Tight Gas Sand
Tight Gas Sand
Tight Gas Sand
Tight gas is the term commonly used to refer to low-permeability
Increased Technology
Small volumes;
reservoirs that produce mainly dry natural gas. Many of the low- High 1,000 md
easy to develop
Increased Prices
permeability reservoirs developed in the past are sandstone, but sig- quality
nificant quantities of gas also are produced from low-permeability
carbonates, shales, and coal seams. In this paper, production of gas Medium 10 md
from tight sandstones is the predominant theme. However, much quality
of the same technology applies to tight-carbonate and gas-shale Coalbed
Tight 0.1 md
reservoirs. Large volumes;
gas methane
difficult to
In general, a vertical well drilled and completed in a tight gas develop
reservoir must be successfully stimulated to produce at commercial Low
Gas .001 md
gas-flow rates and produce commercial gas volumes. Normally, a shales
large hydraulic-fracture treatment is required to produce gas eco-
nomically. In some naturally fractured tight gas reservoirs, horizon- Gas hydrates
tal wells can be drilled, but these wells also need to be stimulated.
To optimize development of a tight gas reservoir, a team of geo-
scientists and engineers must optimize the number and locations of Fig. 1—Resource triangle for natural gas.
wells to be drilled, as well as the drilling and completion procedures
for each well. Often, more data and more engineering manpower tors are related by Darcy’s law, as shown in the stabilized, radial-flow
are required to understand and develop tight gas reservoirs than equation, Eq. 1, (Lee 1982).
are required for higher-permeability conventional reservoirs. On
an individual-well basis, a well in a tight gas reservoir will produce µpzpgTqg re
less gas over a longer period of time than one expects from a well pwf2=p2−1,422 ————
kh [ ln (——
r )
−0.75+(s+D|q |)]. (1)
completed in a higher-permeability conventional reservoir. As such,
many more wells (closer well spacing) must be drilled in a tight gas On the basis of Eq. 1, the flow rate, q, is a function of average res-
reservoir to recover a large percentage of the original gas in place ervoir pressure, p; flowing pressure, pwf; fluid properties, µp and zpg;
compared with a conventional reservoir. reservoir temperature, T; permeability, k; net pay thickness, h; drain-
age radius, re; wellbore radius, rw; skin factor, s; and a non-Darcy
Definition of Tight Gas Reservoir flow constant, D. Thus, to choose a single value of permeability to
In the 1970s, the U.S. government decided that the definition of define tight gas reservoirs is of limited significance. In deep, thick,
a tight gas reservoir is one in which the expected value of perme- high-pressure reservoirs, excellent completions can be achieved
ability to gas flow would be less than 0.1 md. This definition was when the formation permeability to gas is in the microdarcy range
a political definition that has been used to determine which wells (i.e., ∼0.001 md). In shallow, thin, low-pressure reservoirs, perme-
would receive federal and/or state tax credits for producing gas from abilities of several millidarcies might be required to produce the gas
tight reservoirs. Actually, the definition of a tight gas reservoir is a at economic flow rates, even after a successful fracture treatment.
function of many physical and economic factors. The physical fac- The best definition of tight gas reservoir is “a reservoir that can-
not be produced at economic flow rates nor recover economic vol-
umes of natural gas unless the well is stimulated by a large hydraulic
Stephen A. Holditch, SPE, is the department head and Samuel fracture treatment or produced by use of a horizontal wellbore or
Roberts Noble Foundation endowed chair in petroleum at Texas multilateral wellbores.”
A&M U. He previously worked for Schlumberger and continues So what is a typical tight gas reservoir? The answer is that there
to work on projects for Holditch Reservoir Technologies and on are no “typical” tight gas reservoirs. A tight gas reservoir can be
special projects to assist Schlumberger management. Holditch deep or shallow, high-pressure or low-pressure, high-temperature or
also was president of S.A. Holditch & Assocs. He specialized low-temperature, blanket or lenticular, homogeneous or naturally
in analysis of low-permeability gas reservoirs and design of fractured, and can contain a single layer or multiple layers.
hydraulic-fracture treatments. Holditch also was a produc-
tion engineer with Shell Oil Co. He has served as the 2002 Copyright 2006 Society of Petroleum Engineers
This is paper SPE 103356. Distinguished Author Series articles are general, descriptive
SPE President, has served on many SPE committees, and has representations that summarize the state of the art in an area of technology by describing recent
authored many SPE papers. Holditch earned BS, MS, and PhD developments for readers who are not specialists in the topics discussed. Written by individuals
recognized as experts in the area, these articles provide key references to more definitive work
degrees in petroleum engineering from Texas A&M U. and present specific details only to illustrate the technology. Purpose: to inform the general
readership of recent advances in various areas of petroleum engineering.
5,400 Recoverable— this gas), but the gas cannot be booked as reserves until the wells
185 Tcf are drilled and the reservoirs are developed. The next category in
5,200 Undiscovered— Fig. 2 is called undiscovered, which represents the GTI estimate of
350 Tcf gas that is likely to be discovered in known tight gas basins. Finally,
Resources— the largest category is called resources. This value represents the gas
4,800 5,000 Tcf in place in the U.S. tight gas basins. Substantial improvements in
technology or changes in the gas market are required before the gas
in the resources category can be produced economically.
Fig. 2—Resource triangle for tight gas in the U.S.
Tight Gas Estimates Outside the U.S.
The optimum drilling, completion, and stimulation methods for The resource-triangle concept should be valid for all natural resourc-
each well are functions of the reservoir characteristics and the eco- es in all basins in the world, so it is logical to believe that large vol-
nomic situation. Some tight gas reservoirs are in south Texas, while umes of gas in unconventional reservoirs will be found, developed,
others are in South America or the Middle East. The costs to drill, and produced in every basin that now produces significant volumes
complete, and stimulate the wells, plus the gas price and the gas of gas from conventional reservoirs. There are various organizations
market, affect how tight gas reservoirs are developed. that have analyzed parts of the unconventional-gas-resource base
in specific regions of the world; however, no organization regularly
Resource Triangle publishes a comprehensive estimate of the volume of gas that might
The concept of the resource triangle was used by Masters (1979) to be found in unconventional reservoirs around the world.
find a large gas field and build a company in the 1970s. The concept Table 1 presents data from Kawata and Fujita (2001) who took
is that all natural resources are distributed log normally in nature. the data from Rogner (1996). According to the estimates of Rogner,
If you are prospecting for gold, silver, iron, zinc, oil, natural gas, or there are significant volumes of unconventional gas worldwide. The
any resource, you will find that the best or highest-grade deposits largest volumes of unconventional gas are known to exist in North
are small in size and, once found, are easy to extract. The hard part America, which is also the region where there has been the most
is finding these pure veins of gold or high-permeability gas fields. exploration, development, and production of unconventional gas.
Once you find the high-grade deposit, producing the resource is As such, there is more information available to evaluate the uncon-
rather easy and straightforward. Fig. 1 illustrates the principle of ventional gas in North America.
the resource triangle.
As you go deeper into the gas-resource triangle, the reservoirs TABLE 1—TABLE 1—DISTRIBUTION OF WORLDWIDE
are lower grade, which usually means the reservoir permeability is UNCONVENTIONAL-GAS RESOURCES (AFTER ROGNER
decreasing. These low-permeability reservoirs, however, are much 1996, TAKEN FROM KAWATA AND FUJITA 2001)
larger in size than the higher-quality reservoirs. The scale on the
right side of Fig. 1 illustrates typical values of formation permeabil-
Coalbed Shale Tight-Sand
ity for tight gas sands. Other low-quality resources, such as coalbed
Methane Gas Gas Total
methane, gas shales, and gas hydrates, would likely have different
Region (Tcf) (Tcf) (Tcf) (Tcf)
permeability scales.
The common theme is that low-quality deposits of natural gas North America 3,017 3,840 1,371 8,228
require improved technology and adequate gas prices before they Latin America 39 2,116 1,293 3,448
can be developed and produced economically. However, the size Western Europe 157 509 353 1,019
of the deposits can be very large compared with conventional or Central and 118 39 78 235
high-quality reservoirs. The concept of the resource triangle applies Eastern Europe
to every hydrocarbon-producing basin in the world. One should be Former Soviet 3,957 627 901 5,485
able to estimate the volumes of oil and gas trapped in low-quality Union
reservoirs in a specific basin by knowing the volumes of oil and gas Middle East and 0 2,547 823 3,370
that exist in the higher-quality reservoirs. North Africa
Sub-Saharan 39 274 784 1,097
Tight Gas Sands in the U.S. Africa
Estimates of gas production, reserves, and potential from the Centrally planned 1,215 3,526 353 5,094
tight gas basins in the U.S. are compatible with the concept of Asia and China
the resource triangle. Fig. 2 illustrates the tight gas resource-base Pacific 470 2,312 705 3,487
estimates from the Gas Technology Inst. (GTI) (GTI E&P Services (Organization
2001). The gas produced through the year 2000 from tight gas for Economic
reservoirs is estimated to be 58 Tcf. Proven reserves in tight gas Cooperation and
reservoirs are 34 Tcf. Thus, the sum of produced gas plus proven Development)
reserves is 92 Tcf. Currently, the U.S. uses approximately 22 Tcf/yr Other Asia Pacific 0 313 549 862
of natural gas. It is estimated that 20% of the gas production in the South Asia 39 0 196 235
U.S. currently comes from tight gas reservoirs. World 9,051 16,103 7,406 32,560
fracture treatments pumped into the wells, and the time frame being
1 considered. In lenticular or compartmentalized tight gas reservoirs,
the average drainage area is likely a function of the average sand-
lens size or compartment size and may not be a strong function of
the size of the fracture treatment.
Reservoir Continuity. One of the most difficult parameters to Core Data. Obtaining and analyzing cores are crucial to proper
evaluate in tight gas reservoirs is the drainage-area size and shape. understanding of any layered complex reservoir system. To obtain
In tight reservoirs, months or years of production normally are data needed to understand the fluid-flow properties, mechanical
required before the pressure transients are affected by reservoir properties, and depositional environment of a specific reservoir
boundaries or well-to-well interference. As such, the engineer often requires that cores be cut, handled correctly, and tested in the
has to estimate the drainage-area size and shape for a typical well to laboratory with modern and sophisticated laboratory methods.
estimate reserves. Knowledge is needed of the depositional system Of primary importance is the measuring of rock properties under
and the effects of diagenesis on the rock to estimate the drainage- restored reservoir conditions. The effect of net overburden (NOB)
area size and shape for a specific well. Oblong (or noncircular) pressure must be reproduced in the laboratory to obtain the most
drainage volumes are likely caused by depositional or fracture accurate quantitative information from the cores (Jones and Owens
trends and the orientation of hydraulic fractures. 1980; Soeder and Randolph 1987).
100 Resistivity
Gamma Ray
(API) (Ohm⋅m)
Cumulative Frequency, %
Fig. 4—Comparison of permeability distribution in four tight- Fig. 5—Layer data required for evaluating the formation and
sandstone gas formations in Texas using public data. designing the fracture treatment.
The measurements of porosity and permeability are a function of data sets obtained from public records are presented for discussion.
the net stress applied to the rock when the measurements are taken. The data in Fig. 4 are from the Travis Peak formation in east Texas,
For low-porosity rock, it is very important to take measurements at the Cotton Valley formation in east Texas, the Wilcox Lobo forma-
different values of net stress to understand fully how the reservoir will tion in south Texas, and the Cleveland formation in northwest
behave as the gas is produced and the reservoir pressure declines. Texas. These reservoirs are in different basins, but have very similar
Fig. 3 illustrates the effect of NOB on the measurement of air log-normal permeability distributions. The median permeability
permeability on Travis Peak cores from two wells in east Texas (CER for the four formations ranges from 0.028 to 0.085 md, while the
Corp. and S.A. Holditch & Assocs. 1991). For high-permeability arithmetic mean values of permeability range from 0.179 to 7.378
(10–100 md) core plugs, the permeability under the original over- md. The median permeability value is the best measure of central
burden pressure is slightly less than the value of unstressed perme- tendency. To forecast flow rates from an average well, one should
ability for that same core plug. However, as the permeability of the use the median permeability value.
core plugs decreases, the effect of NOB on the core plug increases
substantially. For the core plugs that had values of unstressed perme- Vertical Profiles. To use either a multilayered reservoir model or a
ability of approximately 0.01 md, the values of permeability under pseudo-3D (P3D) hydraulic-fracture propagation model, the data
NOB were approximately an order of magnitude lower, or 0.001 md. must be entered by reservoir layer. Fig. 5 illustrates the profiles of
The lower-permeability rocks are the most stress sensitive because the important input data required by either the reservoir or the P3D
lower-permeability core samples have smaller pore-throat diameters model. For the situation in Fig. 5, the well is completed and the
than the higher-permeability rocks. To fully understand the properties fracture treatment is initiated in the sandstone reservoir. Typically,
of tight gas formations, special core analyses must be run on selected the fracture grows up and down until a barrier is reached to pre-
core plugs to measure values of gas permeability vs. water saturation, vent additional vertical fracture growth. Normally, siltstones or
resistivity index, formation factor, capillary pressure, acoustic velocity, shaly sandstones have in-situ stresses similar to the sands and do
and the rock mechanical properties (Soeder and Randolph 1987). not prevent vertical fracture growth. However, thick marine shales,
which tend to have in-situ stresses that are higher than those of the
Mechanical Properties. Most tight gas reservoirs are thick, layered sandstones, will be barriers to vertical fracture growth. Coal seams
systems that must be hydraulically fracture treated to produce at also may prevent fractures from growing vertically. Many coal seams
commercial gas-flow rates. To optimize the completion, it is neces- are highly cleated, and when the fracture fluid enters the coal seam,
sary to understand the mechanical properties of all the layers above, it remains contained within the coal seam, which blunts vertical
within, and below the gas pay intervals. Basic rock properties, such growth of the fracture.
as the in-situ stress field, Young’s modulus, and Poisson’s ratio, are
needed to design a fracture treatment. Well Completion and Stimulation Considerations
The most important mechanical property is in-situ stress, often Always of concern in the design of the completion is the number of
called the minimum compressive stress or the fracture-closure producing zones that are separated in the reservoir by vertical-flow-
pressure. When the pressure inside the fracture is greater than the barrier layers. If a single fracture treatment can be used to stimulate
in-situ stress, the fracture is open. When the pressure inside the multiple layers, and no reservoir damage occurs by commingling
fracture is less than the in-situ stress, the fracture is closed. Values the different zones, the well should be completed and stimulated
of in-situ stress can be determined by use of logs, cores, or injection with a single-stage treatment. Normally, in dry-gas reservoirs, no
tests. To optimize the completion, it is very important to know the reservoir damage occurs by commingling different layers. In fact,
values of in-situ stress in every rock layer. it is likely that more gas will be recovered by producing all the lay-
ers in a commingled fashion because the abandonment pressure is
Permeability Distribution. Permeability in a gas formation within lower at any given economic limit when the zones are commingled
a basin is distributed log normally. To illustrate this concept, four vs. producing the zones one at a time.