Create Coaching Program

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Milana Leshinskv

I nase line oi Milaiia's Loachine Millions ovsteir
Coaching Millions System | Phase One "BUILD" | Design Coaching Programs

Design Coaching Programs

for Maximum Client
Enrollment and Retention

Creating Your Coaching Program

By Milana Leshinsky

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Coaching Millions System | Phase One "BUILD" | Design Coaching Programs

Milana Leshinsky has created a million-dollar

coaching and information business empire. As the
founder of ACCPOW, the Association of Coaching
& Consulting Professionals on the Web, originator
of the Coaching Telesummit, host of the annual
Coaching Super Summit, and the author of
"Coaching Millions," Milana has been called the
"MEGA Coach" of the industry.

Today she works with multiple-income-stream

entrepreneurs helping them uncover hidden profit
* «-f centers, maximize their existing revenue streams,
and develop highly effective virtual support teams.
Milana is recognized for helping clients create the
ultimate lifestyle business in the coaching industry.
She lives with her husband and two children in her
dream home in Pennsylvania.

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Coaching Millions System | Phase One "BUILD" | Design Coaching Programs

I believe this session is multi-fold in purpose because while you're learning how to create
a program, it is also about how to sell your coaching and mentoring services, and how to put
yourself in the shoes of a perspective client.

Creating A Program
In this session I will talk about what programs are, why we need them, and why I am
even mentioning all this. Even if you think you have a coaching program in place, you may be
surprised to learn that you don't. So, in this session, keep your mind open to different

_______________ The biggest reason why every information

The biggest entrepreneur should have a big-ticket program it is much
reason why every easier to define specific benefits and results that your
coach should clients can expect from a program. They can easily
have a coaching understand what to expect from your program.
program it is
much easier to In other words, make them see that there is a tangible result
define specific at the end. Tangible results is what every client wants.
benefits and
results that your A coaching program must also have a name, a defined time
clients can expect limit, a specific set of goals the client will achieve, and have a plan
from a program. for what happens after the program ends. Clients need to
understand what it is that will happen for them if they invest the
time and money with you.

In this session we are going to talk about the following:

1) How to choose the right coaching program that works for you-This is
very important. Some programs, for example, did not fit my lifestyle and
that's why I didn't put it together no matter how lucrative it seemed on
the outside.

2) Putting the program together-1 will talk about how you can do this
from your own existing knowledge, experience, and materials. There is
nothing new that you need to be doing or searching for. It's all in your
head and on your computer, available to you. With a couple of hours, you
will have that program together.

3) How to make your program extremely valuable and

irresistible- This is very important!

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Choosing a Program Format

That Is Right For You
Any program you develop needs to fit your lifestyle.

What I am going to do is share with three models. This is not an exhaustive list. In other
words, there are as many program formats and models as there are people who deliver them. This
is to give you a starting point. You can take what you learn from this session and create your own
variation, combination version of elements that should go into your program.


This is my personal favorite. An action plan program is basically designed to accomplish
a specific goal within a relatively short period of time. This program is always laser-focused and
promises a very tangible results. This model is best used for business coaching and usually
includes some form of training or consulting.
You can take
what you learn Any how-to article can be turned into an action plan coaching
from this session program. For example, if you have written an article that's called, "How to
and create your Put Together an Effective Presentation," you can convert it into a six-
own variation, week program called, "The Perfect Public Seminar." Right from the article
combination you draw the concepts.
version of
elements that If you have an article called, "How to Write and Publish Your
should go into Own E-Book," you can turn that into a seven-week, "Publish Your Own
your program. E-Book," program. In fact, that's the program that I sold very successfully
in the beginning of my business when I knew very little about coaching,
but I knew that people wanted tangible results.

And if they had an e-book published at the end of the program, that's a tangible result.
That's what attracted people to the program, based on a how-to concept.

Actually a how-to program is simple to create. It focuses on a very specific task and,
therefore, you can outline the number of steps to take people from point A to point B.

It can easily be explained to your prospects. Plus, this is the type of program that is easier
to market than other types of programs. This is probably the model that gets as close as it can
ever get to a tangible product, such as a book or seminar on tape. Products are always easier
to sell than services.

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Our goal is to package, bottle, or bundle our services into a tangible format so people can
see that this is what it's called, how long it will last, what steps they will take, and the result they
will walk away with.

The reason this program is my favorite is because I find it very easy to leverage my time
by writing an article, which I can send to thousands of my subscribers and turn it into a coaching
program for those who need more guidance.

Several years ago. I did dial wilh a program called, "Rich Coach. Poor Coach," and I gol"
seven clienis, based on a teleseininar 1 did on dial topic, ll was jusi seven slcps dial wealthy
coaches did dial si niggling coaches do not.

The program specifically outlined die seven things dial you needed to do lo put inlo place
in your business lo gel Ihere. People were attracted to dial program. And I've never been able lo
close? dial many clients from a single lelescminar much as 1 did thai time when I proposed a
specific program.

It was a 12-week program. I find ii extremely rewarding to lake clienis from point A lo
point B in such a short period of time because I am able logive them die skills and the knowledge
needed for1 future projects. So, if they find us working together during those 6-12 weeks was
rewarding because? it gave Ihem results.

Then (here? is a greater chance for them to hire me as their coach for a longer period of
lime than if I led with coaching services w i t h no particular short-1erm goal in mind.

Thai is not going to work.

It works only if you have a relationship wilh that person or if you've known that person
and someone referred you dial client because they had extraordinary results. I lowever, for the
most pari, for the majority of clienis, they want lo see a tangible before they lnisi you lo work
with them on a longer lime commit merit.

The good thing, if the client is not a good fit or1 is not as pleasant to work with as you
desire? your clienis lo be. il is easier to discontinue thai relationship.

Client Relationships
There are many possibilities for you to end your client relationship when the
program is over, but there are also many possibilities for you to continue that relationship.

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The way you do that is by letting people know that these are the other things you can
help them with. For example, if you have a program on relationships and you help your clients
find their happiness in their marriage, there are many more ways that you can help them achieve
their further goals.

You just need to let them know about it and if they've bonded with you and enjoyed the
experience, there is a huge chance for them to evolve into your next level program.
However, the point
is that there is Most people do not let their clients know about how to work
always a way to with them further. They just end it right there. That always surprises me
channel your because it's, first of all, money that is being left on the table. Second,
clients after the you haven't helped your client achieve the best you can. In other words,
coaching program you took them through a process in those 12 weeks, but there is so
into further much more.
coaching with you.
It's just how you We all know that in 12 weeks only this much is possible. Or,
position your should I say little is possible. It has to be a consistent maintenance
program. program or you have to continuously work with your clients.

If you look at Thomas Leonard's "Clean Sweep Assessment," and had to work with your
client to achieve all of those items on the list and all of those tolerations that Thomas outlined,
guess how many years that would take? I think it would take five to ten years to get rid of those

Some people just don't want to get rid of all of them and they focus on certain areas.
However, the point is that there is always a way to channel your clients after the coaching
program into further working with you. It's just how you position your program. If you say this
is all you do, then that's all you do and that's what clients will understand.

But, if you say that this is one of many ways that they can work with you, then you open
doors of opportunity with them to hire you further.

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While the phrase "Coaching Gym" does sound like going to the YMCA or
JCC, in some ways it's true. Like the YMCA, clients can go there anytime it is open and
get exercise, or in this case, coaching.

The idea of a Coaching Gym, originally, was not created by Chris Barrow. It
actually started with Dan Sullivan's "Strategic Coach System," which included quarterly
workshops and an unusual weekly work schedule. Thanks to Chris others were taught by
him using this system. If you type in "Coaching Gym" at Google you will see a lot of

Besides offering the potential for building a million-dollar coaching practice, this
model also promises a very exciting and rewarding lifestyle for some.

——-----------— The Coaching Gym is the system that allows you to go

When you enroll beyond one-on-one calls. In fact, I think the major reason Chris
clients into your started doing Coaching Gym is because he dreaded those one-hour
Coaching Crym, weekly coaching calls. He just did not enjoy those. So, he looked for
they also gain a solution.
access to you by
e-mail or ^e attended Dan Sullivan's seminar and he realized that
telephone. this is the lifestyle and the format of coaching that he would like to
be involved in. So he no longer does one hour coaching sessions, but
clients call him between Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00-5:00, or whatever his working hours
are and they attend "Coaching Gym" for laser (15 minute) coaching.

This means that you can work with many more clients than individual coaching
would allow you. That is how you bring your practice to a six -figure or even seven-figure
level, which is the case in Chris Barrow's coaching business.

Now, Coaching Gym is just one method in which you deliver coaching. When you
enroll clients into your Coaching Gym, they also gain access to you by e-mail or
telephone. You can also combine it with quarterly live workshops. You can offer them
workbooks, assessments, website resources.

Then there is something called a weekly workout log. He sends a weekly reminder
for people to submit their progress forms (what you did this week, how you did it, any
challenges, and questions. Then, as the client has a question, Chris simply answers that
question by e-mail. There's a lot of heavy e-mailing involved in the Coaching Gym and
that's the party I personally do not enjoy.

The other option here is not to offer e-mail coaching, but to expand your hours.
Basically, the idea of a Coaching Gym is to allow your clients to call during specified
hours for laser coaching. It's like coaching on demand. If a client has a problem, he or

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she picks up the phone and calls you. If you are on a call with another client, he or she
leaves you a message and you call them back.

If you feel that one on one coaching with the one-hour weekly sessions is too
much, then this may be an option for you. If you are great at laser coaching, if you are
great at problem solving on the spot, this could be an option for you.

Or, if you simply enjoy this format rather sticking on the phone for an hour,
waiting for clients to call that way.

The structure of the Coaching Gym allows you to focus one day a week on
business development because if you take coaching calls from Tuesday to Thursday and
take off Friday, then Monday would be your business development day that you could
work on your system, create passive income sources, and other things.

So, the Coaching Gym is for people who like this kind of structure. It's a great
system and a great coaching model. As you think about this model, ask yourself, "Why do
my clients call me so much in the middle of the week?" "Could they benefit from calling
me for these laser sessions?"
Remember, you
can test the One another comment I want to make about the Coaching
Coaching Gym Gym is that this program generates an overhead because you need
program. You to pay your contractors, your freelancers. You have to post your
need to test recordings and things like that. Also, you to pay travel expenses and
how your workshop-related accommodations.
clients respond
to this and how From what I remember in my conversations with Chris
much workload Barrow, is that out of a million dollars that makes from his coaching
is involved. business, a third goes to his contractors, a third to his own expenses,
and a third he pockets for his own.

While there is definitely an overhead, he is the person who

takes 12 weeks of vacation a year. That's amazing! How's that sound? 12 weeks of
vacation and a million-dollar practice with a third of it going directly into your pocket.

Take a look at your current coaching business and see if that may be an option to
offer to your clients. By the way, you wouldn't have to stop doing what you're doing right
now. You could just offer a Coaching Gym element to what you're already doing and see
how that works first.

Remember, you can test the Coaching Gym program. You need to test how your
clients respond to this and how much workload is involved. But, overall, you can expect
to enroll a lot of clients. In other words, if you coach 20 clients right now one-on-one,
that's your maximum. There's no way you can take more than 30 clients a week. You will
break your back doing that.

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On the other hand, with Coaching Gym, you can enroll as many as 250 clients.
These are the numbers that I've seen from Christ, as well as other people who run
Coaching Gyms.

Important Questions
"How is Coaching Gym program paid for?"

Basically, people pay on a monthly basis, but they have to commit to a year
program. Or, you can create a six-month program and they have to commit to being in
that program. Then, you can just charge their credit card monthly. If you can automate it
with your shopping cart, great. If not, then you would process their payment on a monthly

The payment can range between $300 and $600 a month, depending on what it is
you're helping them achieve or what kind of target audience you have. But, basically,
people have to commit to the entire program and then, you would charge them monthly.

Only 20 percent "How many hours do coaches invest with each Coaching
of people will Gym participant?"
actively by Basically the principle of human nature is 80 percent of
calling or e- people will not take advantage of everything you offer. Only 20
mailingyou. The percent of people will participate actively by calling or e-mailing
rest of the people you. The rest of the people will simply show up on monthly calls.
will simply show
up on monthly So, 20 percent of the people is where your time goes to the
calls. most. These are your high demand intense clients.

In terms of how much time it's going to take you, it varies.

Also, you have remember...that your clients will expect from you what you teach them to
expect. It's a really wise notion that I've learned and I've used for a long time now. If
coaching clients expect you to be on the call every week for one hour and you teach them
that they should expect that, then that's what they will demand of you.

In terms of how many hours...That all depends. A person may call or e-mail you
once a week and solve their problem for that week. You have to feel that audience.
Obviously, every target audience is different. Especially, if they're in the middle of

Let's say that you're a career coach and you work with clients who are looking for
a job. And they all have a job interview next week. They're going to dominate your time
over other clients this week. However, once they ease into their new position and you

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continue to coach them through their adjustments, they will not contact you as much. Other
clients will then take over.

So the hours spent will vary. Overall, I would say to expect to work with your clients
three days a week. If you teach your clients these are the three days a week that you coach on
the phone and respond to e-mails, then that's what they will expect from you.
There is no such
thing as a For example, Chris Barrow does not answer e-mail or phone calls on
coaching the weekends, starting with Friday. There are only three days a week that
emergency. If you he coaches and clients know that's what they need to expect.
have an
emergency, call Further, there is no such thing as a coaching emergency. If you have
911! an emergency, call 911!

There is no coaching emergency that clients need to reach you right

now. It may be an emergency that they want your response within a couple of hours. That is
very different than if they just want your attention right now.

Teach your clients that there is no there is coaching emergency, that you will respond to
their e-mails and you will return their messages. Then that is what they will expect from you.


I learned about the Coaching Club model from Ramon Williamson, who presented it at
my first Coaching Telesummit in 2005. It is frequently confused with the concept of a
Coaching Gym. Somewhere, they are similar because both Coaching Club and Coaching Gym
allow you to work with a large number of clients. They both offer monthly group coaching

______________ For example, in Milana's Inner Circle, we call them

The coach is not "Mastermind Q & A" calls. You can call them whatever you want.
only a coach, but They can be community calls or group coaching calls. Also, they can
also, the have access to the member area filled with important resources.
facilitator and the
leader of the There is a major difference, however, deep in the foundation
group. of these two coaching formats. In the center of a Coaching Gym is a
-------------------- coach. It's the coach who takes the calls from clients, who answers
questions and helps them get unstuck or accomplish a certain goal. So, it's up to you to help
that client.

In a Coaching Club, everything evolves around the peer group that the coach has built.
The coach is not only a coach, but also, the facilitator and the leader of the group.

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That's why it's called a club. Clients come to hear the coach, but also, to talk shop, be
inspired, learn from other members, share resources, and talk about successes and

So, in a coaching program, there is still one-on-one coaching. Even if it's for 15
minutes at a time, it's still laser coaching. In a Coaching Club, the focus is on the peer

4) The peer groups can be industry-based. For example, Milana's

Inner Circle is only for coaches. Nobody else is accepted into this
group because all we talk about is coaching.

5) It can also be level-based. For example, you only accept CEO's

or CFO's of different companies from different industries.

6) You can also have a Coaching Club, based on a goal, so that it's a goal-
based group. For example, every member wants to become an adoptive parent
and learn how to be a great one. Your club would then involve coaching them
through the process, having them share their challenges, and helping each other
with resources.

Important Question
"What would be the best resource for discovering how to get people into a
coaching club?"

First of all, if you have not participated in the Telesummit in 2005, you can get that
recording only at www.membershipwebsitesecrets. com. Ramon added a 27-page guide
on how to build your coaching club. It's actually his notes as to what you should include
there and what kind of things you need to do to enroll people.

Actually, Ramon recommends that you have a list of at least 3,000 people you start
a Coaching Club. You need a list of 3,000 people regardless of how you acquire that list,
whether you have your newsletter or you're giving away something free on your website.

Now, I look at it, and say, "3,000?" That's a lot of people. And some people have to
wait a long time before they can get that list. And if you prefer not to can start
small. Start a Coaching Club for just your existing clients. Bring them together once a
month on a Coaching Club call, especially if you feel there is some common ground.

For example, let's say that you do a career coaching club and they're all on similar
levels or goals. Bring them together once a month for a call and see how that goes. What
you can is charge a little bit extra for them to participate at that level.

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Let's say you have 12 clients that you work with right now on a one-on-one basis. You go
to them and you say, "I'm starting a Coaching Club that is going to be $400 a month. That's going
to be the fee for participating in my Coaching Club. But, because you are an existing client, you
can enroll into this Coaching Club for $100.

_______________ So you give them that as a value- added benefit to their

So, the job of a existing coaching. What will you provide them with for an
coach who runs additional $100? A monthly call and member area resources. Your
Coaching Club is resources can be anything you have on your computer that you've
definitely to shared with clients. You have it. You probably have just never
create a sense of looked at it. Create a password-protected folder or ask your virtual
community, that assistant to help you or your web master, and use that as an added
peer level, that benefit.
buddy sharing
experience and So, a Coaching Club is basically a variation of a community
environment coaching or a group coaching where you involve everybody. Have
where people feel you ever been a part of a community where you stayed only
free to share and because there is a buddy named Susan who is also in the club and
help each other you made friends with her? There is a website that I was a part of
in non- early on in my business. It's called Internet Entrepreneur
competitive Marketing Forum. It still exists and is very popular.
I became so involved and I've gotten to know so many people that
if they decided all of a sudden to start charging for it, I would pay. I would pay a monthly fee to
be a part of that group because I felt that sense of community. It was really great!

So, the job of a coach who runs Coaching Club is definitely to create a sense of
community, that peer level, that buddy sharing experience and environment where people feel
free to share and help each other in non-competitive situations.

Now that we have looked at all these programs, let's briefly see how you choose the
program that's right for you.

I think choosing the right program is essential to your success. It has to

fit your lifestyle and your personality. It has to fit your short and long-term financial goals. Also,
it has to fit how you want your business to look in two to three years.

You can have a combination of action plan programs, Coaching Club, or a Coaching
Gym. You can have only one program channel clients into the other. For example, you can have
an action plan program that channels clients into a Coaching

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Club or a Coaching Gym. You can also create your very own version of any of these

To help you do this, I am suggesting that you answer these questions for yourself. Here are
the questions:

7) 1 low many hours a week do you want lo work wil li clients?

8) I low much money would like lo make in a year?
9) Which do you enjoy more, one-on-one coaching or group
10) Do you like to travel?
11) Do you have a highly skilled support, team or can you put
if together?
G) Do you like having structure in your business?
12) Do you prefer not to have any long-term commit meiits or
do you not care about thai?
13) Do you enjoy working wit h the same clienis for a long rime?

Developing Your Program

OK, so how do you put your program together? First of all, I am not going to tell you which
program is right for you. Everybody's trying to fit into this coaching box-one hourly weekly sessions
with clients. That box may not be the right one for everyone.

So, get out of the box and think about it differently. Your clients will appreciate having you at
your best instead of having you dread coaching clients in the way that you don't enjoy.
Your clients will
appreciate Let's move to the process of actually putting your program together.
having you at What you do is you document your coaching process. In other words, what
your best instead must happen for your clients to go from point A to point B? When you coach
of having you them, what steps do you take them through? What principles and concepts do
dread coaching they need to grasp to succeed in your coaching program?
clients in the way
that you don't What you can do is to take a look at your existing materials. For
enjoy. example, your articles, past teleseminars, workshops you've delivered, and e-
books. You might already have a coaching program ready to use.

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I'm going to use an example from my book, "Coaching Millions." If you're

creating a coaching program for people who want to negotiate a higher salary, the
coaching process might consist of these three steps: planning, preparation, and

Coaching Program for People Who Seek Promotion

Planning could be: "What does my client need to do?" "What needs
to happen before the negotiation even begins?" It could be things like
evaluating job performance, communicating with managers, and
learning special skills. So, you have to plan. It's like the pre-
negotiation stage.

Preparation asks the questions like, "What documents, checklists,

and tools do they need to have to create a negotiation strategy?"
Maybe you could provide them with certain tools and checklists that
they can use to prepare themselves for negotiation strategy.

Approach involves the following questions: "How do you approach

your boss or your administration?" "How do you get started?" "How
do you handle objections?" "What do you do if negotiations don't go
very well?"

So, you teach them these three steps. If there are any coaches who do this kind of
coaching, career or job coaching, this is a ready to use program for you.

Now to create more value for your program, you might want to consider adding a
bonus. Bonuses are a very important strategy and I have not seen more than a couple
coaches who use it. It is definitely an underused strategy.

A bonus can be a highly relevant, highly valuable item that would make your
program much more valuable.

For example, if you are creating this negotiation process program, audio
demonstrations of actual salary negotiations that you recorded with a client or a colleague,
anyone who is going to negotiate a high salary would love to listen to that and learn from

Another bonus that I came out with could be copies of actual query letters that
resulted in salary increases. If you teach your clients how to write a query letter to request
a meeting or to request a salary increase, wouldn't it be great for your clients to get their
hands on the actual letters that succeeded in achieving that goal?

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Developing Resources
Can you go back and look at your past coaching clients and write down the five
things that you taught them how to do or that you coached them through? Because we
take out coaching sessions for granted in a way that we have the answers.
If you don't
have any There's a big discussion around this topic-do the coaches
existing have the answers or does the client? While I think that the client has
materials, take a the answers, they still come to you to help them with their situation.
look at what They want to hear you teach the something, help them through the
you've been process, give them the steps, and guide them through those steps.
doing so far
with your clients If you don't have any existing materials, take a look at what
and what you you've been doing so far with your clients and what you have been
have been coaching them through. At which point did you hear your clients so
coaching them excited, so energized that they were just hanging up the phone and
ready to get into action? Where did you inspire them? At which
point in the coaching session? That's the thing that you want to
focus in your program the most.

I always say that you want to teach your kids to focus their career around the thing
that they used to get in trouble for because that's where they are the best. I have a 12-year
old. He's great at lying, and I'm thinking he could be a politician or a lawyer. Got to get
some energy around what you're doing best!

If your client hung up the phone absolutely energized and inspired, remember what
you said to your client, what you helped them through. And, of course, look at your niche.
What is the most important problem that your target audience wants your help with?

A truly leading coaching program in your business should be based on that biggest
concern. For example, for any business owner, it's making money. Business owners also
have issues around hiring, firing, management, putting a team together, and project
management, but the most important issue is making money. So, your leading coaching
program should be somewhere around that topic.

You need a leading coaching program that covers the biggest issue that is
happening inside your target audience members' life careers and businesses.

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Until you fill your program with clients, it's just a program sitting on your website or
inside your brochures.

7777----------------- I'm going to state a sentence that is the pivotal point of

. r-jj entire session today: Treat your enrollment strategy as a
.,, focused marketing campaign
program with r &
clients treat it as
i ■ When you are ready to fill your program with clients, treat it
as a marketing campaign. There is no other way to fill your
----^ 6 ----------- program with clients. What does that mean?

I am going to make three points in regard to this.


If you don't leave enough time for people to hear about your program and make their
decision about enrolling, you may miss a lot of opportunities. I highly suggest you leave at least
4-6 weeks, more for more expensive programs. It is not like announcing something and dozens of
people start signing up. Many times you'll find that enrollments come in small numbers every
week, then actually filling up quite well by the time you star.



You can do this by announcing it in your newsletter, inviting them to a preview

teleseminar, creating strategic alliances with other business owners, publishing articles that are
tied directly to your program, and so on. I say so only because there are many, many, many other
strategies that you can use to let clients know.

For example, if you're looking to fill your program with local

--------------------- clients, you could literally drive your car around the city and leave
o, you wan o your brochures or your programs about the coaching program in
have a promise in , ^ , , I , . J - I_ /r-i
, f , relevant places where your target audience hangs out; family
ere a s ows therapists' offices, attorneys' offices, karate schools, dance studios.
\ P ,. . , That's if your local strategy is what you're doing.
immediately what
they re going to ^ it's a global coaching program and you don't care where
ge y enro ing ^ cjjents are COming from because you're doing it over the
into your telephone, then these strategies that I just named have been the
program.________ most successful in my own business and I'm going to repeat them

Copyright ©2009-2010, and, LLC 16

Coaching Millions System | Phase One "BUILD" | Design Coaching Programs

For example, in career coaching, if you are putting together a program on

negotiation, then write an article about it. The article could be "10 Biggest Mistakes
People Make When Trying to Negotiate a Higher Salary." At the bottom of the article, you
channel people into the website where you talk about your coaching program. Very
simple, very effective.


You can call it an enrollment letter, sales letter, sales copy, or a schmoozing letter.
Whatever you call it, it needs to attract participants to sign up.

Without getting into more detail into enrollment letters, here is the top five truths
that I want to discuss, in terms of enrollment letters:

#1: You need a benefit-oriented exciting headline.

Headlines are the most important thing and it's not something like a 12-week
coaching program to negotiate a higher salary. That's not a good headline. A good
headline contains a promise.

For example: "Give me six weeks and I will show you how you can negotiate a
higher salary in spite of all the objections that your boss gives you and become the
leading executive in your firm or in your company."

So, you want to have a promise in there that shows people immediately what
they're going to get by enrolling into your program. Again, we're treating it like a product.
Treating your coaching program as a product is the best way to enroll clients and most
effective way. Also, it helps your clients understand what it is that they're going to get out
of the program.

#2: You need to mention specific tangible results from the program.

Right now, you need to write down 5 or 10 specific results that people are going to
get out of your program. It may be higher salary, more respect from co-workers, tenure, a
promotion, a happy marriage or other things.

#3: You need testimonies and success stories.

If you don't have testimonials, ask your clients to provide them. If you don't have
clients that can provide testimonials, ask your colleagues, professors, or you coaching
school mentors.

You need success stories. I hired my very first coach a couple of years ago, based
entirely on the success stories that I read. I literally felt that blood rush in my body when I
was reading the success stories on her site. With pictures and specific results that she
helped them achieve, it was really incredible. I didn't even read more about the coach. I
just called her!

Copyright ©2009-2010, and, LLC 17

Coaching Millions System | Phase One "BUILD" | Design Coaching Programs

High quality client testimonials are essential to your success. I've bought products
and hired coaches based on testimonials alone. What I usually do to get testimonials is this:

14) Try to ask for them in the moment, while the person is excited about the product or
their experience with me. Catching them in the moment on audio or video creates really great
personal testimonials.

15) I ask them to be specific about their results or takeaways. You don't want testimonials
with generic raves, such as "She was great!" or "The event exceeded my expectations!" or other
equivalents. You want specific numbers, outcomes, ideas, mindshifts, etc. To get these kind of
testimonials you need to ask, "What specific idea or mindshift did you experience as a result of
working with me?"

16) Once you have your testimonials, the best way to use them is to highlight a specific
benefit or address a specific objection on your web site. For example, if
you know your prospects might object the price, use a testimonial where your client says "The
investment I made is going to come back to me ten times over!" If you know your prospects
might get a hard time from their spouse, use a testimonial where a client says "My husband didn't
want me to go, but when I came back and shared what I learned, he wished he had gone with me!

#4: You need bonuses and early registration rewards.

It's all a part of your enrollment letter. People want to see that if they make the decision to
enroll early, they will be rewarded. It could be an extra bonus or a discount. Though, I always
prefer bonuses. But, some people, you'll see that if you register by such and such date, you only
pay half of the price or you pay 25% less.

#5: Use deadlines.

_______________ Deadlines allow you not to leave it open-ended for prospects who
If you allow your are just thinking about it. They know that they need to enroll by a
program to just certain date and for the procrastinators, it works. Most people are
kind of dangle procrastinators until something reaches top priority.
there in the open
time and space For example, they say that organizing your office never reaches a
continuum, high enough priority until there is a certain important piece of paper
people will not that you can't find and your landlord is going to kick you out if you don't
register. You find that paper. There are certain things that never reach the top
need to tell them priority on your list.
that a certain day
is the last day to If you allow your program to just kind of dangle there in the open
register. time and space continuum, people will not register. You need to tell
them that a certain day is the last day to register.

Copyright ©2009 -2010, and, LLC

Coaching Millions System | Phase One "BUILD" | Design Coaching Programs

The Flow From Prospects to Clients

1 want to give you a bigger picture to fill in your program. Imagine a circle.

On the left side of the circle, there is generating leads. You need to generate leads in order
for you to tell people about your coaching program. You're generating leads by articles, joint
ventures, organizations and strategic alliances with these organizations, an affiliate program, press
release, and giving
away freebies. All of these items that I just named are used lo generate1 leads lo bring people into
your list.

On the right side of t h e circle, you have converting leads. Once people are already in your
pool or on your list, you use those strategies lo convert thorn into clients who actually enrolled
into a program.

Newsletter, preview leleserninars. early bird registration and specials, and e-mail

First, you need to bring people into your list and then, you need to convert them from
your- list lo your program enrollment.

The st rategies used for generating leads are articles, joint ventures, press releases, and
giveaways. To convert people, you use a newsletter announcement and preview toleserninars. If
you've ever been lo the preview calls for the Coaching Telesummil, Ihen you already know what
those are. They are basically where you talk about what, you're going to coach people on in your
coaching program. It's almost like a FAQ about the program with a selling clement.

So, that's the biggest picture of filling your program. Il's a two-step process. I've used it
for several years. I've used it for Tclesummit. I've used it on a smaller scale lo fill my smaller-
events- leleserninars that are paid. I've also used the same slrategy to actually sell products.

You first need to bring clients and Ihen you need lo convert I hem by further-
educating them with your newsletter, preview calls, and e-mail updates and announcements.

If you follow this process, you will fill your program with clients.

Copyright ©2009-2010, and, LLC 19

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