ZombiesStorylineTimeline PDF
ZombiesStorylineTimeline PDF
ZombiesStorylineTimeline PDF
Nixaru: http://youtube.com/c/nixaru
GregFPS: http://www.youtube.com/GregFPS
Peter: http://www.youtube.com/jedixking98
LunA TiCC: https://www.youtube.com/lunaticc
rh: https://www.youtube.com/user/reyhennen24
Avxry: https://www.youtube.com/user/Avxry
DavidOfTheState: https://www.youtube.com/c/DavidOfTheState
*here in spirit* StarrBurrst: https://www.youtube.com/user/GHxStarrBurrstx
Victis: Tranzit Crew
Primis: Origins Crew
Ultimis: Original 4
In the Beginning
There was only the Aether and the Keepers. Among them were two beings who would later be
known by many names. One would be known as Doctor Monty, the other as the Shadowman.
September 3rd, 5 AD
Knowing the planet has a gateway to Agartha, the Apothicons send meteors of Element 115 to
Earth. They believe humanity will one day use Element 115 to wage war amongst themselves,
opening a rift that will allow the Apothicons to escape the Dark Aether.
Maxis is teleported to the Crazy Place and develops the power to merge with electricity.
zombie outbreak occurs. Samantha sends Yuri to the Pentagon to thwart their survival. After
Gersh is freed and Ultimis departs from the Cosmodrome, the outbreak ends at the Pentagon.
All four survive.
Stuhlinger and Russman run into Marlton and Abigail "Misty" Briarton at a diner near the
Hanford Site facility. Maxis asks them to complete the polarization device in his favor.
Stuhlinger, having consumed zombie meat, is contacted by Richtofen, who orders Stuhlinger to
construct the device
for him instead. The crew constructs the device for Maxis. The four would become known as
Dimension 63
January 15th, 1292
The great war between humanity and the Apothicon begins.
Together with the Keepers, Primis defeats the Apothicon, bringing the great war to an end.
Using information gathered from Pablo’s Journal, group 935 begins work at dig site in northern
France, where they discover a series of underground tombs.
Richtofen learns from Pablo’s journal that the northern France dig site may be the single largest
deposit of element 115 on Earth. He believes this explains why it has affected so many at the
The reporter notes strange mold now growing all over the city. He also notes people are getting
sick and acting delirious.
April 20th,1944
Masquerading as an Internal Affairs officer, the Shadowman tried to convince Jack Vincent’s
partner to admit that Jack plots to kill the snitch who could provide evidence against him.
Nero misses a call from his lawyer, informing him the documents were forged and there is
nothing to worry about.
her producer, Jake sacrifices his partner, Floyd sacrifices his promoter, and Nero sacrifices his
Completing the required rituals, the Apothicons are given accsess to Dimension 63. Realizing
they’ve been duped, the four work with the Keepers to defeat the Shadowman. They trap him in
the summoning key, but before they can hand it over to the Keepers, Primis Rictofen arrives
and steals the key. Rictofen travels to Dimension 2210 to secure and innocent Rictofen soul. He
delivers the soul to the House. From within the Summoning Key the Shadowman states, “I’ll be
seeing you…”
Samantha's Corruption
Knowing that Samantha is corrupted by the Dark Aether, Monty takes her away from Maxis and
the house.
Montys Plan
Monty explains to Maxis that the paradox wrought by a multiverse must be resolved. A new
reality can be created – one free of the Apothicans – but only if they enlist the aid of souls who
had lived through and survived the fracturing.
Having overseen the construction of a laboratory beneath Alcatraz, Richtofen returns to the
house where he begins to communicate with Stuhlinger. Together, they persuade Victus to
travel to a variety of locations in order to Recover the Kronorium.
With the Shadowman and the Apothicons vanquished Monty Discovers the Primis has
consumed the blood of souls from dimensions that no longer exist. The paradox must be
Proditione Fracture
April 12 1942
Over ran by the undead, the rising sun facility is lost.
Proditione Fracture
July 8 1942
Division 9 begins construction of the island facility.
November 5 1942
Takeo is dispatched by the emperor to oversee the work of Division 9 at the Island Facility.
Agonia Fracture
November 11 1942
Groph confirms that Division 9 has “completed the resurrection of the ancient beasts for the
battle on the eastern front.” “Reports suggest that the specimens are still extremely dangerous
but the germans stalemate on the eastern front with the Russians will soon come to an end
thanks to their involvement.”
February 2 1943
The battle of Stalingrad doesn’t end. Thanks to technological advancements on both sides,
world war 2 continues indefinitely.
February 6 , 1943
February 13 , 1943
Working with maxis at the Kino Facility. Sophia reveals she was attacked by subject two-six.
February 14 1943
Having learned Sophia was attacked by subject two-six, Maxis kills her and transfers her brain
into a machine, the strategic operations planning heuristic intelligence analyzer. (SOPHIA)
June 15 1943
Takeo reports to the emperor the work being done at the Island Facility is unacceptable.
July 7 1943
Sophia is transferred to Stalingrad to oversee group 935s operations
November 16 1943
Sophia Confirms the existence of project Rasputin, the Russian Mangler Soldier
January 11 1944
Sophia confirms the Russian Gigant Robot has set back the german advance.
January 3 , 1945
The Russians use stolen group 935 research to create the Russian Gigant, The Russian
Mangler, and the Ray Gun Mark 3
April 4 1945
Sophia declares the battle of Stalingrad is nearing victory for German forces and that Valkyrie
Drones have been deployed to locate any resistance strains and attempt capture. After the
release of large concentrations of element 115 by German forces the city becomes largely
populated by the undead. Nikolai and his comrades continue to fight for what remains of
July 24 1945
On the orders of the emperor Takeo is taken prisoner by Division 9. He is used as a test subject
for their Organic Plant based experiments.
September 2 1945
WW2 still rages on, Stalingrad has turned into a three way conflict between dragon, machine,
and the undead. Without any remaining human survivors, Sophia is now trapped in the city.
September 2 1945
Harvey Yena reports the dragons have proven beneficial to the war effort at stalingrad. He
confirms that Die Glocke research continues to explore time displacement and movement
across dimensions.
September 13 1945
Cornelis attempts to send a transmission to Peter Mccain. Telling him to rendezvous at the
abandoned Rising Sun facility
October 13 1945 – The Giant
As a zombie outbreak occurs, Primis Dempsey, Takeo, and Nikolai confront Ultimis Richtofen
moments after he teleports Maxis and Samantha. As they try to reason with him to wake their
counterparts. Primis Richtofen arrives through the teleporter and kill his Ultimis self, Triggering
fractures across space and time. As Primis fights the undead, group 935 secure the Dempsey
test subject and transport him to Der Eisendrache. Primis Pursues them in a German Giant.
October 9 1945
With construction complete, Division 9 Continue their projects at the Island Facility.
October 18 1945 –Zetsubou No Shima
Primis secure Takeos soul after they help him commit Seppuku. Richtofen takes the crew to
dimension 63 to collect their blood. For the insurance policy, they return to the island before
traveling to their next destination.
October 18 1945
Peter Mccain makes his jump into Shi No Numa as a temporal rift opens below him as a result
of Primis Universe Fractures, the rift teleports him to Gorod Krovi.
October 29 1945
Doctor Groph takes control of group 935 in Richtofen's absence not realizing his fate at the
hands of Primis.
October 31 1945
In the wake of haunted dreams and rumors that Samantha may be roaming Griffith station,
Groph worries the MPD may be corrupting the facility.
November 5 1945 – Der Eisendrache
Recovering the Dempsey test subject from a rocket bound for the moon, Richtofen secures his
soul and reveals to primus his intention to set things right. Primis destroys Griffin Station and the
November 6 1945
Drifting through space and time in his surreal form, Gersch arrives in the fracture.
November 6 1945 – Gorod Krovi
Primis arrives and frees Sophia and acquires Nikolais soul. Richtofen teleports the soul.
Richtofen teleports the souls of Dempsey, Takeo, and Nikolai to Maxis at the house. Monty
announces his existence to primus for the first time.
April 25 1953
While traveling to Shangri La, Brock and Gary's Plane crashes in the mountains as a result of a
freak atmospheric event. Another side effect of temporal rifts created by Primis while traveling to
Gorod Krovi
November 6 1963
Hiding in a closet at the Pentagon, Mcnamara records a message confirming that John F.
Kennedy, Richard Nixon, and Fidel Castro have died as a result of a zombie outbreak. He dies
moments later.