Basics of AFSS Design
Basics of AFSS Design
Basics of AFSS Design
Combustion of products is limited with Controls 70% of all fires with five
extinguishment in the incipient stage. or fewer sprinklers activated.
The 2012 PME Code defines an Automatic Fire Sprinkler
System as an integrated system of underground and overhead
piping designed in accordance with the fire protection
engineering standards
Automatic sprinklers
are connected in a
systematic pattern.
Gridded Sprinkler System- a type of sprinkler system in which
parallel cross mains are connected by multiple branch lines. An
operating sprinkler will receive water from both ends of its branch line
while other branch lines help transfer water between cross mains
Tree Sprinkler System – a type of sprinkler system in which multiple
branch lines are directly connected to the cross main. An operating
sprinkler will receive water only from its branch lines. Branch lines are
not tied together. Most widely used design.
Pipes are always filled with water. Heat from fire opens a sprinkler head.
Usually only one or two heads open.
Water flows until it is manually shut off.
The open sprinkler head(s) is replaced and the system is reset.
A check valve prevents water from re-entering the water supply.
Gauges on both sides of the main valve, register pressure on the supply
and system sides.
A retard chamber prevents sudden pressure surges which could cause a
false alarm.
An alarm check valve detects water flow and activates the alarm system.
There is a main drain valve which drains the system during maintenance.
An Inspectors Test Valve, usually at the end of the system, used to simulate
flow from a single head and to measure the system response.
Wet type Sprinkler System is the least expensive type of automatic sprinkler
Major drawback:
1. Cannot be used in
areas where
temperatures drop
below freezing
Fire suppression
agent may be water
or foam.
A deluge valve is
activated by a fire
detection system
installed in the same
area as the sprinklers.
Pipes in protected area are empty, it is not filled with water (or gas).
A detector signal triggers the system, allowing water/foam to enter pipes and
flow from all sprinkler heads (which are already open).
Primarily installed in special
hazard areas that have fast
spreading fire or low flash point,
( i.e. flammable liquid storage,
lumberyards, large airplane
hangars and electrical
Also used to apply protein and
foams suppression agent.
Activation causes water to flow
simultaneously from all of the
open sprinklers thus creating a
fire buffer zone by cooling
surfaces to prevent deformation
or structural collapse.
Preaction Sprinkler System is similar to a dry system that uses
automatic sprinklers. Air pressure is usually maintained in the piping
network to ensure that the system is air tight.
Pre-action systems are generally used where accidental
discharge of water could severely damaged facilities or
equipment such as historical items or computer areas.
Water from the supply piping is held back by a preaction valve and is
released to the system piping when the fire detection system and/or
sprinklers are activated.
All sprinkler heads are of the standard closed type. Water only flows
from a sprinkler head if it is opened by heat from a fire.
Tamper/Supervisory Switch
is used to monitor the open
position of an OS&Y type gate
Pressure switch is provided in the
system and the controller of the pump
and responsible for sending signal to
automatically start the pump within 10
seconds after detection of a pressure
drop of more than 5 percent.
Feed Main - the pipe supplying cross main, either directly or through riser.
Cross Main – the pipe supplying the branch line, either directly or through the riser.
Branch lines - the pipe in which the sprinklers are placed, either directly or through risers.
The most important component of AFSS is the water
supply that must address several considerations
Minimum supply –
to highest sprinkler
at 15psi
Flow depends on –
hazard, occupancy,
building contents
It is use for multi-level building so that each floor or zone can be shut off if necessary
and the rest of the system will remain operational.
Flow switch for each feedmain along The inspectors test valve is use to
with test and drain valves will ensure simulate the smallest sprinkler head on
valve operation during fire. the branch.
Standpipe Systems
Class I Standpipes
fusible link
frangible bulb
Spare sprinkler head storage cabinet
Maximum Sprinkler
Celing Temperature Sprinkler
Sprinkler Glass Bulb
Temperature Rating Frame Color
Classification Color Code
Uncolored or Orange or
100 38 135-170 57-77 Ordinary
Black Red
Yellow or
150 66 175-225 79-107 Intermediate White
225 107 250-300 121-149 High Blue Blue
300 149 325-375 163-191 Extra High Red Purple
Very Extra
375 190 400-475 204-246 Green Black
475 246 500-575 250-302 Ultra High Orange Black
625 329 650 343 Ultra High Orange Black
Types of Sprinkler Head according to release mechanisms
that respond to heat
d. Old-Style / Conventional
Sprinkler is a type of
sprinkler that directs from 40
to 60 percent of the total
water initially in a downward
direction and that is designed
to be installed with the
deflector either upright or
e. An Open Sprinkler is a sprinkler that does
not have actuators or heat responsive