09 Chapter 1
09 Chapter 1
09 Chapter 1
Percy Bysshe Shelley in his masterpiece A Defence of Poetry has said that
Poetry).The function of a legislator is to lay down the law, a settled course of action
that men may follow. All literary works show us various aspects of the society from
politics, economics and culture, via various genres of literature from time to time.
people and the time in which it is produced. Conventionally, literature hold s a mirror
Taine, a French critic gives a scientific approach to the study of literature through his
theory of race, milieu and moment. According to this theory Men, Milieu and
Hippolyte Taine, are three principal motives or conditioning factors behind any work
find out the motivational factor which created that work. To validate what Taine
writes, there are many examples of works of literature such as portrayal of social
problems during Victorian age in the novels of Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy,
Wilde and the portrayal of Indian society in the works of Raja Rao, Bhabhani
Bhattacharya, Mulk Raj Anand, R.K.Narayan and Ruskin Bond. All these works of
literature reflect the kaleidoscopic images of the then society. The influence of
literature on society is felt directly or indirectly. Thus, Miss Stowe's Uncle Tom's
Cabin is directly responsible for the movement against slavery in literature and life in
USA of those days. The novels of Dickens had indirectly influenced the society to
create the feeling for regulating and removing social wrongs. Sarat Chandra's novels
have gone a long way in breaking conservatism as regards women in our society.
Some works of literature give the readers knowledge of history with enjoyment.
Literature mirrors the ups and downs of economic, political and social cycles.
Through the study of literary works, we learn the lessons of past experiences and
sympathies, naturally it is bound to exercise some positive influence on our minds and
Novels are known to have changed the direction of the human mind and set in
motion movements that have altered our ways of life. It is, however, clear that if we
are interested in literature, its influence is bound to move us amply because it is made
out of the lore of life. The quality and nature of the reflection depend upon the
of reasons for the stability and progress of Asia. Today, when the world is troubled by
terrorism, understanding the societal thoughts and way of life in Pakistan become
industry and literature produced in the country. This thesis aims to study the
enigmatic nature of Pakistani society so that myths about Pakistani society are
dispelled and also an insight is developed so that attempts in world peace and human
. The first chapter entitled ―A Brief History of Pakistani Fiction and Portrayal
of Society in Pakistani English Fiction‖ analyzes the history of Pakistani literature and
the difficulty of defining the literature of a nation which was once a part of another
nation. Initial Pakistani literature, for want of critical themes, centered around the
violence of partition and the birth of the nation. The chapter also discusses the
origin but have settled abroad. The chapter justifies the choice of selecting writers like
Mohsin Hamid and Kamila Shamsie who have captured the pulse of Pakistani society
in their fiction.
The second chapter entitled, ―Socio-Psycho Issues and Socio Economic Issues
and Kamila Shamsie. It is observed that some Pakistani youth have myriad
addiction, poverty, lack of education and violence in the nation. This has led in some
instances to mob- mentality and collective opinions and habits. Lack of stability in
government and frequent terrorist attacks have shaken the economy of the country and
have given birth to class-conflict in Pakistan which is subtly captured by the two
The third chapter entitled ―Socio Political and Socio Religious Issues in
political issues. It juxtaposes religion and politics which influence and shape each
other. How religiously and politically, policies of Pakistan are framed keeping India at
the centre is interesting. Fundamentalism and the youth suffocated with the
fundamentalism are juxtaposed in contemporary fiction. 9/11 attacks have changed
the way, the world is looking at Pakistan and this stereotyping has made many young
people rebels.
Fiction‖ explores socio-historic issues in the novels of both the authors. How
partition, 1971 war, nuclear testing, Iran-Iraq war, 9/11 etc have shaped the lives of
Pakistani people and also their thought processes is noteworthy. The chapter also tries
The last chapter sums up the findings and establishes the relevance of the
research. A nation or a society is a macro unit, comprising of micro units which make
or mar the societal structure. Today, when the world stands on the pedestal of a
possible nuclear war, it becomes important for the entire world to understand the
society which harbors terrorism and also faces the problems of terrorism.
Pakistani writers and when did Pakistani literature start? It is very difficult to consider
the year of 1947, as the beginning of Pakistani Literature. Defining the first question
of beginning of Pakistani literature is very complex and different literary giants have
expressed the various opinions. There are numerous writers who have different
backgrounds and history that can affect deciding whether the writer is Pakistani or
1 Writers who are born in India or somewhere else but are living in Pakistan
2. Writers who are born in Pakistan but are living somewhere else
There are writers like Sadaat Hassan Manto who have lived their half in India
and after partition they went to Pakistan. Deciding his nationality was even difficult
for himself. Even he didn‘t understand if he was Pakistani or an Indian. For Indians,
Manto is an Indian writer who writes in Urdu; for people of Pakistan, a Pakistani
Urdu writer. Manto articulates the feelings and sensitivities of the people of undivided
India and the newly created country of Pakistan. We have a wonderful example of this
complexity in the form of a short story ―Toba Tek Singh‖, which thrashes o ut what is
Pakistan and what is India. The gravity of the situation can be best understood through
the following lines: ―One lunatic became so caught up in the circle of Pakistan and
Hindustan, and Hindustan and Pakistan, that he became even more lunatic. ‖ -
(―Toba...‖ Selected Stories...) Similarly, there is the same problem for the writers like
Moni Mohsin, Kamila Shamsie, Daniyal Mueenuddin and Mohsin Hamid. They are
just born in Pakistan but they are brought up and have studied in U.K , U.S.A or
The shared tradition of Urdu literature and English literature of British India was
inherent in the new state. Pakistan before partition was a part of India and hence, did
not have any distinct culture, dialect and history. For Pakistan, there was no separate
perceive the ‗Pakistani Identity‘ in literature. As a result, the very first and immediate
theme of Pakistani literature was the partition of India that caused the migration of
millions of people and the circumstances arising out of that immediately. The nature
due to its being centered heavily around the negative events related to the India-
Pakistan partition. Writers shared a common theme of partition and the horror it
unleashed. Dealing in various ways with the human tragedy endured by people of
both sides of this newly created border, these writers, according to Prof. Gilani
Kamran, were expected to take a new direction along with the new state of Pakistan at
that point, but did not immediately meet this expectation. So far as the language is
concerned, the early Pakistani literature was in Urdu but as time evolved literature in
study of what caused the separation between a mass of Hindu-Shikh and Muslims.
This research is prepared in the light of available sources, information and data. There
are limited works available which explore the area of contemporary Pakistani English
Mueenuddin, Hanif Kureshi, Uzma Aslam Khan Mohammad Hanif and Moni
Mohsin. Granta 112 Pakistan has been the main source behind the inspiration to
explore the two young Pakistani writers. The book deals with the writings of various
English fiction writers of Pakistan and also contains the critical reviews of them.
These writers discuss how their literary works have portrayed the soc ietal issues on
their various works. Pakistani English literature refers to literature that has developed
luminaries such as Manto, Zulfikar Ghosh and Bapsi Sidhwa are optimized. Another
book that inspired the present research is Tariq Rahman‘s A History of Pakistani
Literature in English. The study of Tariq Rahman‘s mammoth work, inspires to study
intently on what they may tell us about why specific events took place.
Prof. Cara N Cilano has contributed her research in the form of Contemporary
Pakistani English Fiction in English: Idea, Nation and State. She has made an honest
attempt to explore the ways in which these literary texts imaginatively probe the past,
convey the present, and project a future in terms that facilitate a sense of collective
belonging. Cilano‘s study spans the period from 1947 to the present, and is divided
into four parts. The first, ‗Idea to Nation‘, focuses on India‘s Partition and the
considers how fictions by such founding authors as Khushwant Singh, Mumtaz Shah
Nawaz, and Bapsi Sidhwa, as well as other less celebrated and younger writers, such
as Mehr Masroor, Moni Mohsin, Sorayya Khan, and Saad Ashraf, illuminate a range
State?‘ through the historical novels of Tariq Ali, which explore Islamic syncretism
before the birth of Pakistan, and through the fictions produced by a generation of
writers who came of age largely in the Zia‘s years, including Mohammed Hanif,
Uzma Aslam Khan, Ali Sethi and Kamila Shamsie. In considering works by this
younger group, such as Shamsie‘s Broken Verses (2005), and Hanif‘s A Case of
Exploding Mangoes (2008), Cilano makes a particularly persuasive claim that their
both as a pre-Partition space of religious-cultural diversity, and mythic safe haven for
Muslim migrants who sought to re-establish their lives in the nascent postcolonial
nation — identify new terms with which to articulate belonging both to the city and
the nation that rely heavily on the concept of mobility. Yet, as she demonstrates, the
writers also reveal the potency of a nostalgic stickiness, which would challenge the
cohesiveness of such modern visions. Her reading of Maniza Naqvi‘s 2008 novel A
Matter of Detail is particularly perceptive in this regard. Turning away from Karachi,
Cilano focuses in section three‘s latter half on an examination of the debut novels and
short stories of Nadeem Aslam, Mohsin Hamid and Daniyal Mueenuddin. She
suggests that they demonstrate how the zamindar‘s seemingly all-pervasive authority
may be subverted through the use of excessive language or gossip, and may even
offer up a voice railing against injustice and corruption [that] can serve as an
The final part of Cilano‘s study focuses on those post-9/11 migrant fictions by
Aslam, Hamid, Shamsie and H. M. Naqvi. These narratives, which unfold largely in
spaces beyond Pakistan, such as America and Afghanistan, are included because, the
author asserts, they amplify and complicate their characters in relation to collective
national attachments and to the workings of state and variously assert revised
Fiction studies and contributes his research on significant issues of notions of home
and identities which have changed for Muslims as a result of international war on
terror. It uniquely links the post-9/11 stereotyping of Muslims and Islam in the West
to the roots of current jihadism and the resurgence of ethnocentrism within the
subcontinent and beyond. He gives the concept of Globalization of Islam, the
difference of Muslim identities before and after 09/11, Narrative of Nationhood and
displaced Muslim identities, the concept of ‗War on terror‖, east and west Pakistan,
short, small but significant book. The book describes about contemporary literary
Sajid Ahmad and Sajid Ali‘s research thesis has helped me to find out the
knowledge to know the contribution of Pakistani female in the English literature. The
research has as its subject of how Pakistan‘s national texts, particularly creative
state has pursued centrist and unitary policies. Islam has been used to justify the
unitary character of the state. The response of Pakistan‘s creative writers, with few
exceptions, has been ambivalent towards these issues, until a new generation of young
writers since early 1990s began to respond more openly and critically. In 1967,
Zulfikar Ghose, with the advantage of geographical distance, gave a powerful critique
of Pakistan‘s new ruling elite in his novel The Murder of Aziz Khan. The same
sentiments are expressed by Mohsin Hamid in his Moth Smoke. Through this novel,
he has tried to show, how Pakistan is frozen in time: its socio-political problems still
Hybridity in Pakistani English Fiction‖ Taking theoretical insights from the works of
Stuart Hall (1993) Bhabha (1994) , Pennycook (2007) and others, he represents the
Sidhwa‘s An American Brat. He brings out that a common thread running through
capture the essence of transnational and trans-cultural struggles over the issues of
identity in terms of race, class, nationality, gender, and sexuality. He contends that
discourses. In each, the hero travels to America in a quest of their American dream,
but while pursuing that dream is caught unawares with the primeval question of their
own cultural roots and identity. The titles and the endings of the novels capture the
essence of identity as fluid, never complete, always in process owing to transnatio nal
Finally, the research work of Mr. Salim Ali Usman ―Paracolonialism: a case of
post-1988 Anglophone Pakistani fiction‖ has been one of the biggest advantages to
contemporary issues facing the country like feminism, class struggle, misuse of
society. By contextualizing the works of four Pakistani fiction writers, Sara Suleri,
Kamila Shamsie, Mohsin Hamid and Mohammed Hanif, in the theoretical paradigms
facets and characteristics of Pakistani Anglophone fiction produced during the last
three decades. This thesis argues that Pakistani Anglophone fiction is Janus- faced in
nature. On the one hand, it specifically deconstructs various indigenous issues which
are destabilizing Pakistani society and politics, while on the other hand, it challenges
discourse. By doing so, these writers not only adopt the role of political commentators
and represent a case for a liberal and democratic Pakistan. Moreover, the textual
analysis of this fiction indicates a shift from traditional postcolonial literature. Instead
of contextualizing their work in the colonial experience of the British Raj or its
aftermath, these writers dissociate themselves from it and use this dissociation as a
narrative strategy to hold the political and military leadership accountable for the
on the socio-economic and political crisis of Third World countries and deconstructs
various factors which led to their post- independence unstable economy and social
but an important perspective that can complement such studies by analyzing the
cultural and literary roots of Pakistan, is sadly missing today. Attempt of this thesis in
exploring the enigmatic identity of Pakistani society stands relevant whe n the entire
world is concerned about the breeding ground for radical and fundamental religious
violence and hatred. Neutral analysis and study of the causes for the current situation
in Pakistan can remove prejudice and phobia that the world is developing. At the
same time, such a study offers a significant way ahead by suggesting possibilities of
cultural transformation that can bring much desired stability in Pakistan and south
Asia. The research which has adopted trans-disciplinary approach, has assimilated
Manto is the pioneering writer who has portrayed the society with the most realism.
produced great literature out of the events relating to the India-Pakistan independence.
His literature is progressive in its tone and spirit. According to several critics, it has
not only evolved its own identity, but also has played a significant role in
documenting the hardships and hopes of Pakistan in the latter part of the 20th century
and paved the way for the later literature. The way Manto has portrayed the society,
became very controversial in that era. His illustrious short stories such as ―Toba Tek
Singh‖, ―Cold Meat (Thanda Gost)‖, ―Khol Do‖, ―The Dog of Tetwal (Tetwal ka
Kutta)‖, reveal the social dogmas of newly born Pakistan. In ―Toba Tek Singh‖, he
portrays the outcome of the Partition of India in the summer of 1947 which is the
most unprecedented and barbaric event in the history of the sub-continent. The short
story describes inmates in a Lahore asylum who are to be deported to India following
the 1947 Partition. The story is a powerful satire on the relationship between India
and Pakistan. The story is set two or three years after the 1947 Partition, when the
governments of India and Pakistan have decided to exchange their Muslim, Sikh and
Hindu lunatics, and revolves around Bishan Singh, a Sikh inmate of an asylum in
Lahore, who is from the town of Toba Tek Singh. As a part of the exchange of
lunatics, Bishan Singh is sent under police escort to India, but upon being told that his
hometown Toba Tek Singh is in Pakistan, he refuses to go. The story ends with
This story laments the pain of homelessness of Pakistani people. Even today, there
are many people of the nation, who truly feel homeless in their own motherland. In
the story, whenever the protagonist, Bishan Singh, gets irritated, he mutters or shouts
pejorative of both India and Pakistan. For instance, "Upar di gur gur di annexe di
roughly meaning "The inattention of the annexe of the rumbling upstairs of the dal of
moong of the Pakistan and India of the go to bloody helli (sic)!" (―Toba...‖ Selected
Stories...,). Similar to social chaos of Pakistan, these words have always been too
complex to grab any meaning out of it. For the society of Pakistan and India, the
Partition of India is the most hostile incident. Thousands of the people have to migrate
to a new born nation by leaving back their homes, ancestral holdings and memories.
Yet, all those, who migrated, were lucky because the remaining millions of the people
were slaughtered in the most singular civil war in history: there were no leaders, no
armed forces, no plans, only a spontaneous and visceral cruelty whose outcome was
unexpected and whose heritage is marked even now. Motivated by the hooligan
actions of a few people, the revenge that ordinary Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs
wreaked on each other, coarsened our social sense, distorted our political judgments
how the same Hindus and Muslims who had fought hand in hand to topple the very
foundation of the British Empire in the country, had suddenly in a mysterious rage of
extremism and blind fervor turned against each other unleashing violence.
Saadat Hasan Manto, through the story claims the role of social detachment
and inhumanity for the ultimate painful event of the history. What Mr. Ashok Bhalla
23/01/2010, is an authentic observation. He writes: ―Manto was the finest and perhaps
the most sardonic witness to the genocide that accompanied partition.‖ (Bhalla,
―Toba Tek Singh‖ is not just a mere name, but Manto‘s critique on how the
partition caused the dislocation which led to near trauma amongst people. Manto
demonstrates the value of „Watan‟ being lived by the person who comes to acquire the
name of the land, he comes from. Partition, hence, for common men of India-Pak, was
an exile from one‘s natural home. It altered the life of common people in different
crystallizes the entire temper and ethos of the turning point in the life of the entire
society. The story solidifies the concept of „Watan‟, a word meaning more than just
homeland and having a strong emotive nuance, intense longing for roots and deep
desire to belong. Manto shows how geography and human psyche share a strong
emotional relationship build up over years at an unconscious plane. The bond is so
deeply engrained in one‘s mind that a separation of the two can cause psychic
Manto himself felt the same plight when he left India and stayed in Pakistan.
In one of his letters, addressed to Uncle Tom, he shared his agony for the partition of
India. He writes:
―My name is Saadat Hassan Manto and I was born in a place that is
- (Bhalla, ―Survivingbaenglish‖)
There are thousands of people who lost their lives due to the massacre and migration.
This social fact is mentioned by Manto in the following words answering what is
Pakistan, “a place in Hindustan where they make cut throat razors. ‖- (―Toba...‖,
Selected Stories...,). This is Manto‘s critique on partition, clarifying how people could
associate birth of a new nation only with the violence and could not perceive Pakistan
countries the overnight. When a Sikh madmen asks another, “Sardarji why are we
being sent to Hindustan? We can‟t even speak their language” (―Toba...‖, Selected
Stories...,). It shows how linguistic identity was uprooted and new political identity
was thrust upon. In an ironic manner, the mads are seen as saner than the sane whose
reason led them to brutally divide a nation into two. As Assad uddin writes in his
introduction to Freedom‟s sake, “It is the madness of the sane which is million times
―The Dog of Tetwal‖ is another story of Manto which tells the quandary of the
society of India and Pakistan. The plot revolves around a stray dog caught between
two frontier posts of the Indian and Pakistani armies at a time of cease-fire. The story
is an allegory which manages to satirize several aspects of the act of the Partit ion. The
most obvious effect of this satire, is evident in the statement that "even dogs will now
how far armies can go, not sparing even stray dogs. The dog symbolizes refugees of
partition like Manto who felt like a playthings in the hands of politicians. The
absurdity and black humor are heightened when one realizes how borders are drawn
The story revolves around soldiers who play a strange game with a stray dog
as it runs from one side to another, each side claiming ownership. Eventually the dog
is fired and dies "a dog‘s death". This story is a poignant statement of the fatal danger
crossing them could be fatal. Soldiers who have once fought together have turned
enemies. Manto is trying to show how troops that were "formerly comrades- in-arms
now belonged to different national armies" (―Preface‖, Selected Stories...) and now
that the British enemy has gone, they found enemies in each others. The Indo-Pak
dispute in Kahsmir, and its relentless violence that Kashmiris face, is indeed a Dog -
of - Tetwal kind of situation. The dog runs helter-skelter for safety even as the two
armies shoot at it, eventually killing it, making it a martyr for one side and an object
of pity for the other. This is what borders and boundaries do to individuals even today
in the society.
― Cold Meat (Thanda Ghost)‖, shows the extreme of the meanness of mankind
who tries to have sex with a dead body. It‘s a story of the confrontation between
Shikhs and Muslims and discusses the trauma and terror of men over women. When a
Shikh named Eesher Singh participates in the riot, he finds a beautiful Muslim girl
and plans to seduce her but before he does anything, he finds her dead. It shows how
the people in the society have suffered during the time of the partition.
―Khol Do‖ is basically a story of a father ‗Sirajuddin‘ who has to leave India
during the partition days but somehow he loses his 17 years old girl. The Story once
again tells about the meanness of mankind when at last, the girl is found at the
hospital, a doctor command to open the window but unfortunately she unties the cord
of her salwar. She has been raped so many times that though she is brought in almost
dead she still manages to follow the instructions of dropping her pants and opening
her thighs for whoever orders her to do so. The story shows the beast in human, does
not think twice before it manages to unleash itself on anyone. Sakina belongs to the
same land and religion as the men whom her father had requested to look after her.
Readers have compared Saadat Hasan Manto with D.H. Lawrence as both
have written about social taboos. Manto‘s topics range from the socio-economic
injustice prevailing in pre- and post- colonial era, to the more controversial topics of
love, sex, prostitution and the typical hypocrisy of a traditional male. In dealing with
these topics, he doesn't take any pain to conceal the true state of the affair although his
short stories are often intricately structured, with vivid satire and a good sense of
humor. In chronicling the lives and tribulations of the people living in lower depths of
the human existence, no writer of 20th century comes close to Manto. His concerns on
the socio-political issues, from local to global level are revealed in his series, Letters
to Uncle Sam, and those to Pandit Nehru. On his writing, he often commented; "If
you find my stories dirty, the society you are living in is dirty. With my stories, I only
partition, which symbolize the sentiments of the common man‘s denial for belonging
to politically separatist nations and his refusal to accept arbitrary communal and
national identities. The whole process of birth of a new nation was uninformed,
illogical and insane. Moreover, these new political identities thrust on people led to
utter confusion. The anxieties of the lunatics in the story of Manto, mirror actual
conditions of several ‗sane‘ people who were uncertain about altered national
identities. There is a severe identity crisis among the inmates after the changed
political scenario. Finally, Manto‘s stories are about gibberish and symbolic of the
madness and the failure of language to have any meaning in such times of turmoil.
The absurdity of the madmen appears to be humane and reasonable when set against
the bizarre scenes of rape, massacre and plunder that were witnessed during the
and Stories of Partition considers Manto in following words; ―Manto‘s humanism and
his conviction that happiness does not lie in conflicts over religion and nationalism,
but on fellowship and caring, on love, tolerance and forgiveness.‖ (Khalid, xxvii)
Qurratulain Heider is another writer who must be mentioned here because of
her portrayal of the society of 1950s. She was an influential Urdu novelist, short story
writer, an academician, a journalist. She is one of the most outstanding literary names
in Urdu literature and her Aag Ka Darya (River of Fire), is known to be the first
novel, published in Urdu in 1959. She talks about Lahore, Pakistan and then stretches
from 4th century BC to post partition of India except the Muslim period specially
Mughal period that gave birth to Ganga-Jamuni culture. In Aag Ka Dariya, she tells
about the problem of self- identity and moves in a wider track and passes through the
bend between self- identity and the shared identity of the people who were placed in a
critical situation on the eve of Independence in 1947. The novel is written from the
point of view of those Muslims who lacked faith in the democratic temperament of
Indian society and migrated. It is essentially a novel, written from the point of view of
the believers of Pakistan and depicts their agony in detail. The novel is often regarded
as a tale of three cities, where the entire occurrence of freedom has been witnessed as
a feature film‘s situation. Thematically, the novel determines some equation between
Another early fiction writer of Pakistan is Abdullah Husain. Just like Kamila
Shamsie‘s Burnt Shadows, his Udas Naslain (A Tale of Sad Generations, 1963), is the
tragic story of three successive generations living in British occupied India between
1913 and 1947. It begins with the 1857 War of Independence where an ordinary
employee of the East India Company is richly rewarded for saving the life of Colonel
Johnson, the Commanding Officer, from rival Indian soldiers. The offspring of this
richly rewarded person, Nawab Roshan Ali Khan, arrives in Pakistan in 1947 without
any material possessions. The happenings from 1857 to the First World War,
Jallianwala Bagh (1919), World War II and the migration to a new country, convert
the household into a history of sad generations. The large scale social and political
In this perspective, Aag ka darya and Udas Naslain portray those big issues,
which appeared to have a direct bearing on the realities taking shape in Pakistan. Attia
Shamsie, which portrays life for a young Muslim woman in pre-partition India. It
talks about a woman‘s personal crisis set against the larger backdrop of communal
hatred following the partition. The novel provides a woman‘s or Muslim‘s perspective
into the Indian English partition narratives. The book‘s fadeless tone and characters
make it appealing even in these different times and perhaps that is why Sunlight on a
Broken Column is a pure perceptive take of Indian-Muslims, British Raj and social
prejudices. It informs us how the political change, changes the life of an individual.
Discussing the twenty years span in the life of Laila, the novel also portrays the social
Bipin Chandra, a celebrated historian of India, writes in his popular book Communism
in Modern India that ―British rule was solely responsible for communalism or that
communalism was basically created or produced by the British policy of Divide and
Hosain is impartial while depicting communal fury; she criticizes the Muslim
leaders, not only for inciting communal hatred and anger against the Hindus but also
for running away to Pakistan, leaving their comrades, at the mercy of the angry
Hindus. The novel stays peculiarly around love, marriage and traditional practices.
Dinesh Maurya, showing his agreement with Anita Desai‘s remarks on Sunlight on
I was not certain about Anita Desai‘s remark that Sunlight is ‗a gallery
‗paired off like an animal‘ as her conservative aunt Abida and Mohsin,
Lucknow where she lives with her liberal but autocratic uncle in the
however the problem is that he has not being chosen by her family as
Laila as ‗yet I had already left this home for ever. Ameer‘s hand held
mine tightly.
Khan , depicts Pakistani Society in its early years with the central theme of the
conflict between Aziz Khan and Shah Brothers. Shah Brothers want to capture the
land of Aziz Khan by any mean and Aziz is not ready to sell the land. Similar to
societies in Salt and Saffron, the novelist also presents the clash between times:
Ancient vs. Modern; Values vs. Economic progress through the characters of Shah
Brothers and Aziz Khan,. In the novel, the land symbolizes the belonging for the
earth and also satisfaction arising out of bare minimum requirements. Through the
novel, the novelist represents the changing society of Pakistan with global influence
And these seventy acres, this piece of earth, this world of Aziz Khan,
did not appear to him as land, as a property with a market value. It was
Chalta Musafir (The Ever Traveller) and Salma Awan‘s Tanha (The Lonely Person)
make ‗Creation of the East Pakistan‘ as the theme of their fictional imagination.
Though these novels were written and published after 1971, they provide a deep
insight into the life in East Pakistan. Altaf Fatima‘s permanent wayfarer is the
Mohajir (Immigrant) who had migrated from Bihar in India to East Pak istan in 1947,
and even from there, he had been constrained to make another migration to Pakistan
after 1971. Masud Mufti‘s Chehray (Faces), published in 1972, gives an account of
In 1974, Intizar Husain‘s A Letter from India, expressed the agony of people
during the time of 1971. In 1979, his novel Basti (The Dwelling Place) depicted the
Ayub Khan‘s regime of 1967-1969. The credit to show a new direction in Pakistani
novels, goes to Anwar Sajjad‘s The Garden of Delights (1980) and Anis Nagi‘s
Behind the Wall (1981). They worked on a different theme. In The Garden of
Delights, the protagonist is faced with a cruel human situation where he is gradually
deprived of every initiative. In the end, he joins a group of wander ing dervishes and
participates in the Sufi dance, which gives him a new understanding and restores his
confidence that had been almost shattered by the pattern of living, he had followed all
his life. Anwar Sajjad‘s novel is an oblique criticism on the nature of life in non-
Nagi‘s novel Behind the Wall (Diwal ke Pichhe) describes an unequal and imbalanced
equation between man and his situation. Due to the wide spread of underworld and
criminal activities, his hero attempts suicide by jumping from the bridge while
travelling by a train, but a local patrolling boat, saves him. Raja Giddh by Bano
Qudsia shows the confrontation between rural and urban Pakistan. In the novel, the
protagonist loses his identity and his life is sandwiched between his rural background
and immediate urbaneness. These novels do not limit them to mere portrayal of
Pakistan, but they echoed the global scenario where man is crushed under the pressure
1984, was in the tradition of historical fiction. It portrays the mystic life of Mansur
Hallaj who was sentenced to death in AD 922 for his Sufic uttera nce of Ana-al-Haq.
Jameela Hashmi revives the historical novel writing which was discontinued after
Nasim Hijazi‘s Akhari Chattan (The Last Rock). The novel narrates the story of the
fall of Khawarazm in Central Asia before the ruthless attacks of Changez Khan in
comment on the social and political conditions of the time. In 1960s, he wrote a series
of radio- features and created his famous character Talqeen Shah who behaved as a
moral mentor in the social environment. Ahmed emphasized the use of moral norm in
fictional work and created characters to illustrate the graph of human nature in a
changing society.
migration of Pakistani families to the countries in the west and to the Gulf States, the
―Pakistani Literature‖). The way Mohsin Hamid represents the life of an educated
Pakistani in America in The Reluctant Fundamentalist, similarly there are a few more
writers who have presented the same situation in their literary works. Sabiha Shah
has portrayed the life of Pakistani engineers and technical workers in the Gulf State in
her collection of short stories Sheeshay ka Saiban (The Glass Tent, 1990). Iftikhar
Nasim has described the peculiar experiences of Pakistanis and Asians in Chicago and
Los Angeles in his book Ek thi Larki (There was a Girl, 1995). Tassadaq Sohail‘s
Tanhai ka Safar (The Lonesome Journey, 1997) has described life in London.
Muniruddin Ahmed has, in his books, Zard Sitara (The Yellow Star, 1988) and Shaja-
e-Mamnooa (The Forbidden Tree, 1990), portrayed the life in Germany. While
interpreting the German way of life, sympathetically he has abridged the cultural gap
between Pakistani immigrants and their host country. In the United States, Farhat
Parveen, who is a medical doctor, has given a vivid account of Pakistani and Asian
immigrants in her collection of stories Munjamid (The Frozen Ones, 1997). She has
Diversity of people is one of the many common threads between India and
Pakistan. Just like India, Pakistan is also a country with many different people
speaking different languages, adhering to many different faiths, and loyal to many
political ideologies. Though there are also many people, who believe that it is a
encouraged. Despite this, the people of Pakistan have reflected tremendous flexibility
against extremism and centralist forces. Out of one such resilient communities is, the
Parsis, who have gifted the readers of Pakistan, the most read novelist of Pakistan;
Bapsi Sidhwa. She is Pakistan`s acclaimed English language novelist. She creates a
central character and draws upon her unique and rich experience. She pits the
character against a time period, creating within a perspective for the character with
which the character views the world, based on the events of the story. She wins the
credit to publicize the issues of women of Pakistan. She got the problems of Pakistani
women discussed internationally. She is born in 1938 in Karachi, Pakistan (then a part
of India), but her family migrated shortly thereafter to Lahore then she was brought
up in Lahore and now lives in Houston, Texas. She has bestowed the literary world of
Pakistan with her five novels: The Crow Eaters, The Pakistani Bride, Cracking India,
An American Brat, and Water. All these novels have been translated and published in
several languages. Her anthology City of Sin and Splendour: Writings on Lahore was
published in 2006. Bapsi Sidhwa has expressed the problems of Pakistani women.
She has also attributed the title of feminist post colonial Asian author who has shown
the insight in Pakistani society. As the motivation of her writing, she confesses that as
a young girl, she witnessed first- hand the bloody Partition of 1947, in which seven
million Muslims and five million Hindus were uprooted in the largest, most terrible
exchange of population that history has known. The Partition was caused by a
complicated set of social and political factors, including religious differences and the
end of colonialism in India. Sidhwa writes about her childhood in an essay published
in The New York Times that: "the ominous roar of distant mobs was a constant of my
awareness, alerting me, even at age seven, to a palpable sense of the evil that was
Sidhwa was also a witness to these evils and through her fictional works she
writes the social problems she experienced. In one of the such incidents, she found
the body of a dead man in a gunnysack at the side of the road. She narrates about the
event that ―‗I felt more of a sadness than horror‘ ‖ (Mass. Review 523). Her home city
of Lahore became a border city in Pakistan and was promptly flooded by thousands of
refugees. Many of these were women, victims of rape and torture. Due to lasting
shame and their husbands' damaged pride, many victims were not permitted to enter
into their homes after being recovered. There was a rehabilitation camp with many of
these women adjacent to Sidhwa's house, and she states that she was inexplicably
fascinated with these fallen women, as they were described to her at the time. She
realized from a young age that ―victory is celebrated on a woman's body; vengeance is
taken on a woman's body. That's very much the way things are, particularly in my part
Sidhwa claims to have had a rather boring childhood, with the exception of
the years of strife surrounding the Partition, due polio, which kept her home schooled.
whose novels provide a unique perspective on Indian and Pakistani society. She takes
the help of the history, politics and culture. Her characters, mostly women, are caught
of 1947 and the subsequent development of Pakistan as an independent nation. Her
immigration and cultural hybridism, as well as social and political upheavals. Sidhwa,
the ways in which these various aspects of cultural identity and social structure do not
merely affect or reflect one another, but instead are inextricably intertwined.
young girl who was murdered by her husband after an attempted escape. She looked
into the story and discovered that the girl was a purchased wife, a slave. This
discovery moved Sidhwa into the action. She began to tell the girl's story in the form
of a novel. Her first published novel The Craw Eaters is more about the society of
Bapsi Sidhwa through the novels tries to reply many of those who questioned the
sanity of Parsi law and custom. It is the only novel of its kind, as it is the first account
of the workings of the Parsi mind, social behavior, value systems and customs. The
aestheticism of the fiction and helps the novel to reciprocate the dark side of the
society. It is a remarkable read due to novelty of the subject because most of the
As mentioned earlier, Sidhwa has always centralized the voice of women in her
novel. The Pakistani Bride too, discussed the story of Zaitoon, an orphan. She lives
in Lahore with Qasim, a pathan who has migrated from rural to urban Pakistan after
the partition. For Qasim‘s happiness, who she believes is her real father; Zaitoon
marries Sakhi. Like many girls of India and Pakistan, she hypothetically starts
thinking about her soon begin new marriage life. She, in her illusion starts viewing the
dream of shopping, attention of her new family and gifts. But, she realizes the
difference between her illusion and fact thus, she understands that she is in human
danger and determines to run away. There is also a second "Pakistani bride" in the
cultural milieu; Carol is a young American woman who has dropped out of college to
marry Farukh and has returned to his native Pakistan with him.
The novelist depicts the Partition through the technique of flashback. She
raises feminist issues side by side with the effects of dislocation in the main characters
and expresses both; beauty and horror of the landscape of the majestic Kohistan
Mountains. The novel scrutinizes the hardship of lives of the Pakistani tribal people
and portrays the indomitable struggle through which she survives till the end. The
novelist shows a very essential point of the sufferings of women in her novels but still
she doesn‘t lose the strength but fantastically challenged life through the characters.
So far as the social fact is concerned, the novel inspires many other writers to
write about serious issue regarding the status of woman in Northern areas of Pakistan
where a woman is treated as a possession of man as in the case old Zaitoon. Mohsin
Hamid‘s Mumtaz of Moth Smoke, also has many resemblance to the character of
Zaitoon who belongs to Punjab but she is married to a tribal man Sakhi who, like
other tribal men, treats her unjustly. As a result of which she flees away from his
home and she is rescued by army men. We can locate such thousands of stories in
Pakistan. She narrates that women are not the object for the possession, thus men
should stop imposing their will upon the women. Women have self respe ct and they
As the motivation to write the novel, Sidhwa confesses that this novel is not
merely a fictional work, but there is a real life story behind it. It is based on a true
story, narrated to Sidhwa when she was residing in an army camp of remotest regions
of the Karakoram mountains. The colonel in charge of the place and some engineers
narrated the story of a girl from the plains. Sidhwa by adding her imaginative powers,
creates the fiction out the fact. She also introduces a parallel story of an American girl
and her flirtation with major Mushtaq of Pakistani army. In the main plot, Zaitoon is
In the beginning she portrays the leading character who is a Muslim, having a
bindi on her forehead and she is also playing Kathak. Now, this is an important point
so far as the partition is concerned. The land could be divided but not collective
culture. It is a tribute to those who believe in one nation and one identity. A Muslim,
girl having a bindi on the forehead and playing Kathak, is an evidence of cultural
Though the first two novels brought her recognition, it was her third novel,
Cracking India (also published as Ice-Candy Man), that earned Bapsi Sidhwa
international acclaim and acceptance as one of the most promising English language
novelists from South Asia, placing her among of Kushwant Singh, Anita Desai, and
R.K. Narayan. Cracking India, like the most of the novels of Pakistan, discusses the
issues of partition of 1947. Set in 1940, it has the partition at back, being narrated by a
child, who narrates the brutality and madness of people while parting from each-other.
The child tells how the creation of Pakistan caused religious, national, social, and
economic tensions, marking both historical and current Indo-Pak political dynamics.
Sidhwa characterizes young polio victim Lenny Sethi, who is unable to attend
the school due to polio. She mostly passes her time with her grandmother from whom
she learns about the religious differences. Now, gradually she is able to differentiate
between Hindu, Muslim and Sikhs and she also starts arguing who is good at what.
She is satisfied with her life. But soon her granny is kidnapped and so is the happiness
of Lenny‘s life. She starts getting into political, religious and racial problems.
Sidhwa‘s genius lies in her juxtaposition of the innocent Lenny and burning India.
The juxtaposition confuses the readers. She represents the superficiality of religion.
The lucidity of the plot puts a human face on the multitudes of suffering people who
lived through this time. The impact of cultural confusion which was intentional in the
She is also successful in coordinating the main plot and sub-plot of the novel.
Although the major focus is given to character of Lenny, there are few parallel stories.
One of the interesting subplots is of the Muslim Ice Candy Man and a Hindu Aayah.
Partition caused incompleteness to many stories of Indians and Pakistanis, the novelist
also did not put any end to a few plots in the novel. The novel talks about an
enormous and sturdy slice of India. Sidhwa has attempted to bring out the spiritual,
emotional and realistic implication of partition. She has ―cracked‖ the puzzle of India
and exposed to us the cultural complexity that overwhelmed South Asia before,
during, and after its split from the British rule to the creation of Pakistan.
Future is not better, as the future is even harder for women. But nothing will
only real way to overcome the situation. In An American Brat, Bapsi Sidhwa discloses
with a comical yet razor-sharp eye, the thrilling freedom and profound sense of loss
that make up the immigrant experience in America. The novel begins in Lahore, in
the year 1978. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto is in jail, waiting to be hanged as Zia has just
snatched his regime. The novel portrays Zareen Ginwalla, who is waiting for her
husband from his store. Zareen is a supporter of Bhutto. She has her daughter,
sixteen- year-old Feroza, who is turning out to be very conservative like Pakistan
under Zia‘s rule. She improves her thinking, she sends her daughter to United States
to live with her uncle doctoral candidate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT). In spite of Manek himself undergoes many problems in USA, he brings his
niece Feroza to join a hotel management course. Manek does not want to work in
NASA and wants a Pakistani wife, thus he returns to his nation. But now, Feroza
decides to marry David Press, who is a Jew of USA. Finally, her mother has to come
Pakistan but wonders momentarily whether she has done the right thing. And that's
the issue lying at the heart of this novel; the competing loyalties immigrants feel
toward family, culture, heritage and self. The dilemma of Zareen‘s mind has now
interplay. She is now too cultured to change the culture. She is disabled to adopt the
American ways to life. In a way, Zareen is also a comic caricature of typical Indian
mother. She is a Parsee, one of only 120,000 in the world. She knows what Feroza‘s
marrying outside the small Parsee community will mean, both for her daughter
(spiritual exile) and for the Parsees (its hold on the world, particularly in Muslim
Pakistan under Zia, made still more tenuous). Thus, though at the surface, the novel is
comic, but a serious situation lies beneath. What stands out the most in this novel is
the relationship of the protagonist to both her religion and her upbringing, which
clearly make her the person she is. Much as Feroza is fiercely independent and knows
her own mind, her rearing and spirituality help guide her and pull her reins when she
This novel keeps up to the socio-political obligations in the sense that the
reigning political and social scenario, the religious beliefs and its impact on the
protagonists and the society at large are all taken into account in a very effective way.
Here, the characters are liberal, articulate , open and considerate – this is a time when
the urban elite in Pakistan is trying to adjust to the conservative policies of General
Zia while hero worshipping the imprisoned Zulfikar Ali Bhutto for his policies
regarding socialism and women‘s rights. The very decision to send their daughter to
America, is a way for Zareen and Cyrus Ginwalla to keep her away from these
conservative influences. The 16 years old daughter leaves her country with mixed
feelings. Along with a sense of joy and loss, she carries the poster of Mr. Bhutto to
hang on the wall of her American residence. She understands the bullying foreign
policy of America even if she is among friends who do not care about politics as it
Nadeem Aslam is one of few writers who are writing about Pakistan society
from U.K. His debut novel Season of the Rainbirds reminds the turmoil during the
Zia‘s rule and discusses the religious bigotry of people of Pakistan. While his more
popular novel, Maps of Lost Lover, deals with issue of the treatment of the west to a
working class Muslim couple of Pakistan. Although the story is not set in Pakistan
and it doesn‘t deal with what is happening in Pakistan, but it portrays what‘s
happening to a Pakistani couple staying in abroad. Rather than showing the condition
Islamic. He himself talks about authenticity of his writing about the society of
Fundamentalist, this novel also delivers the message that Muslims must be identified
personally, and not collectively. Sharing his experience of childhood, Aslam recalls
the days when he was afraid of a game called Hangman and confessed that how when
he was not able to give an answer to a question, a person was killed. During an
that my not knowing the answer was going to get somebody killed. As
enormous scale in the world, and that sooner or later I'm going to be
asked certain questions, and if I don't give the right answer somebody
- (Aslam, Independent)
Uzma Aslam Khan is another Pakistani English novelist who deserves a brief
mention here. Her all novels Trespassing (2003), The Geometry of God (2008),
and Thinner than Skin (2012) are critically acclaimed novels which portrays the
societal issues of Pakistan of different time. Her first novel discusses some of the
basic societal issues of Pakistan such as love marriages vs arranged marriages and
inter-cast marriages. The novel gives its reader an insight of political, religious, and
corruption, violence, and social tension. (Khan, ―intro‖, xi) The novel describes how
Danish and Dia, two lovers are not allowed to meet due to their troubled family
relations during gulf war. The novelist also makes satirical comments on how USA‘s
political movement changes the political climate of Pakistan. The novel elaborately
depicts Pakistan‘s political and economical vulnerabilities and shows how politics in
Just like Mohsin Hamid and Kamila Shamsie, Mohmmad Hanif is among few
writers who have gained both: critical acclaim and commercial success. His first
during the time of dictator Zia Ul Haq. The novel exemplifies how a work of literature
portrays the reality of the society in imaginative way. The novel moves a round the
fictitious story which based on the real conspiracy which killed the General. Robert
―American Tabloid‖ (1995): all are fictions plotted by men about men
east to Pakistan. The death at its center is that of Gen. Muhammad Zia
Hanif proves that a fictional work of literature can tell the truth in a better and
pleasant way than the fact. Similarly, Mohsin Hamid in Moth Smoke and The
Burnt Shadow do the same thing to express their voice about the society of Pakistan.
Both the writers play a significant role to make Pakistani English novels read
universally. Mohsin Hamid has three novels to his account; Moth Smoke (2000), The
Reluctant Fundamentalist (2007) and How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia (2013).
Apart from Novels, Mohsin has also written essays, articles for Dawn, The New York
Times and The Guardian. His novels won awards like Booker Prize and Penn
Hemingway and are also selected for the shortlists and for film adaption in India and
other nations and his novels are also translated into more than thirteen languages.
Mohsin Hamid‘s debut novel Moth Smoke deals with the issue of Pakistan‘s
internal social problems such as influence of we stern culture on urban people, social
nation, role and position of women in urban society, deprived bureaucracy and corrupt
law system. The novelist represents social facts of Pak istan through the characters of
Ozi, who symbolizes the elite class of Pakistan, is son of millionaire and a retired civil
(corrupt) servant, Mumtaz who is wife of Ozi, is spokesmen of juxtaposition of
traditional women and modern women who also enjoys smoking and drinking in front
her husband but yet she believes that she is not free; emotionally and socially. The
central character of the novel is Daru; a middle class man who used to work in a bank
and is now fired out of the job. He represents the middle class man‘s desire to live life
like an elite person, he begins smuggling, making love with his best friend‘s wife and
The Reluctant Fundamentalist, the second novel of Hamid deals with the
global issue of the treatment of Muslims after the 09/11 attack on WTC. Hamid,
adopts the narrative technique of ‗Monologue‘ which has its connection with the
theme of the novel. The entire novel takes place at a coffee-shop in Lahore when
Changez, the central character shares his experience of his life in America and his
opinion for America which is changed after the brutal incident of 09/11. Thematically,
the novel has glimpses of Anti-American movement that is spreading gradually and
On the other hand, Kamila Shamsie has written six novels: In the City by the
Sea (1998), Salt and Saffron (2000), Kartography (2002), Broken Verses (2005),
Burnt Shadows (2009), A God in Every Stone (2014). In her writing, the influence of
her family background is observed. Shamsie is the daughter of literary journalist and
editor Muneeza Shamsie, niece of Attia Hosain and granddaughter of the writer
Begum Jahanara Habibullah. She was brought up in Karachi and attended Karachi
Grammar School. She moved to London and she has now a dual nationality of UK
and Pakistan. Her first novel, In the City by the Sea, deals with the issues of military
regime of Pakistan and with the character of Hasan, an 11 year old boy; she laments
the plight of common man due to political instability of Pakistan. She reminds
political facts of past and present Pakistan. She throws light on the role and
person who dares to raise his voice against the ruling party, is punished as if he has
insulted the nation. One of the interesting portions of the novel, is the study of the
Salt and Saffron basically moves around the socio- economic issues of
Pakistan which portrays different social and economic classes of the nation. The
novel confirms what Mohsin Hamid writes in his Moth Smoke that; ―There are two
social classes in Pakistan," (Hamid, Moth 59). The title itself shows the thematic
message of the novel where Salt stands for poor and Saffron stands for elite class.
Again in Kartography, she comes back to show the backdrop of instable and
uncertain politics of Pakistan during the era of 70s and 80s. The novel is an example
of how political separation can separate two emotionally bound people and how
politics can destroy the friendship and relationship of two families. The title again has
its significance that says that all the men are like cartographer; who divides a united
the character of Aasmani and her life. Aasmani is a mouthpiece of those people who
are tired and emotionally expired due to constant war like situation in Pakistan where
no one is safe from the communal riots, fights between Shia and Sunni and Jihadi
movements by some specific groups. The novelist describes how unsafe atmosphere
of Pakistan has affected, the lives of innocent people. There are thousands of people
who have lost their relatives or family members during political rallies. The novel also
helps to explore the mob-mentality and psychology of people who residing in an area
like Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and Rawalpindi where only uncertainty is certain.
four parts and each part deals with a historical movement. The profound and troubling
novel, bridges the bombing of Nagasaki in 1945 to post-9/11 New York, when
terrorism and distrust has defined a country's response to a terrible act. The novel
reminds the readers of some of the most brutal incidents of the world such as
Pakistan (1947), Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan and Osama Bin Laden‘s attack on
WTC. The novelist creates a character of Hiroko who has witnessed all these
incidents through her life. The novelist describes how due to constant war, terrorism
and partition, life and identity of human is changed or rather destroyed. Kamila
proves that through the tangled web of nationalism and individual decisions, a person
These novels ask the question, what is true modernity? India, Pakistan and
many other Asiatic countries are experiencing a massive social development: why are
such ancient traditions which are very restrictive towards women, still going on?
sites, but what about changes in real existence? Isn‘t it irony that the economy is
Kamila Shamise, says, ―The quality of Pakistani fiction writers writing in English is
very good and Pakistani literature is now coming to its own.‖ (Shamsie,―New
millennium, new writers‖). Talking about Pakistani writers who have settled
themselves in foreign countries, Muneeza gives credits to the younger generation
writers such as Mohsin Hamid and Kamila Shamsie to make Pakistani literature in
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