Structural Calculations of Bridge Girder
Structural Calculations of Bridge Girder
Structural Calculations of Bridge Girder
Span = metre
Class of duty = M
Weight of trolley =
Bending moment due to dead load (girder, diaphragms, stiffeners, C.T. rails, L.T. drive etc.)
= (PW1+PW2+PW5) x Span / 8 + Bending Moment due to
= 0 Kg.Cm
Total bending moment due to live load (Trolley, Lifted load, wire ropes, bottom block etc.)
= 0 Kg.Cm
Maximum allowed compression stress Kg/ (as per clause 25.3 of IS-807-2006)
= Kg/
Actual Stress is less than allowed stress. Hence OK from stress consideration
Allowed deflection as per clause 20 of IS-807-2006
= mm
Actual deflection is less than allowed deflection. Hence OK from deflection consideration