Using A Goniometer Effectively
Using A Goniometer Effectively
Using A Goniometer Effectively
Joint flexibility is defined as the range of motion (ROM) allowed at a joint. A joint's ROM
is usually measured by the number of degrees from the starting position of a segment to
its position at the end of its full range of the movement. The most common way this is
done is by using a double-armed goniometer. A stationary arm holding a protractor is
placed parallel with a stationary body segment and a movable arm moves along a
moveable body segment. The pin (axis of goniometer) is placed over the joint. When
anatomical landmarks are well defined, the accuracy of measurement is greater. If there
is more soft tissue surrounding the joint area, measurement error can be more frequent.
Background Information:
(CR) and contract-relax antagonist contract (CRAC). Use of PNF terminology and
definitions is confusing in the literature, and a full understanding of PNF theory is yet to
be developed. However, it is currently believed that suppression of the stretch reflex
and enhancement of the Golgi tendon reflex work to make this method effective. Thus,
the PNF technique is designed to capitalize on the neurological mechanisms in the
muscle and joint.
What is a Goniometer
Knowing the joint angle associated with a task can help ergonomists to make more
specific design recommendations or to compare worker posture before and after
changes have been made.
Important Tips
Stabilize the stationary portion of the body. This is the part of the body that is proximal
(closer to the midline of the body) to the joint you are testing. It is important that the
patient does not move his body while moving the joint; this step isolates the joint
movement for a more accurate measurement.
Look at the reading on the goniometer before removing it from the patient's body.
Ensure that you take an accurate reading of the degree of motion on the goniometer,
and that you consistently use the same stationary and movable landmarks on the body
when measuring, to ensure consistency. Be sure to record the range of motion for the
Stand behind a subject who has removed clothing from the waist up. Palpate the inferior
angle and the vertebral border of the scapula (Figure 1).
Hip flexion
Starting position:
Subject lies supine upon a firm, flat surface with the opposite
hip held in anatomical position. Knee should flexed maximally
while performing the movement. Do not allow the pelvis to
lift during the movement.
Goniometer placement:
Proximal point of proximal segment – lateral pelvis midline (pointing toward GH joint)
Approximate joint axis – greater trochanter of femur
Distal point of distal segment – lateral condyle of femur
Measurements to perform (record in Table 1):
Active hip flexion
Passive hip flexion
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average of 2
Active flexion
Passive flexion
Hip extension
Starting position:
Subject lies prone in anatomical position on a firm, flat
surface. Subject should maintain contact of both
iliac crests with the surface during measurement.
Goniometer placement:
Proximal point of proximal segment – lateral pelvis
midline (pointing toward GH joint)
Approximate joint axis – greater trochanter of femur
Distal point of distal segment – lateral condyle of femur
Measurements to perform (record in Table 1):
Active hip hyperextension
Passive hip hyperextension
Active hyperextension
Passive hyperextension
Improving joint flexibility is essential for injury prevention. On may increase joint
flexibility (range of motion) by regular stretching. What are the factors affecting flexibility
of a joint? Table 1 summarizes the average ROMs published. Compare your
measurements with these values. Are they in similar ranges or not? If not, why?
Luttgens, K. & Hamilton, N. (1997). Kinesiology: Scientific Basis of Human Motion, 9th
Ed., Madison, WI: Brown & Benchmark.