Table For Medical Equipment Plan - Outline
Table For Medical Equipment Plan - Outline
Table For Medical Equipment Plan - Outline
o To establish a plan for inspecting, testing, and maintaining medical
equipment and documenting the results
Program strategies
o Describe process for identifying and listing all medical equipment in the
o Process for inspection of medical equipment at time of purchase
o Describe prevention maintenance program
Including laboratory and radiology equipment and equipment
maintained by a vendor
State how the vendor repairs and preventive maintenance
data are integrated with the medical equipment
management program
Statement that if equipment maintained by vendor contract, copies
of testing are provided to biomedical engineering
o Establish and maintain a repair program
Keep historical repair record
Establish criteria for prioritizing work processing of repair
Describe process for addressing user error rather than malfunction
of the equipment
Use repair data for planning and improvement purposes
o Establish a product recall system
Policy addresses use of equipment (e.g., withdrawing from
services) after recall
o Reference policies and procedures and country regulations to support
medical equipment management plan