Tabel DFA
Tabel DFA
Tabel DFA
Parts are easy to grasp and manipulate Parts present handling difficulties (1)
Key: 6 mm ≤ 6 mm ≤
Size Size Size Size Size Size Size Size
size size
>15 mm <6 mm >6 mm ≤6 mm >15 mm <6 mm >6 mm ≤6 mm
One hand >15 mm ≤15 mm
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1.13 1.43 1.88 1.69 2.18 1.84 2.17 2.65 2.45 2.98
(α+β) < 360°
without the aid of grasping tools
2 1.8 2.1 2.55 2.36 2.85 2.57 2.9 3.38 3.18 3.7
540° ≤ (α+β) 3 1.95 2.25 2.7 2.51 3 2.73 3.06 3.55 3.34 4
< 720°
grasping aids
Thickness Thickness Thickness Thickness Thickness Thickness Thickness Thickness
>0.25 mm ≤0.25 mm >0.25 mm ≤0.25 mm >0.25 mm ≤0.25 mm >0.25 mm ≤0.25 mm
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
≤ 180°
α ≤ 180°
manipulated by one hand but only
β = 360°
Parts can be grasped and
β = 360°
Parts present no additional Parts present additional handling difficulties
handling difficulties (e.g. sticky, delicate, slippery, etc.) (1)
α ≤ 180° α = 360° α ≤ 180° α = 360°
6 mm ≤ 6 mm ≤
Size Size Size Size Size Size Size Size
Two hands size size
>15 mm <6 mm >6 mm ≤6 mm >15 mm <6 mm >6 mm ≤6 mm
for ≤15 mm ≤15 mm
manipulation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Parts severely nest or 8 4.1 4.5 5.1 5.6 6.75 5 5.25 5.85 6.35 7
tangle or are flexible but
can be grasped and lifted
by one hand (with the
Two persons or mechanical
parts manipulation
1. Parts can present handling difficulties if they nest or tangle, sick together because of magnetic force or grease coating, and so on, are slippery, or
require careful handling. Parts that nest or tangle are those that interlock when in bulk but can be separated by one simple manipulation of a single
part; for example, taper cups, closed-end helical springs, circlips, and so on. Parts that are slippery are those that easily slip from fingers or
standard grasping tool because of their shape and/or surface condition. Parts that require careful handling are those that are fragile or delicate,
have sharp corners or edges, or present other hazards to the operator.
2. Parts that nest or tangle severely are those parts that interlock when in bulk and both hands are needed to apply a separation force or achieve
specific orientation of inter-locking parts to achieve separation. Flexible parts are those that substantially deform during manipulation and
necessitate the use of two hands. Examples of such parts are large paper or felt gaskets, rubber bands or belts, and so on.
Figure 3.15
Original classification system for part features affecting manual handling time. (Copyright 1999 Boothroyd
Dewhurst, Inc. With permission.)
84 Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly
Easy to align and Not easy to align or Easy to align and Not easy to align or
position during position during position during position during
assembly (4) assembly assembly (4) assembly
No No No No
resistance Resistance resistance Resistance resistance Resistance resistance Resistance
to to to to to to to to
Part added
insertion insertion (5) insertion insertion (5) insertion insertion (5) insertion insertion (5)
not secured
0 1 2 3 6 7 8 9
access or
finally secured immediately
Part and associated tool
vision (2)
No screwing operation
or plastic Plastic deformation immediately after insertion
Due to
deformation Screw tightening
obstructed Plastic bending Riveting or similar immediately
immediately after
access and or torsion operation after insertion
insertion (snap/press
vision (2) Not easy to align or Not easy to align or
position during position during
assembly assembly
Not easy to align or
position with no
Part secured
position and/or
position during
position during
No resistance
No resistance
Resistance to
Resistance to
resistance to
assembly (4)
assembly (4)
insertion (4)
insertion (5)
insertion (5)
to insertion
to insertion
Part and associated tool
(including hands) can
easily reach the desired
location and the tool 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
can be operated easily
Addition of any part (1) where the
3 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 8
(including hands) cannot easily
Due to
reach desired location or tool
cannot be operated easily
accessor 4 4.5 7.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 8.5 10.5
Part and associated tool
vision (2)
5 6 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 10 12
Due to
access and
restricted Mechanical fastening processes Non-mechanical fastening processes Non-fastening
vision (2) (part(s) already in place but not (part(s) already in place but not processes
secured immediately after insertion) secured immediately after insertion)
None or localized Metallurgical processes
plastic deformation
deformed during fastening)
(e.g. adhesive bonding,
Manipulation of parts
friction welding, etc.)
material required
(large proportion of
Chemical processes
or other processes
material required
similar processes
Screw tightening
part is plastically
or sub-assembly
Other processes
(e.g. resistance,
similar process
No additional
Bending or
Riveting or
Assembly processes
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8
where all solid
parts are in place
9 4 7 5 12 7 8 12 12 9 12
1. A part is the solid of nonsolid element of an assembly during an assembly process. A subassembly is considered a part if it is added during
assembly. However, adhesives, fluxes, fillers, and so on, used for joining parts are not considered to be parts.
2. Obstructed access means that the space available for the assembly operation causes a significant increase in the assembly time. Restricted vision
means that the operator has to rely mainly on tactile sensing during the assembly process.
3. Holding down required means that the part is unstable after placement or insertion or during subsequent operations and will require griping,
realignment, or holding down before it is finally secured. Holding down refers to an operation that, if necessary, maintains the position and
orientation of a part already in place, prior to, or during the next assembly operation. A part is located if it will not require holding down or
realignment for subsequent operations and is only partially secured.
4. A part is easy to align and position if the position of the part is established by locating features on the part or on its mating part and insertion is
facilitated by well designed chamfers or similar features.
5. The resistance encountered during part insertion can be due to small clearances, jamming or wedging, hang-up conditions, or insertion against a
large force. For example, a press fit is an interference fit where a large force is required for assembly. The resistance encountered with self-tapping
screws is similarly an example of insertion resistance.
Figure 3.16
Original classification system for part features affecting insertion and fastening. (Copyright 1999 Boothroyd
Dewhurst, Inc. With permission.)