Deep Learning in Trading PDF
Deep Learning in Trading PDF
Deep Learning in Trading PDF
Absolutely and at scale! Let?s look at the few facts we can get hold of.
1.Peter Bown and Robert Mercer, two successful linguists quit their jobs to join RenTech. In the last two years virtually
every deep-learning prof and PhD student has received calls from Point72 to join their trading research team.
2.Deep Learning is really young and it?s changing a lot. LSTM (Long Short Term Memory), which is the state of the art in
contextual learning, wasn?t used at scale till two years ago. It will take decades for the methods to be commoditized to an
extent that books or WSJ articles are written about it.
3.The basic ideas have been used for years. Deep Learning just formalizes them into a process.
Let?s look at how humans learn and we can get better intuition about this. (Appendix A)
Traditional methods work with a lot of data. We need to develop the ability to learn from very few data points.
Let?s discuss the structure of the data, before we learn how to predict trades from it.
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person or organization. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the information. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please visit our
website for full disclaimer and terms of use.
Deep Learning in Trading
The biggest problem in finance is overfitting. Neural Nets have been around since the sixties but they royally failed. The
problem was that we started with very wide networks with less number of hidden layers. Instead when we try to learn a deep
neural network, we are being much more ?thoughtful?. We don?t immediately try to dive into the problem. We try to
understand the turf. Think of the million rounds of practice that is needed by a soccer player before they become good at free
kicks. All this time they are trying to reduce over-fitting. Yup just that: over-fit t ing. We care about future returns.
However, we don?t have future data. All we have is past data. How do we learn from past data in a way that works well in
future ? that?s why we need to go deep.
Appendix C illustrates this in the context of capturing sentiment from text.
Let ?s look at t he minds of a few t raders and visualize t heir Deep Neural Net works
- An interest rate swaps trader who has seen the yield curve ten million times.
- Warren Buffett who has seen balance sheets a million times.
- Most good traders prefer to be specialized in one market or one source of alpha rather than
covering a wide range of products (deep vs wide).
Deep Learning is at a point where the skill set is substantially widely available to make it possible to be used. I admit that It is
costly to use it but not extremely cost prohibitive. The rewards are likely to be there since not everyone knows about it. It can
save costs by reducing the part of the team we dedicate to learning alphas. We can learn patterns, we did not identify
previously. Also all this is very new. It is not found in traditional finance textbooks. There is an opport unit y.
All investments carry risk. This material is for informational purposes and should not be considered specific investment advice or recommendation to any
person or organization. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the information. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please visit our
website for full disclaimer and terms of use.
Deep Learning in Trading
Our real results where we show that Deep Learning (blue) has higher accuracy than Linear
Regression(green) in predicting future returns of equity ETFs.
All investments carry risk. This material is for informational purposes and should not be considered specific investment advice or recommendation to any
person or organization. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the information. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please visit our
website for full disclaimer and terms of use.
Deep Learning in Trading
Current st at e of t he art
2. Feature engineering is the thing of the past in the era of neural networks.
Neural networks are really good at coming up with features on their own. A number of people in finance work
day-in-day-out in coming up with features. Neural nets are poised to take over this segment of the market.
3. Neural networks provide an easy way to combine market data and other data sources.
Since neural nets work in the latent space, it?s super easy to combined your market data input with other data sources
you might have. That can be anything from sentiment analysis, summary of SEC filings to visual or audio inputs.
4. Additionally, neural networks make it easy to do multivariate modelling where there are a lot of relationships
between inputs, and there is a time-varying nature to it.
5. It?s important to understand when neural networks do not work - they don?t work if you don?t have enough data.
Small data sets are bottlenecks when it comes to convergence. Large datasets come with computation problems.
All investments carry risk. This material is for informational purposes and should not be considered specific investment advice or recommendation to any
person or organization. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the information. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please visit our
website for full disclaimer and terms of use.
Deep Learning in Trading
Appendix A
All investments carry risk. This material is for informational purposes and should not be considered specific investment advice or recommendation to any
person or organization. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the information. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please visit our
website for full disclaimer and terms of use.
Deep Learning in Trading
Appendix B
All investments carry risk. This material is for informational purposes and should not be considered specific investment advice or recommendation to any
person or organization. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the information. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please visit our
website for full disclaimer and terms of use.
Deep Learning in Trading
Appendix C
W hy go deep?
In this example, we are trying to learn the context of the conversation. If we implement a one layer network and try to infer
from ?bad?or ?not bad?, the results we will get will be very noisy.
If we include the entire context of the sentence and reinforce it with the sentence after that, then the picture is much more
clear. A shallow and wide network will find it very hard to train for this. This is where deep neural networks, and specially
memory networks like LSTM excel.
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person or organization. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the information. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please visit our
website for full disclaimer and terms of use.
Deep Learning in Trading
Appendix D
As you can see a natural representation of CAPM in a neural network setting is naturally deep and not one
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Deep Learning in Trading
The factual information set forth herein has been obtained or derived from sources believed to be reliable but it is not
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express or implied, as to the information?s accuracy or completeness, nor should the attached information serve as the basis
of any investment decision.
This document is intended exclusively for the use of the person to whom it has been delivered and it is not to be reproduced
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All investments carry risk. This material is for informational purposes and should not be considered specific investment advice or recommendation to any
person or organization. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the information. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please visit our
website for full disclaimer and terms of use.