UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template
UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template
UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template
Learning Objectives & Content Standard Alignment - Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and
performance tasks that support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals based on content standards.
Learning Objective(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
Students will be able to identify and classify
This is the learning target that is in the book.
Learning Target: We are learning to identify and Students need to be able to classify quadrilaterals
classify quadrilaterals. before they can explain why the quadrilateral fits
into a specific classification.
Success Criteria
- Identify a quadrilateral
- Analyze the properties of the quadrilateral
- Classify the quadrilateral
- Explain why the quadrilateral fits in the
Assessment - Uses assessment flexibly to expand and deepen understanding of learner performance and determines
best supports for continued learner growth.
Assessment Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
Formative Assessment:
I will ask each student individually to identify a The first formative assessment allows me to check in
quadrilateral that I point to and tell me one attribute with each student and see how well they can classify
of the quadrilateral. For example, if I show them a a quadrilateral. It also allows the student a chance to
parallelogram, they would tell me it has 2 sets of receive any clarification necessary and will
parallel sides. They will not be allowed to look at demonstrate misconceptions. If students struggle
their chart at this point because I want to see what with this formative assessment or do not have a solid
they remember on their own. understanding of classifications, I will work with
them the next day using a re-teaching activity. It is
. important that students have a solid understanding
before the next 3 sections in the unit.
Instructional Methods: Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and performance tasks by using a
variety of instructional approaches, strategies, and technologies that make learning accessible to all learners and
support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals.
Teaching and Learning Sequence Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
Introduction: (3 minutes) Students will read and It is important to involve students in the learning
discuss the learning target for the day target so that they know what they are working
Opening Problem (10 min): Students will work
with a partner to create 5 different quadrilaterals
with different properties. They will use popsicle
sticks to create their shapes and then draw the The popsicle sticks are a good way for students to
shapes that they created. Groups will share out and get some hands-on practice. This idea came from the
we will discuss the properties of the polygons. At the book but I think it works well for my students. This
same time, I will have the 5 polygons on the board activity also involves building off of their prior
ready to label as we talk about them. (Parallelogram, knowledge of quadrilaterals. Students expressed in
trapezoid, rectangle, rhombus and square) Students the strength and needs analysis that they enjoy
will complete a chart describing the properties as we hands on activities.
go over them. I will ask students to divide one of
their shapes in half from corner to corner and will
demonstrate on the board. I will ask students what Instructional dialogue: “All of your shapes have 4
shapes we created and how many degrees are in sides. Choose 1 of your shapes and divide it in half
each. Then I will ask students to think about how from corner to corner.” “What shapes does this
many degrees are in a quadrilateral. create “(2 triangles) How many degrees are in a
triangle? (180). “So, if you have 2 triangles in every
Quadrilateral Video (3 min) quadrilateral then how many degrees are in a
I will show students a version of the song quadrilateral?” “What is 18 times 2? (36) So, what is
Radioactive that talks about quadrilateral properties. 180 times 2? (360) “There are 360 degrees in every
This catchy song will help students to remember the quadrilateral.”
Learning Bridge (5 min) Students will watch the This video provides a visual way to reinforce the
learning bridge video required by envisions to concept.
reinforce the concept.
Guided practice- it is important that students have
Guided Practice (5-10 min) We will do guided practice doing the problems with assistance but then
practice problems 2,4 and 5 from the book. they need to be moving from working with me to
working independently.
Traffic Light Self-assessment(1min) Students will
self- assess with sticky notes on the traffic light The traffic light is a good way for students to think
where they feel that they are with their about where they are at and also gives me another
understanding of the concept. opportunity to see which students need more
support with the topic. Students can determine
which worksheet they should take based on their
The chart at the beginning of the lesson ultimately confused students. I should have had the chart filled out
ahead of time myself so that I did not make a mistake in the middle of the lesson on the chart. Next time I
would show students the chart under the document camera so that they could see it better.
I got through part of the lesson and decided to let students finish the shape sort. I did not have time to start
the video, so I just pushed that and the rest of the lesson to the next day. The shape sort took a lot longer
than I expected. I think part of the reason for this was that students had to carefully cut out each shape. My
students take a very long time to cut things out. Next time I would just have them cut around the shapes in
circles. This would save time and would eliminate the problem of cutting sides wrong.
Most students struggled with the shape sort so I did not count it as a grade at all. I did not think that it was
fair to penalize them for something that I did not explain well. Students did not understand the chart. I
should have shown them a concrete example. I also could not help them with questions because I was
working at the back table. If I were to teach this lesson again I would do a couple as an example under the
document camera before releasing students to complete the activity on their own.
The 1 on 1 formative assessment was informative but I did not ask enough questions. I was trying to save
time but I think that I could have used a little more time and given students a chance to ask questions or try a
more difficult example. I also did not realize at the time that many students were off task while I was
working with students at the back table. Next time I would set up very specific behavioral expectations
Tomorrow I will be finishing the part of the lesson that I did not get to,