A Project On Environmental Accounting
A Project On Environmental Accounting
A Project On Environmental Accounting
Environment is not only a word but also a definition of life. We do not think about our future
generation. We are so concerned of our business, property, bank balance, wealth etc. But who
will consume these? Interestingly, business doesn’t ask to make the world complex. Every
day we are destroying our environment and now Bangladesh is the fourth country with worst
urban air quality in the world.
Generations ago few people were aware of economics beyond their own jobs and expenses, and
Few companies thought beyond the economics of their profit and loss statements. Industries were
neither clean nor green, and gave little consideration to the environmental impact of their business.
Types of environmental accounting:
Internationally, environmental accounting has been formalised into the System of Integrated
Environmental and Economic Accounting, known as SEEA. SEEA grows out of the System
of National Accounts. The SEEA records the flows of raw materials (water, energy, minerals,
wood, etc.) from the environment to the economy, the exchanges of these materials within the
economy and the returns of wastes and pollutants to the environment. Also recorded are the
prices or shadow prices for these materials as are environment protection expenditures. SEEA
is used by 49 countries around the world.
1. To help in negotiation of the concept of environment and to with the society as a whole and the
environmental pressure group in particular.
2. To segregate and collaborate all environmental related flows and stocks of resources.
banking sector of Bangladesh. The study also covers the following specific objectives:
2. To find out whether the banking companies have taken any protection on environment.
Since 1989 in Bangladesh a separate ministry for Forest and Environment has
primed and in the same year Bangladesh Environmental Conversion Act 1995
2 Department of Forest
3 Department of Environment
4 Planning Commission
24 Tax Ordinances
25 IFIC guidelines
26 IASC guidelines
27 FASB guidelines
28 BFRS guidelines
From the above table, we can say there are strong legal positions of environmental
From the table it is clear that our banking companies are trying their best to protect our
environment. Most of the banks are covering some environmental protective activities that
are very satisfactory. Islamic bank Bangladesh is clearly ahead among the sample banks. All
of the sample banks provide environmental performance report according to Bangladesh bank
direction. According to Bangladesh bank guidelines there are forty seven (47) products line
under eleven(11) categories to share Bank, a bank 2015).
Environmental Protections Activities Taken by the Banks:
Table 3: Environmental Activities of the Sample Bank.
2010 2011 2012 2013
From the table and figure, it can be said that disclosing environmental information in the
annual report of the selected banks are increasing from year to year. During the year 2010
and 2011, 66.67% and 91.67% banks respectively disclosed at least one environment related
information in their annual report. But there is a dramatic change from the year 2012 to
2014. All sampled banks disclosed several environmental information and activities in their
annual report. Last three years trend of disclosing environmental information of banking
companies is satisfactory and 100% in nature. During the period of study on average 92%
12 12
12 11 11
8 8
2010 2011 2012 2013
Table 4 and figure 2, describes mode of disclosing environmental information of the selected
banks. It shows that the common practice followed by the banking companies regarding
environmental disclosure is to offer qualitative information in the annual reports. The trend of
disclosing qualitative information is increasing over time. During the period 2012 to 2014, all
information is also increasing in nature. In the period of 2010, not a single bank discloses any
increasing. In 2014 most of the banks (eleven) disclose quantitative information. But the
banking companies that disclose financial information on environmental issues do not
provide any system wise break up of environmental expenditure or its accounting treatment
in the annual reports. However some banks have given detailed information on environmental
protection activities through charts and tables. Moreover, majority of banks disclose both
annual report and the trend is increasing rapidly. But the banks have started reporting
environmental information.
2010 0 6 6 0 1 0 0 1
2011 3 4 7 0 7 0 0 1
2012 4 8 5 0 10 1 0 1
2013 8 8 7 0 11 1 0 1
2014 8 7 8 0 11 1 0 1
Annual Report
35% 2010
17% 2011