TACONET Proceedings+C

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Proceedings of the TACONET Conference

Lisbon, Sept.23, 2005

Portuguese Catholic University

Self-regulated Learning
in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments
Karl Steffens, Roberto Carneiro, Jean Underwood

Self-regulated Learning
in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments

Roberto Carneiro, Karl Steffens, Jean Underwood


Proceedings of the TACONET Conference

Lisbon, Sept.23, 2005

Portuguese Catholic University
Roberto Carneiro
Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Palma de Cima
1649-023 Lisboa

E-mail: rc@cepcep.ucp.pt

©Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

Karl Steffens
Universität zu Köln
Pädagogisches Seminar
50923 Köln

E-mail: Karl.Steffens@uni-koeln.de

©Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

Jean Underwood
Division of Psychology
Nottingham Trent University
United Kingdom

E-mail: jean.underwood@ntu.ac.uk

© Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

On September 23, 2005, the TACONET conference Review” with the purpose of broadening the
on Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) in Technology qualified debate around SRL. The project, which ran
Enhanced Learning Environments (TELEs) took from January 2003 to December 2005 and was
place at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa in coordinated by Karl Steffens (Universität zu Köln),
Lisbon. The conference was organised by Roberto was supported by the European Commission (Grant
Carneiro and his Lisbon team on behalf of the agreement 2003-4710-/001-001 EDU-ELEARN, see
Targeted Cooperative Network on Self-Regulated http://www.lmi.ub.es/telepeers).
Learning in Technology Enhanced Leaning
Environments (http://www.lmi.ub.es/taconet). In the course of the project, TELEs from a range of
university disciplines, which were considered to
TACONET was founded in May 2003 by the support SRL, were evaluated by the partners of the
members of the TELEPEERS project “Self- TELEPEERS consortium, that is they were peer
Regulated Learning in Technology Enhanced reviewed. The aim of these evaluations was to
Learning Environments at University Level: a Peer establish the extent to which selected TELEs had the
potential for supporting SRL. At the same time, two busy, and that they had to invest time and effort to
instruments were developed which were to be used provide us with their manuscripts. In particular, we
in the evaluation process, but which could also be would like to thank Alison Twiner for editing the
used by developers, researchers, teachers and manuscripts from a variant of European English into
students outside the project. British English. We also would like to thank
Donatella Persico who wrote the introduction for
TELE-SRL is a tool for developers, researchers and part C.
teachers in the field of TELEs who want to evaluate
the potential of a TELE for supporting SRL. Roberto Carneiro
TELESTUDENTS-SRL is a tool for students who Karl Steffens
actually are or have been working with a TELE; Jean Underwood.
they can use this tool to assess whether the specific
TELE did indeed support their SRL. Both tools exist AUTHOR BIOGRAPHIES
as online versions (http://www.hds.utc.fr/telepeers/);
they can also be downloaded from the TACONET ROBERTO CARNEIRO is full-time professor at
web site. A report on these tools as well as a guide the Portuguese Catholic University. In the same
on implementing TELEs can be found on the project University he chairs the Study Centre on Peoples
web site (TELEPEERS / Results). and Cultures and is dean of the Institute for Distance
Learning. He has extensive international experience
In preparing the TACONET conference, it was our with the European Commission, UNESCO, World
objective to increase awareness of SRL in TELEs Bank, OECD, Council of Europe and other
among members of industry, academia and development agencies. He served as a member of
communities of practice and of the tools that we the UNESCO International Commission on
developed. We also wanted to stimulate research in Education for the 21st Century.
the field of SRL in TELEs, and we finally hoped to
get feedback from members of the different KARL STEFFENS is psychologist and senior
communities with respect to our own results. In researcher at the Department of Education,
sum: we intended the TACONET conference to be a University of Cologne. He has been involved in
forum for the exchange of ideas on SRL in TELES teaching and conducting research at the universities
for members of industry, academia and communities of Barcelona, Bonn, Cologne, Erfurt, Frankfurt. He
of practice and to propel a collaborative network of has participated in a number of European research
interested parties on sustainable grounds. projects in the field of ICT in learning and
instruction and is presently co-ordinating the
These proceedings reflect the contributions of the TELEPEERS project.
members of those different communities to the field
of SRL in TELEs. We subdivided the proceedings JEAN UNDERWOOD is currently professor of
into the three parts that correspond to the working psychology at Nottingham Trent University and was
groups at the conference: previously Reader in Education at the University of
• The view from industry, Leicester. A qualified teacher and teacher educator
• The view from academia, she has worked in the field of educational
• The view from communities of practice. technology for 30 years, conducting a number of
national research projects for the UK government.
We are pleased to see that SRL in TELEs is
considered to be an important topic in all three
communities, and we hope that these proceedings
will motivate developers, researchers, teachers and
practitioners to continue their work in this field.
Readers of these proceedings are invited to inspect
the work of TACONET and also cordially invited to
join this collaborative network.

We would like to thank all the authors for their

contributions. We are aware that all of them are very




Roberto Carneiro, CEPCEP, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal
Self-regulated learning in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments: The view from industry 13

Paul LeFrere, University of Tampere

Self-regulated learning in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments: Relevance to industry needs and
practice 16

Pedro Pinto, CNOTINFOR, Coimbra, Portugal

The use of the emergent technologies on the way to becoming a learning organization - the case of

Bruno Ronsivalle and Vanessa Metus, Didagroup, Rome, Italy

Motivation and micro-design models and techniques 26

Mario Figuera, NovaBase/Blackboard, Portugal

Self-regulated learning in TELEs: An eLearning provider perspective 43

Luke Vervenne, Synergetics, Belgium

Towards an industry uptake of self-regulated learning 49


Jean Underwood, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom

Self-regulated learning in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments: The view from academia 57

Alessandro Antonietti, Catholic University of Milan, Italy

A framework to conceptualise Technology Enhanced Learning Environments 59

Jean Underwood and Phil Banyard, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom
Learning and technology: A happy conjunction? 64

Hermann Rüppell, University of Cologne, Germany

Learning by competition: Compete and optimize your strategy 72

Jos Beishuizen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Planning and control in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments 79

Donatella Persico, Istituto Tecnologie Didattiche, Italy

Self-regulated learning in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments: The view from communities of
practice 89

Marco Bettoni, WeKnow Network, Switzerland

Communities of practice as a method for knowledge-oriented cooperation 92

Christina Preston, Mirandanet, London, United Kingdom

The Mirandanet Fellowship: a community of practice developing self-regulating learning environments for
continuing professional development 100

Anke Dommaschk,and Stephen Frank, University of Leipzig, Germany

Online learning groups as self-regulated entities 113

Niels Brüggen, University of Leipzig, Germany

The use of ILIAS in student projects to foster self-regulated learning 119

Giuliana Dettori, Tania Giannetti, Donatella Persico, Istituto Tecnologie Didattiche, Italy
Communities of practice, virtual learning communities and self-regulated learning 126

Secundino Correia, Elsa Regina Lencastre, CNOTINFOR, Coimbra, Portugal

Dragons pathways 134

Stephen J. Pape, Karen, Irving, and Douglas T. Owens, The Ohio State University
Louis Abrahamson, Better Education Development, Inc.
Classroom connectivity in promoting algebra I and physical science achievement and self-regulated
learning 143


Roberto Carneiro
Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Palma de Cima
1649-023 Lisboa

E-mail: rc@cepcep.ucp.pt

©Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

KEYWORDS models and innovative pedagogical approaches. In

e-Learning, instructional design, knowledge any event, SRL advocates will have to take into
management, learning management systems, learning account that industry is mainly geared to short-term
organisations, lifelong learning, motivation, self- results, “realistic” choices, re-use of materials, skills
regulated learning (SRL), technology enhanced measurement and enhancement priorities.
learning environments (TELEs).
Success in the marketplace increasingly depends on
learning. However, most people, most organisations,
INTRODUCTION simply do not know how to learn. SRL contains the
potential to bypass learning dysfunctions. Effective
Carry over of new knowledge on SRL from the world learning, epitomised in the concept of “double-loop
of academia into the world of industry (and of learning”, where the learner – individual or collective
evidence-based business models) remains at a rather – is able to challenge learning assumptions, is the
incipient stage. On the one hand, the body of research consequence of advanced self-reflective aptitudes
on how technology-enhanced support systems (Argyris, 1977, 1991). Thus, it is fair to say that the
influence SRL is still fairly minimal. On the other, the DNA of learning organisations is increasingly made
market uptake of e-Learning solutions is growing at a up of SRL attributes.
much slower pace than had been foreseen only a few
years ago. The much heralded e-Learning revolution The contributions featured under this first section of
enabled by creative twinning ventures between new the book deal with the complex relationship between
learning approaches and industrial knowledge research in SRL and corporate applications. For
management applications (Rosenberg, 2001) was obvious reasons, and within the overall balance,
watered down with the new economy. However, “learning industries” deserve a special place. The
when considering e-Learning as “the use of Internet chapter encompasses five distinct perspectives on
and digital technologies to create experiences that SRL as perceived by industry: (i) SRL and uptake by
educate our fellow human beings” (Horton, 2001, the business community; (ii) Lifelong learning skills
p.3) one would expect that the exponential rise in (individual and corporate) and SRL; (iii) Instructional
societal learning needs would propitiate a rapid take- micro-design addressing learning resistances; (iv)
off in new business opportunities. This has not been SRL as a requisite of learning organisations; (v)
the case and one possible reason lies with the fact that Integrated commercial platforms and SRL. These five
ICT is still regarded mainly as a delivery technology themes provide a rich and comprehensive perspective
rather than a catalyser of new paradigms in learning on the state of the art of SRL in the world of business.
and training. In this adverse context SRL could They also suggest opportunities and challenges to the
provide the turning argument to enable new business formation of intelligent partnerships involving

academia and industry. dissonance theory. Moreover, the authors offer
insights into dynamic corporate examples with special
A SYNOPSIS reference to extended e-Learning applications in the
banking activity. Research shows how motivation for
Lefrere opens his seminal article with a statement that learning and overcoming “learning resistance” can be
significant proportions of SRL needs of workers are prompted by effective management of cognitive
not met by TELEs due to short-term dictates in the dissonance. The article ends with a provocative thesis
workplace. While it is routine for TELEs in academia on the relationship between “learning resistance” and
to be used to enhance learning on at least one SRL “temporal dimension” or “learning time”. Given that
dimension, few companies offer anything by way of a the latter constitutes the fundamental resource the
SRL competence development programme. In order learner brings into play, management of cognitive
to produce the necessary attitudinal changes both in dissonance could have a most significant impact on
workers and managers the author recommends the use training effectiveness.
of insights, presentational standards and techniques
from advertising and the entertainment industry to In his contribution Figueira describes a business
trigger performance-augmentation added to a TELE. player that reports on the use of a TELEPEERS tool –
HR departments shy away from purchasing training TELE-SRL – to assess the efficacy of a commercial
solutions that they do not fully master. Their platform comprising a triple offer: LMS + content +
preference is directed to “safe” externally-regulated tutorship. The article brings forth the relevance of the
learning with a limited allowance for choice exercised evaluation tool to help sharpen the market approach
by learners. This pattern is consistent with the of e-Learning provisions. In line with the author’s
immediate targets set forth by major company conclusions, and based on a showcase of business
stakeholders. Likewise, recent drive of top executive examples, SRL appears to be relevant to the roll-out
attention towards knowledge management needs have of a proper networked learning environment. Thus, it
not been convincingly met by eLearning solutions comes as no surprise that companies potentially like
particularly in minimising time2performance of self-supported solutions provided they help (i) boost
newly recruited staff. In conclusion the author states competitiveness based on human capital, (ii) reduce
that “the TACONET community is in advance of the costs, (iii) improve both informal and formal learning,
wider community of trainers in looking at the and (iv) increase employee engagement.
economically significant issue of how to use TELEs
and SRL to improve the performance of industry”. Vervenne offers an original essay on self-regulated
lifelong learning, a concept that emerges at the
The case for using emergent technologies to sustain a crossroad of personal SRL skills and organisational
learning organisation is the core of the next article. SRL contexts. The paper begins with a demand-
Pinto provides evidence of a business model driven perspective on competencies seen as the
specialised in products designed to help young “common currency of the labour market”. Thus, a
children develop SRL skills. His article goes on to new learn@work paradigm would require a constant
explain how personal and organisational learning alignment between business and learning processes,
within the company is supported by appropriate SRL that is to say a proper integration between staff
developments. The role of leadership through values development and the company’s knowledge portfolio.
appears to be a core variable to explain the Learning in the workplace emerges as the only valid
relationship between collective intelligence and group response to ever-changing markets where in a
learning. As a corollary self-learning and self- service-led economy time2competency is more
regulated skills are instrumental to the ethos of a important than time2market. A powerful tool to
learning company. realise this dream is the ePortfolio – “the digital home
of SRL”. Vervenne concludes by acknowledging that
Ronsivalle & Metus provide a robust theoretical further research will be needed to bridge academic
framework for learning course architectures knowledge and proven theories on SRL on the one
stemming from educational micro-design activity. hand, with business process-driven adaptive learning
The paper offers a creative approach to instructional solutions in the form of innovative service-oriented
design based on mental models theory. The main architectures (SOA) on the other.
algorithms identified are derived from cognitive


A practical conclusion from this section is that Argyris, C. (1977). Double loop learning in organisations.
industry is bound to organise some form of Harvard Business Review, 55 (Sep-Oct), 115-125.
“managed” self-regulated learning as an integral part Argyris, C. (1991). Teaching smart people how to learn.
of everyday work. Companies need to tap into the Harvard Business Review, 69 (May-June), 99-109.
Horton, W. (2001). Leading E-Learning. Alexandria, VA:
creative power of their workers in order to compete. ASTD.
Workers demand tools and support in order to cope Rosenberg, M. (2001). E-Learning: Strategies for
with ever-changing work and business processes. Delivering Knowledge in the Digital Age. New York:
There is room and “good will” for a strong McGraw-Hill.
partnership between university and industry (to be
extended to the policy making area) to look further AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY
into the theme of SRL in TELEs. Managing and
motivating people stands high in the value-added ROBERTO CARNEIRO is full-time professor at
ladder of the knowledge-intensive economy. the Portuguese Catholic University. In the same
Purposeful and self-regulated learning is a strong University he chairs the Study Centre on Peoples and
value proposition to organisations that need to Cultures and is dean of the Institute for Distance
differentiate and compete with success in the Learning. He has extensive international experience
globalised marketplace. In this respect TACONET with the European Commission, UNESCO, World
offers an opportunity to build a trustworthy Bank, OECD, Council of Europe and other
relationship between major stakeholders. development agencies. He served as a member of the
UNESCO International Commission on Education for
the 21st Century.

Paul Lefrere
Institute of Educational Technology
Open University
Walton Hall
MK7 6AA, Milton Keynes

E-mail: p.lefrere@open.ac.uk

©Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

KEYWORDS approaches need to be adopted by producers of

content for TELEs, and supported explicitly by TELE
Human Resource Management, Motivation, Self- designers.
Regulated Learning, Technology Enhanced Learning
Environments, Vocational Learning INTRODUCTION

ABSTRACT SRL has been the subject of much academic research,

including research on SRL and performance, a topic
A significant proportion of the SRL (self-regulated that as we shall see is highly relevant to industry. Yet
learning) needs of workers are not met by TELEs SRL is rare in industry, for reasons we consider later.
(technology-enhanced learning environments). SRL is
unsupported, or discouraged, in workplaces that focus SELF-REGULATED LEARNERS
on short-term returns on investments. In such
workplaces, the work context determines the depth of A recent survey of the academic literature showed
meaning for staff in the term “SRL”, or related terms consensus that all learners could be trained to become
such as “lifelong competency management”. more self-regulating in their learning, along six
To turn SRL into a real option for most workers (an
option that they seek out and benefit from), their 1. “…cognitive strategies (repetition, elaboration and
work contexts must change. For this to happen, organization) … to attend to, transform, organize,
workers and their managers need broader horizons. elaborate and recover information”
They must become more accepting of self-chosen
learning, and more confident of the value of longer- 2. “…how to plan, control and direct their mental
term outcomes. Those attitudinal changes can be processes toward the achievement of personal goals
achieved by deploying insights, presentational (metacognition)”
standards and techniques from advertising and the
entertainment industry (films, computer games, etc). 3. “…a high sense of …self-efficacy, the adoption of
This will help to raise learner aspirations and learning goals, the development of positive emotions
sensitize them to how the world seems to other people towards tasks …as well as the capacity to control and
(e.g., people who are more or less fortunate than modify these, adjusting them to the requirements of
them). We give examples of powerful persuasive the task and of the specific learning situation”
approaches, of interest to industry. Arguably, such [According to Bandura, 1986, self-efficacy is “the

belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the One finding from academia, important for industry, is
sources of action required to manage prospective that for learners new to an area or with low study
situations”.] skills, SRL is inferior to externally-regulated learning
(e.g. Azevedo et al., 2005). The TELE approach
4. “…plan and control the time and effort to be used offers a solution, since any shortcomings in the
on tasks, …create and structure favorable learning performance of learners who are given freedom to
environments, …help-seeking [as needed]” learn can be compensated for by performance-
augmentation tools added to a TELE (e.g. Jermann,
5. “…show greater efforts to participate in the control 2004, Kauffman, 2001, Azevedo’s “The Learning Kit”,
and regulation of …tasks …and structure (e.g. …task 2004). Industry seems to be lagging in its use or
requirements, …organization of work teams)” awareness of such tools.

6. “…[use] volitional strategies [to avoid] …external In industry, two companies stand out for the freedom
and internal distractions, in order to maintain their they give staff to self-regulate: 3M and Semco
concentration, effort and motivation… [on] tasks. (Semler, 1989). Each allows all staff to use some of
their time and company resources in search of
In summary, …[SRLs] see themselves as agents of opportunities, and as part of that, to learn whatever
their own behavior, …believe learning is a proactive they want, however they want, even in areas that their
process, …are self-motivated and …used strategies managers or HR department know nothing about.
that enable them to achieve desired …results”.
(Montalvo Torrano and González Torres, 2004, p.3) In other organizations, only the upper echelons have
total discretion as to what they learn, how they learn
SRL AND TELEs IN INDUSTRY it and resources they can call upon (e.g., personal
coaches, mentors). For them, SRL is an everyday
According to the review just outlined (Montalvo possibility. But at present the mass of staff do not
Torrano and González Torres, 2004), SRL have the choice of SRL of any kind at work, because
characteristics are also attributed to high- SRL for an entire workforce requires not just large
performance, high-capacity people. Noticing the word investment, but a longer-term orientation.
“enhanced” in the phrase TELE, we might expect
that using a TELE will help us to raise our HR DEPARTMENT PURCHASING CHOICES
performance and our capacity, along at least one of
the six dimensions of SRL outlined above. The training mix from leading vendors is often broad,
including user-directed options (e.g. a library of free-
In academia, those expectations are widely shared access material) and company-directed options.
and also largely realized: in line with the belief in
Higher Education that self-efficacy is important, it is For example, a Microsoft brochure on Organizational
routine for TELEs in academia to be used to enhance Assessment says: “Choose training to suit your needs.
learning on at least one SRL dimension. As students Microsoft Skills Assessment for Organizations offers
become competent on that dimension, they can move you and your staff a number of training options.
to gain competence on other dimensions, until Choose from instructor-led courses delivered in a
eventually they are competent on all dimensions and classroom or online, and self-paced e-learning and
are fully-fledged independent and self-regulating books that can be combined to maximize your
learners. This is at the heart of the notion of training dollars and get your staff up and running on
‘graduateness’ (characteristics that define the result of an accelerated schedule. Your learning consultant will
Higher Education). help you identify the right training mix based on the
needs and preferences of your organization. Training
To my knowledge, few companies offer anything by options include: Self-study learning delivered through
way of a SRL competence development programme, Microsoft eLearning Library (MELL); Microsoft
as found in academia. HR practice in industry seems Press books; Self-paced and instructor-led online e-
to be to seek to hire people who are already self- learning courses; Customized instructor-led training;
regulating, rather than to hire people who need to Public training courses at a local Microsoft Certified
develop competence along some SRL dimensions. Partner for Learning Solutions.”

Similar breadth of choice exists with other vendors. The courses most often bought and offered by HR
But the choice of which courses to buy is usually departments have little relevance to SRL, since they
made by HR departments, and it is understandable if limit the choices that users can make while on a
they buy what they are familiar with and has worked course. For example, they tend to be e-learning
in the past, rather than try approaches new to them courses of the page-turning type, in which users’
such as SRL. Vendors have to cover all purchasing options are limited to being in charge of their pace of
preferences, to maximize sales, and so their sales study on, and the path they use to navigate through
force (also known as learning solutions consultants) the material.
will help them buy directed-learning courses if that is
what they want. The way this works for directed In my experience, it is not HR practice to allow new
learning is well illustrated by the quote below from a staff to set their own priority, timeframe or method
Microsoft brochure on Organizational Assessment: for reaching a needed level of performance, since
new hires are assumed not to have the background
“Phase 1: Definition. Define the skill focus: Working needed to make informed decisions. This is consistent
with your Microsoft Learning Solutions consultant, with academic findings (e.g. Azevedo et al., 2005).
you will determine the skill areas that are most critical
to your success based on your current business or While new hires do lack background, the same cannot
project needs. …Create a skills matrix: Working from be said of experienced staff, who by definition know
the areas of skill focus, teams, positions, and job roles more about how things are done in their organization.
are defined with your business need in mind. This They are a key resource in helping managers to
process takes into account current job roles, the determine where changes are needed in processes or
required proficiency levels for specific job functions, products, and how to achieve those changes fastest.
and the need to develop new skills. A complete skills Their know-how is crucial input for HR departments
matrix maps the skills of each employee to those charged with spotting and remedying performance
required by his or her position. Phase 2: Validation. shortcomings. It is therefore surprising that HR
Verify alignment: This phase is your organization’s departments are not more flexible in recognizing the
opportunity to review, influence, and validate the SRL capabilities of experienced staff.
skills matrixes created in the Definition phase. This
ensures the thoroughness and integrity of the skills As further evidence of a lack of interest in SRL for
chosen to be assessed. Your organization’s IT the bulk of company training, I offer: the low number
manager then ensures that each person is properly of hits from a Google search of papers at industrial
assigned to the correct position and job role. training conferences; and private communications
with sales and marketing managers in training and e-
… Phase 4: Solution. Review employee results: content companies, who report that their sales figures
Your learning consultant will work with your show HR demand is highest for formal, directed-
organization to evaluate the results for each learning courses (whether e-learning; face-to-face; or
individual employee. This skill gap analysis compares blended learning).
the self-assessed level with the required level for each
skill. Each skill is mapped to a customized training INDUSTRY STAKEHOLDERS AND SRL
plan …including live classroom and e-learning
courses. Review organizational results: The skills gap Whether SRL is encouraged at work, with or without
analysis report rolls up to team and organizational delivery through TELEs, depends on the goals and
views so that training can be planned. Download timeframes of the organizational stakeholders who set
results …to manipulate the data offline. Set training HR policy and practice related to learning.
and target dates: Each skill is mapped to all related
Microsoft Learning training solutions. If an employee At a day-to-day level, the stakeholders with most
is assessed at a lower skill level than required, influence are not customers or workers, but people
training solutions are set into his or her plan, with high position-power in the organization, e.g.,
complete with tracking features and target dates for major shareholders, board members, other senior
completion.” managers). Stereotypically, learning is far from the
concerns of most of those individuals, who hold
shares in the company. Their time horizon is the next

stock-market reporting period and their goal is to within it. T2P is the time that elapses before they
present results that increase the share price. Typically, reach the same level of competence as an experienced
results that are important for that purpose are explicit staff member doing the same job. It is analogous to
financial figures (e.g., rises in sales and profits per the T2P for new products or processes: the time it
employee; dividend per share; savings made since the takes before the new product or process performs at a
last period), but not measures of intellectual capital level that meets requirements. SRL would seem to be
that may affect future performance (knowledge relevant here, since it provides a way for staff to
gained per employee; staff retention; cost of training). explore areas that are new to their organization, or try
out variants of current processes.
From this impressionistic picture it will be seen that
major stakeholders are under pressure to set goals and Concerning new knowledge, an important factor is
bonuses that are linked to the next reporting period. how effective people are in working in teams to
In such an environment, staff get direction rather than create knowledge, make it explicit, and share it with
discretion; SRL is viewed as being a risky distraction others in the organization, face-to-face and mediated
from the short-term goal of hitting the current targets; by KM systems and TELEs (van Dam, 2005).
and performance-focused training will be favoured, Effectiveness can be raised by using team-oriented
as the kind of learning that gives the fastest and surest performance-augmentation tools in a TELE (e.g.
return on investment. Jermann, 2004). In industry, the potential of such
tools may be hard to realize, because there is often a
TOP-LEVEL INDUSTRY NEEDS lack of clarity about the division of responsibilities
associated with diffusing knowledge via TELEs and
The kinds of TELE-based courses chosen by training updating TELE content through links to knowledge
departments reflect demand from one group of stake- management systems. This leads to an
holders: middle managers who authorize attendance implementation problem: “…connections between
at in-company courses. What those managers knowledge management and (e-)learning are not
authorize meets their immediate requirements but operationalised. ...Learning is a HR/training
may not suit the strategic, top-level needs of their department responsibility. Its focus is primarily on
organizations. supporting formal learning and linking it to
performance. KM addresses learning as part of
Prime examples of top-level needs alluded to in the knowledge sharing processes and pays more attention
title of this paper, and which SRL and TELEs should to specific forms of informal learning (e.g. learning in
be able to address, are the need to stay in business, a community of practice) or to providing access to
and linked to this, the need to stay competitive. learning resources or experts (e.g. yellow pages or
According to Davenport and Prusak (1998, quoted in knowledge bases)” (Efimova and Swaak, 2003,
Carlucci et al., 2004), “…the only source of sustain- p.571).
able competitive advantage [which organizations]
…can leverage is the effective use of their existing CONCLUSION
knowledge [and] …fast acquisition and utilisation of
new knowledge”. I believe I have demonstrated the potential relevance
of SRL to industry needs and practice. I have also set
The prospect of deriving competitive advantage from out a deliberately bleak picture of current practice in
knowledge has driven top-level interest in HR departments, which doubtless do the best they can
knowledge management, KM, defined as “the process in handling the possibly conflicting requirements of
of continually managing knowledge of all kinds to major stakeholders. To close, my reading of the state
meet existing and emerging needs, to identify and of play is that the TACONET community is in
exploit and acquire knowledge assets and to develop advance of the wider community of trainers in
new opportunities (Quintas et al., 1987, p387). looking at the economically significant issue of how
to use TELEs and SRL to improve the performance of
Concerning existing knowledge, an important factor industry.
here is whether an organization knows how to
minimize the “Time to Performance” (T2P) of staff
who are new to the organization or new to a job


Azevedo, R., Moos, D.C., Winters, F.I., Jeffrey, A., Greene, The take-up of SRL in industry can be facilitated by
A., Cromley, J.G., Olson, E.D. and Chaudhuri, P. combining reasoned factual arguments (e.g. in terms
(2005). Why is externally-regulated learning more of return-on-investment, ROI) with attitude-changing
effective than self-regulated learning with hypermedia?
strategies to get managers to recognize (literally: re-
Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, Montreal, Quebec,
cognize, re-think) the merits of training staff to learn
Canada (April 11-15). to use their brains to better effect, through SRL. In
Bandura, A. (1986). The explanatory and predictive scope the TACONET presentation that is the basis of this
of self-efficacy theory. Journal of Social Psychology, paper, I showed several emotionally-laden videos,
15(1), 1-17. originally produced for consumer products, that used
Carlucci, D., Marr, B. and Schiuma, G. (2004). The powerful and memorable approaches to changing
knowledge value chain: how intellectual capital impacts attitudes to the status quo, even for difficult-to-handle
on business performance. International Journal of topics such as understanding the needs of people who
Technology Management, 27 (6/7), 575-590. are not like us or who do things differently. Selective
Van Dam, N. (2005). The Business Impact of E-Learning.
use of such techniques offers a way to move to more
Doctoral Dissertation. Nyenrode Business University.
Downloaded from http://ikmagazine.nl/downloads/ intelligent forms of Training for Performance,
dissertatie.pdf. capable of driving better business results.
Davenport, T.H. and Prusak, L. (1998). Working
Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY
Know. Harvard Business School Press, Boston.
Efimova, L. and Swaak, J. (2003). Converging knowledge PAUL LEFRERE is Senior Lecturer at the UK Open
management, training and e-learning: scenarios to make University's Institute of Educational Technology and
it work. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 9 (3), Professor of eLearning at the University of Tampere,
Finland (Hypermedia Lab; Vocational Learning and
Jerman, P.R. (2004). Interaction Regulation in
Collaborative Problem-Solving. PhD thesis No. 340, e-skills Centre). From 2003-2005, he was on leave of
Faculty of Psychology, University of Geneva, CH. absence as Microsoft’s Executive Director for
Kauffman, D.F. (2001). Self-regulated learning in Web- eLearning, in which role he served on various
based environments: Instructional tools designed to European and national advisory groups concerned
facilitate cognitive strategy use, metacognitive with professional learning and related topics, and also
processing, and motivational beliefs. PhD thesis. on Europe’s e-learning Industry Group, eLIG. Until
University of Nebraska – Lincoln. 2003 he was Policy Adviser at the Open University,
Montalvo Torrano, F. and González Torres, M.C. (2004). where he was also Academic Director of a number of
Self-Regulated learning: current and future directions.
international multi-university projects concerned with
Electronic Journal of Research in Educational
Psychology, 2(1), 1-34 e-skills and knowledge management.
Quintas, P., Lefrere, P. and Jones, G. (1997). Knowledge
management: a strategic agenda. Long Range Planning,
30 (3), 385–391.
Semler, R. (1989). Managing without managers: how an
unorthodox company makes money by avoiding
decisions, rules, and executive authority. Harvard
Business Review. Boston, MA: September-October, 76-
Teece, D.J. (1998). Capturing value from assets: the new
economy, market, and intangible assets. California
Management Review, 40 (3), 55–79.
The Learning Kit (2004). Theory and cognitive tools to
enhance learning skills and support lifelong learning.
Simon Fraser University, CA.. See also Azevedo 2005.


Pedro Pinto
Chief Executive Officer

E-mail: pedro@cnotinfor.pt

©Telepeers/Taconet, 2005


Collaborative innovation, learning organisation, Cnotinfor, as an organisation, focused on the

management by values, motivation conception and development of TELEs
(Technology Enhanced Learning Environments),
ABSTRACT is designed to be creative, innovative, flexible and
competitive within demanding and global markets.
Cnotinfor Ltd. (Coimbra, Portugal) is a SME founded The technological, social and cultural context of
in 1988 focused on technology enhanced learning, Cnotinfor’s activity means that it has a continuous
professional training and virtual reality applications, need for learning:
under a constructivist approach. Its mission,
nowadays, is to help construct the way people think, a. The new virtual environments and interaction
learn and interact with the emergent technologies; and networks contribute even more to the re-guiding of
to construct and improve tools, contents and contexts concepts such as education and learning within the
able to support multiple intelligences and learning, organisation: the logic of vertical transmission of
critical spirit, interaction and alternative futures knowledge from those who generate it or withhold
design. Its products are designed under a learn-to- it (through experience or hierarchic position) is
learn concept, helping to develop essential early skills now being replaced by a group construction of
in children and the growth of their own autonomy, self knowledge practice, enriched by the interaction
regulated learning and critical mind. and diversity of different sources of/support for
information. This option expresses itself in the
The company aims to be governed by values, organisation of processes and execution of tasks
favouring inclusion and diversity, ecology and through multidisciplinary work groups, with an
participation and empowering the working group to horizontal hierarchy and shared co-ordination.
discover and live its own values.
b. The emergent technologies brought important
This paper is about understanding how the changes to the life of the organisation and its co-
organisational environment and technological context workers: new information supports new
can help to develop self regulation competencies possibilities of visual representation of thinking,
inside the company, and how these competencies new space and time dynamics.
influence the personal and organisational learning.
c. These technologies are powerful tools for
learning processes and also impel the self
acquaintance of the group and its enrichment,

thanks to the growing closeness and speed of Converting values into a competitive advantage
communication. However, it is also known that requires the maximum exploitation of the
technologies cannot by themselves guarantee collective intelligence - rational and emotional - of
significant learning and quality experiences. all those who integrate the company. Sharing the
same vision and the same corporate values not
d. The technological ways that support the only benefits the personal contribution of each
organisational activity (CRM, software tools for one’s values, but also constitutes a progress engine
synchronised management of projects, tasks and for the organisation and for the people. Experience
allocation of resources) do not have the mission to demonstrates that owning values and building
“teach” but to be an instrument for the development of them corporately in a group tends to be an income-
learning experiences, in a collaborative way. They producing business: human talent has got more
must be understood as sophisticated mediator agents “space” to grow and develop itself; productivity
that value the experience of personal and group increases; the quality of the customer service
learning. improves; labour and personal time are better
used; conflicts are dealt with quicker and more
e. Technologies can unfold new ways of creating effectively; reflection allows errors to be rectified
entertaining, playful and interactive spaces, and direction to follow; the recognition methods
synchronous or not, in which dynamic settings and favour spontaneity, invention and creation.
learning environments can be created in an Salvador Garcia (1998) synthesises the necessary
autonomous, interactive and synchronous way. balance of values for the health of an organisation
in this way: practical or control values (efficiency,
f. Appealing to some assertive participation promotion results, quality, order, punctuality, productivity,
methodologies, based on creativity and in Edward de measurement, discipline, agility) that translate a
Bono’s (1985) concept of parallel thinking, the surviving sense, and also political or
technological platform of the organisation supports emotional/creative development values (illusions,
the exploration of its co-workers creative potential, creativity, optimism, balance between work and
and integrates multidisciplinary work into every new life, autonomy, initiative, joy) that represent
project. human sensitivity.

g. However, the possibility of all co-workers being Uniting these two axles in the organisation creates
connected at any moment may not always bring a reliable space that gives place to strong
efficient results, if there are not adequate conditions innovation changes, both economical and
such as: effective communication skills development, emotional. Within the organisation base there are
written communication, open interchange, individual also ethical and moral values: generosity, honesty,
responsibility and social compromise, expression of transparency, good conscience, social
the values that guide the organisation’s actions. commitment, allotment.

LEADERSHIP THROUGH VALUES Strong and shared culture

In contrast to companies who follow the conventional Cnotinfor’s organisational culture is based on a
strategic management model, Cnotinfor does not try to value sharing system, in which shared values
define its strategies by an intellectual exercise that guide people’s behaviours and also act and interact
would therefore mould the management policies. in their work to stimulate great sharing of
Instead, the organisation bases itself on a set of information throughout the organisation. One of
fundamental values, identified and clarified inside the the company’s main goals is to continually invest
group, that can generate energy and are capable of in its staff, not only developing technical and
freeing the human potential of every co-worker – executive abilities, but also looking forward to
values such as humility, autonomy, joy, challenge, provide opportunities for each individual’s
confidence, mutual respect, community. These values personal development and for the development of
are used to develop, or at least to evaluate, policies the group, promoting growth and recognition
and management practices that can give them within the company. Once the company centres
pragmatic and daily expression. itself on people and in the quality of group
relations, the sense of collective responsibility is

raised in a natural way. The belief that teams are very In the beginning of this cycle, we use research
important as a means to execute work and to promote methods based on a co-design theory (Laurel,
autonomy and responsibility – joining in the ideas and 2003) that endorses creativity and at the same time
energy of everyone – helps promoting the sense of provides contributions about the way users learn
purpose, belonging and compromise. and use tools. That is: about the users’ active
participation in building tools; about their use of
Technological platform co-constructed tools.

The company’s projects and knowledge management This creative cycle supplied by users,
software tools demonstrate that innovation and all programmers, researchers, designers, leads to an
other company activities can be integrated and iterative production of prototypes. These
transversal. This technological platform supports prototypes are not tested by users but with them,
advanced functionalities in project definitions and observing the way they use them, reflecting with
assumptions of work teams; connection between them about ways to improve tools. This is,
researchers/customers/users related with the project; therefore, a highly participatory process, involving
products with input to the project; registering all continuous work with every user in the process
observed developments; definition of all given until obtaining the final product. This specification
services in the scope of the project; task definition; and collaborative development phase within a
tasks assignment to each work team member; meeting wider net is crucial for incorporating the most
agendas; progress report registration;, publication of adequate technologies into the product. It takes
results; registration of all contacts made in the scope strong research work to select appropriate
of the project. Publishing and sharing results is one of technological standards to incorporate in the new
the company’s most encouraged practices. The main product. All research process is guided by
idea behind the development of the platform is for it experimental work with the users.
to become a tool to enhance more significant learning.
It does not aim to produce intelligent artefacts, but Once this iterative cycle is complete, the product
instead to build challenging artefacts that defy their emerges, and with its launch a new phase begins.
users to become even more intelligent, more critical The product’s cycle of life has to be supported by
and more creative. a net of users, researchers, education experts and
designers, who promote its most creative use, self
Collaborative innovation cycle learning experiences and good practice exchange
with the aim of producing a sense of belonging
In our R&TD activities, we follow a research/action within learning communities.
centred approach that involves establishing
collaborative networks where node is a co-researcher. The main key to achieving a high level of
This kind of approach engages subsequent changes customer satisfaction and sustaining economic
that shall be assumed and reflected on by every agent income is to have a virtual user’s support platform
involved. that allows for change in experience and the
dissemination of good practices about the use of
Research and production methodologies are linked the product in learning contexts. Cnotinfor’s one is
and mutually dependent and they are also necessarily called imagina.pt.
centred on people: clients, co-workers and partners.
Therefore the company looks forwards to incorporate FINAL CONSIDERATIONS
the most up to date technological developments in
software engineering, multimedia, new kinaesthetic Cnotinfor’s existing work methodology takes a
interfaces, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, non-directive approach, in which everyone’s
neuronal and semantic nets. In addition, it is personal timings considering understanding and
especially concerned and attentive to learning executing tasks are fully respected. This
theories, cognitive science, relationship marketing, incorporates recognition of the collective vision of
quality management, and to the improvement of all the teams responsible for the projects, as well as
company processes. schedules and commitments to honour. The
different existing teams, shaped according to their
specific projects, have members that tend to

collaborate strictly between the team so that the REFERENCES
project final results display everyone’s highest
contribution and the uppermost quality in the final Chung, M. (2000). The development of self-
products. It is, therefore, very important that all regulated learning. Asia Pacific Education
members of this company are integrated and adapted Review, 2000, 1, 55-66.
in an autodidactic system that provides continuous de Bono, E. (1985). Os Seis Chapéus do
self regulated learning. This need implies that every Pensamento. Editora Pergaminho, Cascais,
individual is an active participant in his own learning Portugal.
process, in different aspects such as cognition, García, S. and Shimon, D. (1998). La Dirección
motivation, behaviour, (Zimmerman, 1989, 1994). por Valores. SPI, La Habana, Cuba.
Each team holds and guides its efforts in seeking to Gardner, H. and Rinaldi. C. (2000). Making
acquire knowledge and abilities that can be useful to Learning Visible.
each project (Weinert, 1983 in Chung, 2000). All Huysman, M., Wenger, E., & Wulf, V. (2004).
team working has four basic features according to the Communities and Technologies. Kluwer
self-regulated learning bibliography (Paris and Academic Publishers.
Winograd, 1990): Kafai, Y. and Resnick, M. (1996).
- Efficient way of thinking conscience, that implies Constructionism in Practice: Designing,
constantly analysing each other’s self learning and Thinking, and Learning in a Digital World.
thinking exercise; Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum
- Constant expansion of strategy selection, knowing Laurel, B. (2003). Design Research: Methods and
that it is more important to be a strategist than to Perspectives. Cambridge: MIT Press.
know several strategies. Being a strategist implies Montalvo, F. T. and Torres, M. C. G. (2004). Self-
considering options before defining tactics for the regulated learning: current and future
development of projects or problems; directions. Electronic Journal of Research in
- Motivation to achieve foreseen goals in the project Educational Psychology, 2004, 2 (1), 1-34.
planning, (these goals can be altered and constrained Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms: Children,
by several inherent difficulties); Computers, and Powerful Ideas. New York,
- Reflection and evaluation concerning task execution, Basic Books
project success or failure causes and emotional Paris, S. G. and Winograd, P. (1990). How
discernment. metacognition can promote academic learning
and instruction. In B. F. Jones and L. Idol
Thus, and according to Schunk and Zimmerman (Eds). Dimensions of Thinking and Cognitive
(1994), every project’s defined goals are the main Instruction. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
matter for each individual in the several institutional Publishers. Hillsdale, New Jersey, 15-51.
work teams, once all can learn how to learn, acquire Turkle, S. (1984). Second Self: Computers and the
abilities that involve more adaptable learning Human Spirit. NewYork, N.Y.: Simon and
strategies, apply higher intrinsic motivation and a Schuster
stronger sense of efficient understanding of learning Weinert, F. E. (1983). Self-regulated learning as
processes. On the other hand, they also need to plan an instructional prerequisite, method and
and control time and efforts engaged in task objective. Education, 28, 117-128.
execution, as well as considering Zimmerman, B. J. (1989). Models of self-
knowledge/information in order to create and structure regulated learning and academic achievement.
environments favourable to project development. In B. J. Zimmerman & D. H. Schunk (Eds).
Following Montalvo & Torres (2004), every co- Self-Regulated Learning and Academic
worker considers himself as an agent of his own Achievement: Theory, Research and Practice.
behaviour, recognising learning as a proactive Springer – Verlag: New York, 1-25.
process, viewing himself motivated and appealing to Zimmerman, B. J. (1994). Dimensions of
strategies that allow them to reach the desired results. academic self-regulation: a conceptual
framework for education. In D. H. Schunk &
B. J. Zimmerman (Eds). Self-Regulation of
Learning and Performance: Issues and
Educational Applications. Lawrence Erlbaum

Associates, Publishers. Hillsdale, New Jersey.
Chapter 1, 3-21.


PEDRO PINTO – Graduated in Economics, School

of Economy, University of Coimbra, Portugal (1993)
and gained a post-graduate qualification in
International Finance Management.
He has specialist credentials in strategic organisations’
management consulting, interpersonal relationship
and creative conflict resolution. At present, he is
Cnotinfor’s partner and Chief Executive Officer. He is
a member of the European consortium research
projects i3net “Playground for Learning” (1998-
2001), Minerva “Colabs – Collaborative Laboratories
for Learning” (2002-2004) and FP6 Network of
Excellence Kaleidoscope (2004-2008). He is the
World Bank’s consultant in the projects “Inclusive
Education and Disability in Brazil” (2003) and
“Inclusive Development and Disability” (2005).

Gaetano Bruno Ronsivalle
Research & Development Manager, e-learning Division
Didagroup S.p.A.
v. S. Cannizzaro 51
00156, Rome

E-mail: bronsivalle@didagroup.it

© Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

Vanessa Metus
Research & Development, e-learning Division
Didagroup S.p.A.
v. S. Cannizzaro 51
00156, Rome

E-mail: vmetus@didagroup.it

© Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

Translated by Simona Carta

KEYWORDS The second phase consists of the definition of

educational strategy in relation to learning process
Dissonance, instructional design, micro-design, and learning time. This stage requires (a) a
motivation. distinction between schemata and semantic network
(J. Kagan), (b) the association of mental models
ABSTRACT (mental states) to particular behaviour patterns, (c)
the identification of algorithms deriving from the
Educational micro-design activity takes place at the application of cognitive dissonance theory (L.
end of a first macro-design phase, with the aim of Festinger).
creating the learning course architecture.
A series of experiments highlighted the actual
The passage from the macroscopic dimension to the advantages coming from the adoption of this model
single cells (Learning Object) design requires the for learning time prediction and for Learning Object
definition and standardisation of an effective model, micro-design, both in distance and blended learning
aiming to integrate theoretical options and courses.
educational strategies.
According to the model we propose, the first phase
of the micro-design process consists of content The theses put forward in this essay constitute the
analysis. This analysis is founded on a particular basis of a theoretical reference framework for
interpretation of mental models theory (Ph. Johnson- instructional micro-design, with a particular focus
Laird) and on graphic representation techniques of on the phases preceding the storyboard-writing
knowledge systems through concept maps (J. activity.

The choice of this topic stems from the need to In section 8 we will present some algorithms for the
define a methodologically-based practice for those design of a Learning Object storyboard in a system
specific activities in which the main risks related to of dynamic personalisation of training programmes
the outcome of an e-learning or blended training for a large amount of learners.
programme are concentrated.
Finally in the last section, we will try to highlight
Most e-learning projects do not require a brief the advantages and open debate on questions
micro-design document on the preliminary content deriving from a flexible management of cognitive
analysis. There are no shared models or adequate dissonance, in terms of training effectiveness and
control tools in this sense and, in general, micro- optimisation of learning time.
designers only produce storyboards. Because of the
lack of documentation, content analysis remains a We wish to thank all the instructional designers of
storyboarder’s “innermost and personal” activity Didagroup (with particular thanks to Claudia
that cannot be shared and controlled in itinere. As a Mercuri, Andrea Petrosellini, Daniela Pellegrini,
result, the risk that practice is founded on the single Elisa Lucatelli, Daniele Manzocchi and Sara
storyboarder’s “innate qualities” and “common Villella) and of Abiformazione (with particular
sense” prevails. thanks to Claudia Miolli, Marco Pigliacampo,
Martina Ceccotti and Anna Ferraiolo), Antonio
In this way, any possible misinterpretation of Bartolomé (Universidad de Barcelona), Valerio
content follows through to the final storyboard Eletti (Università La Sapienza di Roma), Cinzia
writing. Without a formalised system of interaction Mezzetti (Università dell’Aquila), Clara Rosio (Dida
between macro- and micro-designer, the choice of America), Eduardo Hamuy and Miguel Arredondo
the instructional strategy for content presentation in (Universidad ARCIS de Santiago de Chile), Aida
storyboards depends exclusively on the micro- Maisano and Barbara Filippella (SPS
designer’s choice and expertise and, moreover, can Abiformazione), Marco Baglieri (Leeds University),
only be checked at the end of the activity. Massimo Loi (Università di Padova), Laura Ferraris,
Stefano Gamba and Marta Palla for their countless
Our specific purpose is to define the “concept and precious contributions to the subject of micro-
atoms” on which the activities of content analysis design.
and the definition of the logical architecture of a
Learning Object are based, through a series of Moreover, we are grateful to Chiara Andreoli
reflections aimed at giving an operational because she was the first to encourage us to interpret
interpretation of the instructional designer’s Festinger’s theory of cognitive dissonance from a
theoretical vocabulary. training perspective.

In particular, after defining the difference between Finally, we would like to express our special thanks
macro- and micro design (section 1), sections 2 and to Simona Carta for her willingness and for her
3 deal with the analysis of the concepts of patient revision and translation of the present essay
“knowledge system” and “learning process” starting into English.
from a personal interpretation of the Mental Models
In section 4 we will tackle the vexata quaestio of the The learning design process can be divided into two
evaluation of learning and of the “imperfect distinct phases: macro-design and micro-design.
correspondence” between “mental states” and Although closely connected, these two phases have
“observable behaviours”. different aims, different specific activities, different
outputs and involve different people.
The introduction of the basic concept of “learning
resistance” (section 5) then, will allow us to reflect The first phase essentially consists of the definition
on the motivation through an analysis of cognitive of training needs, general objectives, participants
dissonance theory (section 6) and its possible and the nature of the subject area (level of
application in micro-design context (section 7). knowledge, prerequisites and complexity levels). It
is also important to establish, in general, the

evaluation system, the instructional strategies that knowledge system is a symbolic representation of an
encourage motivation and the communication style. event, a phenomenon, a concrete object or a concept.
In other words, this theory states that our mind tends
From this information, the macro-designer is able to to create internal models of the different “portions”
(a) establish the macro-structure of the training of reality which constitute its interest or study
programme (division of contents into modules and object. Consequently there are mental models
learning units); (b) choose the best training delivery representing the people around us, the objects on our
method (online, blended and face-to-face learning); desk, the previous day’s events, the images inspired
(c) produce a “tree of learning objectives”; (d) by a poem, the concept sequence of a mathematical
define the evaluation system features (initial, in theorem, the sound of leaves in the wind…
itinere, final and meta-evaluation); and (e) structure
the tutoring service together with administration and To know the object, the event, the concept X means
communication services (forum, chat and e-mail). having a mental model of X at a specific moment of
our life. This mental model can be more or less
After defining the general structure of the training complex, depending on the elements that
programme, the analytical design of the single cells “constitute” the object X.
that make up the course can begin.
In order to simplify the discourse, we say that to
For everything specifically related to the content of represent a mental model of an object X it is
the course, the micro-designer must take account of necessary, firstly, to define and list the constituent
the brief reports written during the macro-design characteristic elements of X; secondly, to determine
phase and then expand them both formally and the relationships existing between them; thirdly, to
substantially. In this way he/she can (a) make an define precisely the time interval in which this
accurate analysis of content; (b) define the structure mental model is elaborated. The result is our
of objectives for each unit of learning; (c) plan the “knowledge system” of the object “in
structure of each Learning Object; (d) define the correspondence to a precise time reference”. This is
general guidelines and the specific instructional a mental model, an internal “copy” of the world, the
strategy that will influence the web page sequence; fundamental element establishing our relationship
and (e) start writing storyboards. with reality. A “fragment” of our general knowledge
system. A static “miniature” version of the world…
REPRESENTATION The micro-designer is the first student of the course.
While analysing content, he/she studies to define
The pivotal point of a good micro-design process is and propose an interpretation of what constitutes the
the rigorous analysis of content. object of analysis. Therefore, he/she identifies one
or more main concepts and a series of subordinate
The relevant result of this analysis consists of the and correlated ones; then, he/she describes the
elaboration of a series of concept maps representing relationships between these concepts. In other
the knowledge systems connected to the different words, he/she tries to produce a mental model
learning objectives of the training programme. In capable of representing the logical and basic
other words, it is the detailed definition of contents architecture of the newly acquired information.
and concept architecture of every Learning Object.
This process is the necessary prelude to the
Let us start talking about the fundamental elements storyboard-writing activity and, from a productive
of the process. The representation of the elements point of view, needs a significant output, a “formal”
and the logical structure of an information system document capable of extensively describing and
require a theoretical reference model of the concept representing the analysis results: a concept map
of “knowledge”. (Novak, 1998).

Let us try to give a practical definition of it without The concept map is a logical-visual representation of
getting stuck in a maze of different philosophical knowledge on a specific subject area. It is composed
and psychological interpretations. According to the of two elements: concepts, represented by text
mental models theory (Johnson-Laird, 1983), a usually enclosed in circles or boxes of some type;

and relationships, represented by vectors joining two the best ways to present the content, in order to
or more concepts and illustrating the links between orient the process of acquisition and integration of
them. These links can be distinguished in terms of: new information. This implies a general vision of
“hierarchical” links between concepts belonging to the dynamics that influence learning and help us to
the same field; and “non-hierarchical” links between choose the criteria for an intervention strategy. It is
concepts belonging to different knowledge domains. an operational vision of what happens in the
Hence a concept map can be considered a formal learner’s mind before and after a training
description of the mental model connected to the programme.
structure of contents.
Based on these premises, let us try to exemplify the
The use of concept maps has led to very good results learning process by drawing a time line.
in terms of effectiveness both in schools and in
contexts related to adult training, like universities The zero point of the time line represents the initial
and vocational centres. mental model. At this level it is important to
evaluate the student’s cognitive map starting from
Our experience in the coordination and management his/her reference vocabulary. In fact, the vocabulary
of e-learning projects makes us think that concept provides useful information to determine the
maps can be useful tools for micro-designers. They structure of his/her knowledge system of that subject
help them to organise, systematise and describe area.
knowledge in a standardised way, thereby assisting
the following phases of storyboarding activity. In The following moment is crucial: the student’s mind
fact, they allow the design team to share the is stimulated in a significant way, and external
preliminary analysis results. In this way, it is also information is given for him/her to manage
possible to control the different steps of the appropriately.
productive process. From the outset, any possible
misinterpretation of content can be identified and The third point represents the integration of learning
corrected. Without this first check, these critical input in his/her own knowledge system.
aspects could be underlined only by reading and
analysing all storyboards, with a substantial waste of Received information enriches the already existing
time and energy. concept map and contributes to the creation of the
target knowledge system of the training programme.
THE LEARNING PROCESS Therefore, the new mental model is created.

The human mind is a dynamic system. Our way of Now we can define the learning process as the
representing things undergoes many changes. dynamic process starting from the student’s initial
Sometimes these changes are almost undetectable: knowledge system and ending with the final
after being produced according to our experience, knowledge system. It is represented by the concept
some mental models stay with us for life. This is the map created after the content analysis, and
case for some representations of nature or the integrated with the student’s initial knowledge
physical world in general. system. Indeed throughout the training programme,
the initial knowledge system undergoes gradual
In many other situations, we must significantly changes due to the need to integrate, modify,
update our internal images of things, events and substitute and remove parts of the initial mental
concepts used for their representation. We must model after acquiring new information.
change our “vocabulary” which allows us to “think”
about reality and talk about it This process of According to this definition, “mental models” can be
“updating” and continually transforming mental compared to the stills of a film which describe a
models over time is the basis of the learning process specific “learning process” throughout a time line”
which characterises a training programme. (Ronsivalle, 2002, p.141: […]. “These symbolic
structures […] are therefore the final product of the
In this sense, the micro-designer cannot confine automaton’s interaction with physical reality and
him/herself to analysing the single fragments of the can be assimilated to real (more or less complex)
training programme. He/she must aim to determine

Initial Mental Model Final Mental Model

t0 t1 t2
Figure 1: Example of time line

photograms, each representing a particular moment ability to develop a series of associated clauses
within the ordered sequence of the machine’s inner representing the “state of things.”
The acquisition of this ability is connected to:
Each still is a static and well-defined element of this
evolution and can be analysed as an autonomous (a) the possibility of going beyond the chaotic
object. perceptive state at a specific moment in order to
reach a state of emotional tranquillity, stability,
In this sense, the expression “knowledge system” (or balance between perceptual phenomena and
“mental models system”) describes a condition of interpretation of the object at issue. The resulting
harmony, a particular static relationship between the vocabulary represents an important filter in the
subject and a representation of reality. I know X translation of our mental language into the shared
(object, concept, phenomenon, event…), hic et nunc, and common one;
that is, here and now, I am aware that I have some
structured information on that specific subject. (b) subject’s awareness of the logical rules
governing knowledge through the language and
According to analytical philosophy, the term perception of a strong dichotomy between “subject”
“knowledge” can be defined as a particular structure and “object”. The distance between the “I who
of linguistic signs (an interpretive model, a period, a know” and “the thing known” is necessary in order
series of connected propositions, a theorem, etc) to recognise the object as “something different” at a
capable of “representing” a systematic fragment of specific moment;
reality. This means that the proposition “I know X”
can be translated into the affirmation that “here and (c) the perception of our own present state of
now” I have a semantic structure capable of “power” towards external reality. The acquired
reflecting a partial representation of the world inside knowledge becomes an instrument which controls
my mind. In this way, I can use this linguistic the linguistic structure concerning the state of things
structure to act directly on the world and to talk with at issue and allows us to transform the world and to
other people about the contents of the talk about our own knowledge to other people.
In reference to language, the concept of “learning”
Knowledge is static because we can represent the refers to a dynamic process involving comparison,
“states of things” due to a well-established ability integration, overlap, the breaking down and
which allows us to organise the object internally assimilation of terms, rules and theoretical models
through a structural relationship. This implies a according to a process of evolution towards more
systemic organisation of knowledge but also a stable and more complex and articulated symbolic
prepositional structure which is connected to the structures.

A person modifies and adapts his/her vocabulary within certain paths pre-determined by the genetic
over time, along a temporal line defined by a point code; except temporarily when it withdraws in
of departure and one of arrival: it is a continuous certain periods because of over-strong external
process delineated by mental models, static stimulation (in so-called catastrophes), it has
linguistic systems. dynamics similar to those operative in a marble’s
descent down the main and meandering paths of a
Therefore the subject perceives the transition from a large valley.”), in linguistic terms, of representations
lower state to an upper one in his/her ability of of the world, of relationships with things and other
structural organisation. The evolutionary nature is people, etc. aiming to reach a new cognitive state in
caused by the transition towards more and more a more or less lasting way.
complex states of knowledge organisation. This
entails: Everything inevitably aims at overcoming the state
of dissonance…
(a) a state of instability connected to the more or less
immediate opening of the cognitive system to MENTAL MODELS AND BEHAVIOURS
external stimuli, to the different inputs of the
training programme. The subject is privy to In designing learning activities, and micro-design in
perceptions and linguistic stimuli and, in linguistic particular, the issue of evaluating learning must be
terms, he/she must be able to build a new considered. The change from consonance to
vocabulary in a coherent and integrated way; dissonance and back again must be planned and
checked properly. Therefore, the question of
(b) a substantial lack of awareness with respect to measuring the single mental models and their
the continuous dynamics of the flow of knowledge evolution over time arises. What can we really
and an overlap between “subject” and “object”. In “record” during the training programme? How can
fact, during the process, the subject is not always we prove that the student really learnt something?
able to describe his/her learning process because
there is not always a clear distinction between the We have one certainty: it is not possible to capture a
initial linguistic system and the new one, between mental model or a learning process without affecting
the subject and the object to learn. When the subject it.
is fully aware of this distinction, he/she obtains a
static moment of “knowledge”, a mental model, a In order to understand if a significant change has
“static linguistic knowledge” system; been produced and what has happened in the
learner’s mind as a consequence, it is necessary to
(c) the perception of one’s state of powerlessness record and evaluate the learner’s behaviours at
with regard to the unknown object. As one comes to different times and then, to understand if these
know the object better, he/she realises that “before” behaviours can be considered proof of the learning
he/she did not control it completely. As a process (Mager, 1975). This reasoning takes for
consequence we are certain of being constantly granted that there is a link between mental states and
powerless (because it seems that everything can observable behaviours, that is, between the mental
always be known in a more complex way…) and we models and the learner’s actions connected to the
feel ill-at-ease and linguistically lost because of the content of knowledge.
variations and inadequacies of the initial
vocabularies. The definition of the object which will be measured
and the ontology of the learning design vocabulary
Hence the learning process ends the state of is a very delicate passage.
tranquillity and starts a period characterised by great
emotional instability, disharmony, dissonance and If the concrete aim of a training programme consists
uneasiness. The acquisition of knowledge can be of inviting the student to perform specific actions,
compared to a series of internal micro-revolutions each action should constitute one of the markers of
(Ronsivalle, 2002, p.156: “This thesis is based upon learning, therefore one of the objectives of the
drawing an analogy between mind and a complex course.
living body, and it assumes that the development of
a biological system be epigenetic, that is, channelled

When defining an objective, we should describe The framework of an observable behaviour and of
extensively the performance we want learners to be its relationship with a specific mental state is given
able to exhibit before we consider them competent, by the structure of behaviours and events that
in order to demonstrate their mastery of the precede and follow the single action. They are
objective. similar to the images of the same object reflected in
a cyclical fashion in a room of mirrors. Here, the
But the correspondence between observable time and the logical sequence of images allow us to
behaviours and mental states is imperfect. It is not reconstruct the object. Consequently, we cannot
possible to deduce the existence of a mental state speak of “atomic behaviours” representing “mental
starting from a single behaviour because a single states” because only logical structures of behaviours
behaviour can correspond to infinite mental states. could correspond to a specific mental state (Kagan,
2002). When using the concept of a “structure of
Therefore, the concept of “atomic” behaviour is the behaviours” we always emphasise the flow of single
product of naïve reasoning. Let us think, for events according to a temporal link.
example, about a person flinging a bottle at another
person. This action can be caused by many different What we have said could be seen as stating the
reasons: by anger towards the person showing obvious but it has great epistemological importance
his/her dissent; by disagreement with the other in the training field. We have stated that we can
person’s reasoning; by a sense of release from life’s check the presence or the absence of a knowledge
injustices; by jealousy against a witty sentence; by a system, of a mental model, only by observing a
manifestation of a mere ideological idiosyncrasy performance; but this statement is partially false and
against the system represented by the other person; even completely naïve from a methodological point
by an exaggerated reaction to a criticism due to of view.
drunkenness; or a fit of madness…
The possibility to directly measure a knowledge
The event does not allow us to determine a strong system through a stimulus and the following
relationship between the action and what the subject learner’s reaction is an illusion. In fact both the
thinks at that moment. It is not possible to deduce stimulus and the reaction belong to a flow of events
this correspondence from an indisputable nomic link that have a specific meaning for the subject; this
because there is no nomic link. They are different flow, then, cannot be isolated and analysed without
phenomena with different vocabularies. referring to the framework.

The relationship exists but consists of weak links. Therefore the only way forward consists of
These are linguistic links and cannot be deduced by analysing the connection between single observable
simply observing the single phenomenon. behaviours, the structure of “adjacent” behaviours
(in a logical-temporal sense) and the hypothetical
In order to begin rigorous research into the mental mental state connected to this web of events. In fact
life of the individual at that specific time it is the correspondence, or the possibility of
necessary to reconstruct the structure of phenomena. correspondence, can make sense only if it is built
This structure constitutes the framework in which according to its connection in the mind at a specific
the single event (in this case the subject’s strange moment with the web of behaviours considered to
behaviour) is included. be “signs” of the mental model.

The framework is made of various elements that are That is why we talk about trees of observable
significant for the subject and integrated into a thin behaviours. Instead of the single elements, it is
relational fabric; this fabric consists of single necessary to pay attention to the structural
interwoven events throughout a time line according relationships and architecture of the system. The
to an articulated logic. It is the logic of a complex making of a tree of observable behaviours
system whose architecture cannot and must not be constitutes the final step in the formulation of
compared to a simple game between stimuli and various hypotheses on “imperfect correspondence.”
answers. At the heart of each hypothesis there is the concept
of a connection between a specific structure of
behaviours and a single mental state, according to a

one-to-many logic and to the logic of the time- process? Is the relationship between the objectives
dependent flow. The “measurement”, that is the of the general course and the single fragments clear?
observation of the behaviours constituting the web,
will be the basis for a check of the “coherence” of This is a basic point. The general objective of a
the initial hypothesis; moreover, it will have to training programme consists of sharing a series of
follow the rules of methodological falsification, in conceptual stimuli with the learner; the stimuli aim
terms of conjectures and refutations. to integrate particular visions of reality with direct
intervention in the scope of content application.
Only by observing-measuring the different images Hence, it is not only a question of changing our way
(the behaviours) reflected in the room of mirrors, of seeing things but of creating new behavioural
thus the “framework” and not a simple “atomic” patterns. We need to measure and check the
image, will we be able to check the existence of the outcome. Then we must observe behaviours because
object (the mental model). (This perspective derives they constitute (a) “proofs” of the existence of a
from a personal interpretation of Quine’s specific mental state, and (b) evidence of the
epistemological holism). integration of the new mental model into the
learner’s behavioural pattern.
Alternatively, when starting a training programme,
The definition of the relationship between mental the learner could already have some notions and
models and observable behaviours plays a application models capable of solving a wide set of
fundamental role when the micro-designer chooses practical problems in a more or less functional way.
the instructional strategy that will be adopted in the To “contextualise” an observable behaviour means
storyboards. defining its “distance” from the learner’s initial
behavioural patterns. What is the basic difference
From an instructional point of view, the problem of between the old and the new behavioural pattern?
the “strategy” is closely related to the “motivation”. Are there any points of contact?
What reasons or events will be capable of guiding
the learner to abandon his/her knowledge systems In this sense, the identification of these particular
and start new cognitive experiences? How can the “sensors” is of primary importance. Everything
learner be stimulated to make such an endeavour? revolves around their pertinence to the new
The adoption of the right strategy encouraging behavioural patterns that the learner should obtain,
motivation can lead the student to question his/her and then demonstrate to have obtained, during the
knowledge system and to accept the new inputs. training programme. The coherence of the “sensors”
system is the result of a rigorous analysis of the
As already said, an observable behaviour can be context where the learner will apply these new
considered one proof (but not “the only one”) of the patterns according to a concretely functional
existence of a mental model if and only if it refers to perspective. If one designs behavioural patterns that
a structure of behaviours, to a significant framework are abstract and detached from everyday practice
of events and interactions. The relationship with the and/or does not adequately communicate the logic of
framework allows us to understand the meaning of the design to the learner, one risks compromising the
that behaviour for the subject in relation to his/her good result of this integration. In fact, by doing so,
own everyday practical, intellectual and professional one produces only epiphenomenal changes, without
dimensions. In other words, it is necessary to check any measurable effect on the learner’s different
the functionality level of that flow of behaviours, professional and/or intellectual activities. The
that is their aptitude for coherently responding to a learner could “learn” the new information systems
series of more or less practical needs constituting the and easily pass all tests, but then he/she could
learner’s training needs. continue to apply his/her old behavioural patterns
after eliminating the fake “mental model” as a
How much does the learner care about succeeding in foreign body.
completing that activity? What importance does the
sequence of behaviours have in relation to his/her In order to understand this concept better, let us take
life? How does the learner perceive the behaviour at the example of a banking group which decides to
hand, as a single activity or as part and parcel of a experiment a new procedure in granting bank credits

to small enterprises. Even if there are no particular the stress of a training programme if the old
problems in this area, the new procedure aims at procedure never caused any problems?
managing the Compliance risk in banks more
efficiently, according to the guidelines of the Basel In this case, the designer must consider this potential
Committee. “learning resistance” (This subject was covered in
detail in Loi and Ronsivalle, 2005 and in Ronsivalle,
In order to check the effectiveness and the 2005a.) that is directly proportional to (a) the level
functional stability of the new procedure, the of consonance of the initial mental model and
managers of the banking group choose a sample of behavioural pattern with the learner’s professional
five bank agencies. Before adopting the new system, practice, and (b) the “distance”, in terms of quantity
the managers of these agencies are invited freely to and quality of information, between the old and the
attend an e-learning training programme on the new procedure.
corporate LMS platform. At the end of it they will
have to express an opinion on the new procedure. This information will then be integrated with a
The multimedia course contains a general series of other factors that describe the learner’s
introduction to the theoretical aspects connected total cognitive state in relation to a specific content
with granting bank credit (norms, policies, etc.) and structure:
a section for the analysis of the new procedure with • learning style, that is the way in which
the simulation of its managing software. he/she succeeds in acquiring information in
the best way;
This experimental phase is therefore very useful • cognitive style, that is the way in which
because it allows an immediate check of possible he/she internally organises the newly
employee reactions to the new procedure and, at the acquired information;
same time, the potential of the Training Area to • the type and means of representing and
support and encourage changes. communicating the acquired information;
• the relationship between the subject and the
When designing the training programme, the fact delivery method of contents.
that learners perceive the old procedure in a positive
light cannot be ignored. They know it inside out, By composing all these variables, we obtain a
they understand its various articulations and comprehensive description of the elements which
implications, they have tested its different could “stop”, “oppose” and “delay” the student’s
applications in many situations and they have often learning process. The practical effects of this
checked its effectiveness and functionality in resistance could be represented by a lack of interest
corporate processes. and, consequently, “desertion” and/or “inactivity”
towards learning activities, an increase of learning
Therefore there is a sort of implicit acceptance of the time, a superficial acquisition of information without
initial model, a strong cognitive and behavioural functionally including behavioural patterns, a refusal
relationship which remains stable because of the to apply some fundamental elements of the new
positive results achieved year after year. This procedure, etc.
relationship could produce some phenomena of
resistance and discomfort against the introduction of Hence the instructional designer must firstly
the new procedure. determine the constituent elements of the opposing
force and then define their intensity. By doing this
As stated before, the learning process causes a state he/she will be able to check all these factors by
of great emotional instability, disharmony and means of a strategy capable of overcoming the
uneasiness, in other words, the dissonance between learning resistance and encouraging the learner to
concept groups. This takes for granted that the stable voluntarily acquire new information.
state of knowledge is characterised by a certain level
of consonance which provides the cognitive system FESTINGER’S THEORY OF COGNITIVE
with an inertial force preventing changes and DISSONANCE
learning happening. Why should one abandon a
well-functioning model? Why should one submit to Our main hypothesis states that a possible
instructional strategy effective in terms of

motivation for learning can be represented by the Ruling out the relationships of “non-connection”,
best and distributed management of cognitive this theory focuses on the possibility of measuring
dissonance. In other words, we believe that by and “quantifying” the level of dissonance, thanks to
introducing information capable of causing a more (a) an analysis of the importance of the single
or less light state of discomfort towards the initial mental models when compared to one another, and
mental model - in relation to the behavioural (b) a “pondering proportion” of all dissonance
patterns connected to it - it is possible to call into relationships featuring the subject’s mental model at
question the student’s cognitive consonance and a specific moment. In this way the concept of
lead him/her to look for new information to “dissonance” is brought back to a systemic
overcome the inertial force. perspective of the subject’s mental life, with a strong
emphasis on the dynamic - almost “physical”- nature
According to this perspective, cognitive dissonance of the relationships between the various opposite
is an actual motivating factor in the training field cognitive groups.
and a necessary tool for instructional design. In fact
it encourages both the learning process and the The mind-dynamic system metaphor is at the heart
abandonment of the emotive stability produced by of Festinger’s central thesis: every human being
the state of “knowledge”. This hypothesis is founded naturally aspires to the maximum level of “cognitive
on a particular instructional interpretation of consonance”. Any possible change causing a state of
Festinger’s Theory of Cognitive Dissonance “dissonance” is perceived by the subject as a cause
(Festinger, 1956). of “psychological distress”. This discomfort
provokes a series of reactions – behaviours, complex
According to this theory, one of the characteristic activities, decisions – which aim at re-establishing
features of a person’s mental life is the level of the state of consonance and at avoiding events
coherence among his/her different cognitive and/or information which could increase the level of
elements, that is his/her “mental models”, incoherence between mental models. These
representing his/her knowledge system at a specific reactions are influenced by the magnitude of
moment. In particular, this relationship of dissonance: they change according to the number of
coherence, called “consonance”, obtains a specific cognitive dissonant elements and to their importance
meaning when these mental models are separate and relevance in the person’s “mental economy”.
representations of the same phenomenological
sphere, of the same fragment of “reality”. This Among the dissonance management techniques,
theory states that there are two kinds of relationships Festinger defines four main types:
between couples and/or aggregates of mental
models: 1. Direct change of one dissonant element, that is
an opinion, an attitude, a value or a behaviour,
(a) two mental models are joined by a relationship of bearing in mind that the behavioural pattern is
“connection” when they refer to the same events, generally the element most resistant to change.
phenomena, theories, concepts and similar objects in 2. Introduction and integration of new consonant
complementary terms and they can be compared in a cognitions able to reduce the global level of
logical or semantic way. Thanks to this comparison dissonance. The subject selects information in
it is possible to define the level of coherence, order to get some elements consonant with
incoherence and/or contradiction that specifies their his/her feelings, beliefs and past behaviours,
connection to their reference object. Only in this and to actively avoid the incoherent or
case can we talk about “consonance” and dissonant ones. Therefore there could be some
“dissonance”. mediator cognitive elements, potentially apt at
conciliating dissonant ones. By introducing
(b) two mental models are joined by a relationship elements like these, the subject can harmonise
of “non-connection” when they cannot be compared the “picture” without directly modifying the
either from a logical point of view or in terms of dissonant cognitions.
reference to the same phenomenon. In this case, it is 3. Cognitive discrediting of the elements involved
not possible to declare any relationship of in the dissonance relationship. Some research
coherence. states that people very often choose this option

when the dissonance does not involve relevant COGNITIVE DISSONANCE, MOTIVATION
or very important cognitive elements. AND LEARNING
4. Voluntary acceptance of the subject every time
that (a) dissonance is felt like a state of brief Now let us try to reformulate our hypothesis on the
discomfort, and (b) there is the possibility that relationship between cognitive dissonance,
any activity made to reduce the discomfort, but motivation and learning.
unable to contrast it, could determine an
increase of dissonance. This means that every In every training programme there is always an
day people could experience a certain level of inertial force which concretely opposes the learner’s
dissonance and let it decay after some time cognitive change and integration of new mental
without adopting any other reduction strategy, models with one or more functional behavioural
other than the one leading to the creation of a patterns.
virtual space between minds and dissonant
cognitions. This force has two essential dimensions:
ƒ what we call the “absolute weight” (in
The specific way in which dissonance is reduced, order to extend your knowledge on the
together with the effectiveness of these endeavours, concept of “absolute weight” see Loi and
depends on the ease with which the cognitive Ronsivalle, 2005 and Ronsivalle, 2005a) of
elements can be modified or added. The ability to the content structure which constitutes the
change depends on the number of consonant object of the training programme. It comes
relations joining one cognition to the others, and from the combination of the “semantic
how these cognitions are connected to the density” of the final knowledge system -
fundamental perceptions of the physical and social that is the number of terms and concepts
world. which will constitute the new learner’s
“vocabulary” - and the “complexity level”
The more a cognitive element is resistant to change, of the relationships among the constituent
the less likely it will change to reduce dissonance. elements of the final mental model (Bloom
But when all cognitive elements involved are B.S. et al., 1972);
resistant to change, the subject can choose to reduce ƒ the “learning resistance” that, as already
the importance of cognitive dissonance. This stated, depends on the relationship of
reasoning takes for granted that there is a consonance or dissonance between the
“functional” relation among different methods of subject and the information of the training
dissonance reduction: with the same conditions, the programme (according to the behavioural
simpler method will be used and, after having used patterns which constitute the practical
one, it will be likely that the other ones will not be application of this information), and on the
used. general way in which the learner learns and
organises new information, represents and
This is the theory in a nutshell. In this context communicates his/her mental models, and
cognitive dissonance is considered a strategic relates to the different training delivery
feature in terms of motivation for behaviour. The methods.
subject wants to preserve his/her state of internal
“cognitive” tranquillity. His/her different mental The distinction between “absolute weight” and
models connected to a specific part of reality must “learning resistance” is fundamental.
be able to “speak” without raising conflicts. The
hypothesis of cognitive harmony is rather striking The first factor depends on content analysis and it is
and it is useful in representing the almost “physical” closely related to the substantia of the knowledge
sense of the coherent relationship between cognitive system. Therefore, it is a constant of a specific
groups in a concrete way. mental model in any reference system, having
affinity with the participants. This affinity is due to
common functional need.

In the case of the training programme on the new

banking procedure, as all bank managers share the

same profiles and tasks, one could predict that they Let us rethink our previous example on the training
will develop the same behavioural patterns in programme about the new banking procedure. A
relation to the newly acquired information. This good motivating strategy could consist of designing
means that they will be exposed to the same the storyboard with an initial introduction presenting
structure of information and will have to develop various concrete study cases. These cases represent
similar competencies in relation to the complexity the application of the old procedure and highlight
level. many practical critical features with negative effects
for the learner’s professional dimension.
On the other hand, in the process, the factor of
variability depends on the different learning The creation of cognitive dissonance could be
resistance of each learner or group of learners; in followed by the demonstration that the training
fact, the learning resistance depends mainly on programme contains information connected to the
meta-cognitive variables and then, on the level of problems at hand which could solve them. This
consonance of the initial mental model with the demonstration could be composed of a negative case
various behavioural patterns connected to it. of application of the old procedure and of a positive
case with the new procedure solving the previous
As already stated, in our opinion, the most relevant problems. This could be functional in order to obtain
scope of application of the theory consists of the the voluntary subject’s exposition to information
impact of the cognitive dissonance on the dynamics and to create a stable relationship with the sources
of voluntary exposition to information. and the logic of the process, in relation to the
connection with behavioural patterns concerning the
According to Festinger, the lack of motivation to the relevant aspects of the learner’s everyday life.
voluntary exposition (or to the lack of exposition) to
information represents the total absence of cognitive Cognitive dissonance management cannot be
dissonance. The relationship between the subject indiscriminate. The micro-designer of this training
and the source of information is characterised by programme will have to consider the differences
simple indifference and “non-connection” between among participants in terms of learning resistance.
the information and his/her sphere of behaving. In The definition of a flexible and modular
these cases the learning resistance is high: it is instructional strategy will be the result of an analysis
convenient for the learner not to disturb his/her own of the different kinds of “cognitive attitudes” in
state of tranquillity. relation to the training programme. Alternatively,
the non-selective application of the same strategy
Only when faced with a state of cognitive could lead to the failure of the course, thereby
dissonance is the subject encouraged to look for and destroying the mechanism and fostering the initial
select potentially consonant information in order to level of cognitive dissonance.
reduce the dissonance and/or to avoid the
information that could make it increase. The SCHEMES FOR DISSONANCE
selection of information significantly depends on the MANAGEMENT AND TRAINING
ability of the subject to evaluate sources (and PROGRAMME PERSONALISATION: A
expectations) and define the future possibilities in a PRACTICAL APLLICATION OF THE
more or less rigorous way. THEORY

This last point is very important: the level of One of the possible practical applications of this
motivation to the voluntary exposition to potentially thesis consists in the design of e-learning systems
consonant information depends on the possibility to capable of dynamically and automatically
compare the expectations with the already acquired personalising training programmes for large amount
information, but also to check and quantify the of learners.
probability of “connection” and consonance. In
other words, when defining the expectations on the In fact, this application allows us to analyse and
information with which the subject will come into solve many problems caused by the need for
contact, the way of representing this same efficient and effective designing and managing of
information in relation to significant dissonant training programmes according to factors which
cognitive elements plays a fundamental role. describe the learner’s cognitive state in relation to a

specific structure of contents. As we have said The quaestio model allows us to manage the light
before, these factors can be combined to form the dissonance and it is mainly related to the exposition
complex variable of “learning resistance”. of a theoretical system in cases of low learning
In order to achieve this objective it is necessary to
distinguish two different meanings of the concept of When adopting this application scheme it is
the “personalisation” of a training programme. necessary to organise contents according to the
following sequence of steps:
At a first general level, “personalisation” is the 1. Prologue: elaboration of some questions that
possibility to change the sequence in which introduce the problem in a critical manner in
Learning Objects are assembled and presented to the order to define the dimension of the problem,
learner after measuring his/her initial knowledge arouse interest and motivate learners through
system. This kind of personalisation is very the introduction of light dissonant elements.
common. Moreover, most international 2. Learners’ involvement: the learners’
technological standards aim at the management of participation is stimulated by means of one or
this first level of flexibility. From a methodological more interactions. The purposes are to define
point of view, to support this kind of personalisation the problem together with the learners and in
one just needs to design an accurate evaluation relation to their experience, to monitor their
system, closely related to the structure of learning reaction to the questions and to restrict the
objectives. The initial questionnaire should aim at meaning of the problem.
(a) measuring the learner knowledge system; (b) 3. Thesis: use of a concept map which shows all
selecting the Learning Objects dealing with the the different logical correlations in order to
information the learner does not know, as revealed identify the solution to the problem and start the
by the test outcome; and (c) dynamically changing process of integration of the new information.
their sequence of presentation. 4. Real case: the concept map is taken back and
the abstract entities are replaced by the entities
A second and more sophisticated level of of the example. One aims at defining the scope
personalisation allows us to organise information of the solution in the practice, ending the
and dynamically differentiate the means of integration process and defining the scope of
presentation of the single Learning Object, in order consonance. In this phase additional support
to find the best way to oppose the learning devices are activated.
resistance. To manage this second kind of 5. Learners’ involvement: once again the learners
personalisation we need to define a modular are stimulated to participate by means of one or
instructional strategy. It consists of a series of more interactions to identify other examples or
application schemes for content presentation in each scopes of application. The purposes are to
Learning Object storyboard. monitor the perception of the suggested solution
for its subsequent personalisation, and to check
These schemes do not concern the sequence in the new state of the system and the changes that
which information is assembled and do not directly have occurred. In this phase other additional
depend on the kind of content. With reference to the support devices are activated.
different levels of learning resistance, they can be 6. Summary and anticipation: the concept map is
considered as out-and-out algorithms for the shown again as a synthesis of what was stated
effective distribution and management of cognitive before and then there is a question left in
dissonance according to the course fruition time. suspense. This phase aims at showing and
defining the logical connection with the
The following are four different schemes for following step.
dissonance management that we have used for
various e-learning projects both in banking and The negative case model allows us to manage a
insurance fields: higher level of dissonance and it is mainly related to
- Quaestio model; the exposition of an information system in cases of
- Negative case; medium-high learning resistance.
- reductio ad absurdum;
- sic et non.

When adopting this application scheme it is The adoption of this application model is effective
necessary to organise contents according to the in cases of medium learning resistance and requires
following sequence of steps: the content to be organised according to the
1. Prologue: presentation of a negative case that is following sequence of steps:
very similar to the participants’ possible 1. Prologue: description of two theories, A and B,
experiences. One aims at defining the where B is the one we support. The purpose is
dimension of the problem in a critical manner, to describe the two theories and to define the
arousing interest and motivating learners theoretical reference background.
through the introduction of dissonant elements. 2. Comparative analysis: analysis of the merits
2. Learners’ involvement: the learners’ and faults of the two theories in order to
participation is stimulated by means of one or describe their practical consequences and
more interactions. This phase aims at defining prepare the ground for dissonance.
the different aspects of the problem together 3. Learners’ involvement: the learners’
with the learners, and in relation to their participation is stimulated by means of one or
experience and monitoring the dissonance level. more interactions. This phase aims at
3. Anticipation: demonstration that the answer to integrating the different aspects of the problem
the problem requires the acquisition of new in relation to the learners’ experience.
information which could be acquired by the 4. Anticipation: communication of the fact that the
learners through the present course. answer to the problem requires the acquisition
4. Thesis: introduction of a series of connected of new information. This phase aims at
arguments aiming at solving the problem, in introducing the element in doubt, by bringing
order to introduce some thesis for support and the dissonance device to completion.
start the process of integration of new 5. Reductio ad absurdum: demonstration that the
information. adoption of theory A is much more complex
5. Positive case: the same previous case (or than B. The purpose is to orient the learner and
another similar one) is proposed again with the describe such an extremely dissonant future
application of new knowledge in order to background that it will be ruled out when
achieve a positive outcome. This phase aims at compared with a much more consonant one.
defining the scope of application of the 6. Reductio ad absurdum – real case: definition of
proposed thesis, ending the process of a case and reinforcement of the thesis of the
integration and defining the scope of negativity deriving from the application of A
consonance. instead of B, in order to give practical hints
6. Learners’ involvement: once again learners are about the comparison and reinforce the option
stimulated to participate through one or more B.
interactions. One aims at identifying other 7. Learners’ involvement: learners are stimulated
examples or scopes of application, monitoring to participate through one or more interactions.
the perception of the suggested solution for its One aims at monitoring the perception of the
subsequent personalisation, and checking the suggested solution for its subsequent
new state of the system and the changes that personalisation, and checking the new state of
have occurred. In this phase additional support the system and the changes that have occurred.
devices are activated. 8. Summary and anticipation: the concept map is
7. Summary and anticipation: the concept map is shown again with a synthesis of what was said
shown again with a synthesis of what was said before; then, there is a question left in suspense.
before; then there is a question left in suspense. This phase aims at showing and defining the
This phase aims at showing and defining the logical connection with the following step.
logical connection with the following step.
The sic et non model allows us to manage a higher
The reductio ad absurdum model allows us to dissonance level in every case of high learning
manage a high dissonance level and it is mainly resistance. This algorithm is mainly related to the
related to the analysis of two theories and the criticism of a specific theory or point of view.
overcoming of the first one.

When adopting this application scheme it is measurement of complex behavioural patterns, too.
necessary to organise contents according to the To this purpose structured or semi-structured tests
following sequence of steps: could not be sufficient. In these cases, simulation is
1. Prologue: description of a thesis that will be the ideal assessment tool because it allows emphasis
dismantled in order to describe the theory A, for of the pragmatic dimension of the learner’s
example, and to define the theoretical reference knowledge. On this subject see Ronsivalle, 2005);
background. (b) the subject areas to which the learner is most
2. Learners’ involvement: the learners’ resistant, according to a comparative analysis of the
participation is stimulated by means of results obtained by the whole population or a
questions and interactions. This phase aims at significant sample; and (c) the most critical content
defining the different aspects of the problem in clusters. These clusters will be the strategic
relation to the learners’ experience. objectives on which one will adopt the different
3. Anticipation: communication of the fact that the application schemes.
answer to the problem requires the acquisition
of new information. This phase aims at How can we measure learning resistance by means
introducing the element in doubt, by leading the of a questionnaire? A privileged index consists of
class to the sic et non. the relationship between learning time and
4. Sic et non: the merits and faults of the theory assessment results. The difference between
are analysed by using a concept map, and measured time and expected time allows us to
always ends with an element in favour of theory deduce the learning resistance level for each subject
A. This phase aims at describing the logical and area. This obviously requires a design model
practical consequences of the theory, and capable of making reliable forecasts on learning
producing dissonance. time for the different clusters of learners.
5. Learners’ involvement: learners are stimulated
to participate through one or more interactions. At this point after the system elaboration, the
One aims to collect other elements of analysis information can be sent to the Learning
on the theory (it is useful to ask learners to Management System which will be able to set up the
produce a concept map about it). This phase personalised training programmes for the different
aims to check the evolution state of the system learners automatically. This is possible due to the
and orient the criticism of the theory. internal instructions directed toward the single
6. Criticism: there is the “killing blow” to the Learning Object and aiming to set up the application
theory, by demonstrating its incoherence of the scheme for dissonance management (a more
through the application of a practical case. This sophisticated version of the personalising system
phase aims at giving the learners the means to could plan, in itinere, more check points for the
criticise the theory by describing extremely resistance, in order to permit dynamic changes of the
dissonant future backgrounds as consequences parameter “resistance”).
of its adoption.
7. Summary and anticipation: the concept map is CONCLUSION
shown again with a synthesis of what was said
before; then, there is a question left in suspense. The definition of a theoretical framework and the
This phase aims at showing and defining the creation of a series of algorithms for micro-design
logical connection with the following step. do not limit the possibilities of development related
to our theses hereby expressed.
After developing the different application schemes,
it is necessary to define the strategic objectives of Five fundamental questions remain:
the training programme. Based on these objectives,
the different means of presentation will be (1) The Cognitive Dissonance theory implies
implemented and it will be possible to measure the different special techniques for dissonance
level of learning resistance for each learner. reduction. In particular, from the first publication of
Festinger’s study, many other pieces of research
The initial assessment tool will give us information have followed on the calculation of dissonance. The
on (a) the learner’s initial knowledge system (the possibility to calculate dissonance obviously
initial assessment tool should permit the

requires the identification of specific assessment relationships between the concepts, with reference to
techniques and a proper scale of measurement. the Bloom taxonomy and to the concept of semantic
network. In accordance with this model, every
(2) Every scheme for dissonance management does mental model may be represented as a bi-
not impose a particular way of storyboard writing dimensional vector, whose components are the
but simply provides a hint to identify the best semantic density and the complexity level. The
strategy to present information. In other words, the integration of these variables (the normalization of
algorithm represents an initial draft helping the the vector) determines the absolute weight (W) of
micro-designer to execute his/her “instructional that system of information (s). Two further steps
intentions”. The storyboarder’s craft is another will be necessary to formulate a reliable forecast
factor, composed of a particular writing and about the learning time relating to s: (a) the
narrative style, the specific communication accent definition of a multidimensional vector that includes
and the art of combining the various media. These the variables characterising the students’ group, that
“ingredients” require a separate study. is the “learning resistance” (R); (b) the composition
of W(s) with R.
(3) Throughout various professional experiences, we
had to manage the “learning resistance” during the With reference to our theses, an interesting
design phase. From these occasions we realised that connection between “learning resistance” and
the identification of this variable is not simple at all, “temporal dimension” emerges: the “learning time”
because at that point it is concentrated in a single is the fundamental resource the learner brings into
parameter of many heterogeneous factors that play in order to overcome learning resistance. This
cannot be assimilated in a single index or qualitative means that if we properly manage the cognitive
label. A further possibility for development of this dissonance, we succeed in reducing the resistance,
subject could consist of the future representation of with a subsequent reduction in the fruition and
the variable in vector terms: here, the various learning times and with a strong impact on the
dimensions could be represented by the values training effectiveness index.
associated to the previously suggested parameters.
The relationship between these elements is not an
(4) In the previous points there is a more pressing inescapable need, but it has been checked
matter: the translation of the different indeces into throughout our different projects. In the following
“numbers”. The introduction of a quantitative years this subject will be necessarily studied again.
integrated model constitutes the fundamental
premise to implement the dynamic management REFERENCES
system of e-learning programmes. The difficulties
related to an instructional vocabulary that is written Bee, F.e, R. (2003). Learning Needs Analysis and
in numbers and mathematical functions depend on Evaluation . 2nd edition. Cipd House: London.
the assessment and evaluation techniques, but also Bloom, B.S. et al. (1972). Taxonomy of educational
on monitoring systems of fruition time. objectives. Handbook 1: Cognitive Domain.
Longman.: New York and London.
Clark, R. (1983). Reconsidering research on learning from
(5) In this study we just skimmed over a very media. Review of Educational Research, 53 (4).
important question for learning design, that is the Cohen, L., Manion, L. and Morrison, K., (2000). Research
time dimension of learning. Some recently published Methods in Education. 5th edition, Routledge Falmer:
essays (Loi and Ronsivalle, 2005; Ronsivalle, New York.
2005a) deal with this subject and mainly highlight Cowan, J. (1985). Effectiveness and efficiency in higher
the strategic value of the learning time calculation in education. Higher Education, 14.
training programmes involving large amounts of Festinger, L. (1957). A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance.
learners. Evanston, Ill: Row Peterson.
Johnson-Laird, P.N. (1983). Mental Models. Towards a
Cognitive Science of Language, Inference, and
In our method, the expected time of learning is Consciousness. Cambridge: University Press.
conditioned by (a) the quantity of information that Kagan, J. (2002). Surprise, Uncertainty and Mental
will be visualised and memorised - the variable of Structures. Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University
the semantic density, with reference to the concept Press.
of schemata -, and (b) complexity level of the

Loi, M. and Ronsivalle, G. B. (2005). A Particular Aspect many national, European and international research
of Cost Analysis in Distance Education: Time. In Eden and development projects for the application of e-
2005 Annual Conference Proceedings, 2005, 167-172. learning standards and advanced assessment models
Mager, R.F. (1975). Preparing Instructional Objectives. to the banking, industrial, medical, educational and
Palo Alto, CA.: Fearon.
Novak, J.D. (1998). Learning, Creating, and Using
communication fields.
Knowledge: Concept maps™ as Facilitative Tools in
Schools and Corporations. Mahwah, New Jersey: Some publications:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, INC. “Montaigne’s Automaton” (Catania, 1998)
Quine, W.v.O. (1969). Ontological Relativity and Other “Alcune riflessioni sui fondamenti psicologici delle
Essays. New York: Columbia. scienza storico-sociali. Pareto e il principio di
Petri, H.L. and Govern, J.M. (2004). Motivation. Thomson complementarietà” (Catania, 1999)
Wadsworth. "Discorso sull'apparente contrasto tra i realisti e i
Pintrich, P.R. and Schunk, D.H. (2002). Motivation in sostenitori della Scuola di Copenhagen" (Urbino,
Education. Merril Prentice Hall.
Romiszowski, A.J. (1999). Designing Instructional
Systems. 7th edition. London: Kogan Page. "Automata in the Looking-glass. Self-consciousness,
Russel, T. (1999). The No Significant Difference Epigenetic Development and Mental Models
Phenomenon. Chapel Hill, NC: Office of Instructional Theory" (Krakow, 2002)
Telecommunications, North Carolina State University. "Tempo ed efficacia nella valutazione dell'e-
Ronsivalle, G. B. (2002). Automa in the Looking-Glass. learning" (Roma, 2004)
Self-Consciousness, Epigenetic Development and "Simulare la complessità: sistemi dinamici e reti
Mental Models Theory. Amsterdam: Kluwer decisionali nei percorsi di apprendimento" (Roma,
Academic Publishers. 2005)
Ronsivalle, G. B. (2005a). “Tiempo” y “eficacia” en la
evaluación del e-learning. Universidad ARCIS,
"A Particular Aspect of Cost Analysis in Distance
Santiago de Chile, 3-14. Education: Time" (Helsinki, 2005)
Ronsivalle, G. B. (2005b). Simulare la complessità: "La relazione tra crediti ECM e ore di formazione"
sistemi dinamici e reti decisionali nei percorsi di (Roma, 2005)
apprendimento. In E-learning & Knowledge
Management . Anno II. No.7, 2005, 58-68. VANESSA METUS (1978) has an Italian degree in
Schramm W. (1977). Big Media Little Media. Beverly Multimedia Science and Technology. Since 2001
Hills, CA.: Sage. she has been working in the e-learning sector. From
the beginning of 2005 she has operated within the
AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY Research & Development Area of Didagroup SpA
(Rome), one of the leading companies in the Italian
G. BRUNO RONSIVALLE (1972) has a degree in e-learning market.
Music (1993), a degree in Philosophy (1997), a
Post-graduate Specialisation in Didactics of Human She has been involved in many national, European
Sciences (1998), a Ph.D. in Philosophy and and international research and development projects
Fundaments of Physics (1999), a Master’s degree in for the application of e-learning standards and
Digital Design (2000) and a Post-graduate advanced assessment models to the banking,
Specialisation in Instructional Design (2001). industrial, medical, educational and communication
fields. Her activity is mainly focused on evaluation
Since 2003 he has led the Evaluation Systems systems, macro- and micro- design models in
Research Group of ABIFormazione (Italian Banking education, simulations based on dynamic systems,
Association, Roma, Italy) and he has been R&D semantic web and Learning Management System.
Manager at the E-learning Division of Didagroup
SpA (Roma, Italy) and Dida America (Barcelona, As a lecturer she has taken part in several
Spain). At present he is the Educational Coordinator international conferences and seminars (recently the
of the Master’s degree course in Instructional "Eden Conference" in Helsinki with a paper on "A
Design at Arcis University (Santiago de Chile), he Particular Aspect of Cost Analysis in Distance
collaborates with ABI Sicurezza (Security) and with Education: Time").
Italian Criminalpol for the creation of a predictive
model based on neural network for the Bank
Robbery Risk Management. He has been involved in

Mário Figueira
Associate Partner
Blackboard partner for Portugal

E-mail: mario.figueira@novabase.pt

©Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

KEYWORDS instructional design based on role-plays, simulations

and case studies.
Contents, eLearning market, evaluation,
implementation framework, instructional design, HOW IMPORTANT IS SELF-REGULATED
knowledge sharing, learning management systems, LEARNING IN ORGANISATIONS?
Self-regulated earning (SRL), Technology Enhanced
Learning Environment (TELE), networked learning Technology is Everywhere
environment, TELE-SRL tool, tutors.
Nowadays technology is everywhere. We can find IT
ABSTRACT in music, in communication, in the workplace, and at
Information technology is everywhere in our lives • In music, the mp3 players are changing our
and there are a lot of different technologies available way of storing and listening to music;
to enhance learning experiences. This article • In communications, the new pda-phones are
identifies the path to a Networked Learning increasing mobility and people are “always
Environment, the highest level of a TELE, in five connected”;
different phases. The SRL has an important role in • In the workplace, the laptops and small
the two main steps to creating the Networked computers are everywhere;
Learning Environment, first as a strategy, and second • At home and families, the playstations and
as a tool. The reasons why organisations like self- computers are occupying the field.
regulated processes are also mentioned. The article
identifies the conclusions of the TELE-SRL tool The use of IT in education and learning is growing
applied to the evaluation of AprendernaNet project. year by year. The number of computers in schools
This is a blended learning project for industry with and universities is growing and the students, the
more than 2000 learners in 2004/2005. The learners, are asking more and more for technology
evaluation outputs showed the importance of the three enhanced learning environments. eLearning is now
AprendernaNet TELE components: the Learning becoming part of the learning process in Universities,
Management System (LMS), the contents and the companies and governmental bodies.
tutors. The role of the three different components in
each SRL dimension (cognitive, emotional, There are a lot of different technologies available to
motivational and social) is also discussed in the enhance learning experiences. Some technologies are
article. Special reference is made to the contents’

Exploratory Supported Strategic Mission Critical Transformative:
The Networked
Learning Environment
Institutional Growth

• A true networked
environment exists
any student or
teacher can view
learning content,
collaborate with
educators, evaluate
performance, and
• A full online access any
• Online courses, campus with institutional or peer
• Commercial organizations, and learning resource at any time
enterprise course institutional services communities and to achieve their
management integrated with shared digital educational
• Course web sites system back-office systems content resources objectives

Phase I Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5

Figure 1: Path to the Networked Learning Environment

more mature and others are just starting. Regarding A TELE will be completely embedded in the
the eLearning technologies (Gartner, 2004), we will organisation when the transformative phase is
find the courseware and the embedded just-in-time reached. There are two important steps in this path to
learning reaching a plateau of productivity in less a Networked Learning Environment. One is when the
than two years. The Learning Management System technology for eLearning is integrated with the
(LMS), the application simulation tools and the web organisation’s backoffice systems. The other is when
conferencing are in the slope of enlightenment with the technology is used by everyone inside the
between two and five years until their plateau. The organisation and the culture of knowledge sharing
Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS), the among learning communities is there.
eLearning suites and the virtual classrooms are in the
trough of disillusionment phase. The mobile Self-regulated learning (SRL) can play a special role
eLearning and the simulation tools are now the as a strategy to build a framework for integrating
technology triggers climbing to the peak of processes between the online courses running inside
expectations. the organisation, the institutional services and the
federation of the different organisations. As an
Why organisations like self-? example we can see one University with two faculties
and some online courses in one of the faculties. They
From the organisational perspective, we can identify already have a portal where learners can access
five phases to reaching the highest level of a TELE institutional services (registrations, gradebook,
(Technology Enhanced Learning Environment). A subscription fees, etc.). SRL strategies can help to
TELE will be developed from an exploratory phase to build the framework of integration processes to have
a Networked Learning Environment according to an online campus, where the learning experiences live
figure 1. together with the institutional services.

On other hand, SRL can be used as a tool to develop AprendernaNet is a learning portal where more than
the creation of learning communities, one of the key 2000 learners in 2004/2005 had their first eLearning
points to the second step in creating the Networked experiences. The available courses are: Introduction
Learning Environment. The cognitive, emotional, to eLearning; Training the Tutors for eLearning and
motivational and social components of SRL are How to develop eLearning contents. AprendernaNet
dimensions to be managed in the creation of the methodology is blended learning based on self-
knowledge sharing culture inside the organisation. learning, tutor lead and classroom learning
Industry is interested in self-regulated learning as a experiences.
tool to develop competitiveness based on human
capital because: The application of the TELE-SRL evaluation tool to
• Companies need to reduce costs; AprendernaNet identified the following conclusions:
• Knowledge is developed by informal and
formal learning experiences; 1. General impressions of the TELE
• Self-regulated learning increases employee
engagement in the learning process and The TELE provides the most significant features of a
supplies just in time support in their jobs. true Networked Learning Environment, based on
knowledge sharing through communities of practice
Self-regulated learning could be used in an individual with emphasis on collaboration.
or group learning experience. It needs to have a
mature organisation, where a knowledge sharing The learner can follow his/her learning progress and
culture exists. This is the reason why it is so the interaction with peers and tutor is very high. The
important to understand the different phases from the TELE provides constant feedback regarding the
figure 1. learner’s performance and progress. The learner has
his/her own area within which he/she can plan his/her
IN TELES? All the aspects (cognitive, motivational, emotional
and social aspects) are considered in this TELE.
Novabase applied the TELE-SRL tool in the TELE The usability strength is facilitated by a very user
AprendernaNet based on Blackboard Academic Suite friendly interface and navigation process.
technology and found the tool very useful.
2. Factors that contribute to the strength of the TELE:
• Anytime, anywhere access
• Evaluation and learner feedback
• Student-centred learning
• Social aspects of executing and monitoring
• Content management and collaboration

3. Factors that represent weaknesses of the TELE:

The cognitive aspects based on feedback/evaluation
features available.

4. Suggestions for improving the TELE:

Improve the cognitive aspects in evaluation. The
students should be able to know their exact state of
achievement and compare this with expectations.

Figure 2: AprendernaNet Learning Portal This evaluation based on the TELE-SRL tool showed
(www.aprendernanet.com) the importance of contents, tutor coaching and system
(LMS) usability and features. These three pillars of

AprendernaNet TELE gave an important contribution on learner reactions to the different situations
to the three stages of SRL (planning, proposed by the content is very important to re-design
executing/monitoring and evaluating) and the four or optimise the instructional design in order to create
dimensions (cognitive, emotional, motivational and SRL skills in the workforce. The professional
social). experience of the learners is usually used in the
content test phase. In this phase, a group of
The system usability and features provide learners the employees test the course content and give feedback
following: to the instructional designer. One of the objectives of
this phase is to create the “content autonomy”
• Adaptive release building SRL skills in the workforce.
• Personal information management
• Discussion board Some course content examples:
• Virtual classroom / collaboration tool
• Group projects
• Assessments and surveys
• Assignments
• Gradebook
• Reporting and performance dashboard
• Community building tools
• Channels / modules
• Role-based information delivery
• Collaborative web-enabled file storage
• e-Portfolios
• Workflow
• Multi-language support
Figure 3: Role-play (Courtesy of Caixa Geral de
The tutor coaching in the learning process is
particularly important in the executing and
monitoring stage, especially in social and
motivational aspects. The tutors have an important
job in creating self-regulated skills in learners,
especially on the first levels of the path to the
Networked Learning Environment.

Another conclusion is the importance of the content

for the self-regulated learning environments. In these
environments, content is a real KING. The content
can “embed the tutor” and give feedback and guide
the learner toward assuming an important role in the
cognitive and emotional aspects of SRL, and in the
three different stages.

SOME EXAMPLES FROM THE FIELD Figure 4: How to use a software (Courtesy of
Ministério das Finanças) .
In the main corporate and public administration
eLearning projects that we are involved in, that are
focused on the workforce skills development, the
content has the most important role in the learning
environment. The role-plays, simulations and case
studies are the foundations of the content
instructional design. The permanent feedback based


Self-regulated learning is an important trend in the

corporate and education markets. The use of this
concept follows the path to the Networked Learning

A TELE is based on three components: the learning

management system (LMS); the contents and the
tutors. All these components have a specific role in
the planning, executing/monitoring and evaluating
stages, and on the cognitive, emotional, motivational
and social dimensions. The LMS has a transversal
Figure 5: New internal process (Courtesy of influence on the learning process; acting has a
Ministério das Finanças). “learning operating system”. The tutors are especially
involved in the social dimension, with an important
role also in the motivational aspects, but it would be
wrong to say that the tutors are not involved in
cognitive and emotional aspects. The contents play an
important role in the cognitive and emotional aspects.
The self-regulated learning (SRL) is a balance, a
trade-off, between these three components according
to the specific needs of the organisation and the
current learning culture.

The Telepeers consortium assumes an important role

in the dissemination of this concept. In order to help
organisations starting or improving SRL in TELEs, it
is very useful to have an implementation framework
to follow. This will be an important output of this
Figure 6: Learning game (Courtesy of AprendernaNet consortium to the market. The application of the SRL
- Novabase). concept in organisations should be tested in
cooperation with the Telepeers consortium, industry
and public administration, in order to achieve an
implementation framework of this concept.


Gartner. (2004). Hype Cycle for Corporate e-

Learning 2004. Research Report G00120926, Gartner
Inc, Stamford, USA (June).


MÁRIO FIGUEIRA was born in Évora, Portugal

and went to the New University of Lisbon
(FCT/UNL), where he studied Industrial Production
Figure 7: Role-play (Courtesy of Banco BPI). Engineering and obtained his degree in 1990. He did
a post-graduate diploma in Developing
Entrepreneurship in SMEs at Durham University in
the UK. He is Associate Partner at Novabase, a
leading IT company in Portugal, is CEO of SAF-

Sistemas Avançados de Formação, the eLearning About Novabase
company of Novabase group, and is the Portuguese
partner of Blackboard. He is now leading several Established in 1989, Novabase is one of the leading
projects in eLearning and Human Capital IT companies in Portugal.
Management in large companies, Universities and
public administration. With an average number of 1287 employees in the
first nine months of 2005, Novabase has two business
In the past he was training director of ISQ-Instituto divisions: Novabase Consulting (includes IT
de Soldadura e Qualidade and CIFAG (Management Consulting, Systems Integration and Application
Training Centre). He is author of several resources Outsourcing) and Novabase Engineering Solutions
for technology enhanced learning published by IEFP, (includes IT Infrastructures, Interactive TV,
ISQ, IAPMEI. Recently INOFOR published his book, Ticketing, Access Control, Telecommunications
‘Guide for Design of eLearning Contents’. He is an Products and Infrastructures Outsourcing).
invited teacher at Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa
and Universidade Católica Portuguesa. He regularly Novabase has been listed in the Euronext Lisbon
publishes articles in Portuguese newspapers and since July 2000.
magazines and is member of the editorial board of
Nov@Formação, a specialised magazine on new More information about Novabase is available at
ways of learning published by IQF. www.novabase.pt.

Managing Director
Synergetics NV

Email : luk@synergetics.be

©Telepeers/Taconet, 2005


Competency, context, corporate learning, ontology, Combine competencies and lifelong learning and
Self-regulated Learning (SRL) what you get is a strong foundation for the final
countdown of enterprise based self-regulated
ABSTRACT learning

In this contribution, I will argue that for companies, Competencies are increasingly being used in
time2competencies will soon be much more education, industry and public employment services.
important than time2market. Acquisition of relevant Such competencies are in fact becoming the
competencies is part of a process of lifelong learning “common currency of the labor market” at large.
and could be greatly facilitated by a self-regulated And although there is currently no working ‘lifelong
learning approach . competency framework’, competencies nevertheless
are an inherent part of ‘lifelong learning’ and its
To develop this argument, I will first have a look at related IMS ePortfolio 1.0 standard.
the eLearning scene in Europe and point out some
factors that have been obstacles to the growth of an Combine the idea of user driven lifelong learning
eLearning market and than point out others that with competencies and it is clear that the
might spur this growth. In particular, I will discuss employee/learner might be on the way to finally
requirements that need to be met if self-regulated becoming more aware and hopefully also more in
learning is to become relevant to the ad hoc business control of his own career planning.
process situation.
For companies this will have a serious impact on
I will conclude by presenting suggestions for a how corporate training and employee learning is put
common occupational context model which could be into practice. The EU IST research program is not
applied to self-regulated learning and be shared by exactly waiting for this to happen, and recently
industry, education and employment services awarded several proposals that will research this
learn@work paradigm. The IST Prolix Integrated
Project (starting December 1st 2005) for instance,
will research and implement a method to link people
& processes, examining how corporate learning can
be continuously adapted to an employee’s ever
changing work environment.

ELEARNING’S SECOND CHANCE: THE Taking the employee’s perspective, the aligning
USER IN CONTROL business and learning processes will enable
employees to improve their skills and performance
eLearning in Europe was predicted to provide large at the workplace in a verifiable and provable
opportunities for growth for the eLearning market in manner. By enhancing and broadening their skills
both Europe and the US (Barcelona AG, 2001, they become even more valuable assets on the job
“Wachstumsmarkt e-learning“). market enabling them to apply for new and even
better paid positions, securing their job, etc.
Nevertheless, eLearning services in Europe still
remain limited in scope and are not widely used in In order to create a learning paradigm capable of
corporate training. In the corporate world, eLearning significantly improving employee performance in
remains limited to larger companies that can either the workplace, employees should be able to learn
afford to buy expensive company-adapted eLearning directly at their workplace when the need for
solutions or by setting up internal corporate training education is identified.
The delay between identification of a learning need
In light of this high cost, SMEs in particular only and the actual learning should not be minimal.
have a minimal adoption rate of eLearning even Furthermore, the learning material must be targeted
though they are in desperate need of (continuously) to the learner’s individual learning style and
educated employees to successfully compete in the behaviour.
ever-changing global markets.
Only by providing the necessary means to learning
Another main obstacle is the lack of integration of in the workplace will corporate organisations be able
systems, technologies and services along the to react quickly, cost-effectively and successfully in
eLearning value chain. Especially for learning at the today’s fast changing markets, where for the
workplace, there is currently no seamless coupling services economy, time2competency is becoming
of learning processes with ongoing work and more important than time2market.
business processes. Today, the planning and
execution of learning processes is not linked, let One idea is to develop an open, integrated reference
alone integrated with those of work or business architecture for process-oriented learning and
processes. information exchange. The overall objective would
be to improve the performance of employees in their
Instead, human resource managers must identify workplace, where learning is driven by the business
gaps in their employee’s education with rather processes in which employees are involved. An
awkward simple methods, supported only by basic alignment of individual and organisational learning
tools and without a proper educational or corporate with business tasks and processes will ensure the
context. integration of technology-based learning into the
operational business world.
This leads to ineffective training with no or only
basic ongoing learning at the workplace, leaving In order to support such a complete corporate self-
companies as well as their employees with only very regulated learning process life cycle the following
limited success in technology enhanced learning elements should/could be essential:
applications. 1. The analysis of complex business situations;
2. The identification of individual and organisational
This status is rather surprising as, from the company learning goals;
perspective, integrating utility learning should be 3. The analysis of competencies and their match
accepted easily, because it enables the cost-effective with individual skills;
simple identification of training needs, the 4. The definition of appropriate learning strategies &
monitoring and control of the company profile the simulation of learning processes;
development and the flexible management of the 5. The execution of improved learning processes;
company’s knowledge portfolio. And these criteria 6. The monitoring of learners’ performance
are just the major success indicators for companies according to the defined goals.
in fast changing global markets.

In order for self-regulated learning to become themselves, once provided with an appropriate
relevant to the ad hoc business process situation, learning infrastructure, could align their process-
more attention is needed to make content ad hoc, oriented learning with their overall career paths.
meaningful and contextualised. Semantic
descriptions for instance could enable an improved As mentioned this vision is currently the topic of
context-sensitive exchange of business process several larger research projects of the IST program.
execution and an employee’s specific learning It could also be the motor of a knowledge economy
and/or information needs. where government, corporate and learners are all
working to promote self-regulated lifelong learning.
THE LEARNER IN THE DRIVING SEAT In fact lifelong learning can ONLY work through
self-regulated learning. There simply are not enough
Just as with competencies, the IMS ePortfolio tutors (nor should there be) to provide for Instructor
standard also came out of the elearning domain, but led training.
is now also heading to a more central position in
society somewhere in the midst of education, This however poses some serious challenges for
industry and employment services. It is no co- how organisations and learners can define a shared
incidence that the ePortfolio 2006 conference will environment (read: learning platform) which allows
have “ePortfolio’s and the labour market” as one of organisations and learners alike to define, agree and
its main topics. share goals and objectives.

In a way ePortfolio’s can be considered as the digital For the organisations it is imperative that they are
home of self-regulated learning. Being a place able to translate their strategies into business and
where the learner can develop, steer, track and work processes and the competencies needed to run
present their personal development and growth, these processes. This is especially true for the
ePortfolio’s are inevitably bound to spur self- knowledge and services economy where
regulated learning, if only by the fact that they time2competency will be much more important than
provide a management instrument for the learner time2market.
who wants to get a grip on his/her learning.
Combined with competencies this allows for a good With change being the only certainty in these types
environment in which corporate learning can shift to of economies, any organisational support system
more self-regulation. will need to be able to adapt ‘ad hoc’ to the ever-
changing processes and their required organisational
Take the Dutch situation for instance, where the and worker competencies. This is where and why we
vocational education is now swapping to see self-regulated corporate learning prevail.
competency driven education on a national scale. By
2008 hundreds of thousands of competency profiles In such agile environments, it is imperative for
will stream to the market. It is unlikely that these organisations that strategy can be immediately
young employees who worked for years on their translated into action and consequently into the
competencies, often using ePortfolio’s, will learning, in order to act swiftly and effectively.
suddenly drop this paradigm. Instead the corporate
world should embrace this and provide for an Organisations will therefore seek to hire workers
environment where the employee can keep with real learning competencies, and on the other
developing his/her employability. hand will need to provide them with enough
incentives to learn by offering them a lifelong
All would stand to profit from such a situation: learning opportunity, besides on-the-job-learning.
corporate organisations could help to indicate their Being able to attract the best, learning oriented,
competency needs, as business processes and even candidates might in fact prove to be an important
the corporate strategy itself can indeed be expressed factor in whether organisations will be successful or
in competencies. not.

The traditional training departments however would Employees on the other hand will seek jobs where
need to gradually change into facilitators, providing this required learning is well organised, available at
guidance to self-regulated learners. The learners all times and above all context-relevant and self-

regulated. Furthermore, they will also seek learning As corporate and employee interests differ, it is
that is benefiting more than just the organisation’s essential to define a common language and a shared
immediate needs, but can also accommodate their context model in which both corporate strategy and
own ‘lifelong’ career planning. learning@work can be translated. Such a common
context model is for instance also being looked at in
With such goal ‘symbiosis’ between corporate and the field of competencies. Education, industry and
employee, we are a long way from the traditional employment services are starting to realise that they
corporate training department which decides on need a common competency register. The way they
what, when and how workers are trained. The perceive and use competencies however, is
symbiosis model described above uses a far more contextually different.
balanced perspective, where corporate and worker
both benefit from the common goal of a temporary This could be overcome by developing a common
collaboration. occupational context model (or a Task Reference
Model, as the US Department of Defence calls it)
From this perspective, the absence of the European and allowing different organisations to commit
labour unions in this debate is remarkable. Union differently to this model (thus following ontological
politics aside, it would seem natural that after years principles).
of defending the interests of the working class at
large, labour unions would follow the Applied to the domain of self-regulated learning
individualisation of society by offering better therefore, it would be a good idea to further
career/learning support for the individual employee. encourage the existing and mature research domains
of learning and competencies (and their XML-
SELF-REGULATED CHALLENGES AHEAD syntax standards) to align and cooperate with the
semantic community.
However, the ‘positivist’ symbiosis model for self-
regulated learning, described above, will face some Below you find an architectural overview of what
serious challenges before it even begins to become such a fully-fledged adaptive self-regulated learning
effective in a corporate environment. One of the system could look like, and in any case would need,
main issues is the context-relevance of learning. in terms of its capability to provide context-aware
self-regulated learning services.
More research is needed in order to produce learning
that is both ad hoc, context-relevant and available. This SOA pictured below is what the Prolix IP
The current prevailing constructivist learning objects project (2005-2009) will eventually offer as an open
(IEEE LOM) and content packaging (IMS CP, standard.
Scorm2004) paradigm is still somewhat primitive
vis-à-vis what is needed to allow for a context- Context Ontology (systemic representation of the process/task domain)
sensitive learning environment that is automated in Company Culture

such a way that the learning environment can decide Learning

Alignment Performance
on (1) its functional offering, (3) learning style (Complex Situation)

support, (2) group and/or individual learning

capability, and is (4) seeded with the most relevant Requirements
content. tic ies
ac g
id te
an GAP

D tra ys

All of these topics are currently being researched Learning Scenario
Configuration Allocation
Semantic Matching Engine

and have been for some years, but no service Di

or ng
St iact yl ni
oriented architecture (SOA) is available as yet to ra
te ical
gi e
Ta etu hing
F a
n tc

link all of this in a coherent, standard way. Simulation

Requirements & Design Processing Execution

It is reasonable to assume that any such system will
be semantic by definition. Adding ‘meaning’ to
goals, context and content will be a ‘conditio sine Figure 1: the Prolix IP project
non’ in order to reach a serious foundation for self-
regulation to work.

Of course not all self-regulated learning research is AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY
aiming for this level of technology integration. It
would nevertheless be a good idea for the academic LUKE VERVENNE is managing director of
self-regulated learning domain to start looking at Synergetics nv (www.synergetics.be), an Antwerp
what level of complexity their achievements and (Belgium) based innovation company, specialising
proven theories can be mapped upon the business in competency-based business processes, namely in
process driven adaptive learning software the Learning and HR domain.
architecture described above. He has been involved in several EU projects in the
semantics, learning and e-content related IST
Given that a meaningful consensus can be found on programs. He is also business development manager
how to integrate both research fields, one could for VUB/Starlab (University of Brussels), co-
assume that finally a foundation is found for the founder of HR-XML Europe, and recently started a
corporate uptake of self-regulated learning. global ‘lifelong competency framework’ initiative,
which is to align further work on the current
competency standards.



Jean Underwood
Division of Psychology
Nottingham Trent University
United Kingdom

E-mail: jean.underwood@ntu.ac.uk

© Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

KEYWORDS of what are the goals of any TELE as seen from two
perspectives the tutors and the learners. His thesis is
Cognitive apprenticeship, game playing, learner that the way a TELE is used (learner) and expected
perception, motivation, self-regulated learning to be used (tutor) will depend on their individual
(SRL), skilled performance, Technology Enhanced mental models of the TELE. Any major
Learning Environments (TELEs). discontinuity in the two sets of perceptions can, and
probably will, damage the effectiveness of the
A SYNOPSIS TELE. He provides a framework that captures
learner needs and realities them to TELE
In this section of the proceedings from the Taconet characteristics, which is designed to support tutors
Conference on Self-regulated Learning (SRL) in and institutions tin selecting TELES that will
Technology Enhanced Learning Environments effectively meet their outcome goals.
(TELEs) we present four papers focusing on the
view from Academia. Our starting point is the role Underwood and Banyard continue with the theme of
of SRL: both the significance of that role and also individual learner’s response to a TELE by focusing,
issues surrounding SRL when operating in a digital not so much on the technology, but the degree of
environment. Recent developments in learning SRL that any learner will bring to the learning
styles and in new technologies show a clear synergy. activity. Firstly they map the antecedents of SRL as
As learning becomes more individualised, learner- it emerged from the debate on self-regulated
centred, situated, collaborative, ubiquitous, and behaviour. From this beginning they question the
extends across the life-span, new technologies are degree to which self-regulation is possible in formal
becoming more personalised, user-centred, mobile, educational settings and the equally important issue
networked, ubiquitous, and durable thus setting the of whether self-regulation is for all or just a sub-set
stage for a successful but challenging technology led of able students. This raises the spectre of the
learning environments. The papers presented here Mathew Principle (to them that have will be given).
investigate issues surrounding these new ways of As Nenniger (2005) points out, with all the euphoria
learning, which are not necessarily classroom surrounding the value of SRL, hard evidence of its
dependent and from which new knowledge emerges impact is drawn almost exclusively from studies
through interaction with others. whose participants tended to be academically
talented, highly educated or skilled learners in more
Alongside the main theme of SRL a number of other or less academic contexts.
themes are apparent in these four papers. We start
with Antonietti, who raises the interesting question

A third theme emerging from these papers revolves also aiding tutors in scaffolding the learner. He sees
around issues of motivation and self-regulation and TELEs as a possible stimulus to learning through
raises the issue of the fun-way to learn. Rüppell cognitive apprenticeship as extolled by Lave and
presents evidence on the value of educational game Wenger (1991). He finishes with a plea for more
playing to learning. He argues that real-time structured research to guide us through this new
competition tasks have features that promote learning environment.
metacognition and the development of new learning
strategies. In this he is part of a movement extolling FINAL THOUGHTS
the virtues of learning from game playing. Rüppell
occupies the middle ground of this debate suggesting One question that we have yet to fully answer is can
the putting game playing activities into educational TELEs help learners in distributed e-learning to
content will produce courses that are both develop into independent SRL learners? Which leads
motivating and meaningful. us to ask what will such TELEs look like and how
will we know we have been affective? Two
Game playing activities do not have to be confined additional problem for all formal education is the
to educational software. A major debate is now differential value placed on certain skills and
ensuing about the value of commercial video game knowledge by tutors and students. A student may
playing in the development of cognitive and social learn many things from playing games but does
skills. Johnson (2005) points out that most society value that learning and is such learning
traditional games such as chess or monopoly provide transferable into social recognized and valued skills
the underlying rules of the game from the outset, but and knowledge? These questions are beyond the
video games are different in that they withhold scope of these proceedings but they remain universal
information about the underlying rule system. A issues that we should keep in mind.
player is given some opening constraints but
subsequently the goals of the games and the REFERENCES
techniques by which they can be achieved become
apparent only through exploring the games world. Gee, J.P. (2003). What Video Games Have to Teach Us
“You literally learn by playing “ (Johnson, 2005, p. About Learning and Literacy? London: Palgrave
42). Gee (2003) has asserted that such games create Macmillan
a ‘cycle of expertise’ as players develop strategies to Johnson, S. (2005). Everything Bad is Good for You.
London: Allen Lane.
cope with well-designed problems, and then enjoy Lave, J. and Wenger, E. (1991). Situated Learning:
sufficient practice to allow automaticity of skill to Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge:
develop. He argues that good games repeat this cycle Cambridge University Press.
again and again and that this is how expertise is Nenniger, P. (2005). Commentary on self-regulation in the
produced in any domain. This is not a new argument classroom: a perspective on assessment and
but that does not make it any less relevant today. intervention. Applied Psychology: an International
Review 54 (2), 239-244.
On the other hand, Beishuizen adds a timely
reminder that, while students generally enjoy AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY
working in a TELE and this is particularly true for
those with game elements built in, they may not be JEAN UNDERWOOD is currently professor of
acquiring knowledge that is useful in other psychology at Nottingham Trent University and was
circumstances. His thoughtful reticence here is previously Reader in Education at the University of
reminder not to be overtaken by techno- Leicester. A qualified teacher and teacher educator
romanticism. she has worked in the field of educational
technology for 30 years, conducting a number of
Beishuizen’s main argument is directed towards the national research projects for the UK government.
value of good TELEs, a link here to Antonietti’s
earlier argument, in stimulating higher cognitive
skills. This he argues in achieved in part by
externalizing the process of thinking and problem
solving, thus aiding metacognitive awareness but

Alessandro Antonietti
Department of Psychology – Cognitive Psychology Laboratory
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
Largo Gemelli 1, Milano, 20123, Italy

E-mail: alessandro.antonietti@unicatt.it

© Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

KEYWORDS different settings from the traditional ones. Thus, new

approaches are needed. In particular, individuals
Computer-supported learning, metacognition, self- should be trained to be autonomous learners who are
regulation. able to identify by themselves how to manage the
situations where they have to develop new
ABSTRACT knowledge, skills and competence (Telepeers
consortium, 2005). Self-regulated learning appears to
A two-circular two-directional framework to be a promising approach to do so (Boekaerts et al.,
conceptualise the relationships among learners' needs, 2000). How is it possible to encourage students to
the technology enhanced learning environment become self-regulated learners? Technology
(TELE) that should satisfy those needs, the behaviour enhanced learning environments (TELEs) may be
to be held within the TELE and the expected learning relevant to promote self-regulation in learning
outcomes is proposed. This framework assumes that (Bereiter, 2002).
learners develop personal perceptions and beliefs
about the TELE that they are invited to use. A general framework which is useful to conceptualise
Furthermore, the trainees are seen as persons who can this argument is the following.
monitor what they do within the TELE according to
their own perceptions and beliefs. In this perspective 1. There is a requirement that needs to be satisfied or
students are conceived as possessing a goal to be reached (in our case, the self-
metarepresentational skills that allow them to reflect management of learning).
upon themselves by shifting the focus of attention
from the TELE to what occurs in their minds when 2. Instructors look for, choose, adapt or devise by
engaged in the TELE. The framework might suggest themselves a TELE matching their aims which should
possible ways to devise and introduce TELEs in help students in satisfying that need or achieving that
training settings. goal.

THE EDUCATORS' PERSPECTIVE 3. Then they invite learners to work within that
Nowadays we realise, as a matter of fact, that the
ways in which people learn are changing: For 4. The learning outcomes are measured in order to
instance, persons are asked to learn throughout their test the alleged efficacy of the TELE.
life, in a flexible manner, working together, and so
on. Consequently, we have to take into account that We can label this perspective as "objective", since it
learning occurs, and will occur in the future, in relies on the intrinsic properties of the TELE, and

"mono-directional" since it predicts a linear sequence presentations has to be empowered to support the
of causal relationships (Bryant and Zillman, 2002). realisation of the multimedia school journal.

However, if we assume a broader and more Finally, the relationship between use and effects is
ecological point of view, the process seems to be also twofold. On the one hand, the specific manner in
more complex. If we take into consideration how which a TELE is used produces the desired effects on
people are involved in TELEs outside of strictly the learner's mind. On the other hand, the learner, so
controlled educational settings, we realise that affected by the TELE, is induced subsequently to
needs/goals, TELEs, ways of employing them and work differently within such a TELE according to
outcomes are also connected by causal relations what he/she has learnt about the TELE itself through
which proceed in the opposite direction. its use. For instance, familiarisation or automatisation
effects will facilitate and/or speed up the subsequent
In fact, if we analyse the link between the needs or employment of the TELE.
goals and the learning environments which should
match them, we notice that in some circumstances Thus, the initial circular model of "objective"
new needs and goals are highlighted or generated by relationships between needs/goals, TELEs, uses, and
existing technological tools and not vice versa. This effects has to become two-directional since feedback
could be because a tool, originally designed to satisfy reactions occur at each step of the causal chain. The
a need, appears to be useful for a purpose that was not matter, however, is even more complex.
considered initially and, consequently, stresses the
importance to satisfy a further need. For example, a THE LEARNERS' PERSPECTIVE
platform designed to deliver online courses within an
educational institution might lead trainees to It is worth noticing that in the circular chain
collaboratively produce documents which appear to connecting needs/goals, TELEs, their uses and the
be worthy of being freely accessed by everybody corresponding effects, an important role is played by
interested in the topic. The initial need that the what the learner has in mind about the aims to be
platform tried to satisfy was to allow students to work reached, the relevant properties of the TELE, a
in a co-operative way to write joint texts. The suitable way to work within it and the outcomes to be
platform designed to do this actually satisfied this achieved. In short, to assess the effects of TELEs, we
need, but the further need to share the products of the must take into account the student's subjective
courses with people external to that educational reactions to the elements involved in the learning
institution emerged as a consequence. process mediated by TELEs (Antonietti and Giorgetti,
2004; Antonietti and Giorgetti, in press; Antonietti et
Also the relationship between learning environments al., 2000). Thus, a second chain has to be introduced.
and their uses appears to be twofold. Most TELEs It concerns the functions that personal perceptions
can be used in a variety of manners, since flexibility and beliefs about the TELE have in modulating the
is a feature that they try to incorporate. Given the relationships between the TELE and the effects that it
open-ended nature of TELEs, new properties of the produces.
environment can be discovered which, in turn,
suggest possible modifications of the original But what are the perceptions and beliefs that our
environment in order to match the new opportunities second ring encompasses? First of all, we must
that have been identified. For instance, a teacher recognise that needs and goals are not simply "facts"
might instruct students to create multimedia that the learner encounters or is presented with and
presentations when they have to report on an issue that he/she accepts in a passive way. Needs are not
that they have studied. Thanks to their use of only natural entities but are culturally framed
multimedia presentations, learners realise that the constructs. Sometimes the needs and the goals are
school journal might also become a multimedia identified by the trainers, who make the student aware
journal constituted not only by written pages, but also of what he/she needs and/or explicitly set the aims
by spoken interviews, movies reporting school that he/she must achieve through the TELE. The
events, recordings of alumni music performances and needs and goals defined by the educators have a
so on. So, the original software used for class "subjective" counterpart–which may or may not

match the objective needs and goals–within the case, learners perceive and appreciate or neglect and
learners' mind. under-evaluate the results raised by the TELE
according to their subjective criteria, based on the
Secondly the TELE is not only a "fact", a set of corresponding beliefs.
devices incorporating "objective" properties. TELEs
also have psychological counterparts in that the MATCHING THE EDUCATORS' AND
learner constructs a personal mental model of the LEARNERS' PERSPECTIVE
environment. In such mental models some features of
the TELE are emphasised, whereas other "objective" The two causal chains - the "objective" and the
features are neglected or underestimated. It is worth "subjective" ones - are parallel but reciprocally
noting a case reported by a teacher. He asked his connected. The definition of the needs and goals set
students to explore the computer-supported three- from an external, authoritative source (the teacher, the
dimensional reconstruction of an ancient Greek villa scientific community and so on) interacts with the
with the aim of leading them to learn something about learner's personal beliefs.
its architectural structure. He was astonished when he
observed that some children were clicking on the Students can be informed about the teachers' or
walls of the building to search possible hidden experts' opinions about what is needed or requested
passages and other children asked him some and can agree: In such case the external definitions of
unexpected questions such as «How many lives I the needs and goals overlap the personal definition.
have at my disposal?» (Grove, 1997). In the learners' However, if the external definition is not shared by
mind the instrument that their teacher proposed to use the student, he/she can react by developing an
was conceptualised not as an educational simulation alternative definition which may absorb only a part of
but rather as a video-game. There was a mismatch what the trainers think is to be achieved, integrate it
between the designer's and teacher's "objective" with what the individual believes or present
model of the tool and the pupils' "subjective" model. completely different issues. If the trainee's
interpretation of his/her needs and goals is expressed,
Thirdly, the work done by a learner within a TELE is educators can in turn revise their ideas about such
not only the implementation of a sequence of actions. topics, by trying to recognise and include in their
The student's behaviour is accompanied by beliefs definition the needs and goals seen from the student's
about the way of use which is thought to be the most point of view.
efficient, the operations which are considered
relevant, the skills which are presumably activated Also the model of the TELE that the student has built
and the cognitive styles which are perceived as in his/her mind and the opinions about the best way to
adequate (Wilson and Whitelock, 1998). The learner's use it can be revised when he/she realises the
work within a TELE is also accompanied by beliefs potential misconceptions. A better knowledge of the
about the role that he/she should play within the environment may lead a learner to update his/her
learning process and about the relevance/irrelevance mental model by encouraging him/her to recognise
of the learning setting which has been set by the that the tool does not possess some alleged features
trainer. or, conversely, to recognise that some functions, not
previously perceived, can be usefully exploited.
Finally, students may or may not perceive the Similarly, reflecting on how the tool is actually used
"objective" effects deriving from a TELE and develop can lead learners to modify their beliefs about the
individual criteria to judge the benefits which are strategies, the skills and the thinking styles that they
expected, as well as the costs required. For instance, assume to be relevant.
teachers might appreciate TELEs above all since they
foster an inquiry-based approach to school subject An interaction between the students and the trainers
matters, whereas students might appreciate them may also be helpful to detect possible mismatches
above all since they allow them to spend less time in between the evaluation criteria of the effects
executing the tasks assigned. Learners might fail to developed by the former ones and those established
recognise the changes which occurred in him/herself by the latter ones, to reason about such mismatches,
as a consequence of the TELE, and they might to review the personal ideas and to reach an
perceive changes that did not actually occur. In any agreement about what should be considered proof of

the validity of the TELE. As well as the TELE permits him/her to carry out. From this he/she
corresponding elements of the "objective" chain, the can recognise that there is a need that has to be
mental counterparts of needs/goals, TELEs, their uses satisfied through that TELE.
and effects are related to one another in a causal
sequence. If we consider the relationships between the beliefs
about TELEs and their uses, beside the causal link
The personal conception of a need or of a goal brings connecting the former ones to the latter ones, the
learners to choose a TELE that is thought to be inverse relationship may occur: The representation of
relevant to that need. If we exclude the situation of a how to work within an environment can modify the
learner compelled to work within a TELE without mental model of that environment. For instance:
any idea about why it must be employed or without a students appreciating the possibility, offered by a
personal commitment toward its use, we recognise TELE, to control the learning process develop the
that there is a process that occurs in the trainee's mind belief that structured distance learning maximises
which leads him/her to recognise the existence of a such an opportunity. Alternatively students
need to be satisfied and/or of a goal to be reached and appreciating independence in learning are led to
which orientates him/her toward a TELE that is believe that open environments are the most relevant.
believed, according to the model that the student has When a student works within a TELE, he/she can
in mind, to be useful to satisfy that need or to reach discover new, more productive ways of working, and
that goal. so transform his/her representation of its proper use
and, in turn, the mental model of such a TELE.
The mental model of the TELE is connected to what
the learner thinks about its proper use and so drives Finally, the observation of the effects produced by the
the user's behaviour. The mental model of the TELE and the subjective appreciation of what has
environment will suggest how it must be used and been obtained through it, can suggest novel ways of
opinions about the relevant use, in turn, will inspire using it (different strategies, different control, and so
the behavioural plan to be executed. The learner will forth).
work within the TELE by trying to take advantage of
the potentialities that he/she attributes to it and by If we assume the two-circular two-directional
following strategies, applying operations and framework described above, we can recognise that—
activating skills which are believed to be relevant to beside the chain of causal influences that link
achieve such aims. educational goals, features of the environment
devised to reach such goals, presumed ways to work
Finally, the personal definition of the adequate use of in that environment and learning outcomes (the
the TELE is linked to the personal definition of the “objective” perspective)—a parallel chain links the
evaluation criteria to be adopted to assess the effects actual work within the TELE to what learners think
produced. of the TELE itself (the “subjective” perspective). The
"objective" and "subjective" perspectives can be
INTEGRATING THE EDUCATORS' AND conceived as two interacting perspectives. The needs
LEARNERS' PERSPECTIVE or goals set by the educators—and the corresponding
desired outcomes—interact with the learners’
The subjective chain described below is mono- representation of their own needs and goals; The
directional. However the connections between the identification of the relevant TELE carried out by
elements of such a chain also appear to be two- instructors matches or mismatches students’ opinions
directional since feedback processes are likely to about the TELE (why it should be useful, what
occur. advantages should be derived from its use, and so
forth); The planned use of the TELE is modulated by
It may be that initially the learner does not perceive what learners think is the best way of employing it;
the needs or goals for which a relevant TELE has The effects of TELEs and the criteria and procedures
been devised. Then he/she becomes familiar with the requested to assess them may or may not be shared by
TELE. The model of the TELE that the learner trainers and trainees. The two-circular two-directional
constructs in his/her mind enables him/her to framework might suggest a possible way to address
appreciate the importance of the actions that the the request of intervention to support an educational

institution introducing TELEs in training activities to Bryant, J. and D. Zillman (Eds.). (2002). Media effects.
promote self-regulated learning. Advances in theory and research. Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates, Mahwah, N.J.
The framework requires us first of all to clarify what Grove, J. (1997). VR and history. VR in the Schools, 2 (1),
the "objective" chain of elements that teachers Telepeers consortium. (2005). Self-Regulated Learning in
identified is: What are the learners' needs which Technology Enhanced Learning Environments. Draft
emerged from the analysis of the situation? What delivered on May 31.
goals have been settled by people who want to Wilson, T. and Whitelock. D. (1998). What are the
introduce TELEs? What are the specific technological perceived benefits of participating in a computer-
devices that they choose to apply and why? How did mediated communication (CMC) environment for
they plan to present students with such environments distance learning computer science students?.
and how did they design the instructional settings, the Computers and Education, 30, 259-269.
directions to be given to the students and the
behaviour to be captured? How did they intend to AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY
assess the effects from the introduction of those
TELEs and what standard did they expect to be ALESSANDRO ANTONIETTI is full professor of
achieved? Secondly, the framework suggests that cognitive psychology at the Catholic University of the
trainees should infer, by means of observations or Sacred Heart of Milano. He teaches in M.D., post-
interviews, their perceptions and beliefs about the graduate and Ph.D. courses in psychology and
same topics: What aims do they presume their education. He is head of the Department of
instructors have in mind? In students' opinion, what Psychology of the Catholic University and head of
are the needs that TELEs should address? What do the Service of Learning and Education Psychology
they think about the specific technological and co-ordinator of the Cognitive Psychology
instruments to be introduced? How do they figure out Laboratory of the same university.
their use of such devices (when, where, in what
manner)? What benefits might they expected? The He has carried out experimental studies about
third step would be to link the teachers' perspective to creativity, problem-solving, mental imagery, and
the students' one. analogy. He is also interested in the applications of
cognitive issues in the field of school instruction,
To conclude, TELEs ask students to upgrade their empowerment and rehabilitation. He investigated
ways of learning, whilst students' perceptions and thinking processes involved in hypertext navigation,
beliefs ask trainers to upgrade the design and multimedia communication, virtual reality immersion.
implementation of the TELEs.
He has published books and articles in scientific
REFERENCES journals and devised tests and training programmes to
enhance children’s and adults’ abilities in reasoning,
Antonietti, A. and Giorgetti. M. (2004). Students’ visualising, and learning.
conceptions about learning from multimedia. In H.
Niegemann, R. Brünken and D. Leutner (Eds.). Personal website: www.psycholab.net/antonietti
Instructional Design for Multimedia Learning.
Waxmann, Münster-New York, 249-265.
Antonietti, A. and Giorgetti. M. (in press). Teachers’ beliefs
about psychological aspects of learning through
multimedia. Computers in Human Behaviour.
Antonietti, A., Rasi, C., Imperio, E. and Sacco, M. (2000).
The representation of virtual reality in education.
Education and Information Technologies, 5, 317-327.
Bereiter C. (2002). Education and mind in the knowledge
age. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, N.J.
Boekaerts, M., P. R. Pintrich and M. Zeidner (Eds.). (2000).
Handbook of self-regulation. Academic Press, San
Diego, CA.

Jean Underwood
Division of Psychology
Nottingham Trent University
United Kingdom

E-mail: jean.underwood@ntu.ac.uk

© Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

Philip Banyard
Division of Psychology
Nottingham Trent University
United Kingdom

E-mail: phil.banyard@ntu.ac.uk

© Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

KEYWORDS ambition of educationalists to promote SRL while

the constraints of formal education only allow
Agency, learners, self-determination, Self-regulated controlled behaviour regulation rather than
Learning (SRL), skilled performance, Technology autonomous self-regulation.
Enhanced Learning Environments (TELEs).
The starting point for this discussion is the EU
The paper considers how Technology Enhanced funded TELEPEERS project which has investigated
Learning Environments (TELEs) can contribute to the opportunities provided in a range of Technology
the development of Self-regulated Learning (SRL). Enhanced Environments (TELEs) to provide
SRL is a sub set of Self-regulated Behaviour (SRB), opportunities for Self-regulated Learning (SRL).
which is a mechanism for monitoring and restoring
well-being. A distinction is made between While it is recognised that learning is a life-long
autonomous and controlled behaviour regulation to activity and that much learning takes place outside
reflect the difference between goals set by the of formal educational settings, in this discussion we
learner and those set by the tutor. The role of the draw our exemplar arguments from formal learning
tutor in facilitating SRL is discussed. SRL is also contexts, whether they are face-to-face in the class
affected by the various goals which compete for any or lecture room or at a distance. Further, there are
student’s attention and also by individual two underpinning assumptions of the argument
differences. The question for TELEs is to identify presented here.
what added value they bring to the learner with
regard to SRL. TELEs have clear advantages in The first is that the primary aim of education is to
terms of their anywhere, anytime flexibility and in facilitate the development of skilled performance;
their intrinsically motivating properties. Despite the development of the cognitive and social abilities
these advantages they do not necessarily promote of the learner is and should be the paramount goal of
SRL. Finally, a paradox is posed concerning the education. The use of the term skills here is not

confined to low-level procedural competences rather (i.e. keeping regular) goals, where goals are
it includes the range of skills to operate effectively internally represented desired states (i.e. within the
within a complex dynamic environment. Such skills self). SRB involves: goal establishment including
include the ability to problem solve and to interact adopting, adapting or rejecting goals; planning that
effectively with others. is preparing to pursue a goal; striving - moving
toward or maintaining a goal; and finally revision
which encompasses the possibility of possible
Learning Structures
changing or disengaging from a goal (Austin and
- formal / informal Vancouver, 1996). However, Wood (2005) argues
Task this is too narrow a definition. Although it
- subject
encapsulates internal processes it does not capture
Differences Education for - ŌwhatÕvs.
those transactional processes that Karoly (1993) sees
- gender
- expertise Skilled as essential in the purposeful pursuit of any goal.
- moral
- group SRB is a mechanism for maintaining and restoring
- locus of well-being and avoiding negative status in all
ICT control
- classroom computers aspects of life and SRL is a subset of that more
- e-learning
general concept. Karoly (1993), defines the self-
regulation mechanisms underlying cognitive and
Figure 1: Education For Skilled Performance: somatic based learning as those processes, internal
Factors Impacting Directly on the Learner and/or transactional, that enable an individual to
(Underwood and Dillon, 2004) guide his or her goal-directed activities over time
and across changing contexts. Goal seeking does not
A second assumption is that the educational necessarily lead to outcomes that society would
environment is comprised of a complex set of define as positive or beneficial. While goal
factors and relationships (see Figure 1) that impact attainment and maintenance are seen as central to
on the learner’s progress through the educational self-regulation, goal disengagement may prove
system, including the prior knowledge and skills the equally important. Goal disengagement can be
learners brings with them and the organisational beneficial to psychological well-being, particularly
structures put in place by the educational institution. if the initial goal is not achievable and if
There are, of course, a number of additional factors disengagement results in the pursuit of new more
that impact on learning that are not represented in attainable goals (Wrosch et al., 2003).
this diagram. Some are directly influential at the
learner level, and these include elements of the Regulation implies modulation of thought, affect,
home and community environments. Then there are behaviour, or attention via deliberate or automated
factors such as national and local policies, which use of specific mechanisms and supportive meta-
have a secondary impact in that they influence the skills. The processes of self-regulation are initiated
behaviour of educators and institutional policies. when routinised activity is impeded (for example the
failure of habitual action patterns) or when goal-
From this myriad of factors we will focus on two. At directedness is otherwise made salient (for example
the learner level we are concerned with mechanisms with the appearance of a challenge). Transactional
by which the learner controls the learning process process provide the vital link between internal self-
that is on the concept of Self-regulated Learning regulatory processes and human action
(SRL). At the contextural level the focus will be on
the role of TELEs in supporting SRL. Self-regulated learners draw on their knowledge and
beliefs to devise an interpretation of a given
SELF-REGULATED BEHAVIOUR AND SELF- academic task. These learners will set goals and
REGULATED LEARNING think about the skills and strategies for achieving
these goals. They monitor their progress toward the
The concept of SRL has emerged from the more goals by judging their success against these goals
extensive literature on Self-regulated Behaviour (Zimmerman, 1989), and they recognise deviations
(SRB). Vancouver (2000) defines self-regulation as from their expected rate of progress.
the processes involved in attaining and maintaining

SRL highlights academic performance and develops concerned with assessing the impact of social
through purposive engagement with the fundamental interaction on task learning and is based upon
concepts and structures of the domain knowledge as microanalyses of moment-by-moment interaction
students strive for academic success. However, between learner and tutor (mother, teacher or
while traditional models of SRB assume that the machine). The concept has arisen out of dyadic
behaviour is determined by individual goals and interaction rather than small group teaching.
needs with limited influence from others or the Effective contingent instruction places heavy
environmental context (Jackson, MacKenzie and demands on tutors - demands that good machine
Hobfoll, 2000), the extent of the influence of factors based systems can in part meet, that is TELEs can
outside of the self are very apparent in the learning provide some aspects of contingent instruction.
context, where teachers, institutions and even From the Telepeers project the programming
governments define acceptable learning goals. As environment produced by colleagues in Compiegne,
Garner et al. (2000) so poetically put it; the provides such support but in other TELEs such as
classroom is where teachers dragoon learners into DIVIDU from the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdamthe
doing things they think are good for them. While tutoring resides with staff and peers and the TELE
this is possibly an overstatement, in the formal supplies the environment within which exchanges
learning context the learner whether child or take place. These individuals or TELEs play a vital
vocational trainee rarely sets key learning goals role as contingent tutors in the acquisition of skills
although there maybe choice on the path to such and knowledge.
goals. Deci and Ryan (2000) sum this up in their
theory of Self-Determination, which makes a clear The basic ideas of contingent instruction are
distinction between autonomous and controlled ‘deceptively simple to state, though hard to achieve
behaviour regulation. In the former goals emanate in practice” (Wood and Wood, 1999, p.154). When
from the individual and are set because of personal a learner exhibits difficulties the contingent tutor
importance. In the latter controlled regulation occurs offers help. If the difficulty is not resolved then the
when the individual feels coerced or pressurised to tutor offers more extensive, some would say
obtain a goal set by external but also internal forces. intrusive, help until the learner resolves his or her
Autonomous goals (e.g. desire to master a subject) difficulties. Once the learner shows a degree of
are more likely to lead to successful outcomes than competence with the material the tutor fades or
developed through controlled regulation (e.g. tutor withdraws allowing more and more responsibility to
or parental targets to do well). pass to the learner. It may appear at first sight that
the contingent help is rather didactic and that it is
Of course self-regulation is not always the most couched in terms of what the tutor does to or for the
strategic approach to academic success. As Garner learner, but Wood and Wood (1999) argue that this
et al (2000) intimate, students who fulfil the is a two-way model, an interaction between tutor
perceived expectation of tutors will receive high and learner and that contingency is an emergent
marks. property of that interaction. Not only does the
learner’s knowledge change through the interaction,
THE IMPORTANCE OF SELF-REGULATION the tutor develops an internal model of the learner’s
FOR LEARNING progress that is progressively modified by the
behaviour of the learner. The development of the
Glaser (1996) asserts that a fundamental principle learner model allows the tutor to tailor feedback to
underlying the acquisition of any level of the learner. Wood et al (1976) suggest that effective
competence is the change in agency for learning as helping involves two ingredients. The first concerns
expertise develops. Initially learning involves often circumstances in which a child gets into difficulty.
extensive external support on the part of significant Here the tutor immediately offers more specific
others (Vygotsky, 1978) such as a teacher, a parent instruction or help than was offered previously. The
or an expert in the area of skill to be learnt but the second ingredient of effective instruction is fading,
need for such support fades with growing that is providing the child with the minimal help
competence. This shift in agency is central to needed to ensure joint success. This requires the
concept of scaffolding (Wood et al., 1976) and tutor to withdraw or fade from the interaction if the
contingent tutoring (Wood and Wood, 1999). The learner is being successful.
analysis of tutorial contingency is primarily

As experience and competence increases the commitment) are hypothesised to play a key role. In
individual increasingly internalizes control over the social cognitive models these include
learning situation and the honing of performance • risk perception
that is they begin to self-regulate. However, • outcome expectancies
Bielaczyc et al. (1995) argue that the acquisition of • social influences
cognitive skill is affected not only by the quantity • perceived competency (self-efficacy)
but the quality of self-explanations produced by
learners. Learners need relevant strategies, which Although these models are good at
lead them to ask not only do they know and predictingintention they are poor at predicting actual
understand but also whether that understanding is at behaviours, that is they are not necessarily models
a sufficient level. of behavioural change. Directions of behaviours are
influenced by long- and short-term, important and
In summary this chapter is predicated on the non-important, and easy and difficult goals that are
assumptions that: prioritized and strategically implemented according
• Self-regulation is a general adaptive to individual aims during self-regulation. The
process for maintaining and restoring well- effectiveness of SRL is dependant upon the clarity
being. and power of the goal setting. Clarity needs little
• Self-regulated learning is a subset of SR explanation but by power we mean the strength of
focused on academic success. the goal to stand up to other competing goals, which
• The role of the tutor is to promote the individual may have outside of the learning
academic success by mediating the change context. SRL theory is challenged when the
in the student from controlled to self- individual has competing goals. A current example
regulated learner. from our own teaching will illustrate this balance of
• TELEs can enhance the role of the tutor in long-term and short-term goals. The long term goal
this process and in some cases can replace of completing the final year degree project weighs
it. heavily on one of our students, but not so heavily
that she has turned down an offer of a tutorial she
SELF-REGULATION; A CONCEPT IN FLUX? badly needs and wants because she is attending a
21st birthday party the night before the tutorial!
There are procedural, epistemic and conceptual
divergences in the models of self-regulated learning COMPETING GOALS
in education (see Boekarts and Corno, 2005).
Models may variously emphasise volitional There are then many goals or targets which compete
behaviour (Corno, 2004), cognitive processes for any student’s attention. For example, in the
(Winne, 1995) or cultural settings (McCaslin and search for personal development, students may
Hickey, 2001) but all assume that students who self- strive to achieve:
regulate their learning • Academic success (look at my certificates)
• Engage actively and constructively in a • Personal validation (I’m proud of my
process of meaning generation. achievements)
• Adapt thoughts, feelings and actions as • External validation (my mother will be very
needed to affect learning and motivation proud)
• Use standards to direct learning and set • Personal discovery (climb every mountain,
goals or very small hill)
• Have individual differences whether • Social acceptance (everybody loves me -
inherent or learnt which enhance or I’m successful / I don’t work)
interfere with self-regulation
• Mediate the relationship between Boekarts and Niemivirta (2000) suggest that there is
achievement and individual and contextual a tension between academic learning goals and ego-
characteristics through self-regulation. protective goals and that is the balance achieved
Self-regulation guides behaviour along a specific between these opposing goals which controls the
path to a directed aim or goal. In the goal selection direction the individual will take. Ego-protective
phase of SR, determinants of intention (goal goals can be adaptive, for example unrealistic

optimism is a requirement for good mental health. on mindful learning in the SRL literature tells us
People have been found to consistently rate little about the student who does not fit the pattern
themselves as healthier, wealthier and happier than of the SR Learner. It also fails to shed light on
their peers (after Weinstein, 1982). Unrealistic achievement goals and other goals students pursue.
optimism about educational progress and potential In the messy world of classrooms learning creates
can be seen to be adaptive but it is likely to inhibit different goals
self-regulation because self-monitoring of
performance has a self-serving bias. However, some INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES
individuals, in an attempt to protect their ego from
self-criticism, may disregard vital information from There are strong individual differences in the degree
observation in a self-serving bias, and thus, limit the to which students engage in SRL activities. Some
effectiveness of self-monitoring (Baumeister et al., students appear to use SRL whatever the study
1993; Krosnick and Sedikides, 1990). However, program. While others appear never to engage in
Carver and Scheier (2000) suggest that a resolution SRL activities whatever the study programme. Then
to this impasse in the theory is to view the again there are intermittent users of SRL
competing goals as being on different levels in a mechanisms and it is these in particular that we
hierarchy of goals. Baumeister and Heatherton might argue TELEs can support and provide added
(1996) argue not from a competing goal position value to existing educational environments.
rather they suggest that self-regulation fails when an
individual makes false–assumptions about what they For example, individuals differ in their attentional
can achieve, how they can achieve it or how style, the relationship of concentration and focus to
important it is to achieve the goal. the environment (Zaichkowsky, 1984). Attentional
style is related to the degree of internal and external
Once a specific self-regulation treatment has been distraction and the degree of conscious and
learned and adapted for a specific behaviour, it automatic control an individual possesses for a
becomes increasingly difficult to change treatment given task (Hardy et al., 1996). That is, it is the
to be congruent with long-term goals. In other ability of the learner to intervene and separate
words, too much deviation from the original path important mental content from non-important
may lead to never finding the same path again. derived from specific stimuli, and to know when to
Thus, clear and defined goal setting is essential in consciously over-ride actions or to allow automatic
the initial approach to self-regulation. This is processes to continue. This process is governed by
Gollwitzer’s (1990) Rubicon Model. Just as the skill of the individual to self-monitor effectively.
Coriolanus crossing the Rubicon was a moment of
commitment to invade his home city of Rome, The question to consider about TELEs is whether
Gollwitzer sees the learner standing on one side of they bring something new and effective to the
the river setting goals and intents but these can not educational environment or is it just new packaging
achieved until the individual crosses the river and for old techniques? In particular,
then an act of goal striving begins. Gollwitzer’s • Do TELEs have a particular impact on
work shows that once the commitment is made then occasional self-regulators?
individuals find it very difficult, if not impossible to • Are the effects measurable?
review or revert back to previously espoused goals. • Are the benefits real or just perceived (c.f.
benefits of PowerPoint described below)
Once goal setting has been developed, the ability to
self-monitor becomes essential because attention to THE TECHNOLOGY DIMENSION
internal and external cues, through greater self-
awareness, leads to faster and more appropriate Pintrich (2000) has questioned the strength of the
control of intervention strategies. Attention to focus on the learner when considering the SRL
internal states (thoughts, feeling, sensations) and paradigm, arguing that the context within which the
external states (bodily movement and environment) learning takes place constrains self-regulation; that
is a different phenomenon from attentional styles, is that learning is situated (Lave and Wenger, 1991).
though there is overlap between the two. New technologies have and are changing the
learning environment and TELES provide a range of
Boekaerts (2005) points out that the deliberate focus contexts within which learning takes place. What is

the impact of such technological changes? The successful but challenging technology learning
anticipation of the benefits of new technologies for environment. Sharples (2000) states that there are
learning has increased with the proliferation of five approaches to using technology in learning and
computers, the rise of the Internet and increasing the TELES studied in the Telepeers project are
levels of connectivity. Although the debate about the represented in four of the five approaches. They are
value of technology in education rages on - see as follows:
Hokanson and Hooper (2000) for one of the more 1. Intelligent tutoring systems (Underwood and
balanced debates - here we are interested in the way Brown, 1997) that have attempted to replace the
in which new technologies shape the context within teacher. These have had limited success,
which learning takes place. As Innes (1954) says (Telepeers, Programming Tutorials)
“new technologies alter the structure of our 2. Simulation and modelling tools that serve as
interests: the things we think about. They alter the learner’s assistants or pedagogical agents
character of our symbols and the things we think embedded in applications that act as mentors
with. And they alter the nature of community: the providing advice, (Telepeers, Portfolio)
arena in which thoughts develop.” (p.20). 3. Dictionaries, concept maps, learning
organizers, planners and other resource aids that
A very simple example, the use of PowerPoint help learners to learn or organize knowledge
multimedia presentations in lectures, will suffice to with system tools and resources, (Telepeers,
illustrate how new technologies change the learning Cognitive Psychology WebPages, Weblogs)
context. Across a range of studies (Apperson et al., 4. Personalised communication aids that can
2006; Pippert and Moore, 1999; Susskind, 2005) it present materials depending on user abilities and
has been found that lecturers who use PowerPoint experience with the system, and
presentations instead of older non-digital 5. Simulated classrooms and labs that engage
technologies such as chalkboards or overhead teachers and learners in an interaction similar to
projector slides, are rated as better on a wide range real classrooms. (Telepeers, SWIM)
of teaching dimensions by their students. This
positive halo effect for technology users was seen to The advantages of learning with new technologies
spill over into activities unrelated to the lecture particularly those supported through the Internet
format such as handing back papers on time, include flexibility of anytime and anywhere learning
providing helpful feedback, and assigning tasks (Brandon and Hollingshead, 1999), self-paced
requiring critical or creative thought. The students learning, ability to link resources in many different
also held stronger academic self-efficacy beliefs formats, accommodating different learning styles,
when PowerPoint presentations were employed. and potential for widening access (e.g., work based
Such lectures were perceived as being easier to students). New technologies are also motivating
understand and take notes from. The students (Cavendish et al., 1997). Pintrich and Schunk (1996)
believed that they took more notes and perceived outline three general types of motivational beliefs;
those notes as more organized and useful for self-efficacy beliefs (that is judgments of one's
studying when PowerPoint multimedia presentations capabilities to do the academic task); task value
accompanied lecture. At this point it should be noted beliefs (that is, beliefs about the importance of,
that little or no evidence has been published to show interest in, and value of the task); and goal
that this positive response to the technology- orientations (that is, whether the focus is on mastery
supported lecture has any preferential benefits on and learning of the task, grades or extrinsic reasons
learning outcomes. The point here is that students for doing the task, or relative ability in relation to
see the learning environment as more beneficial to social comparisons with other students). They have
them when the technology is used. shown self-efficacy is positively related to self-
regulated self-regulatory strategies such as planning,
Recent developments in learning styles and in new monitoring, and regulating which have been shown
technologies show a clear synergy. As learning to lead to academic success
becomes more individualised, learner-centred,
situated, collaborative, ubiquitous, and spans the Not all is rosy in the technologically enhanced
life-span; new technologies are becoming more learning environment. For example, staff feel it
personalised, user-centred, mobile, networked, might be difficult to authenticate learners' work
ubiquitous, and durable setting the stage for a (Underwood, 2001) while students may experience a

lack of social interaction with peers, learners may Baumeister, R.F. and Heatherton, T.F. (1996). Self-
feel isolated at not being part of a more traditional regulation failure: An overview. Psychological
community (Motiwalla and Tello, 2000). However Inquiry, 7, 1-15.
the success of TELE learning depends largely on Baumeister, R. F., Heatherton, T. F., and Tice, D. M.
(1993). When ego threats lead to self-regulation
learners’ satisfaction with the TELE as this will failure: negative consequences of high self-esteem.
impact on the learner’s intention to continue using Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 64,
it. Eccles, Adler, Futterman, Goff, Kaczala et al. 141-156.
(1983) argue that satisfaction results from the degree Bielaczyc, K., Pirollli, P. L. and Brown, A. L. (1995).
to which the TELE is able to fulfill needs, facilitate Training in Self-Explanation and Self-Regulation
reaching goals, or affirm personal values as this will Strategies: Investigating the Effects of Knowledge
determine the value of the TELE to the individual. Acquisition Activities on Problem Solving. Cognition
and Instruction, 13, 221-252.
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FINAL THOUGHTS When and why do pupils learn from Integrated
Learning Systems? In J. Underwood and J. Brown
A paradox exists in the debate concerning SRL. (Eds.) "Integrated Learning Systems : Potential into
While many theorists and indeed practitioners Practice." London: Heinemann,
Corno, L. (2004) Work habits and work styles: Volition in
espouse the value of self-regulation, both in learning education. Teachers College Record, 106, 1669-1694.
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meet those goals and indeed rewards those that do. It determination of behaviour. Psychological Inquiry,
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in psychology: Structure, process and content. Hokanson, B. and Hooper, S. (200). Computers as
Psychological Bulletin, 120, 338-375. cognitive media: Examining the potential of

computers in education. Computers in Human technology. Technology, Pedagogy and Education,
Behaviour, 16, 537-552. 13, 213-224.
Innis, H.A. (1954). The Bias of Communication. Toronto: Vancouver, J.B. (2000). Self-regulation in
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Academic Press, 275-300 Higher Psychological Processes. Cambridge MA:
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and self-protective biases in use of consensus Wood, D., Bruner, J.S. and Ross, G. (1976). The role of
information to predict one's own behaviour. Journal of tutoring in problem solving. Journal of Child
Personality and Social Psychology, 58, 718-728. Psychology and Psychiatry, 17, 89-100.
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Legitimate peripheral Participation. Cambridge: and contingent tutoring. Computers and Education,
Cambridge University Press. 33, 153-169.
McCaslin, M. and Hickey, D.T. (2001). Educational Wood, R. (2005). New frontiers for self-regulation
psychology, social constructivism and educational research. Applied Psychology: An International
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Motiwalla, L. and Tello, S. (2000). Distance learning on (2003). The importance of goal disengagement in
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Pintrich, P.R. (1999). The role of motivation in promoting Zaichkowsky, L. D. (1984). Attentional styles. In W. F.
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M. Zeidner (Eds.) Handbook of Self-regulation. San AUTHOR BIOGRAPHIES
Diego, CA: Academic Press, 452-502.
Pippert, T. D., and Moore, H. A. (1999). Multiple JEAN UNDERWOOD is currently professor of
perspectives on multimedia in the large lecture.
Teaching Sociology, 27, 92-109.
psychology at Nottingham Trent University and was
Sharples, M. (2000) The design of personal mobile previously Reader in Education at the University of
technologies for lifelong learning. Computers and Leicester. A qualified teacher and teacher educator
Education, 34, 241-255. she has worked in the field of educational
Snyder, M. (1979). Self-monitoring processes. In L. technology for 30 years, conducting a number of
Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social national research projects for the UK government.
Psychology: Vol. 12 New York: Academic Press.
Susskind, J. (2005). PowerPoint’s power in the classroom:
enhancing students’ self-efficacy and attitudes.
PHIL BANYARD is Senior Lecturer at Nottingham
Computers and Education, 45, 203-215. Trent University. He has been involved in the
Winne, P.H. (1995). Inherent details in self-regulated teaching of psychology in schools for over 25 years
learning. Educational Psychologist, 30, 173-187. including 15 years as Chief Examiner of A Level
Wood, R. (2005). New frontiers for self-regulation Psychology.
research. Applied Psychology: An International
Review, 54,192-198.
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Modelling: A framework for capturing the effects of

Hermann Rüppell
Department of Edcuation
University of Cologne
D-50923 Cologne

E-mail: Hermann.Rueppell@uni-koeln.de

© Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

KEYWORDS games because they offer new possibilities to

Competition, learning strategies, Online gaming. stimulate well-defined learning processes. The
enrichment of competitive multiplayer online games
ABSTRACT by learning activities leads to competitive educational
online-games – COME-ON games. Because of the
Competitive online learning games are technology huge success of massively multiplayer online action
enhanced learning environments (TELEs) that are games, it seems to be an efficient strategy to design
highly suitable for the promotion of self-regulated the COME-ON games in analogy to these
learning (SRL) because they involve a problem- multiplayer action games.
solving perspective, are intrinsically motivating, and
evoke emotions that are necessary for self- MULTIPLAYER ONLINE ACTION GAMES
development. In order to stimulate different learning
processes and different emotions we developed a Massively multiplayer online action games are the
large set of game-like learning settings. A game-like ultimate extension of single player computer games.
learning setting is a frame for competitive or These games connect a large number of people from
collaborative interaction in a group of four to twelve different locations to engage in complex social and
learners. The development of these learning settings cognitive interactions and to compete with each other
is based on the adaptive learning environment (ALE) in order to reach a shared goal. Multiplayer online
which consists of a set of more than fifty game-like action games are designed for fun, skill and action in
learning settings. a virtual social context. Examples of frequently
played games are Counterstrike, Everquest or
INTRODUCTION Warcraft. The dominant actions in these games are
planning, quick-decision-making, conquering and
The basic idea of this paper is the following: playing fighting. Other multiplayer online games are card
and gaming are self-regulated activities, while games or skill games like Tetris. The driving force in
learning – in most situations – is fundamentally all these games is a distributed competition with
teacher-regulated. Therefore in order to develop self- players all over the world. The stimulating force is
regulated learning it may be easier to enrich the self- the immediate feedback without any time delay and
regulated gaming behavior with learning activities, without any evaluation from trainers or teachers. This
rather than to restructure the receptive classroom immediate feedback together with the experience of
learning behavior. being more or less competent, or more or less skillful
than other players, strengthens the motivation to try
An optimal context for the enrichment of games by harder and to become better. The observation that
learning activities is given in multiplayer online online gamers acquire complex decision and

coordination skills raised the interest of social analysis with online gamers concerning the emotions
scientists and has stimulated systematic research. that the games induce.
Important studies of this online game research are the
1. Hard Fun: Players like the opportunities for
Daedalus-Project, a large online-player-survey (Yee,
challenge, strategy, and problem solving. Their
2005), the Academic Advanced Distributed Learning
comments focus on the game’s challenge and
Project from the Wisconsin Technology Network at
strategic thinking and problem solving. This “Hard
Madison (Gee, Squire and Steinkuehler, 2005) and
Fun” frequently generates emotions and experiences
the results from the XEODesign research study
of frustration and pride.
(Lazzaro, 2004) concerning the emotions that online
games induce. 2. Easy Fun: Players enjoy intrigue and curiosity.
Players become immersed in games when it absorbs
The Daedalus-Project surveyed more than 35,000 their complete attention, or when it takes them on an
Massively Distributed Multiplayer Online Role- exciting adventure. These immersive game aspects
Playing Game players from a majority of the popular are “Easy Fun” and generate emotions and
US Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing experiences of wonder, awe, and mystery.
Games. Over the past five years, these findings were
presented in a variety of formats. The Daedalus 3. Altered States: Players treasure the enjoyment
Gateway is an attempt to provide a coherent gateway from their internal experiences in reaction to the
to all those findings (http://www.nickyee.com/ visceral, behavioural, cognitive, and social properties.
daedalus/). These players play for internal sensations such as
excitement or relief from their thoughts and feelings.
The research of Gee and his colleagues at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison explains the 4. The People Factor: Players use games as
advantages of games over traditional teaching tools. mechanisms for social experiences. These players
They argue that Massively-Multiplayer Online Games enjoy the emotions of amusement coming from the
are much more than mindless entertainment, and social experiences of competition, teamwork, as well
derivatives of them could be used in schools or for as opportunity for social bonding and personal
corporate training. Gee and his colleagues would like recognition that comes from playing with others
to make similar games that let players be scientists or (Lazarro, 2004).
take on other professional roles. Squire has worked
on a game called “Biohazard” in which firefighters SELF-REGULATION AND LEARNING
must react to dangerous situations. They learn the
most effective ways to, for example, evacuate people The basic problem with self-regulated learning can be
from a mall after a sarin-gas attack. seen in the fact that the dominant perspective of
learners in the traditional classroom is listening. Over
One feature that is important for the analysis of self- the years this perspective has been firmly established
regulated learning is the description of what gamers with the consequence that the student expects the
do: ‘They upload and they share information and teacher to be responsible for the stimulation and
ideas, give each other commentaries and teach one regulation of his learning process. Connected to this
and another to play the game better. They make their expectation is a critical attitude towards the teacher’s
thinking visible in front of a community of experts behaviour and this attitude is transferred to other
they have identified with. And they give feedback on innovative learning methods especially to multi-
the same problem. This is real intellectual work media-programs and e-learning. According to our
online because everyone is playing the same game observations many students are looking for
giving each other feedback. This is, what e-learning- weaknesses and suboptimalities of multi-media-
people would like to see happen’ (Gee, Squire and programs or e-learning-programs in order to find a
Steinkuehler, 2005). reason to reject the new techniques. The generalised
consequence of this counter-productive attitude is the
The XEODesign study revealed that multiplayer belief that all controllable factors, like particular
online games have “four keys to releasing emotions strategies, are unimportant and that effort and ability
during play” (Lazzaro, 2004). Lazzaro conducted are the only factors for success.

The dominance of only one perspective in learning is in the creation of a complete learning strategy that
the main weakness of the traditional classroom regulates the sub-processes of coding, rehearsal,
learning setting (Moore and Anderson, 1969). Moore restructuring, elaboration, automation and that
and Anderson explain this in the context of their supports the sub-processes of cognitive motivation,
theory of Clarifying Learning Environments. They adaptation to the learning situation, reflection to the
developed their theory on the basis of an analysis of learning progress, and sustaining attention.
the functions of games, where they show that every
culture has invented games in order to guarantee that A clarifying educational environment in the sense of
every child internalises the basic social and cognitive Moore and Anderson, which is mainly based on the
competencies. Their main theoretical argument is that concept of games, directly stimulates neither these
human behaviour is regulated by four fundamental learning processes nor the creation of a coordinated
action perspectives: learning strategy. It is the stimulation of these
• The perspective of the recipient or processes on which our competitive educational
consumer, online games – COME-ON-games – focus.
• the perspective of the problem-solver,
• the perspective of the strategist and Because games are closely related to play it is
• the perspective of an evaluator or referee. interesting to notice that Rieber (1996) developed a
theory of how play is related to self-regulation and to
Games are attractive for people because they offer the microworlds in the sense of Papert (Papert, 1980). He
possibility to freely change between these argues that microworlds have to be enriched with
perspectives. As a recipient or consumer perspective, elements of games in order to support intensive self-
the learner absorbs the information without any regulation.
control over the ongoing events. A lecture or
television program induces this perspective in a Rieber’s design is a hybrid interactive learning
prototypical manner. As a problem-solver the learner environment, based on the constructivist concept of a
is actively engaged in generating hypotheses, in microworld and supported with elements of both
planning, or in trial-and-error-behaviour. Moore and games and simulations. Rieber’s microworld concept
Anderson call this perspective ‘games against nature’. is based on components of Piaget’s theory of
Solving brain-teasers or puzzles are prototypical intellectual development and the Flow Theory of
activities. The perspective of the strategists is Optimal Experience developed by Csikszentmihalyi
characterised by games against intelligent opponents, (1990). Both illustrate the close relationship between
where you have to take their strategy into account. self-regulated learning and play. The best known
Chess for example induces this perspective. As an microworld is the LOGO programming environment,
evaluator or referee you have the opportunity to judge developed by Papert and explained in his frequently
the quality of the actions and to share your opinions cited book ‘Mindstorms’.
with others as you sometimes do after hearing a
lecture or watching television. THE ALE AND THE COME-ON GAMES

The dominance of only one or two perspectives in The competitive-educational-online games – COME-
traditional education is one of the reasons that self- ON games – are based partly on the concept of games
regulated learning rarely takes place. A closer look at and partly on the results and the theory of the
self-regulated learning shows that a consuming Adaptive Learning Environment (ALE) (Rüppell,
attitude is incompatible with the cognitive and 1982). The ALE was our first approach to promote
motivational processes underlying self-regulated self-regulated learning (SRL) by the development of a
learning. These processes can be seen in monitoring complete learning strategy. The ALE was developed
and controlling emotions when obstacles are with the aim of individualising the learning process
encountered, generating thoughts of confidence and and to offer every pupil optimal learning conditions.
diligence when motivation decreases, flexibility and Our hypothesis was that these external learning
information seeking, allocation of time, seeing failure conditions would be internalised after an extended
only as a temporary setback or seeking help by period of time and that as a consequence, a self-
cooperation (Zimmermann, 1990). An efficient and regulated learner would develop. A learning
valuable form of self-regulated learning can be seen condition is defined as a characteristic of the learning

situation, whose efficacy can be supported by In order to implement the sub-systems of the ALE in
empirical data and theoretical arguments. The the classroom, we invented the slides projector table
learning conditions are grouped and harmonised in (see Figure 1). The learning content is projected to
order to regulate one of the above mentioned sub- the transparent surface of the table and in addition to
processes. These harmonised groups of learning the content, specific activities are prescribed for every
conditions form the sub-systems of the ALE: learner. These prescriptions define game-like learning
settings. These game-like learning settings realise one
The display system for the regulation of the coding or more of the above mentioned learning conditions.
process; the regulation of the manipulanda system
for the restructuring process; the regulation of the
supervision system for the elaboration-process; the
regulation of the practice system for the automation

Selected learning-conditions of the manipulanda

system are:
- peer controversy, i.e., the learners are
confronted with arguments or evidence that
are to some extent inconsistent with their
own beliefs;
- peer modelling: i.e., the thinking out loud of
one player of a small group during a difficult
thinking process;
- programmed peer tutoring, i.e., one member
of the small group who has been given more Figure 1: The slides projector table, the centre of the
information in advance to help the others; ALE.
- teach back: i.e., a pupil to whom something
has been explained, explains the same thing In the context of the Adaptive Learning Environment,
to someone else. nearly 50 game-like learning settings were developed
and tested. These settings were very effective in
Selected learning conditions of the supervision regulating the group behaviour.
system are:
The development of our competitive educational
- process feedback: i.e., a detailed description online-games is based on the research with the slides
of one’s own thinking difficulties; table and is extended to the new possibilities that
- tutoring: i.e., giving feedback and distributed learning through the internet offers. The
instructions on how to structure and how to learners or players are now distributed all over the
improve the learning process, social world. The main difference between the ALE and the
reinforcement; COME-ON games is the balance of competition and
- meta-cognitive feedback: i.e., encouraging cooperation.
the pupil to be retrospective about the
solution to a problem and to discuss all his The social activities in the ALE were dominated by
reasoning on the basis of the normative cooperation and collaboration because the
thinking model, environment was developed in order to increase the
- post organiser: i.e. constructing a flow chances for the slower learners. The COME-ON
diagram of the course of one’s own solution games are more competitive because they are
process; the display of a general conceptual primarily developed in order to foster the
system so that the concepts that have achievements of the more competent or high-potential
previously been studied thoroughly can be students. Our work and some observations indicate
logically integrated – as analogy to the that this strategy will also increase the achievements
‘advanced organiser”. of the slower learners assuming that adequate
supporting learning conditions are realised.

Unfortunately, the slides and the slide projector table From Recognition to Free Recall settings are a case of
were too expensive to be implemented on a large hot competition because the chances of one player are
scale in schools. directly influenced by the speed and skill of the other
Setting: Comparative Feedback
The COME-ON games are game-like learning
settings developed in analogy to the settings of the The rules are the same as in the setting “From
Adaptive Learning Environment (ALE) with the Recognition to Free Recall”, with the exception that
above stated difference that competition is much the vocabulary pairs do not vanish, so that every
stronger than cooperation. Three game-like learning player can try his chances with every pair of the list.
settings are described in order to demonstrate the After some minutes the program shows how many
power of competition. right choices were made by each player and how
much time each player took. This setting provides a
Setting: From Recognition to Free Recall ranking of the players. Comparative Feedback is a
case of cold competition.
This setting has three consecutive parts:
1. speed matching Setting: Learn and Take your Turn
2. stimulated recall matching
3. free recall matching. 1. A paragraph (7+-2 sentences) is presented to
each player for only 3 minutes and each
1. Hot competition by Speed Matching player tries to memorise as much as possible.
- A word list e.g. a vocabulary of 12 words is 2. The paragraph disappears from the screen
presented to each player for only one minute and and is replaced by a corresponding pattern of
each player tries to memorise as much as lines. Now one player is requested to type
possible. the initial letters of a sequence of 2 to 4
- The word-lists are now scrambled on the words from the paragraph.
screen. 3. This is done in a clockwise direction until no
- Simultaneously all players can now click pairs player can remember an additional sequence.
of words. 4. If a player enters a correct sequence he will
- If one player clicks on a correct pair, this pair get one point for every initial. A player can
immediately disappears from the screen of all also skip his turn, resulting in 0 points.
players wherever they are in the world.
According to this feature a player always has to “Learn and Take your Turn” is a case of moderate
be aware that a pair on which he wanted to click competition. Every player gets his chance or can skip
might vanish. it at the expense of being evaluated by the other
- The winner is asked to explain his strategies to players. This game results in a discussion of the
the other players in the chat, and give hints to the strategies used in a chat afterwards.
other players.
The COME-ON games are very cheap and can be
2. Stimulated Recall Matching implemented in any location in the world. We are
In Stimulated Recall Matching only one part of the probably able to invent and implement 50 game-like
word list is visible. In the other part every letter is learning settings for this new learning technology.
replaced by a dot and the player has to type in the
initial letter of the word. THE DANGER OF COMPETITION

3. Free Recall Matching "Compete and Win" is an American slogan.

In Free Recall Matching no part of the word list is Americans historically have enjoyed taking part in all
visible and the players have to type in the initials of kinds of competition (Bainbridge, 1999). Occupations
the two words of a pair of the list he remembered. and recreational activities routinely are based on
The pairs appear one after the other on the screen. trying to exceed a standard or beat competitors. In

Europe this attitude is less pronounced although the intelligence. In this area fitness is based on direct
Olympic model is well accepted. competition and immediate feedback. Competitive
co-evolution can lead to an “arms race”, in which the
The Olympics is the model for genuine competition two populations reciprocally drive one another to
because athletes like the competition and - what is increasing levels of performance and complexity. The
more important - like the activities. In some cases, hope is that increasingly sophisticated strategies will
participating is less about winning than about utilise increasingly complex structures, preventing the
discovering what human beings are capable of doing. arms race from stagnating. The competitive task is
All participants can feel good about being a part of challenging when the players always start out with
the community because it brings out the best in all of exactly the same configuration and resources.
us and it helps set new standards for what individuals
or teams are capable of. This is the right spirit of In conclusion, it is stressed that the main advantage of
Olympic competition resulting in a win-win learning games is their motivating character. Exciting
philosophy. games energise behaviour and direct learning
behaviour. The arousal leads to high competition, to
When people compete in games, it requires that they persistence and high concentration, and may only
act on certain social assumptions about their sometimes lead to aggressive competition. In order to
relationships and on the rules of the game - just like manage aggressive competition some of our COME-
cooperation. In this sense the players have to ON games are played with an administrator. The
cooperate in order to compete. However, every administrator regulates the emotions, promotes the
pedagogical conception of a competitive game has to communication, asks the players to explain their
consider some negative aspects of competition, strategies or exchange ideas. Technically this is
especially the negative interpersonal emotions. realised by a chat tool which is connected to every
In distributed competition, interpersonal emotions are
less involved as in face-to-face competition because No matter whether this is intended or not, the results
players only know each other virtually and they are of competitions will put the player into a rank order,
not taking their actions at the expense of others, i.e. player A is considered to be the most competent
which sometimes happens in face-to-face games. and therefore players B, C and D look less competent,
Another danger of competition is the fact that the but in a game-like competition this frustration has
aptitude-treatment-interaction-research (ATI) shows another quality. It is “pleasantly frustrating” and this
that the best instruction involves treatments that differ may be the reason why frustration in a game more
in structure and completeness and high or low general often leads to motivation than to demotivation.
ability measures. Highly structured treatments (e.g.,
high external control, explicit sequences and REFERENCES
components) seem to help students with low ability
but hinder those with high abilities (relative to low Bainbridge, J. R. (1999). Motivation Through Competition?
structure treatments) (Cronbach, 1977). http://www.almc.army.mil/alog/issues/
It is argued that real-time competition tasks have Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: The Psychology of
Optimal Experience. New York: Harper & Row.
features that promote metacognition and the
Cronbach, L. & Snow, R. (1977). Aptitudes and
development of new learning strategies. In real time Instructional Methods: A Handbook for Research on
competitive tasks you can see what the other players Interactions. New York: Irvington Publishers.
are "thinking" by trying to solve their problem. The Gee, P., Squire, K. & Steinkuehler, C. (2005): How Games
rules of some games encourage the players to change are Reshaping Business. http://wistechnology.com/
their strategies. Players must learn to change their media/accel_games/viewer.html
goals quickly depending on which strategy the other Lazzaro, N. (2004): Why we play games: four keys to more
player has chosen. As can be imagined, complex emotion without story. Abstract March 8, 2004. Player
strategies arise. So a player is always able to Experience Research and Design for Mass Market
Interactive Entertainment. XEODesign, Oakland, USA.
supplement his own strategy by adding an element.
This is comparable to the co-evolution of complex whyweplaygames.html
strategies that takes place in the area of artificial

Lepper, M. R., & Malone, T. W. (1987). Intrinsic
motivation and instructional effectiveness in computer- AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY
based education. In R. E. Snow & M. J. Farr (Eds.),
Aptitude, Learning, and Instruction, III: Conative and HERMANN RÜPPELL studied Psychology at the
Affective Process Analysis, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence
University of Hamburg and received his PhD in 1973.
Erlbaum Associates, 255-286.
Moore, O. K. & Anderson, A.R. (1969). Some principles
In 1973 he became Assistant Research Scientist. His
for the design of clarifying educational environments. first project was “The teaching of intelligence by
In Greenblat, Cathy and Richard S. Duke (Eds.). 1975. games”. In 1975 he became Assistant Professor at the
Gaming Simulation; Rational, Design, and University of Bonn. There he developed the Adaptive
Applications: New York: John Wiley & Sons, 47-71. Learning Environment – an application of Cognitive
Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Psychology to classroom learning. 1985 he became
Powerful Ideas. New York: BasicBooks. director of the Department of Education at the
Rieber, L. P. (1996). Seriously considering play: designing University of Cologne and full professor. Since then
interactive learning environments based on the blending he developed Multi-Media-Training-Programs. The
of microworlds, simulations, and games. Educational
most important of these MM-programs are: DANTE -
Technology Research & Development, 44 (2), 43-58.
Rüppell, H. (1982). Das Adaptive Lehr-Lern-System. Ein a test for the diagnosis of giftedness, ANA-META -
pädagogisch-psychologisches Interventionsmodell mit training analogical thinking, ALICE – a multi-media
multipler Zielsetzung. Habilitationsschrift. lecture for Educational Psychology, TESTING THE
Philosophische Fakultät. Universität Bonn. LIMITS – a training for intelligence and problem-
Yee, N. (2005, in press). The Psychology of MMORPGs: solving, ROLLING CUBES – a training for special-
emotional investment, motivations, relationship visualisation abilities, GLIEVIS – automation of
formation, and problematic usage. In R. Schroeder & A. cognitive processes for reading and writing. At the
Axelsson (Eds.), Avatars at Work and Play: moment he is working on the implementation of the
Collaboration and Interaction in Shared Virtual
Adaptive Learning Environment in the context of
Environments. London: Springer-Verlag.
Zimmerman, B. (1990). Self-regulated learning and distributed multi-player online-games.
academic achievement: An overview. Educational
Psychologist, 25 (1), 3-17.


Jos Beishuizen
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Centre for Educational Training, Assessment and Research
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam

e-mail: j.beishuizen@ond.vu.nl
© Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

KEYWORDS model of the real world, allowing students to work

on quasi authentic tasks. Students are enabled to
Educational games, self-regulation tools, simulation, work according to their own interest and level of
transfer. expertise, often in close collaboration with other
known or even unknown students. Complex
ABSTRACT decision making processes are supported by all
kinds of tools, hypothesis scratchpads, models,
Technology enhanced learning environments information resources and history facilities.
(TELEs) have been developed to create favourable Complex modelling and probabilistic reasoning may
conditions for cognitive apprenticeship. However, be executed by agents in the learning environment,
the outcomes of arranging these powerful learning thereby enabling the student to focus on the essential
environments have often been disappointing. Two process of problem solving. By externalising the
possible causes are discussed: the lack of processes of thinking and problem solving, the
opportunities for both low road and high learning, student can experiment without changing the status
and the lack of tools to exert control over the of the environment, or share and negotiate ideas
learning process thereby increasing the motivation with other students. TELEs make the ideal of the
to develop transferable knowledge. Several school as a workshop for cognitive apprenticeship
examples are discussed of successful experimental attainable. As Collins, Brown, and Newman (1989)
TELEs in which proper measures have been taken. have explained, creating a learning environment for
An integrative approach to enrich TELEs may turn cognitive apprenticeship requires the application of
the school into a true workshop for cognitive a number of instructional principles. For instance,
apprenticeship. the student should be supported by scaffolding
measures, which are gradually withdrawn. Problem
INTRODUCTION solving strategies should be developed in a specific
order: from simple to complex, from homogeneous
Technology enhanced learning environments to diverse, from global to local.
(TELEs) have created high expectations as far as the
quality of learning processes and outcomes are Meta analyses have shown only moderate positive
concerned (De Jong & Van Joolingen, 1998; Lee, effects of TELEs on learning (De Jong & Van
1999). Because of the availability of abundant Joolingen, 1998; Lee, 1999). These effects have
information in various modalities, the dynamic been confirmed throughout the recent history of the
character of game designs and simulation use of computers in education. In this contribution I
environments, TELEs are often a closely resembling want to explore some potential reasons for these

disappointing results by distinguishing playing or strategy, or procedure, which then becomes a
running a simulation or inquiring in the TELE from candidate for transfer; or, alternatively, the rarer
learning. Elaborating on this point, I will explore the case of learning of such a principle, idea, and so on,
difference between motivation to play and in abstract form in the first place" (Salomon en
motivation to learn. Finally, I will suggest an Perkins, 1989, p. 126). Salomon and Perkins (1989)
approach to improve the learning potential of gave the example of a manager who, as a student,
technology enhanced learning environments by had acquired planning skills in the context of
including planning and control tools. preparing for an examination, and realises that he
can use the same skills in his current job.
Induction and deduction are basic steps in the
The fact that students generally enjoy working in a process of acquiring transferable knowledge and
TELE does not necessarily imply that they acquire conceptual change. Holland, Holyoak, Nisbett, &
knowledge that is useful in other situations, that can Thagard (1989) defined induction as "all inferential
be transferred outside the TELE itself. Salomon and processes that expand knowledge in the face of
Perkins (1989) emphasised that, in order to establish uncertainty" (p. 8). Expanding knowledge will result
transfer, two roads are open; the low road and the in transfer to new situations. Lavoie (1999) added a
high road. The distinction between low road and prediction and discussion phase to a series of
high road learning has been visualised in the biology lessons prepared for 10th grade students, in
learning triangle (Figure 1). By sheer practice and which the students had to explore the concept of
receiving feedback on his or her performance, the homeostasis by measuring body temperature and
learner acquires low level skills. This kind of low context of a cold and hot environment, elaborated on
road learning is amply analysed and documented by the concept itself and applied it in group discussions
Anderson (1982, 1993). However, high road to new problems.
learning requires "the deliberate, usually
metacognitively guided and effortful,
decontextualisation of a principle, main idea,

Figure 1. The Learning Triangle.

The inclusion of a preliminary prediction and solving skills. These skills further inductive
discussion phase raised the quality of process skills processes and facilitate the application of concepts
and logical thinking skills, the level of mastery of or abstract schemas to new problem situations. As
the science concepts involved and increased positive Karmiloff-Smith and Inhelder (1974) put forward a
attitudes towards science. As Lavoie (1999) long time ago, the "quest for control" of both the
explained, developing hypotheses and stating external environment and the internal domain of
predictions are essential inquiry and problem thinking is fundamental to children’s cognitive

development. Human beings cannot stop trying to • Fantasy: The activity can increase intrinsic
get a cognitive grasp on the world they live in by the motivation by using fantasies as a part of
processes of induction and deduction. However, the the game universe. These should appeal to
world may be so complex or may be changing so the target group emotionally, serve as
rapidly that necessary time or resources are simply metaphors for the learning content, and be
lacking, preventing any learning from occurring an endogenous part of the learning
apart from simple low road habit formation. TELEs, material.
in particular educational games and simulations, are • Interpersonal motivations: This refers to the
examples of complex and dynamic environments. In increased motivation resulting from the
order to allow for learning in these environments, social context of the computer game, most
measures should be taken to enable students to directly competition and collaboration with
acquire transferable knowledge. peers. Also the recognition of your peers
will serve to motivate.
Motivation has been defined as the tendency to start
Low road learning requires extensive practice and and continue with an activity when (1) the intended
appropriate feedback enabling the student to adapt outcome is perceived as valuable, and (2) the
his or her performance to the pre-set standards and expectancy of attaining that particular outcome is
work towards the pre-set goals. In educational considered favourable (Rotter, 1954). Four of
games and simulation environments these Malone’s categories refer to intrinsic motivation, the
preconditions are usually well met. Students are value component of motivation. The category
often motivated to prolonged periods of playing, control represents the expectancy part of motivation.
simply by the intrinsically motivating characteristics High road learning in a TELE requires another layer
of the environment. of motivating characteristics. These characteristics
should challenge the student to create knowledge,
Malone (1980) explained that the essential both declarative and procedural knowledge, at an
characteristics of good computer games can be abstract level. Moreover, students should be able to
captured in three categories: challenge, fantasy, and control and monitor their high road learning process.
curiosity. He later expanded these in collaboration The TELE should contain tools for self-regulation.
with Lepper (Malone & Lepper, 1987) to five
categories. These categories have been proposed for Gick and Holyoak (1980) studied the way people
TELEs with a game scenario, but they are relevant use their knowledge about a particular problem to
for TELEs in general. solve a new, analogous problem. They presented
their participants with a story of a general's military
• Challenge: The activity should be of assault on a fortress on top of a hill. Because the
appropriate difficulty level for the player. roads to the top are narrow and full of mines, the
This is achieved through clear short- term general has to divide his troops into small groups
and long-term goals, uncertain outcomes, which simultaneously approach the fortress through
and facilitating investment of self-esteem many roads. Subsequently, Gick and Holyoak
through meaningful goals. Furthermore (1980) asked their participants to solve Duncker's
clear, constructive, encouraging feedback is (1945) tumour problem in which a stomach tumour
essential. has to be destroyed by sending small bundles of
• Curiosity: The information in the game weak X-rays from various sources which do not
should be complex and unknown so as to harm intermediate tissue but, together, are strong
encourage exploration and organisation of enough to kill the tumour. Participants used the
the information, both in relation to the dispersion solution of the general problem to solve
sensory area and the cognitive area. the tumour problem when they noticed the structural
• Control: The player should gain the overall similarity between both problems. In a subsequent
feeling of being the controlling party. This experiment, Gick and Holyoak (1983) provided two
is done through a responsive environment, examples prior to the tumour problem. Two variants
high degree of choice in the environment, of the general problem were used, and two new
and by equipping the player with the ability analogous problems were developed, in which a fire
to perform great effects. had to be extinguished by throwing small amounts

of water from many sources around the fire. children think and learn enables us to value the
Participants who received two structurally similar promises of educational games.
example problems from different domains (like the
general and the fire problem) were more successful Beishuizen (1992) offered 10th grade students a
in solving the tumour problem than participants who simulation environment to explore the concept of
received two example problems from the same erosion. Students worked in the game-like
domain. So, the process of knowledge construction environment but needed a debriefing session; a
is more successful when two or more examples from classroom discussion highlighting the relationships
different domains are available as a source of between the game and the reality of erosion in third
experience. If these problems were embedded in a world countries, in order to be able to explain the
TELE, then the student may be encouraged to concept during a post-test. The classroom discussion
transfer solution principles from one problem was necessary to abstract the acquired knowledge
situation to another, analogous, problem, either by from the concrete game environment. When this
explicit hints or implicitly. Such a TELE would abstraction process is not initiated, high road
increase the motivation to create abstract schema learning will not occur. The absence of opportunities
and, in this way, foster learning. to create abstract knowledge is an important cause
of lack of learning benefits from TELEs.
Tools for controlling and monitoring the ongoing
learning process may be provided by encouraging De Jong and Van Joolingen (1998) reported several
learners to keep an electronic portfolio of their studies in which an attempt had been made to
achievements in the TELE. Students may store support high road learning in a TELE. Van
solutions to particular problems in a concise format Joolingen and De Jong (1991) provided students
enabling them to inspect or replay previous with a "hypothesis scratchpad" to support the
episodes. By comparing these episodes, in particular process of hypothesis generation. Njoo and De Jong
the student's own actions and strategies, conclusions (1993) offered students a list of hypotheses to
may be drawn on improvements in solution choose from. This improved both learning processes
strategies or continuing obstacles. These reflections and learning outcomes. Other successful add-ons to
may lead to renewed attempts to overcome certain TELEs consisted of experimentation hints or
problems. The opportunity to log one's performance graphing tools to specify predicted relationships
and reflect on it is, in this way, an aid to controlling between independent and dependent variables (De
and monitoring the high road learning process. Jong & Van Joolingen, 1998).

FOSTERING HIGH ROAD LEARNING IN In an experimental training study, Beishuizen,

TELES Wilhelm and Schimmel (2004) compared two
groups of 9 and 10-year-old children. The training
Ko (2002) emphasised that educational computer group received off-line inquiry learning training
games require the user to make decisions (e.g., gain with a focus on fostering strategies for proper
maximising or probability matching) and that inferencing and designing experiments. The practice
decision making and problem solving require group conducted four inquiry learning tasks during
inferences, that is, induction and deduction. Ko two practice sessions. Learning outcomes and
(2002) asked a group of 7- year-old children and a inquiry learning process measures were collected to
group of 10-year-old children to play an inferential find out whether training and practice resulted in
problem-solving game eight times at a row. Ko desired changes in learning behaviour. Both training
(2002) established developmental changes in and practice resulted in better performance during
inferential problem solving. 10- year-old children the test problems. Compared to the practice group,
made better and fewer moves towards the goal than the training group showed some advantage in
7- year-olds. Furthermore, there were significant discovering an interaction effect. Practice and
differences between good and weak performing training effects appeared to be dependent on type of
children that remained stable over the course of domain.
eight games. Overall, the children improved
significantly over consecutive games. Ko (2002)
concluded that general knowledge about how

simulation environments to help users to plan their
FOSTERING SELF-REGULATION IN TELES explorative activities. Assignments have been
developed for the same purpose. Prins (2002) added
According to Nelson and Narens (1990), learning assignments to a simulation environment with an
always takes place at two levels: the object level and optical workbench to help student discover Snellius'
the metalevel. The metalevel contains a model of the Law. Without these assignments students were
object level. On the basis of this model, which is unable to discover any cause-effect relationships.
continuously updated, the learner exerts executive
control over the learning process. Moreover, the Monitoring can be supported by providing students
learner monitors the learning process. Monitoring with tools to keep a record of their discovery
leads to (1) adaptation of the model on the object process. Such notebook facilities have been added to
level, and, consequently, to (2) adaptation of the various TELEs like Reimann's (1991) Refract,
learning process. Combinations of object level and Shute and Glaser's (1990) Smithtown, and Lesgold
metalevel can be nested into the object level of a et al.'s (1992) SHERLOCK.
higher control and monitoring loop, leading to
recursive cycle of self-regulation activities. TELEs Van Tartwijk et al. (2003) showed that electronic
that foster self-regulated learning should provide portfolios can be used to document individual
tools for controlling, monitoring and representing students' processes of learning. Portfolios may
the learning process (see Figure 2). contain materials representing (1) previous work
experience, (2) previous courses taken within or
outside the current programme, or (3) the
competencies or skills to be acquired and the extent
to which they have been mastered by the learner
(Van Tartwijk et al., 2003, p. 23). These processes
are important when various roads lead to achieving
the goals set in a particular learning environment.
Because of this variety of roads, decisions have to
be made about the road to choose. Recording these
decisions and the products of learning, collected
during the process of learning may help the learner
to reflect on the learning process and on the progress
made. As Van Tartwijk et al. (2003) argued,
electronic portfolios may serve to show the
development of the learner or may be used to
evaluate and assess the learner's progress.
Figure 2. Nelson and Narens’ (1990) view on
Creating alternative
In the TELEPEERS project, Steffens et al. (2005) methods of action

distinguished three steps in self regulation: "(1) 4

planning the learning activity, (2) executing and
monitoring the learning activities and (3) evaluating
the outcome of the learning activity." (Steffens et Awareness of 5 Trial
al., 2005, p. 5). These steps require planning and essential aspects 3
control tools in the learning environment and 1
opportunities for reflection afterwards, either within
the TELE itself or within the context of the 2
classroom. Looking back on
the action

De Jong and Van Joolingen (1998) reported several

measures that have proven successful to support Figure 3. Korthagen's ALACT model reprinted from
self-regulation in a TELE. As far as planning is http://www.uu.nl/content/LevelsinreflectionDEF.doc
concerned, signalling questions have been added to

Korthagen, Koster, Melief & Tighelaar (2002) a successful integrative approach is Zhang, Chen,
introduced a spiral model describing the process of Sun, & Reid's (2004) experimental learning support
reflection; the ALACT model (see Figure 3). The system to simulation environments in which 13-
acronym ALACT stands for Action, Looking back year-old students had to explore the upthrusts
on the action, Awareness of essential aspects, (buoyant forces) upon objects either submerged or
Creating alternative methods of action, and Trial. floating in water. The learning support system
encompassed three components: (a) interpretative
In the context of working in TELEs, a learner may support fostering knowledge development and
have run a number of simulations and is now conceptual understanding, (b) experimental support
looking at the results of the simulations in order to enabling students to develop and carry out valid
figure out what kind of model behind the simulation experimental methods, and (c) reflective support
is responsible for the outcomes. The learner may increasing the students' self-awareness and helping
discover that his or her manipulations of them in the processes of induction and deduction.
independent variables are related to changes in the Such an integrative approach, aimed at fostering low
value of outcome variables, but that s/he cannot and high road learning by providing tools for
conclude any kind of causal model because of the planning and control, offers promising opportunities
fact that s/he did not systematically alter one for turning the school into a successful workshop for
variable at a time. S/he therefore may decide to try cognitive apprenticeship.
out a more systematic experimenting strategy in
order to arrive at justifiable conclusions about the REFERENCES
underlying model. This process of reflection may be
supported by an electronic portfolio in which Anderson, J.R. (1982). Acquisition of cognitive skill.
various actions and accompanying outcomes have Psychological Review, 89, 369-406.
been stored. Anderson, J.R. (Ed.) (1993). Rules of the Mind. Hillsdale,
NJ: Erlbaum.
Beishuizen, J.J. (1992). Studying a complex knowledge
domain by exploration or explanation. Journal of
CONCLUSIONS Computer Assisted Learning, 8, 104-117.
Collins, A., Brown, J.S., and Newman, S.E. (1989).
Two conclusions can be drawn. The first one is that Cognitive apprenticeship: Teaching the crafts of
technology enhanced learning environments often reading, writing and mathematics. In L.B. Resnick
lack tools for high road learning. The second (Ed.). Knowing, Learning, and Instruction: Essays in
conclusion is that motivation to enhance self- Honor of Robert Glaser. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum,
regulation skills, as part of the high road learning 453 - 494.
outcomes that belong to the aims of using De Jong, T., and Van Joolingen. W.R. (1998). Scientific
discovery learning with computer simulations of
technology enhanced learning environments, is often conceptual domains. Review of Educational Research,
not properly taken into consideration. Both factors 68, 2, 179 - 201.
may account for the lack of learning benefits of Duncker, K. (1945). On problem- solving (translated by
TELEs. L.S. Lees). Psychological Monographs, 58, 270.
Gick, M.L., & Holyoak, K.J. (1980). Analogical problem
However, this is not the end of the story. As we have solving. Cognitive Psychology, 12, 306-355.
seen, planning and control tools and opportunities Gick, M.L., and Holyoak, K.J. (1983). Schema induction
for reflection, enabling students to develop self- and analogical transfer. Cognitive Psychology, 15, 1-
regulation skills, can be devised and added to 38.
Holland, J.H., Holyoak, K.J., Nisbett, R.E., and Thagard,
technology enhanced learning environments. A first P.R. (1989). Induction. Processes of Inference,
step is the actual identification of the availability or Learning, and Discovery. Cambridge, MA: Bradford
lack of necessary tools and opportunities. The Books/MIT Press.
instruments developed in the TELEPEERS project, Karmiloff-Smith, A., and Inhelder, B. (1974). If you want
are useful in pinpointing the availability of to get ahead, get a theory. Cognition, 3, 195 - 212.
necessary preconditions for acquiring self-regulation Ko, S. (2002). An empirical analysis of children's thinking
skills. The next step is to develop the tools and and learning in a computer game context. Educational
enrich technology enhanced learning environments Psychology, 22, 2, 219-243.
to such an extent that they become real opportunities Korthagen, F., Koster, B., Melief, K. and Tighelaar, A.
(2002). Docenten leren reflecteren. Systematische
for low road and high road learning. An example of reflectie in de opleiding en begeleiding van leraren

[Teachers learn to reflect. Systematic reflection in Van Tartwijk, J., Driessen, E., Hoeberigs, B., Kösters, J.,
teaching and coaching teachers]. Soest: uitgeverij Ritzen, M., Stokking, K. and Van der Vleuten, C.
Nelissen. (2003). Werken met een eletronisch portfolio
Lavoie, D.R. (1999). Effects of emphasizing hypothetico- [Working with an electronic portfolio].
predictive reasoning. Journal of Research in Science Utrecht/Groningen: SURF/Wolters Noordhoff.
Teaching, 36, 10, 1127-1147. Zhang, J., Chen, Q., Sun, Y. and Reid, D.J. (2004). Triple
Lee, J. (1999). Effectiveness of computer-based scheme of learning support design for scientific
instructional simulation: a meta analysis. International discovery learning based on computer simulation:
Journal of Instructional Media, 26, 71-85. experimental research. Journal of Computer Assisted
Lesgold, A., Lajoie, S., Bunzo, M., and Eggan, G. (1992). Learning, 20, 4, 269-282.
SHERLOCK: A coached practice environment for an
electronics troubleshooting job. In J.H. Larkin & R.W. AUTHOR BIOGRAHPY
Chabay (Eds.), Computer-Assisted Instruction and
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Shared Goals and JOS BEISHUIZEN studied psychology study at the
Complementary Approaches. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (major: cognitive
Malone, T. (1980). What makes things fun to learn? A
psychology). His PhD thesis reported a study on
study of intrinsically motivating computer games. searching for information in electronic databases, in
Unpublished dissertation. Stanford: Stanford which different search strategies (depth-first and
University. breadth-first search) were identified and
Malone, T.W. and Lepper, M.R. (1987). Making learning subsequently trained by a computer coach. He is
fun: a taxonomy of intrinsic motivation for learning. currently professor of educational science and
In R.E. Snow & M.J. Farr (Eds.), Aptitude, Learning, leading the Centre for Educational Training,
and Instruction, Vol. 3, Conative and Affective Assessment and Research at the Vrije Universiteit
Process Analyses. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 223 – 253. Amsterdam. This institute provides teacher training
Nelson, T. O., and Narens, L. (1990). Metamemory: A
theoretical framework and new findings. In G. H.
courses for university graduates, and services for
Bower (Ed.), The Psychology of Learning and quality assurance, improvement of university
Motivation. New York: Academic Press, 125-173. education and development of electronic learning
Njoo, M., and de Jong, T. (1993). Exploratory learning environments.
with a computer simulation for control theory:
learning processes and instructional support. Journal
of Research in Science Teaching, 30, 821-844.
Prins, F. (2002). Search & See. The role of metacognitive
skillfulness and intellectual ability during novice
inductive learning in a complex computer-simulated
environment. Unpublished doctoral dissertation.
Leiden: Leiden University.
Rotter, J.B. (1954). Social Learning and Clinical
Psychology. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Reimann, P. (1991). Detecting functional relations in a
computerized discovery environment. Learning &
Instruction, 1, 45-65.
Salomon, G., and Perkins, D.N. (1989). Rocky roads to
transfer: rethinking mechanisms of a neglected
phenomenon. Educational Psychologist, 24, 113 -
Shute, V.J., and Glaser, R. (1990). A large-scale
evaluation of an intelligent discovery world:
Smithtown. Interactive Learning Environments, 1, 51-
Steffens, K., et al. (2005). Self-regulated Learning in
Technology Enhanced Learning Environments.
Manuscript in preparation.
Van Joolingen, W.R., and De Jong, T. (1991). Supporting
hypothesis generation by learners exploring an
interactive computer simulation. Instructional Science,
20, 389-404.



Donatella Persico
Institute for Educational Technology
Italian National Research Council
Via de Marini 6
16149, Genova

E-mail: persico@itd.cnr.it

©Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

KEYWORDS the need to negotiate the same aspects, or parts of

Cognitive apprenticeship, communities of practice, them, with the other members of a learning
computer supported collaborative learning, self- community. However, if we consider that there is no
regulated learning, situated learning, social CoP without social, motivational, emotional and
constructivism, virtual learning communities, cognitive control of its inner processes, then its strict
relationship with the component model of SRL
INTRODUCTION clearly follows.

There are several ingredients that bring together the While early studies about CoPs concern professionals
papers featured in the third section of this volume. working for organisations or companies, many of the
The first is, of course, the very concept of Self following papers share the view that teacher
Regulated Learning (SRL), as it has been developed professional development is one of the fields where
both in the related literature and, more specifically, CoPs appear to be very promising. As a matter of
within the TELEPEERS project. The second is the fact, most of the teachers’ knowledge is tacit and
idea of Community of Practice (CoP), first quite difficult to make explicit, and is often
investigated by Lave and Wenger (1991) and distributed among several people. It is therefore
reinforced by studies on knowledge management and suitable to be dealt with within a CoP. Furthermore, it
virtual learning communities. But besides these two is best developed through experiential learning or, to
core concepts, whose relationship is quite problematic use Preston’s words, through “practice-based
for the reasons that are outlined in the following, research”, where competence is built through
there are other ingredients that make up the recipe of dialogue and critical reflection of both theory and
this enlightening series of papers: social constructivist practice.
learning, cognitive apprenticeship and situated
cognition, as well as practice-based research as a It is at this point that the learning theory of social
master route for teachers’ professional development. constructivism and the ideas of cognitive
apprenticeship (Collins et al., 1989) and situated
The relationship between the SRL and the CoP learning (Brown et al., 1989) come into play. They
concepts turns out to be quite problematic, especially provide the theoretical background for CoPs and,
if SRL refers to individual learning, as it usually does more generally, for learning communities. These
in the field literature. There is, in fact, an intrinsic kinds of environments require a certain amount of
contradiction between the idea of individuals self-regulation, but they also foster the development
controlling how, when, what and where to learn, and of related skills. Learning communities, by definition,
tend to encourage the development of the social

component of SRL. The emotional and motivational Correia and Lencastre take us away from the world of
components, even when not explicitly addressed by mature learners and discuss the challenge of
the software environment, are often catered for by the developing SRL skills in children. They present a
members of the community. The well known study concerning Dragons Pathways, a TELE that
techniques of scaffolding and fading, as well as intends to stimulate and develop creativity and
confrontation with authentic problems, also favour imagination. The potential for SRL with this software
the assumption of responsibility and autonomy both has been evaluated in the light of a very rich literature
in cognitive and meta-cognitive activities. review, including the results of the TELEPEERS
project. In particular, the software appears to promote
Besides these common points, the views that emerge SRL due to the features that allow users to establish
from the papers in this section are quite diverse and their own goals and strive to attain them by “being
rich. strategic”, rather than “having a strategy”.

A SYNOPSIS Still within the domain of young students but moving

to a more institutional context, the classroom, Pape
Bettoni provides the theoretical framework by re- discusses the Classroom Connectivity Project. This
elaborating the literature on CoPs in light of recent project focuses on the teaching and learning of
developments in knowledge management where the algebra and physical science in secondary schools.
importance of community learning is stressed as The goal is the development of higher order cognitive
opposed to individual learning. skills including SRL strategic behaviours, so
important in scientific competence. According to the
Preston proposes a very good example: the author, teachers can be helped to reach this goal by
MirandaNET Fellowship, a community of teachers connected classroom technology, a “networked
that seems to possess a number of important features system of handheld calculators and a computer
identified as key factors for the success of an combined with aggregation and control software
educational CoP. Indeed, these features have allowed specifically designed for interactive teaching”. The
MirandaNET to stay alive and active for more than a value added of this TELE consists in allowing
decade! teachers to provide timely and accurate feedback on
students’ strategic effort, therefore scaffolding SRL
Frank and Dommaschk focus on the relationship development.
between SRL and the constructivist paradigm by
illustrating first the theoretical aspects, including To conclude, it appears that the concepts of CoP and
CoPs as self-regulating entities, and by then SRL intertwine a great deal both in theory and in
discussing an example from their experience in the practice. One of the fields where studies and
“Leipziger Online Seminar”. A complementary view experiments on this subject are giving very promising
of the same example is provided by Brüggen, whose results is teacher professional development. Powerful
contribution presents the results obtained by support to SRL in this area can be provided by several
analysing the ILIAS TELE with one of the tools kinds of TELEs: from systems that allow computer
proposed by the TELEPEERS consortium. The mediated communication, to applications that
conclusions reached by Brüggen are in agreement encourage children’s strategic reasoning. The tools
with Dettori and colleagues where they claim that and ideas developed by the TELEPEERS consortium
much of the TELEs potential to support collaborative will hopefully inform further research in this field.
learning at a distance comes from the educational
model adopted and the learning community itself. In REFERENCES
addition, their findings tell us that there are strategies
that lend themselves better than others to encouraging Brown, J. S., Collins A. and Duguid P. (1989). Situated
and developing SRL. A very powerful strategy cognition and the culture of learning. Educational
consists of putting the learners in the shoes of the Researcher, 18 (1), 32-42.
designers and tutors of learning events, as Brüggen Collins, A. Brown, J. S. and Newman S. E. (1989).
Cognitive apprenticeship: teaching the crafts of reading,
and colleagues have done. More generally, role-play writing, and mathematics. In L. B. Resnick (Ed.),
seems to lend itself to this purpose particularly well. Knowing, Learning, and Instruction: Essays in Honor

of Robert Glaser. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, Technology of the Italian National Research Council.
453-494. Her main interests include the theory and application
Lave, J. & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated Learning: of educational technology, with particular reference
Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge: to instructional design, e-learning, teacher training
Cambridge University Press.
TELEPEERS consortium (2005). Self-Regulated Learning
and self-regulated learning. She is the author of
in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments. Draft, educational material and scientific publications of
Version 1.0 (May 31, 2005) various kinds, including books, educational software,
multimedia material and several research papers
AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY concerning aspects of educational technology. She is
on the editorial board of international and national
DONATELLA PERSICO has been working since journals on educational technology and has been in
1981 as a researcher at the Institute for Educational charge of several national and international projects.

Marco Bettoni,
Research & Consulting
Swiss Distance Learning University
of Applied Sciences (FFHS)
Postfach, Überlandstr. 12, 3900 Brig

E-mail: mbettoni@fernfachhochschule.ch

© Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

KEYWORDS requirement that people must be placed in the centre

of KM could be realized.
Communities of practice, human-oriented knowledge
management, knowledge-oriented cooperation, In the last 15 years the “knowledge environment” of
knowledge stewarding, participation. most teams and enterprises has become increasingly
more dynamic, products and processes more
ABSTRACT knowledge-intensive (Probst et al., 1997, p.30) and it
has become clear „that the person, the subject, the
After a short historical review of the development of individual employee deserves again a more important
the concept of “Communities of Practice” (CoP) we role in the production process” (Dick and Wehner,
present examples of organisational Knowledge 2002, p.12).
Management (KM) in which Etienne Wenger's CoP
model has been applied. In the main part we focus on In this context, dealing with tacit knowledge became
the business orientated CoP framework that Wenger, an important challenge and this contributed to the
Snyder and McDermott proposed in 2002 for KM by development of the discipline of knowledge
extending the original approach of 1998. Finally we management. Since then, the claim that the human
conclude with a critical reflection over the necessity - being must be placed in the centre of KM has been
within KM frameworks - to explicitly emphasise raised again and again, in the management literature
participation in stewarding knowledge as a condition although, „up to now almost no means or even tools
for bridging the gap between knowledge and its have been elaborated, for meeting this requirement”
management. (Clases and Wehner, 2002, p.46). Why? An important
reason might lie in the reduction of the “human
factor” to its individual dimension. Such a concept of
INTRODUCTION a „one dimensional person” indeed matches the
insight, that strictly speaking only individuals are able
How can the employee pawn her knowledge to her to produce knowledge (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995,
team or enterprise without doing harm to herself? p.59 and p.239), but leads however, by overlooking
This difficulty shows us that a vital gap exists the social dimension, to a contradiction with the
between individual knowledge and organizational conception of knowledge as socially mediated
knowledge management (KM), a gap similar to that knowledge (Clases, 2003): this contradiction then
between freedom and politics (Rousseau, 1762). prevents the fulfilment of the mentioned claim. The
Communities of Practice (CoP), as a method for great importance for KM of the concept of
knowledge-oriented cooperation (KOC), can help to Communities of Practice lies in the opportunity to
bridge this gap especially because by them the overcome this contradiction because together with
technological and organisational aspects, now also

human aspects - for example human factors (Bettoni
and Schneider, 2002), socialisation (Nonaka and COP EXAMPLES
Takeuchi, 1995) and social capital (Lesser and
Prusak, 1999) - can be taken into account, both in Communities of practice which tried to implement
their individual and social dimension. Wenger's CoP model as an instrument of KM were
built in many industrial and commercial
HISTORICAL RETROSPECT organizations. Since 2003 Volkswagen has promoted
so called “Job Families” which are company-wide
Communities of practice (CoP) were recognized competence communities (Schultz et al., 2003).
relatively early by single researchers and organization Daimler Chrysler supports since 1997 so called “Tech
consultants as a suitable unit of analysis for research Clubs” which are networks of engineers in car
in work organization (Jordan, 1994) as well as development (Wenger et al., 2002). At Airbus, British
excellent as “platforms for knowledge work” and Petroleum, Cap Gemini Ernst and Young, Clarica, Eli
therefore for successful knowledge management Lilly, Ford, Hewlett Packard, IBM, McKinsey,
(Schmitz and Zucker, 1996, pp.156ff). The CoP Mercedes-Benz, Schlumberger, Shell Oil and the
concept continued, however, to be largely World Bank, Wenger and his colleagues were
unmentioned for the time being in the mainstream involved in implementing different kinds of CoPs like
KM literature: for example two KM bestseller (Probst helping communities, best practice communities or
et al., 1997; North, 1998) did not even outline the innovation communities (Wenger et al., 2002;
CoP approach. Wenger and Benninger, 2002). The Australian
National Training Authority (ANTA) financed 16
Lave and Wenger had initially specified the CoP CoPs within its national program for vocational
notion only intuitively as “an intrinsic condition for education (Mitchell, 2002). Siemens has a company-
the existence of knowledge” (Lave and Wenger, 1991, wide CoP for knowledge sharing among people
p.98). Wenger further developed later the intuitive working in implementing knowledge management
CoP term in a systematic, comprehensive manner initiatives (Enkel et al., 2000). Achmea (one of the 3
(within the framework of his social theory of learning greatest insurance groups in Holland) has employee-
focused on participation, Wenger, 1998b, p.7) as a networks for exploiting synergies between a great
special kind of community in which practice served number of independent business units (Dignum and
as a source of inner cohesion and justified as follows van Eeden, 2003).
the choice of the term (Wenger, 1998b, p.72): „…
collective learning results in practices that reflect Wenger's CoP model was used also as an analytical
both the pursuit of our enterprises and the attendant instrument, however, only as a very coarse frame of
social relations. These practices are thus the property reference so that essential parts (as for example
of a kind of community created over time by the “participation”) remained mainly unconsidered.
sustained pursuit of a shared enterprise. It makes Arnold and Smith (2003) analyzed an Online
sense, therefore, to call these kinds of communities Learning Community with regard to the interplay
'communities of practice'." (Wenger, 1998b, p.45). between context and technology; Ruuska and
Vartiainen (2003) have identified social structures
In the second half of the 90ies communities and and used them as reference for analysing knowledge
networks were more and more recognized and used as sharing; Osterlund and Carlile (2003) examined the
valuable concepts for implementing new forms of knowledge sharing practice in complex organizations
knowledge sharing (North et al., 2000; Schmidt, from a relational perspective on social realities;
2000; Henschel, 2001; Lesser and Storck, 2001) and Stuckey et al. (2002) have investigated how to
many organizations began to design their KM support teachers and doctors in the utilization of
solutions as communities or as networks (Le Moult, innovative ICT technologies; Smith and Coenders
2001; Kok et al., 2003; Saint-Onge and Wallace, (2002) implemented and tested a feedback-instrument
2003). They had intuitively recognised that a big gap for an Online workshop; finally Manca and Sarti
separates knowledge and KM as well as individuals (2002) dealt with means for supporting virtual
and enterprises - because every person is inseparably learning communities: they have analyzed their needs
bound to his or her tacit knowledge - and that and derived functions of ICT systems which can
communities and networks allow this to be bridged. satisfy those needs.

THE EXTENDED COP MODEL AS A KM • the concept of knowledge as an organisational
APPROACH challenge and the seven design principles
• the organisational learning loop within the
Wenger (1998), in his social theory of learning knowledge system of the enterprise
published under the title "Communities of Practice" - • the structural CoP model
still today the most comprehensive theoretical inquiry • a clarification of the CoP definition
into the CoP topic - had focused on learning as social • the five stages of development
participation. ‘Social participation’ meant for him
“not just participation to local events of engagement All these innovations extend the original CoP concept
in certain activities with certain people” but “a more to a complete model of a new organizational form and
encompassing process” including (Wenger, 1998b, can thus be used as a method both for designing and
p.4): sustaining a CoP as well as for the analysis of its
• the active participation to the practices of social structural aspects and development characteristics.
communities They represent the main points, to which one should
• the construction of identities in relation to these pay attention, when designing, developing and
communities supporting communities of practice.
• the way in which life and the world are
experienced as meaningful. The concept of knowledge and seven design
In the course of the application of this theory to the
development of communities of practice for Understanding the concept of knowledge represents
international companies and organizations it became one of the main problem areas for the functioning of
however clear that cultivating a CoP was a very real knowledge communities (North et al., 2000, 56).
challenging task in face of which most managers Furthermore it determines the first 2 of 7 „deadly
seemed rather helpless. Wenger and his colleagues sins” of KM (Schneider, 2001). More than ever
recognized that: „…it is not particularly easy to build before, today in our “small planet” the task of
and sustain communities of practice or to integrate stewarding knowledge individually or collectively,
them with the rest of an organization“ (Wenger and privately or in organisations, requires first of all the
Snyder, 2000, p.140) and that managers, since they insight that knowledge is not a „thing“ that can be
were unable to deal with the social theory of learning, managed like other assets. In line with recent
had to be supported with other means than theory for developments in knowledge theory (von Glasersfeld,
accomplishing the task of cultivating CoPs: “The first 1995) the reasons for this view can be summarized in
step for managers now is to understand what these four key points about the essence of knowledge
communities are and how they work. The second step (Wenger et al., 2002, pp.8ff):
is to realize that they are the hidden fountainhead of • Knowledge lives in the human act of knowing
knowledge development and therefore the key to the
• Knowledge is tacit as well as explicit
challenge of the knowledge economy. The third step is
• Knowledge is social as well as individual
to appreciate the paradox that these informal
structures require specific managerial efforts to • Knowledge is dynamic
develop them and to integrate them into the
organization so that their full power can be It is exactly this „interactive” nature of knowledge
leveraged.” (Wenger and Snyder, 2000, p.145). This which makes organisational and transorganisational
led to the development of a practical guide for the knowledge management a challenge. Knowledge
implementation of CoPs in organizations (Wenger et cannot be considered as material of enterprise
al., 2002); in this work the original, theoretical CoP processing (for example in order procedures or other
concept of 1998 was extended with explicit references business processes) but should be seen as a tacit
to Knowledge Management and so became a truly resource intimately bound to the human being - as a
structured, application oriented KM approach. „subjective model of reality” (Dick and Wehner,
2003, p.14) - and to his social interactions as a
The substantial theoretical innovations in relation to socially oriented model of reality.
the theory from 1998 are (Bettoni et al., 2004):
Given this knowledge challenge, how can we design
for sustainable knowledge interactions? The

following principles focus on the insight that CoPs
are living entities and require an approach that
acknowledges the importance of passion,
relationships and voluntary activities in organizations
(Wenger et al., 2002, pp.51ff):
• design for evolution
• open a dialogue between inside and outside
• invite different levels of participation
• develop both public and private community spaces
• focus on value
• combine familiarity and excitement
• create a rhythm for the interactions

The organisational learning loop within the

knowledge system of the enterprise
Figure 1: Organisational Knowledge System
Every company, every organization has a knowledge
system which, however, is rarely consciously
perceived and systematically organized (Wenger et
al., 2002, pp.166ff). Many knowledge resources
remain thus unused. A knowledge system consists of
two closely connected process groups:

a) Stewarding knowledge - This group encompasses

processes like acquiring, developing, making
transparent, sharing and preserving knowledge. They
are used for handing down, reproducing and renewing
knowledge and experience. What should be noticed
here is that these processes are not considered at a
cognitive but at a coordinative-cooperative level (see
the cooperation model by Wehner et al., 1998):
knowledge stewarding therefore does not directly
intervene in individual cognitive processes, as too
easily alleged by certain critics of KM (Malik, 2001). Figure 2: Experience and Knowledge Flow in the
Organisational Learning Loop
b) Applying knowledge – This group collects what
happens when knowledge resources are used, for The structural CoP model
example in business processes. In an enterprise an
organisational learning loop is established, if A CoP consists of three fundamental elements or core
employees of the formal organization (teams, design dimensions that mutually influence each other
departments) also participate informally and and should be kept in balance (Wenger et al., 2002,
simultaneously in CoPs (Wenger et al., 2002, pp.27ff): knowledge domain, community and
pp.18ff). practice:
This multiple membership creates a learning loop - The knowledge domain is a collection of topics, key
which has its focal point in the employee: she gains issues, problems and open points that CoP members
experiences in her daily work within business commonly experience in their daily work and that are
processes and can incorporate them in the CoP, where of great importance to them. It is an area of expertise
this knowledge is stewarded collectively and prepared that brings people together with passion, guides the
for filtering back to the business processes from questions they ask and the way they organize their
where it originated. knowledge and creates a sense of accountability to the

development of a practice. CoP members can take Features for the analysis and design of a CoP can also
responsibility to provide the organization with the be identified from structuring its evolution into
best knowledge and skills in the domain to which they distinguishable moments (phases or stages). The life-
are committed. cycle of a CoP can be subdivided into 5 stages
(Wenger, 1998a, p.3; Wenger et al., 2002, pp.68ff):
- The community consists of the personal and potential, coalescing, maturing, stewardship,
institutional relationships between the members and transformation. In the course of this evolution the
includes the members as persons, their ties, their features to be developed change; hence the related
interactions (regularity, frequency and rhythm), the management challenges and activities must also be
atmosphere, the evolution of individual and collective modified accordingly.
identities and, last but not least, spaces (physical or
virtual) for meeting together. This element is very (1) Potential: in the first stage the CoP does not exist
important because it accounts for the social aspects of at all or it is only a weak network of persons that are
stewarding knowledge, applying it and learning facing similar problems and tasks but meet only
together. rarely; although the potential members already carry
in themselves the potential for the development of
- The practice covers frameworks, standards, ideas, stronger relationships, a CoP would be unlikely to
instruments, stories, experiences, lessons learned and arise spontaneously. For this purpose you need
documents that community members share. It denotes explicit planning and launch activities. Many authors
a specific, collectively elaborated know how about restrict the CoP concept to spontaneously arisen,
ways of doing things in a specific domain. informal networks: Wenger has however explicitly
denied this restriction (Wolf, 2003a): from his
These three elements form together an ideal experience it does not matter how the community
knowledge structure as a social structure which can started (spontaneously or at the instigation of
take over the responsibility for stewarding a specific management), in both cases they require engagement
domain of expertise in an organization. on the part of people and some kind of sponsorship
from the management. In the potential stage the main
A clarification of the CoP definition task consists in planning the CoP: determining the
knowledge domain and its scope, finding persons that
The three elements of the structural model facilitate a are already connected in the chosen field, identifying
clarification of the definition of CoP through a clearer common needs for knowledge and skills.
differentiation from other social structures. They also
represent different aspects of participation and (2) Coalescing: In the second stage the members
identity and can therefore help in understanding the should be supported in building relationships by a
motivation of the members. A CoP can thus be suitable interaction model. The main task consists
defined as a group or network of persons (Wenger et here of ‚nurturing' the CoP: determining the value that
al., 2002, p.4 and pp.40ff), that functions as an sharing knowledge in the chosen field has for the
informal organisational structure, whose members members and for the organization, building trust and
participate voluntarily, based on collegial personal relationships between the members, for
relationships not reporting relationships, share the example by promoting mutual understanding,
interest and the passion in a knowledge domain, discovering the kind of knowledge whose sharing
develop as persons by mutual relationships which are would be most useful and determining suitable ways
grounded in the collective stewarding of a knowledge of sharing. In this stage of incubation the great
domain and apply the results in their daily job. All the challenge for the CoP consists in balancing two
members come together from different hierarchical opposite demands: „the need to let its members
and functional fields of the organization attracted by develop relationship and trust against the early need
“self identification” and form an „open and to demonstrate the value of the community” (Wenger
organically developing group of persons“ (Lakoni at et al., 2002, p.83).
al., 2001, p.81).
(3) Maturing: This stage is characterized by an
increase in the mutual engagement and a higher
The five stages of development dynamics. The CoP deals particularly with the
clarification of its primary intentions, its role in the

organization as well as its boundaries. The members Although it seems to be obvious that „in a knowledge
feel more and more the need to organize the organization participation is no more merely a
knowledge of the community, the core group normative postulate, but necessary and natural”
identifies gaps in the knowledge of the CoP and seeks (Dick and Wehner, 2002, p.18) and although social
opportunities to focus on that systematically, for participation plays a central role in the theory of
example through the development of a “knowledge Wenger (1998), in the extended CoP approach,
repository”. The number of members can rapidly Wenger et al. (2002) have not directly addressed
increase in this stage and introduce new impulses but participation in the social practice of the community
also thwart the plans of the core group. The challenge except for in two places: a short consideration of the
consists of resolving the tension between growth and structural elements as aspects of participation, and the
internal focus: for this purpose the CoP must both explanation of the third design principle (Wenger et
preserve the existing trust in spite of its growth as al., 2002, pp.44-45 and pp.55-58). Besides this, the
well as further develop spontaneous mutual help in term „participation” is not mentioned at all, so for
spite of systematization. example in connection with the discussion of internal
leadership tasks, what is especially amazing here is if
(4) Stewardship: In this stage the CoP continues its one considers that all members of the CoP should in
work for the systematic organization of the common principle contribute to the different leading roles
body of knowledge: expertise and personal (coordination, facilitation, domain stewarding and so
relationships are extended and deepened, tools and forth) or be internally trained for that. Wenger et al.
instruments are further developed. The CoP feels (2002) defend also with respect to CoP, that
pride now for its own achievements, it sees itself as leadership is a very participatory approach although
an owner of the knowledge domain it is in charge of they do not refer to it explicitly. Why this discrepancy
and is conscious of its own identity and voice in the between the theory of 1998 and their later extension
organization. In order to maintain the relevance of its in the work of 2002 in the consideration and
knowledge field however, the CoP also needs to be exposition of participation? One reason is probably
open to new ideas, approaches and relationships: „A that participation is so to speak “integrated” in the
community needs to balance its sense of ownership extended approach so that it would not have to be
with receptivity to new people and ideas” (Wenger et mentioned - in the ideal case - explicitly. The problem
al., 2002, p.105). This openness must however be in this case is, however, that an important element
more than just a willingness to accept new members: remains hidden so that faulty interpretations - in
it requires the active search for new ideas, new which participation remains unconsidered - become
members and renewal in the leadership. more probable.

(5) Transformation: The end of a CoP can have very However, without taking social participation
different causes: technological evolutions can make seriously, the crucial questions of KM (Dick and
the knowledge domain obsolete, structural Wehner, 2002, p.18) can barely or only
modifications can let the benefit for the organization unsatisfactorily be answered and a community of
disappear, or the interests of the members can practice can hardly be successful. Wenger presented
progressively diverge. As a result of such events the the reasons for that in his main work from 1998. He
attraction of the CoP and the influx of new topics can defined participation as „social experience of living in
be reduced, the community progressively loses the world in terms of membership in social
members and reduces its activities more and more communities” (Wenger, 1998b, p.55), which forms a
until nobody shows up to the community events. A unit with reification as a “process of giving form to
CoP can also merge with another, split into several our experience by producing objects that congeal this
smaller CoPs or be institutionalized as a department. experience into ‘thingness’” (Wenger, 1998b, p.58).
Whatever the transformation will be, the heritage of Unit means that the two processes cannot be
the CoP will live on in the experiences of its members considered in isolation, that one cannot be understood
and increase the ability of the organization to build without the other one, that only in co-ordination can
further communities of practice. they generate meaning.

PARTICIPATION AND KNOWLEDGE Hence the ‘conditio sine qua non’ for having
MANAGEMENT communities of practice becomes a reliable way to a
human oriented knowledge management lies in taking

seriously legitimate participation in stewarding Lesser, E., and Prusak, L. (1999). Communities of Practice,
knowledge: this is necessary for cultivating them Social Capital and Organisational Knowledge. White
successfully and succeeding in bridging the gap that Paper, IBM Institute for Knowledge Management,
separates knowledge and knowledge management. http://ikm.ihost.com.
Lesser, E. L., and Storck, J. (2001). Communities of
practice and organizational performance. IBM
Lüthy, W., Voit, E. and Wehner, T. (2002). Wissens-
AACE (2002). Proceedings of the World Conference on E- management - Praxis. Einführung, Handlungsfelder und
Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare and Fallbeispiele. Zürich: vdf.
Higher Education (E-Learn 2002 CD-Rom). Montreal: Malik, F. (2001). Wie Kopfarbeiter gemanagt werden.
October 15-19, www.aace.org. Basler Zeitung, 16.07.2001, Ressort: Wirtschaft, Rubrik
Arnold, P. and Smith, J.D. (2003). Adding connectivity and „Der BaZ-Gast“, (163), 14.
losing context with ICT: Contrasting learning situations Manca, S. and Sarti, L., (2002). Comunità virtuali per
from a community of practice perspective. In Huysman, l'apprendimento e nuove tecnologie. Tecnologie
M., Wenger, E. and Wulf, V. (2003), 465-484. Didattiche, 25 (1), 11-19.
Bettoni, M., Clases, C. and Wehner, T. (2004). Initiierung, Minor, M. and Staab, S. (2002). 1-st German Workshop on
Einführung, Evaluation von Communities of Practice. Experience Management. Lecture Notes in Informatics
In: Reinmann, G. and Mandl, H. (2004) Psychologie (LNI) Vol P-10. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI).
des Wissensmanagement. Göttingen: Hogrefe. Mitchell, J. (2002). The Potential of Communities of
Bettoni, M. and Schneider, S. (2002). Experience Mana- Practice to underpin the National Training Framework.
gement - Lessons Learned from Knowledge Engine- Melbourne: ANTA.
ering. In Minor, M. and Staab, S. (2002), 117-128. Nonaka, I and Takeuchi, H. (1995). The Knowledge-
Clases, C. (2003). Eine arbeitspsychologische Perspektive Creating Company. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
auf soziale Dynamiken kooperativer Wissens- North, K., (1998). Wissensorientierte Unternehmens-
produktion. In Franz H. W., Howaldt, J., Jacobsen, H. führung. Wertschöpfung durch Wissen. Wiesbaden:
and Kopp, R. (Hrsg.): Forschen - Lernen - Beraten. Der Gabler.
Wandel von Wissensproduktion und -transfer in den North, K., Romhardt, K. and Probst, G. (2000).
Sozialwissenschaften. Berlin: sigma. Wissensgemeinschaften. Keimzellen lebendigen
Clases, C. and Wehner, T. (2002). Handlungsfelder im Wissensmanagement. io management, 7/8, 52-62.
Wissensmanagement. In Lüthy, W., Voit, E. and Osterlund, C. and Carlile, P. (2003). How Practice Matters:
Wehner, T. (2002), 39-56. A Relational View of Knowledge Sharing. In Huysman,
Dick, M., and Wehner, T. (2002). Wissensmanagement zur M., Wenger, E. and Wulf, V. (2003), 1-22.
Einführung: Bedeutung, Definition, Konzepte. In Lüthy, Probst, G., Raub, S. and Romhardt, K. (1997). Wissen
W., Voit, E. and Wehner, T. (2002), 7-28. managen. Wie Unternehmen ihre wertvollste Ressource
Dignum, V., van Eeden, P. (2003). Seducing, engaging and optimal nutzen. Zürich: Verlag NZZ.
supporting communities at Achmea. In Proceedings of Rousseau, J.J. (1762). Du contrat social. In: Oeuvres
the Fourth European Conference on Knowledge Complètes, III. Paris: Gallimard, 1964.
Management, Oxford, 18-19 Sept., 253-262. Ruuska, I. and Vartiainen, M. (2003). Communities and
Huysman, M., Wenger, E. and Wulf, V. (2003). other Social Structures for Knowledge Sharing. A Case
Communities and Technologies. Proceedings of the 1st Study in an Internet Consultancy Company. In
International Conference on Communities and Huysman, M., Wenger, E. and Wulf, V. 163-183.
Technologies. Dordrecht: Kluwer. Saint-Onge, H. and Wallace, D. (2003). Leveraging
Jordan, B. (1994). Ethnographic Workplace Studies and Communities of Practice for Strategic Advantage
Computer Supported Cooperative Work. IRL Report Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann.
No. IRL94-0026. In Shapiro, D. et al. (1996). Schmitz, C. and Zucker, B., (1996). Wissen gewinnt.
Kok, G., Jongedijk, S. and Troost, J. (2003). Insights from Knowledge Flow Management. Düsseldorf:
KPMG's European Knowledge Management Survey Metropolitan.
2002/2003. KPMG Knowledge Advisory Services, Schneider, U. (2001). Die 7 Todsünden im Wissens-
Netherland. http://www.kpmg.nl/kas. management. Frankfurt a/M: FAZ
Lakoni, S., Schwämmle, U, and Thiel, M. (2001). Zwischen Schultz, F. and Pucher, H.F. (2003). www.deck – Wissens-
Chat-room und Kantine. Wie "Communities of management bei Volkswagen. Industrie Management,
Practice" zu Innovation und Veränderung beitragen. 19 (3), 64-66.
Profile, 2, 74-84. Shapiro, D., Tauber, M. and Traunmüller R. (Eds.) (1996).
Lave, J. and Wenger, E. (1991). Situated Learning. The Design of Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge: and Groupware Systems. Amsterdam: North Holland /
Cambridge University Press. Elsevier Science.
Le Moult, D. (2001). How to make a CoP fly. Smith, J.D. and Coenders, M. (2002). E-feedback to reflect
KnowledgeBoard, 6.12.2002. legitimate peripheral participation. In AACE, 2002.

Spiess, E. (1998). Formen der Kooperation. Göttingen: After receiving his masters degree in mechanical
Verlag für Angewandte Psychologie. engineering in 1977 (ETH Zürich) he worked until
Stuckey, B., Buehring, A. and Fraser, S. (2002). 1987 for industrial (Rieter, Siemens), banking (UBS)
Communities of Practice and On-Line Support for and academic (ETH) organizations in the domains of
Dissemination and Implementation of Innovation. In
AACE, 2002.
machine design, engineering education, IT
von Glasersfeld, E. (1995). Radical Constructivism. A Way management and IT development. From 1987 to 1991
of Knowing and Learning. London: Falmer Press. he has been project leader and knowledge engineer in
Wehner, T., Clases, C., Endres, E. and Raeithel, A. (1998). the development of knowledge-based systems and has
Zwischenbetriebliche Kooperation. Zusammenarbeit als been privately involved in cognitive science
Ereignis und Prozess. In E. Spiess (Hrsg.), Formen der foundations research since 1981.
Kooperation Göttingen: Verlag für Angewandte
Psychologie, 95-124. Between 1991 and 2004 Marco Bettoni was Professor
Wenger, E. (1998a). Communities of Practice. Learning as for Knowledge Technologies at the Basel University of
a Social System. Systems Thinker, June 1998, 1-10.
Wenger, E. (1998b). Communities of Practice: Learning,
Applied Sciences (FHBB) where his main tasks were
Meaning, Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. teaching post-graduate courses, consulting with
Wenger, E., Benninger, M.L. et al. (2002). Communities of enterprises and government and doing applied research.
Practice for Improved Learning Systems in the His main domain of competence is that of Knowledge
Corporate, Government, Higher Education and Health Technologies which include Artificial Intelligence
Care Sectors. In AACE, 2002. (especially Knowledge Engineering) and Knowledge
Wenger, E., McDermott, R. and Snyder, W. (2002). Management, focusing on human aspects and
Cultivating Communities of Practice: A Guide to Knowledge Cooperation. In June 2003 ETH Zürich
Managing Knowledge. Boston: Harvard Business (www.ethz.ch) appointed him as ‘guest researcher’ as a
School Press.
Wenger, E., and Snyder, W. (2000). Communities of
special recognition for his research contributions in the
Practice: The Organisational Frontier. Harvard individual and social aspects of Knowledge
Business Review, 78, (1), 139-145. Management.
Wolf, P. (2003)a. Interview with Etienne Wenger on
Communities of Practice. Knowledge-Board, 3.11.2003, CO-AUTHORS
Wolf, P. (2003b). Erfolgsmessung der Einführung von Christoph Clases
Wissensmanagement. Münster: Monsenstein und Solothurn University of Applied Sciences (FHSO)
Vannerdat. Riggenbachstrasse 16, CH - 4600 Olten, Switzerland
Theo Wehner
MARCO BETTONI was born in Legnano (Italy) in Center for Organizational and Work Sciences
1952. Since September 2005 he has been Director of Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich
Research & Consulting at the Swiss Distance Learning (ETH Zürich)
University of Applied Sciences Kreuzplatz 5, CH - 8032 Zürich, Switzerland
(www.fernfachhochschule.ch). twehner@ethz.ch


Chistina Preston
MirandaNet International Reserach Centre
Southampton University
Highfield Campus, Southampton
SO 17 1 BJ, UK

E-Mail: Christina@mirandanet.ac.uk

©Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

KEYWORDS made in the conclusions about the potential of e-

Communities of practice, continuing professional journal publication to facilitate the sharing of
development, information and communication professional evidence. The purpose of this would be
technologies, self-regulated learning. to increase the opportunities for teachers in England
to engage not only in self-regulated learning, but
ABSTRACT also in a self- regulated profession.

This article discusses the results of the MirandaNet INTRODUCTION

Fellowship approach to self-regulated learning in
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in The focus of this article is about appropriate
Information and Communications Technology Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
(ICT). The theories and practice, which have been programmes for teachers in Information and
developed by MirandaNet Fellows since 1992, are Communications Technology (ICT). The article
innovative in the sense that they base the model on examines strategies to introduce self-regulated
practice-based research, the building of communities learning. This term refers to circumstances where
of practice (CoPs) and attention to the semiotics of the teachers as lead-learner are free to decide what,
multimodal learning environments. The focus of the when, where and how to learn. This implies that the
paper is a pilot ICT CPD programme in e- learning in traditional institutions - in schools and
facilitation that was delivered face to face and in a universities- is only partly self-regulated and partly
customized VLE which had the qualities of a teacher/instructor regulated or regulated by the
dynamic e-journal. What is interesting is that the affordances and requirements of the leaning
teachers in this pilot on e-facilitation who embarked environment of which the teacher/instructor may be
on this model of self-regulation did significantly a part (Steffens, 2005).
better in conventional essay accreditation than
teachers who follow a more traditional academic Self-regulated learning is investigated in relationship
training route. The discussion expresses concerns to teachers’ professionalism from three theoretical
that much of what was learnt about the process of e- perspectives. These are:
facilitation was not accredited because conventional
higher education assessment had no space for • how the social development of
multimodal processes. The discussion also communities of practices as self-regulating
summarises the notions about professionalism, entities has developed;
which appear throughout the paper. Suggestions are

• how the relationship between practice- from education. It emerged from the late nineteenth
based research and the self-regulation of century pursuit of utopian social communities
the teaching profession operates; (Morris, 1899; Livingstone and Parry, 2005).
Education commentators such as Sachs, Hargreaves,
• how a deeper understanding of the social Goodson, Whitty, Lave and Wenger see the building
semiotics of virtual learning environments of an authoritative and democratic community as an
might contribute to professional self- important step in reinstating the professional
regulated learning . teachers’ authentic voice after the legacy of a top-
down approach, which began in the 1980s
The theories are exemplified through descriptions of (Hargreaves and Goodson, 1996; Wenger, 1998;
MirandaNet Fellowship practice. MirandaNet is a Lave and Wenger, 1999; Hopkins, 2002; Whitty,
professional organization of teachers, teacher 2002; Sachs, 2003).
educators, researchers, policy makers and company
partners established in 1992. The core aim is to Progressive governments have been persuaded for
provide innovative Information and more than a decade that, at its best, online learning,
Communications Technology (ICT) programmes for communication and publication can be an effective
teachers that focus on empowering the professional spur towards self-regulated learning and democratic
to manage change in teaching and learning. participation for teaching professionals. The
Chileans began this process of creating a CoP for
The article concludes with some observations on the their teachers online in 1994 (Preston, 1995).
contradictions between self-regulated learning and English education policy makers started the National
the mono-modal forms of professional accreditation Grid for Learning (NGFL) around the same time,
generally available to teachers in England. and predicted the rise of Virtual Learning
Environments (VLEs) in education (Stevenson,
HOW THE SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF 1996). On the other hand the same policy makers
COMUNITIES OF PRACTICE (COP) AS did not predict that the lack of internalized online
SELF-REGULATING PROFESSIONAL skills in the profession might negate the value of the
ENTITIES HAS DEVELOPD money spent both on both national services. For
example, the use of a commercial VLE was
The background to CoP theory and practice recommended for the National ICT Continuing
Professional Development (CPD) programme from
The idea that learning can be described in terms of 1999-2003. However, this proved unstable for such
participation was first put forward by Lave and large numbers. Even when the recommended VLE
Wenger who coined the phrase, ‘community of was working, there were insufficient advisers and
practice’ (Lave and Wenger, 1991). They argue that teacher educators with e-facilitation skills in the
learning is a process of increasingly central country to scaffold effective learning (Preston,
participation in communities of practice, a 2004). This short fall is now being addressed by the
movement from the ‘legitimate peripheral National College for School Leadership (NCSL) and
participation’ of a newcomer to the full participation by the General Teaching Council (GTC) who are
of ‘old timers’. Wenger, who had been observing using MirandaNet Fellows as trainers and e-
business practices in the first instance, stresses how facilitators.
the mutual constitution of agent, activity and world,
means that learning becomes a process of the MIRANDANET AS A COMMUNITY OF
construction of identities, adding that identity PRACTICE
formation is negotiated in the course of doing the
job and interacting with others (Wenger, 1998). The background to CoPs
While this theory does not illuminate every kind of
learning (Greeno, Collins et al., 1996) it does seem This paper relates the experience of MirandaNet
to fit well the experience of teachers engaging in Fellows who founded a community of practice in
continuing professional development (CPD) through 1992 based upon Lave and Wenger’s discoveries
participation in online communities of practice. about business communities which were developed
in parallel (Lave and Wenger, 1991). Lave and
The ‘community of practice’ notion does not stem Wenger began observing this phenomenon in

education in 1998 (Wenger, 1998). By 2002 the power of the Braided Learning concept developed
definition of CoPs from Wenger et al. which within the MirandaNet Fellowship (Preston, 2002a).
emphasizes the human interaction in CoP’s comes The concept has emerged from the communal
close to MirandaNet Practice (Wenger, McDermott constructivist school which attempts to move
et al., 2002): beyond social constructivism and capture specific
elements of the additional value that ICT
"A community of practice is not just a web site, applications bring to the learning and teaching
a database, or a collection of best practices. It is environment. (Holmes, Tangney et al., 2001; Leask,
a group of people who interact, learn together, Ramos et al., 2001; Aspden and Pountney, 2002).
build relationships, and in the process develop a
sense of belonging and mutual commitment. The constant change of features which characterizes
Having others who share your overall view of vibrant online communities like MirandaNet
the domain and yet bring their individual indicates how difficult it is for academics with a
perspectives on any given problem creates a long publishing period to keep up with the flow of a
social learning system that goes beyond the sum lively, multi-headed and dispersed community
of its parts" (p. 34). (Preston, Wegerif et al., 2005). Stuckey has now
joined the Fellowship and is influencing the growth
The MirandaNet Fellowship was established some of theory and practice from the inside. This
ten years before the working parts of communities opportunity for co-construction is another feature of
of practice in education became a topic for debate. an informal community which facilitates sharing.
In early 2005 MirandaNet was included in Stuckey’s
study of ten internet-mediated communities of Academics should be careful of assuming that a
practice. Stuckey points out that, in her study at general CoP label will cover all the practices to be
least, communities of practice in education are seen within CoPs like MirandaNet. Two emergent
characterised by the need for the community to trends in other kinds of communities can be cited
enhance the professional status of its members here. In the first case Nardi and Engestrom have
Taking an overview Stuckey identified certain observed home workers who are able to activate
common features of successful Internet-based CoPs. dormant nodes of specialists who they need for a
These features were to particular project by email even though this is not a
continuous relationship (Nardi and Engestrom,
- Invite different levels of participation 1999). This use of e-networking for consultancy,
- Develop an active and passionate core which is not quite the same as being a continuous
- Celebrate rituals of community life member of a community of practice, can already be
- Provide news and events that are constantly observed in MirandaNet activities which do not
changing enjoy a regular funding stream. Some expert groups
- Develop both public and private spaces may have breaks in their international links because
- Harness the power of the personal connection of funding gaps. However, as soon as more funding
- Actively generate content is achieved they are quickly able to regroup often
(Stukey, 2005). including new colleagues as well.

It is not surprising that MirandaNet presents all the Gee’s observations which relate to young games
Stuckey characteristics as she found that, from a players are also relevant. He talks of ‘online affinity
study of six groups, the MirandaNet community best spaces’ that offer an alternative model to a CoP.
exemplified a community of practice, which These online groups tend to be more transient and
functioned well over a long period. Each of these allow people from different ages, classes, sexes and
characteristics was revisited by MirandaNet Fellows ethical backgrounds to learn collaboratively in a way
when the study was published to see how the that they might not be able to in a face-to-face
community had developed. By this time members community (Gee, 2005). The MirandaNet
were already moving onto the importance of Fellowship is already experimenting with Gee’s
partnership with external bodies, empowerment of model of self-regulation by building the World E-
professionals and the extension of publication citizens website (www.worldecitizens.net). This is a
opportunities. The theory that was also occupying web-space where young global citizens from diverse
the community by the summer of 2005 was the backgrounds are encouraged to share ideas in a

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) although they There are few VLEs designed for teachers that
may never met. This might provide a valuable promote this kind of social learning although more
perspective from which to question the work in appropriate software use has been
appropriateness of the CoP model amongst students considered for pupils (Wegerif, 2004). Scardamalia
who have different lifestyles from their teachers and and Bereiter have actually developed software to
a different relationship with technology. promote dialogical learning between pupils: their
Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), the
The social aspects of CoPs Knowledge Forum. In this model learners build a
virtual knowledge base which reflects the interests
What is common in these different approaches to of the learners and grows in complexity as more is
learning in groups is the evidence for a strong, stored and shared (Scardamalia and Bereiter, 1996).
social strand in the teaching and learning process. The explicit aim is to widen the pupils’ empirical
This has been worked on since Vygotsky’s time understanding of the value of this kind of learning
although applying this information to internet against the information transmission paradigms that
working brings a new freshness to the notion. These still predominate in schools because of the
principles for social engagement online are outlined examination system.
in an important conversational framework
(Laurillard, 2002). The underlying Laurillard design In contrast, in higher education the use of virtual
imperatives used in MirandaNet course designs are learning environments (VLEs) has been largely
that : information transmission driven refelecting the
university teaching paradigm. This can be because
learning is experiential – one aspect of learning the affordances of the VLE design do not encourage
is the application and trial of new concepts, or ownership by the learners of online debate and
new perspectives on previous ideas, in practice. discussion. The other reason why learning in VLEs
remains traditional is because most tutors are not
learning the skills of e-facilitation is reflexive – experienced in the skills they require online to
learning how to manage an online group arises encourage participation in this process, although
from active experience in online groups and they may be expert in stimulating classroom
reflection on the issues and processes involved. discussion. Teaching in this vital skill of e-
facilitation , which is akin to like hosting a party
learning is cyclical - understandings develop when the guests are invisible, is not yet offered in
over time. The development is at least partly a teacher education as a general rule.
result of engagement in personal reflection and
with the reflections of others; engagement with A pilot CoP in e-facilitation
the feedback loop afforded by mentor and peer
critique; and the application of ideas in practice In response to the perceived need, MirandaNet
started a pilot in e-faciliation for Fellows in 2002
theory and practice are mutually informing - which was funded by the Department for Education
informed professional practice relies on the and Skills (DfES) and the General Teaching Council
integration of theory and practice, and the (GTC), called 'Teachers as Researchers'. Fellows
ability to reflect critically on both. designed a pilot VLE in the form of an e-journal for
this course which encouraged the same social
learning is mediated through dialogue - deep- learning and community building which was
level learning is associated with an insight into happening face to face. Two two-day residential
the intentions of the speaker/writer and the ways workshops contributed to the cohesion of the group.
in which language and ideas are structured and In the independent evaluation of the Diploma
organised to convey meaning (Marton and module, teachers found that the process of building
Saljo). Further, Laurillard’s framework models an online community of practice was an important
how the action of articulating a representation of scaffold for their learning (Earle, 2004). This finding
a concept can lead to self-evaluation of one’s triangulated with earlier research, which indicated
own understanding, in addition to the that the online activity in professional communities
opportunities afforded for feedback, questioning was the main motivation for continuing professional
and evaluation from others. development (Preston, Cox et al., 2000).

Whereas Scardamalia and Bereiter Knowledge enquiry in their own classrooms with their own
Forum software focuses on children in school as students. This process is intended to develop a
self-regulated, social learners, the MirandaNet greater sense of the ownership of learning, which is
model focuses on the use of an Internet-based part of professionalism. One important principle of
community of practice for teachers which builds a action research is that teachers as researchers should
dynamic knowledge base owned by the profession. control the process of change and development by
An important aspect of the online learning in fact-finding, planning, implementing a course of
MirandaNet which brings the strategy close to the action, evaluating that action, reassessment and
Laurillard framework has been this development of modification. The iterative cycle encourages
e-facilitation skills which has enriched the learning learners to take risks, experiment and adapt because
dialogue. they are not constrained by the need to be right first
time (Elliott, 1991; Somekh and Davis, 1998;
Acquiring e-facilitation skills appears to be helping Hopkins, 2001).
to build a collaborative MirandaNet voice in the
forums and e-journals which is self-regulated. This iterative cycle is similar to the self-regulatory
Collaborative, constructive and co-constructive approach to learning described in Telepeers
learning is at the core of the process. This building findings: planning a learning project, monitoring its
of shared knowledge in autonomous communities of execution and evaluating its outcome. This learning
practice can provide a learning environment where cycle is now an important topic in educational and
new pedagogical techniques can be tested, risks can psychological research. One reason for this is that
be taken and failure can be a source of learning the extent to which learners are capable of
between colleagues who trust each other. regulating their own learning has a marked effect on
the success of the outcome (Telepeers, 2005).
PRACTICE-BASED RESEARCH AND SELF- Action research has an impressive history which
REGULATION OF THE TEACHING started in the 1980s. In The Reflective Practitioner
PROFESSION OPERATES Schon (1983) creates the action research process to
underpin how professionals think in action. He saw
The background to practice-based research this as a means of empowering teachers
professionally, facilitating their participation in
E-facilitation is only one of the new role teachers professionalism, encouraging them to share their
need to assume if some of their teaching is online. stories and to rethink what they know. Since then
Teachers can feel threatened when they are asked to other researchers have investigated story telling as a
promote self-regulatory learning processes like this means of developing professional identity (Thomas,
in their classrooms when they have never learnt in 1995; James, 1996; Preston, 1998; Preston,
this way themselves. They may also be resistant Mannova et al., 2000, Preston, 2002b).
because they are unsure of the value of this kind of
learning when traditional examinations are still the But Barnett doubted whether the process of telling
testing mechanism. The use of practice-based stories was enough to ensure deep professional
research in teacher education helps to overcome learning. He contended that uncritical story telling
these professional doubts by putting teachers in self- encourages a local focus which might result in the
regulated learning situations. The assumption is that neglect of the theory and practice of others.
personal experience helps them to make judgements Teachers must further engage with professional
about how and when these strategies can improve issues and practice their critical skills on
students’ learning. comparative exercises (Barnett, 1997). Brown and
Dowling make the same case for teachers being
This is why practice-based research underpins the given the space to pursue an apprenticeship in
collaborative, constructive and co-constructive research methods, rather than concentrating entirely
learning processes in MirandaNet that are owned by on the process in their own classroom or institution
practitioners. Practice-based research is an extension (Brown and Dowling, 1998). Lawes also deplores
of the well-known term, ‘action research’. This the decrease of the teaching of theory in teacher
globally recognized term describes the process education and contends that, as a result of reflective
which encourages teachers to conduct a small-scale practice approaches practice and theory have

become confused. In her view ‘theory’ often means policy issues will be an important gain.
nothing more than ‘talking about practice’ (Lawes,
2003, p.22). The activist professional

As a result of this kind of objection to action On the subject of a self-regulated profession, Sachs,
research this term is often replaced by ‘practice- the Australian commentator on teacher
based’ or ‘evidence-based research’ in England. professionalism, is sanguine about the emergence of
Lamb, on the other hand, uses the term, ‘practitioner the democratic professional towards the end of the
research’. She claims that practitioner research is a twentieth century. What she hopes will grow from
vital ingredient of Continuing Professional this is the development of the activist professional
Development which provides opportunities for who will be empowered to influence policy making
active learning. In addition, in this method teachers in education rather than merely enacting commands
are offered the space and capacity to build critically which have been passed down the line by politicians
on theoretical knowledge in order to think the (Sachs, 2003). In pursuit of the activist professional
unthinkable. The critical phrase here is ‘to build ideal, the e-facilitation pilot course also offered a
critically on theoretical knowledge’ (Lamb and platform where the learners could influence policy
Simpson, 2003, p.62). Saunders sees the knowledge making.
base made up of evidence-based case studies
authored by teachers not as a body of finite MirandaNet presented an opportunity for course
knowledge to be prescribed and imposed on participants to influence policy at the end of the
teachers, but rather as a living process built around Teachers as researchers CPD Programme in 2004.
and tested on practical experience in classrooms,
developed from and adapted to particular teaching A platform was offered in the final workshop to a
and learning settings (Saunders, 2002). key government policy maker, the Head of the
Schools Division in the Department for Education
This means of sharing knowledge seems to be and Skills (DfES). He was inviting public
attractive to teachers as one thousand five hundred consultation at that time on the national e-learning
from all over the world access the MirandaNet strategy (DfES, 2003) . The teacher professionals on
website to download materials every day. These the pilot worked in groups to summarise the
materials are constantly being renewed by the evidence for presentation in conection with this
Fellows who are encouraged to engage with the consultation exercise. This was a different mode of
literature and to publish their studies for the rest of professional communication, which invited the
their learning community All MirandaNet scholars students to present the contents of their essays in
go through an interactive cycle of learning. When different modes. This project evidence and
they are ready to publish for their peers they are discussions with representatives from academic and
promoted to become lead-learners and e-mentors. government organisations, concerned with policy-
This ownership of outcomes, therefore, facilitates making in education indicated that the learning
the opportunity for Fellows to gain a ‘strong and process had not just been ‘an academic exercise’
principled voice’ and learn how to use it effectively but an opportunity to influence policy. This last
(Freidson, 1994). element of the course was not accredited, as the
mechanisms do not yet exist for the accreditation of
Supported by this kind of evidence, the teachers’ collaborative oral submissions for assessment. This
voice is gaining credence with academic readers. fact is explored in more detail in the discussion on
Fellows' studies which were contributed to the accreditation.
MirandaNet e-journal have now been rewritten in a
more academic mode for the first edition of the more HOW A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF
formal e-journal, Reflecting Education, published by SOCIAL SEMIOTIC THEORIES CAN
the Institute of Education, University of London. CONTRIBUTE TO SELF-REGULATED
The target readership is teachers, taking professional PROFESSIONAL LEARNING
studies, who have evidence of practice to share
(Pachler, 2005). By adopting this constructive form The background to social semiotics
of learning, teachers in England may become a self-
regulated profession in the future. Having a voice in As the Fellows become more experienced in

multimodal communication their professional voice thought are the affordances of each mode and the
no longer depends exclusively on the written word. learners’ capacity to chose judiciously.
They now use a portfolio of complex tools which
present knowledge in graphics, music, sound, Social semioticians are looking beyond mono-modal
moving image and E-forums that record literacy in reading and writing to celebrate the multi-
asynchronous conversations. Web casting is being modal tools that teacher bring to pedagogy.
developed and a new MirandaNet website is Performance aspects of the teacher’s craft include
currently being designed to encourage a wider range gesture and modulation and tone of voice (Jewitt,
of expression and communication. A new and 2003). Emotional literacy is also relevant in
complex digital tool with great power is the virtual creating contexts for effective learning (Goleman,
learning environment (VLE). Interactive VLE 1996). The challenge to conventional academics is
features are embedded in the e-journals for teachers’ that this emergent area of research draws on a wide
publication and in the World E-citizens website for range of disciplines rather than drilling deeply into
student exchange. This widening range of only one discipline. Social semioticians also tend to
multimodal tools takes cognisance of the ignore the hierarchy of values that are traditionally
affordances of the screen rather than the page. accorded to these disciplines.

These multimedia developments in the MirandaNet MirandaNet learning activities are developed to
resources not only promote self-regulated learning, stimulate the students’ explicit understanding of
but are also designed to expose teachers to the these new media issues not only through reading the
impact of new media affordances on contemporary literature, but through the critical use of multimodal
communication. MirandaNet Fellows believe that tools. This is quite a different slant from the package
an understanding of the power of computers cannot skills training approach to ICT training that too
be achieved simply by a mastery of technical skills often dominates training in ICT for teachers. The
and know-how. Therefore, an important aspect of active learning that is promoted in practitioner
ICT CPD is a critical grasp of the emerging science research means that teachers produce designs that
of social semiotics as well. customise and adapt the multimodal products
available as well as create new ones.
Sassure offered the first definition of social
semiotics as ‘the life of signs in society’ (Sassure, Face-to-face and online activities are delivered and
1974). Since 1988 Kress with a range of conducted in a variety of communication modes in
multidisciplinary partners has been employing the order to extend this aspect of the participants’
tenets of this emergent science to explore more multimodal literacy. In the Teachers as Researchers
closely the tools teachers and learners use to CPD Programme participants reported on each of
represent meaning in the education process (Hodge the stages of their practice based project in an
and Kress, 1988; Kress, 1996; Kress et al., 2001; interactive MirandaNet e-journal, where they
Kress and Van Leeuwen, 2001; Kress, 2003; Kress, received feedback and critical review both from
2004; Kress, 2005). MirandaNet Fellows employ their peers and course tutors. This is a multimodal
the precepts of this growing body of theory in publishing environment which includes graphics and
practitioner projects and workshops because they are multi-layering. It is superior to email for this kind of
interested in the changing balance in global learning as the learning processes and the
communication between words and pictures. information routes can be seen as a coherent entity
with clear navigation pathways signed by the parts
Jewitt and Kress challenge traditional assessment of a rose. (see figure 1)
systems by asserting that language is only a partial
element of communication (Jewitt and Kress, 2003). The graphical metaphor is intended to scaffold an
In fact, in their view, modes like gesture, image, understanding of the different elements which make
posture and speech are all partial in the assembly of up a full study and how they may relate to each
meaning in a learning event. This attitude towards other. The parts of the rose are deconstructed: thorns
the value of signs is a significant challenge to the and branches signify the polarity of forum
assumptions that the modes of reading and writing discussion; the head of the rose represents the
are superior to other modes in the making of summary or abstract; the roots depict the underlying
meaning. What matters in this emergent school of evidence in the form of the case study. The

students’ statement about their own learning is complexity of the learners response to a self-
depicted by the reassembling of the full rose – a regulated learning in a VLE. In particular, the rose
reference to the Gestalt theory of holistic learning metaphor, which provided the navigational guidance
developed in the 1930s. From this perspective the for the VLE, raised some of these visual design
whole is greater than the sum of its parts. issues associated with screens with the practitioners.
The rose was a deconstruction of the MirandaNet
logo which is based on the style of the Scottish
artist, Rennie Mackintosh. This was recognized by
the teachers as a rare reference to the past on the
web, and in ICT CPD. Some participants in the
workshop debate were also aware that this rose also
refers to the notions of the value of craftsmanship,
of a socialist dream of human equality and the
building of a utopian paradise on earth which are
inherent in the Arts and Crafts movement at the turn
of the twentieth century. The notion is that ICTs can
be used to make a better world, just as in the last
century arts and crafts were seen as having this
potential. Because the substitution of design content
in this VLE is trivial, the participating teachers were
Figure 1: The MirandaNet rose invited to make the e-journal community their own
by providing a graphical metaphor which had some
When this image was first introduced, practitioners resonance for the group. However, they preferred to
following the MirandaNet e-facilitation course stay with the given image because as a learning
found the rose metaphor helpful in relating the community they decided that this sign was
purpose of and interrelation of different academic appropriate for the group’s philosophy (Earle,
activities (Earle, 2004). The subliminal impact of the 2004). Half the group became MirandaNet Fellows
rose, which was a subject for discussion in the after the course and continued further studies about
workshops, introduced the notion of situated the use of ICT.
cognition in instructional design which is so familiar
to young learners (Collins, Brown et al., 1989). Impact on classroom practice is anticipated by
Situated cognition which was also a focus of Lave MirandaNet through making semiosis explicit in the
and Wenger’s work emphasises studies of human learning experience of teachers. In turn it may be
behaviour that have 'ecological validity': that is, that the motivation of young learners might be
which take place in real situations. This is improved by attending to a more rounded view of
particularly relevant to the learning of young people situated learning than conventional mono-literal
outside the classroom (Somekh et al., 2002; environments offer.
Sutherland, 2004). The use of a VLE helps to make
more visible although only in text how ideas are Accreditation in the multimodal domain
woven together overtime by a group of learners. The
practice based research studies also record in details To summarise the argument so far: the MirandaNet
the reality of school change in terms of student practice-based process of knowledge building
behaviours, barriers to change, real-world promotes teachers’ ownership of their learning as
complications such national agendas, lack of time, well as community collaboration. Underlying this
timetabling constraints and private agendas which process is the promotion of a deeper understanding
necessarily change the nature of the classroom of the semiotic affordances of ICT through a VLE as
activity. Situated cognition attempts to integrate well as face-to-face.
these complexities into its analytic framework. The
subliminal effect of signs is just one aspect of this What is interesting is that this comparatively
wider picture of situated learning. innovative approach to ICT CPD appears to be
producing higher attainment for teachers in the
Discussed from this theoretical perspective, the sign traditional products of professional studies, the four
of the rose became used as an illustration of the thousand word essay. The teachers who were invited

to submit their evidence-based case studies to the e- the learning gains on this e-facilitation course. For
journal, Reflecting Education, were amongst the example, some students designed additions to the
eleven teachers who were awarded A grades on the MirandaNet environment that were developed by the
MirandaNet pilot e-facilitation course Teachers as web editor. Other students customised other
Researchers which was held at the Institute of commercially distributed VLEs themselves or
Education, University of London. The external designed their own. These design skills required
evaluator and the independent assessor commented knowledge that was superior to the tutors’
on the high number of As. The norm would have knowledge in these specifics. E-facilitators also had
been about two As in a cohort of 20. These marks to navigate a multi-layered environment with vastly
can partly be explained by the selection process different affordances from the medium of writing or
which resulted from a national competition and by talking. No accreditation criteria were linked to this
the bursaries provided from the Department for kind of effort when the course was prepared. Should
Education and Skills (DfES) to pay for study the tutors have linked with a computer science
expenses like supply cover, books, travel and department? What kind of multi-disciplinarian
residential workshops. However, the independent higher education department would be required to
evaluator said that it was unlikely that these factors prophesy what might be achieved?
alone guaranteed the creativity and the scholarship
that was displayed in the final essays. The supported Other questions emerged over the accreditation of
and costed use of practice-based research and the the e-facilitation induction course. The induction
community building was a major factor in the into the skills of e-facilitation considered was too
success. vocational and competence-based to be accredited at
post graduate level. As this was a very new area a
The teachers reported in the independent evaluation BBC forum e-facilitator was asked to provide the
that the fact that the VLE design mirrored the design criteria and support the tutors in marking the
of the induction course and the e-facilitation module performance of the e-facilitators which could be
was an important scaffold in understanding the judging in on-line dynamic activity. The forums
relationship between the subtasks. They also valued which were being e-facilitated by the course
the writing course online and the ensuing discussion members were open to the teaching profession.
between participants, which has continued in Some debates were poorly attended. Some of the
support of the other modules that some participants teachers who joined the debates were openly hostile
have undertaken. Membership of a learning and destructive because they did not like the
community during the course was another factor establishment of the GTC. Tutors had to make
which seemed to be important (Earle, 2004). allowances for these negative factors in the process
of making judgements about the e-facilitators
These findings triangulate with an earlier study performance.
about what motivates teachers to use Information
and Communications Technology in classrooms In hindsight the tutor team decided that the quality
(Preston et al., 2000). In this context, other research of the interaction moved far beyond mere
findings suggest that innovation and change come competence in handling the mechanics of this
more from teachers’ informed professional practice operation. The students running forums devised
around teaching and learning than from target strategies in teams to draw the best from the forum
setting and ‘performativity’ (OECD, 2001; Hudson, members. In essence the e-facilitators, at their best,
2002; Saunders, 2002). were providing the links and scaffolding for a
collaborative text developed in digital space and
The MirandaNet tutors’ questions asynchronous time. At the same time they were
dealing with poor online etiquette and sometimes
The questions that the tutors for the Teachers as generating activity which did not happen without
Researchers course asked in their evaluation were them, Peers were weaving together ideas, intellect to
harder to answer. The Diploma accreditation intellect, without the distractions of body language,
required a four thousand word written essay in a appearance, gender, tone of voice, gesture or any of
conventional format as the sole mono-literate means the other mediations that hang in the air of face-to-
of testing the achievements of the participants. The face talk. These capacities were not rewarded in the
tutors did not think that this essay had showcased all Diploma.

In the course evaluation discussion, tutors Kress and Jewitt promote the notion of ‘Design’,
questioned whether this human empathy, intellectual which refers to how people make use of resources
energy and capacity to scaffold a rich learning that are available at a given moment in a specific
dialogue should have been marked below the level communication environment to realise their interests
of a Diploma module as it was. Should these tasks as makers of a message or text. Kress and Jewitt
have been assessed as a post-doctoral activity affirm that if the aim of education should be to
instead? Was enough known about multimodal promote productive action in a period of rapid
literacy and situated learning, the tutors asked, to change, and in one’s own interests, then Design
make the marking secure? At the core of this tutorial must replace competence and critique as the
discussion was the realisation that the students were essential goal of educational practice, of theories of
achieving mastery of more multimodal skills and learning, and of theories of representation much
understanding than the tutors had envisaged when more generally (Jewitt and Kress, 2003).
the course was planned. The effect of the
community of practice also meant that new skills, The tutors would also wish to give more
notions and ideas were being fashioned, used and consideration to the notion of Design and develop
published in the forums as the course progressed marking criteria that were more multi-disciplinary.
which were not yet in the e-facilitation canon. How This would give greater value to the situated
could these be rewarded? The notion of learning which took place in the e-facilitation
‘competence’ seemed to be crossing a wider range activity. This activity approximates to the Design
of disciplines than had been envisaged. recommendations that Jewitt and Kress make.
Concentration on the practice-based research
The preface of the Kress and Jewitt edited book on process rather than the case study products was one
Multimodal Literacy is illuminating on the way in which tutors had already foreseen some of
assessment of ‘competence’ in the use of these challenges and avoided prescribing what kind
multimodal tools. They comment that in an era of of e-learning case study was to be undertaken.
profound and rapid change, neither the goal of However it was the case study product not the
competence nor the (imagined) reality behind that process that attracted Diploma marks.
goal is any longer serviceable and sustainable. In the
face of a product from the learner they suggest It was from this rich mix of approaches that both the
instead a change in the assessment question from, students and the tutors were able to learn more about
“How does what is here match what a teacher e-facilitation than had been envisaged. This
expected and wanted to be there?” to “How does content-free practice-based approach would seem to
what is here give a teacher insight into the interests be an important means of accrediting courses that
of the maker of what is here?” They suggest that a cover multimodal affordances in the future. Since it
tutor or a teacher might also take an interest in the can take up to five years to have a pilot course
different ways in which a learner has chosen to formally accredited in the higher education sector, it
represent concepts presented by the teacher and is hard to see how multimodal and multimedia
enjoy the diversity of interpretation rather than curriculum content and literature could be
pronouncing on what is right or wrong. In such a effectively specified over this time scale.
conception of the assessment of learning, ‘error’ has
a different place in the process of assessment (Jewitt For the future
and Kress, 2003).
A new discussion for tutors in the multi-modal field
Tutors on the Teachers as Researchers course in the future might be whether teachers who make
decided that next time they would lower the the grade in representation and communication on a
weighting given to the literature search and raise the professional activists course are at pre- or post-
assessment weighting for the personal learning doctoral level. Are teachers and children as
statement as a result of their study of Jewitt and researchers in multimodality engaging in doctoral
Kress’s comments on the value of critique. These work at a much earlier level than we might have
social semioticians question the role of ‘critique’ in thought in the past? Social semioticists would
learning because critique necessarily acts on what contend that representations and communications
has already happened in past performance, and on are always ‘interested’ rather than ‘objective’. In
the effect of the (past) agenda of others. Instead fact, Jewitt and Kress argue that the elevated

position of objectivity is, in fact, unattainable. Hargreaves, A. and Goodson, I. (1996). Teachers'
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other builders of web based communities as well as learning and the sharing of practice-based research
involve teachers as researchers in shared reflection case studies between the UK, South Africa, Mexico
on practice. Recent projects have focused on: and China. Research is based at the MirandaNet
evaluating the UK national ICT training programme International Research Centre at Southampton
for teachers and the European Computer Driving University and continuing professional development
licence; innovative models for ICT Continuing programmes are hosted by the MirandaNet
Professional Development; investigating the roles of Academy at Bath Spa University.
supply teachers, and the building of international (www.mirandanet.ac.uk)
web-based communities of practice. Another


Stephen Frank
Department of Media Education and Further Education, University of
Emil-Fuchs-Str. 1, 04105 Leipzig, Germany
E-mail: s.frank@uni-leipzig.de

Anke Dommaschk
Department of Media Education and Further Education, University of
Emil-Fuchs-Str. 1, 04105 Leipzig, Germany
E-mail: domma@uni-leipzig.de

©Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

KEYWORDS made by the group, the tutors have to realize them

individually. In order to keep the group capable of
Action regulation theory, constructivist learning acting, each member of the tutor group has to have a
theory, educational model, self-regulated learning, high social competence. On the one hand, different
social learning. opinions must be discussed, compromises as well as
solutions have to be found, and on the other hand, all
ABSTRACT decisions made have to be accepted and realized by
the individual. The tutor group is coached by
The concept of ‘self-regulated learning’ (SRL) university lecturers, who stimulate and guide the
usually refers to individual learners. In this paper the reflection on the group processes and their outcomes.
idea of SRL is extended to the perspective of learning An essential tool is ILIAS, which supports the
groups. The discussion is based upon the experience communication between the members of the group as
of the ‘Leipziger Online-Seminar’ – a students’ well as the process of finding solutions and tracing
online project of the Department of Media Education results. The online course is also planned, designed
and Further Education at the University of Leipzig. and realized on the ILIAS platform.
The Department of Media Education and Further
Education has been interested in online learning This article demonstrates that processes in online
groups as self-regulated entities in tele-learning learning groups can be described with an SRL
arrangements since 1999. For this purpose, ILIAS has process model, and concentrates, further, on the
been used since 2002. social component of self-regulated learning.

In the ‘Leipziger Online-Seminar’, student groups are INTRODUCTION

trained as online tutors within a period of three terms.
During that period, they take on more responsibilities Learning almost always happens in social contexts.
and act with more independence. In the first term, the Almost all learning processes are imparted socially –
students take part in an online course. Next, they plan be it by a teacher or by cultural artefacts.
and design in a tutor group their own online course, Additionally, new knowledge is often acquired in
which is realized in the third term. In this period the group situations. The focus here is not the learning
tutor group is seen as an SRL entity. process of the individual, but the (re-)construction
and assessment of it within the group process. This is
Although decisions in the process of planning, especially true for Social Sciences and Humanities,
executing and monitoring as well as evaluating are where interpersonal discourse forms of learning are a

long and elaborate tradition. Nevertheless, most In order to describe self-regulated learning, we can
theories that deal with learning focus on the use component models as well as process models.
individual. Within these theories, we can distinguish The notion of self-regulated learning, in the way in
between ones that examine the course of a learning which it is the basis for the Telepeers project
episode as action, and ones that try to explain the (Telepeers consortium, 2005), tries to combine these
build up of knowledge and skills in the individual. two aspects. Following Zimmermann (2000), the
The theory of self-regulated learning belongs to the learning process – the ideal course of a learning
first group. The Constructivist Learning Theory episode – is divided into three stages: (1) the planning
belongs to the second. The Action Regulation Theory of the learning action, (2) executing and monitoring
brings together both perspectives on the cognitive the learning activity, and (3) the evaluation of the
level: learning as a process and the learning itself. But outcome. Permanent feedback on the learning process
in order to be able to describe learning in a takes place by the ongoing monitoring and the final
comprehensive way, in addition to the cognitive control. In addition to this control circuit model, it is
aspects, emotional, motivational and social aspects emphasised that different components play a role in
also have to be taken into account. In this way, we learning. The component model distinguishes four
can describe learning within social contexts, as in the components: (1) cognitive, (2) emotional, (3)
“Leipzig Online Seminar” of the Department of motivational and (4) social aspects.
Media Education and Further Education at the
University of Leipzig. Self-regulated learning and the Action Regulation
The cognitive part of the learning process – the
Self-regulated learning and the constructivist course of a ’learning episode’ – is explained in more
paradigm detail by Hacker (1978) in his Action Regulation
Theory. This theory derives from occupational
In the Constructivist Learning Theory, learning is psychology and was originally designed for
understood as a construction process of mental conveying motor work sequences in industry. Its
activities and their internal representations. description of cognitive action regulation in the
Reinmann-Rothmeier and Mandl (1999) write, that learning process suggests its application to general
knowledge is not a copy of reality, but a construction learning processes. Hacker understands human acting
by humans, and that knowledge is neither an external as a foresighted, target-oriented action on the basis of
object which can be transported from teacher to internal representation.
learner, nor is it a true internal representation of a
particular subject. This means that learners interpret When planning an action, a target is fixed, from
their perceptions on the basis of previous knowledge which sub-goals can be derived, and from this
and construct new knowledge as a result. From this subordinated targets can then also be derived. In this
Gerstenmeier and Mandl (1995) conclude, that in way, a hierarchical order of targets is generated and
order to evade the problem of inert knowledge, the targets can be dealt with in sequence. In this
learners should not see themselves as passive context, the Action Regulation Theory talks of
recipients of knowledge but as active, self-controlled hierarchical-sequential organisation in the regulation
learners. They should be increasingly able to plan, of an action. Each of these steps of dealing with the
organise, carry out and evaluate their learning by individual targets represents a complete cyclic action.
themselves. You can find this in the instructional As in the process model of self-regulated learning,
models of the Constructivist Approaches (Anchored these steps consist of a planning, execution and a
Instruction, Cognitive Flexibility Approach, control stage. Therefore, permanent controls take
Cognitive Apprenticeship Approach). Characteristics place even on the lowest target levels. In this way, the
of these instructional models are described by action is permanently monitored, and the planning
Gerstenmeier and Mandl (1995) as: can be corrected if necessary, even on the higher
• authenticity and situatedness levels. It is quite possible to obtain advances in the
• multiple contexts and multiple perspectives different target levels at differing velocities.
• social context

This analysis of building a hierarchical order of Here, it is of crucial importance that the focus is not
targets is called action regulation in the Action only the acquisition of pure facts, but also dealing
Regulation Theory. It is only possible to build target with different opinions and generating an individual
orders if ideas of the action are present, or if they can point of view.
be developed. The totality of these ideas of what has
to be done is called operative cognitive task Negotiating meanings in discourse and finding
representation in the Action Regulation Theory and solution strategies together will have positive
comprises, besides the targets, also the necessary influence on the motivation of the group. Through
actions to reach the targets and the execution common events and experiences a sense of group and
conditions. The generation of an operative cognitive community emerges, which again strengthens the
task representation and the generation of an action identification with the group and the subject material.
regulation are called learning (Duscheleit, 1983). Also, competition amongst the group and mutual help
create bonds. Within this, emotions play a crucial
For the educational support of cognitive learning role, which are to a degree also socially determined.
processes, we can derive that the learning target is
first divided into sub-goals in order to stimulate the Within this context, learning groups must be seen as
generation of an Operative Cognitive Task self-regulated entities. They execute the learning
Representation. In this way, the combining of processes in the sense of the Action Regulation
individual, already practiced action steps into new, Theory as cyclic complete actions: they plan, act and
bigger action sequences will be facilitated for the control the process. In this sense, the group as a
learner. In these processes, reflection plays an whole is responsible for the success of their learning
important role, so that the learner is enabled to activities. The individual does not decide by himself,
increasingly regulate his actions independently. but has to co-ordinate and deal with the other group
members in all learning stages. On the one hand
Self-regulated learning and learning in groups compromises must be found, opinions have to be
forwarded and solutions found in discourse, and on
The Action Regulation Theory concentrates on the the other hand, decisions that have been taken must
cognitive process of learning. The remaining aspects also be supported and put into practice by all group
of the component model are not considered. But in members. In this way, the group can remain capable
this context, self-regulation does not mean only the of action in all stages of self-regulated learning
freedom to decide what, when, where and how one processes. The social skills of the group members are
wants to learn. It also places additional requirements an essential contribution to the success of the learning
on the learner: The learner himself is responsible for activities. The social climate within the group has a
all stages of the learning process. He does not only high level of influence on the emotions and the
have to possess the cognitive capacities to plan his motivation of the group members. In short, the
learning process independently, i.e. to generate outcomes of the learning activities of self-regulated
sensible sub-goals and operative cognitive task groups are only as good as the degree to which each
representations, he must also continually motivate individual integrates into the group and acts within it.
himself, be emotionally available to the subject matter
and the different forms of delivery, and finally, Even though the group is the entity of self-regulation,
navigate a successful social integration as learning the individual group member actively takes part in the
almost always occurs within a social context. process: He will be involved in the construction of
the group opinion and group organisation. In this
If the learner is left to himself, frustration can easily way, the individual group member will acquire and
arise. In order to sufficiently support the motivational, further develop social and communicative
emotional and social aspects of learning, a competencies. Moreover, within the group, a bond is
comprehensive educational model is needed (cf. generated, a group sense, which bears a higher level
Brüggen in this volume), which also takes into of motivation.
account the co-learners. Many fields – especially in
Humanities – can best be made accessible within TUTOR TRAINING IN THE “LEIPZIG
discourse. Therefore, learning groups also have an ONLINE-SEMINAR”
essential function in the cognitive treatment process.

The Department for Media Education and Further theory and in practice with the notion of “media
Education at the University of Leipzig has been literacy”, which is crucial to media education. The
testing the implementation of self-regulated learning seminar consists of two online stages, which are each
as a group process in a TELE since 1999. The concluded with a two-day attendance meeting. In the
‘Leipzig Online Seminar’, an online seminar on the first online stage, participants deal in groups with
subject of media literacy, is combined with a tutor different topical media, educational concepts of
training for e-learning within a master plan. Students media literacy, elaborate the basis and results of
from media studies and educational careers from recent research on the promotion of media literacy in
different institutions for higher education within young people and adults through literature, and get to
central Germany take part. In a curriculum of three know methods for conveying media literacy. The
terms (cf. Figure 1) with a consistent didactic different lectures are made available to the students
concept, the students, together with the teachers, deal weekly. In the first stage of the seminar, the students
in practice and in theory with new media. Herein, the learn and apply the working methods of self-
students increasingly take on responsibility and act regulated learning in an online seminar, e.g.
independently. discussing an issue in online forums, planning and
organising group work online and presenting
common work results. The first attendance meeting
online course tutor training takes place at the end of this theory stage. It serves
the consolidation and deepening of the basics that
execution & have been elaborated up to this point and the
1st term participation evaluation 3rd term homogenisation of the knowledge level of the
participants, as well as the presentation and
discussion of the group results that have been
planning & 2nd term
designing achieved online. Moreover, this attendance meeting
leads to the second phase of the seminar which is
execution & more practice-oriented.
1st term participation
evaluation 3rd term
In the second online phase students apply their
theoretical knowledge to concepts for media
educational projects for the promotion of media
Figure1: The three term training of the
literacy. Students develop scripts. These project
‚Leipziger Online-Seminar
conceptions are presented at the end of the seminar in
the second attendance meeting to the other work
Each year around fifty students on average take part
groups. They are discussed and tested in play. This
in the online seminar; the subsequent tutor training
final meeting is also used for a qualitative evaluation
usually takes place with eight to ten students. Since
of the seminar.
2002 the educational platform ILIAS has been used
as a tool throughout the whole cycle. The online
In the first part of the online seminar, participants are
seminar takes place on the platform, and participants
lead by student tutors, in order to familiarise them
use it as communication tool for their group tasks and
with the way of working in the seminar. Each week, a
for the communication with their tutors. In the tutor
new lesson is enabled, in which a linear navigation
training, the tutor group works with the educational
clearly indicates the way for learning and the sub-
platform as author and uses the integrated author tool.
goals that are to be reached. There are concrete tasks
The platform also serves as a documentation and
and instructions, and the tutors approach participants
communication tool. In this way, students get to
actively. In this phase they acquire as a byproduct, the
know the possibilities and limits of the platform from
competencies in planning and execution of common
both perspectives – from the point of view of the
work on the Internet. The tutors stimulate reflection
learner and from the point of view of the teacher.
of the group work. With the increasing confidence of
the participants, the tutors give less and less advice on
The Online Seminar
the ways of working and promote self-regulation
within the groups.
At the beginning of the training cycle, an online
seminar is organised, in which participants deal in

In the second online phase learning groups elaborate, academic life with real students. This ‘pressure of
largely through self-regulation, a script for a media reality’ is a huge motivation for the tutors.
educational project. Tutors set up sub-goals, provide
advice and stimulate evaluation of the script drafts. In all its activities, the tutor group is guided and
On the second attendance meeting, the group presents attended by two members of the Department of Media
its project to the whole seminar, and in doing so the Education and Further Education. At the beginning of
results are evaluated under authentic conditions. the development, teachers do not only prefix the
In the course of this term, students learn how to deal framework within which the seminar will take place,
with problems in online communities in an but also stimulate regulatory processes and moderate
increasingly independent way. They acquire the tools the discourse in the group. In the course of the work,
for the following two terms of tutor training in which the group identifies itself increasingly with the
they apply their knowledge to a real project, a new product of their work and acts more and more
online seminar. independently. In the execution in the winter term the
tutor group as a whole, but also every individual
The tutor training tutor, feels responsible for the positive outcome of the
The tutor training, with a focus on conception and
production of an online seminar, starts in the Conclusion
following summer term. Interested students from the
previous online seminar form a tutor group and Thus, in the course of their three term training,
prepare the next seminar, execute it the following students first deal with the notion of media literacy
winter term and present it to the new participants. In and experiment with new forms of teaching and
changing from the perspective of participants to the learning as participants of the online seminar.
perspective of provider, their own experiences as Subsequently, they apply their experiences to a new
learners are dealt with again, reflected and applied to seminar and change from the side of the participant to
a new seminar. Herein, the group as a whole acts as a the side of the provider in further developing and
self-regulated entity. The decisions in the processes creating the seminar as tutors.
of planning and acting are negotiated in the tutor
group and afterwards they are applied by the The group is the authority of self-regulation in the
individual. An essential part of the group work is tutor training, but the individual contributes actively
reflection on group processes and group results. This to the learning process and is highly involved. It
serves the ongoing assessment of the whole project cannot be suggested that the skills for self-regulation
and its sub-processes. and group work are already fully developed. This is
why the tutor training is integrated into the process, in
In the planning phase, the tutor group elaborates in which students are lead from guided learning to
discourse the hierarchical sequential organisation of increasing independence. They do not only learn how
the development process as well as of the to draft, produce and create an e-learning course, but
implementation of a new online seminar. It sets itself also the necessary acting strategies for such a project
goals, devises acting strategies and monitors the and respectively enlarge their social competence.
execution phase. The most important tool for the
group is the platform ILIAS; it supports the REFERENCES
communication between the group members, decision
processes are documented in an understandable way, Duscheleit, S. (1983). Arbeitspädagogische Maßnahmen
and last but not least the new seminar is planned, auf der Grundlage der psychologischen
produced and finally realized on the platform. Handlungstheorie. Zeitschrift für Berufs- und
Wirtschaftspädagogik, 79, 163-173.
Gerstenmaier, J. and Mandl, H. (1995). Wissenserwerb
The third term of this cycle is the execution of the
unter konstruktivistischer Perspektive. Zeitschrift für
seminar which has been drafted by the tutor group, as Pädagogik, 6, 867-887.
well as the control of the planning of the seminar. Hacker, W. (1978). Allgemeine Arbeits- und Ingenieur-
Flaws in the conception have tangible consequences psychologie. Huber: Bern.
under the authentic conditions of the every-day Reinmann-Rothmeier, G. and Mandl, H. (1999). Unter-
richten und Lernumgebungen gestalten. Forschungsbe-

richt Nr. 60. Institut für pädagogische Psychologie und Education and Further Education of the University of
Empirische Pädagogik, LMU München. Leipzig. Since then, she has been involved in
TELEPEERS consortium. (2005). Self-regulated Learning different e-learning projects and has been coaching
in Technology Enhanced Learning Environment, Draft, the tutor groups of the ‘Leipziger Online-Seminar’.
Version 1.0 (May 31, 2005).
Zimmermann, B.J. (2000). Attaining self-regulation: a
social cognitive perspective. In M. Boekaerts; P. STEPHEN FRANK was born in Kiel, Germany.
Pintrich and M. Zeidner (Eds.). Handbook of Self- After graduating with a Diploma in Pedagogics at the
regulation. New York: Academic Press, 13-39. Technical University of Braunschweig, he worked at
the ‘Centre for Man-Machine-Interaction’ at the
AUTHOR BIOGRAPHIES Technical University of Kaiserslautern. From 2002,
he has worked at the ‘Bildungsportal Sachsen’. Until
ANKE DOMMASCHK was born in 2005, he has advised and supported high school
Herzberg/Elster, Germany. She studied at the teachers in several e-learning projects and has been
University of Leipzig and University of Groningen coaching the tutor groups of the ‘Leipziger Online-
(Netherlands) and graduated as M.A. in Seminar’. He also lectures Didactics of tele-learning
communication and media studies and American at the Universities of Leipzig and Braunschweig and
studies. Since 2002, she has been working as a works toward his doctorate at the University Leipzig.
researcher and lecturer at the Centre for Media and
Communication and at the Department of Media


Niels Brüggen
Department of Media Education and Further Education
University of Leipzig
Emil-Fuchs-Str. 1, 04105 Leipzig, Germany

E-mail: brueggen@uni-leipzig

© Telepeers/Taconet, 2005


ILIAS, open source learning management system, Experts agree that strengthening self-regulated
self-regulated learning learning at universities would improve the quality of
university education. However, teaching situations at
ABSTRACT universities are still often such that students are
forced into a largely passive role. The lecture
This paper discusses how the Open Source Learning provides a good example for this. In university
Management System ILIAS can be used to foster education the active role of learners, which proven
self-regulated learning experiences in student learning theories have shown is a necessary part of
projects. On the basis of the deeper understanding of the learning process, is insufficiently taken into
self-regulated learning in technology-enhanced consideration. Adherents of this perspective observed
learning environments and the evaluation results of the introduction of multimedia and the internet with
ILIAS provided by the telepeers project the article anticipation, hoping that the use of such technologies
seeks to give insight into ILIAS in practice. It is would make possible a stronger individual integration
suggested in this article that educational models be of students into the learning process. However,
described and further developed on the basis of the current statistics suggest that the hope for this
telepeers project, in order to initiate a veritable fulfilment must be viewed with scepticism: The
improvement of teaching/learning processes at majority of instructors at German universities seem to
universities. The importance of these educational think that the use of such technologies is limited to
models for improvement will be exemplified by two providing lecture scripts online. (Kleimann et al.,
case studies from teaching at the Department of 2005)
Media Education and Further Education at the
University of Leipzig. Key aspects of the article are In light of this situation, the telepeers project provides
the great importance that is ascribed to the social an essential contribution to fostering a deeper
integration of self-regulated learning processes and understanding of self-regulated learning in
criteria for designing learning environments allowing technology-enhanced learning environments and to
a detailed analysis and description of educational creating evaluation standards for various
models. technological applications. It is suggested in this
article that educational models be described and
further developed on this basis, in order to initiate a
veritable improvement of teaching/learning processes
at universities. The importance of these educational

models for improvement will be exemplified by two ILIAS was one of the learning environments analysed
case studies. In both projects, applied in teaching at in the project “TELEPEERS – Self-regulated
the Department of Media Education and Further Learning in Technology Enhanced Learning
Education at the University of Leipzig, the learning Environments at University Level: A Peer Review”.
platform ILIAS is used and great importance is Methods and results of the applied procedure have
ascribed to self-regulated learning and social been described in the project documentation, and
integration into the learning process. Regarding this, therefore only the basic results will be discussed in
an important basic idea is that self-regulated learning the present article (see Table 1).
is not a model with which only individual learning
processes can be observed but that these learning It is evident that factors contributing to the strength of
processes can be observed embedded in a social ILIAS can be found in the communication between
context with peers. This emphasizes the social aspects the participants involved in the teaching/learning
of the component model of self-regulated learning, on process (students, tutors, instructors). An evaluation,
which the telepeers project is based (TELEPEERS therefore, suggests that this TELE is especially
consortium. 2005). Thus, this article intends to suitable for projects in which collaborative learning is
explore the following question: How can self- to be fostered.
regulated learning in student learning projects be
fostered by the use of the technology-enhanced As a weakness of ILIAS, the unusual navigation is
learning environment ILIAS? mentioned, addressing usability problems.
Furthermore, it is stated that motivational and
THE TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING- emotional aspects are not explicitly taken into
ENVIRONMENT ILIAS consideration. This finding is significant with respect
to the component model, on which the evaluation of
The learning platform ILIAS - An Integrated the telepeers project is based. The four components of
System for Learning, Information Seeking and self-regulated learning are considered to be “(1)
Cooperative Working (Integriertes Lern-, cognitive, (2) emotional, (3) motivational and (4)
Informations- und Arbeitskooperationssystem) was social aspect[s]” (TELEPEERS consortium, 2005). If
developed at the University of Cologne and is two of these components are not supported, this
available as a multilingual open source application. assessment at least questions the usefulness of this
TELE for fostering processes of self-regulated
Factors that contribute to the strength of the learning.
• The TELE allows for feedback by peers and The factors identified as weaknesses of ILIAS in the
tutors evaluation need to be analysed especially closely in
• Communication with peers and students is well practice. Such an analysis will be conducted in the
facilitated following paragraphs, using examples from teaching
at the Department of Media Education and Further
• There are a number of feedback mechanisms that
Education at the University of Leipzig.
help students to monitor their learning
• The TELE supports collaborative learning and
• The TELE is open source and therefore free of
Since 2000, ILIAS has been used at the Department
of Media Education and Further Education at the
Factors that represent weaknesses of the TELE University of Leipzig in order to explore new ways of
cooperative learning in networks and thus to improve
• Navigation takes some time to get accustomed to teaching. Based upon the experience accumulated in
• Motivational and emotional factors are not the years since, we would like to suggest how the
explicitly taken into consideration weaknesses of ILIAS could be addressed in practice.

Table 1: The telepeers Evaluation of ILIAS

(quoted from: Revising the design of the ILIAS user interface
http://www.lmi.ub.es/taconet/casestudies/13.pdf )

The practical use of the navigation confirmed that it educational context or, respectively, the educational
constitutes a weak spot of ILIAS. model of two projects, in which ILIAS was used, will
be outlined below.
In the years 2000-2004, ILIAS was provided at our
department as a central learning platform for all The Leipzig online course in media literacy
Saxon universities within the Saxony-wide project
„Bildungsportal Sachsen“ (learning portal of Brief description:
Saxony). In these years, the platform was evaluated In the „Leipzig online course“, new methods for

Figure 1: ILIAS personal desktop (standard design, left), (redesigned ILIAS, right)

and further developed. Findings of this evaluation cooperative learning in networks have been
included the fact that users experienced the operating developed, tested‚ and further developed since 1999.
desktop as confusing. This corresponds to the The concept of the course is such that it links the
findings in the telepeers project, even though a more topic „media literacy“ for students of communication
current version of ILIAS was evaluated. A brief and media studies as well as education studies to a
overview of the redesigned interface is provided by training course for e-learning tutors in an online offer
means of the two screenshots below (figure 1). of educational opportunities, provided in a period of
three phases which are concurrently based.
A central element of redesigning the desktop
consisted of transforming the navigational structure Students of several German universities deal with
of ILIAS into an index card register. This was theoretical and practical aspects of media literacy, a
welcomed by the users and allows for an enhanced key concept in media education. The participants of
use of the platform. the online course undergo online learning using
ILIAS (phase 1). Interested students can then switch
Motivation and emotion in ILIAS from being participants to being providers by
evaluating and further developing the course as
The fact that motivational and emotional aspects are authors (phase 2) and subsequently accompanying the
not explicitly supported by the ILIAS learning project as tutors (phase 3). Doing this, they reflect on
environment was considered to be a weakness by their experience as participants and offer it as a guide
participants of the telepeers project with respect to the for the new course. The tutors are accompanied and
component model of self-regulated learning. Since guided by two employees from the Department of
these aspects constitute an integral part of the Media Education and Further Education at the
learning process, it is important that they be included University of Leipzig.
in (non-technological) learning environments. In
order to be able to assess these aspects in the practical Central ideas of the course concept are the continuing
work of the Department of Media Education and evaluation and further development of the course, a
Further Education at the University of Leipzig, the blended learning scenario, working in groups,

accompanying learners through student tutors and experience (evaluation) in order to implement their
leading learners to self-regulated learning and a experience in planning the new course. They will
literate use of the new media. then be confronted with the outcomes of their
planning as tutors in the execution (2) of the course
ILIAS as part of the Leipzig online course they planned.
The learning platform ILIAS is used in all three
phases of the project. In phase 1 of the course, HTML With respect to the SRL component model, the
pages programmed in ILIAS, audio files, and video principle of group work is considered to be very
streams are provided as a learning module. These important. In all phases of the project, students work
materials are didactically prepared including intensively with other students. In the course phase,
individual and group exercises and can be used in they work as participants with other participants.
chronological sequences. Regarding the They are asked to discuss topics online and to
communication in groups, the e-mail system in ILIAS develop a project concept together. Thus in observing
and discussion forums can be used. collaborative learning, processes of self-regulation
can also be identified in groups. Participants are
In phase 2, materials can be found on the ILIAS supported by student tutors, who comment on their
platform, providing information on the educational work and provide help for the continuation of the
preparation of online courses, which can be work. When working as authors or tutors, the
downloaded if needed. When developing courses, students also collaborate predominantly in groups and
students work with the author tool provided in ILIAS. must apply skills, gained before as participants, to
reach agreements in the group.
When accompanying the course as tutors, the students
enable the prepared materials sequentially throughout The social integration of the learning process, and the
the course. In order to communicate with participants, described effects, exert a significant influence on the
they use the e-mail system in ILIAS and discussion motivation and the emotional involvement of the
forums. students in the learning process of the Leipzig online
course. This is confirmed by results obtained in the
SRL within the Leipzig online course continual evaluation of the Leipzig online course,
The Leipzig online course comprises project phases showing that
with varying degrees of guidance, based upon the
basic idea that students need to be led to self- • It is a significant motivational factor for
regulated learning. Thus, they first acquire skills students to be guided by other students,
during the first phase in order to be able to work in a • It motivates the authors to carry out the
self-regulated fashion. project themselves and to be given scope for
implementation by the university, and
SRL process model in the Leipzig online course • The responsibility to guide peer students
through the course motivates the tutors for
Guided Learning managing the enormous tuition workload.
Phase 1: Participant activity
(Learning SRL) This learning concept has been implemented
Evaluation and successfully since 1999. Since then, students have
Phase 2: Author continually passed through the three phases of the
Execution of SR Leipzig online course and were, with each new
Phase 3: Tutor Learning activity course, able to improve the project.

Table 1: SRL in the Leipzig online course The “Werkstatt Lernmedien” (Workshop
Educational Media)
Guided learning activities for the participants in the
online learning course thus serve as a preparation for Brief description
entering the process of self-regulated learning. In the As a consequence of the adoption of Bachelor and
subsequent phase, learners take on the role of authors Master programmes at the University of Leipzig, not
and reflect together upon their online learning enough time will be designated in future curricula to

carry out the Leipzig online course with the three Learning successes turned out to be very different in
phases described above. Therefore, a new course each case even though ILIAS was used in nearly the
concept had to be developed for future study same way in the described case studies. We can thus
programmes with the goal to convey media assume that it is not only the use of the technology-
education-related content in a project course, enhanced learning environment that determines the
including the proven elements of self-regulated and success of a course concept. However, even the
social learning. However, only one term will be educational models of both projects appear to be
devoted to this project according to the new similar on the surface. In order to establish the
curriculum. differences, it is necessary to analyse the projects
according to educational preparation criteria, which
Based upon the experience from the Leipzig online allow us to achieve an understanding of the
course, the second phase of the course has been found educational models. For this, criteria developed out of
to be especially worthy of maintaining. This is the a constructivist perspective on learning seem suitable,
phase in which students were able to plan and in order to be able to grasp the active contribution of
implement their own online course, based upon their learners in self-regulated learning processes.
individual online learning experience.
Mandl and colleagues (Gerstenmaier and Mandl,
As opposed to the Leipzig online course, students 1995; Mandl et al., 1997), presenting this perspective,
participating in the Workshop Educational Media summarize three basic requirements for the design of
were to conceptualise and implement only a six-week learning environments:
education, significantly reducing the workload
compared to the 15-week Leipzig online course. Authenticity and situatedness: “The learning
environment is to enable learners to deal with realistic
ILIAS as part of the Workshop Educational Media: problems and authentic situations and is thus to
In the Workshop Educational Media, ILIAS is used provide the framework and application context for the
similarly to the second phase of the Leipzig online knowledge to be obtained”. (Mandl et al., 1997).
course. Students can use similar materials providing Regarding self-regulated learning processes, this
information on the didactical conceptualisation of criterion appears to be especially important since
online courses, which can be downloaded if needed. realistic problems and action-orientedness are directly
The development of the courses also involves work linked to the process model of self-regulated learning
with the author tool provided in ILIAS. (planning, implementation, evaluation).

SRL as part of the Workshop Educational Media The Multiple contexts and perspectives: “The learning
planning and developing of an online course should, environment is to offer multiple contexts to the
similar to the Leipzig online course, be implemented learner in order to guarantee that knowledge does not
as a learning process with a high degree of self- remain focused on one context but can be flexibly
regulation. It has been found in the test phase in the transferred to other problematic situations.
winter term of 2004/2005 and the summer term of Furthermore, learners are given the opportunity to
2005, however, that guidance for the work groups view problems from multiple perspectives. Thus, they
needed to be carried out much more intensively by learn to see and process contents depending upon
the accompanying instructors than in the Leipzig varying aspects and from different angles. This is to
online course. Learners were not able to plan and foster a flexible application of knowledge“. (Mandl et
implement the group work in a self-regulated fashion. al., 1997). Especially self-regulated learning
At the end of both courses the groups had not processes require the skill of learners to constantly re-
finished implementing the online course. As opposed assess new situations and to adapt the individual
to the Leipzig online course, the set goals were not learning process accordingly.
reached in this course. Therefore, the course will be
redesigned before being integrated into the teaching Social context: “Learning environments need to
at the Department of Media Education and Further ascribe importance to the social context. Cooperative
Education at the University of Leipzig learning and problem-solving in learning groups need
to be promoted as much as shared learning and
Criteria for describing educational models working by learners and experts within the

framework of embedded problem situations“. (Mandl and have yet to develop the skills necessary for
et al., 1997). Great importance is also ascribed to online-supported group work.
social aspects of the learning process in the telepeers
component model. It can be concluded that the utilisation of the
technology-enhanced learning environment ILIAS in
According to the criteria briefly introduced above, the both projects was nearly the same and that the
differences between both projects can be established different successes of the projects can thus be linked
as follows: to the difference of the educational models. To
describe such educational models, criteria for
Authenticity and situatedness designing learning environments can be used. At the
Leipzig online course: Learners participating in the same time, it is certainly necessary to further develop
Leipzig online course prepare the next online course these criteria, especially with regard to the
in the author phase, which they will implement requirements of self-regulated learning.
themselves. Thus, they are confronted with a realistic
problem. This leads to high emotional involvement CONCLUSION
since learners know that they will execute the online
course themselves and that they must take on The practical work with the technology-enhanced
responsibility for the course. learning environment ILIAS confirmed the evaluation
results obtained in the telepeers project on the basis
Workshop Educational Media: Learners will not of the developed tools. The weaknesses of the TELE
accompany the online education course themselves, ILIAS could be confirmed in the practical
which leads to a lack of the identification described implementation. This means that the educational
above. model in which a technology-enhanced learning
environment is used can be described as the decisive
Multiple contexts and multiple perspectives criterion for success or failure of learning processes
Leipzig online course: Learners have grown to know in technology-enhanced learning environments. A
the Leipzig online course as participants and were more detailed analysis and description of educational
asked in the author phase to look at their individual models was carried out following the criteria of
learning experience from a different perspective. It is ‘authenticity and situatedness’, ‘multiple contexts and
absolutely necessary for the conceptualisation of an multiple perspectives’, and ‘social context’.
online course to be able to adopt the perspective of
learners. A broadening of perspective appears to be necessary.
Even if it is true that the potential of a learning
Workshop Educational Media: Learners have not yet platform to foster self-regulated learning processes
participated in an online education course themselves, can be uncovered, in order to use this potential
which prevents them from switching perspectives successfully, adequate educational models are
when conceptualising an online education course needed.
Social context
Leipzig online course: Learners have typically grown Gerstenmaier, J.; Mandl, H. (1995). Wissenserwerb unter
to know one another for one term. They have konstruktivistischer Perspektive. Zeitschrift für
experienced process dynamics of group work together Pädagogik, 6, 867-887.
with the other participants and accordingly acquired Kleimann, B.; Willige, J. & Weber, S. (2005). E-Learning
aus Sicht der Studierenden. Ergebnisse einer
skills and strategies for group work. In addition,
repräsentativen Online-Erhebung. In Auf zu neuen
switching roles to be a tutor provides social prestige Ufern! E-Learning heute und morgen. Münster:
and involves taking on responsibility for a group of Waxmann, 167-176.
participants when guiding the online course. Mandl, H.; Gruber, H. & Renkl, A. (1997). Situiertes
Lernen in multimedialen Lernumgebungen. In L. J.;
Workshop Educational Media: In the Workshop Issing, and P. Klimsa (Eds.). Information und Lernen
Educational Media learners do not know each other mit Multimedia. Weinheim: Psychologie Verlags
Union, 166-178.

TELEPEERS consortium. (2005). Self-regulated Learning 2004, he has been working as a researcher at the
in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments Draft, Centre for Media and Communication of the
Version 1.0 (May 31, 2005) University of Leipzig and is teaching at the
Department of Media Education and Further
AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY Education. He has contributed various research and
development projects in the areas of media in
NIELS BRÜGGEN was born in Stuttgart, Germany. learning processes and the evaluation of educational
He studied at the University of Leipzig (Germany) media. Currently, he is involved in developing a
and Dublin City University (Ireland) and graduated university network aimed at incorporating online
with an M.A. in communication and media studies, learning into university-level further education.
computational studies and educational studies. Since

Giuliana Dettori, Tania Giannetti, Donatella Persico
Institute for Educational Technology
Italian National Research Council
Via de Marini 6
16149, Genova

E-mail: {dettori|giannetti|persico}@itd.cnr.it

© Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

KEYWORDS The results of the study do not seem to support the

Self-Regulated Learning, Communities of Practice, claim that these SRL aspects were significantly
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Virtual developed throughout the 10 weeks of the course, but
Learning Communities, Interaction Analysis, Case rather suggested that role-play encouraged the
Study, Role Play, Jigsaw adoption of SRL techniques more than the other
strategies used in the course.
In this paper, we analyze self-regulated learning
(SRL) in computer supported collaborative In this paper, the relationship between Self-Regulated
environments, which are the natural workspaces of Learning (SRL) and Communities of Practice (CoPs)
virtual learning communities and of many is analysed, based on the authors’ experience in the
communities of practice. The discussion is based on field of teacher training. The paper also refers to the
the case study of an online course in educational concept of the Virtual Learning Community (VLC),
technology for trainee teachers. The potential of the which is related to the CoP notion in that it shares the
learning environment used for this course was first basic socio-constructivist idea of collaboration aimed
evaluated with a peer review procedure set up within at knowledge building and sharing.
the European project TELEPEERS. To integrate this
approach, some quantitative and qualitative According to Wenger (2002) and Bettoni (2005), a
(anecdotical) data was analysed concerning aspects of Community of Practice is “a group or a network of
the interactions among participants. In particular, this people functioning as an informal organisational
paper focuses on four indicators that could inform the structure […] whose members participate voluntarily,
analysis of the social component of SRL: the ratio sharing the interest and passion in a knowledge
between student and tutor messages, giving a measure domain and […] applying the results in their daily
of student autonomy; the average length of threads job”. The notion of CoP can be related to the concept
initiated by tutors, indicating participants’ reactivity of SRL, defined by Zimmerman (2000) as the ability
to tutors; the average length of threads initiated by of an individual to actively control his or her own
students, namely reactivity to peers; and the learning process from three points of view: the meta-
percentage of threads initiated by students, that is cognitive, the motivational, and the behavioural. If a
student proactivity. group of people gives itself an informal,
organisational structure, then its members are
exerting some form of meta-cognitive control over

the social and physical components of their learning ƒ freely and autonomously administrating the time
environment. If they participate voluntarily, with devoted to learning while taking into account
interest and passion for the knowledge domain, then community needs and constraints;
they are certainly driven by a strong motivation. If ƒ expressing personal emotions as well as being in
they apply their results to their daily job, then they are tune with the general atmosphere;
active participants in their own learning process. ƒ seeking support to control anxiety and stress but
These considerations seem to prove that there is a also offering help in analogous circumstances.
strong relationship between the concepts of CoP and
SRL; the relationship, however, does not necessarily In other words, SRL in a VLC requires the ability to
imply that CoPs are the ideal environment to develop strike a balance between autonomy and cooperation,
SRL skills, but rather that they are a setting where and at the same time helps the students to develop it,
SRL skills are needed since CoP members, by throughout a whole learning experience. In order to
definition, must be able to use them. It may well be improve Self-Regulated Learning in VLCs,
that such skills develop even further as they are researchers should tackle a number of questions:
applied, but they certainly have to be there from the
very beginning, at least to some extent. ƒ are there any specific SRL abilities that online
learning has the potential to develop better than
Researchers who are interested in Technology others?
Enhanced Learning Environments (TELEs) that ƒ are there any cooperative learning strategies that
support the development of those SRL skills required support the development of SRL skills better than
by CoPs should therefore look for a connecting others?
element, that is, a virtual environment where SRL can ƒ how can we take advantage of the features of
germinate before it is expected to grow. This paper asynchronous textual communication, which is
formulates and aims to demonstrate the hypothesis most commonly used in online education, in order
that VLCs are such an environment. Their to draw conclusions about the development or
participants can be supported and guided as far as non-development of SRL abilities of some kind?
necessary and be encouraged to take control of their ƒ are there indicators of self-regulation that can be
learning in a gradual way through the well known monitored in order to provide evidence of its
techniques of scaffolding and fading (Collins et al, development?
This paper discusses the above points based on
The relationship between SRL and online learning,, quantitative data from a case study in teacher
however, is quite a complex one. As a matter of fact, education. In particular, the paper focuses on the
even if the so-called teaching presence (Garrison et social aspects of SRL, which according to previous
al., 2000) can be reduced in favour of more self- studies (Dettori et al., 2005a; Dettori et al., 2005b)
regulation, the social element sets boundaries to are the main strengths of this kind of environment.
learners’ control. This gives rise to a dilemma. On the Some quantitative indicators that can inform the
one hand, online learning requires a high degree of analysis of students’ interactions are proposed and
autonomy and self-regulation, while on the other discussed, with a view to monitoring and
hand, the socio-constructivist approach that underlies understanding the evolution of SRL abilities in
most online education initiatives entails a strong trainee teachers.
learner dependency on tutors’ and each other’s
moderating and coordinating actions. CONTEXT OF THE STUDY

More specifically, effective participation in a VLC This study was carried out within the framework of
requires learning to learn in a social context, which the TELEPEERS project, where two evaluation tools,
means, to mention just a few examples: TELE-SRL and TELESTUDENT-SRL, were
developed to analyse the support provided to SRL by
ƒ taking initiatives but respecting other people’s different kinds of TELEs. The model adopted within
work; the TELEPEERS project, drawing from Zimmerman
ƒ being proactive but also able to take advantage of (2000), identifies different dimensions of SRL at the
peers’ feedback and experience; cognitive, social, emotional and motivational levels.

The Institute for Educational Technology (ITD), part Activity title: Breaking the ice
of the Italian National Research Council, investigated Timeline: Week 1
the potential for SRL of Computer Supported Objectives: Familiarisation with the learning
Collaborative Environments based on a socio- environment and with other participants
constructivist learning approach. To this end, the ITD Method and content: Each participant is requested to
identify common interests with another participant, so as
selected a course in Educational Technology for
to build a circular chain.
trainee teachers as its experimental field and two Strategy: Game
different editions of the course were investigated. The Group composition: one heterogeneous group of 15
first edition, run in 2004, was carried out at the Activity title: Introduction to educational technology
beginning of the TELEPEERS project, while the Timeline: Weeks 2 and 3
second edition, run in 2005, was carried out when the Objectives: Getting acquainted with the basic
project was already more than half way through. terminology
Since the analysis of the 2005 edition is still in Method and content: each participant is required to read
progress, this paper focuses on the 2004 edition. In some introductory documents and discuss things that are
particular, it provides a description of the course, the unclear or seem particularly interesting with group mates
Strategy: open ended discussion
method adopted to collect data about SRL
Group composition: three heterogeneous groups of 5
development (including both the use of one of the
Activity title: Learning theories
questionnaires produced by the TELEPEERS Timeline: Weeks 4 and 5
consortium and a quantitative and qualitative analysis Objectives: Establishing a theoretical framework of
of the interactions among participants), and a educational technology by analysing its history and
synthesis of the results. Particular attention is paid to underlying learning theories
the approach adopted in the quantitative analysis of Method and content: Participants were split into three
interaction, because it could be a promising method groups, each of which studied in depth one of the
for gathering data, though it needs to be refined and theories: behaviourism, cognitivism, constructivism.
fine tuned before it can be used more extensively. Next, new groups were formed with one “expert” for
Finally, the results of the study are discussed in each theory. The new group was asked to fill in a table to
compare the three approaches
relation to the hypothesis that VLCs are, or at least
Strategy: Jigsaw
can be if well managed, a suitable incubator for SRL Group composition: Three heterogeneous groups of 5
abilities. Such abilities can later be exploited in Activity title: Educational software
teachers’ professional development programs where, Timeline: Weeks 6 and 7
according to many (Schlager and Fusco 2004), CoPs Objectives: Getting an idea of the different types of
play a very important role. existing educational software
Method and content: analysis of educational software
Course description of various kinds (from classic drill and practice to
reference works and constructivist learning
The 2004 edition of the course in Educational environments)
Technology (from now on referred to as TD-SSIS Strategy: Peer review
Group composition: Small homogeneous groups,
2004) was run by the ITD for the Specialisation
according to background, from 2 to 7 people
School in Secondary Teaching in the second semester Activity title: Webquests
of the academic year 2003/2004. The course lasted 10 Timeline: Weeks 8 and 9
weeks and was entirely based on online activities Objectives: To become aware of the range of online
supported by a computer mediated communication resources available for teachers and to analyse the
system (CMC), except for three face to face meetings webquests in detail.
at the beginning, half-way through and at the end of Method and content: Practice with online educational
the course. The participants were 15 trainee teachers activities, with particular focus on webquests (Pohan and
who had volunteered for this training approach. Mathison, 1998)
Strategy: Role play
Group composition: Three groups of 5
The learning activities, based on several collaborative
Activity title: Case studies
strategies, are described in Table 1. Each activity took
Timeline: From weeks 6 to 9
place in a discussion area devoted to it and was Objectives: In-depth study of one topic chosen from:
moderated by a tutor. teachers’ communities of practice; an analysis of the
educational potential of written interaction in CMC

environments; a case study on a European project and teaching presence (Garrison et al., 2000) that are
concerning the definition of a syllabus for teacher integral to a VLC. In other words, the amount and
training in ICT quality of support received by the students was
Method and content: Virtual visit to the webheads heavily dependent on the tutoring style adopted and
(URL) and Tapped-in CoPs; study of a model (Garrison
on the social behaviour of their peers. However,
et al 2000) of cognitive, social and teaching presence;
case study of the results of the U-teacher project (Midoro given that the evaluation of the TELE takes these
and Admiral, 2003) factors into account, the results of this case study are
Strategy: Guided tour for the first activity, free only applicable to contexts where similar learning
discussion for the second, case study for the third strategies and tutoring approaches are adopted. As a
Group composition: three groups, sized from 4 to 6 consequence, the study evaluates the “potentialities”
Activity title: Winding-up of the TELE without guaranteeing they will be
Timeline: Week 10 developed.
Objectives: Winding-up meta-cognitive reflections,
self evaluation, course evaluation Evaluation based on the TELE-SRL
Method and content: Meta-reflection on the learning Questionnaire
Strategy: Individual comments
Group composition: One heterogeneous group of 15 The TELE-SRL questionnaire consists of three
Activity title: Meta-cognitive reflection sections, one for each of the different phases of the
Timeline: From week 1 to 10 learning process (planning, execution and monitoring,
Objectives: Developing meta-cognitive reflections on evaluation). Each section contains items related to the
course content and method four aspects of SRL (cognitive, motivational,
Method and content: Meta-reflection on the learning emotional and social). Overall, it comprises 43
process statements, and for each of these the evaluator is
Strategy: Open discussion required to rate, on a six-point scale, to what extent
Group composition: One heterogeneous group of 15 the TELE supports the ability described in the
statement (e.g. “The TELE allows the student to
Table 1: Structure of the 2004 edition of the course in personalize the interface”). A summary table at the
Educational Technology end gives an overview of the global support given to
This questionnaire was used in TELEPEERS for peer
Data were collected in three ways. The first consisted evaluation of several kinds of TELEs, by collecting
in using the TELE-SRL questionnaire, developed by the opinions of experts on their SRL potential. In
the TELEPEERS partners, to support experts in particular, the TD-SSIS 2004 course was analysed by
evaluating the potential of technology enhanced experts from two partner institutions, Lisbon
learning environments in the development of SRL University and Barcelona University, as well as by
skills. The second was based on a quantitative one of the course designers (self-evaluation).
analysis of the interactions among course participants.
The third entailed qualitative analysis of the messages Quantitative analysis of interactions
exchanged by course participants, and is more
thoroughly illustrated in Dettori et al. (2005a). This This method was used to investigate participants’
paper summarises the results obtained through the social behaviour with particular attention to aspects
first and the third methods, while focusing on the that the authors perceive as important in group
quantitative analysis of the messages exchanged. learning activities. These aspects are herein identified
Before discussing the methods used to obtain as autonomy, reactivity to tutor messages, reactivity
information about SRL development in our course, it to peer messages, proactivity (taking the initiative).
is important to note that, in our approach, the
environment analysed is not only the CMC system The indicators used to measure these aspects for each
used, but the whole social environment, including the conference/activity were:
students and the tutors. In our opinion, it is - the ratio of student/tutor messages (autonomy);
impossible to express a judgement about the TELE - the average number of messages contained in
without considering the notions of social, cognitive threads initiated by tutors (reactivity to tutors);

- the average number of messages contained in strategies that stimulate self-regulation better than
threads initiated by students (reactivity to peers). others.
- the percentage of threads initiated by students
(student proactivity). Data collected through the TELE-SRL
The rationale for this choice comes from the need to
monitor the degree of student autonomy and their The peer evaluation of the TD-SSIS 2004 course
reliance on tutors’ guidance. The first indicator supported the hypothesis that this kind of
should give us a measure of student autonomy, the environment is particularly suited to fostering the
second should tell us to what extent students reacted social aspects of SRL, while the development of the
to tutors’ stimuli, and the third the degree to which emotional and motivational components varies with
they reacted to their peers - peer centred interactivity tutoring styles, community cohesiveness and quality
being considered more positively than teacher centred of the social presence. Finally, the cognitive aspects
interactivity as far as SRL is concerned. Finally, the seem to depend heavily on instructional design
last indicator should support the evaluation of decisions.
proactivity, that is the degree to which students were
able to take the initiative in the discussion process. Fig.1, based on the conclusive summary table of the
These indicators were assessed for each individual TELE-SRL questionnaire, clearly illustrates these
activity, in order to draw up diagrams showing their results. More detailed data about this analysis can be
evolution in time (by comparing activities carried out found in Dettori et al. (2004).
in a temporal sequence) and also the differences
between various activities, to test the hypothesis that
some learning strategies may turn out to foster SRL
better than others.

Qualitative analysis of interactions

A preliminary investigation of message content is

provided in Dettori et al. (2005a), where anecdotal
exchanges were identified and categorised indicating
aspects of SRL development that deserve further
investigation. Among these, some specific attitudes of
the trainees were identified, such as the tendency to Fig.1: Synthesis of the analysis based on the TELE-
wait for tutors’ stimuli or react preferably to tutors SRL questionnaire
rather than to peers. This preliminary study informed
the choice of the indicators used in the quantitative Data collected through quantitative analysis of
method previously described. interactions

Quantitative analysis of the interactions among The total number of messages exchanged by course
participants can in turn provide the basis for a closer participants was 1306. The analysis reported here
analysis of message content. This is, however, only considers those messages exchanged by students
beyond the scope of our paper. within the eight conferences strictly related to course
content. They account for 884 of the messages. The
OUTCOMES OF THE STUDY conferences that were disregarded mostly contain off
topic messages, requests for technical help and other
In this section, the main outcomes of the study are messages that do not seem relevant to the discussion.
described, discussing the data provided by the Fig.2 shows the breakdown of such postings for each
aforementioned analyses. Possible interpretations of activity. The course activities are in chronological
the data are also suggested, in an attempt to answer order, except for “case studies”, that started with
some of the questions posed at the beginning of the “educational software analysis” and finished with
paper, i.e. if CSCL environments support the “webquests”, while “metacognitive reflection” went
development of SRL abilities and if there are learning on throughout the whole course.

Given that some activities lasted longer than others, suggested how to proceed by proposing reflection
the differences in participation should not be topics on how the course was going on.
considered a relevant measure of interest or
involvement, but simply an indication of the 6
importance of the activity throughout the course. 5
200 1
150 0








the ice



























Fig.3: Ratio of student/tutor messages





co (student autonomy)


N. students' messages n. tutors' messages

Fig.2: Distribution of the messages throughout the 3
course 2
Figs. 3 to 5 compare the various activities by showing 0
the trends in time of the chosen indicators. In


ic e
particular, Fig. 3 seems to suggest that there was quite


ri e

in t




ct i
th e



s tu

in d

a positive trend in the indicator that we called



k in


n in



io n

it iv
“student autonomy”, if we disregard the first and the




last two activities, which were actually quite

anomalous for different reasons. “Breaking the ice”
was a game and it was not content-related, while
“winding-up” was a meta-cognitive activity and, as Fig.4: Ratio between student initiated threads and
such, certainly more critical as regards SRL. The last tutor initiated threads (student proactivity)
activity, “meta-cognitive reflection”, is not
comparable with the others in terms of evolution in The trend in time of the last indicator is shown in
time because it was an ongoing activity. However, it Fig.5 (again, the last activity is an exception because
is interesting to note that it required the highest it went on throughout the course). This indicator was
degree of tutor support, far higher than the other analysed because the tutors had often had the
meta-cognitive concluding activity. All in all, the impression that students were referring to them rather
activities where this indicator was highest were the than collaborating with peers. In other words, in spite
initial game (breaking the ice), the jigsaw on learning of their attempts to encourage peer-to-peer
theories, and the role play on webquests. This communication, they perceived the persistence of a
supports the hypothesis that these learning strategies tutor-centred attitude. This impression does not seem
favoured a more participatory attitude in our trainees. to be substantiated by the data, however, as the
average length of tutor initiated threads is comparable
When considering the ratio between student initiated to that of student initiated threads.
threads and tutor initiated threads, Fig.4 shows that it
is quite difficult to identify a monotonic trend in time, The only relevant peak in Fig.5 relates to the mean
while there are peaks as regards the webquest activity length of threads in the “winding up” concluding
(role play strategy) and the meta-cognitive reflection. activity. Here students seem to have reacted more to
The values of this indicator for the last activity are peers than to tutors, contrary to tutors’ fears. It would
probably due to the way the discussion was initiated be advisable to use more accurate tools, such as,
by the tutors. In fact, the moderator explicitly Social Network Analysis (Wassermen and Faust,
1994), a technique that allows us to create graphs

representing the communication dynamics of a virtual data and will therefore need to be integrated; the
community. A closer look at the content of the quantitative analysis was carried out very roughly and
messages in this activity would certainly be useful, needs a more serious statistical elaboration, while a
when analysing SRL development in the course, closer investigation of qualitative aspects concerning
because most of them concern participants’ self- the interactions can be carried out through content
evaluation, where collaborative learning and social analsis, to draw conclusions on SRL development in a
skills are identified by the majority as the most CSCL environment.
important achievements of their learning process.
In addition, there are some general considerations that
should be made regarding the very concept of SRL in
collaborative learning environments. Firstly, tutors
12,00 should be aware that learner control can only be
10,00 achieved by a gradual process, through scaffolding
8,00 and fading techniques. Secondly, individual learners
6,00 in these environments will never reach total control of
the learning process because, by definition, they are
0,00 bound to negotiate it with peers and tutors. As a
consequence, the concept of SRL in a learning






the ice



community is better applied to the community itself,

rather than to the individuals. It is therefore no
coincidence that the indicators examined in this paper
mean length tutors' threads mean length students' threads provide information about community reactivity,
proactivity, and participation, rather than the
behaviour of individual learners .
Fig.5: Comparing the average number of messages in
student initiated threads and tutor initiated threads ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

This work was carried out within the project

CONCLUSIONS TELEPEERS: “Self-regulated Learning in
Technology Enhanced Learning Environments at
This paper illustrates some preliminary results of a University Level: a Peer Review”, Grant agreement
study that is still in progress. The study aims to 2003-4710-/001-001 EDU-ELEARN,
investigate the potential for SRL skills development http://www.lmi.ub.es/telepeers/
provided by VLCs and other training initiatives based
on a socio-construtivist learning approach. The REFERENCES
analysis carried out within the TELEPEERS project
with the TELE-SRL tool indicated, unsurprisingly, Bettoni M. (2005). Communities of Practice as a method
that social aspects seem to be the main strength of this for knowledge-oriented cooperation. In this volume.
kind of environment. Hence a quantitative analysis of Collins, A.; Brown, J.S. and Newman, S.E.. (1989).
the messages exchanged by course participants Cognitive apprenticeship: Teaching the crafts of
revealed that the tutors had to adopt a very proactive reading, writing, and mathematics. In L. B. Resnick
tutoring style, that student autonomy improved (Ed.). Knowing, learning, and instruction: Essays in
slightly throughout the course, and that it was honor of Robert Glaser. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence
apparently encouraged by the role-play strategy. Erlbaum, 453-494.
Chang M.M. (2005). Applying self-regulated learning
Student proactivity did not increase in time, but was
strategies in a web-based instruction: an investigation of
again higher in the role-play than in other activities. motivation perception. Computer Assisted Language
A comparison between reactivity to tutors and to Learning, 18 (3), 217-230.
peers did not show major differences, except for the Dabbagh N. and Kitsantas, A. (2004). Supporting self-
concluding self-evaluation. regulation in student-centered web-based learning
environments. International Journal on E-Learning, 3
There are some limits to the study: the indicators used (1), 40-47.
do not provide an exhaustive picture of the relevant Dettori G.; Giannetti, T. and Persico, D. (2004). An
analysis of the SRL potential of TD-SSIS 2004, a

Technology Enhanced Learning Environment based on M.Zeidner (Eds.). Handbook of self-regulation. New
the communication platform FirstClass. ITD CNR York: Academic Press, 13-39.
Report n.4/2004, Genoa, Italy.
Dettori G.; Giannetti, T. and Persico, D.. (2005a). AUTHORS BIOGRAPHY
Analysing SRL in an online collaborative environment:
a case study in teacher education. In G: Chiazzese, M. GIULIANA DETTORI completed her studies in
Allegra, A. Chifari and S. Ottaviano (eds.). Methods
Mathematics at the Università di Genova in 1978.
and Technologies for Learning. WIT Press, Boston,
Southampton, 67-74.
Since then, she has been working as a research
Dettori G.; Giannetti, T. and Persico, D.. (2005b). CMC scientist for the Italian National Research Council.
environments supporting self-regulated learning. She is currently with the Institute for Educational
Proceedgins of the. International. Conference m-ICTE Technology, in Genova, Italy. Her research interests
2005, Caceres (E), 7-10 June 2005, 379-383. cover different topics in Educational Technology and
Garrison R.; Anderson, T. and Archer, W. (2000). Critical Applied Mathematics. She has authored numerous
inquiry in a text-based environment: computer scientific papers, at national and international level, in
conferencing in higher education. The Internet and Education, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics
Higher education, 2 (2-3), 87-105. and Geographical Information Systems. She has been
Lee J. and Campbell Gibson, C. (2003). Developing self-
in charge of several national and international
direction in an online course through computer-
mediated interaction. American Journal of Distance projects.
Learning, 17 (3), 173-187
Lynch R. and Dembo, M. (2004). The relationship between TANIA GIANNETTI completed her studies in
self-regulation and online learning in a blended learning Philosophy in 1997 at the University of Genoa. She
context. International Review of Research in Open and joined the Institute for Educational Technology,
Distance Learning 5(2), within the Italian National Research Council,
http://www.irrodl.org/content/v5.2/lynch-dembo.html. following her interest in ICTs and, in particular, in
Midoro V. and Admiral, W. (eds.). (2003). Pioneer Educational Technology. Her current focus of
Teachers: a key factor in European school nnovation.
research is on SRL in technology-enhanced learning
Menabò, Ortona, Italy.
Salovaara H. and Järvelä, S. (2003). Students’ strategic environments, on representations of knowledge for
actions in computer-supported collaborative learning. multimedia environments, and on narrative learning
Learning Environments Research, 6, 267-285. environments. She is involved in several European
Schlager M. S. and Fusco J. (2004). Teacher professional Community projects.
development, technology, and communities of practice:
are we putting the cart before the horse? The DONATELLA PERSICO completed her studies in
Information Society, 19 (3), 203-220. Mathematics at the University of Genoa in 1981.
Van den Boom G.; Paas; F., van Merriënboer, J.J.G. and Since then, she has been working as a researcher at
van Gog, T. (2004). Reflection prompts and tutor
the Institute for Educational Technology of the Italian
feedback in web-based learning environment: effects on
students’ self-regulated learning competence. National Research Council. Her main interests
Computers in Human Behaviour .20, 551-567. include the theory and applications of Educational
Wasserman S. and Faust, K. (1994). Social Network Technology, with particular reference to instructional
Analysis: Methods and Applications. Cambrige: design, e-learning, teacher training and self-regulated
Cambridge University Press. learning. She is author of educational material and
Wenger E. (1998). Communities of Practice. Cambrige: scientific publications of various kinds, including
Cambridge University Press. books, educational software, multimedia material and
Whipp J.L. and Chiarelli, S. (2004) Self-regulation in a several research papers concerning aspects of
web-based course: a case study. Educational
educational technology. She sits on the editorial
Technology Research and Development, 52 (4), 5-22.
Zimmerman, B.J. (2000). Attaining self-regulation: a social board of international and national journals on
cognitive perspective. In M.Boekaerts, P.Pintrich, & Educational Technology and has been in charge of
several national and international projects.

Secundino Correia
Innovation Department - CNOTINFOR
Chief Innovation Officer

E-mail: secundino@cnotinfor.pt
©Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

Elsa Regina Lencastre

Innovation Department - CNOTINFOR
Trainee from Psychology and Education Sciences Faculty
Coimbra University

E-mail: regina@cnotinfor.pt
©Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

KEYWORDS games programming for young learners up to 8/9

years old.
Case study, Dragons Pathways, self-regulated
Historically, the term self-regulated learning became
Self-regulation has been discussed for over two popular in the 1980’s because it emphasised the
centuries as a way to encourage individuals to emerging autonomy and responsibility of people to
become educated on their own. Nowadays there exist take charge of their own learning. As a general term,
several educational resources that make self- it subsumed research on cognitive strategies,
regulated learning possible by their potentialities and metacognition, and motivation in one coherent
capacities. This paper intends to verify the capacity construct that emphasised the interplay among these
that Dragons Pathways evolutionary software forces. It was regarded as a valuable term because it
possesses like a TELE (Technological Enhanced stressed how the self was the agent in establishing
Learning Environment), in meeting the requirements learning goals and tactics, and how each individual’s
of SRL (self-regulated learning). To do this we perceptions of the self and task understanding
conducted a participation observation, five influenced the quality of learning that ensued. In
interviews (from an adaptation of recent years a great deal of research has focused on a
TELESTUDENTS-SRL) and a questionnaire constructivist perspective of self-regulated learning
completed by one of the people responsible for the (e.g., Paris and Byrnes, 1989), on social foundations
software development. After a qualitative analysis of of self-regulated learning (e.g., Pressley, 1995;
the data, the Dragons Pathways software seems to Zimmerman, 1989a), on developmental changes in
meet the requirements of self-regulated learning and self-regulated learning (e.g., Paris and Newman,
we should consider it as a SRL TELE in the field of 1990) and on instructional tactics for promoting self-
regulated learning (e.g., Butler and Winne, 1995).

The integrative nature of self-regulated learning make, the strategies they select, and the
stimulated researchers to study broader and more interpretations of their performance so that
contextualised issues of teaching and learning while awareness leads to effective problem-solving (Paris
also showing the value of self-regulated learning as and Winograd, s/d). This approach is consistent with
an educational objective at all grade levels (Paris and Bandura (1986) who emphasised that self-regulation
Winograd, 2001). involves three interrelated processes: self-
observation, self-evaluation and self-reaction.
Definition of the Concept Understanding these processes and using them
deliberately makes metacognitive processes part of
Self-regulated refers to the degree that individuals self-regulated learning.
are metacognitively, motivationally and
behaviourally active participants in their own A second part of self-regulated learning involves a
learning process (Zimmerman, 1989, 1994). People person’s growing repertoire of strategies – for
personally initiate and direct their own efforts to learning, studying, controlling emotions, pursuing
acquire knowledge and skill rather than relying on goals and so forth. However, the most important is
teachers, parents or other agents of instruction. “being strategic” rather than “having” a strategy. It
According to recent studies on self-regulated is one thing to know what a strategy is, but quite a
learning, learning is controlled not only by external different thing to be inclined to use and to modify it
effects but also by self-regulated elements (Weinert, as task conditions change, and be able to discuss and
1983 in Chung, 2000). to teach it. We can consider three important
metacognitive aspects of strategies, often referred to
According to Snow (1996), Winne and Hadwin as declarative knowledge (what the strategy is),
(1997), Perry (1997) and Winne and Stockley procedural knowledge (how the strategy operates)
(1998), self-regulated learning is also a dualistic and conditional knowledge (when and why a strategy
construct with properties of an aptitude and an event. should be applied) (Paris, Lipson, and Wixson,
1983). Knowing these characteristics of strategies
Dimensions of Self-Regulated Learning can help people to discriminate productive from
counterproductive tactics and then to apply
Self-regulated learning can help describe the ways appropriate strategies. When learners are strategic,
that people approach problems, apply strategies, they consider options before choosing tactics to solve
monitor their performance and interpret the outcomes problems and then they invest effort in using the
of their efforts. There are four central characteristics strategy. These choices embody self-regulated
of self-regulated learning: awareness of thinking, use learning because they are the result of cognitive
of strategies, sustained motivation, and self- analyses of alternative routes to problem-solving.
The third aspect of self-regulated learning is
Part of becoming self-regulated involves awareness motivation, because learning requires effort and
of effective thinking and analysis of one’s own choices. Self-regulated learning involves
learning and thinking habits (metacognition meaning motivational decisions about the goal of an activity,
thinking about thinking). Flavell and Brown showed the perceived difficulty and value of the task, the
that children from 5 to 16 years of age become self-perceptions of the learner’s ability to accomplish
increasingly aware of their own personal knowledge the task and the potential benefit of success or
states, the characteristics of tasks that influence liability of failure. Awareness and reflection can lead
learning and their own strategies for monitoring to a variety of actions depending on the motivation of
learning. Paris and Winograd (1990) summarised the person. Researchers and educators have
these aspects of metacognition as children’s characterized self-regulated learning as a positive set
developing competencies for self-appraisal and self- of attitudes, strategies, and motivations for enhancing
management and discussed how these aspects of thoughtful engagement with tasks. Nevertheless,
knowledge can help direct students’ efforts as they students can also be self-directed to avoid learning or
learn. The educational goal is not simply to make to minimize challenges. When students act to avoid
children think about their own thinking but, instead, failure instead of pursue success, attribute their
to use metacognitive skills to guide the plans they performance to external or uncontrollable forces, use

self-handicapping strategies or set inappropriate who do not (Corno, 1989; Zimmerman, 1994; Winne
goals, they are undermining their own learning. and Stockley, 1998):
These behaviours are self-regulated but may lead to
diminished effort, task avoidance and other actions 1. The familiarity with and the knowledge of how
that decrease engagement and learning. Learned to use a series of cognitive strategies (like
helplessness, apathy, and defiance may also be repetition, elaboration and organization), which
counterproductive motivational responses to learning may help them to attend, to transform, to
that can be overcome with better understanding of organize, to elaborate and to recover
self-regulated learning. information;
2. The knowledge of how to plan, control and
The fourth aspect is reflection or evaluation direct their mental processes toward the
concerning task execution, causes of success or achievement of personal goals;
failure, emotional insights and assessment. We need 3. The motivational beliefs and adaptive emotions,
a comprehensive model that takes into account the such as a high sense of academic self-efficacy,
cognitive, motivational/emotional, behavioural and the adoption of learning goals, the development
contextual processes involved in self-regulated of positive emotions towards tasks as well as the
learning. capacity to control, modify and adjust them to
the requirements of the task and of the specific
4. The planning and controlling of time and of
In general, learners can be described as self-regulated effort to be used on tasks and the knowledge on
to the degree that they are metacognitively, how to create and structure favourable learning
motivationally, behaviourally and contextually active environments (finding a suitable place to study
participants in their own learning process or seeking help from teachers and classmates
(Zimmerman, 1989, 1994). when difficulties appear);
5. The efforts to participate in the control and
Characteristics regulation of academic tasks, classroom climate
Self-regulation is inherent when learning is guided and structure, to the extent that the context
by goals. Some forms of self-regulated learning are allows it (Montalvo, 2004).
theorized to help people learn more about what they
study, to develop and sustain positive motivation and In summary, people who self-regulate their learning
to practice and extend skills for learning (Winne, “see themselves as agents of their own behaviour:
1998). Prior works (Schunk and Zimmerman, 1994; they believe learning is a proactive process, they are
Zimmerman and Schunk 1989) reveal a variety of self-motivated and they use strategies that enable
complexly interacting factors that affect learners’ them to achieve desired academic results”
development and use of tactics that also comprise (Montalvo, 2004).
academically effective forms of self-regulated
learning. The number and complexity of these factors Researchers (Zimmerman and Martinez-Pons, 1988
increases when students themselves try to bootstrap in Zimmerman, 1994) have shown that teachers do
more productive self-regulated learning forms not have difficulty in identifying self-regulated
(Winne, 1998). students by their attributes. They classify them as
self-starters (who display extraordinary persistence
Students’ goal orientations play a major role in self- on learning tasks), confidents and strategists. They
regulation. Students who hold a mastery goal are resourceful in overcoming problems and usually
orientation aimed at learning and skill acquisition self-reactive to task performance outcomes.
display more adaptive learning strategies, higher
intrinsic motivation and a stronger sense of perceived
efficacy for learning, compared with students whose Valuation
primary goals involve such other concerns as ego
involvement and work avoidance (Schunk, 1994). Self-regulated learning is also seen as a dualistic
Nevertheless, a few other characteristics differentiate construct with properties of an aptitude and an event
people who self-regulate their learning from those (Winne, 1998).

Viewed as an aptitude, self-regulated learning instruction and it seems plausible that many teachers
describes a state of the student that predicts the can increase their own metacognitive understanding
cognition and motivation that will be involved when through explicit instruction. But self-regulation can
the student addresses future instructional activities. It also be promoted indirectly by modelling and by
has been measured by students’ reflections on past activities that entail reflective analyses of learning. It
activities in responses to questionnaires (LASSI – can be taught indirectly within classroom activities
The Learning and Study Strategies Inventory; MSLQ and tools that evoke reflection and metacognitive
– The Motivated Strategies for Learning understanding (Paris and Winograd s/d). Other forms
Questionnaire; CSRL – The Components of Self- of promoting self-regulation are by assessing,
Regulated Learning), structured interviews (SRLIS – charting and discussing evidence of personal growth.
Self-Regulated Learning Interview Schedule), Self-regulated learning can be promoted through
teachers’ judgments or comments gathered with a record keeping of goals met, grades received and
stimulated recall protocol. Like other aptitudes, self- progress made in behaviour management and
regulated learning varies within individuals over learning.
time, within individuals across tasks and across
individuals. Interventions designed to guide students toward
academically effective forms of self-regulated
Viewed as an event, self-regulated learning is a three learning must acknowledge that “relatively little is
plus one phase model; it involves three necessary currently known about the development or
phases and an optional fourth phase: perceiving the acquisition of self-regulation and what can be done
task, setting goals, enacting tactics to approach goals to facilitate its development” (Weinstein, 1996 in
and, optionally, adapting tactics. Although this model Winne, 1998). However, this last researcher and his
may imply that self-regulated learning unfolds in assistants are optimistic that today’s and the near
sequence from phase one to two and so on, this is future’s computing technologies, appropriately
probably not always the case. Once self-regulated coupled with other educational innovations, can
learning is underway, it is recursive and weakly increase the efficacy, efficiency and extent of
sequenced. Recursive means that the information students’ self-regulated learning, agreeing with
generated in a given phase of self-regulated learning Salomon and Perkins.
may feed into that same phase again. Weakly
sequenced means that although self-regulated Other investigators (Schunk and Zimmerman, 1998)
learning begins with phase one (perceiving the task), suggest the need for a clearer operational meaning of
once information is generated in any phase, the event the concept of self-regulated learning so that the
may jump phases or recourse to a previous one investigations become more concrete. Besides, this
(Winne, 1998). concept needs to be studied longitudinally in order to
understand it better. Not ignoring the value of the
INTERVENTIONS OF SELF-REGULATED traverse and temporary studies, it is necessary, in the
LEARNING same authors’ opinion, to validate some subjects
through the advantages of the longitudinal studies.
Self-regulated learning can be taught to both children
and adults (Paris and Winograd s/d). This does not Future research in self-regulated learning may also
mean it is neither necessary to teach everyone nor better interconnect with recent research on learning
necessary to teach the same things to those who are communities, collaborative learning and pro-active
taught. Because self-regulated learning is flexible learning contexts.
and adaptive, different kinds of strategies and
motivation might be emphasized for different DRAGONS PATHWAYS
learners. Self-regulation can be taught with explicit
instruction, directed reflection and metacognitive Dragons Pathways is a Technological Enhanced
discussions. Cognitive research has shown that Learning Environment (TELE) or a playground that
expertise can emerge in many ways and explicit allows children to create, play and modify interactive
instruction is not always necessary. However, many games. It is a piece of software which aims to
children do not gain metacognitive insights or use develop planning and programming skills in the
self-regulated learning effectively without direct children (starting from the age of 9/10 years old,

although without an age limit) through the immediate make decisions and the consequences of their
visual computation of rules encapsulated on objects decisions can be seen and experienced immediately
on the form of pathways. on screen.

After using the prepared Magic Forest activities,

learners are encouraged to modify and change them
and ultimately create their own completely new
activities. To enable non-readers to do this, Magic
Forest uses a simple pictorial icon language. Using
this language, young learners can define and change
the rules of each object (character) in an activity, and
they do not necessarily need to be able to read.
Included with the program are a set of stimulating
backgrounds and a set of fully animated characters
that will allow young learners to create many
different kinds of activities.

In a very simple way it is possible to build icon

phrases that define actions and conditions, so that
Figure 1 - Beginning a new game from a model animated objects can move themselves around the
screen, or be controlled by the learner(s). There can
The software intends to stimulate and to develop the be a separate set of rules for each animated object.
creativity and the imagination. It is suitable for use at Those rules are defined by tablets, which are placed
the school and extra-curricular and/or family context, in papyrus scrolls. There are tablets to define
alone, with peers or with adult coaching. conditions. These must be at the beginning of a
papyrus scroll. To complete the rule phrase, it is
Dragons Pathways is a natural evolution of Magic necessary to choose tablets that define actions.
Forest developed as an outcome of European
Playground Project (1998 to 2001). The main Using control tablets, we can control characters or
challenge of Playground Project was to conceive and objects with the direction arrows, the mouse or a
develop a "computational playground", in which joystick.
children between 4 and 8 years old could create
games and play with them, creating and changing Dragons Pathways assumes the same underlying
rules, through several modes of expression: tactile, principles, but is more advanced to better suit older
oral and physical. The "playgrounds" developed children. With Dragons children may be able to
under the project consisted of spaces to play with create games and interactive stories using a large
rules and not only by the rules. In this way, it was amount of characters, objects, scenarios and sounds.
possible to challenge the children's enthusiasm, their By the use of the iconic language developed on a co-
creative potential and their exploring spirit in design process with the children during the
creating games. It also involved nearly formal Playground Project and further extended now, all
cognitive skills, in order to progressively achieve the rules of the games are visually set on pathways
formal thought, without the need to previously know belonging to each object. Children define objects’
a symbol’s and convention’s code. Detailed behaviours in a concurrent and parallel way on the
information about Playground Project can be found form of “when condition, then action 1, action 2,
at http://www.ioe.ac.uk/playground/. action n”. At any time, children can turn the game on
and interact with it, governed by the rules they have
The Magic Forest is an ICT based modelling settled and computed in parallel real time. The
environment developed and designed for children software includes Text to Speech facilities, bringing
from 4 to 8 years old. It comes with a variety of to life speech dialogues between characters by
activities to explore, understand and change. writing the text scripts. Voice recorded facilities are
Learners explore an activity and discover what also embodied in the software.
happens. In many of the activities, learners need to

Guidelines to interview the tutors and the children
followed the instruments constructed in the
TELEPEERS project (http://www.lmi.ub.es/
This project formed the TACONET network -
Targeted Cooperative Network on Technology
Enhanced Learning Environments that support Self-
Regulated Learning (http://www.lmi.ub.es/taconet).
After gathering the necessary data to clarify and
understand the problem and proposed goals, we
proceeded to analyse and interpret the data,
constituted by the register of observations, the
analysis of the questionnaire and the interviews.

Figure 2 - How rules are expressed on Dragon
Pathways The selection of the instruments was made using
qualitative interactive techniques, based on the
METHODOLOGY interaction between the researcher and the
participants. These are the most appropriate
To test Dragons Pathways’ functionality as a TELE, techniques for a qualitative study of this extent since
a qualitative research design based on a case study they present a large flexibility and diversity of
methodology was devised. information in the collection of data.

Qualitative research is a model of scientific research DATA ANALYSIS

that has as the main goal, not the explanation and
description of the phenomena, but its understanding. Considering the analysis based on the data from the
In agreement with Bogdan and Biklen (1994) evaluation tool (TELE-SRL), this software
qualitative research intends to learn with the people challenges the children to work on the task once it is
and to understand the phenomena starting from the organized in a way that they appreciate the
participants’ perspective, usually going through a developed work. It offers them the opportunity to
small number of cases. establish public and private communication,
supplying to them the possibility to negotiate and to
A case study comes as a “method of study of a discuss with their tutor the form of organizing the
particular case (…) that provides an opportunity to work and the results, to work together with their
study, in a way more or less deepened, a certain peers, discussing and comparing the final results.
aspect of a problem in little time” (Bell, 1993 in Allowing the children to reflect on their problem
Ramos, 2005). solving tasks it helps them to stay motivated.

According to Bogdan and Biklen a case study is an On the other hand, it still supplies the children the
empirical investigation that studies a contemporary opportunity to choose among different modules and
phenomenon and that consists in a detailed among different learning paths, raising their interest.
observation of a context, individual or specific event. It is adapted to reach consistency between the level
of the children’s competencies and the level of
Subjects and Procedures difficulty of the task, supplying to them the
possibility to discover the extent to which they are
This study involved one of the Dragons Pathways’ reaching their learning goals, through the comparison
mentors, a collaborator and the five children that of their actual position with the position that they
tested the software. Three sessions were conducted intend to reach. It supplies formative return,
with the children testing the software. These sessions facilitating the maintenance of a positive work
were video recorded and a participant observer took attitude and leading to an appropriate faith in their
notes. effectiveness. Besides, it still supplies appropriate

return on their results and on the volume of synthesis, voice recording, numbering pages or game
accomplished work. levels and menu configuration.

This TELE does not make any content explicitly FINAL CONSIDERATIONS
available. It makes it possible to work with concepts
that allow the development of logical-mathematical The present study had as its main goal to understand
reasoning, estimating, forecasting and programming whether the software Dragons Pathways
competencies. accomplishes the requirements to be considered,
according to TACONET, a SRL TELE.
This TELE naturally supports children’s motivation
offering many stimuli like scenarios, characters, In the first phase, it intended to deepen the theme of
sounds and objects with complex behaviours. the self-regulated learning through bibliographical
research, and collation of interviews, questionnaire
The children do not have to follow rigid directives, and participant observation data. Setting together the
having instead the possibility to create and to information collected in the bibliographical revision
develop his/her adventure spirit and creativity. with the data obtained and analysed, it is possible to
verify a convergence of ideas.
The TELE does not have any explicit control over
the evaluation of the children's work, but as In this TELE there exists the possibility to develop
everything can be immediately computed, children activities with other’s support (peers or teachers),
have immediate feedback through the through explicit instructions; but there also exists the
experimentation and evolution of their games, opportunity to accomplish self-directed activities in
making their own continuous auto-evaluation and order to attain self-goals. In this way it appears to
auto-correction of the results. promote self-regulated learning, through activities
that require a reflexive analysis of what is being
The tutor/professor should play the part of achieved in order to produce a meaningful and
mediator/stimulator, scaffolding the activities. pleasant game. The role of the tutor/professor/
parent/peer is just the role of a mediator/stimulator of
The TELE allows the exploration of existent games, the activities.
facilitating their modification and offering a set of
tools and objects to create completely new ones. On the other hand, in self-regulated learning students
These factors are a challenge that motivate their users personally initiate and direct their own efforts to
and contribute to the strength of the TELE as an open acquire knowledge and skill. By not having to follow
environment, promoting interaction and critical rigid guidelines, this TELE makes it possible to
thinking among peers and between these and the create and to develop the students’ adventurous
tutor/teacher. Children easily execute new activities, spirit, as well as his/her creativity. These dimensions
idealising and evolving from simple to complex and provoke in the student the need of wanting to go
sophisticated games programmed by them. beyond, increasing their knowledge and capacities.

Factors that may represent a weakness of the TELE The bibliography states that it is important to be
are the initial blank interface that may constitute a strategic rather than having a strategy. When offering
blockade for those who are used to playing with the possibility to choose among different modules
“game-boys” or other video games. Small children and among different paths, this TELE favours the
may demand more support and scaffolding from development of different strategies to reach the
adults in order to achieve tasks that are more intended goals. However, it is adapted to reach
interesting. The lack of a great diversity of scenarios consistency between the level of the students’
and characters both for boys’ and girls’ preferences competencies and the level of difficulty of the goals,
may also be a weakness. and keeping them motivated; another fundamental
concept of self-regulated learning.
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improvements and some of them have been The opportunity to think about the activities/games
introduced in the final version, such as speech that they are programming and the challenge to

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Winne, P. H. and Stockley, D. B. (1998). Computing (Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação na
technologies as sites for developing self-regulated Educação), with the prize from the Educational
learning. In D. H. Schunk and B. J. Zimmerman (Eds).
Self-Regulated Learning: from teaching to self-
Innovation Institute
reflective practice. The Guilford Press: New York. Author, co-author and translator of several pieces of
Chapter 6, 106-136. educational software:”Magic Forest”, "Aventuras no
Zimmerman, B. J. (1989a). A social view of self-regulated mundo das palavras, dos sons e das imagens",
academic learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, "Desafios", "WinLogo", "MegaLogo", "ToonTalk",
81 (3), 329-339. "Imagina, Cria e Constrói", "Já Está", "Escrita com
Zimmerman, B. J. (1989b). Models of self-regulated Símbolos", "InterComm"
learning and academic achievement. In B. J. Several conferences, papers, presentations, seminars
Zimmerman and D. H. Schunk (Eds). Self-Regulated and workshops in Congresses, Universities and other
Learning and Academic Achievement: theory, research
institutions in Portugal and abroad, about "ICT in
and practice. Springer – Verlag: New York, 1-25.
Zimmerman, B. J. (1994). Dimensions of academic self- Education"
regulation: a conceptual framework for education. In Today
D. H. Schunk and B. J. Zimmerman (Eds). Self- Co-ordinator of Cnoti Innovation and Research Lab
Regulation of Learning and Performance: issues and – Clube ET, co-financed by ADI
educational applications. Lawrence Erlbaum Professor of "Educational Resources and
Associates, Publishers. Hillsdale, New Jersey. Chapter Technologies", "Integrated Learning Environments
1, 3-21. Design", "ICT in Special Needs Education", at ESE
Zimmerman, B. J. and Martinez-Pons, M. (1986). de Paula Frassinetti - Porto
Development of a structured interview for assessing
Co-ordinator of the postgraduate course in "ICT and
student use of self-regulated learning strategies.
American Educational Research Journal, 23 (4), 614- Learning Contexts" at ESE de Paula Frassinetti –
628. Porto
Zimmerman, B. J. and Martinez-Pons, M. (1988). Member of the Scientific Committee of EuroLOGO
Construct Validation of a Strategy Model Student Self- Member of NoE KaleidoScope
Regulated Learning. Journal of Educational Credited trainer by the Scientific and Pedagogical
Psychology, 80 (3), 284-290. Council of Continuous Training in the areas A40
Zimmerman, B. J. and Schunk, D. H. (1989). Self- (Informatics), C15 (Educational Technologies –
Regulated Learning and Academic Achievement: Informatics) and C16 (Educational Technologies –
theory, research and practice. Springer – Verlag: New
Credited trainer by IEFP (Institute for Employment
and Training)
SECUNDINO CORREIA Last year of the degree of licentiate in Education
Education Sciences from Psychology and Education Sciences
1997 - Master in Information Technologies and Faculty
Systems (Specialization area: Information Coimbra University
Technologies applied to Education), by the Sciences
and Technologies Faculty of the University of
Coimbra, with the thesis about "Integrated Learning
1988 - Degree in Philosophy by the Letters Faculty
of the University of Coimbra
1973 - Degree for teaching in Primary Schools
Author of the book "ILE Microworlds"
(Micromundos AIA), with the prize from Nónio Séc.
XXI programme

Stephen J. Pape
School of Teaching and Learning
The Ohio State University
333 Arps Hall, 1945 North High Street
Columbus, OH 43210
Additional authors: Karen E. Irving and Douglas T. Owens, The Ohio State
University; Louis Abrahamson, Better Education Foundation.
© Telepeers/Taconet, 2005

KEYWORDS of technology; mathematics and science achievement;

motivation for learning mathematics and science;
Algebra, classroom contexts, physical science, self- SRL behaviours; students’ dispositions toward
regulated learning, technology. mathematics and science; classroom discourse
processes; and teachers’ beliefs about mathematics
ABSTRACT and science as well as mathematics and science
teaching and learning. This talk focused on the
This interdisciplinary effort, Classroom Connectivity, theoretical perspectives of the project and the
is focused on teaching and learning of Algebra I and research design to examine connected classrooms and
Physical Science at the 7th-10th-grade level. This age student outcomes.
is a critical juncture in young people’s lives for
promoting academic achievement, fostering greater INTRODUCTION
self-regulated learning (SRL) behaviours, and
positive dispositions toward mathematics and science Middle and high school teachers seldom attend to
learning. Characteristics of the connected classroom how students make sense of classroom content, and
project proposed to foster SRL include formative students often have difficulty identifying their
assessment and classroom discourse especially in strategies (Pape, Bell and Yetkin, 2003). When
relation to the explanations and justifications teachers students are asked to articulate their problem solving
require for students’ responses; the quality of or study plans, they often report only a few
questions teachers ask given immediate feedback ineffective tactics (Pape and Wang, 2003). This paper
regarding students’ understanding; and teachers’ outlines a research study that examines the use of
ability to identify junctures during lessons critical to connected classroom technology within Algebra I and
ongoing student achievement in mathematics and Physical Science classrooms. The goal of the study is
science. This study draws teachers from across the to support the development of conceptual knowledge,
United States and Canada in a randomised cross-over increased achievement, effective use of self-regulated
trial, mixed-method analytical approach. The main learning (SRL) strategic behaviours, and positive
focus of the study is to examine the impact of dispositions toward mathematics and science in
connected classroom technology with interactive connected classrooms. The theoretical foundations for
pedagogy and professional development on SRL that the intervention include social cognitive theory (e.g.,
supports greater mathematics and science Zimmerman, 1994, 1998a, 1998b, 2000) and social
achievement. Outcomes to be examined include constructivist perspectives of teaching and learning
teacher practices and their relation to implementation (e.g., Collins, Brown, and Newman, 1989; Diaz,

Neal, and Amaya-Williams, 1990; Wertsch and adaptive reasoning, productive dispositions, and
Stone, 1985). The social cognitive theory provides procedural fluency (Kilpatrick et al., 2001) require
foundational definitions, describes phases of SRL, that teachers attend to their students’ SRL behaviours.
and delineates the mechanisms to support the In science, student proficiency includes exhibiting
development of SRL behaviours in the classroom. curiosity, defining questions, proposing preliminary
Social constructivist perspectives, in particular explanations, planning and conducting investigations,
cognitive apprenticeship teaching models (Collins, gathering and displaying evidence, developing
Brown, and Newman, 1989), help us understand ways explanations based on that evidence, considering
in which teachers can structure classrooms to support alternative explanations and communicating findings
SRL development. In addition, the rationale for the (NRC, 2000). We have argued elsewhere (Pape and
intervention draws on broadening definitions of Smith, 2002; Pape et al., 2003) that the development
mathematics (e.g., NCTM, 2000) and mathematical of SRL capacities in young learners is crucial to the
competence (Kilpatrick, Swafford, and Findell, implementation of mathematics instruction as
2001), the nature of science and scientific inquiry described in the NCTM (2000) standards documents.
(e.g., National Research Council [NRC], 2000; Similarly, science instructional practices based on
McComas, 1996, Lederman, 1992) and research inquiry methodologies as described in the National
related to classroom contexts that support the Science Education Standards (NRC, 2000) includes
development of SRL (e.g., Butler, 2002, 2003; Butler far more than memorisation and recall of large bodies
and Cartier, 2004; Butler, Elaschuk, and Poole, 2000; of facts. Social constructivist or reform-minded
Perry, 1998; Perry, Phillips, and Dowler, 2004; Perry pedagogies will further develop students’ abilities to
and VandeKamp, 2000; Perry, VandeKamp, Mercer, regulate their own learning and develop proficiency
and Nordby, 2002; Schoenfeld, 1989, 1992; in mathematics and science. While these goals are
Verschaffel and DeCorte, 1997; Verscahaffel et al., widely embraced by mathematics and science
1999). educators, methods for supporting the skills essential
to be successful in these problem solving and inquiry
Why is self-regulation crucial to contemporary classrooms are not readily implemented in the
mathematics and science education? Traditional classroom. The goal of the present study is to
instructional practices often lead students to believe examine the impact of connected classroom
that learning mathematics and science should come technology on the development of these skills that
easily and without strategic effort. For example, have potential for positively impacting on student
students often develop the conception that learning.
mathematical problems ought to be solvable quickly
through the straightforward application of algorithms. Connected classroom technology refers to a
This supports the belief that problems they are not networked system of handheld calculators and a
able to solve within a few minutes are either not computer combined with aggregation and control
solvable or at least not solvable by them (Lampert, software specifically designed for interactive
1990; Schoenfeld, 1987, 1988). These students often teaching. Student response systems are increasing in
give up trying to solve a problem within a very short ease of use as well as commercial availability with
period of time. The importance of actively more than ten separate US companies developing
transforming to-be-learned material is not made systems. Remarkably usage, which is estimated to
explicit for students and is not easily extracted from exist in all 50 states in the United States, 10 countries,
instruction given the careful alignment of and 4,000 schools, has grown to current levels from
mathematical skills and solutions to assigned virtually zero in less than three years and continues to
“problems” students must solve. accelerate. The present study proposes to examine the
use of one system (TI-Navigator™) in middle school
The predominant views of mathematics and science or secondary school Algebra I and Physical Science
as “ways of thinking” or “ways of understanding the classrooms.
world” that requires evidence, explanation, and
justification changes what it means to learn and Mathematics and science educators today are being
succeed within these domains. New conceptions of challenged to think beyond simple, skills-based
proficiency in mathematics education that emphasise conceptions of the domain and to support young
conceptual understanding, strategic competence, learners’ thinking and reasoning. To be successful,

therefore, mathematics and science educators need to mathematical word problems are related to success
develop classroom environments and specific (Pape, 2003, 2004). These meaning-based approaches
instructional strategies that support not only learning to representing and solving mathematical word
content but also the development of strategic learning problems involve analysing and transforming the
behaviours. Thus, this presentation focuses on “the word problem to form an adequate mathematical
importance and centrality of self-regulation in the representation and providing explanations and
context of the prevailing new conception of school justifications for solution steps. Further, students’
mathematics [and science], namely, as a major perceptions of self-efficacy, their judgments of their
objective of mathematics [and science] education, on capability to do mathematics, are impacted by their
the one hand, and as a crucial characteristic of strategic efforts and are predictive of strategy use
effective mathematics [and science] learning on the (Pajares and Miller, 1994; Schunk, 1990, 1991;
other” (De Corte, Verschaffel and Eynde, 2000, p. Zimmerman, Bandura, and Martinez-Pons, 1992;
721). In another sense, “self-regulation is both an Zimmerman and Martinez-Pons, 1990). Students who
aptitude for and a potential outcome of schooling” exert strategic effort to learn may find success in their
(Randi and Corno, 2000, p. 651). strategies. Small successes bolster students’ self-
efficacy (Schunk, 1991; Zimmerman et al., 1992),
“In general, self-regulation involves learners who and when students attribute their success to the use of
proactively direct their behavior or strategies to strategies, they are more likely to continue to use
achieve self-set goals” (Cleary and Zimmerman, these strategies (Borkowski, Weyhing and Carr,
2004, p. 538). Self-regulated learners are cognitively 1988; Borkowski, Weyhing and Turner, 1986).
active in their own learning. According to social
cognitive theory, there are three phases of self- Social constructivist perspectives also provide
regulation: forethought, performance, and self- important background knowledge for consideration
reflection (Zimmerman, 1994, 1998a, 1998b, 2000). when conceiving of classroom contexts that support
That is, prior to beginning a task (forethought), SRL. From this perspective, interaction between
learners analyse the task to determine the steps learners and more-knowing others is critical to SRL
needed to accomplish it; while performing a task, development (Bronson, 2000; Diaz et al., 1990;
they monitor their progress toward understanding; Wertsch and Stone, 1985). Adults initially mediate
finally during self-reflection, self-regulated learners and support a child’s efforts to carry out a task such
make judgments of their progress and alter their as using a strategy. This initial co-regulation of
behaviours according to judgments of progress. SRL strategic behaviour eventually diminishes as the
development is accomplished through several stages learner gradually takes on the responsibility for
including observation, emulation, self-control, and accomplishing a task. The learner’s ability moves
self-regulation (Schunk and Zimmerman, 1997; from co-regulation to self-control and then self-
Zimmerman, 2000). Classroom teachers and peers regulation (Diaz et al., 1990; McCaslin and Hickey,
can serve as models for strategic behaviour. Next, 2001).
students begin to imitate the behaviours they witness,
which may lead to early attempts to self-control Contexts that Support SRL. In the next section of this
strategic behaviours. During this stage students paper we describe the efforts of a year-long study
receive feedback on their strategic efforts, and conducted with a seventh-grade mathematics teacher
ultimately gain the ability to adapt these skills to (Pape et al., 2003) and the results of a review of
varying conditions (self-regulation). Thus, the stages extant literature that focused on contexts that support
of SRL development can be facilitated through SRL development (Pape, 2005). As part of a two-year
appropriate structural classroom scaffolding. We professional development program for middle-school
believe classroom connectivity technology will mathematics teachers, the Teacher-Researcher
support SRL development. project, a seventh-grade teacher and the first author
met approximately weekly to design classroom
SRL strategy use has been related to and predictive of instruction focused on strategies and supporting
academic achievement and problem-solving success students’ developing sense of agency and skill in
(Pape, 2004; Pape and Wang, 2003; Zimmerman and learning. Prior to taking a test, students indicated how
Martinez-Pons, 1986, 1988, 1990). For example, they would study on a worksheet provided for this
middle-school children’s efforts to make sense of purpose; following the test, they reflected on their

strategies in relation to the test outcomes. Several whole-class support that shifted as the pupil’s needs
times during the year students articulated their changed.
strategies in whole-class discussions, and classified
their behaviours using 11 literature-based categories These classroom context elements are echoed in
of strategies (Pape and Wang, 2003; Zimmerman and Randi and Corno’s (2000) work. Aspects of the
Martinez-Pons, 1986, 1988, 1990). classroom environment that support SRL include
student choice on assignments, aligning classroom
The seventh-grade teacher and university researcher opportunities with students’ skills, and community
felt that individual student and group articulation of building through collaborative problem solving tied
strategies resulted in classroom discussion focused on with group processing to explicitly support students’
strategic behaviour and supported SRL development. group work. Teacher scaffolding through modelling
In addition, from analyses of extensive field notes we strategic behaviour and fading guidance constitutes
learned that multiple representations, rich these authors’ second area of support. Eventually
mathematical tasks, classroom discourse focused on students must be encouraged to carry out these
strategic behaviour, environmental scaffolding of strategies independently. The last component of the
strategic behaviour, and varying needs for environment that encourages SRL development is the
explicitness and support were essential to supporting classroom evaluation system. Similar to Perry and
students’ developing SRL skills. “When thinking is colleagues’ work, significant diagnostic performance
articulated regularly, patterns of thinking develop that evaluation including self and peer evaluation against
are iterative. Thinking cannot be articulated unless prior criteria is crucial to developing SRL. In
students reflect on the problem and the strategies they addition, as highlighted in Butler’s work (1995,
use to solve it; articulation, in turn increases 1998a, 1998b, 2002, 2003; Butler and Cartier, 2004;
reflection, which leads to understanding” (Fenema, Butler et al., 2000), “curriculum-embedded
Sowder, and Carpenter, 1999, p. 188). assessments” include “instructional tasks that provide
opportunities for the teacher to observe and assess
A review of literature provides additional evidence what students can do; tailored to student individual
for similar aspects of classrooms that foster SRL. differences and designed to stretch to their full
Within reading and writing activities, Perry and potential through ongoing teacher assessment” (Randi
colleagues (Perry, 1998; Perry et al., 2004; Perry and and Corno, 2000, p.663).
VandeKamp, 2000; Perry et al., 2002) highlight
features of high-SRL classroom contexts that include A common framework for many recent intervention
choice of tasks and how tasks will be accomplished, programs is based on the cognitive apprenticeship
control of the nature of challenge of tasks, model (Collins et al., 1989) including “mak[ing]
opportunities for student evaluation of self and peers, covert thinking (cognitive skills) explicit through
peer support, and teacher instrumental support (Perry, modelling and then help[ing] students to acquire them
1998; Perry et al., 2002). In particular, three high- through coaching and scaffolding” (Randy and
SRL classrooms provided opportunities for students Corno, 2000, p.654). Thus, many interventions
to engage in complex, meaningful activities over explicitly incorporate heuristics and strategies that are
multiple writing sessions; to engage in phases of the modelled for students. Subsequently, classroom
writing process; to decide what to write, where and discourse is used to provide instructional support.
with whom; to control challenge by determining how Both Schoenfeld (1985, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1992) and
much to write, at what pace, and with what level of DeCorte and Verschaffel (Verschaffel and DeCorte,
support; and to set evaluation criteria, editing and 1997; Verscahaffel et al., 1999) implemented a
revising their work, and selecting samples for their “Polya-like” heuristic for problem solving and
portfolios. In addition, teachers and peers provided required students to follow similar steps. First,
varying support including sharing ideas, resources, students were asked to represent the problem. This
strategies, and collaborative editing (Perry, 1998). essential step of understanding the problem prior to
Perry and colleagues indicated that sensitivity to the beginning a solution is too often neglected (Pape,
level of support required by individual students was 2003, 2004). Next, students considered possible
critical to classrooms that supported SRL. In these strategies that might be applied to the problem while
classrooms, researchers found both individual, devising a plan for solution. This design phase was
student-level support for particular tasks as well as ongoing in Schoenfeld’s analysis. Through these two

crucial steps (i.e., analysing the task and devising a CLASSROOM CONNECTIVITY RESEARCH
plan) teachers instructed students to be thoughtful PROJECT
about developing their understanding of the problem
and planning a way to solve it. Both heuristics then How might the connected classroom technology
included several steps related to carrying out the plan, impact on development of SRL? In a traditional
but Schoenfeld’s heuristic went slightly further by classroom, student work is assigned, submitted,
asking the students to attempt to transform the manually graded, and handed back days after
problem into a simpler problem. Others have completion. By the time students receive their
suggested, “modeling, verbal tuition, physical reviewed papers, they may have forgotten what they
guidance, corrective feedback, social structuring, were thinking when they did the work, and classroom
supervision and monitoring, peer teaching, instruction may have moved on to a new topic. Not
cooperative learning, and reciprocal teaching” only is it difficult to correct a conceptual problem at
(Zimmerman, 1998b, p.10). this stage, but some difficulties evidenced in the work
may represent prior problems in understanding. This
Another proposal for supporting students’ efforts to delayed feedback is problematic especially for
accomplish academic tasks suggested by Butler science and mathematics where students make daily
included these basic plan elements. Her emphasis on incremental gains in knowledge. Teachers sometimes
the importance of analysing the task prior to try to gather formative assessment data about their
determining ways to accomplish it (Butler and students by asking “Does everyone understand this
Cartier, 2004) is similar to representing a now?” Often they receive little response to this
mathematical problem. A crucial aspect of Butler’s question, which may lead them to assume that
Strategic Content Learning and Cleary and everyone understands, or individual students may
Zimmerman’s (2004) Self-Regulation Empowerment believe everyone except them understands. Fear of
Program (SREP) is that students first analysed or looking foolish provides a powerful incentive for
engaged in strategies already within their repertoire students to remain silent. In addition, critically
prior to being supported in developing new strategies reviewing student work is incredibly time consuming
beyond their present capacity. An additional for teachers.
component involves having students make
attributions for successes to the use of these In contrast, in a connected classroom student work is
strategies. When students attribute successes to instantly aggregated and available on the teacher’s
strategic behaviour and failures to lack of strategic computer once submitted. The classroom connectivity
behaviours, they maintain strategy use and in some technology under investigation in this study is the TI
cases generalise these strategies to other contexts NavigatorTM. This technology provides wireless
(Borkowski et al., 1986, 1988). This additional connectivity between the teachers’ computer through
component is crucial to changing students’ beliefs a system of hubs to students’ graphing calculators.
about themselves as learners. Students need ample Student responses to assigned or in-class questions,
practice in real contexts (Butler, 2002, 2003; Butler student-collected data, or teacher-generated activities
and Cartier, 2004; Butler et al., 2000; Schoenfeld, may be collected from students’ calculators or sent to
1989, 1992; Verschaffel and DeCorte, 1997; their calculators. Thus, there are ways for teachers to
Verschaffel et al., 1999). Interventions should gain immediate insight into students’ understanding
provide the students an opportunity to apply the of content knowledge and problem-solving strategies.
strategies they have and attempt to expand their Displays of these data give powerful clues to what
repertoire of strategies gradually until they are using students are doing, thinking, and understanding
them on their own (Butler, 2002, 2003; Butler and (Roschelle et al., 2004b), which may lead to
Cartier, 2004; Butler et al., 2000). Through the adjustment in instruction. Assignments can be smaller
ongoing implementation of these strategies, students but more frequent – for example, requests to answer a
will not only learn new ways to accomplish the question, solve a problem, state a position, or play a
learning process but will also take on new learning game (Wilensky and Stroup, 2000; 2002;
dispositions toward learning that include cognitively Stroup 2004). As aggregate class results can be
active stances toward learning. plotted (e.g., on a histogram) and shown to the class,
students receive immediate feedback (Dufresne,
Gerace, Leonard, Mestre and Wenk, 1996) in a non-

threatening way, and errors or strategies may become knowledge problematic) is known to be an important
objects of discourse for examination (Abrahamson, prerequisite to conceptual change (Posner, Strike,
Davidian and Lippai, 2002). Hewson and Gertzog, 1982; Webb and Palincsar,
1996). A connected classroom provides the
From a perspective of learner-, assessment-, mechanism for making explicit both content and
knowledge-, and community-centeredness as defined strategies, which foster an environment for the
by the NRC (1999), connected classrooms support development of SRL. As mentioned earlier,
each of these centerednesses. Previous teacher reports educational psychologists have explicated the
indicate that classroom connectivity technology relationship between self-regulated behaviour and
supported their efforts to (1) reveal students’ existing academic achievement (e.g. Zimmerman and
conceptions and to extend and make connections with Martinez-Pons, 1988, 1990) and have postulated a
previous knowledge; (2) exert “appropriate” pressure three-phase sequence: forethought, which involves
for students to think through issues and to establish planning; performance, which involves monitoring
and commit to positions; (3) use feedback to reverse and controlling behaviours, cognitions, motivations,
and improve the quality of their teaching and and emotions; and self-reflection, which involves
students’ learning; (4) monitor class positions and judgments of progress and changes in behaviour
misconceptions; and (5) change the sense of based on feedback. Connected classroom technology
community in their classes (Owens, Demana, and teacher orchestrated classroom discourse
Abrahamson, Meagher and Herman, 2004). provides a context in which these phases may become
The theoretical foundation of classroom connectivity
draws on specific bodies of literature. When Classroom connectivity allows for repeated cycles of
questioning and formative assessment are frequent the SRL phases. As teachers gather information
and involve students actively in reflecting on their regarding their students’ knowledge and incorrect
knowledge and strategies for learning, and when responses are revealed, students’ thinking that led to
assessment data are used to inform and adjust these responses may become an object for discussion
instruction, formative assessment has been reported to in the classroom. Students’ thinking during the
result in significant student achievement gains (Black forethought and performance stages is revealed.
and Wiliam, 1998; Fuchs and Fuchs, 1986, Roschelle Further, this discussion provides an important
et al., 2004b). Discourse is central to the mediation of opportunity for self-reflection upon strategies and
shared meaning. Through public examination of thinking that led to these responses. Thus, these
errors and processes that resulted in these errors, classroom discussions provide the context in which
teachers and students share their expertise as problem development of SRL is possible. Students gain a
solvers providing examples of reasoning within a window on the strategies of their teachers and peers,
domain. “The very act of monitoring one’s own or which provides important possibilities for observation
someone else’s explorations, implementations, or of others’ strategies and thinking. As strategies
verifications of problems coincides with one of the iteratively become objects of discourse in the
defining aspects of mathematical reasoning—the classroom, students begin to imitate these ways of
justification of ideas” (Artzt and Yaloz-Femia, 1999, learning and solving problems, which is the
p.126). The connected classroom provides emulation phase of development, and they may
anonymous and aggregated student responses for attempt to use these strategies under their own
public examination so that students may check their volition, which is the self-control phase. Finally self-
understanding. High contrast displays of thinking are regulation is gained as teachers slowly fade their
a central feature of connected classrooms and a support for strategic behaviour (Zimmerman, 1994,
powerful drive for productive discourse and student 2000). Thus, connected classroom technology
learning. Roschelle, and colleagues (2004a, 2004b) potentially fosters SRL through immediate formative
point to two likely contrasts: (1) among ideas that are assessment and the classroom discourse with
strongly related to the target concept such as increasing quality of teachers’ questions that is
misconceptions based on prior knowledge (Smith, established as a result of revealing students’
diSessa and Roschelle, 1993); and (2) between an conceptions, misconceptions, and as students are
individual student’s idea and the ideas of the group. asked to provide explanations and justifications for
Engaging with cognitive conflict (e.g., making prior their mathematical or scientific processes. In addition,

teachers in this context are challenged to identify 2. How does instruction within a connected
critical junctures in their lessons that are essential to classroom affect student achievement in Algebra
developing students’ conceptual knowledge before I or Physical Science?
they continue their lessons. Finally, more positive 3. How do instructional practices within connected
dispositions toward mathematics and science are classrooms, especially formative assessment and
possible given these instructional strategies. discourse practices, support the development of
SRL behaviours and productive dispositions
THE RESEARCH STUDY toward Algebra or Physical Science among
participants’ students?
This four-year intervention research study aims to 4. What is the relationship between the pedagogy
investigate student outcomes including improved and technology in TI-Navigator connected
student conceptual development and achievement in classrooms? How does the technology
mathematics and physical science, SRL skills, and supplement or facilitate changing classroom
dispositions toward mathematics and science through practice?
the pedagogically sound implementation of connected 5. What is the relationship between teacher
classroom technology. Specifically, the project aims knowledge, skills, and dispositions and effective
to impact on teacher’s practices by supporting their use of the TI-Navigator system implementation?
development of enhanced formative assessment and How do pedagogical content knowledge, content
classroom discourse in a networked classroom. knowledge, and beliefs about science influence
Students will benefit through the development of teachers' implementation of the Navigator
deep conceptual understanding of Algebra I or system?
Physical Science, improved student achievement,
improved self-regulated learning, and more positive Participants. During Year 1 (2005-2006), 120
dispositions towards mathematics or science. Algebra I (7th-10th-grade level) teachers have been
randomly assigned to treatment (n=60) and control
The following research questions are ordered (n=60) groups. During Year 2, Physical Science
according to the hypothesised sequence of observed teachers will be randomly assigned to treatment
effects. (n=12) and control (n=12) groups (8th-9th grade
1. How does professional development focused on level). The research design for this study is a
the use of the TI-Navigator system and related randomised cross-over trial where the control group is
pedagogy affect teachers’ instruction within the exposed to the intervention sequentially (see Table 1
connected classroom? for details). Each year of the study will include
a. How do teachers’ formative assessment and around 2,400 to 3,600 student participants.
discourse practices change in the TI-
Navigator networked Algebra I or Physical Intervention. The intervention includes a weeklong
Science classroom? professional development program focused on
b. How does use of the TI-Navigator system pedagogy in the connected classroom and technology
support proactive and reactive teacher skills, online dialogue and support, and follow-up
instructional strategy choices in Algebra I or through participation at the Teachers Teaching with
Physical Science classroom instruction? Technology Annual Professional Development

Grant Year
1 2 3 4
Cohort 1 Algebra 1 Treatment TY2 TY3
Year 1 (TY1)
Cohort 2 Algebra 1 Control TY1 TY2 TY3
Cohort 3 Physical science Treatment Y1 TY2 TY3
Cohort 4 Physical science Control TY1 TY2

Table 1: Research design

Research Design and Data Collection. Mixed development of enhanced formative assessment and
methodology using both quantitative and qualitative classroom discourse in a connected classroom.
methods will be employed. Teacher measures Researchers expect that students will benefit
include: Demographic Survey that requests teacher through the development of deep conceptual
and class level background information; Technology understanding of Algebra I or Physical Science,
Use and Professional Development survey; and improved student achievement, improved self-
Teacher Practices Questionnaire. Additional teacher regulated learning, and more positive dispositions
or class level data collection techniques towards science.
include teacher telephone interviews and web-
based questionnaires as well as videotaped REFERENCES
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Participatory simulations: Envisioning the The Ohio State University: (1) Mathematics,
networked classroom as a way to support Science and Technology Education (MSAT), and
systems learning for all. Annual Meeting of the (2) Integrated Teaching and Learning (ITL). His
American Educational Research Association, doctorate training was in Educational Psychology
New Orleans, LA. with a specialization in the Research on Teaching
Zimmerman, B. J. (1994). Dimensions of academic and Learning of Mathematics from CUNY,
self-regulation: A conceptual framework for Graduate School and University Center. He was
education. In D. H. Schunk and B. J. born in New York City where he also earned a
Zimmerman (Eds.). Self-Regulation of Learning Bachelor of Science from Fordham University in
and Performance: Issues and Educational Mathematics and Psychology and a Master of
Applications. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, Science in Secondary Mathematics Education from
3-21. the City University of New York (CUNY), Queens
Zimmerman, B. J. (1998a). Academic studying and College. He has taught elementary and secondary
the development of personal skill: A self- mathematics at a K-12 private school and middle
regulatory perspective. Educational school mathematics and science at the intermediate
Psychologist, 33, 73-86. school level for the New York City Public Schools.
Zimmerman, B. J. (1998b). Developing self- During his graduate studies, he taught psychology
fulfilling cycles of academic regulation: An courses at CUNY, LaGuardia Community College
analysis of exemplary instructional models. In and education courses at CUNY, Queens College.
D. H. Schunk and B. J. Zimmerman (Eds.), Self-
Regulated Learning: From Teaching to Self-
His research incorporates three areas of study:
Reflective Practice. New York: Guilford Press,
mathematics, education, and educational
psychology. It has examined middle school
Zimmerman, B. J. (2000). Attaining self-regulation:
children’s problem-solving behavior through the
A social cognitive perspective. In M. Boekaerts,
lens of cognitive theories of reading comprehension.
P. Pintrich and M. Zeidner (Eds.). Handbook of
This understanding of children’s problem-solving

behavior serves as a foundation for examining Connectivity systems that hold promise for
teachers’ classroom behaviors that promote increasing self-regulated learning capacities and
academic achievement and self-regulated learning. achievement. Thus, his developing line of research
He has been PI and co-PI on several training and brings together my ongoing efforts to understand
research grants that sought to support middle school learning processes with work that investigates
teachers’ efforts to change their teaching practices. reform middle school mathematics teaching
He is presently a co-PI on a project funded by the practices and classroom contexts that support the
Institutes of Educational Sciences in the United development of self-regulated learning.
States to examine the impact of Classroom


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