Agreement On Implementation of Article VI of The General Agreement On Tariffs and Trade 1994
Agreement On Implementation of Article VI of The General Agreement On Tariffs and Trade 1994
Agreement On Implementation of Article VI of The General Agreement On Tariffs and Trade 1994
Agreement on implementation of Article VI of the
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994
(The Anti-dumping Agreement)
Substantive rules
Determination of dumping
Definition of industry
Procedural requirements
Specific Provisions
Price undertakings
Article 10 establishes the general principle that both provisional and final
anti-dumping duties may be applied only as of the date on which the
determinations of dumping, injury, and causality have been made.
However, recognizing that injury may have occurred during the period of
investigation, or that exporters may have taken actions to avoid the
imposition of an anti-dumping duty, Article 10 contains rules for
theretroactive imposition of dumping duties in specified circumstances. If
the imposition of anti-dumping duties is based on a finding of material
injury, as opposed to threat of material injury or material retardation of
the establishment of a domestic industry, anti-dumping duties may be
collected as of the date provisional measures were imposed. If provisional
duties were collected in an amount greater than the amount of the final
duty, or if the imposition of duties is based on a finding of threat of
material injury or material retardation, a refund of provisional duties is
required. Article 10.6 provides for retroactive application of final duties to
a date not more than 90 days prior to the application of provisional
measures in certain exceptional circumstances involving a history of
dumping, massive dumped imports, and potential undermining of the
remedial effects of the final duty.
Public notice
Final provisions back to top