air or gas-air mixture.
Fire Wall – A wall designed and constructed to remain structurally intact under the effects of fire and
insulated so that the temperature on the unexposed side will remain below a specified temperature for a
determined amount of time.

Chapter 2 Definitions, References, Acronyms and Abbreviations
Section 1 Definitions 2-1

Fired Vessel – A vessel in which the temperature of the fluid is increased by the addition of heat supplied
by a flame within the vessel. Specifically for hydrocarbon services, there are two (2) types of fired vessels:
i) Direct Fired Vessel – A vessel in which the temperature of process hydrocarbon fluids is increased
by the addition of heat supplied by a flame. The flame is applied directly to the fluid container.
The combustion takes place in the heater.
ii) Indirect Fired Vessel – A vessel in which the energy is transferred from an open flame or product
of combustion (such as exhaust gases from turbines, engines, or boilers) to the hydrocarbon,
through a heating medium, such as hot oil. The heating medium is usually non-combustible or has
a high flash point. The combustion may, but does not necessarily, take place in the heater.
Fixed Installation – A bottom-fixed offshore facility permanently affixed to the sea floor. The term
includes, but is not limited to, fixed platforms, guyed towers, jack-ups, converted fixed installations, etc.
Flammable Fluid – Any fluid, regardless of its flash point, capable of feeding a fire, is to be treated as
Flammable Fluid. Aviation fuel, diesel fuel, hydraulic oil (oil based), lubricating oil, crude oil and
hydrocarbon, are to be considered flammable fluids.
Flash Point – The minimum temperature at which a combustible liquid gives off vapor in sufficient
concentration to form an ignitable mixture with air near the surface of the liquid or within the vessel used,
as determined by the test procedure and apparatus specified in NFPA 30. Ignitable Mixture means a
mixture that is within the flammable range (between the upper and lower limits) and is therefore capable of
propagation of flame away from the source of ignition.
Floating Installation – An offshore facility designed to provide hydrocarbon processing and/or hydrocarbon
storage, and offload hydrocarbons. The term Floating Installation is used to generically identify a buoyant
facility that is site-specific. This installation is securely and substantially moored so that it cannot be
moved without a special effort. The term includes, but not limited to Tension Leg Platforms (TLP), Spar
Buoy, Permanently Moored Shipshape Hulls and Semisubmersibles.
Hydrocarbon – Organic compounds of hydrogen and carbon, whose densities, boiling points, and freezing
points increase as their molecular weights increase. Although composed of only two elements. Hydrocarbons
exist in a variety of compounds because of the strong affinity of the carbon atom for other atoms and for
itself. The smallest molecules of hydrocarbons are gaseous; the largest are solids. Petroleum is a mixture
of many different hydrocarbons.
Hydrocarbon Fire Test – A test in which specimens of the relevant bulkheads or decks are exposed, in a
test furnace, to temperatures corresponding to the hydrocarbon fire time-temperature curve as defined by
the U.K. Department of Energy/Norwegian Petroleum Directorate Interim Hydrocarbon Fire Resistance
Test for Elements of Construction for Offshore Installations.
Hazardous Area – See “Classified Area”.
High Integrity Pressure Protection System (HIPPS) – An efficient option to replace a mechanical safety
device; an example is a pressure safety valve, with instruments, valves and logic.
Ignition Temperature – The minimum temperature required, at normal atmospheric pressure, to initiate the
combustion of an ignitable mixture.
Inert Gas – A gaseous mixture, such as flue gas, containing insufficient oxygen to support the combustion of
Interim Class Certificate – A temporary representation to classification. The Interim Class Certificate is
generally issued by the Surveyor attending commissioning of the facility and verification of compliance
with these Rules. Issuance of an Interim Class Certificate is subject to the terms and conditions found therein.
Joiner Arrangement – Construction details showing the combination of all structural fire protection materials.
For example, a detail showing the connection of the ceilings to decks, ceilings to bulkheads, bulkheads to
bulkheads, bulkhead construction details, deck construction details, etc.
Jumper Ducts – Openings in bulkheads (usually in the top half) used for air balance or return air.
Lower Explosive Limit (L.E.L.) – The lowest concentration of combustible vapors or gases, by volume in
mixture with air, which can be ignited at ambient conditions.

Chapter 2 Definitions, References, Acronyms and Abbreviations
Section 1 Definitions 2-1

Machinery Spaces of Category A are spaces, and trunks to such spaces, which contain:
i) Internal combustion engine(s) used for main propulsion; or
ii) Internal combustion engine(s) used for other purposes where such machinery has, in the aggregate, a
total power, or combined rating of 375 kW (500 hp) or more; or
iii) Any oil-fired boiler or oil fuel unit
Manned Facility – A facility with permanent occupied living accommodations or one that requires
continuous presence of personnel for more than 12 hours in successive 24-hour periods.
Marine Support Systems – For floating installations, those functions required for maintaining the normal
operations of a vessel (or MODU), such as power generation, propulsion, navigation, HVAC, water treating,
These functions are neither directly nor indirectly related to the hydrocarbon production and process systems.
Non-ducted Return – Means of re-circulating conditioned air back to the air handler without the use of a
dedicated duct.
Open Drains – Gravity drains from sources which are at or near atmospheric pressure, such as open deck
drains, drip pan drains, and rain gutters.
Operating Conditions – A set of conditions (i.e., flowrates, compositions, temperatures and pressures)
chosen for normal operation of a production facility at a particular point in the life of an oil or gas field.
Other Machinery Spaces (versus Machinery Spaces of Category A) – All spaces, other than machinery spaces
of Category A, containing machinery, boilers and other fired processes, oil fuel units, steam and internal
combustion engines, generators and major electrical machinery, oil filling stations, refrigerating, stabilizing,
ventilation and air-conditioning machinery and similar spaces; and trunks to such spaces.
Pad Gas – Gas added to the vapor space of a vessel or tank to prevent an explosive or ignitable vapor-air
mixture from forming.
Process Areas –Areas where processing equipment is located. This includes wellhead/manifold areas.
Process Design Conditions – A set of conditions used to design process components and systems.
Process Support Systems – Utility and auxiliary systems that complement the hydrocarbon production and
process systems. A typical list of such systems is included in Chapter 3, Section 4 and Chapter 4, Section 4.
These systems do not directly handle hydrocarbons.
Produced Fluids – Fluids coming out of completed wells, which may consist of oil, water, gas, and condensable
Production Facilities – For the purpose of these Rules, Production Facilities are typically the processing,
safety and control systems, utility and auxiliary equipment, for producing hydrocarbon liquid and gas
mixtures from completed wells or other sources.
These facilities are generally inclusive from the inlet flange of the well fluid flowline above the water level
to the point at which the departing pipeline enters the water. The facilities also include the safe disposal
and/or collection of produced oil, gases and water.
For a floating installation with the storage and offloading capability to shuttle tanker, the production
facility is terminated at the inlet flange discharge into the storage tank. The storage tank and offloading
piping/electrical systems arrangement are considered marine systems.Sanitary and Similar Spaces –
Communal sanitary facilities such as showers, baths, lavatories, etc., and isolated pantries containing no
cooking appliances. Sanitary facilities which serve a space and with access only from that space are to be
considered a portion of the space where they are located.
Service Spaces (Low Risk) – Lockers, storerooms, and working spaces in which flammable materials are
not stored, such as drying rooms and laundries.
Service Spaces (High Risk) – Lockers, storerooms, and working spaces in which flammable materials are
stored, such as galleys, pantries containing cooking appliances, paint rooms and workshops other than those
forming part of the machinery space.

Chapter 2 Definitions, References, Acronyms and Abbreviations
Section 1 Definitions 2-1

Severe Environment – An environment in which regularly occurring conditions of wind, sea condition, ice,
etc., would impede the orderly evacuation of an offshore facility.
Shut-in Condition – A condition resulting from a shutting-in of the facility (See API RP 14C) caused by
the occurrence of one or more undesirable events.
Shut-in Tubing Pressure (SITP) – Pressure exerted by the well due to closing of the master valve.
Stairways – Interior stairways, lifts and escalators (other than those wholly contained within the machinery
spaces) and enclosures thereto. In this context, a stairway which is enclosed only at one level is to be
regarded as part of the space from which it is not separated by a fire door. Stairways penetrating only one
level are required to be enclosed in “A” class bulkheads at one level. If penetrating more than one level,
the requirement is for complete enclosure at all levels.
Standard Fire Test – A test in which specimens of the relevant bulkheads or decks are exposed in a test
furnace to temperatures corresponding to the standard time-temperature curve and as defined by Annex 1
of Part 3 of the IMO Fire Test Procedures (FTP) Code.
Steel or Equivalent Material – For any material or combination of materials to be considered as equivalent
to steel, the following four requirements are to be met:
i) Non combustibility: The material is to be tested to the applicable section of the FTP Code, and
approved as such.
ii) Integrity against the passage of flame of smoke: The material is to be tested to the IMO FTP
A.754(18) standards, and approved as such.
iii) Smoke and Toxicity: The material is to be tested to the IMO FTP standard, and approved as such.
iv) Structural Integrity: Based on its area of use, whether required to be load bearing or maintaining
integrity, the material is to perform similarly to steel in similar situations. (For example, if
required to be “A” class, material is to remain stable after the standard fire test of one hour.)
Suitably Stiffened – Stiffened according to requirements of the IMO FTP Code. When suitably stiffened, a
bulkhead may be considered to be “A” class without having to be tested. If, however, a bulkhead is not
stiffened according to the requirement of the IMO FTP Code, the bulkhead is to be tested.
Transient Condition – A temporary and short-lived condition (such as a surge) that usually does not cause
an upset condition.
Upset Condition – A condition that occurs in a process component or system when an operating variable
deviates substantially from its normal operating limits. If left unchecked, this condition can result in a
threat to safety and may cause shutting-in of the process.
Ventilation – Adequate – Natural or artificial ventilation that is sufficient to prevent the accumulation of
significant quantities of explosive mixtures in concentrations above 25% of their lower explosive limit
Well Characteristics – The conditions of a well or reservoir defined by depth, temperature, shut-in pressure,
flow rate, well fluid composition, etc.
Well Fluid Properties – The properties of a particular fluid stream defined by gas-oil ratio, flowing
pressure and temperature, viscosity, density (API Gravity), composition, etc.

Section 2: References

CHAPTER 2 Definitions, References, Acronyms and


SECTION 2 References

1 References
In addition to the ABS Rules, and Guides as listed in 1-3/3, the additional requirements of the following
Guides, codes or standards are referenced in these Rules:
• ABS Guidance Notes on Review and Approval of Novel Concepts (Novel Concepts Guide)
• ABS Guide for Risk Evaluations for the Classification of Marine-Related Facilities
• ABS Guidance Notes on Risk Assessment Applications for the Marine and Offshore Oil and Gas Industries
• ABS Guide for Well Test Systems
• ABS Guide for Certification of Lifting Appliances
• ABS Guide for Surveys Using Risk-Based Inspections for the Offshore Industry(RBI Guide)
• ABS Guide for Surveys Based on Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM Guide)
• AISC – American Institute of Steel Construction
• ANSI – American National Standards Institute
• API – American Petroleum Institute
• ASME – American Society of Mechanical Engineers
• ASNT – American Society for Nondestructive Testing
• ASTM – American Society for Testing and Materials
• AWS – American Welding Society
• ICEA – Insulated Cable Engineers Association
• IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission
• IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
• IACS – International Association of Classification Societies
• ISO – International Organization for Standardization
• NACE – National Association of Corrosion Engineers
• NEMA – National Electrical Manufacturers Association
• NFPA – National Fire Protection Association
• TEMA – Tubular Exchangers Manufacturers Association
ABS is prepared to consider other recognized codes, standards, alternative design methodology and industry
practice, on a case-by-case basis, with justifications as indicated in Chapter 1, Section 4 of these Rules.

Section 3: Acronyms and Abbreviations

CHAPTER 2 Definitions, References, Acronyms and


SECTION 3 Acronyms and Abbreviations

1 Acronyms and Abbreviations

The following acronyms and abbreviations are used in these Rules:
• BPVC Boiler and Pressure Vessle Code
• CoC Certificate of Conformity
• ESD Emergency Shutdown
• FMEA Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
• FMECA Failure Modes and Effects Criticality Analysis
• H2 S Hydrogen Sulfide
• HAZOP Hazard and Operability
• HAZID Hazard Identification
• HIPPS High Integrity Process Protection Systems
• ITP Inspection and Test Plans
• LEL Lower Explosive Limits
• LSL Level Safety Low
• MAC Manufacturer’s Affidavit of Compliance
• MTR Material Test Report
• NDE Nondestructive Examination
• P&ID Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
• PSH Pressure Safety High
• PSV Pressure Safety Valve
• PQR Procedure Qualification Records
• RT Radiographic Examination
• SAC Safety Analysis Checklist
• SAFE Safety Analysis Function Evaluation
• SAT Safety Analysis Tables
• SSV Surface Safety Valve
• USV Underwater Safety Valve
• UT Ultrasonic Examination
• UTS Ultimate Tensile Strength
• WPS Welding Procedure Specifications

Chapter 3: Floating Installations

CHAPTER 3 Floating Installations

SECTION 1 General .................................................................................................. 28
1 Scope ................................................................................................ 28
3 Applicability ....................................................................................... 28
5 Conditions of Classification ............................................................... 28
7 Design Considerations ...................................................................... 28
7.1 Recognized Standards .................................................................. 28
7.3 Alternative Basis of Design............................................................ 29
7.5 Design Conditions ......................................................................... 29

SECTION 2 Design Plans and Data......................................................................... 30

1 Submissions of Design Plans and Data............................................ 30
3 Details ............................................................................................... 33
5 Facility Documentation...................................................................... 33
5.1 Project Specifications .................................................................... 33
5.3 General Arrangement and Equipment Layout Drawings ............... 33
5.5 Area Classifications and Ventilation Drawings .............................. 33
5.7 Escape and Egress Route ............................................................. 33
5.9 Muster Locations ........................................................................... 33
7 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems ............................... 34
7.1 General.......................................................................................... 34
7.3 Process Flow Sheets ..................................................................... 34
7.5 Heat and Mass Balance ................................................................ 34
7.7 Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P & ID's) ................................... 34
7.9 Safety Analysis Function Evaluation (S.A.F.E.) Charts and
Cause and Effect Matrix ................................................................ 35
7.11 Packaged Process Units ............................................................... 35
7.13 Process Equipment Documentation .............................................. 35
7.15 Process Piping Specifications ....................................................... 37
7.17 Pressure Relief and Depressurization Systems ............................ 37
7.19 Flare and Vent System .................................................................. 38
7.21 Spill Containment, Closed and Open Drain Systems .................... 38
7.23 Subsea Production Systems (Optional) ......................................... 38
9 Process Support Systems................................................................. 38
9.1 Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P & ID's) ................................... 39
9.3 Equipment Documentation ............................................................ 39
9.5 Piping Specifications ..................................................................... 39
9.7 Internal-Combustion Engines and Turbines .................................. 39
9.9 Cranes (Optional) .......................................................................... 39
11 Marine Support Systems................................................................... 39

13 Electrical Systems ............................................................................. 40
13.1 Electrical One-Line Diagrams ........................................................ 40
13.3 Short-circuit Current Calculations .................................................. 40
13.5 Coordination Study ........................................................................ 40
13.7 Specifications and Data Sheets for Generators and Motors .......... 40
13.9 Specifications and Data Sheets for Distribution Transformers ....... 41
13.11 Details of Storage Batteries ........................................................... 41
13.13 Details of Emergency Power Source ............................................. 41
13.15 Standard Details of Wiring Cable and Conduit Installation
Practices ........................................................................................ 41
13.17 Switchboard, Distribution Boards and Motor Control Centers ........ 41
13.19 Panelboard .................................................................................... 42
13.21 Installations in Classified Areas ..................................................... 42
15 Instrumentation and Control Systems ............................................... 43
15.1 General Arrangements .................................................................. 43
15.3 Instrumentation List ....................................................................... 43
15.5 Schematic Drawings – Electrical Systems ..................................... 43
15.7 Schematic Drawings – Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems ............ 43
15.9 Programmable Electronic Systems ................................................ 43
17 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety ............................................... 43
17.1 Firewater System ........................................................................... 43
17.3 Deluge Systems (Water Spray for Process Equipment) ................ 44
17.5 Foam Systems (for Crude Storage Tanks) .................................... 44
17.7 Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems .................................................. 44
17.9 Paint Lockers and Flammable Material Storerooms ...................... 44
17.11 Fire Control and Life Saving Equipment Plan ................................ 44
17.13 Fire and Gas Detection and Alarm Systems .................................. 45
17.15 Fire and Gas Cause and Effect Chart ............................................ 45
17.17 Insulation of Hot Surfaces .............................................................. 45
19 Arrangements for Storage Tank Venting and Inerting ...................... 45
21 Arrangements for Use of Produced Gas as Fuel .............................. 45
23 Start-up and Commissioning Procedures and Manual ..................... 45
25 Modifications ..................................................................................... 45

TABLE 1 Design Plans and Data Submission Requirements ................ 30

TABLE 2 Major Equipment Plans/Calculations and Technical
Documentation for Class Requirements .................................36

SECTION 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems ............................... 46

1 General ............................................................................................. 46
1.1 Scope ............................................................................................ 46
1.3 Process Safety Principle ................................................................ 46
1.5 Governmental Regulations ............................................................ 46
3 Process Design ................................................................................. 46
3.1 Design Basis .................................................................................. 46
3.3 Process Design Conditions ............................................................ 46
3.5 Process Flow Sheets ..................................................................... 47

5 Facility Layout ................................................................................... 47
5.1 General Arrangement .................................................................... 47
5.3 Accommodation Spaces (Living Quarters) .................................... 48
5.5 Emergency Shutdown (ESD) Stations ........................................... 48
5.7 Wellhead Areas ............................................................................. 49
5.9 Storage Tanks and Slop Tanks ..................................................... 49
5.11 Fired Vessels................................................................................. 49
7 Packaged Process Units ................................................................... 49
7.1 General.......................................................................................... 49
7.3 Skid Structures .............................................................................. 49
7.5 Drip Pans....................................................................................... 50
9 Major Equipment Requirements ....................................................... 50
9.1 Process Vessels ............................................................................ 50
9.3 Process Heat Exchangers ............................................................. 50
9.5 Process Electric Heater ................................................................. 51
9.7 Fired Vessels (Heaters) ................................................................. 51
9.9 Atmospheric Storage Tanks .......................................................... 52
9.11 Compressors ................................................................................. 52
9.13 Pumps ........................................................................................... 53
9.15 Scraper Launchers/Receivers ....................................................... 53
9.17 Flare and Vent Structures.............................................................. 53
11 Process Piping Systems ................................................................... 53
11.1 General.......................................................................................... 53
11.3 Thermal Relief ............................................................................... 53
11.5 Isolation Valves ............................................................................. 53
11.7 Flexible Hoses ............................................................................... 54
11.9 Plastic Pipe Installations ................................................................ 54
13 Piping and Instrumentation Design ................................................... 55
13.1 Process Control System ................................................................ 55
13.3 Safety System ............................................................................... 55
15 Pressure Relieving and Hydrocarbon Disposal Systems ................. 56
15.1 Pressure Relief Systems ............................................................... 56
15.3 Pressure/Vacuum Venting System for Atmospheric and Low
Pressure Storage Tanks ................................................................ 57
15.5 Flares and Vents ........................................................................... 57
17 Spill Containment, Open and Closed Drain Systems ....................... 59
17.1 Spill Containment .......................................................................... 59
17.3 Open Drain Piping ......................................................................... 59
17.5 Sealing of Open Drains ................................................................. 60
17.7 Segregation of Open Drain Systems ............................................. 60
17.9 Closed Drain Systems ................................................................... 61
17.11 Overboard Discharges from the Production Treatment Plan ......... 61
19 Structural Modules ............................................................................ 61
19.1 General.......................................................................................... 61
19.3 Structural Design of Deck Modules and Supports ......................... 61

21 Subsea Production............................................................................ 62
21.1 General .......................................................................................... 62
21.3 Flowlines and Manifolds ................................................................ 62
21.5 Wellheads and Subsea Equipment ................................................ 62

TABLE 1 Fuel and Ignition Sources ....................................................... 48

FIGURE 1 Typical FRP/GRP Arrangement in a Process Piping

Layout ..................................................................................... 54

SECTION 4 Process Support Systems ................................................................... 63

1 General ............................................................................................. 63
3 Equipment Requirements .................................................................63
3.1 Pressure Vessels ........................................................................... 63
3.3 Heat Exchangers ........................................................................... 63
3.5 Pumps ........................................................................................... 63
3.7 Compressors ................................................................................. 64
3.9 Prime Movers (Internal Combustion Engines and Turbines) ......... 64
3.11 Cranes (Optional) .......................................................................... 65
5 System Requirements....................................................................... 66
5.1 Utility/Instrument Air System .......................................................... 66
5.3 Fuel/Instrument Gas System ......................................................... 66
5.5 Segregation of Piping Systems ...................................................... 66
5.7 Use of Produced Gas as Fuel ........................................................ 66
5.9 Purging System for Process Equipment ........................................ 67
5.11 Fuel Oil System ............................................................................. 67
5.13 Hydraulic System ........................................................................... 68
5.15 Lubricating Oil System ................................................................... 68
5.17 Chemical Injection System ............................................................ 69
5.19 Heating and Cooling Systems ....................................................... 69
5.21 Sodium Hypochlorite Solution Storage .......................................... 69
5.23 Control of Static Electricity ............................................................. 70
7 Drilling Systems ................................................................................ 70

SECTION 5 Marine Support Systems ..................................................................... 71

1 General ............................................................................................. 71
3 Equipment Requirements .................................................................71
3.1 Pressure Vessels ........................................................................... 71
3.3 Heat Exchangers ........................................................................... 71
5 System Requirements....................................................................... 71
5.1 Pipe System Interconnections ....................................................... 71
5.3 Oil Storage Tank Purging and Blanketing Systems ....................... 72
5.5 Oil Storage Tanks Venting System ................................................ 72
5.7 Use of Produced Gas as Fuel ........................................................ 72
5.9 Flammable Liquid Storage Facility Arrangement ........................... 72

SECTION 6 Electrical Systems ............................................................................... 74
1 Applicability ....................................................................................... 74
3 General ............................................................................................. 74
5 Design Considerations ...................................................................... 74
5.1 Equipment and Enclosures............................................................ 74
5.3 Selection of Materials .................................................................... 74
5.5 Equipment Grounding (Earthing) Arrangements ........................... 74
5.7 System Grounding (Earthing) ........................................................ 75
5.9 Distribution and Circuit Protection ................................................. 75
7 Rotating Electrical Machinery ........................................................... 75
7.1 General.......................................................................................... 75
7.3 Temperature Rating ...................................................................... 75
7.5 Moisture Condensation Protection ................................................ 76
7.7 Temperature Detection .................................................................. 76
9 Transformers ..................................................................................... 76
9.1 General.......................................................................................... 76
9.3 Transformer Supplying Services Other than Oil or Gas
Production ..................................................................................... 76
11 Switchgear ........................................................................................ 76
11.1 Application ..................................................................................... 76
11.3 Construction, Assembly and Components..................................... 76
11.5 Switchboards ................................................................................. 78
11.7 Motor Controllers ........................................................................... 78
11.9 Battery Charging Panels................................................................ 79
11.11 Switchgear Supplying Services Other than Oil and Gas
Production ..................................................................................... 79
13 Wire and Cable Construction ............................................................ 79
13.1 General.......................................................................................... 79
13.3 Conductor Type ............................................................................. 79
13.5 Insulation ....................................................................................... 79
13.7 Cable Flame Retardancy ............................................................... 80
13.9 Fire Resistant Property .................................................................. 80
15 Hazardous Areas .............................................................................. 80
15.1 General.......................................................................................... 80
15.3 Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas.................................... 80
15.5 Area Classifications and Electrical Installations ............................. 80
15.7 Wiring Methods in Hazardous Areas ............................................. 81
17 Ventilation ......................................................................................... 81
17.1 General.......................................................................................... 81
17.3 Ventilation of Enclosed Classified Spaces..................................... 81
17.5 Ventilation of Non-classified Spaces ............................................. 81
17.7 Emergency Shutdown ................................................................... 82
19 Cable Support and Installation .......................................................... 82
19.1 Mechanical Protection ................................................................... 82
19.3 Splicing .......................................................................................... 82
21 Power Source Requirements ............................................................ 82
21.1 Unmanned Facilities ...................................................................... 83
21.3 Manned Facilities .......................................................................... 83

23 Emergency Source of Power ............................................................ 83
25 Battery Systems ................................................................................ 84
27 Short Circuit Current Calculations and Coordination Study .............. 84
27.1 General .......................................................................................... 84
27.3 Short Circuit Capacity .................................................................... 84
27.5 Coordination .................................................................................. 84
29 Protection from Ignition by Static Charges ....................................... 84

TABLE 1A Degree of Protection (Indicated by the First

Characteristic Numeral) .......................................................... 85
TABLE 1B Degree of Protection (Indicated by the Second
Characteristic Numeral) .......................................................... 86
TABLE 1C NEMA Enclosures ...................................................................87
TABLE 2 Size of Ground (Earth)-continuity Conductors and
Grounding (Earthing) Connections ......................................... 89
TABLE 3 Clearance and Creepage Distance for Switchboards,
Distribution Boards, Chargers, Motor Control Centers
and Controllers ........................................................................ 90

SECTION 7 Instrumentation and Control Systems................................................ 91

1 Applicability ....................................................................................... 91
1.1 General .......................................................................................... 91
1.3 Installation ..................................................................................... 91
3 Components ...................................................................................... 92
3.1 Environmental Considerations ....................................................... 92
3.3 Suitability of Computer Based Equipment ..................................... 92
3.5 Electrical Variations ....................................................................... 92
3.7 Loss of Power ................................................................................ 92
5 Instruments ....................................................................................... 92
5.1 Temperature .................................................................................. 92
5.3 Pressure ........................................................................................ 92
5.5 Level .............................................................................................. 93
7 Alarm Systems .................................................................................. 93
7.1 Characteristics ............................................................................... 93
7.3 Independence ................................................................................ 93
7.5 Visual and Audible Alarms ............................................................. 93
7.7 Acknowledgement of Alarms ......................................................... 93
7.9 Disconnection and Resumption of Alarm Functions ...................... 94
7.11 Summary Alarms ........................................................................... 94
7.13 Built-in Testing ............................................................................... 94
7.15 Adjustable Set-points ..................................................................... 94
9 Control and Monitoring...................................................................... 94
9.1 General .......................................................................................... 94
9.3 Loss of Signal ................................................................................ 94
9.5 Display of Parameters ................................................................... 94
9.7 Logic Circuit Features .................................................................... 94
9.9 Overrides ....................................................................................... 95

11 Safety Systems ................................................................................. 95
11.1 General.......................................................................................... 95
11.3 Independence................................................................................ 95
11.5 Activation ....................................................................................... 95
11.7 Resumption of Operation............................................................... 95
11.9 Override of Safety Provisions ........................................................ 96
11.11 Adjustable Set-points .................................................................... 96
13 Shutdown Systems ........................................................................... 96
13.1 General.......................................................................................... 96
13.3 Safety Analysis .............................................................................. 96
13.5 Emergency Shutdown ................................................................... 96
15 Computer-based Systems for Alarm, Control and Safety
Systems ............................................................................................ 97
15.1 General.......................................................................................... 97
15.3 Independence................................................................................ 97
15.5 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)/Failure Mode, Effect
and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) ................................................... 97
15.7 Visual Display of Alarms ................................................................ 97
15.9 Memory Capacity and Response Time ......................................... 97
15.11 Data Loss and Corruption.............................................................. 97
15.13 Local Area Network (LAN) ............................................................. 98
15.15 Power Supply Disruption ............................................................... 98
15.17 Parameters and Program Changes ............................................... 98
15.19 Multiple Points of Control............................................................... 98
17 Relief Valves ..................................................................................... 98
17.1 General.......................................................................................... 98
17.3 Provisions for Testing .................................................................... 98
17.5 Block Valve Locking Devices......................................................... 98
19 Shutdown Valves, Blowdown Valves and Diverter Valves ............... 99

TABLE 1 Electrical Variations ................................................................ 92

SECTION 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety............................................... 100

1 Applicability ..................................................................................... 100
3 General ........................................................................................... 100
3.1 Scope .......................................................................................... 100
3.3 Governmental Authority ............................................................... 100
5 Fire Fighting Systems ..................................................................... 100
5.1 Firewater Systems ....................................................................... 100
5.3 Dry Chemical Systems ................................................................ 110
5.5 Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems ............................................... 110
5.7 Paint Lockers and Flammable Materials Storerooms .................. 112
5.9 Helicopter Facilities ..................................................................... 112
5.11 Emergency Control Station.......................................................... 112
5.13 Operation after Facility Total Shutdown ...................................... 112
5.15 Portable and Semi-portable Extinguishers .................................. 113

7 Fire and Gas Detection and Alarm Systems...................................115
7.1 Fire Detectors .............................................................................. 115
7.3 Gas Detectors .............................................................................. 116
7.5 Smoke Detectors ......................................................................... 116
7.7 Alarm Panel ................................................................................. 116
7.9 Fire and Gas Detection Wiring ..................................................... 116
7.11 General Alarm ............................................................................. 116
9 Structural Fire Protection ................................................................ 116
9.1 General ........................................................................................ 116
9.3 Structural Fire Protection Requirements ...................................... 117
9.5 Wellhead Areas ........................................................................... 119
9.7 Fired Vessels ............................................................................... 119
9.9 Helideck ....................................................................................... 119
9.11 Ventilation .................................................................................... 119
9.13 Penetrations ................................................................................ 119
9.15 Materials/Certification .................................................................. 119
11 Muster Areas ................................................................................... 120
11.1 General ........................................................................................ 120
11.3 Materials ...................................................................................... 120
11.5 Muster Stations ............................................................................ 120
13 Means of Escape ............................................................................120
13.1 General ........................................................................................ 120
13.3 Materials ...................................................................................... 120
13.5 Escape Routes ............................................................................ 120
13.7 Marking and Lighting of Escape Routes ...................................... 120
13.9 Escape Route Plan ...................................................................... 120
15 Lifesaving Requirements ................................................................ 121
15.1 General ........................................................................................ 121
15.3 Lifeboat Embarkation Areas ........................................................ 121
15.5 Lifesaving Appliances and Equipment ......................................... 121
15.7 Means of Embarkation ................................................................. 122
17 Personnel Safety Equipment and Safety Measures ....................... 122
17.1 Fireman’s Outfits.......................................................................... 122
17.3 Guard Rails .................................................................................. 123
17.5 Insulation of Hot Surfaces ............................................................ 123

TABLE 1 Portable and Semi-portable Extinguishers ........................... 113

TABLE 2 Classification and Placement of Portable and
Semi-portable Extinguishers .................................................114
TABLE 3A Fire Integrity of Bulkheads Separating Adjacent
Spaces/Areas ........................................................................117
TABLE 3B Fire Integrity of Decks Separating Adjacent
Spaces/Areas ........................................................................118

FIGURE 1 Floating Installation Fire Pump Arrangement

Two-Pump Scenario.............................................................. 103
FIGURE 2 Floating Installation Fire Pump Arrangement
Multiple-pump (Even Power) Scenario .................................103

FIGURE 3 Floating Installation Fire Pump Arrangement
Multiple-pump (Uneven Power) Scenario ............................. 104
FIGURE 4 Floating Installation Fire Pump Arrangement
Multiple-pump Scenario for Oil Carrier
Converted to Offshore Installation ........................................ 105
FIGURE 5A Typical Fire Zones Arrangement on a Production Deck
of a FPSO Single Fire with A-60 Fire Wall ............................ 105
FIGURE 5B Typical Fire Zones Arrangement on a Production Deck
of a FPSO Single Fire with an Adjacent Zone that has
no Liquid Inventory ................................................................ 106

Section 1: General

CHAPTER 3 Floating Installations

SECTION 1 General

1 Scope (1 July 2012)

This Chapter defines the minimum criteria for ABS Class applicable to hydrocarbon production and processing
systems, subsystems and equipment on floating installations. See 1-2/1 of these Rules for Scope and Conditions
of Classification.
Terms, definitions, references, abbreviations and acronyms, used in this Chapter are defined in Chapter 2.

3 Applicability
The requirements described in this chapter are applicable to facilities on floating installations of various
configurations that provide hydrocarbon production and processing services. These services may include:
• Well fluid de-pressurization • Reinjection
• Phase separation • Transfer
• Fluid cleaning, treatment and stabilization • Storage
• Dehydration • Metering
• Compression • Off-loading of processed hydrocarbon

5 Conditions of Classification
Refer to the ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification – Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1) and Chapter 1
of these Rules for information on Classification.

7 Design Considerations (1 July 2012)

7.1 Recognized Standards

The submitted design is to be in accordance with the requirements of the Rules and the specified codes
and/or standards as referenced herein.
i) Designs complying with other international or national standards not listed in Appendix 4 will be
subject to special consideration in accordance with Chapter 1, Section 4 of these Rules.
ii) ABS advises the designer/manufacturer to contact the ABS Technical office early in the design
phase for acceptance of alternate design codes and/or standards.
iii) When alternate design codes and/or standards are proposed, justifications can be achieved through
equivalency, gap analysis or appropriate risk analysis/philosophy to demonstrate that the proposed
alternate design code and standard will provide an equivalent level of safety to the recognized
standards as listed in Appendix 4 and are required to be performed in accordance with Chapter 1,
Section 4 of these Rules.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 1 General 3-1

7.3 Alternative Basis of Design

Designs based on manufacturer’s standards may also be accepted. In such cases, complete details of the
manufacturer’s standard and engineering justification are to be submitted for review.
i) The manufacturer will be required to demonstrate by way of testing or analysis that the design criteria
employed results in a level of safety consistent with that of a recognized standard or code of practice.
ii) Where strain gauge testing, fracture analysis, proof testing or similar procedures form a part of the
manufacturer’s design criteria, the procedure and results are to be submitted for ABS review.
iii) Historical performance data for production or process systems, subsystems, equipment or
components is to be submitted for justification of designs based on manufacturer’s standards.
iv) ABS will consider the application of risk evaluations for alternative or novel features for the basis
of design in accordance with Chapter 1, Section 4 of these Rules, as applicable.

7.5 Design Conditions

The production and process systems, subsystems, equipment, and/or components are to be designed to account
for all applicable environmental, operational, and test loads, or combination thereof. These include, but are
not limited to, the following:
i) Environmental Conditions, as applicable
• Earthquake • Wind
• Ice • Temperature
• Current, waves • 1, 10, 50, 100 year storm event, as applicable
ii) Operational
• Static pressure • Bending
• Transient pressure excursion • Vibration
• Temperature excursion • Acceleration loads due to movement of
• Fluid static head and properties
• Tension
iii) Transportation
iv) Installation
v) Commissioning
vi) Test Loads

Section 2: Design Plans and Data

CHAPTER 3 Floating Installations

SECTION 2 Design Plans and Data

1 Submissions of Design Plans and Data (1 July 2012)

The following sections describe the design plans and data submission requirements for ABS classing of
floating installations and associated hydrocarbon production and processing systems, subsystems, equipment
and/or components.
i) 3-2/Table 1 and 3-2/3 through 3-2/23, as applicable, identifies the hydrocarbon production and
processing systems, subsystems, equipment and/or components that require approval for ABS
Classification of the floating installations.
ii) The submitted design plans and data are to be in accordance with the requirements of these Rules
and the latest edition of the specified codes and/or standards, as referenced herein and Appendix 4,
from contract date.
iii) The design plans and data, as specified in these Rules, are to be generally submitted electronically to
ABS. However, hard copies will also be accepted.
iv) All plan submissions originating from designers or manufacturers are understood to be made with
the knowledge of the main contracting party.
v) For production and processing systems, subsystems, equipment or components not listed in 3-2/Table 1
or 3-2/3 through 3-2/23, the designers or manufacturers should contact the appropriate ABS Technical
Office for guidance on technical and survey requirements and completion of the approval process.
vi) All plan submissions originating from manufacturers are understood to be made with the cognizance
of the main contracting party. A fee may be charged for the review of plans that are not covered
by the contract of Classification.
It should be noted that due to the varying configurations of offshore production facilities, portions of these
requirements may not be applicable to a given installation.

Design Plans and Data Submission Requirements (1 July 2012)
ABS technical documentation requirements for classing facilities on floating installations:
1. Facility Documentation
1. Project Specifications
2. General Arrangement and Equipment Layout Drawings
3. Area Classification and Ventilation Drawings

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 3-2

TABLE 1 (continued)
Design Plans and Data Submission Requirements (1 July 2012)
2. Hydrocarbon Production and Processing Systems
1. Process Flow Sheets
2. Heat and Mass Balance
3. Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P & ID’s) for all facility systems and subsystems
4. Safety Analysis Function Evaluation (SAFE) Charts
5. Packaged Process Units
6. Process Equipment Documentation
7. Process Piping Specifications
8. Pressure Relief and Depressurization Systems
9. Flare and Vent Systems
10. Spill Containment, Closed and Open Drain Systems
11. Sub-sea Production Systems (Optional)
3. Process Support Systems
1. Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P & ID’s) for each system or subsystem
2. Equipment Documentation
3. Process Support Piping Specifications
4. Internal-Combustion Engines and Turbines
5. Cranes (Optional)
4. Marine Support Systems
See 4-6-1/9 of the Steel Vessel Rules and 4-2-1/3 of the MODU Rules, as applicable
5. Electrical Installations
1. Electrical One-line Diagrams
2. Short-Circuit Current Calculations
3. Coordination Study
4. Specifications and Data Sheets for Generators and Motors
5. Specifications and Data Sheets for Distribution Transformers
6. Details of Storage Batteries
7. Details of Emergency Power Source
8. Standard Details of Wiring Cable and Conduit Installation Practices
9. Switchboard and Distribution Panel
10. Panelboard
11. Installations in Classified Areas

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 3-2

TABLE 1 (continued)
Design Plans and Data Submission Requirements (1 July 2012)
6. Instrumentation and Control Systems
1. General Arrangements
2. Data Sheets
3. Schematic Drawings – Electrical Systems
4. Schematic Drawings – Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems
5. Programmable Electronic Systems
6. FMEA or FMECA for Computer-Based Systems
7. Fire Protection and Personnel Safety
1. Firewater System
2. Water Spray (Deluge) Systems for Process Equipment
3. Foam Systems for Crude Storage Tanks
4. Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems
5. Paint Lockers and Flammable Material Storerooms
6. Emergency Control Stations
7. Portable and Semi-Portable Extinguishers
8. Fire and Gas Detection and Alarm Systems
9. Fire and Gas Cause and Effect Chart
10. Structural Fire Protection (which indicates classification of all bulkheads for: quarters section,
machinery spaces and processing facilities)
11. HVAC plan (including AHU location, duct layout, duct construction and bulkhead penetration
12. Joiner detail arrangement and structural fire protection material certification
13. Guard Rails
14. Escape and Egress Routes (may be included on the fire control plan or separate plan)
15. Muster Stations
16. Lifesaving Appliances and Equipment Plan (escape routes must be indicated)
17. Insulation of Hot Surfaces
8. Specific Arrangements
1. Arrangements for Storage Tank Venting and Inerting
2. Arrangements for Use of Produced Gas as Fuel
9. Start-up and Commissioning Manual
10. Topside Structure and Structural Arrangements

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 3-2

3 Details (1 July 2012)

Plans and data for equipment and components are to provide the following, as applicable:
i) Model and size
ii) Design specifications, including design codes, standards, and references
iii) Design parameters: loads, temperature, environmental conditions, etc.
iv) Design analysis and/or calculations, as applicable
v) Dimensional details and drawings
vi) Fabrication details and welding configurations
vii) Material specifications and material properties

5 Facility Documentation (1 July 2012)

5.1 Project Specifications

Project specifications are to provide the following, but not limited to:
i) Brief descriptions of field location
ii) Environmental conditions
iii) Well shut-in pressure
iv) Well fluid properties
v) Production plans
vi) Hydrocarbon (oil/gas) storage and
vii) Hydrocarbon (oil/gas) transportation arrangements

5.3 General Arrangement and Equipment Layout Drawings

General arrangement and layout drawings are to show:
i) Arrangements and locations of living quarters, control rooms, and machinery spaces, including all
entrances, exits and openings to these spaces
ii) Arrangements and locations of machinery, process equipment, cargo storage, etc.

5.5 Area Classifications and Ventilation Drawings

i) Plans for area classifications and ventilation are to show, as applicable:
• Extent of all Class I, Division 1 and 2, areas and spaces; or
• Extent of all Class 1, Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 2 areas and spaces
ii) Arrangements for ventilation of enclosed spaces, and
• Locations of all ventilation inlets and outlets, with respect to the hazardous areas
• Locations of all entrances, exits and openings, with respect to the hazardous areas

5.7 Escape and Egress Route

Plans showing all escape and egress route on the complete facility.

5.9 Muster Locations

Plans showing all muster locations on the complete facility.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 3-2

7 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems (1 July 2012)

7.1 General
To evaluate the process safety system, the assumptions as made by the designers and as provided in the
following documents are to be submitted:
• Project Specification – See 3-2/5.1
• Process Flow Sheets – See 3-2/7.3
• Heat and Mass Balance – See 3-2/7.5
Although these documents will not be approved by ABS, they are critical to approval of the facility, and
are to be kept for reference throughout the design review process.

7.3 Process Flow Sheets

Process flow sheets are to identify the following, as a minimum:
i) Each process stream
ii) Process equipment
iii) Planned addition
iv) Symbols used

7.5 Heat and Mass Balance

Heat and mass balance specifications for each process stream under normal operating and upset conditions
are to include the following, as a minimum:
i) Flow rate
ii) Composition
iii) Conditions (temperature, pressure, and vapor/liquid ratio)

7.7 Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P & ID's)

P & ID’s diagrams showing:
i) Design, and operating conditions
ii) Designation and size of all major process equipment
iii) Piping class specifications (designation and size) for:
• Piping
• Valves
• Pipe fittings and in-line equipment/components such as strainers, filters, etc.
• Sensing and control instrumentation,
iv) Shutdown and pressure relief devices with set points specified
v) Signal circuits
vi) Set points for controllers
vii) Continuity of all line pipes
viii) Boundaries of skid units and process packages
Safety Analysis Function Evaluation (S.A.F.E.) Charts (see 3-2/7.9) are preferably to be submitted in
conjunction with the P & ID’s.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 3-2

7.9 Safety Analysis Function Evaluation (S.A.F.E.) Charts and Cause and Effect Matrix
7.9.1 S.A.F.E. Chart
S.A.F.E. chart is to list all process systems, subsystems, equipment, components and associated
emergency support systems with their required instruments, controls, safety devices, and is to list
the functions to be performed by each device. See API RP 14C and API RP 14J.
7.9.2 Cause and Effect Matrix
Cause and Effect Matrix establishes the relation between the causes of a hazardous event and the
effects of that event. Cause-and-Effect Matrix is to list all causes and the associated resulting
effect or event. Cause-and-Effect Matrix can also uncover the interdependencies between the
initiating causes and the resultant event or events (effect). Cause and Effect Matrix can be in the
form of table, chart, or diagram format.

7.11 Packaged Process Units

Packaged process units include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Dehydration • Stabilizing
• Separation • Vapor recovery
• Sweetening • Gas compression for fuel or re-injection.
Documentation requirements for packaged process units include:
i) Skid arrangements and assembly drawings
ii) P & ID’s – See 3-2/7.7
iii) S.A.F.E. charts and Cause and Effect Matrix – See 3-2/7.9
iv) Process equipment documentation – See 3-2/7.13
v) Process piping system documentation – See 3-2/7.15
vi) Pressure relief and depressurization systems – See 3-2/7.17
vii) Electrical one-line diagrams – See 3-2/13.1
viii) Control schematics – See 3-2/15.5
ix) Structural design calculations for skid units in dry condition with a center of gravity height of more
than 1.5 m (5 ft.), or a maximum operating weight in excess of 10 MT (metric tons) or 22.05 Kips.

7.13 Process Equipment Documentation

Complete design specifications including, but not limited to, the following documents for verification of
compliance to recognized codes and/or standards for equipment as listed in 3-2/Table 2, as applicable.
i) Equipment technical specifications
ii) Design data (data sheets) such as pressure, temperature, corrosion allowances, service conditions,
external loads etc.
iii) Design calculations or analysis
iv) Details of pressure relief arrangement
v) Dimensional details/drawings covering arrangements and details
vi) Corrosion allowances
vii) Material specifications
viii) Weld details and welding procedure specifications and qualifications
ix) Extent and method of non-destructive testing
x) Test pressure
xi) Factory acceptance test procedures

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 3-2

Major Equipment Plans/Calculations and Technical Documentation
for Class Requirements (1 July 2012)
Production/Process Pressure Vessels X
Fired Vessels X
Heat Exchangers X
Storage Tanks X
Meters, Strainers, Filters, And Other Fluid Conditioners
< 254 mm (10 in.) and 10.54 kg/cm2 (150 psi) X
≥ 254 mm (10 in.) or 10.54 kg/cm (150 psi) X
< 7 kg/cm2 (100 psi) and 757 liters/min (200 gpm) X
≥ 7 kg/cm2 (100 psi) or 757 liters/min (200 gpm) X
< 7 kg/cm2 (100 psi) and 28.3 m3/min (1000 scfm) X
2 3
≥ 7 kg/cm (100 psi) or 28.3 m /min (1000 scfm) X
Flowlines And Manifolds X
Scraper Launchers/Receivers X
Packaged Process Units X
Flare Systems X
Subsea Systems X


Pressure Vessels
< 7 kg/cm2 (100 psi) and 93.3°C (200°F) X
≥ 7 kg/cm2 (100 psi) or 93.3°C (200°F) X
Heat Exchangers
< 7 kg/cm2 (100 psi) and 93.3°C (200°F) X
≥ 7 kg/cm (100 psi) or 93.3°C (200°F) X
Pumps X
Air Compressors X
Engines And Turbines
< 100 kW (134 hp) X
≥ 100 kW (134 hp) X
Packaged Support Systems
< 7 kg/cm2 (100 psi) and 93.3°C (200°F) X
≥ 7 kg/cm (100 psi) or 93.3°C (200°F) X


All systems, subsystems, equipment and components are to comply with ABS SVR or ABS
MODU Rules


< 100 kW (134 hp) X
≥ 100 kW (134 hp) X

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 3-2

TABLE 2 (continued)
Major Equipment Plans/Calculations and Technical Documentation
for Class Requirements (1 July 2012)
< 100 kW (134 hp) X
≥ 100 kW (134 hp) X
Distribution Transformers X
Switchboard, MCC, Panelboards X
Storage Batteries X


Control Panels X
Fire Pumps X
Fire Pump Skid Package X
Alarm Panels X
Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems (Nozzles, Controls, Bottles, etc.) X
Fire and Gas Detection Systems (Sensors, Panel, Cables, etc.) X
For modules that require design review, see 3-3/23.3, 3-3/7 and 3-2/5.27, 3-2/7.11

A Technical specifications, data sheets, dimensional details/drawings, design calculations/analysis,
including manufacturer’s affidavit of compliance are to be submitted for ABS Engineering review.
B Manufacturer’s affidavit of compliance to the applicable codes and/or standards are to be submitted
to ABS.
C Documentations are to be verified by the attending Surveyor at the location of installation

7.15 Process Piping Specifications

Process piping line list including, but not limited to, the following:
i) Design specifications such as pressure rating, temperature rating, service rating, etc.
ii) Pipe and fitting material lists
iii) Sizes

7.17 Pressure Relief and Depressurization Systems

Pressure relief valves and depressurization systems plans and data including, but not limited to:
i) Design and capacity calculations
ii) Sizes and arrangements
iii) Set points
iv) Materials

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 3-2

7.19 Flare and Vent System

Flare and vent system details including, but not limited to:
i) Sizing and arrangements
ii) Gas dispersion analysis including basis of analysis
iii) Radiant heat intensities
iv) Design calculations for blow-down rates
v) Water seals and gas purging systems
vi) Knockout drum sizing details
vii) Details of flare tips
viii) Details of pilots
ix) Details for ignition system
x) Details of pressure relief and depressurizations systems
In the case of proprietary flare tips, validation reports to supplement the radiant heat intensity values are to
be specified and submitted.

7.21 Spill Containment, Closed and Open Drain Systems

Arrangements for spill containment, details of piping connections to all process equipment, and slope of
drains are to be specified and submitted.

7.23 Subsea Production Systems (Optional)

Provide plans and data for subsea production systems including, but not limited to, the following:
i) Stress calculations for structural components
ii) P & ID’s – See 3-2/7.7
iii) S.A.F.E. charts – See 3-2/7.9
iv) Equipment technical specifications and data sheets – See 3-2/7.13
v) Control schematics – See 3-2/15.5
vi) Assembly drawings
vi) Installation and operation procedures

9 Process Support Systems (1 July 2012)

As defined in Chapter 2, Section 1 of these Rules, process support systems are utility and auxiliary systems
that complement the hydrocarbon production and process systems.
These systems do not handle hydrocarbons, but serve and support the hydrocarbon production and process
operations, or the drilling operations, as applicable.
A typical list of process support systems includes, but is not limited to, the following:
i) Utility/Instrument Air System
ii) Fuel/Instrument Gas System
iii) Purging System
iv) Use of Produced Gas as Fuel
v) Inert Gas Supply
vi) Fuel Oil System

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 3-2

vii) Hydraulic System

viii) Chemical Injection System
ix) Material Handling System (Cranes) (Optional)
x) Drilling Systems
xi) Heating & Cooling Systems
Plans and data requirements for process support systems are as follows.

9.1 Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P & ID's)

Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P & ID’s) for each process support system. See 3-2/7.7.

9.3 Equipment Documentation

Equipment technical specifications, for each process equipment such as pressure vessels, heat exchangers,
pumps and compressors. See 3-2/7.13.

9.5 Piping Specifications

Submit specifications, materials, sizes, and pressure ratings for all pipes, valves and fittings, and calculations
for pipe wall thickness. See 3-2/7.15.

9.7 Internal-Combustion Engines and Turbines

Technical specifications for internal-combustion engines and turbines including, but not limited to, the
i) Types
ii) Horsepower
iii) Rated speed / revolutions per minute
iv) Shutdown arrangements
v) Manufacturer’s affidavit of compliance verifying compliance with recognized standards

9.9 Cranes (Optional)

Technical specifications for cranes including, but not limited to, the following:
i) Dimensional details/drawings
ii) Structural design calculations
iii) Load rating chart
iv) Test certificates for wire rope

11 Marine Support Systems (1 July 2012)

Submissions are to be as required by the applicable parts of the Steel Vessel Rules or MODU Rules. See
Chapter 2 for “Marine Support Systems” definition.
Typical marine support systems include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Steam Systems • Cargo Handling System
• Power Generations • Sea Water System
• Fuel Oil and Lube Oil • Propulsion and/or Thruster Systems
• Fresh Water • Steering Gear System
• Ballast and Bilge Systems • Sewage Treatment System

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 3-2

• Helicopter Refueling System • Drainage System

• Integral Cargo Storage Tank Venting • Inert Gas Supply
• Oil Fired Inert Gas Generator

13 Electrical Systems

13.1 Electrical One-Line Diagrams

Electrical one-line diagrams are to indicate, but not limited to, the following:
i) Ratings of generators, transformers, motors, and other loads
ii) Rated load current of each branch circuit
iii) Type and size and temperature rating of cables
iv) Rating or settings of circuit breakers, fuses, and switches
v) Interrupting capacity of switchgear, motor control centers, and distribution panels

13.3 Short-circuit Current Calculations

To establish that the protective devices have sufficient short-circuit breaking and making capacities, data is
to be submitted giving:
i) The maximum calculated short-circuit current in symmetrical r.m.s. and asymmetrical peak values
available at the main bus bars,
ii) The maximum allowable breaking and making capacities of the protective device.
iii) Similar calculations are to be made at other points in the distribution system where necessary, to
determine the adequacy of the interrupting capacities of protective devices.

13.5 Coordination Study

A protective device coordination study is to be submitted and to include the following:
i) The protective device coordination study is to consist of an organized time-current study of all
protective devices in series.
ii) The study is to be from the utilization equipment to the source for all circuit protection devices
having different settings or time-current characteristics.
iii) Where an over-current relay is provided in series and is adjacent to the circuit protection device,
the operating and time-current characteristics of the relay are to be considered for coordination.

13.7 Specifications and Data Sheets for Generators and Motors

13.7.1 100 kW and Over
For generators and motors of 100 kW (134 hp) and over, submit the following:
i) Assembly drawings
ii) Seating arrangements
iii) Terminal arrangements
iv) Designed ambient temperature, temperature rise
v) Data for complete rating, and class of insulation
vi) Shafts, coupling, coupling bolts, stator and rotor details
vii) Weights and speeds for rotating parts
13.7.2 Less than 100 kW
For generators and motors under 100 kW (134 hp), submit nameplate data along with degree of

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 2 Plans and Particulars to be Submitted 3-2

13.9 Specifications and Data Sheets for Distribution Transformers

Submit the following documents for transformers:
i) Rating
ii) Class of insulation
iii) Rated ambient temperature
iv) Rated temperature rise
v) Details of enclosure and standard to which manufactured
Test reports in accordance with the standard of construction are to be made available upon request.

13.11 Details of Storage Batteries

Details of storage batteries are to include, but not limited, the following:
i) Arrangement
ii) Ventilation
iii) Corrosion protection
iv) Types and capacities
v) Conductors and charging facilities
vi) Over-current protection
vii) Reverse current protection

13.13 Details of Emergency Power Source

Submit location, arrangement, and services required to maintain the integrity of the facility in the event of
primary power loss.

13.15 Standard Details of Wiring Cable and Conduit Installation Practices (1 July 2012)
Standards and procedures for wiring practices and details are to be submitted, and are to include, but not
limited to, the following:
i) Cable supports
ii) Earthing details and connections
iii) Bulkhead and deck penetrations
iv) Cable joints and sealing
v) Cable splicing
vi) Watertight and explosion-proof connections to equipment
vii) Bonding connections

13.17 Switchboard, Distribution Boards and Motor Control Centers (1 July 2012)
i) Complete list and specifications for:
• Materials
• Manufacturer’s name
• Model number
• Rating, size, and type

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 2 Plans and Particulars to be Submitted 3-2

• Testing laboratory’s listing number (if any), or indication of construction standard for components
such as:
- Switchboard enclosure
- Circuit breakers
- All types of fuses
- Power and control wiring
- Bus bars
- Connectors and terminals
- Power switches
ii) An outline and details of the switchboard, to include:
• Overall dimensions
• Front view indicating instrumentation
• Circuit breakers
• Switches
• Drip-shields
• Hand-rail
• Securing supporting details
iii) Bracing arrangements and calculations to determine that bus bars and short runs of power cables
are adequately braced to withstand the mechanical forces that the switchboard may be subjected to
under fault conditions.
iv) A complete wiring schematic, including type of wiring, size, and setting of protective devices.
v) One-line schematic of the bus bars, indicating rating for each of the horizontal and vertical buses,
the exact connection of circuit breakers to the bus bars, setting of the power circuit breakers and
loads ampacities and power cable sizes, if available.
vi) Actual bus bar arrangement of the horizontal, vertical, and ground buses, including:
• Bus bar material
• Size and rating
• Separation distances between bus bars
• Separation distances between bus bars and bare metal parts
vii) Grounding details
viii) If applicable, details of metal barriers provided to isolate bus bars, wiring, and associated components

13.19 Panelboard
The information as specified in 3-2/13.17i), ii), v) and vii), as applicable.

13.21 Installations in Classified Areas (1 July 2012)

List of all electrical equipment installed in classified areas, together with documentation issued by an
independent accredited testing laboratory certifying suitability for intended services or classified areas.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 2 Plans and Particulars to be Submitted 3-2

15 Instrumentation and Control Systems

15.1 General Arrangements

Submit layout plans for local controllers, central controllers, displays, printers, and other instrumentation
and control devices.

15.3 Instrumentation List (1 July 2012)

Submit a listing of instrumentation and control equipment, including monitoring, control, and alarm set points
and ranges.

15.5 Schematic Drawings – Electrical Systems (1 July 2012)

Schematic drawings/details of electrical systems are to include types and sizes of electrical cables and wiring,
voltage rating, service voltage and current, overload and short-circuit protection for the following systems:
i) Process control panels
ii) Emergency shutdown (ESD) panels
iii) Intrinsically safe systems
iv) Fire and gas detection and alarm panels
v) Fire alarm circuits
vi) Emergency generator or fire pump drive starting circuit

15.7 Schematic Drawings – Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems

Submit system description of hydraulic and pneumatic control systems, including pipe sizes and materials,
pressure ratings, and relief valve settings.

15.9 Programmable Electronic Systems (1 July 2012)

Submit the following documentation:
i) Control philosophy
ii) Schematic alarm
iii) Monitoring and control arrangements
iv) Redundancy arrangements
v) Failure modes of the system components
See also API RP 14J.

17 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety

17.1 Firewater System (1 July 2012)

Firewater system plans are to include, but not limited to, the following:
i) Pump and piping arrangements
ii) Location of isolation valves
iii) Locations of firewater stations
iv) Details of fire pumps including pump drivers, pump capacity and pressure
v) Hydraulic calculations for sizing of fire pump capacity and fire main

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 2 Plans and Particulars to be Submitted 3-2

17.3 Deluge Systems (Water Spray for Process Equipment)

Submit plans showing the arrangement for firewater piping and spraying nozzles, as well as detailed hydraulic

17.5 Foam Systems (for Crude Storage Tanks) (1 July 2012)

Foam system plans are to indicate the arrangement for:
i) Firewater supply
ii) Foam supply and delivery
iii) Type of foam and expansion ratio
iv) Capacity calculations for areas protected.

17.7 Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems (1 July 2012)

Fixed fire extinguishing plans showing the following:
i) Arrangement of piping
ii) Arrangement of spraying nozzles
iii) Storage of the extinguishing medium
iv) Details of control and alarm for release of the extinguishing medium
v) Capacity calculations and discharge time calculations for areas protected

17.9 Paint Lockers and Flammable Material Storerooms

Submit plans and calculations showing details of fixed fire extinguishing systems for the paint lockers and
flammable material storerooms.

17.11 Fire Control and Life Saving Equipment Plan (1 July 2012)
Fire control and life saving equipment plans for the process area are to be submitted.
For a floating installation, additional requirements for the fire control and life saving equipment plan may
also be found in the Steel Vessel Rules or MODU Rules, as applicable.
Fire control plan and life saving equipment plans for a process area are to include the following:
i) Portable and Semi-Portable Extinguishers. The plan is to show types, quantities and locations of
portable and semi-portable extinguishers for the production facility.
ii) Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems. The plan is to show locations, controls, protected spaces/areas
and types of extinguishing system.
iii) Fire and Gas Detection and Alarm Systems. The plan is to show:
• The location and type of fire detectors and gas detectors
• The location of indicating panels
iv) Emergency Control Stations. The plan is to show location and equipment.
v) Lifesaving Appliances and Equipment. The plan is to show type, capacity, quantity and location.
vi) Structural Fire Protection. The plan is to show arrangements, locations, and types of firewalls for
buildings and bulkheads installed in or adjacent to the process area.
vii) Guard Rails and Escape Routes. The plan is to show arrangement of protective guardrails, toe
plates, and means of escape from normally manned spaces.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 2 Plans and Particulars to be Submitted 3-2

17.13 Fire and Gas Detection and Alarm Systems

Plans are to indicate:
i) Locations and details of power supplies
ii) Sensors
iii) Annunciation and indicating equipment
iv) Set points of alarm systems
v) Data sheets for detectors

17.15 Fire and Gas Cause and Effect Chart

Relate all fire and gas sensors to shutdowns, operation of fixed systems and fire control plans.

17.17 Insulation of Hot Surfaces

Submit details of insulation and shielding provided for personnel safety and fire protection.

19 Arrangements for Storage Tank Venting and Inerting

Submit piping and control arrangements for storage tank venting and inerting systems.

21 Arrangements for Use of Produced Gas as Fuel

Submit piping and control arrangements for use of produced gas as fuel, showing details of double wall or
ducting arrangements for the pipe runs in way of the safe space. See also 3-4/5.7.

23 Start-up and Commissioning Procedures and Manual

The manual outlined in 5-1/7 is to be submitted for review as early as possible, prior to the commissioning
of the installation.

25 Modifications
Details of modifications to machinery, piping, process equipment, etc., which may affect classification are
to be submitted for approval. Typically, these include the following, but not limited to:
i) Equipment changes and modifications, including changes in alarms, instrumentation, and control
ii) Facility throughput changes, and changes in feed and product compositions
iii) Changes in operating conditions, including pressures, temperatures, flow rates, or process conditions
different from those in the original process or mechanical design
iv) Changes in pressure relief requirements due to factors such as increased process throughput, operation
at higher temperatures or pressures, increased size of equipment, or addition of equipment
v) Changes to process support systems, such as changes to chemical injection, gas dehydration, etc.

Section 3: Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems

CHAPTER 3 Floating Installations

SECTION 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems

1 General

1.1 Scope (1 July 2012)

This Section defines the minimum criteria applicable to equipment and systems for handling and processing
produced fluids from completed wells.
These requirements address process equipment such as process vessels, heat exchangers, fired vessels (heaters),
compressors and pumps, as well as the associated piping, process control, and process safety systems.
The documentation requirements for design review are given in Chapter 3, Section 2.

1.3 Process Safety Principle (1 July 2012)

The overall process safety principle is that hydrocarbon production and processing systems be designed to
minimize the risk of hazards to personnel, property and environment.
Implementation of this principle to production systems and associated facilities design is intended to:
i) Prevent an abnormal condition from causing an upset condition
ii) Prevent an upset condition from causing a release of hydrocarbons
iii) Safely collect and dispose of hydrocarbon gasses and vapors released
iv) Prevent formation of explosive mixtures
v) Prevent ignition of flammable liquids or gases and vapors released
vi) Limit exposure of personnel to fire hazards

1.5 Governmental Regulations

The designer is directed to governmental regulations or guidance notes, which may exceed these provisions,
depending on the size, type, location, and intended services of the floating installation.

3 Process Design

3.1 Design Basis

Production process design is to be based on production plans, expected well fluid properties, required
pipeline or product custody transfer specifications, and other considerations.
The floating processing drainage, production water discharge and displacement water discharge are to be
in accordance with national/regional regulations. The Administration and the Coastal State are to be
consulted, if necessary.

3.3 Process Design Conditions (1 July 2012)

Process design conditions specified for equipment and systems are to include provision for handling short
term and transient conditions, such as pipeline-riser slugging, cyclic pump operation, or pressure spikes,
and to meet the required product specifications.
Each process equipment or piping element is to be designed for conditions as specified in 3-1/7.5 of these
Rules, as applicable.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems 3-3

Due consideration is to be given to the well fluid properties, such as presence of hydrogen sulfide (H2S),
carbon dioxide (CO2), etc., for selection of materials. The following standards are to be used for consideration
of various well fluid properties:
i) NACE MR 0175/ISO 15156 “Materials for use in H2S containing environment in oil and gas
production” (latest edition) is to be used for design, procurement, and fabrication of equipment and
components that may be exposed to hydrogen sulfide under conditions conducive to Sulfide Stress
Cracking (SSC), as defined by the NACE Standard.
ii) API RP 55 “Recommended Practices for Oil and Gas Producing and Gas Processing Plant Operations
Involving Hydrogen Sulfide,” or other recognized standards, may be used as reference for the
system design if the system is intended to handle H2S.

3.5 Process Flow Sheets (1 July 2012)

Process flow sheets are to indicate all process equipment with associated piping systems, and define operating
conditions for each component.
Each flow stream is to be labeled by composition, flowrates, phase, pressure, and temperature.

5 Facility Layout

5.1 General Arrangement (1 July 2012)

Machinery and equipment are to be arranged in groups or work areas in accordance with API RP 14J.
To enhance the overall safety of personnel, and facility, the following design principles and objectives are
to be followed throughout the development of the facility:
i) Separation of nonhazardous areas from those classified as hazardous areas
ii) Minimizing the likelihood of uncontrollable releases of hydrocarbon to the environment
iii) Minimizing the spread of flammable liquids and gases which may result in a hazardous event and
facilitating rapid removal of any accumulations
iv) Minimizing the probability of ignition
v) Minimizing the consequences of fire and explosions
vi) Preventing fire escalation and equipment damage
vii) Providing for adequate arrangements for escape and evacuation
viii) Effective emergency response
ix) Protection of safety systems, critical systems, subsystems, equipment and/or components from damage
x) Equipment arrangements are to provide access for inspection and servicing and safe means of
egress from all machinery spaces.
xi) Additional requirements related to general arrangement and equipment layout are also to consider the
applicable requirements of the SVR Rules or MODU Rule.
xii) In case of a fire onboard the unit, the means of escape is to permit the safe evacuation of all occupants
to a safe area, even when the structure they occupy can be considered lost in a conflagration.
xiii) With safety spacing, protective firewalls and equipment groupings, a possible fire from a classified
location is not to impede the safe exit of personnel from the danger source to the lifeboat embarkation
zone or any place of refuge.
xiv) Equipment items that could become fuel sources in the event of a fire are to be separated from
potential ignition sources by space separation, firewalls or protective walls. See 3-3/Table 1 for
typical fuel and ignition sources.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems 3-3

Fuel and Ignition Sources
Fuel Sources
• Wellheads and Manifolds • Process Piping
• Separators and Scrubbers • Risers and Pipelines
• Coalesces • Vents
• Gas Compressors • Pig Launchers and Receivers
• Liquid Hydrocarbon Pumps • Drains
• Heat Exchangers • Portable Fuel Tanks
• Hydrocarbon Storage Tanks • Chemical Storage Tanks
• Gas Metering Equipment • Laboratory Gas Bottles
• Oil Treaters (unfired vessels) • Sample Pots

Ignition Sources
• Fired Vessels • Electrical Equipment
• Combustion Engines & Gas Turbines • Waste Heat Recovery Equipment
• Living Quarters • Mobile phones
• Flares • Lightning
• Welding Machines • Spark Producing Hand Tools
• Grinding Machines • Portable Computers
• Cutting Machinery or Torches • Cameras
• Static Electricity • Non-Intrinsically Safe Flashlights

5.3 Accommodation Spaces (Living Quarters) (1 July 2012)

Accommodation spaces or living quarters are to be located outside of hazardous areas and may not be located
above or below crude oil storage tanks or process areas.
i) “H-60” ratings are required for the bulkheads of permanent living quarters, temporary living quarters
and normally manned modules that face hazardous areas such as wellheads, oil storage tanks, fired
vessels (heaters), crude oil processing equipment, and other similar hazards. If such bulkhead is
more than 33 m (100 ft) from this source, then this can be reduced to an “H-0” rating.
ii) “A-60” and “A” rated bulkheads may be utilized provided that a risk or fire load analysis was
performed and reviewed by ABS Technical office, indicating that these bulkheads are acceptable.
See Chapter 3, Section 8.

5.5 Emergency Shutdown (ESD) Stations (1 July 2012)

Emergency shutdown (ESD) stations are to be provided for manual activation of the process safety shutdown
system for shutdown of all wells and process systems. These manual activation stations are to be protected
against accidental activation, and conveniently located at the primary evacuation points (i.e., boat landing,
helicopter deck, etc.) and the emergency control stations (see 3-8/5.11 and 4-8/5.9, as applicable).
For design guidance, the following additional locations may be considered appropriate for emergency shutdown
i) Exit stairway at each deck level
ii) Main exits of living quarters
iii) Main exits of production (process) facility deck

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems 3-3

5.7 Wellhead Areas

i) Wellhead areas are to be separated or protected from sources of ignition and mechanical damage.
ii) “A-0” firewalls around wellheads are to be used to provide protection from potential uncontrolled
flow from wellheads with shut-in pressures exceeding 42 kg/cm2 (600 psig).

5.9 Storage Tanks and Slop Tanks (1 July 2012)

5.9.1 Supported Storage Tanks
Supported storage tanks for crude oil or other flammable liquids are to be located as far as possible
from wellheads. In addition, they are to be located as far as possible from potential ignition sources
such as gas and diesel engines, fired vessels, and buildings designated as unclassified areas, or areas
used as workshops, or welding locations.
5.9.2 Storage and Slop Tanks
i) For crude storage tanks, slop tanks, and low flash point flammable liquid storage tanks
[flash point of 60°C (140°F) or less], such as methanol storage tanks built as hull or integral
tanks, are to be separated from machinery spaces, service spaces, and other similar source
of ignition spaces by cofferdams of at least 0.76 m (30 in.) wide.
ii) Pump rooms, ballast tanks and fuel oil tanks may be considered cofferdams for this purpose.

5.11 Fired Vessels (1 July 2012)

5.11.1 Fired Vessels
i) Fired vessels, such as glycol reboilers, hot oil heaters, etc., are considered ignition sources.
They are to be installed away from wellheads and other unfired hydrocarbon processing
and storage equipment.
ii) If it is not be possible to comply to the above requirement, particularly when the space of
the process area is limited, causing fired vessels to be located in the unfired process areas,
then the fired vessel is to be surrounded on all sides by a minimum of “A-0” rated firewall,
except on the outboard side of the unit mounted on the perimeter of a platform or FPSO.
5.11.2 Direct Fired Vessels
For direct fired vessels such as crude oil treater that is considered both as fuel and ignition source,
a minimum of “A-0” rated firewall is to be provided as described in 3-3/5.11.1ii), regardless of
where the unit is installed within the production or process areas (Fired or Unfired Process Areas).

7 Packaged Process Units

7.1 General
i) Packaged process units are considered subsystems of the total production process systems.
ii) Subsystems are to comply with 3-3/11, 3-3/13, 3-3/15, 3-3/17, and 3-6/29 for process system
requirements and 3-3/9 for major equipment requirements.
iii) The electrical installation and instrumentation and control systems are to comply with Chapter 3,
Sections 6 and 7.
iv) Fire protection systems are to comply with Chapter 3, Section 8 of these Rules.

7.3 Skid Structures

i) The skid structure is to be sufficiently rigid to support the mounted equipment and piping and, as
required, to permit lifting during shipment without damage to the equipment or piping.
ii) Structural design calculations for skid units with a center of gravity height of more than 1.5 m (5 ft),
or a maximum operating weight in excess of 10 MT (metric tons) or 22.05 Kips, calculated in dry
conditions, are to be submitted for review.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems 3-3

7.5 Drip Pans

i) Drip pans are to be provided to contain liquid spills and leaks from skid mounted equipment and
piping, and to drain the liquid with adequate slope of 1 cm per meter (l/8 inch per foot) into open
drain systems.
ii) A minimum 150 mm (6 in.) coaming around the entire perimeter of a skid is to be provided.
iii) Skid beams that extend above the drip pan may be considered as meeting the coaming requirement,
provided that the drip pan is seal-welded to the skid beams.
iv) A spill containment with less than 150 mm (6 in.) coaming arrangement is subject to special
v) Calculations showing sufficient spillage containment for the skid are to be submitted for verification.

9 Major Equipment Requirements

(1 July 2012) This Subsection provides requirements for process equipment that are typically utilized in
floating facilities. Conformance to standards or codes different from those listed will be considered where
The design specifications for process equipment are to consider as a minimum, but not limited to, the most
adverse combination of applicable loads listed in 3-1/7.5, as applicable, and is to consist of design plans,
drawings, data, and calculations, as outlined in 3-2/Table 2, to substantiate the design.

9.1 Process Vessels (1 July 2012)

9.1.1 General
i) Pressure vessels are to be designed, constructed, and tested in accordance with the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) Section VIII Division 1 or Division 2 or equivalent
recognized codes and/or standards.
ii) Consideration will be given to arrangements and details of pressure vessels which can be
shown to comply with other recognized codes and/or standards, provided they are of
equivalent level of safety with the ASME BPVC Code.
iii) All process vessels are to be suitably supported and properly secured.
9.1.2 Design Load
In addition to the design loads specified in 3-1/7.5, as applicable, the design is also to ensure that
stresses due to external nozzle loads and moments, stresses due to acceleration forces arising out
of the motion of the floating installation, and stresses due to any other applicable external forces,
such as wind, are within the limits allowed by the design code and standard.
9.1.3 Materials
Low melting point or brittle materials such as cast iron, aluminum, brass, copper, or fiberglass, are
not to be utilized in pressure retaining parts of vessels containing flammable or toxic fluids.
9.1.4 Thermal Considerations
Supports and insulation of vessels subject to change in temperature are to be designed to accommodate
the resulting thermal movement.

9.3 Process Heat Exchangers (1 July 2012)

9.3.1 General
Process heat exchangers with a design pressure in excess of 1.05 kg/cm2 (15 psig) and handling
flammable fluids are subject to the requirements of 3-3/9.1 and the following applicable requirements:
9.3.2 Design Load
See 3-3/9.1.2 for design load requirements.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems 3-3

9.3.3 Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers

Process heat exchangers of tubular design are to conform to applicable sections of ASME Section
VIII, Division 1 or Division 2, TEMA Standards or API Std. 660.
9.3.4 Plate and Frame Exchangers
Plate and frame exchangers may be employed for handling flammable liquid, with the following
i) Safety or protective devices are to be provided as required in accordance with of API RP 14C.
ii) Each exchanger is to be provided with an exchanger enclosure, protective wall, shield or
similar barrier, capable of containing spray in case of gasket leakage during operation.
iii) Each exchanger is to be provided with spill containment and drain capable of handling a
liquid release of at least 10% of the maximum flammable stream flowrates.
9.3.5 Air Cooled Heat Exchangers
Air-cooled heat exchangers are to comply with API Std. 661.

9.5 Process Electric Heater (1 July 2012)

9.5.1 General
Process electric heater shells with a shell operating pressure greater than 1.05 kg/cm2 (15 psig) are
to be designed and constructed in accordance with applicable ASME BPVC Code.
9.5.2 Design Load
See 3-3/9.1.2 for design load requirements.
9.5.3 Over Temperature Protection
Process electric heaters in hydrocarbon service are to be provided with heater element skin high
temperature alarms.
9.5.4 Overpressure Protection
Where the vessel, tank or piping segment containing an electric heater can be isolated, a relief
valve is to be provided for overpressure protection. It is to be sized for a blocked-in condition
with the heater operating at full power.
9.5.5 Low Level, Low Flow or High Temperature Protection
Process electric heaters in liquid service are to be protected by low level, low flow, or high liquid
temperature sensor to shut off electrical input.

9.7 Fired Vessels (Heaters) (1 July 2012)

9.7.1 General
i) All fire-tube type fired vessels, with a shell operating pressure greater than 1.05 kg/cm2
(15 psig), are to be designed in accordance with Section I of ASME BPVC Code.
ii) Fired vessel (heater) shells, (heater) coils or other equipment designed in accordance with
ASME BPVC Code are to conform to all applicable requirements of 3-3/9.1.
9.7.2 Design Load
See 3-3/9.1.2 for design load requirements.
9.7.3 Indirect Fired Vessels (Heaters)
i) Indirect fired water bath heaters with working pressures lower than 1.05 kg/cm2 (15 psig)
are to be designed and fabricated in accordance with API Spec. 12K.
ii) Similar types of indirect fired vessels (heaters), such as steam bath heaters, are to be in full
compliance with API Spec. 12K.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems 3-3

9.7.4 Direct Fired Vessels (Heaters)

Direct fired vertical or horizontal emulsion treaters are to be designed and constructed in accordance
with API Spec. 12L.
9.7.5 Ignition Control
Where burner ignition or light-off is part of an automatic sequence, the following control functions
are to be provided:
i) Automatic timed purge interval prior to admitting pilot fuel. Purge may be by fan if
equipped, or by time delay to allow natural draft purge.
ii) Firing limit on a trial for ignition (15 seconds maximum) on each attempted pilot light-off.
iii) Confirmation of pilot lighting prior to admitting main burner fuel.
9.7.6 Manual Light-off
i) Each burner designed for manual light-off of the pilot is to be designed to allow an operator
to light the pilot from a location which limits his exposure to flame flashback, should it occur.
ii) Burners are to be equipped with a sight-glass suitable for verifying pilot light-off and for
viewing of main flame.
9.7.7 Combustion
Combustion air intakes for fired vessels are to be located in, or ducted from, a safe area.
9.7.8 Fired Vessel (Heater) Arrangement
Any fired vessel (heater) installed within a firewall is to be arranged with means of shutdown from
outside the firewall enclosure.

9.9 Atmospheric Storage Tanks

9.9.1 General
Atmospheric and low pressure storage tanks for flammable liquids are to be designed and fabricated
in accordance with one of the following standards, as applicable:
i) 3-2-2/9 of the MODU Rules for Semi, Tension Leg Platform (TLP), Deep Draft Caisson
Vessel (DDCV) or Spar type FPS and FOI
ii) Section 3-2-10 of the Steel Vessel Rules for ship-shape FSO and FPSO
iii) Part 3, Section 4 of the Offshore Installation Rules for fixed installations
9.9.2 Overflows
Any storage tank larger than 20 barrels (2,312 liters) and operating at or near atmospheric pressure
is to be equipped with one or more overflow connections, sized sufficiently to remove all incoming
fluid in excess of the design operating level.

9.11 Compressors
Natural gas compressors are to comply with applicable API standards such as:
• API Std. 617 for centrifugal compressors,
• API Std. 618 for reciprocating compressors, and
• API Std. 619 for rotary type positive displacement compressors.
i) Compressors rated for less than 7 kg/cm2 (100 psig) and 28.3 m3/min (1000 scfm) can be accepted
on the basis of manufacturer’s affidavit of compliance and test reports.
ii) A fusible plug fire detection system complying with 3-8/7 and 4-8/7 as applicable, and directly
activating the emergency shutdown system, is to be installed in the compressor package.
iii) The emergency shutdown system is to be interlocked to shutdown the compressor.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems 3-3

9.13 Pumps (1 July 2012)

Centrifugal pumps intended for hydrocarbon service are to comply with API Std, 610.
i) Centrifugal pumps having stuffing box pressures in excess of 14 kg/cm2 (200 psig) are to be
provided with either single-balanced mechanical seals with means to collect and contain seal leakage,
or tandem-balanced mechanical seals with alarm, to indicate primary seal failure.
ii) Pumps rated for 7 kg/cm2 (100 psig) and 757 liters/min (200 gpm) or less may be accepted for
hydrocarbon service, on the basis of a manufacturer’s affidavit of compliance with the requirement
of API Std. 610.
iii) Pumps rated above 7 kg/cm2 (100 psig) and 757 liters/min (200 gpm) are to meet the following
a) The manufacturer is to supply a manufacturer’s affidavit of compliance to API Std. 610 to
the ABS Technical Office, regardless of size and is to include documentation on the seal
arrangement of the pump.
b) The manufacturer is to furnish, in accordance with of API Std. 610, a statement indicating
any system or components not in compliance with the requirements, detailing and clarifying
all deviations to the Standard to the ABS Technical Office. (This is to include alternative
designs or systems that are specified for specific duties).
c) Survey guidelines are to be in accordance with 5-1/Table 1 of these Rules.

9.15 Scraper Launchers/Receivers (1 July 2012)

Closures and barrels for scraper launchers/receivers are to be designed and constructed in accordance with
ASME Section VIII Division 1, or other equivalent recognized standard/code.
i) Block valves are to be provided for isolation of process elements subject to pressure, to enable
their safe removal when required.
ii) Means are to be provided to relieve pressure and to confirm the scraper launchers/receivers are not
pressurized before opening the “quick opening closure”.

9.17 Flare and Vent Structures

Flare and vent booms and ground flare structures are to be designed and constructed in accordance with
API RP 2A WSD for secondary structures.

11 Process Piping Systems

11.1 General
Process piping design, selection of valves, fittings and flanges, are to be in accordance with API RP 14E,
ASME B31.3 and other recognized standards.

11.3 Thermal Relief

Sections of piping systems that can be isolated with block valves, while they may be filled with cold liquid
or liquid at near ambient temperature, are to be provided with thermal relief valves. This is to protect the
piping from overpressure caused by solar heating or exposure to fire.

11.5 Isolation Valves

i) Block valves are to be provided for isolation of process elements subject to pressure to enable their
safe removal when required.
ii) Means are to be provided to relieve pressure from the blocked piping segment before removal of
the control element.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems 3-3

11.7 Flexible Hoses

i) Hose assemblies may be installed between two (2) points where flexibility is required, if they will
not be subject to twisting under normal operating conditions.
ii) Hoses carrying flammable fluids are to be fire-resistant rated for maximum working pressure and
temperature, and reinforced with wire braid or other suitable material.
iii) (1 July 2012) To be considered fire resistant, hoses for flammable fluid service are to pass industry
recognized fire test such as those listed in API Spec 16C “Specification for Choke and Kill Systems”
(1300°F/704°C – Pressurized full water to normal working pressure for minimum 5 minutes). For
details, see Appendix 2.
For flexible hoses in hydraulic control system requirements, see 3-4/5.13.
iv) Burst pressure of the hose is not to be less than three (3) times the relief valve setting.

11.9 Plastic Pipe Installations

All non-metallic piping materials used in the piping systems for conveying hydrocarbon fluid must meet
Level 1 fire endurance test, as referenced in Appendix 1 of these Rules, except as modified herein.
For a produced water piping system, a plastic pipe which passes a Level 3 fire endurance test or any equivalent
fire endurance standard (such as the testing specified in Section 10.5.1 of API Spec 16C) may be considered,
provided the following conditions are met:
i) A metallic isolation valve (ESD Valve), arranged to close in the event of a fire, is to be connected
by metallic piping to hydrocarbon containing vessels, where the failure of the plastic piping would
result in the uncontrolled release of hydrocarbons. Non-metallic piping materials may only be
used beyond the ESD valve. See 3-3/Figure 1 for reference.
ii) Fire detection, fire fighting and shutdown systems are provided.
See 3-3/Figure 1 for typical detailed arrangement.

Typical FRP/GRP Arrangement in a Process Piping Layout
Produced Water to
Discharge Gas Out

Wellhead Process
Gas, Oil & Plate and Frame
Separator Oil Out
Water In Exchanger

Recovered Oil Out Dirty (Oily) Water Out

ESD Valve


Produced Water to

FRP Material

Metallic Material

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems 3-3

13 Piping and Instrumentation Design

13.1 Process Control System

i) Essential process parameters (such as flow rate, pressure, temperature and liquid level) are to be
automatically monitored and controlled, and the abnormal conditions are to be alarmed with visual
and audible devices.
ii) The process control system used to maintain process variables within normal operating ranges is to be
capable of accommodating a reasonable range of abnormal or transient conditions without creating an
upset condition.

13.3 Safety System (1 July 2012)

Safety system is to be provided and comply with API RP 14C. Essential elements of the safety system are
to include:
13.3.1 Safety Sensing and Self-acting Devices
i) The safety system is to be provided with two (2) levels of protection, primary and secondary,
with sensing and self-acting devices, which are functionally different types of devices. They
are to be in addition to process control devices used to maintain normal process parameters.
ii) The safety system is to be capable to sense process variables. It reacts to a condition outside
acceptable limits by automatically activating an alarm and initiating the necessary protective
iii) Pressure vessels are generally fitted with pressure control valves to protect against
overpressure. Additionally, they are to be fitted with a safety system device such as Pressure
Safety High (PSH) (primary) and a Pressure Safety Valve (PSV) (secondary).
iv) Loss of any single control or safety system component is not to cause an unsafe condition.
Example: If a production separator liquid outlet control valve sticks open, a Level Safety
Low (LSL) can protect against gas blow-by.
v) Where High Integrity Process Protection Systems (HIPPS) are used, these systems are
subject to special consideration. Use of these systems will only be considered up to the
inlet of the low pressure shutoff valve upstream of the first stage separator/heater.
13.3.2 Fire Detection
A fusible plug system, or other means of automatically detecting fire, is to provide a shutdown
signal for production facilities, as per 3-8/7.1 and API RP I4C, Appendix C.
13.3.3 Gas Detection
Combustible and hydrogen sulfide gas detectors are to be provided, as per 3-8/7.3, to initiate
alarms and shutdowns.
13.3.4 Process Emergency Shutdowns (ESD)
i) An emergency shutdown (ESD) system with manual stations is to be provided, in accordance
with 3-3/5.5 and API RP 14C, Appendix C, to shut down the flow of hydrocarbon from
all wells and pipelines, and to terminate all production and injection activities of the facility.
ii) The emergency shutdown system is to be automatically activated by:
a) The detection of an abnormal operating condition by flowline pressure sensors and
sensors on any downstream component through which the pipeline fluids flow;
b) The detection of fire in the wellhead and process areas;
c) The detection of combustible gas at a 60% level of the lower explosive limit (LEL);
d) The detection of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas at a level of 50 ppm.
iii) Emergency shutdown (ESD) valves for flowlines and pipelines are to be located as far
away from the facility as practical. (See 3-8/5.11 and 4-8/5.9, as applicable).

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems 3-3

13.3.5 Safety Analysis

i) Safety Analysis Tables (SAT) and Safety Analysis Checklists (SAC), in accordance with
API RP I4C, are to be used to verify that the safety devices provided to protect each process
component and piping segment are adequate.
ii) Safety Analysis Function Evaluation (SAFE) Charts are to be prepared to show the integration
of all safety devices and self-protected equipment into a complete facility safety system.

15 Pressure Relieving and Hydrocarbon Disposal Systems

15.1 Pressure Relief Systems

15.1.1 Pressure Relief Valves
i) Pressure relief valves are to be installed in accordance with API RP 14C to protect all
vessels and pressure-rated equipment from overpressurization.
ii) Pressure relief valves are to be sized and installed in accordance with API RP 520 and
ASME Section VIII, Division 1 Appendix M.
iii) If block valves are installed in the relieving lines, means are to be provided to ensure that
pressure relief valves are not isolated from the protected equipment.
iv) The practice of locking open block valves to eliminate the need for higher design pressures
or additional relief protection is allowed if:
a) Closure of the valve would not result in the pressure rising more than 1.5 times
the design pressure of the equipment or component under consideration, or
b) Can be otherwise demonstrated that the proposed installation is safe and would
not, in any circumstance, planned or unplanned, inadvertent or intentional, result
in a risk to personnel or facilities.
See also 3-7/17.5 of these Rules for reference on block valve locking devices.
15.1.2 Gas Service
i) Pressure relief valves in hydrocarbon gas service are to discharge to one or more closed relief
headers for atmospheric discharge at either a flare or vent. Such flare or vent discharges
are to meet the requirements of 3-3/15.5.
ii) Pressure relief headers are to be sized to handle the maximum anticipated discharges that
could occur at any time.
iii) Relief header sizing is to be sufficient so that excessive back-pressure does not develop,
which may prevent any pressure relief valve from relieving at its design rate.
iv) Where necessary, separate high and low pressure relief headers are to be employed to meet
this requirement.
15.1.3 Liquid Service
i) Pressure relief valves in liquid hydrocarbon service are to discharge to a lower pressure
system such as a tank, pump suction, sump vessel, or closed drain system.
ii) Discharges to drip pans or other open drains are to be limited to small volume thermal

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems 3-3

15.1.4 Rupture Discs (1 July 2012)

The use of rupture discs is limited to the following:
i) In gas or gas/liquid service, rupture discs may be utilized only as backup to pressure relief
valves and they are sized for the maximum relieving conditions.
ii) In liquid service, rupture discs may be utilized only as backup to pressure relief valves that
are sized for the maximum relieving condition. They may be installed as primary relief
devices for non-flammable, non-hazardous liquids at relieving pressures no greater than
10.5 kg/cm2 (150 psig).
iii) In applications where use of other relieving devices is not practical, requests for such
exceptions will be specially considered by ABS.
15.1.5 Vapor Depressurizing (1 July 2012)
i) An emergency vapor depressurizing system is to be provided for all equipment processing
light hydrocarbon with operating pressures of 17.5 kg/cm2 (250 psig) and above, as specified
in API Std. 521.
ii) To gain rapid control of a situation in which the source of a fire is the leakage of flammable
fluids from the equipment to be depressurized, the equipment is to be depressurized to
7 kg/cm2 (100 psig).
iii) In cases where the equipment is handling high pressure and large inventories of hydrocarbon,
and depressurizing to 100 psig is impractical, it is acceptable to depressurize to 50% of
the equipment design pressure if such depressurization is achieved within 15 minutes.
This is provided the equipment has been designed with ample margin of safety to prevent
the vessel from failing due to overheating.
iv) Calculations, showing the maximum allowable temperature of the equipment would not
exceed the equipment rated temperature, are to be submitted for verification. See API
Std. 521 for information on the effect of heat input to uninsulated steel vessels.

15.3 Pressure/Vacuum Venting System for Atmospheric and Low Pressure Storage Tanks
(1 July 2012)
i) All atmospheric and low pressure storage tanks and similar equipment, such as flotation cells and
atmospheric corrugated plate interception (CPI) separators, are to be provided with pressure and
vacuum relief protection, as required.
ii) Sizing criteria for pressure and vacuum relief protection is to be in accordance with API Std. 2000.
iii) Vent lines are to be routed to an atmospheric vent header, or to individual vents. These vent
discharges are to meet the requirements of 3-3/15.5.4.

15.5 Flares and Vents

15.5.1 Location
Flares and vents for hydrocarbon gas disposal are to be located with respect to prevailing winds.
This is to limit exposure of personnel, equipment and helicopter traffic to vented gas, flare exhaust,
or flame radiation.
15.5.2 Atmospheric Conditions
i) Worst-case atmospheric conditions are to be used for radiation and gas dispersion
ii) Flame radiation calculations are normally to assume a strong wind, 32.2 km per hour
(20 miles per hour), or worst-case scenario based on the project specification, distorting
the flame pattern toward the facilities.
iii) Dispersion calculations are normally to assume still air and low vent velocity as a worst-case

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems 3-3

15.5.3 Heat Radiation from Elevated Flares

i) The calculated radiant heat intensity from flaring (including solar radiation), at any deck
level or location where normal maintenance or operating activity could take place, is not
to exceed API Std. 521 recommendations.
ii) The flare evaluation or analysis can be based on API Std. 521 method or other recognized
industrial method. However, if an industrial method is selected, a validation study of the
model is to be made available in support of the modeling results:
a) At the design continuous flaring rate: 1.58 kW/m2 (500 BTU/hr/ft2)
b) At the design short duration (2 to 3 minutes) maximum flaring rate: 4.73 kw/m2
(1,500 BTU/hr/ft2).
Note: These radiation levels (500 and 1500 BTU/hr/ft2) are only applicable to personnel, and not equipment.
Higher radiation levels may be considered on deck areas if these areas are off-limit to personnel during
normal or emergency operations, respectively.

15.5.4 Atmospheric Discharge

For hydrocarbon vapor disposal by atmospheric dispersion from a vent stack, the vent outlet is to
be of sufficient height or distance from the facilities to accomplish the following:
i) The calculated radiant heat intensity (including solar radiation) in case of accidental ignition is
not to exceed 4.73 kW/m2 (1500 BTU/hr/ft2) at the maximum venting rate, at any deck
level or location where normal maintenance or operating activity could take place.
ii) The following concentration of hazardous vapors, calculated in accordance with API Std. 521
or other industrial model, is not to be exceeded at any deck level where normal maintenance
or operating activity could take place, based on the reasonable worst-case conditions (e.g.,
still air and low vent velocity).
H2S: 10 ppm
Combustible Vapors: 20% LEL
iii) The vent outlet is to be at least 8 m (25 ft) above any immediately adjacent process vessel
or hydrocarbon processing equipment, and at least 3 m (10 ft) above the top of any vessel
or equipment within an 8 m (25 ft) radius of the vent.
iv) When a short vent stack is used in lieu of a vent boom arrangement as normally found on
the FPSO, the vent outlet is to be provided with devices to prevent the passage of flame
into the system. The pressure drop of the flame arrestor is to be considered in the vent
diameter sizing calculations.
When a dispersion model based on a modeling method other than API Std. 521 is used, a validation
study of the model is to be made available for verification.
15.5.5 Fire Extinguishing Systems for Atmospheric Vent
When a venting system is selected for disposal of hydrocarbon vapors, a vent snuffing system is to
be provided to extinguish vented gases, should they ignite.
15.5.6 Liquid Droplet Scrubbers
i) Flare scrubber or vent scrubber vessels are to be provided and sized to separate liquid
droplets greater than 450 micrometers in diameter from the maximum calculated gas relieving
rate of the system, in accordance with API Std. 521.
ii) Piping between the scrubber and flare or vent is to be self-draining back to the scrubber.
If a piping low point is unavoidable, it is to be equipped with an automatic drain (e.g., a
loop seal type) with connection to the open drain system.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems 3-3

15.5.7 Ground Flares

i) Ground flares may be used in place of the high stack flare.
ii) Ground flares are to be provided with automatic controls which will divert the flow of
flare gas to a vent stack upon detection of flame failure, unless gas dispersion calculations
show that the vapor concentrations do not exceed those specified in 3-3/15.5.4ii) under
flame-out conditions.
iii) Draining connections are to be provided, to remove accumulated condensate or water to
the open drain system.
15.5.8 Flashback Protection
i) Burn-back and flashback protection for flares is to be provided by sufficient purge gas
rate maintained from a reliable source, or by a seal drum to prevent air intrusion.
ii) The purge gas source is to have sufficient gas supply for continuous purging during
production shutdown, or for a complete purging of the flare system before re-ignition of
the flare.
iii) (1 July 2012) The sizing of a seal drum is to be in accordance with API Std. 521.
15.5.9 Flare Ignition
The flare system is to be provided with means for purging sufficiently (below 5% of oxygen
content) before ignition to prevent explosion inside the flare system.

17 Spill Containment, Open and Closed Drain Systems

17.1 Spill Containment

17.1.1 General
Spill containment is to be provided in areas subject to hydrocarbon liquid or chemical spills, such as
areas around process vessels and storage tanks with drain or sample connections, pumps, compressors,
engines, glycol systems, oil metering units, and chemical storage and dispensing areas.
17.1.2 Containment (1 May 2006)
i) Spill containment is to utilize curbing or drip edges at deck level, recessed drip pans, and
containment by floor gutters, firewalls or protective walls, or equivalent means to prevent
spread of discharged liquids to other areas and spillover to lower levels.
ii) Where equipment is protected by a fixed foam fire extinguishing system, a minimum of
150 mm (6 in.) coaming is to be provided.

17.3 Open Drain Piping

17.3.1 General
Each containment area, as well as any other plated deck or skid area subject to rainwater or other
liquid accumulation, is to be equipped with drains connected to an open drain system, and installed
and located so as to prevent the accumulation of standing liquid.
17.3.2 Line Sizing and Arrangement
i) Open drain piping is to be self-draining with a slope of not less than 1:100.
ii) Lines are to be sized for gravity drainage without backup or overflow, based on a full drainage
rate from any single source, with consideration given to the maximum rainfall condition.
17.3.3 Cleanouts
Cleanouts or flushing connections are to be provided for removal of sediment or solids from open
drains subject to potential blockage.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems 3-3

17.3.4 Disposal
Open drains are to be piped individually or collected in one or more piping systems, which are to
convey the fluids, by gravity or pumping, to oily water treatment or final disposal location.

17.5 Sealing of Open Drains

17.5.1 General
Piping drain traps, floor drains with integral drain seal, submerged open-ended pipes, or other
means of utilizing liquid head, are to be provided to prevent vapor release from the sump or drain
vessel to atmosphere.
17.5.2 Drain Seals (1 July 2012)
i) A seal is to be provided at each open drain location where flammable liquids (diesel fuel,
tube oil, glycol, crude oil, etc.) could be present in an open drain system, except as permitted
by 3-3/17.5.4 below. This is to prevent flammable vapors evolving from the liquids in the
drain system from being released to atmosphere.
ii) Each such seal is to have a minimum effective water seal height of 3.8 cm (1.5 in.).
17.5.3 Pressure Seals
i) Where an open drain system is subject to an applied pressure, such as pad gas on the sump
or drain vessel which receives the open drainage, a liquid seal is to be provided on each
drain header or drain line connected to the source of pressure.
ii) Minimum effective liquid seal height (unless increased by provisions of 3-3/17.5.4 below)
is to be 150 mm (6 in.), or 80 mm (3 in.) over the pad gas pressure, whichever is greater.
iii) Where such sealing is accomplished by submerging the open end of each line feeding the
sump or drain vessel, the minimum operating liquid level in the vessel is to be maintained
and minimum seal height is to be increased proportionally for submergence in liquids of
specific gravity less than 1.0.
17.5.4 Hot and Dry Climates
For installations located in hot, dry climates, it is recognized that water seals on open drain systems
exposed to ambient conditions are of limited use, since the seals quickly evaporate and are rarely
replenished by rainfall. For such installations, the following provisions apply:
i) Individual local drain seals per 3-3/17.5.2 above are not required.
ii) Drain header seals per 3-3/17.5.3 above are to be provided on each open drain line or header
connected to a hydrocarbon containing sump or drain vessel.
iii) Where pad gas or other imposed pressure is present, the minimum effective seal height is to
be increased by 50 mm (2 in.).
17.5.5 Protection Against Freezing
In areas where drain seals are subject to freezing, means are to be provided to prevent the drain
seal from freezing.

17.7 Segregation of Open Drain Systems

Drains from classified and unclassified areas are to be separate. When this requirement cannot be met,
drains from classified and unclassified areas or between different zone areas are to be connected or led to a
drain tank in a hazardous area. The following requirements are applicable:
i) Non-hazardous area drain header is to be equipped with a stop check valve at the safe area bulkhead,
together with a loop seal with a leg length of at least 762 mm (30 in) installed before the inlet to
the drain tank.
ii) The loop seal is to be so installed as to prevent freezing.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems 3-3

iii) Where drainage arrangement is such that the drain header from the classified areas are physically
located lower than the unclassified areas, and there is no possibility of back flow into the safe areas,
the check valve may not be needed.
iv) Drain outlets within the tank are to discharge against the tank side.
v) Vent outlets from the subject drain tank are to be led to the main deck, be equipped with a flame
screen, and treated as Zone 1 and/or 2, as applicable.
When pumping systems are used to remove liquids from hazardous areas or from drain tanks mentioned above,
branch suctions from safe and hazardous areas are to be arranged so that such areas cannot be pumped

17.9 Closed Drain Systems

17.9.1 General
i) Drains or liquid relief from process vessels, piping or other sources that could exceed
atmospheric pressure are to be hard piped without an atmospheric break to a drain vessel.
ii) The drain vessel is to be provided with pressure relief valve(s), which are to be sized to
handle the maximum flow of gas or liquid that could occur under blocked outlet condition.
17.9.2. Connection to Open Drain System
Drains or liquid relief from vessels containing non-toxic, non-flammable liquids, may be connected
to an unclassified open drain piping system if the open drain system is sized to accommodate these
additional drains.

17.11 Overboard Discharges from the Production Treatment Plan

i) Although the overboard discharge from the production treatment plan onboard is not subject to
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex I Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil), the discharge is to
conform to the national and/or regional regulations.
ii) In accordance with MARPOL 73/78, only discharges from machinery space, not from the offshore
processing drainage, production water, or from displacement, are subject to the MARPOL regulations.
See Appendix 5, Unified Interpretations of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78 for reference.

19 Structural Modules (1 July 2012)

19.1 General
The structural design of deck modules is to be in accordance with ABS Guide for Building and Classing
Floating Production Installations (FPI Guide) and ABS Rules for Building and Classing Offshore
Installations (OI Rules), as applicable, and to comply with the following:
i) Plans and calculations are to be provided for verification.
ii) Process liquid weights and dynamic loads due to vessel motions are to be considered.
ii) If the vessel hull girder deflection has significant effects on the structure, this is to be taken into
account in the design.

19.3 Structural Design of Deck Modules and Supports

i) Structural design of deck modules and module supports are to be designed following guidelines
given in 5A-1-5 of the FPI Guide.
ii) The design should include a finite element analysis of the deck module and supports considering
loading which produce the most unfavorable effects on the module for pre-service and in-service
iii) The module structures above their supports are to be analyzed and shown explicitly on the drawings
so that the construction of the module supports can be consistent with those assumed in the structural

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems 3-3

iv) Loading criteria to be considered in the design are given in 3-1/7.5 of these Rules.
v) Linear elastic methods (working stress method) are generally employed in the analysis. The resulting
structural responses are not to exceed the safety criteria given in 5B-3-3/5.3.4 of the FPI Guide.
Acceptance criteria for module supports are given in 5A-1-4/7 of the FPI Guide.
vi) Fatigue analysis of the modules is generally not required. However fatigue analysis is required for
the deck supports at the module/ship deck interface in accordance with 5A-1-4/7.5 of the FPI Guide.
vii) Material and Welding are to be in accordance with 5A-1-3/1.13 of the FPI Guide.

21 Subsea Production (1 July 2012)

21.1 General
The subsea productions systems and associated equipment are to comply with API 17s Series and the
requirements of these Rules, as applicable.

21.3 Flowlines and Manifolds

Flowlines and manifolds transporting gas and liquid in two-phase flow are to be designed and sized in
accordance with API RP 14E.
Flowline valves are to be in accordance with API Spec. 6A.
i) Flow lines are to be fitted with a remotely operated shutoff valve at the first flange (as close as
possible) on the loading manifold connecting the flexible lines that lead to the installation. These
remote operated valves are to close upon actuation of the ESD System.
ii) Boarding valves or first shutdown valves on board the installation are to be fire safe and tested to
API Spec 6FA.

21.5 Wellheads and Subsea Equipment

Christmas tree assemblies and subsea equipment are not part of the classification boundaries for a normal
production facility. However, the equipment may be classed if desired by the owner. The following
requirements are applicable:
21.5.1 Wellheads
i) Christmas tree assemblies including tubing head adapters, valves, tees, crosses, and chokes,
are to comply with API Spec. 6A.
ii) Wellhead surface safety valves (SSV) and underwater safety valves (USV) are to comply
with ISO 10418.
21.5.2 Subsea Equipment and Production Systems
i) Subsea production systems include, but are not limited to, template, wet or dry tree
assemblies, well manifold, subsea production equipment, riser base or pipeline end manifold,
riser, control pods and umbilicals, chokes and subsea safety valves.
ii) The design of each component is to be in accordance with a recognized standard such as
API 17s Series for subsea production systems.
iii) The design is to take into consideration the mechanical loads due to buoyancy, pressure
(internal and external), thermal expansion and contraction, and pre-stressing, and
environmental loads due to wave current, ice, and earthquake.
iv) Subsea completion wells are to be designed for automatic shutdown upon detecting flow
pressure outside a preset level, or upon receiving ESD signals from the topside facilities.
v) Subsea control system and equipment are to be designed and constructed per requirements
of API 14s Series and 17s Series, where applicable.
vi) Where well fluid is not received on the installation directly from the well, means are to be
provided to detect the actuation of ESD system, which will enable all subsea valves to

Section 4: Process Support Systems

CHAPTER 3 Floating Installations

SECTION 4 Process Support Systems

1 General (1 July 2012)

This Section provides requirements for the design and installation of process support systems on floating
Process support systems are utility and auxiliary systems that complement the hydrocarbon production and
process systems. See 3-2/9 for list of typical process support systems.
Process and platform support piping design criteria are to be in accordance with API RP 14E, ASME 31.3
or other recognized codes and/or standards.
General arrangement of these systems is to comply with API RP 14J, or other recognized codes and/or
The documentation requirements for design review are given in Chapter 3, Section 2.

3 Equipment Requirements
The requirements listed below are intended for the equipment of process support systems not covered in
Chapter 3, Section 3.

3.1 Pressure Vessels (1 July 2012)

i) Pressure vessels are to be designed, constructed, and tested in accordance with the ASME Section
VIII Division 1 or Division 2 or equivalent recognized codes and/or standards.
ii) The design is also to ensure that stresses due to external nozzle loads and moments, stresses due to
acceleration forces arising out of the motion of the floating installation, and stresses due to any
other applicable external forces, such as wind, are within the limits allowed by the design code.
iii) Consideration will be given to arrangements and details of pressure vessels that can be shown to
comply with other recognized codes and/or standards, provided they are of equivalent level of safety.

3.3 Heat Exchangers (1 July 2012)

i) Heat exchangers are to be designed, constructed, and tested in accordance with the ASME Section
VIII Division 1 or Division 2, TEMA Standards, API Std. 660, or API Std. 661, as applicable, or
equivalent recognized codes and/or standards.
ii) See 3-4/3.1ii) for design requirements.
iii) See 3-4/3.1iii) for alternatives to recognized codes and/or standards.

3.5 Pumps
All pumps for process support service are to comply with a recognized industrial standard such as ANSI,
UL, ASME, etc., and may be accepted on the basis of manufacturer’s affidavit of compliance with a recognized
industrial standard.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 4 Process Support Systems 3-4

3.7 Compressors
Compressors, such as those used with air or refrigeration systems, are to be designed to a recognized industrial
standard, and may be accepted on the basis of manufacturer’s affidavit of compliance with a recognized
industrial standard.

3.9 Prime Movers (Internal Combustion Engines and Turbines)

3.9.1 General
i) Engines and turbines are to be designed and constructed in accordance with a recognized
industry standard or code of practice, and be suitable for the full range of possible operating
conditions, including angles of heel and trim, and accelerations due to floating structure
roll, pitch and yaw.
ii) Additionally, prime movers for emergency services on floating structures are to be shown
suitable for extended periods of operation at the maximum angles of heel, trim, pitch, and
iii) Gas turbines are to comply with API Std. 616, as applicable.
iv) Manufacturer’s affidavit verifying compliance with recognized standards are to be submitted.
v) For engines and turbines of less than 100 kW (134 hp), manufacturer’s affidavit may be
presented and accepted by the attending Surveyor.
3.9.2 Installation
The installation of internal combustion engines and gas turbines is to be approved by ABS, and is
to comply with a recognized standard such as NFPA Std. No. 37, as applicable.
3.9.3 Engines in Classified Areas
i) Combustion engines are not to be installed in Class 1, Division 1 areas, unless they are
installed in an enclosure of fire resistive construction with adequate ventilation from a
non-classified area.
ii) Spark ignition engines may not be installed in Class 1, Division 2 areas, except when
natural gas fuel is utilized, in accordance with the provisions of NFPA Standard 37. See
3-6/15 for hazardous areas.
3.9.4 Exhaust Manifolds
i) Exhaust manifolds and piping are to be shielded for ignition prevention and personnel
ii) Explosion relief valves or other appropriate protection against explosion are to be provided
in the exhaust and scavenge manifolds.
iii) The explosion relief valves are to be of the return-seating type.
iv) The arrangement and location of the valves is to minimize the dangers from emission of
v) Exhaust piping from internal combustion engines and turbines is to be equipped with spark
arresters, and discharge into non-hazardous areas. See 3-6/15 for hazardous areas.
3.9.5 Air Intakes
i) Air intakes to internal combustion engines and gas turbines are to be not less than 3 m (10 ft)
from hazardous areas.
ii) An explosion relief valve or other appropriate protection against explosion is to be provided
in the air inlet manifold.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 4 Process Support Systems 3-4

3.9.6 Starting Air

i) Means are to be provided to exclude gas from starting air if the engine is air-started.
ii) Starting air branch pipes to each cylinder are also to be provided with flame arresters.
3.9.7 Protection of Crankcase and Piston Underside Space
3.9.7(a) Ventilation and Monitoring.
i) For a trunk piston type engine, the following are to be provided:
a) Ventilation is to be provided for the crankcase to prevent accumulation of gas.
b) Arrangements are to be made so that any blow-by gas may readily reach the vent.
c) The crankcase vent is to be led to a safe location in the atmosphere through a
flame arrester.
d) The crankcase is also to be protected by an oil mist detector and gas detecting or
equivalent equipment.
ii) For a cross-head type engine, the following are to be provided:
a) The crankcase is to be protected by an oil mist detector or bearing temperature
b) Gas detection or equivalent equipment is to be provided for the piston underside
3.9.7(b) Explosion Relief Valves.
i) Where explosion relief valves are fitted, the valves are to be sized based on the expected
detonation pressure resulting from the ignition of fuel oil, fuel gas, and lubricating oil vapors.
ii) Since the detonation pressure depends on the length of flame travel, it may be necessary to
increase the relief areas, or provide more than one (1) relief valve for each crankthrow.
3.9.7(c) Warning Notice.
i) To caution against opening a hot crankcase, suitable warning notices are to be fitted,
preferably on a crankcase door on each side of the engine, or on the engine/turbine control
ii) The notices are to specify a period of time for cooling after shutdown, (based on the size
of the engine, but not less than 10 minutes in any case) before safely opening the door.
iii) The notices are to include a caution that the crankcase is not to be opened until adequate
precautions have been taken to insure that no gas remains trapped in the crankcase.
iv) The notice is also to warn against restarting an overheating engine/turbine until the cause
of overheating has been remedied.
3.9.8 Regulators
i) When the gas pressure on the upstream side of a regulator exceeds 350 mm (14 in) of
H2O, a relief valve is to be installed on the downstream side.
ii) This relief valve is to discharge to a safe location in the atmosphere through a flame arrester.
iii) The capacity of the relief valve is to be adequate in venting the volume of gas that would
pass through the regulator if that device should fail.

3.11 Cranes (Optional) (1 July 2012)

Cranes and hoists are to comply with API Spec 2C, API RP 2D, or ABS Guide for Certification of Lifting
Appliances, when requested by the Owner.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 4 Process Support Systems 3-4

5 System Requirements
Process support piping design, selection of valves, fittings, and flanges are to be in accordance with, API
RP 14E, ASME B31.3 or other recognized standards.
For plastic piping, the requirements of Appendix 1 are applicable.

5.1 Utility/Instrument Air System

5.1.1 Arrangement
i) Utility and instrument air may be supplied by a single air compressor or by a separate
compressor for each service.
ii) When using a single compressor for both services, controls are to be provided to give priority
to instrument air requirements.
5.1.2 Air Quality
Instrument air is to be oil-free and dried to prevent liquids and dirt from entering pneumatic
5.1.3 Piping
i) Air compressor suctions are to be at least 3 m (10 ft) from hazardous areas.
ii) Air outlets from compressors are to be fitted with non-return valves and discharged into
air receivers/scrubbers for oil and water removal.
iii) Instrument piping is to be installed to minimize low points, and provisions are to be included
in the piping to allow removal of condensation.
iv) Crossovers where air and combustible fluids could be intermixed are not permitted anywhere
in the system.

5.3 Fuel/Instrument Gas System

i) Gas used for fuel or instrument systems is to be passed through a gas scrubber to remove entrained
ii) The instrument gas may also have to be dried to meet requirements of the specific equipment that
will use the gas.
iii) Gas containing hydrogen sulfide is not to be used as instrument gas.
iv) Where gas is used for instrument systems, the area classification in way of these instruments is to
be in accordance with API RP 500 or 505.

5.5 Segregation of Piping Systems

i) Piping systems carrying non-hazardous fluids are to be segregated from piping systems that may
contain hazardous fluids.
ii) Cross connection of the piping systems may be made where means are provided for avoiding possible
contamination of the non-hazardous fluid system by the hazardous medium.

5.7 Use of Produced Gas as Fuel

i) Enclosed spaces located on the production deck having boilers, inert gas generators, and combustion
engines using produced gas as fuel, are to have ventilation systems providing at least 30 air changes
per hour.
ii) These spaces are to be fitted with gas detection systems to alarm at 20% L.E.L., and to activate
automatic shutdown of the gas supply at 60% L.E.L.
iii) The automatic shutdown valve is to be located outside the space.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 4 Process Support Systems 3-4

iv) This valve is also to be activated upon loss of the required ventilation in the enclosed space, and
upon detection of abnormal pressure in the gas supply line.
v) For produced gas containing hydrogen sulfide, provisions are to be made for gas sweetening, unless
the equipment manufacturer has certified the equipment’s suitability for sour gas application, and
the equipment is located in a freely ventilated, open space.
vi) To bring fuel gas containing H2S to equipment located in an enclosed machinery space, the sour
gas must be sweetened. Additionally, the machinery space is to be equipped with H2S gas detectors.
The detectors are to be set to alarm at 10 ppm, and to activate the shutdown valve at 50 ppm.
vii) Burner control systems are to be in accordance with NFPA 8501.

5.9 Purging System for Process Equipment

5.9.1 Purging
i) Process equipment and systems are to be purged prior to initial startup.
ii) They are also to be purged when being put back into service after shutdown, if there is a
possibility of oxygen entering the system during shutdown.
iii) Facilities not equipped for storage of liquid hydrocarbon may only require temporary inert
gas storage containers. (For facilities equipped for storage, refer to 3-5/5.3 for floating
installations, and 4-4/7 for fixed installations.
5.9.2 Oxygen Content and Monitor
i) The oxygen content of the inert gas used is not to exceed 5% by volume.
ii) Oxygen monitoring equipment is to be provided to monitor oxygen levels in the inert gas
5.9.3 Isolating Valves
Shutoff valves are to be fitted at the inlet and outlet of the final pressure regulator in a stored purging
gas system.

5.11 Fuel Oil System

This section of these Rules is applicable to all fuel oil systems located on the production deck that supply fuel
to the process equipment.
For fuel oil systems serving marine support functions such as the fuel oil system for the vessel/unit service
generator or for the helicopter deck refueling facility, see the Steel Vessel Rules or MODU Rules for applicable
5.11.1 Pumping Arrangements
Fuel oil pumping arrangements are to be completely separate from other pumping systems, and
are not to be connected to other piping systems.
5.11.2 Pump Controls
i) Fuel oil transfer pumps, fuel oil unit pumps, and other similar fuel pumps are to be fitted
with local and remote controls so they may be stopped in case of an emergency.
ii) Remote controls are to be located in a space not affected by fire at the pump locations.
5.11.3 Containment
A containment at least 150 mm (6 in.) high is to be provided at unloading and/or offloading stations,
pump areas, and overflow/vent line locations, and arranged to direct a possible leak or spill to the
open drain system.
5.11.4 Valves on Oil Tanks
i) Where pipelines emanate from oil tanks at such a level that they will be subjected to a
static head of oil from the tank, they are to be fitted with a positive closing valve located
at the tank.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 4 Process Support Systems 3-4

ii) Gray cast iron valves are not to be used as shutoff valves for fuel oil tanks.
iii) Arrangements are to be provided for closing the tank’s valve locally and from a space not
affected by fire at the fuel oil tank location. This requirement may be omitted if the tank
capacity is less than 132 US gallons (500 liters).
5.11.5 Non-metallic Expansion Joints and Hoses (1 July 2012)
i) Non-metallic expansion joints and hoses for use in fuel oil systems are only allowed at
machinery connections, provided they are in an easily accessible position, and pass the API
Spec 16C fire test. See Appendix 2 of these Rules for API Spec 16C fire test requirements.
ii) Non-metallic expansion joints and hoses are not allowed for connecting runs of pipes for
expansion and deflection purposes in fuel oil systems.

5.13 Hydraulic System

This section of these Rules is applicable to all hydraulic oil systems located on the production deck that
supply hydraulic fluid to control systems of process related equipment.
For hydraulic systems that are serving both industrial support and marine support functions, see 3-5/5.1 of
these Rules.
i) High flash point hydraulic fluids are to be used, unless a specific system design requires the use of
low flash point fluids.
ii) When low flash point fluids are used, precautions are to be taken to minimize fire hazard, by insulating
nearby hot surfaces that could ignite a low flash point fluid. See 3-8/17.5 or 4-8/17.5, as applicable.
iii) (1 July 2012) Non-metallic hoses used for oil based hydraulic fluid in all hydraulic control systems,
except BOP control system, must pass API Spec 16C fire test or equivalent. See Appendix 2 of
these Rules for API Spec 16C fire test requirements.
iv) Gray cast iron material is not allowed for supply valves on oil based hydraulic storage tank.

5.15 Lubricating Oil System

5.15.1 Interconnection
The lubricating oil piping is to be entirely separated from other piping systems.
5.15.2 Valves on Lubricating Oil Storage Tanks
Normally opened valves on lubricating oil storage tanks are to comply with the requirements as those
for fuel oil tanks given in 3-4/5.11.4.
5.15.3 Turbines
i) Automatic Shut-off. Turbines are to be provided with a means of automatically shutting
off the steam or gas turbine fuel supply upon failure of the lubricating oil system.
ii) Indicators.
a) Indicators are to be fitted to allow monitoring of the pressure and temperature of
the water inlet and oil outlet of the oil coolers.
b) Pressure systems are to be fitted with low-pressure alarm.
c) Sump and gravity tanks are to be provided with suitable gauges for determining
the level of oil within the tank.
iii) Strainers and Filters.
a) For auxiliary turbines, a magnetic strainer and fine mesh filter (strainer) are to be
provided in the lubricating oil piping to the turbine.
b) Strainers are to be so arranged as to prevent, in the event of leakage, spraying oil
onto heated surfaces.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 4 Process Support Systems 3-4

5.15.4 Internal Combustion Engines

i) Lubricating Oil Pumps. The lubricating oil pump is to be of sufficient capacity for the
maximum output of the engine.
ii) Filters. Lubrication oil filter is to be provided and so arranged as to prevent, in case of
leakage, spraying oil onto heated surfaces.
iii) Low Oil Pressure Alarm. An alarm device with audible and visual signals for failure of
the lubricating oil system is to be fitted.

5.17 Chemical Injection System

5.17.1 Materials
i) The chemical storage tank, pumps, and piping are to be suitable for the chemicals being
ii) Affidavit from tank manufacturers confirming the tank material is compatible with the
chemical being stored is to be provided.
iii) Fiberglass reinforced polyester independent tanks may be considered for non-flammable
chemicals only.
iv) For metallic tanks containing flammable or combustible fluids, scantling plans and
calculations are to be submitted for review.
v) Atmospheric and low pressure metallic storage tanks for flammable liquids are to be
designed and fabricated in accordance with 3-2-2/9 of the MODU Rules, Section 3-2-10 of
the Steel Vessel Rules or Part 3, Section 4 of the Offshore Installation Rules, as applicable.
vi) (1 July 2012) Design and construction of non-metallic tanks for non-flammable liquids
are to be in accordance with industry-recognized standards, such as ASME Section X,
API Spec. 12P (FRP) or applicable ASTM standards.
vii) Alternatively, all tanks may be accepted based on the manufacturer’s affidavit of compliance
with an applicable standard.
5.17.2 Arrangement and Components
i) For multi-chemical systems, a separate tank or tank compartment is to be provided for each
chemical used.
ii) Chemical storage tanks are to be provided with atmospheric vents and level glasses.
iii) Flame arrester is to be provided to flammable or combustible tank vent.
iv) The discharge of each pump is to be provided with a pressure relief device to return the
chemical to the pump suction or chemical tank.
v) Injection lines are to be fitted with non-return valves, and means are to be provided to
automatically shutdown the injection pump in the event of process shutdowns.

5.19 Heating and Cooling Systems

The medium used for heating or cooling any hydrocarbon system is to be contained solely within the classified
area, unless the return line of the heating or cooling system to a non-classified area is provided with means
to detect any hydrocarbon contamination.

5.21 Sodium Hypochlorite Solution Storage

The sodium hypochlorite solution injected into the seawater system to combat the growth of marine organisms
and algae that could foul filters and pipelines is considered highly corrosive.
i) Stainless steel or GRP storage tank may be considered.
ii) The solution also produces hydrogen gas; therefore, the storage tanks are to be located in a
well-ventilated open deck area.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 4 Process Support Systems 3-4

5.23 Control of Static Electricity

Refer to 3-6/29.

7 Drilling Systems
See the MODU Rules and the ABS Guide for the Classification of Drilling Systems for applicable requirements
for the drilling, workover, and completion systems.

Section 5: Marine Support Systems

CHAPTER 3 Floating Installations

SECTION 5 Marine Support Systems

1 General (1 July 2012)

Marine support systems are to be in accordance with the requirements of the Steel Vessel Rules or the
MODU Rules, except as modified herein and in Chapter 3, Sections 6, 7 and 8.
See 3-2/11 for list of typical marine support systems.

3 Equipment Requirements (1 July 2012)

3.1 Pressure Vessels

Pressure vessels are to be in accordance with the requirements of the Steel Vessel Rules or MODU Rules.
i) Where applicable, the design is also to ensure that stresses due to external nozzle loads and moments,
stresses due to acceleration forces arising out of the motion of the floating installation, and stresses due
to any other applicable external forces are within the limits allowed by the design code or standard.
ii) Consideration will be given to arrangements and details of pressure vessels that can be shown to
comply with other recognized codes and/or standards, provided they are of equivalent level of safety.

3.3 Heat Exchangers

Heat exchangers are to be in accordance with the requirements of the Steel Vessel Rules or MODU Rules.
i) See 3-5/3.1i) for design requirements.
ii) See 3-5/3.1ii) for alternatives to recognized codes and/or standards

5 System Requirements

5.1 Pipe System Interconnections

i) If a system is serving marine support and industrial functions (i.e., hydraulic power to ballast control
valves, process shutdown valves, etc.), the design criteria of the system are to meet the Steel Vessel
Rules or MODU Rules, as applicable.
ii) If portions of the system serve only industrial functions and can be isolated from the part serving
marine functions, the less severe industrial criteria can be applied to that part of the system up to,
but not including, the isolating valve.
iii) For industrial systems design criteria, see 3-3/11.1 and 3-4/1, as applicable.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 5 Marine Support Systems 3-5

5.3 Oil Storage Tank Purging and Blanketing Systems

On facilities equipped for storage of liquid hydrocarbons, a permanently installed inert gas system is to be
provided for tank purging and blanketing.
i) The inert gas system is to be designed and constructed in accordance with 5C-1-7/25 of the Steel
Vessel Rules, except as modified below.
ii) Either inert gas or produced gas is to be used to maintain crude oil storage tanks with a positive
pressure in relation to the surrounding atmosphere, and with an oxygen content not exceeding 5%
by volume in the inert gas supply main to the storage tanks.
iii) The system is to be capable of maintaining the atmosphere in any part of any storage tank with an
oxygen content not exceeding 8% by volume.
iv) The storage tanks are to be previously purged with inert gas when produced gas is used for tank

5.5 Oil Storage Tanks Venting System

i) Where pressure/vacuum relief valves are fitted on crude oil storage tanks, pressure relief lines are
to be connected to the low-pressure (less than 2.5 psig) flare header, or vented to a safe location.
ii) The oil storage tanks venting system is to be designed and constructed in accordance with 5C-1-7/11
of the Steel Vessel Rules.

5.7 Use of Produced Gas as Fuel

i) Enclosed spaces above decks having boilers, inert gas generators, and combustion engines using
produced gas as fuel, are to have ventilation systems providing at least 30 air changes per hour.
ii) These spaces are to be fitted with gas detection systems to alarm at 20% L.E.L., and to activate
automatic shutdown of the gas supply at 60% L.E.L.
iii) The automatic shutdown valve is to be located outside the space. This valve is also to be activated
upon loss of the required ventilation in the enclosed space, and upon detection of abnormal pressure
in the gas supply line.
iv) For produced gas containing hydrogen sulfide (H2S), provisions are to be made for gas sweetening,
unless the equipment manufacturer has certified the suitability of the equipment for sour gas
application, and the equipment is located in a freely ventilated open space.
v) To bring fuel gas containing H2S to the equipment located in an enclosed machinery space, the sour
gas must be sweetened.
vi) Additionally, the machinery space is to be equipped with H2S gas detectors.
vii) The detectors are to be set to alarm at 10 ppm (part per million), and to activate the shutdown valve
at 50 ppm.
viii) Use of produced gas as fuel for boilers, inert gas generators, and combustion engines located within
machinery spaces under decks, is to comply with 5C-8-16 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
ix) For floating installations with no Disconnectable À AMS notation, the dual fuel requirements
listed in 5C-8-16/5 “Special requirements for main boilers” and 5C-8-16/9 “General” of the Steel
Vessel Rules are not applicable.
x) Burner control systems are to be in accordance with 4-4-1/11 of the Steel Vessel Rules.

5.9 Flammable Liquid Storage Facility Arrangement

i) The storage of flammable liquids having a flash point of 60°C (140°F) or less, such as methanol,
in integral hull tanks requires, in many respects, the application of “Tanker” requirements.
ii) Section 5C-1-7 of the Steel Vessel Rules is applicable for pumping, piping, venting and electrical

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 5 Marine Support Systems 3-5

iii) With regard to the general arrangement and tank locations, cofferdams may be required to prevent
hazardous area delineation in adjacent spaces, and the pumping/piping are to be arranged
independently from all other systems.
iv) Transfer pumps and piping (including fill, discharge, vent and sounding piping) are not to be located
in, or pass through, the machinery spaces.
See 3-8/5.5 of these Rules for fire protection requirements.

Section 6: Electrical Systems

CHAPTER 3 Floating Installations

SECTION 6 Electrical Systems

1 Applicability
Electrical systems used solely for hydrocarbon processing on floating installations are to meet the requirements
of these Rules. Where electrical systems or equipment are used to supply services other than Oil or Gas
Production, the equipment is also to comply with the relevant ABS Class Rules for the hull structure.

3 General (1 July 2012)

Electrical installations are to comply with these Rules and API RP 14F.
i) Consideration will be given to the use of other recognized industry or international standards, such
as IEC, provided they are of equivalent level of safety, and the entire system is designed to such
ii) For installations classified by class and zone, the requirements of API RP 14FZ is to be in full

5 Design Considerations

5.1 Equipment and Enclosures (1 July 2012)

Electrical equipment and enclosures subject to the offshore environment are to be provided with a degree
of protection suitable to the environment or hazard in which they are located, in accordance with API RP
14F or other recognized standard.

5.3 Selection of Materials

Materials of construction are to be selected that are suitable for their intended service and location.

5.5 Equipment Grounding (Earthing) Arrangements

5.5.1 Permanent Electrical Equipment
i) All electrical equipment with metallic enclosures, whose arrangement and method of
installation does not assure positive grounding to the metal hull or equivalent conducting
body, is to be permanently grounded through a separate conductor, and protected against
ii) (1 July 2012) Where separate grounding conductors are required, they are to be in accordance
with API RP 14F.
iii) Systems designed to other recognized standards are to comply with such standards, but in
no case are the separate grounding conductors to be of a cross-sectional area of less than
indicated in 3-6/Table 2.
5.5.2 Lightning Protection (1 July 2012)
Equipment and structure are to be protected against lightning damage in accordance with NFPA
780 or other recognized standard.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 6 Electrical Systems 3-6

5.7 System Grounding (Earthing)

(1 July 2012) Where electrical systems are used solely for process facilities, system grounding is to comply
with API RP 14F.
5.7.1 Vessels with Integral Hull Tanks
If the facility has integral hull tanks containing liquids with a flash point not exceeding 60°C
(140°F), a grounded distribution system is not to be used, except for the following:
i) Grounded intrinsically safe circuits
ii) Power supplied control circuits and instrumentation circuits where technical or safety reasons
preclude the use of a system without a grounding connection, provided the current in the
hull is limited to 5 Amperes or less in both normal and fault conditions.
iii) Limited and locally grounded systems, provided any possible resulting current does not
flow directly through any hazardous areas.
iv) Alternating current power networks of 1 kV root mean square (r.m.s.) (line to line) and over,
provided any possible resulting current does not flow directly through any hazardous areas.
5.7.2 Ground (Earth) Return Paths Through the Hull
The metal structure of an offshore installation is not to be used as a normal current return for the
electrical distribution system, except for the following systems:
i) Impressed current cathodic protection
ii) Limited and locally grounded systems for battery systems for engine starting having a
one-wire system and the ground lead connected to the engine
iii) Grounded intrinsically safe circuits

5.9 Distribution and Circuit Protection

Electrical installations are to comply with API RP 14F as noted herein.
5.9.1 General
i) All ungrounded conductors and the devices and circuits which they serve are to be protected
against over-current.
ii) Protective devices are to be provided to guard against overload and short circuit currents,
and to open the circuit if the current reaches a value that will cause excessive or dangerous
temperatures in the conductor or conductor insulation.
5.9.2 Motor Controllers (1 July 2012)
Motor starting and control installations, including overload protection and short circuit protection,
are to be in accordance with API RP 14F.

7 Rotating Electrical Machinery

7.1 General (1 July 2012)

Motors and generators are to be designed, manufactured and tested to NEMA Standard MG-1 or IEC 60034
for performance, manufacture, protection, and construction.

7.3 Temperature Rating (1 July 2012)

i) Equipment is to be selected for the rated temperature higher than the specified ambient temperature.
If equipment is intended to be used in a space where the equipment’s rated temperature is below
the specified ambient temperature of the space, it is to be used at a derated load.
ii) The assumed ambient temperature of the space plus the machine’s actual temperature rise at its
derated load is not to exceed the machine’s total rated temperature (rated temperature of the machine
plus rated temperature rise).

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 6 Electrical Systems 3-6

7.5 Moisture Condensation Protection

i) All generators and motors 50 hp or more are to be equipped with space heaters, to prevent
accumulation of moisture and condensation when they are idle for appreciable periods.
ii) The space heaters are to be capable of being electrically isolated.

7.7 Temperature Detection

Generators larger than 500 kVA are to be provided with at least one (1) embedded temperature detector per
phase, at the hot end of the stationary winding, with temperature indication at a manned location.

9 Transformers

9.1 General
i) Each power transformer is to be provided with a corrosion resistant nameplate indicating the name
of the manufacturer and all pertinent electrical characteristics.
ii) They are to be constructed and tested to ANSI C57 or equivalent.
iii) (1 July 2012) Transformers are to be protected in accordance with API RP 14F Section 8.

9.3 Transformer Supplying Services Other than Oil or Gas Production

In addition to the above, transformers supplying services other than oil or gas production are to be selected,
installed, and protected in accordance with their environmental conditions and 4-8-3/7 of the Steel Vessel Rules.

11 Switchgear

11.1 Application
Main and emergency switchboards, power and lighting distribution boards, motor control centers and motor
controllers, and battery charging panels, are to be designed, constructed, and tested in accordance with the
provisions of this Subsection.

11.3 Construction, Assembly and Components

11.3.1 Enclosures
i) Each power transformer is to be provided with a corrosion resistant nameplate indicating the
name Enclosures and assemblies are to be constructed of steel or other suitable incombustible,
moisture-resistant materials, and reinforced as necessary to withstand the mechanical,
electro-magnetic and thermal stresses which may be encountered under both normal and
short circuit fault conditions.
ii) Each power transformer is to be provided with a corrosion resistant nameplate indicating
the name Enclosures are to be of the closed type.
iii) Each power transformer is to be provided with a corrosion resistant nameplate indicating
the name. The degree of the protection is to be appropriate for the intended location. See
also 3-6/5.1.
iv) Each power transformer is to be provided with a corrosion resistant nameplate indicating
the name All wearing parts are to be accessible for inspection and be readily renewable.
11.3.2 Bus Bars
11.3.2(a) General. Bus bars are to be sized and arranged so that the temperature rise under the
most severe loading conditions will not affect the normal operation of electrical devices mounted
in the switchboard.
11.3.2(b) Bracing of Bus Bars. Bus bars and circuit breakers are to be mounted, braced, and
located to withstand thermal effects and magnetic forces resulting from the maximum prospective
short circuit current.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 6 Electrical Systems 3-6

11.3.2(c) Bolted Connections.

i) Bolted bus bar connections are to be suitably treated (e.g., silver plating) to avoid deterioration
of electrical conductivity over time.
ii) Nuts are to be fitted with means to prevent loosening.
11.3.2(d) Cable connections.
i) Soldered connections are not to be used for connecting or terminating any cable of 2.5 mm2
or greater.
ii) These connections are to be made with of soldered lugs or equivalent.
11.3.2(e) Clearance and creepage. Minimum clearances and creepage distances between live
parts of different potential (i.e., between phases and between phase and ground) are to be in accordance
with API RP 14F or 3-6/Table 3, as appropriate.
11.3.3 Circuit Breakers
11.3.3(a) Compliance with a Standard.
i) Circuit breakers are to be designed, constructed, and tested to ANSI C37, NEMA AB-1,
IEC 60947-2, or other recognized standard.
ii) The certificates of tests are to be submitted upon request by ABS.
11.3.3(b) Short Circuit Capacity. Circuit breakers are to have sufficient breaking and making
capacities as specified in the short circuit calculation. See 3-6/27.
11.3.3(c) Isolation.
i) Circuit breakers are to be mounted or arranged in such a manner that the breakers may be
removed from the front of the switchboard, without first de-energizing the bus bars to
which the breakers are connected.
ii) Draw-out or plug-in type circuit breakers that are arranged in such a manner that the breaker
may be removed from the front without disconnecting the copper bus or cable connections,
are acceptable for this purpose.
iii) Alternatively, an isolation switch may be fitted upstream (line or supply side) of the breaker.
11.3.4 Fuses
i) Fuses are to be designed, constructed, and tested in accordance with UL 248 or IEC 60269
or other recognized standard.
ii) The certificates of tests are to be submitted upon request from ABS.
iii) The requirements of 3-6/11.3.3ii) and 3-6/11.3.3iii) above are applicable.
iv) Where disconnecting means are fitted, they are to be on the supply side.
v) If the switch is not rated to interrupt the circuit under load, it is to be provided with interlock
to prevent opening until the load is de-energized.
11.3.5 Internal Wiring
11.3.5(a) Wires. Internal instrumentation and control wiring is to be of the stranded type and is
to have flame-retarding insulation. They are to be in compliance with a recognized standard.
11.3.5(b) Protection. In general, internal instrumentation and control wiring is to be protected
(by fuse or circuit breaker) against short circuit and overload, with the following exceptions:
i) Generator voltage regulator circuits
ii) Generator circuit breaker tripping control circuits, and
iii) Secondary circuit of current transformer
These circuits, however, except that of the current transformer, may be fitted with short circuit
protection only.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 6 Electrical Systems 3-6

11.3.5(c) Terminals.
i) Terminals or terminal rows for systems of different voltages are to be clearly separated
from each other, and the rated voltage is to be clearly marked.
ii) Each terminal is to have a nameplate indicating the circuit designation.
11.3.6 Circuit Identification
Identification plates for feeders and branch circuits are to be provided, and are to indicate the
circuit designation and the rating or settings of the fuse or circuit breaker of the circuit.

11.5 Switchboards
In addition to the preceding requirements, main and emergency switchboards are to comply with 3-6/11.5.1
and 3-6/11.5.2.
11.5.1 Bus Bars (1 July 2012)
Bus bars for switchboards supplied by generators are to comply with API RP 14F.
11.5.2 Power Generation Switchboards
At minimum, the following equipment and instrumentation are to be provided for switchboards
associated with power generation:
i) Voltage Regulators
ii) Synchronizing Controls
iii) Synchronizing Relay
iv) Ground Fault Detection
v) Prime Mover Speed Control
vi) Ammeter – with selector switch arranged to measure each phase
vii) Voltmeter – with a selector switch
viii) Frequency Meter
ix) Watt Meter/Power Factor Meter.
x) Space Heater Pilot Lamp – where required
xi) Stator Winding Temperature Indicator (500 kVA and larger Generators)

11.7 Motor Controllers

In addition to the applicable requirements in 3-6/11.3 above, motor controllers are to comply with the following:
11.7.1 Overload and Under-voltage Protection (1 July 2012)
Overload protection and low-voltage protection, if provided in the motor controllers, are to be in
accordance with API RP 14F, or other appropriate standard.
11.7.2 Disconnecting Means
i) A circuit-disconnecting device is to be provided for each motor branch circuit so that the
motor and the controller may be isolated from the power supply for maintenance purposes.
ii) The circuit-disconnecting device is to be operable externally.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 6 Electrical Systems 3-6

11.9 Battery Charging Panels

In addition to the applicable requirements in 3-6/11.3 above, battery chargers are to comply with the following:
11.9.1 Battery Charger
Except when a different charging rate is necessary and is specified for a particular application, the
charging facilities are to be such that the completely discharged battery can be recharged to 80 %
capacity in not more than 10 hours.
11.9.2 Reversal of Charging Current
An acceptable means is to be installed, such as reverse current protection, to prevent the battery
charger component failure from discharging the battery.
11.9.3 Instrumentation
The following are to be provided:
i) Disconnect switch for power supply to the charge
ii) Indicator light connected to the downstream side of the disconnect switch in i)
iii) Means for adjusting the voltage for charging
iv) Voltmeter to indicate the charging voltage, and
v) Ammeter to indicate the charging current.

11.11 Switchgear Supplying Services Other than Oil and Gas Production
Main and emergency switchboards, power and lighting distribution boards, motor control centers and motor
controllers, and battery charging panels that are used to supply services other than Oil and Gas Production,
are to comply with 4-8-3/5 of the Steel Vessel Rules in addition to the above mentioned sections.

13 Wire and Cable Construction

13.1 General (1 July 2012)

All wires, cables, conduit fittings and wiring devices are to be constructed in accordance with IEEE, ICEA,
IEC, or other recognized standards.

13.3 Conductor Type (1 July 2012)

Conductors are to be of copper, and stranded in all sizes, and are to be in accordance with API RP 14F or other
recognized standards, but in no case are they to be less than the following in cross sectional size:
i) 1.5 mm2 (2,960 circ. mils) for motor feeder and branch circuit cables
ii) 1.0 mm2 (1,973 circ. mils) for power lighting and control cables
iii) 0.5 mm2 (786.5 circ. mils) for essential or emergency signaling and communications cables,
except for those assembled by the equipment manufacturer, and
iv) 0.375 mm2 (739.3 circ. mils) for telephone cables for non-essential communications services,
except for those assembled by the equipment manufacturer.

13.5 Insulation
i) Conductor insulation is to be rated suitable for a minimum operating temperature of 75°C (167°F)
in wet environments.
ii) In addition, insulation rating is to be at least 10°C (50°F) higher than the maximum ambient
temperature that the conductor can encounter at its service location.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 6 Electrical Systems 3-6

13.7 Cable Flame Retardancy

13.7.1 Standards
All electric cables are to be at least of a flame-retardant type complying with the following:
i) Cables constructed in accordance with IEEE, ICEA, IEC, or other recognized standards,
are to comply with the flammability criteria of IEEE Std. 45 or IEC 60332.3 Category A
where installed in trays, bunches, or similar groupings.
ii) Cables constructed to IEEE Std. 45 are to comply with the flammability criteria of that
iii) Cables constructed to IEC Publication 60092 standards are to comply with the flammability
criteria of IEC Publication 60332-3, Category A.
Consideration will be given to special types of cables, such as radio frequency cables, which do
not comply with the above requirements.

13.9 Fire Resistant Property

When electric cables are required to be fire-resistant, they are to comply with the requirements of IEC
Publication 60331.

15 Hazardous Areas

15.1 General
Areas and spaces in which flammable vapors or gases are handled, processed, or stored, are to be classified
in accordance with the following sections and/or API RP 500. Where installations are classified by zone,
API RP 505 may be used in lieu of API RP 500.

15.3 Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas (1 July 2012)

Electrical installations in classified areas are to be limited to those systems needed to carry out necessary
control, monitoring and power distribution functions, and are to be in accordance with API RP 14F.

15.5 Area Classifications and Electrical Installations

Electrical installations and delineation of classified areas for offshore installations having storage tanks for
liquids with a flash point not exceeding 60°C (140°F), and that are integral with the hull structure, need not
comply with Classification Rules with regard to the hull classification, provided they comply with applicable
requirements as follows:
15.5.1 Area Classification
Delineation of classified areas is to be as follows:
i) Open Decks Over Crude Storage Tanks. Freely ventilated, open and gas tight deck spaces
to the full breadth of the ship and 3 m (10 ft) fore and aft of cargo block to a height of 2.4 m
(8 ft), or to the height of the production deck, are to be considered Class I, Division 2 areas
(Zone 2).
ii) Enclosed Spaces Adjacent to Crude Storage Tanks. Semi-enclosed or enclosed spaces
immediately adjacent to crude oil storage tanks are to be considered Class I, Division 1 areas
(Zone 1).
iii) Pump Room. A continuously ventilated (20 air changes per hour) crude oil pump room is
to be considered a Class I, Division 1 (Zone 1) area, provided the failure of ventilation is
alarmed in a manned location.
iv) Cofferdam. Spaces which are separated by a single bulkhead from crude oil storage tanks
are to be considered Class I, Division 1 (Zone 1) areas.
v) Crude Storage Tank Vents. Areas of unrestricted ventilation around cargo tank vents are
to be considered Class I Division 1 (Zone 1) areas with a spherical radius of 3 m (10 ft),
and Class I Division 2 (Zone 2) for an additional 7 m (23 ft).

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 6 Electrical Systems 3-6

15.5.2 Electrical Interconnections

i) Where marine service systems are interconnected with hydrocarbon production systems, a
point in the system 2.4 m (8 ft) above the oil storage tank deck is to be designated as an
electrical system design code demarcation point.
ii) Above this point, electrical system design is to be in accordance with this section; below
this point, in accordance with applicable sections of the Steel Vessel Rules or MODU Rules.

15.7 Wiring Methods in Hazardous Areas

15.7.1 General
i) Threaded metal conduit, armored cable, metallic sheathed cable, or other approved methods
or cable types, may be installed in Class I, Division 1 (Zone 1) areas.
ii) Cables with moisture resistant jacket (impervious sheathed) may be installed in Class I,
Division 2 (Zone 2) areas, provided they are protected from mechanical damage.
15.7.2. Splicing
No splices are allowed in classified locations, except in intrinsically safe circuits.
15.7.3 Conduit Installations (1 July 2012)
Conduit wiring systems in classified areas are to be in accordance with API RP 14F.

17 Ventilation

17.1 General
i) Attention is to be given to ventilation inlet and outlet locations and air flow directions in order to
minimize the possibility of cross contamination.
ii) Ventilation inlets are to be located in non-classified areas.
iii) Ventilation for classified spaces is to be completely separate from that for non-classified spaces.
iv) For engine and turbine air intakes, see 3-4/3.9.

17.3 Ventilation of Enclosed Classified Spaces

i) Ventilation of enclosed classified spaces is to be made with under-pressure in relation to adjacent,
less hazardous areas.
ii) The arrangement of ventilation inlet and outlet openings for the enclosed classified space is to be such
that the entire space is efficiently ventilated, giving special considerations to locations of equipment
which may release gas, and to spaces where gas may accumulate.
iii) Ventilation inlets are to be from non-classified areas.
iv) Ventilation outlets are to be led to outdoor locations that are of the same or a less hazardous
classification than the ventilated space.
v) Ventilating fans are to be of non-sparking construction.
vi) The capacity of the fan is to be such that the space is adequately ventilated, as defined by API RP 500.

17.5 Ventilation of Non-classified Spaces

i) Ventilation inlets and outlets for non-classified spaces are to be located in non-classified areas.
ii) Where passing through classified spaces, ducts are to have overpressure in relation to the classified
iii) Enclosed non-hazardous working spaces opening into hazardous locations do not need to be considered
hazardous, provided the arrangements required by 4-3-6/5 of the MODU Rules (6.3.1 of the 1989
IMO MODU Code) or NFPA 496 or IEC 60079-2, are complied with.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 6 Electrical Systems 3-6

17.7 Emergency Shutdown

Means are to be provided for shutdown of ventilation fans and closing external openings from outside the
spaces served, in the event of fire or detection of combustible or hydrogen or sulfide gas.

19 Cable Support and Installation

The cable installation is to be in accordance with the “standard details” submitted in accordance with 3-2/13.15
of these Rules.

19.1 Mechanical Protection

For cables which are not equipped with metal armor or metal sheathing, installation in rigid conduit or
similar structural protection is to be utilized if such cable is employed near walkways, at deck level, near
hoist or crane laydown or work areas, or where equipment maintenance work must be accomplished in a
constrained area.

19.3 Splicing
19.3.1 General
i) Electrical cables are to be installed in continuous lengths between terminations. However,
approved splices will be permitted for cables of exceptional length, to facilitate their
ii) The location and particulars of the splices are to be submitted for review.
19.3.2 Construction
i) Cable splice is to be made of fire-resistant replacement insulation equivalent in electrical
and thermal properties to the original insulation.
ii) The replacement jacket is to be at least equivalent to the original impervious sheath, and
is to assure a watertight splice.
iii) Splices are to be made with an approved splice procedure addressing the following
a) Connector of correct size and number
b) Replacement insulation
c) Replacement jacket
d) Instructions for use
19.3.3 Hazardous Areas
See 3-6/15.

21 Power Source Requirements

This Subsection provides minimum electrical power generation sources for main and emergency modes of
i) It should be noted that the governmental regulations might require reserve main power or an
emergency power source in excess of these requirements.
ii) Where the main power source is used to supply services other than oil or gas production, the main
power source is to comply with 4-8-2/3 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
iii) Where the Flag Administration permits, the minimum number of required main power sources
may be reduced to one (1) source.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 6 Electrical Systems 3-6

21.1 Unmanned Facilities

21.1.1 Main Power
The main power source(s) is to be sufficient to maintain the maximum intended operational loads
of the facility, without need to use the emergency source of power.
21.1.2. Emergency Power
An emergency power source, independent of the facility’s main power, is to be sufficient to supply
services for navigational aids as required by the cognizant Coastal Authority, but not for less than
four (4) days.

21.3 Manned Facilities

21.3.1 Main Power
The main power source(s) is to be sufficient to maintain the maximum intended operational load
of the facility.
21.3.2 Emergency Power
i) An emergency source of power for systems vital to safety, fire fighting, and protection of
personnel, is to be provided to supply the services as listed herein.
ii) Where an emergency power supply has been provided for classification/flag state purposes,
this source may also be used to provide emergency loads in production areas, provided
the emergency source of power is adequately sized to supply all of the connected loads.
iii) Provision for emergency power supply, less than those listed herein, will be considered,
provided adequate technical justification is submitted.
iv) Loads to be supplied by the emergency source of power are listed in 3-6/21.3.3 and 3-6/21.3.4
21.3.3 Fire Pump
i) If both fire pumps required by 3-8/5.1.2 of these Rules are electric motor driven, one of
these pumps is to be powered by the emergency source of power.
ii) The emergency source of power is to have sufficient fuel for at least 18 hours of fire pump
21.3.4. Other Loads
The following loads are to be powered by the designated emergency source of power:

i) Fire detection 18 hours

ii) Gas detection 18 hours
iii) Communication 18 hours
iv) ESD system (if electric) 18 hours
v) Paging and alarm system 18 hours
vi) Emergency lighting from all spaces to all 18 hours
alternative egress points
vii) Electric blowout preventer control system 18 hours
viii) Navigational aids As required by the applicable Coastal
Authority, but not less than 4 days

23 Emergency Source of Power (1 July 2012)

An emergency source of power as required by 3-6/21 may be supplied by an emergency generator or
batteries, in accordance with API RP 14F.
Installations supplying services other than oil or gas production are to be in accordance with 4-8-2/5.9
through 4-8-2/5.15 of the Steel Vessel Rules.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 6 Electrical Systems 3-6

25 Battery Systems (1 July 2012)

Battery installations are to comply with API RP 14F, except that equipment inside a battery room needs to
be certified for use in Division 1 or Division 2 only if the battery room is classified Division 1 or 2,
respectively, in accordance with API RP 500.
Ventilation of battery rooms is to be separate from all other ventilation. Arrangements of equivalent safety
will be given special consideration.

27 Short Circuit Current Calculations and Coordination Study

27.1 General
The protection and coordination of power systems are to be in accordance with the ABS Steel Vessel Rules,
ABS MODU Rules, IEC, IEEE 242, or equivalent standard.

27.3 Short Circuit Capacity

The maximum calculated short circuit current available at the main bus bars and at each point in the
distribution system, is to be used to determine the adequacy of the short circuit capacities of the protective
devices and bus bar bracing, as per 3-6/11.3.2ii).

27.5 Coordination
The power system coordination study is to show that the protective devices and their settings are properly
selected to minimize damage to switchgear, transformers, generators, motors, conductors, conductor shielding
and other equipment, as well as undesirable shutdowns.

29 Protection from Ignition by Static Charges

Any ignition hazard due to a difference in electrical potential to ground is to be effectively controlled. This
may require the use of conductive belts, grounding of combustible fluid loading or discharge equipment
and hose, and the grounding of helicopters prior to refueling.
All precautions against ignition due to static electric discharge are to be in accordance with NFPA 77, or
other suitable standard.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 6 Electrical Systems 3-6

Degree of Protection
(Indicated by the First Characteristic Numeral)
Degree of Protection
Characteristic Short Description Definition
0 Non-protected No special protection
1 Protected against solid objects greater than 50 mm (2 in.) A large surface of the body, such as a hand
(but no protection against deliberate access).
Solid object exceeding 50 mm (2 in.) in
2 Protected against solid objects greater than 12 mm (0.5 in.) Fingers or similar objects not exceeding 80
mm (3.15 in.) in length. Solid objects
exceeding 12 mm (0.5 in.) in diameter.
3 Protected against solid objects greater than 2.5 mm (0.1 in.) Tools, wires, etc. of diameter or thickness
greater than 2.5 mm (0.1 in.). Solid objects
exceeding 2.5 mm (0.1 in.) in diameter.
4 Protected against solid objects greater than 1 mm (0.04 in.) Wires or strips of thickness greater than 1 mm
(0.04 in.). Solid objects exceeding 1 mm
(0.04 in.) in diameter.
5 Dust protected Ingress of dust is not totally prevented, but
dust does not enter in sufficient quantity to
interfere with satisfactory operation of the
6 Dust-tight No ingress of dust
The degree of protection is designated as shown in the following examples:
When it is required to indicate the degree of protection by only one characteristic numeral, which shows either degree of
protection against foreign bodies and electrical shock or against liquid, the omitted numeral is to be replaced by the letter X.

1 IP56 The first characteristic numeral of “5”
2 The second characteristic numeral of “6”
3 IPX5 Degree of protection against only liquid
4 IP2X Degree of protection against only foreign bodies and electrical shock

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 6 Electrical Systems 3-6

Degree of Protection
(Indicated by the Second Characteristic Numeral)
Degree of Protection
Second Short Description Definition
0 Non-protected No special protection
1 Protected against dripping water Dripping water (vertically falling drops) is to
have no harmful effect.
2 Protected against dripping water when tilted up to 15 degrees Vertically dripping water is to have no harmful
effect when the enclosure is tilted at any angle
up to 15 degrees from its normal position.
3 Protected against spraying water Water falling as spray at an angle up to 60
degrees from the vertical is to have no harmful
4 Protected against splashing water Water splashed against the enclosure from any
direction is to have no harmful effect.
5 Protected against water jets Water projected by a nozzle against the
enclosure from any direction is to have no
harmful effect.
6 Protected against heavy seas Water from heavy seas, or water projected in
powerful jets, is not to enter the enclosure in
harmful quantities.
7 Protected against the effects of immersion Ingress of water in a harmful quantity is not to
be possible when the enclosure is immersed in
water under defined conditions of pressure and
8 Protected against submersion The equipment is suitable for continuous
submersion in water, under conditions that are
to be specified by the manufacturer.

Note: – Normally this will mean that the

equipment is hermetically sealed. However,
with certain types of equipment, it can mean
that water can enter but only in such a manner
that it produces no harmful effects.
See Designation and examples in 3-6/Table 1A “First Characteristic Numeral”.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 6 Electrical Systems 3-6

NEMA Enclosures
Typical Offshore
Type Type of Enclosure Characteristics Intended Use
1 General Purpose, A general-purpose (NEMA Type 1) enclosure is To prevent Lighting panels,
Surface Mounting designed to meet the latest general specifications for accidental contact motor control
enclosures of Underwriters’ Laboratories. This with live parts, centers, disconnect
enclosure is intended primarily to prevent accidental indoors, where switches, etc., in
contact with enclosed electrical apparatus. A NEMA normal atmospheric unclassified
Type 1 enclosure is suitable for general-purpose conditions prevail. locations inside
application indoors where atmospheric conditions are buildings.
normal. It is not dust-tight or watertight.
1-A Semi-Dust-tight A semi-dust-tight enclosure (NEMA type 1-A) is Same as NEMA Same as NEMA
similar to the Type 1 enclosure, but with addition of a Type 1, but in Type 1.
gasket around the cover. locations where a
A NEMA Type 1-A enclosure is suitable for general- small amount of
purpose application indoors and provides additional dust is prevalent.
protection against dust, although it is not dust-tight.
1-B General Purpose, A flush-type enclosure (NEMA Type 1.B) is similar to Same as NEMA Same as NEMA
Flush Mounting the Type 1 enclosure, but is designed for mounting in a Type 1, but for Type 1 where flush
wall and is provided with a cover that also serves as a flush-type (versus surface)
flush plate. mounting mounting is
applications desired.
2 Drip-tight A drip-tight enclosure (NEMA Type 2), also referred to Locations where No typical offshore
as “Drip-proof”, is similar to the Type 1 general- condensation may applications
purpose enclosure, but with the addition of drip shields be severe.
or their equivalent. A Type 2 enclosure is suitable for
application where condensation may be severe.
Note: Drip-tight apparatus may be semi-enclosed
apparatus if it is provided with suitable protection
integral with the apparatus, or enclosed in such a
manner as to exclude effectively falling solid or liquid
3 Weather-tight A weather-tight enclosure (NEMA Type 3) is designed Outdoors where it Refer to NEMA
for use outdoors to provide protection against weather is necessary to Type 12
hazards such as rain and sleet. provide protection applications
A NEMA Type 3 enclosure is suitable for application against weather
outdoors. hazards, such as
rain and sleet.
3R Weather-resistant A weather-resistant enclosure (NEMA Type 3R) is Same as NEMA Same as NEMA
designed for use outdoors to provide protection against Type 3, but in less Type 3.
rain. Rain will not readily interfere with operation of severe application
internal components. NEMA Type 3R provides less
protection than Type 3.
4 Watertight A watertight enclosure (NEMA Type 4) is designed for Outdoor or indoor Equipment
outdoor use and is required to meet the hose test as locations where enclosures and
follows: NEMA Type 4 Enclosures shall be tested by enclosed junction boxes
subjection to a stream of water. A hose with a 1-in. equipment might subject to wind-
nozzle shall be used and shall deliver at least 65 be subjected to driven rain or hose
gal/min. The water shall be directed on the enclosure splashing or wash-down.
from a distance of not less than 10ft and for a 5-minute dripping water.
period. During this period, it may be directed in one or Not suitable for
more directions as desired. There shall be no leakage of submersion in
water into the enclosure under these conditions. water.
4X Watertight A watertight corrosion-resistant (NEMA Type 4X) Same as NEMA Same as NEMA
enclosure is similar to Type 4 enclosure but is Type 4, but Type 4.
manufactured from corrosion-resistant materials, such designed for a
as glass polyester or stainless steel. more corrosive

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 6 Electrical Systems 3-6

TABLE 1C (continued)
NEMA Enclosures
Typical Offshore
Type Type of Enclosure Characteristics Intended Use
5 Dust-tight A dust-tight (NEMA Type 5) enclosure is provided In locations where No typical offshore
with gaskets and is suitable for application in locations it is necessary to applications.
where it is desirable to exclude dirt. protect the enclosed
equipment against
accumulation of
dust or lint.
6, 6P Submersible A submersible enclosure is suitable for applications Locations where Junction boxes
where the equipment may be subject to occasional the equipment is installed in the
temporary submersion (NEMA Type 6) and prolonged subject to splash zone.
submersion (NEMA Type 6P) in water. The design of submersion in
the enclosure will depend upon the specified conditions water.
of pressure and time.
7 Explosion proof, An explosion proof enclosure (NEMA Type 7) is Locations classified Widely used in
Class 1 designed to meet the application requirements in NEC as Class I, Division classified locations
Art. 500 for Class I locations and is designed in 1 or 2 hazardous when arcing or
accordance with the latest specifications of locations. high temperature
Underwriters’ laboratories for particular groups of devices are
gases. Certain NEMA 7 enclosures are approved for utilized.
several groups (such as Groups B, C, and D). NEMA 7
enclosures are not necessarily suitable for outdoor use.
8 Explosion, oil-filled, Class I. An explosion proof, oil- Same as NEMA Not widely utilized
filled enclosure (NEMA Type 8) is designed to meet Type 7 offshore, but
the application requirements in NEC Art. 500 for Class suitable for same
I locations and is designed in accordance with the latest areas as NEMA
specifications of Underwriters’ laboratories for specific Type.7.
gases. The apparatus is immersed in oil.
9 Dust-ignition A dust-ignition-proof enclosure (NEMA Type 9) is Locations No typical offshore
Proof, Class II designed to meet the application requirements in NEC classified as Class applications.
Art. 500 for Class II locations and is designed in II hazardous
accordance with the latest specifications of locations
Underwriters’ Laboratories for particular dusts. (containing
combustible dust).
10 A Type 10 enclosure is designed to meet the latest Locations required No typical offshore
requirements of the Bureau of Mines and is suitable for to meet the latest applications.
applications in coal mines. requirements of the
Bureau of Mines.
11 Acid-and fume An acid-and fume-resistant (NEMA Type 11) Locations where No typical offshore
resistant, oil- enclosure is suitable for applications indoors where the acid or fumes are applications.
immersed equipment may be subject to corrosive acid or fumes. present.
The apparatus is immersed in oil.
12 Dust-tight and A dust-tight and drip-tight (NEMA Type 12) enclosure Indoor locations Indoors in areas
Drip-tight is provided with an oil-resistant synthetic gasket where oil or coolant protected from the
between the case and the cover. To avoid loss, any might enter the environment, or
fastener parts are held in place when the door is enclosure. outdoors when
opened. There are no holes through the enclosures for modified, to meet
mounting or for mounting controls within the enclosure NEMA Type 3
and no conduit knockouts or conduit openings. requirements.
Mounting feet or other suitable means for mounting are
provided. A NEMA Type 12 enclosure is suitable for
industrial application in locations where oil or coolant
might enter the enclosure. NEMA Type 12 enclosures
are not suitable for outdoor use, but may be modified
to meet Type 3 requirements with the addition of a drip
shield. Enclosures carrying a NEMA 3.12 rating area
superior to those carrying only a NEMA 3 rating.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 6 Electrical Systems 3-6

TABLE 1C (continued)
NEMA Enclosures
Typical Offshore
Type Type of Enclosure Characteristics Intended Use
13 Oil-tight and An oil-tight and dust-tight (NEMA 13) enclosure is Indoor locations Indoors in areas
Dust-tight intended for use indoors primarily to house pilot where spraying oil protected from the
devices such as limit switches, push buttons, selector or coolant might environment for
switches pilot, lights, etc., and to protect these devices enter the enclosure. control panels.
against lint and dust, seepage, external condensation,
and spraying of water, oil or coolant. They have oil-
resistant gaskets and, when intended for mounting on
the wall or on machines, have mounting means external
to the equipment cavity. They have no conduit
knockouts or unsealed openings providing access into
the equipment cavity. All conduit openings have
provision for oil-tight conduit entry.

Size of Ground (Earth)-continuity Conductors and
Grounding (Earthing) Connections
Cross-sectional Area of Associated Minimum cross-sectional Area of
Type of Grounding Connection
Current Carrying Conductor (A) Copper Grounding Connection
Ground-continuity conductor A1 A ≤ 16 mm2 A
in flexible cable or flexible A2 2 2
16 mm2
16 mm < A ≤ 32 mm
A3 A > 32 mm2 A/2
Ground-continuity conductor For cables having an insulated ground-continuity conductor
incorporated in fixed cable B1a A ≤ 1.5 mm2 1.5 mm2
2 2
B1b 1.5 mm < A ≤ 16 mm A
B1c 2
16 mm < A ≤ 32 mm 2
16 mm2
B1d A > 32 mm2 A/2
For cables with bare ground wire in direct contact with the lead sheath
B2 A ≤ 2.5 mm2 1 mm2
B2b 2
2.5 mm < A ≤ 6 mm 2
1.5 mm2
Separate fixed grounding C1a Stranded grounding connection:
conductor 1.5 mm2 < A ≤ 1.5 mm2
A ≤ 2.5 mm2 A for A > 1.5 mm2
C1b Unstranded grounding connection:
2.5 mm2
C2 2.5 mm2 < A ≤ 8 mm2 4 mm2
C3 8 mm2 < A ≤ 120 mm2 A/2
2 2
C4 A > 120 mm 70 mm (See note 1)

Note: For grounded distribution systems, the size of grounding conductor need not exceed A/2.
Conversion Table for mm2 to circular mils:

mm2 Circ. mils mm2 Circ. mils mm2 Circ. mils mm2 Circ. mils
1 1,973 2.5 4,933 6 11,841 70 138,147
1.5 2,960 4 7,894 16 31,576 120 236,823

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 6 Electrical Systems 3-6

Clearance and Creepage Distance for Switchboards, Distribution Boards,
Chargers, Motor Control Centers and Controllers (1)
Rate Insulation Voltage (V) Minimum Clearances, mm (in.) Minimum Creepage Distances, mm (in.)
Up to 250 15 (19/32) 20 (25/32)
From 251 to 660 20 (25/32) 30 (13/16)
Above 660 25 (1) 35 (13/8)
1 The values in this table apply to clearances and creepage distances between live parts as well as between live parts
and exposed conductive parts, including grounding.

Section 7: Instrumentation and Control Systems

CHAPTER 3 Floating Installations

SECTION 7 Instrumentation and Control Systems

1 Applicability
This Section defines criteria for the instrumentation and control systems for offshore facilities.
The design of these systems is to comply with API RP I4C or other acceptable standards and the additional
criteria contained in this Section.
Statutory governmental regulation or guidance, which may be applicable, is to be taken into consideration.
The documentation pertaining to instrumentation and control systems required for submittal is listed in 3-2/15.

1.1 General (1 July 2012)

This Section defines criteria for the instrumentation and control systems for offshore facilities.
The design of these systems is to comply with API RP I4C or other acceptable standards and the additional
criteria contained in this Section
i) The control and instrumentation systems are to provide an effective means for monitoring and
controlling pressures, temperatures, flow rates, liquid levels and other process variables for the
safe and continuous operation of the facilities.
ii) Where control over the electrical power generation and distribution is required for the operation of
the facilities then the control system should also be arranged to cover this.
iii) Control and instrumentation systems for process, process support, utility and electrical systems are
to be suitable for the intended application.
iv) All control and safety shutdown, systems are to be designed for safe operation of the equipment
during start-up, shutdown and normal operational conditions.
v) It is the intention of this Section to identify systems (either through experience or the application
of the FMEAs) on which safety relies and then to incorporate requirements commensurate with this
the importance of that function.
vi) The technical requirements included are considered to be consistent and complimentary to the
associated API standards.
vii) Should the designer wish to apply other techniques (e.g., the Safety Integrity Levels (SILs)
incorporated in IEC 61508), this equivalent approach will be considered.

1.3 Installation
1.3.1 Electrical Installations
Electrical installations for instrumentation and control systems are to be in accordance with
Chapter 3, Section 6 and Chapter 4, Section 6 as applicable.
1.3.2 Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control Systems
Piping systems for hydraulic and pneumatic controls are to be in accordance with 3-4/5.13 and
Chapter 4, Section 4 as applicable.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 7 Instrumentation and Control Systems 3-7

3 Components

3.1 Environmental Considerations (1 July 2012)

All instrumentation control and safety system components, including alarm and indicator devices, are to be
designed for use in a marine environment, resistant to corrosion, and capable of operating under all anticipated
environmental conditions.
Each component is to be designed and tested for the extremes of pressure and temperature that it can encounter
in service.

3.3 Suitability of Computer Based Equipment

Where safety related functions are performed by computer based equipment then the equipment is to be
tested in accordance with the requirements of 4-9-7/13.1 of the Steel Vessel Rules.

3.5 Electrical Variations

Electrical and electronic components in AC systems are to be capable of operating satisfactorily under normally
occurring variations in voltage and frequency.
DC system devices are to be capable of operating satisfactorily at minus 15% voltage.
Unless otherwise stated, the variations from the rated value may be taken from 3-7/Table 1.

Electrical Variations
Quantity in Operations Permanent variation Transient Variation
Frequency ±5% ±10% (5 s)
Voltage +6%, −10% ±20% (1.5 s)

3.7 Loss of Power

i) Loss of control power (pneumatic, hydraulic or electric) to any device is not to cause the system to
go into an unsafe condition.
ii) Cause and effect matrices are to demonstrate loss of control power effects.

5 Instruments

5.1 Temperature
All temperature-sensing elements or devices are to be installed in separable socket type thermowells, so
that they can be removed without danger of pressure or fluid release.

5.3 Pressure
i) Pressure switches supplied as safety devices are to be equipped with test connections to enable
application of an external pressure source without disturbing the switch installation.
ii) Pressure gauges and sensors are to be provided with an isolation valve to permit the safe removal
of the gauge without the need to reduce the pressure in the system.
iii) The open or closed position of the valve is to be readily identifiable from the position of the handle
or stem.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 7 Instrumentation and Control Systems 3-7

5.5 Level
i) Liquid or interface level gauges are to be installed to cover the operating range and set points of
level controllers or level switches.
ii) Direct viewing level gauges in processing or combustible fluid service are to be of the heavy-duty
flat glass type and are to be equipped with self-closing valves at their ends. An equivalent type of
level gauge may also be acceptable.

7 Alarm Systems

7.1 Characteristics
i) Alarm systems are to be of the self-monitoring type and designed so that a fault in the alarm
system is self-revealing or will cause it to fail to the alarmed condition.
ii) Additionally, alarms are not to react to normal transient conditions or false signals.

7.3 Independence
Alarm systems are to be independent of control and safety systems, except that common sensors will be
acceptable for non-shutdown related systems.

7.5 Visual and Audible Alarms

i) Alarms are to be both audible and visual, and are to be provided at the control stations, as required
in this Section.
ii) Alarms are to clearly identify the system and service of the faulted system or process components.
iii) Visual alarms are to be displayed in a distinguishable manner such that alarms for similar process
components or systems are grouped together, and the colors representing a particular function or
condition remain uniform.
iv) Visual alarms are to flash when first activated.
v) Audible alarms associated with the process plant are to be of distinctive tone from other alarms
such as fire alarm, general alarm, gas detection, etc., and they are to be of sufficient loudness to
attract the attention of personnel on duty;
vi) For spaces of unusual high noise levels, a beacon light or similar device, installed in a conspicuous
place is to supplement any of the audible alarms in such spaces; however, red light beacons are
only to be used for fire alarms.
vii) A fault in the visual alarm circuits is not to affect the operation of the audible alarm circuits.
viii) For computer-based systems, see 3-7/15.

7.7 Acknowledgement of Alarms

i) Alarms are to be acknowledged by manually changing the flashing display of the incoming alarm
to a steady display and by silencing the audible signal; the steady state light display is to remain
activated until the fault condition is rectified.
ii) Alarming of other faults that may occur during the acknowledgement process is not to be suppressed
by such action, and is to be alarmed and displayed accordingly.
iii) Where a centralized control and monitoring station is provided, the silencing of the audible alarm
from an associated remote control station is not to lead automatically to the silencing of the original
alarm at the centralized control and monitoring station.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 7 Instrumentation and Control Systems 3-7

7.9 Disconnection and Resumption of Alarm Functions

Alarm circuits may be temporarily disabled for maintenance purposes or during initial plant start-up, provided
such action is clearly indicated at the associated station in control and, where such station is provided, at
the centralized control and monitoring station. However, such alarm is to be automatically re-activated
after a preset time period.

7.11 Summary Alarms

When individual alarms are displayed and alarmed at a centralized control and monitoring station, the
visual alarms may be displayed and alarmed at other associated remote control stations as summary alarms.

7.13 Built-in Testing

Alarm systems are to be provided with effective means for testing all audible and visual alarms and indicating
lamps without disrupting the normal machinery or system operation. Such means are to be fitted in the
associated remote stations.

7.15 Adjustable Set-points

Where means are provided to field adjustable set-points, either locally or remotely, positive indication of
the value of the set-point is to be clearly identified at the control location.

9 Control and Monitoring

9.1 General
Display systems are to comply with 3-7/7.1, 3-7/7.5, 3-7/7.13 and 3-7/7.15

9.3 Loss of Signal

Loss of control signal from a field sensing device required to comply with these Rules is to initiate an alarm
or cause a shutdown.

9.5 Display of Parameters

i) Operating parameter displays are to be clear, concise, consistent and grouped logically.
ii) Operating parameter displays are to be included in control stations as required in this Section.
(Note: Further guidance regarding the display of information may be found in the ABS Guidance Notes on
the Application of Ergonomics to Marine Environments)

9.7 Logic Circuit Features

i) When logic circuits are used for sequential start-up or for operating individual process components,
indicators are to be provided at the control console to show the successful completion of the sequence
of operations by the logic-circuit and start-up and operation of the process component.
ii) If some particular step is not carried out during the sequence, the sequence is to stop at this point,
and such condition is to be alarmed at the control console or, where provided, at the centralized
control and monitoring station.
iii) Feedback devices are to be employed in order to sense steps carried out during the start-up sequence.
Sequence operation is to stop upon lack of feedback signal.
iv) Where valves are employed in any start-up sequence, valve condition is to be sensed as valve stem
position and not as a function of control or power signal to the valve.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 7 Instrumentation and Control Systems 3-7

9.9 Overrides
i) No condition of operation within normal ranges is to require the override of a required protective
device or function.
ii) Where shutdown functions are bypassed during special operational modes described below,
sensing devices are to be arranged to continue to indicate the condition of each process variable.
iii) In addition, an indicator for each function is to alert the operator that the shutdown function is
being “bypassed”.
iv) Provisions to override shutdown functions may include the following:
a) Calibration. To periodically test or calibrate field sensing device.
b) Out of Service. To take the vessel or other process component out of service.
c) Start-up
1) To allow process conditions to stabilize, automatic bypass of shutdown functions
on start-up may be installed, provided the process variable condition is indicated,
and an automated device is fitted which will return the shutdown function to
operation once the normal process condition has been attained.
2) The use of timers in association with this required automatic function will be

11 Safety Systems

11.1 General
i) Safety systems are to be of the fail-safe type and are to respond automatically to fault conditions
that may endanger the plant or safety of the crew.
ii) Unless otherwise required in this Section or specially approved, this automatic action is to cause
the plant to take the least drastic action first, as appropriate, by reducing its normal operating output
or switching to a stand-by process component, and last, by stopping it.
iii) Actuation is to result in audible and visual alarm.
iv) See also 3-3/13.3 for number of safety levels required.

11.3 Independence
Safety systems are to be completely independent of the control and alarm systems so that a failure in one
of these systems will not prevent the safety system from operating.

11.5 Activation
i) Each safety action is to be alarmed at the associated remote station.
ii) Where a centralized control and monitoring station is fitted, individual alarms are to be provided
at that station; in which case, a summary alarm for the specific safety system will be acceptable at
other associated remote stations.
iii) When both an alarm and a safety action are required for a specific failure condition the operating
points are to be arranged such that alarm is activated earlier.

11.7 Resumption of Operation

Process components that are stopped as a result of a safety action are to be manually reset before their
operation is resumed.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 7 Instrumentation and Control Systems 3-7

11.9 Override of Safety Provisions

i) Remote overrides are not to be provided for those safety actions specified in other Sections of
these Rules.
ii) For safety actions specified in 3-7/9.9, any overrides of safety provisions are to be so arranged that
they cannot go unnoticed, and their activation and condition are to be alarmed and indicated at the
associated remote station.
iii) The override is to be arranged to preclude inadvertent operation and is not to deactivate alarms
associated with safety provisions.
iv) The override mechanism to disconnect safety provisions is to be fitted at the associated remote station,
except that where a centralized control and monitoring station is fitted, the override mechanism
may be fitted at the centralized station instead.

11.11 Adjustable Set-points

Where means are provided to the field adjustable set points, either locally or remotely, positive indication
of the value of the set point is to be clearly identified at the control location.

13 Shutdown Systems

13.1 General
i) Shutdown systems are to comply with the requirements of safety systems given in 3-7/11, except that
systems supplied in accordance with 3-8/5.11 or 4-8/5.9, as applicable, are not to be automatically
actuated and need not be fail safe.
ii) Additionally, computer-based systems are to comply with the requirements of 3-7/15.

13.3 Safety Analysis

Where alarm and shutdown functions are required, a Safety Analysis Function Evaluation (SAFE) Chart is
to be provided for equipment packages with their own control/shutdown panels, as well as for individual
process equipment protected by a common safety shutdown system.

13.5 Emergency Shutdown

13.5.1 General
i) Shutdown is to take place within 45 seconds or less as may be considered necessary for
the safety of the plant after activation of the ESD system at a manual ESD station, or after
detection of a trouble condition by an automatic shutdown device.
ii) Electric circuits essential to ESD that rely on the continued operation of the cable for correct
operation of the system are to be of the fire resisting type (e.g., mineral insulated cable or
complying with IEC 60331).
13.5.2 Emergency Shutdown – Automatic
See 3-3/13.3.
13.5.3 Emergency Shutdown – Manual
i) See 3-3/5.5.
ii) All electrical circuits used in the manual ESD system are to be dedicated to this purpose
and hard wired.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 7 Instrumentation and Control Systems 3-7

15 Computer-based Systems for Alarm, Control and Safety Systems

15.1 General
i) Computer-based systems are to be designed so that failure of any of the system’s process components
will not cause unsafe operation of the system.
ii) Hardware and software serving vital and non-vital systems are to be arranged to give priority to
vital systems.

15.3 Independence
Control, alarm and safety shutdown system functions are to be arranged such that a single failure or
malfunction of the electronic computer equipment will not affect more than one of these system functions.
This is to be achieved by dedicated equipment for each of these functions within a single system, or by the
provision of back-up equipment, or by other suitable means considered equal or more effective.

15.5 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)/Failure Mode, Effect and Criticality Analysis
(FMECA) (1 July 2012)
Where computer-based systems include safety functions (i.e., safety functions are not backed-up by hard-
wired safety systems) an FMEA or FMECA is to be performed and submitted for review.

15.7 Visual Display of Alarms

15.7.1 Incoming Signals
i) In addition to the requirements contained in 3-7/7, alarms are to be presented in an identifiable
manner when displayed by way of a computer monitor (video display unit), and are to appear
in the sequence the incoming signals are received.
ii) Alarming of incoming fault signals are to automatically appear on the screen to alert the
on-duty personnel, regardless of whether the computer and monitor (video display unit) are
in a mode other than the monitoring mode (i.e., computing or displaying other system’s
mimic or schematic diagrams).
15.7.2 Unrectified Alarms
Alarms associated with faults which have not been rectified may be displayed in a summarized
fashion until all the faults have been dealt with.
15.7.3 Computer Monitor (Video Display Unit)
i) Displays on the computer monitor (video display unit) are to be clearly visible under ambient
lighting conditions.
ii) Data displayed on computer monitors are to be readable by the operator from normal
operating position.

15.9 Memory Capacity and Response Time

i) Computer system’s memory is to be of sufficient capacity to handle the operation of all computer
programs (software) as configured in the computer system.
ii) The time response for processing and transmitting data is to be such that an undesirable chain of
events may not arise as a result of unacceptable data delay or response time during the computer
system’s worst data overload operating condition (multi-tasking mode).

15.11 Data Loss and Corruption

To preclude the possible loss or corruption of data as a result of power disruption, programs and data
considered to be essential to the operation of a specific system are to be stored in non-volatile memory, or
in volatile memory with a secure un-interruptible power supply (UPS).

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 7 Instrumentation and Control Systems 3-7

15.13 Local Area Network (LAN)

For safety systems where an automatic or remote control and monitoring system for specific process
components is arranged to operate in a local area network (LAN), the following is to be complied with:
i) The network topology is to be configured so that in the case of a failure between nodes, or at a
node, the system on the network remains operational.
ii) In case of failure of the network controller, the network is to be arranged to automatically switch
to a standby controller. A network controller failure is to be alarmed at the associated remote control
iii) Safeguards are to be provided to prevent unacceptable data transmission delays (overloading of
network). An alarm is to be activated at the associated remote control stations prior to a critical
network data overload condition. See 3-7/15.9.
iv) The communication data highway is to be provided in duplicate and is to be arranged so that upon
failure of the on-line highway, the standby data highway is automatically connected to the system.
The standby data highway is not to be used to reduce traffic in the on-line highway.

15.15 Power Supply Disruption

The system’s software and hardware is to be designed so that upon restoration of power supply after power
failure, automatic or remote control and monitoring capabilities can immediately be available after the pre-
established computer control access (sign-in) procedure has been completed.

15.17 Parameters and Program Changes

Alteration of parameters that may affect the system’s performance is to be limited to authorized personnel
by means of keyswitch, keycard, password, or other approved methods.

15.19 Multiple Points of Control

Systems with multiple control stations are to be provided with clear indication at each location to identify
the station in control, and are to be provided with procedures to ensure proper transfer of control.

17 Relief Valves

17.1 General
i) Where spare relief valves are provided, the upstream block valve is to be locked closed and the
downstream block valve is to be locked open to prevent the relief valve from being over-pressurized
due to the leakage of the upstream block valve.
ii) The practice of using check valves in lieu of downstream block valves is not permitted.
iii) The upstream block valve is to have a full bore area equal to or greater than the pressure relief valve
iv) Similarly, the downstream block valve is to have a full bore area equal to or greater than the pressure
relief valve outlet.

17.3 Provisions for Testing

i) Provision is to be made for periodic testing of each relief valve without removing it from the line
or vessel.
ii) Where necessary, relief valves are to be individually equipped with an inlet block or check valve
and test connection so that an external pressure source can be applied.

17.5 Block Valve Locking Devices

Any block valve upstream or downstream of a relief valve or rupture disc is to be equipped with a carseal
or locking device to prevent the relief valve from being isolated while in service.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 7 Instrumentation and Control Systems 3-7

19 Shutdown Valves, Blowdown Valves and Diverter Valves

Automatically actuated shutdown, blowdown or diverter valves are to be equipped with position indicators
at the valve operating station, or be of a type that valve position (open or closed) is externally obvious.

Section 8: Fire Protection and Personnel Safety

CHAPTER 3 Floating Installations

SECTION 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety

1 Applicability
Fire protection and personnel safety features for hydrocarbon processing systems on a floating installation
are to meet the requirements described in this Chapter.
Fire protection systems for vessel service functions on installations are to be in accordance with the Steel
Vessel Rules or MODU Rules, as applicable.

3 General

3.1 Scope
The fire protection and personnel safety features are to comply with this Section and other applicable
industrial standards, as referenced herein. Due to the varying configurations of offshore production facilities,
fire protection requirements will vary accordingly. The documentation requirements for Design Review
are given in 3-2/17 of these Rules.

3.3 Governmental Authority

In addition to ABS Class requirements, depending on the unit’s flag of registry and the unit’s intended area
of operation, the flag state and coastal state may have additional requirements/regulations which are to be
met; therefore, the appropriate governmental authorities are to be consulted for each installation.

5 Fire Fighting Systems

5.1 Firewater Systems

Fixed water fire fighting systems are to be provided as follows:
5.1.1 Piping
5.1.1(a) General.
i) Water fire fighting systems are to be capable of maintaining a continuous supply in the
event of damage to water piping.
ii) Piping is to be arranged so that the supply of water could be from two (2) different sources.
iii) Isolation valves are to be provided such that damage to any part of the system would
result in the loss in use of the least possible number of hydrants, water spray branches, or
foam water supplies. In most facility arrangements, this will require a loop type fire main.
iv) Connections of the primary and standby pump supplies are to be as remote from each
other as possible.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

5.1.1(b) Materials (2009).

i) Materials rendered ineffective by heat are not to be used in firewater piping systems.
ii) (1 July 2012) Resilient seated valves may be considered for use in firewater systems,
provided the proposed valves are capable of passing an appropriate fire test acceptable to
ABS (e.g., API Std. 607, ISO 10497).
iii) Additionally, the valves must be capable of being effectively closed even with the resilient
seat damaged or destroyed, such that leakage through the closed valve is insignificant.
iv) The leakage rate at the firewater pressure through the closed damaged-seated valves still
permits the firewater to deliver at least two (2) jets of water at the required pressure.
v) Non-metallic expansion joints may be considered for use in firewater system, provided the
proposed joints are capable of passing a recognized fire test such as ISO 19921/19922:2005.
vi) Similarly, flexible hoses may be considered for use in firewater systems, provided the
proposed hoses are capable of passing a recognized fire test such as ISO 15540/15541.
vii) All plastic piping materials are to meet Appendix 1 of these Rules.
viii) Generally, plastic (GRP/FRP) materials used in firewater systems are to pass Level 1 fire
endurance test. However, a plastic piping material that passes Level 3 fire endurance
requirements in lieu of Level 1 requirements may be considered when conditions listed in
3-8/5.1.1(e) below are fully met and accepted by the Flag Administration.
5.1.1(c) Charging.
i) The firewater distribution system may be maintained in a charged or dry condition.
ii) Where a system is maintained dry, relief devices and additional pipe bracing is to be
considered to prevent damage to the piping system due to water hammer when the system
is charged.
iii) When plastic pipe that passes only Level 3 fire endurance test is used, the firewater system
design is to be pressurized (wet main) or be permanently in a charged condition.
5.1.1(d) Piping Maintenance.
i) The distribution system is to be maintained such that internal and external corrosion of
the piping is minimized.
ii) In areas where the system is subject to freezing, steps are to be taken to prevent freezing.
For instance, drains, circulation loops or other means may be provided for cold water
iii) If drains are provided, they are to be located at the lowest points in the system.
5.1.1(e) Additional System Requirements for Level 3 Plastic Pipe. The following additional
requirements are applicable to the plastic material piping that passes Level 3 in lieu of Level 1 fire
endurance tests and is used in the fire main system:
i) Plastic piping must be located on the exterior perimeter of the vessels/units and shielded
by primary structural members from potential sources of fire that may occur on or
emanate from the vessels/units.
ii) Plastic piping must be located so that pooling of flammable liquids below the piping is
not possible. A properly designed drainage system may be provided to mitigate the pooling
of flammable liquid below the piping system.
iii) The firewater system design is to be such that the plastic sections are continuously maintained
in the wet condition.
iv) The firewater system is to be equipped with an adequate number of isolation and cut-off
valves such that, if a section of the system were to fail, it could be isolated and the remainder
of the system would still be capable of supplying firewater.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

5.1.2 Fire Pumps

5.1.2(a) General.
i) There are to be at least two (2) independently driven and self-priming fire pumps.
ii) The fire pumps, together with their respective source of power, fuel supply, electric cables,
lighting, ventilation, piping and control valves, are to be located such that a fire in any
one (1) location will not render both fire pumps inoperable.
iii) One of the two (2) pumps is to be designated as the primary fire pump, and the other as
the standby fire pump.
iv) At least one of the pumps is to be diesel engine driven, unless the emergency power supply
can supply the load for an electric motor driven pump (see 3-6/21.3.3). See 4-7-3/1.5 of
the Steel Vessel Rules or 5-2-2/1.1 of the MODU Rules for applicable fire protection
requirements for fire pumps.
5.1.2(b) Capacity.
i) The primary and standby fire pumps are each to be capable of supplying the maximum
probable water demand for the facility.
ii) The maximum probable water demand is the total water requirement for protection of the
largest single fire area plus two (2) jets of firewater at a pressure of at least 3.5 kg/cm2 (50 psi).
iii) Multiple-pump installations will be considered in lieu of a single primary and standby
pump installation, provided they are arranged in such a manner that a fire in one (1) area
would not reduce the available supply of firewater required to handle that fire, or such
that if the largest pump is out of service for maintenance, the available supply of water
would not be reduced below the maximum probable water demand.
iv) A means is to be provided for periodic testing of each fire pump.
See 3-8/Figure 1 through 3-8/Figure 3 for typical arrangement of fire pumps on newly constructed
floating installations.
v) For a FPSO conversion from an existing tanker based or a FPS conversion from an existing
MODU (built prior to 1996) based, the capacity of the primary and standby fire pumps is
to be in accordance with this section of the Rules, except that the pressure at the nozzles
for the two (2) jets of firewater is to be at least 2.7 kg/cm2 (40 psi). See 3-8/Figure 4.
vi) For a typical FPSO arrangement, the maximum probable water demand includes the water
supply to the water spray system for a single fire on the production deck as discussed above,
the water supply to the foam system on the tanker deck below, plus two (2) jets of firewater.
vii) For detailed requirements of the water spray system, see 3-8/5.1.4.
viii) To determine the maximum probable water demand, the fire risk areas on the production
deck may be divided into fire zones.
a) If a fire is being considered in a single zone, the water supply for the water spray
system is to be sufficient for that zone and adjacent zones.
b) The water spray system requirement may be ignored for adjacent zones if these
zones are separated by a firewall (no less than A-60) or by an adequate distance
between process components to justify such zoning. See 3-8/Figure 5A for
ix) Note that the system emergency shutdown and the equipment blowdown may be considered
a safe alternative to the water spray for low hydrocarbon liquid inventory equipment such
as the gas compressor units. See 3-8/Figure 5B for reference.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

Floating Installation Fire Pump Arrangement
Two-Pump Scenario

Max Probable Demand

(Deluge, Deck Foam, etc...)

Primary Pump
100% Fire Hose
3.5 kg/cm 2 (50psi)
Fire Rated Bulkhead
Fire Hose
3.5 kg/cm 2 (50psi)

Standby Pump

Floating Installation Fire Pump Arrangement
Multiple-pump (Even Power) Scenario

First Pump Max Probable Demand

50% (Deluge, Deck Foam, etc...)

Fire Hose
3.5 kg/cm 2 (50psi)
Fire Hose
Second Pump 3.5 kg/cm 2 (50psi)
Fire Rated Bulkhead

Standby Pump
Equal to largest pump (50%)

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

Floating Installation Fire Pump Arrangement
Multiple-pump (Uneven Power) Scenario

First Pump Max Probable Demand

60% (Deluge, Deck Foam, etc...)

Fire Hose
3.5 kg/cm 2 (50psi)
Fire Hose
Second Pump 3.5 kg/cm 2 (50psi)
Fire Rated Bulkhead

Standby Pump
Equal to largest pump (60%)

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

Floating Installation Fire Pump Arrangement
Multiple-pump Scenario for Oil Carrier Converted to Offshore Installation

Emergency Pump

Fire Rated Bulkhead

Max Probable Demand

First Pump (Deluge, Deck Foam, etc...)

2.7 kg/cm 2 (40psi)

Second Pump
30% 2.7 kg/cm 2 (40psi)

New Third Pump
40% Existing

New Standby Pump

Equal to largest pump (40%)

Typical Fire Zones Arrangement on a Production Deck of a FPSO
Single Fire with A-60 Fire Wall

Fire wall

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

Typical Fire Zones Arrangement on a Production Deck of a FPSO
Single Fire with an Adjacent Zone that has no Liquid Inventory

No hydrocarbon liquid inventory

Compressor skid w/blowdown

Fire Zones

Fire Zones with Water Spray System Activation

Single Fire
Fire Wall

5.1.2(c) Operability and Control.

i) Pump(s) with sufficient capacity for process water spray systems is (are) to be provided
with automatic starting.
ii) In addition to the pump automatic starting requirement, pump driver starters are to be
provided with means for local and remote operation from a permanently manned station or
a fire control station.
iii) Pump discharge control valves, used to separate the section of the firewater service system
and the fire pump(s), are to be fitted in an easily accessible location outside of the pump
iv) Diesel-driven fire pumps may be provided with electrical or pneumatic starting and control
v) Diesel drives using electrical starting and control systems are to be maintained in a
weather-protected enclosure.
vi) Alternative means of protecting electrical starting and control systems will be considered.
5.1.2(d) Pump Drivers.
i) Pump drivers may include diesel engines, natural gas engines, or electric motors.
ii) (1 July 2012) The pump drivers are to be in general accordance with API RP 14G with
respect to their types and installation requirements.
iii) Fuel tanks, fuel lines to engines, and power cables and starters for electric motors, are to
be protected against fire and mechanical damage.
iv) Where diesel and natural gas engine fire pumps are considered, the arrangements are to
comply with requirements of 3-4/3.9, 3-6/21.3.3, and 3-6/23.
v) For electrical motor-driven fire pumps, see 3-6/7 and 3-6/19.3.3 for applicable requirements.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

5.1.2(e) Fuel Systems.

i) Fuel systems are to comply with the requirements of 3-4/5.11.
ii) Fuel supply for diesel engines is to be sufficient for 18 hours operation.
5.1.2(f) Lift Columns.
i) Water lift columns are to be encased in pipe for protection against wave action and
mechanical damage, and the protective pipes are to be securely attached to the structure in
order to lessen wave action damage.
ii) Corrosion allowance is to be considered when the water lift column is designed.
iii) Where pipes for lift columns pass through floating structures, penetrations are to be made
by approved methods to maintain the watertight integrity of the structure.
iv) Intake strainers constructed of corrosion-resistant materials are to be fitted at the suction
end of the fire pump’s water lift column.
5.1.3 Firewater Stations
5.1.3(a) General.
i) Firewater stations are to be located so that each station will be readily accessible in the
event of a fire.
ii) All materials that comprise the firewater station and the access to firewater stations are to
be of steel or equivalent material which would not be rendered ineffective by heat.
iii) Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) grating may be considered, provided all conditions listed
in Appendix 3 are fully met and are accepted by the Flag Administration.
5.1.3(b) Arrangement.
i) Firewater stations are to be located on the perimeter of process areas.
ii) The stations and their arrangements are to provide at least two (2) jets of water not emanating
from the same fire station to reach any part of the production facility that may be exposed
to fire.
iii) The firewater stations are also to be arranged to provide protection against fire damage or
mechanical damage, operation free from interference by other emergency activities, and
effective co-ordination with other stations.
5.1.3(c) Monitors and Nozzles.
i) Monitors are to be sized for a minimum flow of 1,892 liters/min. at 7.3 kg/cm2 (500 gpm
at 100 psig).
ii) Nozzles are to be adjustable from straight stream to full fog and to have a nozzle diameter
of at least 12 mm (0.5 in.).
iii) Monitors and nozzles are to be of corrosion-resistant materials and/or be protected with a
suitable coating to protect the equipment from the offshore environment.
iv) All nozzles are to incorporate means for a shut-off.
5.1.3(d) Hoses.
i) Fire hoses located on the production deck are to be of a non-collapsible type mounted on
reels, and are to be certified by a competent independent testing laboratory as being
constructed of non-perishable material to recognized standards.
ii) The hoses are to be of material resistant to oil and chemical deterioration, mildew and rot,
and exposure to the offshore environment.
iii) Hoses are to be sufficient in length to project a jet of water to any location in the areas
where they may be required to be used.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

iv) Each hose is to be provided with a nozzle and the necessary couplings.
v) Unlike collapsible hoses, which require more space for handling, the maximum length of
hose reels used on the production deck may be as long as 30 m (100 ft).
vi) All indoor fire stations (i.e., quarters areas, machinery spaces, office spaces, etc.), where
required, are to be provided with collapsible hoses.
vii) The maximum length of collapsible hoses is not to exceed 23 m (75 ft).
5.1.4 Water Spray (Deluge) Systems for Process Equipment
5.1.4(a) General.
i) A fixed water spray system is to be installed for the process equipment.
ii) The intent of the water spray system is to keep the process equipment cool and reduce the
risk of escalation of a fire.
iii) Water spray systems are to be capable of being actuated both automatically by a fire detection
system and manually.
iv) Installations are generally to be in accordance with NFPA Standard 15, or other equivalent
standard such as API RP 2030.
v) Deluge isolation valves are to be located in a safe area and outside the fire zone they protect.
vi) Consideration will be given to the use of manual actuation alone, provided that the combined
volume of process and storage vessels is less than 15 m3 (530 ft3), and the installation is
manned on a 24-hour basis and the manual actuation station is readily accessible.
5.1.4(b) Materials.
i) All requirements in 3-8/5.1.1(b) are applicable, except the requirements for plastic piping
materials, which are modified and listed below.
ii) Plastic piping materials are to meet Appendix 1 of these Rules.
iii) Generally, plastic (GRP/FRP) materials used in water spray systems are to pass Level 1 fire
endurance test.
iv) However, a plastic piping material that passes Level 3 Modified Test – Level 3 WD fire
endurance requirements in lieu of Level 1 requirements may be considered when the
following design conditions are fully met and accepted by the Flag Administration:
a) Plastic piping is installed in open deck or semi-enclosed locations.
b) The water spray piping system must meet the Level 3 fire endurance requirements
as specified in Appendix 1.
c) In addition to meeting the Level 3 fire endurance requirements, the water spray
piping system must meet the requirements of the wet/dry fire endurance testing
specified in Appendix 1, Section 8.
d) Other wet/dry fire endurance test methods that may be equivalent to or more
severe than the methods described in Appendix 1, Section 8, will be considered on
a case-by-case basis.
e) An automatic fire detection system is to be installed in areas protected by the water
spray system.
f) The water spray system is to be designed to activate automatically upon detection
by the automatic fire detection system.
g) Each section or area served by a water spray system is to be capable of being
isolated by one (1) water supply valve only. The stop valve in each section is to
be readily accessible, and its location clearly and permanently indicated.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

h) The design of the water spray system is to be such that upon fire detection, the
time required to have water flowing through the hydraulically most remote nozzle
is less than one (1) minute. This requirement will be verified by system testing at
the time of installation and at subsequent annual inspections.
i) The water spray system piping is to be located downstream of the water supply valve.
j) All piping upstream of the water supply valve is to meet the requirements for fire
main and water spray systems as specified in Appendix 1, or be of metallic material.
5.1.4(c) Process Equipment.
i) Process equipment, including hydrocarbon vessels, heat exchangers, fired heaters and other
hydrocarbon handling systems, are to be protected with a water spray system.
ii) The system is to be designed to provide a water density of 10.2 liters/min/m2 (0.25 gpm/ft2)
of exposed surface area for uninsulated vessels, or 6.1 liters/min/m2 (0.15 gpm/ft2) of
exposed surface area for insulated vessels.
iii) Process equipment support structure, including saddles, skirt, legs, but not secondary deck
structure members, is to be protected with a water spray system designed to provide a
water density of 4.1 liters/min/m2 (0.10 gpm/ft2).
iv) Alternatively, the use of intumescent coatings may be acceptable in protecting the support
structure, provided the selection of the fire rating of the coating is based on the results
from a risk analysis and/or fire load calculation which must be reviewed and accepted by
v) The condition (intactness) of the coatings will be the subject of surveyor inspection during
attendance of the unit following normal survey intervals.
vi) For gas-handling equipment, such as gas compressor skids, where the hydrocarbon liquid
inventory is kept minimal, a water spray system is not required if the equipment is provided
with an automatic blowdown upon the process shutdown.
5.1.4(d) Wellhead Areas.
i) Wellheads with maximum shut-in tubing pressures exceeding 42 kg/cm2 (600 psi) are to be
protected with a water spray system.
ii) The water spray system is to be designed to provide a minimum water density of
20.4 liters/min/m2 (0.50 gpm/ft2) based on the protection of wellheads, ESD valves, and
critical structural components including the firewall.
5.1.4(e) Turret Areas (Internal Turret).
i) Internal turrets with swivel pressure ratings exceeding 42 kg/cm2 (600 psi) are to be protected
with a water spray system.
ii) Turret areas, including the swivel and its associated equipment, are to be protected by a
water spray system designed to provide a minimum water density of 20.4 liters/min/m2
(0.50 gpm/ft2).
5.1.5 Foam Systems for Crude Storage Tanks
i) Deck foam systems are to be provided for all facilities storing crude oil in integral storage
tanks, in accordance with 3-4-1/5.3.1 and 5C-1-7/27 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
ii) Where process equipment is located or supported above crude storage areas such that deck
foam system application might be obstructed by steel supporting members, foam applicators
or fixed systems may be considered as an alternative.
iii) Deck foam system coverage in way of process equipment supports is to be no less effective
than for other cargo deck areas.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

5.3 Dry Chemical Systems

For production facilities with no liquid hydrocarbon storage capabilities and limited hydrocarbon liquid
retention in processing equipment, dry chemical hose reel units may be used for fire fighting in lieu of
firewater station required by 3-8/5.1.3.
Design of the dry chemical systems is to be in accordance with NFPA Standard 17.

5.5 Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems

A fixed fire fighting system complying with 3-8/5.5.1, 3-8/5.5.2 or 3-8/5.5.3 is to be provided in each
enclosed space and enclosed skid module containing the following equipment:
i) Internal combustion machinery, including diesel and gas engines, having a total power output of
not less than 750 kW (1000 hp).
ii) Oil or gas-fired boilers and other processes such as incinerators and inert gas generators.
iii) Oil fuel units. An oil fuel unit is defined as any equipment such as pumps, filters and heaters, used
for the preparation and delivery of fuel oil to oil-fired boilers (including incinerators and inert gas
generators), internal combustion engines or gas turbines at a pressure of more than 1.8 bar (26 psi).
iv) Settling tanks for boilers.
v) Gas compressors
vi) Transfer pumps for crude oil and flammable liquid with low flash point (below 60°C~140°F) such
as methanol. See 5C-1-7/29 of the Steel Vessel Rules for reference.
If a fixed foam system is to be used for the methanol pump room and methanol tank space, the
type of foam selected is to be suitable for use with methane (alcohol-resistant foams).
5.5.1 Gas Smothering Systems
5.5.1(a) General
i) Storage.
a) Smothering medium storage location is to be outside of protected space.
b) If gas bottles are kept in an enclosed compartment, the storage space is not to be
used for purposes other than storing the bottles.
c) The storage space is also to be situated in a safe and readily accessible position,
and be effectively ventilated by a ventilation system independent of other spaces,
including the protected space.
ii) Controls.
a) Automatic release of fire-extinguishing medium for total flooding systems is not
b) Two (2) separate controls are to be provided for releasing the fire-extinguishing
medium into a protected space and to ensure the activities of the alarm.
c) One (1) control is to be used to discharge the gas from its storage containers.
d) A second control is to be used for opening the valve of the piping, which conveys
the gas into the protected space. This requirement is not applicable if the system
is provided for a single space and the protected space is relatively small [under
170 m3 (6000 ft3)].
e) Controls are to be grouped together to provide complete actuation of the system
from their location.
f) The number of release stations is to be limited to as few as possible, typically two
(2), one (1) at the gas storage location and another outside of the protected space.
g) For the one outside of the protected space, it is to be located in proximity and
along the main escape route of the space.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

iii) Alarms.
a) Means are to be provided for automatically giving audible warning of the release
of fire-extinguishing gas into any space to which personnel normally have access.
b) The alarm is to operate for at least a 20-second period before the gas is released.
c) Alarms may be pneumatically (by the extinguishing medium or by air) or electrically
d) If electrically operated, the alarms are to be supplied with power from the main
and an emergency source of electrical power.
e) If pneumatically operated by air, the air supply is to be dry and clean and the supply
reservoir is to be atomically kept charged at all times, and is to be fitted with a
low-pressure alarm.
f) The air supply may be taken from the starting air receivers.
g) Any stop valve fitted in the air supply line is to be locked or sealed in the open
h) Any electrical components associated with the pneumatic system are to be powered
from the main and an emergency source of electrical power.
5.5.1(b) Carbon Dioxide Systems.
i) In addition to the above general requirements, the design philosophy of CO2 fire extinguishing
systems is to be in compliance with a single standard/code (i.e., Chapter 5 of the International
Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code), NFPA 12, or other recognized fire code).
ii) Once a standard is chosen for a design basis, the standard is to be used throughout the design,
and criteria from other standards may not be used.
5.5.1(c) Halon and Halon Alternative Systems
i) Halon is not permitted in new installations.
ii) Halon alternative systems are to meet IMO MSC Circ. 848 general requirements, and above.
iii) Halon alternative agents are to be accepted by the governmental authorities.
5.5.2 Foam Systems
5.5.2(a) Fixed High Expansion Foam Systems. Fixed high expansion foam systems are to be in
accordance with Chapter 6 of the FSS Code or other recognized fire code such as NFPA 11A.
Note reference is made to the IMO MSC/Circular 670.
5.5.2(b) Fixed Low Expansion Foam Systems.
i) Fixed low expansion foam systems may be installed in machinery spaces in addition to the
required fixed fire extinguishing system.
ii) Fixed low expansion foam systems are be in accordance with Chapter 6 of the FSS Code
or other recognized fire code such as NFPA 11. Note reference is made to the IMO MSC/
Circular 582.
5.5.3 Fixed Water Spray Systems
Fixed water spray systems are to be in accordance with Chapter 7 of the FSS Code or other recognized
fire code such as NFPA 15.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

5.7 Paint Lockers and Flammable Materials Storerooms

Paint lockers and flammable material storerooms located on the production decks with deck area in excess
of 4 m2 (43 ft2) are to be protected by a fixed fire extinguishing system.
One of the following systems is to be provided:
i) CO2 system designed for 40% of the gross volume of the space
ii) Dry powder system designed for at least 0.5 kg/m3 (0.03 lb/ft3)
iii) Water spray system designed for 5 liters/min/m2 (0.12 gpm/ft2). The water spraying systems may
be connected to the unit’s fire main system.
iv) Systems other than those mentioned above may also be considered.
For paint lockers and flammable material storerooms located on the installation but not on the production
deck, see the MODU Rules or Steel Vessel Rules for applicable comments.

5.9 Helicopter Facilities

For fire fighting requirements of helicopter facilities, refer to the MODU Rules or Steel Vessel Rules for
applicable comments.

5.11 Emergency Control Station

i) At least two (2) emergency control stations are to be provided.
ii) One of the stations is to be located in a normally manned space such as the process control room,
or near the drilling console if the facility is fitted with drilling and workover systems.
iii) The other is to be at a suitable location outside of the hazardous area.
iv) The emergency control stations are to be provided with the following:
a) Manually operated switches for actuating the general alarm system
b) An efficient means of communication with locations vital to the safety of the installation
c) Manual activation of all well and process system shutdowns (3-3/13.3.4 and 3-3/5.5)
d) Means for shutdown, either selectively or simultaneously, of the following equipment, except
for electrical equipment listed in 3-8/5.13: (1) ventilating systems, except for prime movers,
(2) main generator prime movers, (3) emergency generator prime movers.

5.13 Operation after Facility Total Shutdown

The following services are to be operable after total shutdown of a facility:
i) Emergency lighting required for evacuation from service/accommodation spaces and machinery
spaces to embarkation stations. This includes lighting at all control stations, stowage positions for
firemen’s outfits, helicopter landing deck, alleyways, stairways and exits, embarkation station deck,
launching appliances, and the area of water where they are to be launched, etc. The lighting is to
be provided for thirty minutes.
ii) General alarm
iii) Blowout preventer control system if fitted on the installations
iv) Public address system
v) Distress and safety radio communications
vi) All equipment in exterior locations that is capable of operation after activation of the prime
mover/ventilation shutdown system, is to be suitable for installation in Class I, Division 2 (Zone 2)

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

5.15 Portable and Semi-portable Extinguishers

i) Locations, types and quantities of fire extinguishers provided for the production deck area are to
be in accordance with 3-8/Table 1 and 3-8/Table 2.
ii) For areas not specifically addressed in these tables, NFPA Standard 10 is to be followed.

Portable and Semi-portable Extinguishers (1 July 2012)
A-II 9 (2.5) 9 (2.5) 5 (11) (1)
B-II 9 (2.5) 5 (11) 5 (11)
B-III 45 (12) 15.8 (35) 9.0 (20)
B-IV 76 (20) 22.5 (50) (2) 22.5 (50)
B-V 152 (40) 45 (100) (2) 22.5 (50) (2)
C-II 5 (11) 5 (11)
C-III 15.8 (35) 9.0 (20)
C-IV 22.5 (50) 13.5 (30)
1 Must be approved as a Type A, B, and C extinguisher
2 For outside use only, double the quantity of agent that must be carried.

Classification of Portable and Semi-portable Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are designated by types as follows:
A For fires in combustible materials, such as wood
B For fires in flammable liquids and greases
C For fires in electrical equipment

Size of Portable and Semi-portable Extinguishers

• Fire extinguishers are designated by size, where size II is the smallest and size V is the largest.
• Size II is a portable extinguisher.
• Sizes III, IV and V are semi-portable extinguishers.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

Classification and Placement of Portable and
Semi-portable Extinguishers (1 July 2012)


Main control room C-II 2 near the exit (See Note 1 on the next page)

Stairway and elevator enclosure B-II Within 3 m (10 ft) of each stairway on each deck level

Corridors A-II 1 in each main corridor, not more than 45 m (150 ft.) apart

Lifeboat embarkation & lowering -- None required


Radio room C-II 2 near the exit (See Note 1)

Paint storerooms B-II 1 outside each room in vicinity of exit (See Note 2 on the next

Storerooms A-II 1 for every 232 m2 (2500 ft2) or fraction thereof, located in
vicinity of exits, either inside or outside of spaces (See Note 2)

Workshop and similar spaces C-II 1 outside each space in vicinity of an exit (See Note 2)


Gas/oil-fired boilers: spaces B-II 2 required in each space

containing gas/oil-fired boilers,
either main or auxiliary, or their fuel B-V 1 required in each space
oil units

Internal combustion or gas turbine B-II 1 for every 745 kW (1,000 brake horsepower) but not less than 2
machinery spaces nor more than 6 in each space

B-III 1 required in each space


Internal combustion engines or gas B-II 1 outside the space containing engines or turbines in vicinity of
turbines exit (See Note 2)

Electric emergency motors C-II 1 outside the space containing motors or generators in vicinity of
or gas turbines exit (See Note 2)

Steam drive auxiliary -- None required

Fuel tanks -- None required

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

TABLE 2 (continued)
Classification and Placement of Portable and
Semi-portable Extinguishers (1 July 2012)


Cranes with internal combustion B-II 1 required in vicinity of crane cab exit
Production areas B-III or B-IV (See Note 3)
Drilling areas B-III or B-IV (See Note 3)
Open areas B-II 1 for every 3 internal combustion or gas turbine engines
C-II 1 for every 2 electric generators and motors of 3.7 kW (5 hp) or
Turret areas for internal turret B-III or B-IV One for each level of turret area


Pump room B-II 1 required in vicinity of exit

(See Note 4)
Storage tank area B-V 1 required on open deck capable of reaching the storage tanks,
tank vents, and transfer connections
(See Note 4 and Note 5)

1 One of which must be placed inside (dry chemical extinguishers not recommended for these applications).
2 Vicinity is intended to mean within 1 m (3 ft).
3 One B-III or B-IV extinguisher is to be provided at every entrance to any escape route, under no circumstances are
two (2) extinguishers to be placed more than 15.24 m (50 ft) apart.
4 For methanol, foam extinguishers may be considered if the extinguishers are of the polar solvent type foam
(alcohol-resistant type)
5 (1 July 2012) Not applicable to integral crude oil tanks protected by a deck foam system as per 3-8/5.1.5.

7 Fire and Gas Detection and Alarm Systems

7.1 Fire Detectors

i) Open or enclosed areas are to be provided with automatic fire detection such that all potential fire
outbreak points are monitored.
ii) The automatic fire detection system will sound an alarm and initiate necessary shutdown functions
for the facility.
iii) Guidelines for the selection and use of fire detectors are contained in API RP 14C, API RP 14F
and API RP 14G.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

7.3 Gas Detectors

7.3.1 Combustible Gases
i) In all enclosed and semi-enclosed areas that might accumulate combustible gases, gas sensors
of an explosion (flame)-proof type are to be installed and operated in accordance with
API RP 14C and API RP 14F, as applicable.
ii) Consideration is to be given to providing combustible gas sensors near points of a
possible leak at process equipment and piping systems located in open areas.
iii) Sensors are also to be provided at fresh air inlets to non-classified areas.
7.3.2 Hydrogen Sulfide
Where hydrogen sulfide gas may be present in the well fluid in excess of 20 ppm, hydrogen sulfide
gas detection systems are to be installed in accordance with API RP 55, as applicable.
7.3.3 Detector Set Points
i) The low and high gas alarm set points are to be at 20% L.E.L. and 60% L.E.L. for
combustible gases, and 10 ppm and 50 ppm for hydrogen sulfide.
ii) Process safety shutdown functions are to be initiated upon high gas detection.

7.5 Smoke Detectors

A smoke detection and alarm system is to be provided for control rooms, switchgear rooms, and other
areas where slow-developing fires might be expected.

7.7 Alarm Panel

i) A master fire and gas panel is to be provided to receive and process all fire and gas detection signals.
ii) The panel is to be located in the central control room or other normally manned non-classified area.
iii) The panel arrangement is to comply with Chapter 3, Section 7.

7.9 Fire and Gas Detection Wiring

Wiring arrangement is to comply with Chapter 3, Section 6.

7.11 General Alarm

i) Means are to be provided for manually activating a general alarm system capable of producing a
distinctive audible sound in all areas of the facility.
ii) Alarm-actuating devices are to be located at points of egress from accommodation areas, process
areas, and machinery spaces.
iii) Power for the general alarm system is to comply with Chapter 3, Section 6.

9 Structural Fire Protection

9.1 General
The term “structural fire protection” refers to the passive method of providing fire protection to the
spaces/compartments of the unit through the usage of fire divisions and the limitation of combustibles in
the construction materials.
i) Maintaining the adequacy of the fire division includes proper protection of penetrations in those
divisions, which includes electrical, piping, or ventilation systems penetrations.
ii) The structural fire protection requirements of this section are intended to address the need for fire
protection of boundaries separating new and/or existing areas/spaces onboard the installation from
the process facility equipment.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

iii) For ship shape FPSOs, SOLAS requirements will be followed along with any additional or more
stringent items in the IMO MODU Code.
iv) Existing spaces that do not share common boundaries with the process facility equipment are to be
treated based on the requirements that were in effect at the time of construction.
v) Newly built spaces that do not share common boundaries with the process facility equipment and
all portable/temporary living quarters are to comply with the latest Rule requirements.

9.3 Structural Fire Protection Requirements

i) The minimum fire integrity of bulkheads and decks is to be as prescribed in 3-8/Table 3A and
3-8/Table 3B.
ii) Windows and sidescuttles that face the production facilities are to possess a fire rating equivalent
to the bulkheads in which they are fitted.

Fire Integrity of Bulkheads Separating Adjacent Spaces/Areas
Spaces (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Control Stations including Central (1) A-0 A-0 A-60 A-0 A-15 A-60 A-15 H-60 A-60 A-60 * A-0
Process Control Rooms (d)

Corridors (2) C B-0 B-0 B-0 A-60 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * B-0
A-0 (d)

Accommodation Spaces (3) C B-0 B-0 A-60 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * C
A-0 (d)

Stairways (4) B-0 B-0 A-60 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * B-0
A-0 A-0 (d) * A-0
(b) (b) (b)

Service Spaces (5) C A-60 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * B-0

(low risk) (d)

Machinery Spaces of Category A (6) *(a) A-0 H-60 A-60 A-60 * A-0
(a) (d)

Other Machinery Spaces (7) A-0 H-0 A-0 A-0 * A-0

(a) (c) (d)

Process Areas, Storage Tank (8) ---- H-60 H-60 * H-60

Areas, Wellhead/manifold Areas (Symmetrical) (d) (d) (d)

Hazardous Areas (9) ---- A-0 * A-0

Service Spaces (10) A-0 * A-0
(high risk) (c)

Open Decks (11) ---- *

Sanitary and Similar Spaces (12) C

Please see the notes under 3-8/Table 3B for further interpretations.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

Fire Integrity of Decks Separating Adjacent Spaces/Areas
Space Space → (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
below ↓ above
Control Stations including (1) A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-60 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * A-0
Central Process Control Rooms (d)

Corridors (2) A-0 * * A-0 * A-60 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * *


Accommodation Spaces (3) A-60 A-0 * A-0 * A-60 A-0 X A-0 A-0 * *
Stairways (4) A-0 A-0 A-0 * A-0 A-60 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * A-0

Service Spaces (5) A-15 A-0 A-0 A-0 * A-60 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * A-0
(low risk) (d)

Machinery Spaces of *(a) H-60

Category A
(6) A-60 A-60 A-60 A-60 A-60 A-60 (d)
A-60 A-60 * A-0

Other Machinery Spaces (7) A-15 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 *(a) H-0 A-0 A-0 * A-0
(a) (d)

Process Areas, Storage Tank

H-60 H-60 H-60 H-60 H-60 H-60 H-60 H-60
Areas, Wellhead/manifold (8) (d) (d) X (d) (d) (d) (d)
---- ---- (d)
-- (d)
Hazardous Areas (9) A-60 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-60 A-0 ---- ---- A-0 -- A-0
Service Spaces (10) A-60 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * A-0
(high risk) (d) (c)

Open Decks (11) * * * * * * * ---- ---- * -- *

Sanitary and Similar Spaces (12) A-0 A-0 * A-0 * A-0 A-0 H-60 A-0 * *

(a) If a space contains an emergency power source or components of an emergency power source, and adjoins a space
containing a unit’s service generator or components of a unit’s service generator, the boundary bulkhead or deck
between those spaces is to be an A-60 class division.
(b) For clarification as to which note applies, see 5-1-1/5.5 of the MODU Rules.
(c) Where spaces are of the same numerical category and subscript (c) appears in the tables, a bulkhead or deck of the
rating shown is only required when the adjacent spaces are for a different purpose. For example, in category (10), a
galley next to another galley does not require a bulkhead, but a galley next to a paint room requires an A-0 bulkhead.
(d) If the results of a Risk Analysis or Fire Load Analysis (reviewed and accepted by ABS) justify such, an “A-60” fire
division may be used in lieu of an “H-60” bulkhead. An “A-0” wall used in conjunction with a water curtain system
designed to provide a density of at least 6.1 liters/min/m2 (0.15 gpm/ft2) of exposed surface area may be used as an
equivalent means of meeting the “A-60” class division.
(e) Intumescent coatings may be acceptable in providing the “H” rating. The intumescent coating used is to have limited
flame spread properties, low smoke development and low heat generation. In addition, an assessment is to be made of
the toxicity of gases emitted in the event of a fire. The condition (intactness) of the coatings will be the subject of
surveyor inspection during attendance of the unit following normal survey intervals.
* Where an asterisk appears in the tables, the division is to be of steel or equivalent material, but is not required to be
of an A-class standard. However, where a deck is penetrated for the passage of electric cables, pipes, and vent ducts,
such penetrations are to be made tight to prevent the passage of flame and smoke.
Where an X appears in the table, the configuration is not allowed.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

9.5 Wellhead Areas

i) “A-0” firewalls are to be used to provide protection from potential uncontrolled flare front
wellheads with shut-in pressure exceeding 42 kg/cm2 (600 psi).
ii) These firewalls are independent of the requirements for structural fire protection of spaces.
iii) The intent of these firewalls is to provide protection for escape routes, temporary refuges, lifeboat
embarkation stations, fire pumps and potential fire hazards.
iv) The dimensions of the firewall and distance from the wellhead are to be determined based on the
results from fire load calculations or other recognized method. See 3-3/5.7.

9.7 Fired Vessels

i) “A-0” firewalls are to be used to provide protection from potential fire hazard of fired vessels.
ii) These firewalls are independent of the requirements for structural fire protection of spaces.
iii) The intent of these firewalls is to provide protection for escape routes, temporary refuges, lifeboat
embarkation stations, fire pumps and potential fire hazards.
iv) The dimensions of the firewall and distance from the direct-fired heaters are to be determined
based on the results from fire load calculations or other recognized method. See 3-3/5.11.

9.9 Helideck
i) All helidecks are to be constructed of steel or other material which provides equivalent structural
and fire integrity properties to that of steel.
ii) Helidecks which form the deckhead (roof) of the accommodations are to be insulated to an “A-60”
class standard.
iii) If the helideck is located less than one (1) meter above the deckhouse top, the helideck is to be
constructed to an “A” class standard.
iv) Deckhouse roofs (below the helideck) are to have no openings.

9.11 Ventilation
Standards for ventilation are to be in accordance with the requirements for ventilation as contained in the
MODU Rules, with the following additional requirements:
Non-ducted HVAC systems (i.e., those that use the plenum for return air) are discouraged. The use of a
non-ducted system will need prior review of the design philosophy, taking into consideration the movement
of smoke between spaces and the maintenance of “smoke free” escape routes. Prior design approval by
ABS is mandatory before construction of such a system.

9.13 Penetrations
All penetrations through bulkheads and decks are to have the same fire integrity as the bulkhead and deck
through which they penetrate. This is to be accomplished using ABS-established procedures with materials
that have been approved by a major governmental maritime administration, or by approved procedures that
have been tested.

9.15 Materials/Certification
All materials used in the construction of structural fire divisions and protection of the penetrations are to be
certified for the fire rating in which they are fitted. This includes both structural fire protection and
thermal insulation, joiner bulkheads, doors, HVAC ducts, flooring materials, windows, fire dampers, etc.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

11 Muster Areas

11.1 General
All units are to have a designated muster station(s) were personnel can gather prior to entering the lifeboats.

11.3 Materials
i) All materials that comprise the muster stations routes are to be of steel or equivalent material.
ii) Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) grating may be considered, provided all conditions listed in
Appendix 3 are fully met and are accepted by the Flag Administration.

11.5 Muster Stations

i) The muster station is to be of sufficient area to accommodate the number of personnel to be gathered.
ii) The muster station is to be located in a safe location with respect to the processing equipment.
iii) The muster station may be a meeting room inside the accommodations or may be part of the lifeboat
embarkation station.

13 Means of Escape

13.1 General
i) The escape route requirements of the applicable Rules and/or Regulations are to apply along with
the requirements of 3-8/13.3, 3-8/13.7 and 3-8/13.9.
ii) In the absence of escape route requirements by the applicable Rules and/or Regulations, the
requirements of 3-8/13.3 through 3-8/13.9 apply.

13.3 Materials
i) All materials that comprise the escape routes are to be of steel or equivalent material.
ii) Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) grating may be considered, provided all conditions listed in
Appendix 3 are fully met and are accepted by the Flag Administration.

13.5 Escape Routes

i) At least two (2) means of escape are to be provided for all continuously manned areas, and areas
that are used on a regular working basis.
ii) The two (2) means of escape must be through routes that minimize the possibility of having both
routes blocked in an emergency situation.
iii) Escape routes are to have a minimum width of 0.71 m (28 in.).
iv) Dead-end corridors exceeding 7 m (23 ft) in length are not permitted.
v) Dead-end corridors are defined as a pathway which (when used during an escape) has no exit.

13.7 Marking and Lighting of Escape Routes

Escape route paths are to be properly identified and provided with adequate lighting.

13.9 Escape Route Plan

i) An escape route plan is to be prominently displayed at various points in/of the facility.
ii) Alternatively, this information may be included in the Fire Control or Fire/Safety Plan.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

15 Lifesaving Requirements

15.1 General
i) The lifesaving appliance requirements of the applicable governmental regulations are to apply
along with the requirements of 3-8/15.5.5 and 3-8/15.5.6.
ii) In the absence of lifesaving appliance requirements by the applicable Regulations, or if no Regulations
exist, the requirements of 3-8/15.3 and 3-8/15.5 apply.
iii) Where the words “of an approved type” are indicated, the equipment is to meet the requirements
of SOLAS or equivalent standard.
iv) Launching appliances for lifeboats and liferafts are also to meet the requirements of SOLAS or
equivalent standard.

15.3 Lifeboat Embarkation Areas

i) All materials that comprise the lifeboat embarkation platform are to be of steel or equivalent material.
ii) Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) grating may be considered, provided all conditions listed in
Appendix 3 are fully met and are accepted by the Flag Administration.

15.5 Lifesaving Appliances and Equipment

15.5.1 Lifeboats
i) Lifeboats of an approved type are to be provided, with a total capacity to accommodate
twice the total number of people onboard the subject unit.
ii) They are required to be installed on at least two (2) sides of the installation, in safe areas in
which there will be accommodation for 100%, in case one of the stations becomes inoperable.
15.5.2 Liferafts
i) Inflatable liferafts of an approved type are to be provided onboard such that their total
capacity is sufficient to accommodate the total number of people expected to be onboard
the facility.
ii) Liferafts are to be placed in or next to areas where personnel may be working, in sufficient
quantity to hold the maximum number of people that might be present in the area at any
one (1) time.
15.5.3 Life Buoys
i) At least four (4) life buoys of an approved type, with floating water lights, are to be provided.
ii) One (1) ring life buoy is to be placed in a suitable rack on each side of the structure in an
acceptable location.
iii) Multi-level structures may require the placement of additional life buoys.
15.5.4 Life Jackets
i) At least one (1) life jacket of an approved type, is to be provided for each person on a manned
ii) Life preservers/work vests are to be stored in readily accessible locations.
iii) Life jackets numbering the same quantity as the maximum aggregate capacity of each life
boat station must be stored next to the lifeboat station.
15.5.5 Work Vests
When personnel baskets are used to transfer personnel from the facility to work boats, or vice versa, a
work vest is to be provided and kept with the personnel basket for each person riding in the basket.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

15.5.6 Breathing Apparatus

i) For operations involving hydrogen sulfide, each person expected on the facility is to be
provided with a self-contained breathing apparatus of an approved type for escape purposes.
ii) The breathing apparatus for maintenance personnel is to have a minimum of thirty (30)
minutes air supply.
iii) A designated safe area with proper supply of air is also to be provided and shown on the
fire control/safety plan.

15.7 Means of Embarkation

15.7.1 General
i) The means of embarkation requirements of the applicable Rules and/or Regulations are to
ii) In the absence of means of embarkation requirements by the applicable Rules and/or
Regulations, the requirements of 3-8/15.7.2 below apply.
15.7.2 Means of Embarkation
i) Each facility is to have means of embarkation to allow personnel to leave the facility in an
emergency. These are in addition to the equipment described in 3-8/15.
ii) The means of embarkation are to consist of at least two (2) fixed ladders or stairways,
widely separated, and extending from the main and cellar decks to the water line.
iii) The ladders or stairways will preferably be located near lifeboat-launching stations.
iv) Ladder construction is to be in accordance with the appropriate governmental authority,
or other recognized standard.

17 Personnel Safety Equipment and Safety Measures

17.1 Fireman’s Outfits

All fireman’s outfits and equipment are to be of an approved type (i.e., equipment is to meet the requirements
of SOLAS or equivalent standard).
The requirements below are in addition to those required by the applicable Rules and/or Regulations.
17.1.1 Fireman's Outfit
i) A minimum of two (2) sets of fire-fighting outfits and equipment is to be provided and
stowed in a suitable container.
ii) The protective clothing is to be made of a material that will protect the skin from radiant
heat of a fire, and be water-resistant.
iii) Boots and gloves are to be made of rubber or other electrically non-conducting material.
iv) The protective helmet is to be of rigid construction to resist impact, and be equipped with
a face shield.
v) The fireman’s outfits or sets of personal equipment are to be stored as to be easily accessible
and ready for use, and where more than one (1) fireman’s outfit or more than one (1) set
of personal equipment is carried, they are to be stored in widely separated positions.
vi) One of the outfits should be readily accessible from the helicopter deck.
17.1.2. Breathing Apparatus
i) A minimum of two (2) self-contained breathing apparatus, of an approved type is to be
provided and stowed with the fireman’s outfits.
ii) There is to be an adequate number of spare compressed air charges.
iii) The breathing apparatus is to have a minimum of thirty (30) minutes air supply.

Chapter 3 Floating Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 3-8

17.3 Guard Rails

i) The perimeter of all open deck areas, walkways around accommodation spaces, catwalks and openings,
are to be protected with guardrails.
ii) The height of the guard rails is to be at least 1 m (39.5 in.) above the deck, except where this height
would interfere with normal operation, in which case, a lesser height may be considered if adequate
protection is provided.
iii) The opening below the lowest course of the guardrails is not to exceed 230 mm (9 in.).
iv) The other courses are not to have more than 380 mm (15 in.) of clear opening.
v) Toe plates are to be provided at the base of all guardrails.

17.5 Insulation of Hot Surfaces

17.5.1 Personal Protection
All exposed surfaces with which personnel are likely to come in contact are to have temperatures
that do not exceed 71°C (160°F). If this can not be achieved, then the exposed surfaces are to be
insulated or shielded.
17.5.2 Spillage Protection
Surfaces with temperatures in excess of 204°C (400°F) are to be protected from contact with
liquid hydrocarbon spillage and mist.
17.5.3 Combustible Gases
Surfaces in excess of 482°C (900°F) are to be protected from contact with combustible gases.
17.5.4 Protection of Insulation
Insulation is to be protected from weather, oil spillage, mechanical wear, and physical damage.

Chapter 4: Fixed Installations

CHAPTER 4 Fixed Installations

SECTION 1 General ................................................................................................ 129
1 Scope .............................................................................................. 129
3 Applicability ..................................................................................... 129
5 Conditions of Classification ............................................................. 129
7 Design Considerations ....................................................................129
7.1 Recognized Standards ................................................................ 129
7.3 Alternative Basis of Design .......................................................... 130
7.5 Design Conditions........................................................................ 130

SECTION 2 Design Plans and Data ....................................................................... 131

1 Submissions of Design Plans and Data..........................................131
3 Details ............................................................................................. 134
5 Facility Documentation....................................................................134
5.1 Project Specifications .................................................................. 134
5.3 General Arrangement and Equipment Layout Drawings.............. 134
5.5 Area Classifications and Ventilation Drawings ............................. 134
5.7 Escape and Egress Route ........................................................... 134
5.9 Muster Locations ......................................................................... 134
7 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems ............................. 135
7.1 General ........................................................................................ 135
7.3 Process Flow Sheets ................................................................... 135
7.5 Heat and Mass Balance............................................................... 135
7.7 Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P & ID's) ................................. 135
7.9 Safety Analysis Function Evaluation (S.A.F.E.) Charts and
Cause and Effect Matrix .............................................................. 136
7.11 Packaged Process Units .............................................................. 136
7.13 Process Equipment Documentation............................................. 136
7.15 Process Piping Specifications ...................................................... 138
7.17 Pressure Relief and Depressurization Systems ........................... 138
7.19 Flare and Vent System ................................................................ 139
7.21 Spill Containment, Closed and Open Drain Systems................... 139
7.23 Sub-sea Production Systems (Optional) ...................................... 139
9 Process and Platform Support Systems .........................................139
9.1 Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P & ID’s) ................................. 140
9.3 Equipment Documentation .......................................................... 140
9.5 Piping Specifications.................................................................... 140
9.7 Internal-Combustion Engines and Turbines ................................. 140
9.9 Cranes (Optional) ........................................................................ 140

11 Marine Support Systems................................................................. 140
13 Electrical Systems........................................................................... 141
13.1 Electrical One-Line Diagrams ...................................................... 141
13.3 Short-circuit Current Calculations ................................................ 141
13.5 Coordination Study ...................................................................... 141
13.7 Specifications and Data Sheets for Generators and Motors ........ 141
13.9 Specifications and Data Sheets for Transformers ....................... 142
13.11 Details of Storage Batteries ......................................................... 142
13.13 Details of Emergency Power Source ........................................... 142
13.15 Standard Details of Wiring Cable and Conduit Installation
Practices...................................................................................... 142
13.17 Switchboard, Distribution Boards and Motor Control Centers ..... 142
13.19 Panelboard .................................................................................. 143
13.21 Installations in Classified Areas ................................................... 143
15 Instrumentation and Control Systems............................................. 144
15.1 General Arrangements ................................................................ 144
15.3 Instrumentation List ..................................................................... 144
15.5 Schematic Drawings – Electrical Systems................................... 144
15.7 Schematic Drawings – Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems ......... 144
15.9 Programmable Electronic Systems ............................................. 144
17 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety ............................................. 144
17.1 Firewater System ........................................................................ 144
17.3 Water Spray Systems for Process Equipment............................. 145
17.5 Foam Systems for Helicopter Facilities with Refueling
Capabilities and for Crude Oil Storage Tanks
(if provided) ................................................................................. 145
17.7 Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems ............................................... 145
17.9 Paint Lockers and Flammable Material Storerooms .................... 145
17.11 Fire Control and Lifesaving Equipment Plan ............................... 145
17.13 Fire and Gas Detection and Alarm Systems................................ 145
17.15 Fire and Gas Cause and Effect Chart ......................................... 146
17.17 Insulation of Hot Surfaces ........................................................... 146
19 Arrangements for Storage Tank Venting and Inerting .................... 146
21 Arrangements for Use of Produced Gas as Fuel ............................ 146
23 Start-up and Commissioning Procedures Manual .......................... 146
25 Maintenance of Class Modifications ............................................... 146

TABLE 1 Design Plans and Data Submission Requirements .............. 131

TABLE 2 Major Equipment Plans, Calculations and Technical
Documentation for Class Requirements ............................... 137

SECTION 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems ............................. 147

1 General ........................................................................................... 147
1.1 Scope .......................................................................................... 147

SECTION 4 Process and Platform Support Systems .......................................... 148
1 General ........................................................................................... 148
1.1 Scope .......................................................................................... 148
1.3 Applicability .................................................................................. 148
3 Equipment Requirements ............................................................... 148
3.1 Pressure Vessels and Heat Exchangers ..................................... 148
5 System Requirements.....................................................................148
5.1 Use of Produced Gas as Fuel ...................................................... 148
5.3 Fuel Storage for Helicopter Facilities ........................................... 148
5.5 Sewage Treatment Systems ........................................................ 149
5.7 Vent System ................................................................................ 149
5.9 Drainage System ......................................................................... 150
7 Crude Oil and Flammable Liquid Storage Facility Arrangement ....150
7.1 Tank Venting Systems ................................................................. 150
7.3 Storage Tank Purging and Blanketing Systems .......................... 150
7.5 Inert Gas Supply .......................................................................... 151
7.7 Oil Fired Inert Gas Generators .................................................... 151
9 Platform Drilling Systems ................................................................ 151

SECTION 5 <Intentionally Left Blank> .................................................................. 152

SECTION 6 Electrical Systems .............................................................................. 153

1 Applicability ..................................................................................... 153
3 Transformers ................................................................................... 153
5 Switchgear ...................................................................................... 153
7 Hazardous Areas ............................................................................153
9 Power Source Requirements .......................................................... 153
9.1 Unmanned Facilities .................................................................... 153
9.3 Manned Facilities ......................................................................... 153
9.5 Manned Facilities in Severe Environments .................................. 153
11 Emergency Source of Power .......................................................... 154
11.1 General ........................................................................................ 154
11.3 Location ....................................................................................... 154
11.5 Operability ................................................................................... 154

SECTION 7 Instrumentation and Control Systems.............................................. 155

SECTION 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety ............................................... 156

1 General ........................................................................................... 156
1.1 Scope .......................................................................................... 156
1.3 Governmental Authority ............................................................... 156
1.5 Applicability .................................................................................. 156
3 Requirements for Fire Fighting Systems ........................................156
3.1 Unmanned Platforms ................................................................... 156
3.3 Manned Production Platforms ..................................................... 156

5 Fire Fighting Systems ..................................................................... 156
5.1 Firewater System ........................................................................ 156
5.3 Dry Chemical Systems ................................................................ 164
5.5 Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems ............................................... 165
5.7 Fire Fighting Requirements Pertaining to Specific Locations ...... 166
5.9 Emergency Control Station.......................................................... 168
5.11 Operation after Facility Total Shutdown ...................................... 168
5.13 Portable and Semi-portable Extinguishers .................................. 168
7 Fire and Gas Detection and Alarm Systems................................... 171
7.1 Fire Detectors .............................................................................. 171
7.3 Gas Detectors ............................................................................. 172
7.5 Smoke Detectors ......................................................................... 172
7.7 Alarm Panel ................................................................................. 172
7.9 Fire and Gas Detection Wiring .................................................... 172
7.11 General Alarm ............................................................................. 172
9 Structural Fire Protection ................................................................ 172
9.1 General........................................................................................ 172
9.3 Fire Integrity of Bulkheads and Decks ......................................... 173
9.5 Wellhead Areas ........................................................................... 176
9.7 Fired Vessels............................................................................... 176
9.9 Helideck....................................................................................... 176
9.11 Ventilation.................................................................................... 176
9.13 Penetrations ................................................................................ 179
9.15 Materials/Certification .................................................................. 179
11 Muster Areas ................................................................................... 179
11.1 General........................................................................................ 179
11.3 Materials ...................................................................................... 179
11.5 Muster Stations ........................................................................... 179
13 Means of Escape ............................................................................ 179
13.1 General........................................................................................ 179
13.3 Materials ...................................................................................... 179
13.5 Escape Routes ............................................................................ 180
13.7 Marking and Lighting of Escape Routes ...................................... 180
13.9 Escape Route Plan ...................................................................... 180
15 Lifesaving Requirements ................................................................ 180
15.1 General........................................................................................ 180
15.3 Lifeboat Embarkation Areas ........................................................ 180
15.5 Lifesaving Appliances and Equipment ......................................... 180
15.7 Means of Embarkation ................................................................ 181
17 Personnel Safety Equipment and Safety Measures ....................... 182
17.1 Fireman’s Outfits ......................................................................... 182
17.3 Guard Rails ................................................................................. 182
17.5 Insulation of Hot Surfaces ........................................................... 182

TABLE 1 Portable and Semi-portable Extinguishers ........................... 169

TABLE 2 Classification and Placement of Portable and
Semi-portable Extinguishers ................................................. 169

TABLE 3A Fire Integrity of Bulkheads Separating Adjacent
Spaces/Areas ........................................................................173
TABLE 3B Fire Integrity of Decks Separating Adjacent
Spaces/Areas ........................................................................174

FIGURE 1 Fixed Installation Fire Pump Arrangement Two-pump

Scenario ................................................................................159
FIGURE 2 Fixed Installation Fire Pump Arrangement Multiple-pump
(Even Power) Scenario ......................................................... 159
FIGURE 3 Fixed Installation Fire Pump Arrangement Multiple-pump
(Uneven Power) Scenario ..................................................... 160
FIGURE 4A Typical Fire Zones Arrangement on Process Area of a
Fixed Installation Single Fire with A-0 Fire Wall ................... 160
FIGURE 4B Typical Fire Zones Arrangement on Process Area of a
Fixed Installation Single Fire with an Adjacent Zone
that has no Liquid Inventory ..................................................161

Section 1: General

CHAPTER 4 Fixed Installations

SECTION 1 General

1 Scope (1 July 2012)

This Chapter defines the minimum criteria for ABS Class applicable to hydrocarbon production and
processing systems, subsystems and equipment on fixed installations. See 1-2/1 of these Rules for Scope
and Conditions of Classification.
In the case of existing units (i.e., SEDU – Self-elevating Drilling Units) built to meet the MODU Rules,
consideration may be given for marine systems on such units to continue to meet the MODU Rules, when
these units are converted to a fixed platform.
Terms, definitions, references, abbreviations and acronyms, used in this Chapter are defined in Chapter 2.

3 Applicability
The requirements described in this Chapter are applicable to facilities on fixed installations of various
configurations that provide hydrocarbon production and processing services. These services may include:
• Well fluid de-pressurization • Reinjection
• Phase separation • Transfer
• Fluid cleaning, treatment and stabilization • Storage
• Dehydration • Metering
• Compression • Off-loading of processed hydrocarbon

5 Conditions of Classification
Refer to the ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification – Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1) and
Chapter 1 of these Rules for information on Classification.

7 Design Considerations (1 July 2012)

7.1 Recognized Standards

The submitted design is to be in accordance with the requirements of these Rules and the specified codes
and/or standards as referenced herein.
i) Designs complying with other international or national standards not listed in Appendix 4 will be
subject to special consideration in accordance with Chapter 1, Section 4 of these Rules.
ii) ABS advises the designer/manufacturer to contact the ABS Technical office early in the design
phase for acceptance of alternate design codes and/or standards.
iii) When alternate design codes and/or standards are proposed, justifications can be achieved through
equivalency, gap analysis or appropriate risk analysis/philosophy to demonstrate that the proposed
alternate design code and/or standard will provide an equivalent level of safety to the recognized
standards as listed in these Rules and are required to be performed in accordance with Chapter 1,
Section 4 of these Rules.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 1 General 4-1

7.3 Alternative Basis of Design

Designs based on manufacturer’s standards may also be accepted. In such cases, complete details of the
manufacturer’s standard and engineering justification are to be submitted for review.
i) The manufacturer will be required to demonstrate by way of testing or analysis that the design
criteria employed results in a level of safety consistent with that of a recognized standard or code
of practice.
ii) Where strain gauge testing, fracture analysis, proof testing or similar procedures form a part of the
manufacturer’s design criteria, the procedure and results are to be submitted for ABS review.
iii) Historical performance data for production or process systems, subsystems, equipment or components
is to be submitted for justification of designs based on manufacturer’s standards.
iv) ABS will consider the application of risk evaluations for alternative or novel features for the basis
of design in accordance with Chapter 1, Section 4 of these Rules, as applicable.

7.5 Design Conditions

The production and process systems, subsystems, equipment, and/or components are to be designed to account
for all applicable environmental, operational, and test loads, or combination thereof. These include, but are
not limited to, the following:
i) Environmental Conditions, as applicable
• Earthquake • Temperature
• Ice • 1, 10, 50, 100 year storm event, as applicable
• Wind
ii) Operational
• Static pressure • Tension
• Transient pressure excursion • Bending
• Temperature excursion • Vibration
• Fluid static head and properties
iii) Transportation
iv) Installation
v) Commissioning
vi) Test Loads

Section 2: Design Plans and Data

CHAPTER 4 Fixed Installations

SECTION 2 Design Plans and Data

1 Submissions of Design Plans and Data (1 July 2012)

The following sections describe the design plans and data submission requirements for ABS Classing of
fixed installations and associated hydrocarbon production and processing systems, subsystems, equipment
and/or components.
i) 4-2/Table 1 and 4-2/3 through 4-2/23, as applicable, identifies the hydrocarbon production and
processing systems, subsystems, equipment and/or components that require approval for ABS
Classification of the floating installations.
ii) The submitted design plans and data are to be in accordance with the requirements of these Rules
and the latest edition of the specified codes and/or standards, as referenced herein and Appendix 4,
from contract date
iii) The design plans and data, as specified in these Rules, are to be generally submitted electronically to
ABS. However, hard copies will also be accepted.
iv) All plan submissions originating from designers or manufacturers are understood to be made with
the knowledge of the main contracting party.
v) For production and processing systems, subsystems, equipment or components not listed in
4-2/Table 1 or 4-2/3 through 4-2/23, the designers or manufacturers should contact the appropriate
ABS Technical Office for guidance on technical and survey requirements and completion of the
approval process.
vi) All plan submissions originating from manufacturers are understood to be made with the cognizance
of the main contracting party. A fee may be charged for the review of plans that are not covered
by the contract of Classification.
It should be noted that due to the varying configurations of offshore production facilities, portions of these
requirements may not be applicable to a given installation.

Design Plans and Data Submission Requirements (1 July 2012)
ABS technical documentation requirements for classing facilities on fixed installations:
1. Facility Documentation
1. Project Specifications
2. General Arrangement and Equipment Layout Drawings
3. Area Classification and Ventilation Drawings

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 4-2

TABLE 1 (continued)
Design Plans and Data Submission Requirements (1 July 2012)
2. Hydrocarbon Production and Processing Systems
1. Process Flow Sheets
2. Heat and Mass Balance
3. Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P & ID’s) for facility and each system or subsystem
4. Safety Analysis Function Evaluation (SAFE) Charts
5. Packaged Process Units
6. Process Equipment Documentation
7. Process Piping Specifications
8. Pressure Relief and Depressurization Systems
9. Flare and Vent Systems
10. Spill Containment, Closed and Open Drain Systems
11. Sub-sea Production Systems (Optional
3. Process Support Systems
1. Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P & ID’s) for each system or subsystem
2. Equipment Documentation
3. Process Support Piping Specifications
4. Internal-Combustion Engines and Turbines
5. Cranes (Optional)
4. Marine Support Systems
See 4-6-1/9 of the Steel Vessel Rules and 4-2-1/3 of the MODU Rules, as applicable
5. Electrical Installations
1. Electrical One-line Diagrams
2. Short-Circuit Current Calculations
3. Coordination Study
4. Specifications and Data Sheets for Generators and Motors
5. Specifications and Data Sheets for Distribution Transformers
6. Details of Storage Batteries
7. Details of Emergency Power Source
8. Standard Details of Wiring Cable and Conduit Installation Practices
9. Switchboard and Distribution Panel
10. Panelboard
11. Installations in Classified Areas
12. Schematic Drawings – Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems
13. Programmable Electronic Systems
14. FMEA or FMECA for Computer-Based System

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 4-2

TABLE 1 (continued)
Design Plans and Data Submission Requirements (1 July 2012)
6. Instrumentation and Control Systems
1. General Arrangements
2. Data Sheets
3. Schematic Drawings – Electrical Systems
7. Fire Protection and Personnel Safety
1. Firewater System
2. Water Spray (Deluge) Systems for Process Equipment
3. Foam Systems for Crude Storage Tanks
4. Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems
5. Paint Lockers and Flammable Material Storerooms
6. Emergency Control Stations
7. Portable and Semi-Portable Extinguishers
8. Fire and Gas Detection and Alarm Systems
9. Fire and Gas Cause and Effect Chart
10. Structural Fire Protection (which indicates classification of all bulkheads for: quarters section,
machinery spaces and processing facilities)
11. HVAC plan (including AHU location, duct layout, duct construction and bulkhead penetration
12. Joiner detail arrangement and structural fire protection material certification
13. Guard Rails
14. Escape and Egress Routes (may be included on the fire control plan or separate plan)
15. Muster stations
16. Lifesaving Appliances and Equipment Plan (escape routes must be indicated)
17. Insulation of Hot Surfaces
8. Specific Arrangements
1. Arrangements for Storage Tank Venting and Inerting
2. Arrangements for Use of Produced Gas as Fuel
9. Start-up and Commissioning Manual
10. Topside Structure and Structural Arrangements

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 4-2

3 Details (1 July 2012)

Plans and data for equipment and components are to provide the following, as applicable:
i) Model and size
ii) Design specifications, including design codes, standards, and references
iii) Design parameters: loads, temperature, environmental conditions, etc.
iv) Design analysis and/or calculations, as applicable
v) Dimensional details and drawings
vi) Fabrication details and welding configurations
vii) Material specifications and material properties

5 Facility Documentation (1 July 2012)

5.1 Project Specifications

Project specifications are to provide the following, as a minimum:
i) Brief descriptions of field location
ii) Environmental conditions
iii) Well shut-in pressure
iv) Well fluid properties
v) Production plans
vi) Hydrocarbon (oil/gas) transportation arrangements

5.3 General Arrangement and Equipment Layout Drawings

General arrangement and layout drawings are to show:
i) Arrangements and locations of living quarters, control rooms, and machinery spaces, including all
entrances, exits and openings to these spaces.
ii) Arrangements and locations of machinery, process equipment, cargo storage, etc.

5.5 Area Classifications and Ventilation Drawings

i) Plans for area classifications and ventilation are to show, as applicable:
• Extent of all Class I, Division 1 and 2, areas and spaces; or
• Extent of all Class 1, Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 2 areas and spaces
ii) Arrangements for ventilation of enclosed spaces, and
• Locations of all ventilation inlets and outlets, with respect to the hazardous areas
Locations of all entrances, exits and openings, with respect to the hazardous areas.

5.7 Escape and Egress Route

Plans showing all escape and egress route on the complete facility.

5.9 Muster Locations

Plans showing all muster locations on the complete facility.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 4-2

7 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems (1 July 2012)

7.1 General
To evaluate the process safety system, the assumptions as made by the designers and as provided in the
following documents are to be submitted:
• Project Specification – See 4-2/5.1
• Process Flow Sheets – See 4-2/7.3
• Heat and Mass Balance – See 4-2/7.5
Although these documents will not be approved by ABS, they are critical to approval of the facility, and
are to be kept for reference throughout the design review process.

7.3 Process Flow Sheets

Process flow sheets are to identify the following, as a minimum:
i) Each process stream
ii) Process equipment
iii) Planned addition
iv) Symbols used

7.5 Heat and Mass Balance

Heat and mass balance specification for each process stream under normal operating and upset conditions
are to include the following, as a minimum:
i) Flow rate
ii) Composition
iii) Conditions (temperature, pressure, and vapor/liquid ratio)

7.7 Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P & ID's)

P & ID’s diagrams showing:
i) Design, and operating conditions
ii) Designation and size of all major process equipment
iii) Piping class specifications (designation and size) for:
• Piping
• Valves
• Pipe fittings and in-line equipment/components such as strainers, filters, etc.
• Sensing and control instrumentation
iv) Shutdown and pressure relief devices with set points
v) Signal circuits
vi) Set points for controllers
vii) Continuity of all line pipes
viii) Boundaries of skid units and process packages.
Safety Analysis Function Evaluation (S.A.F.E.) Charts (see 4-2/7.9) are preferably to be submitted in
conjunction with the P & ID’s.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 4-2

7.9 Safety Analysis Function Evaluation (S.A.F.E.) Charts and Cause and Effect Matrix
7.9.1 S.A.F.E. Chart
S.A.F.E. chart is to list all process systems, subsystems, equipment, components and associated
emergency support systems with their required instruments, controls, safety devices, and is to list
the functions to be performed by each device. See API RP 14C and API RP 14J.
7.9.2 Cause and Effect Matrix
Cause and Effect Matrix establishes the relation between the causes of a hazardous event and the
effects of that event. Cause-and-Effect Matrix is to list all causes and the associated resulting
effect or event. Cause-and-Effect Matrix can also uncover the interdependencies between the
initiating causes and the resultant event or events (effect). Cause and Effect Matrix can be in the
form of table, chart, or diagram format.

7.11 Packaged Process Units

Packaged process units include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Dehydration • Stabilizing
• Separation • Vapor recovery
• Sweetening • Gas compression for fuel or re-injection
Documentation requirements for packaged process units include:
i) Skid arrangements and assembly drawings
ii) P & ID’s – See 4-2/7.7
iii) S.A.F.E. Charts and Cause and Effect Matrix – See 4-2/7.9
iv) Process equipment documentation – See 4-2/7.13
v) Piping system documentation – See 4-2/7.15
vi) Pressure relief and depressurization systems – See 4-2/7.17
vii) Electrical one-line diagrams – See 4-2/13.1
viii) Control schematic – See 4-2/15.5
ix) Structural design calculations for skid units in dry condition with a center of gravity height of more
than 1.5 m (5 ft) or a maximum operating weight in excess of 10 MT (metric ton) or 22.05 Kips.

7.13 Process Equipment Documentation

Complete design specification including, but not limited to, the following documents for verification of
compliance to recognized codes and/or standards for equipment as listed in 4-2/Table 2, as applicable:
i) Equipment technical specifications
ii) Design data (data sheets) such as pressure, temperature, corrosion allowance, service conditions,
external loads etc.
iii) Design calculations or analysis
iv) Details of pressure relief arrangement
v) Dimensional details/drawings covering arrangements and details
vi) Corrosion allowances
vii) Material specifications
viii) Weld details and welding procedure specifications and qualifications
ix) Extent and method of non-destructive testing
x) Test pressure
xi) Factory acceptance test procedures

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 4-2

Major Equipment Plans, Calculations and Technical Documentation
for Class Requirements (1 July 2012)
Production/Process Pressure Vessels X
Fired Vessels X
Heat Exchangers X
Storage Tanks X
Meters, Strainers, Filters, And Other Fluid Conditioners
< 254 mm (10 in.) and 10.54 kg/cm2 (150 psi) X
≥ 254 mm (10 in.) or 10.54 kg/cm (150 psi) X
< 7 kg/cm2 (100 psi) and 757 liters/min (200 gpm) X
≥ 7 kg/cm2 (100 psi) or 757 liters/min (200 gpm) X
< 7 kg/cm2 (100 psi) and 28.3 m3/min (1000 scfm) X
2 3
≥ 7 kg/cm (100 psi) or 28.3 m /min (1000 scfm) X
Flowlines And Manifolds X
Scraper Launchers/Receivers X
Packaged Process Units X
Flare Systems X
Subsea Systems X


Pressure Vessels
< 7 kg/cm2 (100 psi) and 93.3°C (200°F) X
≥ 7 kg/cm2 (100 psi) or 93.3°C (200°F) X
Heat Exchangers
< 7 kg/cm2 (100 psi) and 93.3°C (200°F) X
≥ 7 kg/cm (100 psi) or 93.3°C (200°F) X
Pumps X
Air Compressors X
Engines And Turbines
< 100 kW (134 hp) X
≥ 100 kW (134 hp) X
Packaged Support Systems
< 7 kg/cm2 (100 psi) and 93.3°C (200°F) X
≥ 7 kg/cm2 (100 psi) or 93.3°C (200°F) X


All systems, subsystems, equipment and components are to comply with ABS SVR or ABS
MODU Rules


< 100 kW (134 hp) X
≥ 100 kW (134 hp) X

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 4-2

TABLE 2 (continued)
Major Equipment Plans/Calculations and Technical Documentation
for Class Requirements (1 July 2012)
< 100 kW (134 hp) X
≥ 100 kW (134 hp) X
Distribution Transformers X
Switchboard, MCC, Panelboards X
Storage Batteries X


Control Panels X
Fire Pumps X
Fire Pump Skid Package X
Alarm Panels X
Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems (Nozzles, Controls, Bottles, etc.) X
Fire and Gas Detection Systems (Sensors, Panel, Cables, etc.) X
For modules that require design review, see 3-3/23.3, 3-3/7, 3-2/5.27, 3-2/7.11 and 4-2/7.11

A Technical specifications, data sheets, dimensional details/drawings, design calculations/analysis,
including manufacturer’s affidavit of compliance are to be submitted for ABS Engineering review.
B Manufacturer’s affidavit of compliance to the applicable codes and/or standards are to be submitted
to ABS.
C Documentations are to be verified by the attending Surveyor at the location of installation

7.15 Process Piping Specifications

Process piping line list to include, but not limited to, the following:
i) Design specifications, such as pressure rating, temperature rating, service rating, etc.
ii) Pipe and fitting material lists
iii) Sizes
iv) Calculations for pipe wall thickness, etc.

7.17 Pressure Relief and Depressurization Systems

Pressure relief valves and depressurization systems plans and data including, but not limited to:
i) Design and capacity calculations
ii) Sizes and arrangements
iii) Set points
iv) Materials

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 4-2

7.19 Flare and Vent System

Flare and vent system details including, but not limited to:
i) Sizing and arrangements
ii) Gas dispersion analysis including basis of analysis
iii) Radiant heat intensities
iv) Design calculations for blow-down rates
v) Water seals and gas purging systems
vi) Knockout drum sizing details
vii) Details of flare tips
viii) Details of pilots
ix) Details for ignition system
x) Details of pressure relief and depressurizations systems
In the case of proprietary flare tips, validation reports to supplement the radiant heat intensity values are to
be specified and submitted.

7.21 Spill Containment, Closed and Open Drain Systems

Arrangements for spill containment, details of piping connections to all process equipment, sealing, and
slope of drains are to be specified and submitted.

7.23 Sub-sea Production Systems (Optional)

Provide the following for subsea production systems to include, but not limited to, the following:
i) Stress calculations for structural components
ii) P & ID’s – See 4-2/7.7
iii) S.A.F.E. charts – See 4-2/7.9
iv) Equipment technical specifications and data sheets – See 4-2/7.13
v) Control schematics – See 3-2/15.5
vi) Assembly drawings
vii) Installation and operation procedures

9 Process and Platform Support Systems (1 July 2012)

Process and platform support systems include, but are not limited to, the following:
i) Utility/Instrument Air System
ii) Fuel/Instrument Gas System
iii) Use of produced gas as fuel for process equipment
iv) Purging System
v) Fuel Oil System
vi) Lubricating Oil System
vii) Crude Oil Storage and Flammable Liquid Facility
viii) Drainage System
ix) Hydraulic System
x) Sewage Treatment System

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 4-2

xi) Chemical Injection System

xii) Helicopter Refueling System
xiii) Vent System
xiv) Drain System
xv) Platform Drilling Systems
xvi) Heating and Cooling System
Plans and data requirements for process support systems are as follows:

9.1 Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P & ID’s)

Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P & ID’s) for each process support system. See 4-2/7.7.

9.3 Equipment Documentation

Equipment technical specifications, data sheets, drawings and supporting design calculations for each
equipment component such as pressure vessels, heat exchangers, pumps and compressors. See 4-2/7.13.

9.5 Piping Specifications

Piping specifications, materials, sizes and pressure ratings for all pipes, valves and fittings, calculations for
pipe wall thickness, and line list with design conditions. See 4-2/7.15.

9.7 Internal-Combustion Engines and Turbines

Technical specifications for internal-combustion engines and turbines to include, but not limited to the
i) Types
ii) Horsepower
iii) Rated speed / revolutions per minute
iv) Shutdown arrangements
v) Manufacturer’s affidavit of compliance verifying compliance with recognized standards

9.9 Cranes (Optional)

Technical specifications for cranes to include, but not limited to, the following:
i) Dimensional details/drawings
ii) Structural design calculations
iii) Load rating chart
iv) Test certificates for wire rope

11 Marine Support Systems (1 July 2012)

Submissions are to be as required by the applicable parts of the Steel Vessel Rules or MODU Rules. See
Chapter 2, Section 2 for “Marine Support Systems” definition.
Typical marine support systems include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Steam Systems • Cargo Handling System
• Power Generations • Sea Water System
• Fuel Oil and Lube Oil • Sewage Treatment System
• Fresh Water • Helicopter Refueling System

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 4-2

• Integral Cargo Storage Tank Venting • Oil Fired Inert Gas Generator
• Drainage System
• Inert Gas Supply

13 Electrical Systems

13.1 Electrical One-Line Diagrams

Electrical one-line diagrams are to indicate, but not limited to, the following:
i) Ratings of generators, transformers, motors, and other loads
ii) Rated load current of each branch circuit
iii) Type and size and temperature rating of cables
iv) Rating or settings of circuit breakers, fuses, and switches
v) Interrupting capacity of switchgear, motor control centers, and distribution panels

13.3 Short-circuit Current Calculations

To establish that the protective devices on the main and emergency switchboards have sufficient short-
circuit breaking and making capacities, data are to be submitted giving:
i) The maximum calculated short-circuit current in symmetrical r.m.s. and asymmetrical peak values
available at the main bus bars
ii) The maximum allowable breaking and making capacities of the protective device
iii) Similar calculations are to be made at other points in the distribution system where necessary, to
determine the adequacy of the interrupting capacities of protective devices.

13.5 Coordination Study

A protective device coordination study is to be submitted to include the following:
i) The protective device coordination study is to consist of an organized time-current study of all
protective devices in series.
ii) The study is to be from the utilization equipment to the source for all circuit protection devices
having different settings or time-current characteristics for long-time delay tripping, short-time
delay tripping, and instantaneous tripping, where applicable.
iii) Where an over-current relay is provided in series and is adjacent to the circuit protection device,
the operating and time-current characteristics of the relay are to be considered for coordination.

13.7 Specifications and Data Sheets for Generators and Motors

13.7.1 100 kW and Over
For generators and motors of 100 kW (134 hp) and over, submit the following:
i) Assembly drawings
ii) Seating arrangements
ii) Terminal arrangements
iv) Designed ambient temperature, temperature rise
v) Data for complete rating, and class of insulation
vi) Shafts, coupling, coupling bolts, stator and rotor details
vii) Weights and speeds for rotating parts

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 4-2

13.7.2 Less than 100 kW

For generators and motors under 100 kW (134 hp), submit nameplate data along with degree of

13.9 Specifications and Data Sheets for Transformers (1 July 2012)

Submit the following documents for transformers:
i) Rating
ii) Class of insulation
iii) Rated ambient temperature
iv) Rated temperature rise
v) Details of enclosure and standard to which manufactured
Test reports in accordance with the standard of construction are to be made available upon request.

13.11 Details of Storage Batteries

Details of storage batteries are to include, but not limited, the following:
i) Arrangement
ii) Ventilation
iii) Corrosion protection
iv) Types and capacities
v) Conductors and charging facilities
vi) Over-current protection
vii) Reverse current protection

13.13 Details of Emergency Power Source

Submit location, arrangement, and services required to maintain the integrity of the facility in the event of
primary power loss.

13.15 Standard Details of Wiring Cable and Conduit Installation Practices (1 July 2012)
Standards and procedures for wiring practices and details are to be submitted, and are to include, but not
limited to, the following:
i) Cable supports
ii) Earthing details and connections
iii) Bulkhead and deck penetrations
iv) Cable joints and sealing
v) Cable splicing
vi) Watertight and explosion-proof connections to equipment
vii) Bonding connections

13.17 Switchboard, Distribution Boards and Motor Control Centers (1 July 2012)
i) Complete list and specifications for:
• Materials
• Manufacturer’s name
• Model number

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 4-2

• Rating, size, and type

• Testing laboratory’s listing number (if any), or indication of construction standard for components
such as:
- Switchboard enclosure
- Circuit breakers
- All types of fuses
- Power and control wiring
- Bus bars
- Connectors and terminals
- Power switches
ii) An outline and details of the switchboard, to include:
• Overall dimensions
• Front view indicating instrumentation
• Circuit breakers
• Switches
• Drip-shields
• Hand-rail
• Securing supporting details
iii) Bracing arrangements and calculations to determine that bus bars and short runs of power cables
are adequately braced to withstand the mechanical forces that the switchboard may be subjected to
under fault conditions.
iv) A complete wiring schematic, including type of wiring, size, and setting of protective devices.
v) One-line schematic of the bus bars, indicating rating for each of the horizontal and vertical buses,
the exact connection of circuit breakers to the bus bars, setting of the power circuit breakers and
loads ampacities and power cable sizes, if available.
vi) Actual bus bar arrangement of the horizontal, vertical, and ground buses, including:
• Bus bar material
• Size and rating
• Separation distances between bus bars
• Separation distances between bus bars and bare metal parts
vii) Grounding details
viii) If applicable, details of metal barriers provided to isolate bus bars, wiring, and associated components

13.19 Panelboard
The information as specified in 4-2/13.17i), ii), v) and vii) as applicable.

13.21 Installations in Classified Areas

List of all electrical equipment installed in classified areas, together with documentation issued by an
independent accredited testing laboratory certifying suitability for intended services.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 4-2

15 Instrumentation and Control Systems

15.1 General Arrangements

Submit layout plans for local controllers, central controllers, displays, printers, and other instrumentation and
control devices.

15.3 Instrumentation List (1 July 2012)

Submit a list of instrumentation and control equipment, including monitoring, control, and alarm set points
and ranges.

15.5 Schematic Drawings – Electrical Systems (1 July 2012)

Schematic drawings/details of electrical systems are to include types and sizes of electrical cables and wiring,
voltage rating, service voltage and current, overload and short-circuit protection for the following systems:
i) Process control panels
ii) Emergency shut-down (ESD) panels
iii) Intrinsically safe systems
iv) Fire and gas detection and alarm panels
v) Fire alarm circuits
vi) Emergency generator or fire pump drive starting circuit

15.7 Schematic Drawings – Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems

Submit system description of hydraulic and pneumatic control systems, including pipe sizes and materials,
pressure ratings, and relief valve settings.

15.9 Programmable Electronic Systems (1 July 2012)

Submit the following documentation:
i) Control philosophy
ii) Schematic alarm
iii) Monitoring and control arrangements
iv) Redundancy arrangements
v) Failure modes of the system components
See also API RP 14J.

17 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety

17.1 Firewater System (1 July 2012)

Firewater system plans are to include, but not limited to, the following:
i) Pump and piping arrangements
ii) Location of isolation valves
iii) Locations of firewater stations
iv) Details of fire pumps including pump drivers, pump capacity and pressure
v) Hydraulic calculations for sizing of fire pump capacity and fire main.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 4-2

17.3 Water Spray Systems for Process Equipment

Submit plans showing the arrangement for firewater piping and spraying nozzles, as well as detailed hydraulic

17.5 Foam Systems for Helicopter Facilities with Refueling Capabilities and for Crude Oil
Storage Tanks (if provided) (1 July 2012)
Foam system plans are to indicate the arrangement for:
i) Firewater supply
ii) Foam supply and delivery
iii) Type of foam and expansion ratio
iv) Capacity calculations for areas protected

17.7 Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems (1 July 2012)

Fixed fire extinguishing plans are to show the following:
i) Arrangement for piping
ii) Arrangement for spraying nozzles
iii) Storage of the extinguishing medium
iv) Details of control and alarm for release of the extinguishing medium
v) Capacity calculations and discharge time calculations for areas protected

17.9 Paint Lockers and Flammable Material Storerooms

Submit plans and calculations showing details of fixed fire extinguishing systems for the paint lockers and
flammable material storerooms.

17.11 Fire Control and Lifesaving Equipment Plan (1 July 2012)

Submit a fire control and lifesaving equipment plan. The plan is to include the following:
i) Portable and Semi-portable Extinguishers. The plan is to include type(s), quantities, and locations
of portable and semi-portable extinguishers for the platform.
ii) Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems. The plan is to show locations, controls, protected spaces/areas
and types of extinguishing systems.
iii) Fire and Gas Detection and Alarm Systems. The plan is to show:
• The location and type of fire detectors and gas detectors
• The location of indicating panel
iv) Emergency Control Stations. The plan is to include location and equipment.
v) Lifesaving Appliances and Equipment. The plan is to show types, capacity, quantity and location.
vi) Structural Fire Protection. The plan is to show arrangements, locations and types of fire walls.
vii) Guard Rails and Escape Routes. The plan is to show arrangement of protective guard rails, toe
plates and means of escape from normally manned spaces.

17.13 Fire and Gas Detection and Alarm Systems

Plans are to indicate:
i) Locations and details of power supplies
ii) Sensors
iii) Annunciation and indicating equipment

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 2 Design Plans and Data 4-2

iv) Set points of alarm systems

v) Data sheets for detectors

17.15 Fire and Gas Cause and Effect Chart

Relate all fire and gas sensors to shutdowns, operation of fixed systems and fire control plans.

17.17 Insulation of Hot Surfaces

Submit details of insulation and shielding provided for personnel safety and fire protection.

19 Arrangements for Storage Tank Venting and Inerting

Submit arrangements for storage tank venting and inerting systems if the fixed installation has the crude
storage capability.

21 Arrangements for Use of Produced Gas as Fuel

Submit piping and control arrangements for use of produced gas as fuel, showing details of double wall or
ducting arrangements for the pipe runs in way of the safe space.

23 Start-up and Commissioning Procedures Manual

The manual outlined in Chapter 5, Section 1 is to be submitted for review as early as possible, prior to the
commissioning of the platform.

25 Maintenance of Class Modifications

Details of modifications to machinery, piping, process equipment, etc., which may affect classification, are
to be submitted for approval. Typically, these include the following:
i) Equipment changes and modifications, including changes in alarms, instrumentation, and control
ii) Facility throughput changes and changes in feed and product compositions
iii) Changes in operating conditions, including pressures, temperatures, flow rates, or process conditions
different from those in the original process or mechanical design
iv) Changes in pressure relief requirements due to factors such as increased process throughput, operation
at higher temperatures or pressures, increased size of equipment, or addition of equipment
v) Changes to process support systems, such as changes to chemical injection, gas dehydration, etc.

Section 3: Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems

CHAPTER 4 Fixed Installations

SECTION 3 Hydrocarbon Production and Process Systems

1 General

1.1 Scope (1 July 2012)

The minimum criteria applicable to systems, subsystems, equipment and/or components for handling and
processing produced hydrocarbons from completed wells are defined in Chapter 3, Section 3 of these Rules.
These requirements address process equipment such as process vessels, heat exchangers, fired heaters,
compressors and pumps, as well as the associated piping, process control, and process safety systems.
The documentation requirements for design review are given in Chapter 4, Section 2.

Section 4: Process and Platform Support Systems

CHAPTER 4 Fixed Installations

SECTION 4 Process and Platform Support Systems

1 General

1.1 Scope (1 July 2012)

This Section provides requirements for the design and installation of process and platform support systems
on fixed installations.
Process support systems are utility and auxiliary systems that complement the hydrocarbon production and
process systems. See 4-2/9 for list of typical process support systems.
Process and platform support piping design criteria are to be in accordance with API RP 14E, ASME B31.3
or other recognized codes and/or standards.
General arrangement of these systems is to comply with API RP 14J, or other recognized codes and/or standard.
The documentation requirements for design review are given in Chapter 4, Section 2.

1.3 Applicability
Process support systems and platform support systems for fixed installations are to meet the requirements
of Chapter 3, Section 4, except as modified below.

3 Equipment Requirements

3.1 Pressure Vessels and Heat Exchangers

The designer of a fixed installation may not have to address issues arising from the motion of the floating
The design of pressure vessels and heat exchangers for a fixed installation is to ensure that stresses due to
external nozzle loads and moments, and stresses due to any other applicable external forces such as wind
or seismic activity are within the limits allowed by the code. (See also 3-4/3.1 and 3-4/3.3.)

5 System Requirements
Platform piping design, selection of valves, fittings, are to be in accordance with API RP 14E, ASME B31.3,
or other recognized standards.

5.1 Use of Produced Gas as Fuel

The requirements of 3-4/5.7 are applicable to all enclosed spaces, including spaces located on the production
deck, that have boilers, inert gas generators, and combustion engines using produced gas as fuel.

5.3 Fuel Storage for Helicopter Facilities

5.3.1 Location
i) Fuel storage and transfer facilities are to be remote or suitably isolated from areas that contain
a source of vapor ignition, and are not to be located in the approach path of the helicopter.
ii) The storage and transfer area is to be permanently marked as an area where smoking and
open flames are not permitted.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 4 Process and Platform Support Systems 4-4

5.3.2 Tank Construction

i) Fuel storage tanks are to be of approved metal construction.
ii) For pressurized tanks, the criteria for pressure vessels in 4-4/3.1 above are to be followed.
iii) The design and fabrication of atmospheric or low-pressure tanks are to be in accordance
with Part 3, Section 4 of the Offshore Installation Rules.
iv) Alternatively, the criteria for deep tanks as per the Steel Vessel Rules may be followed.
v) Special attention is to be given to the design, mounting, securing arrangement, and electrical
bonding of the storage tank and the fuel transfer system.
5.3.3 Tank Vents
i) Tank vents are to be sized in accordance with API Standard 2000, “Venting Atmospheric
and Low-Pressure Storage Tanks”.
ii) Vent outlets are to be located so that vapors will disperse freely.
5.3.4 Remote Control
i) Storage tank outlet valves are to be provided with a means of remote closure in case of fire.
ii) Gray cast iron valves are not to be used as shutoff valves for fuel oil tanks.
iii) Means are also to be provided for remote shutdown of the fuel transfer unit.
5.3.5 Containment
i) A containment of at least 150 mm (6 in.) high is to be provided around the fuel storage area,
including the pumping unit and associated piping, to contain spillage and retain fire
extinguishing agents.
ii) If the installation is designed with the fuel storage tank(s) cantilevered from the platform and
arranged to be jettisoned, containment will be required only around the fuel-pumping unit.
5.3.6 Drain
Drainage is to be provided for the area enclosed by the containment and is to comply with the
i) The area within the containment is to be sloped toward the drain line.
ii) The drain line is to be led to a holding tank complying with 4-4/5.3.2 and 4-4/5.3.3.
iii) The drain line cross-sectional area is to be at least twice that of the fuel storage tank outlet
5.3.7 Containment with No Drainage
Containment not provided with drainage arrangements in accordance with the above is to be sized
to contain the full volume of the fuel storage tank plus 150 mm (6 in.) of foam.

5.5 Sewage Treatment Systems

Government Authority is to be consulted for requirements of sewage discharge to the sea.

5.7 Vent System

i) Vent pipes are to be fitted to all tanks and are to be located at the highest part of the tank.
ii) Vents for fuel oil tanks are to be led to the weather.
iii) Where tanks are to be filled by pump pressure, the aggregate area of the vents in the tank is to be
at least 125% of the effective area of the filling line.
iv) Vent outlets from fuel oil tanks are to be fitted with corrosion-resistant flame screens having a
clear area through the mesh not less than the required area of the vent pipe and are to be located
where the possibility of ignition of gases issuing from the vent outlets is remote.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 4 Process and Platform Support Systems 4-4

5.9 Drainage System

i) Efficient means are to be provided for draining water from all enclosed spaces where leakage or
accumulation of water may be critical for structural strength or operation of equipment.
ii) Drains from hazardous and non-hazardous areas are to be separated. See 3-4/5.5 and also 3-3/13.7 for
iii) Attention is to be directed to Governmental Authority requirements relative to the drain discharge
to sea.

7 Crude Oil and Flammable Liquid Storage Facility Arrangement

The requirements of this Subsection apply to fixed installations that have storage capability for crude oil or
flammable liquids, such as methanol, with a flash point of 60°C (140°F) or less. See 4-8/5.5 or 4-8/5.7.4
for applicable fire protection requirements.

7.1 Tank Venting Systems

i) Where pressure/vacuum relief valves are fitted on crude oil storage tanks, pressure relief lines are
to be connected to the low-pressure (less than 2.5 psig or 0.17 kg/cm2) flare header, or vented to a
safe location.
ii) The outlets of high velocity vents or free flow vents are to be located not less than 10 m (33 ft)
from the air intakes and openings to spaces containing the sources of ignition.
iii) Free flow vents are to be fitted with flame arresters.

7.3 Storage Tank Purging and Blanketing Systems

7.3.1 Purging and Blanketing
i) On facilities equipped for storage of liquid hydrocarbons, a permanently installed inert
gas system is to be provided for purging and tank blanketing.
ii) Either inert gas or produced gas is to be used to maintain crude oil storage tanks with a
positive pressure in relation to the surrounding atmosphere.
iii) The storage tanks are to be previously purged with inert gas when produced gas is used
for tank blanketing.
iv) Inert gas and produced gas used for tank blanketing are to be in accordance with
4-4/7.3.2, 4-4/7.3.3, 4-4/7.3.4, below and 4-4/7.5 and 4-4/7.7.
7.3.2 Oxygen Content and Monitor
i) The oxygen content of the inert gas used is not to exceed 5% by volume.
ii) Oxygen monitoring equipment is to be provided to monitor oxygen levels in the inert gas
supply as well as in the storage facilities.
7.3.3 Capacity and Pressure
i) The inert gas source is to be capable of supplying gas at a rate not less than 125% of the
highest possible oil transfer rate.
ii) The system is to be designed so that the maximum pressure which can be exerted on the
tank(s) does not exceed 0.24 kg/cm2 (3.5 psi).
7.3.4 Isolating Valves
Shutoff valves are to be fitted on both the suction and discharge connections for each blower, or at
the inlet and outlet of the final pressure regulator in a stored gas system.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 4 Process and Platform Support Systems 4-4

7.5 Inert Gas Supply

7.5.1 General
The inert gas may be treated flue gas from boiler(s) or from a separate inert gas generator. In all
cases, automatic combustion control suitable for operation under all service conditions is to be fitted.
The following specific requirements apply.
7.5.2 Demister
Demisters or equivalent devices are to be provided to minimize carryover of water from the scrubber
and the deck water seal.
7.5.3 Gas-regulating Valve
The gas-regulating valve is to be arranged to close automatically when any of the following conditions
i) Loss of water pressure to deck seal(s)
ii) Loss of control power
7.5.4 Blowers
When two (2) blowers are provided, the total required capacity of the inert gas system is preferably
to be divided equally between the two (2) blowers, and in no case is one (1) blower to have a capacity
less than 1/3 of the total capacity required.

7.7 Oil Fired Inert Gas Generators

7.7.1 Fire Protection
The space in which any oil fired inert gas generator is situated is to be protected with a fixed fire
extinguishing system. See also 4-8/5.5.
7.7.2 Venting
Arrangements are to be made to vent the inert gas from oil fired inert gas generators to the atmosphere
when the inert gas produced is off specification (e.g., during starting-up or in case of equipment
7.7.3 Fuel Oil Shutdown
Automatic shutdown of the fuel oil supply to inert gas generators is to be arranged on predetermined
limits being reached with respect to low water pressure or low water flow rate of the cooling and
scrubbing arrangement, and with respect to high gas temperature.

9 Platform Drilling Systems (1 July 2012)

See the MODU Rules and the ABS Guide for the Classification of Drilling Systems for applicable requirements
for the drilling, workover, and completion systems.

Section 5 <Intentionally Left Blank>

CHAPTER 4 Fixed Installations



Section 6: Electrical Systems

CHAPTER 4 Fixed Installations

SECTION 6 Electrical Systems

1 Applicability
Electrical installations for all fixed installations are to meet the requirements of Chapter 3, Section 6, except
as modified as follows herein. They need not meet the requirements of the Steel Vessel Rules or MODU Rules.

3 Transformers
Fixed platforms need not comply with 3-6/9.3.

5 Switchgear
Fixed platforms need not comply with 3-6/11.11.

7 Hazardous Areas
Fixed platforms need not comply with 3-6/15.5.

9 Power Source Requirements

Fixed platforms need not comply with 3-6/21, provided they comply with the requirements listed below.
This Subsection details minimum electrical power generation for operation. It is to be noted that governmental
regulations may require reserve main power or an emergency power source in excess of these requirements.

9.1 Unmanned Facilities

9.1.1 Main Power
The main power source(s) is to be sufficient to maintain the maximum intended operational loads
of the facility without need to use the emergency source of power.
9.1.2 Emergency Power
An emergency power source, independent of the facility’s main power, is to be sufficient to supply
services for navigational aids as required by the local Coastal Authority, but not for less than four (4).

9.3 Manned Facilities

9.3.1 Main Power
The main power source(s) is to be sufficient to maintain the maximum intended operational load
of the facility.

9.5 Manned Facilities in Severe Environments

In areas of severe environment (See 2-1/99), sources of power for systems vital to safety, such as firefighting
and protection of personnel from severe environmental effects, are to include at least the following:

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 6 Electrical Systems 4-6

9.5.1 Main Power

Two (2) main generators, each is to be capable of maintaining the operation of essential equipment
on the platform.
9.5.2 Emergency Power
i) An emergency source of power for systems vital to safety, firefighting and protection of
personnel, is to be provided to supply the services as listed herein.
ii) Provision for emergency power supply less than those listed herein will be considered,
provided adequate technical justification is submitted.
iii) Loads to be supplied by the emergency source of power are listed in 4-6/9.5.3 and 4-6/9.5.4:
9.5.3 Fire Pump
i) Where both fire pumps, required by 4-8/5.1.2 of these Rules, are electric motor-driven,
one of these pumps is to be powered by the emergency source of power.
ii) The emergency source of power is to have sufficient fuel for at least 18 hours of fire pump
9.5.4 Other Loads
The following loads are to be powered by the designated emergency source of power:

i) Fire detection 18 hours

ii) Gas detection 18 hours
iii) Communication 18 hours
iv) ESD system (if electric) 18 hours
v) Paging and alarm system 18 hours
vi) Emergency lighting from all spaces to all 18 hours
alternative egress points
vii) Electric blowout preventer control system 18 hours
viii) Navigational aids As required by the applicable Coastal
Authority, but not less than 4 days

11 Emergency Source of Power

Manned facilities on fixed installations in severe environment need not comply with 3-6/23, provided they
comply with the requirements listed below.

11.1 General
An emergency source of power as required by 4-6/9 may be supplied by an emergency generator (3-6/23)
or batteries (3-6/25). Installations are to be in accordance with section 5.6 of API RP 14F and the following:

11.3 Location
i) The emergency power source is to be self-contained on the same platform or structure as the loads
it supplies (unless the power source and loads are each on fixed platforms connected by a permanent
means such as a bridge).
ii) The emergency power source is to be installed in a safe space that is to be outside the space containing
the main power source and other machinery spaces.

11.5 Operability
i) Boundaries of spaces containing the emergency source(s) of power are to be insulated to not less
than A-60 when these boundaries are common with any machinery space or hazardous area.
ii) Emergency source of power is to be capable of starting and/or operating independently, whether
hydrocarbon production and processing facilities are on stream or shut down.

Section 7: Instrumentation and Control Systems

CHAPTER 4 Fixed Installations

SECTION 7 Instrumentation and Control Systems


Section 8: Fire Protection and Personnel Safety

CHAPTER 4 Fixed Installations

SECTION 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety

1 General

1.1 Scope
The fire protection and personnel safety features are to comply with this Section, NFPA Standards and
Recommended Practices, and API RP 14G, as referenced herein.
Due to the varying configurations of offshore production facilities, fire protection requirements will vary
This Section provides requirements for manned production facilities. The documentation requirements for
design review are given in Chapter 4, Section 2.

1.3 Governmental Authority

In addition to ABS Class requirements, depending on the unit’s flag of registry and the unit’s intended area
of operation, the coastal state may have additional requirements/regulations which may need to be met;
therefore, the appropriate governmental authorities are to be consulted for each installation.

1.5 Applicability
Fire protection and personnel safety features for fixed platforms and self-elevating drilling units (SEDU)
which convert into fixed platforms are to meet this Section of these Rules.

3 Requirements for Fire Fighting Systems

The following are minimum requirements for fire fighting systems on fixed facilities:

3.1 Unmanned Platforms

i) Portable fire extinguishers per 4-8/5.13
ii) Fire detection systems per 4-8/7

3.3 Manned Production Platforms

All applicable requirements of Chapter 4, Section 8 of these Rules.

5 Fire Fighting Systems

5.1 Firewater System

Fixed water fire fighting systems are to be provided as follows:
5.1.1 Piping
5.1.1(a) General.
i) Water fire fighting systems are to be capable of maintaining a continuous supply in the
event of damage to water piping.
ii) Piping is to be arranged so that the supply of water could be from two (2) different sources.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

iii) Isolation valves are to be provided such that damage to any part of the system would result in
the loss in use of the least possible number of hydrants, water spray branches, or foam water
supplies. In most facility arrangements this will require a loop type fire main.
iv) Connections of the primary and standby pump supplies are to be as remote from each
other as possible.
5.1.1(b) Materials (2009).
i) Materials rendered ineffective by heat are not to be used in firewater piping systems.
ii) (1 July 2012) Resilient seated valves may be considered for use in firewater systems, provided
the proposed valves are capable of passing an appropriate fire test acceptable to ABS
(e.g., API 607, ISO 10497).
iii) Additionally, the valves must be capable of being effectively closed even with the resilient
seat damaged or destroyed, such that leakage through the closed valve is insignificant.
iv) The leakage rate at the firewater pressure through the closed damaged-seated valves still
permits the firewater to deliver at least two (2) jets of water at the required pressure.
v) Non-metallic expansion joints may be considered for use in firewater systems, provided the
proposed joints are capable of passing a recognized fire test such as ISO 19921/19922: 2005.
vi) Similarly, flexible hoses may be considered for use in firewater systems, provided the
proposed hoses are capable of passing a recognized fire test such as ISO 15540/ 15541.
vii) All plastic piping materials are to meet Appendix 1 of these Rules.
viii) Generally, plastic (GRP/FRP) materials used in firewater systems are to pass Level 1 fire
endurance test. However, a plastic piping material that passes Level 3 fire endurance
requirements in lieu of Level 1 requirements may be considered when conditions listed in
4-8/5.1.1(e) below are fully met.
5.1.1(c) Charging.
i) The firewater distribution system may be maintained in a charged or dry condition.
ii) Where a system is maintained dry, relief devices and additional pipe bracing is to be
considered to prevent damage to the piping system due to water hammer when the system is
iii) When plastic pipe that passes only Level 3 fire endurance test is used, the firewater system
design is to be pressurized (wet main) and permanently in a charged condition.
5.1.1(d) Piping Maintenance.
i) The distribution system is to be maintained such that internal and external corrosion of
the piping is minimized.
ii) In areas where the system is subject to freezing, steps are to be taken to prevent freezing.
For instance, drains, circulation loops or other means may be provided for cold water
iii) If drains are provided, they are to be located at the lowest points in the system.
5.1.1(e) Additional System Requirements for Level 3 Plastic Pipe. The following additional
requirements are applicable to the plastic material piping that passes Level 3 in lieu of Level 1 fire
endurance tests and is used in the fire main system.
i) Plastic piping must be located on the exterior perimeter of the platform and shielded by
primary structural members from potential sources of fire that may occur on or emanate
from the platform.
ii) Plastic piping must be located so that pooling of flammable liquids below the piping is
not possible. A properly designed drainage system may be provided to mitigate the
pooling of flammable liquid below the piping system.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

iii) The firewater system design is to be such that the plastic sections are continuously maintained
in the wet condition.
iv) The firewater system is to be equipped with an adequate number of isolation and cut-off
valves such that, if a section of the system were to fail, it could be isolated and the
remainder of the system would still be capable of supplying firewater.
5.1.2 Fire Pumps
5.1.2(a) General.
i) (1 July 2012) There are to be a minimum of two (2) independently driven and self-priming
fire pumps.
ii) The fire pumps, together with their respective source of power, fuel supply, electric cables,
lighting, ventilation, piping and control valves, are to be located such that a fire in any one
(1) location will not render both fire pumps inoperable.
iii) One of the two (2) pumps is to be designated as the primary fire pump, and the other as
the standby fire pump.
iv) At least one of the pumps is to be diesel engine driven, unless the emergency power supply
can supply the load for an electric motor driven pump.
v) Fire pump installations are to be in accordance with NFPA 20, or an equivalent standard.
5.1.2(b) Capacity.
i) The primary and standby fire pumps are each to be capable of supplying the maximum
probable water demand for the facility.
ii) The maximum probable water demand is the total water requirement for protection of the
largest single fire area plus two (2) jets of firewater at a pressure of at least 5.3 kg/cm2 (75 psi).
iii) Multiple pump installations will be considered in lieu of a single primary and/or standby
pump installation, provided they are arranged in such a manner that a fire in one (1) area
would not reduce the available supply of firewater required to handle that fire, or such
that if the largest pump is out of service for maintenance, the available supply of water
would not be reduced below the maximum probable water demand.
iv) A means is to be provided for periodic testing of each fire pump.
v) For a typical fixed platform arrangement, the maximum probable water demand includes
the water supply to the water spray system for a single fire on the production area as discussed
above, plus two (2) jets of firewater. For detailed requirements of the water spray system,
see 4-8/5.1.4 below.
vi) To determine the maximum probable water demand, the fire risk areas on the production
deck may be divided into fire zones.
a) If a fire is being considered in a single zone, the water supply for the water spray
system is to be sufficient for that zone and adjacent zones.
b) (1 July 2012) The water spray system requirement may be ignored for adjacent
zones if these zones are separated by a firewall (no less than A-60) or by an adequate
distance between process equipment to justify such zoning. See 4-8/Figure 4A
for reference.
vii) (1 July 2012) Note that the system emergency shutdown and the equipment blowdown
may be considered a safe alternative to the water spray for low hydrocarbon liquid inventory
equipment such as compressor units. See 4-8/Figure 4B for reference.
viii) See 4-8/Figure 1 through 4-8/Figure 3 for typical arrangement of fire pumps on fixed

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

Fixed Installation Fire Pump Arrangement
Two-pump Scenario

Max Probable Demand

Primary Pump
100% Fire Hose
5.3 kg/cm 2 (75psi)
Fire Rated Bulkhead
Fire Hose
5.3 kg/cm 2 (75psi)

Standby Pump

Fixed Installation Fire Pump Arrangement
Multiple-pump (Even Power) Scenario

First Pump
50% Max Probable Demand

Fire Hose
5.3 kg/cm 2 (75psi)
Fire Hose
Second Pump 5.3 kg/cm 2 (75psi)
Fire Rated Bulkhead

Third Pump

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

Fixed Installation Fire Pump Arrangement
Multiple-pump (Uneven Power) Scenario

First Pump
60% Max Probable Demand

Fire Hose
5.3 kg/cm 2 (75psi)
Fire Hose
Second Pump 5.3 kg/cm 2 (75psi)
Fire Rated Bulkhead

Standby Pump
Equal to largest pump (60%)

Typical Fire Zones Arrangement on Process Area of a Fixed Installation
Single Fire with A-0 Fire Wall

Fire wall

Fire wall

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

Typical Fire Zones Arrangement on Process Area of a Fixed Installation
Single Fire with an Adjacent Zone that has no Liquid Inventory

No hydrocarbon liquid inventory

Fire wall
Compressor skid w/blowdown


Fire Zones

Fire Zones with Water Spray System Activation

Single Fire
Fire Wall

5.1.2(c) Operability and Control.

i) Pump(s) with sufficient capacity for process water spray systems is (are) to be provided
with automatic starting.
ii) In addition to the pump automatic starting requirement, pump driver starters are to be
provided with means for local and remote operation from a permanently manned station or a
fire control station.
iii) Pump discharge control valves, used to separate the section of the firewater service system
and the fire pump(s), are to be fitted in an easily accessible location outside of the pump
iv) Diesel-driven fire pumps may be provided with electrical or pneumatic starting and control
v) Diesel drives using electrical starting and control systems are to be maintained in a
weather-protected enclosure.
vi) Alternative means of protecting electrical starting and control system will be considered.
5.1.2(d) Pump Drivers.
i) Pump drivers may include diesel engines, natural gas engines, or electric motors.
ii) (1 July 2012) The pump drivers are to be in general accordance with API RP 14G with
respect to their types and installation requirements.
iii) Fuel tanks, fuel lines to engines, and power cables and starters for electric motors, are to
be protected against fire and mechanical damage.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

iv) Where diesel and natural gas engine fire pumps are considered, the arrangements are to
comply with requirements of 3-4/3.9 and Chapter 4, Section 6.
v) For electrical motor-driven fire pumps, see Chapter 4, Section 6 for applicable requirements
5.1.2(e) Fuel Systems.
i) Fuel systems are to comply with the requirements of Chapter 4, Section 4 and 3-4/5.11.
ii) Fuel supplies for diesel engines are to be sufficient for 18 hours operation.
5.1.2(f) Lift Columns.
i) Water lift columns are to be encased in pipe for protection against wave action and
mechanical damage, and the protective pipe is to be securely attached to the structure in
order to lessen wave action damage.
ii) Corrosion allowance is to be considered when the water lift column is designed.
iii) Where pipes for lift columns pass through floating structures, penetrations are to be made
by approved methods to maintain the watertight integrity of the structure.
iv) Intake strainers constructed of corrosion-resistant materials are to be fitted at the suction
end of the fire pump’s water lift column.
5.1.3 Firewater Stations
5.1.3(a) General.
i) Firewater stations are to be located so that each station will be readily accessible in the
event of a fire.
ii) All materials that comprise the firewater station and the access to firewater stations are to
be of steel or equivalent material which would not be rendered ineffective by heat.
iii) Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) grating may be used if the layout is designed in accordance
with Appendix 3, and provided that the FRP grating is approved as meeting the applicable
criteria defined in same.
5.1.3(b) Arrangement.
i) Firewater stations are to be located on the perimeter of process areas.
ii) The stations and their arrangements are to provide at least two (2) jets of water not emanating
from the same fire station to reach any part of the production facility that may be exposed
to fire.
iii) The firewater stations are also to be arranged to provide protection against fire damage or
mechanical damage, operation free from interference by other emergency activities, and
effective coordination with other stations.
5.1.3(c) Monitors and Nozzles.
i) Monitors are to be sized for a minimum flow of 1,892 liters/min. at 7.3 kg/cm2 (500 gpm
at 100 psig).
ii) Nozzles are to be adjustable from straight stream to full fog and to have a nozzle diameter
of at least 12 mm (0.5 in.).
iii) Monitors and nozzles are to be of corrosion-resistant materials, and/or be protected with a
suitable coating to protect the equipment from the offshore environment.
iv) All nozzles are to incorporate means for a shut-off.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

5.1.3(d) Hoses.
i) Fire hoses located outside, in the production area, are to be of a non-collapsible type
mounted on reels, and are to be certified by a competent independent testing laboratory as
being constructed of non-perishable material to recognized standards.
ii) The hoses are to be of material resistant to oil and chemical deterioration, mildew and rot,
and exposure to the offshore environment.
iii) They are to be sufficient in length to project a jet of water to any location in the areas
where they may be required to be used.
iv) Each hose is to be provided with a nozzle and the necessary couplings.
v) The maximum length of hose is not to exceed 30 m (100 ft).
vi) For hoses located in the living quarters areas, machinery spaces, or other enclosed areas,
consideration is to be given to providing semi-automatic hose racks to permit one-man
5.1.4 Water Spray (Deluge) Systems for Process Equipment
5.1.4(a) General.
i) A fixed water spray system is to be installed for the process equipment.
ii) The intent of the water spray system is to keep the process equipment cool and reduce the
risk of escalation of a fire.
iii) Water spray systems are to be capable of being actuated both automatically by a fire detection
system and manually.
iv) Installations are generally to be in accordance with NFPA Standard 15, or other equivalent
standard such as API Publication 2030.
v) Deluge isolation valves are to be located in a safe area and outside the fire zone they protect.
vi) Consideration will be given to the use of manual actuation alone, provided that the combined
volume of process and storage vessels is less than 15 m3 (530 ft3), and the installation is
manned on a 24-hour basis and the manual actuation station is readily accessible.
5.1.4(b) Materials. All requirements in 4-8/5.1.1(b) are applicable, except the requirements for
plastic piping materials, which are modified and listed below.
Plastic piping materials are to meet Appendix 1 of these Rules. Generally, plastic (GRP/FRP)
materials used in water spray systems are to pass Level 1 fire endurance test. However, a plastic
piping material that passes Level 3 Modified Test- Level 3 WD fire endurance requirements in lieu
of Level 1 requirements may be considered when the following design conditions are fully met.
i) Plastic piping is installed in open deck or semi-enclosed locations.
ii) The water spray piping system must meet the Level 3 fire endurance requirements as specified
in Appendix 1.
iii) In addition to meeting the Level 3 fire endurance requirements, the water spray piping system
must meet the requirements of the wet/dry fire endurance testing specified in Appendix 1,
Section 8. Other wet/dry fire endurance test methods that may be equivalent to or more severe
than the methods described in Appendix 1, Section 8 will be considered on a case-by-case
iv) An automatic fire detection system is to be installed in areas protected by the water spray
v) The water spray system is to be designed to activate automatically upon detection by the
automatic fire detection system.
vi) Each section or area served by a water spray system is to be capable of being isolated by
one (1) water supply valve only. The stop valve in each section is to be readily accessible,
and its location clearly and permanently indicated.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

vii) The design of the water spray system is to be such that upon fire detection, the time required
to have water flowing through the hydraulically most remote nozzle is less than one (1)
minute. This requirement will be verified by system testing at the time of installation and
at subsequent annual inspections.
viii) The water spray system piping is to be located downstream of the water supply valve. All
piping upstream of the water supply valve is to meet the requirements for fire main and
water spray systems as specified in Appendix 1, or be of metallic material.
5.1.4(c) Process Equipment.
i) Process equipment, including hydrocarbon vessels, heat exchangers, fired heaters and other
hydrocarbon handling systems, are to be protected with a water spray system.
ii) The system is to be designed to provide a water density of 10.2 liters/min/m2 (0.25 gpm/ft2)
of exposed surface area for uninsulated vessels, or 6.1 liters/min/m2 (0.15 gpm/ft2) of exposed
surface area for insulated vessels.
iii) Process equipment support structure, including saddles, skirt, legs, but not secondary deck
structural members, is to be protected with a water spray system designed to provide a water
density of 4.1 liters/min/m2 (0.10 gpm/ft2).
iv) Alternatively, the use of intumescent coatings may be acceptable in protecting the support
structure, provided the selection of the fire rating of the coating is based on the results from
a risk analysis and/or fire load calculation which must be reviewed and accepted by ABS.
v) The condition (intactness) of the coatings will be the subject of surveyor inspection during
attendance of the unit following normal survey intervals.
vi) For gas-handling equipment, such as gas compressor skids, where the hydrocarbon liquid
inventory is kept minimal, a water spray system is not required if the equipment is provided
with an automatic blowdown upon the process shutdown.
5.1.4(d) Wellhead Areas.
i) Wellheads with maximum shut-in tubing pressures exceeding 42 kg/cm2 (600 psi) are to be
protected with a water spray system.
ii) The water spray system is to be designed to provide a minimum water density of 20.4
liters/min/m2 (0.50 gpm/ft2) based on the protection of wellheads, ESD valves, and critical
structural components including the firewall.
5.1.5 Accommodation Sprinkler Systems
i) For existing fixed installations where passive protection requirements are not fully met,
the accommodation spaces are to be protected by an automatic wet pipe sprinkler system
supplied from the firewater system.
ii) Design of the system is to be based on NFPA Standard 13 requirements for light hazard
occupancies, or other acceptable standards such as Chapter 8 of the International Code for
Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code).
iii) Fresh water is normally to be provided to fill the sprinkler piping. However, the system
may be charged with seawater if precautions are taken to eliminate sediment and marine
growth in the system.

5.3 Dry Chemical Systems

For production facilities with no liquid hydrocarbon storage capabilities and limited hydrocarbon liquid
retention in processing equipment, dry chemical hose reel units may be used for fire fighting in lieu of
firewater station required by 4-8/5.1.3 above.
Design of the dry chemical systems is to be in accordance with NFPA Standard 17.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

5.5 Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems

A fixed fire fighting system complying with 4-8/5.5.1, 4-8/5.5.2 or 4-8/5.5.3 is to be provided in each enclosed
space and enclosed skid module containing the following equipment:
i) Internal combustion machinery, including diesel and gas engines, having a total power output of
not less than 750 kW (1000 hp)
ii) Oil- or gas-fired boilers and other processes such as incinerators and inert gas generators
iii) Oil fuel units. An oil fuel unit is defined as any equipment such as pumps, filters and heaters, used
for the preparation and delivery of fuel oil to oil-fired boilers (including incinerators and inert gas
generators), internal combustion engines or gas turbines at a pressure of more than 1.8 bar (26 psi).
iv) Settling tanks for boilers
v) Gas compressors
vi) Transfer pumps for crude oil (storage facilities) and flammable liquid with low flash point (below
60°C~140°F) such as methanol.
vii) If a fixed foam system is to be used for the methanol pump room and methanol tank space, the
type of foam selected is to be suitable for use with methane (alcohol-resistant foams).
5.5.1 Gas Smothering Systems
5.5.1(a) General
i) Storage.
a) Smothering medium storage location is to be outside of protected space.
b) If gas bottles are kept in an enclosed compartment, the storage space is not to be
used for purposes other than storing the bottles.
c) The storage space is also to be situated in a safe and readily accessible position,
and be effectively ventilated by a ventilation system independent of other spaces,
including the protected space.
ii) Controls.
a) Automatic release of fire-extinguishing medium for total flooding systems is not
b) Two (2) separate controls are to be provided for releasing the fire-extinguishing
medium into a protected space and to ensure the activities of the alarm.
c) One (1) control is to be used to discharge the gas from its storage containers.
d) A second control is to be used for opening the valve of the piping, which conveys
the gas into the protected space. This requirement is not applicable if the system
is provided for a single space and the protected space is relatively small (under
170 m3 or 6,000 ft3).
e) Controls are to be grouped together to provide complete actuation of the system
from their location.
f) The number of release stations is to be limited to as few as possible, typically two
(2), one (1) at the gas storage location and another outside of the protected space.
g) For the one outside of the protected space, it is to be located in proximity and along
the main escape route of the space.
iii) Alarms.
a) Means are to be provided for automatically giving audible warning of the release
of fire-extinguishing gas into any space to which personnel normally have access.
b) The alarm is to operate for at least a 20-second period before the gas is released.
c) Alarms may be pneumatically (by the extinguishing medium or by air) or electrically

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

d) If electrically operated, the alarms are to be supplied with power from the main
and an emergency source of electrical power.
e) If pneumatically operated by air, the air supply is to be dry and clean and the supply
reservoir is to be atomically kept charged at all times, and is to be fitted with a
low-pressure alarm.
f) The air supply may be taken from the starting air receivers.
g) Any stop valve fitted in the air supply line is to be locked or sealed in the open
h) Any electrical components associated with the pneumatic system are to be powered
from the main and an emergency source of electrical power.
5.5.1(b) Carbon Dioxide Systems.
i) In addition to the above general requirements, the design philosophy of CO2 fire extinguishing
systems is to be in compliance with a single standard/code (i.e., Chapter 5 of the FSS
Code, NFPA 12, or other recognized fire code).
ii) Once a standard is chosen for a design basis, the standard is to be used throughout the design,
and criteria from other standards may not be used.
5.5.1(c) Halon and Halon Alternative Systems
i) Halon is not permitted in new installations.
ii) Halon alternative systems are to meet IMO MSC Circ. 848 and general requirements above.
iii) Halon alternative agents are to be accepted by the governmental authorities.
5.5.2 Foam Systems
5.5.2(a) Fixed High Expansion Foam Systems. Fixed high expansion foam systems are to be in
accordance with Chapter 6 of the FSS Code or other recognized fire code such as NFPA 11A.
Note reference is made to the IMO MSC/Circular 670.
5.5.2(b) Fixed Low Expansion Foam Systems.
i) Fixed low expansion foam systems may be installed in machinery spaces in addition to the
required fixed fire extinguishing system.
ii) Fixed low expansion foam systems are be in accordance with Chapter 6 of the FSS Code
or other recognized fire code such as NFPA 11. Note reference is made to the IMO MSC/
Circular 582.
5.5.3 Fixed Water Spray Systems
Fixed water spray systems are be in accordance with Chapter 7 of the FSS Code or other recognized
fire code such as NFPA 15.

5.7 Fire Fighting Requirements Pertaining to Specific Locations

5.7.1 Paint Lockers and Flammable Materials Storerooms
Paint lockers and flammable material storerooms are to be protected by a fixed fire extinguishing
system. One of the following systems may be considered:
i) CO2 system designed for 40% of the gross volume of the space
ii) Dry powder system designed for at least 0.5 kg /m3 (0.03 lb/ft3)
iii) Water spray system designed for 5 liters/min/m2 (0.12 gpm/ft2). The water spraying systems
may be connected to the unit’s fire main system.
iv) Systems other than those mentioned above may also be considered.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

5.7.2 Galley Range Hoods

i) An automatic fire extinguishing system is to be provided for galley range hoods.
ii) Design and installation of range hood systems are to be in accordance with NFPA
Standard 96.
5.7.3 Helicopter Facilities
5.7.3(a) Helicopter Decks with no Refueling Capabilities
i) Firewater Stations.
a) At least two (2) firewater stations are to be provided.
b) These fire stations are to be located so that the water supply would come from two
(2) different directions.
c) Normally, they are located at the access routes to the helicopter deck.
d) The firewater stations may consist of hoses with adjustable nozzles and detachable
e) Adjustable nozzles are designed to provide both solid stream and water spray.
f) The hose stream discharge from each firewater station is to be sufficient to reach
any part of the helicopter deck.
ii) Extinguishers. The helicopter deck area is to be protected by two (2) approved dry chemical
extinguishers of a total capacity of not less than 45 kg (100 lb).
iii) Back-up System.
a) An additional back-up fire fighting system, consisting of CO2 extinguishers of total
capacity of not less than 18 kg (40 lbs) or equivalent, is to be provided.
b) One of these extinguishers is to be equipped so as to enable it to reach the engine
area of any helicopter using the deck.
c) The back-up system is to be located where the equipment would not be vulnerable
to the same damage as the equipment required in 4-8/5.7.3(a)i) and 4-8/5.7.3(a)ii)
5.7.3(b) Helicopter Decks with Refueling Capabilities
i) Fire Fighting Equipment.
a) A fire fighting system as described in 4-8/5.7.3(a)i) through 4-8/5.7.3(a)iii) above
is to be provided for the helideck area.
b) An additional dry chemical extinguisher is to be provided for the fuel storage area,
having a capacity of 13.5 kg (30 lbs).
ii) Foam System.
a) A foam fire extinguishing system is to be provided to protect the helicopter landing
area and the fuel storage area.
b) The foam system may be an independent system, or be arranged to proportion
foam into the firewater stations described in 4-8/5.7.3(a)i) above.
c) The helicopter landing area is the area contained within a circle of diameter D,
where D is the distance in meters (feet) across the main rotor and tail rotor in the
fore and aft line of a helicopter, with a single main rotor, and across both rotors
for a tandem rotor helicopter, or the full area of the deck, whichever is less.
d) The fuel storage area includes the fuel storage tank and the dispensing hose reel.
e) The foam system is to be capable of delivering foam solution at a rate of 6.0
liters/min/m2 (0.15 gpm/ft2) for protein foam, or 4.1 1iters/min/m2 (0.10 gpm/ft2) for
aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) of the areas protected, for at least 5 minutes.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

iii) Fueling System. The arrangement of the helicopter fueling system is to be in accordance
with Chapter 4, Section 4.
5.7.4 Foam Systems for Crude Storage Tanks
i) For fixed installations with crude oil storage capabilities, a fixed foam system is to be
provided for all crude storage tanks. Chapter 14 of the FSS Code may be used as design
ii) If process equipment is located or supported above crude storage areas in such a manner
that a deck foam system may be obstructed by steel supporting members, foam applicators
or fixed systems may be considered as an alternative.
iii) Deck foam system coverage in way of process equipment supports is to be no less effective
than other tank deck areas.

5.9 Emergency Control Station

i) At least (2) two emergency control stations are to be provided.
ii) One of the stations is to be located in a normally manned space such as the process control room,
or near the drilling console if the facility is fitted with drilling and work over systems.
iii) The other is to be at a suitable location outside of the hazardous area.
iv) The emergency control stations are to be provided with the following:
a) Manually operated switches for actuating the general alarm system
b) An efficient means of communication with locations vital to the safety of the installation
c) Manual activation of all well and process system shutdowns (3-3/7.3.4 and 3-3/9)
d) Means for shutdown, either selectively or simultaneously, of the following equipment,
except for electrical equipment listed in 4-8/5.11 below:
1) Ventilating systems, except for prime movers
2) Main generator prime movers
3) Emergency generator prime movers

5.11 Operation after Facility Total Shutdown

The following services are to be operable after a facility’s total shutdown:
i) Emergency lighting required for evacuation from service/accommodation spaces and machinery
spaces to embarkation stations. This includes lighting at all control stations, stowage positions for
firemen’s outfits, helicopter landing deck, alleyways, stairways and exits, embarkation station deck,
launching appliances, and the area of water where they are to be launched, etc. The lighting is to
be provided for thirty minutes.
ii) General alarm
iii) Blowout preventer control system if fitted on the installations
iv) Public address system
v) Distress and safety radio communications
vi) All equipment in exterior locations which is capable of operation after activation of the prime
mover/ventilation shutdown system, is to be suitable for installation in Class I, Division 2 (Zone 2)

5.13 Portable and Semi-portable Extinguishers

Locations, types, and quantities of fire extinguishers provided for the production deck area are to be in
accordance with 4-8/Table 1 and 4-8/Table 2.
For areas not specifically addressed in these tables, NFPA Standard 10 is to be followed.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

Portable and Semi-portable Extinguishers (1 July 2012)
A-II 9 (2.5) 9 (2.5) 5 (11) (1)
B-II 9 (2.5) 5 (11) 5 (11)
B-III 45 (12) 15.8 (35) 9.0 (20)
B-IV 76 (20) 22.5 (50) (2) 22.5 (50)
B-V 152 (40) 45 (100) (2) 22.5 (50) (2)
C-II 5 (11) 5 (11)
C-III 15.8 (35) 9.0 (20)
C-IV 22.5 (50) (2) 13.5 (30)
1 Must be approved as a Type A, B, and C extinguisher
2 For outside use only, double the quantity of agent that must be carried.

Classification of Portable and Semi-portable Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are designated by types as follows:
A For fires in combustible materials, such as wood
B For fires in flammable liquids and greases
C For fires in electrical equipment

Size of Portable and Semi-portable Extinguishers

• Fire extinguishers are designated by size, where size II is the smallest and size V is the largest.
• Size II is a portable extinguisher.
• Sizes III, IV and V are semi-portable extinguishers.

Classification and Placement of Portable and
Semi-portable Extinguishers (1 July 2012)


Main control room C-II 2 near the exit (See Note 1 on the next page)

Stairway enclosure B-II Within 3 m (10 ft) of each stairway on each deck level

Corridors A-II 1 in each main corridor, not more than 45 m (150 ft.) apart

Lifeboat embarkation & lowering -- None required


Radio room C-II 2 near the exit (See Note 1)

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

TABLE 2 (continued)
Classification and Placement of Portable and
Semi-portable Extinguishers (1 July 2012)


State rooms (cabins) A-II One in each room occupied by more than 4 persons

Toilet spaces, lockers small -- None required

storerooms, pantries


Galleys A, B, C-II 1 A-B-C fire classed for every 232 m2 (2500 ft2) or fraction
thereof, suitable for hazards involved

Paint storerooms B-II 1 outside each room in vicinity of exit (See Note 2 on the next

Storerooms A-II 1 for every 232 m2 (2500 ft2) or fraction thereof, located in
vicinity of exits, either inside or outside of spaces (See Note 2)

Workshop and similar spaces C-II 1 outside each space in vicinity of an exit (See Note 2)


Gas/oil-fired boilers: spaces B-II 2 required in each space

containing gas/oil-fired boilers,

either main or auxiliary, or their fuel B-V 1 required in each space

oil units

Internal combustion or gas turbine B-II 1 for every 745 kW (1,000 brake horsepower) but not less than 2
machinery spaces nor more than 6 in each space

B-III 1 required in each space


Internal combustion engines or gas B-II 1 outside the space containing engines or turbines in vicinity of
turbines exit (See Note 2)

Electric emergency motors C-II 1 outside the space containing motors or generators in vicinity of
or gas turbines exit (See Note 2)

Steam drive auxiliary -- None required

Fuel tanks -- None required

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

TABLE 2 (continued)
Classification and Placement of Portable and
Semi-portable Extinguishers (1 July 2012)


Helicopter landing decks B-V 1 at each access route

Helicopter fueling facilities B-IV 1 at each fuel transfer facility

Cranes with internal combustion B-II 1 required in vicinity of crane cab exit

Production areas B-III or B-IV (See Note 3)

Drilling areas B-III or B-IV (See Note 3)

Open areas B-II 1 for every 3 internal combustion or gas turbine engines

C-II 1 for every 2 electric generators and motors of 3.7 kW (5 hp) or



Pump room B-II 1 required in vicinity of exit

(See Note 4)
Storage tank area B-V 1 required on open deck capable of reaching the storage tanks,
tank vents, and transfer connections
(See Note 4 and Note 5)

1 One of which must be placed inside (dry chemical extinguishers not recommended for these applications).
2 Vicinity is intended to mean within 1 m (3 ft).
3 One B-III or B-IV extinguisher is to be provided at every entrance to any escape route, under no circumstances are
two (2) extinguishers to be placed more than 15.24 m (50 ft) apart.
4 For methanol, foam extinguishers may be considered if the extinguishers are of the polar solvent type foam
(alcohol-resistant type)
5 (1 July 2012) Not applicable to integral crude oil tanks protected by a deck foam system as per 4-8/5.7.4.

7 Fire and Gas Detection and Alarm Systems

7.1 Fire Detectors

i) Open or enclosed areas are to be provided with automatic fire detection such that all potential fire
outbreak points are monitored.
ii) The automatic fire detection system will sound an alarm and initiate necessary ESD functions for
the facility.
iii) Guidelines for the selection and use of fire detectors are contained in API RP 14C and API RP 14G.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

7.3 Gas Detectors

7.3.1 Combustible Gases
i) In all enclosed and semi-enclosed areas that might accumulate combustible gases, gas sensors
of an explosion (flame)-proof type are to be installed and operated in accordance with
API RP 14C and API RP 14F, as applicable.
ii) Consideration is to be given to providing combustible gas sensors near points of a possible
leak at process equipment and piping systems located in open areas.
iii) Sensors are also to be provided at fresh air inlets to non-classified areas.
7.3.2 Hydrogen Sulfide
Where hydrogen sulfide gas may be present in the well fluid in excess of 20 ppm, hydrogen sulfide
gas detection systems are to be installed in accordance with API RP 55, as applicable.
7.3.3 Detector Set Points
i) The low and high gas alarm set points are to be 20% L.E.L. and 60% L.E.L. for combustible
gases, and 10 ppm and 50 ppm for hydrogen sulfide.
ii) ESD functions are to be initiated upon high gas detection.

7.5 Smoke Detectors

A smoke detection and alarm system is to be provided for control rooms, switchgear rooms, and other
areas where slow-developing fires might be expected.

7.7 Alarm Panel

i) A master fire and gas panel is to be provided to receive and process all fire and gas detection signals.
ii) The panel is to be located in the central control room or other normally manned non-classified area.
iii) The panel arrangement is to comply with Chapter 3, Section 7.

7.9 Fire and Gas Detection Wiring

Wiring arrangement is to comply with Chapter 4, Section 6.

7.11 General Alarm

i) Means are to be provided for manually activating a general alarm system capable of producing a
distinctive audible sound in all areas of the facility.
ii) Alarm-actuating devices are to be located at points of egress from accommodation areas, process
areas, and machinery spaces.
iii) Power for the general alarm system is to comply with Chapter 4, Section 6.

9 Structural Fire Protection

9.1 General
The term “structural fire protection” refers to the passive method of providing fire protection to the
spaces/compartments of the unit through the usage of fire divisions and the limitation of combustibles in
the construction materials.
i) Maintaining the adequacy of the fire division includes proper protection of penetrations in those
divisions, which includes electrical, piping, or ventilation systems penetrations.
ii) The structural fire protection requirements of this Subsection are intended to address the need for
fire protection of boundaries separating new and/or existing areas/spaces onboard the installation
from the process facility equipment.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

iii) In addition, it is the intention of these guidelines to ensure that separate accommodations platforms,
where attached to the production facility via a bridge, are sufficiently protected so they may serve
as the emergency muster area or “safe haven” for personnel on the facility.
iv) Existing spaces that do not share common boundaries with the process facility equipment are to be
treated based on the requirements that were in effect at the time of construction.
v) Newly built spaces that do not share common boundaries with the process facility equipment and
all portable/temporary living quarters are to comply with the latest Rule requirements.
vi) Spaces/Compartments that have been newly built or that have been modified internally either to
enlarge or to change the function of that space (category change) are to comply with the latest Rule

9.3 Fire Integrity of Bulkheads and Decks

i) The minimum fire integrity of bulkheads and decks is to be as prescribed in 4-8/Table 3A and
4-8/Table 3B.
ii) Windows and sidescuttles that face the production facilities are to possess a fire rating equivalent
to the bulkheads in which they are fitted.

Fire Integrity of Bulkheads Separating Adjacent Spaces/Areas
Spaces (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Control Stations including Central (1) A-0 A-0 A-60 A-0 A-15 A-60 A-15 H-60 A-60 A-60 * A-0
Process Control Rooms (d)

Corridors (2) C B-0 B-0 B-0 A-60 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * B-0
A-0 (d)

Accommodation Spaces (3) C B-0 B-0 A-60 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * C
A-0 (d)

Stairways (4) B-0 B-0 A-60 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * B-0
A-0 A-0 (d) * A-0
(b) (b) (b)

Service Spaces (5) C A-60 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * B-0

(low risk) (d)

Machinery Spaces of Category A (6) *(a) A-0 H-60 A-60 A-60 * A-0
(a) (d)

Other Machinery Spaces (7) A-0 H-0 A-0 A-0 * A-0

(a) (c) (d)

Process Areas, Storage Tank (8) ---- H-60 H-60 * H-60

Areas, Wellhead/manifold Areas (Symmetrical) (d) (d) (d)

Hazardous Areas (9) ---- A-0 * A-0

Service Spaces (10) A-0 * A-0
(high risk) (c)

Open Decks (11) ---- *

Sanitary and Similar Spaces (12) C

Please see the notes under 4-8/Table 3B for further interpretations.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

Fire Integrity of Decks Separating Adjacent Spaces/Areas
Space Space→ (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
below ↓ above
Control Stations including (1) A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-60 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * A-0
Central Process Control Rooms (d)

Corridors (2) A-0 * * A-0 * A-60 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * *


Accommodation Spaces (3) A-60 A-0 * A-0 * A-60 A-0 X A-0 A-0 * *
Stairways (4) A-0 A-0 A-0 * A-0 A-60 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * A-0

Service Spaces (5) A-15 A-0 A-0 A-0 * A-60 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * A-0
(low risk) (d)

Machinery Spaces of *(a) H-60

Category A
(6) A-60 A-60 A-60 A-60 A-60 A-60 (d)
A-60 A-60 * A-0

Other Machinery Spaces (7) A-15 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 *(a) H-0 A-0 A-0 * A-0
(a) (d)

Process Areas, Storage Tank

H-60 H-60 H-60 H-60 H-60 H-60 H-60 H-60
Areas, Wellhead/manifold (8) (d) (d) X (d) (d) (d) (d)
---- ---- (d)
-- (d)
Hazardous Areas (9) A-60 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-60 A-0 ---- ---- A-0 -- A-0
Service Spaces (10) A-60 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * A-0
(high risk) (d) (c)

Open Decks (11) * * * * * * * ---- ---- * -- *

Sanitary and Similar Spaces (12) A-0 A-0 * A-0 * A-0 A-0 H-60 A-0 * *

(a) If a space contains an emergency power source or components of an emergency power source, and adjoins a space
containing a unit’s service generator or components of a unit’s service generator, the boundary bulkhead or deck
between those spaces is to be an A-60 class division.
(b) For clarification as to which note applies, see paragraph 5-1-1/5.5 of the MODU Rules.
(c) Where spaces are of the same numerical category and subscript (c) appears in the tables, a bulkhead or deck of the
rating shown is only required when the adjacent spaces are for a different purpose. For example, in category (10), a
galley next to another galley does not require a bulkhead, but a galley next to a paint room requires an A-0
(d) If the results of a Risk Analysis or Fire Load Analysis (reviewed and accepted by ABS) justify such, an “A-60”
fire division may be used in lieu of an “H-60” bulkhead. An “A-0” wall used in conjunction with a water curtain
system designed to provide a density of at least 6.1 liters/min/m2 (0.15 gpm/ft2) of exposed surface area may be
used as an equivalent means of meeting the “A-60” class division.
(e) Intumescent coatings may be acceptable in providing the “H” rating. The intumescent coating used is to have
limited flame spread properties, low smoke development and low heat generation. In addition, an assessment is to
be made of the toxicity of gases emitted in the event of a fire. The condition (intactness) of the coatings will be the
subject of surveyor inspection during attendance of the unit following normal survey intervals.
* Where an asterisk appears in the tables, the division is to be of steel or equivalent material, but is not required to be
of an A-class standard. However, where a deck is penetrated for the passage of electric cables, pipes, and vent
ducts, such penetrations are to be made tight to prevent the passage of flame and smoke.
Where an X appears in the table, the configuration is not allowed.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

9.3.1 “B” Class Divisions

i) All bulkheads required to be “B” class divisions are to extend from deck to deck and to
the deckhouse side or other boundaries, unless continuous “B” class ceilings or linings are
fitted on both sides of the bulkhead, in which case the bulkhead may terminate at the
continuous ceiling or lining.
ii) In corridor bulkheads, ventilation openings may be permitted only in and under the doors
of cabins, public spaces, offices and sanitary spaces. These openings are to be provided
only in the lower half of the door.
iii) Where such an opening is in or under a door, the total net area of such opening(s) is not to
exceed 0.05 m2.
iv) When such an opening is cut in a door, it is to be fitted with a grille constructed of non-
combustible materials. Such openings are not to be provided in a door in a division forming
a stairway enclosure.
9.3.2 Stairways
Stairways are to be constructed of steel or equivalent material.
9.3.3 Stairway Protection
i) Stairways, that penetrate only a single deck, are to be protected at least at one level by
“A” or “B” class divisions and self-closing doors so as to limit the rapid spread of fire
from one deck to another.
ii) Personnel lift trunks are to be protected by “A” class divisions.
iii) Stairways and lift trunks that penetrate more than a single deck are to be surrounded by
“A” class divisions and protected by self-closing doors at all levels.
iv) Self-closing doors are not to be fitted with hold-back hooks. However, hold-back
arrangements incorporating remote release fittings of the fail-safe type may be utilized.
9.3.4 Draft Stops
Air spaces enclosed behind ceilings, paneling or linings are to be divided by close-fitting draft
stops spaced not more than 14 m apart.
9.3.5 Insulation Materials
i) Except for insulation in refrigerated compartments, insulation material, pipe and vent duct
lagging, ceilings, linings and bulkheads are to be of non-combustible material.
ii) Insulation of pipe fittings for cold service systems and vapor barriers and adhesives used
in conjunction with insulation need not be non-combustible, but they are to be kept to a
minimum and their exposed surfaces are to have low flame spread characteristics.
iii) In spaces where penetrations of oil products are possible, the surfaces of the insulation are
to be impervious to oil or oil vapors.
iv) The framing, including grounds and the joint pieces of bulkheads, linings, ceilings and
draft stops, are to be of non-combustible material.
9.3.6 Exposed Surfaces
i) All exposed surfaces in corridors and stairway enclosures, and surfaces in concealed or
inaccessible spaces in accommodation and service spaces and control stations, are to have
low flame spread characteristics.
ii) Exposed surfaces of ceilings in accommodation and service spaces and control stations
are to have low flame spread characteristics.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

9.3.7 Veneers
i) Bulkheads, linings and ceilings may have combustible veneers, provided the thickness of such
veneers does not exceed 2 mm within any space other than corridors stairway enclosures
and control stations where the thickness is not to exceed 1.5 mm.
ii) Alternatively, veneers that have a calorific value not exceeding 45 mJ/m2 of the area for
the thickness used may be accepted irrespective of the thickness of those veneers.
9.3.8 Deck Coverings
Primary deck coverings, if applied, are to be of an approved material which will not readily ignite
or give rise to toxic or explosive hazards at elevated temperatures.
9.3.9 Paints, Varnishes and Other Finishes
Paints, varnishes and other finishes used on exposed interior surfaces are not to offer an undue fire
hazard and are not to be capable of producing excessive quantities of smoke.

9.5 Wellhead Areas

i) “A-0” firewalls are to be used to provide protection from potential uncontrolled flare front
wellheads with shut-in pressure exceeding 42 kg/cm2 (600 psi).
ii) These firewalls are independent of the requirements for structural fire protection of spaces.
iii) The intent of these firewalls is to provide protection for escape routes, temporary refuges, lifeboat
embarkation stations, fire pumps and potential fire hazards.
iv) The dimensions of the firewall and distance from the wellhead are to be determined based on the
results from fire load calculations or other recognized method. See 3-3/5.5.

9.7 Fired Vessels

i) “A-0” firewalls are to be used to provide protection from potential fire hazard of fired vessels.
ii) These firewalls are independent of the requirements for structural fire protection of spaces.
iii) The intent of these firewalls is to provide protection for escape routes, temporary refuges, lifeboat
embarkation stations, fire pumps and potential fire hazards.
iv) The dimensions of the fire wall and distance from the direct fired heaters are to be determined
based on the results from fire load calculations or other recognized method. See 3-3/5.9.

9.9 Helideck
i) All helidecks are to be constructed of steel or other material which provides equivalent structural
and fire integrity properties to that of steel.
ii) Helidecks which form the deckhead (roof) of the accommodations are to be insulated to an A-60
class standard.
iii) If the helideck is located less than one (1) meter above the deckhouse top, the helideck is to be
constructed to an “A” class standard.
iv) Deckhouse roofs (below the helideck) are to have no openings.

9.11 Ventilation
Standards for ventilation are to be in accordance with the requirements contained in this Paragraph.
Ventilation systems are to be designed with an intent on maintaining structural fire divisions.
9.11.1 Non-Ducted HVAC Systems
i) Non-ducted HVAC systems (i.e., those that use the plenum (concealed space between the
ceiling and overhead deck) for return air) are discouraged.
ii) The use of a non-ducted system will need prior review of the design philosophy, taking into
consideration the movement of smoke between spaces and the maintenance of “smoke-free”
escape routes. Prior design approval is mandatory before construction of such a system.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

9.11.2 Air Balance Ducts

i) The use of air balance ducts (“jumper ducts”) is not allowed in “A” Class Division or “B”
Class Divisions that are required to extend deck to deck.
ii) Air balance ducts are also not to serve corridors.
9.11.3 Ventilation Duct Material
Ventilation ducts are to be of non-combustible material. Short ducts, however, not generally exceeding
2 m (78.5 in.) in length and with a cross-sectional area not exceeding 0.02 m2 (31 in2), need not be
non-combustible, subject to the following conditions:
i) These ducts are to be of a material which has a low fire risk;
ii) They may only be used at the end of the ventilation device;
iii) They are not to be situated less than 600 mm, measured along the duct, from where it
penetrates any “A” or “B” class division, including continuous “B” class ceilings.
9.11.4 Ventilation Ducts Passing Through "A" Class Divisions
Where ventilation ducts with a cross-sectional area exceeding 0.02 m2 (31 in2) pass through class
“A” bulkheads or decks, the opening is to be lined with a steel sheet sleeve unless the ducts passing
through the bulkheads or decks are of steel in the vicinity of penetrations through the deck or
bulkhead; the ducts and sleeves at such places are to comply with the following:
i) The ducts or sleeves are to have a thickness of at least 3 mm and a length of at least 900 mm
(35.4 in.).
a) When passing through bulkheads, this length is to be divided, preferably into
450 mm (17.7 in.) on each side of the bulkhead.
b) These ducts, or sleeves lining such ducts, are to be provided with fire insulation.
c) The insulation is to have at least the same fire integrity as the bulkhead or deck
through which the duct passes.
ii) Ducts with a cross-sectional area exceeding 0.075 m2, (116 in2), except those serving
hazardous areas, are to be fitted with fire dampers in addition to meeting the requirements
of the above paragraph [4-8/9.11.4i)].
a) The fire damper is to operate automatically, but must also be capable of being
closed manually from both sides of the bulkhead or deck.
b) The damper is to be provided with an indicator, which shows whether the damper
is open or closed.
c) Fire dampers are not required, however, where ducts pass through spaces surrounded
by “A” class divisions, without serving those spaces, provided those ducts have
the same fire integrity as the divisions which they pierce.
9.11.5 Ventilation of Machinery Spaces of Category A, Galleys and Hazardous Areas
Ventilation ducts serving machinery spaces of Category A, galleys or hazardous areas are not to
pass through accommodation spaces, services spaces or control stations.
Except for ventilation ducts serving hazardous areas, ducts serving machinery spaces of Category
A or galleys may pass through accommodation spaces, control stations and galleys if the ducts are:
i) Constructed of steel having a thickness of:
a) Minimum of 3 mm (0.12 in.), for ducts of 300 mm (11.8 in.) in width or less, and
b) Minimum of 5 mm (0.20 in.), for ducts of 760 mm (30 in.) in width and over;
In the case of ducts the width or diameter of which is between 300 mm (11.8 in.) and 760 mm
(30 in.), the thickness is to be obtained by interpolation; and
ii) Fitted with automatic fire dampers close to the boundaries penetrated; and

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

iii) Insulated to “A-60” standard from the machinery spaces or galleys to a point at least 5 m
(197 in.) beyond each fire damper; or constructed of steel in accordance with 4-8/9.11.4i)
above; and
iv) Insulated to “A-60” standard throughout the accommodation spaces, service spaces or control
9.11.6 Ventilation of Accommodation Spaces, Service Spaces or Control Stations
Ventilation ducts serving accommodation spaces, service spaces or control stations are not to pass
through machinery spaces of Category A, galleys or hazardous areas.
Except for hazardous areas, ventilation ducts serving the accommodation spaces, service spaces or
control stations may pass through machinery spaces of Category A or galleys, provided that:
i) Where they pass through a machinery space of category A or a galley, the ducts are
constructed of steel in accordance with 4-8/9.11.5i) above, and
ii) Automatic fire dampers are fitted close to the boundaries penetrated; and
iii) The integrity of the machinery space or galley boundaries is maintained at the penetrations;
or where they pass through a machinery space of category A or a galley, the ducts are
constructed of steel in accordance with 4-8/9.11.5i) above; and
iv) Are insulated to “A-60” standard within the machinery space or galley.
9.11.7 Ventilation Ducts Passing through "B" Class Division
Ventilation ducts with a cross-sectional area exceeding 0.02 m2 (31 in2) that pass through “B” class
bulkheads are to be lined with steel sheet sleeves of 900 mm (35.4 in) in length, divided preferably
into 450 mm (17.7 in) on each side of the bulkhead, unless the duct is of steel for this length.
9.11.8 Galley Ventilation
9.11.8(a) Separation of Galley Ventilation.
i) Galley ventilation system is to be separate from the ventilation system serving
accommodation spaces. This can be achieved by using separate air-handlers and dedicated
duct work for the galley ventilation which is not common with rest of the accommodations.
ii) Alternatively, a dual discharge system may be acceptable, provided the two (2) systems
are completely independent.
9.11.8(b) Galley Exhaust Ducts. Where they pass through accommodation spaces or spaces
containing combustible materials, the exhaust ducts from galley ranges are to be of equivalent fire
integrity to “A” class divisions. Each such exhaust duct is to be fitted with the following:
i) A grease trap readily removable for cleaning;
ii) A fire damper located in the lower end of the duct;
iii) Arrangements, operable from within the galley, for shutting off the exhaust fans; and
iv) Fixed means for extinguishing a fire within the duct.
9.11.9 Main Inlets and Outlets
The main inlets and outlets of all ventilation systems are to be capable of being closed from
outside the spaces being ventilated.
9.11.10 Means of Stopping Ventilation
i) Power ventilation of accommodation spaces, service spaces, control stations, machinery
spaces and hazardous areas is to be capable of being stopped from an easily accessible
position outside the space being served.
ii) The accessibility of this position in the event of a fire in the spaces served is to be specially
iii) The means provided for stopping the power ventilation serving machinery spaces or
hazardous areas is to be entirely separate from the means provided for stopping ventilation
of other spaces.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

9.11.11 Prevention of Ingress of Flammable, Toxic or Noxious Gases

The ventilation of the accommodation spaces and control stations is to be arranged in such a way
as to prevent the ingress of flammable, toxic or noxious gases, or smoke from surrounding areas.
9.11.12 Jumper Ducts
Jumper ducts provided for air balances between adjacent spaces are only acceptable in “C” class

9.13 Penetrations
All penetrations through bulkheads and decks are to have the same fire integrity as the bulkhead and deck
through which they penetrate. This is to be accomplished using an ABS accepted procedure with approved
materials or by a procedure that has been tested by an approved testing facility and approved by a major
governmental maritime administration.

9.15 Materials/Certification
All materials used in the construction of structural fire divisions and protection of the penetrations are to be
certified for the fire rating in which they are fitted. This includes structural fire protection and thermal
insulation, joiner bulkheads, doors, HVAC ducts, flooring materials, windows, fire dampers, etc.

11 Muster Areas

11.1 General
All units are to have a designated muster station(s) were personnel can gather prior to entering the lifeboats.

11.3 Materials
i) All materials that comprise the muster stations routes are to be of steel or equivalent material.
ii) Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) grating may be used if the layout is designed in accordance with
Appendix 3, and provided that the FRP grating is approved as meeting the applicable criteria defined
in same.

11.5 Muster Stations

i) The muster station is to be of sufficient area to accommodate the number of personnel to be gathered.
ii) The muster station is to be located in a safe location with respect to the processing equipment.
iii) The muster station may be a meeting room inside the accommodations or may be part of the lifeboat
embarkation station.

13 Means of Escape

13.1 General
i) Arrangement of escape routes is to be in accordance with the requirements contained in this
ii) Escape routes are to be arranged to provide the most direct route to an area of temporary refuge or
safe haven.

13.3 Materials
i) All materials that comprise the escape routes are to be of steel or equivalent material.
ii) Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) grating may be used if the layout is designed in accordance with
Appendix 3, and provided that the FRP grating is approved as meeting the applicable criteria as
defined in same.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

13.5 Escape Routes

i) At least two (2) means of escape are to be provided for all continuously manned areas and areas
that are used on a regular working basis.
ii) The two (2) means of escape must be through routes that minimize the possibility of having both
routes blocked in an emergency situation.
iii) Escape routes are to have a minimum width of 0.71 m (28 in.).
iv) Dead-end corridors exceeding 7 m (23 ft) in length are not permitted.
v) Dead-end corridors are defined as a pathway which (when used during an escape) has no exit.

13.7 Marking and Lighting of Escape Routes

Escape route paths are to be properly identified and provided with adequate lighting.

13.9 Escape Route Plan

i) An escape route plan is to be prominently displayed at various points of the facility.
ii) Alternatively, this information may be included in the Fire Control or Fire/Safety Plan.

15 Lifesaving Requirements

15.1 General
i) Lifesaving appliances and equipment are to be in accordance with the requirements contained in
this Subsection.
ii) Lifesaving Appliances and equipment are to be provided, taking into account the arrangement of
the installation and its area of operation.
iii) Where the words “of an approved type” are indicated, the equipment is to meet the requirements of
SOLAS or equivalent standard.
iv) Launching appliances for lifeboats and liferafts are also to meet the requirements of SOLAS or
equivalent standard.

15.3 Lifeboat Embarkation Areas

i) All materials that comprise the lifeboat embarkation platform are to be of steel or equivalent material.
ii) Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) grating may be used if the layout is designed in accordance with
Appendix 3, and provided that the FRP grating is approved as meeting the applicable criteria defined
in same.

15.5 Lifesaving Appliances and Equipment

15.5.1 Lifeboats (1 July 2007)
i) Lifeboats of an approved type with an aggregate capacity to accommodate the total number
of persons onboard are to be provided and installed in safe areas on two (2) sides of the
ii) The installation of lifeboats on one (1) side of the installation can be considered based on
the submittal of a detailed risk analysis. Items to be addressed in such a risk analysis are to
include, but are not limited to:
a) Prevailing and worst-case environmental conditions
b) Likely location of personnel onboard the facility
c) Consequences from all fire and explosion hazards onboard the facility
d) Egress routes from locations on the platform where personnel are normally
employed or living

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

e) Location of other LSA (liferafts)

f) Probability of casualties other than fire and explosion incidents including marine
15.5.2 Liferafts
i) Inflatable liferafts of an approved type are to be provided onboard such that their total capacity
is sufficient to accommodate the total number of people expected to be onboard the facility.
ii) Liferafts are to be placed next to areas where personnel may be working, in sufficient quantity
to hold the maximum number of people that might be present in the area at any one time.
15.5.3 Life Buoys
i) At least four (4) life buoys of an approved type, with floating water lights, are to be provided.
ii) One (1) ring life buoy is to be placed in a suitable rack on each side of the structure in an
acceptable location.
iii) Multi-level structures may require the placement of additional life buoys.
15.5.4 Life Jackets
i) At least one (1) life jacket of an approved type is to be provided for each person on a manned
ii) Life preservers/work vests are to be stored in readily accessible locations.
iii) Life jackets numbering the same quantity as the maximum aggregate capacity of each life
boat station must be stored next to the lifeboat station.
15.5.5 Work Vests
When personnel baskets are used to transfer personnel from the facility to work boats, or vice
versa, a work vest is to be provided and kept with the personnel basket for each person riding in
the basket.
15.5.6 Breathing Apparatus
i) For operations involving hydrogen sulfide, each person expected on the facility is to be
provided with a self-contained breathing apparatus of an approved type for escape purposes.
ii) The breathing apparatus for maintenance personnel is to have a minimum of thirty (30)
minutes air supply.
iii) A designated safe area with proper supply of air is also to be provided and shown on the
fire control/safety plan.

15.7 Means of Embarkation

15.7.1 General
i) The means of embarkation requirements of the applicable Rules and/or Regulations are to
ii) In the absence of means of embarkation requirements by the applicable Rules and/or
Regulations, the requirements of 4-8/15.7.2 below apply.
15.7.2 Means of Embarkation
i) Each facility is to have means of embarkation to allow personnel to leave the facility in an
emergency. These are in addition to the equipment described in 4-8/13.
ii) The means of embarkation are to consist of at least two (2) fixed ladders or stairways, widely
separated, and extending from the main and cellar decks to the water line.
iii) The ladders or stairways will preferably be located near lifeboat-launching stations.
iv) Ladder construction is to be in accordance with the appropriate governmental authority,
or other recognized standard.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

17 Personnel Safety Equipment and Safety Measures

17.1 Fireman’s Outfits

All fireman’s outfits and equipment are to be of an approved type (i.e., equipment is to meet the requirements of
SOLAS or equivalent standard).
The requirements below are in addition to those required by the applicable Rules and/or Regulations.
17.1.1 Fireman's Outfit
i) A minimum of two (2) sets of fire-fighting outfits and equipment is to be provided and
stowed in a suitable container.
ii) The protective clothing is to be made of a material that will protect the skin from radiant
heat of a fire, and be water-resistant.
iii) Boots and gloves are to be made of rubber or other electrically non-conducting material.
iv) The protective helmet is to be of rigid construction to resist impact, and be equipped with
a face shield.
v) The fireman’s outfits or sets of personal equipment are to be stored as to be easily accessible
and ready for use, and where more than one (1) fireman’s outfit or more than one (1) set
of personal equipment is carried, they are to be stored in widely separated positions.
vi) One of the outfits should be readily accessible from the helicopter deck.
17.1.2 Breathing Apparatus
i) A minimum of two (2) self-contained breathing apparatus of an approved type is to be
provided and stowed with the fireman's outfits.
ii) There is to be a sufficient number of spare compressed air charges.
iii) The breathing apparatus is to have a minimum of thirty (30) minutes air supply.

17.3 Guard Rails

The perimeter of all open deck areas, walkways around accommodation spaces, catwalks and openings, are
to be protected with guardrails.
i) The height of the guard rails is to be at least 1 m (39.5 in.) above the deck, except where this height
would interfere with normal operation, in which case a lesser height may be considered if adequate
protection is provided.
ii) The opening below the lowest course of the guardrails is not to exceed 230 mm (9 in.).
iii) The other courses are not to have more than 380 mm (15 in.) of clear opening.
iv) Toe plates are to be provided at the base of all guardrails.

17.5 Insulation of Hot Surfaces

17.5.1 Personal Protection
i) All exposed surfaces with which personnel are likely to come in contact are to have
temperatures that do not exceed 71°C (160°F).
ii) If this cannot be achieved, then the exposed surfaces are to be insulated or shielded.
17.5.2 Spillage Protection
Surfaces with temperatures in excess of 204°C (400°F) are to be protected from contact with liquid
hydrocarbon spillage and mist.

Chapter 4 Fixed Installations
Section 8 Fire Protection and Personnel Safety 4-8

17.5.3 Combustible Gases

Surfaces in excess of 482°C (900°F) are to be protected from contact with combustible gases.
17.5.4 Protection of Insulation
Insulation is to be protected from weather, oil spillage, mechanical wear, and physical damage.

Chapter 5: Surveys

CHAPTER 5 Surveys

SECTION 1 Surveys During Construction and Commissioning......................... 186
1 General ........................................................................................... 186
3 Surveys During Construction .......................................................... 186
3.1 General ........................................................................................ 186
3.3 Surveys at Vendor's Shop ........................................................... 186
3.5 Module Fabrication ...................................................................... 192
3.7 Module Assembly ........................................................................ 192
5 Commissioning and Start-up Surveys ............................................193
7 Start-up and Commissioning Procedures and Manual ................... 193
7.1 Functional Testing Procedures .................................................... 193
7.3 Start-up Procedure ...................................................................... 194

TABLE 1 Surveys During Construction ................................................188

SECTION 2 Surveys for Maintenance of Class .................................................... 195

1 General ........................................................................................... 195
3 Commissioning ...............................................................................195
5 Surveys ........................................................................................... 195
5.1 Annual Survey ............................................................................. 195
5.3 Special Survey ............................................................................. 195
5.5 Timing of Surveys ........................................................................ 195
5.7 Continuous Survey Program ........................................................ 195
5.9 Survey Based on Preventative Maintenance Techniques ............ 195
7 Maintenance Records .....................................................................196
7.1 Annual Survey ............................................................................. 196
7.3 Special Survey ............................................................................. 196
7.5 Inspection Plan ............................................................................ 197
9 Modifications ................................................................................... 197
11 Damage and Repairs ......................................................................197
13 Certification on Behalf of Coastal States ........................................197

SECTION 3 Risk Based Surveys for Maintenance of Class ................................ 198

1 General ........................................................................................... 198
3 Requirements for Risk Based Survey .............................................198
5 Surveys ........................................................................................... 199
5.1 General ........................................................................................ 199
5.3 Initial Survey ................................................................................ 199

5.5 Annual Survey ............................................................................. 199
5.7 Special Survey ............................................................................ 199
7 Notification and Availability for Survey............................................ 199
9 Modifications ................................................................................... 200
11 Damage and Repairs ...................................................................... 200
13 Certification on Behalf of Coastal and Flag States ......................... 200

Section 1: Surveys During Construction and Commissioning

CHAPTER 5 Surveys

SECTION 1 Surveys During Construction and Commissioning

1 General (1 July 2012)

This Section provides the survey requirements during construction and start-up (commissioning) of facility
installed on an offshore installation. The technical documentation requirements for review are given in
Chapter 3, Section 2 and Chapter 4, Section 2.

3 Surveys During Construction

3.1 General (1 July 2012)

During construction of systems, subsystems, equipment, and/or components for an offshore production
facility, ABS Surveyors are to have access to manufacturers’ or fabricators’ facilities to witness construction
and/or testing as required by these Rules, and the applicable design codes and/or standards.
The manufacturer/fabricator is to contact the ABS Surveyor to make necessary arrangements to examine
systems, subsystem, equipment, and/or components.
If the ABS Surveyor finds reason to recommends repairs or additional surveys, notice will be immediately
given to the Owner or his representative so that appropriate action may be taken.

3.3 Surveys at Vendor's Shop (1 July 2012)

Survey requirements for equipment and packaged units at vendor's shop are summarized in 5-1/Table 1.
Each vendor is required to have an effective quality system, which is to be verified by the attending Surveyor
prior to the start of fabrication.
3.3.1 Pre-fabrication Meeting
When the Surveyor’s attendance at the manufacturer’s plant and at the assembly site is required by
the applicable ABS Rules, the manufactured/assembled system and/or equipment will be verified
for satisfactory compliance with the codes and/or standards, and the requirements of this Rule.
It is recommended pre-fabrication or kick-off meeting between the manufacturer/fabricator and
ABS-designated Surveyor(s) is scheduled in order to, but not limited to:
i) Confirm and/or establish the main point of contacts (PoC) for the manufacturer and ABS
ii) Review the project quality plans
iii) Review proposed manufacturing specification
iv) Review project manufacturing and delivery schedules
v) Review and confirm project “hold-points”
vi) Review any proposed sub-contractor lists and/or qualifications
vii) Confirm specification, drawings and/or documentation associated with the manufacturing

Chapter 5 Surveys
Section 1 Surveys During Construction and Commissioning 5-1

3.3.2 ABS Survey

ABS Surveyor’s attendance is typically for the following purposes, but not limited to:
i) To confirm that the facilities to manufacture, fabricate or repair of systems, subsystem,
equipment or and/or components have and maintain an effective quality control program
covering design, procurement, manufacturing and testing, as applicable, and meeting the
requirements of a recognized standard applied to their products.
ii) To qualify or verify welder’s qualifications to the extent deemed necessary by the attending
ABS Surveyor.
iii) To qualify or verify welding procedure specifications (WPS) and corresponding weld
procedure qualification records (PQR) to the extent deemed necessary by the attending
ABS Surveyor
iv) To review and verify material certificates/documentation or material test reports (MTR’s)
v) To survey fit-up prior to major weldments
vi) To survey final weldments
vii) To witness, as far as deemed necessary, nondestructive examination tests of welds and to
review records of nondestructive examinations
viii) To review records of post-weld heat treatment, in particular for piping subjected to
pressurized sour service and subject to NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 requirements
ix) To verify dimensions are as shown on approved drawings
x) To check dimensional tolerances and alignment of mating surfaces
xi) To witness pressure and/or proof-load testing of equipment and as a unit, as applicable
and as specified in the fabrication procedures
xii) To witness final testing and functional testing of subassemblies and completed units, as
specified in the fabrication procedures
xiii) To verify all purged and pressurized systems, motor controllers, SCR banks, consoles and
instrumentation and control panels are in compliance with approved drawings
xiv) To carry out other survey activities as agreed upon during prefabrication meeting

Chapter 5 Surveys
Section 1 Surveys During Construction and Commissioning 5-1

Surveys During Construction (1 July 2012)
A B C D E Specific Test(s)
Production/Process Pressure Vessels X X X 5-1/3.3.4i)
Storage Tanks X X X 5-1/3.3.4v), vi)
Heat Exchangers X X X 5-1/3.3.4i)
Fired Vessels X X X 5-1/3.3.4i)
Packaged Process Units X X X X 5-1/3.3.4i), ii),
vii), viii), x)
Meters, Strainers, Filters and Other Fluid Conditioners
< 254 mm (10 in.) and 10.54 kg/cm2 (150 psi) X ---
≥ 254 mm (10 in.) or 10.54 kg/cm (150 psi) X X X 5-1/3.3.4i)
< 7 kg/cm2 (100 psi) and 757 liters/min (200 gpm) X ---
≥ 7 kg/cm (100 psi) or 757 liters/min (200 gpm) X X 5-1/3.3.4ii)
2 3
< 7 kg/cm (100 psi) and 28.3 m (1000 scfm) X ---
2 3
≥ 7 kg/cm (100 psi) or 28.3 m (1000 scfm) X X 5-1/3.3.4iii)
Flowlines and Manifolds X X X 5-1/3.3.4vii)
Scraper Launchers/Receivers X X X 5-1/3.3.4i)
Flare Systems X X 5-1/3.3.4vii)
Subsea Systems X X X X 5-1/3.3.4i), viii)


Pressure Vessels
< 7 kg/cm2 (100 psi) and 93.3°C (200°F) X ---
≥ 7 kg/cm (100 psi) or 93.3°C (200°F) X X X 5-1/3.3.4i)
Heat Exchangers
< 7 kg/cm2 (100 psi) and 93.3°C (200°F) X ---
≥ 7 kg/cm2 (100 psi) or 93.3°C (200°F) X X X 5-1/3.3.4i)
Rotating Equipment
Pumps X ---
Air Compressors X ---
Engines And Turbines
< 100 kW (134 hp) X ---
≥ 100 kW (134 hp) X X 5-1/3.3.4iv)
Packaged Support Systems
< 7 kg/cm2 (100 psi) and 93.3°C (200°F) X ---
≥ 7 kg/cm (100 psi) or 93.3°C (200°F) X X X X 5-1/3.3.4i), ii),
vii), viii), x)

Chapter 5 Surveys
Section 1 Surveys During Construction and Commissioning 5-1

TABLE 1 (continued)
Surveys During Construction (1 July 2012)
A B C D E Specific Test(s)
< 100 kW (134 hp) X ---
≥ 100 kW (134 hp) X 5-1/3.3.4viii)
< 100 kW (134 hp) X ---
≥ 100 kW (134 hp) X 5-1/3.3.4viii)
Distribution Transformers X ---
Switchboard, MCC, Panrelboards X ---
Storage Batteries X ---


Control Panels X ---


Fire Pumps X 5-1/3.3.4ii)
Fire Pump Skid Package X ---
Alarm Panels X ----
Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems (Nozzles, Controls, Bottles, etc.) X See MODU
Section 7-1-8
Fire and Gas Detection Systems (sensors, Panel, Cables, etc.) X ---


For modules that require design review, see 3-3/7.3 and 3-2/5.27 or X
A ABS attendance at vendor's shop to verify materials for compliance with drawings/specification and their traceability
record, and to review welding and NDE specifications and procedures, and welder and NDE personnel qualification
B ABS attendance at vendor's shop during critical phases of fabrication such as fit-up, alignment, and NDT examination,
C ABS attendance at vendor's shop to witness and report on pressure testing.
D ABS attendance at vendor's shop to witness and report on operational tests to verify proper functioning of equipment.
E Exempt from ABS survey and testing when vendor or manufacturer has provided manufacturer’s affidavit of compliance
(MAC) that equipment or component is designed, manufactured, and tested in accordance with an applicable code
or standard.

Chapter 5 Surveys
Section 1 Surveys During Construction and Commissioning 5-1

3.3.3 General Testing Requirements

Where production or processing systems, subsystems, equipment or components listed above are
indicated as being tested under survey, the following list indicates general testing references:


Pressure Vessels ASME Section VIII Div. 1/ Div. 2/ or equivalent
Pumps API Std. 610
Compressors API Std. 617, 618, 619
Gas Turbines API Std. 616
Storage Tanks API Std. 620
Piping Systems API RP 14E, ASME B31.3
Electrical Systems API RP I4F
Instrument and Control Systems API RP 554

3.3.4 Specific Testing Requirements

The following specific tests, are to be witnessed by the Surveyor. Other tests required by project
specifications may also be witnessed and reported on by the Surveyor.
i) Pressure Vessels
a) Each vessel is to be subjected to a hydrostatic test which at every point in the
vessel is at least equal to 1.3 times the maximum allowable working pressure.
b) For pressure vessels that cannot be hydraulically tested, a pneumatic test equal to
1.1 times the maximum allowable working pressure is to be performed.
ii) Pumps
a) Each pressure casing or pressure-retaining part is to be hydrostatically tested with
water at ambient temperature at a minimum of 1.5 times the maximum allowable
casing pressure.
b) An operational test of the pump is to be performed to demonstrate satisfactory
iii) Compressors
a) Pressure and operational tests in accordance with the requirements of 5-1/3.3.4ii),
are to be performed.
b) Each compressor intended for toxic or flammable gas service is to be pressurized
with an inert gas to the rated discharge pressure.
c) The casing is to be held at the test pressure for a minimum of 30 minutes to check
for gas leaks, when subjected to a soap-bubble test or to other approved leak test.
iv) Gas Turbines
a) Pressure and operational tests in accordance with the requirements of 5-1/3.3.4ii),
are to be performed.
b) See API Std. 616 for details of the mechanical running test.
v) Low Pressure Storage Tanks – 0.011 to 1.05 kg/cm2 (2.5 oz/in2 to 15 psi) for Crude or
Flammable Fluids (with Flash Points < 60°C or 140°F) (2.5 oz/in2 to 15 psi) or (0.0109
to 1.05 kg/cm2)
a) Depending on the design of the tank, each storage tank is to be subjected to a
combination hydrostatic-pneumatic test, or a completely hydrostatic test.

Chapter 5 Surveys
Section 1 Surveys During Construction and Commissioning 5-1

b) If the tank has not been designed to be filled with liquid to the tank, the tank is
filled with water to its high liquid design level, and a test pressure of 1.25 times,
design pressure of the vapor space is applied to the vapor space.
c) If the tank has been designed to be filled with liquid to the tank top, it is to be
hydrostatically tested with a pressure under the topmost point equal to 1.25 times
the vapor space design pressure.
d) Partial vacuum tests are to be conducted for tanks that are designed to withstand
the partial vacuum.
vi) Atmospheric Storage Tanks for Crude or Flammable Fluids with Flash Points less than 60°C
a) Atmospheric storage tanks are to be hydrostatically tested to the maximum liquid
head to which the tank is to be subjected.
vii) Piping Systems
a) All piping systems are to be hydrostatically leak-tested prior to being placed into
service. The test pressure is to be 1.5 times the design pressure, or 3.5 kg/cm2
(50 psig), whichever is greater.
b) Where it is necessary to perform a pneumatic leak test, the test pressure is to be
1.1 times the design pressure.
c) All joints, including welds, are to be left uninsulated and exposed for examination
during leak testing.
viii) Electrical Systems (Generators & Motors)
a) Check windings for dryness. It is recommended that space heating be operated
for a sufficient time prior to start-up to assure dryness.
b) Measurement of stator insulation resistance to the motor or generator frame is to be
made with an instrument applying a minimum of 600 volts across the insulation.
The suggested minimum insulation resistance is 2.0 meghoms; new or rebuilt
machines should provide at least 10 megohms in insulation resistance readings.
c) If generators are to be operated in parallel, check their phase rotation and the
synchronizing circuits for proper operation.
d) Check motor starter overload relay heater elements for proper sizing.
e) Check circuit breaker trip settings and fuse sizes.
f) Jog motors to check for proper direction of rotation, but only after uncoupling
any loads which might be damaged by reverse rotation.
g) Check motor-to-load and generator-to-prime mover alignments.
h) Perform an insulation test of all electrical circuits to verify that cables are not
damaged during installation.
i) Verify all components are properly grounded.
j) After motors and generators are started, check for abnormal line currents, vibration,
and high bearing temperatures.
k) Witness full-load heat run and saturation curve tests for the first unit of a particular
ix) Electrical Systems (Switchboards)
a) Check all bus-bars for correct sizing and spacing.
b) Check all components for correct voltage and current rating.
c) Verify all components are properly grounded.

Chapter 5 Surveys
Section 1 Surveys During Construction and Commissioning 5-1

d) The various circuits of switchboard and panelboard assemblies are to be tested by

conducting dielectric strength test and insulation resistance measurements.
e) Satisfactory tripping and operation of all relays, contactors and various safety
devices is to be demonstrated.
x) Instrument and Control System
a) Witness calibration of all pressure, level and temperature switches necessary for
functioning of controls in accordance with SAFE Charts.
b) Review calibration records of all other instruments.
c) Verify all instruments used as pressure-retaining parts have correct pressure ratings.
d) Verify all electrical/electronic instruments to be installed in a hazardous location
are suitable for that environment.
e) Verify all electrical/electronic instruments are properly grounded.
f) Verify all electrical circuits are installed in a 'fail safe' manner, that is, all circuits
in normal working state are to be electrically continuous, and non-continuous when
in an abnormal state.
g) Check logic functions with normal voltage applied to the control circuits, but
preferably with the power circuits not energized.
h) Check each sensor and end device individually for proper operation before
incorporating them into the system
xi) Fire Extinguishing System – See ABS MODU Rules 7-1-8

3.5 Module Fabrication

Where equipment and components are assembled as skid mounted units or modules, the Surveyor is to inspect:
i) Fit-up
ii) Piping connections
iii) Electrical connections
iv) Witness pressure test
v) Functional tests of the completed assembly in accordance with approved plans

3.7 Module Assembly (1 July 2012)

Survey during assembly is to be carried out in accordance with approved procedures, and to include the
following where applicable:
i) All piping assembly is to be verified for compliance with approved drawings and procedures.
ii) All welds are to be visually inspected, and non-destructive testing (NDT) carried out as required.
iii) Upon completion of assembly, the affected sections are to be hydrostatically tested to 1.5 times
the design working pressure.
iv) All electrical assembly is to be verified for compliance with the approved drawings and procedures.
v) Proper support for all cables and proper sealing of cable entries to equipment are to be verified.
vi) Upon completion of all assembly, the affected sections of the equipment and cabling are to be
insulation satisfactorily tested in accordance with approved procedures. All grounding is also to be
verified for completion and appropriate connections.
vii) All instrumentation assembly is to be verified for compliance with the approved drawings and
procedures. All tubing supports are to be verified. Upon completion, all systems are to be
satisfactorily functional tested in accordance with approved procedures.

Chapter 5 Surveys
Section 1 Surveys During Construction and Commissioning 5-1

viii) All mechanical equipment assembly is to be verified for compliance with the approved drawings
and procedures, including the grounding of the equipment. Upon completion, all equipment is to
be satisfactorily functional tested in accordance with approved procedures.

5 Commissioning and Start-up Surveys (1 July 2012)

The start-up and commissioning of all hydrocarbon production systems are to be satisfactorily verified by
an attending the Surveyor. The scope of the survey is to include the following, but not limited to:
i) The start-up and commissioning are to be performed in accordance with the approved procedures.
ii) Verify personnel safety precautionary measures to be taken during commissioning, which are to
include checks of operational readiness of all lifesaving, fire and gas detection, fire fighting equipment,
ESD systems, unobstructed escape routes, etc.
iii) Verify establishment of communication procedures prior to commissioning.
iv) Verify that emergency procedures are provided to deal with any contingencies such as spillage, fire,
and other hazards. If necessary, drills are to be carried out to confirm the readiness of these procedures.
v) Verify start-up and testing of all support utility systems, including main and auxiliary sources for
the process system, prior to commissioning.
vi) Verify proper assembly and testing of the entire process system, prior to commissioning. This is
to include testing of the entire system for leaks, of the process control functions and the emergency
shutdown system.
vii) Verify purging of the entire production system of oxygen to an acceptable level, prior to the
introduction of hydrocarbons into the production system.
viii) Verify the introduction of hydrocarbon into the process system, and the system’s capability to control
the flow of the well affluent in the system in a stabilized manner, without undue control upsets.
ix) Verify the starting up of the flare system, if applicable, including precautions taken to eliminate
the risk of explosion or fire. The functional capability of the flare system is to be verified.
x) Verify that the post-commissioned process system is in satisfactory functioning order for a duration
of at least 12 hours.
xi) Equipment required to be verified but not used during the start-up and commissioning is to be
identified for verification at the next annual survey.

7 Start-up and Commissioning Procedures and Manual

The start-up and commissioning manual is to include, at minimum, the procedures listed in 5-1/7.1 and 5-1/7.3.

7.1 Functional Testing Procedures

During commissioning, the following systems are to be functionally tested in accordance with approved
7.1.1 Piping and Equipment
i) Pressure/Leak Test
ii) Purging
7.1.2 Utility Systems
i) Power Generation (Main & Emergency)
ii) Process Support Facilities
iii) Instrument Air
iv) Cooling Water

Chapter 5 Surveys
Section 1 Surveys During Construction and Commissioning 5-1

7.1.3 Fire Fighting and Safety Systems

i) Fire Pumps
ii) Fixed Fire Fighting Systems
iii) Manual Equipment
iv) Lifesaving Equipment
7.1.4 Detection and Alarm
i) Fire Detection
ii) Gas Detection
iii) Fire and Gas Panel
iv) ESD Systems
7.1.5 Process Systems
i) Flare (pilot, ignition, snuffing and flare operational tests)
ii) Instrumentation and Control (wellhead control and process control system)
iii) Safety Shutdown Valves
iv) Process Components

7.3 Start-up Procedure

A step-by-step procedure is to be followed for the displacement of air or other fluid from the process systems
prior to start-up. The Surveyor is to be permitted access to suitable vantage points to verify that the start-
up procedures are satisfactorily accomplished. The Surveyor is to observe the facilities operating at the
initial production capacity for at least a 12 hour period of uninterrupted normal operation. As applicable,
the Surveyor is also to observe the facilities operating at various capacities under various conditions.

Section 2: Survey for Maintenance of Class

CHAPTER 5 Surveys

SECTION 2 Surveys for Maintenance of Class

1 General
The provisions of this Section contain survey requirements for the maintenance of classification for facilities
installed on an offshore installation.
For modifications, the documentation requirements for review are given in 3-2/23 or 4-2/21.

3 Commissioning
For purposes of this Section, the commissioning date will be the date on which a Surveyor issues the Interim
Classification Certificate for the offshore facilities.

5 Surveys

5.1 Annual Survey

To maintain classification of the facilities, an annual survey is to be carried out by a Surveyor within three
months before of each anniversary date of the initial Classification Survey.

5.3 Special Survey

A Special Survey of the facilities is to be carried out within five (5) years of the initial Classification Survey,
and at five-year intervals thereafter.

5.5 Timing of Surveys

Required surveys are to be completed within three (3) months of their due dates, unless extended by agreement
with ABS.
Any part of an offshore installation may be offered for survey prior to the due date when so desired, in
which case the survey will be credited as of that date.

5.7 Continuous Survey Program

A continuous survey program may be arranged whereby all required surveys are carried out on a continuing

5.9 Survey Based on Preventative Maintenance Techniques

A properly conducted preventative maintenance/condition monitoring plan may be credited as satisfying
the requirements of Special Continuous Survey. This plan must be in accordance with Appendix 7-A-14,
“Guide for Survey Based on Preventative Maintenance Techniques” of the ABS Rules for Survey After
Construction (Part 7).

Chapter 5 Surveys
Section 2 Surveys for Maintenance of Class 5-2

7 Maintenance Records
Maintenance records are to be kept and made available for review by the attending Surveyor. The maintenance
records are to be reviewed to establish the scope and content of the required Annual and Special Surveys
which are to be carried out by a Surveyor.
During the service life of the facilities, maintenance records are to be updated on a continuing basis.
The operator is to inform ABS of any changes to the maintenance procedures and their frequencies, as may
be caused, for example, by changes or additions to the original equipment.
The Surveyor may determine during his periodic survey if the changes are sufficient to warrant review by
the ABS technical staff.

7.1 Annual Survey

At each Annual survey, in addition to a general review of the maintenance records, the Surveyor is to verify
the effectiveness of the following items by visual examination and operational testing, as appropriate.
i) Examination of corrosion protection system
ii) Examination and testing of remote shutdown arrangements for fuel and ventilation equipment
iii) Examination and testing of safety shutdown devices
iv) Examination and testing of emergency control stations
v) External examination and testing of safety relief valves
vi) External examination during operation of all machinery, pumps and pumping arrangements, including
valves, cocks and pipes
vii) Examination of preventative maintenance records
viii) Examination of fire hoses, nozzles, and spanners at each fire station
ix) Examination of fire protection system, including fire water pumps and related piping, hydrants,
control valves and alarm systems
x) Operational check of fire protection systems, including fire pumps, water spray systems, and alarm
and detection systems
xi) Examination of personnel protection, rescue and escape systems and devices, including alarm devices
and emergency lighting for escape routes, landing platforms, etc.
xii) General examination of structure, piping, electrical systems and machinery foundations for damage,
deterioration, or hazard. (i.e., flare tower or ground flare, production systems, power generation, etc.)
xiii) Examination of enclosed hazardous areas, including ventilation, electric lighting, electric fixtures
and instrumentation
xiv) Verification of the integrity of explosion-proof equipment
xv) Operational test of emergency lighting systems, navigation and obstruction lights
xvi) External examination of boilers, separators, and similar process equipment and associated relief valves
xvii) Examination of steam-generating units

7.3 Special Survey

The Special Survey is to include all items listed under the Annual Survey with the following additions:
i) Checking and weighing the contents of fixed fire protection systems, including the capability and
stability of storage foam liquids. Blowing through and ensuring that piping for fixed fire extinguishing
systems is not choked.
ii) Non-explosion proof electric motors are to be examined, including automatic power disconnect to
motors that are arranged to shut down in case of loss of ventilation.

Chapter 5 Surveys
Section 2 Surveys for Maintenance of Class 5-2

iii) Gauging of pressure vessels, heat exchangers, and storage tanks, as considered necessary
iv) Internal examination of pressure vessels, pumps, compressors, and safety relief valves
v) Random thickness gauging of process piping, as considered necessary
vi) Hydrostatic testing of process related piping systems to 1.25 times the maximum allowable working
pressure as considered necessary.
vii) Lube oil examination record review
viii) Measurement of the insulation resistance of generators and motors
ix) Running of generators of under load, separately and in parallel
x) Examination of cable runs, bus ducts, insulators, etc.
xi) Testing of circuit breakers, relays, etc.
xii) Examination of electrical equipment and circuits for possible damage or deterioration
xiii) Vibration checks of rotating machinery
xiv) Internal examination of steam and gas turbines, as considered necessary
xv) Testing of protective devices for engines, turbines, and gas compressors
xvi) Internal examination of diesel engines and gas engines rated 1000 hp output and above, as considered
xvii) Operational check of process control equipment.

7.5 Inspection Plan

The requirements of 5-2/7.1 and 5-2/7.3 above are intended to define the general scope of required surveys.
Due to the varied nature and purposes of offshore installations, it is not considered practicable to establish
a firm schedule of requirements.
The Annual and Special Surveys are to be carried out in accordance with the reviewed inspection plan to
confirm the fitness of the facility for continued operation.

9 Modifications
When it is necessary to carry out any modifications to the machinery, piping, process equipment, etc., which
may affect classification, the details of such modifications are to be submitted for review.
If ABS determines that the modification will affect classification, the facility to be modified will be subject
to the review, testing and inspection requirements of the Rules.

11 Damage and Repairs

If an offshore installation that has been classed suffers any damage to machinery, piping, process equipment,
etc., which may affect classification, ABS is to be notified and the damage examined by a Surveyor.
Details of intended repairs are to be submitted for approval, and the work is to be carried out to the satisfaction
of the Surveyor.

13 Certification on Behalf of Coastal States

When ABS is authorized to perform surveys on behalf of a governmental authority, and when requested by
the Owner, items as specified by the governmental authority or Owner will be surveyed. Reports indicating
the results of such surveys will be issued accordingly.

Section 3: Risk Based Surveys for Maintenance of Class

CHAPTER 5 Surveys

SECTION 3 Risk Based Surveys for Maintenance of Class

1 General (1 July 2012)

The provisions of this Section contain survey requirements specific to the maintenance of classification for
The provisions of this Section contain survey requirements specific to the maintenance of classification for
facilities installed on an offshore installation for which inspection plans have been developed using risk
based techniques.
While this Section provides risk based survey requirements as an alternative for maintenance of Class, some
Subsections on the Classification Process contained in the ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification –
Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1) and Chapter 1 of these Rules remain applicable.
Where no specific references or guidance are given in this Section, the relevant requirements of Sections 1-1-3
through 1-1-14 of the above-referenced Part 1 and Chapter 1, Sections 2 though 5 of these Rules remain
Due to the varied nature and purposes of offshore installations, and the varied contents of inspection plans
developed as part of an Owner’s risk based approach to Classification, it is not considered practicable to
establish a firm schedule of survey requirements in this Section for maintenance of Class.
Where modifications to the facilities are to be carried out after issuance of the Classification Certificate, all
documentation requirements for review as defined in 3-2/23 or 4-2/21 of these Rules remain the same.
Further, the design documentation described in 3-2/1 or 4-2/1 is to be available to the attending Surveyor at
the time of the modifications.

3 Requirements for Risk Based Survey

Where the risk based approach is to be adopted, the Owner’s proposed maintenance and inspection plans,
including details of frequency and extent of activities, are to be submitted for review.
i) Where these plans deviate from the Survey requirements of Chapter 5, Section 2, the risk assessment
methodology required below is to specifically address these deviations, which are not to result in
an unacceptable level of safety or integrity of the facilities.
ii) In addition to the maintenance and inspection plans noted above, the following documentation is to be
submitted to ABS at least six (6) months before the plan is to be put into effect. This documentation
is to establish, at a minimum:
a) The basis and methodology employed in the risk based techniques;
b) The means by which the technique is used to establish maintenance plans;
c) The means by which the technique is used to update and modify maintenance and inspection
d) The means by which the following items are to be controlled:
1) Accident and Non-Conformity Reporting
2) Overdue Inspections/Surveys
3) Internal Audits and Management Reviews
4) Control, Storage and Retention of Documents and Data
5) Change Procedures for ABS approved plans

Chapter 5 Survey Requirements
Section 3 Risk Based Surveys for Maintenance of Class 5-3

Where the risk based approach is to be adopted on facilities installed on a floating installation, the risk
assessment on which the inspection and maintenance plan is based is to be site-specific. If the installation
is to be relocated, the risk assessment is to be reviewed by the Owner and resubmitted to ABS for approval.

5 Surveys

5.1 General
i) To credit a Special Survey based on risk based inspection techniques, the facilities are to be subject
to a continuous survey program, whereby the survey of all applicable items is to be carried out on
a continuous basis over the five-year special survey cycle. If this program includes a preventative
maintenance/condition monitoring plan, this plan is to be in accordance with Appendix 7-A-14,
“Guide for Survey Based on Preventative Maintenance Techniques” of the ABS Rules for Survey
After Construction (Part 7).
ii) The inspection plan detailing the timing and extent of activities will be reviewed to establish the
scope and content of the Annual and Special Surveys which are required to be carried out by a
Surveyor, who will also monitor the Owner’s in-house quality management system required by
5-3/3.1.4 above.
iii) During the service life of the facilities, maintenance and inspection records are to be updated on a
continuing basis and be available for reference by the attending Surveyor.
iv) The operator is to inform ABS of any changes to the maintenance procedures and their frequencies,
as may be caused, for example, by changes, additions, or deletions to the original equipment.

5.3 Initial Survey

i) An Initial Survey is to be carried out to confirm that systems and plans required by 5-3/3 have
been properly implemented.
ii) The survey is to be carried out a minimum of three (3) months after the date of implementation of
the approved plans, but no later than concurrently with the next due annual survey.

5.5 Annual Survey

i) An Annual Survey is to be carried out by a Surveyor within three months before or after each
anniversary date of the initial/renewal Classification Survey.
ii) The survey is to be carried out in accordance with the approved risk based inspection plan to
confirm the fitness of the facility for continued operation.
iii) Where the inspection plan specifically applies ABS Rules, the applicable items listed in 5-2/7.1 of
this Chapter are to be complied with.

5.7 Special Survey

i) A Special Survey of the facilities is to be carried out within five years of the initial Classification
Survey and at five-year intervals thereafter.
ii) The survey is to include all items in the approved risk based inspection plan listed under the Annual
Survey, confirmation of the completion of the continuous survey program and where the inspection
plan specifically applies ABS Rules, the applicable items listed in 5-2/7.3 of this Chapter are to be
complied with.

7 Notification and Availability for Survey (1 July 2012)

The requirements of 1-1-10/3 of the ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification – Offshore Units and Structures
(Part 1) notwithstanding, the maintenance and inspection plan required by 5-3/3 is to be structured as to
confirm that all ABS survey activity is carried out during the annual and special surveys.

Chapter 5 Survey Requirements
Section 3 Risk Based Surveys for Maintenance of Class 5-3

i) If it is not possible for ABS survey activity to be carried out during the annual and special surveys,
in case of a planned/unplanned maintenance shutdown, or as a result of serious damage, adequate
notification for Surveyor attendance is to be given by the owners.
ii) If the situations noted above occurs within two (2) months outside of the beginning or end of an
annual survey window, due consideration may be given for the Annual Survey to be brought
forward or postponed to coincide with the maintenance period.
iii) If an Annual Survey is brought forward, the next due Annual Survey is to be carried out within 18
months of completion of that survey.

9 Modifications (1 July 2012)

When it is intended to carry out any modifications to the machinery, piping, process equipment, etc., which
may affect classification, the details of such modifications are to be submitted for review.
If ABS determines that the modification will affect classification, the facility to be modified will be subject
to the review, survey and testing requirements of the Rules and/or the applicable design codes and standards.

11 Damage and Repairs (1 July 2012)

If an offshore installation suffers any damage to machinery, piping, process equipment, etc., which may
affect classification, ABS is to be notified and the damage examined by a Surveyor.
i) Details of intended repairs are to be submitted for approval, and the repair is to be carried out to
the satisfaction of the Surveyor.
ii) When machinery, piping, or process equipment suffers unexpected failure, and is subsequently repaired
or replaced without Surveyor attendance, details of the failure, including damaged parts where
practicable, are to be retained on board for examination by the Surveyor during the next scheduled
iii) Alternatively, the part or parts may be landed ashore for further examination and testing as required.
iv) If failures noted above are deemed to be a result of inadequate or inappropriate maintenance, the
maintenance and inspection plan is to be amended and resubmitted for approval.

13 Certification on Behalf of Coastal and Flag States

When ABS is authorized to perform surveys on behalf of a governmental authority, and when requested by
the Owner, items as specified by the governmental authority or Owner will be surveyed. Reports indicating
the results of such surveys will be issued accordingly.
Where the periodicity and types of surveys on behalf of a governmental authority differ from those
required by the applicable Sections of this Chapter, the Coastal or Flag State requirements take precedence.

Appendix 1: Plastic Pipe Installations

APPENDIX 1 Plastic Pipe Installations

SECTION 1 General ................................................................................................ 204
1 General ........................................................................................... 204
3 Specification .................................................................................... 204

SECTION 2 Design ................................................................................................. 205

1 Internal Pressure............................................................................. 205
3 External Pressure ........................................................................... 205
5 Axial Strength .................................................................................. 205
7 Temperature ................................................................................... 206
9 Impact Resistance .......................................................................... 206
11 Fire Endurance ............................................................................... 206
11.1 Level 1 ......................................................................................... 206
11.3 Level 2 ......................................................................................... 206
11.5 Level 3 ......................................................................................... 206
11.7 Level 3 Modified Test .................................................................. 206
11.9 Fire Endurance Coating............................................................... 207
13 Flame Spread ................................................................................. 207
15 Electrical Conductivity ..................................................................... 207
15.1 Piping Conductivity ...................................................................... 207
15.3 Hazardous Areas ......................................................................... 207
15.5 Electrical Resistance ................................................................... 207
15.7 Non-homogeneous Conductivity ................................................. 207
17 Marking ........................................................................................... 207

TABLE 1 Fire Endurance Requirements Matrix ................................... 208

SECTION 3 Installation of Plastic Pipes ............................................................... 210

1 Supports .......................................................................................... 210
1.1 Spacing ....................................................................................... 210
1.3 Bearing ........................................................................................ 210
1.5 Heavy Components ..................................................................... 210
1.7 Working of the Hull on a Floating Installation .............................. 210
1.9 Thermal Expansion ..................................................................... 210
3 External Loads ................................................................................ 211
5 Plastic Pipe Connections ................................................................ 211
5.1 General Requirements ................................................................ 211
5.3 Procedure and Personal Qualifications ....................................... 211

7 Electrical Conductivity .....................................................................211
7.1 Resistance Measurement ............................................................ 211
7.3 Grounding (Earthing) Wire ........................................................... 211
9 Shell Connections on Floating Installations ....................................211
11 Bulkhead and Deck Penetrations ................................................... 212
13 Application of Fire Protection Coatings...........................................212

SECTION 4 Manufacturing of Plastic Pipes ......................................................... 213

SECTION 5 Plastic Pipe Bonding Procedure Qualification ................................ 214

1 Procedure Qualification Requirements ...........................................214
1.1 Joint Bonding Parameters ........................................................... 214
1.3 Re-qualification ............................................................................ 214
3 Procedure Qualification Testing ...................................................... 214
3.1 Test Assembly ............................................................................. 214
3.3 Pipe Size ..................................................................................... 214
3.5 Bonding Operator Qualification .................................................... 214

SECTION 6 Tests by the Manufacturer – Fire Endurance Testing of Plastic

Piping in Dry Condition (For Level 1 and Level 2) .......................... 215
1 Test Method .................................................................................... 215
1.1 Furnace Test Temperature .......................................................... 215
1.3 Furnace Temperature Control ..................................................... 215
1.5 Furnace Temperature Measurement ........................................... 215
3 Test Specimen ................................................................................215
3.1 Pipe Joints and Fittings................................................................ 215
3.3 Number of Specimens ................................................................. 215
3.5 End Closure ................................................................................. 216
3.7 Orientation ................................................................................... 216
3.9 Insulation ..................................................................................... 216
3.11 Moisture Condition of Insulation .................................................. 216
5 Test Condition .................................................................................216
7 Acceptance Criteria .........................................................................216
7.1 During the Test ............................................................................ 216
7.3 After the Test ............................................................................... 216
7.5 Alternative Tests .......................................................................... 216

SECTION 7 Tests by the Manufacturer – Fire Endurance Testing of

Water-filled Plastic Piping (For Level 3) ........................................... 217
1 Test Method .................................................................................... 217
1.1 Burner .......................................................................................... 217
1.3 Pipe ≤ 152 mm (6 in.) OD ............................................................ 217
1.5 Pipes > 152 mm (6 in.) OD .......................................................... 217
1.7 Burner Type and Arrangement .................................................... 217
1.9 Burner Position ............................................................................ 217

3 Test Specimen ................................................................................ 218
3.1 Pipe Length ................................................................................. 218
3.3 Pipe Joints and Fittings ............................................................... 218
3.5 Number of Specimens ................................................................. 218
3.7 End Closure................................................................................. 218
3.9 Moisture of Insulation .................................................................. 218
3.11 Orientation ................................................................................... 218
3.13 Relief Valve ................................................................................. 218
5 Test Conditions ............................................................................... 218
5.1 Sheltered Test Site ...................................................................... 218
5.3 Water-filled .................................................................................. 218
5.5 Water Temperature ..................................................................... 218
7 Acceptance Criteria......................................................................... 219
7.1 During the Test ............................................................................ 219
7.3 After the Test ............................................................................... 219

FIGURE 1 Fire Endurance Test Burner Assembly ................................. 219

FIGURE 2 Fire Endurance Test Stand with Mounted Sample ............... 219

SECTION 8 Tests by the Manufacturer – Wet/Dry Fire Endurance Testing of

Plastic Piping Used in Deluge System (For Level 3 Modified
Test – Level 3 WD) (Adopted from USCG PFM 1-98) ...................... 220
1 General ........................................................................................... 220

SECTION 9 Tests by the Manufacturer – Flame Spread ..................................... 221

1 Test Method .................................................................................... 221

SECTION 10 Testing Onboard After Installation ................................................... 222

Section 1: General

APPENDIX 1 Plastic Pipe Installations

SECTION 1 General

1 General
Pipes and piping components made of thermoplastic or thermosetting plastic materials, with or without
reinforcement, may be used in piping systems referred to in A1-2/Table 1, subject to compliance with the
following requirements.
For the purpose of these Rules, “plastic” means both thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic materials, with
or without reinforcement, such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP).

3 Specification
Rigid plastic pipes are to be in accordance with a recognized national or international standard acceptable
to ABS.
Specification for the plastic pipe, including thermal and mechanical properties and chemical resistance, is
to be submitted for review.

Section 2: Design

APPENDIX 1 Plastic Pipe Installations

SECTION 2 Design

1 Internal Pressure
A pipe is to be designed for an internal pressure not less than the design pressure of the system for its intended
purpose. The maximum internal pressure, Pint, for a pipe is to be the lesser of the following:
Pint = Psth/4 or Pint = Plth/2.5
Psth = short-term hydrostatic test failure pressure
Plth = long-term hydrostatic test failure pressure (>100,000 hours)
The hydrostatic tests are to be carried out under the following conditions:
i) Atmospheric pressure = 1 bar (1 kgf/cm2, 14.5 psi)
ii) Relative humidity = 30%
iii) Fluid temperature = 25°C (77°F)
The hydrostatic test failure pressure can be verified experimentally or determined by a combination of testing
and calculation methods, which are to be submitted to ABS for approval.

3 External Pressure
External pressure is to be considered for any installation that may be subject to vacuum conditions inside
the pipe or a head of liquid on the outside of the pipe.
i) A pipe is to be designed for an external pressure not less than the sum of the pressure imposed by
the maximum potential head of liquid outside the pipe plus full vacuum, 1 bar (1 kgf/cm2, 14.5 psi),
inside the pipe.
ii) The maximum external pressure for a pipe is to be determined by dividing the collapse test pressure
by a safety factor of 3.
iii) The collapse test pressure may be verified experimentally or be determined by a combination of
testing and calculation methods, which are to be submitted to ABS for approval.

5 Axial Strength
The sum of the longitudinal stresses due to pressure, weight and other dynamic and sustained loads, is not
to exceed the allowable stress in the longitudinal direction.
Forces due to thermal expansion, contraction and external loads, where applicable, are to be considered when
determining longitudinal stresses in the system.
In the case of fiber-reinforced plastic pipes, the sum of the longitudinal stresses is not to exceed one half of
the nominal circumferential stress derived from the maximum internal pressure, determined according to
A1-2/1, unless the allowable longitudinal stress is verified experimentally or by a combination of testing
and calculation methods.

Appendix 1 Plastic Pipe Installations
Section 2 Design A1-2

7 Temperature
The maximum allowable working temperature of a pipe is to be in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations, but in every instance, is to be at least 20°C (36°F) lower than the minimum heat distortion
temperature of the pipe material, determined according to ISO 75 method A or equivalent.
The minimum heat distortion temperature is not to be less than 80°C (176°F).
Where low temperature services are considered, special attention is to be given with respect to material

9 Impact Resistance
Plastic pipes and joints are to meet a minimum resistance to impact in accordance with a recognized national
or international standard such as ASTM D2444 or equivalent.

11 Fire Endurance
Fire endurance requirements for pipes based on system and location are specified in A1-2/Table 1.
Pipes and their associated fittings whose functions or integrity are essential to the safety of the vessel are to
meet the fire endurance requirements described below.

11.1 Level 1
i) Level 1 will ensure the integrity of the system during a full scale hydrocarbon fire, and is particularly
applicable to systems where loss of integrity may cause outflow of flammable liquids and worsen
the fire situation.
ii) Piping having passed the fire endurance test specified in Appendix 1, Section 6 for a minimum
duration of one hour without loss of integrity in the dry condition is considered to meet Level 1
fire endurance standard (L1).

11.3 Level 2
i) Level 2 intends to ensure the availability of systems essential to the safe operation of the vessel after
a fire of short duration, allowing the system to be restored after the fire has been extinguished.
ii) Piping having passed the fire endurance test specified in Appendix 1, Section 6 for a minimum
duration of 30 minutes without loss of integrity in the dry condition is considered to meet Level 2
fire endurance standard (L2).

11.5 Level 3
i) Level 3 is considered to provide the fire endurance necessary for a water-filled piping system to
survive a local fire of short duration.
ii) The system’s functions are capable of being restored after the fire has been extinguished.
iii) Piping having passed the fire endurance test specified in Appendix 1, Section 7 for a minimum
duration of 30 minutes without loss of integrity in the wet condition is considered to meet Level 3
fire endurance standard (L3).

11.7 Level 3 Modified Test

i) Level 3 modified test for deluge systems is considered to provide the fire endurance necessary for
a piping system to survive a local fire of short duration, with a simulated dry condition and subsequent
flowing water condition.
ii) The system’s functions are capable of being restored after the fire has been extinguished.
iii) Piping having passed the fire endurance test specified in Appendix 1, Section 8 for a minimum
duration of 5 minutes in dry condition and 25 minutes in wet condition without loss of integrity, is
considered to meet the Wet/Dry fire endurance standard (L3-WD).

Appendix 1 Plastic Pipe Installations
Section 2 Design A1-2

11.9 Fire Endurance Coating

When a fire protective coating of pipes and fittings is necessary for achieving the fire endurance standards
required, the following requirements apply:
i) Pipes are generally to be delivered from the manufacturer with the protective coating applied, with
onsite application limited to that necessary for installation purposes (i.e., joints). See A1-3/13
regarding the application of the fire protection coating on joints.
ii) The fire protection properties of the coating are not to be diminished when exposed to salt water,
oil or bilge slops. It is to be demonstrated that the coating is resistant to products likely to come in
contact with the piping.
iii) In considering fire protection coatings, such characteristics as thermal expansion, resistance against
vibrations and elasticity are to be taken into account.
iv) The fire protection coatings are to have sufficient resistance to impact to retain their integrity.

13 Flame Spread
All pipes except those fitted on open decks and within tanks, cofferdams, void spaces, pipe tunnels and
ducts, are to have low flame spread characteristics.
i) The test procedures in IMO Resolution A.653 (16), modified for pipes as indicated in Appendix 1,
Section 9, are to be used for determining the flame spread characteristics.
ii) Piping materials giving average values for all of the surface flammability criteria not exceeding
the values listed in Resolution A.653(16) (surface flammability criteria of bulkhead, wall and ceiling
linings) are considered to meet the requirements for low flame spread.
iii) Alternatively, flame spread testing in accordance with ASTM D635 may be used in lieu of the
IMO flame spread test, provided such test is acceptable to the Administration.
iv) Under the ASTM D635 test method, the plastic pipe may be considered self-extinguishing if none
of the ten, or no more than one of the twenty, specimens have burned to the 100-mm (3.9 in.) mark.

15 Electrical Conductivity

15.1 Piping Conductivity

Piping conveying fluids with a conductivity less than 1000 pico-siemens per meter is to be electrically

15.3 Hazardous Areas

Regardless of the fluid being conveyed, plastic pipes are to be electrically conductive if the piping passes
through a hazardous area.

15.5 Electrical Resistance

Where electrically conductive pipe is required, the resistance per unit length of the pipes and fittings is not
to exceed 1 × 105 Ohm/m (3 × 104 Ohm/ft). See also A1-3/7.

15.7 Non-homogeneous Conductivity

Pipes and fittings with layers having different conductivity are to be protected against the possibility of
spark damage to the pipe wall.

17 Marking
Plastic pipes and other components are to be permanently marked with identification in accordance with a
recognized standard. Identification is to include pressure ratings, the design standard to which the pipe or
fitting is manufactured, and the material with which the pipe or fitting is constructed.

Appendix 1 Plastic Pipe Installations
Section 2 Design A1-2

Fire Endurance Requirements Matrix
HYDROCARBON & CARGO [Flammable cargoes with flash point < 60°C (140°F)]
1 Cargo lines NA NA L1 0 NA 0 0 NA L1(2)
2 Crude oil washing lines NA NA L1 0 NA 0 0 NA L1(2)
3 Vent lines NA NA NA 0 NA 0 0 NA X
3a Process lines NA NA NA 0 NA 0 0 NA L1(2)
3b Produced water lines NA NA NA 0 NA 0 0 NA L3(10)
4 Water seal effluent line NA NA 0(1) 0(1) 0(1) 0(1) 0(1) NA 0
(1) (1) (1)
5 Scrubber effluent line 0 0 NA NA NA 0 0(1) NA 0
6 Main line 0 0 L1 NA NA NA 0 NA L1(6)
7 Distribution lines NA NA L1 0 NA NA 0 NA L1(2)

FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS [flash point > 60°C (140°F)]

8 Cargo lines X X L1 NA(3) 0 0 0 NA L1
9 Fuel oil X X L1 NA 0 0 0 L1 L1
10 Lubricating oil X X L1 NA NA NA 0 L1 L1
11 Hydraulic oil X X L1 0 0 0 0 L1 L1
SEA WATER (See Note 1)
12 Bilge main and branches L1(7) L1(7) L1 NA 0 0 0 NA L1
13 Fire main L1 L1 L1 NA NA 0 0 X L1/L3(11)
13a Water spray (Deluge) L1 L1 L1 NA NA 0 0 X L1/LWD(11)
14 Foam system L1 L1 L1 NA NA NA 0 L1 L1
15 Sprinkler system L1 L1 L3 NA NA 0 0 L3 L3
16 Ballast L3 L3 L3 0 0 0 0 L2 L2
17 Cooling water, essential services L3 L3 NA NA NA 0 0 NA L2
18 Tank cleaning services, fixed machines NA NA L3 0 NA 0 0 NA L3(2)
19 Non-essential systems 0 0 0 NA 0 0 0 0 0
20 Cooling water, essential services L3 L3 NA NA 0 0 0 L3 L3
21 Condensate return L3 L3 L3 NA NA NA 0 0 0
22 Non-essential systems 0 0 0 NA 0 0 0 0 0
23 Deck drains (internal) L1(4) L1(4) NA NA 0 0 0 0 0
24 Sanitary drains (internal) 0 0 NA NA 0 0 0 0 0
25 Scuppers and discharges (overboard) 0(1,8) 0(1,8) 0(1,8) 0 0 0 0 0(1,8) 0
26 Water tanks/dry spaces 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 Oil tanks [flash-point > 60°C (140°F)] X X X X(3) 0 0 0 X X

28 Control air L1(5) L1(5) L1(5) NA 0 0 0 L1(5) L1(5)
29 Service air (non-essential) 0 0 0 NA 0 0 0 0 0
30 Brine 0 0 NA NA NA NA 0 0 0
(9) (9)
31 Auxiliary low pressure steam (Pressure L2 L2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0(9)
≤ bar [7 kgf/cm2, 100 psi)]

Appendix 1 Plastic Pipe Installations
Section 2 Design A1-2

TABLE 1 (continued)
Fire Endurance Requirements Matrix
Locations Abbreviations

A Category A machinery spaces L1 Fire endurance test in dry conditions, 60 minutes, in

accordance with Appendix 1, Section 6

B Other machinery spaces L2 Fire endurance test in dry conditions, 30 minutes, in

accordance with Appendix 1, Section 6

C Cargo pump rooms L3 Fire endurance test in wet conditions, 30 minutes, in

accordance with Appendix 1, Section 7

D Not needed LWD Fire endurance test in dry condition, 5 minutes, and wet
condition in 25 minutes, in accordance with Appendix 1,
Section 7 & Appendix 1, Section 8

E Not needed 0 No fire endurance test required

F Cargo tanks NA Not applicable

G Fuel oil tanks X Metallic materials having a melting point greater than
925°C (1700°F)

H Ballast water tanks

I Cofferdams, void spaces, pipe tunnels and ducts

J Accommodation, service and control spaces

K Open decks

1 Where non-metallic piping is used, remotely controlled valves are to be provided at the ship’s side. These valves
are to be controlled from outside the space.
2 Remote closing valves are to be provided at the cargo tanks and hydrocarbon liquid and gas retaining components
as applicable.
3 When cargo tanks contain flammable liquids with a flash point greater than 60°C (140°F), “0” may replace “NA”
or “X”.
4 For drains serving only the space concerned “0” may replace “L1”.
5 When controlling functions are not required by statutory requirements “0” may replace “L1”.
6 For pipe between machinery space and deck water seal, “0” may replace “L1”.
7 For passenger vessels, “X” is to replace “L1”.
8 Scuppers serving open decks in positions 1 and 2, as defined in Regulation 13 of the International Convention on
Load Lines, 1966, are to be “X” throughout unless fitted at the upper end with the means of closing capable or
being operated from a position above the freeboard deck in order to prevent down-flooding.
9 For essential services, such as fuel oil tank heating and ship’s whistle, “X” is to replace “0”.
10 Metallic ESD valves are to be provided together with fire detection, fire fighting and shutdown system
11 Lower level of fire resistant tests (Level 3 and Level WD) may be considered for the fire water ring main and
deluge systems provided the system arrangement meet Appendix 1, Section 7 of these Rules.

Section 3: Installation of Plastic Pipes

APPENDIX 1 Plastic Pipe Installations

SECTION 3 Installation of Plastic Pipes

1 Supports

1.1 Spacing
Selection and spacing of pipe supports in shipboard systems are to be determined as a function of allowable
stresses and maximum deflection criteria.
Support spacing is not to be greater than the pipe manufacturer’s recommended spacing.
The selection and spacing of pipe supports are to take into account:
• Pipe dimensions
• Mechanical and physical properties of the pipe material
• Mass of pipe and contained fluid
• External pressure
• Operating temperature
• Thermal expansion effects
• Loads due to external forces
• Thrust forces
• Water hammer
• Vibrations to which the system may be subjected
Combinations of these loads are to be taken into consideration for the design.

1.3 Bearing
Each support is to evenly distribute the load of the pipe and its contents over the full width of the support.
Measures are to be taken to minimize wear of the pipes where they come in contact with the supports.

1.5 Heavy Components

Heavy components in the piping system, such as valves and expansion joints, are to be independently supported.

1.7 Working of the Hull on a Floating Installation

The supports are to allow for relative movement between the pipes and the vessel/unit’s structure, properly
accounting for the difference in the coefficients of thermal expansion and deformations of the vessel/unit's
hull and its structure.

1.9 Thermal Expansion

When calculating the thermal expansion, the system’s working temperature and the temperature at which
assembling is performed are to be taken into account.

Appendix 1 Plastic Pipe Installations
Section 3 Installation of Plastic Pipe A1-3

3 External Loads
When installing piping, allowance is to be made for temporary point loads, where applicable.
These allowances are to include at least the force exerted by a load (person) of 980 N (100 kgf, 220 lbf) at
midspan on any pipe more than 100-mm (4 in.) nominal diameter.
Pipes are to be protected from mechanical damage where necessary.

5 Plastic Pipe Connections

5.1 General Requirements

The following general principles are applicable to all pipe connections:
i) The strength of fittings and joints is not to be less than that of the piping they connect.
ii) Pipes may be joined using adhesive bonded, welded, flanged or other types of joints.
iii) Tightening of flanged or mechanically coupled joints is to be performed in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions.
iv) Adhesives, when used for joint assembly, are to be suitable for providing a permanent seal between
the pipes and fittings through the temperature and pressure range of the intended application.

5.3 Procedure and Personal Qualifications

Joining techniques are to be in accordance with manufacturer’s installation guidelines.
i) Personnel performing these tasks are to be qualified to the satisfaction of the ABS, and each bonding
procedure is to be qualified before shipboard piping installation commences.
ii) Requirements for joint bonding procedures are in Appendix 1, Section 5.

7 Electrical Conductivity
Where electrically conductive pipe is required by A1-2/15, installation of the pipe is to be in accordance
with the following:

7.1 Resistance Measurement

The resistance to earth (ground) from any point in the system is not to exceed 1 megohm. The resistance is
to be verified and confirmed in the presence of the Surveyor.

7.3 Grounding (Earthing) Wire

Where used, grounding (earthing) wires or bonding straps are to be accessible for inspection.
The Surveyor is to verify that they are in visible locations.

9 Shell Connections on Floating Installations

Where plastic pipes are permitted in systems connected to the shell of the vessel/unit, the valves and the
pipe connection to the shell are to be in accordance with applicable sections of the Steel Vessel Rules or
MODU Rules. See 4-6-2/9.13 or 4-2-2/7.7, respectively.

Appendix 1 Plastic Pipe Installations
Section 3 Installation of Plastic Pipe A1-3

11 Bulkhead and Deck Penetrations

The integrity of watertight bulkheads and decks is to be maintained where plastic pipes pass through them.
i) Where plastic pipes pass through “A” or “B” class divisions, arrangements are to be made to ensure
that fire endurance is not impaired. These arrangements are to be tested in accordance with IMO
Resolution. A.754(18), Recommendation on Fire Resistance Tests for “A”, “B” and “F” Class
Divisions, as amended.
ii) If the bulkhead or deck is also a fire division, and destruction by fire of plastic pipes may cause
inflow of liquid from tank, a metallic shutoff valve operable from above the bulkhead deck is to be
fitted at the bulkhead or deck.

13 Application of Fire Protection Coatings

Where required by fire endurance criteria in A1-2/11, fire protection coatings are to be applied on the
joints after performing hydrostatic pressure tests of the piping system (see Appendix 1, Section 10).
The fire protection coatings are to be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations,
using a procedure approved in each particular case.

Section 4: Manufacturing of Plastic Pipes

APPENDIX 1 Plastic Pipe Installations

SECTION 4 Manufacturing of Plastic Pipes

The manufacturer should have a quality system and be certified in accordance with 1-1-A2/5.3 and 1-1-A2/5.5
of the ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification – Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1) or ISO 9001.
The quality system is to consist of elements necessary to ensure that pipes and components are produced
with consistent and uniform mechanical and physical properties in accordance with recognized standards,
and is to include the following tests:
i) Samples of pipe are to be tested to determine the short-term and long-term hydrostatic design
strength. These samples are to be selected randomly from the production facilities.
ii) For piping that is required to be electrically conductive, representative samples of pipe are to be
tested to determine electrical resistance per unit length.
iii) Random samples of pipe are to be tested to determine the adhesion qualities of its coating.
If the manufacturer does not have a certified quality system, the tests listed above will be required using
samples from each batch of pipes being supplied for use aboard the facility.
Regardless of whether the manufacturer has a certified quality system, each length of pipe is to be tested at
the manufacturer’s production facility (shop test) to a hydrostatic pressure not less than 1.5 times the
maximum allowable internal pressure of the pipe (see A1-2/1).

Section 5: Plastic Pipe Bonding Procedure Qualification

APPENDIX 1 Plastic Pipe Installations

SECTION 5 Plastic Pipe Bonding Procedure Qualification

1 Procedure Qualification Requirements

1.1 Joint Bonding Parameters

To qualify joint bonding procedures, the tests and examinations specified herein are to be successfully
completed. The procedure for making bonds is to include the following:
i) Materials used
ii) Tools and fixtures
iii) Environmental requirements
iv) Joint preparation requirements
v) Cure temperature
vi) Dimensional requirements and tolerances
vii) Test acceptance criteria for the completed assembly

1.3 Re-qualification
Any change in the bonding procedure that will affect the physical and mechanical properties of the joint
will require the procedure to be re-qualified.

3 Procedure Qualification Testing

3.1 Test Assembly

A test assembly is to be fabricated in accordance with the procedure to be qualified, and is to consist of at
least one pipe-to-pipe joint and one pipe-to-fitting joint.
i) When the test assembly has been cured, it is to be subjected to a hydrostatic test pressure at a safety
factor of 2.5 times the design pressure of the test assembly, for not less than one hour.
ii) No leakage or separation of joints is to be allowed.
iii) The test is to be conducted so that the joint is loaded in both longitudinal and circumferential direction.

3.3 Pipe Size

Selection of the pipes used for test assembly is to be in accordance with the following:
i) When the largest size to be joined is 200 mm (8 in.) in nominal outside diameter or smaller, the
test assembly is to be the largest pipe size to be joined.
ii) When the largest size to be joined is greater than 200 mm (8 in.) in nominal outside diameter, the
size of the test assembly is to be either 200 mm (8 in.) or 25% of the largest piping size to be joined,
whichever is greater.

3.5 Bonding Operator Qualification

When conducting performance qualifications, each bonder and each bonding operator are to make up test
assemblies, the size and number of which are to be as required above.

Section 6: Tests bythe Manufacturer– FireEndurance Testing of PlasticPiping in DryCondition (ForLevel 1 and Level2)

APPENDIX 1 Plastic Pipe Installations

SECTION 6 Tests by the Manufacturer – Fire Endurance

Testing of Plastic Piping in Dry Condition
(For Level 1 and Level 2)

1 Test Method

1.1 Furnace Test Temperature

The specimen is to be subjected to a furnace test with fast temperature increase similar to that likely to
occur in a fully-developed liquid hydrocarbon fire. The time/temperature is to be as follows:
i) At the end of 5 minutes 945°C (1733°F)
ii) At the end of 10 minutes 1033°C (1891°F)
iii) At the end of 15 minutes 1071°C (1960°F)
iv) At the end of 30 minutes 1098°C (2008°F)
v) At the end of 60 minutes 1100°C (2012°F)

1.3 Furnace Temperature Control

The accuracy of the furnace control is to be as follows:
i) During the first 10 minutes of the test, variation in the area under the curve of mean furnace
temperature is to be within ±15% of the area under the standard curve.
ii) During the first 30 minutes of the test, variation in the area under the curve of mean furnace
temperature is to be within ±10% of the area under the standard curve.
iii) For any period after the first 30 minutes of the test, variation in the area under the curve of mean
furnace temperature is to be within ±5% of the area under the standard curve.
iv) At any time after the first 10 minutes of the test, the difference in the mean furnace temperature
from the standard curve is to be within ±100°C (±180°F).

1.5 Furnace Temperature Measurement

The locations where the temperatures are measured, the number of temperature measurements, and the
measurement techniques are to be approved by ABS.

3 Test Specimen

3.1 Pipe Joints and Fittings

The test specimen is to be prepared with the joints and fittings intended for use in the proposed application.

3.3 Number of Specimens

The number of specimens is to be sufficient to test typical joints and fittings, including joints between non-
metal and metal pipes and metal fittings to be used.

Appendix 1 Plastic Pipe Installations
Section 6 Tests by the Manufacturer – Fire Endurance Testing of Plastic Piping in Dry Condition
(For Level 1 and Level 2) A1-6

3.5 End Closure

The ends of the specimen are to be closed. One of the ends is to allow pressurized nitrogen to be connected.
The pipe ends and closures may be outside the furnace.

3.7 Orientation
The general orientation of the specimen is to be horizontal, and it is to be supported by one fixed support,
with the remaining supports allowing free movement. The free length between supports is not to be less
than 8 times the pipe diameter.

3.9 Insulation
Most materials will require a thermal insulation to pass this test. The test procedure is to include the insulation
and its covering.

3.11 Moisture Condition of Insulation

i) If the insulation contains or is liable to absorb moisture, the specimen is not to be tested until the
insulation has reached an air dry condition, defined as equilibrium with an ambient atmosphere of
50% relative humidity at 20 ± 5°C (68 ± 9°F).
ii) Accelerated conditioning is permissible, provided the method does not alter the properties of the
component material.
iii) Special samples are to be used for moisture content determination, and conditioned with the test
iv) These samples are to be so constructed as to represent the loss of water vapor from the specimen
having similar thickness and exposed faces.

5 Test Condition
A nitrogen pressure inside the test specimen is to be maintained automatically at 0.7 ± 0.1 bar (0.7 ± 0.1
kgf/cm2, 10 ± 1.5 psi) during the test.
Means are to be provided to record the pressure inside the pipe and the nitrogen flow into and out of the
specimen, in order to indicate leakage.

7 Acceptance Criteria

7.1 During the Test

During the test, no nitrogen leakage from the sample is to occur.

7.3 After the Test

i) After termination of the furnace test, the test specimen and its fire protective coating, if any, are to
be allowed to cool to ambient temperature in still air, then tested to the maximum allowable
pressure of the pipes as defined in A1-2/1 and A1-2/3.
ii) The pressure is to be held for a minimum of 15 minutes without leakage.
iii) Where practicable, the hydrostatic test is to be conducted on bare pipe (i.e., coverings and insulation
removed) so that any leakage will be visible.

7.5 Alternative Tests

Alternative test methods and/or test procedures considered to be at least equivalent, including open pit testing
method, may be accepted in cases where the pipes are too large for the test furnace.

Section 7: Tests by the Manufacturer – Fire Endurance Testing of Water-filled Plastic Piping (For Level 3)

APPENDIX 1 Plastic Pipe Installations

SECTION 7 Tests by the Manufacturer – Fire Endurance

Testing of Water-filled Plastic Piping (For Level 3)

1 Test Method

1.1 Burner
A propane multiple burner test with a fast temperature increase is to be used.

1.3 Pipe ≤ 152 mm (6 in.) OD

For piping up to and including 152 mm (6 in.) OD:
i) The fire source is to consist of two rows of 5 burners, as shown in A1-7/Figure 1.
ii) A constant heat flux averaging 113.6 kW/m2 (36,000 BTU/hr-ft2) ± 10% is to be maintained
12.5 ± 1 cm (5 ± 0.4 in.) above the centerline of the burner array. This flux corresponds to a
premix flame of propane with a fuel flow rate of 5 kg/hr (11 lb/hr) for a total heat release of 65 kW
(3700 BTU/min.).
iii) The gas consumption is to be measured with an accuracy of at least ±3% in order to maintain a
constant heat flux.
iv) Propane with a minimum purity of 95% is to be used.

1.5 Pipes > 152 mm (6 in.) OD (1 July 2012)

For piping greater than 152 mm (6 in.) OD:
i) One additional row of burners is to be included for each 51 mm (2 in.) increase in pipe diameter.
ii) A constant heat flux averaging 113.6 kW/m2 (36,000 BTU/hr-ft2) ± 10% is still to be maintained at
the 12.5 ± 1 cm (5 ± 0.4 in.) height above the centerline of the burner array.
iii) The fuel flow is to be increased as required to maintain the designated heat flux.
iv) Propane with a minimum purity of 95% is to be used.

1.7 Burner Type and Arrangement

i) The burners are to be of type “Sievert No. 2942” or equivalent which produces an air mixed flame.
ii) The inner diameter of the burner heads is to be 29 mm (1.14 in.). See A1-7/Figure 1.
iii) The burner heads are to be mounted in the same plane and supplied with gas from a manifold.
iv) If necessary, each burner is to be equipped with a valve to adjust the flame height.

1.9 Burner Position

i) The height of the burner stand is also to be adjustable.
ii) It is to be mounted centrally below the test pipe, with the rows of burners parallel to the pipe’s axis.
iii) The distance between the burner heads and the pipe is to be maintained at 12.5 ± 1 cm (5 ± 0.4 in.)
during the test.
iv) The free length of the pipe between its supports is to be 0.8 ± 0.05 m (31.5 ± 2 in.). See A1-7/Figure 2.

Appendix 1 Plastic Pipe Installations
Section 7 Tests by the Manufacturer – Fire Endurance Testing of Water-filled Plastic Piping
(For Level 3) A1-7

3 Test Specimen

3.1 Pipe Length

Each pipe is to have a length of approximately 1.5 m (5 ft).

3.3 Pipe Joints and Fittings

The test pipe is to be prepared with the permanent joints and fittings intended to be used.
Only valves and straight joints, rather than elbows and bends, are to be tested, as the adhesive in the joint is
the primary point of failure.

3.5 Number of Specimens

The number of pipe specimens is to be sufficient to test all typical joints and fittings.

3.7 End Closure

The ends of each pipe specimen are to be closed. One of the ends is to allow pressurized water to be connected.

3.9 Moisture of Insulation

i) If the insulation contains or is liable to absorb moisture, the specimen is not to be tested until the
insulation has reached an air dry condition, defined as equilibrium with an ambient atmosphere of 50%
relative humidity at 20 ± 5°C (68 ± 9°F).
ii) Accelerated conditioning is permissible, provided the method does not alter the properties of the
component material.
iii) Special samples are to be used for moisture content determination, and conditioned with the test
iv) These samples are to be so constructed as to represent the loss of water vapor from the specimen
having similar thickness and exposed faces.

3.11 Orientation
i) The pipe samples are to rest freely in a horizontal position on two V-shaped supports.
ii) The friction between pipe and supports is to be minimized.
iii) The supports may consist of two stands, as shown in A1-7/Figure 2.

3.13 Relief Valve

A relief valve is to be connected to one of the end closures of each specimen.

5 Test Conditions

5.1 Sheltered Test Site

The test is to be carried out in a sheltered test site in order to prevent any draft influencing the test.

5.3 Water-filled
Each pipe specimen is to be completely filled with de-aerated water to exclude air bubbles.

5.5 Water Temperature

The water temperature is not to be less than 15°C (59°F) at the start, and is to be measured continuously
during the test.
The water is to be stagnant and the pressure maintained at 3 ± 0.5 bar (3.1 ± 0.5 kgf/cm2, 43.5 ± 7.25 psi)
during the test.

Appendix 1 Plastic Pipe Installations
Section 7 Tests by the Manufacturer – Fire Endurance Testing of Water-filled Plastic Piping
(For Level 3) A1-7

7 Acceptance Criteria

7.1 During the Test

During the test, no leakage from the sample(s) is to occur, except that slight weeping through the pipe wall
may be accepted.

7.3 After the Test

i) After termination of the burner test, the test specimen and its fire protective coating, if any, are to
be allowed to cool to ambient temperature, then tested to the maximum allowable pressure of the
pipes as defined in A1-2/1 and A1-2/3.
ii) The pressure is to be held for a minimum of 15 minutes without significant leakage [i.e., not exceeding
0.2 liters/min. (0.05 gpm)].
iii) Where practicable, the hydrostatic test is to be conducted on bare pipe (i.e., coverings and insulation
removed) so that any leakage will be visible.

Fire Endurance Test Burner Assembly
90 +

+ 70

70 +

+ 70
70 +
+ 70

70 + 32
+ 70

70 + 85

+ 90

20 60 20 100
a) Top View b) Side View of
one Burner

Fire Endurance Test Stand with Mounted Sample
1500 ± 100
800 ± 50

125 ± 10


APPENDIX 1 Plastic Pipe Installations

SECTION 8 Tests by the Manufacturer – Wet/Dry Fire

Endurance Testing of Plastic Piping Used in
Deluge System (For Level 3 Modified Test –
Level 3 WD) (Adopted from USCG PFM 1-98)

1 General
The wet/dry fire endurance testing is to consist of conducting the Level 3 fire endurance testing specified
in Appendix 1, Section 7, with the following modifications:
i) For the first 5 minutes of the test, the piping is to be maintained in the dry condition at atmospheric
pressure in lieu of containing stagnant water.
ii) After completion of the first 5 minutes of the test, the pipe specimen is to be completely filled
with flowing water.
iii) Air is to be bled from the opposite end of the piping via a test connection, until a steady flow of
water at the specified flow rate and pressure is observed.
iv) The flow rate should not exceed the minimum pressure and flow rate that will be observed at the
hydraulically most remote nozzle of the specific deluge system installation. The elapsed time
between first introducing water to the test specimen until the specified flow rate and pressure is
obtained, is not to exceed one minute. Testing at the specified flow rate and pressure will qualify
the piping for all flow rates greater than that specified in the test.
v) The total test time including dry and wet time shall be 30 minutes.
All other requirements of Level 3 testing are to be followed without deviation.

Section 9: Tests by the Manufacturer – Flame Spread

APPENDIX 1 Plastic Pipe Installations

SECTION 9 Tests by the Manufacturer – Flame Spread

1 Test Method
Flame spread of plastic piping is to be determined by IMO Resolution A.653(16) entitled “Recommendation
on Improved Fire Test Procedures for Surface Flammability of Bulkhead, Ceiling, and Deck Finish Materials”,
with the following modifications:
i) Tests are to be performed on each pipe material and size.
ii) The test sample is to be fabricated by cutting pipes lengthwise into individual sections, and assembling
the sections into a test sample as representative as possible of a flat surface. A test sample is to
consist of at least two sections. The test sample is to be at least 800 ± 5 mm (31.5 ± 0.2 in.) long.
All cuts are to be made normal to the pipe wall.
iii) The number of sections that must be assembled to form a test sample is to correspond to the nearest
integer number of sections which makes up a test sample with an equivalent linearized surface
width between 155 mm (6 in.) and 180 mm (7 in.). The surface width is defined as the measured
sum of the outer circumference of the assembled pipe sections that are exposed to the flux from
the radiant panel.
iv) The assembled test sample is to have no gaps between individual sections.
v) The assembled test sample is to be constructed in such a way that the edges of two adjacent sections
coincide with the centerline of the test holder.
vi) The individual test sections are to be attached to the calcium silicate backing board using wire
(No. 18 recommended) inserted at 50 mm (2 in.) intervals through the board, and tightened by
twisting at the back.
vii) The individual pipe sections are to be mounted so that the highest point of the exposed surface is
in the same plane as the exposed flat surface of a normal surface.
viii) The space between the concave unexposed surface of the test sample and the surface of the calcium
silicate backing board is to be left void.
ix) The void space between the top of the exposed test surface and the bottom edge of the sample holder
frame is to be filled with a high temperature insulating wool if the width of the pipe segments
extend under the side edges of the frame holding the sample.

Section 10: Testing Onboard After Installation

APPENDIX 1 Plastic Pipe Installations

SECTION 10 Testing Onboard After Installation

Piping systems are to be subjected to a hydrostatic test pressure of not less than 1.5 times the design pressure
to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. For piping required to be electrically conductive, grounding (earthing)
is to be checked and random resistance testing is to be conducted to the satisfaction of the Surveyor.

Appendix 2: Fire Tests for Non-metallic Hoses

APPENDIX 2 Fire Tests for Non-metallic Hoses (2009)

API Spec. 16C “Specifications for Choke and Kill Systems”

Fire Test
1. Flexible Choke and Kill Lines shall withstand a 5 to 30 minute fire test as described in paragraphs 2 through 6.
The lines shall not have visible leakage under nominal working pressure as a result of the Fire Test during the
test period.
2. The fire test shall consist of direct exposure to flame or to radiation within a furnace. The temperature
indicated by thermocouples at the end of the time period, shall be equal to or higher than 704°C (1300°F).
3 Thermocouples are to be positioned around the flexible line within 25.4 mm (1 in.) of the outer surface of the
line or end fittings. At least one thermocouple near the flexible line, and one thermocouple near the surface of
the end fitting shall reach 704°C (1300°F).
4 The flexible line must be pressurized full of water. The line may be tested horizontally, or vertically, according
to the choice of the manufacturer.
5. The test sample shall be a minimum of 2.5 m (10 feet) in length. At least 1.25 m of the flexible line and one
end fitting shall be exposed to fire or radiation.
6 After exposure to the fire, the line must remain pressurized either until a cool down, or if a leak occurs after
the test period, until the pressure is reduced to one atmosphere. The line must not burst during this period.

API Spec. 16D “Specifications for Control Systems for Drilling Well Control

Flame Tests
The control lines, and any component of the control lines to a surface mounted BOP stack or diverter located in a
division 1 area, as defined by API 500 (Area Classification) shall be capable of containing the normal operating
pressure in a flame temperature of 1093°C (2000°F) for a period of three minutes without leakage (includes end
Where hoses are used to connect the control system to the well control equipment, flame resistance test shall be
conducted on a typical specimen in the following manner:
1. The test specimen shall be fitted with pressure end coupling and installed in a test facility capable of
maintaining a 2000°F (±100) flame temperature over at least 180 angle degrees of the test specimen inclusive
of approximately 305 mm (12 in.) of the specimen length, including one end connection.
2 The specimen is to be connected to a regulated water pressure source equal to normal operating pressure.
3. Thermocouples shall be located within the flame area to ensure that the test temperature is maintained at the
end coupling, the coupling to hose transition and at a point along the hose at least 152 mm (6 in.) from the
hose-to-coupling transition.
4. Deliverable hoses typical of successful test specimens shall be permanently identified in a manner to permit
tracing of the test specimen and test facility. The control system manufacturers shall be responsible for
maintaining hose compliance certifications on hoses which they supply in accordance with this specification.

Appendix 2 Fire Tests for Non-metallic Hoses A2

Non-Metallic Hose Requirements (2009)
Floating Installation
Systems Service Burst Pressure Fire Test
Non flammable fluids, compressed air and gas 4 × MAWP None
Marine Support Flammable fluids, FO, LO, Hydraulic oil SV or MODU Rules
Fire water and deluge ISO 15540/15541
Non-flammable fluids, compressed air and gas 3 × MAWP None
Flammable fluids, FO, LO, Hydraulic oil, API Spec 16C
Process and Process Support Hydrocarbon and gas
Choke and kill 2.5 × MAWP
Hydraulic oil for BOP controls 3 × MAWP API Spec 16D

Fixed Installation
Systems Service Burst Pressure Fire Test
Non-flammable fluids, compressed air and gas 3 × MAWP None
Flammable fluids, FO, LO, Hydraulic oil, API Spec 16C
Process, Process and Platform Hydrocarbon and gas
Support Fire water and deluge ISO 15540/15541
Choke and kill 2.5 × MAWP API Spec 16C
Hydraulic oil for BOP control 3 × MAWP API Spec 16D
Note: MAWP: Maximum Allowable Working Pressure

Appendix 3: Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Gratings

APPENDIX 3 Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Gratings (1 July


Based on U.S.C.G. Policy File Memorandum (PFM 2-98) dated 19 June 1998

1 General

FRP gratings are not specifically addressed in the individual vessel regulations. However, the resins typically
used in the manufacture of these gratings are combustible and heat sensitive; therefore, FRP gratings use
must be limited based on the requirements discussed below.

These requirements are not intended to eliminate any other design criteria or requirement pertaining to the
material, construction, or performance of the FRP gratings in the non-fire condition.

3 FRP Grating Material Systems

All fire integrity, flame spread, smoke, and toxicity testing, where required, shall be conducted on each material

Changes in either the type, amount, and/or architecture, of either the reinforcement materials, resin matrix,
coatings, or manufacturing processes shall require separate testing in accordance with the procedures below.
Manufacturers should provide evidence, such as enrollment in a follow-up program, that the FRP gratings
being installed are the same as those which were tested and approved.

5 Fire Test Requirements

5.1 Structural Fire Integrity*

The structural fire integrity matrix in Section E establishes the structural fire integrity characteristics that FRP
gratings should possess, based on location and service. Where a specific application satisfies more than
one block in the matrix, the highest level of fire integrity shall be required. The test procedures required to
qualify FRP gratings to one of three levels are described in Section D. The ABS Surveyor shall determine
the location and service of the FRP gratings, keeping in mind the following considerations for each of the
three performance levels:
5.1.1 Level 1 (L1)
FRP gratings meeting the L1 performance criteria are intended to be satisfactory for use in escape
routes or access for firefighting, emergency operation or rescue, after having been exposed to a
significant hydrocarbon or cellulosic fire incident. In addition, they are also acceptable for the
services and functions described for levels L2 and L3.

Appendix 3 Fiber Reinforced Plastic Gratings A3

5.1.2 Level 2 (L2)

FRP gratings meeting the L2 performance criteria are intended to be satisfactory for use in open
deck areas where groups of people are likely to assemble, such as temporary safe refuge or lifeboat
embarkation areas. In addition, they are also acceptable for the services and functions described
for level L3.
5.1.3 Level 3 (L3)
FRP gratings meeting the L3 performance criteria are intended to be satisfactory for use in egress
routes and any areas that may require access for firefighting, rescue or emergency operations
during exposure to or shortly after exposure to a transitory hydrocarbon or cellulosic fire.
* The structural fire integrity requirements are intended for self-supporting personnel platforms or walkways,
and are not intended for grating overlayed on steel decking or used in other applications such as pipe guards,
seachest screenings, safety guards, etc

5.3 Fire Retardance

All FRP gratings should be fire retardant; this can be demonstrated by testing to ASTM E-84, Standard
Test Method for the Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials with a flame spread rating not
to exceed 25, or by meeting the requirements in A3/5.5.1 or A3/5.5.2 below.

5.5 Flame Spread

All FRP gratings, except those fitted on open decks and within tanks, cofferdams, void spaces, pipe tunnels and
ducts, should have low flame spread characteristics as determined by one of the following test procedures:
Tested to ASTM E-84 with a flame spread rating not to exceed 20; or
Tested to IMO Resolution A.653(16), Recommendation on Improved Fire Test Procedures for
Surface Flammability of Bulkhead, Ceiling and Deck Finish Materials and meeting the criteria for
bulkheads, linings, or ceilings.

5.7 Smoke Generation

FRP gratings within accommodation, service and control spaces, should have low smoke characteristics as
determined by one of the following test procedures:
Tested to ASTM E-84 with a smoke developed rating not to exceed 10; or
Tested in accordance with the IMO Fire Test Procedures Code (FTPC), Resolution MSC.61(67),
Part 2 – Smoke and Toxicity Test, and meeting the criteria established for materials used as bulkheads,
linings, or ceilings.

Appendix 3 Fiber Reinforced Plastic Gratings A3

7 Structural Fire Integrity Test Procedures

7.1 Level 1
To be qualified as level 1 (L1), the FRP gratings shall meet the requirements for qualification as level 3
and level 2, and in addition shall be subjected to the following test procedures:
Three (3) FRP grating specimens, after being subjected to the level 2 testing, shall be unloaded
and prepared for impact testing in the manner specified for horizontal specimens in ASTM E-695,
Standard Method of Measuring Resistance of Wall, Floor, and Roof Construction to Impact
Loading. The test specimens shall be secured as required in section 8.3 of ASTM E-695 except
that the span shall be 200 mm less than the specimen length. A lead shot bag of 40 kg mass shall
be dropped once from a height of 2 m such that the point of impact is in the center of the span.
The specimens shall then be uniformly loaded as required by the level 2 test procedures.
The test will be considered successful if all three (3) specimens remain intact after being subjected
to the impact test and the level 2 loading test. Failure will be indicated by collapse of one or more
of the gratings.

7.3 Level 2
To be qualified as level 2 (L2), the FRP gratings shall meet the requirements for qualification as level 3,
and in addition shall be subjected to the following test procedures:
On the FRP grating specimen and the steel grating specimen subjected to the level 3 post-loaded
testing, the specimen shall be gradually loaded in increments not to exceed 20 kg, placed in such a
manner as to represent a uniformly distributed load across the span.
The test will be considered successful if the FRP grating remains intact at a load greater than or
equal to a uniform 4.5 kN/m2 (94 lbf/ft2), or greater than or equal to the steel grating failure loading,
whichever is less. Failure will be indicated by collapse of the grate.

7.5 Level 3
To be qualified as level 3 (L3), the FRP gratings should be subjected to the following fire test procedures
for both the post-loaded and pre-loaded tests and conditions:
A fire test will be conducted in accordance with ASTM E-119, Standard Test Method for Tests of
Building Construction and Materials. Two tests shall be conducted in the ASTM E-119 furnace for
each FRP grating design. The first fire test shall be conducted with the specimens under the specified
load (pre-loaded) and the second fire test will be conducted on unloaded specimens (post-loaded).
The time-temperature curve shall be the standard for E-119 or the ISO equivalent. The duration of
the tests shall be as specified below.
Each test specimen shall be 300-350 mm wide to allow for the differences in the spacing of
longitudinal supporting members. The length of each test specimen shall be the length of the maximum
span to be seen in service, plus 200 mm. Four test specimens shall be prepared as described above:
two of the proposed FRP gratings and two of a similar steel grating that would be used in the same
location constructed to the applicable regulations and standards (steel gratings rated at a minimum
of 4.5 kN/m2 (94 lbf/ft2) uniform loading with a 1.67 factor of safety are acceptable).

Appendix 3 Fiber Reinforced Plastic Gratings A3

The pre-loaded test shall consist of the following:
i) One steel grating specimen and one FRP grating specimen shall be placed adjacent to one
another in the furnace, simply supported on two I-beams with a minimum flange width of
100 mm at an elevation of at least one half of the furnace height, or a minimum of 300 mm
above the burners;
ii) The specimens shall be placed on the I-beams such that 100 mm of each side of the specimen
rests on each of the two I-beams;
iii) A static load represented by a 40 kg mass shall be placed in the center span of the test
iv) The 40 kg mass load shall consist of a steel container filled with sand, the base of which
shall be square with an area of 0.9 m2;
v) Arrangements shall be made to measure the deflection at the center of the span of each of
the loaded specimens during the test, with a degree of accuracy of ±5 mm.
vi) The two specimens shall be subjected to the time-temperature curve specified in the
ASTM E-119;
vii) Deflection of the two loaded test specimens shall be measured throughout the duration of
the fire test, and the average furnace temperature shall be recorded when each of the two
specimens has deflected a distance of L/10 (failure point) from the horizontal, where L is
equal to the maximum unsupported span of the specimens; and
viii) The test will be considered successful if the difference between the average furnace
temperature at the time of failure of the steel grating and the average furnace temperature
at the time of failure of the FRP grating is less than 100°C (180°F).
The post-loaded test shall consist of the following:
i) One steel grating specimen and one FRP grating specimen shall be placed adjacent to one
another in the furnace, simply supported on two I-beams with a minimum flange width of
100 mm at an elevation of at least one half of the furnace height;
ii) The specimens shall be placed on the I-beams such that 100 mm of each side of the specimen
rests on each of the two I-beams;
iii) The two specimens shall be subjected to the time-temperature curve specified in the ASTM
E-119 for a duration of 60 minutes;
iv) At the end of the 60 minutes, the specimens will be allowed to cool and shall then be
subjected to a static load represented by the 40 kg mass specified in the pre-loaded test
above, placed in the center span of the test specimens; and
v) The test will be considered successful if the FRP grating specimen is intact at the end of
the test and does not collapse under the 40 kg mass load.

Appendix 3 Fiber Reinforced Plastic Gratings A3

9 Structural Fire Integrity Matrix

Location Service Fire Integrity
Machinery Spaces Walkways or areas which may be used for escape, or access for L1 (1)
firefighting, emergency operation or rescue
Personnel walkways, catwalks, ladders, platforms or access areas other L3
than those described above
Cargo Pump Rooms All personnel walkways, catwalks, ladders, platforms or access areas L1
Cargo Holds Walkways or areas which may be used for escape, or access for L1
firefighting, emergency operation or rescue
Personnel walkways, catwalks, ladders, platforms or access areas other None required
than those described above
Cargo Tanks All personnel walkways, catwalks, ladders, platforms or access areas None required (2)
Fuel Oil Tanks All personnel walkways, catwalks, ladders, platforms or access areas None required (2)
Ballast Water Tanks All personnel walkways, catwalks, ladders, platforms or access areas None required (3)
Cofferdams, void spaces, double All personnel walkways, catwalks, ladders, platforms or access areas None required (3)
bottoms, pipe tunnels, etc.
Accommodation, service, and All personnel walkways, catwalks, ladders, platforms or access areas L1
control spaces
Lifeboat embarkation or temporary All personnel walkways, catwalks, ladders, platforms or access areas L2
safe refuge stations in open deck
Open Decks or semi-enclosed areas Walkways or areas which may be used for escape, or access for L3 (4)
firefighting, emergency operation or rescue
Personnel walkways, catwalks, ladders, platforms or access areas other None required
than those described above
1 If the machinery space does not contain any internal combustion machinery, other oil-burning, oil-heating, or
oil-pumping units, fuel oil filling stations, or other potential hydrocarbon fire sources, and has not more than
2.5 kg/m2 of combustible storage, gratings of L3 integrity may be used in lieu of L1.
2 If these spaces are normally entered when underway, gratings of L1 integrity shall be required.
3 If these spaces are normally entered when underway, gratings of L3 integrity shall be required.
4 Vessels fitted with deck foam firefighting systems require gratings of L1 integrity for foam system operational
areas and access routes.

11 Other Authorized Uses

The ABS Surveyor may authorize the use of FRP gratings without Main Office approval in applications
where structural fire integrity of the FRP gratings is not a concern, provided they meet the applicable fire
retardance, flame spread and smoke generation requirements set forth in A3/5.3, A3/5.5, and A3/5.7.
Applications where the use of FRP gratings have been authorized in the past, without any structural fire
integrity requirements, include the following:
i) Sea chest coverings;
ii) Small sundeck awnings and supports;
iii) Lifeboat bilge flooring;
iv) Electrical control flooring;
v) Pipe guards on deck, in cargo holds, and in engine rooms;

Appendix 3 Fiber Reinforced Plastic Gratings A3

vi) Removable guards over hawse holes, anchor hawse pipes, and scuppers;
vii) Personnel barriers, such as protection for electrical panels; and
viii) Ship staging and work platforms (Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
requirements may also apply).

Appendix 4: References, Codes and Standards

APPENDIX 4 References, Codes and Standards (1 July 2012)

The latest edition of the following codes and standards are applicable and referenced in these Rules.
Reference Title

API RP 2A-WSD Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms – Working Stress Design
API RP 2D Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Cranes
API RP 14C Analysis, Design, Installation and Testing of Basic Surface Safety Systems on Offshore
Production Platforms
API RP 14E Design and Installation of Offshore Production Platform Piping Systems
API RP 14F Design and Installation of Electrical Systems for fuel and floating offshore Petroleum Facilities
for unclassed and class 1, division 1 and division 2 locations.
API RP 14FZ Design and Installation of Electrical Systems for fixed and floating offshore petroleum Facilities
for unclassed and Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 2 locations
API RP 14G Fire Prevention and Control on Open Type Offshore Production Platforms
API RP 14J Design and Hazards Analysis for Offshore Production Facilities
API RP 17A Design and Operation of Subsea Production Systems
API RP 55 Oil and Gas Producing and Gas Processing Plant Operations Involving Hydrogen Sulfide
API RP 500 Classification of Location for Electrical Installations at Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I,
Division 1 and Division 2
API RP 505 Classification of Location for Electrical Installations at Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I,
Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 2
API RP 520 Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Devices in Refineries
API Std. 521 Pressure-Relieving and Depressuring Systems
API RP 554 Process Instrument and Control
API Spec 2C Offshore Cranes
API Spec 6A Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment
API Spec 6FA Fire Test for Valves
API Spec 12K Specification for Indirect-Type Oil Field Heaters
API Spec 12L Specification for Vertical and Horizontal Emulsion Treaters
API Spec 16C Choke and Kill Systems
API Spec 16D Specification for Control Systems for Drilling Well Control Equipment and Control Systems for
Diverter Equipment
API Spec 17D Design and Operation of Subsea Production Systems-Subsea Wellhead and Tree Equipment
API Std 607 Fire Test for Quarter-turn Valves and Valves Equipped with Nonmetallic Seats
API Std 610 Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industries
API Std 616 Gas Turbines for the Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services
API Std 617 Axial and Centrifugal Compressors and Expander-compressors for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas
Industry Services
API Std 618 Reciprocating Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services
API Std 619 Rotary-Type Positive-Displacement Compressors for Petroleum, Petrochemical, and Natural Gas
API Std 620 Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks
API Std 660 Shell-and-tube Heat Exchangers
API Std 661 Air Cooled Heat Exchangers for General Refinery Service
API Std 2000 Venting Atmospheric and Low-Pressure Storage Tanks
API RP 2030 Application of Fixed Water Spray Systems for Fire Protection in the Petroleum and
Petrochemical Industries

Appendix 4 References, Codes and Standards A4

Reference Title

ASME B31.3 Process Piping

ASME B31.4 Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids
ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems
ASME Sec II, Part A, B, C, D Materials
ASME Sec V Nondestructive Examination
ASME Sec VIII, Div 1 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
ASME Sec VIII, Div 2 Alternative Rules - Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
ASME Sec IX Welding and Brazing Qualifications
ASME Sec X Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels
ASTM D635 Standard Test Method for Rate of Burning and/or Extent and Time of Burning of Plastics in a
Horizontal Position
ASTM D2444 Standard Test Method for Determination of the Impact Resistance of Thermoplastic Pipe and
Fittings by Means of a Tub (Falling Weight)
ASTM E84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
ASTM E119 Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials
ASTM E140 Standard Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals Relationship Among Brinell Hardness, Vickers
Hardness, Rockwell Hardness, Superficial Hardness, Knoop Hardness, and Scleroscope Hardness
ASTM E695 Standard Method for Measuring Relative Resistance of Wall, Floor, and Roof Construction to
Impact Loading
IEC 60331 Test for Electric cables under fire conditions
IEC 60332-3-10 Tests on electric and optical fiber cables under fire conditions: Test for vertical flame spread of
vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables – Apparatus
IEC 60034 Rotating Electrical Machines
IEC 60079-2 Electric Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmosphere
IEC 60092 Electrical Installations in Ships
IEC 60269 Low Voltage Fuses
IEC 60947-2 Low Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear
IEC 61508 Functional Safety of E/E/PE Safety-related Systems
IEEE 45 Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on Shipboard
IEEE Std 242 Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial & Commercial Power
IMO FTP Code Fire Test Procedures
IMO MODU Code Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units
IMO MSC Circ 582 Guidelines for the Performance and Testing Criteria, and Surveys of Low-Expansion Foam
Concentrates for Fixed Fire-Extinguishing Systems
IMO MSC Circ 670 Guidelines for the Performance and Testing Criteria, and Surveys of High-Expansion Foam
Concentrates for Fixed Fire-Extinguishing Systems
IMO MSC Circ 848 Revised Guidelines for the Approval of Equivalent Fixed Gas Fire-Extinguishing Systems, as
Referred to in SOLAS 74, for Machinery Spaces and Cargo Pump Rooms
IMO Res. A.653(16) Recommendation on Improved Fire Test Procedure s for Surface Flammability of Bulkhead,
Ceiling and Deck Finish Materials
IMO Res. A.754(18) Recommendation on Fire Resistance Tests for “A”, “B” and “F” Class Divisions
IMO Res. MSC 61(67) International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures
ISO 75 Plastics – Determination of Temperature of Deflection Under Load
ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems – Requirements
ISO 10418 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries -- Offshore Production Installations -- Analysis, Design,
Installation and Testing of Basic Surface Process Safety Systems
ISO 10497 Testing of Valves – Fire Type-testing Requirements
ISO 15540 Ships and Marine Technology – Fire Resistance of Hose Assemblies – Test Methods
ISO 15541 Ships and Marine Technology – Fire Resistance of Hose Assemblies – Requirements for the Test
ISO 19921 Ships and Marine Technology – Fire Resistance of Metallic Pipe Components with Resilient and
Elastomeric Seals – Test Methods

Appendix 4 References, Codes and Standards A4

Reference Title

ISO 19922 Ships and Marine Technology – Fire Resistance of Metallic Pipe Components with Resilient and
Elastomeric Seals – Requirements Imposed on the Test Bench
MARPOL 73/78-Annex I Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil
NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil
and gas production
NEMA MG-1 Rotating Electric Machinery
NFPA 10 Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers
NFPA 11 Standard for Low-Expansion Foam
NFPA 12 Standard for Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems
NFPA 13 Installation of Sprinkler Systems
NFPA 15 Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems
NFPA 17 Standard for Dry Chemical Systems
NFPA 20 Standard for Installation of Stationary Pumps
NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
NFPA 37 Standard for the Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines
NFPA 77 Recommended Practice on Static Electricity
NFPA 96 Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations
NFPA 496 Standard for Purged and Pressurized Enclosed for Electrical Equipment
NFPA 780 Standard for Installation of Lightning Protection Systems
SOLAS, 1974 Chap II-2 IMO – Consolidated test of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea

UL 248 Low Voltage Fuses

UK DOE/NPD Interim Hydrocarbon Fire Resistance Test for Elements of Construction for Offshore Installation
USCG PFM 1-98 Policy File Memorandum on the Fire Performance Requirements for Plastic Pipe per IMO
Resolution A.753(18)
USCG PFM 2-98 Policy File Memorandum on the Use of Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Gratings and Cable Trays

Appendix 5: Systems Requirements for Floating Installations

APPENDIX 5 Systems Requirements for Floating Installations

Shipshaped Hull Semisubmersible, TLP or

DDCV (Spar) based Hull

Process System, Process Support Systems &

Process Electrical Systems
Facilities Facilities
Rules Rules
Process Safety & Fire Systems, Hazardous Area Equipment,
Process Elect Ties to Marine Systems

Marine Piping and Electrical Systems,

Steel Vessel Firefighting Systems for Accommodation, MODU
Rules Machinery Spaces and Helicopter Facility Rules


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