1) The IRS will begin the Income Verification Express Service (IVES) program on October 2, 2006, allowing taxpayers to request and receive IRS transcripts and records electronically. Fees may be charged for this service.
2) The IRS has revoked its determination that certain organizations listed qualify for tax-exempt status. Contributions made to these organizations after the date of revocation may not be tax-deductible.
3) The IRS has reclassified some organizations from public charities to private foundations, affecting the deductibility of contributions to them.
1) The IRS will begin the Income Verification Express Service (IVES) program on October 2, 2006, allowing taxpayers to request and receive IRS transcripts and records electronically. Fees may be charged for this service.
2) The IRS has revoked its determination that certain organizations listed qualify for tax-exempt status. Contributions made to these organizations after the date of revocation may not be tax-deductible.
3) The IRS has reclassified some organizations from public charities to private foundations, affecting the deductibility of contributions to them.
1) The IRS will begin the Income Verification Express Service (IVES) program on October 2, 2006, allowing taxpayers to request and receive IRS transcripts and records electronically. Fees may be charged for this service.
2) The IRS has revoked its determination that certain organizations listed qualify for tax-exempt status. Contributions made to these organizations after the date of revocation may not be tax-deductible.
3) The IRS has reclassified some organizations from public charities to private foundations, affecting the deductibility of contributions to them.
1) The IRS will begin the Income Verification Express Service (IVES) program on October 2, 2006, allowing taxpayers to request and receive IRS transcripts and records electronically. Fees may be charged for this service.
2) The IRS has revoked its determination that certain organizations listed qualify for tax-exempt status. Contributions made to these organizations after the date of revocation may not be tax-deductible.
3) The IRS has reclassified some organizations from public charities to private foundations, affecting the deductibility of contributions to them.
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Indicator, refers to prior year reporting.
Deletions From Cumulative Foundations Status of Certain
It differs from Form 1098–T which has List of Organizations Organizations a check box to indicate a change of re Contributions to Which porting method. For electronic/tape are Deductible Under Section Announcement 2006–76 cartridge files select the appropriate indicator to indicate 2005 reporting 170 of the Code The following organizations have failed method. to establish or have been unable to main No additional changes are expected for Announcement 2006–75 tain their status as public charities or as op tax year 2006 reporting. If you have any erating foundations. Accordingly, grantors The Internal Revenue Service has re and contributors may not, after this date, questions, contact the Internal Revenue voked its determination that the organi rely on previous rulings or designations Service, Enterprise Computing Center — zations listed below qualify as organiza in the Cumulative List of Organizations Martinsburg (IRS/ECC-MTB) toll-free tions described in sections 501(c)(3) and (Publication 78), or on the presumption 866–455–7438. 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of arising from the filing of notices under sec 1986. tion 508(b) of the Code. This listing does Generally, the Service will not disallow Income Verification Express not indicate that the organizations have lost deductions for contributions made to a their status as organizations described in Service (IVES) Program listed organization on or before the date section 501(c)(3), eligible to receive de of announcement in the Internal Revenue ductible contributions. Announcement 2006–74 Bulletin that an organization no longer Former Public Charities. The follow On October 2, 2006, the Internal Rev qualifies. However, the Service is not ing organizations (which have been treated enue Service will begin the Income Veri precluded from disallowing a deduction as organizations that are not private foun fication Express Service (IVES) program, for any contributions made after an or dations described in section 509(a) of the offering electronic delivery of IRS tran ganization ceases to qualify under section Code) are now classified as private foun scripts and records available upon submis 170(c)(2) if the organization has not timely dations: sion of IRS Form 4506–T, Request for filed a suit for declaratory judgment under Transcript of Tax Return. For details on section 7428 and if the contributor (1) had Able Charitable Foundation, Inc., participation in the program and submis knowledge of the revocation of the ruling Dickinson, ND sion of requests, including fees and pay or determination letter, (2) was aware that Aleskan Foundation, Havertown, PA ments, please refer to www.IRS.gov (key such revocation was imminent, or (3) was All Faith Counseling Center, Inc., word IVES). in part responsible for or was aware of the Gainesville, FL Pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Sec activities or omissions of the organization Alsami Charity Foundation, tion 6103(p)(2), the Commissioner may, that brought about this revocation. Dove Canyon, CA from time to time, prescribe fees associ If on the other hand a suit for declara American Childrens Orchestras for Peace, ated with the services provided for under tory judgment has been timely filed, con Inc., Miami, FL the IVES program. Failure to pay any fees tributions from individuals and organiza Arhome Community Development, Inc., associated with the IVES program will re tions described in section 170(c)(2) that Pine Bluff, AR sult in suspension from the program and are otherwise allowable will continue to Arkansas Community Bankers any outstanding obligation will be sub be deductible. Protection under section Foundation, Inc., Hot Springs, AR ject to interest, penalties, and administra 7428(c) would begin on June 27, 2005, and Assist International Ministries, Inc., tive charges. Continued non-payment will would end on the date the court first deter Lawrenceville, GA be subject to the Treasury Offset Program mines that the organization is not described Azeem Enterprises, Inc., Hampton, VA (TOP). in section 170(c)(2) as more particularly B. F. Walker & Associates, Inc. Submission of false or fraudulent forms set forth in section 7428(c)(1). For indi Atlanta, GA or information will result in termination vidual contributors, the maximum deduc Beautiful Zion Community Development from the program. tion protected is $1,000, with a husband Corporation, Inc., West Memphis, AR The principal author of this announce and wife treated as one contributor. This Beech Island Recreation Association, ment is Adrienne M. Mikolashek of the benefit is not extended to any individual, in Inc., Jackson, SC Office of Associate Chief Counsel (Pro whole or in part, for the acts or omissions Belleville Township High School cedure & Administration). For further of the organization that were the basis for District 201 Educational Fndtn, Ltd, information regarding this announcement, revocation. Belleville, IL contact Adrienne M. Mikolashek at (202) Bowie Soccer United Bandits, National Credit Counseling Services, Inc. Arnold, MD 622–4570 (not a toll-free call). Orlando, FL Brasil Brasil Cultural Center, San Francisco League of Urban Gardeners Culver City, CA San Francisco, CA Bright Light, Inc., Grand Rapids, MI Brothers of the Light, Inc., Rooselvelt, NY Calder Museum, Inc., Philadelphia, PA