Civics Chapter – 17
I Question and Answers:-
3. What is civics?
Ans. Civics is the study of the working of the government and the rights and duties of the
11. Does our human environment play a greater role than our natural environment
in moulding our life. Give reasons.
Ans. Our natural environment is the basic physical life support system without which life
shall not exist but human environments plays a greater role than our natural
environment in moulding our life because human environment is our social life
support system which determines our identities and influences our attitudes,
perspective and vision.
II Fill in the blanks:-
10. What rights does the constitution of India guarantee to all the citizens of India?
Ans. The constitution of India guarantees six fundamental rights to all the citizens of India.
They are – the right to equality, the right to freedom, the right against exploitation,
the right to religion, cultural and education rights and the right to constitutional
(ii)It is also called personal property (ii)It is also called National property.
(iii)A person or family buys or acquires (iii)Local governing bodies and the
it. Government jointly create this property.
(iv)Only the individual or the family (iv)Everyone in society has the right to
has right to the use the property. use the public property.
3. Give examples of how people are commonly found to misuse or destroy the
public property.
Ans. It is commonly found that roads are damaged or dirty with spittle and garbage, seats
are destroyed in buses and trains, street lamps are broken, or there is writing on the
walls and in public toilets. Few people steal ancient idols and gems for personal gain.
Some people destroy and damage monuments.
6. State a few ways in which our historical monuments are getting destroyed. Why
are they important to us?
Ans. Some people do not appreciate the value of our historical monuments and steal
ancient idols and gems for their personal gain. Historical monuments are symbols of
our glorious past and make out country famous in the whole world. The inscriptions
in stone, the statues and carvings, the paintings and the coins give us valuable
information about our past.
10. Give few examples by which few people are seen damaging our transport and
communication facilities.
Ans. Few irresponsible and antisocial people are often seen to cut seats of buses with
blades or steal light bulbs and fans from railway compartments. During bandhs and
strikes they often damage or destroy cars, buses and buildings by throwing stones or
setting them on fire. They cause accidents by removing parts of railway tracks.
Sometimes telephone booths, letter boxes, post offices and railway stations are
damaged. Electric and telephone lines are often stolen.
11. How does damage to buses, railway lines and post offices affect us?
Ans. Damage to buses, railway lines and post offices inconvenience the public who needs
all these services. Life for the common people gets disrupted and becomes difficult.
Hence, it is one of our important duties to ensure that damage of public property does
not take place.
12. Why are schools and libraries important? Who maintains it and how?
Ans. School property such as the tables, chairs, benches and blackboards in the
classrooms, the books in the libraries and the laboratory equipment should be handled
carefully. The schools maintains this property with the help of the fees paid by the
students. So it is our duty to protect school property from damage.
13. What are the common ways by which the schools and libraries misused?
Ans. Few children are often found to tear pages out of library books or write on them.
They also disfigure the walls and the furniture by scratching or drawing on them.
16. Write down few ways by which few people try to harm the museums.
Ans. Few people often spoil the museums by writing on the walls and damage the exhibits.
Such actions should be immediately reported to the museum authorities. Damaging
museums and their property is a punishable offence.
18. How can you prevent the antisocial people from harming the public property?
Ans. We can prevent the antisocial people from harming the public property by
cooperating and performing our duties as citizens of India by not letting these
antisocial people harm the public property.