Aaron Thom Resume 2018
Aaron Thom Resume 2018
Aaron Thom Resume 2018
Objective I am pursuing a career in natural resource management where I can apply my knowledge and skills
to produce high quality environmental work in the Pacific Northwest.
Santa Clara University / B.S. Biology with an emphasis on Ecology and Evolution
Arctic Biology Field Course: From Ecology to Genomics at Toolik, Alaska Field Station
Additional coursework in environmental science, geology, and biostatistics
Chicago Botanic Garden & BLM / Conservation and Land Management Intern
Participated in the Seeds of Success (SOS) national native seed collection program.
Mapped potential rare plant habitat using ArcGIS software.
Collected, processed, and shipped wild native plant seeds for future restoration and recovery
efforts following the Bureau of Land Management’s SOS Technical Protocol .
Collected ecological site information for plant populations.
Measured and monitored rare plant and bird populations in remote open space lands.
Experience Santa Clara University / Teaching Assistant
Field Course in Plant Ecology and Primate Behavior
Assisted professors in design and setup of a plant diversity survey for field course students.
Managed plant identification lab for 12-15 students per year for three field seasons.
Assisted students with their independent research projects
Aided in data collection for ongoing primate behavioral ecology research (Bezanson) by collecting
and mounting samples for plant identification and contributing to a detailed plant inventory.
Coauthored a research poster which examined the potential impact of capuchin monkey (Cebus
capucinus) foraging on plant growth and co-presented it at the 2013 American Association of
Physical Anthropologists conference.
Qualifications Field Techniques: Wetland delineation; wetland functional assessment; Federal, state and local
land-use policies and regulations; assessment of wetland landscape modifications and habitat;
identification of freshwater and estuarine plants in the Puget Sound region; floristic and habitat
surveys; measuring and monitoring plant populations; USACE Wetland Delineation Manual and
Regional Supplements; Ability to drive vehicles and perform field work in a variety of terrain and
weather conditions.
Mapping Skills: Geo-referencing, remote sensing, map creation and editing using ArcGIS and
Google Earth; navigation and data collection using handheld GPS devices (Garmin and Trimble) and
magnetic compasses.
Computer Skills: Microsoft Office Suite (used 10 years in school and 4 years professionally); R
statistical computing and graphics; creating tables and graphs; Esri ArcGis.
Affiliations: Washington Rare Plant Care and Conservation Program, Environmental Professionals
of Color, Washington Native Plant Society, Seattle International Randonneurs.
Publications: Melen MK, Herman JA, Lucas J, O'Malley RE, Parker IM, Thom AM, Whittall JB.
"Partial self-incompatibility in a polyploid wallflower: reproductive success through high pollinator
visitation rates," American Journal of Botany, 2016 Nov;103(11):1979-1989.