Important Medicinal Plants of Chitral Gol National Park (CGNP) Pakistan

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Pak. J. Bot., 43(2): 797-809, 2011.


Laboratory of Dendrochronology and Plant Ecology Department Botany,
Federal Urdu University Karachi Pakistan
Directorate of non timber forest products KPK, Pakistan
Department of Botany, GC University, Lahore, Pakistan
Department of Botany University of Malakand KPK, Pakistan


National Parks are diverse habitat for different medicinal plants. So far 21 areas in Pakistan
have been declared as National Parks (NP). The present investigations focus on the ethnobotanical
study of important medicinal plants of Chitral Gol National Park. The local inhabitants including
ethnic groups of Kalash living in the vicinity of the Park have always used the medicinal herbs for
various ailments and are dependent on the plants in their surrounding for, food, shelter, health,
medicine, fodder and various cultural purposes. A total of 31 trees, herbs and shrubs belonging to
21 families were recorded which are used as fuel, fence and as medicine by the local inhabitants.
About 100 informants and local Hakims were interviewed in this regard. Artemisia maritima,
Artemisia brevifolia and Rosa webbiana are dominant species suitable for harvesting, while
Ephedra gerardiana and Ferula narthex are vulnerable to harvesting. The precious ethnobotanical
knowledge is disappearing very fast, so this study could be helpful in conservation of
ethnobotanical knowledge.


Chitral Gol is the 5th order stream originating in the snow covered mountains of
Gokshal-o-Tek, Gokshal and Dundinni, draining a valley laying in the west of Chitral
town (Fig. 1) Chitral Gol National Park (CGNP) with an estimated area of 77.5 km2
located on 35º50’N Latitude and 71º47’E Longitude. It is one of the alpine river
catchments in the Hindukush Mountains with an elevation ranging from 1450 to 4979 m
asl. The park area is out of the reach of Monsoon and receives 462 mm mean annual
precipitation, principally in winter and spring (Khan et al., 2010). CGNP is a narrow
valley with relatively steep, sharply defined ridges and slopes (Beg, 1974). There is an
appreciable amount of winter snow and long dry summer leading to the dominance of
drought resistant and cold tolerant vegetation inside and in surroundings of the park. The
flora in general, is of Eastern Irano-Turanian type; however some Himalayan species also
grow in suitable micro- habitats (Zarif, 2003, Inam-ur-Rahim, 2004). The park area was
originally set aside as a royal hunting reserve during 1880’s and during 1907. Goat
grazing was banned by the ruler of Chitral in Gokhshal region of the park. Then it was
proclaimed as a wildlife sanctuary in 1971 for five years by the then Commissioner of
Malakand division after amalgamation of Ex-State in Pakistan. Chitral Gol was upgraded
to the National Park (NP) status in October 1984. So, far 21 places have been declared as
National Parks in Pakistan (IUCN 2004).

Fig. 1. CGNP& surrounding areas.

Pakistan has a total of 5521 species belonging to 1572 genera, which is mostly
confined to the mountainous areas of the country (Ali, 2008; Ali & Qaiser, 1986).
National parks provide a diverse habitat for different plants which are Ethno- medicinally
important. A lot of papers have been published regarding the ethnobotanical importance
of plants in different parts of Pakistan. However, little attention is paid to document the
medicinal plants of National Parks in Pakistan. Shinwari & Khan, (2000) described 50
species of herbs and shrubs belonging to 27 families from Margala Hills National Park,
Islamabad, as used by the local inhabitants living in the vicinity of the park for various
ailments. Among these plants ten species are being sold in the local market while
Asparagus adscendens Roxb, and Viola canescens Wall. ex Roxb, were reported
vulnerable for harvesting. Similarly Zandial (1994) and Bukhari (1994) conducted
Ethnobotanical studies in Machyara National Park (AJK). They presented the current
status of plant species and documented 104 important species of plants categorized into
tree, shrub and herb species used ethnobotanically by the local people. Indigenous uses
of some important Ethnomedicinal herbs of Ayubia National Park, Abbottabad is
described by Gilani (2006) and reported 21 important herbs belonging to 19 families and
concluded that Podophyllum emodi Wall. ex Royle and Viola canescens Wall. ex Roxb.,
are found vulnerable to harvesting.
Chitral Gol National Park has never been explored ethno-botanically in detail.
However few studies were documented regarding the uses of medicinal plants in Chitral
district, i.e. Hussain (2003) collected ethnobotanical information of fruit plants of Chitral
and listed about 19 cultivated fruit plant species. Similarly Ahmed et al., (2006)
conducted ethnobotanical studies on some medicinal plants of Booni valley, while
Hussain et al., (2007) conducted an extensive survey on the medicinal plants of Mustuj
valley and documented the uses of 111 plant species. Ajaz (2007) explored the non-
timber forests produce of Kalasha valley and reported 27 marketable medicinal plants
which can be utilize for poverty reduction, while an ethnobotanical studies with particular
reference to medicinal plants in Chitral valley was given by Haidar and Qaiser (2009).
Recently Khan et al., (2010) discussed the plants used as fuel, fence and their medicinal
uses focusing in five major valleys including Bumburate, Rumbur, Birir, Shehekuh and
Golin Gol Valley of District Chitral.
The present investigation regarding the indigenous uses of the medicinal plants in
Chitral Gol National Park (CGNP) is therefore the first attempt and is important because
this area has never been explored ethnobotanically and the information about the
indigenous uses of medicinal plants which is vanishing rapidly. The urgent need for this
kind of information is worthwhile because the vegetation in the Park is extensively
impecunious due to biotic pressure which is an overriding factor in the study area. A
number of nomads migrate in Gohkshal area of the park and is totally dependent on the
forest for their fodder, fuel wood, fencing and other requirements.
The main objective of the present study is to document the indigenous knowledge of
wild plants of Gol National Park Chitral and to provide scientific basis for further

Material and Methods

The present study was undertaken in nineteen major zones of Chitral Gol National
Park, i.e., 1). Gohkshal Gol, 2). Dundini Gol, 3). Singur Gol, 4). Mulen Gol, 5). Shali
Gol, 6). Bronshal, 7). Birmoghlasht, 8). Daleem, 9). Thoosi, 10). Miran, 11). 12). Zamrat,
13). Kasaweer, 14). Ishpeder, 15). Tonghongh, 16), Booster, 17). Sardoayeuch, 18).
Zokhjal and 19). Utras. Regular visits were made, during 2009 to 2010 for the collection
of relevant information. The general information about the area of Chitral Gol National
Park was also collected before starting the research work on Medicinal Plants. Maps were
obtained from PAMP Office Chitral and meetings were conduct with the park and
wildlife authorities at Chitral.

The local name, traditional uses of plants with emphasis on medicinal uses were
documented through an open ended questionnaire and interviews of the local elderly
knowledgeable persons including local herbal practitioners (hakims), village conservation
committees, wildlife field staff and plant collectors. According to Hussain et al., (2007)
information was considered authentic when confirmed from at least 10 interviewees.

In the field, voucher specimens of difficult and unidentified plants as well as

representative species were collected, pressed and have been deposited in the laboratory
of Plant Ecology and Dendrochronology Federal Urdu University Herbarium. Field
photographs were also taken for further confirmation of plant identification. All species
were later identified with the help of numerous authorities and flora of Pakistan (Nasir &
Ali, 1971-1995; Ali & Qaiser, 1995-2005; Ali & Qaiser, 1993-2009). The identification
was confirmed at the herbarium, Department of Botany, University of Karachi.


The study shows that a total of 31 species belonging to 21 families were recorded
from the study area. Among these species 10 were trees, 7 shrubs and 13 were herbs. One
species of mushroom was also obtained from the study area. The highest number of
species were recorded of family Asteraceae (5 spp.) followed by Pinaceae (4 spp.) and
Umbelliferae (3 spp.) respectively. Family Rosaceae and Cupressaceae exhibited two
species each while, the remaining families had single species each. These species with
their respective families and Ethnomedicinal uses are listed below and categorized into
Trees, Shrubs, Herbs and Mushrooms.

A. Tree species

Cedrus deodara (Roxb. Ex Lamb.) G.Don

Family: Pinaceae
Local name: Deodar, Rough
Habitat: Wild large size evergreen tree
Part used: Branches, wood, leaves and cones
Local uses: Wood is used as timber wood, Branches and cones are used for fuel
purposes. Oil extracted from freshly cut wood is used for various skin

Pinus gerardiana Wall. ex Lamb.

Family: Pinaceae
Local name: Chilghoza
Habitat: Wild large size evergreen tree
Part used: Branches, wood, leaves, seeds and cones
Local uses: Wood is used as timber and fuelwood. Branches are used as roof thatching
materials in houses. Cones produce edible seeds called Chilgoza having a
market value. The Seeds are commonly used as tonic, carminative,
appetizer and aphrodisiac.

Pinus wallichiana A. B. Jackson

Family: Pinaceae
Local name: Choxeen
Habitat: Wild large size evergreen tree
Part used: Branches, wood, leaves and cones
Local uses: Wood is used as timber. Branches serve as roof thatching materials and fuel
wood. Leaves are used for shading purposes in temporary huts.
Picea smithiana (Wall.) Boiss.
Family: Pinaceae
Local name: Patupar
Habitat: Wild large size evergreen tree
Part used: Branches, wood and cones
Local uses: Wood is used as timber. Branches are used as roof thatching materials.
Cones are use as a fuel.

Juniperus excelsa M. Bieb.

Family: Cupressaceae
Local name: Saroz
Habitat: Wild medium size evergreen tree
Part used: Fruits, bark branches, Wood & leaves
Local uses: The aqueous extract from crushed fruits is anthelmintic. It is considered as
one of the best timber woods of the area due to its durability. About 95% of
the houses are constructed from its wood. It is also used in making beams,
beam lets, pole and door fixtures. It is one of the best firewood of the area
due to its high heat value and smokeless flames. Bark is used for thatching
purpose. The trunk is used in making Bethalo.

Betula utilis D. Don

Family: Betulaceae
Local name: Bulee
Habitat: Wild /Cultivated large deciduous tree
Part used: Bark, branches, wood & leaves
Local uses: The waterproof thin papery bark was once used as paper for writing and as
storage and wrapping material. The branches and stems serve as firewood
and timber wood and in making agricultural tools. The leaves are used as
fodder. Birch is generally the timberline tree that has also drastically
reduced in population and form due to deforestation and overgrazing. It
now mostly occurs as deformed shrub with open canopy.

Quercus baloot
Family: Fagaceae
Local name: Banj
Habitat: Wild /medium size evergreen tree
Part used: Seeds, wood & leaves
Local uses: Seeds are used by domestic animals. Wood is used as firewood and timber
wood and for making agricultural tools. The leaves are used as fodder.

Juglans regia L.
Family: Juglandaceae
Local name: Birmogh
Habitat: Wild /Cultivated large deciduous tree
Part used: Nuts, bark, wood & leaves
Local uses: Its wood is used in furniture. The bark is used for cleaning teeth. The leaves
are also used as lipsticks.

The nuts are considered very effective against teeth & Gum diseases. Pulverized walnut
shell can be used for manufacture of decolorized charcoal and activated carbon. Plant
contain alkaloids, barium as oxalic acid in fruit

Elaeagnus angustifolia L.
Family: Elaeagnaceae
Local name: Sinjoor
Habitat: Wild/Cultivated
Part used: Berries & gum, wood
Local uses: The fruit is collected and boiled in water for one hour and the juice is
extracted by crashing the fruit through a cloth. The juice is stored in the
bottles for the use against dyspepsia and blood purification. The gum of this
tree locally called Luchak, it is ground and powdered, which is use as
shampoo and hair tonic by girls and considered very effective for long and
shiny hairs. Wood is used as timber and for fuel purposes.

Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb.

Family: Rosaceae
Local name: Kandu
Habitat: Wild
Part used: Kernel, gum & branches
Local uses: The kernel of wild almond is bitter and not edible, oil extracted from the
kernel used for massaging and as hair oil and the gums are also used for
similar purposes. The young branches are used for making baskets and
agricultural tools. The tree also provides forage for honey bees.

B. Shrub species

Artemisia maritima L. ex Hook.f.

Family: Asteraceae
Local name: Bespuk
Habitat: Wild small size shrub
Part used: Leaves and Stems
Local uses: Plant decoction is used as antiseptic and anti-inflammatory and antimalarial.
Leaves are utilized for cooling purposes. Plant powder is used for intestinal
worms. The plant is also used as broom.

Artemisia brevifolia Wall. ex DC.

Family: Asteraceae
Local name: Droon
Habitat: Wild shrub
Part used: Whole plant.
Local uses: It is good firewood and fresh fodder plant. Leaves and inflorescence are
ground to form powder which is used for gastric problems.

Artemisia parviflora Roxb. ex D. Don

Family: Asteraceae
Local name: Kharkalich
Habitat: Wild shrub
Part used: Seeds
Local uses: One teaspoonful of powdered seed is taken with a glass of water to cure
abdominal pain.

Capparis spinosa L.
Family: Capparidaceae
Local name: Kaveer
Habitat: Wild shrub
Part used: Floral buds, fruits & Leaves
Local uses: The floral buds meshed with wheat flour are cooked to prepare Kaveerough,
which is taken orally to cure typhoid fever. The aqueous extract from floral
buds also cures typhoid. The leaves are used as fodder. The flesh fruits are
applied as face cosmetics.

Rosa webbiana Wall ex Royle

Family: Rosaceae
Local name: Thorny
Habitat: Wild shrub
Part used: Branches, Leaves & fruits
Local uses: Stems and branches are mostly used as firewood and as fencing material
around cattle sheds and fields. The leaves and fruits are used as fodder.
Decoction is prepared from the fruits in boiled water and then strained
overnight to treat asthma.

Tamarix dioica Roxb. ex Roth

Family: Tamaricaceae
Local name: Hinju
Habitat: Wild large size evergreen shrub
Part used: Branches, Wood & Leaves
Local uses: It is mostly used as firewood and in making agricultural tools and handle of
axes. The dried leaves are good organic matter. Branches and stems are
used in thatching of houses and cattle shelters.

Ephedra gerardiana Wall ex. Stapf.

Family: Ephedraceae
Local name: Somani
Habitat: Shrub
Part used: Fruit & Flower
Local uses: The young branches of Ephedra gerardiana are collected chopped and
boiled in water and after by crashing the branches a radish brown juice is
extracted. This is applied locally with aching backs.

C. Herb Species

Cannabis sativa L.
Family: Cannabaceae
Local name: Bong

Habitat: Wild herb

Part used: Seeds & leaves
Local uses: The leaves of Cannabis sativa, are collected, dried and ground. The powder
is mixed with water and given twice a day to livestock to relieve abdominal

Ferula narthex Boiss.

Family: Umbelliferae
Local name: Raw
Habitat: Wild perennial herb
Part used: Whole plant
Local uses: Leaves and young shoots are edible. Locally this species is used for cough,
asthma, toothache, gastric problems and anti-constipation.

Peganum hermala L.
Family: Umbelliferae
Local name: Ispandur
Habitat: Wild herb
Part used: Fruits & seeds
Local uses: Dry fruit and seeds of Peganum hermala are burn and children and their
cloths are fumigated with smoke in order to protect them from evil eyes.

Sisymbrium irio L.
Family: Brassicaceae
Local name: Khelikheli
Habitat: Wild /Cultivated herb
Part used: Seeds
Local uses: A past is made from the seeds of Sisymbrium irio and is applied to aching
part of the body suffering from stabbing pain. The past is also mixed with
soup and dishes against bloody stool and keep children body warm during

Cichorium intybus L.
Family: Asteraceae
Local name: Kashti
Habitat: Perennial herb
Part used: Whole Plant
Local uses: The root of Cichorium intybus chopped and boiled in water. The decoction
is used for typhoid and fever Chicory secretion is used to promote digestion.

Prangos pabularia Lindle.

Family: Umbelliferae
Local name: Muchain
Habitat: Wild herb
Part used: Leaves
Local uses: Fresh leaves of Prangos pabularia are crushed into a thick past, and this
past is applied scorpion bites with ghee to relieve pain. The species is also
utilized as fodder for livestock an ideal diet for Markhor.
Solanum nigrum Auct.
Family: Solanaceae
Local name: Pirmilik
Habitat: Wild herb
Part used: Ripen berries
Local uses: The juice of the ripen berries of Solanum nigrum are applied on the skin, to
remove pimples.

Mentha arvensis L.
Family: Lamiaceae
Local name: Bhen
Habitat: Wild herb
Part used: Leaves, seed& root
Local uses: In early spring, the young leaves are collected and used as salad. Tea is
made from the root and dry leaves.

Plantago major L.
Family: Plantaginaceae
Local name: Brono achar
Habitat: Wild herb
Part used: Leaves & seed
Local uses: Seeds are collected, cleaned, dried and stored. Whenever some one has got
stabbing pains in the family, these seeds are fried with butter or apricot
kernel oil and by additional of water and flour, a soup is made and is given
to the patient before going to bed at night.

Ajuga bracteosa Wall. ex Benth.

Family: Labiatae
Local name: Boti
Habit: Perennial herb
Part used: Leaves
Local uses: Leaves are bitter in taste and used in fever. The young leaves are dried,
powdered and eaten three times a day for throat infection and fever.

Anthemis cotula L.
Family: Asteraceae
Local name: Sherisht
Habit: Perennial herb
Part used: Inflorescence
Local uses: Flowers are boiled in water or tea and used for various gastrointestinal
disorders like stomachache and gas trouble.

Chenopodium foliosum Asch.

Family: Chenopodiaceae
Habit: Annual herb
Local name: Pelili mrach
Part used: Ripe fruits

Local uses: The ripe fruits are eaten raw for its taste; they are also used for eye
infection. Juice is extracted from the ripe and clean fruits and is applied for
eye infections.

Urtica dioica L.
Family: Urticaceae
Habit: Perennial herb
Local name: Drozono
Part used: Whole plant
Local uses: Decoction of the plant is astringent and anthelmintic. Leaves cause severe
irritation which can be soothed by rubbing leaves of Rumex. Young leaves
are used as potherb.

D. Mushrooms

Morchella esculenta
Family: Helveliaceae
Local name: Quchi
Habitat: Mushroom of moist temperate habitat
Part used: Whole plant
Local uses: It is cooked as vegetables. It is also collected by the local people and sold in
the local markets in good price.


Chitral Gol National Park is famous for its rich biological diversity in Pakistan.
Beside other natural resources, the area is also enriched with useful medicinal plants.
However, these forests are facing severe anthropogenic interference and need to be
protected and conserved by community participation. Local community should be
actively involved creating awareness about the useful medicinal plants and their
commercial value and community participation can be initiated. Medicinal plants are
used in Pakistan not only by Tabibs and as household remedies but also by the
pharmaceutical industries. The business of medicinal plants in Chitral is limited. Only a
few species are marketed out of the district.
Some wild species like, Ferula narthex and Paeonia emodi in the park are
endangered due to past over-harvesting by the local communities inhabiting nearby and
also due to overgrazing by domestic animals.
Among the tree species Cedrus deodara, Pinus gerardiana, Pinus wallichiana, Picea
smithiana and Juniperus excelsa are commercially important species found in the Park.
Cedrus deodara has been declared as national symbol of Pakistan due to its graceful
profile and termite resistant wood (Nasir & Ali, 1972). A large number of trees are lying
dead due to some natural hazards in Gohkshal, and near Meran Rest House (Personal
observations) and some trees were burnt for purpose of making charcoal.
Juniperus excelsa is also considered as one of the best timber wood of Chitral due to
its durability. It is used in making beam, beamlets, poles and door fixtures (Hussain et al.,
2007). It is one of the best fire woods and also serves as roof thatching material.
Similarly, Betula utilis is abundant at high altitudes and is commonly the last tree species
occurring at the timberline. Due to overgrazing and logging history in the past the density
of these species has drastically reduced in many places of the park and now they are
found on steep rocky inaccessible slopes.
Another commercially important species Pinus gerardiana is found in the park with
a high selling market price of about Rs. 2000-3000/ per kg in the local market. Number of
cones on a tree generally increases with the increase in diameter. On the average, 50
cones/brach were found on a tree having a diameter 1.5m. For each meter increase in
diameter, there was increase of at least 20 cones per tree. Most of the trees were having
much lesser number of cones as these were removed for seed collection by the local
The seed crop of Chilgoza Pine is a very important commodity for local communities
from a commercial viewpoint. Therefore, the trees having spreading crowns were more
important even if gnarled and stunted. Such trees can bring higher return in terms of seed
production than trees having crowns of narrow shape and straight stem.
According to Haidar & Qaiser (2009) the oil extracted from the kernels is valued
highly for its stimulating and healing power. Therefore the local inhabitants of Chitral
over harvested and in some cases removed all the cones. As a result, there is no natural
regeneration of the species because the unsustainable practice of “Chilghoza” collection
has drastically reduced its regeneration potential. Therefore it is recommended that this
species should be regenerated and propagated through in-situ and ex-situ conservation.
This plan can serve as a livelihood improvement of the community depending on the
resources of the park.
Ephedra is a well known medicinal plant from time immemorial and Ephedrine is
the main alkaloid which is a known remedy for asthma and some other diseases (Zaman
et al., 1971). Similarly, Ferula narthex is also another important medicinal plant locally
used for different ailments. Owing to the usefulness of the above two species the nomads
are actively involved in the collection and marketing of these drug plants. These nomads
being ignorant therefore uproot and over exploit these important medicinal plants.
Consequently, these species are disappearing from the park and have become vulnerable
in their natural habitats.
Artemisia is a large, diverse and economically important genus of the family
Asteraceae. It has more then 500 species. Out of these 38 species are found in different
parts of Pakistan which are popularly used among Pakistani people as food, ornaments,
fumigants and medicines (Hayat et al., 2009). Chitral Gol National Park (CGNP) has a
large area above Quercus baloot zone which is almost covered by Artemisia species. Tree
species have been removed from these Artemisia steppes zone. The over dominance of
the genus may be due to the allelopathic effect of the genus. This view is supported by
the findings of Pareto (1985) and Tan et al. (1998), who stated that many species of
genus Artemisia are economically important as medicines, food, forage, ornamental or
soil stabilizers in disturb habitats, while some taxa are toxic or allergenic and some other
are invasive weeds which render the harvest difficult. The other possible reason may be
the steppe climate, moderate precipitation and excessive exposure to sunlight in the park.
This view is strengthened by the statement of Erdtman (1969) and El-Moslimany (1990)
who advocated Artemisia as an indictor of steppe climate and moderate precipitation.
However, the species of Artemisia and Rosa webbiana are predominant and are suitable
for harvesting in the park.
According to Aleem (1976) during summer, Markhor (Capra falconeri) consumed
plants that include Ephedra gerardiana, Rosa webbiana, Prunus amygdalis, and

Artemisia species. Owing to natural grazing and unscientific practices would tend to
diminish their frequency in the park and making the conservation difficult.
Being a remote area so far, no effective measures have yet been taken by the
government agencies for the conservation of these medicinally important plants.
Although it has been declared as a National Park but still parts of the Park are open for
grazing of domestic animals which is a severe threat and great ecological setback to the
natural plants of the Park. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to take initiatives for
conservation of medicinally important plants of the park involving government agencies
and local communities to obtain sustainable yield of the medicinally important plants.


1. The present study concluded that three species of Artemisia (Artemisia maritima,
Artemisia brevifolia and Artemisia parviflora) and Rosa webbiana are predominant
species of the Park and are amenable to harvesting.
2. Ephedra gerardiana and Ferula narthex are vulnerable species which are
overexploited by the nomads and local inhabitants living in the vicinity of the Park.
3. The local communities have a very rich knowledge on the use of different medicinal
plants but majority of the people are illiterate and use unscientific methods for
harvesting medicinal plants.
4. Such indigenous practices and knowledge of the people on the utilization of plant
resources should be documented and preserved before they are eternally lost.


The authors are thankful to Muhammad Ali project manager Gol National Park
(PAMP) Chitral for providing help during field survey and accommodation facilities in
the Park. We are also grateful to the staff members and local communities of Chitral who
have provided indigenous knowledge of the uses of the medicinal plants. A debt of
thanks also goes to Prof. Syed Sadruddin Hussain who makes valuable suggestions on the
early draft of this manuscript.


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(Received for publication 23 June 2010)

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