South Entrance Effects
South Entrance Effects
South Entrance Effects
S1. Produces negative effects for the children (particularly boys) of the
house. Their thoughts and actions differ completely from what their parents
expect from them.
S2. This entrance increases the tendency to work for others. It is good for
people working in MNCs or other such ventures.
S3. This entrance brings immense prosperity. The occupants of such a
house become smart enough to get their work done.
S4. Industries in such plots are highly successful. The family is blessed with
more sons.
S5. People living in such houses are rarely free from debts. They feel
themselves incapable of making good use of their intellect.
S6. This is a door of abysmal poverty.
S7. All the efforts of people residing in such a house see their profession or
relationships going to waste, because of which they get discontented in life.
S8. The most ominous entrance; it results in behavior and attitudes, which
gradually disconnect the family from the rest of the world, thereby severely
affecting their financial position and relationships.
You know, 32 types of energy fields develop in a building. If we divide 360
degree into 32 parts, then energy field develops in each of that part of 11.25
degree, a devta is present in each of these 32 parts. What will be the effect
of having an entrance door in each of these 32 parts has been described in
#Vastu Shastra. We get the description of the effects and results a person
will get with door located exactly at the place of each devta.
These energy fields are controlled by the 5 elements; their attributes change
on the basis of 5-elements only. From E1 to E8 in the #East, S1 to S8 in the
#South, W1 to W8 in the #West and similarly in #North directions N1 to N8,
we get different locations of an entrance door.
NO vastu remedies are required if entrance door is at the right location but if
it is wrongly located, then there are 16 Vastu Techniques with which we can
get the desired results. and
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