Origins of Lift
Origins of Lift
Origins of Lift
By Arvel Gentry
January 2006
The fundamentals of lift generation are presented with emphasis on their usefulness for
understanding the flow around sails on a sailboat. These same concepts are applicable to conventional
airfoils for aircraft. Well known basic aerodynamic principles are used to illustrate the starting vortex
and the formation of a circulation flow field about two-dimensional airfoils that leads to the generation
of lift. Three-dimensional effects supply additional flow complications but are not December
central to 1999
fundamental origins of lift. The generation of lift requires that the fluid have some viscosity. An
experiment with a fluid without viscosity has been conducted to prove this point. Without viscosity
there would be no lift; birds and aircraft would not fly, and sailboats would not sail.
lifting flow field and the circulation flow field are added
together, you get the final lifting-flow streamlines shown in
Figure 5. The circulation flow field is obviously the primary
contributor to creating the upwash in front of the airfoil and the
downwash behind the airfoil. The circulation flow field causes a
large amount of air to flow on the top (lee side) of the airfoil.
The same amount of air is flowing between each pair of
streamlines. The speed of the flow increases in areas where the
Figure 3. Formation of the starting vortex.
streamlines get closer together such as near the leading edge of
5. The vortex theorems. A set of vortex theorems by the airfoil. Higher speeds mean lower pressures. Where the
Hermann von Helmholtz and William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) streamlines get farther apart such as on the lower surface, the
play key parts in aerodynamics [1, p523]. The most important flow slows down and the pressures get higher. Lower pressures
one in this situation is Thomson’s circulation theorem. The on top and higher pressures on the bottom mean that the airfoil
application of this theorem in the two-dimensional airfoil case now has lift.
basically means that as the starting vortex is created in the flow With the proper computer programs, we can prepare
field, there must be another vortex equal in strength and opposite accurate streamline drawings such as shown here to help us
in direction [3, p168-169]. understand how the air flows around our thin sails or
In aerodynamic’s terminology, this new vortex field is conventional airfoils. Again, the green streamlines are the
called “circulation” and it surrounds the airfoil. The circulation stagnation streamlines and divide the flow that goes on top (lee
field emerges as the starting vortex is formed. This is a dynamic side) from the flow on the lower windward side. Note that the
process that becomes stable when the starting vortex is swept streamline just above the airfoil passes very close to the leading
downstream and the flow conditions at the trailing edge have edge and then gets farther away as it nears the trailing edge. This
become smooth and stable. This happens when the flow on both means that the flow will be the fastest right at the leading edge
sides of the trailing edge have equal speeds (and pressures). This and then slow down as it approaches the trailing edge. The
is known as the Kutta condition. The circulation flow field is slowing down of the flow means the pressure is increasing.
equal in strength to the staring vortex and rotating in a clockwise Remember that in real flow with viscosity, too rapid of an
direction (opposite to the starting vortex) as shown by the increase in pressure tends to make the boundary layer separate.
streamline plot in Figure 4. Much of our sail shaping efforts are devoted to decreasing flow
Aerodynamics theory tells us that the airfoil lift is equal to separation on our sails.
the overall strength of the circulation flow field. The circulation Note the distance between the two streamlines on each side
flow field is the strongest near the surface of the airfoil and of the green stagnation streamline right at the trailing edge in
decreases at farther distances from the airfoil. When the non- Figure 5. The streamlines are equally spaced. This means we
have equal speeds and pressures on both sides at the trailing edge
so no new starting vortex will be formed. The Kutta condition
has been satisfied.
At this stage in our analysis, we have ignored the sharp turn
around the leading edge of the simple flat plate airfoil. In the case
of a sail, we would bend the leading edge of the airfoil down into
the flow in order to avoid flow separation. For an airfoil on an
airplane, we would give the airfoil some thickness with a round
leading edge and possibly give the airfoil some overall curvature
The streamlines shown in Figures 2, 4, and 5 were
calculated using conformal transformations as devised
originally by Joukowski [4, p46]. The calculations and display of
streamlines in these figures were accomplished using Boeing’s
Aero Grid and Paneling System (AGPS), see [5, 6]. Figures
similar to 2 and 5 above may be found in a number of other
Figure 4. Circulation flow field. references [7, p174, & 3, p174 ].
6. The flow field around an airfoil is the combination of
two flow fields: The flow field without lift shown in Figure 2,
and the circulation field about the airfoil. This concept is at first
difficult to understand but a simple analogy might help. If you
ride a bicycle in a crosswind, you feel only one wind on your
face, the vector combination of the true wind plus a wind vector
representing the speed of the bicycle. The same analogy applies
to the sailor as he motors at an angle to the true wind. The new
wind that he actually feels on his face is called the “apparent”
wind. He only feels one wind, but he knows that it is a
combination of the true wind and the boatspeed wind ( Figure 6).