Basics of AFSS Design

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Module 2








A fire sprinkler system is an ACTIVE

fire protection measure, consisting
of water supply system, providing
adequate pressure and flow of water
through a distribution piping system,
onto which fire sprinklers are

Sprinkler systems have been around

since the late 1880’s.

In 1874, H.S. Pamelee patented the first

practical automatic sprinkler.

Combustion of products is limited with Controls 70% of all fires with five
extinguishment in the incipient stage. or fewer sprinklers activated.
The 2012 PME Code defines an Automatic Fire Sprinkler
System as an integrated system of underground and overhead
piping designed in accordance with the fire protection
engineering standards

The portion of the

system above the
ground is a network of
specially sized or
hydraulically designed

Automatic sprinklers
are connected in a
systematic pattern.

The application of heat

will cause that single
sprinkler to operate,
permitting water to
discharge over its area
of protection.

Looped Sprinkler System

A sprinkler system in which multiple cross mains are tied together so as
to provide more than one path for water to flow to an operating sprinkler
and branch lines are not tied together.

Gridded Sprinkler System- a type of sprinkler system in which
parallel cross mains are connected by multiple branch lines. An
operating sprinkler will receive water from both ends of its branch line
while other branch lines help transfer water between cross mains

Tree Sprinkler System – a type of sprinkler system in which multiple
branch lines are directly connected to the cross main. An operating
sprinkler will receive water only from its branch lines. Branch lines are
not tied together. Most widely used design.


Wet Pipe Sprinkler System is the most common installation in an environment

not subject to freezing to protect the property, contents and personnel.
Using water as its extinguishing agent, one wet system may cover
as much as 4,831 m2 in a single fire area (Light & Ordinary Hazard)

 Pipes are always filled with water. Heat from fire opens a sprinkler head.
 Usually only one or two heads open.
 Water flows until it is manually shut off.
 The open sprinkler head(s) is replaced and the system is reset.
 A check valve prevents water from re-entering the water supply.

 Gauges on both sides of the main valve, register pressure on the supply
and system sides.
 A retard chamber prevents sudden pressure surges which could cause a
false alarm.
 An alarm check valve detects water flow and activates the alarm system.
 There is a main drain valve which drains the system during maintenance.

 An Inspectors Test Valve, usually at the end of the system, used to simulate
flow from a single head and to measure the system response.
Wet type Sprinkler System is the least expensive type of automatic sprinkler

Major drawback:

1. Cannot be used in
areas where
temperatures drop
below freezing

2. Will also flow

water if a sprinkler
head is
opened or a leak
occurs in the
Dry Pipe Sprinkler System is used where the water in the piping would be
subject to freezing. Water is held back from the piping network by a special
dry pipe valve which is kept closed by air or nitrogen pressure maintained in
the piping.
Dry Pipe Sprinkler System uses a dry pipe valve that keeps pressurized
air above the supply water pressure

 Dry pipes systems are used in

unheated buildings, but the valve
room must be heated.

 Pipes are not filled with water (but

with pressurized gas or air).

 Heat from a fire opens a sprinkler

head. Usually only one or two heads

 Air pressure drops in the piping and

opens the dry-pipe valve that allows
Water fills the pipes and exits
through an open sprinkler head(s).

 The clapper valve has a locking

mechanism to keep the clapper
open until it is reset by draining the
system and resetting the lock.
Dry Pipe Systems are slower to activate than Wet Pipe. To speed up the
opening process, it uses Exhauster or Accelerator that detect any decrease
in air pressure along the dry pipe that helps bleed off air.
Deluge Sprinkler System is a system that does not use automatic
sprinklers but open type sprinklers to deliver a large quantity of water
over a specified area in a short period of time for high hazard

Fire suppression
agent may be water
or foam.

A deluge valve is
activated by a fire
detection system
installed in the same
area as the sprinklers.

When the deluge valve

opens, water flows into
the system and
discharges from all the
attached sprinklers in
the system.
Deluge Sprinkler System
Deluge Systems are used for protection against rapidly spreading, high
hazard fires or extra hazard occupancies

 Pipes in protected area are empty, it is not filled with water (or gas).
 A detector signal triggers the system, allowing water/foam to enter pipes and
flow from all sprinkler heads (which are already open).
 Primarily installed in special
hazard areas that have fast
spreading fire or low flash point,
( i.e. flammable liquid storage,
lumberyards, large airplane
hangars and electrical
 Also used to apply protein and
foams suppression agent.
 Activation causes water to flow
simultaneously from all of the
open sprinklers thus creating a
fire buffer zone by cooling
surfaces to prevent deformation
or structural collapse.
Preaction Sprinkler System is similar to a dry system that uses
automatic sprinklers. Air pressure is usually maintained in the piping
network to ensure that the system is air tight.
Pre-action systems are generally used where accidental
discharge of water could severely damaged facilities or
equipment such as historical items or computer areas.

 Similar to dry-pipe and deluge system;

▪ Pipes are not filled with water.
▪ Piping in a preaction system does not contain water and may
or may not be filled with pressurized air or gas,
▪ Water does not flow to the sprinkler heads until detector

 Water from the supply piping is held back by a preaction valve and is
released to the system piping when the fire detection system and/or
sprinklers are activated.

 All sprinkler heads are of the standard closed type. Water only flows
from a sprinkler head if it is opened by heat from a fire.

 Water flows until system is shut off and reset is done.

Types of Preaction Sprinkler Systems

Single interlock preaction system:

It uses a deluge valve with single interlock trim, the
system is used to protect high-value electronic
equipment in areas such as computer rooms.

Double interlock system:

Double Interlock uses Electric and Pneumatic
Actuation designed for use in applications, such as
refrigerated areas, requiring the maximum degree of
protection against inadvertent flooding of the
sprinkler system piping.

The Double Interlock Preaction System will

automatically actuate only when both the Dry Pilot
Actuator and the Solenoid Valve are open at the
same time. Activation of either one will only cause
an alarm and no water flow.

Alarm Check Valve Assembly is designed to hold back water pressure

in the piping system until the sprinkler is activated.
Water Alarm Gong or bell is a mechanical
device, operated by the flow of water oscillating
a hammer that strikes a gong, causing an
audible alarm signal.

Pressure Gauges are used to monitor water

pressures in the system and in the water supply
as well as the air pressure in the system.

Retard Chamber primarily serves as a hydraulic

time delay to prevent false alarms associated
with fluctuating water supply pressure.
Automatic Sprinkler is a fire
suppression or control device that
operates automatically when its
heat-responsive element is heated
to its thermal rating or above,
allowing water to discharge over a
specified area.

Open sprinkler is a type of

sprinkler that does not have
actuators or heat-responsive
element. It is designed to be
installed in deluge sprinkler systems
which are commonly used for
protection against rapidly spreading
high hazard fires.
Gate valve is the isolating and flow controlling
device for the system. It is basically located and
installed in the system riser or the supply
piping. For fire protection service, an outside
screw and yoke (OS and Y) type Gate Valve is

Check valve is a backflow prevention device.

Fire Department Connection is a
connection through which the fire
department can pump supplemental
water into the sprinkler system or
standpipe system.

Used as either as supplement or the

main source of water when water tank is

Should be visibly located near main

entrance of building and must be

Min size of fittings 2 ½” (65 mm)

Have a sign with at least 1” letters that


Shall not be less than 18” or more than

48” above grade.
Pressure Reducing Valve is a valve
designed for the purpose of reducing
the downstream water pressure under
both flowing (residual) and non-flowing
(static) conditions. Usually use if the FP
is installed in the roof top of the

Pressure Relief valve is a device that

is set to prevent a pressure build-up on
the fire protection to an amount the
system is designed.

Flow meter is a device installed on the

discharge of a fire pump to accurately
determine pump performance.
Water Flow Switch is a
device that actuates when
water flow occurs at the
downstream of the system.

Tamper/Supervisory Switch
is used to monitor the open
position of an OS&Y type gate
Pressure switch is provided in the
system and the controller of the pump
and responsible for sending signal to
automatically start the pump within 10
seconds after detection of a pressure
drop of more than 5 percent.

Air Release Valve releases air that may

accumulate in the piping system.

Inspector Test Connection provides

both the test function and the drain Alarm Test Valve
function for a wet fire sprinkler system. It
is usually located at the remotest area of
the system however it could be also
installed after the water flow switch as
Alarm Test Connection.
Inspector Test
Riser - the aboveground horizontal or vertical pipe between the water supply and the
mains (cross feed) that contains a control valve (either directly or within its supply pipe)
and a water flow alarm device.

Feed Main - the pipe supplying cross main, either directly or through riser.

Cross Main – the pipe supplying the branch line, either directly or through the riser.

Branch lines - the pipe in which the sprinklers are placed, either directly or through risers.
The most important component of AFSS is the water
supply that must address several considerations

Minimum supply –
to highest sprinkler
at 15psi

Flow depends on –
hazard, occupancy,
building contents

Water may come from municipal water system, on-

site storage tanks or static water sources.
Connection –
adequate volume, Water supply must be able to handle demand of the
pressure, reliability sprinkler system, as well as the needs of the fire dept.

Preferred water source for a sprinkler system is a

municipal water supply.
Fire Pumps

Used when the water comes from a

static source

May also be used to boost the

pressure in some sprinkler systems,
particularly for tall buildings
Main Header for multi-storey or high rise building
Zone Or Floor Control Valve Assembly

It is use for multi-level building so that each floor or zone can be shut off if necessary
and the rest of the system will remain operational.

Flow switch for each feedmain along The inspectors test valve is use to
with test and drain valves will ensure simulate the smallest sprinkler head on
valve operation during fire. the branch.
Standpipe Systems

Network of pipes and outlets for fire hoses built

into a structure to provide water for firefighting

Usually used in high-rise buildings, although they

are required installation in many other structures as

Class I Standpipes

• Designed for use by fire department

personnel only
• Each outlet has a 2 1/2" male coupling and
a valve to open the water supply after the
hose is connected.
Class II Standpipes

• Outlets generally equipped with a

length of 1 1/2" single-jacket hose
preconnected to the system.

• Intended to enable occupants to

attack a fire before the fire department
arrives, but safety and effectiveness is

Class III Standpipes

• Have the features of both Class I and

Class II standpipes in a single system
• Have 2 1/2" outlets for fire department
use as well as smaller outlets with
attached hoses for occupant use
• Fire fighters should use only the 2 1/2"
outlets, even if they are using an
adapter to connect a smaller hose.
Sprinkler heads are the key components of the system thus
heads must be suitable in design, performance, application
and temperature for type of property it is protecting

 Standard heads are often marked with SSU (standard sprinkler

upright) or SSP (standard sprinkler pendent) on the deflector.

The typical sprinkler head is activated by heat (temperature)

▪ opens when a triggering action occurs,

▪ a frangible bulb breaks (color indicates temperature setting),
▪ a fusible link melts,
▪ water flows when head is opened,
▪ water is manually shut off,
▪ once activated, head must be replace.

fusible link
frangible bulb
Spare sprinkler head storage cabinet

Storage Cabinet must contain

▪ extra heads
▪ sprinkler wrench

Minimum number of spare sprinkler head

in accordance with NFPA® 13.
▪ Less than 300 heads min 6
▪ 300 – 1,000 heads min 12 spares
▪ More than 1000 heads min 24

Sprinkler storage cabinets are usually

installed near a riser or valve
Sprinkler Heads are classified according to temperature
rating, color coding of deflector or glass bubs.

Maximum Sprinkler
Celing Temperature Sprinkler
Sprinkler Glass Bulb
Temperature Rating Frame Color
Classification Color Code
Uncolored or Orange or
100 38 135-170 57-77 Ordinary
Black Red
Yellow or
150 66 175-225 79-107 Intermediate White
225 107 250-300 121-149 High Blue Blue
300 149 325-375 163-191 Extra High Red Purple
Very Extra
375 190 400-475 204-246 Green Black
475 246 500-575 250-302 Ultra High Orange Black
625 329 650 343 Ultra High Orange Black
Types of Sprinkler Head according to release mechanisms
that respond to heat

Fusible Link-type Sprinkler Head

• Use a metal alloy, such

as solder that melts at a
specific temperature
– Alloy links two other
pieces of metal that
keep the cap in
– When designated
temperature is
reached, solder melts
and the link breaks,
releasing the cap.
Frangible Bulb-type Sprinkler Head

• Use a glass bulb filled with glycerin

or alcohol to hold the cap in place
– As bulb is heated, liquid absorbs
the air bubble and expands until
it breaks the glass, releasing the
Chemical-Pellet Sprinkler Heads

• Use a plunger mechanism and a

small chemical pellet to hold the
cap in place.

– Pellet will liquefy at a preset


– When pellet melts, liquid

compresses the plunger,
releasing the cap and
allowing water to flow.
Sprinkler heads are classified according to different
types: Design and Performance Characteristics and
Installation Orientation

According to Design and Performance Characteristics

a. Early Suppression Fast Response Sprinkler
is a type of fast-response sprinkler that has a
thermal element of more than RTI of 50 (meter-
seconds)½ were developed to meet the demands
of high challenge storage fire scenarios and are a
common choice to protect warehouses.

b. Extended Coverage Sprinkler is a sprinkler

which coverage is up to 400 ft2 for light &
ordinary hazard & 196 ft2 for extra hazard. Its use
is especially advantageous as a means of
decreasing the number of sprinklers to protect
occupancies requiring an area/density application
of water.
c. Large Drop Sprinkler is a
type of specific application
control mode sprinkler that is
capable of producing
characteristic large water
droplets that is listed for its
capability to provide fire
control of specific high-
challenge fire hazards.

d. Old-Style / Conventional
Sprinkler is a type of
sprinkler that directs from 40
to 60 percent of the total
water initially in a downward
direction and that is designed
to be installed with the
deflector either upright or
e. An Open Sprinkler is a sprinkler that does
not have actuators or heat responsive

f. Quick Response Early Suppression

(QRES) Sprinkler is a type of quick-response
sprinkler that have a thermal element with an
RTI of 50 (meters-seconds) ½ or less and is
listed for its capability to provide fire
suppression of specific fire hazards.
g. Specific Application Control Mode
Sprinkler is a type of spray sprinkler
listed at a minimum operating pressure
with a specific number of operating
sprinklers for a given protection
scheme. It is usually being used in
Storage areas.

h. Quick Response Sprinkler is a

sprinkler designed for use in light &
ordinary hazard, commercial
occupancies such as banks, hotels,
shopping malls, schools hospitals, etc.
This type of sprinkler has a thermal
element with an RTI of 50 (meter-
seconds)½ or more.
i. Residential sprinkler is a type of
fast-response sprinkler that has been
specifically investigated for its ability
to enhance survivability in the room
of fire origin and is listed for use in
the protection of dwelling units.

j. Standard Spray Sprinkler is

spray sprinkler with maximum
coverage area of 225 ft 2 (21m 2) as
specified in Sections 8.6 and 8.7 of
NFPA 13. Spray Sprinkler is a type
of sprinkler listed for its capability to
provide fire control for a wide range
of fire hazards
Sprinkler Heads According to Installation Orientation

a. Concealed Sprinkler is a recessed

sprinkler with cover plates. These are
decorative sprinklers featuring a flat cover
plate designed to conceal the sprinkler. It is
the best choice for architecturally sensitive
areas such as hotel lobbies, office
buildings, churches & restaurants.

b. Flush Sprinkler is a sprinkler in which

all or part of the body, including the shank
thread, is mounted above the lower plane
of the ceiling
c. Pendent Sprinkler is a sprinkler
designed to be installed in such a way that
the water stream is directed downward
against the deflector.

d. Recessed Sprinkler is a sprinkler in

which all or part of the body, other than the
shank thread, is mounted within a recessed
e. Sidewall Sprinkler is a type of sprinkler
having special deflectors designed to
discharge most of the water away from the
nearby wall in a pattern resembling one-
quarter or a sphere, with a small portion of the
discharge directed at the wall behind the

f. Upright Sprinkler is designed to be

installed in such a way that the water spray is
directed upwards against the deflector.
The 2012 Philippine Mechanical Engineering Code requires that
Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems shall be designed and
installed in accordance with NFPA-13, Standard for the
Installation of Automatic Sprinkler System

• All new sprinkler system shall be hydraulically designed.

• Pipe schedule system shall not be used except in renovation
Section of existing sprinkler system that is less than 185.9 square
2003.3.1.1 meters (2000 square feet).

• Water Supply for sprinkler system and standpipe system

shall be in accordance with NFPA 13 and 14 but not less
than the following requirements:
Sub-section • 1. Sprinkler Water supply-minimum of 1 hour fire duration
2003. • 2. Standpipe System water supply-minimum of 45 minutes fire

• Fire pumps shall be UL Listed or FM approved fire pumps.

Sub-section • Pump suppliers shall submit certified pump performance
2003. curve prior to acceptance of the installation.
• Required sprinkler protection shall be provided in all parts of the
Section • Partial sprinkler protection is not acceptable.
2003.3.1.2 • Areas that cannot be provided with automatic sprinkler system shall
be isolated by at least two hour wall construction.

• Automatic Sprinklers shall not be required in rooms or areas where

such rooms or areas are protected with an approved automatic fire
detection system that will respond to visible or invisible particles of
Section combustion.
2003.3.1.3 • Sprinklers shall not be omitted from any room merely because it is
damp, of fire resistance rated construction or contains electrical

• Any room where the application of water, or flame and water,

constitutes a serious fire hazard.
• Any room or space where sprinklers are considered undesirable
because of the nature of the contents, when approved by the fire
Exception code official.
• Generator and transformer rooms separated from the remainder of
the building by walls and floor/ ceiling or floor/ceiling assemblies
having a fire resistance rating of not less than 2 hours.
The design, equipment specification and installation of
Automatic Fire Sprinkler System should be in accordance with
the applicable minimum design requirements set forth by the
following codes and standards

1. NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems

2. NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe, Fire Hydrant,
and Hose Systems
3. NFPA 20, Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire
4. NFPA 22, Standard for Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection
5. NFPA 24, Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains
and Their Appurtenances
6. Factory Mutual Approval Guide
7. UL (Underwriters Laboratories) Listings
8. RA 9514, Revised Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008
9. Philippine Mechanical Engineering Code, 2012 Edition
10. Building Code of the Philippines
Per NFPA 13, the basic step in the hydraulically designed
Automatic Fire Sprinkler System is the identification of
different Occupancy Hazard Classification in the building to
be protected
Light Hazard
Light hazard occupancies shall be defined as occupancies or portions of other
occupancies where the quantity and/or combustibility of contents is low and
fires with relatively low rates of heat release are expected.
Light hazard occupancies include occupancies having uses and conditions
similar to the following:
1. Animal shelters
2. Churches
3. Prisons
4. Clubs
5. Eaves and overhangs
6. Educational
7. Museums
8. Residential
9. Restaurant seating areas
10. Theaters and auditoriums, excluding stages and prosceniums
Ordinary Hazard Group 1
Ordinary Hazard under Group 1 occupancies shall be defined as
occupancies or portions of other occupancies where combustibility is low,
quantity of combustibles is moderate, stockpiles of combustibles do not
exceed 8 ft (2.4m), and fires with moderate rates of heat release are

Ordinary hazard (Group 1) occupancies include occupancies having uses

and conditions similar to the following:
1. Hospitals and Hotels
2. Libraries (excluding book stores)
3. Restaurants
4. Schools and Offices
5. Data processing center (computer room excluding tape storage)
6. Laboratories (physical)
7. Laundries
8. Car parks
9. Leather good factories
10. Meat factories, Dairy products manufacturing and processing
11. Bakeries and Canneries
12. Biscuit and chocolate factories
13. Beverage manufacturing
14. Sheet metal product factories
15. Cement works
Ordinary Hazard Group 2
Ordinary Hazard under Group 2 occupancies shall be defined as occupancies
or portions of other occupancies where the quantity and combustibility of
contents are moderate to high, stockpiles do not exceed 12 ft (3.7 m), and
fires with moderate to high rates of heat release are expected.

Ordinary hazard (Group 2) occupancies include occupancies having uses and

conditions similar to the following:
1. Broadcasting and TV studios
2. Railway stations
3. Exhibition halls
4. Clothing factories, Weaving mills and Textile manufacturing
5. Furniture showrooms and upholstery shops with no plastic foams
6. Archives, Storage rooms, File rooms
7. Department stores and Shopping center
8. Corn mills, Dehydrated vegetable factory and Sugar factory
9. Glass factory, Tobacco products manufacturing
10. Radio equipment factory
11. Refrigerator and washing machine factory
12. Machine shops, Metal working, Wood products assembly
13. Paper and pulp mills, Plastic fabrication
14. Post offices, Printing and publishing
15. Automotive repair shops
16. Tire manufacturing
Extra Hazard Group 1

Extra Hazard under Group 1 occupancies shall be defined as occupancies

or portions of other occupancies where the quantity and combustibility of
contents are very high and dust, lint, or other materials are present,
introducing the probability of rapidly developing fires with high rates of heat
release but with little or no combustible or flammable liquids.

Extra hazard (Group 1) occupancies include occupancies having uses and

conditions similar to the following:
1. Aircraft hangars (except as governed by NFPA 409)
2. Combustible hydraulic fluid use areas
3. Die casting
4. Metal extruding
5. Plywood and particleboard manufacturing
6. Printing using inks having flash points below 100°F (38°C)
7. Rubber reclaiming, compounding, drying, milling, vulcanizing
8. Saw mills
9. Textile picking, opening, blending, combining of cotton, synthetics, wool
shoddy, or burlap
10. Upholstering with plastic foams
Extra Hazard Group 2

Extra Hazard under Group 2 occupancies shall be defined as

occupancies or portions of other occupancies with moderate to
substantial amounts of flammable or combustible liquids or occupancies
where shielding of combustibles is extensive.

Extra hazard (Group 2) occupancies include occupancies having uses

and conditions similar to the following:
1. Asphalt saturating
2. Flammable liquids spraying
3. Manufactured home or modular building assemblies (where finished
enclosure is present and has combustible interiors)
4. Open oil quenching
5. Plastics manufacturing
6. Solvent cleaning
7. Varnish and paint dipping
NFPA 13 Standards for maximum Sprinkler Location, Spacing
Requirements and Protection Areas per Sprinkler
Protection Areas and Maximum Spacing for Light Hazard Occupancy
(For Standard Spray Upright and Standard Spray Pendent Sprinkler)
(NFPA 13, Table
Sprinkler Spacing
Protection Areas and Maximum Spacing for Ordinary Hazard Occupancy
For Standard Spray Upright and Standard Spray Pendent Sprinkler
(NFPA 13, Table

For Standard Sidewall Spray Sprinkler

(NFPA 13, Table
Light Hazard Ordinary Hazard
Noncombustible Noncombustible
Combustible or Limited- Combustible or Limited-
Finish Combustible Finish Combustible
Finish Finish
Maximum distance
14 ft 14 ft 10 ft 10 ft
along the wall (S)
Maximum room
12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 10 ft
width (L)
protection area
For SI units, 1 ft = 0.3048 m; = 0.0929
Protection Areas and Maximum Spacing for Extra Hazard Occupancy
(For Standard Spray Upright/Standard Spray Pendent Sprinkler)
(NFPA 13, Table
Protection Spacing
Area (maximum)
Construction System
ft m
Type Type
All Pipe 90 8.4 12 3.7
[In buildings with
storage bays 25 ft
(7.6 m) wide, 12 ft 6
in. (3.8 m) shall be
All Hydraulically 100 9.3 12 3.7
with density
[In buildings with
storage bays 25 ft
(7.6 m) wide, 12 ft 6
in. (3.8 m) shall be
All Hydraulically 130 12.1 15 4.6
with density

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