Optimal Cost of Irrigation Network Design Using Epanet: Shikha Arora Anant Kr. Jaiswal
Optimal Cost of Irrigation Network Design Using Epanet: Shikha Arora Anant Kr. Jaiswal
Optimal Cost of Irrigation Network Design Using Epanet: Shikha Arora Anant Kr. Jaiswal
An irrigation system is a hydraulic infrastructure that conveys C= Σ ck(Dk) Lk
water from the source to the consumers. The aim of the
irrigation network design is to find the optimal pipe diameter K=1
for each pipe in the network for a given layout, demand loading where ck(Dk) = cost per unit length of the kth pipe with
conditions, and an operation policy. In this paper, we propose a diameter Dk, Lk = length of the kth pipe, and N = total number
model that uses Genetic Algorithm as an optimization scheme of pipes in the system.
and link this algorithm with Epanet network solver to identify
the least cost of pipes used in irrigation systems. Genetic The penalty cost is based on the degree of pressure head
Algorithm, being evolutionary, identifies the pipe diameters in violation. The penalty functions may be defined, as
a way that the total cost of the network so obtained, will be
C1= P*Cmax*Max (Hmin- Hi)
minimum. Our model selects the optimal pipe sizes in the final
network satisfying all implicit constraints (e.g. conservations of if the pressure is less than minimum limit and greater than zero;
mass and energy), and explicit constraints (e.g. pressure head or
and design constraints). The hydraulic constraints, deal with
hydraulic head at certain nodes to meet a specified minimum C1 = 2*P* Cmax – 2*C
value. If the hydraulic head constraint is violated, the penalty if the pressure is less than or equal to zero.
cost is added to the network cost.
In above two equations , P is the penalty cost coefficient, Cmax
is the maximum possible cost that is calculated based on the
Keywords largest commercial pipe available, (Hmin- Hi) is the maximum
irrigation, Genetic Algorithm, Epanet, optimization, Network pressure deficit, and C is the actual network cost. The
cost, penalty cost. maximum pressure deficit is the difference between the
required head (Hmin) at each node and the head found after
1. INTRODUCTION simulation (Hi). If the pressure head is greater than the
minimum required limit, no extra cost is charged to the network
An irrigation system is a hydraulic infrastructure that conveys
water from the source to the consumers; it consists of elements
such as pipes, valves, pumps, tanks and reservoirs. The most The mathematical formulation of water distribution network
important consideration in designing and operating an irrigation can thus be stated as follows:
system is to satisfy consumer demands under a range of
quantity and quality considerations during the entire lifetime for Minimize Cost C = Network cost + Penalty cost
the expected loading conditions. Subjected to:
G(H,D) = 0, a conservation of mass and energy equation
The aim of the irrigation system network design is to find the Hi ≥ Himin nodal pressure head bounds
optimal pipe diameter for each pipe in the network for a given Dmin< D(k) < Dmax, constraints related to design parameters
layout, demand loading conditions, and an operation policy.
Our model selects the optimal pipe sizes in the final network where,
satisfying all implicit constraints (e.g. conservations of mass
Hi = pressure head at node i,
and energy), and explicit constraints (e.g. pressure head and
design constraints). If the hydraulic head constraint is violated, Himin = minimum head required at the same node,
the penalty cost is added to the network cost. However,
diameter constraints enforce the evolutionary algorithms to D(k) = decision variables (pipe sizes).
select the trial solution within a predefined limit. The hydraulic
information obtained from network solver is then passed to the
GA for the computation of fitness of the design. The fitness of a GENETIC ALGORITHM
trial solution representing a pipe network design is based on the Here we attempt to solve the problem using genetic algorithms
hydraulic performance of the network . It consists of two parts: (GAs), an evolutionary optimization technique. GAs is founded
(1) network cost; and (2) penalty cost. as a randomized search and optimization technique based on
Darwin’s theory of the “survival of the fittest” and a stochastic
The network cost is calculated as the sum of the pipe costs information exchange procedure .
where pipe costs are expressed in terms of cost per unit length.
Total network cost is computed as follows:
3.1 Outline of the Basic Genetic Algorithm
3.1.1. [Start] Generate random population of n
chromosomes (suitable solutions for the problem).
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 68– No.21, April 2013
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 68– No.21, April 2013
18 457.2 130 3 2 3 10 8 18
4 10 18 16 8 12
20 508.0 170
5 20 20 8 10 14
22 558.8 300 6 3 24 10 20 10
24 609.6 550
Calculate pressure at each node for all possible set of diameters,
In this case a simple network optimization is performed. The this pressure helps in calculating penalty cost:
network has 4 node, one reservoir (water supply mean) and 5
Following are the EPANET parameters in case 1: SAMPLE N/W
Minimum pressure requirements= 60.00 psi N Node1 Node2 Node3 Node4 Total
Penalty coefficient=0.004 o. Pressu Pressu Pressu Pressu Cost(Rs)
TABLE 2- PIPE PROPERTY OF EACH PIPE IN SAMPLE NETWORK re(psi) re(psi) re(psi) re(psi) (N/W
Pipe Length(M) Roughness cost)
1 63.93 78.14 63.23 85.25 402000
1 1000 130 2 63.97 78.18 63.25 85.29 728000
3 -191.54 -177.39 -192.30 -170.23 198000+(-
2 1000 130
3 1000 130 00
4 61.87 78.08 63.17 85.19 325000
4 1000 130
5 63.97 78.18 63.26 85.28 455000
5 1000 130 6 28.52 42.73 27.81 49.82 792000+6600
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 68– No.21, April 2013
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