Example Bridge: Design Step 2 - Example Bridge Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design Example

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Design Step 2 - Example Bridge Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design Example

2.1 Bridge geometry and materials

Bridge superstructure geometry

Superstructure type: Reinforced concrete deck supported on simple span prestressed girders made
continuous for live load.

Spans: Two spans at 110 ft. each

Width: 55’-4 ½” total

52’-0” gutter line-to-gutter line (Three lanes 12’- 0” wide each, 10 ft. right
shoulder and 6 ft. left shoulder. For superstructure design, the location of the
driving lanes can be anywhere on the structure. For substructure design, the
maximum number of 12 ft. wide lanes, i.e., 4 lanes, is considered)

Railings: Concrete Type F-Parapets, 1’- 8 ¼” wide at the base

Skew: 20 degrees, valid at each support location

Girder spacing: 9’-8”

Girder type: AASHTO Type VI Girders, 72 in. deep, 42 in. wide top flange and 28 in. wide
bottom flange (AASHTO 28/72 Girders)

Strand arrangement: Straight strands with some strands debonded near the ends of the girders

Overhang: 3’-6 ¼” from the centerline of the fascia girder to the end of the overhang

Intermediate diaphragms: For load calculations, one intermediate diaphragm, 10 in. thick, 50 in. deep, is
assumed at the middle of each span.

Figures 2-1 and 2-2 show an elevation and cross-section of the superstructure, respectively. Figure 2-3
through 2-6 show the girder dimensions, strand arrangement, support locations and strand debonding

Typically, for a specific jurisdiction, a relatively small number of girder sizes are available to select from.
The initial girder size is usually selected based on past experience. Many jurisdictions have a design aid
in the form of a table that determines the most likely girder size for each combination of span length and
girder spacing. Such tables developed using the HS-25 live loading of the AASHTO Standard
Specifications are expected to be applicable to the bridges designed using the AASHTO-LRFD

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Design Step 2 - Example Bridge Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design Example

The strand pattern and number of strands was initially determined based on past experience and
subsequently refined using a computer design program. This design was refined using trial and error
until a pattern produced stresses, at transfer and under service loads, that fell within the permissible
stress limits and produced load resistances greater than the applied loads under the strength limit states.
For debonded strands, S5.11.4.3 states that the number of partially debonded strands should not exceed
25 percent of the total number of strands. Also, the number of debonded strands in any horizontal row
shall not exceed 40 percent of the strands in that row. The selected pattern has 27.2 percent of the total
strands debonded. This is slightly higher than the 25 percent stated in the specifications, but is
acceptable since the specifications require that this limit “should” be satisfied. Using the word “should”
instead of “shall” signifies that the specifications allow some deviation from the limit of 25 percent.

Typically, the most economical strand arrangement calls for the strands to be located as close as possible
to the bottom of the girders. However, in some cases, it may not be possible to satisfy all specification
requirements while keeping the girder size to a minimum and keeping the strands near the bottom of the
beam. This is more pronounced when debonded strands are used due to the limitation on the percentage
of debonded strands. In such cases, the designer may consider the following two solutions:

• Increase the size of the girder to reduce the range of stress, i.e., the difference between the stress
at transfer and the stress at final stage.
• Increase the number of strands and shift the center of gravity of the strands upward.

Either solution results in some loss of economy. The designer should consider specific site conditions
(e.g., cost of the deeper girder, cost of the additional strands, the available under-clearance and cost of
raising the approach roadway to accommodate deeper girders) when determining which solution to

Bridge substructure geometry

Intermediate pier: Multi-column bent (4 – columns spaced at 14’-1”)

Spread footings founded on sandy soil
See Figure 2-7 for the intermediate pier geometry

End abutments: Integral abutments supported on one line of steel H-piles supported on bedrock. U-
wingwalls are cantilevered from the fill face of the abutment. The approach slab is
supported on the integral abutment at one end and a sleeper slab at the other end.
See Figure 2-8 for the integral abutment geometry

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Design Step 2 - Example Bridge Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design Example


Concrete strength
Prestressed girders: Initial strength at transfer, f′ci = 4.8 ksi
28-day strength, f′c = 6 ksi
Deck slab: 4.0 ksi
Substructure: 3.0 ksi
Railings: 3.5 ksi

Concrete elastic modulus (calculated using S5.4.2.4)

Girder final elastic modulus, Ec = 4,696 ksi
Girder elastic modulus at transfer, Eci = 4,200 ksi
Deck slab elastic modulus, Es = 3,834 ksi

Reinforcing steel
Yield strength, fy = 60 ksi

Prestressing strands
0.5 inch diameter low relaxation strands Grade 270
Strand area, Aps = 0.153 in2
Steel yield strength, fpy = 243 ksi
Steel ultimate strength, fpu = 270 ksi
Prestressing steel modulus, Ep = 28,500 ksi

Other parameters affecting girder analysis

Time of Transfer = 1 day

Average Humidity = 70%

-0" 110'


-0" Integral

Figure 2-1 – Elevation View of the Example Bridge

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Design Step 2 - Example Bridge Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design Example

55'- 4 1/2" Total Width

52'Roadway Width
-8 1/4"
-10" 5 spa at 9'- 8"

8" Reinforced Concrete Deck


Figure 2-2 – Bridge Cross-Section

2.2 Girder geometry and section properties

Basic beam section properties

Beam length, L = 110 ft. – 6 in.

Depth = 72 in.
Thickness of web = 8 in.
Area, Ag = 1,085 in2
Moment of inertia, Ig = 733,320 in4
N.A. to top, yt = 35.62 in.
N.A. to bottom, yb = 36.38 in.
Section modulus, STOP = 20,588 in3
Section modulus, SBOT = 20,157 in3
CGS from bottom, at 0 ft. = 5.375 in.
CGS from bottom, at 11 ft. = 5.158 in.
CGS from bottom, at 54.5 ft. = 5.0 in.
P/S force eccentricity at 0 ft., e0’ = 31.005 in.
P/S force eccentricity at 11 ft. , e11’ = 31.222 in.
P/S force eccentricity at 54.5 ft, e54.5’ = 31.380 in.

Interior beam composite section properties

Effective slab width = 111 in. (see calculations in Section 2.3)

Deck slab thickness = 8 in. (includes ½ in. integral wearing surface which is not included in the
calculation of the composite section properties)

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Design Step 2 - Example Bridge Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design Example

Haunch depth = 4 in. (maximum value - notice that the haunch depth varies along the
beam length and, hence, is ignored in calculating section properties
but is considered when determining dead load)

Moment of inertia, Ic = 1,384,254 in4

N.A. to slab top, ysc = 27.96 in.
N.A. to beam top, ytc = 20.46 in.
N.A. to beam bottom, ybc = 51.54 in.
Section modulus, STOP SLAB = 49,517 in3
Section modulus, STOP BEAM = 67,672 in3
Section modulus, SBOT BEAM = 26,855 in3

Exterior beam composite section properties

Effective Slab Width = 97.75 in. (see calculations in Section 2.3)

Deck slab thickness = 8 in. (includes ½ in. integral wearing surface which is not included in the
calculation of the composite section properties)

Haunch depth = 4 in. (maximum value - notice that the haunch depth varies along the
beam length and, hence, is ignored in calculating section properties
but is considered when determining dead load)

Moment of inertia, Ic = 1,334,042 in4

N.A. to slab top, ysc = 29.12 in.
N.A. to beam top, ytc = 21.62 in.
N.A. to beam bottom, ybc = 50.38 in.
Section modulus, STOP SLAB = 45,809 in3
Section modulus, STOP BEAM = 61,699 in3
Section modulus, SBOT BEAM = 26,481 in3

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Design Step 2 - Example Bridge Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design Example


4" 13"








5 spa @ 2"


3" 11 spa @ 2" 3"


Figure 2-3 – Beam Cross-Section Showing 44 Strands

CL of Bearing

CL Intermediate Pier
CL of End Abutment
and CL of Bearing

9" 109'
-0" = Span for Noncomposite Loads 9" 3"
-0" = Span for Composite Loads

Figure 2-4 – General Beam Elevation

Task Order DTFH61-02-T-63032 2-6

CL Bearing

-0" 12'
-0" 32'

Transfer Length
Transfer Length
of 32 Strands
of 6 Strands = 2'
= 2'-6"

Point where Point where

Task Order DTFH61-02-T-63032

bonding begins bonding begins
for 6 strands for 6 strands
Mid-length of girder
Design Step 2 - Example Bridge

Point where
bonding begins
for 32 strands

Transfer Length
of 6 Strands = 2'

5 Spa @ 2"
No. of Bonded Strands = 32 No. of Bonded Strands = 38 No. of Bonded Strands = 44

No. of Bonded Strands = 32 A B C


Figure 2-5 – Elevation View of Prestressing Strands

Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design Example
Design Step 2 - Example Bridge Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design Example

Location of Location of
P/S Force
5.375" P/S Force

Section A-A Section B-B

Location of
P/S Force

Section C-C

- Bonded Strand
- Debonded Strand

For location of Sections A-A, B-B and C-C, see Figure 2-5

Figure 2-6 – Beam at Sections A-A, B-B, and C-C

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Design Step 2 - Example Bridge Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design Example

5 spa @ 10'
-7 7/16" along the skew
Cap 4'x 4'
2' 2'


CL Exterior Girder
CL Exterior Girder

3'-6" Dia.



12'x 12'
footing (TYP.)

-8 5/8" 3 spa @ 14'
-1" along the skew 4'
-8 5/8"

Figure 2-7 – Intermediate Bent

Girder Approach Expansion

Slab Joint

End of Highway
girder Sleeper Pavement
Construction H-Piles


Figure 2-8 – Integral Abutment

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Design Step 2 - Example Bridge Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design Example

2.3 Effective flange width (S4.6.2.6)

Longitudinal stresses in the flanges are distributed across the flange and the composite deck slab by in-
plane shear stresses, therefore, the longitudinal stresses are not uniform. The effective flange width is a
reduced width over which the longitudinal stresses are assumed to be uniformly distributed and yet result
in the same force as the non-uniform stress distribution if integrated over the entire width.

The effective flange width is calculated using the provisions of S4.6.2.6. See the bulleted list at the end of
this section for a few S4.6.2.6 requirements. According to S4., the effective flange width may be
calculated as follows:

For interior girders:

The effective flange width is taken as the least of the following:

• One-quarter of the effective span length = 0.25(82.5)(12)

= 247.5 in.

• 12.0 times the average thickness of the slab,

plus the greater of the web thickness = 12(7.5) + 8 = 104 in.
one-half the width of the top flange of the girder = 12(7.5) + 0.5(42)
= 111 in.

• The average spacing of adjacent beams = 9 ft.- 8 in. or 116 in.

The effective flange width for the interior beam is 111 in.

For exterior girders:

The effective flange width is taken as one-half the effective width of the adjacent interior girder plus the
least of:

• One-eighth of the effective span length = 0.125(82.5)(12)

= 123.75 in.

• 6.0 times the average thickness of the slab,

plus the greater of half the web thickness = 6.0(7.5) + 0.5(8)
= 49 in.
one-quarter of the width of the top flange
of the basic girder = 6.0(7.5) + 0.25(42)
= 55.5 in.

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Design Step 2 - Example Bridge Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design Example

• The width of the overhang = 3 ft.- 6 ¼ in. or 42.25 in.

Therefore, the effective flange width for the exterior girder is:

(111/2) + 42.25 = 97.75 in.

Notice that:
• The effective span length used in calculating the effective flange width may be taken as the actual
span length for simply supported spans or as the distance between points of permanent dead load
inflection for continuous spans, as specified in S4. For analysis of I-shaped girders, the
effective flange width is typically calculated based on the effective span for positive moments and
is used along the entire length of the beam.

• The slab thickness used in the analysis is the effective slab thickness ignoring any sacrificial
layers (i.e., integral wearing surfaces)

• S4.5 allows the consideration of continuous barriers when analyzing for service and fatigue limit
states. The commentary of S4. includes an approximate method of including the effect of the
continuous barriers on the section by modifying the width of the overhang. Traditionally, the effect
of the continuous barrier on the section is ignored in the design of new bridges and is ignored in
this example. This effect may be considered when checking existing bridges with structurally
sound continuous barriers.

• Simple-span girders made continuous behave as continuous beams for all loads applied after the
deck slab hardens. For two-equal span girders, the effective length of each span, measured as
the distance from the center of the end support to the inflection point for composite dead loads
(load is assumed to be distributed uniformly along the length of the girders), is 0.75 the length of
the span.

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