James Moriarty
Vital statistics
Sex Male
Nationality British
Occupation Mathematician
Criminal mastermind
Moriarty plays a direct role in only one other of Doyle's Holmes stories:
The Valley of Fear, which was set before "The Final Problem," but
published afterwards. In "The Valley of Fear", Holmes attempts to
prevent Moriarty's agents from committing a murder. Moriarty does not
meet Holmes in this story. In an episode where Moriarty is interviewed
by a policeman, a painting by Jean-Baptiste Greuze is described as
hanging on the wall; Holmes remarks on another work by the same
painter to show it could not have been purchased on a professor's
salary. The work referred to is La jeune fille à l'agneau; some
commentators have described this as a pun by Doyle upon the name of
Thomas Agnew of the gallery Thomas Agnew and Sons, who had a
famous painting stolen by Adam Worth, but was unable to prove the