2 Related Topics Automatic Irrigation

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Executive Summary

An automated irrigation system refers to the operation of the system with no or just a minimum of
manual intervention beside the surveillance. Almost every system (drip, sprinkler, surface) can be
automated with help of timers, sensors or computers or mechanical appliances. It makes the irrigation
process more efficient and workers can concentrate on other important farming tasks. On the other
hand, such a system can be expensive and very complex in its design and may needs experts to plan and
implement it.


Automation eliminates the manual operation of opening or closing valves

Possibility to change frequency of irrigation and fertigation processes and to optimise these processes

Adoption of advanced crop systems and new technologies, especially new crop systems that are
complex and difficult to operate manually

Use of water from different sources and increased efficiency in water and fertiliser use

System can be operated at night, water loss from evaporation is thus minimised

Irrigation process starts and stops exactly when required, thus optimising energy requirements


The systems can be very expensive

Self-help compatibility is very low with big-scale systems, which are very complex

Most automated irrigation systems need electricity

In Out
Freshwater, Fertigation Water, Treated Water, Energy

Food Products


An automation of irrigation systems has several positive effects. Once installed, the water distribution
on fields or small-scale gardens is easier and does not have to be permanently controlled by an
operator. There are several solutions to design automated irrigation systems. Modern big-scale systems
allow big areas to be managed by one operator only. Sprinkler, drip or subsurface drip irrigation systems
require pumps and some high tech-components and if used for large surfaces skilled operators are also
required. Extremely high-tech solutions also exist using GIS and satellites to automatically measure the
water needs content of each crop parcel and optimise the irrigation system. But automation of irrigation
can sometimes also be done with simple, mechanical appliances: with clay pot or porous capsule
irrigation networks or bottle irrigation (see also manual irrigation).

High-Tech Principles

Automation of irrigation systems refers to the operation of the system with no or minimum manual
interventions. Irrigation automation is justified where a large irrigated area is divided into small
segments called irrigation blocks and segments are irrigated in sequence to match the discharge
available from the water source. There are six high-tech automation systems, which are described

Time Based System

Irrigation time clock controllers, or timers, are an integral part of an automated irrigation system. A
timer is an essential tool to apply water in the necessary quantity at the right time. Timers can lead to an
under- or over-irrigation if they are not correctly programmed or the water quantity is calculated
incorrectly (CARDENAS-LAILHACAR 2006). Time of operation (irrigation time – hrs per day) is calculated
according to volume of water (water requirement - litres per day) required and the average flow rate of
water (application rate – litres per hours). A timer starts and stops the irrigation process (RAJAKUMAR et
al. 2008 and IDE n.y.).

Volume Based System

The pre-set amount of water can be applied in the field segments by using automatic volume controlled
metering valves (RAJAKUMAR et al. 2008). An example for a volume based irrigation method is
described in ZELLA et al. (2008).
Open Loop Systems

(Adapted from BOMAN et al. 2006)

In an open loop system, the operator makes the decision on the amount of water to be applied and the
timing of the irrigation event. The controller is programmed correspondingly and the water is applied
according to the desired schedule. Open loop control systems use either the irrigation duration or a
specified applied volume for control purposes. Open loop controllers normally come with a clock that is
used to start irrigation. Termination of the irrigation can be based on a pre-set time or may be based on
a specified volume of water passing through a flow meter.

Closed Loop Systems

(Adapted from BOMAN et al. 2006)

A simple version of a closed loop control system is that of an irrigation controller. A moisture sensor
interrupts the irrigation process. When soil-moisture drops below a certain threshold, the sensing device
closes the circuit, allowing the controller to power the electrical valve and the irrigation starts. Source:
BOMAN et al. (2006)

In closed loop systems, the operator develops a general control strategy. Once the general strategy is
defined, the control system takes over and makes detailed decisions on when to apply water and how
much water to apply. This type of system requires feedback from one or more sensors. Irrigation
decisions are made and actions are carried out based on data from sensors. In this type of system, the
feedback and control of the system are done continuously. Closed loop controllers require data
acquisition of environmental parameters (such as soil moisture, temperature, radiation, wind-speed,
etc) as well as system parameters (pressure, flow, etc.).

Real Time Feedback System

With this application irrigation is based on actual dynamic demands of the plant itself; the plant root
zone is effectively reflecting all environmental factors acting on the plant. Operating within controlled
parameters, the plant itself determines the degree of irrigation required. Various sensors, tensiometers,
relative humidity sensors, rain sensors, temperature sensors etc. control the irrigation scheduling. These
sensors provide feedback to the controller to control its operation (RAJAKUMAR et al. 2008).

Computer Based Irrigation Control Systems

Control board showing timers, soil moisture sensor-controllers, solenoid valves wiring, and flowmeters-
datalogger. Source: CARDENAS-LAILHACAR (2006)

Control board showing timers, soil moisture sensor-controllers, solenoid valves wiring, and flowmeters-
datalogger. Source: CARDENAS-LAILHACAR (2006)

A computer-based control system consists of a combination of hardware and software that acts as a
supervisor with the purpose of managing irrigation and other related practices such as fertigation and
maintenance. Generally, the computer-based control systems used to manage irrigation systems (e.g.
drip irrigation systems) can be divided into two categories: interactive systems and fully automatic
systems. Read more about it in RAJAKUMAR et al. (2008).

Besides these high-tech solutions there are also effective methods without any energy supply.
Optimising a system mechanically with the help of gravity can automate an irrigation process. Examples
are the small-scale and self-made drip irrigation systems described here or the systems described below.

Low-Tech Principles
Clay Pot and Porous Capsule Irrigation Network

(Adapted from UNEP 1998)

Schematic representation of a clay pot irrigation system (left) and porous capsule irrigation system
(right). Source: UNEP (1998)

Schematic representation of a clay pot irrigation system (left) and porous capsule irrigation system
(right). Source: UNEP (1998)

This old system has been modernised and reapplied in water scarce areas. The technology consists of
using clay pots and porous capsules (see also pitcher irrigation) to improve irrigation practices by
increasing storage and improving the distribution of water in the soil. This low-volume irrigation
technology is based on storing and distributing water to the soil, using clay pots and porous capsules
interconnected by plastic piping. A constant-level reservoir is used to maintain a steady hydrostatic
pressure. Clay pots are open at the top and are usually fired in home furnaces after being fabricated
from locally obtained clay or clay mixed with sand. The pots, usually conical in shape and with a capacity
of 10 to 12 litres, are partially buried in the soil with only the top poking out. Distribution is done by
plastic (PVC) piping to ensure a fairly uniform permeability and porosity. Maintaining a constant level in
the storage reservoir regulates hydrostatic pressure.

A similar system, tested in Mexico and Brazil, uses smaller, closed containers, or porous capsules,
completely buried in the soil. These containers distribute the water either by suction and capillary action
within the soil, or by external pressure provided by a constant-level reservoir (as in the previous
system). Each capsule normally has two openings to permit connection of the plastic (PVC) piping which
interconnects the capsules. The capacity of these capsules ranges between 7 and 15 litres, and the
storage tanks supplying the system are elevated 1 or 2 m above the soil surface. The capsules are buried
in a line 2 meters apart, at least 10 cm under the top layer of the soil. The number of pots or capsules
used is a function of the area of cultivation, soil conditions, climate, and pot size. Up to 800 pots/ha
were installed in Brazil.
Automatic Surge Flow and Gravitational Tank Irrigation System

This is an intermittent gravity-flow irrigation system. It has been used almost exclusively for small-scale
agriculture and domestic gardening. Prior to the development of this technology, electronically
controlled valves were used to produce intermittent water flows for irrigation. These valves are
expensive and require some technical training to operate. The siphon replaces these valves with a
device that would be more cost-effective and easier to operate and maintain with a minimum
consumption of energy. The system consists of a storage tank equipped with one or more siphons (see
figure below) (UNEP 1998). The water in the tank flows to the field because of the siphon effect. As soon
as the tank is empty, the flow stops. For the next irrigation process, the tank has to be filled-up to restart
the siphon effect again. To learn more about possible siphon designs see VORTECH (2009).

Schematic representation of an automatic surge flow irrigation system. Source: UNEP (1998)

Schematic representation of an automatic surge flow irrigation system. Source: UNEP (1998)
Another system that produces similar results is the use of a storage tank with a bottom discharge. It is
equipped with a floater, which allows the cyclical opening and closing of a gate at the bottom of the
tank. In effect, the operation of the floater is similar to the mechanism in the storage tank of a toilet
flushing system. The materials normally used in the construction of the water storage tanks are gravel
and cement, reinforced concrete or plastic. The siphons are usually built of a flexible plastic material;
PVC is not recommended (UNEP 1998).

Cost Considerations

Costs highly depend on the applied system. It varies from very cheap (e.g. timer) to very expensive
systems, which includes research on soil quality and technical material.

Operation and Maintenance

Automatic irrigation systems need to be operated by skilled labourers and maintained frequently.
Malfunctions of sensors and valves have to be avoided at all cost and common repair work (e.g. leaches,
blockages) has to be considered as well.

Almost every irrigation system can be automated. It makes sense in every region of the world as it saves
time and water. Furthermore, high-tech designs allow for very efficient irrigation i.e. metering the water
volumes more precisely. Once the system is optimised, labourers do not have to worry about the
irrigation process and can concentrate on more important tasks.

What is automatic irrigation?

Automatic irrigation is the use of a device to operate irrigation structures so the change of flow of
water from one bay, or set of bays, to another can occur in the absence of the irrigator.

Automation can be used in a number of ways:

• to start and stop irrigation through supply channel outlets,

• to start and stop pumps,

• to cut off the flow of water from one irrigation area – either a bay or a section of channel and
directing the water to another area.

These changes occur automatically without any direct manual effort, but the irrigator may need to
spend time preparing the system at the start of the irrigation and maintaining the components so it
works properly.

What are the benefits of automatic irrigation?

Reduced labour:

As the irrigator is not required to constantly monitor the progress of an irrigation, the irrigator is
available to perform other tasks – uninterrupted.

Improved lifestyle:

The irrigator is not required to constantly check the progress of water down the bays being irrigated.
The irrigator is able to be away from the property, relax with the family and sleep through the night.

More timely irrigation: Irrigators with automation are more inclined to irrigate when the plants need
water, not when it suits the irrigator.

Assists in the management of higher flow rates: Many irrigators are looking to increase the irrigation
flow rates they receive through installing bigger channels and bay outlets. Such flow rates generally
require an increase in labour as the time taken to irrigate a bay is reduced thus requiring more
frequent change over. Automation allows for these higher flows to be managed without an increase
in the amount of labour.

More accurate cut-off: Automation of the irrigation system allows cut-off of water at the appropriate
point in the bay. This is usually more accurate than manual checking because mistakes can occur if
the operator is too late or too early in making a change of water flow.
Reduced runoff of water and nutrients: Automation can help keep fertiliser on farm by effectively
reducing run off from the property. Retaining fertiliser on farm has both economic and environmental

Reduced costs for vehicles used for irrigation: As the irrigator is not required to constantly check
progress of an irrigation, motor bikes, four wheelers and other vehicles are used less. This reduces
the running costs of these vehicles and they require less frequent replacement.

What are the disadvantages of automatic irrigation?


There are costs in purchasing, installing and maintaining automatic equipment.


Can the irrigator trust an automatic system to work correctly every time? Sometimes failures will
occur. Often these failures are because of human error in setting and maintaining the systems. A re-
use system is good insurance to collect any excess runoff when failures occur.

Increased channel maintenance:

There is a need to increase maintenance of channels and equipment to ensure the system works
correctly. Channels should be fenced to protect the automatic units from stock damage.

What automatic irrigation systems are available?

Pneumatic system:

A pneumatic system is a permanent system activated by a bay sensor located at the cut-off point.
When water enters the sensor, it pressurises the air, which is piped to a mechanism that activates
the opening and closing of irrigation structures.

Portable timer system:

A portable timer system is a temporary system which uses electronic clocks to activate the opening
and closing of the irrigation structures. Because of its portable nature, landowners usually buy 4 or 5
units to move around the whole property.
Timer/ Sensor Hybrid:

As the name suggests, this system is a hybrid of portable timer and sensor systems. Like a portable
timer, it uses an electronic device to activate the opening and closing of the irrigation structures.
However, this system has an additional feature of the irrigator being able to place a moveable sensor
down the bay, which when comes in contact with water, transmits radio signals to the timer devices
at the outlets to open or close the structures and sends a radio message to a receiver to let the
landowner know water has reached the cut-off points down the bay.


Automation systems that use Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) consist of a personal
computer and software package to schedule and control irrigation via a radio link. Signals are sent
from the computer to control modules in the paddock to open and close irrigation structures with
linear actuators. Bays are opened and closed on a time basis, some systems have the capacity to
automatically alter the time a bay outlet is open if the channel supply is inconsistent.

SCADA based systems have the additional benefit of being able to start and stop irrigation pumps
and motors.

How can an irrigation layout be automated?

An irrigation layout can be automated at one of two places; in sections of channel or at individual bay

Automation of channel sections

In this system the channel structures are automated allowing the channel level to be changed. The
bay outlets do not have opening or closing structures rather each set of outlets is set at a specific
level eg a set of sills.

This method of automation requires a larger amount of fall to be available in the channel system to
allow for a change in water level between different areas. This change in water level is required to
prevent water flowing onto bays previously irrigated, when another section is to be irrigated. On
many farms this fall is not available, so this method of automation in many cases is not suitable.

Automation of individual bay outlets

This method of automation involves control of the bay outlets to change the flow of water onto the
areas being irrigated. This system of automation is the most frequently used in areas where there is
insufficient fall to automate channel sections.
The same type of automatic devices available can be set up to operate either automation of channel
sections or automation of bay outlets.

Which system is best?

All systems of automation have advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered when
deciding which system will suit the irrigation layout for a particular property. There is no system that
will be the "best" system for all properties.

The methods of irrigation used by the irrigator need to be considered. If a system that can be moved
around the property and perhaps used on other properties is required, then the irrigator needs to
consider those systems that are portable. If the irrigator wants a system where the components are
fixed and can follow the same irrigation sequence each irrigation, then a fixed system would be more

In determining the best system for a property, the irrigator will need to consider the cost of the
system, back up servicing of the system and which system will best suit the property and irrigation

Where do I start?

Development of a whole farm plan for the property is a good way to start preparing for
automation. During the development of a whole farm plan, landholders should consider automatic
irrigation in the planning process so they can incorporate some of the features required for
automation from the start. This might involve design of the channels for channel automation if that is
possible or it might be the use of bay outlets and other channel structures that will suit automation at
a later stage.
When it comes to starting to install automation there are a number of ways of getting started.
One way is to start by automating those areas irrigated at night, so appropriate irrigation flow rates
can be acheived, without disrupting the irrigator's sleep. Another is to automate those areas that are
difficult to irrigate – areas of short steep bays that require the irrigator to be present more often or
require frequent changes.

Automation is not only suited to areas of the farm that have been laser graded. Non-lasered areas
can also be automated. This can include automation of the channel structures to irrigate sections of
the non-lasered areas.

With the information from a whole farm plan, channel structures that will be used when the
development works are carried out, can be purchased and used to automate these non-lasered
areas. This can be done with the knowledge the structures will be suitable for use after the
development work is carried out.


Irrigation Survey and Designers Group

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