User Requirements Document: Loan Management System
User Requirements Document: Loan Management System
User Requirements Document: Loan Management System
Version 1.0
Version History
Version Date Changes Made Done By Remarks
This section mainly briefs about who is the customer and what is customer business and the
problems customer is facing in the existing business. It also gives information on business aspects
considered for automation, goals of the project.
Target audience
List the target audience meant for this document
About Customer
Provide details about the customer business and the problems customer is experiencing in the
existing business, which led him for going for this automation project.
Project Objectives
Provide details about goals of the project or things to be achieved by implementing this project in
customer business.
Identify the areas considered for automation in customer business as part of this project and areas
not considered.
Term Definition
ATM Automatic Teller Machine
Provide information about documents, discussions, telecons and standards referred in creating this
requirements document
List the assumptions taken while preparing this requirements document
This section provides information about environment required to implement and operate this
application. It also identifies the minimum knowledge required for the users to operate the software
created as part of this project
Implementation environment
Hardware Environment
Identify the configuration of server required to host this application, in terms of processor capacity,
RAM, LAN card speed, Router, HDD capacity.....
Software Environment
Identify the software required to implement the application developed in terms of operating system,
front end, browsers, drivers, database….
User characteristics
List the minimum knowledge and skill the users need to have to operate this application
Functional Requirements
This section will list all the functional requirements of the application being developed and their
operating specification
Requirement description
Requirement ID TRS-US-01
Title Registration
Description The purpose of this use case is providing registration for the
Actor Customer
Input Name, search movie,bookticket
Behavior • store all the details in application
• generate id and password
Output Ticket booked or ticket cancelled
Pre condition NA
Post condition Email id and password to the customer
SMS id and password to the customer
Exceptions if there is any problem in storing details or generating id and
password display error message
Use case diagram
Requirement ID TRS-US-02
Title Search movie
Description The purpose of this use case is providing information about
Actor User
Input Choose theatre
Behavior • retrieve the details from the application
• display to the user
Output K search found
Pre condition NA
Post condition NA
Exceptions If there is any problem in retrieving information ,he can say
Use case diagram
Requirement ID TRS-US-03
Title Book ticket
Description The purpose of this use case is applying for the loan
Actor Customer
Input Book ticket
Behavior • store the details in application
• generate application id
Output Received or cancelled
Pre condition customer should be logged in
Post condition information to the customer
Exceptions If there is a problem in storing information or generating
application id he can say directly
Use case diagram
process ticket
Special instructions NA
Requirement ID TRS-TS-05
Title Trs
Description The purpose of this use case is managing interest rate
Actor Manage theatre
Input loan id ,new interest rate, effective date
Behavior • retrieve the interest rate from the application
• modify the interest rate, effective date
• on confirmation update the details
manage loans
Special instructions NA
Requirement ID TRS-US-06
Title manage loans
Description The purpose of this use case is managing the loans
Actor manager
Input loan id, loan name, loan information, loan type
Behavior if loan creation
• store all the details in application
• generate loan id
if loan modification
• retrieve the details of the loan
• modify the details
• on confirmation update the details
if loan deletion
• retrieve the details of the loan
• on confirmation delete the loan
if view details
• retrieve the details of the loan
• view the details
Output acknowledgement message
Pre condition manager should be logged in
Post condition NA
Exceptions if there is any problem in processing display error message
Use case diagram
manage loans
Special instructions NA
Requirement ID TRS-US-07
Title Trs
Description The purpose of this use case is managing the loan types
Actor manager
Input Manage movies
Behavior if loan type creation
• store all the details in application
• generate loan type id
if loan type modification
• retrieve the details of the loan type
• modify the details
• on confirmation update the details
if loan type deletion
• retrieve the details of the loan type
• on confirmation delete the loan type
if view details
• retrieve the details of the loan type
• view the details
Output Search found
Pre condition manager should be logged in
Post condition NA
Exceptions if there is any problem in processing display error message
Use case diagram
Special instructions NA
Requirement ID TRS-US-08
Title Trs
Description The purpose of this use case is generating reports
Actor Officer
Input View yes reports
Behavior • retrieve all the loans taken by the customer
• generate reports
Output reports
Pre condition officer should be logged in
Post condition Email reports to the customer
Exceptions if there is any problem in retrieving details display error message
Use case diagram
generate reports
Special instructions NA