SNM Lesson Plan - Macro Teaching (Wong)
SNM Lesson Plan - Macro Teaching (Wong)
SNM Lesson Plan - Macro Teaching (Wong)
Class 2A
Learning Ourselves
Behavioral Objectives i. States out 3 types of foods and 2 types of drinks that they usually take.
ii. Differentiate the healthy foods and unhealthy foods from the given pictures.
iii. Name 3 types of healthy foods from the given pictures.
Pre-requisite knowledge Pupils learn through the TV’s commercial about healthy foods and healthy drinks.
Steps/ Time Contents & Learning Outcomes Teaching & Learning Activities Remarks
5. Closure/ i) Explain why they need to eat i. Teacher will guide pupils to make TA:
Reflection different types of food. conclusion on eating different types of Power Point slides.
(5 minutes) food.
ii. Singing:
Teacher guides students to sing a
“Healthy Food” song by using the tune
of “Are you sleeping”.