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A review study on chemical composition and molecular structure of newly plant gum
exudates and seed gums
Hamed Mirhosseini ⁎, Bahareh Tabatabaee Amid
Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A large number of plants can produce the complex polysaccharides commercially known as ‘plant-based gums’.
Received 1 June 2011 Several studies on various plant-based gums (mainly plant gum exudates and seed sums) have resulted in the
Accepted 29 November 2011 identification of valuable natural sources of complex carbohydrate polymers that promote the desired quality,
stability, texture and appearance. The plant gum exudates and seed gums are the complex polysaccharides/
carbohydrate polymers commonly used as a dietary fiber, thickening agent, foaming agent, film, emulsifier,
Plant gum exudates
stabilizer and drug delivery agent. The physical and functional properties of plant-based gums depend on their
Seed gum chemical compositions and molecular structures. Recently, there is a substantial interest to elucidate the rela-
Thickening agent tionship between the chemical composition, molecular structure and physical characteristics and functional
Foaming agent properties of plant gum exudates and seed gums. The present study also summarized the molecular structure,
Emulsifying agent chemical composition and functional properties of various types of plant gum exudates.
© 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
2. Gums sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
2.1. Plant-based gums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
2.1.1. Chemical composition and molecular structure of plant-based gums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
2.1.2. Classification of plant-based gums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
3. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
Acknowledgment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
1. Introduction gums due to their sustainable, biodegradable and bio safe characteristics
(Rana et al., 2011). The term “gum” is used to describe a group of natural-
The polysaccharide gums represent one of the most abundant raw ly occurring polysaccharides that come across widespread industrial ap-
materials. The researchers have mainly studied the polysaccharide plications due to their ability either to form the gel or make the viscous
solution or stabilize the emulsion systems (Williams & Phillips, 2000).
Water-soluble gums — also known as ‘hydrocolloid’ are used for various
applications as dietary fiber, texture modifiers, gelling agents, thickeners,
stabilizers and emulsifiers, coating agents and packaging films
Abbreviations: BSG, Basil seed gum; CBG, Carob bean gum; CSG, Cassia seed gum; (Anderson & Andon, 1998; Williams & Phillips, 2000; Koocheki,
cLBG, Crude locust bean gum; G/M, Galactose/mannose; DDS, De-hulled durian seed;
Kadkhodaee, Mortazavi, Shahidi, & Taherian, 2009; Mirhosseini & Tan,
DSG, Durian seed gum; FG, Fenugreek gum; FSG, Flaxseed gum; GG, Guar gum; KG,
Karaya gum; LBG, Locust bean gum; MNG, Malva nut gum; M/G, Mannose/galactose; 2010 a, b; Mirhosseini, Tan, & Naghshineh, 2010). Various parts of plant
MSG, Mesquite seed gum; OHC, Oil holding capacity; rLBG, Refined locust bean gum; (e.g. plant cell walls, tree exudates, seeds, tuber/roots, seaweeds) have
SDG, Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside; TKP, Tamarind kernel powder; TKSG, Tamarind surface cells containing gums, mucilage, and fiber and protein com-
kernel seed gum; TSP, Tamarind seed polysaccharide; TG, Tara gum; WHC, Water holding pounds. Some of plant seeds have surface cells containing gums, muci-
capacity; WDS, Whole durian seed.
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +60 3 89468390; fax: +60 3 89423552.
lage, fiber and protein. Plant gum exudates are produced by several
E-mail addresses: hamedmi@food.upm.edu.my (H. Mirhosseini), plants as a result of the protection mechanisms against mechanical or mi-
bahareh.ta@gmail.com (B.T. Amid). crobial injury (Rana et al., 2011).
0963-9969/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
388 H. Mirhosseini, B.T. Amid / Food Research International 46 (2012) 387–398
2.1.2. Classification of plant-based gums Carob gum Guar gum Tara gum
Table 3
Structural properties of main galactomannans.
Mahungu and Meyland (2008).
Table 5
Chemical composition and deduced linkages of partially methylated alditol acetates (PMAA) of the alkaline extracted Malva nut gum.
Somboonpanyakul et al. (2006).
Chemical name Deduced linkage Molar ratioa (n) Molar ratioa (y)
n, without uronic acid reduction; y, with uronic acid reduction; and Nd, not detectable.
Relative molar ratio calculated from the ratio of peak area.
gum (Chen et al., 1996). Methylation analysis revealed that alkaline Brummer et al. (2003) investigated the effect of different extrac-
extracted MNG was primarily composed of terminal L-Araf, 1,3-linked tion methods on the chemical composition of FG. They reported that
L-Araf, 1,4-linked D-Galp, 1,4-linked D-GalAp with little amounts of the cool water extraction yielded the gum with low protein content
branching units (Somboonpanyakul et al., 2006). (2.36%) as compared to the solvent extraction using boiling hexane.
In recent years, Malva nut seeds have been also used in sweetened The protein level was further decreased to 0.57% using the pronase
beverages and deserts. It was reported to provide health benefits such hydrolysis. The hydrolysis process did not influence the molecular
as the reduction of body weight (Srichamroen & Chavasit, 2011). The weight of FG. They reported that the content of sucrose, raffinose
mucilaginous substance from Malva nut is a water soluble polysac- and stachyose present in the ethanol–soluble sugar mixture was
charide gum with beneficial effects for the human body (such as re- found to be 0.7, 0.5 and 2.84%, respectively (Table 6). Mansour and
ducing serum cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of heart El-Adawy (1994) also reported the presence of 0.49% raffinose and
disease) (Somboonpanyakul et al., 2006; US Food & Drug 2.01% stachyose in FG. Previous researchers (Garti, Madar, Aserin &
Administration, 1994). It has been used for laxative benefits in Thai- Sternheim, 1997; Huang, Kakuda, & Cui, 2001) reported that the
land. The principal application of MNG is in relief of canker sore and extracted FG contained 0.8% residual protein, thereby prohibiting
cough. It has been also used as a traditional drug for the prevention the function of surface activity to the hydrophilic gum alone. Huang
of pharyngitis, treatment of tussis and constipation in China (Wang et al. (2001) found that FG had the highest stabilizing capacity
et al., 2003). The health benefits of mucilage from Malva nut seed amongst other 11 commercial gums and 5 laboratory synthesized
are linked to its gelling property (Srichamroen & Chavasit, 2011). gums (i.e. Gellan, carrageenan, pectin, methylcellulose, gum Arabic,
MNG can be also used as a gelling agent in jelly sweetened dessert microcrystalline cellulose, locust bean gum, guar, xanthan, mustard,
(Somboonpanyakul et al., 2006). oat gums, flaxseed and oat gums). Fenugreek gum (FG). Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum Mesquite seed gum (MSG). Algarrobo (Prosopis spp) trees
graecum) is an annual herb, which belongs to the legume family widely are leguminous plants wildly distributed in arid and semi-arid zones
grown in India, Egypt and Middle Eastern countries. Fenugreek gum over the world. Prosopis genus (mesquites and algarrobos) is legumi-
(FG) is extracted from the endosperm of the Fenugreek seeds. The nous plant, which belongs to the Mimosoideae family (Polhill, 1994).
main polysaccharide present in Fenugreek seed endosperm is a galacto- Prosopis species are known with the common name of mesquite in
mannan (galactose and mannose) which resembles the other galacto- North America and Algarrobo in Peru (Cruz Alcedo, 1999). Prosopis
mannans such as locust bean, guar gum and Tara gum (Stephen &
Churns, 1995; Youssef, Wang, Cui, & Barbut, 2009). FG was shown to
reduce the glucose level in blood and regulate the cholesterol content
in the liver (Srinivasan, 2006). It also revealed the hypoglycemic effects
on diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2 (Hannan et al., 2007). FG has been
used as a thickener, stabilizer and emulsifier in many food products
(Işikli & Karababa, 2005). However, the slow hydration rate, unpleasant
flavor and difficulty in producing a homogeneous dispersion containing
FG are the negative aspects of its applications in the industry (Chang,
Cui, Roberts, Ng, & Wang, 2011).
FG is composed of α (1/4)-β-D-mannan backbone attached to single
α-D-galactopyranosyl groups at the O-6 position of D-mannopyranosyl
residues (Brummer, Cui, & Wang, 2003; Dea & Morrison, 1975). Fig. 1
shows the primary structure of fenugreek gum. The mannan backbone
of FG is almost fully substituted with galactose side chains (Brummer
et al., 2003; Dea & Morrison, 1975). The hyper entanglement of unsub-
stituted mannan regions in FG becomes nearly impossible due to the
presence of disaccharide repeating sequence in its primary structure
(Fig. 1) (Doyle et al., 2009). As reported by Brummer et al. (2003), the
ratio of galactose to mannose in the extracted fenugreek galactoman-
nans varied from 1.00:1.02 to 1.00:1.14 (Table 6). Fig. 1. The primary structure of fenugreek gum (Doyle et al., 2009).
H. Mirhosseini, B.T. Amid / Food Research International 46 (2012) 387–398 391
Table 6 cysteine and methionine are the main limiting amino acids in its
Composition of fenugreek seed and fenugreek seed galactomannan. chemical structure (Cruz et al., 1987).
Brummer et al. (2003).
The mesquite fruit can be used as a source of mucilage, chemically
Fenugreek seed (%, w/w) classified as a galactomannan (Cruz et al., 1987). Mucilaginous endo-
Lipid 7.24 ± 0.42 sperm is characteristic of the seeds of leguminous plants and contains
Protein 34.10 ± 0.84 the hydrocolloid classified as a galactomannan in Prosopis spp.
Galactomannan 22.57 ± 2.8 (Burkart, 1952). A fully water-soluble gum is extracted from the “en-
Total ethanol soluble sugars 8.06 ± 0.62
docarp capsule” of the seed coating of Prosopis africana (Achi & Okolo,
Individual ethanol soluble sugars
Galactose 0.25 ± 0.01 2004). The extracted gum from P. flexuosa DC seeds had a particular
Sucrose 0.70 ± 0.06 composition, which resembled other commercial gums from the le-
Raffinose 0.50 ± 0.08 guminous family, but it contained a high content (66.1–72.5%, w/w)
Stachyose 2.84 ± 0.51 of total polysaccharide. Two different types of polysaccharide muci-
Moisture 7.49 ± 0.53
Ash 3.38 ± 0.04
lage have been extracted from the seed endosperm of mesquite: a
bark-exuded gum and a galactomannan fraction (storage polysaccha-
Fenugreek seed galactomannan (%, w/w) ride), which accounts for almost 30% (w/w) of the seed (Estévez et al.,
Protein 2004; Goycoolea, Calderón de la Barca, Balderrama, & Valenzuela,
Fraction A 2.36 ± 0.04 1997; Goycoolea, Milas, & Rinaudo, 2001).
Fraction B 0.57 ± 0.03 Mesquite seed gum (MSG) appears to have a ‘core’ of ß-D-galactose
G/M Fraction A 1.00/1.02 units, comprising α (l-+3)-linked backbone chain with (l-6)-linked
Ratioa Fraction B 1.00/1.05
branching units, along with L-arabinose (pyranose and furanose ring
Chemical name Relative Deduced forms), L-rhamnose, ß-D-glucuronate and 4-0-methyl-/I-D-glucuronate
abundance (%) linkage (%) (Anderson & Farquhar, 1982; Churms, Merrifield, & Stephen, 1981;
1,5-di-O-acetyl-(1-deuterio)-2,3,4,6- 42 t-Galp Cruz Alcedo, 1999). As shown in Fig. 2, the major fragment of MSG is
tetra-O-methyl hexitol composed of galactose and mannose with the molar ratio of 1.00:2.78
1,4,5-tri-O-acetyl-(1-deuterio)-2,3,6- 12.7 4-Manp and molecular weight of 62,500 Da (Vernon-Carter et al., 2000). The
tetra-O-methyl hexitol
rhamnose in the backbone of MSG is linked through α-(1→ 3) glyco-
1,4,5,6-tetra-O-acetyl-(1deuterio)-2,3- 45.2 4,6-Manp
di-O-methyl hexitol
side linkage (Fig. 2). Ibańez and Ferrero (2003) showed that mannose
1,5,6-tri-O-acetyl-(deuterio)-2,3,4- Tα t-6-Manp (M) and galactose (G) were as the major monosaccharides of MSG
tri-O-methyl hexitol with M/G ratio of 2.1. They found that the percentage of protein
All measurements on a dry weight basis. remained to be high even after the extraction (between 10 and 20%
Trace. (w/w)) — “especially while the mucilage was being separated from
the flour and not from the whole seeds” (Ibańez & Ferrero, 2003). How-
ever, the purification process led to reduce the protein content. Ibańez
flexuosa or mesquite fruit is a drupaceous lomentum, (i.e.) a pod with and Ferrero (2003) reported that there was a difficulty to dissolve the
an articulated endocarp that forms indehiscent coriaceous segments. extracted mucilage in the cold water, showing a tendency to form
It contains the high content of sugars and proteins; therefore, it can dispersion system with pseudoplastic and non-thixotropic rheological
be considered as a valuable fodder (Ibańez & Ferrero, 2003). Further- behavior.
more, Prosopis pallida cotyledon contains 65% protein, which repre- Achi and Okolo (2004) extracted P. africana gum through the
sents 31% of the seed weight (Cruz, Del Re, & Amado, 1987). Table 7 dehulling Achi method. They found that the endocarp gum contained
shows the amino acid profile of Prosopis cotyledon proteins. As a high amount of galactose and mannose as well as a low amount of
shown in Table 7, the amount of essential amino acids is extremely protein and fat content. They reported that the purified gum from
high in the chemical structure of P. pallida seed cotyledon; while P. africana contained 2.4% fat, 1.04% protein, 21.5% crude fiber and
10% gelation content. The researcher also found that galactose and
Table 7
Amino acid profile of Prosopis pallida seed cotyledon.
Cruz Alcedo (1999) and Cruz et al. (1987).
WHO/FAO pattern
Aspartic acid 8.30
Threonine 2.42 4
Serine 4.87
Glutamic acid 21.31
Proline 7.49
Glycine 4.59
Alanine 4.34
Cysteine 1.31
Methionine 0.88
Met + Cys 2.19 3.5
Valine 4.56
Isoleucine 3.09 4
Leucine 7.51 7
Tyrosine 1.84
Phenylalanine 4.29
Tyr + Phe 6.13 6
Lysine 4.09 5.5
Histidine 3.10
Arginine 14.63
Tryptophan 1.37 1
Fig. 2. Structural feature of mesquite gum (Vernon-Carter and Sherman, 1980).
392 H. Mirhosseini, B.T. Amid / Food Research International 46 (2012) 387–398
mannose were the major monosaccharides in P. africana gum. Mesquite extensively used as a viscous enhancing agent and water binder in the
seed gum (MSG) or Prosopis gum has been reported to have similar cosmetic, pharmaceutical and other industrial products such as paper,
composition, properties and applications to gum Arabic (Anderson & textile, adhesive, inks, paint, explosive, and smoking products (Singh,
Weiping, 1989; Goycoolea et al., 1997). It has been widely used as a Srivastava, & Tiwari, 2009b; Whistler, 1973). CSGs are galactomannans
wheat flour substitute in dough for bread making and confectionery classified based on their M/G ratio and molecular weights varying from
products. It is also used as a microencapsulating agent, flavor and species to species (Kirtikar & Basu, 1935; Saldanaha & Nicolson, 1976).
color emulsifier, colloid protector, emulsion coating agent, binder in CSGs are extracted from the seed endosperm of Cassia tora and Cassia
tablet dosage forms and suspending agent at par (Cruz Alcedo, 1999). obtusifolia, which belong to the leguminosae family (Mahungu & Carob bean gum (CBG) or locust bean gum (LBG). Carob tree Meyland, 2008). They can be also isolated from other Cassia species
(C. siliqua L.) is grown in Mediterranean regions. Carob bean gum such as Cassia occidentalis Linn. (Anonymous, 1992), Cassia javahikai
(CBG) (or locust bean gum, LBG) is a heteropolysaccharide galacto- (Saldanaha & Nicolson, 1976; Singh et al., 2009b) and Cassia pleurocarpa
mannan extracted by mashing the seed endosperm of the fruit pod of (Singh, Sethi, & Tiwari, 2009a).
the carob tree (C. siliqua L.) (Dakia et al., 2008). The final powder has C. tora and C. obtusifolia are the sources of CSGs which grow wildly
a yellowish to whitish colour. The carob seed consists of the husk in subtropical regions of the world. They are annual ruderal plants
(30–33%), endosperm (42–46%) and germ (23–25%) (Neukom, 1988). that ripen after approximately 100 days (Mahungu & Meyland,
LBG is a long chain polysaccharide made of monosaccharide units (i.e. 2008). C. occidentalis Linn. (Kasondi) is also a common herbaceous
galactose and mannose) (Kawamura, 2008). As shown in Fig. 3, CBG annual weed cultivated in India up to 1500 m in altitude (Anonymous,
or LBG is a linear polysaccharide including the ß-(l-4)-mannane back- 1992). C. occidentalis Linn. seeds are a rich source of galactomannan
bone chain associated with single D-galactopyranosyl residues (as side (~30% endosperm) (Kapoor, Khan & Farroqi, 1991). Another Cassia
chain) via α-(l-6) linkages (Da Silva & Gonçalves, 1990; Daas Piet, variety is C. javahikai, which is a decorative plant initially grown in
Schols Henk, & De Jongh Harmen, 2000). The average M/G ratio of India (Saldanaha & Nicolson, 1976; Singh et al., 2009b). C. javahikai
LBG is approximately 3.5 which is higher than guar gum (GG) with seed is a rich source of seed gum composing of galactose and mannose
the average ratio of ~1.8 (Dea & Morrison, 1975). Samil (2007) studied in the molar ratio of 1.02:3.20 (Azero, Lopes, & Andrade, 1997).
the chemical composition and molecular structure of high quality The chemical structure of CSG is composed of a large content
refined locust bean gum (rLBG) and low quality crude locust bean (75%) of high molecular weight polysaccharide (~200,000–300,000).
gum (cLBG). The researcher found that rheological properties of LBG The major monosaccharide compositions of CSG included mannose
significantly depended on its chemical and molecular structure. As (77.2–78.9%), galactose (14.7–15.7%), and glucose (6.3–7.1%)
reported by Samil (2007), M/G ratio of cLBG and rLBG varied from (Mahungu & Meyland, 2008). CSG has a linear backbone of 1,4-ß-D-
3.1 to 3.9. Nevertheless, the cLBG contained a considerable amount of mannopyranose units, and 1,6 linked D-galactopyranose units with
arabinose (Samil, 2007). As reported by Samil (2007), cLBG also con- random distribution of α-(1/6) linked D-galactopyranose units as side
tained higher amount of protein, fat and ash than those of rLBG, chain (M/G:3.1) (Mahungu & Meyland, 2008). The researchers reported
which influenced its functional properties. that CSG had the similar molecular and chemical structure to carob bean
The molecular size and structure (M/G ratio, galactose distribution gum (CBG), Tara gum (TG) and guar gum (GG) (Mahungu & Meyland,
in the mannose linear chain) of galactomannan influence the viscosity, 2008). Fig. 4 (A, B) shows the molecular structure of plant seed gum
solubility mechanism and ability to self-associate (intra-chain and from C. javahikai and C. pleurocarpa (Singh, Singh, & Maurya, 2010;
inter-chain interactions). A higher M/G ratio leads to higher thickening Singh et al., 2009a). Singh et al. (2010) studied the effect of extraction
properties (Lazaridou et al., 2000). Dakia et al. (2008) also demonstrat- condition on the chemical structure of Cassia javanica seed gum. They
ed that the degree of galactose substitution affected the water solubility found that the C. javanica seed gum extracted under alkaline condition
and rheological properties of LBG (Dakia et al., 2008). LBG shows contained 62.0% carbohydrates, 8.3% ash and 8.4% protein. Singh et al.
the low solubility at the ambient temperature; therefore, the heat is (2010) reported that arabinose (31.9%), galactose (29.2%) and rham-
required to achieve the maximum solubilisation and reach the highest nose (29.5%) were the major monosaccharide compositions of CSG.
water holding capacity (WHC) (Gainsford, Harding, Mitchell, & The chemical structure of Cassia javanica seed gum also contained
Bradley, 1986; Maier, Anderson, Karl, Magnuson, & Whistler, 1993). 6.4% uronic acid and little amounts of glucose, xylose and mannose
CBG or LBG can be regarded as the first galactomannan biopolymer (Singh et al., 2010).
which is applicable to food products. It has been mainly used as a thick- C. pleurocarpa is a bush-like plant including branched green leaves
ener and stabilizer in frozen desserts, ice cream, and cream cheese. It and bright colored flowers, wildly grown in the northern Australia
can be also used in other industrial products such as paper, textile, phar- (Dale, Gibbs, & Behncken, 1984). The seed endosperm of C. pleurocarpa
maceutical and cosmetic products (Dakia et al., 2008). is also a source of non-ionic water soluble galactomannan composed Cassia seed gum (CSG). Cassia plants are considered as of D-galactose and D-mannose in the molar ratio of 1.00:2.01 (Singh et
“non-conventional” resources for plant seed gums. The non- al., 2009a). The galactomannan isolated from seed endosperm of
conventional Cassia seed gums (CSGs) have a specific molecular struc- C. pleurocarpa is a heteropolysaccharide with a linear backbone chain
ture that resembles other industrial gums such as guar gum and LBG of β(1→ 4) linked D-mannopyranosyl units linked to D-galactopyrano-
(Fig. 4A, B). These biodegradable/biocompatible polymers are syl side chains via α(1→ 6) linkages (Fig. 4B) (Singh et al., 2009a).
Fig. 3. Structural feature of locust bean (carob bean) gum structure (Kawamura, 2008).
H. Mirhosseini, B.T. Amid / Food Research International 46 (2012) 387–398 393
Fig. 4. Molecular structure of the repeating units of Cassia javahikai (A) and Cassia pleurocarpa (B) galactomannan (Singh et al., 2009a,b).
The galactomannan from C. pleurocarpa can be used for the drug deliv- content of BSG. As reported by Razavi et al. (2009), the extraction
ery, tissue engineering fields and some other biomedical applications temperature and pH were the most important extraction variables
due to the unique gelling ability, water retention capacity and affecting the quantity and quality of BSG. As reported in Table 8, the
viscous-enhancing property (Singh et al., 2009a). major difference between the chemical composition of Iranian Basil Basil seed gum (BSG). Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is a seed and Indian basil seed was related to their protein, lipid and
member of genus Ocimum, which encompasses a broad range of spe- carbohydrate contents (Mathews, Singhal, & Kulkarni, 1993; Razavi et
cies, herbs and shrubs – between 50 and 150 – globally distributed in al., 2009). The researchers reported that Iranian Basil seed contained a
the tropical regions of Asia, Africa and Central and South America lower content of carbohydrate and moisture, but higher amount of
(Paton, Harley, & Harley, 1999; Simon, Morales, Phippen, Vieira, & protein and lipid fractions as compared to Indian basil seed (Table 8).
Hao, 1999). The genus Ocimum is considered as a pharmaceutical As shown in Table 8, carbohydrate (~47–50%), lipid (~22–25%) and
plant because it is widely used as a culinary herb for traditional med- protein (~18–20%) were the major consituents present in the Iranian
icine. It is also a well-known source of flavoring agent and essential Basil seed. As reported by Razavi et al. (2009), Iranian basil seed had
oil with antioxidative and antimicrobial activities (Javanmardi, higher amount of lipid and protein fractions as compared to Indian
Stushnoff, Locke, & Vivanco, 2003; Naghibi, Mosaddegh, Motamed, & basil seed; while it showed lower carbohydrate concentration than
Ghorbani, 2005). Basil seed (O. basilicum L.) has reasonable content Indian basil seed.
of gum with outstanding functional properties which is comparable
with some other commercial gums (Razavi et al., 2009). Non-galactomannan
Basil seed gum (BSG) is a polysaccharide extracted from basil Flaxseed gum (FSG). Flax is one the major Canadian crops
(O. basilicum L.) seed by using either cold water extraction or alcohol cultivated mainly for the extraction of industrial linseed oil. The flax-
precipitation (Anjaneyalu & Channe Gowda, 1979; Tharanathan & seed (Linum usitatissimum) meal is the main waste material remain-
Anjaneyalu, 1975). It is comprised of two major fractions: (i) an acid- ing after the oil extraction. It is one of the main sources of the
stable core glucomannan (43%) with G/M ratio of 10:2, and (ii) a plant-based lignan precursor secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG)
(Achi & Okolo, 2004; Amin, Ahmad, Yin Yin, Yahaya, & Ibrahim, 2007; containing 75–800 times more than that of other foods (Mazur,
Amin & Arshad, 2009)-linked xylan (24.29%) including acidic side 1998). The chemical structure of SDG is shown in Fig. 5. Lignans are
chains at C-2 and C-3 of the xylosyl residues in the acid-soluble portion. phenolic compounds formed by the union of monomeric units
It also contains a minor fragment of glucan (2.31%) as a degraded cellu- hydroxyl- and hydroxy-methoxy derivatives of cinnamic and benzoic
lose material with DP equal to 80 (Anjaneyalu & Channe Gowda, 1979; acids (Budavari, 1996). Flaxseed has been mainly interested due to its
Razavi et al., 2009; Tharanathan & Anjaneyalu, 1975). abundant polyunsaturated fatty acid (i.e. α-linolenic acid). In addi-
Razavi et al. (2009) studied the physicochemical and mechanical tion, it also contains dietary fiber and lignan constituents, which is
properties of Iranian basil seeds. They found that the extraction con- potentially used to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in
ditions significantly influenced the apparent viscosity and protein human (Dodin et al., 2008). Flaxseed also contains proteins
394 H. Mirhosseini, B.T. Amid / Food Research International 46 (2012) 387–398
Table 8
Chemical composition of Iranian and Indian basil seeds, crude and pure BSGa (%).
Mathews et al. (1993) and Razavi et al. (2009).
Component Iranian basil seeds Indian basil BSG (from Isfahan seeds)
Qom Kerman Yazd Mashhad Isfahan Cude Pure
Moisture 5.07 ± 0.15 5.11 ± 0.16 5.02 ± 0.17 5.32 ± 0.16 5.51 ± 0.16 9.63 ± 0.14 7.39 ± 0.18 5.79 ± 0.12
Proteinb 20.16 ± 0.92 19.44 ± 0.67 17.94 ± 0.62 19.75 ± 0.76 18.37 ± 0.63 14.76 ± 1.52 2.01 ± 0.11 1.56 ± 0.08
Lipidb 23.12 ± 0.97 23.70 ± 1.01 24.45 ± 0.91 22.54 ± 0.74 21.97 ± 0.71 13.8 ± 0.29 11.55 ± 0.29 9.71 ± 0.25
Ashb 5.38 ± 0.10 5.54 ± 0.10 5.41 ± 0.11 5.34 ± 0.13 5.04 ± 0.11 7.7 ± 0.2 5.89 ± 0.14 3.32 ± 0.17
Carbohydrate (by difference)b 47.27 ± 0.64 47.21 ± 0.73 48.38 ± 0.81 48.05 ± 0.32 50.11 ± 0.86 63.8 ± 2.01 74.19 ± 0.61 79.62 ± 0.86
Values are mean ± SD of three determinations.
On a dry weight basis.
comprising of high amounts of arginine, lysine and branch-chain Leguminosae family. It is the most important tree grown in South East
amino acids (Hall, Tulbek, & Xu, 2006). Therefore, it can be potentially Asia and widely indigenous to India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri
used as value-added by products in the food industry. Lanka, Malaysia, and Thailand (Anonymous, 1976; El-Siddig et al.,
Mucilaginous compounds can be isolated from flaxseed (L. usita- 2006). The chemical structure of TKP was reported to contain protein
tissimum L.) a substantial source of the plant gum (Mazza & (12.7–15.4%), oil (3–7.5%), crude fiber (7–8.4%), carbohydrates
Biliaderis, 1989). Flaxseed gum (FSG) is comprised of two different (61–72.2%) and ash (2.45–3.3%) in the chemical structure of TKP
polysaccharide fractions: a neutral fraction (arabinoxylans) plus an (Table 10) (Jones & Jordan, 1978). Tamarind kernel polysaccharide
acidic fraction (Cui & Mazza, 1996). Cui and Mazza (1996) compared (TKP) or Tamarind seed gum (TSG) is a galactoxyloglucan derivative
the main monosaccharide composition of different varieties of FSG isolated from the seed kernel of Tamarindus indica. TSG has a back-
with other commercial gums i.e. gum Arabic, guar and xanthan bone chain of β-D-1-glucopyrynosyl units linked to a side chain of
gum. Table 9 shows the major difference between the chemical com- D-xylopyranosyl unit (Gerard, 1980). It is rich in a high molecular
position of various flaxseed gums and several commercial gums (i.e. weight polysaccharide (~65–72%) with the molecular weight of
gum Arabic, guar and xanthan gum). As shown in Table 9, D-xylose, 720–880 kDa (Freitas et al., 2005; Kumar & Bhattacharya, 2008). How-
L-arabinose, L-rhamnose, L-galactose, and D-galacturonic acid were ever, different molecular weight ranging from 2.5 × 105 to 6.5 × 105 Da
the major constituent monosaccharide and uronic acid present in was reported in the previous study (Zhang, Xu, Zhang, & Du, 2008).
the chemical structure of FSG obtained by acid-catalyzed hydrolysis TSG is an extremely branched carbohydrate polymer composed of
(Cui & Mazza, 1996; Mazza & Biliaderis, 1989; Warrand et al., 2005). three monosaccharide units i.e. “glucose, galactose and xylose in the
FSG has an abundant water holding capacity (WHC) with similar molar ratio of ~ 3:2:1” (Freitas et al., 2005; Patel et al., 2008). An ap-
rheological properties as guar gum (Fedeniuk & Biliaderis, 1994). proximately 80% of glucose remains are replaced by xylose residues
Cui, Kenaschuk, and Mazza (1996) studied the effect of chemical (1–6 linked), which themselves replaced in part by p-1-2 galactose
composition of various brown and yellow flaxseed cultivars on their residues (Fig. 6) (Goyal, Kumar, & Sharma, 2007; Zhang et al.,
rheological behaviors. They indicated that those flaxseed gums con- 2008). TSP is a promising polymer mainly used as stabilizer, thicken-
taining higher amounts of arabinoxylans (neutral polysaccharide) er, gelling agent, and binder in food and pharmaceutical industries.
showed more shear thinning (pseudoplastic) flow behavior and TSP can simply swell in water and form the mucilaginous solution
‘weak gel’-like properties; while those flaxseed gums containing after heating up. TSP solution has the proper resistance against acid
higher content of acidic monosaccharides s(e.g. galacturonic acid) and thermal process. It can form a gel which is mainly used as a thick-
exhibited weaker rheological properties (i.e. viscoelastic fluid). As ening and stabilizing agent in the food industry (Zhang et al., 2008).
reported by Cui et al. (1996), FGs obtained from yellow Flaxseed TSP is also known as a novel drug delivery system and bioadhesive
showed stronger rheological properties than those extracted from agent in pharmaceutical products with non-carcinogenicity,
the brown cultivars. They found that the yellow flaxseed cultivars
contained a significantly lower content of rhamnose (12.8–14.4%) Table 9
and galacturonic acid (13.8–16.2%), but much higher content of neu- Comparison of flaxseed gum obtained from different varieties with various commercial
tral polysaccharide (e.g. xylose, 39.0–48.7%). This observation is con- gums.
sistent with their ‘weak gel-like/rheological properties (Cui et al., Cui and Mazza (1996).
Table 10 ratio of 3:9:1. They also found that galactomannan was not available
Representative composition of crude tamarind kernel powder. in DSG. Amin et al. (2007) also demonstrated that the ash content of
US patent, 4074043.
DSG was higher compared to the other commercial gums. They
Non-polysaccharide components About 45–55% reported that the extraction yield of durian seed gum (DSG) was low
Protein 17–19% as compared to other seeds such as Ipomoea seed (2.8%), turpethum
Moisture 8–10% seed (2.3%) and Abutilon indicum seed (3.0%). Amin and Arshad
Fat 7–8% (2009) reported that whole durian seed (WDS) flour was comprised
Fiber 3–5%
of carbohydrate (73.9%), crude fiber (10.1%), water (6.5%), and protein
Ash 2–4%
Tannin 2–3% (6.0%). It also contained the low amount of ash (3.1%) and fat (0.4%).
Free sugars 2–3% They found that the de-hulled durian seed (DDS) floor contained higher
Mechanical impurities amount of carbohydrate (76.8%), moisture (6.6%), protein (7.6%), ash
Impurities 0–5% (3.8%), but lower content of crude fiber (4.8%) and a similar amount
of fat (0.4%) as compared to WDS. They also reported that the total
contents of dietary fiber of WDS and DDS were 52.9% and 7.7%,
biocompatibility, high drug holding capacity, and high thermal stabil- respectively.
ity (Gupta, Puri, Gupta, Jain, & Rao, 2010). The ash content of DSG was higher than that of gum Arabic (1.2%) Durian seed gum (DSG). Durian (Durio zibethinus Murray) and xanthan gum (1.5%), but lower than that of guar gum (11.9%)
is the most popular seasonal fruit in South East Asia countries, partic- (Amin et al., 2007; Cui & Mazza, 1996). As shown by previous
ularly Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Philippines (Booncherm & researchers (Amin et al., 2007; Cui & Mazza, 1996), DSG contained
Siriphanich, 1991; Brown, 1997). Durian is a large, spiky fruit, native higher calcium content than guar and xanthan gum; while it had a
to the tropical rain forests — known as “the king fruit”. It is a climac- lower amount of calcium than gum Arabic (Table 11). Moreover, the
teric fruit of several tree species which belongs to the genus “Durio” researchers reported that DSG was rich with natrium content, which
and “Malvaceae” family (Lim, 1990; United States Department of Ag- was not comparable to other examined gums such as gum Arabic,
riculture, USDA, 2008). Durian has very large seed, which relies upon guar and xanthan gum. As reported in previous studies (Amin et al.,
being discarded after consuming the fruit. It makes a huge volume of 2007; Cui & Mazza, 1996), DSG contained a high content of zinc and
waste in the food and beverage industry. As reported by Amiza, Aziz, manganese in comparison with gum Arabic, guar and xanthan gum;
Ong, Wong, and Pang (2004), the durian seed flour is very nutritious while it showed incomparably lower quantity of lead and copper than
containing high fiber content. It is used by incorporating into various that of gum Arabic, guar and xanthan gum (Table 11).
traditional food products including cake, cookies, soup, tempura, tem- Karaya gum (KG). Karaya gum (KG) is a commercially
poyak (fermented durian) and lempuk (durian cake). It has been also extracted polysaccharide from Sterculia urens, which is notable tree
used as a dietary fiber, thickening agent and replacer for wheat flour cultivated in India. S. urens belongs to the Sterculiaceae family, which
(Tabatabaee Amid, & Mirhosseini (2011); Amiza et al., 2004; Che usually grows in dry and rocky forests regions (Galla & Dubasi, 2010;
Man, Irwandi, Yusof, Jinap, & Sugisawa, 1997). A large amount of The Wealth of India, 1952). The seed of S. urens is composed of 56%
slime will come out after cutting a fresh durian seed. This might be kernels containing 35% protein, 26% oil and 28% carbohydrates (The
due to the presence of hydrocolloid and starch in the durian seed Wealth of India, 1952). KG is a partially acetylated complex polysaccha-
(Amiza et al., 2004). ride gum involving high molecular weight strcuture. The chemical
As reported by Amin et al. (2007), durian seed gum (DSG) contained structure of KG is composed of 55–60% of neutral monosaccharide
the monosaccharide such as rhamnose, glucose and D-galactose in the residues (namely galactose and rhamnose), 8% acetyl groups and
Table 11 Table 12
Mineral content of durian seed gum compared to other commercial gums. Chemical composition of gum from karaya seed meal.
Mineral Durian seed guma Arabic gumb Guar gumb Xanthan gumb Parameters, % Whole seed meal Dehulled–defatted seed meal
Calcium (ppm) 3169 7222 1258 1458 Moisture 7.32 ± 0.07a 5.16 ± 0.05b
Natrium (ppm) 221.3 nd nd nd Total ash 3.40 ± 0.03a 4.06 ± 0.05b
Zinc (ppm) 107.7 b4.0 12.1 9.0 Fat 29.02 ± 0.14 ND
Aluminum (ppm) 18.5 nd nd nd Protein (N × 6.25) 20.47 ± 0.14a 40.74 ± 0.18b
Manganese (ppm) 15.3 9.5 4.6 6.0 Crude fiber 8.24 ± 0.09a 3.58 ± 0.08b
Pottasium (ppm) 10.9 nd nd nd Carbohydrates (by difference) 31.55 ± 0.26a 46.46 ± 0.25
Ferum (ppm) 2.8 nd nd nd Energy kcal/100 g 469.00 ± 0.31a 348.00 ± 0.19b
Lead (ppm) 1.6 b4.0 b4.0 12.0
ND: not determined.
Copper (ppm) 1.5 b4.0 5.4 9
a, b different letters within the same row indicate significant differences at p b 0.05.
Cobalt (ppm) – nd nd nd
Values are means of triplicate with ± standard deviation.
Nickel (ppm) – nd nd nd
Cadmium nd b0.5 b0.5 0.7
Magnesium nd 2400 760 1340
reported that dehulled–defatted karaya seed meal was richer in pro-
nd—not determined.
Reported by Amin et al. (2007). tein and polyphenol content as compared to the whole seed meal. The
Reported by Cui and Mazza (1996). considerable concentration of minerals such as Ca 2 +, Fe 2 +, K + and
P 3 + were also available in dehulled–defatted seed meal (Galla &
Dubasi, 2010). Galla and Dubasi (2010) reported that the protein
solubility increased by increasing pH from the acidic pH to alkaline
pH. They also found that the increase of salt concentration level led
37–40% uronic acid residues (galacturonic and glucuronic acid) to enhance the protein solubility at isoelectric point.
(Davidson, 1980; Ibrahim, Abo-Shosha, Allam, & El-Zairy, 2010;
Stephen & Churns, 1995).
Vinod et al. (2010) also reported the presence of the aspartic acid 3. Summary
(64.2 ± 2.44 lg/g), proline (30.5± 1.86 lg/g), glutamic acid (34.2 ±
1.44 lg/g), threonine (25.2 ± 1.06 lg/g) and glycine (4.8± 0.45 lg/g) The present review study summarized the chemical composition
and leucine (3.9 ± 0.28 lg/g) in the chemical structure of KG. Vinod and molecular structure of plant-based gums. As mentioned earlier,
et al. (2010) also reported the presence of saturated and unsaturated natural plant-based gums are mainly extracted from the endosperm
fatty acids such as stearic acid (C18:0, 25.5 ± 1.64), palmitic acid of plant seeds (guar gum (GG)), plant exudates (e.g. tragacanth) and
(C16:0, 18.5 ± 0.95), palmitoleic acid (C16:1, 13.2 ± 0.95), lauric acid tree or shrub exudates (e.g. karaya gum (KG)). The present study indi-
(C16:0, 12.8 ± 0.62) and oleic acid (C18:1, 4.2 ± 0.21) in the chemical cates the presence of galactose, arabinose, rhamnose, uronic acids,
structure of KG. They explained that the emulsifying property of KG galactoronic acid, protein, Ca and Mg as major structure constituents
might be due to the presence of fatty acids in the gum structure. KG as well as glucose, xylose, mannose, protein and fat as minor constitu-
has been used in pharmaceutical, leather, bakery and dairy products ents of plant gum exudates. The present work demonstrated the
due to specific functional characteristics such as suitable water holding major differences among plant-based gums in terms of M/G ratio, distri-
capacity (WHC), oil holding capacity (OHC), foam capacity and stability, bution of galactose residues along with the mannan backbone, molecu-
thickening properties, emulsification capacity and bulk density lar weight and molecular distribution. The future challenge is to expand
(Anderson, McNab, Anderson, Braown, & Pringuer, 1982; Ibrahim, the better understanding about the relationship between the molecular
Abo-Shosha, Allam, & El-Zairy, 2010; Galla & Dubasi, 2010). It can be structure, functionality and mechanical properties of seed gum. Since,
also utilized as a thickener in textile printing (Davidson, 1980) and plant-based gums are mainly used for various applications (as dietary
drug release controlling agent (Munday & Cox, 2000). The following fiber, hydrogels, films, bioadhesives, thickener, stabilizers, emulsifiers
structure belongs to the backbone structure of KG (Fig. 7). and drug delivery agents), a further study is required to investigate
Galla and Dubasi (2010) studied the chemical and functional char- the effect of extraction, purification, drying and further processing con-
acterization of KG from whole seed and dehulled–defatted S. urens L. ditions on the chemical composition, molecular structure and function-
seed meal (Table 12). They found that the karaya seed consisted of al properties of plant-based gums.
60.5% kernels and 39.5% hull. The researchers also reported that the
protein content of seed ranged from 20.4% in whole seed meal to
40.7% in dehulled–defatted seed meal. Galla and Dubasi (2010) also Acknowledgment
reported that the other components such as carbohydrate content
also increased in the dehulled defatted meal by removing the hull We would like to gratefully appreciate for financial support of this
and fat. However, the de-hulling process of seed led to reduce the work by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Malaysia
crude fiber and ash content as compared to whole seed meal. They through Science Fund (05-01-04-SF1059).
Fig. 7. The molecular structure of the karaya gum (Ibrahim et al., 2010).
H. Mirhosseini, B.T. Amid / Food Research International 46 (2012) 387–398 397
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