The Event

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The following document is a compilation of material from a number of channeling sessions I did to

access information from my Higher Self, who goes by the name of Aria. Some of these sessions were
done jointly with my good friend and Starsister, Lisa of Greenwoman Wisdom, whose Higher Self aspect
comes through at times and whom I’ve referred to as Andi in these excerpts.

The remainder of this material comes from channeling of my Higher Self that I do through automatic
writing. In one channeling, another being stepped forward.

It is my hope that this material will answer some of the questions you might have about The Event, but
as always, I encourage you to understand that this information is not thought or intended to be the end-
all-be-all regarding The Event. Understand that in all cases of channeling, the information is affected by
the perspectives of the giver and the receiver.

You’ll note that as of November, 2017, I was told The Event would happen within a years’ time. More
recently, it was confirmed that the time-line has sped up and may kick into high gear within the next
weeks and months. Both times it was stated that our time-line can lengthen or shorten depending on
our collective consciousness that is calling it to us.

We generally use the term “The Event” to refer to the energy coming from the central sun of the Milky
Way Galaxy that is portaled through our own Sun and which ultimately leads to a planetary shift into the
4th dimension. Most people believe that “The Event” is will be one great flash of energy from the sun,
yet I’ve been clearly told on numerous occasions that this energy has already begun to stream through
invisibly and has already begun to affect us. In addition, it has been increasing gradually over time.
When pressed, my Higher Self acknowledges a “pop” of energy that is much larger and which will likely
occur in several big waves over a period of approximately 6-months’ time. From the general description
of this increase in energy, I’ve come to think of “The Event” as a series of visible energy waves that will
peak over a six-month period, rather than just one big wave. Here are some other general points that
were made:

 From the viewpoint of beings who occupy higher dimensions, “The Event” as we think of it, is
immaterial to the overall shift that is happening. They keep trying to pull me away from pinning
my attention on a big, noticeable flash of energy that has an incredible and immediate effect,
and instead point to the bigger effect that the incoming energy has on humanity already and will
increase as time goes on.
 Earth herself is in the process of becoming a 4D planet. This happens over a period of time in a
pixelating effect where all the billions of atoms that create this reality shift into a new vibration
in a cascade. It does not happen instantaneously from our timeline perspective, but looking back
on the shift, it will seem short. The total time for the physical transition from 3D to 4D will
roughly take 10-15 years time. During that period, people will continue to occupy the Earth and
will transition fully into 4D bodies at varying rates along with her. Some people will transition
more quickly than others. The normal bell curve applies.
 During the transition, people will leave at the point they are unable to hold the light or handle
its transformational power. From what I can tell, this will have a strong correlation with where
they stand on the fully negative to fully positive spectrum. The Law of One states that in order
to transition to the 4th density positive, mind-body-spirit complexes (people) must be at least
51% service to others (positive). Those transitioning to 4th density negative must be 95% service
to self. Everyone in between will need to continue their soul growth process at the 3 rd density
and thus they will leave Earth and continue their experience on other planets.
 People who leave will do so by death, through walk-out/walk-in soul exchanges, and a great
number will be physically transported to other Earth-like worlds on space ships. This is all done
according to their pre-life plans.
 Those of us who stay will be the ones who literally transform this planet into the New Earth. I’ve
not gotten a lot of information on how this will occur, but I get the impression that WE are the
creators and will do much of this ourselves. We will have incredible support from Mother Earth
in this as it is her desire to be cleaned up. The new energy will provide an incredible change and
expansion in the support of all life forms which will naturally shift along with us. We will have
the ability to manifest things much more rapidly in 4D There is still physical effort or work
involved but we will enjoy it immensely. 4D is a realm still affected by time, but time itself
changes dramatically so we are able to manifest things more easily and we will be able to take
advantage of current technology that is available that is beyond our wildest imagination. This
will completely change life as we understand it and know it now and will have an incredible
effect on everything; the economy, politics, education, occupations, and more.
 The changes won’t be overnight, but they will happen so rapidly that within approximately 10-
15 years, we will have truly ushered in the Golden Age and the New Earth.
 The majority of those making the shift are native to Earth or this solar system and have not yet
ascended above 3D. Once Earth shifts into 4D, they will also shift into 4D bodies. Many of us are
Starseeds and have already ascended to higher dimensions. We will have the choice to remain
on Earth and continue to aid in the development of a new society or to return to the higher
dimension and the place we came from. If we stay here, we may continue to raise our vibration
and transition our forms into higher 4D levels or into 5D bodies, but this will happen on an
individual basis. From what I have read in the Law Of One, if we progress to 6D or 7D forms, we
also move into a greater collective consciousness and would not continue living on Earth.

The following was channeled through Lisa from my Higher Self on 12/27/17 in response to me asking
about Twin Flame and Divine Love Unions and the effect The Event will have on them:

Aria: Its ‘like when you make a recipe you’re mixing the batter and your’ adding things to it and bringing
it all together. Now it’s just allowing it to cook, so don’t touch it.

Andi says: “Do you need to set a timer? No, I’ll know when it’s done, I’ll smell it.” You forget about it and
allow the smell to come to you.

Aria says: Yes, that’s exactly right (that the shift will bring them into alignment with us. She shows
energies coming into their solar plexus that is hooked into the mothership). It’s pre-programmed, pre-
ordained, if you have a yellow ticket its 2:00, if you have a green its 4:00, if you have a blue its 6:00. It
was pre-programmed and it is part of the dance. If all humanity was on one wave there would be too
much commotion and chaos and so the connection with the energy (she shows waves with particles in
the waves and each particle has a sister particle that is programmed into the solar plexus and it is what
motivates the person to stand up and move in the physical at the certain time depending on how they
were wired in their destiny) So although there is a shift, it is the same as we told you about how the
eclipses happen on a certain day, but the energies before, during and after is still the eclipse, that is
because these connectors of energy in your solar plexus have time and space to move and shift in the
grace of the orchestrated dance.

You can’t possibly understand, and when you use the words “wake-up” it is a fallacy. None of us are
truly sleeping; we’re doing exactly our part of the dance. Humans see it as waking up because of their
control features and competition and measuring things in terms of judgement of good and bad. When
you’re on our plane, you see it as a graceful dance of light and energy that there’s no possible way you
can point at a light and call it “awaken or unawaken or bad or good”, it is all flowing into one.

But I understand the human condition and your genuine need to understand and to be a part of and to
see this is where you are learning the release of control and what freedom and surrender is and how
you see from my point of view and then you’re at peace. You wake up surprised at the effortless
attainment of your dreams and desires. In linear time you’re asking “how long” and what it looks like.
Right now it is within a years’ time, but there’s going to be movement throughout that time and you
keep talking about a shift as though somebody pulls a switch and allows a derailing. From our point of
view it doesn’t look like a shift, it looks like a flow or slight curve. This is not a surprise to anyone on this

You’re seeing it with positive/negative Judgement where some choose different paths. It’s not like that.
It is pre-programmed flow. Everything is going to Divine patterning and encoding in cellular memory
past/present/future. These ideas that there is a choice or a shift I understand is your language but it is
not our vision or view or language. You are missing the pattern, the weaving, the infrastructure changing
and its all part of what nature had intended. In some parts of the world, certain trees cease to exist
because the flow of the energy changes the pattern. In the Earthly view you see it as deforestation or
that it is bad or dead. We see a left or right turn, or a change in the flow, but the flow doesn’t stop.
There is no way for you to be on the wrong path, there is no way to for you to miss the boat or not be in
the right place or time. As much as you think you have free will, you don’t, but of course there’s always
choices to make to effortlessly be in the flow. Basically, it is that simple. When you don’t make the
choice to stay in the flow and resist, you are still in a flow, it’s just that you’re resisting so the option of
being effortless is not afforded you. Your timeline could alter in the space of slowing down or speeding
up but again that it an earthly concern, and in our view, there is no speed or time and space. These
people who are plugged into saving one thing or another because we’re running out of time, that does
not exist. It will all be saved.

Again, the only thing is that the timeframe does not matter. In the blink of an eye it could be a thousand
years. In the blink of an eye you can project yourself forward or backward through imagination or
memory. The Events, movement of change and of basic structure is accurate. That is the form of the
movement of energy that was already preprogrammed. The part that humans have a difficult time with
is “when”—the timeline. But from what we see, its already happening. There is no stopping it or rushing
it. It’s just happening.

Me: Does individual consciousness and collective consciousness affect the rate?

Aria: When you use the word time you’re limiting yourself to human understanding. I’m simply trying to
elevate your point of view. If you can do that, there is such a bigger picture here. In the linear mind, we
see a+b+c=d but from the higher point of view, that doesn’t matter. Only being in the flow, allowing to
receive, trusting that it will happen, it is happening. The only thing you can really do is be aware of it and
allowing it to effortlessly take you with it.

Me: I feel I’m in that space of flow, I enjoy watching it unfold. I KNOW it’s happening and everything is
coming together. Can Aria confirm that?

Aria: If you’re comfortable where you are, why do you have to ask? Desiring confirmation is a human
necessity; that you’re doing a good job, that you have a hierarchy above you that you’re doing it right.
This is your self-expiration of allowing the grace and beauty of your truth and for you to stand firm in
your ability to shine your light. Receive it. Not to get a check from an electrician to make sure it is
burning its truth or its bright or in time. Going into your nature, and your part of nature allows you to
vibrate at a consistent level with this Divine flow. The more that it is paid attention to, adhered to inside
of your body, the more it is accentuated. The more it is the confirmation. As humans you are taught that
you need outside confirmation. The more you remember who you truly are, the light that you are, the
more you realize that’s all you need. That is your confirmation.

The transition was already being made and the proof is those who can see it and believe it and who can
live their lives that way in the midst of adversity—the holocaust survivors, Mandela, those who fight
that battle and win it every day. Even you, having to get out of a marriage that no longer served, is all
your lightwork proving to yourself that you know better and understanding that the physical is just
restraints and the light seeking and pushing toward more of the same. Just as you came from your loving
family but are choosing a higher vibration of light, people like you are making the transition are leading
the way, pulling others along whether they realize it or not. People who see spirit in the 3rd dimension
are exactly this transition that you speak of. Again, your idea of a shift is that you are conscious of a shift
occurring because you’re already aware of it; being able to see people in light bodies, like you discussed,
that’s already happening. People who are already in their light body. It is already happening.

Aria asks another part of the question.

The word transition is a human word. You already are in your light body. It’s your attention and your
ability to focus on the light body or the human body or the limitations of the human body. Transition
doesn’t have an effect.

When you consciously choose to leave this plane, that’s when you release this body. But you’ve made
the conscious choice. You use the word conscious, that’s the word. That’s the whole meaning of the
ability, whatever it is you


Me: What will the next year look like in regards to earth changes and the changes we’ve been going
through on both personal and collective levels? How does that translate into our day-to-day experience?

(Lisa sees they both close their eyes and meditate to get into what it looks like on our level)

Andi: You said it before, that the changes happen like the people who will be taken. It doesn’t happen in
big waves like all these people are dying. It happens under the radar. If you stand back and watch, you
see the accumulative. If you look back on all the growth you made since the divorce it looks like huge
steps but when you’re going through it you don’t have that awareness.

It will be somewhere between that and a shift that would be too fast, it won’t be so slow, will be fast,
but on our level, we’re working on healthy, comfortable, integration. Some we can’t control and has to
be a pop—a push and shove with energy coming through—but if it is too much too fast, you couldn’t
integrate comfortably and you’d be left feeling crazy and overwhelmed and in despair. Our role is to
feed this to you and that is why we work to do clearings on you so that you can release so there is more
room for entry of the changes as they come.

These waves that you feel make you tired, make you weary, throw you off your center. You are in your
human being body and you can’t take it all at once. You’d get to sensory overload and your circuitry
would break down and fray. (shows us fibers disconnecting and flying in the wind) That would lead to
mental breakdown and stagnancy so it is our task as the conduit to the Divine, your Divinity, to maintain
a consistent flow that is system specific with your cellular structure, your ability, your everything. That
has nothing to do with good, bad slow or fast. The best vessel thing you can do is to maintain your
health, maintain the quality of the connection to your divine truth in all systems of your body. You might
see progress in the next year, movement, but you don’t have to take on big projects that will consume
your head space because you’re supposed to be easily flowing, allowing to receive, to manifest through
you effortlessly. If you take on big projects that require a lot of physical effort, and your total focus was
daily practice, pushing beyond your limits. That is not something that is recommended for this next year,
you’re not supposed to be laying down and sleeping or giving up good opportunities coming your way.
First of all, you’re going to be led. But you’re not going to have life altering dramatic changes that
require great force or effort in your life. It will be much calmer, soothing and happier.

Aria: About your relationships, any relationship, it is about, we can’t stress enough not to think in the
future but to truly be in the moment and to nurture, and nurture and nurture and feed and delight in
the patterns of growth with enjoyment of the moment. This is something for the Divine feminine as a
collective. Not to be making wedding plans and picking out the new house before you have secured a
wonderful heart-to-heart satisfying connection that builds and grows and cultivates the Divine Feminine
necessity for connection and sacred space, because exactly what Kimberley said yesterday, it is the DF
that leads, that has to do it first, so the end result is in the moment and not to pre-fabricator the future.
This is how you induce the feeling of looking back and then being in awe of how much happened in a
certain amount of time. There is new-found freedom, trust, faith in the DF her magic and miracles to be
the expression of Love and true divinity in her embodiment of God’s love and Light on this earth and
everything that she chooses through her heart to work her miracles with.

Political changes for 2018 regarding the Cabal in particular.

Look in the past year and see how much change you’ve seen. (A Lot) It’s like a snowball rolling down a
hill, once major pillars start to be dismantled, of course the snowball the peak needed the most strength
in order to keep it from starting to roll and as each pillar going down the mountain holding up the
structure is as important and plays a role in maintaining the support, there engineeringly speaking,
matter once in motion, coupled with speed and mass, is a destructive force on its own and is coupled
with the Machiavellian theory of absolute power destroys absolutely. Density in which this was formed
because darkness is formed of density, this was something was purposeful construct in engineering the
quality of this energy on its way to trampling and making up the mountain it had to have had a dense
form in order to gather its fame, its power, but because of its origin, there was a built-in mechanism
which is the same as absolute power destroys absolutely. The very same thing that gave its power and
strength is the element that destroys itself. Ingeniously, it had the ingenuity, god-like ingenuity put in
place the seed that would be both its strength and its destruction. Thereby we see that it was ultimately
created by the same source energy. There is a reason for all this to happen.

The ball getting up the mountain, had to have the mass and density to climb the mountain in order to
get is notoriety and fame and power but that same thing will happen in reverse as it goes down the
mountain. It’s going to come down so quickly and so fast.

It will continue to gain speed and momentum and destroy itself. As this happens, more is seen and more
is revealed and it loses its mass and power as it breaks apart.

Me: What happens to people who were brought up within abuse and mind-control systems like the
children of the Hivities and in programs like MKUltra?

Aria: When the ball disintegrates, light appears because that was the seed to begin with.

We are here to expound on the duality. This is where unconditional love comes in. The teachings of
Buddhism, the Dali Lama, yin/yang speak of this.

Remember it is not that this is on an individual basis, because they are just representing the dark, the
possibility of the dark in all of us. Each of us when we were born we chose the percentage of the dark
that we would carry in this lifetime. Even though we would judge them as doing so much evil, they were
doing god’s work. When we transform collectively, they will be at the forefront. If we can be the
example of unconditional love in our own lives and relationships, this reverberates this information out
into the Universe. We allow for their transition to be graceful.

There are different ways that evil and darkness burn out on their own volition. They burn themselves
out and are forgotten.

There will be those who will be in a position, who will have a bird’s eye view and will see what is going
on. There are those helping it transition as the pieces fall off the side of the mountain. Everyone makes
their contracts and we were all poised in a visual position with intensive purposes. That’s why it is so
important to be in your heart’s desire. There is no need for you to do someone else’s work or your
hearts’ desire. There is no need to be anything other than your heart’s desire as the light of god.

To see it unfold is in direct correlation to the amount of expansion that your heart desires, the amount
that you can stomach from knowing the truth and the amount of surrender of release you have the
ability for to allow this to pass through you as a book read instead of a life lived.

Lisa saw a layer in here of the importance of this in our journey and how we forge a track that the more
we go over this space, the more second skin it becomes. We don’t have to go looking for it. We’re in the
groove of it. It becomes second nature, our nature.

Me: I have been reading some things which don’t line up with what I’ve understood from what I heard
from Corey Goode and David Wilcock as well as the Law of One. Can you enlighten me about that?

I’m not entirely sure where to start but as I scan your thoughts I think I can come to a satisfactory
answer regarding this question.

Aria: First let me remind you that all beings have their own set of knowledge, understanding, and
perspective that is affected by many factors which I won’t go into now, but this creates or has a lot to do
with creating the different accounts you have heard. What you recently read contains some accurate
information and details regarding some of the difficulties that are being faced on Planet Earth at this
time as you approach the Shift. From our perspective, it is not anywhere near as dramatic as he paints
the picture to be. He is very close to the action that is being taken and from that perspective these are
serious issues, but we see them more as a matter of course. If you are making applesauce, for example,
you will wash, cut, peel, and core the apples, put them in a pot, cook them, then mash them, pour the
sauce into jars, and can it. These are all many steps in the process. You do not view the core as a terrible
bad thing that needs to be removed and is such a threat to the existence of the applesauce because you
know that you can remove it with ease. In addition, you understand that the apple would not have
existed without its core so you do not view it as bad, but simply that it is time for it to go.

Although to the beings on the ground or in the air who have to take care of these different things that
need to be done before the shift can occur, from their perspective these are complicated and
challenging tasks, so their focus is on the complexity and problems they face in the day to day work
involved. I think you get my meaning. I will not speak to or disclose to you every aspect of what changes
need to occur, what events, who is involved, and so forth, because they are many and they are varied.
To you they may seem very big, catastrophic, or monumental, but from a higher perspective it is just a
matter of course.

Me: Thank you for that perspective. This causes me to want to ask about the outcome. Is it assured, and
has it been assured for a long time? As in a positive outcome and have we indeed shifted to a positive
outcome timeline?

Aria: I like that you worded the question that way because it makes my answer easier. We will talk only
of the timeline you are on. Yes, the outcome has been assured for a long time. Understand that in a
sense as you are nearing the entry point into the 4th dimension for Earth, timelines are collapsing. What
this means is that all possible outcomes that exist but are being simplified down further and further. For
example, you are all headed in three ultimate directions. At one point there may be many ways to get
there but as time progresses, those many different ways consolidate into a few different ways until
finally you reduce it to three primary outcomes for all beings on earth. Those three primary outcomes
are already predetermined, but whether or not Earth as a whole progressed into the negative or positive
path in a sense was less than the main point. You don’t view it this way because you are very tied to a
physical world, but if you, having chosen the positive path, were on a world which had primarily chosen
a negative path, in a sense you still would have a positive outcome to be on even though there would
have been fewer people on that time line with you.

This is not something you can easily wrap your mind around because when the time comes it will seem
very seamless in your reality—the actual dividing of the groups and which directions they go to—but
understand that those who have chosen a middle path for example, the one which they must continue
to reincarnate on a 3D world until they make their choice. The events that lead up to that will appear to
be the very same as the ones you experienced, but your perspective of what is happening will be so
different from theirs that even though you are in a sense on the same timeline, you have actually
stepped onto a different moving pathway. For now, you still see each other and you look around you
and see the events unfolding, but you see it all so differently than they do.

It is probably easier to understand this from the perspective of the negative pathway followers to the
positive. As you know, they see events unfolding now which are going in a way they are very unhappy
with. To them the world as they know it is breaking apart. They are literally terrified. Their actions
against their follow human beings can’t be hidden much longer. Their feelings and perspectives about
the very same events are much different than yours. Then the middle class of people, as they go through
this, will start polarizing more and more one way or the other. What you will see and notice very clearly
is that as more light comes in, people will see things more clearly than they did before. If they are
predisposed to join the positive path and be transformed into a 4D body after the shift, they will have a
significant change in perspective. For now, those who are primarily in the middle group are those who
haven’t begun yet to see things on Earth as they really are. The light that is increasing will make it
impossible to ignore the truth as it comes out much longer. You will begin to see more change.

Me: I want to know about the state of the economy, and our lives, living daily life, as these things ramp
up and we come closer to the event. Will there be increasing chaos? Will things get so bad in cities and
places in our country and in other countries that life will be a challenge? Will there be a world-wide
war? An Armageddon as it were?

Aria: I will put your mind at ease. Although there will continue to be pockets of extreme unrest, of war,
of famine, of natural disaster, and overall these pockets will increase somewhat in number and size, for
the majority of Earth’s population, this will not be the case. The idea of massive chaos, unrest, complete
anarchy and falling apart of society into a time of trouble as you imagined as a child, will never take
place. We are very sorry that these lies and misconceptions have gripped the minds of so many because
these fears actually do more harm to the hastening of readiness to bring the Event. Once this Earth
sealed her destiny for taking the positive path, the all-out Armageddon foretold in the Bible faded away.
Also, those biblical prophecies were inspired by negatively oriented beings who delight in scaring people
any way they can.

Having said all that, there are still some pretty difficult things for humanity to go through and process as
disclosure brings out information long hidden. Coming to grips with the extent of the slavery the entire
world has been under and how much more difficult and downright heinous life has been because of
these people who have chosen to take of over the rule of the world on a negative path, that will take
some serious emotional toll on humanity as it comes out. The extent of the atrocities and crimes against
humanity is not inconsequential.

Me: I’d like to know more about the Event itself and the technicalities of how people shift from 3D to
4D. What are the physical changes, how long they take to occur, how that happens, what will life be like
before and what it will be like after.

Ok, first of all, let me affirm that the physical changes have already begun to take place for all beings on
Earth to varying degrees depending on several factors. First, let me address what it is doing to those
who have already taken a decidedly negative path. They are many and they are profound.
There is a highly energizing aspect of this energy toward consciousness. Whatever direction the entity is
already polarizing toward has become more acute. As you know, it had the effect of waking you up and
caused you to search. In the negative polarized being, it pushes them to do more extreme things in the
direction they are already going. This is because the very nature of the energy supports anyone in the
shift direction they choose. As you know, the threshold of the negative beings is very, very extreme, so
they need this push as much as you do. This is evident in the fact that EVIL itself increases.

The beautiful thing about this is how it is energizing and polarizing people on the other end of the
perspective as well. They of course are affected by the increasing energy, but then on top of that they
see what is happening around them and it WAKES the up. They are many people who are not Starseeds
or lightworkers who are beginning to consciously wake up and it has a lot to do with realizing just how
polarized to the extreme world has become. They are looking for answers and finding out why.

The middle group is extremely interesting to watch because of the currents flowing through that cause
incredible movement, first one way, then another. There are eddies, whirlpools, and currents that push
in either direction. Those in the middle are truly driven in the wind and tossed. At first glance it seems as
if nothing is happening but this is like beating the grain from the chaff. The chaff is like the tares. They
are not ready for harvest and will have to be recycled as compost to come back again to give them the
opportunity to grow into grain somewhere else. These currents are manifesting in world events, in
personal events, in all sorts of catalysts. Sickness, natural disaster, political upheaval, and so on.
Understand that although earth has to go through physical changes for the sake of her own ascension,
these physical changes also aid and help the people living on her as a catalyst.

As far as physical changes, it has already started taking affect. The people who have chosen the negative
path are actually experiencing an acceleration of the aging process. This is literally going to hasten some
of them to an earlier grave than would have otherwise occurred if they weren’t going through the shift.
For those of you who are on the positive path, and all people, for that matter, the shift and change in
actual DNA and physical changes varies from person to person based on their conscious awareness.
Even though you were born with the same two set of potential genes as you sister, the increasing light
energy actually had an effect on you to slow down your aging process compared to hers. This is a pre-
programmed difference in part as well because you have the added benefit of your DNA being formed
according to the Pleiadean soul you have which is predisposed to harmonize with the new energies
compared to your sister, but this is the reason it is a visible result between the two of you already. It has
much less to do with sun exposure than it has to do with the response of your cellular structures and
your very DNA to the light. Rest assured, she will be moving forward with the shift into 4th dimension,
but as her soul is not Starseed in origin, she has not reacted to the light at the same pace or in the same
way as you have.

Me: Will there be just one big flash with a few smaller ones adding up to and following it within a
relatively short period of time like a spike or will it be more gradual?

This is an excellent question. The experience or effect of the energy at the time of the shift varies from
one shift to another as you already know from David Wilcock. This particular shift has a rather nice long
angle in and long angel out. Rest assured that the end result will be the very same, but it will happen
with considerable greater ease than if you were hitting it abruptly. Still, this is immaterial because no
matter what the physical result is, the final outcome is the same. For example, if we were having a head
on hit of the energy, the earth changes would be catastrophic to the point that very few of anyone
would be able to survive, but if that were the case, the necessary precautions would be put into place so
that the result was that whomever needed to experience catastrophe would, and those who didn’t
would be rescued. As it so happens, this particular event is more gradual in nature so we foresee very
little need for evacuations. There will be some catastrophes, but people will be prepared for them and it
will go with relative ease.

This leads into the question about life as you know it. Again, because of the somewhat less or lower
catastrophic nature of the events that will occur, life will actually go on rather uninterrupted for most
people, although everyone will be riveted watching the changes as they unfold across the globe.

Me: I wanted to know about the fall of the Cabal and if that will truly occur before the Event peak or not
(I’m assuming the shift will take place over a period of time?)

Aria: First I will answer the second part. The Event itself, as you call it, will take approximately six months
of your time to occur. Of course, it is taking much more time than that with the gradual increase of
energy leading up to it and a gradual drop off afterward, but the pinnacle that you speak of, the spike,
will be a series of waves occurring over about six-month’s time. The after effect is about the same
dropping off as the increasing energy was before.

Now about the fall of the Cabal. Yes, humanity’s raising consciousness absolutely leads to the fall of the
Cabal concurrent with The Event. As you already surmised, the Event itself occurs because enough
people polarize in order to literally create the wave or bring it on. It is all so seamless that it almost
becomes a chicken and egg controversy. You could say, the increasing energy of course caused increase
in consciousness which caused the series of energy waves to occur, but they are all part of the same
experience, programmed to cause and create the final result in an orchestrated sequence where A
causes B causes C and so on.

It is impossible for people of earth to experience the level of light coming in pre-Pulse without them
then beginning to take measures to overthrow the Cabal. So yes, that is something you already see
happening. This will continue to increase until it opens up the way for even more information/light to
flood in which opens people’s eyes which helps them step into the conscious shift that then brings on or
prepares them for The Event.

Me: So the time of The Event is coming soon, about how long of a time frame will that be as of the way
things are lining up now?

Aria: That is a difficult question to answer because as you know, things can speed up or slow down.
Actually, I should correct myself, they can’t actually slow down, but the rate of acceleration may not be
steady. Given everything we see happening at this time the time frame for The Event will happen within
a years’ time. Until then you will continue to see increasing change. This time frame may adjust outward
somewhat or come closer to you depending on the changes in the rate of acceleration which is also
affected by people’s consciousness.

Me: OK, I’d like to know, do some people begin to inhabit their 4D light body before The Event? Or is
that something that happens afterward?
Aria: In 99% of cases the shift into the light body will occur after The Event. Even then, it is a more
gradual shift. Like we explained before, the major consciousness shift occurs first for everyone, but the
physical aspects of the shift will take more time to come in.

It is just like the way thoughts come before things. It is much easier for a consciousness to take place
and enlightenment to occur but the physical changes really just have to work out over time or your
bodies would literally be destroyed. This will take place at varying rates for each individual. At first,
everyone will be walking around in a daze. Yes, there will be some significant Earth events happening
during The Event such as more earthquakes, storms, volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, etc. and in some
areas, massive groups of people will evacuated. That will be shocking even for those who live in areas
relatively untouched. Still, we assure you that you are headed into a very peaceful and orderly
experience for this to occur. You have much aid and help that will happen coming into this. But you
yourselves as people will be coming into the ability to organize and rule and govern yourselves through
this. All nations of the world are cleaning up their act and even though many in offices of leadership
don’t fully understand what we’re headed into, they will discover it soon enough and people will come
together with a spirit of cooperation unlike anything ever seen before. You already have the capability
to make rapid shift and change in logistics on a planetary scale to relieve human conditions and suffering
if people only cooperate to do it instead of having negative entities obstructing justice. Once the Cabal
falls, things will improve very rapidly. Along with the aid and help from ET’s things will go very smoothly.

Me: How long after the shift into 4th Dimension will souls of non-terrestrial origin stay?

Aria: Some souls will leave soon but most Starseeds have reasons and a desire to stay here for some
time and will be free to choose to stay here for as long as they want. Remember how much you love the
game Age of Empires? That is a deep programming in you that enjoys building society. It is a really big
part of Twin Flame and Starseed missions and you will definitely get to partake in that here if you want

Me: What will awakening be like for most people?

The experience of awakening before The Event will be at a similar scale of difference from someone who
is highly advanced before The Event who was awakened compared to afterward. For example, you are
already highly advanced in your awakening process while your sister is not. You will experience an even
bigger jump or increase in consciousness than she does from the event, but the consciousness shift for
her is just as profound because she will truly be made new. It is difficult to explain.


Me: What about the Event and our role in it? What can we do to help with it and ensure that a positive
time-line is assured?

Aria: there is a timeframe from the benevolent beings. They’re on a clock. (They show a watch to us).

There’s going to be cat-like reflexes with the timing of events that trigger global trajectory of universal
continuity. These will make history, historical landmarks in time for those who are awake and watching.
The events are synchronized but messy. Darkness reigns. But the nucleus of Benevolence appears. There
will be mice of men. Those who rise to the surface to expel the force that is against the light. The Light
always prevails but it is in the process and the saturation of the light that is a necessary tool in the
emulsion and the blending of the new order of energy coming into the atmosphere. These energies may
feel sharp like sticks but soon will be embraced and the edges will be worn and polished into smooth
surface, thereby transferring and emitting light codes into our consciousness and fields. (Lisa sees
vibrant colors) Although this energy is transparent it has a thickening and quickening in the physical
cells. The cells become transformed and memories in the cells instantly make the body fortified with
renewal and the wisdom that other universes possess. It’s not just past lives, its outer communication.
We all will be ingesting this but there’s only a few who will be able to understand the new vibration in
their bodies. Some people will be come in transformation what looks to be sick and wobbly like you’re
weak but its only for a period of time unless you fight it. If you fight it and squeeze down on it, it can
manifest as debilitating disease. If you allow and walk-through it and accept, it becomes a super-charged
empowerment. So, take heed of the warning to allow yourself a step up in vibration. There may not be
tools to calibrate what we have going or what we can expect but under no circumstances does that
mean we have no need for these tools to raise the level of understanding of a vibrational newness.

You have to receive the energy to be ready to receive the encoding. There is not one person who can
opt out, but those who are awake or allowing in their nature, someone who is relaxed and allows for
change, those people will be OK, whether they know what is going on or they are of the nature to
accept. Those who have a hard time are those with the need to know everything and control it. Those
who are in their ego. They’re not going to be excused from this energy of course, but they might drop
out for a while and need a break, be dismissed from their job or told to take a leave, maybe even have
physical or mental going on.

Me: Are we really truly around the corner to this happening? Are we almost there?

Aria: The shift is going to be something that is dropped in but grows and grows and grows and grows. If
you’re looking for a date in time or specific time-frame, it’s not going to be tangible that way. Everyone
would be exploding if it happened that way. It is such a higher vibration that it has to be fed slowly in
order to get into everyone’s cells. There are three other Universes this is happening to simultaneously.
All of it has to be balanced and everything will go as planned. If we try to fight or speed up, you don’t
relax and release into it. Just around the corner. We’ve been in the beginning stages of this for two

There has been an exponential and geometric increase since the eclipse. The eclipse caused a fold in
time which speeds up the process. As the energy comes through it is duplicating and increasing itself in
squares. It’s beyond you’re understanding for how it is expanding. There is no word for it in your

There’s nothing you can do to prepare. This was implanted in the air and it comes into you as you
breathe. It is then utilized through your auxiliary brain to pump these molecules throughout the body.
It’s not just human beings, its everything on Earth.

It’s not only that there was an increase in energy at the Eclipse but that there was an increase in
awareness. The availability of openness has changed in human consciousness. The energy itself does not
need anything or anybody to change its force. It’s consistent. When you’re awake, that’s the trigger for
the geometric expression. It’s constantly multiplying and dividing just like cells and reproducing itself
over and over and every time the fold appears its even faster and we can’t even comprehend what that
means so don’t try.

People get a clear view of what was downloaded in them to be able to do something in their life that will
help them take positive action. In some people it will mean doing kind compassionate things for others.
That you radiate the light coming in to you something very important but natural.

The light came with a positive charge. After the dust settles there will be those trying to go against the
direction this light pushes them to go. Those people will be asked to take a break and the break might
look like a place to get out of their own way. They might have the flu for two weeks or some sort of
operation that keeps them in a drugged state so that the energies are more easily accessed and gone
through each of the energetic systems.

Me: What about those who choose the negative path?

Aria: They can choose to leave whenever they want because they won’t allow the clog or plug to
release. That may manifest as a physical clog in their brain or lungs. Energy will force its way through the
plug in their energetic field and if they allow it to move, they will get a pop-over into awakening. If they
hold on and squeeze it down, there’s a transition they will make. It’s not necessarily death, that’s too
easy. We need them here to be a representation of the transition. Those who have difficulty with the
shift signed up to show the rest of us rigidity, control, digging in your heels, even narcissism. They are
necessary to show us our own percentages of that and the big flushes they do, it shows us the little
flushes inside of us. If there is a plug in the entire system, they are a holographic, microcosm view of the
entire system.

Me: The next question would be, what does that look like in the physical world?

Aria: It’s all different things, like it could be an illness, an operation, or simply indigestion. Some will be
able to release it and this puts back the flow into our collective consciousness, into the holographic
image, then we all have flow again and we don’t have that clog. Others will move on because they are
unable to clear the clog. These may leave by death but in some cases, they will receive a walk-in entity
who will occupy their body. Others will physically be transported to other worlds. Those who aren’t
awakened by this process serve a role for transmuting certain energies and will carry the “plug” of the
old 3D energy in their physical bodies. When they leave, they take the old energy with them.

Me: How does energy of The Event hit our planet? What effect does it have?

Aria: The energy hits the planet abruptly, but the way it enters into our atmosphere is in a way that we
can breathe and process.

The ones who are awake and who are looking for this and are sensitive to it, are going to see, experience
and understand it as clearly as the difference between night and day. Those who are not awake are still
affected but won’t be necessarily be aware of it right away.

Me: How long will it take people to come fully into 4D service to others? A few years, 10 years, a

They show us a view of above the world and how they’re turning the world. They show the world
saturated in this new energy. They really can’t show us a time frame.
It is raising the affectability and possibility of new timelines; less evil, more light. It does seem to be
happening faster, but it doesn’t happen at the speed of light and its already done. It still has to take its
course. It’s being sucked into a place that has gravity, has laws of physics in this planet, it’s not changing
the laws of physics. It’s saturating those laws and making them cleaner, brighter, crisper, and an
infusion. Pushing out the negative/bad cork energy so more light can come in.

Everyone has a form of a plug to a greater or lesser degree. The light forces people who are ready to
transition into an awakened state and the plug is removed. The plug in them looks like a no turning back
type of cleansing. Once the plug is removed, a complete shift occurs. That can create havoc like the
Tower in the person’s life. It was already swimming around in there. In order to create a plug, you had to
create it with something that was a part of you. Its stuff you were already thinking about, putting off,
etc. When the energy comes in like Draino, and its released, there is nothing in your cells that create the
plug the same way again. In that case, they move into reunion. When the plug is gone you’re in a state
of flow and you can’t deny it.


The following came in at the end of a healing session Lisa was doing on me in response to a question
regarding the process of physically shifting from 3D into 4D and how it would affect my healing process.

Aria: If you decide to build your biceps, how long would it take to see a change if you continued a
process? You’re wanting the physical to be in the 5th dimension right now but its still bound by physical
laws. Belief is number one, consistency is #2 and physical laws are #3. The fewer blocks you have, the
easier it is to move through into The New.

When the shift occurs, there will be a facilitator which is going to aid in the connection and slowly fades
out those steps which are no longer necessary.

At this point another being stepped in to speak to us whom we had never spoken to before. I asked them
if they would identify themselves but they said it was not important. “There are many of us monitoring
people of Earth right now and waiting for opportunities to give information about the so-called Event.”

They showed us shimmering, iridescent colors like waves of energy that are coming through the
utilization of a new framework. There is a vibration, a buzz, that is sensed as much as it is felt. They
showed us that it will affect the planetary alignment, but what they meant by this, we were unsure.

Me: How soon will this happen?

Unknown Being: It’s been happening in waves. It cannot shift overnight but the contrast is becoming so
apparent now it is undeniable. You can only explain it by the word “shift”. The way we see it is of a
bleeding from one color system into another color system one drop at a time until all the colors change
to a new color. These drops have been shifting for a long time. You’re getting to see a change, but as far
as years go, there is no way to quantify that. There is no sudden change, it is a bleeding from the old into
the new and yet, how people will see it because they come into a sudden realization of the light, it feels
like a big explosion. The opportunity is there at the same time for everyone. How they choose to shift is
up to them, but a lot of people who choose to maintain their place and not try but go backwards, will
choose illness and death and whatever in order to not jump on the boat. A way out to not have to
comply with shifting into the new. There is no blame or shame in it. They will simply say, “OK this is
where I get off”.

At this point in the channeling Lisa was so tired she was unable to continue, much to my disappointment
as I was anxious to question this being further.


If you speak or type, every word will come and will be there when you need it to. Trust us in this and
allow the flow from the tip of your mind to the tip of your fingers. You will see that you can do this.

Unknown Being (UB): We have been waiting for you and others like you to begin asking these questions.
This information needs to get out to those who are willing to hear. Because of your desire to know the
truth, the Event itself will come forth. It is called into being by the conscious desire of those who are
ready and waiting for it.

Me: Why haven’t people been receiving these messages before now? I’ve asked before as well but not
received much in the way of specific information?

UB: You, like the others who have been aware of the event, have been called for a special purpose. You
answered this call before you were born to be messengers; heralds of what you refer to as The Event.
There has been a timing set in place of certain events that must transpire first and you have been led,
step by step, to receive the right amount of information at the right time. Imagine for a moment, how
frustrated you would be to be given a time frame or specific time frame for the Event to occur and then
have it not occur as expected.

Until recently, we truly were unable to predict ahead of time just when it would occur. For the purposes
of preparing those who were able to receive the specific knowledge of the event, general information
was sufficient. The majority of the people in the world do not need to know about it in order for it to
occur but a certain quotient of those who were looking forward to it was required, along with a certain
quotient of people on earth being ready for the changes that it will bring in order for the signal to be
received by the central sun and your local sun in order to trigger the beginning of the first waves of the
preponderance of the energy that will begin the process of elevating Earth into the 4th dimension.

Me: So, am I correct in hearing and believing those messages from people who have received them that
the first visible wave of the event will occur very soon, as in the Month of March?

UB: You have heard correctly and these messages are now being given to the people of earth because
the time has come. You are one of many who have asked and who will receive this information. This is
only the beginning. In the days and weeks ahead, this message will spread rapidly. You will see a great
increase in knowledge, belief, and anticipation for this event. Many will be reticent to put their hope and
trust into it for the same reason that you have expressed your doubt, but the Event is surely on its way

Me: What can you tell me about it that will help me not have any doubt or question the veracity of how
I’m receiving this message? Can you tell me who you are?
UB: We are One. There are many of us who are spreading this message through the people of earth who
have asked to receive it. As we told you the other evening, we choose at this time not to reveal
ourselves to you by name as that is not important. It will in some cases cause a distraction from the
message itself and we do not want to interfere in any way with the reception of it.

Me: What can you tell me that will help confirm this in my mind? Is the March 19 electromagnetic wave
I just read about going to be the first visible wave which we are calling the Event?

UB: Long before time as you know it began on earth, the cycles of the ages were set in place to form the
structure of the outgrowth of the Universe and all of the elements in it that would eventually coalesce
into clouds of gas and matter and to form stars, planets, and galaxies. This process of continual
expansion and growth has continued on in smaller cycles, medium cycles and grand cycles over eons of
time which immeasurable in their vastness. This continual cycling process of growth and evolution of all
forms of matter, life and consciousness in the Universe, is so fundamental to the structure and
organization of all that is, that they can provide, without question, a concrete amount of data and
evidence that indeed, the Event as you call it, is happening and will happen on Earth at this time.

We understand that the great malaise which has affected this planet for as far back as your history
stories have recorded, has for the most part, left out the story or the record that would prove to you this
existence. Instead of freedom on knowledge and information, your race has suffered greatly from a lack
of knowledge and information on this subject. While this may be lamented, there is nothing that can
stop the forward progression of time that leads all of humanity to the juncture where you now stand.

There is little that we can tell you to convince you that The Event will occur other than what you are
already aware of. We have been leading many key volunteers on Earth in the discovery and
dissemination of information about the Event through the may seeds that were cast out ahead of time
to be found at this time in your story. We have helped key scientists discover, record and postulate
information and data that would be useful to these individuals in proving the existence of these grand
cycles. This was important to lay the ground work for those of you who were willing and ready to receive
the information. From there, the story grew. You were one of those who chose to receive the message
and there are many like you. The messages that were given were always in correlation to information
available time and the progress made was and always has been perfectly aligned with the purpose of
the ultimate goal. There were always those would doubt and scoff at the message, but for those for
whom it was intended, it has stood the test of time.

As you have noted, the time has come now for greater details and specifics to be given about the
upcoming Event. We are here to offer our service and support in this matter, and you may feel free to
ask whatever questions you like.

Me: Yes, I appreciate all that you said and would like to ask some questions about it at this time.

From what I’ve understood from the Law of One, the current vibration of our Earth has already risen to
the point that it is ready for a transition to 4D. Can you confirm or add anything to this?

UB: This is true. The process of shift and raising the vibration of Earth into the next octave of existence
has already begun an is well on its way.
Me: When we channeled information before, there was a great emphasis put on the fact that there is a
steady trajectory and that in a sense, we misunderstood the transition by calling it “The Event”. We have
not received specific information that there would be a single event with visible waves of light. Yet, that
was a seeming contradiction from what I’d heard from David Wilcock and the Law of one. Can you
describe for me in more detail what The Event, as we are calling it, will be like from our perspective?

UB: There are different ways of looking at The Event and all are correct in their way. There is the larger
picture view which is similar to when you look at a picture of a puzzle you’re putting together in order to
get a sense of where you are going. From that perspective, the differentiation of time in terms of
observing visible rays of light or waves of light in a big, single event, compared to seeing it on a larger
perspective, is valid. The original thought from those who studied the subject, was that The Event would
be a single, jarring event, where reality as known before would be totally different from the reality that
came afterward. In some sense, when you look back on the time frame it occurred, the changes will
seem to have been so massive that it will be hard to imagine it other than sudden, but from a larger
bird’s eye perspective, it is clear that the waves of energy hitting earth will escalate in power and density
and have an effect of gradually elevating Earth into the next density, which is known to you as the 4th

At this time we will focus on what the event will look and feel like from your own perspective.

Me: Thank you. What will we see when the first wave of the Event occurs? From our perspective, what
will the first visible wave look like and how will it affect people on earth?

UB: You have already received and heard an accurate description of it. Yes, it will be startling and
arresting in its unusual characteristics as most people on earth will know nothing about it or have heard
anything about it before it occurs. This will be in the form of light that will wash across the land in
iridescent colors in what most would describe as having an earie effect. Somewhat like a layer of moving
smoke that will inundate everything in its path.

Me: Will it touch everything? What about those in shelters, or under the earth?

UB: It will travel through the entire Earth and all beings in it. There is no escape. Deep inside the earth
the energy connects and emanates back out of the Earth in the same way that it emanates from the sun
even though its original source is the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. This light physically comes through
the Sun by way of a portal that the Sun creates. The Earth, although not as powerful, has the ability to
create portals as well, thus it will act as a portal for this light that comes to it from the Sun, and
emanates it back out.

Me: How soon will a visible wave occur?

UB: We are on the cusp of it now. It is imminent. The time line has continually shifted so for this reason
it has been difficult to predict the date. Many changes in the consciousness of the people on Earth have
happened since you last asked about the time frame. It is for this reason that the time frame has moved
up rather than remaining the same or being pushed back.

Me: I’m sorry for my doubt, but after a lifetime of seeing that timeline be continually pushed back, it’s
hard not to get my hopes up.
UB: The wave of energy had already been called forth. We are talking in terms of days and weeks rather
than months as the event time line continues to shift toward an earlier arrival.

Curing this channeling I was in a fairly deep meditative state and began to fall asleep. I asked one more
question but was not able to receive the answer at that time.


Me: So, I have more questions about the Event.

Aria: Of course you do. Fire away!

Me: OK, I would like confirmation of the many accounts from ancient world religions and traditions that
tell of the coming Golden Age and the energy wave that will bring this shift. The Bible says “every eye
shall behold it” and “as the lightening comes from the east unto the west, so shall the coming of the son
of man be”. It’s called the Kali Yuga and described as a golden river of light that will destroy the wicked
but the righteous and the entire world will be changed. Also, I’ve heard many accounts of this energy
wave being visible, that people will see it and be affected by it. So, will there be a visible wave of energy
that will have a world-wide, undeniable, immediately noticeable affect on everyone? If not, why is that
how it has been so widely reported?

Aria: Ok that was a lot of questions rolled into one, let me begin to attempt a satisfactory answer.

First, in answer to your question, is it visible and will everyone see it, yes, in a way, but you should be
aware that people’s perception of it will be quite different depending on where they are in their
willingness and openness to accept it. Like we said before, some will try to deny and excuse is existence
away as normal phenomenon because many humans’ tendency is to deny the existence of things they
can’t understand.

Me: Will there be a succession of visible waves and will people’s responses increase in open acceptance
of them as time goes on and they continue?

Aria: There will be, and they will be increasing in power and visibility. The first one that is coming will be
less widely recognized and seen for what it is. Those of you who are looking for it and watching for it to
occur will form the main group of believers. A few others will be truly shaken to their core and will be
awakened to the new reality because of this first “visible” wave. Each successive wave will be more
powerful and push wider and wider acceptance of this new phenomenon and raise the collective
consciousness and awareness and push people to seek for answers.

Me: Will there still be a group of people who resist it to the point that they deny it ever happened until
they finally end up departing in some way without ever admitting it happened?

Aria: You are describing a group of people who are so deeply set in their ways that they will refuse to
admit something extraordinary is happening even if a spaceship should land in front of them and bring
them on board. They would say it was CGI and still not believe. This is a symptom of a certain level of
mindset or vibration of a soul that is simply ready to move into the higher octave due to their resistance.
There will be some like this, yes.

Me: So as these waves increase in frequency and power, what kinds of changes will we begin to see in
people on Earth? When do we reach the tipping point where the most negative beings who are
transitioning into 4D negative, are finally all gone? That’s that I’m looking forward to most!

Aria: Of course, this is understandable. You perceive the level of the chaos happening on Earth at this
time to be mostly propelled by them, and in this you would be mostly correct, but you have already
been told the answer to this. The more negative a being is, the less able they are to endure the higher
levels of light that are coming in. They will be the first ones to cross over.

Me: So are Donald Trump and the Alliance behind him playing a big role as the active manifestation of
the collective will to rid itself of the Cabal?

Aria: That is one way of putting it. Your collective consciousness finally reached a tipping point, as it
were, that called forth an acceleration of events that have begun which will ultimately be the actionable
arm of your collective will to gain your freedom. Enough people were awakened and calling for freedom
in order to place people into power and give authority to those who have been working behind the
scenes to help push the ball forward, but there is and has been an equal force at play within the
organization of the Cabal itself that has also begun to decentralize their power, weaken and undermine
their control, and has aided in this process.

Me: Who is Q?

Aria: Funny you should finally think to ask! Q is a small group of individuals at very high and key
positions within the Alliance who are the mouthpiece of the Alliance. They are operating with the
assistance of many key individuals and groups and coalitions on Earth but are also in direct contact with
supportive ET’s from the Galactic Federation who have answered your call for aid and for help. They are
yet another manifestation of your collective consciousness and will and desire to know the truth, to
speed up the process, and in a sense, are your own voice of truth. An answer to your prayers you might
say. They are far “deeper” than most people suspect in that they are representative of the true Alliance
which is farther reaching in its make-up and scope than is generally understood.

Me: How far along are we in the process of bringing the Cabal down? In my gut, I feel we’re much
farther than it seems. On the surface, it seems like very little has happened. Can you elaborate or give
more specifics? How much longer?

Aria: You would be correct in understanding that there is more going on than what it looks like and that
more progress has been made than what it seems. The complexity of the problem is such that much
care has to be taken that the beast is gutted from the inside out before most of the people in the world
will realize what has happened. I know you were hopeful and expecting to find out that it was finished
long before now, but the enormity of the task at hand demands a thorough and secret approach be
taken to dismantle the apparatus completely while under the shroud of ignorance and false reporting
that has been allowed to continue.

Me: Why is that?

Aria: The Cabal poses a threat to humanity in ways that even you are not fully aware of. This threat
would have ripple effects far beyond Earth, our solar system and throughout the galaxy, so incredible
care must be taken. The forces you are up against are powerful and many. They are being taken down in
bits and pieces, as well as in large chunks. This is being done behind the scenes and at dimensions
beyond what you see, as well as in space and on Earth. Those beings of light who are fighting this battle
are supremely confident in the outcome, but for awhile there it was not as certain as it is now. The light
coming in and increasing has done exactly what was expected, however, and provided the impetus and
the push for a resolution to occur more quickly. It has been allowed to continue this long in order to
take advantage of the light in a supreme, complete and final wipe-out that will soon occur.

Me: So that brings me to my earlier question. When will the cabal finally be overthrown, and when it is,
will there be full disclosure?

Aria: This is a two-part question and answer. First of all, those fighting the battle are doing it in such a
way so to ride the waves of energy that are coming in. They are fully aware of the various surges and
take advantage of them to press forward on numerous fronts with each new wave as it surges in. This
gives them a big advantage. We have not reached the pinnacle yet but every wave aids in setting up
more pieces for the final fall. There is a surrounding of the wagons, if you will, or the set-up of various
chess-pieces that occurs with each wave, a breaking down of various ramparts the negative beings have
set up to protect themselves, thus they become more vulnerable to the next wave, and so on. It is
difficult to say how much longer this will take, but the correlation between people on Earth waking up,
more of the evil being taken down, and the overall vibration being raised effecting the fall of the Cabal,
is a constant and interconnected process. Everything is working according to plan and in concert with all
the forces available. When it is all over, full disclosure is a natural outcome because people’s
consciousness will not only demand it, they will already intuitively know it. As details are revealed, they
will readily absorb it, understand it, and see it. This is part of the new frame of mind. People will know
things intuitively they were blocked from seeing before. Until then, the number of people who “know”
things is equal to the number of people whose vibration is high enough that they are aware and awake.
This naturally goes hand-in-hand. Disclosure, if you will, is indeed “full” because when people become
fully aware, awake and all-knowing, nothing can be a secret any more.

Me: So back to the waves of energy coming in, you confirm that they will be successively more and more
visible, noticeable and recognized by everyone?

Aria: Yes, this is true.

Me: When will the first visible waves occur?

Aria: Some people have already had the ability to see them or the effects of them. This will continue to
increase as time goes on.

Me: So will there be a big, visible wave in March?

Aria: Many more people will see it than have before.

Me: When there are clouds, is it less noticeable?

Aria: Yes, that is correct. The effects of the energy in your atmosphere are more noticeable when the sky
is clear.
Me: Is it easier to see at night?

Aria: Yes, it is.

Me: The recording I listened to today talked about meteor showers and exhibits in the sky that would
look like fireworks. Is this true?

Aria: There will be many unusual phenomena in the sky that are beyond normal.

Me: I would like to know more about transitioning. Will people literally be leaving or going to a New
World somewhere else, or does this Earth become the New Earth right while we’re living and breathing
on it?

Aria: We’ve explained this before and you already have a good grasp on this.

Me: I ask because I am hearing reports from the other side that sound different than what I understand
it to be.

Aria: There are many different ways of explaining it and based on who is delivering the message and
who is receiving it, the descriptions can vary.

Me: From what I understand, people who are able to physically, mentally and emotionally tolerate the
energy as it comes in will gradually be able to reproduce cells that are more perfect, thus their bodies
will change to some degree. They will begin to look younger and have a body that is able to continually
regenerate to live for very long periods of time. They will become much more loving, kind, and
thoughtful of themselves and others. Those who cannot handle this vibrational shift will depart, some
souls will leave the body and another soul take over, some will die, some will be taken into ships and
transported. Is this correct?

Aria: Yes. This is correct.

Me: from what you said to Lisa, the approximate time-frame that you see this complete transformation
from the world as we know it now until the New Earth has fully taken its place is 12 years from now?

Aria: Roughly, yes.

Me: From what I understand, everyone has pretty much solidified their decision at this time, whether
they will be ready to move forward here or need to go somewhere else or move on. At this point in
time, what percent of our world’s population is ready to move forward on Earth and ascend with it to
the next dimension?

Aria: Between 30-40%

Me: That seems a lot lower than what was hoped for. On other planets it seems as if by the third
harvest, most of the rest of the souls are able to move forward. Why is it so low?

Aria: As you are already aware, we are very happy with these numbers considering the difficulty humans
have had with ascension in the last two harvests.

Me: Are you concerned that this difficulty will be transported to other worlds and cause a cascading
Aria: Great care is being taken to prevent that from happening. We have learned much from how events
unfolded in this solar system and the cascading effect Mars and Maldek had on Earth. We are confident
that we can take steps to prevent this from occurring again.

Me: What types of preventative measure would be taken?

We understand that Earth was in a very volatile position within the Galaxy to begin with an in sense,
attracted an usually wide variety of life-forms. Over time, this tendency was exacerbated and created a
snowball effect. Although we wouldn’t want to repeat the same experiment again, we are not
particularly sorry it occurred. It was an incredible learning experience. This is why you/I chose to
become involved here. It was a privilege and opportunity that attracted many souls to interact with it.
We are looking forward to seeing this experiment continue to its full extent on other planets where we
will move souls from here who are not ready to transition, and see what effect new environments have
on beings who originated from here. There is great opportunity for exploration and increased learning.
Still, we would not want to repeat the experience Earth has gone through and it is our desire to see if we
can set up conditions for the continued advancement of these souls into the next dimension with a
greater success rate.

Me: So the 30-40% that you speak of, that includes souls connected with Earth who are on the other
side, as well as the Starseeds who are here?

Aria: It includes souls who are attached to earth who either originated here or on other planets but who
have not ascended elsewhere. Starseeds and beings who have ascended prior to this are not counted in
that number.

Me: Approximately, how many souls live on Earth at this time are of Starseed origin, or advanced souls
who have already ascended?

Aria: 15-18% of souls alive on Earth at this time are what you would call Starseeds, or Ascended Beings.

Me: And I am one of them, correct?

Aria: Well now, that’s a silly question for you to ask, given all you’ve discovered about Who You Are over
the last four years!

Me: How much longer are we (Starseeds) likely to want to continue to live on Earth after it ascends?

Aria: That depends a lot on each individual. It has to do with their overall desire to continue their
mission in a physical body on Earth and their desire to continue their interrelation with it from higher
dimensions, as well as what their original mission or purpose was.

Me: What about me? How long will I be here afterward?

Aria: You/we love building and design, creating, and coming up with ideas for societies to form and
develop. You have an interest in being here for awhile afterward. Many Starseeds will stay a very long
time in their current physical forms and have become quite attached to Earth and seeing it progress
after the transition. There is a great opportunity for their own growth and development in a sense, from
repeating the process of progressing through these lower dimensions, and they have a desire to
continue the experience of a greater individuation that what they have in higher dimensional bodies.
Freewill choice is fully at play here. Higher beings who have progressed to the 6th and lower 7th
dimensions often spend significant lengths of time in bodies at 4th and 5th dimension as a part of their
overall progression through the 6th and 7th dimensions. This is very common because your role in the 3rd
through 5th dimensions is quite different when you are at your core a 6th to 7th dimensional being.

Me: Do 8th dimensional beings and higher “regress” to bodies at lower dimensions?

Aria: It is very rare.

Me: OK, for now that is enough about the Event and the Shift. I have more questions but I can’t think of
them now and I want to move on to more immediate things, namely my current life situation and
pending union with my Beloved.

Aria: (On manifesting) All of these desires have been imprinted on your heart for good reason and good
purpose so there is no reason they couldn’t occur. You simply must visualize and feel them into being.
Understand that even though the 3D world has what appears to be limiting factors, the only truly
limiting factor is your own ability to believe it and tune into the vibration of its existence. We have told
you before that there is really no great difference from one dimension to another and that they exist
one on top of the other as a matter of phase frequency. It is merely your expansion of consciousness
that bridges the gap. You currently occupy a space somewhere between 3D and 4D so are governed by
certain physical laws that exist in those realms, but what is possible in spite of the restrictions of those
laws is still phenomenally greater than you have ever imagined. Even now, all the awakened people on
Earth are calling forth the first major wave of The Event through the power of their thoughts and

Me: Today I had a realization which is that just as it is getting easier to manifest in the new way of being
and doing things that are from higher vibrational ideas, concepts, constructs, and operations, it is
becoming equally difficult to make things “work” or “happen” in the old 3D way of things. For example,
3D constructs of society are breaking down and just aren’t working any more. My sister and her husband
are an example of this in that the harder they work, the more obstacles they face and the more difficult
life becomes for them. Meanwhile, the less effort I put in, the more good things start coming in. I
understand that a certain amount of effort will be required to make my dream of the glamping tents
become a reality, but its creative work that I will enjoy, and I am putting the intention out there that my
dad and I will have help which will make it more enjoyable and easier still. Can you confirm or elaborate
on this?

Aria: Again, you have landed on a concept that is very accurate and a fundamental part of what all
people on Earth will begin to experience are already experiencing, even though they may have no idea
why it is so. This is a natural effect of the cause of raising vibration; there is a push to let go of the old
and allow the new to come in. For some, a trial and error period of difficult times is ahead, but you
already know what this is like. You experienced it in your own way already—albeit in a different sort of
way than other people might experience it—it is essentially the same thing. This is part of the sorting
process as well. Those who can’t match the new vibration or hold the light of it, will find life too difficult
here on earth and will not wish to continue. Those souls have already been identified and it is known by
their higher selves who they are, but in many cases, there is still significant growth to be had in the
experience of pushing forward here for as long as they can before they leave. As you have already
noted, some have already decided to depart and this will increase in greater numbers as time goes on.
Me: I have a question about that. Will there be some great plagues and famine, or other natural
disasters that will take the lives of many people, or will we see an unusually large number of death by
accidents, natural causes, sickness, heart attacks etc? Or will that continue on at the normal pace until
such a time as disclosure makes it plain that people can choose to leave by taking a ship?

Aria: There will be a greater incidence of natural appearing causes which give people the opportunity to
make their transition but so much will be happening at the same time and it will occur over a fairly short
amount of time so that people won’t find the uptick of the death rate remarkable. Opportunities will
arise for passing on that you have not yet conceived of and from a greater perspective, this will occur
over a relatively short time-span. In other words, it will be over before you know it. The energy will
increase rapidly and for those who are unable to bear it, decisions much be reached and decisive action
taken. Opportunities for transitioning will be abundant. There will be a very practical approach and
because the consciousness level of everyone on Earth will be elevated much above what it is now, there
will not be mass chaos involved.

Me: When will the time -frame for the greatest number of exits occur relative to the first big wave of
The Event?

As you know, time is difficult for us to measure. Not because we don’t have a grasp on your time, your
clocks, calendars etc. but because we understand that time itself is unpredictable especially relative to
occurrences that could vary depending on how the collective conscious of those on Earth react to them.
Never-the-less, the general outlook on this is that the earliest exits will be by death and because the
percentage is relatively small of those who choose to go this way, their departure will not be
remarkable. Those have already begun, as in, many of the souls who have died recently and will
continue to do so, are choosing this particular exit time due to the approaching Event. These are not all
negative beings or souls who are not ready for the new energy, however. Some only intended to be
incarnate up until it occurred and wish to be on the other side to watch it happen. Many of them,
however, are beings who are unable to handle the frequency even now and don’t wish to continue to
struggle with it. Around the time of the 3rd major wave of energy, the consciousness of people on Earth
will demand disclosure and so it will occur on a scale that will open up the doors, figuratively and
literally, for people to depart physically from Earth. This is actually the preferred method as there is a
desire for the genetic programs of 3D Earth natives to continue to be developed. Colonies of a great
number of people will be established on the planets they will call their new home. Life for them will
continue on much as it has. They will all be greatly impacted by The Event which will push them forward
in great leaps toward their process of soul evolution.

Me: What time-frame do you have for this? One year? Five Years?

Aria: This is more difficult to answer than the general way it will occur because humanity’s
consciousness governs the frequency of the waves as well as how quickly they move forward in
demanding full disclosure. Free will is always in play. We cannot dictate this from the outside. We can
only support and all that is needed is in place.

Me: Allison Coe’s patients have reported that many people will be taken off earth into ships when the
first big wave hits. Is this true, and if so, how does that work? Are they completely shielded from the
energy or somewhat shielded?
Aria: This is true. The ships provide some shielding from the energy and the amount of shielding varies.
There are some ships which are located in such a way that they can withdraw into another realm
altogether where they will be unaffected by the energy. This is not how most ships will operate,
however, as it is important in most cases for the people taken to the ships to experience the energy, but
in a somewhat mitigated form and under careful supervision. We have many techniques that we will use
on a case-by-case basis to deal with the effects. The ships are acting more as care centers that can
mitigate the effects of the energy on the people taken up rather than to reduce exposure to the energy
itself. No one can escape this energy entirely. Those who must be removed from the realm completely
will not be brought back. These are souls whose life contracts dictated they be transitioned alive in their
current form. The number is fairly small. During each successive wave that hits, more people will be
taken until a full disclosure offers everyone the opportunity to leave who has already decided to. Until
the mass exodus occurs, the numbers taken away will be relatively small.

Me: How will their family and friends be notified of their departure?

Aria: They will tell them themselves through technological and also telepathic communication. There will
be key individuals in their group of family members and friends who are chosen to receive these
messages. The consciousness of individuals left behind will be such as to be able to handle their
departure. These early departures by space craft will be part of what forces full disclosure of what is

Me: We’re repeatedly told not to worry and have no fear, because there will be no wars, no great
catastrophes, and no great plagues or famines during these final days of Earth’s 3D existence. Can you
confirm or elaborate on this?

Aria: This is quite true. The stories of great catastrophe are generally fabrications of the dark beings who
wish to instill fear and resistance to the Event and the changes that will occur. This serves their purposes
and their nefarious intent but does not serve the beings on Earth who will experience this first-hand.
You can rest assured that no one will be harmed in any way above and beyond the normal events that
happen on earth in any given time.

That is all for now. I will update this article if and when anything regarding The Event comes through.


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