02.robot, MEYCO Potenza - 1
02.robot, MEYCO Potenza - 1
02.robot, MEYCO Potenza - 1
MEYCO Potenza
Expanding Horizons
Expanding hor izons underground
MEYCO® spraying mobiles set the standard for sprayed concrete MEYCO’s commitment to advancing and improving the equipment is
using the wet method in tunnels and other areas of application. illustrated by the introduction of the MEYCO Maxima spraying manipu-
They have become common place on many of the world’s most im- lator as a further option. Our customers confirm that MEYCO Potenza
portant construction sites where shotcrete must be be applied gives them added value through their continued product loyalty and
in large quantities without comprimising on the quality. recommendations.
MEYCO Robojet spraying manipulator Air compressor (rotary vane or screw type)
Integrated MEYCO Dosa TDC additive dosing system Radio remote control
Working lights
Water pump
Hose reel
Fire extinguisher
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World famous MEYCO Option: 47 lubrication points Double-piston pump with Operator terminal near the
Robojet with parallel spray- distributed over the entire 30 m 3 / h capacity. nozzle-man allows complete
ing action and 8 fields of equipment and supplied control of spraying mobile
movement ensures the automatically reduce main- Complete pumping system and components.
perfect spraying pattern. tenance and increase the life is designed for low-pulsation
and value of the machine. spraying. Cable remote control for all
Control through the remote More of a must than an op- movements and other major
panel is quickly learnt due to tion! Tough hopper and grill con- operation functions.
simple spraying action. structed for concrete with
steel fibres. Option: Radio remote as
Very strong construction for lighter and more mobile
high volume spraying and 80 alternative.
mm hoses.
Display shows all details
Option: MEYCO Maxima necessary for an overview of
for extreme spraying reach, spraying operation and per-
together with ability to ex- mits quick and easy altera-
tend from, and retract to the tion of the dosing.
compact transport position
without turning. See Maxima 2 1
description for full details.
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MEYCO TDC dosing system Chassis Power and control unit Accessories
Total Dosing Control does Robust site proven chassis One central electric control All necessary accessories
what it says using interac- with powerful diesel motor. box and electro-hydraulic for cleaning the manipulator,
tion of frequency controlled unit improves efficiency and concrete pump and nozzle
dosing pump drive, concrete 4 wheel drive and 4 wheel aids easy maintenance. system are fitted as stan-
volume and flowmeter. steer including crabwalk for dard for a fast clean-up and
maneuverability in tight situ- Reliable, site proven PLC to prevent avoidable down-
Very accurate dosing adjust- ations. system provides complete time.
ment with simple control system management.
features. Cabin FOPS certified with MEYCO 100 mm concrete
turnable driver's seat and delivery lines with 80 mm
PLC unit coordinates rapid controls. nozzle system, reduces the
automatic adjustments of occurence of blockages with
dosing according to prevail- stiff and fibre filled mixes.
ing conditions. Low material speed leads to
less wear costs.
Low maintenance, low-pul-
sation pumping. MEYCO Data for compiling
and extracting of performance
Ideal for Akali-Free accelera- data, transferring to PC for
tors. processing and evaluation.
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Technical Specifications
Important | * Pump performances including maximum volumes are based on theoretical, 100 % filling capacities.
Conveying heights and distances are based on experience but are strongly dependent on the granulometry, the
cement content and the plasticity of the concrete.
Typical areas of work for the MEYCO Potenza are: On large construction sites such as tunnels, it is imperative that the
spraying set-up is installed and ready to start performing within min-
Tunnelling utes. As soon as the spraying operation is finished, the equipment has
to be removed so that the next work cycle can begin immediately. Fur-
Slope stabilisation thermore, it is a common trend to execute different jobs simultaneous-
ly, which demands complete, self-contained equipment as for example
Building pits
the central air supply is seldom large enough to supply all demands,
Mining operations the complete mobile therefore carries it's own compressor.
The MEYCO Potenza is the perfect equipment to use anywhere where
large quantities of sprayed concrete are to be applied in the fastest and
most efficient manner possible.
Ask us for our reference list today, you will see that, as a customer, you
are in very good company!
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Modified MEYCO spraying Ingenious construction allow- Cable remote control with only Control panel with GUI, posi-
head for 80 mm hoses and all ing boom to be easily retracted 2 joysticks (radio remote also tioned near the nozzle-man/
required nozzle angles. for transport and extended for available) operator.
a) Marking parameters
Added value of MEYCO Potenza with MEYCO Maxima
Huge reach enables not just a greater spraying area from Packs away very compactly for driving.
a single vehicle location but leads to a great time saving in
vehicle repositioning. Less joints than a conventional manipulator reducing wear
Extends from parked position into spraying position in small
tunnel profile. Proportional valve control, soft movement (anti-bounce
Smooth and simple operational control with only 2 joysticks
and speed control. Modified MEYCO spraying head to cover all the angles.
Long «virtual» parallel movement, a nozzle-man’s favourite 80 mm heavy duty, high pressure concrete delivery hoses
function. for large volume spraying.
Computer managed positional sensing, allowing semi- Central lubrication, reducing both wear and maintenance time
automatic mode. (option).
Important | * Pump performances including maximum volumes are based on theoretical, 100 % filling capacities.
Conveying heights and distances are based on experience but are strongly dependent on the granulometry, the
cement content and the plasticity of the concrete.
BASF Construction Chemicals Europe AG BASF Construction Chemicals BASF Construction Chemicals
MEYCO Equipment
UAE LLC 23700 Chagrin Boulevard
Hegmattenstrasse 24 P.O. Box 37127 Cleveland, OH 44122-5554, USA
8404 Winterthur, Switzerland Dubai, UAE Phone +1-216-839 7500
Phone +41 58 958 27 00 Phone +971 4 809 0800 Fax +1-216-839 8821
E-mail meyco@basf.com Fax +971 4 885 1002 E-mail admixtures@basf.com
BASF SA BASF Construction Chemicals Australia BASF Construction Chemicals Asia Pacific
Pty Ltd
Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3600 14/F, Harbour Ring Plaza
Andares do 8º ao 14º 11 Stanton Road 18 Xizang Road M.
04538-132 São Paulo – SP, Brazil Seven Hills NSW 2147, Australia Shanghai, 200001, P.R. China
Phone +55 11 2718 5507 Phone +61 2 8811 4200 Phone +8621 2320 3000
E-mail vendas-eb@basf.com Fax +61 2 8811 3299 E-mail infotmc-ap@basf.com
Being a part of BASF, The Chemical Company, is a major factor in our success. Technical and design modifications remain reserved at all times.
Technical properties have been achieved under theoretical and normal conditions. Please consult the respective machine manual for all matters related to
safety, operation and maintenance.
MEYCO®: 04/10/AB Crea
Certified quality