Solids, Total: USEPA Gravimetric Method Method 8271
Solids, Total: USEPA Gravimetric Method Method 8271
Solids, Total: USEPA Gravimetric Method Method 8271
Scope and application: For potable, surface and saline water and for domestic and industrial wastewater, brine
solutions, produced waters and hydraulic fracturing waters.
1 USEPA accepted.
2 Adapted from Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, Section 2540B.
Test preparation
Before starting
If applicable, use the test result in Method 8276—Solids, Total Volatile and Fixed
Dry the aluminum dishes at 103–105 °C for 1 hour. Keep dried dishes in a desiccator.
For larger samples, use a steam bath and evaporating dishes as an alternative to the aluminum dishes.
Items to collect
Description Quantity
Test procedure
1. Put an aluminum dish in 2. Remove the dish from 3. Use an analytical 4. Mix the sample. Use a
a drying oven at 103–105 °C the oven. Let the dish balance to weigh the dish to blender or a beaker with stir
for 1 hour. temperature decrease to the nearest 0.1 mg bar and stir plate to mix the
room temperature in a (0.0001 g). Record this mg sample.
desiccator. value as B.
5. Use a graduated cylinder 6. Put the sample in a 7. Remove the dish from 8. Use an analytical
to add 50 mL of sample to preheated oven. Dry at the oven. Let the dish balance to weigh the dish to
the aluminum dish. 103–105 °C for temperature decrease to the nearest 0.1 mg
approximately 6 hours. More room temperature in a (0.0001 g). Record this mg
time can be necessary for desiccator. value as A.
high mineralized water.
Note: For larger samples,
use a steam bath and an
evaporating dish as an
alternative to the drying
oven. After the sample is
dried on the steam bath, dry
the dish to constant weight
in a 103–105 °C drying
Summary of method
A well-mixed sample is dried in a pre-weighed dish to a constant weight in an oven at
102–105 °C. The difference of weight between the empty dish and the dried dish shows
the total solids of the sample.
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