All Rush Song Lyrics - Albums From 1974 To 2014
All Rush Song Lyrics - Albums From 1974 To 2014
All Rush Song Lyrics - Albums From 1974 To 2014
Rush Rush 1974
Finding My Way
Yeah, oh yeah! Left me lonely each night
Ooh, said I, I'm comin' out to get you While I sing my sad song
Ooh, sit down, I'm comin' out to find you
Ooh, yeah Look out! I'm comin', whoa, whoa
Ooh yeah Look out! I'm comin', whoa, yeah
Findin' my way!
I'm runnin', findin' my way back home
I've been gone so long
I've lost count of the years I'm comin'
Well, I sang some sad songs Ooh, babe, I said I'm runnin'
Oh yes, and cried some bad tears Whoa, babe, I said I'm comin' to get you, mama
Said I'm runnin'
Look out! I'm comin', whoa, whoa
Look out! I'm comin', whoa, yeah Ooh, babe, I said I'm comin' for you, babe. I said
I'm runnin'
I'm runnin', finding my way back home Ooh, yes, babe, I said I'm comin' to get you, babe
Oh yeah! I said I'm comin'
Ooh, yeah
Yeah, oh, yeah!
Ooh, said I, I'm comin' back to look for you I'm findin', I'm findin' my way back home
Ooh, sit down, I'm goin' by the back door Well, I've had it for now, livin' on the road
Ooh, yeah Ooh, yeah
Ooh, yeah Ooh, yeah
Findin' my way!
Findin' my way!
You've done me no right
But you've done me some wrong
Rush Rush 1974
Ooh, I need some love
I said I need some love
Ooh yes, I need some love
This feelin' I can't rise above
Ooh, yeah, yeah
Rush Rush 1974
Take A Friend
Well, I'm lookin' at you
And I'm wond'rin' what you're gonna do
Looks like you got no friends
No one to stick with you till the end
Take yourself a friend
Keep 'em till the end
Whether woman or man
It makes you feel so good...
So good
Rush Rush 1974
Here Again
I said I played this song so many times before
That the melody keeps repeating
Growing new ideas, flowing chords and notes
Like a mountain river bleeding
Well, you say you can laugh, but I can see that your eyes are glass
Well, do you see, can't you see, what I'm feeling?
Yes, I've seen your face before
Why, I've seen it everywhere
Showing up to me without a scent revealing
Rush Rush 1974
Rush Rush 1974
In The Mood
Hey, now, baby
Well, I like your smile
Won't you come and talk to me
For a little while?
Hey, baby, it's a quarter to eight
I feel I'm in the mood
Hey baby, the hour is late
I feel I've got to move
Rush Rush 1974
Rush Rush 1974
Working Man
I get up at seven, yeah
And I go to work at nine
I got no time for livin'
Yes, I'm workin' all the time
It seems to me
I could live my life
A lot better than I think I am
I guess that's why they call me
They call me the working man
Rush Fly By Night 1975
Anthem (4:22)
Best I Can (3:25)
Beneath, Between and Behind (3:02)
By-Tor and the Snowdog (8:37)
I. At The Tobes of Hades
II. Across The Styx
III. Of The Battle
IV. Epilogue
Fly By Night (3:21)
Making Memories (2:58)
Rivendell (4:57)
In The End (6:47)
Rush Fly By Night 1975
Know your place in life is where you want to be
Don't let them tell you that you owe it all to me
Keep on looking forward; no use in looking 'round
Hold your head above the ground and they won't bring you down
Rush Fly By Night 1975
Best I Can
I've got a livin' that's rough, a future that's tough
You know what I mean
Blankers and boasters, all the bluffers and posers
I'm not into that scene
Rush Fly By Night 1975
Rush Fly By Night 1975
IV. Epilogue
The battle's over and the dust is clearing
Disciples of the Snow Dog sound the knell
Rejoicing echoes as the dawn is nearing
By-Tor in defeat retreats to Hell
Snow Dog is victorious
The land of the Overworld is saved again.
Rush Fly By Night 1975
Fly By Night
Airport scurry flurry faces
Parade of passers by
People going many places
With a smile or just a sigh
Waiting waiting pass the time
Another cigarette
Get in line - gate thirty-nine
The time is not here yet
Rush Fly By Night 1975
Making Memories
There's a time for feelin' as good as we can
The time is now, and there's no stoppin' us
There's a time for livin' as high as we can
Behind us you will only see our dust.
Rush Fly By Night 1975
Sunlight dances through the leaves
Soft winds stir the sighing trees
Lying in the warm grass
Feel the sun upon your face
Elfin songs and endless nights
Sweet wine and soft relaxing lights
Time will never touch you
Here in this enchanted place
Rush Fly By Night 1975
In The End
Well, I can see what you mean
It just takes me longer
And I can feel what you feel
It just makes you stronger
Rush Caress Of Steel 1975
Rush Caress Of Steel 1975
Bastille Day
There's no bread, let them eat cake
There's no end to what they'll take
Flaunt the fruits of noble birth
Wash the salt into the earth
But they're marching to Bastille Day
La guillotine will claim her bloody prize
Free the dungeons of the innocent
The king will kneel, and let his kingdom rise
Rush Caress Of Steel 1975
Rush Caress Of Steel 1975
Lakeside Park
Midway hawkers calling
Try your luck with me
Merry-go-round wheezing
The same old melody
A thousand ten cent wonders
Who could ask for more
A pocketful of silver
The key to heaven's door
Lakeside Park
Willows in the breeze
Lakeside Park
So many memories
Laughing rides
Midway lights
Shining stars on summer nights
Rush Caress Of Steel 1975
The Necromancer
I. Into Darkness
As grey traces of dawn tinge the eastern sky, the three travelers, men of Willow Dale, emerge from the forest
shadow. Fording the River Dawn, they turn south, journeying into the dark and forbidding lands of the
Necromancer. Even now the intensity of his dread power can be felt, weakening the body and saddening the
heart. Ultimately they will become empty, mindless spectres, stripped of will and soul. Only their thirst for
freedom gives them hunger for vengeance...
Stealthily attacking
By-Tor slays his foe
The men are free to run now
From labyrinths below
The Wraith of Necromancer
Shadows through the sky
Another land to darken
With evil prism eye...
Rush Caress Of Steel 1975
Rush Caress Of Steel 1975
Rush 2112 1976
2112 (20:34)
I. Overture (4:32)
II. Temples of Syrinx (2:13)
III. Discovery (3:29)
IV. Presentation (3:42)
V. Oracle: The Dream (2:00)
VI. Soliloquy (2:21)
VII. The Grand Finale (2:14)
A Passage To Bangkok (3:34)
The Twilight Zone (3:17)
Lessons (3:51)
Tears (3:31)
Something For Nothing (3:59)
Rush 2112 1976
"I lie awake, staring out at the bleakness of Megadon. City and sky become one, merging into a single plane, a vast
sea of unbroken grey. The Twin Moons, just two pale orbs as they trace their way across the steely sky. I used to think
I had a pretty good life here, just plugging into my machine for the day, then watching Templevision or reading a
Temple Paper in the evening.
"My friend Jon always said it was nicer here than under the atmospheric domes of the Outer Planets. We have had
peace since 2062, when the surviving planets were banded together under the Red Star of the Solar Federation. The
less fortunate gave us a few new moons.
I believed what I was told. I thought it was a good life, I thought I was happy. Then I found something that changed it
all..." - Anonymous, 2112
I. Overture was hidden beneath the cave, I found it. I brushed away the
"And the meek shall inherit the earth." dust of the years, and picked it up, holding it reverently in
my hands. I had no idea what it might be, but it was
II. Temples of Syrinx beautiful" ...
... "The massive grey walls of the Temples rise from the ... "I learned to lay my fingers across the wires, and to turn
heart of every Federation city. I have always been awed by the keys to make them sound differently. As I struck the
them, to think that every single facet of every life is wires with my other hand, I produced my first harmonious
regulated and directed from within! Our books, our music, sounds, and soon my own music! How different it could be
our work and play are all looked after by the benevolent from the music of the Temples! I can't wait to tell the
wisdom of the priests..." priests about it! ..."
We've taken care of everything What can this strange device be?
The words you hear the songs you sing When I touch it, it gives forth a sound
The pictures that give pleasure to your eyes. It's got wires that vibrate and give music
What can this thing be that I found?
It's one for all and all for one
We work together common sons See how it sings like a sad heart
Never need to wonder how or why. And joyously screams out its pain
Sounds that build high like a mountain
We are the Priests, of the Temples of Syrinx Or notes that fall gently like rain.
Our great computers fill the hallowed halls.
We are the Priests, of the Temples of Syrinx I can't wait to share this new wonder
All the gifts of life are held within our walls. The people will all see its light
Let them all make their own music
Look around this world we made The Priests praise my name on this night.
Equality our stock in trade
Come and join the Brotherhood of Man IV. Presentation
Oh what a nice contented world ... "In the sudden silence as I finished playing, I looked up
Let the banners be unfurled to a circle of grim, expressionless faces. Father Brown
Hold the Red Star proudly high in hand. rose to his feet, and his somnolent voice echoed
throughout the silent Temple Hall." ...
... "Instead of the grateful joy that I expected, they were
We are the Priests, of the Temples of Syrinx words of quiet rejection! Instead of praise, sullen
Our great computers fill the hallowed halls. dismissal. I watched in shock and horror as Father Brown
We are the Priests, of the Temples of Syrinx ground my precious instrument to splinters beneath his
All the gifts of life are held within our walls. feet..."
Rush 2112 1976
But I've found an ancient miracle And fell into a fitful sleep
I thought that you should know Escape to realms beyond the night
Dream can't you show me the light?
Listen to my music
And hear what it can do I stand atop a spiral stair
There's something here as strong as life An oracle confronts me there
I know that it will reach you. He leads me on light years away
Through astral nights, galactic days
Yes, we know it's nothing new
It's just a waste of time I see the works of gifted hands
We have no need for ancient ways That grace this strange and wondrous land
The world is doing fine I see the hand of man arise
With hungry mind and open eyes
Another toy will help destroy
The elder race of man They left the planet long ago
Forget about your silly whim The elder race still learn and grow
It doesn't fit the plan. Their power grows with purpose strong
To claim the home where they belong
I can't believe you're saying Home, to tear the Temples down...
These things just can't be true Home, to change..
Our world could use this beauty
Just think what we might do. VI. Soliloquy
... "I have not left this cave for days now, it has become my
Listen to my music last refuge in my total despair. I have only the music of the
And hear what it can do waterfall to comfort me now. I can no longer live under the
There's something here as strong as life control of the Federation, but there is no other place to go.
I know that it will reach you. My last hope is that with my death I may pass into the
world of my dream, and know peace at last."
Don't annoy us further
We have our work to do. The sleep is still in my eyes
Just think about the average The dream is still in my head
What use have they for you? I heave a sigh and sadly smile
And lie a while in bed
Another toy will help destroy I wish that it might come to pass
The elder race of man Not fade like all my dreams
Forget about your silly whim
It doesn't fit the plan. Just think of what my life might be
In a world like I have seen
V. Oracle: The Dream I don't think I can carry on
... "I guess it was a dream, but even now it all seems so Carry on this cold and empty life
vivid to me. Clearly yet I see the beckoning hand of the Oh...noo.
oracle as he stood at the summit of the staircase" ...
... "I see still the incredible beauty of the sculptured cities My spirits are low in the depths of despair
and the pure spirit of man revealed in the lives and works My lifeblood spills over..
of this world. I was overwhelmed by both wonder and
understanding as I saw a completely different way to life, VII. The Grand Finale
a way that had been crushed by the Federation long ago. I Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation
saw now how meaningless life had become with the loss of Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation
all these things ..." Attention all Planets of the Solar Federation
We have assumed control.
I wandered home though the silent streets We have assumed control. We have assumed control.
Rush 2112 1976
A Passage to Bangkok
Our first stop is in Bogota
To check Colombian fields
The natives smile and pass along
A sample of their yield
Sweet Jamaican pipe dreams
Golden Acapulco nights
Then Morocco, and the East,
Fly by morning light
Rush 2112 1976
Rush 2112 1976
Sweet memories Flashing very quickly by
Reminding me Giving me a reason why
I know that My goal is more than a thought
I'll be there When I teach what I've been taught
Rush 2112 1976
All of the seasons
And all of the days
All of the reasons
Why I've felt this way
So long
So long
A lifetime of questions
Tears on your cheek
I tasted the answers
And my body was weak
For you
The truth
Rush 2112 1976
Rush A Farewell To Kings 1977
Rush A Farewell To Kings 1977
A Farewell To Kings
When they turn the pages of history
When these days have passed long ago
Will they read of us with sadness
For the seeds that we let grow
We turned our gaze
From the castles in the distance
Eyes cast down
On the path of least resistance
Rush A Farewell To Kings 1977
"To seek the sacred river Alph
To walk the caves of ice
To break my fast on honey dew
And drink the milk of Paradise..."
Xanadu -
Xanadu -
Rush A Farewell To Kings 1977
Rush A Farewell To Kings 1977
Cinderella Man
A modest man from Mandrake
Travelled rich to the city
He had a need to discover
A use for his newly-found wealth
Delusions of grandeur
Visions of splendour
A manic depressive
He walks in the rain
Cinderella Man
Doing what you can
They can't understand
What it means
Cinderella Man
Hang on to your plans
Try as they might
They cannot steal your dreams
Rush A Farewell To Kings 1977
When the dragons grow too mighty
To slay with pen or sword
I grow weary of the battle
And the storm I walk toward
When all around is madness
And there's no safe port in view
I long to turn my path homeward
To stop awhile with you
Rush A Farewell To Kings 1977
Rush Hemispheres 1978
Rush Hemispheres 1978
Rush Hemispheres 1978
A boy alone, so far from home
Endless rooftops from my window
I felt the gloom of empty rooms
On rainy afternoons
Sometimes in confusion
I felt so lost and disillusioned
Innocence gave me confidence
To go up against reality
Rush Hemispheres 1978
The Trees
There is unrest in the forest
There is trouble with the trees
For the Maples want more sunlight
And the Oaks ignore their pleas
Rush Hemispheres 1978
Rush Permanent Waves 1980
Rush Permanent Waves 1980
Invisible airwaves
Crackle with life
Bright antennae bristle
With the energy
Emotional feedback
On a timeless wavelength
Bearing a gift beyond price-
Almost free...
Rush Permanent Waves 1980
There are those who think that life
Has nothing left to chance,
A host of holy horrors
To direct our aimless dance
A planet of playthings
We dance on the strings
Of powers we cannot perceive
"The stars aren't aligned -
Or the gods are malign"
Blame is better to give than receive.
Each of us
A cell of awareness
Imperfect and incomplete
Genetic blends
With uncertain ends
On a fortune hunt
That's far too fleet...
Rush Permanent Waves 1980
Jacob's Ladder
The clouds prepare for battle
In the dark and brooding silence
Bruised and sullen stormclouds
Have the light of day obscured
Looming low and ominous
In twilight premature
Thunderheads are rumbling
In a distant overture
All at once,
The clouds are parted
Light streams down
In bright unbroken beams
Rush Permanent Waves 1980
Entre Nous
We are secrets to each other
Each one's life a novel
No-one else has read
Even joined in bonds of love
We're linked to one another
By such slender threads
Just between us
I think it's time for us to recognize
The differences we sometimes feared to show
Just between us
I think it's time for us to realize
The spaces in between
Leave room
For you and I to grow
Rush Permanent Waves 1980
Different Strings
Who's come to slay the dragon-
Come to watch him fall?
Making arrows out of pointed words
Giant killers at the call
Too much fuss and bother
Too much contradiction and confusion
Peel away the mystery
Here's a clue to some real motivation
Rush Permanent Waves 1980
Natural Science
I. Tide Pools
When the ebbing tide retreats Wheels within wheels
Along the rocky shoreline In a spiral array
It leaves a trail of tidal pools A pattern so grand
In a short-lived galaxy And complex
Each microcosmic planet Time after time
A complete society We lose sight of the way
Our causes can't see
A simple kind of mirror Their effects.
To reflect upon our own
All the busy little creatures III. Permanent Waves
Chasing out their destinies Science, like nature
Living in their pools Must also be tamed
They soon forget about the sea... With a view towards its preservation
Given the same
State of integrity
Wheels within wheels It will surely serve us well
In a spiral array
A pattern so grand Art as expression
And complex Not as market campaigns
Time after time Will still capture our imaginations
We lose sight of the way Given the same
Our causes can't see State of integrity
Their effects. It will surely help us along
Computerized clinic
For superior cynics Wave after wave
Who dance to a synthetic band Will flow with the tide
And bury the world as it does
In their own image Tide after tide
Their world is fashioned- Will flow and recede
No wonder they don't understand Leaving life to go on
As it was...
Rush Moving Pictures 1981
Rush Moving Pictures 1981
Tom Sawyer
A modern-day warrior
Mean mean stride,
Today's Tom Sawyer
Mean mean pride.
Rush Moving Pictures 1981
Red Barchetta
My uncle has a country place Wind-
That no one knows about. In my hair-
He says it used to be a farm, Shifting and drifting-
Before the Motor Law. Mechanical music-
And on Sundays I elude the Eyes, Adrenalin surge...
And hop the Turbine Freight
To far outside the Wire, Well-weathered leather,
Where my white-haired uncle waits. Hot metal and oil,
The scented country air.
Jump to the ground Sunlight on chrome,
As the Turbo slows to cross the Borderline. The blur of the landscape,
Run like the wind, Every nerve aware.
As excitement shivers up and down my spine.
Down in his barn, Suddenly ahead of me,
My uncle preserved for me an old machine, Across the mountainside,
For fifty-odd years. A gleaming alloy air-car
To keep it as new has been his dearest dream. Shoots towards me, two lanes wide.
I spin around with shrieking tires,
I strip away the old debris To run the deadly race,
That hides a shining car. Go screaming through the valley
A brilliant red Barchetta As another joins the chase.
From a better, vanished time.
I fire up the willing engine, Drive like the wind,
Responding with a roar. Straining the limits of machine and man.
Tires spitting gravel, Laughing out loud
I commit my weekly crime... With fear and hope, I've got a desperate plan.
At the one-lane bridge
I leave the giants stranded at the riverside.
Race back to the farm, to dream with my uncle at
the fireside.
Rush Moving Pictures 1981
Rush Moving Pictures 1981
Living on a lighted stage
Approaches the unreal
For those who think and feel
In touch with some reality
Beyond the gilded cage.
Rush Moving Pictures 1981
Rush Moving Pictures 1981
Quick to judge,
Quick to anger,
Slow to understand
Rush Moving Pictures 1981
Vital Signs
Unstable condition,
A symptom of life,
In mental and environmental change.
Atmospheric disturbance,
The feverish flux
Of human interface and interchange.
An ounce of perception,
A pound of obscure.
Process information at half speed.
Pause, rewind, replay,
Warm memory chip,
Random sample, hold the one you need.
Rush Signals 1982
Subdivisions (5:33)
The Analog Kid (4:46)
Chemistry (4:56)
Digital Man (6:20)
The Weapon (Part II of Fear) (6:22)
New World Man (3:41)
Losing It (4:51)
Countdown (5:49)
Rush Signals 1982
Sprawling on the fringes of the city
In geometric order
An insulated border
In between the bright lights
And the far unlit unknown
Subdivisions -
In the high school halls
In the shopping malls
Conform or be cast out
Subdivisions -
In the basement bars
In the backs of cars
Be cool or be cast out
Any escape might help to smooth
The unattractive truth
But the suburbs have no charms to soothe
The restless dreams of youth
Rush Signals 1982
You move me -
You move me -
With your buildings and your eyes
Autumn woods and winter skies
You move me -
You move me -
Open sea and city lights
Busy streets and dizzy heights
You call me -
You call me -
Rush Signals 1982
Signals transmitted
Message received
Reaction making impact -
Elemental telepathy
Exchange of energy
Reaction making contact -
Eye to I
Reaction burning hotter
Two to one
Reflection on the water
H to O
No flow without the other
Oh but how
Do they make contact
With one another?
Electricity? Biology?
Seems to me it's Chemistry
Emotion transmitted
Emotion received
Music in the abstract -
Elemental empathy
A change of synergy
Music making contact -
Rush Signals 1982
Digital Man
His world is under observation -
We monitor his station
Under faces and the places
Where he traces points of view
Rush Signals 1982
And the things that we fear are a weapon to be held against us...
Rush Signals 1982
Rush Signals 1982
Losing It
The dancer slows her frantic pace
In pain and desperation,
Her aching limbs and downcast face
Aglow with perspiration
Rush Signals 1982
Dedicated with thanks to astronauts Young & Crippen and all the people of NASA for their inspiration
and cooperation
Rush Grace Under Pressure 1984
Rush Grace Under Pressure 1984
Rush Grace Under Pressure 1984
You were gone
From all the lives
You left your mark upon
I remember-
How we talked and drank
Into the misty dawn
I hear the voices
We ran by the water
On the wet summer lawn
I see the foot prints
I remember-
Rush Grace Under Pressure 1984
Red Sector A
All that we can do is just survive
All that we can do to help ourselves
Is stay alive...
Sickness to insanity
Prayer to profanity
Days and weeks and months go by
Don't feel the hunger-too weak to cry
Rush Grace Under Pressure 1984
Suspicious-looking stranger
Flashes you a dangerous grin
Shadows across your window-
Was it only trees in the wind?
Rush Grace Under Pressure 1984
In distress
Rush Grace Under Pressure 1984
Kid Gloves
A world of difference
A world so out of touch
Overwhelmed by everything
But wanting more so much-
A world of indifference
Heads and hearts too full
Careless of the consequence
Of constant push and pull
Rush Grace Under Pressure 1984
Red Lenses
I see red
It hurts my head
Guess it must be something
That i read
Feels red
Inside my head
And truth is often bitter-
Left unsaid
Said red red
Thinking about the overhead-
The underfed
-couldn't we talk about something else instead?
The reds
Under your bed
In the darkness
Dead ahead
Feel red
Still-go ahead
You see black and white-
And i see red (not blue)
Rush Grace Under Pressure 1984
Rush Power Windows 1985
Rush Power Windows 1985
Rush Power Windows 1985
Grand Designs
A to B -
Different degrees...
Rush Power Windows 1985
Manhattan Project
Imagine a time when it all began
In the dying days of a war
A weapon - that would settle the score
Whoever found it first
Would be sure to do their worst -
They always had before...
Rush Power Windows 1985
It's not how fast you can go That gets in your eyes
The force goes into the flow One moment's high
If you pick up the beat And glory rolls on by
You can forget about the heat Like a streak of lightening
That flashes and fades
More than just survival In the summer sky
More than just a flash
More than just a dotted line Your meters may overload
More than just a dash You can rest at the side of the road
You can miss a stride
It's a test of ultimate will But nobody gets a free ride
The heartbreak climb uphill
Got to pick up the pace More than high performance
If you want to stay in the race More than just a spark
More than just the bottom line
More than just blind ambition Or a lucky shot in the dark -
More than just simple greed
More than just a finish line In the long run...
Must feed this burning need -
You can do a lot in a lifetime
In the long run... If you don't burn out too fast
You can make the most of the distance
From first to last First you need endurance -
The peak is never passed First you've got to last...
Something always fires the light
Rush Power Windows 1985
I see the Middle Kingdom between Heaven and Earth
Like the Chinese call the country of their birth
We all figure that our homes are set above
Other people than the ones we know and love
In different circles
We keep holding our ground
Indifferent circles
We keep spinning round and round
Rush Power Windows 1985
Middletown Dreams
The office door closed early
The hidden bottle came out
The salesman turned to close the blinds
A little slow now, a little stout
It's understood
By every single person
Who'd be elsewhere if they could
So far so good
And life's not unpleasant
In their little neighbourhood
Rush Power Windows 1985
Emotion Detector
When we lift the covers from our feelings
We expose our insecure spots
Trust is just as rare as devotion -
Forgive us our cynical thoughts
If we need too much attention -
Not content with being cool
We must throw ourselves wide open
And start acting like a fool
If we need too much approval
Then the cuts can seem too cruel
Rush Power Windows 1985
Mystic Rhythms
So many things I think about
When I look far away
Things I know - things I wonder
Things I'd like to say
The more we think we know about
The greater the unknown
We suspend our disbelief
And we are not alone -
Rush Hold Your Fire 1987
Rush Hold Your Fire 1987
Force Ten
Tough times demand tough talk
demand tough hearts demand tough songs
Look in-
To the eye of the storm
Look out-
For the force without form
Look around-
At the sight and the sound
Look in look out look around-
Rush Hold Your Fire 1987
Rush Hold Your Fire 1987
Open Secrets
It went right by me-
At the time it went over my head
I was looking out the window
I should have looked at your face instead
I find no absolution
In my rational point of view
Maybe some things are instinctive
But there's one thing you could do
You could try to understand me-
I could try to understand you...
Rush Hold Your Fire 1987
Second Nature
A memo to a higher office Folks have got to make choices-
Open letter to the powers-that-be And choices got to have voices
To a God, a king, a head of state Folks are basically decent
A captain of industry Conventional wisdom would say
To the movers and the shakers- Well, we read about the exceptions
Can't everybody see? In the papers every day
Rush Hold Your Fire 1987
Prime Mover
Basic elemental instinct to survive Alternating currents force a show of hands
Stirs the higher passions Rational responses force a change of plans
Thrill to be alive Anything can happen
Alternating currents in a tidewater surge
Rational resistance to an unwise urge From a point on the compass
To magnetic north
Anything can happen The point of the needle moving back and forth
Rush Hold Your Fire 1987
Rush Hold Your Fire 1987
Hold your fire- I watch their images flicker
Keep it burning bright Bringing light to a lifeless screen
Hold the flame 'til the dream ignites- I walk through their beautiful buildings
A spirit with a vision is a dream with a mission And I wish I had their dreams
I hear their passionate music But dreams don't need to have motion
Read the words that touch my heart To keep their spark alive
I gaze at their feverish pictures Obsession has to have action-
The secrets that set them apart Pride turns on the drive
Spirits fly on dangerous missions If their lives were exotic and strange
Imaginations on fire They would likely have gladly exchanged them
Focused high on soaring ambitions For something a little more plain
Consumed in a single desire Maybe something a little more sane
Rush Hold Your Fire 1987
Rush Hold Your Fire 1987
Tai Shan
High on the sacred mountain
Up the seven thousand stairs
In the golden light of autumn
There was magic in the air
Rush Hold Your Fire 1987
High Water
When the waters rose in the darkness
In the wake of the endless flood
It flowed into our memory-
It flowed into our blood-
Rush Presto 1989
Rush Presto 1989
Rush Presto 1989
Chain Lightning
Energy is contagious
Enthusiasm spreads
Tides respond to lunar gravitation
Everything turns in synchronous relation
Laughter is infectious
Excitement goes to my head
Winds are stirred by planets in rotation
Sparks ignite and spread new information
Hope is epidemic
Optimism spreads
Bitterness breeds irritation
Ignorance breeds imitation
Rush Presto 1989
The Pass
Proud swagger out of the schoolyard
Waiting for the world's applause
Rebel without a conscience
Martyr without a cause
Rush Presto 1989
War Paint
Girl before the mirror It has to be tonight
Appraises her disguise He can take the princess
Child become a mother If he can take the fight
Tries to fix her eyes
No more of his excuses Pound the drums with martial beat
It has to be today Pound the streets with marching feet
She can keep her fantasy Wounded pride, distorted eyes
If she can get away Paint the night with battlecries
Rush Presto 1989
I've stood upon my mountaintop
And shouted at the sky
Walked above the pavement
With my sense amplified
- i get this feeling
Scars of pleasure
Scars of pain
Atmospheric changes
Make them sensitive again
Rush Presto 1989
If i could wave my magic wand... I had a dream of the open water
I was swimming away out to sea
I am made from the dust of the stars So deep i could never touch bottom
And the oceans flow in my veins What a fool i used to be
Here i hide in the heart of the city
Like a stranger coming out of the rain If i could wave my magic wand
I'd set everybody free
The evening plane rises up from the runway
Over constellations of light I'm not one to believe in magic
I look down into a million houses Though my memory has a second-sight
And wonder what you're doing tonight I'm not one to go pointing my finger
When i radiate more heat than light
If i could wave my magic wand
I'd make everything all right Don't ask me
I'm just improvising
I'm not one to believe in magic My illusion of careless flight
But i sometimes have a second-sight Can't you see
I'm not one with a sense of proportion My temperature's rising
When my heart still changes overnight I radiate more heat than light
Rush Presto 1989
Packaged like a rebel or a hero He can put a target on the market
Target mass appeal Bask in your applause
To make an audience feel Reality withdraws
He really means it Now he believes it
Rush Presto 1989
Rush Presto 1989
Red Tide
Nature has some new plague
To run in our streets
History some new wrinkle
We are doomed to repeat
Fugitives at the bedroom door
Lovers pause to find an open store
Rain is burning on the forest floor
And the red tide kisses the shore
Deadline approaches
For the weary land
It used to be something
But we let it run down in our hands
Too late for debate, too bad to ignore
Quiet rebellion leads to open war
Bring a sea-change to the factory floor
As the red tide covers the shore
Rush Presto 1989
Rush Presto 1989
Available Light
The restless wind
Has seen all things Trick of light
In every kind of light Moving picture
Rising with the full moon Moments caught in flight
To go howling through the night Make the shadows darker
Or the colors shine too bright
The sleepless wind
Has heard all things Oh the light can carry
Between the sea and sky All the visions of the sea
In the canyons of the city Oh the light can carry
You can hear the buildings cry All the images to me
Rush Roll The Bones 1991
Dreamline (4.38)
Bravado (4:56)
Roll The Bones (5:30)
Face Up (3:54)
Where's My Thing? (instrumental 3:49)
(Part IV, "Gangster Of Boats" Trilogy)
The Big Wheel (5:15)
Heresy (5:26)
Ghost Of A Chance (5:19)
Neurotica (4:40)
You Bet Your Life (5:00)
Rush Roll The Bones 1991
He's got a road map of Jupiter
A radar fix on the stars
All along the highway
She's got a liquid-crystal compass
A picture book of the rivers
Under the Sahara
Rush Roll The Bones 1991
If we burn our wings
Flying too close to the sun
If the moment of glory
Is over before it's begun
If the dream is won -
Though everything is lost
We will pay the price,
But we will not count the cost
Rush Roll The Bones 1991
Rush Roll The Bones 1991
Face Up
You turn my head
I spin my wheels
Running on empty -
You know how that feels
Don't complain
Don't explain
I don't think my new resolve
Can stand the strain
Rush Roll The Bones 1991
Rush Roll The Bones 1991
All around that dull gray world
From Moscow to Berlin
People storm the barricades
Walls go tumbling in
The counter-revolution
People smiling through their tears
Who can give them back their lives
And all those wasted years?
All those precious wasted years -
Who will pay?
The counter-revolution
At the counter of a store
People buy the things they want
And borrow for a little more
All those wasted years
All those precious wasted years
Who will pay?
Rush Roll The Bones 1991
Ghost of a Chance
Like a million little doorways
All the choices we made
All the stages we passed through
All the roles we played
Rush Roll The Bones 1991
You just don't get it
What it is ... well, you're not really sure
You move like you're walking on this ice
Talking like you're still insecure
Neurotica - Exotica
It's just Erotica - Hypnotica
It's just Psychotica - Chaotica
It's just Exotica - Neurotica
Hide in your shell, let the world go to hell
It's like russian roulette to you
Sweat running cold, you can't face growing old
It's a personal threat to you
The world is a cage for your impotent rage
But don't let it get to you
Rush Roll The Bones 1991
Rush Counterparts 1993
Animate (6:03)
Stick It Out (4:30)
Cut To The Chase (4:48)
Nobody's Hero (4:54)
Between Sun And Moon (4:37)
Alien Shore (5:45)
Speed Of Love (5:02)
Double Agent (4:51)
Leave That Thing Alone (instrumental 4:05)
Cold Fire (4:26)
Everyday Glory (5:11)
Rush Counterparts 1993
Polarize me
Sensitize me
Criticize me
Civilize me
Compensate me
Animate me
Complicate me
Elevate me
Goddess in my garden
Sister in my soul
Angel in my armor
Actress in my role
Daughter of a demon-lover
Empress of the hidden face
Priestess of the pagan mother
Ancient queen of inner space
Spirit in my psyche
Double in my role
Alter in my image
Struggle for control
Rush Counterparts 1993
Stick It Out
Trust to your instincts
If it's safely restrained
Lightning reactions
Must be carefully trained
Natural reflex
Pendulum swing
You might be too dizzy
To do the right thing
Rush Counterparts 1993
Rush Counterparts 1993
Nobody's Hero
I knew he was different, in his sexuality
I went to his parties, as a straight minority
It never seemed a threat to my masculinity
He only introduced me to a wider reality
Rush Counterparts 1993
Rush Counterparts 1993
Alien Shore
You and I, we are strangers by one chromosome
Slave to the hormone, body and soul
In a struggle to be happy and free
Swimming in a primitive sea
Rush Counterparts 1993
Rush Counterparts 1993
Double Agent
Where would you rather be? On the edge of sleep,
Anywhere but here I heard voices behind the door
When will the time be right? The known and the nameless,
Anytime but now familiar and faceless
My angels and my demons at war
On the edge of sleep, Which one will lose - depends on what I choose
I was drifting for half the night Or maybe which voice I ignore...
Anxious and restless,
pressed down by the darkness Wilderness of mirrors
Bound up and wound up so tight Streets of cold desire
So many decisions, a million revisions My precious sense of honor
Caught between darkness and light... Just a shield of rusty wire
I hold against the chaos -
Wilderness of mirrors And the cross of holy fire
World of polished steel
Gears and iron chains Wilderness of mirrors
Turn the grinding wheel So easy to deceive
I run between the shadows My precious sense of rightness
Some are phantoms, some are real Is sometimes so naive
So that which I imagine
Where would you rather be? Is that which I believe
Anywhere but here
When will the time be right? On the edge of sleep, I awoke to a sun so bright
Anytime but now Rested and fearless, cheered by your nearness
The doubt and the fear I knew which direction was right
I know would all disappear The case had been tried by the jury inside
Anywhere but here The choice between darkness and light...
Rush Counterparts 1993
Rush Counterparts 1993
Cold Fire
It was long after midnight
When we got to unconditional love
She said sure, my heart is boundless
But don't push my limits too far
Rush Counterparts 1993
Everyday Glory
In the house where nobody laughs
And nobody sleeps
In the house where love lies dying
And the shadows creep
A little girl hides, shaking,
With her hands on her ears
Pushing back the tears, 'til the pain disappears
Everyday people
Everyday shame
Everyday promise
Shot down in flames
Everyday sunrise
Another everyday story
Rise from the ashes -
A blaze of everyday glory
Rush Test For Echo 1996
Rush Test For Echo 1996
Here we go - in slo-mo
Video vertigo
Test for echo
Rush Test For Echo 1996
Driven up and down in circles
Skidding down a road of black ice
Staring in and out storm windows
Driven to a fool's paradise
Rush Test For Echo 1996
Half of us divided
Like a torn-up photograph
Half of us are trying
To reach the other half
Rush Test For Echo 1996
A quality of justice
A quantity of light
A particle of mercy
Makes the color of right
Rush Test For Echo 1996
Superman in Supernature
Needs all the comfort he can find
Spontaneous emotion
And the long enduring kind
Rush Test For Echo 1996
I've got twelve disciples and a Buddha smile
The Garden of Allah, Viking Valhalla
A miracle once in a while
Rush Test For Echo 1996
Dog Years
In a dog's life
A year is really more like seven
And all too soon a canine
Will be chasing cars in doggie heaven
It seems to me
As we make our own few circles 'round the sun
We get it backwards
And our seven years go by like one
It seems to me
While it's true that every dog will have his day
When all the bones are buried
There is barely time to go outside and play
In a dog's brain
A constant buzz of low-level static
One sniff at the hydrant
And the answer is automatic
It seems to me
As well make our own few circles 'round the block
We've lost our senses
For the higher-level static of talk
Rush Test For Echo 1996
Like a shipwrecked mariner adrift on an unknown sea
Clinging to the wreckage of the lost ship Fantasy
I'm a castaway, stranded in a desolate land
I can see the footprints in the virtual sand
Rush Test For Echo 1996
I can learn to resist
Anything but temptation
I can learn to co-exist
With anything but pain
Rush Test For Echo 1996
Rush Test For Echo 1996
Try to deny
The weight of the load
Try to put the sins of the past night
Behind you
Rush Vapor Trails 2002
Rush Vapor Trails 2002
Rush Vapor Trails 2002
Ceiling Unlimited
It's not the heat
It's the inhumanity
Plugged into the sweat of a summer street
Machine gun images pass
Like malice through the looking glass
ceiling unlimited
world so wide
turn and turn again
feeling unlimited
still unsatisfied
changes never end
I rest my case -
Or at least my vanity
Dressed up in the mask of Comedy
If laughter is a straw for a drowning man
If laughter is a straw for a drowning man
ceiling unlimited
windows open wide
look and look again
feeling unlimited
eyes on the prize
changes never end
Rush Vapor Trails 2002
Ghost Rider
Pack up all those phantoms
Shoulder that invisible load
Keep on riding north and west
Haunting that wilderness road
Like a ghost rider
Rush Vapor Trails 2002
Peaceable Kingdom
A wave toward the clearing the sky
All this time we're talking and sharing our Rational View
A billion other voices are spreading other news
All this time we're living and trying to understand
Why a billion other choices are making their demands
All this time we're shuffling and laying out all our cards
While a billion other dealers are slipping past our guards
All this time we're hoping and praying we all might learn
While a billion other teachers are teaching them how to burn
Rush Vapor Trails 2002
Rush Vapor Trails 2002
How It Is
Here's a little trap
That sometimes catches everyone
When today's as far as we can see
Faith in bright tomorrows
giving way to resignation
That's how it is - how it's going to be
That's how it is
Another cloudy day
Rush Vapor Trails 2002
Vapor Trail
Stratospheric traces of our transitory flight
Trails of condensation held
in narrow paths of white
The sun is turning black
The world is turning gray
All the stars fade from the night
The oceans drain away
Horizon to Horizon
memory written on the wind
Fading away, like an hourglass, grain by grain
Swept away like voices in a hurricane
In a vapor trail
In a vapor trail
Rush Vapor Trails 2002
Secret Touch
The way out
Is the way in
The way out
Is the way in...
Out of touch
With the weather and the wind direction
With the sunrise
And the phases of the moon
Out of touch
With life in the land of the loving
With the living night
And the darkness at high noon
Out of sync
With the rhythm of my own reactions
With the things that last
And the things that come apart
Out of sync
With love in the land of the living
A gentle hand, a secret touch on the heart
Rush Vapor Trails 2002
On certain nights
When the angles are right
And the moon is a slender crescent
A beacon in the night
I can raise my eyes to
A jewel out of reach
Form a dream to rise to
Floating high
In the evening sky
I see my faint reflection
Pale facsimile
Like what others see
When they look in my direction
Stretching out your hand
Full of starlit diamonds
Reflected light
To another's sight
And the moon tells a lover's story
My borrowed face
And my third-hand grace
Only reflect your glory
Rush Vapor Trails 2002
Sweet Miracle
I wasn't walking on water
I was standing on a reef
When the tide came in
Swept beneath the surface
Lost without a trace
No hope at all
No hope at all
Oh - sweet miracle
Oh - sweet miracle
Of life
Oh - sweet miracle
Love's sweet miracle
Of life
Oh salvation
Oh salvation
Rush Vapor Trails 2002
Did I have a dream?
Or did the dream have me?
Rush Vapor Trails 2002
Sometimes I freeze
Sometimes I fight
Sometimes I fly
Into the night
Rush Vapor Trails 2002
It's a hand
That rocks the cradle
It's a motion
That swings the sky
Endlessly r o c k i n g
Rush Snakes & Arrows 2007
Far Cry
Pariah dogs and wandering madmen
Barking at strangers and speaking in tongues
The ebb and flow of tidal fortune
Electrical changes are charging up the young
Rush Snakes & Arrows 2007
Rush Snakes & Arrows 2007
Rush Snakes & Arrows 2007
All my life
I've been workin' them angels overtime
Riding and driving and living
So close to the edge
Workin' them angels - Overtime
Driving down the razor's edge 'tween the past and the future
Turn up the music and smile
Get carried away on the songs and stories of vanished times
Memory drumming at the heart of an English winter
Memories beating at the heart of an African village
Rush Snakes & Arrows 2007
Rush Snakes & Arrows 2007
Rush Snakes & Arrows 2007
As the waves crash in
On the western shore
The wind blows fierce from the east
Wave tops torn into flying spindrift
Rush Snakes & Arrows 2007
Rush Snakes & Arrows 2007
Rush Snakes & Arrows 2007
I've got my own moral compass to steer by
A guiding star beats a spirit in the sky
And all the preaching voices -
Empty vessels ring so loud
As they move among the crowd
Fools and thieves are well disguised
In the temple and market place
Rush Snakes & Arrows 2007
Bravest Face
Though we might have precious little
It's still precious
Rush Snakes & Arrows 2007
Rush Snakes & Arrows 2007
Malignant Narcissism
Rush Snakes & Arrows 2007
We Hold On
How many times
Do we tire of all the little battles
Threaten to call it quits
Tempted to cut and run
How many times
Do we weather out the stormy evenings
Long to slam the front door
Drive away into the setting sun
Rush Clockwork Angels 2012
1. Caravan (5:40)
2. BU2B (5:10)
3. Clockwork Angels (7:31)
4. The Anarchist (6:52)
5. Carnies (4:52)
6. Halo Effect (3:14)
7. Seven Cities Of Gold (6:32)
8. The Wreckers (5:01)
9. Headlong Flight (7:20)
10. BU2B2 (1:28)
11. Wish Them Well (5:25)
12. The Garden (6:59)
Rush Clockwork Angels 2012
IT SEEMS LIKE A LIFETIME AGO - which of course it was, all that and more. For a boy, life on the
farm was idyllic, but for the young man I became, that very peace and predictability were stifling,
unbearable. I had big dreams, and needed a big place to explore them: the whole wide world. Near our
village of Barrel Arbor, the steamliners touched down and traveled on rails along the Winding Pinion
River toward Crown City. Watching them pass in the night, how I prayed to get away . . .
Rush Clockwork Angels 2012
WE WERE ALWAYS TAUGHT that we lived in "the best of all possible worlds." The Watchmaker ruled
from Crown City through the Regulators; the alchemist-priests gave us coldfire for power and light,
and everything was well ordered. We accepted our various individual fates as inevitable, for we had
also been taught, "Whatever happens to us must be what we deserve, for it could not happen to us if we
did not deserve it. None of it seemed right to me. . ."
Rush Clockwork Angels 2012
Clockwork Angels
THE PLACE I HAD MOST WANTED TO SEE - Chronos Square, at the heart of Crown City. I had seen
many images of the city before, and Chronos Square, but nothing could convey its immensity - the
heaven-reaching towers of the Cathedral of the Timekeepers, or the radiant glory of the Angels - Land,
Sea, Sky, and Light - bathed in the brilliant glow of the floating globes.
Rush Clockwork Angels 2012
i - The Pedlar 1
A foggy woodland road, a crowded village square, the busy streets of Crown City - a wandering pedlar
travels the land, uttering the ageless call.
The Anarchist
WALKING AMONG THE PEOPLE - who are so content, so blind -- the Anarchist hears the pedlar's
call, and sneers derisively. "What do I lack? Ah. . . vengeance?"
Will there be world enough and time for me to sing that song?
A voice so silent for so long
For all those years I had to get along, they told me I was wrong
I never wanted to belong - I was so strong
I lack their smiles and their diamonds; I lack their happiness and love
I envy them for all those things, I never got my fair share of
In all your science of the mind, seeking blind through flesh and bone
Find the blood inside this stone
What I know, I've never shown; what I feel, I've always known
I plan my vengeance on my own - and I was always alone
Rush Clockwork Angels 2012
I FOUND WORK WITH A TRAVELING CARNIVAL, and for the Midsummer Festival in Crown City,
our games and rides were set up right in the middle of the Square, beneath the Angels. One night, amid
the noise and confusion of the crowded midway, I saw, a man working with wires and wooden barrels.
He stood and turned - the Anarchist! - holding a clockwork detonator in his hand. I called out to warn
the crowd, then suddenly he threw the device at me, and I caught it automatically - just as the people
turned to look my way. I escaped, but in disgrace, and fled down the Winding Pinion River to the sea.
Rush Clockwork Angels 2012
Halo Effect
I HAD FALLEN HELPLESSLY IN LOVE with one of the performers. She was so different from "the girl
I left behind," and I was beginning to understand I had only pretended she was right for me. I pursued
my beautiful acrobat obsessively until she let me be with her - then I suffered her rejection and
contempt. Once again, I had created an ideal of the perfect soulmate, and tried to graft in onto her. It
didn't fit. Such illusions have colored my whole life.
So shameful to tell
Just how often I fell
In love with illusions again
Rush Clockwork Angels 2012
Rush Clockwork Angels 2012
The Wreckers
and found a berth on a homeward ship. Caught in a terrible storm, we seemed to find salvation in an
unexpected signal light. Steering toward it, we soon learned it was false - placed by the denizens to
lure ships to their doom on the jagged reefs. They plundered the cargos and abandoned the crews and
passengers to the icy waves. I was the only survivor.
Rush Clockwork Angels 2012
Headlong Flight
-- they didn't always feel that grand at the time. But on balance, I wouldn't change anything. In the
words of one of our great alchemists, Friedrich Gruber, "I wish I could do it all again."
All the highlights of that headlong flight All the highlights of that headlong flight
Holding on with all my might Holding on with all my might
To what I felt back then Some days were dark
I wish that I could live it all again I wish that I could live it all again
Some nights were bright
I have stoked the fire on the big steel wheels I wish that I could live it all again
Steered the airship right across the stars
I learned to fight, I learned to love, I learned to feel I have stoked the fire on the big steel wheels
Oh, I wish that I could live it all again Steered the airship right across the stars
I learned to fight, I learned to love, I learned to feel
All the treasures Oh, I wish that I could live it all again
The gold and glory
It didn't always feel that way I have stoked the fire on the big steel wheels
I don't regret it Steered the airship right across the stars
I'll never forget it I learned to fight, I learned to love, I learned to
I wouldn't trade tomorrow for today steal
Oh, I wish that I could
Some days were dark Oh, I wish that I could live it all again
I wish that I could live it all again
ii - The Pedlar 2
The ever-wandering pedlar.
Rush Clockwork Angels 2012
THOSE FATEFUL WORDS. "What do you lack?" spark an inner monologue about all that I have lost.
No more boundless optimism, no more faith in greater powers, too much pain, too much grief, and too
much disillusion. Despite all that, I realize the great irony that although I now believe only in the
exchange of love, even that little faith follows the childhood reflex that "I was brought up to believe."
Rush Clockwork Angels 2012
Rush Clockwork Angels 2012
The Garden
LONG AGO I READ A STORY FROM ANOTHER TIMELINE about a character named Candide. He
also survived a harrowing series of misadventures and tragedies, then settled on a farm near
Constantinople. Listening to a philosophical rant, Candide replied, "That is all very well, but now we
must tend our garden." I have now arrived at that point in my own story. There is a metaphorical
garden in the acts and attitudes of a person's life, and the treasures of that garden are love and respect.
I have come to realize that the gathering of love and respect - from others and for myself - has been the
real quest of my life. "Now we must tend our garden."
In this one of many possible worlds, all for the best, or some bizarre test?
It is what it is - and whatever
Time is still the infinite jest
The arrow files when you dream, the hours tick away - the cells tick away
The Watchmaker keeps to his schemes
The hours tick away - they tick away
The arrow flies while you breathe, the hours tick away - the cells tick away
The Watchmaker has time up his sleeve
The hours tick away - they tick away