Modes of Recidivism & Habituality
Modes of Recidivism & Habituality
Modes of Recidivism & Habituality
(Art. 14, Sec. 9 & 10; Art. 62, Sec. 5 and Art. 160)
Recidivist Final judgment in 1st After Final Judgment Same title RPC Immaterial Always aggravating. Art. 64
(Art. 14 (9)) offense of 1st
Served sentence for 1st After Service of NOT same title of 1) Equal Penalty to 1st
offense Sentence of 1st RPC offense; OR
2) Greater penalty to 1st Art. 64
Habituality or Re ite rac io n offense; OR Not Always
(Art. 14 (10)) Served sentence for 2 or After service of NOT same title of 3) Greater penalty than Aggravating1 (?)
more offenses with lighter sentence of 2 or more. RPC previous multi-offenses.
Special Aggravating
Quasi-recidivism (Art. 160) Convicted by final Before serving Any Felony Immaterial Circumstance (NOT “SHALL” - Maximum
judgment. sentence or while offset by ordinary Period of New Felony
(Felony or Crime2) serving sentence mitigating
Discretion by court if penalty to be imposed is death, but previous offenses were against property. (Viada; Reyes p. 397)
People v. Peralta, 3 SCRA 213; People v. Alicia, 95 SCRA 227)